#Spe Natural Spirits AU
tinnictheguardian · 8 months
What if Feanor wasn't the born the son of Finwe: AU musing
So I have been thinking a lot about different AU scenarios for the House of Feanor and naturally thought, what if Feanor wasn't born Finwe's son?
It's not even that much of a deviation, Miriel could have fallen for someone else while they all still lived in Cuivienen, and then Finwe could have fallen for Indis during the Great Journey. So they get married once they settle in Valinor. While Miriel goes on to give birth to Feanor with Not-Finwe.
I do think Feanor would be born to Miriel no matter who she married, and I think the results would be the same. He would be the spirit of fire that consumes her. So she goes into the Halls of Mandos with no certainty of ever returning.
It is unlikely that Not-Finwe, not being the High King and thus one of the Valar's chosen, would even think about taking a second wife. Even if Not-Finwe ended up developing feelings for another, I don't think an ordinary elf would consider petitioning the Valar for special dispensations. So it is more likely that Not-Finwe would just take joy in the one child he had and move on with his life.
It is also likely that Miriel would have come out of the Halls of Mandos, I don't know, by the time the Ambarussa are born. Because she did leave pretty soon after Finwe died. To me, this implies that she had been ready to leave but just couldn't because the Valar are against polygamy and don't believe in divorce.
However, would having a father whose love and attention he didn't have to share and his mother's return stop Feanor from rebelling?
No, I don't think so. One of the defining traits of Feanor is his thirst for knowledge: his desire to explore and learn. While the Valar insisted that the elves were free to leave Valinor, there was also no easy way to leave Valinor if you were a Noldo.
The Teleri had ships, but it didn't seem like they were running ferry services. Maybe Feanor could have traded for passage back to Middle-Earth. But it would be a one-way journey, and I can see Feanor being resentful of the fact that he has to leave everything he's built in Valinor just because he wants to see the lands his parents were born in.
In fact, I think Feanor, who is Not-Finwe's son, would resent a lot. He would resent having to pay tribute to Finwe, which I assume is something he might have to do. Especially if he, like I expect, prefers to have a workshop outside of Tirion when he's not the crown prince of the Noldo.
I also think he would still resent the influence of Indis and would still not like Fingolfin because Feanor was a Noldo supremacist in many ways. Finwe's family does become increasingly mixed and sort "all elves" and later "all elves plus men" as time goes on. But House of Feanor was 100% Noldo and largely remained 100% Noldo given that there is no canon evidence that any son of Feanor who was referenced to have a wife, had a non-Noldo wife.
So, I think Feanor would have been annoyed seeing his king get influenced by his Vanya wife. He probably would have been annoyed every time Fingolfin and especially Finarfin, who has a Teleri wife, commissions Feanor, the best elven smith in all of Valinor, for something. Especially since he would probably feel compelled to accept the commission because if he's not the crown prince, he probably doesn't have the same freedom to tell them to GTFO of his workshop.
I also think that Feanor, who is not the son of Finwe, would have actively started to plan to leave Valinor with his sons. Because it always struck me as a weird that Feanor was speaking against the Valar and claiming the elves were thralls of the Valar but seemingly made absolutely no plans to actually leave valinor.
He wasn't stockpiling food and building heaters so he could cross the Helcaraxe. Or learning to build ships from the Teleri or inventing airships (I have been thinking about a Noldo airship AU). It's a bit weird that genius Feanor had no plans on how to leave Valinor when he had been speaking against the elves being in Valinor.
The answer is obviously that as the crown prince of the Noldo, he couldn't openly plan to leave without losing his position. An action that would let Fingolfin win, in his mind, which is clearly something that cannot be allowed.
So I see a Feanor who is not the son of Finwe, actively work towards leaving Valinor and, because he plans to leave, stops contributing to Valinor society beyond what is required to keep both Finwe and Manwe, out of his business. I.e. he would create the Silmarils but would not show them to anyone outside of his sons. In fact, I see him building a lot of things he would never share with the wider Elven community.
Yes, I do see him one day packing up and leaving Valinor with his sons and whatever followers he can gather. Given that Feanor is said to have great power of speech on top of being a great smith, even without being the son of Finwe, I can see him having a large and fanatical following who dares to cross the ice with him because they too want to explore and experience new things beyond Valinor.
Don't get me wrong, he would 100% resent having to leave Valinor forever. As I said, there is a good chance that Tirion was likely filled with things Feanor made. But he was no longer going to be able to enjoy the fruits of his labour. Worse, he was leaving it for elves who were happy being thralls. But I think if he wasn't the crown prince, he wouldn't feel any need to "save the Noldo" as a whole.
I think canon Feanor sincerely believed that taking all the Noldo back to Cuivienen was the right thing to do, and that's why he didn't just build sleighs or ships for his own house and followers and leave. However, Feanor, who is not the Son of Finwe, would not necessarily feel obligations towards the Noldo as a whole and is more likely to look out for just his own.
To be clear, there is a good chance that Feanor would have led his sons and followers straight into actual thralldom because Sauron was waiting in Middle Earth. There is a good chance Melkor would have offered to "help" guide Feanor and his followers. Even if Melkor didn't personally go with them, he was eventually going to return and make a beeline to capture and enthral the Noldo.
Even if we exclude Sauron and Melkor, the fact remains that Elu Thingol was already lord of all Beleriand, not to mention the Avari had their own lords in Morwe and Nurwe. Feanor would consider them lesser to the Noldo, which would not go down well with any of them!
I saw a post wondering why the Edain did not seem to give the Sons of Feanor the same type of loyalty they gave Finrod and others. To be honest, its probably because the majority, if not all, Sons of Feanor came across as condescending. I mean, I don't think they meant to be condescending.
It's like Prince Philip, who was famous for committing racially insensitive gaffes. It's not that he was trying to insult whole cultures, it just so happened that what he thought were innocent remarks often gave offence.
I can see this happening a lot with Sons of Feanor and anyone who is not a Noldo, which translates to them not making as many friends outside of their own ethnicity.
Since this is a defining characteristic of House of Feanor, I don't think this changes in an AU where Feanor is not the son of Finwe. So I don't see Feanor living in harmony with the Sindar, the Avari, the Dwarves and later men.
The best case scenario for Feanor is that he comes to Middle Earth, goes south and finds land that's unsettled, which is still possible before the coming of man, since the elves of Middle Earth weren't numerous enough to be all over the continent, and builds a city where he can rule as he pleases at least until he inevitably ends-up in conflict with someone. Because I just don't see Feanor living in harmony in Arda Marred, whether or not he was the son of Finwe and whether or not his mother returned from the Halls of Mandos while he was still in Valinor.
Finally, since I love Russingon, I think a Maedhros who is not the grandson of Finwe would have an interesting dynamic with Prince Fingon who valiantly and openly pursues him. I think it would be an interesting dynamic because the not-grandson-of-Finwe Maedhros would not be equal to Fingon.
Now elven hierarchy is not always clear cut. But there definitely is one and even Eol is supposed to be a kin of Elu Thingol. I.e. he's not the elven equivalent of a peasant. So even with him, Tolkien didn't have the White Lady of the Noldo marry someone NOT related to an Elven king.
So an AU where Feanor is not the son of Finwe, Russingon can have a hierarchical element that could be interesting to explore. Because it would in many ways be like a Prince pursuing the son of a highly regarded but still not noble Feanor.
Add to that the fact that Maedhros might not feel he can refuse Fingon's advances if only to make sure his father's rebellious intent to go against Finwe and return to Middle Earth is not discovered. We just don't know what Finwe would do if someone for whom he is not blinded by love was the one instigating rebellion against him and the Valar. Even if the rebellion amounted to simply wanting to return to Middle Earth peacefully.
It would still end in absolute tragedy but that is the nature of Arda Marred.
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liya4kar · 4 years
Liyada’s Pokespe AU Masterpost
I decided to do a Pokespe AU Masterpost because I have a lot of them and unfortunately never get to speak of them with anyone because nobody knows them. And doing a master post with also help me to actually keep track of all of them.
I’ll also probably do one post for the more developed AU where I can develop them fully, as I’ll try to keep this post short.
If you want to send me an ask about any of them, please do! I’d love to speak of them more~ If you want to know more about a character in an AU, or how some events happen, I will love to answer you!
Also, every work relate to those AU will be tag on my blog, you can find the tag name at the beginning of each AU, as well as the related fics if there are any!
The Magical Dexholders AU
The Magical Pokémons AU
Humans Gods AU Number 1
Humans Gods AU Number 2
Kagepro AU Number 1
Kagepro AU Number 2
Kagepro AU Number 3 (Though the only link between this AU and Kagepro is the idea behind Ene)
Yorozuya no Lack-Chan AU
Legendary Dexholders AU
Blond Family AU
One Piece AU
Natural Spirits AU
Ducktales AU
1. The Magical Dexholders (Will have a special post)
(Fic for it: The Magical Dexholders)
Tag: #The Magical Dexholder AU
A canon-compliant AU, where all the canons adventure has already taken place, and when a new adventure arises. Except that this time it’s not an Evil Team but the Darkness Force of the Evil that is so Bad that They stole the Snack of a Four Years Old Child, and that the Dexholders are not fighting with their Pokémons but with their Magical Powers they obtained from some random strange sassy colorful creatures, and they fight with the power of Friendship, Anime, and Protagonist on their side.
Aka a total self-compliant Magical Girl AU where I put whatever strange idea I have. 
In this AU, you can find:
Sassy little creatures
Characters being dumb
Diamond and Silver bonding over their passion for Proteam Omega while fighting The Darkness of the Evil that is blabla Snack of a Child blabla.
Blue and Yellow kicking ass.
Hippie Celebi (oops this one is a spoiler)
Not all the characters are Magical Holders right now but they will all appear up to Sun and Moon at least. Maybe SWSH if I or someone finds a way to incorporate them. (Though if you ask for the destiny of any specific character of this AU in an ask, I’ll surely answer!)
Some people bonding over their friends being dumb (Or how Pearl, Green, Crystal, and Y ended up in a group chat with a Satanic God) (Ooops Spoiler again)
2. The Magical Pokémons (Will have a special post)
Tag: #Spe Magical Pokémons AU
This AU, though created before the Magical Dexholders, is actually linked to the Magical Dexholders. Technically, they happen in the same setting and meet at one point. But of course, when I wanted to write a fic for it alongside the Dexholders, I realized I actually have no time to write it! Ahah-
Basically, still a Magical Girl AU, still a parodical AU where the only goal is to have fun and laugh, but this time it’s not the Dexholders that are the Magical Boys or Girls but their Pokémons! Well, not all of them. Two per Dexholders. Do you realize how complicated it’s to manage all the DH? So all their Pokémons? No way- So only two Pokémons per DH.
Warning, this AU happen before Black was released from the Light Stone. But Sun and Moon are already out of the Ultra-Dimension. Respecting the timeline? It’s my AU I do what I want. (Mainly cause this AU was created back in 2018 actually)
In this AU, you can find:
Pokémons doing dumb sh*t when their trainers are not in sight.
Black being the only humans having powers because he was in the Light Stone when Reshiram received powers, and now he can sometimes go out of the Light Stone when the situation is desperate enough.
Also when Black activates his power he wears a white wedding dress.
Yellow also joining sometimes?
3. Human Gods AU Number 1
Tag: #Spe Human Gods AU Number 1
I always found weird there were only Pokémon Gods in the Pokémon Universe. So what did I do? I created not only one, but two Humans God AU! And here we go for the first.
So. Once Upon a Time, there were Human Gods. But they were not really nice. Actually, they wanted to destroy all the Pokémon Gods and to at best, reduce Pokémons as slaves, at worst killing them all. Of course, the Pokémons Gods did not agree, and after a (little) war, the Humans Gods were sealed by the Pokémons Gods and erased of mainstream history. But of course, things are not that easy, Humans Gods still have secret followers and are planing for their return.
Centuries later, when those followers are finally close to getting back their Gods and need to steal some old parchments for that, they are noticed by Cynthia who asked the help of the Sinnoh Trio. Of course, nothing works like expected, and when the Human Gods finally break their seal, they need bodies to reincarnate in and it’s really convenient that Diamond and Platinum are just right there. Now, the Humans Gods free and ready to put their reign of terror in place, it’s up to Pearl (who saw his best friends lovers possessed in front of him yeah!), the other DH, and the (for once) united army of the Pokémon Gods to stop them before it’s too late. Oh, and also maybe get Diamond and Platinum back.
In this AU you can find:
Epic fights
I mean there are powerful Gods so EPIC FIGHTS
Even more angst
Maybe Major Character Death. To see.
Development of Pokémons and Humans relationship
Did I mention Angst?
4. Human Gods AU Number 2 (Will have a special post)
Tag: #Spe Humans Gods AU Number 2
And yeah, there is a Number 2- They are not the only AU that ends to have several versions of it at the end.
So. Basically, like in the previous AUs, thousands of years ago there was a war between the Pokémons and Humans Gods, each other judging the other being invasive and dangerous to the other being. Normal Humans and Gods also participate in this war. But on both sides, some start to lose faith in this conflict and believe that cohabitation is possible. Things become more complicated when Gods from both factions start to bond. Together, they decide to end the was so everyone can live peacefully together. If the Pokémons Gods accept it pretty well, the Humans ones don’t, especially after one of the most vehement deity simulated a Pokémon attack, and they decide to end the war by using a magical machine to destroy the Pokémons Gods (the one used in the Kalos war is a less-powerful derivate of it).
 As the Humans Gods working for the peace don’t have much time left before the arms use, they take an extreme measure and seal their fellow Gods to the price of their own life. The Pokémons Gods then decided to end the war and to let the Pokémons and Humans live together without interfering with them anymore. They also used a bit of their power to grant the last wish of the Humans Gods who sacrificed themselves, who wanted to see a world where everyone can cohabitate. The said Humans Gods, no longer Gods, reincarnate as normal Humans once in while, still having a little fragment of their powers, 
Thousands of years later, the seal finally breaks, and the Humans Gods come out, some planing their revenge, some wanting to see how the world has evolved in their absence before taking a decision. Obviously, the DH gets involved. Either by meeting the gods and decide to help or fight them depending on the situation or by being one of the reincarnated Gods themselves.
What do you find in this AU:
Angst, surely
Some DH in God versions with cool designs
Human and Pokémon relationship development
Lore created from crap by me, with some inspiration from the real world but with also a lot of invented stuff, because hey it’s my AU and I do what I want
Magic. Everywhere.
5. Kagepro AU Number 1 (Aka the Fidel to the Kagepro Plot)
Tag: #Liya’s Spe Kagepro AU 1
I used to be in Kagepro a lot last, so OF COURSE, I ended doing an AU of it. Wait, not only one actually- I’ll list them by “How close to the Kagepro plot they are”.
So, in this first one, it’s basically “We replace the Kagepro characters with Pokespe characters”, though some things change, depending on the personality of the chosen characters. But they still have the same powers as the originals Kagepro cast.
Here the main cast!
Red as Ayano
Green as Shintaro
Blue as Takane/Ene
Yellow as Haruka/Konoha
Prof Oak as Kenjiirou (Ayano’s father)
Platinum as Kido Tsubomi
Diamond as Seto Kyousuke
Pearl as Kano Shuuya
White as Momo
Whi-Two as Mary
X as Hibiya
Y as Hiyori
What you can find in this AU:
Angst, I missed you!
Family relationship between several characters because ships are great, family is better.
Major Character Deaths. Like, they all die at some point but come back to life because of time loops reason!
Damn, there is so much angst possible with this one.
6. Kagepro AU Number 2 (Aka I take a lot of liberty from the original plot but you can still see the Kagepro influence) (Will have a post)
Tag: #Liya’s Kagepro AU 2
So... How to explain this one... 
It’s my most developed Kagepro AU, and so my more complex one. Too complex to even summarize it in this post (I try and stop when it became longuer than all the previous AUs combined ahah-), it’s why it’ll be the first one to have its post. Please be patient, I’ll link it as soon that I'll post it!
It also follows the canon, though some events/characters interactions change.
What can you find in this AU:
Angst, to change
Four DHs that are not all related being a found family because I can.
Major Characters Deaths. Once again.
Friendships too. Friendships are great.
7. Kagepro AU Number 3 (aka there is nearly no link to Kagepro by this point)
Tag: #Liya’s Spe Kagepro AU 3
So. In Kagepro, I always loved Ene. And all the angst include by everyone believing you are dead while you are transformed into a virus/computer program.
So basically, there is a crazy scientist organization that is doing all sorts of experiments on humans, to get immortality. Those experiments are killing nearly all the people who go through them, the rare survivors being broken beyond repair and not immortal at all. If they took random people at first, they end up taking more different people, from all backgrounds with all kinds of lives, to see if there is any difference. They tend to socially isolate their prospect guinea pigs before simulating their death in an accident.
One of this experience include separating the soul from the body: they transform the brains data into informatical data and transfer it in a computer. Like any of their experiments, there is a lot of death. But for once, it succeeds, and they end up with one person with their body in a coma while their “soul” is on a computer. Thrilled by this success, they do other attempts and end up with two other survivors. All of them are determined and stubborn people who have some people they hold dear to see again. At some point, the organization decides to try to kill the bodies to see if the informatical data stay, and the three of them decide to run away on the Internet, so the scientists can’t try this new experiment. They change of appearance, name, and end up in the computer of the BW Agency, and after some misunderstood, end up working for them.
White is glad to have three artificial intelligence helping with her work, she did not remember her software supplier having programs that powerful.
On the meanwhile, Pearl, Shauna, and Green are glad to not be experiments anymore, nor do they mind helping White with her work, though they would like to get their bodies back one day.
And far from the Agency, Platinum, Blue, and X, after a rather strange meeting, end up investigating their friends' mysterious deaths of their friends with the help of Lack-Two.
What do you find in this AU:
When was the last time I saw you; Angst?
Pearl, Shauna, and Green are doing shenanigans. And also end being close friends/found family?
White is also joining them in shenanigans
Funny and light with White and the three “Yes yes we are AI, absolutely not humans!” while the others are more on a dark, crime movie atmosphere
Also, some characters don’t cope well with their friends' deaths
Do we tag Major Character Deaths when someone believes someone else is dead even if it’s not the case and that the reader knows it?
8. Yorozuya no Lack-chan AU
Fics for it: Dogwalker Lack and The Begining of Yorozuya no Lack-Chan
Tag #Yorozuya no Lack-chan AU
Got a drabble request once and ended up doing a whole AU of it because meh why not? Like you can say with the title, it is somehow Gintama inspired.
So basically, at the end of BW2 Lack-two got fired from the International Police and start doing odd jobs for a living. He even created an agency for it, who do any work from you as long that you pay. He even has two employees, who he doesn’t really pay, aka Whi-Two and X. Yeah.
What do you find in this AU:
Furry Neko Sun
Characters being dumb
Do you wanna laugh?
Characters doing odd jobs
9. Legendary Dexholders AU (Will do a post about this one)
Fic for it: Giratina
Tag: #Legendary Dexholders AU
Being an immortal god can be boring after a few thousand years, especially when nothing had happened for a while. And one of the advantages of being a God is to left a copy of yourself while you are wandering around in a human body.
Aka several Legendaries Pokémons decide to just reincarnate in humans and, of course, they had to end up becoming Dexholders and have a complicated life. Well, at least they did not have that much fun since the last drinking contest between Kyogre and Lugia five hundred years ago.
What do you find in this AU:
An AU firstly created to be funny but the only fic I wrote about it ended up being a character study fic
But at the end, the Legendaries Pokémons are just doing shenanigans
Arceus is so done with them
Also feature mainly the main Sinnoh Legendaries Pokémons because I love them but there are also a few others
10. Blonde Family AU
Fics about it: Don't listen to others confessions or you'll end as responsible as them and To be a Cousin
Tag: #Spe Blonde Family AU
What if several blonde characters were related? Aka the AUs where Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, and Y are all cousins, and Emerald is the son of Palmer but neither Em nor Palmet know it until Ruby and Sapphire decide to investigate what happened to Emerald’s parents.
In this AU, you find:
Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, and Y are cousins, pretty close to each other, but when they see each other it usually ends up in a catastrophe
Emerald could not care less about his father because he has a found family but Ruby and Sapphire still decide to investigate (notably to kick their b*** if one of them is still alive and abandoned Emerald).
To Palmer’s defense, it was an adventure before he met Pearl’s mother, and Emerald’s mom ran away without telling him she was pregnant
Either cousins doing dumb cousins stuff together or Ruby and Sapphire going on a hunt to kick Palmer’s a** while Em and Pearl look and eat popcorns.
11. One Piece AU
Fic about it: Bonding on the Grand Line
Tag: #Liya’s Spe One Piece AU
With this AU, we arrive in the AUs that don’t take place in the canon world! The other AUs where all somehow link to the canon world and the canon adventures of the DH, except for the Kagepro number 1. But starting from this one, they all take place in other worlds!
This AU was created for the Pirate Summer Event of the Pokespe Art Community Discord and but I like it so I’ll probably write more about it if I find time to.
So basically, your One Piece AU, that happened 20 years before the death of Gold Roger (so 40 years before Luffy & Co.). To protect his best friends, Pearl ends up becoming a pirate, captain of his own crew (with the Sinnoh Gym Leaders!). And being a pirate on the Grand Line is not always easy.
What do you find in this AU:
Pearl's and Cheren's friendship. I’d die for it.
Pearl, Cheren, and the Sinnohan and Unovan Gym Leaders doing shenanigans
But also a bit of angst because hey, you know me now
Also other characters but I need to plan more their role in this AU
12. Natural Spirits AU (there will be definitely a post about this one)
Tag: Spe Natural Spirits AU
There are two beings on Earth: Humans and Natural Spirits, magical beings close to nature, each one of them being connected to a natural concept. The Natural Spirits stay hide in their cities, with only a few humans knowing their existence, and tend to despise the humans, destroying the planets at a ridiculous rate. But the Natural Spirits society is complicated, and as the human society, is far from perfect.
X, a prodigy Spirits, can’t take the pressure anymore and isolate himself far from his city, near the human town. Whi-Two, another Spirit, have a strange fascination for the humans but never go through the forest and the human town frontier. Until the day when they each meet one human, and befriend them, despite the warnings they had heard since they were children. Hiding that they are not humans, they end up joining their two new friends to a rather strange place call High-school. 
Pearl and Sapphire have rather normal lives. School, homework, friends... But since they met two new people in the forest, things start to become more interesting. Especially with the wave of people trying to take over the world... Wait, what?
What do you find in this AU:
A friendship between four characters who never met in the canon
But all the other DHs and several secondary characters have their roles
And some of them are also Natural Spirits
High-school life
Magic too
Both Humans and Spirits teams trying to take over the world and the four friends had to stop them every time
Also, the Natural Spirits society is like humans one, very far from perfect
Secret identity problems like hiding to your human friends that you can actually speak to mushrooms.
13. Ducktales AU (Will have a post because there is so much to say about this one)
Tag: Spe Ducktales AU
Ducktales, Woo-Ooo!
I love Ducktales. I have been hyperobsessing on it recently, so of course, I had to make an AU out of it! Special thanks to Vex who supported my random brainstorming in her DMs.
So... Basically, once upon a time, the richest Duck of the world, Prof McWak, had four grandchildren, two pairs of siblings: Green and Blue, and Red and Yellow. Like any normal family, on their weekends they used to go on ancient temples with deadly traps and fight monsters to get new treasures. When Prof McWak died, the four cousins, now young adults, continue to go on adventures, while Red, Yellow, and Green found their own families. But everything ends one day when, following some disastrous event, Yellow disappears, more likely to be dead. The three left cousins argue and end up splitting up, Blue founding her own company, Green becoming the CEO of their grandfather empire, and Red leaving with his new-hatched son and Yellow’s egg, never contacting his cousins again.
Ten years later, Diamond and Pearl, two cousins who grew up as brothers, accidentally break into the infamous McWak Enterprise CEO manor and met his oldest daughter, Platinum. After she brought them in a self-proclaimed adventure, when the trio became good friends, they have the surprise to find that first, Diamond’s Dad/Pearl’s “Uncle” Red and Platinum’s Father Green are actually cousins and that since they blew up Red’s houseboat during their adventures, they now get to live in the McWak Manor.
What happens next is history.
What do you find in this AU:
The Kanto quartet, the Sinnoh Trio, and Moon being all relatives because FAMILY TROPE YEAH
Pearl and chibi sassy Moon investigating Yellow’s disappearance
Family, Humor, Adventures, Angst AU
Red and Green need to learn how to communicate
Also, Sinnoh Trio adventures because those three are too precious
It’s all for the moment! I’ll probably add more AUs as I’ll inevitably create more. Thank you for reading this AU Masterpost!
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academla · 7 years
I have this AU but like it's not even a Newtina AU and I'm being so obnoxious about it but I'm excited bc I've never come up with any sort of original fiction beyond the scope of fanfic. I mean it's probably an Ender's Game Newtina AU?? Idk you can judge I mean it's Newtina bc they're the main characters and I threw in some stuff but it's not the focus and it's quite cliche and trope-y but it's good writing practice even if I never post it Anyway it's loosely based on Ender's Game/Tomorrowland and essentially Newt, who's a foster kid, gets mysteriously chosen at a science fair by Seraphina (who's the Commander) and her bro Ewan (an OC from TWMLLO). Newt is basically like um ok (they tell his foster/group home that he's gotten chosen for a study abroad program and they're like k see ya) and they whisk him off into space and he's like what the fuck is happening (I'm so good at paraphrasing) So he's on this massive vessel and has no idea what's up and oh hey there's Tina! (They're 17) she's been here since fetus bc her parents were on the original team led by Seraphina, and Gellert is a dick to her bc she calls the Commander by her first name etc and she's super badass and like most of the kids don't really care it's just Gellert being peanut butter and jelly So she fills Newt in on the situation at hand - oh also turns out everyone recruited is parent-less in one capacity or another - which is basically that this group of superhumans, the Mavorsians (mavors = war-like spirit in Latin) launched an attack on Earth 20 years ago and failed but they also killed the people who thwarted them, including Seraphina's dad, which is why she started the program. It's called NSN - nostra spes novissimis, our last hope - and it's ongoing mission is to 1. Figure out what the Mavorsians are up to bc they think they've inhabited a planet 2. Stop them, bc they're p sure they've been behind a lot of shit on earth like natural disasters and terrorist attacks (9/11 especially) and 3. Defeat them That's where all these recruits come in and their youth army comprises of the Delinitors (victor, triumphant, stuff like that), who are training hardcore in combat and strategy etc. and a lot of students fail out bc Seraphina expects them to be on par with the superhumans from Mavors and like bruh that's a tall fucking order. Newt isn't necessarily brawny but she could tell he was smart and strategic, hence why she chose him. Oh yeah also she's getting desperate af which is possibly more important So the unique thing about the NSN versus Mavors is that the NSN is run by a computer hi tech system versus humans. It's an intelligent computer system (ICS) so its close to AI, not quite, but really malleable and complex. The Luxor program is for the elite geniuses who work on programming and expanding the system and basically try to improve the ship and its abilities etc. So Newt starts but gets kicked out of the Delinitors bc oops he's not built to karate kick people and wrestle them to the ground and also doesn't have an especially aggressive spirit. He stays on the vessel while they figure out what to do with him, thinking to put him with the Dicax, who are intelligent and quick thinking strategists but don't do a whole lot. Tina meanwhile 1. Trains Newt privately 2. Argues with Seraphina to keep training Newt and 3. Starts sneaking Newt to the simulator command center bc she is 10000% convinced of his potential and brain power (yay Tina) So they regularly sneak out as he familiarizes himself with the ICS and its language and ofc he's amazing with it, and the actual room is super cool and domed and everything is holographic/projected and aww Tina kisses him when he gives her the headset and is like "can you hear it too" and she's like damn that's cool (but they stay friends bc no they gotta focus on saving the world and stuff) Anyway then Tina with all her insider info comes to Newt crying bc the ICS is starting to fail and jam (ya know, the real one) and they've been scrambling to fix it all but she's scared that they won't fix it in time to fight and they're all talking about aborting the mission or cutting down the program and trying to start from square one but oh shit the attack is drawing nearer so Newt is like ITS OK BAE and works even harder with the simulator, trying to mimic what's happening to the ICS and work with it to fix it But then there's a huge attack and the Mavorsians hack the ICS 100% and the ship literally starts to self destruct and everyone's gonna die except Newt manages to sneak into the command center and save them all hooray for Newt the computer genius But wait there's more bc they still have an attack to prevent *gasp* aaaand that's where I'm gonna stop (but for people who like action-y Newtina and sexually charged moments of possibly almost dying the battle scenes would be cool) Wow this is long I hope you scrolled past lmao this is mostly for my ref and bc I was otherwise gonna spam people with my plotline. I'm 99% probably never gonna post it - it wouldn't get reads on AO3, bc it's not focused on Newtina, and I'm too lazy to explore other options atm - but I'm just excited as a writer to have a new project to embark on Ok I'm done edye out
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alolatrainersemina · 7 years
The RPG Thing, Continued, with the Three Archies
At this point it’s not really an RPG AU, more like some grand excuse to write skill titles Although I never realized Chinese could be this manly and badass in such an untranslatable way That means I probably overdid it and went too far with my middle school syndrome
ORAS Archie Class: Summoner Physical+++, Spirit+, Magic- Summons specialized in water related creatures Can talk to fish and whatever Usually hides his summon abilities and saves it as a last straw A strong survivor
Skills: 召唤“猛鲨下洋”(Summon “Feral Shark Down the Blue”) ↑ Calls strongest familiar for a powerful attack or a defense that does recoil damage
直觉"四面感知”(Instinct “Peripheral Perception”) ↑ Evasion is always slightly higher than other characters; slightly boosts a certain sense; or, in the case when a certain sense is lost, boosts all senses
召唤“海空横行之鲲”(Summon “The Sky and Ocean-Roaming Whale”) ↑ Summons and fuses with Kyogre for a short time; enables free control of water; enables levitation
SPE Archie Class: Knight/Mage Well rounded everywhere but has low agility, which is a great disadvantage when facing high agility types (@SPE Maxie) Usually takes defense/support roles Has managed to befriend a huge number of pokemon; trusts his pokemon more than his team mates Calculations precise; also strategic, although strategy is not exactly needed in the Archie team because of the other two’s temper Does most of the management (such as holding items and negotiating)
Skills: 剑术“瞬间归还”(Sword-art “Instant Return”) ↑ Quickly deflects attacks with sword; effectiveness is based on physical attributes, but actual attacks are based on respective Physical/Magic attributes; cannot be imitated by “Perfect Emulation” (@SPE Maxie)
古器“大航海时代的黄金宝藏”(Artifact “The Golden Treasure of the Great Discovery Age”) ↑ Jirachi Acquires any existing/existed item of choice before this skill is activated again; the method is unknown
“缓流”("Slowed Currents”) ↑ All approaching attacks are severely slowed to near immobility
RSE Archie Class: Warrior/Monk/Berserker (?) Wields the most type of physical attacks; can vary in all sorts of style but usually chooses those that "harmonizes with the nature" Has high defense and HP while being quick and physical, don’t have magic attributes though (a little, but not enough to utilize) Presumably the highest-leveled character in both the Maxies and the Archies (senpai powers) Leads the tempo of the fight; skills can boost the stats of other teammates or create special effects May seem mediocre at first but is very hard to deal with
Skills: 斗术“蛟杀爪”(Battlecraft "Leviathan-Slaying Claw”) ↑ He who has conquered the water - swift and fierce physical attack done with the hands; requires close contact; will temporarily cause enemy immobility when hit; easy to combo into other attacks
气场“长江上惊涛浩荡”(Aura "Crashing Waves Gallant on the Ceaseless River”) ↑ He who has become one with the water - anticipates attacks (acts as a defense this way); greatly boosts the spirit of all teammates; suppresses opponent’s will to fight (defense to this skill is based on spirit)
”天下四海,吾等壮志所在”(“The Vast Waters, Where Our Ambitions Lie”) ↑ Influences and rouses the flowing nature itself with special acquired powers - EXPAND THE SEA!
References ORAS Archie’s skill title “猛鲨下洋”(“Feral Shark Down the Blue”)was modified from the Chinese phrase “猛虎下山” which literally means “the fierce tiger descends the mountain” RSE Archie’s skill title "长江上惊涛浩荡”("Crashing Waves Gallant on the Ceaseless River”)- “长江” is technically supposed to stand for the Yangtze River but I took a literal meaning instead. “长”(cháng)=long and “江”(jiāng)=river As for “蛟杀爪”("Leviathan-Slaying Claw”),“蛟”(jiāo)is short for/is also equivalent to “蛟龙” (jiāo lóng)which stands for a species in legendary Chinese creatures; it is a serpentine water half-dragon And in ORAS Archie’s skill title “海空横行之鲲”(“The Sky and Ocean-Roaming Whale”)- “鲲”(kūn)is a legendary Chinese creature that is said to be a giant fish
I’m sorry there’s too much foreign language
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