#Spartan Talks
empresskadia · 2 months
Y'know, all I want this summer is to drink an iced coffee outside,
Talk about Halo with friends
Overly simp about the Master Chief together
and go home knowing there are more ideas to share with the world
and maybe eat a strawberry shortcake, if time permits.
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the-ninjago-historian · 2 months
I don't think anyone is ready for how epic the Earth Warrior Tribe, Lilly, and Cole's Grandpa is going to be in Into The Deep. Like, the Earth Warriors could destroy you and your whole army with just one man.
But you would also want to join their ranks, just because of the sheer awesomeness they radiate. Lol.
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cybersoldier82 · 1 year
Ok so hear me out, the “humans are ingestible drugs” trope but it doesn’t dehumanize anyone and it’s all consensual and fun for both sides, the aliens get their high along with a free meal and the humans get a warm tum to sleep in while their energy is drained in safe manner and they both wake up refreshed and well rested.
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clonememesfrikyeah · 3 months
You know what would be the worst? If at the end of the war when all is said and done, after the clones lost every little thing they had, after Vaders rise and the Jedi’s fall, after all that death and hardship and misery? It would be terrible to be a clone and wake up like suddenly coming out of a coma, in a stasis chamber that they grew up in and rarely left, there was the craziest dream just before and there’s the lingering feeling something important just happened, this is Kamino 35bby, all the information they were just fed is already neatly stored in their perfect flash-memory brain. No ones died yet, all of that was a simulation based on a calculation of events to instal orders and hone the discipline of troops. It’s dark, there’s no way of telling if anyone or anything exists beyond the boundary’s of the inside. There’s a designated call sign and designation along with vitals displayed in the line of vision, it’s also counting down the seconds to when a new simulation is set to begin.
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cute-chamomile · 4 months
My favourite responses from non-Greek people on the internet so far are the ones who are like "you mean this whole time you didn't have marriage? But gay sex and ancient Greece-" and it's funny, I agree! But a) orthodox christianity holds so much power over the people still and b) the people who are conservative and use ancient Greece to fuel their supremacist thoughts do pick and choose which parts of the ancient greek history to celebrate and boast about, they are supremacists, they wouldn't play fair. And there are a lot of people who place their bigoted views on some long lost "glory" days like that. This took a lot of effort to get done and I'm really proud of us.
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ioniczach · 7 months
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Finally got a gold visor, my boy dripped out.
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hexjulia · 10 months
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hey why haven't i ever heard of this when people talk about Sparta?
(Plutarch, Greek Lives)
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neechees · 1 year
There's a lot of jokes about Kratos spanking Atreus for doing shit he didn't approve of, but the game straight out makes the comparison between Kratos as a father vs Thor & Odin as fathers (who physically abused their children) & calls it (hitting your kids) a "corruption of manhood": like Kratos, the guy known for being angry, has never hit or physically abused his son. But we have people joking about it even when the narrative tells us that this is something he would never do
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empresskadia · 19 days
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IT'S MY GIRLLLL, Raya is serving
The beautiful commission was done by the amazing @bestosunglass
I'm so glad I did my first commission with them, they were so sweet!!
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"Somebody's been hanging around Commander Palmer too long."
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cybersoldier82 · 1 year
Hey vore/gt community? Which setting do you prefer for gt and/or vore?
Sci fi-🛸
Or modern-🏠
Reblog/comment which you prefer for either one, you can like all of em or just one, it don’t matter to me I’m just curious lol
Also I’m on team sci fi for both :3c🛸
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ignify-caligo · 3 months
Ulman: What's with the new hat, sir?
Miller, touching his beret: Oh, this? It's nothing.
Tokarev: It's the loudest nothing I ever saw.
Idiot: Colonel, you just can't mosey in here with a brand-new hat and act like you're not wearing a brand-new hat.
Miller: Look, I’m trying something new, okay? Just take it easy.
Alyosha: Colonel’s right, guys. Come on, let's not go down this path. It's ugly... Kinda like that hat-
Miller: I got this from a nice vendor!
Duke: What vendor, sir? The one before you exit the Bunker- 42 Museum at Taganka?
Sam, entering the room: What's up, Colonel, sir? Did you just finish Bling Ring-ing Bruno Mars' closet?
Miller, getting annoyed: I'm being brave, okay? You guys are sheep. You may want to take a long, hard look in the mirror.
Vladimir: Better us than you. You look like a park ranger from a cartoon, no offence, sir.
Miller: Artyom, do you think the hat looks bad?
Artyom: Oh, uh, me? Um, I... I wouldn't say it was bad. Like, I think it's just different, like something you would wear in Indiana... Jones and the Temple of Bad Hats.
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queerdiscowing · 6 months
We are all aware that tiger/wolf/josh is canon right like in whatever way you want to ship it it is canon and you can not convince me otherwise tiger and wolf spent a solid 20 minutes whining about josh breaking up with them (their exact words) and then trying to win him back I mean come on
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andromedaexists · 1 year
i regret choosing Thucydides for Greek class
this man does not know how to end a sentence, we have a whole ass paragraph that is one sentence. Ehrman has said on more than one occasion that this is some of the hardest Greek we'll ever see. I don't want this, i just really didn't wanna read Plato
Ehrman is congratulating us for making it through one (1) sentence
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agent-pennsylvania · 1 year
Project Freelancer (Price actually) said I should keep one of these things... something about team building. If anything it will make a great place for me to keep my puns and dad jokes for later use...you can call me Penn or Penny.
OOC: I am making this for my first ever OC! Est. 3/22/2023 If you'd like to RP send me a message. I would be more then happy to talk about it. Avatar by @clockworksir ty! Banner render by @alonewolf343!! It's awesome!!
Name: Unknown/Uno/Agent Pennsylvania (Penn or Penny)
Affiliation: Spartan/Freelancer
Description: 6’8” with no armor 7’ 2” with armor. Dark brown hair cut into a short mohawk. Left eye is brown while the right eye is a white glass prosthetic. He has heavy scaring and burns all over his right side from what looks to be some kind of fragmenting explosive but is actually "freezer burn" from being cryo'd combined with his body's rejection of the process. The skin that isn't scared is a light honey color. His right arm from the elbow down is replaced with a mechanical prosthetic made specifically for Spartans. He tends to use this arm as a shield. He's a southpaw.
Enjoys a good dad joke or pun whenever possible this has earned him the nickname “Pa” with any teammates or subordinates he ends up working with. Uses a heavy-sniper also known as an anti-material rifle, unless an enemy gets too close then reverts to dual wielding combat knives. Very proficient with most long guns but is terrible with a pistol…hates them in-fact...likes to frisbee them.
Suffers from high anxiety levels and panic attacks. Due to his memory loss he keeps a journal hidden within the files of his helmet. He's hard-of-hearing and will sometimes go non-verbal and speak in sign, when stressed. Next in line along with South to receive the AI Iota (happiness) until Carolina took both. No longer able to hold out he confronts Price and things don't go so well after…
UNSC Medical Logs
SPARTAN-U086 Journal Entries
Open RPs/Lore
Calm for now
My main is @bearbait-adventures feel free to chat.
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mini-uzzy · 1 year
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