#Spirit Au Mikey
ccasey0 · 6 months
what's this? refs for mikey and leo in the spirit au? no way!
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tada! drew these in church lol.
mikey lore first!
Mikey had always been splinter's golden boy. he was the best student and always got everything right on the first try. He had the best connections with the spirits, he always meditated perfectly, and he would constantly go up into the mountains to hang up charms. His brothers didn’t think of him as a teachers pet though. Quite the opposite. They loved him. They weren’t jealous. Well, maybe a little bit. But not to the point where they didn’t like him. Although, when Mikey decided to spend the night up in the mountain one day, all his brothers opposed the thought. They all had heard the legends of the tax collectors. They dark beings who roamed the woods, collecting souls of those who don’t belong or have ill intentions. Even though Mikey was practically the purest heart out there, his brothers didn’t think the risk was worth it. Mikey didn’t care, of course, and he went anyway. Which made the boys freak out when he didn’t return for the next three days. Turns out Mikey had somehow fallen asleep in a cave-like part of the brush, and the spirits transported him to the base of the spirit tree. When he woke up, the night spirit was there. He was sitting atop the small altar with a charm in his hand. Mikey instantly got on his knees and tried to find a suitable offering, but was stopped by the night spirit. They talked for a while and Mikey was amazed at how many things his village had gotten wrong, including The spirits name: Casey. Eventually, Casey brought Mikey home. When they reached the village, Casey stopped at the tree line while Mikey kept walking. When Mike looked back, the spirit was gone. In his place, stood a wooden staff with beautiful wood burned engravings all up it. And at the very top, hung a small decorative charm. It had and eclipse embroidered on it. Mikey gad never seen anything like it. He walked towards the staff, which was somehow standing upright by itself, and took it. When his hand made contact with the wood, the moon symbol appeared on the back of his hand. A gift. From the Spirit of the Night.
woo!! That was fun :D Leo’s turn!!
Leo had always been the funny one. The irresponsible one. They one who never listened and always joked around. He always talked and talked and talked. But today was different. Leo didn’t know how to react when Mikey came back from the woods with a staff and a smile on his face. Of course he rushed up to hug his little brother. Of course he asked millions of questions regarding to his safety and well-being. But when Mikey told his brothers that he met the night spirit and that the spirit gave him the staff, Leo was left speechless. Which was very abnormal for him. When he finally opened his mouth to say something though, Splinter had already entered the room. When their master saw the staff in Mikey’s hands, his eyes went wide. He ordered the other boys to exit the room and they obeyed. It was early in the morning, so the cool air made all of them shiver as they exited the hut. they could hear splinter speaking with mikey inside the building, and instantly leaned against the door to try and get a better listen at what they were saying. leo couldn't really tell what all the fuss was about. it was just a fancy stick. mikey probably just found it in the woods and made up an elaborate story about it. but one thing was for sure, ever since mikey got back, the air felt different. he couldn't explain it, but leo was sure the atmosphere was different. the air was cooler and the plants seemed greener. it was just.......strange. as he looked around at his surroundings, he could have sworn he saw four glowing yellow eyes watching him from the trees. but he blinked and they were gone. maybe there was more going on then he thought.
oke, that took a bit longer to think up than expected. sorry for not getting this finished sooner, It's holy week and things have been busy for my school and my family. anyways, i hope you enjoyed! i know this one was probably a bit all over the place, but i hope it made a little sense lol
@allyheart707 hope you like it :)
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v-albion · 3 months
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We did it
Finally after months of work and scheduling, we present our giant collab!
Ok get ready for lots of tags and credits: @tangledinink @onionninjasstuff @less-depresso-more-espresso @dianagj-art @y0unginhumans @intotheelliwoods @red-rover-au @heckitall @bluesgras
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From first image, we have
Villain pb&j duo Mikey by @onionninjasstuff
EMD Leo by @evenmoreofadisaster
Gemini Leo and Donnie by @tangledinink
Red Rover Raph by @red-rover-au
True Colors Donnie by @v-albion
Mutant Manhunt Raph by @baskeigh-ball
Spirits Reborn Mikey by @cokoweee
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trashymichi · 2 months
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I had to do it so badly you guys you don’t understand 🤦🏻🤦🏻
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cokoweee · 7 months
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File name: Last days
Lil callback to the bad future au I did before it I guess killed me??? Just wanted to do the idea. Music brings up ideas and this was one of them lol
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cokowiii · 1 year
It’s a work in progress
Spirits Reborn-
The boy
The Ailment
Little Journey
He Smells of-
Who is That?!
Just Another Day
Yuichi finds out
Say the words!
Can't hide the effects
Having a snack: I actually linked these wow
Human shenanigans
Let's talk- Part 2
Winter- Winter Cont.
What's off?
Get Out (Heavy CW/TW!Body horror, blood,injury)
Vape 2.0
The server made me do it lolTHIS IS A JOKE⬆️
Error 404
Actual first page is busted
Another Peepaw Au: The name says it all
Nightmares Animatic!
The fanfic I might never complete tbh
Peepaw Rant!
Meeting his Son
Mikey Vape Au: Mikey picks up a fun habit
They care...
Random Animatics I've done!
Every. Last. One of them…
I love you bro
How old are you?
Cali in they feels
Something just Happened...
We're Alive!
I dunno tbh
Just woke up
Life talk
We got Beef!
Skittle Squad
A doll
Please stfu...
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corevoid · 2 years
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Some silly little sewer lads✨
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The Wrong Side of the Portal Raph from cabin 10 was wondering if you have enough water before you do anything fun!
"Raph wanted to swim with his family and maybe some new friends if you want to, but it's important to have enough water first. I have some extra water bottles if you need them!"
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"Oh, cool!" Smokey gratefully accepted the water. It must have been refrigerated or had ice in it, because it felt cool in his hands. He smiled up at Wrong Side of the Portal Raph happily. "Thank you!"
Now for the...other part. Smokey nervously rolled the water bottle between his hands, but kept smiling. "And thank you for the offer, but I can't swim and don't really care for the ocean." And that was before he had a fire spirit take up residence in him. And before his cabin magically flooded. In the past, water had been okay, even when he couldn't swim, because he'd had his brothers with him. It'd been enough to quell his nerves. Plus, he had a big inner tube to hang out on!
Ever since Sparky had moved in, he'd gotten a lot less comfortable with it, even with his bros around. It'd taken his nerves and turned them into an outright aversion. Smokey did not like deep water or being submerged. He could handle shallows, but they were, well...shallow. No one could truly swim in them. He still had his inner tube, but floating around his with his bros had become a lot less relaxing and a lot more anxiety inducing.
The solution his family had found was letting him ride with one of them - normally Raph. It still made the box turtle nervous and Sparky hissed in his head like a cat being threatened with a bath, but being with someone he trusted wholeheartedly helped. It helped a lot too that if he was on Raph, he wasn't touching the water and had - in his mind, anyway - less of a chance of falling off. (He still clung to his brother like an octopus though.)
"Thanks though!"
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ilovebeingaturtle · 2 years
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dire-kumori · 1 year
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I hope you don’t mind me responding to your tags in a new post, @lonelyfreddles​. I just really wanted to say something, but I was worried the post was getting a bit long.
I like to think it could be a bit of both: Evan has moments of lucidity where he’s not so bad and the bloodlust isn’t so intense, but even then he can’t help but enjoy wielding some of that same power over Michael that Michael once held over him. Maybe he feels some small amount of guilt over it but reasons that he’s not really doing anything so bad to Mikey, just playing with him and showing him the kind of brotherly relationship they could have had all along if Mikey had been just a bit nicer. But then at other times all the pain and the terror and the betrayal just come flooding back and as a spirit ruled almost entirely by the emotions he felt during his death he loses his sense of self to hatred for the source of those negative emotions.
And perhaps Michael believes if he lets Evan take those emotions out on him, take his revenge, he’ll finally be able to move on peacefully and rest like he deserves to. Or maybe Michael’s just telling himself that to make it easier to deal with the fact that he’s likely not going to get out of this situation alive...
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archetype-archives · 2 years
Idea info here
The Spirits' reactions to the Mystic Library Mikey's echo scene.
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Fundi Part 2
Click here for Part 1 of Fundi.
Somehow knows exactly what Mikey is thinking at all times. Which can get really creepy.
Insists one day he will be able to communicate telepathically with Mikey.
Fundi takes no time to practice with the weapons he inhabits, making him the only spirit who cannot use his own weapon.
However, when Mikey weilds the Kusari-Fundo, Mikey and Fundi are the most in sync with each other.
He found out he can skateboard if he stands on the board with the Kusari-Fundo between his feet and the skateboard he normally couldn't stand on.
Fundi can form himself with normal eyes, like the others, but prefures to keep his bright firey eyes.
However, when something is really wrong with him— whether he's suffering another flash of memory or is stressed (see P1 for more)— the fire in his eyes will die down to either a tiny flicker or even go out complete, depending on how stressed he is.
Fundi will encourage Mikey— or anyone for that matter— to do something stupid or dangerous or chaotic.
Ultimate prankster.
Cannot be left alone. Ever.
Oda and Tonfa are glad Mikey can't see or hear Fundi, they'd be scared for the young turtle's saftey otherwise.
Honestly, there is nothing Fundi can do at this point that will surprise Oda. Fundi knows this so tries his utmost to surprise Oda... It hasn't worked... yet.
Tonfa can never find it in him to tell Fundi off or yell at him for any trouble he causes.
Oda will glare silently at Fundi until the awkwardness gets to Fundi and he caves and apologises for whatever he did.
Oda has no problem in finding creative punishments for Fundi.
Oda finds it all too easy to find something Fundi hates, keeping it in mind for a time when he can use it against Fundi.
Punishments such as: being forced to sit next to Spliter and watch all the dramas/adverts he watches; forced to clean the Kusari-Fundo; forced to meditate while the turtles are having fun— fun he wants to be involved in.
I will do a post on Hal and Donnie next since I feel I'm neglecting Hal.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
so in silent protector au mike posesses the golden suit, right? is there any scenario under which he'd have a form that's recognizably his? i'm curious what the kids would think of him looking just like their killer when they're aware he's 1. not like. A Living Night Guard and 2. a different dude.
ʸᵒ ʰᵒ ʰᵒ...
In this au, lost souls start out stuck inside the suits, with the suits acting as their new "bodies," before the souls eventually gain enough control to leave the suits and wander in their real forms. It would take Mike a long time to gain control, but eventually he would have the ability to wander outside of the suit. It's just a matter of Mike WANTING that, because for a long time, he wants to stay as far away from the physical world, the ghost kids, and his brother for as long as possible.
I can't see Mike willingly leaving the suit for a long time after his death. Once he and Evan actually start *talking*, though, I think Mike would have a hard time denying Evan if Ev asked him to leave the suit.
The question of how the other ghost kids would react to his actual form is an interesting one, because it actually hinges on a lot of moving parts.
Do the ghost kids actually know what their killer looks like?
A lot of media that I've seen depicts William as wearing the Spring Bonnie suit during his murders, so. Did William wear the suit for *all* of them? If he did, does that mean the only "face" the children have for their murderer is Spring Bonnie? Or maybe as ghosts they saw their killer's face when he took off the suit after killing them?
Do some of the ghost kids know what their killer actually looked like, while others only have "someone inside Spring Bonnie" clocked as their killer? Or did they all see William’s face as their killer at one time or another, either while they were alive or as ghosts being forced to watch him kill others?
I've already decided that the spirit possessing Foxy (Fritz) is the most inquisitive of the kids and the spirit possessing Bonnie (Jeremy) is the most reluctant to accept change, thus explaining their more aggressive behavior in the games.
Jeremy, I think, would go out of his way to avoid Mike if Mike wandered outside of the suit. Snide comments get thrown around about how ALL of them have been more on edge since Mike left the suit, and maybe it'd be best if Mike would just go back in, or at least cover up his face.
Fritz is unsettled by the reminder that the person he has been "befriending" (in a way) has had the face of his killer the whole time. There's discomfort there, but he tries not to let it get the best of him. Mike has no more control over his appearance than the rest of them have control over the disturbing wounds warping their ghostly bodies. Like each other's fatal wounds, it's just something he-- all of them-- will have to get used to. But Fritz does have a version of his killer built up in his mind (assuming he never met William in person; maybe William was the type to mingle in the arcades and whatnot, talking to all the kids as he chose his next victim). And i think Fritz would ask Mike a lot of questions, try to learn more about him, learn more to help separate Mike’s face from the killer Fritz has built up in his head and prove to himself that they're not actually one and the same.
Based on what we know about Suzie from pizza sim, Suzie would probably be one of the kids William targeted from walking around the pizzeria, though whether he lured her while inside or outside of the S Bonnie suit could probably be debated. Like Fritz, Suzie tries keeping her negative thoughts about Mike’s appearance to herself because she knows it's not Mike’s fault, as unsettling as the situation is. But mostly, she tries to keep from rocking the boat because she's never seen Evan this... happy isn't the right word, but free, maybe. There is no wondering why he had to die anymore, no more wondering why he wasn't good enough to deserve his brother's love. Evan finally has what the others lack: answers and an opportunity to heal. Suzie feels guilty for treating Evan so harshly when they first found out Mike’s spirit didn't move on. And Suzie knows that Evan needs love and support and the chance to heal as much as the rest of them, and that she and the others didn't give their Protector nearly as much of these things as HE gave THEM. If Evan can get these things from Mike, too, then she wants that for him.
That just leaves Gabriel, who I haven't put any characterization into at all, if I'm being honest. Inside Freddy, he's the star of the show by day, but by night, he almost fades into the background amidst the antics and aggression of the souls possessing Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica. He's not as active, and when he is, he tends to sit outside your door and FORCE you to use up all your power like he just wants this to be over. Like he doesn't get as much fun out of this as the others. Maybe that's what his music box is: a way of celebrating, almost. Of saying "there's no more power. You have no way left to fight. This is over now, and we can finally have some time of peace and rest before we're forced to do this whole thing again without you."
Maybe Gabriel sees Michael outside the suit, and there's a sense of hope because this has never happened before. This is DIFFERENT. Maybe they won't have to spend the rest of eternity locked inside this senseless routine of being surrounded by seas of faces night and day, all of these faces being people who cannot or refuse to help them. But this is just me spitballing ideas so I at least have something to say; this characterization isn't set in stone and I'm liable to change it if I stumble across something more interesting.
I'm very intrigued by the first thing you pointed out, about Mike looking like their killer while not being a "Living Night Guard." I haven't actually put much thought into the fact that Mike looks like the kids' killer or how they would react to him while he was still alive until now. I still haven't decided yet whether Evan knows his father was a killer in this au, but if he doesn't know, then I'm incredibly intrigued by the idea of Evan hearing the other kids whisper "that's the face of our killer" only to look and see his own brother. Michael heartlessly killed Evan; maybe it wouldn't be too big of a stretch in Evan’s mind to imagine Michael killing other kids, too. Maybe the reason Evan is the one to kill Mike isn't just vengeance against his own death, but vengeance against the other kids' deaths, too, because Evan is under the impression that his own brother went on to murder them.
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airbendertendou · 2 years
hiii what about psychic!reader "that's not how it happened in my dream." and "how did you get in here?" with current timeline mikey? maybe they could see into the other timelines or something?
current tokyorev spoilers! do not read if you haven’t been keeping up w the manga!
it wasn’t true. it couldn’t be true - couldn’t be real. mikey was alive and fine. well, he wasn’t fine - he’d succumbed to a darkness only he could see. but, still - he was alive. you were sure of it.
so, why were you running to the kantou hideout at two in the morning - barefoot? panting, heaving breaths got caught in your chest as you made it to the building you were searching for. your hands were shaking as you tugged on a window - the one on the first floor, right above a lavender bush mikey had planted in rememberance of you.
you hit the floor almost silently - the sobs you were holding back seemed to echo around the empty bathroom. you opened the door with a creak, stepping right into a kantou meeting.
kokonoi sees you and frowns. “huh? how did you get in here? we’re a little bus-”
“yn.” just the sound of him calling your name caused relief to settle over you. without thinking, you stumble over to manjiro and all but collapse into his lap. your feet hurt, and they have small cuts from the reckless way you’d ran to find him. but, he was safe - mikey really was alive. his eyebrows furrow, “dismissed.”
it’s only you and mikey in the room now and you allow your cries to fall free. you curl yourself around him, sniffling into his neck as he tightens his grip on you. he pulls you closer, “s’okay. ‘m here now. i’ve got you.”
as you calm down, the images come flooding back into your mind. it was so real - the wheelchair he was in ; the ventilator’s ; his funeral. with a whine, you tug mikey closer and rub your frigid nose against his neck. mikey lets out a sigh that sounds annoyed - really, though, he’s just worried about you. “what happened, hm? what’s wrong?”
“you died.” 
“m’not dead, yn.” he smiles - it’s blank and empty, but so comforting at the same time. “‘m right here.”
you let out a sniff. “that’s not how it happened in my dream. you were- broken. on life support. your brother was there... he couldn’t save you. no one could stop the accident.”
the more you speak, the tighter mikey’s hold grows. he’s staring at you, darkened gaze not leaving you once. the story sounded familiar - sounded like a nightmare he’d had before, too.
“i’m right here,” he says once again. manjiro places his forehead on yours, closing his eyes and letting out a breath. “stay the night, hm? i’ll be here when you wake up.”
highly inspired by the song fourth of july <3 ouchie request yours here | read more
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voided-orange · 1 year
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(‼️ AU/idea by @somerandomdudelmao )
Mikey is the one to help Casey carry Little Leo a second time :)) Bet neither of them thought that would be a possibility again lmao
Anyway, check out this AU. It’s half the reason I open Tumblr most days KSHFJSBJF
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smuggonifico-lmao · 1 year
Ok so very funny thing! Yesterday @notemaker came into the Magma that I was vibing in and i got to introduce them to my stupid silly little au that ive been brainrotting about but not really posting anything online. But now that theyve made doodles about it i have to honestly.
So! Lemme introduce everyone to the Hamato Spirit AU!
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Honestly its very self indulgent and I love and adore the concepts that Note has brought with them while they doodled so ive got some ideas on what I wanna do with it!
The basic premise is just that instead of opening a time portal when the resistance failed, Mikey instead sealed his own and his brothers ninpo inside of Casey's mask. Theres a lot more to it but I like keeping secrets :> For now at least
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my-various-aus · 2 years
Leo didn’t know where he was or where he was going, but he had a feeling that he was at least going in the right direction.
The fact that everything around him was a vast, unending stretch of starry skies really didn’t help, but Leo was going the right direction.
He was sure of it.
Even if he could hear Donnie in his mind, saying that there not being any kind of marker or sign means that Leo does not, in fact, know where he was going.
Which is true, Leo doesn’t know where he’s going, but he knows he’s going the right way, Donnie!
And how did he know that?
Leo stopped, abruptly realizing that there was someone else with him.
He relaxed, once he realized it was just Mikey.
An entirely orange, glowing Mikey, but it was Mikey and that’s all that mattered.
“Hey, Mikey,” he reached out to hug his little brother “sorry, I haven’t been much fun lately; but Donnie and April have been keeping you company, right?”
“Mm hmm,” Mikey nodded against his plastron and, wow, he was warm; did he have a fever?
That thought was cut off when Mikey pulled away, tugging on Leo’s wrist “C’mon, Leo, let’s go play!”
“Whoa, wait a second, little brother,” Leo tugged back, making Mikey look back up at him “shouldn’t we look for Donnie, before going off to play?”
The smaller turtle shook his head “Donnie’s not here...he can’t be here; not like you.”
And, you know, that would make Leo feel special (take that, Donnie, he’s Mikey’s favorite!) but they were in an endless void of stars and Mikey appeared to be made of orange light.
“Raphie’s here, though,” Mikey tugged on Leo’s wrist again, an orange portal appearing behind him “Raphie’s here and we can play with him!”
Raph was here?
But...Raph died two years ago...
Leo was given no more time to contemplate that, as Mikey pulled him through the portal, bringing him into what looked like the lair, but made up of orange light, just like Mikey.
There was one area that was colored red, though...a room that he and his brothers haven’t entered in years.
Leo pulled away from Mikey, going over to the red-colored room and looking in “Raph?”
“Raph!” Leo rushed to hug his older brother “I missed you so much!”
“Leo,” Raph, while stunned, still hugged his brother tight “What are you doing here?”
“Me?!” Leo pulled back to look at Raph’s face “I should be asking you that!”
“Leo, I...” Raph glanced towards the entrance of his room, where Mikey was peeking in, curious “let’s talk about that later, huh? I think Mikey wants to show you something.”
“But...” Leo also looked to where Mikey was “okay, fine, but we’re talking about this later.”
“Yeah, sure,” Raph agreed, leading Leo out of his room.
Mikey latched onto Leo, dragging him over to the room opposite Raph’s “This is your room!”
“My room, huh?” Leo looked around “It looks a little boring, to be my room.”
“You have to make it your own,” Raph said from the entrance “Mikey can carve out the space for you, but you have to make it your own.”
“And how do I do that?” Leo asked, leaning against the wall, Mikey clinging to his arm.
Raph watched the wall slowly turn blue from where Leo was touching it “You’ll figure it out.”
Raphael | Leonardo | Donatello
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dabiekql · 6 months
Recommendation - Jujutsu Kaisen/Haikyuu/Boku no Hero Academia/One Punch Man/Attack on Titan/Tokyo Revengers
🔮 Jujutsu Kaisen
Singledad! Sukuna x Neighbour! Reader
Sukuna - affaire de cœur
Sukuna - How Sukuna Loves
Sukuna - Having Soft Spot on Concubine Reader (NSFW)
Sukuna - Sukuna & His Love Languages
Sukuna - What If He Lost Someone
Yuta - Cursed Spirit (NSFW)
Gojo - Won't You Say It Back?
Gojo - Wanna Be Yours
Geto - Wings
Geto - We're In Trouble Now
Geto - Sorcery Schemes
Megumi, Itadori, Sukuna, Geto - When They Accidentally Yell at You
🏐 Haikyuu
Ushijima - Story Time
Kageyama - Communication (Omegaverse)
Alpha! Kuroo - Come See Me
Alpha! Kuroo - Please Don't Let Me Go
Oikawa, Iwaizumi - Let Me Help You (Omegaverse) / Oikawa, Matsukawa, Hanamaki
Bokuto, Ushijima - Back Me Up (Omegaverse)
Sugawara, Ushijima - Time Bomb
💥 Boku No Hero Academia
Bakugou - One Word to Describe Bakugou
Yandere Barbarian! Bakugou - Iron
Alpha Dragon! Bakugo x Thief Omega! Reader
Pro Hero! Bakugou Katsuki x Female! Reader
Overhaul - When Kai Wakes Up in Another Universe
Overhaul - Wedding Day
Hawks - Courting Troubles
Alpha! Dabi x Omega! Reader
Alpha! Tamaki Amakiji x Omega! Reader
Dabi, Shigaraki - He Tells You to Run During His Fight and You Get Lost
Hawks, Overhaul, Dabi - How the Boys React to You Doing the Break Up and Get Back to Your Ex Thing
Omegaverse - Anything from this Author is Great
👊 One Punch Man
Yandere! Garou - Turning the Tables
Yandere! Garou - Please Don't Save Me
Yandere! Garou - Child's Play (NSFW)
🔰 Attack on Titan
Levi - The Perfect Blend
🏍️ Tokyo Revengers
Chifuyu, Mikey, Mitsuya, Baji, Izana - Mythological AU! #2 Omegaverse
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