#Spec has a nickname but that's also mom specific
Headcanons For (Next) Next Gen Skyverse Fankids
Vera the Activist (Sky x Angel):
Inspired by her father, Vera hopes to use her status as a royal to fight for equality and monster rights. Especially for the spider people. She's tough, but very intelligent. Although she's not as into the whole multiverse thing as much as Sky, she still likes going to the crystal cave to see her interdimentional siblings. In recent years, Vera has also found a new hobby: inventing. While not good as a certain other sibling, she has made a few little robots and gadgets, such as her pet spider-bot Ruby.
Erick and Zara (Judas x Nora):
Erick-Friendly guy that wants to be a healer like Nora. He's also gay and has his family's full support.
Zara-Although Vera is friends with her and her brother, she's closer to Zara due to both of them being quite sassy and sarcastic. She also appears to have gotten Judas’ tentacle arm, which Erick is helping her with.
Petunia, Antonio and Ren (Fae x Mason):
Petunia-Sweet girl who loves gardening with her dad.
Antonio-Mysterious, quiet boy that keeps to himself.
Ren-Rambunctious little guy. Loves animals.
(They're all babysat by Erick, Zara, and/or Vera)
Alec (Damien x Melanie):
Cheerful nerdy boy that loves jumping between the two worlds his parents are from and unlike Vera, picks apart every detail about his folks' respective universes and the multiverse in general. He's also pan and tends to act extremely awkward around his crushes.
Cressida the Ice Queen and Orion the Protector (Luna x Ashton):
Cressida-Like her mom, Cressida takes her duties incredibly seriously. She's got a great relationship with her brother Orion and is very protective of him. She'll put anyone who messes with him on ice-literally. She's also close with her wolf-goat Flurry.
Orion-As it is with many siblings, Orion is the opposite of his sister. He's not that good at combat and can be a bit of a scaredy cat. But he is working on the combat part with Ashton, with whom he has an adorable relationship with. As he ages, he starts to adopt more of an emo personality like his father.
Terra (Stefan x Hana)
Cressida's best friend who balences out the princess' fighting spirit with her calm demenor. Has a great sense of fashion to boot and bonds with Stefan over their love of travelling, though Terra prefers the ocean over the land.
Solena the Super (Sage x Celeste):
Ever since she was little, Solena has been obsessed with Earth culture, specifically superheroes. She loves hearing stories about how her moms fought monsters and protected Mewni. Solena is very much looking forward to getting the wand so she can save the day like in her stories. But what she doesn't understand yet is that you don't need magic or even be a princeses to help people. (And yes, she's an MCU fan)
Venus the Pacifist (Miguel x Sunny):
Like Vera, Venus believes in equal rights for all. But unlike Vera, who doesn't mind getting into a scuffle or two, Venus sees diplomacy and negotiation as the better way. Despite this, she does realize that fighting back is occasionally necessary to defend yourself and/or others. You can usually find her practicing swordfighting with Miguel, working on controlling her Butterfly/Demon magic, or jamming to music with Sunny.
Titania the Scientist (Galexia x Lukas):
A mix of Lukas' interest in science and Lexi's quirky enthusiasm is what gave Titania the nickname "mad scientist." She's similar to Solena in that she's fascinated by Earth, but more for its technology than its pop culture. The budding inventor also seems to have inherated her mom's artistry, being able to draw unbelievably detailed design specs. Her future plans for Mewni are to have it one day be just as technologically advanced as Earth. While Titania is ambitious, she may still have a thing or two to learn about ethics. 
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sionnac · 4 years
錦衣之下 2
And getting right into the next part:  Worlds collide, street police meets secret police, and Lu Yi, stop scaring your future fiancee.
When we last left Jinxia, she was busy catching a random wanted guy.  Upon easily dealing with the capture, she sits down to finish all the food he ordered while chatting up his girlfriend (HAHA) and then leaves with Da Yang and their captive in tow.
Oop, Jinxia spots a signal in the sky from her police department and leaves Da Yang to clean up and rushes over to the new case.  Turns out there’s a dead crispy man, and Jinxia moves in to ID the corpse.
She concludes the man has been murdered and that he’s who they say he is due to a specific defining feature unique to him -- the guy had a chunk of arrow break off in his chest from years before in combat.
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 Look at this good girl helping her master down the stairs with his bad leg.  Her master promptly informs everyone that whoever takes this case gets a bunch of monies and Jinxia’s eyes instantly light up.
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 *screeches in laughter* I can’t.  She’s so shameless.  HAhaha.  First, she pulls the “how could you big stronk men fight with me, a poor little gurl, for a caseeeeee??” on the guys, then she GIVES SOME BS ABOUT HER MOM SELLING HER IF SHE DOESN’T BRING HOME THE DOUGH.  YOU CAN SEE THE MILD AMUSEMENT ON HER MASTER’S FACE.
The best part is everyone else complaining, and she just whines louder to try to drown them out.  HAHA.  Shameless.  Absolutely shameless.
Master tries to make it fair.  He lets them go at it in a free-for-all: whoever can take the investigation document gets the case.  Obviously, everyone else is a useless potato, so Jinxia gets the case.  Until.............
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Oh.  Ok, then. 
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So I mentioned Lu Yi is as extra as they come, right?  The fans have many fond nicknames for Lu Yi, among them are “human spinning top” and “human washing machine.”  There’s so much spinning, I had to separate it into two gifs because the gif time limit was exceeded. 
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Remember Spinzaku from Code Geass?  I’m pretty sure Lu Yi went to the same school but took the advanced tornado level classes with extra spin and graduated with all the honours.  All of them.  
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The interesting thing about Lu Yi is that he’s fully aware of the effect he has on people and purposely chooses not to ease the tension, but Jinxia, in this scene alone, already shows the push and pull dynamic right from day 1.  She has a healthy fear of the Jinyiwei, but she still wants her gun back because it’s hers >:[  He fires away haphazardly, scaring everyone in their vicinity and.....
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...then asks her about the gun’s specs.  Ah. なるほど.  Lu Yi, you’re just a gun otaku, aren’t you??!!  GEEZ.  GET OUT OF HERE, YOU FLAMBOYANT FLYING FISH.
After their little exchange, Lu Yi asks to see the body, points out something Jinxia overlooked, that Mr. crispy corpse is not in fact the man they thought he was and promptly begins to leave to deal with the case further.  I love that Jinxia chases after him, eager to investigate more on the case.  She’s completely unflappable, doesn’t make a big deal about having overlooked something, and isn’t cowed by his Jinyiwei status.  She’s genuinely interested in solving the case.  Also, she. still. wants. her. gun. back. 
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But, alas, gun otaku Lu Yi wants to go home and play with the gun for a bit, so he invites her on an investigation date issues her a challenge to crack the case before him in return for her gun. 
On rewatch, this whole part is interesting, knowing how the future develops.  We, and Jinxia, think he’s looking down on her, and Cen Fu, Lu Yi’s bodyguard friend, the third wheeliest of third wheels, definitely is looking down on her [ Do you need some ice for that burn, Cen Fu?  You’re a dozen years too early to be playing insult games with Master Xia.  :D]   
But Lu Yi, in contrast, is already intrigued by her.  She’s already piqued his interest -- she designed her own gun, she’s skilled enough to solve cases well enough to be given special rewards, and she has the tongue and wit to match blow for blow anything thrown at her, but she knows where the lines are and stays just courteously enough within them to avoid any social faux pas -- and he wants to see the limits of her abilities.    
One last thing:
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This is also the beginning of another of Lu Yi’s defining traits: 似笑非笑  A smile that is not a smile.  This one actually has a smidgen of amusement to it, but Lu Yi has a dozen different half-smiles that run the gamut from “I’d actually like to kill you right now” cold death stare to “I’ve actually killed all the fans right now”  too warm and gentle for 5 me stare.   I lose either way, Lu Yi.  I lose either way.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
And that’s enough for this post.  At some point, I’m sure these posts will end up being one or two gifs each and an incoherent amount of rambling under that one gif, but for now.....Neeexxttt.
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retvenkos · 6 years
“if i don’t fight, who will?”
(so keep in mind these are just my ideas - they might even go against canon sometimes, don’t @ me.)
he doesn’t know who his dad was, so he holds resentment against any older male figure
he figures that all men must be terrible since his own father left him and his mom to starve  - he didn’t grow up with much
he had a little brother who was younger than him by five years, and this kid was the light of albert’s life
again, the dad is m.i.a., and it probably wasn’t the same dude, but albert didn’t think it made a difference.
albert’s mom worked long hours in a factory and he hardly ever saw her, so he would have to take care of his brother even though he was way too young to do so
the old grandma’s in the neighborhood he lived in would help watch the two boys, but most of the time they were left to fend for themselves
sometimes some older boys would pick on his little brother, so that’s how albert got his aggressive streak
no one was going to beat up on his brother
albert’s mom would always scold him when he would come home with bloody fists and a black eye, but he would just brush her off
don’t get me wrong - he loved his mother, she was just never there
he felt like she had no right to tell him what to do since she was never there to help his brother
and one day albert is preoccupied, trying to steal some bread from a bakery or something
and he doesn’t realize it until later, but he lost his brother in a crowd
when he does notice, he’s stressed
he runs up and down alleys, calling for his brother and asking people if they’ve seen him
he finally goes into a dark alley and he finds his little brother
he’s curled up in a ball, the only thing that makes him recognizable his red hair (albert’s mom was a redhead)
and he’s been beaten up really badly
albert realizes he has to get him home, but he can’t carry the boy himself
albert’s only 12 and his brother is 7.
he’s outmatched
so they stagger home, painfully slow
his mother scolds him when he gets home, and albert snaps and yells back
his little brother is crying and albert can’t see through the tears in his eyes
if he could, he would have seen his mother crying too, trying to clean up her sons
albert yells that his mother never cared, and if she had she wouldn’t have been stupid enough to have kids with a man who didn’t love her and get pregnant with kids she couldn’t afford.
it gets quiet then
too quiet
albert looks over at his mother and finds her in a heap on the floor
he looks at his brother and finds his eyes to be shut, his face too pale to have blood still being pumped too it
albert doesn’t know what to do
he runs
he sleeps in an alley that night and wakes up cold, but not numb
specs finds him, and he’s still a young boy, just a year older than albert himself
he doesn’t know what to do, so he takes him to the lodge
albert sells newspapers the next day, and specs gave him a dime to buy twenty papes
albert never forgot and still sneaks him extra pennies to this day
he never saw his mother after that day
the boys at the lodge tried to call him red for a nickname, but albert wouldn’t let them do it
his brother had hair that was redder and brighter than his, and albert would always call him that
that’s also why he has issues getting close to people, he’s afraid he’ll lose them
which is why he was super skeptical about les
but then he was messing around with him like he used to with his own brother
and everyone is always really shocked??? because albert is soft with kids???
he also wears his cap backward so it pushes his hair out of his face so he doesn’t have to see it - the red is a reminder of his family
he will occasionally steal liquor so he can forget
he will wake up in the middle of the night, crying because he was having a dream of his brother
that’s how he and race meet, actually
race was awake for some reason and albert woke up, crying
race teased him about it and albert was too tired to fight, so he made some sarcastic remark
and they sat there in silence for a long time
then albert told race about his brother and everything (he had never told anyone before)
race told albert about his mom (which i will expand upon in race’s headcanons)
and they eventually went to sleep, no one knows who stopped the conversation first
they woke up the next morning and were inseparable ever since
race is the only one who can make jokes about albert’s parents and come out unscathed
also, dripping sarcasm
you’ve never seen something as bad as this
it’s a real problem
he also really likes and respects specs - but it’s more of an unspoken thing.
he definitely confides in him though, specs is the holder of all secrets
he’s super afraid of losing those he cares about
so he tries to pretend he doesn’t care at all
but when you break down his walls???
total softy
just wants to see everyone smile and be happy
will fight anyone who tries to dull any of the newsies shine
will also crack jokes with race to get the younger, scared newsies to laugh
random headcanons, you ask???
he is definitely not a morning person
doesn’t steal so much anymore, but i mean, sometimes people are just asking for it
hates weisel with a passion and tries to break him daily
has threatened to fight the delanceys on numerous occassions
and totally will - just nothing ever comes of it
he’s only ever fought the delanceys twice, and both of the times were because race (or another newsie) picked a fight with them and are incapable of actually fighting
very strong
he can read
and if a young newsie ever needs help with knowing the headline albert has their back
i just like older brother albert, okay???
closest with race, specs, mike and ike, les, and kid blink
but is proud to say he knows all the newsies by name
can’t flirt to save his life
unless he’s drunk
really hates cigar smoke
that’s why he steals race’s cigars
still gives race one as a gift every now and then, though
is actually really good with languages and accents???
i mean, he’s not fluent by any means
but he definitely knows phrases from a lot of different languages
especially the swears
can’t seem to get spanish, though
if anyone is having difficulty understanding a newsie, they know who to ask
is 16 during the strike
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sage-shipping · 2 years
❣️ 💓 🎨 🖌️ 💘 🥰 for ignis (& if u want, ur ffxv s/i)
i’ll do it for both!
❣️ - What are their love languages?
- Ignis’ is acts of service. hes constant thinking of small gestures he can do to show he cares.
- s/is is also acts of service. he has a habit of taking over the cooking or driving for the group when he starts to notice ignis needs a break.
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
- the switch in Ignis’ behavior are very subtle. he’ll find himself cooking s/is favorite meals more often, he’ll drift closer to s/i in battle and he’ll try to make casual conversation more than usual.
- s/i, is very obvious about his feelings. he’ll hop on any oppurtunity to help ignis with cooking and other chores. hes also been caught staring more than once.
🎨 - What’s their favorite color?
- despite the black uniform he wears as a crownsguard and glaive, he prefers toned down neutral or earthy colors. mostly browns, greens and grey.
- s/i also prefers earthy/natural colors, but on the brighter end of the spectrum.
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies?
- aside from cooking, ignis doesnt really have any. he considers himself too busy for that. given the chance, he likes to try out his friends hobbies.
- s/i enjoys going out on the royal vessel and helping noct catch sea fish. or whenever the group is in town, he spends a long time in the markets.
💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)?
- Ignis is fond of s/is attitude, that s/i is almost as protective of the others as he is, or that s/i jumps to help him out.
- s/i loves ignis’ strength, specifically how well he carries the weight on his shoulders.
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
- Ignis isnt big on pet names, and espcially not in front of the others, given that they’ll relentlessly tease him about it.
- not pet names per se, but s/i has picked up on the nicknames the others have given him and will call him iggy, specs or jokingly join prompto in calling him ‘mom’.
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doodlebug-aboo · 7 years
A soulmate AU with Ralbert please?
I’m sorry this took so long!! I finally did it though!
Read it on ao3 here !!
Why Do You Listen To So Much ABBA?
Race knew from a young age that once you hit puberty you heard the music that your soulmate heard. Most people knew it from a young age, most people’s parents told them about the story of how they found each other and would tease each other about the horrible music taste the other one had when they met. Race was told by his aunt and uncle, but the story was still the same. He learned that his aunt had listened to musical songs even back then, and that his uncle hated it. Race, who had just started getting into musicals thanks to his aunt and older cousin, wondered if his soulmate would feel the same.
Around the time he would be hitting puberty and starting to hear his soulmate’s music, he got into some pop punk music too, not just musicals. He got introduced to all the bands thanks to his older cousin, once again. He got into most things because she was also into it. He looked up to her, in a way. Because of her he started listening to bands like Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco. Later he picked up some bands on his own like All Time Low, State Champs, and Neck Deep. He had a very weird playlist on his phone he listened to that was a mixture of those bands and different musicals.
When he hit puberty he was thirteen, and he finally started hearing his soulmate’s music. It wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t the kind of stuff he was interested in. His soulmate listened to some old classic rock which was okay, but they also listened to blasting old 90s pop and it got annoying after a while. It was mostly the 90s pop. He tried blocking it out by listening to his own music sometimes, but of course it never worked. It especially sucked if it happened while he was at school. He didn’t know why his soulmate would suddenly be blasting ABBA in school, but they would on occasion. Sometimes it wasn’t ABBA though, sometimes it was the Spice Girls.
“I’m pretty sure my soulmate has got to be like, thirty, or something. The only stuff they listen to is stuff from the 80s and 90s!” Race was currently at lunch with Jack and their little friend group, Crutchie, Blink, Romeo, and Elmer. Jack laughed at him.
“People our age can listen to old music too, Race. It’s not only for thirty year-olds.” Race scowled at him.
“Yeah sure, but Jack we’re in the eighth grade! What eighth grader listens only to 80s and- gah! My soulmate is now playing ABBA again, amazing.” In the middle of his sentence, Race started hearing music in his head again. The whole table began laughing.
“Race, buddy you’re gonna have to deal with it. I have to deal with mine, and my soulmate listens to video game soundtracks. Those don’t even have words! Well, a few do, but most of them do not and I don’t appreciate that.” Romeo pouted. He’d complained about what his soulmate listened to a lot, because there was just a lot of wordless video game tracks and he didn’t get it.
“I just want to find mine soon so I can yell at them for playing music at the worst times. Does my soulmate really have to listen to music up until two in the morning sometimes? Who needs to listen to music that late? What are they doing?” Crutchie looked very upset, and also pretty tired. Race assumed his soulmate was listening to music late last night as well.
“I mean I listen to music that late sometimes when I paint, I never thought that it could upset my soulmate. Oops.” Race, Blink, Elmer, and Romeo all looked at each other. They all had talked about this before, and they all were pretty sure Jack and Crutchie were soulmates, they just were either too dense to realize, or kept denying that it could be them.
The music stopped playing in Race’s head a few minutes before lunch ended, and Race was thankful. He hoped it wouldn’t come back on again at least until he got home because he had a test in his sixth period. He figured with his luck that wouldn’t be the case though, so he prepared for the worst. In his fifth period though, he was given the option to listen to music in class, so he pulled out his earbuds and blasted his playlist. He did it almost out of spite, getting angry that his soulmate always listened to music during school. That wasn’t the best idea though, because he could tell that when the music started blaring during his test, it was his soulmate specifically wanting to get back at him. He had a hard time focusing on his test when Dancing Queen was being blasted in his ears, but he felt like he did his best. On his walk home from school, Race played his playlist again, and his soulmate would just have to deal with it.
When Race got into high school, he was very hopeful that his soulmate would be from one of the other middle schools moving up to their high school. He thought that they at least had to be in their district because their classes and lunch seemed to get over around the same time, and they seemed to get out of school around the same time as well. He knew it was wishful thinking, but he still had hope. He lost that hope as the school year continued and he still hadn’t found his soulmate. He was at lunch one day and pouting about it. Jack was laughing at him, as was Romeo. Romeo happened to find his soulmate towards the beginning of the year, everyone called him Specs and after getting a read on his personality, it was easy to believe that he mostly listened to video game soundtracks.
“Race, you’ll find your soulmate eventually. I hear a new kid’s transferring over soon, perks of being an Office TA, maybe they’re your soulmate.” Elmer shrugged and Race scoffed.
“I doubt it, with my luck I won’t find my soulmate until I’m thirty.” Race went back to pouting, but what Elmer said gave him a little more hope. Hopefully the new kid would be in one of his classes.
The new kid was not his soulmate. His name was Davey and he was not a frequent listener to ABBA and the Spice Girls. Race’s hope was ever dwindling. By the end of the year he still hadn’t found his soulmate and he was beginning to really believe he wouldn’t meet them for a long time. He knew it was sort of stupid to believe he’d meet his soulmate in high school, but that’s when his aunt and uncle met, and he was hopeful. His older cousin, though, was a senior in high school when he was a freshman, and she still had yet to meet her soulmate. He knew that he should just be patient, but it was hard when at least once a day his ears were blasted with 90s pop. Sometimes he was lucky and it was some rock music, but his soulmate listened to pop more.
His sophomore year, some new kids had transferred over from a different high school in their district, Race was aware of this because Jack told him. He didn’t know how Jack knew but he trusted him, which was never a smart thing to do. Race met one of the kids that transferred over not too much later when he was introduced to the group by Blink. He said his nickname was Mush, and they went with that. Unsurprisingly not too long later, Blink and Mush found out they were soulmates. Race still had not met the other kid that supposedly transferred, he wondered if he even existed. Jack could have been mistaken and it could have only been one transfer, but he was holding out. Jack was still adamant that two transferred. One day they decided to ask Mush.
“Another kid who transferred from my school? Oh! I think Albert transferred over this year too. He kept to himself a lot but he talked to me on occasion. Why, do you want to meet him?” Jack and Race looked between each other and shrugged before nodding. Mush stood up and looked around, he couldn’t be expected to know where exactly he was or if he even had their lunch period, but he looked around anyway. After a second he smiled.
“Found him! It’s hard to miss his bright red hair. Cool that he has our lunch period. I’ll see if I can get him to come over here.” Mush then ran off towards the doors to the cafeteria but stopped at a table along the way that only had a few people. He stopped at a boy with bright red hair. Race decided he’d stop watching after him and join into the conversation at the table. Something about one of the classes that a few people at the table took. Mush came back not too long later and following him was the redheaded boy, presumably named Albert. Race’s eyes widened a bit when he saw him, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t think he was cute. Mush went back to his seat and had Albert sit on the side of his where Blink wasn’t sitting. So now sitting between Race and Albert, was Crutchie. Race tapped him and motioned for them to switch spots, Crutchie nodded and they moved.
“Okay everybody, this is Albert. Albert this is Blink, Specs, Romeo, Davey, Jack, Elmer, Crutchie, and Race!” Mush went around the circle saying everyone’s names.
“Sup.” Albert raised a hand in greeting before setting it down again.
“Come on Albert, these guys aren’t gonna bite.” He nudged him a bit with his shoulder and Albert let out a little chuckle.
“Hey, you’re the one that grabbed me from my table right before I was going to put my earbuds in.” Mush scowled at Albert.
“Fine then, play your music for now, but tomorrow you’re sitting here again and you’ll talk.” Albert rolled his eyes.
“Fine, mom, I won’t listen to my music.” Mush gave Albert a big smile. Albert stuck his tongue out in response.
“So Albert! Tell us about yourself!” Crutchie smiled at him and he smiled back.
“I don’t know, not much to tell.” He shrugged.
“Aw, come on Al, there’s gotta be something.” Race gave him a little side smile.
“Did you just call me Al?”
“Yeah, that a problem?”
“No, just wasn’t used to it is all.” He shrugged again.
“Tell us about your soulmate! Have you met them yet?” Albert scoffed.
“No, I haven’t. Whoever it is, they have a very weird taste in music.” Race laughed.
“Join the club buddy. Romeo would also be a part of this club but he met his soulmate already, asshole.”
“Why am I an asshole for finding my soulmate? You’re just upset that you haven’t found yours.” Race glared at him.
“I just want to find my soulmate so I can yell at them for almost only listening to ABBA.” Albert whipped his head to look at Race.
“What’s wrong with ABBA?”
“Nothing’s wrong with ABBA on a moderate level, but when you’re forced to listen constantly it gets a little old.” Albert scoffed.
“At least your soulmate doesn’t switch from some musical song to a song by Fall Out Boy or something.” Race looked at Albert, offended.
“I’ll have you know musicals are great and so is Fall Out Boy. My main playlist is a mix of musicals and pop punk.” Just then a look of realization crossed both Albert and Race’s faces.
“Are you my soulmate?” They both looked at each other and said it at the same time, causing them to laugh.
“Here, we can test it.” Albert pulled out his phone but Race stopped him.
“If you are my soulmate and you make me listen to ABBA while sitting next to me, you’re getting kicked.” Albert held his hands up in defense. Race took his phone and earbuds out instead and began playing a Fall Out Boy song. When it started, it was very loud, and both Race and Albert jumped before Race could turn down his volume. They both looked at each other and laughed.
“Well would you look at that, Race finally found his soulmate!”
“I guess I did! Now about all the 90s music you listen to…” Race went into a rant that aimed at Albert about how many times he had been forced to listen to ABBA, specifically when taking tests, and Albert just laughed the whole time. Race was cute. Really cute. Maybe putting up with all the musicals and pop punk all the time could be worth it. Race felt the same, although he could do with a little less ABBA.
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