#Specifically about the brand of player who is Very adamant that them paying for the game means it has to cather more to what They want the
shiroselia · 1 year
Oh I finally got a way to explain why I have so much beef with sso players in general (or gamers in general cause this is not just an sso problem but I sure see it alot with this game)
SSO players act like purchasing the game is the same as owning stock in the company
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silversabl-inova · 4 years
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( same information beneath the read more if you’d rather click through. ) BIOGRAPHY | BASICS | WANTED ARCS
i can bear any   p a i n   as long as it has meaning.
CHARACTER NAME/ALIAS: Silvija “Silver” Sablinova
FACECLAIM: Katherina McNamara
AGE (physical age as well, if different): Twenty three (23)
SPECIES (human, metahuman, alien, etc): Human
... Is ‘both’ an okay answer? I’m sure she thinks her identity is secret, but her name is Silver Sablinova, it’s not like... a leap to guess she’s the Silver Sable.  I guess it’s probably secret to the rest of the world because I don’t think she’s “famous” yet, but in her home country and the criminal underworld of eastern Europe, she’s probably pretty well known for her more infamous capabilities.
She prefers the term “secular recovery operative” but she’d be most appropriately dubbed a nationalistic bounty hunter.
[ + ]: PROUD - The third generation of Symkarian nationalists, Silver’s childhood was quickly marred by an airstrike that stole her mother’s life and destabilized her entire country, causing a civil war. Ever since, all Silver’s life has felt like a battle: for freedom, for justice, for family, and for peace. She knows her family history like the back of her hand, and because of this, she knows that fateful day was the result of her own family lineage doing everything it can to protect Symkaria & its people - but in the end, they had done anything but. The last surviving member of the Sablinova line, it’s Silver’s duty to restore balance to Symkaria, and she holds this duty deep in her heart, fueling the fire inside her. Everything in her life can be boiled down to ending the war in Symkaria - nothing else matters to her, and Silver’s duty to her country & compassion for her people are, arguably, her best qualities. [ + ]: RESOURCEFUL - There’s nothing in a room that Silver can’t make into a weapon at a moment’s notice. She’s not above fighting dirty to achieve the upperhand, and if her arsenal of gadgets won’t do the trick, than whatever’s closest to her will have to do. Locked in an empty room? No matter - she’s trained her entire life for the inevitable day when that situation arises, and when it does, her foe will be shocked to learn that she is the deadliest weapon of all. [ + ]: UNWAVERING - Devotion is one thing, but Silver is unwavering in her support. Once past her icy exterior, Silver tends to show her devotion with actions rather than words. She’s the first to interject herself into a dangerous situation to protect those she cares about; that circle is too small to allow any harm in its way, and Sable would break any law or commit any crime to safeguard those closest to her. It’s why her heart has such exclusive access - that kind of loyalty is, quite literally, worth dying for.
[ - ]: COLD - There’s a certain sharpness Silver tends to adopt when dealing with... people. Whether it be her version of professionalism, or just a product of her childhood, Silver’s apathetic approach to most interactions may give the impression of aloofness or distance. Bridging that gap is difficult for her, and for what she can’t give people emotionally, she tries to supplement with non-verbal acts of compassion. Not everyone has the ability to see through her stony exterior, or bone dry humor, and she often comes across as unhospitable or unconcerned, even if she’s anything but. [ - ]: DETACHED - Sometimes, you have to be selfish to be selfless. Silver has to remind herself of this fact constantly to keep herself in check; it’s easy to be swept up in the warmth of compassion for all, but a good leader knows when to draw the hard line between what’s good for everyone, and what’s good for your people. Silver has to draw that hard line far more than she’d like to - her one track mind is on brand for the Wild Pack’s affairs, but on a larger scale, this self-centeredness can spell disaster when they’re not careful. She just continues to tell herself that if Symkaria will ever be restored to its former glory, she needs to become as comfortable as she can with restricting big picture empathy. [ - ]: INFALLIBLE - When Silver makes a choice, be it over a contract or a personal matter, she becomes quite obstinate that her decision was the best possible one. In most cases, thankfully, it ends up being true; however, when Silver does make a mistake, she will outright refuse to accept responsibility, instead often blaming all other factors surrounding the situation for impeding her. If the mistake is a deadly error that costs innocent lives, than her adamance  increases tenfold, but in her heart, she knows she’s not free from wrongdoing - she just refuses to relent her headstrong exterior for fear of losing the respect of the Wild Pack.
Indomitable Will: unnaturally strong willpower, able to resist all forms of temptation, including subordination manipulation, telepathy, subliminal seduction, & mind control.
Weapons Specialist: skilled with a katana, throwing projectiles, stun guns, & dual-wield fighting.
Master Martial Artist: and gymnast!
Multilingual: Fluent in seven languages - English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Somali, & Symkarian
Human: Quite literally, she’s human. No level of aptitude with guns, throwing knives, Kevlar bodysuits, or martial arts will help her defeat super-powered foes, and even though she can keep up with the best of them, a well timed sniper would write the end to Silver’s story immediately.
The Wild Pack: One of the last vestiges of her family history, Silver’s pledge to lead the Wild Pack includes protecting them, at all costs. There’s few honors she holds higher than the privilege to be apart of their ranks, let alone their commander in chief. She wouldn’t jeopardize their well-being for any contract, no matter how ludicrous.
Symkaria: It goes without saying that on the global playing field, Symkaria is the beating heart of Silver’s allegiances. She loves her country, and she would do anything to return it to the glory of her childhood - even if that means aligning with the wrong people for the right amount of time. Silver’s compassion for her countrymen - and longing for what used to be - outranks her perception of the bigger picture.
Well. I love Silver Sable, off the bat - the Spiderverse is pretty much my favorite comic conglomerate in the world, so I feel pretty comfortable writing characters derived from it. I dig a good villain, or at least, antagonists, and I just feel like Silver is one of those characters you can really dig your teeth into & flesh out so many different layers. The death of her mother at a young age, the duty to a country she saw prosper & implode within her lifetime, the lineage to uphold within The Wild Pack, and moving forward, the mending of Symkaria & creation of Sable International -- they’re all different strokes of the same woman, and I love poking & prodding around them all to see what sticks!
Money. She’s only there to fulfill a contract - she’s been hired by the ISA to retrieve any powered people she can find. She’s not a big fan of Sokovia as of late, especially given their recent catastrophes. The damage to Sokovia had a ripple effect, upsetting the socioeconomic standard of neighboring countries. This, of course, includes Symkaria; getting powered people out of Sokovia will hopefully halt the continued destabilization she’s watched through her country even further off balance, making it easier for the oppressive regime currently in place to make swooping laws
(I would like to offer your current players the ability to opt into this plot! I don’t want to assume anyone wants her as an antagonist - if no one’s interested, she can certainly creep along the sidelines within the city of Matchak in the name of reconaissance. I would die if she & the Wild Pack were part of the reason why people are going missing in the woods, or at the very least, they begin to provide intelligence as to who or what is causing it.)
No, Silver & her team aren’t superpowered and thus, outside the scope of the Accords, the ISA, or anybody else, for that matter.
(Well, maybe not Interpol, but that’s not her chief concern... ever.)
Thou Shalt Not Kill: Silver doesn’t consider herself a mercenary, unlike the rest of her crew, and for good reason. She staunchly keeps to a “no kill” rule; her clients pay her for retrieval, not assassination (and even if they did, her price would be too high). Silver specifically accepts contracts that require her to bring the target back alive, preferably to face trial. It’s a moral and economical decision - she believes in the hard lines of justice, and typically, the Wild Pack will get hired to also run security for these high profile trials. It’s a win-win in her eyes, especially because this moral alignment begins & ends with her; she can’t force the Wild Pack, a band of true mercenaries, to abide by that rule unless it’s part of the fine print. Otherwise, they don’t get paid.
I’m Not Your Silver Lining: Silver does not “connect” well with others. Even the Wild Pack, despite being raised within their ranks, has become inexplicably difficult for her to bond with after she assumed a leadership rule over them. She doesn’t put herself on any kind of pedestal; it’s just lonely at the top, and heavy is the head that wears the.. crown? Tactical helmet? Whatever. Regardless, her icy exterior isn’t the result of her pride, but her inability to display outward affection. It makes her quite difficult to befriend, let alone romance.
Anything You Can Do...: She does not do well with being confronted with her own mortality, chiefly the indisputable fact that she is not super powered. She’s quick to start a fight with anyone who dares to say it. Silver has accomodated this woeful transgression of fate in every way she could, keeping a strict training routine that began in her childhood and never letting herself have a “real” life outside of the Wild Pack. Stories of her “powers,” passed in hushed whispers around Symkaria, never failed to bring the smallest of smiles to the Ice Queen’s lips, before quickly melting away. She feels uncomfortable around true superpowered individuals, knowing she’s at a tactical disadvantage at all times, so Silver prefers the company of augmented humans or just normal people.
Peter Parker: NEVERENDING PLOTS FOR SPIDEY!!!! I’m partial to Silver being an antagonist against Spiderman; I’m also partial to them being begruding partners, and pretty much everything in between! There’s a lot of back story I would want to establish with Peter’s player, since Silver does have some background in NYC at the Symkarian Embassy. Has she heard of him from her time in America, and can’t believe her eyes when she sees web residue in the forests of Sokovia? Maybe he intrigues her, in the sense of cat-and-mouse, the chase for a target that she can never quite catch. Anyway, I just like that they’re well matched and could endlessly go in circles around one another!
Dick Grayson: Silver will not take well to other mercenaries on her turf, and if she finds herself losing targets - and money - because of some dick in a spandex suit, she’s going to intervene the only way she knows how: a tactical net and a stun gun, to haul his ass off to ISA, or whoever offers the highest bid for his head. Either way, their connection would be openly antagonistic, and it’d be way more enjoyable if he continously slips through her fingers through the fault of only her own.
Tony Stark / Bruce Wayne: Waaaaaay in the future, but right off the bat - I know I’d love to lay the groundwork for Silver to have Tony and/or Bruce help her begin the first drafts of Sable International weaponry, specifically the special red energy blasters they use as well as their unique armor.
I like the idea of Tony trying to spear head any kind of science based project, but obviously, he has his own demons that he’s struggling with re: his inventions, so that would be the slowest of burns for Silver to actually convince him to help her of all people. Potentially, it would be easier to recruit Bruce because she has a hard moral alignment of Justice, which may appeal to him, but it also may not since she doesn’t have an issue breaking other countries’ laws to acquire her target. It really depends! I’m open to either or both options.
POTENTIAL CHARACTER ARCS: ( ohhhhh buddy... )
THE WILD PACK: Silver’s ascenscion to leader of the Wild Pack may not be a new development, but  I don’t think she has quite the handle over her role as her father had. At the moment, she’s still trying to prove herself that she was their best choice. It doesn’t help that she was merely picked for lineages’ sake, the group being “passed on” to her, despite there being members who were more qualified and possibly, even more respected than a Sablinova. It’s caused Silver to retreat within herself, for now, as she tries to feel out what’s the best version of herself to be that can actively command their respect. I want to see her grow within this role, specifically finding her stride and proving herself as not just her father’s daughter, but her own person. I’m mainly focused on her accepting the weight of her father’s death as a “positive” burden to shoulder, because it gave her the Wild Pack, but without anyone to banter off of, I want to remain a little removed from addressing her relationships with individual members until I get a better idea of her.
THE BAD GUY?: At the moment, she’s not very concerned with anyone’s opinion of her, outside of the Wild Pack’s. If that means that she’s comes across as a “villain” for simply doing her job, she doesn’t quite care - everyone has to make a living somehow, and she hasn’t seen these so-called “superheros” do very much to help anyone other than themselves. Sure, individual civilians are great to rescue, but they hold no concern for the bigger picture when it comes to their actions.
THE GLOBAL PEACE AGENCY: I don’t know what the hell is going to happen with this group, but boy am I excited! Regardless of whether their true to their name, I think Silver’s entire personality is tailored to be taken advantage of by them, especially if they promise stability for Symkaria. As long as she’s not exposed to intel that hints at bad intentions, she’d probably operate at their beck and call, until her trust in their motivations becomes fractured.
SABLE INTERNATIONAL: I want Sable International to come to fruition!!! I don’t know how, or why, but I just love that journey for her! Maybe as a retirement plan from “bounty hunting,” so she can lean more into private security consulting? Maybe as a tactical weaponry distributor that could rival Lex Luthor / Trask / Oscorps’ on the global market, but in the name of “good”? Maybe something happens to the Wild Pack and it’s the only way she can keep herself sane in the following months? WHO KNOWS!!! I’m always open to ideas!
Silvija Sablinova and her mother, Sacha, were sleeping peacefully in their beds the morning that the Sablinova family was changed forever. It was too early to even be awake, dawn having not yet struck its colorful brilliance across the lavender-grey when the drone peppered the valley. It wasn’t the first time such an act of aggression was lobbed across their way, but this time, her father Ernest wasn’t there to save them, away on an assignment with his Wild Pack. It was the end of February, the winter of 2002. Silver was five, and from that moment on, she never left her father’s side again.
After that, the story sounds the same. Daddy's little girl raised to be his right hand; there's no softness, no grief, only purpose for them both to find vengenance for her mother's killer. Not a border nor an army could keep them from finding whoever ordered the strike, and with the Wild Pack by their side, their path toward retribution knew no limit. In the mean time, they trained, and Silver's entire life began and end at all the same lines as her father's. It would be nice, if the story could stop there, but it never does.
For generations, the Sablinova's served the monarchy that ruled over Symkaria, until World War II threw the entire planet off-kilter and brought their beloved country into turmoil. Her grandfather was a prolific Nazi hunter and a national hero, actively fighting against the civil war threatening to break out across the land. Her father followed in his footsteps, his career more focused on collecting HYDRA agents with terror charges, alongside his infamous band of mercenaries as they brought countless criminals to justice. In 2017, when it was exposed that HYDRA had infiltrated SHIELD, a frequent employer of the Wild Pack...It was no surprise they would be targeted, but once again, Symkaria became the battleground of their disposal; their loved ones targeted, their neighborhoods raided, and soon, they were left no choice but to go underground.
Silver was there the day that her father's tenure as their fearless leader came to a shuddering halt, face to face with the man who hadn't just taken her mother from them. He'd destroyed their homeland in the name of the enemy. He'd taken peace from innocents without a second thought. In his final act of treachery, he stole her father's life and body, slipping through the Wild Pack's clutches as they gave desperate chase, but to no avail. She was the natural choice as his successor; it was a lifetime achievement tainted with sorrow and defeat.
The hunt has never ended, despite what Silver says. She knows her father's dead, and she'll probably never find the man who destroyed her family, but still, she waits. Until then, it was business as usual; catch the bad guys, bring them to justice, rinse & repeat. No duty is monotonous when it serves a greater purpose, but eventually, even Silver couldn't stop herself from pushing the Wild Pack toward Sokovia. Their unrest had begun to bubble over and spill across its borders, eventually displacing refugees and criminal activity into Symkaria's own. Silver Sable may be investigating client contracts, but Silver Sablinova is bidding her time, waiting for something, anything to help her either accept the fate that's been handed to her, or to find the man that caused it.
Until then, all she can do is be stronger than she was the day before.
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statemant · 7 years
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Europe is clearly on Demna Gvasalia's mind! After showing Europa! printed pieces at BALENCIAGA previous week, we should of guessed that Vetements could be a continuation! And it was!  Yesterday, I went to the VETEMENTS presentation in Paris, via Metro, I don't know if it's a coincidence but the train station where you should stop, in order to get to the show, was also named EUROPE!
We've all entered to the actual Car Parking! One block of the parking building was full of regular citizen's cars, while second part was empty but full with life size posters, total of 51. No actual physical clothes were shown there but images were so precise and so well done (photographed by Demna himself in the Streets of Zürich), you could just feel the garments!
It's a re-edition collection, they decided to remix their old best-sellers, make them in new shapes, colors and fabrics. Collaboratios are still there, there are new players, like UMBRO, TOMMY HILFIGER, new sock heels, a comeback, much developed total DHL look, sweatshirts with Zürich prints! Models were all regular citizens, except one - Demna shot his boyfriend Loïc  wearing one of the looks! You could find your regular grandpa, neighbor, music teacher, financial, advocate or a school buddy modeling the collection, in a different awkward, “fashion-vogue-y” poses. It’s clear that we should not expect something groundbreaking from Vetements, in terms of clothing, while they probably remain as a classic, cult brand where you can always find a very specific cut pieces. Some previews below:
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As for the atmosphere inside the venue - besides the usual fashion editors and buyers, whole Russian Fashion Mafia was presented, including Gosha Rubchinskiy, Lotta Volkova, Olga Karput, etc. As well as all the Vetements staff & some runway models. It was fascinating to see how authentic, Vetements-ish these models look in real life, off the runway.
Before the music band from Vienna took stage, guests were treated with Russian tv news programme report, as a soundtrack! Then performance started. All of 5 boys could easily be Vetements models. They have clearly brought the mood with 45 min performance!
Me, being Georgian like Demna and Guram Gvasalia, it was especially exciting to meet the guys and have a chance to talk with them! Demna appeared later to meet with all the guests and media, including Tim Blanks, who interviewed him and the talk that I have heard was just so interesting, I could listen forever. The power-man behind the brand Guram Gvasalia was there from the very beginning, personally met all the guests & talked endlessly. The vibe coming from him is absolutely magical and you can just see everything in his eyes! I think he just never turns off his brain & catches every detail happening around!
I managed to have a small conversation with Demna and bit longer talk with Guram! I told that they are like national pride for Georgia! They did what no other Georgian managed to do - they clearly put the country on the map! People go crazy about them in Tbilisi, they have such a huge fandom, people who don't know anything about fashion, they know about Gvasalias! Both, brothers were pleased and surprised to hear about their fame in a native country, especially Guram, he asked me to talk further this and maybe he already has processed some new ideas in his mind! Demna was also very happy to hear all this and said that he actually saw some of the tv shows and fan-pages about them, but did not think it was so serious!
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As for this image of me & Demna above - He is so fidget, we could not make him to look into the camera! He said, he will never do exhibitions anymore, so he doesn't have to accept everyone's requests about taking pictures! Well, for me - Georgian, working in fashion, really feel proud about them and it really helps all of us, in the local, Georgian industry spread our work easily! Overall, it was such an experience for me to attend the event, meet Demna and Guram, talk with them – already, can not wait the next one, to be surprised and inspired!
One more thing, to pay homage to Demna & Guram, I’ve myself made a custom cap with a print saying “Gvasalia For President” (you can choose your favorite Gvasalia to give a status to), which has been photographed numerous times and one of the VETEMENTS staff members actually told me that they would hang the picture of the cap in their office, I was not brave enough to gift this to Demna but when he saw it, reaction was a deep smile and blinking eye :)  
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Photographed by Adam Katz Sinding (Le21Eme)
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Part 3 of Kavinsky/Adam College AU (Part 2)
The frat house wasn’t far from the dining hall but Dan’s continuous bragging made the walk seem unbearably long. Finally, they arrived at an ostentatious yellow mansion adorned with garishly white columns and a similarly white concrete baluster balcony. Adam was reminded of Gansey’s childhood home. 
He’d long since cleaned the red Henrietta dirt off his shoes; his title of scholarship student was no longer a slur, and Adam liked to believe that he’d changed just as much as Kavinsky had since leaving Virginia. But, there were still some old habits he couldn’t shake. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t seem to rid himself of the instant anger he felt at the sight of gaudy shows of wealth. 
In fact, that would have been a deal-breaker between him and Kavinsky had it not been glaringly obvious that wealth was more toxic to Kavinsky than poverty had been to Adam. It was easy to let go of his jealousy when he realized that Kavinsky was trying to fill a void even bigger than the one Adam had been fighting to fill in himself. 
They didn’t acknowledge it, but Adam wouldn’t have given Kavinsky the time of day had he not pitied him. Adam knew pity was an ugly feeling to hold for anyone, but he hadn’t cared for Kavinsky, and it felt disgustingly nice to be the giver of pity rather than the recipient. Emotions sufficiently cycled through, Adam followed Kavinsky and Dan to the door, feeling nothing but the exhaustion that came from knowing that an upcoming event was going to be exhausting.     
The door was wide open and they were greeted with a make-shift bouncer. It seemed like the frat had simply taken the most muscular member and plopped them down in front of the door in the hopes of deterring the uninvited, and those not willing to pay the entrance fee. Apparently, the rules didn’t apply to guests of the frat members and they were able to enter without pausing to chat. 
As soon as they walked in they were greeted with the scent of booze and smoke and the sound of exceedingly loud music. Adam had been to exactly zero frat parties and, since Kavinsky cut down on his extra-curriculars soon after they got together, approximately zero Kavinsky-parties. He didn’t have the experience necessary to compare the two brands of parties, but he knew Kavinsky well enough to know that they were more different than similar. Kavinsky’s expression of judgmental disgust was evidence enough that Adam has been right.
They had only just breached the foyer and already Kavinsky had assessed and dismissed the party. Disappointed by the caliber of the activities, Kavinsky decided to get straight to the point. He spun around and faced Dan with a grin so smarmy it basically begged to be punched away before saying, “You gonna stand there like a piece of shit or are you gonna take us to the booze?”
Dan, apparently no longer happy-go-lucky roommate Adam had come to know and put up with, rolled his eyes, but led the way to the kitchen. The granite island that occupied most of the space in the room was covered in bottles of various types and brands of alcohol, but Kavinsky was unimpressed. He simply walked up to the table, scanned all the labels before scoffing and leaning against the table. He tisked and quirked an eyebrow at Dan. “What’s up with this pussy shit, Danielle?”
Dan, as most who didn’t know Kavinsky often did, had expected him to be more impressed by the display. “You’re all talk, man. I’ll drink you under the table.”
Had Kavinsky’s eyes been filled with anything but pure competitiveness and malice, Adam would have worried the banter was flirtatious. As it was, Kavinsky seemed to be vibrating out of his skin, dying to begin the game. Adam didn’t try to stop him. He knew Kavinsky’s competitiveness, as dangerous and volatile as it was, was nothing more than a subconscious attempt to prove his worth in whatever way he could, so he let it be.
Kavinsky cackled at Dan’s statement. “Aright then. Pick your poison.”
Dan’s narrowed eyes showed that he didn’t miss the power play Kavinsky was making by offering Dan his own liquor. He didn’t mention it though and simply shoved Kavinsky aside and looked appraisingly at his choices. He looked at Kavinsky and Adam arrogantly as he selected a blue capped clear bottle and held it up in his fist. He held it out to for inspection, which he then rendered pointless by explaining it. “Smirnoff. 100 proof.”  
If Kavinsky had been cackling before he was downright choking now, doubled over in maniacal laughter. He stood and wiped imaginary tears of his cheeks as he faced Dan’s only slightly faltering expression.
Dan, not really understanding why Kavinsky had been laughing (or even that he was laughing and not dying), said, “If it’s too much for you, that’s cool, we can call it quits right now.”
Kavinsky, eternally dramatic, feigned concern. “I think I’ll get through it somehow.”
Adam coughed to cover a laugh; he would never admit it, but he loved to see Kavinsky like this. More aptly, Adam loved knowing that he knew more about Kavinsky than most anyone else. Case in point, he knew from one of Kavinsky’s many stories of the time he and Proko finished off a bottle of some 192 proof Polish vodka before setting the nearest church on fire. Adam would have thought he was embellishing had he not seen Kavinsky drink vodka like it was water.
Adam’s barely concealed laughter seemed to signal the end of the shit talking portion of the evening. Dan went to the cupboard, grabbed two shot glasses, and led them to a shitty plastic table with matching lawn chairs. He sat down gracelessly and gestured for them to do the same. 
Before Adam had even sat down, Dan had opened the bottle and started pouring. He seemed to remember Adam at the last minute and looked over at him sheepishly as he said, “Adam dude, I’m sorry, I can go grab you a cup if you want.” Adam just shook his head and, thankfully, that was all it took to drop the non-issue.
Drumming his fingers on the table Kavinsky stared at Dan with his trademark smirk. “What’re the stakes?”
Dan shook his head, “No stakes man. Wouldn’t be fair.”
He knew Dan meant it would be unfair for him, but Kavinsky willfully misinterpreted his statement. “You’re right. Besides, you don’t have shit I want.” Kavinsky quickly prevented Dan from replying by downing one of the shots. He turned to Adam and said, “Hey, keep score.”
It was then that Adam realized that, regardless of how quickly he ‘won’, Kavinsky was planning on getting absolutely plastered. Adam sighed, but nodded his acquiescence, hoping he wouldn’t have to keep track for too long.
Dan hadn’t been exaggerating as much as Adam had expected but, by the fourth shot he was taking longer to pour the drinks and seemed slightly tipsy. Kavinsky on the other hand seemed unaffected and took over doling out the rounds when he grew impatient. After the eighth shot Dan tapped out and stumbled off to find a bathroom. 
When he returned, he saw Kavinsky emptying the rest of the bottle into a red cup he’d somehow acquired. Even after eight shots, Kavinsky was only moderately affected. His eyelids were heavier and he held himself more loosely, but other than that he didn’t seem bothered by the amount of vodka he’d just ingested. Dan looked like he couldn’t decide whether to be impressed or disgusted by Kavinsky’s tolerance. Adam felt the same.
After a few minutes of amiable silence, Adam was about to start trying to convince Kavinsky to leave, when someone walked up to their table purposefully. The stranger, closer in size and build to Dan than either Kavinsky or Adam, was wearing a Delta Gamma Phi muscle tee and matching snapback. He either didn’t know or didn’t care that he looked like a stereotypical fraternity brother. Adam could have sworn his blonde, over gelled hair, and football-player physique were a cheap imitation of the generic 90s movie heartthrob.  
Dan and the stranger exchanged some sort of convoluted hand-shake, invented purely to remind observers that they were unfortunate outsiders of a very exclusive club. Adam was surprised Dan had the coordination to stay sitting up, let alone preform a multi-step greeting – he could only assume that the handshake had been designed specifically for the inebriated. The strange thing was that the stranger, ‘Freddy’ if Dan’s slurred exclamation was to be believed, seemed stone cold sober.
Stranger still was the fact that he didn’t disappear after his exchange with Dan and instead turned to consider Adam and Kavinsky. His blue eyes were unexpectedly sharp, especially when juxtaposed with his frat-boy persona. His voice was low and relaxed as he addressed them, “Joey”.
Before then, Adam had been too preoccupied with watching Freddy and Dan to check in on Kavinsky, but when he looked he grew worried. Kavinsky looked nonchalantly disinterested, but Adam knew that when Kavinsky was unconcerned with a situation he looked smarmy and arrogant, but when he looked passive and calm he was panicking. It wasn’t a common occurrence, but it had become more frequent after Kavinsky had dropped his more unsavory habits.    
The whole situation was unsettling but before Adam could learn more, Dan spoke up drunkenly, “Nah man. ‘hat’s Kavin – Kevin – Kev’sky. Ad’m’s boyfriend.”
Freddy chuckled. Adam had only a moment to consider how unpleasant that laugh was before Freddy spoke. “Yeah Dan. Joseph Kavinsky.” Dan was too drunk to continue participating in any conversation, so Freddy continued without a response. “And Adam.” His cordiality was quite obviously a farce but when he stuck out his hand Adam couldn’t come up with a reason to not reciprocate. He did however manage to glance back at Kavinsky with an expression that begged for an explanation.
Adam’s expression was understood but ignored by Kavinsky who was too busy staring at Freddy. It was difficult to tell whether Kavinsky was more afraid or angry, but Adam figured it didn’t matter; with Kavinsky one inevitably led to the other. Frankly, Adam was just surprised Kavinsky hadn’t spoken up yet.
Freddy seemed to revel in Kavinsky’s silence; his decision to remain standing was a lousy show of dominance, as was Kavinsky’s decision to remain seated. Most people thought Kavinsky couldn’t hold his tongue – why else would someone say the shit he did – they couldn’t have been more wrong. Kavinsky was very adept at holding his tongue, he simply chose not to most of the time. 
None of this mattered when Freddy resumed speaking. “What a pleasant surprise. How long’s it been? Two years? How old were you when you left Jersey?” His voice was a disgusting type of slick. Where Kavinsky’s slick, but clearly articulated, voice reminded Adam of a jungle cat, his reminded Adam of the slimy mold that formed on outdated produce.
In the time since Freddy had apparated at their table Kavinsky had regained his composure. His voice betrayed nothing but his eyes were filled with a cold fury Adam hadn’t seen before. “Frederica. You’re mother’s pussy still crusty?” It wasn’t his best but it did its job. Freddy slipped and his displeasure was visible in the tightening of the corners of his mouth.
Much like Kavinsky, however, he refused to give ground. He instead laughed like he hadn’t just been insulted. No one asked why he was laughing, but Freddy explained anyway. “Sorry. I just find it ironic. Flaming f*g like you still pretending to like pussy.”
He then turned to Adam in another power play, “Isn’t it funny?”
Adam was pissed for Kavinsky but refused to be a pawn in their game. “Leave me out of it.”
Freddy then shoved Adam playfully, as if Adam’s comment was facetious, but turned back to Kavinsky.  
If Kavinsky didn’t pride himself in being able to get into people’s heads and under their skin, he probably would’ve just punched him right then and there. Adam could tell it took restraint, but even drunk, Kavinsky’s mind was often a deadlier tool than his fists. “Aww. It’s not my fault your girlfriend begged for my cock”
“It’s cool, I’m over it ‘cause now you’re the one doing the begging.” Under the table Kavinsky dug his nails into his palms and Freddy continued. “Or – wait – You’re used to begging aren’t you?”
Kavinsky put his hands flat on the table and dropped the façade, “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
This only served to fuel Freddy’s smugness. “Oh, don’t I?” He paused only long enough to make it seem like Kavinsky had been given a chance to reply and had simply missed out. “Your daddy touched you and now your gay.” He laughed. “This is priceless. The boys are gonna eat that shit up.”
In a move that shouldn’t have been possible considering how much he’d had had to drink, Kavinsky had stood up, grabbed Freddy by the collar, and pushed him against the wall. At first, Adam didn’t understand how Kavinsky had successfully pinned someone who significantly outweighed him, but then he saw the knife. Somehow Kavinsky had managed to grab a black hilted bowie knife, the length of his forearm, and had it pressed against the softest part of Freddy’s throat.
Adam was conflicted; he refused to date someone whose only solution to conflict was to stab someone but he also had an overwhelming urge to maim the prick for what he’d said. Freddy’s reaction helped end Adam’s dilemma. He didn’t seem intimidated, and while he wasn’t moving, he had an infuriatingly smug smile on his face, as if Kavinsky’s violent reaction proved his point. Adam decided he agreed with Kavinsky’s decision. He only hoped it didn’t go any further
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the-punforgiven · 7 years
ALL 200
200: My crush’s name is: I’m not sure honestly, I’m kinda not really into anyone super seriously right now. Like I’ve got a few people I think I might have crushes on, but no one I’m certain I do, if that makes sense199: I was born in: A hospital198: I am really: Fuckin dumb197: My cellphone company is: I can’t remember off the top of my head196: My eye color is: Some weird green/brown195: My shoe size is: Too fuckin big I’ve gotta order shoes off the internet194: My ring size is: Honestly? I don’t know, I’ve worn like two rings ever193: My height is: 6′2192: I am allergic to: A very specific brand of hot dogs and a couple types of smoke191: My 1st car was: Well, we’ll see when I get one190: My 1st job was: A Dishwasher, unless you count the middle-school paper route189: Last book you read: Lisa Peschel’s The Runes188: My bed is: A loud-ass-fucking steel bunk bed that I swear is gonna give me a concussion someday187: My pet: Is a cat, her name is Groucho and she’s very shy but I love her186: My best friend: I can’t pick a favourite person, I’m sorry185: My favorite shampoo is: Whatever makes my hair flow majestically like a fuckin power metal album, I haven’t found a brand I prefer though184: Xbox or ps3: I don’t actually use either, but PS3′s got some better exclusives I’d say183: Piggy banks are: A thing? I dunno182: In my pockets: My wallet, phone, some papers, and a pendant with no chain181: On my calendar: I.. I don’t presently own one180: Marriage is: Something I rarely think about, sorry179: Spongebob can: Stop airing completely and I genuinely wouldn’t care178: My mom: is a great person and I wish her nothing but the best177: The last three songs I bought were? I dunno whatever the last three songs on Amon Amarth’s Jomsviking album are176: Last YouTube video watched: This one (Or at least that’s what I’m presently watching, the one before that was This175: How many cousins do you have? Too many. (7? I think??)174: Do you have any siblings? Yeah dude I’ve got like 5173: Are your parents divorced? They were never married, they can’t get divorced172: Are you taller than your mom? Yeah171: Do you play an instrument? Yes! I can play the guitar and the piano, and I’m hoping to learn more instruments just as soon as I can get ahold of them170: What did you do yesterday? Hung out with a friend of mine, spent the night, played some videogames, talked about superpowers. The usual I guess[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: Maybe?168: Luck: Yes167: Fate: Yeah?166: Yourself: if I believe in myself to fuckin fail at everything yeah165: Aliens: Yes. I mean, the universe is so insanely fuckin massive, it’s honestly fucking terrifying to think that this is the only planet out there with life, you know?164: Heaven: Maybe?163: Hell: Maybe?162: God: I dunno161: Horoscopes: Kinda?160: Soul mates: Yeah?159: Ghosts: Yes158: Gay Marriage: Yes157: War: I’m not quite sure what this is supposed to mean, sorry?156: Orbs: ???155: Magic: Kinda, yeah[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: I prefer kisses, but I hug people way more153: Drunk or High: N/A152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Black Haired150: Blondes or Brunettes: Depends on the blonde. Like, platinum blonde hellyeah, but buy-and-large, brunettes, I guess?149: Hot or cold: Cold148: Summer or winter: Winter, seriously a full moon on a clear winter’s night with freshly fallen snow is alone more fuckin beautiful than most of the shit summer can muster in my opinion, and also there’s less chance of me fucking burning to death, which is always a plus147: Autumn or Spring: Spring, rain is good, and spring has the most rain I think?146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate145: Night or Day: Night, for the sheer virtue of not getting sunburns, and the fact that a full moon is so fuckin pretty dude144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges143: Curly or Straight hair: How curly we talkin? Like, wavy is my favourite, but that’s kind of middle ground. I dunno, they can both look really good, I guess142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds, though that comes with the qualifier that the only Burger King I have ever visited gave me food poisoning141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: No Dark Chocolate? What the fuck??? Nah, aside from Dark Chocolate being the best kind without debate, I still prefer Milk Chocolate to that White Chocolate filth. It’s not even real chocolate and it tastes like ass140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heals: High heals, huh? Honestly, no preference138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: honestly I’m ugly and poor and I’d honestly prefer enough money to shower my friends in the wealth an happiness they deserve over a slightly-less-disgusting face137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke136: Hillary or Obama: I’m not gonna pretend I know enough about American politics to answer this one135: Burried or cremated: I mean, both, kinda?134: Singing or Dancing: I can’t do either, but I sing a lot more than I dance133: Coach or Chanel: I’m sorry, this question doesn’t make any sense to me?132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Who and who?131: Small town or Big city: Small town, I get this really weird panic in big cities130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller, I guess?128: Manicure or Pedicure: I.. I don’t remember the difference?127: East Coast or West Coast: Is this referring to where I live, or?126: Your Birthday or Christmas: I would say Christmas since I love giving gifts as much if not more than getting them, but I can rarely actually afford gifts and I always feel like absolute shit for not getting anyone anything, so I guess I’ll go with my birthday?125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate. Flowers wilt, and that shit’s kinda really sad to me for no reason I can describe, sorry124: Disney or Six Flags: No preference123: Yankees or Red Sox: No preference[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: I’d prefer if it never happened, but that seems depressingly unrealistic121: George Bush: I don’t know enough about him to feel confident about forming an opinion120: Gay Marriage: Why isn’t it allowed everywhere yet, like actually what the fuck119: The presidential election: There is no combination of letters possibly capable of describing the twisting in my stomach that comes with thinking about that event.118: Abortion: Honesty it’s really not my place to say, like, I’m almost literally the least qualified person to talk about this117: MySpace: I vaguely remember it, rest in peace you dead service you…116: Reality TV: Not my cup of tea, personally115: Parents: They’re… Necessary to the continuation of life and a common occurrence in nature? I’m pretty sure there isn’t really much alive that doesn’t have parents, how am I supposed to give my thoughts on a concept that widespread? Yeah, things have parents, and reproduction’s been around for millions of years, I guess114: Back stabbers: I’d appreciate it if I wasn’t stabbed in the back, thanks, I mean I’d appreciate if nobody was, but these things happen, I guess. Best we can do is to make sure not to do it ourselves and hope everyone returns the courtesy113: Ebay: I don’t use it, is it any good?112: Facebook: Bad. I mean I still use it, but it’s bad. Especially it video player, like actually what the fuck, Facebook put how much money into itself why is the fuckin video player still that bad???111: Work: Money is good110: My Neighbors: I dunno, I’ve never talked to them, Generally they seem ok though, though exceptions exist109: Gas Prices: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhh108: Designer Clothes: Wear what you want, make what you want, I’m not gonna judge you for it107: College: I’d love to go there someday, shame it’s nearly inaccessible for me in my present situation (i.e. Dumb and Poor)106: Sports: Not my cup of tea105: My family: I mean, despite everything, I still love them, I guess?104: The future: I can only hope it’s long and wonderful, I hope the world can love in happiness and peace for the rest of time. I mean it’s not like that’s entirely possible, but that doesn’t stop me from hoping[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: No idea102: Last time you ate: Just earlier, I’m doing good!101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Also just earlier!100: Cried in front of someone: Uhhhhhhhh, back in like, grade eight at some point, I think? I’ve cried like twice within the last 7-8 years, give me a break99: Went to a movie theater: Back whenever Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was in them, I dunno98: Took a vacation: Like middle school, my dude97: Swam in a pool: Not sure. Not like, recently, but not as far back as the crying thing. Fuck honestly I don’t even remember when the last time I wore shorts was96: Changed a diaper: No idea95: Got my nails done: Like never. Maybe once, but I do not remember that day very well at all, so it might have been some weird fever dream94: Went to a wedding: A couple years ago, I think?93: Broke a bone: Never92: Got a peircing: Never91: Broke the law: No idea90: Texted: Earlier?[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: I dunno, I laugh a lot, and I can’t quite pin down who does it the most88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My instruments, honestly87: The last movie I saw: Harry Potter and the Big-Ass Cup? I don’t remember which one. I want to say The Goblet of Fire, but that seems too logical. The one with the hedge maze of death, I wasn’t really paying attention86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Halloween!85: The thing im not looking forward to: Actually making a costume for Halloween!84: People call me: Weirdly nice things, it’s almost as if they haven’t met me or something83: The most difficult thing to do is: Stop time. I still haven’t figured it out82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: No, but I’ve also never driven, so take of that what you will81: My zodiac sign is: Virgo80: The first person i talked to today was: My mom79: First time you had a crush: Back in elementary school sometime. Remembering what I was like back in elementary school, it’s probably best I didn’t say anything to anyone about it78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my fuckin grandma, her presence alone is enough to force the truth out of you77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Earlier today, I guess?76: Right now I am talking to: You, Anon!75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Kick a few habits, hopefully? Maybe develop a few healthier coping mechanisms? I’m not gonna pretend I know what I’m doing with my life74: I have/will get a job: I fuckin hope so73: Tomorrow: I’m gonna hope it goes well, and probably try to get my rent situation sorted out. Chances are I’m gonna really want to do something with some friends and completely miss the opportunity for one reason or another, I seem to have made a habit of that recently72: Today: I’ve gotta try and get some fuckin sleep honestly. I’ve also gotta remember to take that pill lest my stomach attempt to dissolve my fuckin throat again71: Next Summer: I’m gonna set up my Air Conditioner at the fuckin start of it, like a fucking smart person70: Next Weekend: I’ve got no plans69: I have these pets: I have two cats, two dogs, and two birds, it’s a fuckin zoo in here. I mean technically only one of the cats are mine but whatever68: The worst sound in the world: My fuckin midrange, help67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Dude I’ve only cried like twice in reliable memory, only one of them was actually brought on by anyone, so that guy, I guess66: People that make you happy: There’s just way too many to say, but I’d say a great many of my mutuals, followers, and whoever’s been sending me anons, I love you guys, as well as my Discord pals, obviously, you guys rock65: Last time I cried: Season 2, Episode 2464: My friends are: th fuckin best63: My computer is: Not quite my whole life, but a very significant portion of it62: My School: I’m not in one presently, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯61: My Car: What car?60: I lose all respect for people who: Can openly condemn a person they don’t know anything about.59: The movie I cried at was: It, uh, wasn’t a movie, for one, and for two, I’ll take that secret to my fuckin grave58: Your hair color is: Red57: TV shows you watch: Honestly, I just really don’t have time for TV56: Favorite web site: I dunno, probably either this one or YouTube, I don’t do a lot on the internet, honestly55: Your dream vacation: Visiting festivals in Norway and Finland54: The worst pain I was ever in was: When I got an ungodly sunburn on my back. Now, that may sound weak but keep in mind I was like ten and I burn faster than your average tank of gasoline. Like, it didn’t even compare to the times I tore open my legs on rocks, including the one that got infected and the anaesthetic-free treatment for that, just to give an indication of how bad that fucking burn was. I’ve been literally on fire and that was more pleasant than that fucking sunburn somehow53: How do you like your steak cooked: I’m not big on steak, honestly52: My room is: My own. It’s a bit too hot, and it’s kinda small, but it’s mine and I’m very glad to have it51: My favorite celebrity is: Honestly? No clue.50: Where would you like to be: Somewhere with more food, I’m fuckin starving49: Do you want children: Maybe if I am ever able to competently raise some, but until then, no48: Ever been in love: Maybe? I don’t really know, as strange as that sounds47: Who’s your best friend: I’m not picking favourites46: More guy friends or girl friends: More guy, I think? I’m not gonna count them out, and I don’t know if most of the people I regard as friends really regard me as a friend in return, you know?45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Fuckin, Music, man! It’s just so fantastic, I love it44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My dad. He’s a swell guy, I miss him43: Do you have a 5 year plan: A what42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Not really? I’ve got some things I’d like to do, but the chances I’ll ever be able to actually do them are… Slim41: Have you pre-named your children: No40: Last person I got mad at: Not sure. I rarely even get frustrated with anyone, let alone mad39: I would like to move to: I dunno, I don’t really have anywhere I could see myself settling down38: I wish I was a professional: Animator, musician, metalworker, I dunno[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Dark Chocolate Kit Kats, I fuckin love those things so much36: Vehicle: That fuckin huge ass speaker truck from Fury Road that I really want to say is the Doof Wagon, but I don’t remember for sure35: President: Chip Zanuff34: State visited: The State of Bliss is a favourite of mine. I’ve anted to try visiting the state of intense meditation, but alas, no luck yet33: Cellphone provider: No Preference32: Athlete: Honestly I don’t know the names of like any, dude31: Actor: Sir Christopher Lee, may he rest in peace30: Actress: I fuckin forgot her name, it’s gonna bother me for the rest of the week but rest assured as soon as I remember it there’s gonna be an allcaps text post that’s just her name, I assure you29: Singer: Joakim Broeden, Nina Osegueda, Christopher Bowes, and Anna Murphy, presently28: Band: Arsis, Children of Bodom, A Sound of Thunder, Alestorm and Sister Sin27: Clothing store: The fuckin music store lmao26: Grocery store: No preference25: TV show: Metalocalypse24: Movie: Kung Fury23: Website: Wasn’t that asked above? I think a few of these were, actually22: Animal: Snow Tigers. They’re cute but large cats, but with added majesty21: Theme park: I’ve been to like one theme park in my life, I can’t really say20: Holiday: Halloween19: Sport to watch: Do the Armored Combat Leagues count? If so that18: Sport to play: See above answer17: Magazine: I don’t read magazines, sorry16: Book: I don’t have a favourite honestly15: Day of the week: Saturday, I guess?14: Beach: No idea13: Concert attended: I haven’t attended any, I don’t think. I might have been to one when I was in grade two, but that might have also been a weird fever dream, I’m not sure12: Thing to cook: Brownies and Cake! I just love to bake, honestly11: Food: Pizza and Pasta10: Restaurant: The Colander Restaurant. Literally the most amazing fucking spaghetti I have ever eaten in my entire fucking life. Seriously, it’s the best, go eat there9: Radio station: No preference8: Yankee candle scent: I honestly don’t think I’ve seen a yankee candle in real life, ever7: Perfume:Not a clue6: Flower: No idea5: Color: Red, Blue, Purple, Green, frankly I’d have a faster time listing off colours I don’t like/consider a favourite4: Talk show host: I don’t watch talk shows, sorry3: Comedian: No idea2: Dog breed: Samoyeds, they’re so cute I love them so much1: Did you answer all these truthfully? I’m allowed to lie??
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years
The Future Is Video Video games: A Snapshot of Jobs within the Booming Business
Typical knowledge has loads to say about video video games.
It says avid gamers are male basement dwellers who stay on a weight loss plan of Mountain Dew and Cheetos, that gaming makes folks lazy, and that it’s unattainable to make a dwelling by enjoying video games all day.
Properly, au contraire. In keeping with knowledge from the Leisure Software program Affiliation, the online game trade and its gamers are flourishing. A 2018 survey by ESA discovered that 60% of all People play video video games. Daily.
“From Fortnite to League of Legends, games have captured the hearts and imagination of a lot of folks,” stated Chris Greeley, commissioner of the League of Legends Championship Sequence.
With so many individuals enjoying, there are ever-growing alternatives to land online game jobs within the $43 billion trade.
Video Sport Careers Are On the Rise, Consultants Say
At its peak, the 2018 League of Legends World Championship drew in additional than 200 million viewers. (The 2018 Tremendous Bowl had an viewers of 103 million.) The League of Legends occasion was held at Incheon Munhak Stadium, a world-class sports activities advanced in South Korea, which hosted the FIFA World Cup in 2002.
Like their real-world counterparts, esports occasions require tons of preparation and manpower, and the trade includes much more than professional gamers. Relying on the dimensions of the League of Legends occasion, Greeley estimates there are between 80 and 150 staffers engaged on and off digital camera. Throughout the trade, demand is spiking for announcers, scouts, coaches, entrepreneurs and broadcasters. 
Online game corporations provide a very good chunk of these jobs. Blizzard, Digital Arts, Epic Video games and Riot Video games all have budding in-house esports divisions that broadcast and scout their respective competitions and groups.
Video games have captured the hearts and imaginations of plenty of people.
Greeley drew many comparisons to the sports activities leisure trade, calling it a “blueprint” for a way esports jobs work. However one notable distinction is that, for a number of corporations, the entire growing, advertising and marketing and broadcasting occurs underneath one roof.
“We joke all the time that we’re a sports league, a production house, a broadcaster and a start- up business,” he stated.
However not all online game corporations have the assets to run such wide-ranging operations. In lots of circumstances, esports jobs are outsourced to third-parties, similar to ESL Gaming, which deal with occasion administration and manufacturing for large-scale tournaments.
“There are 100-plus esports organizations that, on a day-to-day basis, are looking for help,” Greeley stated. “I think there’s a really healthy mix” of each in-house and outsourced job alternatives.
Some corporations are constructing hubs in Atlanta, Austin, Texas, and Dallas. However the overwhelming majority of esports jobs are in California.
“The top three spots for esports jobs right now are Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Los Angeles,” Greeley stated.
The meteoric rise of the esports trade typically will get all the eye, however the extra conventional online game careers – animators and designers – are slated to see wholesome development within the coming years as nicely.
In keeping with the Bureau of Labor Statistics’s 2018 to 2028 job forecast, software program builders will see a 21% improve in job alternatives, and 26% for app-specific builders. Artists and animators will see a four% improve, which is on par with all job development.
And schools know this. Indiana College, one in every of many schools trying to get forward of the development, provides a number of main specializations in recreation artwork, manufacturing and audio – plus a devoted diploma in online game design – to arrange college students for future online game jobs. 
Edward Castronova, a online game economist and professor at Indiana College, forsees a big wave of online game jobs proper across the nook.
Future job seekers, he stated, ought to “pay as much attention to your gaming literacy as you do to literature, art, music and film.”
Video Sport Jobs for Execs and Aspiring Execs
The Penny Hoarder particulars seven methods to become profitable enjoying video video games – as in actually enjoying video video games for money. A number of pay fast cash. However different choices, particularly aggressive tournaments, present pathways to the massive bucks.
In June, The Penny Hoarder spoke to Christian Lomenzo, who gained $45,000 in esports competitions held by Madden NFL. Earlier than his days of Madden fame, he participated in smaller online game tournaments on-line, incomes a pair at a time. 
Whereas Lomenzo’s prize cash is a severe chunk of change, the largest competitions within the trade pay out a number of occasions that quantity. Competitions held by Blizzard Leisure, Epic Video games and Riot Video games attract a whole lot of hundreds of thousands of viewers, and consequently esports earnings are skyrocketing. Epic Video games, the builders of the massively in style Fortnite, just lately paid out $100 million in prize cash throughout all qualifying rounds of the 2019 Fortnite World Cup. And the successful crew of the 2018 League of Legends World Championship earned $6.45 million.
Picture courtesy Blizzard Leisure
Exterior of the sporadic earnings of large-scale esports occasions, skilled avid gamers could make wholesome salaries. Riot Video games, the makers of League of Legends, hires proficient avid gamers whose day job it’s to stream their matches on Twitch and create buzz and to attract in additional gamers.
“League of Legends pros in North America have an average salary of a little bit more than $300,000,” Greeley stated. “Minimum for our pro level is 75 grand. I mean, that’s not a bad salary when you’re 18.”
The overwhelming majority of avid gamers don’t play competitively, nonetheless. Even when they did, they wouldn’t qualify for selective tournaments or comfortable pro-gamer jobs at Riot.
For almost all of online game jobs, a wholesome dose of ardour and information will suffice.
Future Video Sport Jobs and Careers
Bureau of Labor Statistics knowledge present the period of time People are enjoying video video games is on the rise, particularly so for 15- to 24-year-olds, who now spend greater than 5 hours every week gaming. 
Total profession fields are budding in efforts to monetize these hours.
A tough comparability is how social media web sites like Fb become profitable. They’re free to make use of, however the corporations generate billions of promoting by monitoring how lengthy customers keep on the positioning and what sort of content material they work together with. The online game trade is starting to toy with related metrics.
“That all has to start with the data,” Greeley stated. “There’s a tremendous amount of opportunity there… for business students, for people who can help with their data insights and their number crunching to make data-informed decisions.”
Professional Tip
Blizzard Leisure has a complete crew devoted to knowledge analytics. The sport developer additionally runs a strong hiring program for college kids throughout a number of disciplines.
A method online game corporations are attempting to monetize customers is thru microtransactions, tiny funds customers make when enjoying the sport. Suppose: $1 for a brand new shiny sword that different gamers don’t have. Or $5 for brand spanking new quests or story traces that unpaid gamers don’t get entry to. 
Over time, a small proportion of customers spend 1000’s of on microtransactions. These gamers are known as “whales.” A lot of assets go into holding whales engaged within the recreation – and spending cash.
Castronova, from Indiana College, predicts that by the mid 2020s online game corporations will rent avid gamers on a big scale to draw and retain new gamers, particularly whales.
“There’s no difference between an ad campaign [that] gets you players, and an incentive system that pays people to play,” Castronova stated. “They both cost money, and they both increase your player population.”
His predictions appear inevitable, as online game corporations are already experimenting with artistic methods to pay their gamers – with fast-growing prize swimming pools in competitions and salaried professional avid gamers. However what Castronova expects to see sooner or later isn’t just the professionals getting all the cash. Informal avid gamers will money in, too.
“The companies will pay them small amounts to just be there, in the game, while the big shots make all the noise,” Castronova stated. “Those [casual gamers] are the people who will have viable low-wage jobs from video games.”
Adam Hardy is a workers author at The Penny Hoarder. He focuses on methods to become profitable that don’t contain stuffy company places of work. Learn his ​newest articles right here, or say hello on Twitter @hardyjournalism.
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/the-future-is-video-video-games-a-snapshot-of-jobs-within-the-booming-business/
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frankachental-blog · 6 years
Cannabis, coworking, and the marijuana-industry land rush
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Legal weed could be a $75 billion business by 2030
In Los Angeles, a pair of soon-to-open coworking spaces will offer a twist on the formula popularized by behemoth WeWork and The Wing in New York City. Though they boast whiteboards and shared workspace, host regularly scheduled meet-ups and speaking events, and even offer access to advisers and investment capital, these LA incubators aren't about computers-they're about cannabis.
Developers see the marijuana industry as an increasingly profitable arena for innovation and business-and coworking spaces as key to connecting players in an industry that, for some, has the frisson of the Wild West.
As the cannabis industry matures, so too will the real estate industry associated with this heavily regulated business. Developers want to capitalize on the potential they see in creating new innovation hubs, office parks, and upscale retail around this emerging opportunity.
According to BDS Analytics, a financial firm that specializes in the cannabis market, California's marijuana industry is predicted to hit $3.7 billion in sales in 2018 and rise to $5.1 billion in sales in 2019, part of the overall growth of legal sales nationwide.
“This is really an emerging industry, and I think LA is going to be the headquarters of cannabis in America,” says Sean Beddoe, founder and president of Bow West Capital, the lead developer for one of the projects, Green Street. “The Starbucks of the cannabis industry hasn't been created yet.”
The appeal of cannabis coworking
The backers of both Green Street, a 67,000-square-foot building in Los Angeles's Jewelry District slated to open in November, and Paragon Space, a four-story office in Hollywood set to open in late August, aren't interested in stoner-themed offices plastered in tie-dyed ganja posters. No cultivation or retail operations will be permitted in either building, just the work of service industries connected to cannabis, like advertising, branding, and legal firms. The coworking spaces are being pitched to potential clients in the same manner as any startup space, with an emphasis on innovation, technology, and business development.
“The Starbucks of the cannabis industry hasn't been created yet.”
“As time goes on, the political risk of investing in pot is subsiding,” says Matt Karnes, a financial analyst with GreenWave Advisors. “If the Trump administration was going to do anything, it would have already. That's putting more institutional investors at ease, and they're starting to open their eyes and look at businesses in the cannabis and tech space, anything ancillary to the plant-handling part of the industry.”
Green Street, which is set to contain a members-only club, restaurant, and rooftop space, and host a class of 10 to 12 startups seeking advice and funding, may be the “Soho House” of cannabis, says Beddoe, a reference to the successful group of upscale members' clubs. Paragon, a project of the startup ParagonCoin, will only accept payment in its proprietary cryptocurrency.
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Bow Street Capital
The Green Street space in downtown Los Angeles.
Beddoe believes marijuana presents commercial landlords with a sizable opportunity. Developments like Green Street allow them to get involved in the business of cannabis without the regulatory risks that come with the cultivation and retail sides of the business. Bow West and Green Street Agency, a cannabis-centric branding and advertising firm partnering on the project, purchased the turn-of-the-century building for $14 million in December. According to Beddoe, they've already leased most of the space.
Jessica VerSteeg, CEO of ParagonCoin, says that Paragon Space is also nearly full, in no small part, she argues, because it fills an important need. Many cannabis-related businesses-even those that don't directly deal with the product-have trouble finding office space, and when they do find space, owners often charge a premium due to the perceived uncertainty of working in weed. It's not unheard of for cannabis retail to pay two or three times as much as a traditional tenant.
Paragon offers the security of a landlord comfortable with the industry, the ability to smoke a joint in your office if you so desire (a no-no at WeWork), and competitive rents that range from $449 a month for access or between $2,070 and $2,300 for a private office.
“There isn't a 4/20 theme anywhere,” says VerSteeg. “It's whiteboards, desks, and all the same amenities as any other startup space. But here, you know that everybody knows the industry, and could be a potential partner.”
In cannabis, as in real estate, it's all about location
Cannabis is a land-hungry industry, and finding room for cultivation and retail operations offers the real challenge, and profit center, for cannabis-related real estate. In California, for instance, thanks to Proposition 64, which legalized recreational use, cities can pass their own zoning regulations and the number of licenses is strictly controlled.
But even in a highly regulated industry that is technically illegal on the federal level and lacks traditional banking access, many developers see opportunity in retail space and warehouses for growing, processing, and manufacturing. Industry monitoring firm New Frontier Data believes that by 2020, sales will rival California's $7 billion wine industry, and prices for scarce square footage have already skyrocketed. In Lynwood, a city in Los Angeles county where taxes on cannabis companies have been lowered, industrial buildings that once cost $107 to $120 per square foot in 2016 now go for $300 or more, according to the Los Angeles Times.
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A rendering of a Canna-Hub space, one of a series of cannabis-focused business parks going up in Northern California.
For Tim McGraw, it's all about making things easy for tenants. He co-founded Canna-Hub, a Sacramento-based company that's developing two cannabis-specific business parks in the northern half of California. On the company's 31-acre site in Mendota and 80-acre site in Williams, startups can find a home base that's appropriately zoned and from which they can operate. There's no worry about wrangling with municipalities or trying to convince a landlord skittish about marijuana, the extensive power and water needs of growing have been taken care of, and the opportunity to work alongside like-minded companies offers the same synergies found in startup hubs.
“There are cannabis guys trying to do real estate, and real estate guys trying to do cannabis,” McGraw says. “But there are few people who know both worlds, and have actually built large-scale facilities.”
Cresco Labs, a large, Midwest-based manufacturer mostly involved in medical marijuana, recently announced it will move into Canna-Hub's Mendota facility as part of its planned expansion to the West Coast. In addition, a handful of cities in Southern California have also inquired about hosting a Canna-Hub. Expansion to the rest of the state is “almost certainly going to happen,” says McGraw.
California industrial real estate-the type of real estate attractive to large-scale cannabis growers and product manufactures-has entered the “surge” part of the market cycle says Spencer Levy, a real estate analyst for CBRE who has studied the industry. He predicts there will eventually be a decline in prices, once the industry matures and consolidates. But until then, he argues, cannabis will be a big driver pushing up the price of already-scarce warehouse and manufacturing space. Los Angeles' industrial vacancy rate in the first quarter of this year was 2.2 percent, the lowers in southern California.
“It's like the microbrewery trend,” says Levy. “You're eventually going to see some pull-back. But right now, local is the driver for retail and flex industrial space, since companies want to be close to their customers. Cannabis is just the latest industry to start competing for those spaces.”
Building a brand with retail
The competition for retail space will only increase as the industry evolves and matures. Due to supply constraints caused by regulation (only certain commercial spaces are far enough away from schools and parks) and federal laws that make it illegal to cross state lines with cannabis (you can't yet buy weed on Amazon), marijuana is a very localized business.
These uncertainties make owning real estate that much more important. Adam Berk, CEO of Stem Holdings, an Oregon-based company that purchases and develops cannabis-related commercial and industrial spaces, says that it pays to own every aspect of the business in this industry. When it can cost millions to buy and retrofit properties, that's something you want to own and have on your balance sheet, he argues.
“You want to be able to control your destiny, and not have a landlord back out,” Berk adds. “Most people in this business say you want to own the process 'from seed to sale.' I think you need to take it one step further and start with the facility.”
MedMen, a high-end national chain of cannabis stores based in LA, sees retail real estate as a central pillar of its growth strategy. According to Daniel Yi, the company's senior vice president of corporate communications. MedMen focuses on opening stores in high-visibility corridors, such as 5th Avenue in Manhattan or Abbot Kinney in Venice, California, to normalize cannabis retail. The company plans to grow from 14 stores to 45 stores by 2020-including opening dozens of locations in Florida-and expanding its footprint in Las Vegas.
“As the industry grows, the competition for those key pieces of real estate will only grow,” says Yi. “It's going to get harder, not easier. That's why it's important to have that Abbot Kinney store now. We are paying that premium for the branding opportunity afforded by these stores, because we believe in that strategy.”
Yi admits that the high-end strategy isn't shared by many if his competitors. But MedMen believes in the value of mainstreaming the industry and locking up affluent customers as the “green wave” grows. Earlier this spring, investment firm Cowen estimated the market will grow to $75 billion nationwide by 2030. Like any retail business, high-end locations will be worthwhile investments, Yi believes. The company is currently “scouring” Canada for potential store locations after the country passed nationwide legalization for recreational use, set to go into effect in October.
“We'll look back at this period of the cannabis industry as quaint,” Yi says. “It'll be equivalent to looking back to when the alcohol industry was run by Al Capone.”
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Joe Schildhorn/BFA.com
A MedMen location in New York City.
Turning cannabis from a curiosity to an anchor
The next six months will see “exponential” growth in the cannabis industry, according to many of the sources quoted in this story. Michigan has a recreational-sales initiative on the ballot in November and legislators in both New Jersey and New York are strongly considering it. California in particular will go through a shakeup. An ordinance that requires all products be lab tested and tracked went into effect this summer, leading many to brace for a supply shortage. Some even predict that so many small startups will be bankrupted by the compliance costs, there might be a bit of a pot property bubble, which will lead to underpriced assets and consolidation.
In addition, the release of more retail licenses in Los Angeles at the end of the year has already caused investors to seek out real estate for potential storefronts, according to Rose Vasilj, a local real estate broker who specializes in the cannabis industry.
“These new compliance laws present a huge inflection point,” says Bow West's Beddoe. “It's a great opportunity for consolidation. This industry will be like the alcohol industry, and you'll have an oligarchy who owns it.The size and potential of cannabis in incomprehensible; it's all about who's willing to take all that risk on the front end.”
With growth potential measured in the billions of dollars, it's certain that more investment, especially in real estate, will continue to shape the nascent cannabis industry. What will be interesting to watch is how-as more areas legalize marijuana and the business becomes more mainstream-companies invested in weed will go from struggling to find suitable spaces to operate, to being anchors and lead tenants of future developments.
“At the end of the day, our developments speak for themselves and the economic benefits they bring to cities,” says Canna-Hub's McGraw. “In real estate, it's always good to be wanted.”
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How to calculate your design rate
When you first start out in the world of freelancing, it's difficult to know how much to charge and what your hourly or day rates should be. There are no rule books, no obvious solutions – it's a pure guessing game.
You obviously don't want to charge too much and price yourself out of the market, but you don't want to undersell yourself either. Above all, remember that your skills are valuable, so it's important you get your rates right before talking to any potential clients.
Here are Creative Boom's top tips on how much to charge for freelance work, followed by some very helpful links to some of the UK's leading bodies, societies and associations who can offer further guidance on freelance pricing...
Tips on Calculating Your Rates
1. Do some research
A great first step is to do some research to see what other freelancers are charging for similar work in your area. If you've got more established freelance friends, ask them what their hourly rates are. Compare and come up with a rate you feel reflects your skills and experience, but make sure you're competitive.
In my experience, I've known web/graphic designers and illustrators to charge anything between £20-£60 per hour; web/software developers between £25-£90 and copywriters to charge from £20 to £50 per hour. But how long's a piece of string? Your hourly rate will be totally specific to your skills and expertise, the area you're based, your competition and the type of clients you work with.
2. Know your place
It's worth bearing in mind that agencies – which have the responsibility and cost implications of staff and associated overheads – charge anything between £500 and £900 per day. As a freelancer, you won't be able to charge anything near this amount; unless your skills are very niche and in-demand. So do your research and come up with a suitable figure that reflects your sole status.
3. Calculate your overheads
When considering how much to charge, it's worth taking into account all of your business costs. That's whether it's the rent for your office, insurance, travel, stationery or materials. You've got to cover your costs, so make sure your hourly rate is reasonable as well as realistic.
4. Consider lost time
You can't expect to charge 40 billable hours each week, particularly as there'll always be lost time taking care of other things like administration, invoicing and other day-to-day tasks. Make sure you account for all those non-billable hours when coming up with your rates.
5. Consider how much you want to earn
Another way to figure out your rates, is to ask yourself how much you'd like your annual salary to be – taking into account your weekly billable hours and the amount of holidays you want to take. Check out Your Rate – a simple online calculator that will point you in the right direction.
6. Be flexible
When you start talking to clients, you'll soon realise that one day/hourly rate won't suit everyone. But it's wise to charge high first and be prepared to me knocked down on price. Therefore, know your ultimate minimum hourly rate, i.e. the lowest you're prepared to go and stick to that.
Go no lower because you have to remember that you've got overheads and business costs to cover plus you don't want to undervalue yourself. Remember, clients can always push you down on price – it never works the other way round.
7. Get comfortable talking about money
Us Brits can't bear to discuss the topic of finances, although I'm pretty sure that's the way everyone feels. But when talking about rates with clients, you have to learn to be comfortable, open and upfront about how much you charge and why. Don't be afraid to negotiate and have confidence in yourself, your abilities and how much you're worth.
8. Budgets
When meeting a potential client for the first time, try and establish their budget before you reveal your own rates. That way, you can adapt your price accordingly or decide whether you're the right person for the job. If the client is expecting to pay a ridiculously low price for your time, it's a pretty good warning sign that you should run fast in the opposite direction. You're running a business, not a charity!
9. Choose your pricing strategy
When costing up jobs for clients – you have two main strategies to consider: time or project-based. Time is when you log your hours/days and then invoice the client accordingly; project is when you calculate how long you think a piece of work will take and provide a fixed-price upfront. Choose the strategy to suit each job.
If in doubt over any project, explain to the client that you charge an hourly rate, based on the time it takes to complete the project – rather than guessing how long it will take initially and providing a fixed upfront fee. This is especially important for larger jobs, ones that could throw up all sorts of issues along the way.
10. Consider the unknowns
When costing up jobs, you have to consider your productivity and how much you'll realistically achieve in a set amount of time. It's always best to add on an extra day or two of your time as a contingency. That way, you won't lose any money on the job. Don't put yourself in a situation where you've not budgeted enough hours/days, you'll lose money and that's not where you want to be.
11. Every project is different
Don't get too worried about having a set hourly or day rate. It will inevitably vary from one project or client to another. Just stay aware of your competition and the economic climate as well as everything we've laid out in this article and you can't go wrong.
12. Create a rates chart
With your rates likely to differ from one client to the next, create a spreadsheet to keep track of what you're charging. Refer to this at the end of each financial year, so you can asses whether it's time to consider price increases. If you need help with raising your rates, here are some helpful tips to increase prices without losing clients.
Suggested Industry & Job Specific Freelance Rates
Some of the UK's leading bodies, associations and agencies have published recommended freelance rates, allowing you to easily make comparisons to your own. Here are some of the best sources, broken down by theme:
Digital & Design
In 2014, Cogs Agency put together a comprehensive salary benchmark for London's creative professionals, including recommended rates for freelancers. Some highlights include:
Senior Designer: £250 to £330 (day rate) Motion Designer: £200 to £300 Junior Designer: £100 to £200 Senior Front End Developer: £350 to £400 Junior Back End Developer: £150 to £250
However, the IT Jobs Watch is far more current, as it tracks the latest going rates for various tech professions. For example, the average daily rate for a developer in the UK is £400, as of April 2016.
If you're a developer or designer, then Mud, an agency based in Bath, has crafted this clever online tool that helps you figure out your rate based on your age, UK location, years of experience and profession.
Editors and Proofreaders
The Society of Editors and Proofreaders has its own suggested minimum rates for freelancers, as follows:
Proofreading: £22.75 (hourly rate) Copy-editing: £26.50 Substantial editing, rewriting, development editing: £33.50 Project management: £33.00
PR & Marketing
According to a survey by the Major Players, rates for PR and marketing professionals vary enormously. Highlights from their findings include:
PR Account Executive: £60-£100 (day rate) PR Account Director: £190-£250 Content Manager: £200-£300 Social Media Manager: £200-£300
In Conclusion:
As a junior freelance designer the rate of pay is between £100-200 a day depending on the size of the project which has been taken on, that should roughly work out at around £20 an hour which i feel is a fair charge. The standard rate of pay within the UK is around £7.50 but due to them getting one to one attention from me as a designer and them paying for my time and also running my own business and having to use my own equipment and file my own documentation I feel it is a fair rate of pay.
When running my own freelance business i will be undertaking a range of jobs which will all take different amounts of time to complete for example a logo may only take a couple of hours but and branding project might take a whole day so i feel it may be best to not price my work based on hours but the discipline and scale of the projects, for example a client can come to me with a clear outline of a logo they want which they are adamant is the right logo for them and it might only take me an hour to complete, which means the client has had a logo and an identity designed for them for only £20, so thats why I feel its better to have a price for the discipline and scale of the project as oppose to an hourly rate as such.
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