thena0315 · 7 months
OTP Anime/Manga Ships that became Endgame (also confirmed to be endgame)
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uranusport · 10 months
Capas para uma fanfic Souma X Erina (Food Wars: Shokugeki no Souma), formatos Wattpad (512 × 400) e Spiritfanfics (600 × 400).
Título: "Tamago"
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whatermelown · 2 years
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we have Soma feeding Erina... but what about Erina feeding Soma ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ SO HAVE THIS QUICK DOODLE <33
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radbutsafe · 10 months
“Good, ain’t it? I was in France with Momo-senpai, got her to help me brush up on my baking skills.” He said, obviously proud of himself. Erina pushed his face away from her and coughed, cheeks warm.
“I didn’t say that! Of course, Akanegakubo-san would help you, everyone has a soft spot for you.” She said as she went to get another mont blanc. It was when Erina settled back into her seat that Yukihira took the opportunity to throw his arm behind her onto the couch and ask,
“Everyone including you?”
Erina flinched almost dropping the treat. This man was so bold! Her face lit up in hotter flames,
“Just pour me a cup of tea, you haven’t even done that already!”
With how often he travels, Nakiri Erina didn't expect much from Yukihira Soma for her birthday. He decided to change that this year.
late post on tumblr as this was for erina’s birthday in March! this took three years for some reason 😭
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racconburrow · 2 years
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I started watching Shokugeki no soma again and remembered this funny and beautiful ship u v u 
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sofya-fanfics · 2 years
Secret Family Recipe
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My Flufftober 2022 contribution for the prompt : Secret Family Recipe.
I’m sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language. I hope you like it.
Summary : Soma added the spices to the sauce and poured it on the meat. He smiled. It was finally ready. He took the plates and he headed for the dining room, where Erina was waiting for him.
Disclaimer : Food Wars! belongs to Yūto Tsukuda, Shun Saeki and Yuki Morisaki.
Soma added the spices to the sauce and poured it on the meat. He smiled. It was finally ready. He took the plates and he headed for the dining room, where Erina was waiting for him. He put the plates on the table and sat down in front of her. He was both anxious and impatient to know if she would like the dinner he had prepared. It was the first time he had cooked for her except when he he had competed in a Shokugeki.
They had been a couple for two months and Soma wanted to do something special for her. Preparing dinner was not an easy task because of her God's Tongue.
Erina took a bite and ate. Soma watched her, waiting for her reaction. He had the feeling that Erina was having fun making him wait. She put her fork on the plate and she smirked.
“Not bad.”
Soma could not help smiling. He knew her well and he knew she was teasing him. She had found his dish excellent, but she did not want to tell him. It does not matter, he thought. This time, he would not say anything. She took her fork again and tasted another piece. She frowned and thought.
“It's strange,” she said. “I can smell all the ingredients, but I feel like there is something more.”
She closed her eyes, concentrating on the taste.
“I can't find what it is.”
She opened her eyes and she saw Soma smiling playfully. It was rare that Erina's God's Tongue couldn't find the ingredients of a recipe.
“What did you add ?”
“It is the secret ingredient of a family recipe.”
Soma remembered that day when he had learned this recipe. He was only seven years old and like every day, he watched his father cook. This day was important for Joichiro. It was his wedding anniversary and he had organized a special evening for him and Tamako. As he cooked, he showed each step of the recipe to Soma, who was focused on what his father was doing.
“I added a secret ingredient to the recipe,” Joichiro said.
Soma looked at him, puzzled. He had seen nothing. What could his father have added ?
“The secret ingredient is love.”
Soma was disappointed. The little boy felt like his father was making fun of him.
“It's not an ingredient,” he said, sulkily.
Joichiro knelt down and ruffled his son’s hair.
“When you'll cook for the woman you'll love, you'll understand.”
Soma looked at Erina and smiled. When he had met her, he had understood what his father meant.
The end
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polar-stars · 2 years
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Colored that sketch from some time ago of my version of adult!Soma and adult!Erina, as in...this is how I imagine them to appear in the recent timeframe of my fanfic “Shokugeki no Kimiko” ❤️🧡
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kodokoro · 6 months
Sou×taku is really cute in the sense that Takumi already plays perfectly as the story's blonde tsundere—as well as Souma's rival. He's not too harsh to the point that it feels uncalled for and his character development is genuine. It's also funny to have Takumi go unnoticed at first, but really prove himself onward.
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ivy-kissobryos · 2 years
PGM VII. 490-504
I call on you, Lady Isis, Whom Agathos Daimon permitted to rule in the entire Black Land! Your name is LOU LOULOU BATHARTHAR THARESIBATH ATHERNEKLESIKH ATHERNEBOUNI EIKHOMO KHOMOTHI ISIS SOTHIS SOUERI BOUBASTIS EURELIBAT KHAMARI NEBOUTOS OUERI AIE EOA OAI Protect me, great and marvelous names of the [god], For I am the one established in Pelusium SERPHOUTH MOUISRO STROMMO MOLOTH MOLONTHER PHON THOTH Protect me, great and marvelous names of the great god! ASAO EIO NISAOTH Lady Isis, Nemesis, Adrasteia, many-named, many-formed: Glorify me, as I have glorified the name of your son Horus!
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thena0315 · 5 months
Since the author confirmed Soma and Erina would get married sometime after they're 25
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This Family Tree is Canon
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lavenderslotus · 3 years
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Manga vs. Anime :,)
I miss Sorina + Food Wars in general ;___; the early days of discovering this story takes me back to a different time, and the Azami Nakiri arc will forever be one of my all-time anime favorites 😭♥️
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whatermelown · 2 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY QUEEN I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU AND I WANT YOU TO BE SO HAPPY MWAH YOU DESERVE THE WORLD AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN!!! <3333 HABADU ERINA NAKIRI! I'm sorry I can't do a proper illustration now folks so i hope this will suffice for now while school murders me <33
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radbutsafe · 10 months
WHAT IS THIS, A SHOUJO MANGA?! Chapter two is now up :)
Soma starts investigating these claims that Erina “has a crush”!
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majycka · 2 years
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Hopping into the sourina train ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
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uranusport · 2 years
Capa para uma fanfic Souma X Erina (Shokugeki no Souma / Food Wars), formatos Wattpad (512 × 899) e Spiritfanfics (600 × 400).
Título: "Vício"
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[ fanfic ainda não publicada ]
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sofya-fanfics · 2 years
La recette de famille secrète
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Voici ma participation pour le Flufftober 2022. J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Soma ajouta les épices à la sauce et la versa sur la viande. Il sourit. C’était enfin prêt. Ils prit les assiettes et se dirigea vers la salle à manger, où Erina l’attendait.
Disclaimer : Food Wars! appartient à Yūto Tsukuda, Shun Saeki et Yuki Morisaki.
Soma ajouta les épices à la sauce et la versa sur la viande. Il sourit. C’était enfin prêt. Ils prit les assiettes et se dirigea vers la salle à manger, où Erina l’attendait. Il posa les assiettes sur la table et s’assit en face de la jeune femme. Il était à la fois anxieux et impatient de savoir si le dîner qu’il avait préparé lui plairait. C’était la première fois qu’il cuisinait pour elle en dehors d’une préparation pour un Shokugeki.
Cela faisait deux mois qu’ils étaient en couple et Soma voulait faire quelque chose de spécial pour elle. Lui préparer à dîner n’était pas une chose facile à cause de son palais divin.
Erina prit une bouchée et mangea. Soma l’observa, attendant sa réaction. Il avait l’impression qu’elle s’amusait en le faisant patienter. Elle posa sa fourchette sur l’assiette et sourit malicieusement.
« C’est pas mal. »
Soma ne put s’empêcher de sourire. Il la connaissait bien et il savait qu’elle le taquinait. Elle avait trouvé son plat excellent, mais elle refusait de lui avouer. Ce n’est pas grave, pensa-t-il. Pour cette fois, il ne dirait rien. Elle reprit sa fourchette et goûta un autre morceau. Elle fronça les sourcils et réfléchit.
« C’est étrange, dit-elle. Je peux sentir tous les ingrédients, mais j’ai l’impression qu’il y a quelque chose en plus. »
Elle ferma les yeux, se concentrant sur le goût.
« Je ne trouve pas ce que c’est. »
Elle ouvrit les yeux et découvrit le sourire taquin de Soma. C’était rare que le palais divin d’Erina ne trouve pas les ingrédients d’une recette.
« Qu’est-ce que tu as ajouté ?
-C’est l’ingrédient secret d’une recette de famille. »
Soma se souvint de ce jour où il avait appris cette recette. Il n’avait que sept ans et comme chaque jour, il observait son père cuisiner. Cette journée était importante pour Joichiro. C’était son anniversaire de mariage et il avait organisé une soirée spéciale pour lui et Tamako. Pendant qu’il cuisinait, il montrait chaque étape de la recette à Soma, qui était concentré sur ce que faisait son père.
« J’ai ajouté un ingrédient secret à la recette, dit Joichiro. »
Soma le regarda, perplexe. Il n’avait rien vu. Qu’est-ce que son père avait bien pu ajouter ?
« L’ingrédient secret, c’est l’amour. »
Soma était déçu. Le petit garçon avait l’impression que son père se moquait de lui.
« Ce n’est pas un ingrédient, dit-il boudeur. »
Joichiro s’agenouilla et lui ébouriffa les cheveux.
« Quand tu cuisineras pour la femme que tu aimeras, tu comprendras. »
Soma regarda Erina et sourit. En la rencontrant, il avait compris ce que son père voulait dire.
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