#Sorry if you liked my art I guess. If I figure something out I'll start sharing again. but until then
rainbowangel110 · 1 month
Guys I am so sorry for dropping off the face of the earth, it will happen again
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quill-n · 6 months
I think truly the worst pain as a creative is not being able to share your work
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ken-dom · 4 months
Currently thinking about Jacob Palmer x fem reader going through a dry spell becoming more and more desperate for anything that he is willing to do anything to go home with you he’d get down on his knees and beg if you asked
Sorry for taking a billion years anon! Hope you’re still thinking about it 😩 personally, I can’t resist this. This lends itself so perfectly to pathetic Jacob, and I’m a sucker for making them pathetic 😈
What Jacob considers a dry spell wouldn’t be a very long period of time at all. Imagine him going home alone a few nights in a row, having failed at picking someone up. Then it turns into a couple of weeks and he's sad and horny...
NSFW, gn!reader
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It’s happened before, it does from time to time, especially at the quieter times of year when the bars aren’t filled with potential matches for him.
But it’s not quiet right now. The bars are bustling, and he’s had plenty of chances. He just hasn’t actually managed to impress a single person he’s tried to chat up for almost a week.
And when going home alone bleeds into the second week, he wonders if he’s lost his charm, or his skill or — whatever that perfect combination of elements is that he’s spent years perfecting and has down to a fine art. Or, he thought he did.
He gives the bars a miss for a couple of nights. Maybe he’s just burnt out? But even his sex toys are boring him now, and the ache between his thighs is becoming unbearable. But he doesn't bother even trying tonight.
Laid in bed, lazily stroking his throbbing cock for the third night in a row, he feels a tear trickle down his cheek.
Enough is enough. Is this what he’s been reduced to? A sad, sobbing mess, jerking off alone on a Friday night?
He can't have that.
And so an hour later, he’s marching into the bar, the one he always starts at, and strides right up to you.
‘Hey,’ he nods, eyeing you. ‘You were here last week. You turned me down, remember?’
This time, he’s taking a more direct approach. He doesn’t have time to waste if he's going to change his luck.
‘Excuse me?’
‘I want you to come home with me,’ he says, plain, and then a little more seductive, 'I... I haven't stopped thinking about you.' It's a lie and you both know it.
‘No, thanks.’
‘A-alright. May I ask why?’ He might as well try and figure it out at the source since he’s dragged himself all the way here.
‘I don’t do one night stands. Not my thing. You seem very…’ your eyes drag up and down his body and he notices the way your lip curls at one side, ‘nice, but, no, thank you.’
They rarely do until they meet me, he thinks, but instead he says, ‘What if we don’t call it that?’
He turns to the bartender and gestures something, and you guess he must come here a lot because the man not only recognises him but immediately begins work on mixing two drinks.
Unfortunately, he’s so hot your general rule of no one night stands suddenly seems a stupid guideline to have placed on yourself. You begin to wonder, what if?
‘What are we supposed to call it then?’ you ask, with a sigh of resignation and a curiosity that slips though just enough to set excitement bubbling in his gut. ‘You won't call me after. I'll never see you again. Or, if I do, you'll pretend you don't know me. What can we call that?’
‘An adventure? Having fun? Whatever you want,’ he says eagerly, leaning in to follow up with a whisper. ‘One thing I can guarantee.’
‘And what would that be?’
‘Orgasms like you’ve never experienced.’ His voice has dropped low, breath hot against your ear, and your core clenches.
You didn't realise one night stands cared about a single orgasm let alone the plural. Fuck. You want him.
‘But I don’t even know your-’
‘Jacob.’ Wow that was too fast.
‘Okay, Jacob. Let’s say I come home with you. Hypothetically. What then?’
He’s never had to play desperate before, but your response to it is making his blood run hot. For the first time in his adult life he’s not sure what to say, dazed by his bodies reaction to you. Is he playing desperate or just plain pathetic? His cock twitches and he grips the edge of the bar, not going unnoticed by you.
The cocktails he ordered are placed on the bar in front of you and you turn to take yours, delighted at the taste. He has good taste. You could tell that a mile off, but feeling it against your tongue hits different.
‘Oh, this is good!’ you exclaim, wondering why he hasn’t picked up his drink. When you turn back, ready to accept his invitation after all, he’s not there.
Well, he is there. Just not where you left him.
He’s knelt at your feet, gazing up at you, and suddenly you understand the true meaning of the phrase puppy dog eyes. And it makes your heart race. You suddenly feel the need to slam him against a wall, strip him bare and watch him tremble.
‘I’ll do whatever you want me too,’ he promises. ‘Give you whatever you need. Thats what’ll happen if you come home with me.’
‘Anything?’ you ask, knees turning weak at how utterly needy he looks down there.
‘Let me get my coat.’
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fuctacles · 11 months
Making moves the nerd way
"Halloween" for @steddieholidaydrabbles Part II of the previous warm-up but can be read alone
G | 1k | no cw | almost getting together, slightly oblivious Eddie
next up
Eddie was sitting on the kitchen floor, painting empty pizza boxes while Steve was trying to focus on making dinner. Despite the newspapers spread around him, he managed to stain his surroundings with grey paint. 
“How much do you have left?”
"I'm making a graveyard, Steve, not a random burial site with three corpses. It would go faster if you helped me, you know?” 
“Well, do you want to eat? Because I can’t cook pasta and paint tombstones at the same time.”
Eddie grumbles something under his breath. 
“Point taken.”
So they resume their activities, a weird mixtape of Metallica, Queen and Tears for Fears playing in the background. 
“Okay, little Picasso, time to eat," Steve announces eventually.
"Don't call me like I'm a toddler," Eddie scolds him, but the fact that he's peeking over the table while on his knees, eyeing the plate put there, does nothing to help his statement.
Steve smirks at him, at the half-tied mop of hair surrounding his eyes over the counter.
"Wash your hands before eating. Kiddo."
"I'm older than you!" he protests but hops up anyway to do as he was told. It's good Steve reminded him though, he'd probably just throw himself at the spaghetti like a savage, paint stains or not.
They eat and discuss the acceptable damage to Harrington's lawn to prop up the gravestones. Eddie's devastated to hear he can't just put holes in the ground.
"We can prop them up with sticks. Or weigh them down with rocks. We'll figure something out," Steve shrugs and that placates him for the time being. He helps with the dishes but is quickly shooed back to his art station. Steve joins him later, with a hand in his hair.
"How is it going, baby?"
Eddie grumbles, not looking up.
"I know you mean it in like, a kid way, but maybe don't call me that?" he says, double-focusing on the cardboard in front of him.
"Okay, kid, sorry," Steve amends, petting his hair, and scratching his scalp gently. Pretends not to see Eddie fold under the treatment. "Does my little artist need help?"
"Your little artist has been asking for help for the past two days."
Steve snorts, detangling his fingers from the long hair.
"That's fair, sorry. I guess you wore me down," he says, sitting down. "What do I do?"
Eddie finally turns away from his work, considering him.
"You can paint them over," he decides, handing him the grave he's been working on. "I'll cut them up." He grabs a new pizza box for himself, the needed shape already drawn on it with a Sharpie. His scissors follow the outline slowly and jaggedly, struggling with the thick cardboard.
“How many do we need?” Steve asks, dipping the brush in paint. 
“At least ten. I don’t have stuff for more anyway, figures I can just make extra later when I have time and supplies.”
Steve looks around.
“We have like, three,” he observes.
“Well, chop chop then, my little helper.”
Steve sighs and gets to work. 
While he’s happy to indulge Eddie and help him out, he’s been imagining their evening together differently. Getting one-on-one time in their little traumatized family was a rare thing unless you're already an established couple. Or him and Robin, but that's because they work together. Needless to say, it was hard to make a move on someone. Even with something already brewing between them. 
“So, are we putting our enemies’ names on them?” he settles on learning more about Eddie instead. Hopes he doesn’t mind treating his graveyard project like a shared effort, that Steve says ‘we’ instead of ‘you’.
“Oh, I’m totally absolutely putting Vecna on one. Other than that I think I’ll keep them fantasy-themed. Maybe use all the NPCs my Party killed throughout the campaign. I think we’ve seen enough of that in real life.”
“You said it.” Steve mentally kicks himself in the ass. Just his luck to start a topic that goes straight into the trauma of their Upside Down past. How is he supposed to make a move now?
He shuts up and starts painting the cardboard more angrily while Freddie Mercury screams his lungs out in the background. He doesn’t notice when the cardboard cutting ceases. 
Not until their hands brush when they both reach for the paint. He looks up to see most of the boxes cut up and shaped, waiting for paint.
“My hand started to cramp from the scissors. And you looked so peaceful, I wanted to join you,” Eddie explains. Steve watches him bite at his bottom lip, mulling something over. “I’ve always liked working with someone on projects like that. Help out with school play scenography, make Halloween costumes with Wayne…” He shrugs, like it’s not a big deal, but the soft, genuine smile tells Steve otherwise. “So uh, thank you, for letting me do this here. For joining me, too.”
And Steve realizes this could be a date, too. He could make a move like this, on his kitchen floor, fingers stained with paint. 
“Of course. I have this weekend off, we could work together some more,” he offers. Then frowns at Eddie’s stunned expression. “What?”
“You want to spend your time off with me, playing with paint?”
“Well, I was hoping you have something more planned. We could work on our costumes, maybe?”
He’s alarmed when Eddie makes a pained noise.
“You’ll take Aragorn from me!”
“We’ve been fighting over Lord of the Rings characters for Halloween costumes and if you join us there’s no way Henderson will let me keep him.”
“I don’t need to join in, I’d rather just help you with your costume.”
To this, Eddie turns suspicious.
“Why?” he squints.
“Eddie,” he sighs, staring fondly into his eyes, and grabs his wrist for good measure.
Eddie’s eyes go big like saucers when it hits him.
"Holy shit. Do you want to have a nerd date with me?”
Steve chuckles. 
“I guess I do.”
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
The Magic Of Men
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Smut Discussions
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Requested: Could you do a Jack Dawkins one where she has no experience and doesn't really know how men work (because it's 1850s and she isn't married lol) but she's curious? Up to you what you do with that :)
I felt insanely awkward about doing this, but... not like I had many other options. I headed up the stairwell of the hospital and up to the little room I knew well. I gave the door a tap, and soon enough his voice answered.
"Come in,"
So I held my breath and headed inside the little room, seeing the usual objects littered about and two figures, Fagin sat in the chair fiddling with something not sure what, and then Jack stood by his wardrobe changing his shirt. Immediately I blushed and looked away, "Hi,"
"Hi Y/n, Just a sec I'll be down." Jack smiled as he got a clean shirt on, "Sorry had to change we had a bloody nightmare of surgery. You ready to go?"
"Actually, I was thinking... Maybe we could stay here tonight?"
"uhhh right, Why?"
"Well given everything with Darius, I figured maybe we could just stay and play cards here tonight. I brought us some cookies to bet with?"
"Aww you're sweet, that's great actually I can't spend any money." He laughed, "Alright piss off Fagin."
"Ohh lovely, I see when I'm not wanted." Fagin complained getting up and shuffling to the door, "Bloody sweet talk to the man who raised you!"
"Out Fagin," he told him again, 
Fagin then left leaving Jack and me alone, 
"You alright?"
"Yeah sorry uhh long day is all..."
"Alright, well get comfy." 
"Thank you," I smiled taking a seat setting my basket down and unpacking it, 
"Ohh did you make pie!?"
"I did,"
"Can I have some?" he asked sheepishly 
"Of course," I smiled cutting him some pie,
"Ummmm! you are an angel you know that." 
I blushed but we started our card game as usual, we played for a good while the whole time I was eager to ask but I didn't want to just jump out the gate with things. But I knew I couldn't wait much longer.
"Jack?" I spoke up breaking the flow of our gentle conversation, 
"Can I... Can I ask you something?"
"Sure," he shrugged, 
"Could you tell me, about- Men?"
He froze a moment his eyebrows lowered, his eyes looking at me questionably, "What about men?"
"Right..." he began, "why?"
"Well, It's just..." I began, "My mother is getting, insistent on me starting to court, starting to look into me getting married and I know so little about men, how they work, what they like, I have no idea and I'm very confused."
"Men are a mystery" He chuckled, 
"I know, But I just want... some knowledge."
"All right."
"Yeah, can't leave you completely clueless." He smiled, "You're such an innocent little thing, the first man who realizes just how innocent and... naive you are, will take advantage of your lack of information." He explained, 
"They will?"
"Ohh yeah, the first man figures out you don't know what you're doing there's no telling what he'll make you do." He chuckled, "But why are you asking me?"
"Becuase I trust you."
"Do you?" he shot me a look,
"I trust you enough."
"Also you know… you're a doctor I imagine you're able to explain it better than the average man”
"Good point, So? You wish to know the magic of men?’
“I do”
“Alright then… Well, how much do you know?"
“Well… I know on the wedding night the lady must lie on her back and open her legs for he husband. And then he will make babies.”
“...that's it?”
"more or less”
“Ohh my god- how does anyone expect you to know what you're doing with that, you sure you aren't told anything else?"
"that if I raise my skirt too high or too low men will be excited”
“...I mean, yeah that kinda is true.” He nodded, "There's more to it but on a basic level I guess... anything else?" 
“Uhhh my mother said if you let a man put his baby goo in your mouth and swallow it you'll have babies growing in your tummy”
“If you let a man-”
“I heard you! I'm just fucking astonished!”
“Is that not true?"
“No! You can't get pregnant like that!”
“Ohh I see… why would my mother like to me?"
"I assume to stop you putting men in your mouth… she tell you anything else?”
“The female orgasm is a myth”
“WHAT! your mother is fucking nuts!" 
"Is that not true?"
"No! I am very VERY sure about that!"
"Ohh you poor little thing..." He said, 
"You need an education." He said, "So when a man and a woman love each other very much..."
"They start to kiss, and cuddle, and tell each other how they feel. And then they may decide to be... Intimate."
"I see," I nodded very eager to learn, 
"And yes when a man sees under a lady's dress he may get... excited." He smirked, "A woman's body is often very exciting for a man to look at, and if he gets excited enough he'll get hard."
"His... you know."
"His what Jack?"
"you really are innocent aren't you," He chuckled, "Well a man has a cock. most of the time it's just soft and not really anything all that important but when a man gets excited his cock gets hard, It'll stand up and kinda make itself stiff." 
"Ohh... Why?"
"It's all the blood rushing there and causing it to expand and stay stiff, so he can use it for sex."
"Ohh Okay, so it gets hard for sex?"
"Yeah, it gets hard when he's excited and aroused." 
"Okay, then he makes baby goo?"
"Baby goo?"
"Yeah, he gets excited until baby goo comes out."
"... It's called Jizz. or ejaculate. but yeah it makes babies."
"Jizz. makes babies. But not in mouths?"
"No, only in your pussy."
"The ... hole between your legs y/n." 
"Ohh my special place." 
"Yeah, you lay on your back, or your side, or you can sit up too there's a lot of options but the main point is he puts his cock inside your pussy, and it feels amazing for both involved and yes you should get an orgasm you both should and when a man orgasms then yes he will Jizz and if it is inside of your pussy there is a RISK not one hundred per cent just a risk that you may get pregnant."
"Hu... Thank you, Jack,"
"You're welcome. See men aren't all that magic and mystical... we are pretty simple, to be honest." 
"What about other than sex?"
"Other than sex? Well yeah if you put a man's cock in your mouth it will also give him an orgasm but you can't get pregnant," 
"Do women get orgasms other than sex?"
"Yeah, they can, a man can use his mouth, or his hands, or even women can do it themselves."
"That's possible?"
"Very possible."
"Can... men do it to themselves?"
"Hu... Then why do you need a wife at all?"
he looked at me and laughed, "Because it's not the same having sex and giving yourself an orgasm isn't the same feeling,"
"Ohhh..." I nodded, "That makes sense,"
"You alright now? Anything else you wanna know?"
"Uhhh... Kinda,"
"Go on then,"
"What does a cock look like?"
"Uhhhh are you serious?"
"I've never seen one before... I'm curious."
"Yeah, I don't exactly have pictures of dicks laying around y/n."
"This is a hospital if anywhere has pictures and diagrams of dicks it's here." 
"No, I don't, sorry Y/n," he chuckled going to lay on his bed for a moment, "I'm rather tired after all that explaining" he yawned, 
"Sorry Jack," I smiled sitting on his bed with him,
"It's fine, I'm happy to explain to you, at least now you're not so naive," 
"I guess now, I'm thankful to be less naive."
"Good, I'm glad I could help." 
For a moment we just sat enjoying one another company as we often did, before I little spark of a whisper popped up in my brain, and I giggled.
I smiled and held the skirt of my dress lifting it a little to show my leg all the way up to my knee, Jack's eyes met my skin and a smirk grew across his lips, 
"what are you up to y/n?"
"Just curious."
"Umm, I wanna see the magic of men."
"Do you know?"
"Mhm, so? Are you excited?"
"...A little." He smirked, "This what you want?" he asked sitting up and I nodded excitedly, "Alright Y/n, Come on I'll prove to you about the female orgasm" He smirked tugging me into the bed with him, 
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prismsofmystery · 2 months
Maternal Madness - P1
((Sorry guys no cover art today ibis and Adobe were being stinky ):<))
It's been 3 months since he died.
Yet I can't shake her EYES.
McKendra Rudboys had lost her husband, Mr. Rudboys around 3 months ago to a monster that wore his own face. Since then they have been relocated to the apartment owned by the Doppelganger Detection Department.
Stephanie guessed this was to ensure their safety, but her mother's sanity wasn't so easy to subdue. Ever since he died, McKendra wouldn't let it go. The memory must've been as fresh in her head as it was in Stephanie's. The hat Mr. Rudboys had once wore was now glued to her head. Not even Stephanie was allowed to remove it.
For the first few weeks, McKendra was inconsolable. She would hold Stephanie as if she were a child, and her grip was STRONG. She was afraid her skin would tear.
No matter how many times she'd comfort and reassure her mother, it all fell on deaf ears. McKendra was far too headstrong for her own good.
When McKendra heard that her precious daughter would be away for a week, Stephanie might as well have told her she was moving states.
"Ma, please. I'll be fine. You gotta trust me.."
"Stephanie. I trusted your father too and he ain't comin' back now is he?"
This is was how every conversation started and ended. If her mother didn't even trust her at her workplace, where the hell else was she to go.
After a while, she was able to convince her mother to let her go without a fuss. However, just to be sure, she decided to leave before her mother woke up.
She was almost afraid of seeing her mother again, but McKendra just seemed oddly tranquil. Her grip was still tight as hell but she didn't look insane.
Stephanie decided to go shopping immediately so she wouldn't have an excuse to leave her house for a while. She asked her mother if she wanted to come with her, but McKendra refused. She said she was fine staying home a little longer.
Stephanie's eyes narrowed and she looked confused, decided to just use this as an opportunity to use a little bit more time away from her mother. Stephanie knew this was just to prevent a doppel from appearing while they were out.
When she arrived to the store, she felt someone's eyes on her. She chalked it up to just her exhaustion making her see and feel things. She met Ann and Raffael doing some shopping, and Abigail staring a bit too long at the pastries on display. Stephanie gently pushed her, causing Abby to gasp and clutch her pearls before running up and confronting her.
"Stephanie you know my hungry ass was enjoying the view why would you do something like that?" Abby asked in a mock offended tone. Stephanie actually burst out laughing, for the first time in what felt like years.
"You'll be fine," Stephanie said once her laughter died down, "there are other things you can look at." Abby shrugged. "Like you?" Stephanie stopped, blinking for a minute before staring at the woman. "Absolutely not."
Abby laughed before walking away. "Okay okay, I get it." She put her hands up in surrender. "I'll see you at home."
Since they were technically neighbors, this wasn't that weird at all, but Stephanie had half of a mind to know that the other shoppers would think something else, which is why she grabbed something off of the shelf and chucked it at Abby when no one was looking.
When Abby left, she felt alone again. She turned around just to be sure when she saw a familiar figure and bright blue eyes. She blinked and the woman was gone. She shivered. Her mother didn't just stalk her to make sure she was going to the market and a doppelganger wasn't on the scene, right?
She couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. She continued paying and carrying the food back home. When she returned, her mother was still looking at her the same way she thought she did when she was at the store. She stood up off of her red chair and approached Stephanie, holding her face.
"Ma, it's m-" "I know that." McKendra said, looking all over her. Did anyone hurt you?
Stephanie wanted to groan audibly, but she held her tongue. "No. Just met some of the neighbors."
McKendra sighed. Usually she'd ask more questions as she didn't fully trust her neighbors, doppels or not, but it looked like she knew something Stephanie didn't. "Hm. Alright."
She sat back on the couch, looking tired and sweaty. You alright? Stephanie asked, putting a hand on her cheek. McKendra nearly glared at her daughter, causing Stephanie to tense up. Her eyes relaxed and she put her hand over Stephanie's. "Don't worry about me, Steph. I'll be alright. "
So I guess that's the first part. McKendra is on her way to giving her daughter scopophobia, let's congratulate her everyone! 👍
It only gets crazier from here.
This is just an AU btw, McKendra is a bit more tamed I believe. Everyone but Abby belongs to @joydoesathing because slay ofc
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iamthecomet · 11 months
#oh THAT'S a thought#Dew visiting Ifrit and Zephyr's pillars#telling them about his day#about the new ghouls
In relation to this post and the incredible art by @floating-goblin-art (let me know if you don't want to be tagged in this and I'll fix it ♥), and my subsequent tags. Sorry Mal, I have a lot of thoughts about it.
Maybe they're not actually in there. Maybe they are. Maybe they're just stone. Monuments. Like graves. Not actual ghouls encased in whatever salt. That would be better. But Dew, honestly doesn't know. He was broken when it happened. Irreparably he thought. Sometimes he still thinks so. Especially on days when he wakes with a migraine, or an ache so deep in his bones he is sure it will never leave.
They're hidden away in a back room in the Abbey basement. Behind a door no one ever keeps locked. Maybe as a reminder in case anyone stumbles on them--this is what happens if you fail.
Dew still doesn't know why he isn't one of them. How he and Mountain and Aether escaped this fate and Ifrit and Zephyr didn't. They were all summoned by the same papa, in the same few weeks. It doesn't make sense, and trying to figure it out just makes Dew's head pound. It doesn't matter anyway. What matters is that Ifrit and Zephyr are in this dark room with Alpha and Pebble, and the first air ghoul who must have had a name but Dew never learned it. They're with Omega. Dew tries not to look at Omega--his face drawn towards grief and horror. Dew doesn't like to think about what he must have seen. Instead, he sits on the floor at Ifrit and Zephyr's feet. They're together. Close. There is something like resignation on Zephyrs face, acceptance. Ifrit, on the other hand, is frozen mid yell.
Dew can barely stand to look at him.
The floor is cold beneath his legs as he settles in. He leans his head against Ifrit's leg. Cold and solid and foreign in a way that makes his chest catch. It never gets easier. He keeps doing it anyway. He imagines warmth. Conjures some of his own just to make it feel real. He thinks of Ifrit reaching down to pet his hair. Of Zephyr sitting next to him, carding bitter tears off of his face with their thumb. "They summoned new ghouls today," Dew starts. Voice thin and wavering. He opens his eyes but doesn't look up. He encases himself in memory. Pretends they can hear him--all of them. But especially these two. "They're ok. I guess. Nice enough. Got a multi-ghoul this time so that's something. He's pretty too--Ifrit would be all over him." Dew's heart aches.
"We're going on tour soon so I won't be back for a while. But I promise I'll tell you everything about it when I get home." Dew always runs out of things to say before he's ready to leave. He presses his face against Ifrit's stony knee, reaches a hand up to brush over Zephyr's fingers. He closes his eyes, breathes them in like he hopes he can still catch the faint smell of them. Ginger and Snow. All he smells is salt and ash. "Miss you."
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strangeaxel · 1 month
I should've been specific, but do you have any favorite aesthetic ?
(I don't know what questions to say, I'm sorry)
(thanks for being more specific, i had no idea what you meant before JSJS/nm)
YESSS, i have a couple! Most of them are from the 2000s. I don't know most of their names but I'll try and show some of them.
I mostly lean into the late 2000s aesthetic from the internet. I'm unfortunately a Hikikomori so i spend most of the day and my life on the web so i love stuff with anime, things that have to do with yaoi and other stuff like that.
About weirdcore: I love yume nikki, does that count? Kinda, maybe.
I do like weirdcore but not as much as i did in like 2019 when i was just starting to figure out who i was in this life jsjsj
I LOVE the chocolate + japanese + 2000s aesthetic, i really love it. Makes me feel comfy. I wish i would get some of those korean samsung flip phones one day <\3
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Also this, it makes me feel like home(?) i think most of my aesthetic choices and likes are just nostalgia based.
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I also think most of my most loved aesthetics and visions come from art that i love. Im a great art fan, i love art and live for it basically, really passionate so i guess most of the time im thinking of these and obviously the ones i talked and showed before
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My usual art looks very different than what i most, maybe someday (im still having a break from art rn) ill draw something like Pg in my usual more 'realistic' style or maybe Vincent or both of them. I actually make paintings a lot but idk, i wanted to try something new jsjsjjs I'LL TRY AND MAKE SOME REBORNICA FNAF ART THAT HAS SOME OF MY AESTHETIC VISIONS JSJJS
Thanks for the question! It's okay if you didn't had anything big to ask, is really nice to see someone interested in talking or just is curious about a particular thing about me. Hope u have a good day :D
(it's also nice to have this type of contact since i have trouble socializing)
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Hazbin hotel Little headcannons
Its long!
Lucifer, Alastor, Vox.
(Man is really interesting to think about, I had fun with this one)
Age: 1-5
Preferred caregiver is Lilith.
Technically, he started regressing after he fell. Neither Lilith nor him knew what it was, so they just called it 'fuzzy head' as that was the only way Lucifer could ever explain it.
Not a lot of resources at the beginning of the world. 'Fuzzy head' time was often Lucifer curled up in Lilith's lap as they looked at the sky together.
Of course after a while, sitting wasn't really 'fun' so the two would often wander around their new world (Hell) together as Lucifer pointed out objects in the ground or weird trees.
Hes a very clingy baby and usually needs to be around someone.
Big feelings, he often has a hard time regulating himself and needs to be calmed down.
The way they figured out that Lucifer started 'Fuzzy head' for the first time was in a very... compromising situation. (ie: Just making out, nothing too crazy. I'm not a monster) Lucifer burst into tears because he didn't know what was going on and he didn't feel good. Lilith stopped, very confused. Neither of them knew what to do, well... Lilith didn't know what to do, Lucifer, was crying his little heart out and wasn't really explaining what was wrong.
Once hell started getting more populated, down time for them became harder and harder to find. ie, 'fuzzy head' was also harder to do. (Until they had a sort of system going on for them)
Have you ever shaken a soda bottle with the cap still on? That's kinda what it feels like to shove your little time down while busy. Imagine you keep shaking the bottle, you shake it and shake it until, BANG! The cap pops off and the soda erupts and gets all over the place. That my friends is what repression is! Guess who does that while busy! I'll give you one guess.
Meltdowns, lots of meltdowns.
He's the BESTEST helper in the whole wide world! (He does more damage than good, but don't tell him that.)
Cartoons don't really interest him, stories though, thats the good stuff. This frusterates Lilith when she needs to do something and Lucifer keeps saying "Jus one more tory, pease Lilif?"
When hes older he's a little more independent, but he still needs to be able to see someone he trusts. (ie, Lilith.
Talking about having a baby was... hard. At first Lilith was worried that Lucifer would regress while watching them and both of them might get hurt.
"I already have a child darling. Did you forget?" "I already have you sweetheart, and you cause me enough trouble as it is" (Meant lovingly)
When they did have Charlie Lilith watched the two like a hawk and hardly left the two alone together.
One morning however, was different. Lucifer had heard Charlie crying first and went to comfort her. A few hours later Lilith wakes up to find a half empty bed and the crib empty. After a half panicked search of the 'house' she found Charlie sat in front of the tv and a bunch of cardboard story books, while laying on Lucifer who was lying on the floor while coloring. (Something tells her she needs to Lucifer proof the house)
Loves playing big brother with other littles, even when hes clearly younger. Angel's 6? Well Lucifer's clearly 7(cough cough 4 cough cough, sorry something was stuck in my throat) Wait- Alastors 9!? LUCIFER'S 12-
Overall shorts, Lucifer loves him some overall shorts.
SOFT BIG SWEATERS! (Who else loves that tho?)
Arts and crafts!
Baby's a sweet tooth.
Duck plushy. Need I say more?
Hes a rather intelligent little and knows how to get what he wants from people.
Age: 4-10
Only really regresses if he knows that it's been too long. (other times he gets tricked into it, which takes an absurd amount of time)
Rosie is his preferred caregiver.
Don't touch him.
He doesn't get too small often.
It doesn't matter if hes older or younger, hes a big bully.
He was the last person to figure out that he regresses.
Fairly independent and doesn't really interact with the others.
He can be left alone in a room and you can expect him to still be there a few hours later.
Doesn't like being around any male adults. (The only person who can be around him is Husker, but that's mostly because... kitty)
Sensory toys are nice.
He will throw something at you if you offer to put something on the tv, don't you dare offer that filth to him.
He doesn't really like stuffies. unless someone (Lucifer/Vox) has a stuffie, then he HAS to have it.
Boy knows the timeout corner better than anyone. (he even wrote his name in it.... which got him another five minutes but lets not talk about that)
Black hole child. He's always hungry.
Random screams. Everything will be quiet, then all the sudden he drops what hes doing and starts screaming, then sits back down as if nothing happened.
Very particular about how the toys are put away.
Husker doesn't stick around when Alastor is little, the boy tends to tug on his fur.
THAT'S NOT HOW THE TOYS GO! Very particular
Why are all the dog plushies in the trash?
Doesn't like plastic sippy cups. Hes a big boy! He can handle a big kid cup!
He can't handle a big kid cup.
Puts on shows for his CG(s).
Age: 0-4 (Sometimes teen space)
He was a regressor before he died.
Preferred Cg is Velvette & Val.
Sleepy boy.
Night light baby.
Glow in the dark stars.
Quiet play time.
Nap time.
Snack child, no meals juuust snacks.
He and Val could watch Sensory videos for hours if Velvette let them.
Paint! All over the walls! How nice!
Paint sticky, must throw a tantrum to get rid of paint.
Hunting games! (definitely not gonna shoot every deer he spots)
Action figures!
Shocking himself! (its funny! It also doesn't hurt, just tickles)
Doesn't like plastic sippy cups. Hes a big boy! He can handle a big kid cup!
He can't handle a big kid cup. (Hmm where have we seen that before?)
Doesn't stay in time out.
"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" "Noo!" (Said while doing a very obvious potty dance)
Padded Regressor.
He can do things all by himself!
Onesie all day long baby!
Aaaand hes down.
Part two?
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thelensart · 3 months
Sorry if this has been asked before, but which program do you use for digital art? I love watercolors and want to do them digitally, but I'm having a tough time finding a program that does them well. I've been using Adobe Fresco since they have an actual water color brush but it feels off...
Fun fact, I've been trying to emulate watercolors digitally for 2 years and only now I've come to satisfying results. It's gonna be a little hard to explain since my software is in Spanish but I'll try. And also don't be sorry to ask, it hasn't been asked before, and if it was so what.
The software I use is Clip studio paint. I think some time ago they implemented some fucking bullshit subscription service that didn't affect people who bought the one time purchase for like 50 dabloons. If they have a bullshit adobe style subscription service I very much encourage you to "acquire it unconventionally".
For the brushes I use, I use the normal G pen that comes with the program, and downloaded a square pen from the clip studio asset website (ID: 1714783) to block in the big masses of color. I simply start with low opacity (like 10 to 30%), emulating the transparency of watercolor, and then pull it up and build up the values. For the texture, I use a layer on top with a paper texture I downloaded (ID: 1711824) and set the layer to blending mode "Superponer" (I can't find the translation lol, I guess something close to "overlay"?) and lower opacity, this making the magic:
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There's other methods that aren't this one. I really like this artist for example
And this tutorial
One day I may upload speedpaints since lately I'm becoming a little more confident with my art.
Anyway cheers, hope it helped. It's a pain in the ass to figure it out but it's doable. Best of luck <3
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lightsoutbfb · 9 months
hey everyone! if you're seeing this, then you're probably wondering: what IS Lights Out?
Well, I'm here to answer those questions.
Lights Out is an au of bfb/bfdi/tpot/(whatever other acronyms ya want for the show!). More specifically, of bfb, starting around the time of bfb 3-10.
Lights Out is a horror au that centers around Liy snapping after her elimination, escaping the EXIT, and going totally apeshit.
Lights Out was originally an au that I created back in 2019, and worked on with my old friend for a bit. But we never got anywhere, and he's not really my friend anymore, so I figured I'd just do it myself (with some help from a new friend! Sorry old friend. I won't post your name here in case anyone wants to hate on you for...whatever reasons. People are strange.)
Lights Out is a horror au, and features blood and gore, violence, death, trauma, hallucinations, weapons such as knives, baseball bats, and other creative things she finds ways to use. (And maybe a gun? I dunno.) and psychological horror. If you're a little kid, or you're sensitive to these topics, I don't recommend reading it.
That being said, if you're continuing, you prolly like this kinda stuff. So let's move on!
I plan on making it a fic, but I'd also love to make it into a comic someday. That being said, I don't have the time or art skills to do that right now, or I'd be doing it right away.
Well, I've had this headcanon for Liy for a while, and me and that friend were talking, and we were jokin around and one of us said something or other about this being a good idea for an au. So, voila! Boom!
I...dunno. I mean, she's portrayed as "snapping" in a sense during her actual elimination in bfb, so I guess I just wanted to take it up a notch.
This is just for fun! I always wanted to make it but I kinda forgot about it. I figured it might be fun to revamp it here, especially with a bigger audience than on the other site i was publishing it on. It's not paid, I might not get around to doing it for a long time, and I don't really need anymore help than I'm already getting!
Probably. I mean, unless your fav is Liy then...pretty good chance of it. I won't spoil it, though!
63 to go...
Probably here (on Tumblr) or on AO3. I'm undecided.
I don't know. Could be any time from within a few days to a few months. I'm a tad busy with stuff right now, so I'll get to it eventually.
With that out of the way, here we go!
Also, yes, I moved blogs. This is its own main now! Yippee ☆
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blueseachelle · 2 years
I Could Be Lonely With You
Part 5
Ominis Gaunt x Pureblood! Hufflepuff?!? Fem! Reader
I'm not dead! Just had to cram study for a couple exams! Anyway, happy reading! I'm so sorry for you Seb lovers in this chapter.... Here is a link to my Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist!
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Weeks passed since the little trip to Hogsmeade the trio took together.
Ominis hasn't talked to the blonde since that day. Little did he know that his best friend Sebastian caused this rift between the two.
Every time Y/n went to look for Ominis, she was stopped by the brunette with some idea of how to help his sister. She would just agree to help because after meeting Anne, she liked her. So, she wanted to be of use in her recovery.
Ominis realized he hasn't seen Sebastian during this time either. He hates to think that you were running around with Sebastian instead of wanting to spend more time with him.
It made his heart hurt. Out of him or Sebastian, all the girls would choose Sebastian. Ominis didn't think that he ever cared about being liked by a girl yet, Y/n was different. She softened his heart. Made him feel more... Human than the monster his family wanted him to be.
A couple days later, guess who steps back into Ominis's senses. Sebastian approached Ominis and asked him if he wanted to go to the Scriptorium. Well, more like show him the way to get into the forbidden place. Ominis sighed,
"Sebastian, you know how I feel about that place. I don't want to go to that damned place."
Sebastian started to pace in front of Ominis unseeing eyes,
"I know but, listen. I know there is something there to... to save Anne, Ominis. Plus, Y/n is going to join us so, nothing will happen. Ominis. Please. I beg of you. Show us the way. Please."
Ominis heard Sebastian's plea. As much as he hated that place, maybe he can have Sebastian finally turn away from the path he was going if he realized that nothing will help Anne. Also, Y/n will be there so, that would help is nerves.
Ominis 'looked' to the pacing Sebastian,
"Fine. But. This is the last thing you do. No more Dark Arts. Maybe you will realize curses are set in stone. I'll take you there."
Sebastian tuned everything out except the 'I'll take you there'. He nodded vigorously,
"Yes. Okay. Thank you, Ominis. You won't be disappointed."
With that, Sebastian took off. Ominis just sighed. There was nothing to be done at this point. He just hopes there is nothing to find down in that cursed place.
The trio stood at the door to the Scriptorium. Ominis was nervous. He didn't know what was expected to be down there. He hoped it was nothing but, he had a feeling his belated aunt might be down there.
Y/n, sensing his nerves, rested a hand on his shoulder. She looked up at him with her violet eyes. She whispered to him,
"It will be okay, Ominis. I promise. We'll be in and out."
Ominis could only respond with a nod.
After a couple of minutes, the door was opened. Y/n, Sebastian and Ominis carefully stepped into the crypt. The door shut behind them.
Y/n led the way with Lumos. Ominis felt his skin crawl. He hates this place. He'd rather be in bed with his head under the covers.
Sebastian ran ahead with haste. After solving a couple puzzles, the trio made it to the next room. When they walked in, the gate shut behind them.
Ominis started to pace,
"I told you two. I knew we were gonna die. We are now trapped here. I knew we shouldn't-"
He was stopped by a familiar hand. Y/n held him by both shoulders while looking at him,
"Ominis. We are going to be fine. I've been in worse. We'll figure this out."
Ominis just let out a breath. As his breath came out, he suddenly figured out the proximity of their faces to each other. He felt his heart race.
Y/n gave him a small hug before walking back over to Sebastian.
After a couple minutes, it was figured out. Sebastian looked at the other two in the room,
"So, We have to have Crucio cast on one of us. Ominis, I recommend you do it because you have before."
Ominis shook his head violently,
"No no no no. I'm not doing that. I promised to never use that curse again. When you cast that curse, you have to MEAN it, Sebastian. You can't use that curse just because. It has to have some sort of... of hate for the person you cast it on. Hate for that person. No."
After Ominis's speech, Y/n was terrified. She looked to Sebastian who was still looking at Ominis. He just sighed and turned to Y/n.
"Well, If Ominis won't do it, then, we have two options. Either I teach you the curse and you cast it on me or, I cast it on you."
Y/n just stared at Sebastian. She thought of the two outcomes. Guilt was her worse enemy so, she'd rather deal with pain. But, if it does work, does that mean Sebastian harbors hate for her? Yes. Yes, it does. Sebastian only cares for Anne at this point. Everyone else is just... just a pawn to him. Y/n took in a breath. She'll just think about this all later. She let out her breath,
"Fine. Cast it on me." Suddenly without hesitation, the curse was cast.
Ominis's ears were filled with the pained screams of his crush. Slowly, they started to die down.
Ominis was the first to her side. He held her in his arms and cradled her. He mumbled how he was sorry over and over.
Sebastian just stood there. He didn't lean down or anything. No concern crossed his face,
"Look the door opened. Let's go."
He walked ahead.
Y/n sobbed into Ominis's chest. The Slytherin boy held her close. He whispered encouraging words to her along with a mixture of apologies.
Slowly, the Hufflepuff came out of her state. She realized she was in the arms of the blind Slytherin boy. She slowly stood up with his help. The two stumbled into the Scriptorium finally. Ominis's arm around her waist and her arm over his shoulders. His other hand held his blinking wand.
Sebastian came up to them,
"Look what I found! The artifact! Along with this book!"
Ominis sighed. Y/n slowly pulled away from Ominis to walk around. She didn't say a word as she looked around.
Ominis looked at Sebastian,
"This is your last little 'dive' into the Dark Arts. I'm done helping you go into insanity and evil."
Sebastian shook his head,
"I'm just looking for a cure. No more. After that, I'm done."
Ominis saw red. His body shook in anger,
"Can you not see what you have become? You cursed Y/n without batting an eye. You had no remorse. Y/n knows how you feel about her now. You hurt her. You didn't even try to help her recover. This is it for you. Anne can't be cured-"
"You act like you don't care for Anne! You-"
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND CURSES! You can't just reverse them. I would know. You know that. It takes a sacrifice. So, this is it. No more dark arts. That artifact doesn't leave this place. If I figure out that you are dabbling in the Arts, I WILL report you."
Sebastian just smirked,
"Okay. Okay. You sound like the only reason you're riled up is that Y/n was hurt."
Ominis glared in his direction,
"When you start hurting people I care about, I won't stand for it. So, put the artifact down AND the book. You are leaving first so I can guarantee you won't leave here with it."
Ominis growled,
"Go. Now."
Sebastian sighed. He put the book and artifact down on the ground. Ominis heard the door shut. He knew Sebastian was gone.
Ominis used his senses and his wand to find Y/n. He found her by the desk near the door. He put a hand on her shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
Y/n's shoulders relaxed,
"Y-yes. Still in a little pain but, I'm okay."
Her voice wavered as she said this.
Ominis pulled her into a hug.
"It's okay. I will protect you from now on. Sebastian will not touch you again. I will curse him myself before letting him to that to you again. I should've taken the hit. Not you, Y/n. I'm sorry."
She shook her head and hugged back,
"No. If you have done it, then I would still be a pawn of Sebastian's to use to find a cure. He was using me now, I see it. I'll be okay. I'm sorry I wasn't with you for a while."
Ominis kissed the top of her head and rested his head on her's,
'"It's okay. You're here with me now. You will be safe with me. I promise."
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crxssjae · 3 months
Hii mate
Just wanted to say that I'm so excited to hear that you're on the last scene of chapter one of Something About You 🙌🏾🙌🏾 can't wait
Alsoo Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
🍓🎲🍄🧸🦷❄️🏜️🦋🪲answer as many as you like
(as always no pressure to respond) 😊
Thank you for your support. I am sorry for responding this question so damn late, I'm giving you three koalas as an apology. Again. Here you go: 🐨🐨🐨
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I got into writing fanfiction when I saw Wattpad for the first time. I don't know how to use it and I just read fanfiction until I wanted to write on my own. So, yeah, it all started around 2018 and I've grown and learned a lot about fanfiction.
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
Watching videos of Honkai Star Rail walkthroughs, some speedpaint videos, and writing vlog videos. There are times, however, I get frustrated when I couldn't come up with a sentence.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
There's some I have but I'll pick one that will currently for now on living for my recent fic:
Jey watches Sami randomly doodle in the sketchbook, it keeps Sami's mind flowing for creativity. In some time around, Jey would take Sami's sketchbook, inking before coloring the doodles. Once he's done, he writes on a sticky note and places on the cover of the sketchbook. Sami sobs after opening the sketch, seeing the colors of his doodles, then thanking Jey while being a whole wreck.
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Being nice, respecting people's opinions without a shouting match, reblogging and commenting on their fics and/or art. Plus, don't be an asshole.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Oof. Tough one. I think this personal wisdom is don't be down just because someone has better work than you. Be yourself, do whatever you want in your own style, like writing for example.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I'm on my wrestling spree side, so this:
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It's a Zowens (Sami and Kevin) one and the summary I haven't figured out as of right now. This one is inspired by two comfort games I played whenever I get bored called "Pocket Love" and "Adorable House".
Hopefully I don't mind tagging you, ma'am. @wrestlezaynia would pull it off the best.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
My favorite type of comment I received is the characters' chemistry and how I did a great job on it. Because to me, I thought I didn't do a good job while doing my best researching lol.
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
I feel happy because I was given love and earned respect from yesterday and today. I guess it's luck, probably. 😅
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
I've may gone over 50 words from one of them because I tried not to look at the word count while writing and not editing, so I can't. Sorry.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Whenever I see a warning (read warnings before reading) that made me feel uncomfortable. Commenting negatively how a fic made me uncomfortable would be a waste of time. 0/10 do not do this, readers and writers.
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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jungwnies · 7 months
hi maeby! its been a while, im sorry this took too long and I don’t know exactly when you’ll see this but know that i’m writing this on december 16 for reference hehe (this will essentially be a 2023 recap but ill try to be as short as possible)
last time i was here i think it was the end of june or beginnings of july and a lot has happened in my life, on august i turned 21 and i also went to the eras tour!! definitely one of the best days ever in my life and maybe top 3 on best days of 2023  🤍
talking about my birthday its little sensitive topic, for the past five years or so my birthdays has kind of been something that I’ve dreaded so much and i'm just the opposite of happy, its like those posts you see everywhere of people crying in their room during their birthdays and this year wasn’t  the exception, this years birthday..lets just say it will be memorable but leaving that aside august was kind of okay
the concert experience may be on of my favorite memories just because it feel so cathartic, it was just so beautiful talking to strangers and us bonding over music and art, listening and singing to my favorite songs, getting to go to a concert for the first time on my own, traveling with my sister (just the two of us) for the first time, all the beautiful pictures and videos and people that i keep with me because of that one experience it just something that I will eternally be grateful for (also, so. many. friendship. bracelets.)
i remember looking back at my life and my lowest points in it and thinking (and hopefully it won’t get too sad) “well maybe someone out there was right, i just needed to hang on a little tighter, cause imagine missing out on this” 
september was filled with delicious food and me going out a little more often
in october was my sisters birthday, so she held a halloween costume party and i got to dress up as an elf/fairy, i also went to one of my best friends birthday party and felt amazing seeing a couple of familiar faces after months, and some of them even years, waiting. also yes, this means i ate a lot of cake on october (my moms birthday was also on this month hah). i also took a ceramic class. i loved it (I made a small bowl :))
november i went out a lot, bought new clothes, bought christmas decorations, studied korean, went to the doctor cause i thought i was going to die (turns out im not, even far from it : im as healthy as a horse) 
and as of december, planning christmas dinner with my mom and sister, got a bad haircut that made me cry so hard and then got it fixed at another salon, had dates with friends, retook ceramic classes (i made two cups, three heart shaped plates and a little jewelry organizer), scheduled one more therapy session before the year ends after months of not going, took more buses this month than in my whole life and i guess im slowly figuring out my stuff a little more. 
i discovered new artists this year, feel in love again  with old ones that I had forgotten about, learned new cooking recipes, got a little more out of the house than last year, made amends with my body and established boundaries even though it hurt :)
turning 21 this year essentially meant a lot, i don’t want to go into more detailed as to not make this any longer but lets just say im planning on getting 21 tattooed on my next year haha
i hope the rest of the year was kind to you, if you feel comfortable to answer with maybe your favorite parts of 2023 would be great! if not just know that i love you and missed dropping by here, hopefully starting 2024 i'll be back here regularly <3<3
take care, stretch, rest all you need, take your time, and remember that im always right here rooting for you and hugging you 🩶🩶🩶
happy holidays :) love youuuuu
hiii 🧸anon <3
it has been literally so long, i was taking a break from tumblr, honestly i didn't even think i'd come back but seeing this upon logging in literally brought joy to my heart knowing you're still around! :)
i've read everything, from your birthday to your christmas dinner with your mom and sister. starting with your birthday i'm glad that 2023 you had a memorable birthday after dreading it for so many years, and i hope 2024 also brings you joy! onto the concert next, i know exactly how you feel, it's something that you don't feel often and the crowds are just so amazing because it's people who share the same love for the same artist, and it's like you are in your own little world for a few hours. next, september & october, i'm glad it was filled with food and another birthday, it seems so fun to have a halloween themed birthday honestly!! november, i'm glad it was a good month besides the scary doctors visit >.< december seemed to have been a busy month for you, and hopefully your hair is okay now :( hopefully the therapy sesh went well. I'm glad your year was overall not too shabby, and I'm glad that you had a lot of character development. Hopefully 2024 brings you absolutely nothing but joy! 🖤
now onto my year, i guess i'll go with the highlights. i essentially had a relatively good year, i was able to do a lot of things, and uni was not too stressful, but it's a little harder this semester. starting with my august, i didn't do much except get ready for the semester, signed up for my september classes etc etc, it was relatively boring. my september was a little more eventful, i took a marine biology class which was so fun, and i'm not even majoring in marine bio, we got to talk about sea legends and a lot of the lore behind mermaids and other stuff. in october i did the same thing, but i made one of my best friends ever, except uhhh we're not really friends anymore as of recently, but my heart goes to them, they meant alot. in november i built a new computer, a little nerdy but i actually really enjoyed it except i had a mental breakdown trying to do cable management LMFAO 😭😭in december i had a good month, except the basement flooded so that wasn't very slay but regardless it was a good month filled with nothing but holiday spirit and gifts.
now with a short little update on my 2024, because it's been awhile. in january i went back to school for the second semester, and it's been tough i'm not going to lie. i also got a boyfriend so like !?!??! kinda crazy, he's not too bad but like every relationship we definitely have our downs. in february, it was a short month but nonetheless eventful this is the downfall of me and bestie tbh, but it's okay he was like a life lesson or something!?!?! now this month, it just started and it's been great, it's midterm week right now so i'm a bit stressed, but i also suddenly got motivation to go back on youtube and write on tumblr again, so i'm super happy about that :)
i hope 2024 is kind to you and gives you a lot of joy! remember to take care of yourself, just as you always say to me, stretch, rest all you need, take your time, and remember that im always right here rooting for you and hugging you as well! ❤️❤️❤️
have a great year, and i hope to see you again 🧸❤️
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
I guess we're at war now. Sure, I can take a detour.
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So we have two plates that both need to be held down and five people in our group. I feel like we could probably solve this without climbing any further in the tower....
But maybe there's something worth stealing further up. Let's keep going.
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My persistence has been rewarded with more work.
That's on me. I should have known better. *sigh*
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Genuinely unsure what to make of these statues. Decapitated figures holding a helmet in one hand and a staff with a bird skull in the other. Given that these are birdfolk, I assume the skull on the staff is meant to be their own?
They're all over the place, too. The Triumvirate seems to be super fond of this art. I bet you a one of them (or a relative) made the original, so now they're being distributed everywhere even though nobody's really sure what the artistic intent was supposed to be.
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Good news, we found Estrid. Bad news, we're embroiled in a political conflict and will have to come back to this. See you soon, Estrid. I have a cult to destabilize out of spite.
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Okay, team. The sign on the wall clearly labeled this place "Seat of the Triumvirate" so we should be getting close to...
...to, uh....
Are you guys having a meeting without me? ._. That's hurtful.
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Pay attention to me
I don't even remember what I was going to say now. Thanks, everyone. Just... expect to have to fight them all at once but don't stress over it because it's five against three and we are, each of us, worth ten.
This is going to be an easy in-and-out and then we're back to doing god stuff.
Also, the statues up here are even uglier. I don't know why that was important to bring up. But they are, and I hate them for it.
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Hey, Wabbit Season over there declared war on us so now my crew and I have to turn you guys into a human centipede of regret. No hard feelings, nothing personal.
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Fine, we can try diplomacy again. But if I see buttons pushed or switches pulled, I'm gonna start swinging. I don't know when I'll stop.
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Well, this is going well. There's nothing religious people love more than having outsiders trample all over their sacred territories.
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I'm sorry, were you saying something? We were too busy being way above your pay grade.
Come on, team. We're done he--
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You know this dipshit, Resh'an?
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Yeah, I'm both confused and alarmed too. You keep saying you've never been to this world. Is this something that happened pre-fracturing of the timelines?
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Hold up, Aephorul pulled off a seemingly impossible feat of magic to give you that form, didn't explain how, and you've just... never questioned it? To this day? Even after everything with Aephorul went so horribly sour?
I've been wondering this for a while but, Resh'an? Do we have a conflict of interest? Because we're here to commit a murder. I made that very clear in my Statement of Intent speech. Are you too emotionally invested in Aephorul to carry that out?
I just. I need to be sure you're committed to this, man. And I'm not.
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Shit, I want to try that. You've been with us for how long now and never even brought it up? Not even one "check out this cool drink I can make"?
Now my feelings are hurt. ._.
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"I'm going to kill countless members of your population for a powerful enchantment and in exchange, you can have some neat elevators and I'll let you worship this rock with a face on it."
I don't see the bargain there. Pretty sure you were just being used. This sounds like revisionist dogma to try and whitewash over a historic catastrophe by pretending it was secretly good actually.
In any case, I need to go visit a rock with a face on it, if we're done here. We are done here, right?
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ikemen-translations · 6 months
Morganatic Idol Prologue 4/10
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Xeno: ...
My body doesn't move as if it's numb
(Lie... why is Xeno in a place like this?)
Xeno: ...
He looks down at me. His face, shaped like a work of art, shows no expression
(What cold eyes.... Like ice...)
But... Xeno's body, which is holding me tightly, is certainly warm
(It's like an ice doll, but it's warm...)
Cold and warm... Contradictory feelings surround me. I didn't say anything, just stared at him
???: Hey, what are you doing?
MC: !?
I tourned around at the voice
Looking at me suspiciously was Finn, oen of Exe Creed's dancer
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Finn: Hey, are you okay? How much baggage are you carrying?
A particularly gorgeous figure appears from behind him as he speaks bluntly
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Jace: What, what happened?
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Hugh: ...
(Now Jace and Hugh...!)
Jace looks at me and Xeno then smiles teasingly
Jace: It's so kind of you to help her. I've never seen Xeno be so kind to a girl
Xeno let me go and the warmth leaves me
Xeno: ... This girl just fell down on her own
Jace: I feel like I've seen you somewhere...
MC: Eh, uh...?
Finn: Hey, don't pick up girls in a place like this
Jace: No
Hugh: ...
Hugh doesn't seem interested in the interaction and seems sleepy. Further there...
???: You guys, don't just go ahead! I told you to wait at the entrance to the parking!
Ivy: All four of them were gone, so I wondered where they had gone. Ah, I'm glad we found them
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(This time, the leader Ivy! All Exe members are here...!)
(And this person is Nagane Sakura, the president and producer of the company to which Exe Creed belongs)
(I saw the photo in the document so I'm sure)
Nagone: ...
(Huh? It looks like he is staring at me... maybe it's just my imagination)
Xeno: I'm not a child...
Finn: I know where I'm going so there's no problem if I go first
Jace: That's right. The old guys are too laid back
Ivy: Ugh, I feel weak when you say that...
Nagone: We're not that old yet
Hugh: sleepy...
Noticing my dumbfounded state, Ivy smiled and said he is sorry for being so noisy
Ivy: Look everyone, you'll get noticed if you are talking in a place like this. Let's move before it becomes a commotion
Nagone: That's true. Time is getting close, so let's go quickly
The five of them started walking, led by Sakura-san
I was taken aback and called out to Xeno as he left
MC: That!
He turned around and gave me a cold look
(I have to say something... quickly!)
MC: Well... thank you for helping me earlier
Xeno: ...
He just glanced at me and walked away without saying anything
(He is gone...)
It was like seeing it in a dream. I can't believe I met a super idol in a place like this
(I guess today's guest is... Exe Creed!?)
When I returned to the office, I discovered that the visitor was indeed Exe Creed
I then learned that our section's project had been selected and that we would be giving a presentation
(I heard that their strength is self-production, and that they decide whether or not to accept a job themselves)
Mori: Isn't it late? Did you buy everything? Give it to me
Mori-san ran over and quickly retrieved my luggage
A confident smile appears on her face
Mori: I'm about to give a presentation to Exe Creed. I'll definitely make it a success!
I felt my heart sink as she left with such enthusiasm
(Mori-san was in charge of the presentation, which means my project was not selected...)
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