#jacob palmer fic
ken-dom · 5 months
Midnight Thoughts
Sebastian Wilder x Jacob Palmer
1.2k words
∘₊✧ Summary: Jacob, feeling lonely, reaches out. Seb, feeling irritated, makes an offer.
∘₊✧ Author's notes: This is entirely thanks to my pals on goosecord with extra special thank you's to Sascha and Clam for the fun chat that encouraged me to write this, and to K for checking my first draft and being my sanity as always! Song title from Midnight Thoughts by Set If Off, which seems so them somehow, especially from Jacob's point of view. Also, I am already SO tempted to write a second part to this…
∘₊✧ Warning/content: NSFW, masturbation, anal play, dildos, crying, hinted exhibitionism, sexting
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Jacob’s hips rock in a steady rhythm; not exactly slow but he’s not really going for it either. He’s bored, you see.
He’s riding a brand new dildo, thick and long and pinned between his heels while he slides himself down and raises his hips up again, an abundance of old – and some new – toys scattered around him on his crisp but ruffled bed sheets. The newest ones remain unopened, some he’s tried once or twice, and most are well-used, but none can quite hit the spot he needs them to. They rarely do.
He’s hard, he needs to cum. But he can’t. Because there is no one to see him climax, and where’s the fun in that?
He left the curtains drawn back on his floor to ceiling windows that stretch the full length of one wall in his bedroom. There’s no one out there, though, in the expanse of landscaped gardens. And why would there be? He lives alone, and he doesn’t get visitors. And if his gardener was on shift today, he would have drawn those curtains for sure, but then he wouldn’t have even got this far before giving up.
He needs attention and has no one to give him it. His cock needs attention, too, but he refuses to cum at his own touch whilst sobbing into his pillow again. Not today. If he’s going to sob, someone needs to make him sob. Make it a thrill rather than a pathetic attempt to feel some worth.
With a resigned sigh, he flops back and onto his side, propping his head on the foam pillow and reaching for his phone from the nightstand, his neglected cock twitching, but not leaking.
A drawn out, satisfied moan echoes around Seb’s apartment. A thin blade of sunlight illuminates a strip across his naked form, and if he was more coherent right now, he would appreciate the art of it, but all he can focus on his the heat building in his core as he fucks himself on his dildo, slow and deliberate movements clouding his thoughts into a haze of bliss.
He only has one toy, he’s used it for years, and it does the trick every time. Seb is well practised at getting what he wants, and pleasure is no exception.
The tip of his toy, perfectly shaped for his body, brushes so deliciously against that spot inside him that makes his toes curl every time he drags it out and pushes it back in, and he trembles, forcing himself not to speed up. Not yet. He intends to prolong his pleasure for as long as he can manage, until his throbbing, weeping cock can’t take any more and will be fit to explode with the slightest touch. 
Much like jazz, it’s an art.
The first thick pearl of precum pumps from his tip and he gasps at the brief, temporary relief in his already achingly untouched cock, and that’s alright for now. It’s building up, slowly but surely to the explosive orgasm he craves. After all, he has all day.
Jacob stares at his phone. He’s messaged three women now, all of whom usually seem so desperate to jump into bed with him. But he’s getting nothing. Why aren’t they responding? None of them? Is there a Women Who’ve Slept With Jacob Palmer convention that he missed the memo for? Surely he should be a guest speaker at the very least.
His lip trembles and a single teardrop wets his pillowcase. Just one, at least, for now. 
He can’t let this end in him sobbing himself to sleep and being discovered by his cleaner in the morning, surrounded by dildos and vibes and fleshlights, and miserably alone.
‘Fuck it,’ he growls, frustrated, and opens up another new conversation, scrolling down his contacts to select a name from lower down the list. Lower, that is, than ‘Girl 1,’ ‘Girl 2,’ and ‘Girl 3 - v.2.’
Seb is gripping his pillow so hard with his free hand that his knuckles have begun to ache. He doesn’t notice this, though, until his phone pings and disrupts his flow.
On hearing the shrill tone, his fingers uncurl from the thin cotton, and his eyes, brimming with irritation, pop open.
He can’t have this. He simply cannot have the outside world ruining his pleasure with something as banal as ‘notifications.’
He deserves to cum in peace, in his own time, undisturbed. To finish his work of art.
Carefully, he reaches for his phone to switch it onto silent mode, forget about the disruption, and continue on as he was, but when he lifts the device from where he discarded it face-down on the bed, he sees the screen and his cock twitches.
Jacob Palmer1 unread message
His eyes widen at the natural response of his body, and he almost drops his phone in haste to unlock the message and see what Jacob wants.
Seb rolls his eyes. Hey. How Jacob manages to get so many women into bed is beyond Seb, between his unoriginal chat up schtick and the way he seems to be absolutely convinced they’re all falling over themselves to have him between their thighs. Idiot.
But, beyond his better judgement, Seb, clenching around his dildo, lets go of the base to use both hands for typing, and replies with a simple, ‘Hi, Jacob.’
As if the reply was already prepared and ready to send, it flashes up immediately beneath his own text.
‘What u doing’
Seb huffs a disbelieving laugh. No punctuation. Shorthand. Jesus. Still, he types a reply.
‘Some quite important business. Did you want something?’
Attention, Jacob thinks, but he types, ‘No girls are texting back, felt lonely, thought you’d understand’
Seb rolls his eyes again, this time it’s partly at how quickly Jacob replies every time – he’s so much more needy than he realises – and partly at the assumption that Seb is bothered by women deciding not to reply to him.
He smirks as he crafts the perfect response, if he does say so himself. 
‘So you thought you’d text a guy instead?’
Jacob’s heart races. He bites his lip, hands shaking as he types, ‘I’m not gay…’ and hits send. His cock is finally leaking and his fingers turn white where he grips his phone hard, unblinking, as he awaits Seb’s response.
Seb sighs at Jacob’s passe reply exasperatedly and shakes his head. 
Fuck it. If he didn’t try now, it would never happen.
Blood boiling, he replies, ‘I fuck men and I’m trying to fuck myself right now so stop texting. Either get over here and fuck me yourself or I’ll come over there and fuck you.’
A pause. 
The longest pause Seb has ever seen from Jacob. He wonders if he’s scared Jacob off for good, their playful, intermittent flirting finally coming to an end because Seb was a little too honest. He begins to feel something similar to what Jacob had started out with swelling in his chest.
Then, to his relief, three dots. Jacob is typing.
‘On my way.’
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hederasgarden · 2 days
Ryan Gosling Character Masterlist
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The Grey Man
Safe With Me (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Mature | 2.7K)
Six is a hard man to read up until the moment he isn’t.
Daylight (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Explicit | 1K)
You spend an early morning in bed with Six after he returns from a mission.
The Signal (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Gen | 706) You take pity on Six after watching him suffer through a number of terrible dates.
Operation Elevator (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Gen | 780)
Claire plays matchmaker when she realizes Six need a little help wooing their new neighbor.
Tender Loving Care (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Explicit | 900)
You help Six relax after a hard mission.
Dom AU (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Mature | 500)
You reach out the famous Dom Sierra Six to explore your submissive side and work on your anxiety and confidence issues. 
Just Pretend (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Mature | 780)
For a moment, Six thinks about how his life could be different. 
Wall sex with the gloves HC 
Sierra Six + Kinks
Sierra Six + Kinks Part 2
Sierra Six Housewife Kink
What kind of job would Six get after he retires?
Overstimulation Kink
Eating you out and body worship with Six
Six taking care of a partner with depression/anxiety
Crazy Stupid Love
Top Shelf (Jacob Palmer x Plus Size!F!Reader | Gen | 1.3K)
When your tinder date turns out to be a dumpster fire of a person, your evening is rescued by a handsome stranger.
Need (Driver x F!Reader | Explicit | 600)
He’s quiet, even when he’s fucking you.
Blade Runner 2049
Interlinked (Officer K x F!Reader | Mature | 1.9K)
Stepping in to help K is instinct, but what comes after is a choice, one that’s easy to make.
The Fall Guy
First Kiss (Colt Seavers x F!Reader | Mature | 400)
Your first kiss with Colt is different than you imagined.
♡Main Masterlist♡
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Can You Keep A Secret?
Summary: The hot guy at the bar can do more than flirt
A/N: You guys know the drill; NSFW 18+ because here, we like it spicy ;)
It's a part of a collab with the gorgeous Goosecord and another first for me.
As always, my darling soul sister, @ken-dom, thank you for the beta read and endless support and reassurance! Although...I still think you're biased. 🩷
The song they dance to, because I'm an old soul and will forever project on my writing is Ain't That A Kick In The Head by Dean Martin. You've heard it, and if you haven't....go listen now and come back.
Enjoy my loves!
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You sighed heavily, squeezing your eyes shut tighter against the impending sunlight. You stretched, your head pounding with the reminder of the night before.
You took in a deep breath, an unfamiliar smell invading your senses; you frowned, turning your head on the pillow before blinking your eyes open.
You weren't in your own bed, and you were alone.
You rubbed your hand over your eyes, getting your bearings as you sat up, the soft cotton sheet pooling in your lap.
You weren't naked, thank God. But you weren't wearing your own clothes either.
You were clad in a soft black t-shirt and your panties from the night before.
You pulled yourself out of the soft bedding, making your way out to where you could hear noises coming from the kitchen.
Leaning on the doorframe you bit gently on your lip watching the man you'd met the night before standing at the stove. Jacob he has said his name was, Jacob Palmer. He was cooking breakfast, a pair of blue plaid pajama pants hanging loosely on his hips.
He glanced at the door sensing your presence and offered you a half hearted smile. “Morning”
You walk deeper into the kitchen, resting against the sleek countertop. “Morning” you offer the same lazy smile.
The kitchen smells heavenly. French toast, bacon, coffee. No eggs you noticed,
“Cooking bacon without a shirt on,” you observed “Seems dangerous”
“Well, my shirt is currently in use elsewhere” he smirked
You dropped your gaze to the floor feeling your cheeks flush pink, but you couldn't help smiling back.
“Are you hungry?” He asked, offering you a mug of coffee.
You accepted with a nod, the hot coffee warming your hands “Ravenous”
“How did you sleep?” He asked, turning the bacon over in the pan
“Good,” you smiled bringing the coffee cup to your lips “Really good”
You leaned against the counter, watching him cook, the guy you had met in the bar the night before had disappeared. The well dressed put together Calvin Klein model with the suave attitude had vanished after about the third glass of whiskey.
He had “moves” he had said; moves to impress the revolving door of women you had now joined. You knew by morning he wouldn’t remember what your name was, wouldn’t care so you chose to take the same approach.
You knew what this was, he knew what this was, why pretend it was anything different?
You had thought for sure he would interpret this as an insult, the tipsy girl from the bar didn’t want to sleep with the ridiculously hot guy. Why the hell not?
Instead, you found yourself on his couch with his head in your lap as you absently twisted his dirty blond hair around your fingers.
The mask had fallen away, you sat and listened as he told you about things he had wanted in life, things he had hoped to accomplish.
On the surface he was wildly successful in every way someone would think to want to be in your mid-thirties; and while you had found yourself sobering up, he was slightly more drunk than when you had arrived. The hand not busy in his hair, rested on his chest, his fingers dragging lazily over the back of your hand as he stared out the massive windows at the front of his house.
It was quiet for a long time before he spoke again. You had wondered if he had fallen asleep and were surprised it hadn’t made you jump when he did speak.
“I wanna tell someone about my day, y’know?” he spoke softly, not moving, legs stretched out across the couch, feet bare, shoes abandoned somewhere on the floor. He might as well not be wearing a shirt at all, the one he did have on was untucked and almost completely unbuttoned. “I want them to be here when I wake up, I wanna make them breakfast”
This made you smile and you considered not saying anything at all, but decided against it. “I like breakfast…”
He glanced up at you with a raised eyebrow “Eggs and bacon?”
“I’m allergic to eggs, but I love everything else”
He hadn’t said anything after that, so you weren’t too sure how serious he had been, but now, the next morning, you were standing in his kitchen and he had opted for french toast and bacon instead of eggs.
“Need any help?” you asked circling around behind him to the other side of the counter where the plate of finished bacon sat.
You picked up a piece with your fingers immediately taking a bite followed immediately by regret.
“It’s hot” he winced, offering you a paper towel into which you promptly spat the scalding hot piece of meat.
“You okay?” he asked with a small laugh
You nodded “So…” you started, changing the subject, if only to make yourself feel less dumb as you threw out the paper towel. “I have yet to see these moves you promised”
“Can you keep a secret?” he asked, turning off the stove, setting the finished french toast next to the bacon.
“Depends,” you smirked, setting your coffee down “Does it end with me in your basement freezer?”
He laughed out loud before shaking his head “No”
“Then probably”
He picked up the small remote that had been sitting on the counter and pressed a button before putting it back.
Dean Martin started playing throughout the entire house. You pressed your lips together suppressing a smile with a raised eyebrow as Jacob offered you a hand. You looked from his hand to his face and back again before you took it.
He pulled you against him, his free hand finding your waist; your hand finding his shoulder as he moved swiftly around the tile floor, he kept a tight grip on your hand as you spun away before he spun you back, your back hitting his bare chest with a thump.
You couldn’t help the small chuckle that came out as his hand found your hip as you leaned against his shoulder as he kept a hold of your other hand.
He was singing along in between trumpets.
You gasped as his foot hooked around your ankle, knocking you off your feet; he caught you before you crashed to the floor in the most ungraceful way, practically dipping you to the tiles as his hand slid up your bare thigh under his t-shirt, keeping your leg pressed to his thigh. Your arms instinctively find their way around his neck.
His breathing was even and steady as his blue eyes fixed on yours; your breathing was not.
He set you upright, his chest still practically pressed against yours; your breath shaky and uneven as the song came to an end. Neither of you moved, his hands still on your waist, yours still around his neck.
His eyes were focused on your lips before he glanced at you briefly and you gave the slightest nod.
His lips crushed against yours as he pushed you back against the counter before lifting you on its top in one swift motion. His tongue tangling with yours as your legs locked around his middle, pushing the already dangerously loose pajama pants off his hips to pool at his ankles. He kicked them out of the way, reaching up under the t-shirt you still had on, tugging your panites off and dropping them at his feet.
He braced himself against the cabinets behind your head with both hands as your mouth moved to devour his neck.
“This isn’t-” His breath was heavy against your neck as his head dropped to your shoulder “I didn’t-”
You pushed him back gently by the shoulders, forcing him to look at you. “You want it as bad as I do,” you breathed hard “So just shut up and fu-”
He cut you off, kissing you hard; he reached between you, the head of his cock lining up with your entrance before he thrust forward, filling you to the hilt, making you cry out into his mouth. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you flush against him to the very edge of the counter.
The counter stood sturdy underneath you as his fingers threaded with yours, pinning your arms to the cabinets over your head.
His mouth never stopped moving as you moaned against his lips as he thrust harder, your ankles still locked firmly around the small of his back. You thrust your hips as much as your position would allow as you broke your kiss with a deep gasp. His breath was hot and heavy against your ear, your fingers squeezing between his painfully as you rocked on the kitchen counter leaning your head back against the cabinets, moaning towards the ceiling.
Jacob let your hands drop as he braced himself against the counter’s edge, thrusting harder, groaning against your neck as your arms dropped around his neck letting out a sharp gasp as your orgasm shot through your core, your nails leaving half moon welts the flesh of his shoulder blades, your body quakeing with pleasure as your walls clenched around his shaft eliciting a loud moan from him, before you felt him spill inside you, leaking out on the counter underneath as he breathed a soft “Fuck” against your ear.
You gasped softly as he slid from inside you, your hand reaching to push the hair that had fallen in his face back; both of you breathing hard.
“I have moves too” you smirked, making him laugh softly as he rested his forehead against yours, claiming your swollen lips in a gentle kiss.
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barbiehandlrr · 17 days
Summary: Jacob Palmer's world has tilted, and for the first time, he is completely alone. Warnings: Suicide, suicide of parent, death of parent, implied child abuse, implied alcoholism, suicidal ideation, derogatory language about mental illness/suicide
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direwombat · 7 months
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The Horror and the Wild
Relationships: Female Deputy/Eli Palmer, Female Deputy/Jacob Seed
Tags: Alternate Universe - Werewolves, Alternate Universe - Fairy Tales, (vaguely), Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Gore, Body Horror, Emetophobia, Enemies to Lovers, Unhealthy Relationships, Possessive Behavior, Werewolf Turning, Werewolf Hunters, Werewolf Mates, Manipulation, Eventual Smut, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, 
Sybille La Roux is Deputy Sheriff in the quiet backwater of Hope County Montana. She’s got a stable career, a loving partner, and a backpacking trip through Yellowstone planned for next summer. But when a gruesome wolf attack occurs during the peak of hunting season, she finds herself getting drawn into a world she never knew existed. One rife with blood, loyalty, and most of all, hunger.
This is a Creature Feature.
read Act I: Infection on ao3
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elusivewildflower · 2 years
Ryan Gosling’s Character Zodiac Signs
Thank you to the girls in the baby goose renaissance discord for always being up for a discussion about Ryan’s characters. (@truesblue , @ninjathrowingstork & @axenno1211) also tagging a few mutuals who I think might enjoy reading this: @hederasgarden, @interlinked-within-cells​, @crownofdecit​, @ministryofutmosthappiness​, @adoresbenho​
I may add more of his characters once I watch more of his movies (or re-watch). Feel free to add to the discussion if you agree/disagree or have a character in mind that I don’t have listed yet!  
There will be spoilers for his movies, so if you haven’t seen one of them, keep on scrolling past the character! 
Courtland Gentry (The Gray Man) -- Capricorn (or possibly Gemini)
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There are so many reasons why I believe Court is a Capricorn. @ninjathrowingstork​ said it best by saying Court has the Oldest Kid Mentality, being hyper-responsible for everyone. He’s extremely self-sufficient, calculating, cautious, observant and reserved. He checks the box of almost every trait a Capricorn should have---and a lot of them have probably helped him survive as long as he has as a Sierra. He’s also reliable, as Fitzroy knew that if Court was able to walk, he’d be coming to save him and Claire without a doubt. And I’ll be damned if anyone tries to tell him he wasn’t noble for stepping in and saving his brother from their father.   
However, we could also see Court as a Gemini, too. He’s charismatic, uses humor as a crutch, sarcastic, and adaptable. Though, I think I lean more towards a Capricorn for him. 
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Holland March (The Nice Guys) -- Sagittarius
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There are so many gifs I could use to represent Holland and his overall hot-mess-express self, but this one is a favorite of mine. Being a Sagittarius myself, it was easy to pick this sign as Holland’s. He’s a walking disaster, yet somehow extremely lucky. Holland’s also rather confident, friendly, flirty, unpredictable, and seems a bit careless like a Sag would be. I’d describe more in detail, but honestly it’s the chaotic energy that he exudes that really reinforces he’s a Sagittarius. 
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Officer K (Bladerunner 2049) - Pisces
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The main Pisces traits that I find in K are that he’s self-sacrificing, introspective, and sensitive. K tends to keep to himself, its a bit introverted and pensive at all times. Of course, it’s not easy for him to make friends in his world, but even when he’s around Joi, you can tell he’s in his head quite a bit before speaking to her. While K doesn’t show too many emotions, the sensitivity comes into play when he realizes he may or may not be the child, and it’s revealed that all K ever really wanted was to be real, have a family and be loved. The self-sacrificing....well, there’s a reason I chose the gif that I did. I don’t want to go into how the ending of this movie made me feel. 
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Driver (Drive) - Scorpio
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Surprisingly, Driver is the only character of Ryan’s that we thought was the same sign as Ryan himself. Scorpios are known to be intense, volatile and unpredictable, almost like a volcano. This really resonates with Driver in the moments where his anger is shown. He’s otherwise very quiet and seemingly calm, but his anger surmounts to a level that has him killing people in brutal ways. Scorpios also have the tendency to keep to themselves and are protective. Driver does all that he can to make sure that Irene and her son are safe, and other than them and Shannon, it’s clear that Driver keeps to himself and doesn’t have many friends. 
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Luke Glanton (The Place Beyond the Pines) - Aries
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Luke’s short-tempered manner definitely leans towards him being a fire sign, but add in his impulsiveness and he just screams Aries to me. Luke shows his short-temper several times in the movie, but most noticeably when he strikes Kofi with the wrench(?). He also shows his impulsiveness when he decides to rob 2 banks in one day, as well as when he decides to quit his job at the carnival to stay near his son without any sort of plan (though, that quick decision is understandable as he was set to leave the next day). Aries tend to have daredevil personalities, and I think we can all agree that Luke’s job at the carnival and his interest in robbing banks fits the definition of a daredevil. 
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Julian Thompson (Only God Forgives) - Cancer
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Cancers are known for being protective and doing the most for their loved ones. I feel this works best for Julian because he does the most for his mother in order to protect her. First, it’s mentioned that he killed his own father for her, and then it’s seen in the movie that he even tries to kill Chang in order to keep her safe. They’re also good with business, and Julian is the head of the family’s drug business, even though he’s the youngest. Generally, that sort of thing falls on the eldest child, so Julian had to have been picked to lead it for some reason. Cancers also tend to be sensitive but have a hard outer shell, and seek comfort. While Julian hardly speaks in this movie, it’s easy to see that he’s got some issues going on, but also that he seems to be a bit more of a sensitive type with a tough outer shell. He sits and listens to his mother talk down to him/about him, and while there’s no outward hint of being upset, a lot of his emotions show through in his eyes. He also craves comfort so much that he literally slices his mother’s stomach open and shoves his hand inside after she’s already dead. (Still shudder every time I think of this scene tbh.)  
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Jacob Palmer (Crazy, Stupid, Love) - Capricorn (or possibly Leo) 
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Jacob is our second Capricorn on this list. Capricorns tend to be persistent and know what they want, which is easily shown by how Jacob pursues Hannah, or even any of the women he sleeps with prior to dating her. They also tend to be good at giving advice to others, which is exactly what Jacob does for Cal. Capricorns also tend to carry emotional baggage without telling anyone, and we know from the scene with Hannah that Jacob is the way he is because his father was “too nice,” and his mother was rather cold and uncaring. Aside from drunkenly asking Hannah to ask a personal question, he’s probably never opened up to anyone about that before. 
Jacob could also be a Leo, as they’re known for being a bit vain, high maintenance, ambitious, wanting to stand out, and also like living a life of luxury. All of those things ring a bell for Jacob to me (And really, the list could go on there, too). 
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Dean (Blue Valentine) - Libra
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Dean is such an underrated character of Ryan’s. The movie tears you apart, and sure, Ryan is balding for most of the movie as he plays the older version of Dean, but god damn young Dean was fine as hell. He is so so so romantic and charming. He’s also 100% a relationship kinda guy, hopeless romantic who wants to find the love of his life and stay by her side until he dies. He tried so hard to keep the love alive in his relationship when his wife didn’t want to.  Libra’s are also supposed to be indecisive, and there’s a moment in the movie where Cindy asks why Dean chose to be a house painter when he was good at so many different things (especially a lot of creative ones---and Libra’s are also creative). I’d be willing to bet that indecisiveness on what he wanted to pursue is part of the reason he took the job and stayed there, even if he could’ve done better or did something he would’ve enjoyed more. 
There’s probably more I could find about him if I watched the movie again, but the hopeless romantic thing fits the most with a Libra. 
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silverlynx87 · 3 months
I love Heart-Shaped Box. Did Jacob and reader ever have a moment in which somebody thought about making the first move but eventually didn't? Why not? Also, the bouquet was a nice touch. When I got to that part my jaw dropped and I was feeling like I'm the giftee. We love a well-mannered man. What do you think happens to the couple after?
oh my goodness thank you for the ask about my fic! I feel so honored that you want to know more about it <333 As mentioned in the fic, Jacob and reader had a few moments between them where something could have happened during their time spent together since Thanksgiving, but neither one acted on it. I believe this was because it was not the right time. Jacob and reader certainly have chemistry, but I’d like to think that Jacob is not used to a slow development of feelings. Hence why he’s always going to bars and hooking up with people for a single night. It’s a bit like self-sabotage in a way. His decision to go on a random date(that ended turning out horribly, as we know) was a manifestation of this, and he regretted it deeply. When he expresses this regret it’s only when he’s drunk, emotional, and vulnerable--his normal cool and composed walls unable to be up to keep people out. Yeah I think Jacob would definitely be someone to apologize with a bouquet of flowers. Despite being a(in Ryan’s words) ‘wandering Lothario’ type, he comes off to me as a bit old-fashioned and gentlemanly. I’m very glad you liked that addition! Reader certainly deserves them for putting up with a drunk and pukey night. I think afterwards is up to you! I certainly gave it a romantic ending, where their feelings are brought to light, and I like to leave the rest open-ended as to where it could go. The possibilities are endless. I would even be super chuffed and humbled if someone wants to have a go with the story and continue it as they see fit. That’s the joy of writing and fictional characters in general, you can do anything. :) Again thank you so much for the lovely ask! I’m glad you enjoyed my little story. <333
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WIP Whenever
Tagged by @detectivelokis
Tagging @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @madparadoxum @aceghosts @strangefable @strafethesesinners @baldurrs @direwombat @redreart @nightwingshero @nihildep and anyone else I missed
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Driving Wedges
Joseph successfully uses Esther and John's car wreck to drive wedges between friends. And isolate his Heralds.
Dust filled the air as Nick climbed down from the cockpit of his beloved plane, settling on his hair and clothes. Kim made her way over, seeing the frustration on his face, her own hopeful smile faded.
"Oh hun, nothing?"
"No! Not a God damned thing!" He slammed his fist harshly against Carmina's metal door. " I've flown up and down that fucking river and I can't find shit!"
She sighed "It's been two months Nick. Even the sheriff's department isn't looking anymore. What do you expect to find?"
"Something, anything! A body! She should've washed up somewhere by now!" He rounded on her his eyes bright and stinging with unshed tears.
"Nick...how long are you gonna look? At some point you gotta give it up."
He sat heavily and weary in the dirt. Leaning back against Carmina. "What am I supposed to do Kim? Just give up? I gotta try."
She sat down beside him interlacing her fingers with his. "No. But I don't think a wild goose chase is the best way to help."
"How the hell else am I supposed to help? John hasn't come out of that house since Hudson and Trevor went up there. And every time I go up there it's Joseph that answers the door not John. He hasn't fucking talked to me or anyone since he woke up. Except that damned brother of his." He looked at her, pleading for answers. "Do you really think being holed up in that house alone with Joseph for the last two months is doing him any good?"
"I don't know what to tell you. But we ju-"
He jumped up kicking the dirt.
"Dammit Kim! You know as well as I do that it ain't. Whatever the fuck Joseph's filling his head isn't gonna help him or anyone else. He's gonna turn this horrible accident around until John's up there blaming himself for it!"
Not knowing what else to do she stood pulling him into her arms, holding him as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. "It'll be okay. It will. Just gotta give it some time."
"He's my friend Kim. And I just don't know what to do?"
John sat silently unfazed by the crowd forming, staring blankly at nothing. Jacob watched him as Joseph began to address the group. For the most part ignoring the eulogy except to grumble at the shift from it being about Esther to being a sermon. He would have to discuss that with him later. Right now his only concern was John and the all too familiar far away look in his eyes.
John didn't move when Joseph finally finished, nor respond to the parade of sympathy and condolences poured out by the congregation as they passed by him. No one outside of the project had come but Jacob knew they wouldn't. Joseph had made sure they knew they weren't welcome. He wasn't sure he agreed with that decision. Not much he could do about it though.
He quietly moved to John and sat beside him. He tried to find anything he could say to provide some comfort but the words were lost to him. He wasn't good at this. The silence hung in the air as he watched John's gaze shift toward the grave of the only woman he'd ever loved.
Up until this moment it hadn't seemed real, but he could see all the warmth in his baby brother's eyes had gone. He recognized it, his own eyes had looked the same in the mirror for years before they'd found him.
Nick's voice rang out as he and Kim tried to push their way past several members of the project. He took note they were dressed nicely and had clearly come to pay their respects. He should've known that they would be here. They didn't give two shits about anything Joseph had to say. He couldn't help the small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
A smile that disappeared as soon as he turned back to John. The far away look was gone, replaced by indignant rage. John stood suddenly taking long strides toward them. His face contorted, eyes narrowing and his teeth bared.
Jacob got up and closed the distance to stand between John and Nick.
"What? Of course we came, why wouldn't we?"
"Why!? Why would you do this!?" John screamed as Jacob pushed him back. "Why would you take them from me?!"
Nick stepped toward him, ignoring the promise of violence in John's eyes, confusion and hurt written plainly on his face.
"I would never-"
"You ran us off the road! Why?" John collapsed to his knees bringing Jacob with him as he held his baby brother. "You were supposed to...I thought you were my friend."
Kim's eyes widened, understanding washing over her as she turned to Joseph. She grabbed Nick's arm. "We need to go."
Nick tried to pull away from her. Stopped in his tracks when Eli stepped forward from the small group of Peggies watching. Whispering in his ear. "Listen to your wife Nick. You need to leave."
Eli turned to Joseph when Nick finally relented allowing Kim to pull him away. Glaring at the thinly veiled look of satisfaction on his face as he gently pulled John away from Jacob and guiding him back toward the ranch. The rest of the crowd soon dispersed leaving Eli and Jacob alone.
His thoughts raced as he watched him slowly stand.
"How did John go from not remembering a damn thing about that day to accusing his best friend of murder Jacob?"
Eli knew the answer. Joseph had convinced him of it. But he wanted Jacob to say it. To admit it.
Jacob glared back at him. "Is there something you want to say Eli?"
"You and I both know Nick didn't do this. Had no reason to do this. But someone else did. Someone a lot closer to home."
"Joseph would never hurt John. He's our baby brother. He wouldn't, couldn't."
Eli shook his head, knowing that Jacob wouldn't listen. He tore the Eden's Gate cross from his neck and tossed it at Jacob's feet.
"No Jacob. You would never hurt John. But I think Joseph would and did. And whether you admit it or not, I think you know that."
Not waiting for a response he turned and walked away. From Jacob and Eden's Gate. Mourning, knowing full well that two friendships had died today. That Joseph had in some small way won.
20 notes · View notes
sarahsmi13s · 1 year
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(gif not mine)
pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x fem pilot!reader (last name: abbott, call sign: medusa)
characters: jake seresin, reader, the dagger squad + maverick and warlock, leroy jethro gibbs, ziva david, timothy mcgee, anthony dinozzo junior, donald mallard (ducky), james palmer, abby scuito, secnav, male villian!oc - Cole Cooke
warnings: THIS FIC IS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, language, death, SA, torture, abuse (not by hangman), car accident (mentioned), vomiting, guns, canon violence, i’m sorry if i missed any, please let me know and I will add it to the list
word count: ~10.6k (i-i don’t know what to tell you)
a/n: the NCIS team will consist of Gibbs, McGee, DiNozzo, and Ziva (mainly because that’s the season i’m currently on) and the Dagger Squad is temporarily stationed at Oceana
like mentioned in the warning, this fic contains sensitive themes, reader discrection is advised
The Gibbs Team looked at the plasma, looking over the military file displayed on it.
Tony crossed his arms over his chest and got closer to the screen, “She’s pretty, real pretty.” “She’s missing DiNozzo,” Gibbs said, walking into the bullpen with his coffee. “How did you-” Gibbs just stared at him. “Nevermind.”
McGee rolled his eyes before turning to the screen. “Lieutenant Y/N ‘Medusa’ Abbott was reported UA this morning by her captain, Captain Pete Mitchell.” Ziva spoke up, “She’s a Naval Aviator, graduated top of her class and has flown several high profile missions.” “She also was a TOP GUN graduate, graduating in the number one spot there as well,” Tony added.
“She got a backseater?” Gibbs asked. “Uh, no, not anymore,” Tim said, looking down at the ground. “Not anymore?” The image changed to one of a photo of Y/N and her backseater. “Lieutenant Jordan Winters was in a car accident in 2018. He was in a coma for a month, when he woke up the damage to his legs had been so severe that he was discharged,” Tony elaborated.
Gibbs nodded, “What about her wingman?” Ziva pressed the clicker, “Lieutenant Jacob Seresin, call sign ‘Hangman’; also graduated top of his class and graduated from TOP GUN in the number one slot.” Tony winced, “Wonder what he did to earn a call sign like that.” Ziva chuckled, “I can think of a few things.”
A smack sounded out in the bullpen.
Ziva and Tony rubbed the back of their heads. “Right, sorry boss.”
“We need to talk to her squadron, Captain Mitchell, and Admiral Bates,” he walked around his desk and grabbed his coffee. “DiNozzo, you’re with me.” “Gibbs, why are we looking into this? She’s only been UA a few hours, that’s not really enough to classify her as missing,” Ziva questioned. “My gut.”
As Gibbs and Tony got into the elevator, “McGee, I want a BOLO out for her vehicle.” “Yes, Boss.”
After flashing their badges to the gate they went into the training facility.
“How can I help you guys?” The secretary asked as he looked up from his computer. “Do you know where we can find Admiral Bates?” “He should be in his office, he’s expecting you.” Gibbs nodded and went down the hall.
He knocked and received a ‘come in’.
Gibbs walked in flashing his badge, “Admiral Bates? Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, NCIS. This is Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo.” Warlock stood, “Glad you could make it here so soon. I know Captain Mitchell called it in, but he was ordered to start training as usual.” “Is he on the ground?” Warlock nodded, “Yes, as are the rest of the pilots. If you’ll follow me I can show you the way.”
As he led the way, they asked him questions. Like what Y/N was like, what her relationship was with her squad and her commanding officers. And Warlock had nothing but positive responses.
They entered the hangar seeing the pilots sitting casually, standing at attention when the Admiral entered the room.
“You may be seated.” Warlock gestured to the agents, “They are Special Agents Gibbs and DiNozzo. They’re from NCIS.”
Payback sat up with a furrowed brow, “NCIS? What happened?” Warlock sighed, “As you all know, Lieutenant Abbott did not report this morning. They’re here to ask you all some questions.”
Gibbs turned to Maverick, “Captain, I’d like to speak with you first.” “Of course, my office is this way.”
In Maverick’s office, Gibbs asked him questions about Y/N.
“You called this in very early, why?” Maverick sighed, “Med- Lieutenant Abbott, has never been UA and has barely ever called in sick. I’ve had to send her home a few times actually.” Tony nodded before asking his own question, “So, there is no possibility that she’s late?” “No, sir.”
Maverick sighed, “I just, I have this feeling that something’s very wrong. It’s in my gut, and my gut is usually right.” Tony and Gibbs shared a look, nodding.
“Is there anyone that might want to hurt her for any reason?” Tony asked. Pete shook his head, “Not that I know of. She’s loved by everyone on this squad and her past squads had nothing but nice things to say about her.” Gibbs sat up, “We need to personally talk with each of those pilots out there.” Mav nodded, “Of course, whatever you need.”
They spoke with Hangman first.
“What can you tell us about Lieutenant Abbott?” Gibbs asked. “She’s one of the best damn fighter pilots around. It’s an honor flying with her,” Jake answered honestly.
“You’ve flown with her for a while, nearly your whole career,” Tony pointed out. “Yes, sir. We were in another squadron together before being reassigned to this one.” Both nodded.
Gibbs glanced down at Y/N’s file. “She’s got a badass call sign. ‘Medusa’. Let me guess, you gave that to her?” Jake nodded, smiling at the memory, “I did.” “Why Medusa?” Jake chuckled, “Well, first she flies stone cold. If she ever gets hit on in a bar, the look she has could kill. She also loves mythology, it’s one of her hyperfixations.” He smiled as he remembered the last reason, “She’s got a sick Medusa tattoo on her thigh.”
Tony raised his brows, huffing in amusement.
Jake tensed at that, and Gibbs noticed, but didn’t mention it.
“You mentioned that she got hit on, do you think any of those guys would maybe try to hurt her because she rejected them?” DiNozzo asked. Hangman frowned a little, thinking, “No, most of them are usually drunk and just move on to the next girl.” “Were there any that didn’t move on?” He nodded, “A few, but they tend to move on when the rest of us size him up from across the room.”
“Has anything like that happened since you’ve been stationed here?” Gibbs asked. “No, mainly because she’s not too familiar with the area or the bars so she usually doesn’t go up to the bar alone.” “What about her stone cold stare?” Tony asked, a hint of mirth in his tone. “It still works, but some guys tend to take that as playing hard to get. So, one of us guys usually goes to the bar with her. If she needs to go to the bathroom, she goes with Phoenix or Halo.” They nodded, writing their notes down.
“What about her relationship with her backseater?” Jake chuckled, “Her and X-Ray are like brother and sister. She still visits him when she gets the chance.” Tony arched a quizzical eyebrow, “They’re still close?” He nodded, “The bond between pilot and wizzo is something else. When you’re in a plane together, your life rests entirely on the other person’s shoulders. They were a great team, I owe both of them my life.”
Gibbs nodded, “Seems like Lieutenant Abbott owes you her life as well. You’ve got two air-to-air kills, one of which was to save her life about 2 years ago.” Hangman nodded, “Yes sir. She was out of defense with no ammo, she had a bandit on her three o’clock.” “So, that’s when you swooped in and saved the day?” Tony asked, chuckling before cutting it off with a cough from a stare from Gibbs.
“Thank you Lieutenant Seresin, if we have more questions I need you to be available,” Gibbs said as they both stood. “Of course, sir,” Jake shook his hand, along with Tony’s before leaving.
The rest of the interviews went very similarly.
Everyone said basically the same thing. Medusa was never late, loved by every one of them, and had no known enemies. When at the bar no pursuers ever tried to follow her out.
While they didn’t get a lead to where she could be, they got an idea on who she is.
As they drove back to NCIS, Gibbs’ phone rang.
“What ya got, McGee?” “Lieutenant Abbott’s vehicle was spotted in a ditch headed towards the air station. Sending the coordinates now,” McGee reports. “Ziva and I have already started that way.”
Tony nodded at Gibbs after checking his phone. Gibbs nodded back, “Okay, we’ll meet you and Ziva there.” He hung up and started driving to where Y/N’s car was spotted.
They met up at the scene and began to process it.
“So, what are we looking at Boss?” DiNozzo asked as he photographed tire marks. “I’ll tell you when I know, DiNozzo.” “Right.”
Gibbs turned to Ducky, “Do you have a time of death, Ducky?” “Based on bruising, I’d say a day, maybe two.” They moved her body from the vehicle to the gurney to check her body temperature. “Her body temperature suggests the same.”
“How are we gonna tell the Dagger Squad?” Tony asked, watching Palmer wheel the gurney up to the truck. “How are we gonna tell her family?” “Her squadron is the only family she’s got, McGee,” Gibbs huffed and made his way back to the car.
Jethro walked into autopsy, “You got a cause of death for me, Ducky?” Dr. Mallard went over to the x-rays, “Well, based on the bruising, and the position we found her in - Lieutenant Abbott died of asphyxiation. When she crashed into the tree, she was pinned by the steering wheel. Poor girl, her ribs were crushed and it could have taken hours for her to lose consciousness.” Gibbs turned to the autopsy table, walking over to the body on it.
He tilted his head as he looked at her face, squinting a little. “Did we get a positive ID on her?” “We found her ID, sir,” Palmer piped up. Gibbs just gave him a look before turning to Ducky, “Did we confirm that?” Ducky waved his finger, “I thought you were going to ask that, which is why I was going to suggest getting one of her colleagues to come up here to confirm.” “Why didn’t we just fingerprint her?”
Palmer came over, “We would have-” He turned her palm over, “Except she doesn’t have any.” Gibbs nodded, “Lieutenant Seresin mentioned she had a tattoo on her thigh. One of Medusa, said that’s how she got her call sign.”
Ducky nodded, “Ah! Yes, Medusa.” He moved the cloth of her leg, showing the tattoo there. “Beautiful work of art, truly.”
Gibbs’ phone rang, “Yeah Abbs?” “I think I’ve got something fishy with the Lieutenant’s car.” He nodded, “On my way.”
Ducky looked down at her body, “Call it a gut feeling my dear, but something about you just doesn’t line up.”
Gibbs and Tony walked into the garage, “What you got Abby?”
The scientist popped up from behind the door. “Something that doesn’t line up.” He rose a brow, “And that is?” She enthusiastically waved him over.
“Look at the interior.” He did. “It’s covered in glass, Abbs.” “Exactly!” Tony laughed, “Abby, that’s normal for a crash.” Abby held up a finger, “But the lack of blood is not!”
Gibbs furrowed his brow and looked at the interior more closely.
There truly was not enough blood in that car for it to have been a proper crash. There was little blood on the air bag, the seat, the windows- anywhere blood would be, there was small amounts.
Gibbs looked at the crime scene photos, seeing the little amount of blood on her body.
“The lack of blood suggests-” “She was dead before the car hit the tree,” Gibbs said as he turned to walk to the elevator.
Abby quickly followed him, “Gibbs wait!” “What?” She smiled at his expectant expression. “I was checking the brake pedal and I found this,” she held up an evidence jar. He sighed and grabbed the jar, shaking it a little, “What is this?” She took it back, “I’m thinking it’s cinder block. I’m gonna run tests to be sure, and on the trace amounts of blood as well.”
Gibbs smiled, “Good work, Abby.”
Gibbs walked into the squad room the next day, he really hadn’t left the building, going over every detail he could find on Lieutenant Abbott. Also staying for the autopsy of her body, learning that she had in fact died somewhere else two days prior to the day she was found. And results from the residue found in the floorboard were confirmed to be cinder block
He was still waiting on the results of the blood analysis.
As if on cue, his phone rang. “Gibbs.” “The blood results came back and you won’t believe-” That’s all he needed before he hung up and went to the elevator.
Walking in with a Caf-POW, Gibbs went over to Abby at her lab computer.
“Tell me something, Abbs,” he said, sitting the drink down. “I can do better than that.”
She pulled up the blood test, both from the body and what she pulled off the airbag. “These blood samples don’t match.” Gibbs furrowed his brow, “So there was someone else in the car?” Abby shook her head, “Nope. This blood-” She held up a vile taken from the body. “Does not match this blood.” She held up the swab Ducky took from where Medusa’s nose bled. “When I ran a test on this swab, I couldn’t find a match. So, I requested this.”
Abby took a breath, allowing Gibbs to ask questions. “So whose blood is this?” “I’m glad you asked.” She pulled up another test, showing a positive match. “What is this?” “When I learned the blood pulled off the Lieutenant’s skin didn’t match what was taken out of her body, I ran what I found on the airbag against both. What was found on the airbag matches what was taken off her skin.”
Gibbs nodded, “Do we have any idea on whose blood that is?” “Not who,” Abby smirked, turning to her evidence table. “Animal?” “Nope.” Gibbs exhaled impatiently, “Then what is it, Abby?”
“Based on the theory we had about her being dead before the crash, I tested the blood for red dye. And I found that both samples, the ones taken from both the air bag and her skin, contained Red Dye 40.” “That’s food coloring.” Abby nodded, “Yup! The blood in the vehicle is fake. Our Lieutenant was murdered before the crash.” Gibbs kissed her cheek, “Good work, Abbs.”
“McGee, go get Lieutenant Seresin. Bring him in for questioning, but don’t tell him why,” Gibbs said as he walked around his desk.
Tim stood up, “Uh, but do I get to know why we’re bringing him in?” Gibbs looked up at him, “Because Lieutenant Abbott was murdered.”
Hangman sat in interrogation, toothpick in his mouth as he tapped on the table.
Gibbs walked in and Jake looked up, taking the pick out of his mouth. “Lieutenant Seresin,” Gibbs nodded to him. “Agent Gibbs,” Jake nodded back.
It was silent for a moment, Hangman waiting for the agent to speak.
“When did you last see Medusa, Hangman?” Gibbs looked up from the file on the table. “Sunday night, around 2200, sir.” “That’s late, you both weren’t in your dorms?” Jake shook his head, “No sir. The squad went out to the bar that night, sir. Y/N and I went to our rental on base at 2130.” “You lived together?” Hangman nodded, “Yes, sir. We’re dating, sir.”
Gibbs leaned on the table, “Dating?”
“Yes sir.” “Was this not an issue with you being in the same squadron?” “We were dating before joining the Navy, sir. Grew up together.” “And you aren’t married yet?” Jake exhaled through his nose, his jaw clenching a little.
Gibbs smirked a little as he watched Hangman’s eyes fall to the table. “What happened Sunday night? Did you and Y/N get into a fight that night?” Jake swallowed, looking Gibbs in the eye, “Yes sir.” “About what?”
“A girl at the bar had flirted with me-” “Did you flirt back?” Jake looked at Gibbs incredulously, “Of course not.” “Then why did you fight with Medusa?” Jake rubbed his face, “When I turned the girl down, she laid it on thicker. Y/N claimed her territory.” Gibbs nodded and began writing, “I assume you left after that?” He nodded, “Yes sir.”
“What happened when you got home, Lieutenant?” Jake sniffed and rubbed his nose, “Medusa was giving me the cold shoulder, which I’m not entirely surprised about. I tried to get her to talk and when she did, it escalated. And she asked me a question, one that I hesitated to answer.” “Was the question,” Gibbs played with his pen. “When you were gonna marry her?”
Hangman nodded, “Yes sir. She said she was tired of having to show ‘barrack bunnies’ that I’m taken. That if we were married, it’d stop them. I told her a ring doesn’t stop them, if anything they try harder… Then she asked if I ever planned on marrying her, and I hesitated.” “That’s when she left?” “Stormed out the door and left. I needed to talk about it, so I called my buddy Rooster and he came by. He stayed over because I wasn’t sure if Medusa was going to stay with Phoenix or not. She didn’t come home or show up on base.”
Gibbs cleared his throat, “She didn’t come home because she was in a car accident, ran off the road and smashed into a tree.”
He could see Jake’s heart plummet as the words left his mouth. “Is-is she okay?” Gibbs shook his head, hesitating to pull out the photos but laid them out anyway, “I’m sorry, Lieutenant. She was found dead in the driver’s seat.” Jake looked down at the photos and covered his mouth, “Is she here?” Gibbs nodded, “She’s in autopsy.” “Can I see her? Please?”
Tony and Ziva watched the interrogation through the glass.
“Do you think he’s telling the truth?” He asked, looking down at Ziva. “About seeing her Sunday night?” She looked up at DiNozzo, laughing a little, “Or that they were a couple?” He scoffed, “I know that’s a lie. Dating for nearly 15 years and they aren’t married, there’s no way.”
Ziva looked back and saw how torn up Jake looked. She sobered up, “I think he’s telling the truth. Gibbs does too.”
Gibbs took Jake to autopsy, “Ducky, I’ve got a second opinion to confirm Lieutenant Abbott’s ID.”
“Oh, who might this charming young man be?” Ducky asked, walking up to Jake. Hangman held his hand out, “Lieutenant Jake Seresin, you can call me Hangman.” Ducky smiled and shook his hand, “Doctor Mallard, everyone calls me Ducky.” Jake couldn’t help but chuckle, “I think you’d like my friend.” “Is he also a medical examiner?” Hangman shook his head, chuckling, “No, he’s also a bird.”
Gibbs smirked from behind his coffee, before following Ducky and Hangman.
“I must warn you, Lieutenant, the crash made matching her to her ID through facial recognition difficult.” Ducky pinched the cloth in his fingers, waiting for Jake’s confirmation that this is what he wanted. “Please, Doctor Mallard.”
Ducky moved the sheet, exposing her face. Jake inhaled sharply, hesitantly reaching out, pausing. “You may touch her, Jacob.” Jake ran his index finger along the side of her face. “Oh, Sugar… I’m so sorry..”
Both Ducky and Gibbs watch tears fill Jake’s eyes before he furrows his brows. “What’s wrong Jake?” Gibbs asked, tilting his chin up. “It’s just- Y/N has a scar. Right here,” Hangman used his pinky to trace a line from just below her cheek bone to a spot on her neck. “She got it last year. She tried to break up a bar fight and got grazed by a broken bottle.” “Are you sure it hasn’t faded?” Jake shook his head, pulling out his phone, finding a photo from Sunday night before the fight.
He gave it to Ducky, who zoomed in on the photo, seeing the scar in the exact place it was supposed to be.
“Can you show me her tattoos?” Gibbs arched a brow, “Tattoos?” He looked at Ducky, “Why didn’t you say she had more than one?” “Because we only had one to go off of.” Gibbs nodded, “Yeah, the important one!”
Jake arched a brow, looking between the two before Ducky smirked and turned back to him and lifted the sheet. Jake’s eyes scanned her body, matching every tattoo to the ones he had committed to memory. He shuddered, covering his mouth, “It’s her.”
Gibbs inhaled through his nose, shoulders rising a little before he exhaled. “Lieutenant, can anyone confirm that Lieutenant Abbott was at the bar on Sunday?” Jake’s eyes shot up to the marine, “I don’t understand, you said this was a car accident.” “Answer the question, Hangman.” Jake stood straight at the tone Gibbs had, “The Dagger Squad, or the bartender at the Siren’s Cave, sir.”
Ziva and Tony headed to the air station to talk to the squad and McGee went to the bar to get surveillance.
“Lieutenant Machado, can you confirm that Lieutenants Seresin and Abbott were at the Siren’s Cave Sunday night?” Ziva asked, sitting across from Coyote. “Yeah, Medusa beat me twice at 9-ball.”
“Lieutenant Bradshaw, Lieutenant Seresin said that he called you to come over after the fight he had with Lieutenant Abbott. Did you pass her on your way to their home?” Tony asked Rooster. “Yeah, she passed the bar as I was leaving.”
Tony called Gibbs to relay the information.
Gibbs opened the interrogation room door.
“Everyone confirmed seeing you both at the bar on Sunday night. Lieutenant Bradshaw confirmed that he saw her on his way to your house. You can go.” Jake stood up, “Can I get her tags, sir?” Gibbs nodded and jerked his head for Hangman to follow him.
They went down to Abby’s lab.
“Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs!” Abby came over, startling Jake a little. She paused, noticing him, “Hi, I’m Abby, forensic scientist.” He smiled, “Lieutenant Jake Seresin, friends call me Hangman.” “Oooh, a pilot- wait, you’re…” She trailed off as she realized who Jake was.
She hugged him, “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Jake glanced at Gibbs, who was smiling at him and shrugging, before hugging her back. “Thank you, Abby.”
When she pulled away she looked at Gibbs, waiting for him to speak. “If you’ve processed them, I need Lieutenant Abbott’s dog tags out of evidence and given to Lieutenant Seresin,” Gibbs told her. Abby frowned, “I’m sorry, I can’t do that.” Jake swallowed and nodded, “I understand if you need to keep them for any reason. I just-” “No!” Abby cut him off. “No, it’s not that I still need them. I don’t have them.” Jake tilted his head, “That can't be right, we never take them off.”
“Abby, I’ll be back. Lieutenant, I need to talk to you.” Gibbs ushered Jake out of Abby’s lab and to the elevator.
“Agent Gibbs, there’s something you’re not telling me. Was my wingman murdered?” Jake hissed as soon as the doors closed. Gibbs pressed the button for the squad room, sighing as he looked at Jake and stopped the elevator, “The body in autopsy is three days old. Y/N left your house on Sunday night.” Jake’s jaw slacked, “There’s a chance she’s alive?” Gibbs clenched his jaw, “Yeah. So I want to know who went through all the trouble to find a damn near perfect body double and replicate her tattoos to make it look like she died, and I wanna know why.”
Your head stayed down when the door opened.
“Oh come on, Y/N.” The cold metal of the blade under your chin made you raise your head. “There she is.”
“Is there anyone in Y/N’s past that would want to hurt her?” Jake shook his head, chewing a toothpick as he paced through the squad room, “I don’t know.” “Come on, Hangman, think.” Jake clenched his jaw so hard he broke his toothpick, “I’m sorry if I can’t think of a single person that would have it out for the sweetest woman on the damn planet, Agent DiNozzo!”
Gibbs' phone rang, “Gibbs.” “I’ve got something!” He hung up and stood, “Abby’s lab now.”
Everyone, including Jake, went to Abby’s lab.
“Show me what you got Abbs.” She grinned at him and turned to her computer. “Just to be thorough, I found the Facebook pages of the tattoo shops Medusa got her tattoos at. I found the posts where she tagged them, and matched them with the photos taken in autopsy of her tattoos. And-” The team watched on the plasma as the photos layered over one another. “They don’t line up,” McGee finished for Abby.
“I also called the tattoo shops and learned they all use different ink. And all of the tattoos on our Jane Doe use the same ink.” “So this just further proves the fact that that body isn’t Lieutenant Abbott.” “Yes, but the fact it’s all the same ink means it’s easier to trace, Boss,” McGee spoke up.
Gibbs nodded and moved to leave, “Well, trace it McGee!” “I already did, Boss.” Gibbs stopped and turned, finding a smiling Probie.
He tossed his arms to the side, “Are you wanting a microphone?” Tim shook his head, “Sorry, Boss. First, Abby found the brand of ink, and then I was able to find where it’s sold. Turns out you can find it on Amazon, along with a tattoo machine. Ducky also noticed that, upon closer inspection, that the tattoos were in the healing stage. So I narrowed the search to purchases made two weeks ago and delivered to addresses in Virginia.”
McGee turned back to his computer, and everyone went to the plasma.
“Both were delivered to a: Hannah Nicholson.” Gibbs turned to Jake, “Lieutenant, does that name sound familiar to you?” Hangman shook his head, “No, never heard of her.”
Abby came up, “No, but you’ve seen her.” She clicked her remote and someone that looked similar to you was pulled up. “Hannah Nicholson is our Jane Doe.”
You gritted your teeth as a slap was delivered to your face.
“When I’m done with you, your career will be over. You’ll never be in the sky again.” You laughed, like actually laughed, “You can’t be serious. Ruin my career? I’m a part of the best of the best, you could never keep me-” You grunted as he punched you in the gut.
The man squatted to be eye level with you, “Don’t get smart now, Y/N.” “Well, you could definitely benefit from getting smart. Don’t you think? You fake my death with a car accident and then send a video to NCIS of you with me, very much alive?” You arched a brow at him, “Not very smart-” He cut you off with a punch to the face, sending your chair, and you, to the floor.
The next day while Jake was on base, he got an email sent to his phone. When he checked it and saw it was a video with you tied to a chair as a thumbnail.
“Maverick,” Jake didn’t hesitate to burst into his Captain’s office, not caring who may be in there. “Lieutenant-” “I need you to take me to NCIS.” (Jake was shaking too much to drive himself) Maverick stood, glancing at Warlock for a moment, “Why, Hangman?” Jake just turned his phone around and showed him the email.
Both Mav and Warlock looked at the phone. “Go, Captain, I’ll take over training for today.”
When they arrived, Jake had no hesitation to go right up to the squadroom.
“Lieutenant Seresin? What are you doing here?” McGee asked, being the first to see him. “Where’s Agent Gibbs?” Tony spun in his chair to get up, “Coffee run.”
He walked up to Hangman, “As senior field agent, I’d be more than happy to help.” Jake chuckled, tapping his palm with his phone, not really in the mood for putting up with Tony’s arrogance. “I’d prefer to speak to Agent Gibbs.” “Well, like I said, he’s not here. And I’m much better at-”
“At what, DiNozzo?” Gibbs said, standing next to the agent and the pilot as he sipped his coffee.
Tony stuttered to respond, making Jake smirk a little. “Have you ID’d the man Hannah met online?” “Not yet, boss.” “Then why are you standing here?” “Well, I was- uh- I was just- I’ll get right on that boss.”
Hangman and Maverick shared a look, before Gibbs spoke to them. “Lieutenant Seresin, I take it you have something for me?”
“Well, you could definitely benefit from getting smart. Don’t you think? You fake my death with a car accident-”
“God, Medusa, stop talking…” Jake mumbled to himself. The group winced when you got punched in the face and your chair fell over.
Gibbs grunted a little, “Get this video to Abby. I want her to analyze every frame of that video. And who sent it to Lieutenant Seresin.” “On it, Boss,” McGee said, emailing it and then following his email.
Jake rubbed his face and sat down. He threw his head back and bit his lip. Maverick knelt down in front of him, “Hangman?”
Jake sniffed and looked down at his captain. “What is she thinkin’, Mav? Antagonizing him like that? That’s not how we were trained to handle situations like this.” “She’s not thinking, she’s just doing.” Jake scoffed, “As comforting as I assume that was supposed to be, it’s not even remotely easing my nerves.”
Ziva perked up, “Wait, what if she wasn’t taken because of the mission?” Tony nodded, “That would explain why she’s being so sassy. It’s not intel, it’s revenge”
“Agent Gibbs!”
The crowd turned to the voice, seeing Director Vance upstairs. “SecNav would like to speak to you. MTAC now.”
As Gibbs made the stairs Vance noticed the two khaki uniforms in the squadroom, but simply nodded at them as they walked into MTAC.
“Agent Gibbs.” “Mister Secretary.” “One of the best naval aviators that just flew a high profile mission is missing. I was told you were on the case.” Gibbs nodded, “Yeah.” “Do you have any leads?” “No.” “Agent Gibbs, you do understand that if anything about that-” “He doesn’t care about the mission. He only cares about Lieutenant Abbott. It’s personal for him.” “So you know who he is?” Gibbs shook his head, “No, but based on the video sent to Lieutenant Seresin, he hasn’t asked any questions related to any mission.” SecNav nodded, “Okay. But Gibbs?” The marine raised a brow. “Get her back, the Navy needs her.”
“You know, you ruined my life that day,” the masked man said as he played with his knife.
Your head lolled to the side, your exhaustion from the beatings taking a toll on you now. “What are you talking about?” “Do you not remember me?” He stood and you gritted your teeth as you forced your head up to look him in the eye. “Obviously not. Should I?” You winced as he pressed into a cut on your shoulder.
“Yeah, you should.” He pulled off his mask to reveal a face you haven’t seen since he got kicked out of the Academy.
“Cole Cooke,” McGee said, pulling up Cooke’s old Naval Academy file. “Abby was able to find him because the email he used to send the video to Hangman, he used on an online dating site where he met Hannah.” Jake stood up, “Wait, Cooke?” The team parted to let him get a closer look. 
The pilot's face morphed into anger.
Anger that the marine recognized.
“What’d he do, Lieutenant?” Jake had fire in his eyes when he looked at Gibbs. “He sexually assaulted her and three other girls. Y/N’s the one that reported him.” Tim nodded, “And that’s what got him kicked out of the Naval Academy and blacklisted from the military.” “He wasn’t arrested?” Jake clenched his jaw, “He was, but he got out on good behavior.” 
Jake’s phone went off with a notification, an email to be more accurate. 
He dropped it onto McGee’s desk. “I don’t understand, why would he send these to me?” “You’re her boyfriend, Lieutenant, this can just be another form of revenge. He wants to get back at her for reporting him and, in turn, ruining his chances at a military career,” Ziva said, crossing her arms as McGee transferred the videos.
“He ruined his career all on his own, Agent David. Y/N just got a scumbag out of the service,” Jake huffed rubbing his forehead. “Nobody liked him, he was cocky. Always thought he was better than he is.” Tony chuckled, “Isn’t that the main trait of a naval aviator?” 
“They have something to back it up with, DiNozzo,” Gibbs said. “The only thing Cooke has to back him up is a record of being a dirtbag.” 
He looked at McGee, “Play it.”
You looked worse than before and Jake felt sick to his stomach. “Oh my god.” 
They watched him squat in front of you, twirling the knife he just cut you with in his hand. Jake’s jaw was clenched as he watched your head fall to the side as slow breaths made your chest move.
“You know, you ruined my life that day,” Cooke said. Your face scrunched in pain as you took a deep breath, “What are you talking about?” Cole stood and tipped your head back with a harsh grip on your chin, “Do you not remember me?” You scoffed, “Obviously not. Should I?” He moved the hand holding your chin to press into the cut he had just placed here, making you wince. “Yeah, you should,” he ripped his mask off.
The look on your face Jake had only seen one other time and it was when you came to his dorm crying.
The banging pulled Jake from his book.
“Hold your horses!” He pulled the door open, coming face to face with you crying and looking absolutely terrified. “Sugar what’s wrong?” 
Your hands were shaking as you showed him your knuckles, bruised and cut up.
“I-I didn’t want– I told him I had a boyfriend- Ja-ake,” you broke down outside his door. “Hey, hey, I got you. You’re safe now.” You swallowed, “Jake, I need to go to the superintendent-the dean-someone.” 
He pulled you into his room to get you out of the prying eyes of other midshipmen. “Why? I need you to-” He finally took in your appearance, you were wearing a disheveled USNA t-shirt and athletic shorts. Bruises were forming on your wrist and your eye and lip. “What the fuck happened to you?” 
“You remember last semester when those two girls dropped out for no reason?” He nodded, “Yeah, the two freshman girls right?” You nodded, swallowing another wave of tears away. “I found out why…” Jake searched your eyes, “Why, Y/N?”
“Cole Cooke…”
Jake was brought back to the present by your voice.
Cole laughed, pushing your shoulder, “That’s right, Y/N. Cole Cooke, the man’s who military career you ruined.” It was your turn to laugh, “Me? Ruin your career? You assaulted me! And those two first years! They quit because they were scared of you! Scared because you threatened to kill them if they told anyone!”
He punched you, sending you falling back. He grabbed you by the rope under your breast. “And you’re not scared that I’ll do the same to you now?”
You held your head up to look at him, blood pouring from your nose. “I would lie and say ‘no’. But guess what?” “What?” He spat through gritted teeth. You smiled with blood stained teeth, “I put you in jail once. It’s almost poetic that I’d do it again. Except this time, there won’t be a chance you’ll make it out.”
Cole growled and they all noticed his posture change, “Let’s play a game, Lieutenant.” You shifted forward to get in his face, gaze stone cold, “What do you suggest, Cooke?” The team could feel the venom dripping off your tone. “Hangman.”
The video stopped on the frame of your face falling once again to show fear, and the team turned to face the pilot who looked equally worried and pissed.
You were hanging from the ceiling, your chin resting against your chest.
The door to the room you were in opened. You whimpered just a little when he brushed his fingers against your bruised ribs, “You didn’t hurt him, did you? Please… You can do whatever you want to me, but please leave Jake out of this…”
Cole hummed in your ear, “Anything I want, hmmm?” You glanced at the camera, before looking at the ground shamefully. A shaky and timid ‘yes’ fell from your lips. He let out an amused huff before his hands ran over your shirtless torso.
Jake felt bile rise up his throat when you looked down in shame.
“What’s he gonna do to her?” McGee asked. Gibbs frowned, “What he tried to do 12 years ago.”
The anger and disgust rolled off the agents as Cooke’s hands ran down your body. When he got to your breast you jerked away out of reflex, earning a pull to your hair which made you cry out.
You were getting weaker by the hour and the team could tell. Jake could tell, and he hated it.
“You know, you only had the one tattoo at the academy,” he said, groping at the inked flesh of your thigh. Jake watched your lip quiver and you inhaled as best you could with your position. “I also found your back, extremely enticing,” Cooke ran his hand down your back. You gritted your teeth and looked behind you at him, “Is that because you’re too much of a coward to attack women from the front?”
That must have really pissed him off because he came around and started to punch you.
Jake stood up hastily and made a beeline to the elevator, “I can’t watch this anymore.”
Tony jogged after him, “Lieutenant Seresin! Hangman-” The doors closed when he got to them.
Jake just needed to get away and he was going to Abby’s lab.
When he stopped on her floor, he moved quickly to her lab but nearly ran into Ducky in the process. “I’m sorry, Doctor.” “In a hurry, Jacob?” Hangman chuckled nervously, “Yeah.” “Needed a breather, my boy?” “Sir?” “I saw the videos as Abby was analyzing them.”
Jake felt bile rise again and this time he couldn’t stop it. Ducky noticed and quickly helped him get to a trash can.
“Let’s get you someplace cooler,” Ducky ushered Jake back to the elevator.
Jake sat on one of the metal tables in Autopsy.
His khaki uniform shirt was neatly folded next to him as he sipped his water. “Thank you, Ducky.” The doctor nodded, “Of course. It can’t be easy, seeing the one you love like that.” Jake coughed a little, trying to force the emotion out of his throat, “It’s not.”
Ducky watched his eyes fall to his shoes, he could tell he felt guilty. “It’s not your fault, Lieutenant.” “I hesitated, Ducky. And since I hesi-” His voice cracked, tears finally slipping past his lids. “Since I hesitated she's having to relive the worst day of her life.”
Jake set the bottle down and used his white undershirt to wipe his eyes, “How long have you been together?” “Over 15 years…” Ducky nodded in understanding, “High school sweethearts.” Jake huffed out a laugh, “Childhood friends to high school sweethearts to USNA sweethearts.”
“Forgive me if I’m overstepping, but why aren’t you married?” Jake shrugged, “I don’t know. I guess it’s because we were already acting like a married couple, just without the license and the rings. I never thought about it.” Jake laughed and shook his head.
It was silent for a moment.
“She asked me if I was ever gonna marry her, and I hesitated. It was a question she asks me all the time, but this was the only time it was during a fight. It was the only time that my answer really mattered. And I hesitated… She left and was in a vulnerable enough state to let herself get taken.”
Ducky leaned on the table next to Jake, “Cooke was going to get to her one way or another.” “But I led her right to him.”
Jake looked at the doctor next to him, allowing Ducky to see how broken and tired he was. “I’m scared, Doctor Mallard.” “That’s perfectly normal, Jacob.” “I'm a damn fighter pilot, I’m supposed to be level headed, and right now… my head doesn’t even feel like it’s on my damn shoulders.”
“It’s normal to feel like that, Jake,” Gibbs said, leaning on the doorframe.
He walked over to the pilot, “She’s strong. She’s gonna fight to get back to you.” Jake rose a brow, sniffling as wiped his eyes, “Did you see her, Agent Gibbs? He was using her like a punching bag…” “She will make it out of this.” “How do you know?” “My gut.”
That was oddly comforting to Jake.
“Do you know the mythology behind Medusa?” Ducky inquired after a beat of silence. Jake chuckled again, remembering the nights throughout your lives that you would stay up and talk about mythology of all sorts for fun. Sometimes when he was having trouble sleeping, you’d tell him the story of some hero in mythology and he’d fall right asleep.
He sighed, “We’ve stayed up hours talking about mythology. But if I’m honest, I never really heard the words she said…” Both men knew what Jake was getting at; he was listening to your voice and watching your expressions as you told the stories.
Ducky just smiled, “Medusa was a priestess for Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war strategy, and had sworn celibacy. However, Medusa had gained the attention of Poseidon, and they-” “Had sex in Athena’s temple,” Jake said as he sipped his water. “That much I remember.” Both Gibbs and Ducky laughed a little at that.
“When Athena found out, she punished Medusa for breaking her celibacy by turning her into a ‘beast’ with the ability to turn men to stone.” Jake nodded, “Yeah, Y/N has the tendency to do that, whether it be with fear or with her beauty.” Jake couldn’t help but smile at the memory of him seeing you on prom night for the first time, he froze on your parents doorstep.
Ducky and Gibbs smiled as they saw the look in Jake’s eyes as he thought about you.
“She was killed by the hero Perseus, beheaded. Then her head was then used to protect those who had it in their possession. The image of her head was used on shields, breast plates, and more recently, tattoos.” Jake remembered you mentioning that as he held your hand as you got it, “She mentioned that when she got it. She was getting it because she thought it looked cool, makes her feel powerful; but she likes the extra meaning.”
Ducky rested a hand on Jake’s shoulder, “I know it may not look like it, but she is protecting herself.” Jake took in a deep breath and nodded.
They walked back into the squad room, the group sitting at their desks and making conversation.
“Go home,” Gibbs told them.
It was late. They’d been out all day talking to Cooke’s neighbors, his parents, his boss and coworkers. And the last video was sent just after sundown.
They were tired.
“But we haven’t found-” “I know that, Ziva.” McGee spoke up, “Abby’s trying to analyze the room she is in so we know what to look for. I tried to triangulate where he sent the emails from, but he was using public wifi at an internet cafe.” “We have no direction to go, Boss,” Tony said, not being able to look at Jake.
Gibbs turned to DiNozzo, “Which is why I’m telling you to go home. Get some rest.” Ziva inhaled through her nose and interlocked her hands, “Gibbs, we don’t know what Cooke is going to do next. We have zero time to waste.” “If Cooke wanted her dead, he would have killed her already,” Jake said, jaw clenched with his eyes trained on the floor. “Believe me, I’m worried. Hell, I’m terrified out of my mind right now.-”
“But we can’t make progress without leads. Cooke lives in a studio apartment, his parents disowned him, and he’s not shown up to work in days, we don’t have anything,” Gibbs said, frustration in his tone. “Go home, get some sleep.” His team begrudgingly got their things, all avoiding Jake’s eyes.
“You should get some sleep too, Lieutenant.” Jake chuckled dryly as he shook his head, “I don’t think I can, sir.” He ran his thumbs along the khaki of his uniform.
Plus Maverick had left, needing to be back on base. The only way Jake was getting back to base was by cab. Maverick also gave him as much time off as he needed.
“But- uh, I better head back to base though.” “In what, Lieutenant?” Jake shrugged, “A cab, I guess.” Gibbs shook his head, “Stay with me, Jake. It’s late. And I doubt you want to be in that house right now.” Hangman looked down at the floor, huffing out his nose and tonguing his lip.
“I know how you feel.” Jake looked up, green eyes swimming with curiosity as his brows pinched together. “When I was in Desert Storm, I was informed that my wife and daughter were dead. It was hard to even walk into my house, let alone sleep there.” Jake’s eyes widened slightly and he swallowed as his jaw ticked, “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t imagine what that must have felt like…” Gibbs nodded, “And I hope you never have to.” He patted Jake's shoulder, “Come on.”
Gibbs gave Jake a pair of sweats to change into.
They went to his basement, neither being able to sleep.
“So, you’re a Marine?” Jake asked, sipping his bourbon. “What gave it away?” Gibbs asked, smiling a little bit as he sanded the wood of the boat. “Other than you being in Desert Storm?” Gibbs turned, wiping his hands on a damp towel, nodding. “Everything.”
The marine let out a breathy, amused chuckle. “You know a lot of marines?” “I was raised by one. My father retired when I was 4 as a Sergeant, he was 38.” Gibbs sipped his bourbon, “Why’d he retire?” “Wanted to be there for us. He had a close call, he didn’t want to risk not coming home to us. His 20 years were up, so he retired.”
Gibbs nodded, looking at the boat before looking back at Jake. “You wanna help?” Jake looked up from his glass and between the boat and Gibbs. “Sure, yeah.” He downed what was left and Gibbs gave him a sander.
Since Jake didn’t need to report to base, he just freshened up and Gibbs took him by the base rental to get some clothes.
He had forgotten his keys in his locker and had to call someone to bring them to him at the house. That someone was Rooster.
Jake got out of Gibb’s car and saw Bradley on the porch. He was sitting on the bench, one fist held by the other as he looked at the ground. Maverick had gotten permission to relay what had happened to you to the squad, and everyone had taken it hard.
Rooster looked up when Hangman shut his car door.
They immediately met in a hug. “I’m so sorry, Jake.” “I’m scared, Rooster. I didn’t even-” Bradley pulled back and held Jake by the shoulders, “Hey, they’re gonna find her. Say it to her then.”
Gibbs came up beside them, nodding at Rooster before they went inside.
Jake didn’t want to be there longer than he needed to be so once it was opened, he booked it to the bedroom.
Bradley and Gibbs stood at the island in the kitchen. “They didn’t decorate much.” Rooster shrugged, looking around, “We aren’t here for long. They didn’t see the need to bring a whole lot.” “If you aren’t here for long, then why’d they rent the house?” Rooster chuckled, “They wanted their privacy.” Gibbs chuckled and glanced at his watch.
Hangman was taking longer than he said.
Gibbs went down the hall and found Jake sitting on the side of the bed. He had changed into a pair of his own sweatpants and a green t-shirt. Jethro knew what he was looking at, even with his back to him and from the door.
“Ask her.”
Jake chuckled humorlessly, “After this…” He shook his head, “I doubt she'll say yes.” “Ah, I don’t know about that.” Hangman sniffled, “I messed up…” Gibbs nodded, moving to sit next to him. “Yeah, you did, big time.” Jake shook his head.
“But this is how you fix it.” Gibbs pointed to the ring box. Jake swallowed, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, “I wanted to wait, ask her on my family's ranch where we had danced in my headlights to George Strait. I had this big plan. Just a private thing, but special…” “Plans change. Sometimes you have to adapt.” “Yeah.” “So ask her.”
Jake turned and looked at him, nodding at him. He stood from the bed and slid the box into his pocket. He grabbed the small stack of clothes next him and they left.
“Agent Gibbs?” Gibbs and Jake looked over at where Bradley was at his Bronco. “When you find her, give us a call?” The agent nodded, “Yeah, I’ll give ya a call.”
When Jake and Gibbs got to NCIS, nothing had changed yet.
No new video. Abby was still working on room measurements, and no one had seen Cole.
Until McGee’s computer went off. Everyone’s head turned, and Jake felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. “It’s Cooke.” “Pull the video up McGee.”
You were still hanging from the ceiling, Cole running his hands over your torso.
The camera was a little closer, and it showed the tear tracks on your face.
“You know,” you spoke, voice shaky and raw. “I’m gonna need a drink after this. Yeah, whiskey sounds really nice.” Cole just grunted and pulled you back against him. You whimpered a little bit, definitely feeling gross because of what was happening. “Or an Oscar. Maybe two.”
“The hell’s an oscar?” Tony asked out of reflex, glancing at Jake, but he was just as confused.
Cole grunted into your neck, “Shut up.” “Have you ever been to the delta?” He stayed silent but reached over to yank the rope and pull you up higher. You swallowed, glancing at the camera, “Me either, but I’ve been to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. I went there with Hangman on a weekend getaway after a rough deployment. My uncle has a cabin up there. God, that weekend was so fun. I love Jake, I love him so much…” You kept your eyes on the camera to make sure that Jake knew that you’d love him. The video stopped just as Cooke pulled your hair back, making you yelp.
Jake cleared his throat, nodded, “Yeah, that weekend was fun… Wait, we didn't go to the Sierras; we weren’t even in California, we were in Arkansas.” Gibbs caught Jake’s eyes and that’s when they realized it.
“She’s using phonetics!”
The team's eyes grew wide in realization. “Whiskey, Oscar, Delta, Sierra,” McGee repeated. “W O D S?” Ziva spelled it out. “She said two oscars,” Tony pointed out.
“She’s in the woods,” Gibbs finished for them. Jake thought back to what you said, “She put emphasis on ‘cabin’.” “DiNozzo, check to see if Cooke’s parents owned or still own a cabin.” “On it Boss.”
His phone rang, “Yeah, Gibbs.” “Gibbs, I ran the measurement of the room. She seems to be in a cabin. Based on the dimensions it’s a family cabin, probably two or three bedrooms.”
“Boss, it seems Cooke’s parents own a lot of cabins,” Tony said just as Gibbs picked up his phone. “Did you narrow it down to Virginia?” McGee asked, brow arched. “Yes, McGeek, I did. Mr. Cooke owns two hunting cabins and a-” “Family cabin, two or three bedrooms,” Gibbs cut in.
“Yeah, they haven’t used it in years. It’s in Fletcher State Park.” Gibbs got up, “Get your gear, let’s go.” Jake watched them all grab their things.
“Agent David,” he called out before she got too far. “Yes, Lieutenant?” Jake grabbed the clothes he brought. “Here,” he held them out. “She’s in nothing but a bra and underwear, give her these.” Ziva hesitated to take it. “Please.” She heard the desperation in his voice and took them.
She went over to Tony and Tim. “You know, despite the odds, we may not-” “We will find her alive,” she glanced at the fabrics in her hands. “We have to.”
You yanked down on the rope, crying out a little at the pain in your dislocated shoulder. You had honestly been scared of losing feeling in your hands, but he gave you a bit of a break when he was finished hurting you for the day and left you locked in one of the bedroom closets.
Your toes barely scraped the ground and the rope wasn’t going anywhere. You shivered in the cold damp air of the cabin. Only being in your underwear, the chill soaked into your bones. You were certain that if you didn’t die of whatever Cooke was doing to you, you might die from the cold.
Hearing tires outside the cabin, your heart sped up. You could only huff out small breaths as you heard footsteps outside the door on the porch.
It was his routine to get you set up for his next sick video, film it, and then leave to send it. You’d calculated the time it took for him to get back and it was getting close for time to him to be back.
But then there was banging on the door, followed by a gruff voice yelling, “NCIS!”
Your entire body relaxed. You were safe.
“I’m in here! Help me!” You called back, coughing a little.
The door frame splintered when the door was kicked in. “Lieutenant Abbott?” The agent asked, pistol drawn as he walked over to you.“Yes,” you breathed out. “Where’s Cooke?” You shook your head, “I don’t know but he’ll be back soon.”
“Please get me down from here. It’s hard to breathe,” you begged, tears of relief falling down your cheeks. You jerked your neck towards where Cole had secured the rope, “Ease me down, please.”
McGee was quick to loosen the rope and Ziva helped steady you once your feet were on the ground. “Can you walk?” She asked, gently placing her hand on your sternum. “I think so. I might need a little help.” The agent simply nodded and helped you outside.
Once you were outside the uneven ground and rocks caused you to stumble. Tim moved to help Ziva steady you but he jostled your dislocated shoulder. “Shit!” McGee looked panicked, “What’s wrong?” You gritted your teeth, “My shoulder, it’s dislocated. I tried to break the rope and pulled it out.”
You chuckled a little at his expression, “Hurt like a bitch. Can either of you pop it back in?” Ziva nodded and leaned you against the car. She got a proper grip and looked at you, “Ready?” You swallowed and nodded. She exaggerated a few breaths and when you matched she popped it back in.
“Holy shit! Sweet baby Jesus..”
You pushed off the car and threw up; all the pain catching up to you with the adrenaline rush. Ziva came up and held your hair out of your face.
Spitting out the last of the saliva in your mouth, you thanked her under your breath.
A coat was wrapped around your shoulders. You looked to see Gibbs rubbing your shoulder, a small smile on his face.
His fatherly nature was present and it allowed you to be vulnerable, finally allowing yourself to outright sob; mostly in relief. You fell into his chest and he caught you, hands moving to rub your back. He mumbled into your hair, “You’re safe. I got ya. I got ya.”
The sound of gravel shifting caught their attention.
Gibbs felt you tense under his touch, “Is that him?” You nodded, whimpering a little bit. He looked at Ziva, “Stay with her, cover the front. DiNozzo, McGee, go find cover on the right, I’ll get cover on the left. You’ll know what to do.”
Carefully, Gibbs placed you in Ziva’s hold and she placed you in the car for both warmth and cover.
When Cole finally reached the cabin, Ziva raised her weapon. “Cole Cooke! NCIS! Get out of the car-” He threw it in reverse just to be stopped by Tony and Tim. He tried to get out and make a break for the tree line but Gibbs stepped out. He quickly surrendered and was handcuffed.
With you in a separate vehicle they made the trip back to NCIS.
Jake paced the squad room. Abby was up there with him, trying to keep him calm.
He was mumbling things to himself out of worry and Abby was following him, trying to grab him by the shoulders. “Jake. Jake. Ja-”
She finally got a hold of him, and ducked her head a little bit to make sure he was looking at her.
“Jake, they will find her. They’re the best there is. I’m sure they already found her and are either on their way here or to a hospital.” Jake frowned, “She hates hospitals, especially being in them alone.” Abby shook her head, “She isn’t alone. Gibbs wouldn’t let her be alone. Y/N is safe, I can feel it.” Jake just nodded, slowly calming down.
The elevators dinged and he was on his feet, nearly giving himself whiplash as he turned.
But when he did all he saw was red.
Cooke was being escorted out in handcuffs by Tony and McGee. Abby couldn’t hold Jake back as he swiftly made his way over and landed a punch to Cole’s jaw. Neither agent bothered to stop the pilot as the one punch sent Cooke to the ground.
But as he went in for more, Gibbs gripped Jake and pulled him away. He had to fight Jake back to the bullpen, but he got him there.
“That asshole just punched me!” McGee and DiNozzo huffed as they harshly yanked him off the ground. “You’re lucky that’s all he did.” They dragged him to interrogation.
Jake’s nostrils flared as he exhaled, his chest still broadened in his display of dominance over Cole.
However, the adrenaline wore off as quickly as it appeared and Jake felt tears line his eyes. He hung his head and fell into a chair. He pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes, sobs leaving his lips. “I wasn’t there the first time, and I wasn’t there this time… I can’t believe I-” Abby cut him off, “Don’t finish that sentence, Jake. Because you are here, you were there the first time. She ran to you, you are her safe place.” “But-”
He was cut off the elevator ding again.
Glancing up, his heart soared in his chest.
There you were. Standing right before him in an old Longhorn sweatshirt and gray sweatpants. You were clean from the dirt and dried blood, having used the showers to clean up after any evidence was collected.
Your arm was in a sling and some butterfly closures adorned your forehead. But even then, you were still the most beautiful girl in the world to him.
You walked quietly with Ziva out of the elevator, the weight of the conversation you had with her and Ducky still sitting on your shoulders.
The sound of a chair rolling back and hitting a desk caught your attention.
Looking up, you saw Jake and once again, you were crying; both from relief and the realization you almost never saw him again.
You moved as fast as you could to get to him, slamming your beaten body into his when you got to him. His arms carefully wrapped around you, obviously not wanting to hurt you. But when your soft crying exhales hit his chest, he all but scooped you into his arms carefully wrapping your legs around his torso.
You winced a little when his arm tightened around your waist. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he immediately apologized. You pulled your head out of the crook of his neck, shaking it lightly before looking into his eyes, “It reminds me this isn’t just another dream.”
Jake closed his eyes, tears falling down his cheeks as he rested his forehead against yours. “Jacob, if you don’t-” He cut off your sentence with a kiss, it was slow but no less passionate. He was gentle, the arm wrapped around your shoulders bringing you closer to him.
Ziva, Gibbs, and Abby watched on with smiles. Tim and Tony walked in mid conversation, but stopped seeing the intimate moment happening in the squad room.
You had to pull back for air at some point. And when you did, you rested your forehead against Jake’s, both of your eyes closing with the contact.
“Marry me.”
Your eyes shot open and were met with Jake’s green ones.
You had said it at the same time.
A grin broke out on your face, “I hope you aren’t just askin’ me that-” Your tease was cut off by Jake, “I’m not. I-I had this big plan. I wanted to take you out to the pasture we danced in on prom night our senior year.” You giggled a little, “That would have been nice.”
Biting your lip you played with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I had a lot of time to think over the past few days,” you said quietly, your breath ghosting over his lips. He nudged your nose with his. “So have I. And I’m sorry I never asked you sooner.” “Let me finish, will ya?” You chuckled lightly and he did as well. “I realized that proposing, nowadays, is a two way street. I could have asked you at any time and you would have said ‘yes’. We’ve been together since we were 15, Jake. Friends since we were born. We should have gotten married right out of high school, but we were scared of what our future held during the Academy and then flight school, then through separate deployments. It was too much to worry about at once, and we didn’t know what was gonna happen.”
You licked your lips and inhaled a little, “But I can’t go another damn day without legally being your wife. Those bitches at the bar aside. I just, I want others to know that you're mine and that I’m yours.” He nodded, “Okay, let’s do it.” You giggled and kissed him, “Alright cowboy.”
He sat you down and pulled out the ring box.
“Wait, you had that this whole time?” Jake rubbed the back of his neck, “Like I said, I had this whole plan. I was gonna ask you after we got some time off when we got back to North Island.” You laughed, “You perfectionist.” You peck his lips and he slid the ring on your finger.
You heard a squeal from behind you and you both looked around to see the entire Gibbs team smiling at you and Jake.
“Thank you, for getting her back to me. All of you.”
thank you guys for making it to the end! i hope this crossover was accurate
i have plenty of ‘x readers’ in the drafts so if you want more let me know
and my asks are open, feel free to request what you would like to see next
feedback is greatly appreciated!
tags <3: @milesdickpic​ 
<3 love ya babes
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hederasgarden · 2 years
Top Shelf
Summary: When your tinder date turns out to be a dumpster fire of a person, your evening is rescued by a handsome stranger. Pairing: Jacob Palmer x Plus Size!F!Reader Word Count: 1.3K Rating: Gen. Warnings for fat shaming, awful first dates and Jacob being super charming. A/N: No one wants this but IDC, I am lost in the Ryan Gosling sauce. Thank you N, @whatblogisthis216 and @hoe-on-the-range for looking this over! Title cred also goes to to Megan! Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed this.
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“So, are we going to get out of here?” Your date asks abruptly.
“I’m sorry?” You question, setting down your half-finished martini.
“You can finish your drink. Then we should go.”
“Oh… this is the first date…?” you remind him, feeling a little uncomfortable under his expectant look. “We’re just getting to know one another.”
He huffs, pursing his lips in clear irritation. “Come on now. Let’s not do this. The whole coy girl routine might work with a less attractive guy, but we both know you want to come home with me. Girls like you always do.”
“Girls like me?” You question, a sinking feeling in your stomach.
He gives you a look, eyes slowly falling down your body. He doesn’t say anything but you know exactly what he means. That realization feels like a punch to the gut, all the air leaving your lungs.
“Don’t be offended, you’ve got a pretty face.” he adds, reaching up to touch your cheek. You jerk back, bumping into someone behind you. “I’m not trying to neg you, just stating the truth. I know you want the chance to be with me. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have swiped right.”
You can’t even formulate a response, embarrassed and ashamed all at once. The anger you feel is secondary to the humiliation. You press your lips together tightly, willing yourself not to cry even though you can feel that wave of emotion crawling up your throat.
“Hey, sweetheart. This guy bothering you?” A new voice asks.
You turn towards the sound, surprised to see a handsome blonde man looking intently at you. He’s dressed in an expensive suit that fits his body like a glove, highlighting his broad chest and slim hips. You stare at him, confused and surprised as he continues to watch you with steady blue eyes and a charming smile.
“Excuse me,” your date says, folding his arms across his chest.
The blonde man spares him a brief glance, lip curling up in obvious disgust.
“You’re excused,” he returns, sliding between the two of you smoothly. He doesn’t crowd your space, leaving a respectful distance between your bodies but he does effectively block your view of the other man. “Can I buy you a drink?” He continues like he didn’t just interrupt your date. “You look like a top shelf kind of girl.”
“I’m sorry…” you trail off.
“Oh, how rude of me. I’m Jacob,” he tells you, offering his hand as he raises the other to flag down the bartender. You accept it, compelled by good manners and habit. He smiles, fingertips stroking your palm briefly before pulling away. When he stares at you expectantly you realize he’s waiting for you to give him your name. After you tell him it, he repeats it back to you, keeping his smile.
“Ok dude, what the fuck?” Your date demands.
You had almost forgotten about him. Jacob half turns to face him, head cocked to the side. “Walk away,” he instructs. His tone is even but you can see the way a muscle in his cheek jumps.
“That’s my girl you’re talking to.”
“Let's ask her.” Jacob looks back at you. “This your guy, sweetheart?”
You hesitate to respond before shaking your head, aware more people have turned to watch what’s happening.
“Seems like she doesn’t agree. So… walk away.” Jacob encourages.
Your date looks around, the hand at his side shaking. He’s angry. For a second you think he might cause a scene, but then he blows out a harsh breath.
“Whatever, you can have her,” he says, backing away, muttering something under his breath that you don't catch. You suspect whatever he said isn’t kind and that’s confirmed by the way Jacob stiffens briefly. He doesn’t look back at you until your date disappears into the crowd.
“Some men have no class.” He shakes his head, offering a smile. “So about that shot. You like tequila?” He asks as the bartender stops in front of you.
“Uh… I think?” You offer as your brain tries to catch up with everything that's happened so far.
“Let’s find out,” he says with a wink.
He orders two shots of a tequila brand you’ve never heard of. You stare at the crisp 100-dollar bill he sets on the counter and then look back up at him. He seems so relaxed leaning against the bar like he's the one who's been on a date with you for the past hour and not a perfect stranger. Even though he's stupidly handsome you feel oddly at ease in his presence. Normally men that looked like that made you incredibly nervous.
“You don’t have to do this,” you tell him, tapping your fingers against the bar before you realize what you're doing. You curl your hand into a loose fist to stop the anxious gesture. There’s no way he was interested in you; he was just trying to help. “I mean, I appreciate it,” you rush to add when his brows raise. "You probably have a date or something else, um, going on."
“We don’t know each other well yet,” he says, stepping closer and dropping his hand to cover yours. “But sweetheart, I don’t do anything I don’t want to.”
The intense way he speaks coupled with the feel of his fingertips dragging over the back of your hand wakes your body up. An unexpected wave of desire rushes under your skin and you stare transfixed by his blue eyes . When he presses the shot into your hand a second later you take it and down it back automatically. You expect it to burn, but it’s smooth, leaving a trail of warmth from your mouth down to the pit of your stomach.
Jacob stares at you amused. “That was a 30 dollar shot.”
“Oh my god,” you cover your mouth embarrassed but he just laughs. “I was supposed to sip it wasn’t I?”
“No,” he says, knocking his back.
The brief appearance of his tongue when it sweeps along his bottom lip has your breathing turning shallow. Not even 10 minutes ago you were disgusted by your date's assumption that you’d go home with him and yet here you are, certain you’d leave with Jacob if he asked you to. He seems to know it too from the way his eyes sparkle as they wander down your body and back up to your face. It’s not the same kind of gross assessment of your date. It’s something softer but no less wanting.
“Why did you help me?” You blurt out, catching the both of you by surprise.
He shrugs and looks away. “That guy was a jerk. You don’t deserve to be treated that way. No one does.”
Hesitantly, you reach out and touch his arm. He looks back at you surprised. “You’re very kind, Jacob. Not a lot of people would have stepped in.”
“Sure they would have,” he dismisses.
“No, they really wouldn’t,” you insist, taking a step closer to him. “I…I know you’re just being nice, but I appreciate it.”
“I’m not always a good guy,” he tells you.
“I think you are.”
“You really are sweet, aren’t you?” he questions.
Something shifts in his expression, a subtle change in the tension of his jaw and the look in his eyes. He touches your cheek just like your date did, the catch of his calloused fingers against the soft skin sending your heart fluttering. For one wild second you think he’s going to kiss you but then he pulls away, shaking his head. Noise from the bar rushes back in and you’re aware of everyone else around you again. The charming smile is back on Jacob’s face as he signals for the bartender again. He pays the open tab left by your date before you can protest.
“You deserve better than us,” he tells you seriously, surprising you by leaning forward to brush his mouth over the corner of your lips.
The skin where his lips touched your tingles. He’s gone before you stop him, disappearing into the crowded bar like smoke in the air.
Tagging: @a-reader-and-a-writer @mrsroosterbradshaw02 @wildbornsiren @blue-aconite
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gcslingss · 13 days
jacob palmer from shannon's fics vibes @barbiehandlrr
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barbiehandlrr · 23 days
ryan gosling has me in such a chokehold bc why am i about to write angst fic about jacob palmer
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ken-dom · 2 months
would you ever write a Jacob Palmer x reader fic I’ve desperately need more fics about him
Yes, anon, yes I would!! Hit me with any ideas you’ve got, the nastier the better (or if you want fluff then… the sicklier the better, I guess?)
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elusivewildflower · 2 years
Who I Write For:
Here is the list of characters that I will write fics/drabbles for and will accept requests for. This may be updated periodically.
Sierra Six/Court Gentry (The Gray Man)
Holland March (The Nice Guys)
Driver (Drive)
Officer K (Bladerunner 2049)
Julian Thompson (Only God Forgives)
Luke Glanton (TPBTP)
Sgt. Jerry Wooters (Gangster Squad)
Jacob Palmer (Crazy, Stupid, Love)
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silverlynx87 · 6 months
A Friend on Thanksgiving
Just a small little story I didn't have fleshed out enough to write as a full blown fic. Sneaking it in right at the end of the holiday. Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one. <3
Pairing: Jacob Palmer(Crazy Stupid Love) x you
This isn't proofread I'm just blurting out my ideas as they come, keep that in mind!
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You just finished hosting a big Thanksgiving get-together at your house, and the last remaining family members have left. It was a great time: food, music, wine, and good company.
It was late in the night, and you were happily finishing off the wine on your couch, snuggling into a fleece blanket and dressed in comfy night clothes, when you hear a car pull up outside your neighbor Jacob's house.
Curious, you glance out your window and see him getting out of what looks like a taxi. You never paid him much mind other than when he would obnoxiously stumble back to his house at ungodly hours, usually with a giggling, scantily-clad woman in tow. Sometimes you'd see him at the shared mailbox, hungover and wearing sunglasses, and he'd give you a respectful nod before slithering back into his house to recover from the previous night's antics.
This time was different, however. He got out of the taxi, paid the driver and walked to his door, his body swaying back and forth as he clumsily tried to stick in his key. He was alone tonight, and you wondered why. The thought crept up in your mind that perhaps he didn't have any family or friends to share the holiday with. It made your heart twist with sympathy. He may have been a bit of a playboy who didn't often respect noise levels, but he didn't deserve to spend Thanksgiving alone. You felt like you needed to remedy that.
So you slipped on some comfy shoes and walked over to his house across the street. In the window of the lavish building(which for some reason he didn't bother to close the blinds) you saw him sitting at his kitchen table, eating a bowl of cereal and reading the back of the box with a pen, probably doing the word puzzle. Your heart clenched. You took a deep breath and knocked on his door.
He answered the door after a minute, peeking his head around the corner. You apologized for knocking so late in the night, and then you reminded him that you were his neighbor from across the street. "Yeah, I know who you are. Why are you here?" He asked, looking slightly weary in his eyes. "I wanted to know if you would like to uh, come over for a plate of food? There's tons of leftovers and I don't have enough space in my fridge." You lied, you had plenty of room. You wanted him to have a proper Thanksgiving meal, not a bowl of cereal for dinner.
He looked slightly taken aback by your offer, and at first politely refused. You were having none of that, so you insisted. He finally agreed and told you he'd be over shortly. You smiled at went back to your house to warm up some of the leftover turkey and sides. You brought out another bottle of wine for good measure.
About ten minutes later he knocked on your door dressed in comfy sweatpants and a casual t-shirt, a far cry from his fashionable Romeo attire you're used to seeing him in. It was kinda…nice? You welcomed him to your cozy home which stood in start contrast to his cold and clinical bachelor pad. He sat down a little awkwardly at your kitchen table as you brought him a steaming plate of Thanksgiving dinner, filled to the brim with all the delicious homemade goodness: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, roasted veggies, cranberry sauce and of course, homemade gravy.
His eyes went wide with almost childlike excitement. He took his first bite and groaned. "This is amazing, thank you so much…"
"It was no problem, really. Happy Thanksgiving Jacob." You replied, sipping your wine and smiling.
He put down his fork and looked away for a moment. Was he…crying? His shoulders started to shake and you looked at him with concern. "Are you okay?" You asked.
He quickly composed himself and wiped at the corner of his eye. "Yeah, no I just…I haven't had something like this in a very long time. My family doesn't really… do Thanksgiving you know? Not anymore anyway." You nodded in understanding, not needing him to elaborate. You just wanted him to enjoy the meal and the company of a friend on Thanksgiving.
You offered him some wine and the both of you fell into easy conversation at the table, laughing and sharing stories. He cleared three(!) plates and still had room left for pumpkin pie. At some point he helped you clean up the kitchen and you took the conversation(and wine) to the living room. By the time the night started to wind down it was nearly two in the morning.
You both said your goodbyes and just as you were going to shut the door he pulls you into a hug. "Thank you…so much. You have no idea how much this meant to me tonight." He said with his head buried in your shoulder. Your heart ached at how such a simple kindness could affect him so greatly. You wondered how lonely he really was. You told him he was welcome to stop by anytime for a meal.
From that point on, Jacob made the point to visit you at least once every week for a homemade meal. Sometimes he'd stop by and offer to help you cook, even though he often joked he could burn water. Something light and comfortable was developing between the two of you that was special, and with the holiday season in full swing, you wondered where it would take you next.
To be Continued!
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g0dspeeed · 9 months
A Master List
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I'm a jaded hobbyist who enjoys creating digital fan art and fanfiction whenever that allusive inspiration strikes ✨
Most of my content here is for Far Cry 5, but on my AO3 you can find a miniscule of Cyberpunk 2077 and Mass Effect fics.
My stuff may involve sexual content and graphic depictions of violence. Therefore this is a blog for 18+
My OCs:
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(Far Cry 5, Far Cry New Dawn, Call of Duty reboot)
Tag-- oc: cappie de la costa
Romance Chart
Face and basic info
Face, 2024
Cappie Pinup (NSFW)
Commission by Schoute
Mood Board by Ladyoriza
Mood Board by Aceghosts
Mood Board by Direwombat
Oh The Bliss!
OTP: CappiEli (Cappie De La Costa and Eli Palmer)
Tags-- otp: cappieli, cappie de la costa x eli palmer
Ship Analysis
Ship Traits
There's Love In the War Room (NSFW)
Bruises (NSFW)
Commission by Lobanhart
Commission by Redreart
Commission by Redreart
Commission by Schoute
Commission by Ziorre
Commission by Ziorre
Commission by Starsandskies
Mood Board by Direwombat
Truck Problems
Phone Number
Sparring Lesson (NSFW)
A Little Insecurity
He Knows
The Bad Door
Jealousy (NSFW)
Karaoke Ask Prompt
Making Moves
Swim Date
15 Lines of Dialogue Challenge
Experimenting (NSFW)
**There's a billion Ask Game posts for this ship. Use the tags if you're thirsty enough for more ✨
OTP: Regulars (Cappie De La Costa and Jacob Seed)
Tags-- otp: regulars , cappie de la costa x jacob seed
Commission by Redreart
A Chase
Call of Duty OTP: Respite (Cappie De La Costa x Nikolai)
Tags-- otp:respite , cappie de la costa x nikolai
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First meeting snippet
(Far Cry New Dawn)
Tag-- oc: river palmer
Romance Chart
Character Bio/Art
Face 2
Red Jacket
Meeting Thomas Rush
A River Runs Through It: How River met John Seed
My Art
Call of Duty
John "Soap" MacTavish
Far Cry 5
Smile, Jacob!
John Seed
YES - John Seed Speedo
Bliss Quality Control - John Seed
Bliss Quality Control, ii - John Seed
Far Cry 5 Gift Exchange 2022- John Seed x Esther
John Seed in Yara
My Writing
Far Cry 5
Our Greatest Protector - Seed Brothers ; Jacob gets his 1st haircut since reuniting with his siblings
The First Unworthy - Seed Brothers ; John goes a little too far
Together - Seed Brothers ; A bitter sweet reunion for the Seed siblings
Mass Effect
What's A Christmas? - One Turian's curiosity leads the Normandy crew to discuss a very odd topic: Christmas
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