#Spoon is amazing at character design
ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
Rereading wmmap I realized that claude's mom has the same bangs as Athy and Claude and I love that Spoon did that 😭
You are right! She has the same type of bangs as Claude and Athy do. I think Spoon did a great job with their character designs showing how they are related to one another. They don't look identical, but are similar enough for you to think they are from the same family, especially Athy looking a lot like Diana and Claude, but also like young Anastasius. (I like to think that LP!Athy especially resembles Claude's mother. They have a similar fragile and melancholic air).
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In other manhwas there are times when I wouldn't be able to tell characters are related if the plot didn't explicitly say it, so I think Spoon's special attention to detail and love for parallelisms really shines here. Sure, the jewel eyes are an obvious sign of Athy being Claude's daughter and Ana's niece, but their hairstyles are similar as well, the shape of their eyes and faces, and even their expressions and mannerisms. And yet Athy is also so much like Diana. She has the same wavy hair and slender figure, her smile is exactly the same, and she shares Diana's bright personality with a stubborn side, as per Claude's words (and apparently also the love for sweets, going by that one Diana chibi). I think her character design is the perfect balance between Claude and Diana's sides!
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elebyte · 5 months
Okay this was actually an amazing way to figure out my object designs for some of my favourite little guys ALSO I THINK IF I DO A BFDI VERSION I’M GONNA MAKE THE CANVAS LARGER HAHAHAKSJDK
(No way Byte posted art again thaaaat’s crazy)
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For anyone curious about my other favourites they go as follows:
- Fan
- Paintbrush
- Cabby
- Suitcase (I love her too!!! I’m sorry Suitcase)
- Eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhghhhhhhhhhhh. Silver Spoon is still there BUT HE’S HANGING ON BY A THREAD and in all honesty I do not like where they took his character near the end of III but alas
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yutahoes · 2 months
(Part Eleven)
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characters: stripper! Yuta x female! wealthy! Y/N genre: chaptered, smut, angst, fluff word count: 3.1k words summary: Y/N has everything in her bitter life, not until she meets a sweet-looking stripper. warnings: matured theme, stripper au!, third person POV, flashback, accidental murder(?) (please see past chapters), mentions of death and killing, running away taglist: @cherrymotodude @tenjyucat @justsomekpopstuff @ilhoonseyeballs @whyme11 @a-bts-world @amazinggraxia a/n: I'm sorry if this took some time to post and it felt nothing. Classes already started and the last two weeks had been so busy. I plan to make this end in just fifteen chapters but I haven't come up with the ending just yet. Thank you for being patient and for waiting for this next chapter.
Part Ten
President Y/N Y/L/N. 
It was a designation she had always wanted all the time. A position she had yearned for. Now that it’s in her reach, why isn’t she ecstatic about it? 
This is everything she had wanted all along. Is it possible that she wanted something else now? Can her dreams change in an instant? 
It was planned all along, Y/N discovered. When Jaehyun agreed to this engagement, in the first place, he suggested that Y/N would take over her father’s position in the company. He reasoned out that she deserved it. She had been working hard for the company so she should take the position. However, although she had the highest position in the company, she will still be working under Jaehyun’s management. 
She thought nothing would benefit their company with this merging but the stakeholders all agreed that this would strengthen both companies. The Jungs with their local standing and the Kims with their global reach. 
A powerful female in a male-dominated environment isn’t a good look to a well-established company. She had done a lot of things for the company, and even Jaehyun - the future chairman- thought that she deserved this. So why can’t the board of directors accept the decision? What more should she do for them to warm up to her? And it stressed the hell out of Y/N. 
Junyoung was wide-eyed seeing his sister outside his school. Immediately, he ran to her as if they hadn’t seen each other that morning. “Why are you here?” he asked. “You’re not that busy in the office?” 
The girl only giggled, taking his backpack and then opening the backseat door for him. “I want to have ice cream with you.” The younger boy grinned widely. 
Y/N was just staring at her brother, smearing his face with the banana split he ordered just for himself. A smile escaped her lips because of his childishness. Junyoung is so innocent, it is endearing. A contrast to her wicked world. 
She’s relieved Junyoung came into her life. 
The best ploy her mom had ever done. 
She can’t wait to see Junyoung grow up and be an amazing man. Will she still be a part of him at that time? “Junyoung,” she called quietly. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” There was a phase in his life when he wanted to be a model like Jungwoo and then a musical actor like Doyoung. He even wanted to be a fireman and a doctor. But what exactly does her brother want to be in life? Is it too early to ask that question? 
The younger smeared ice cream on his face which made her chuckle, reaching some tissues to wipe the chocolate off his lips. “My dream is to be like you.” She stopped what she was doing. Junyoung grinned, his chubby cheeks evident. “I’ll take over the company so you can rest and travel abroad like Jungwoo and Doyoung hyung.” 
Her younger brother pushed the bowl of ice cream in front of her, “You should eat some ice cream.” He even handed her his spoon. “Coffee is bad for you, especially those dark ones you always drink.” Y/N had to stare at her coffee cup, dark coffee with a hint of caramel. Just how she liked it. “Ice cream would make you feel good.” 
“I feel good,” she chimed in but Junyoung shook his head. “Why? Do I look bad?” 
Once again Junyoung shook his head. “You’re still the prettiest.” She giggled. “But you look better when you still weren't Jaehyun’s wife.” She badly wanted to correct him. She isn’t Jung Jaehyun’s wife just yet. They’re just engaged to be married. 
But those words startled her. First, why isn’t Junyoung calling Jaehyun hyung? Second, what does he mean by that? 
“You look happier with Yuta hyung.” He claimed while munching a spoonful of ice cream. 
She stared at him blankly then at the warm coffee cup in her hands. She had underestimated Junyoung’s innocence. How did he know these things? Caramel. Making her lighter. A boost of serotonin.
She misses him. 
Maybe Junyoung’s words stuck in her mind that she doesn’t feel ecstatic even if the party was about her and Jaehyun. How could both their mothers organize this kind of party? Although there are familiar faces, she can’t seem to find the courage to greet them. “Are you alright?” Jungwoo asked, handing her a glass of champagne. 
Even a small sip of champagne doesn’t sit well with her. “I’m fine, I’m just tired.” She leaned on her brother’s shoulder, feeling her knees weak. “I want to leave already.” 
“This is your party.” The girl rolled her eyes in annoyance, making Jungwoo chuckle. He drank the contents of the champagne glass she was holding earlier. “I invited the guys from the club. Did you know that it was shut down?” 
Y/N stood up to look at her brother in surprise. She didn’t know that. The club had shut down? Why? And they’re here? Her eyes started wandering around and as if her eyes cleared up saw Johnny’s tall frame. “Ten explained that a rich woman bought the club,” The way Jungwoo said those words confused Y/N. She quickly spotted Ten and then Taeyong. “And ever since that, they had never seen Yuta.”  Her eyes turned to Jungwoo in surprise. What?
She felt chills all over her body and she visibly shivered. Goosebumps appeared on her skin as her eyes focused on one person, a woman in a purple dress smirking her way. Nothing bad happened to Yuta, right? She didn’t do anything to him, right? Y/N’s feet were dragging her to where she was, loud clanging of glass and small yelps could be heard as she kept on bumping to some of the guests. “Y/N,” someone called holding her arm. She wanted to call his name. Then maybe, just maybe, he could appear before her. “What’s wrong?” He’ll assure her that he’s fine. That she didn’t harm him. 
That she isn’t the reason why something bad happened to him. 
"Y/N," the voice called once again. In her teary vision, she could see Doyoung looking at her in concern. "Let's get you out of here."
The room was dark and freezing. The sound of pouring rain and the thunderstorm rang in Y/N’s ears. Loud voices can be heard echoing from outside the house but it was muffled by her hand on both her ears. Tears sprang from her eyes as her lips pleaded for everything to stop. She could see her teardrops on the floor in the faint shade of red—her older brother’s blood. 
“This is an accident!” a male booming voice can be heard. “We cannot put our own daughter in jail. She’s still young.” 
“Then we should just get rid of her.” 
“Are you even hearing yourself? We still have a child left. This is a tragedy but shouldn’t we just focus now on taking care of Y/N?” 
“How would I take care of a monster? A murderer?” 
“If you don’t want to take care of her, I’ll take her away from here.” A small light can be seen as the door opens, “I wouldn’t let you hurt my daughter. I’ll take her away from you.” 
The small glimpse of light was immediately changed to red and blue blinking lights, an ear-piercing siren sound blaring in the rainy night. 
Even at a young age, Y/N knew she could not escape her. That running away meant hurting the people she loved. 
If she wanted to know if Yuta was safe, she needed to obey her. If she becomes the official president of the company, she’ll have all the resources to look for him. Then maybe, just maybe, she could run away from all of this. 
An idea that sounds so incredulous now that she’s wearing her bridal dress. 
This should be a joyous event but she felt as if all the weight of the world was on her shoulders. A gentle knock on the door can be heard and she breathed heavily before telling the person to come in. Her stepdad was wearing a crisp tuxedo, looking really dashing, with a wide grin on his face. “You’re very lovely.” Y/N returned the same smile, thanking him for the compliment, as he gestured if he could sit beside her. “If your dad was here, he’d probably cry seeing his little girl wearing a wedding gown.” The thought only added weight to her shoulders. She was the reason why he was brought to jail. She was the cause of his death. “I knew I would,” He then sniffled a little. “I think I will.” 
Y/N gave him a soft smile, taking some tissues to hand it to the older who had tears in his eyes. “Dad, thank you for taking care of me and mom.” He shook his head, “Thank you for accepting me as your daughter and letting me experience how to have a dad.” The tears flowed non-stop which made her giggle, “In my next life, I hope you’re my real dad.”
“Your dad will hate me but I’m glad you became my daughter in a short time.” He laughed lightly, wiping the tears from his eyes. “I hope you’ll find happiness with Jaehyun.” And she wished the same. 
Once she goes out of that door and into the event hall, she’ll be a Jung. Not a Y/L/N, not a Kim. She’ll be a daughter-in-law of a wealthy family. Not a Kim stepdaughter and especially not her mother’s daughter. This is her only chance to run away and live a new life. She cannot just run away right now. “Dad,” she called, “Can you walk me down the aisle?” 
It was a sure way for her to reach the end of the wedding aisle. Even if her mother was staring evilly at her for her impulsive decision, she held onto her stepfather’s arm tight. She cannot let go right now. 
She will obey her for the last time. And her life will be better.
Jaehyun looks really handsome in his tailor-made suit. The initial impression of him looking like a prince didn’t leave Y/N even if they grew up together. She used to think that the girl he loved would be the luckiest in the world. And she still thinks that will be the case. Except the idea of taking away that experience by marrying him feels like a heavy burden to her. Jaehyun should be waiting on the altar for the girl he loves. He should be getting married to the love of his life. Not to her.  
And she wished this could be like the movies where a young man would come in to stop the wedding. A young man with a bright smile and sweet scent. But even if the person in charge of the wedding paused to give time for anyone to stop the wedding, silence deafened the crowd. Y/N had lost her hope to see Yuta again. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, do you take Jung Jaehyun to be your lawfully wedded husband…?” The other words became too blurry. She can’t. She shouldn’t. But she must. “I do.” 
“Do you, Jung Jaehyun, take…?” All the chances are now gone. 
She heard the gasps of the crowd before Jaehyun’s words registered in her ears. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” Her eyes went to Jaehyun then to the other older person in front of them who asked the younger what he meant. The man in front of her held her hand, “I hate to do this when you’re this pretty, Y/N.” She was confused. Do what? “But we can’t get married.” What? She was more confused. What? Why? 
From her peripheral vision, she saw how Jaehyun’s parents stood up at what the younger man claimed. Her mom even called his name, “Mom, Dad, could you please ask everyone to leave?” There was confusion in everyone’s face. Is this really happening?
Y/N’s head was pounding at what was happening. Are they getting married or not? Why did Jaehyun stop the wedding? She needed to calm her mind. She wanted to sit down. 
But someone had other things in mind. 
Y/N felt a hard slap on her cheek and was about to tumble to the ground if not for someone holding her shoulder. “What the hell did you do?” Her mom shouted loud enough for her voice to echo in the halls of the event place. 
“Auntie, this is my decision. Y/N had nothing…” She heard the man holding her say. 
“This is about that guy, isn’t it?” The older asked making Y/N look at her. Although she doesn’t say anything, she knows what she means. “I should have gotten rid of him.” She hissed under her breath that startled Y/N.
Her mind was clouded and her knees felt weak but Y/N lunged forward to at least look taller than her mom. “What did you do to Yuta?” The older woman smirked. She was confused, tired, and just utterly confused. If this continues, she knows she’ll do something drastic. “Why, Mom?” She cried, tears streaming down her face. “Why do you hate me so much?” 
A loud cackle can be heard, maniacally chilling that Junyoung even held onto his eldest brother’s hand in fright. “I always wished that it was you who died that night.” The older woman’s name was called by the loud stern voice of Y/N’s stepdad. “You have always caused me pain, Y/N.” 
Her knees weakened at those words. She had always known that. Always felt that hatred. But hearing it now, coming from her own mother’s mouth made it more painful. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, not knowing what to say. She just wanted this pain to go away. She doesn’t want to cry anymore. Not in front of her stepbrothers, not in front of her real brother who looks up at her. She just wanted everything to stop. “What should I do for you to forgive me?” 
“Leave. Kill yourself,” There was a gasp then a tight hold on Y/N’s forearm, “You’re not even a daughter to me.” 
Y/N could do that. If that was what makes her happy. 
That is her job as her daughter, isn’t it? 
She felt her hand being held before being dragged out of the hall. The tears from her eyes aren’t giving her a clear image of the person and she wanted to trick herself into believing that this is Yuta. When the door of a black car was opened, she felt her hand shaking. “Get in, Y/N. I’m going to take you away from here.” 
“I could just die.” 
Jaehyun’s hold on her was so tight that it started to sting. “That’s not what you want, Y/N. Do not listen to your mom or anyone else.” He shouted. In the years that she had known Jaehyun, this was the first time that she saw anger in his eyes. He had always been so calm and serious but not angry at all. Not to her, at least. “What do you want to do, Y/N?” 
Her voice hitched in her throat. It was a question that she had never asked herself. A question she doesn’t know how to answer. “Yuta,” she whispered. “I want to see Yuta.” 
The dimple on Jaehyun’s cheek can be seen as he smiled warmly at her, asking her to get inside the car. “We’ll go to his place then look for him there. I’ll ask help from an investigator I know so we could locate him, if ever.” He explained while driving the car away from the place. “I’ll make sure you can have a fresh start with him. Away from your mom and all of this.” Y/N was just staring at him. How did Jaehyun think about those things? Did he plan these beforehand? “About the company, I’ll make sure that the stocks would remain in your name even if you decide to leave.” 
“Because you deserve this, Y/N.” 
The girl shook her head. “I mean, why are you doing this Jaehyun? We can get married and…” 
“But that is not what you want.” He claimed without looking at her. “I’m not the person you love, Y/N. I knew that the first time I saw you looking at Yuta. Why would I make you suffer? I don’t want you to be unhappy because of me.”    
Jaehyun had grown up so much. That was the thought running through Y/N’s mind as she watched him driving to get her away from the place bringing her pain. He used to be so quiet, so meek. He would always hide behind her whenever he’s asking something from his father. Now, he stood up for her. Not just in front of his parents, but in front of hers. 
She could run away. That is the only option she has right now. Run away with Yuta. 
But what if he wasn’t there? What if something bad happened to him? At least she had an ounce of hope that he wasn’t dead based on what her mom claimed. But will she ever get to see him again? 
She probably should just run away alone. That would lessen her pain and expectations. 
Maybe that would stop her from causing harm to another person involved with her. 
“Jaehyun, can you lend me some money?” The guy nodded although confused. “I’ll go abroad.” The guy had to stop the car to look at her, the first time he did during the whole car ride. “You could go back and tell them I ran away with Yuta.”   
“Where would you go?” 
“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “But I know I can’t take you with me. I don’t want you to be in trouble, Jae.” 
Jaehyun just stared. Confusion was written on his face before breathing a heavy sigh. He returned to driving, “Just remember that if you ever feel hopeless or if you need anything, please run to me Y/N.” 
She smiled at her childhood friend. He really did grew up well. The person marrying him would be the luckiest in the world and she’s just glad that she didn’t take away that chance for anyone. “I will, Jae. Thank you.” 
But Y/N knew that would hardly happen. This is all on her now. She cannot just run to Jaehyun and bother his life.
Her hand grazed her stomach, the material of her wedding dress soft against her skin.   
At least for them, she knew she could not. 
Part Twelve
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Photograph of A World on Fire (4) - Andy Herrera x DeLuca!Sister!Reader - Station 19/Grey's Anatomy
Summary: The world might be on fire with a pandemic happening, and you and Andy face loss after loss, but the two of you stick together and become even closer through it all.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Request: hey 💓 could you write a deluca!sister x amelia fic where r is a cheeky italian which puts amelia in gay panic mode x
A/n: this diverts from canon like a curly wurly chocolate bar, also mentions a one night stand, there's no smut but it's alluded to, so, read at your own risk, and don't ask me where this happens in canon, because that will give me another headache:) (i gave myself that headache and followed canon slightly... ooof, warning, canon character death incoming)
A/n: to whoever reads this, you are important.
Andy found out her mother was alive, and then three weeks later, a pandemic set the world on fire.
Andy's mother left, and her father told her that her mother had died, rather than her mother had abandoned her due to mental illness.
Your brother and sister were determined to quarantine away from you, and with Andy in a bubble at the firehouse, you were isolated from everyone.
Andy had enlisted herself in distracting herself about her mother by going to an art store, masked up with a list of supplies for you so you could keep making your art from home. Andy didn't know you had gotten out of the car, sitting on the bonnet with your camera, photographing the empty streets.
You didn't know it was the start of one of two projects during the pandemic that would make your career flourish, as you sat in your black attire, watching the funeral of Pruitt Herrera, that due to the pandemic had to be done online. Watching as Andy spoke, you couldn't hide the love in your eyes for this woman. This woman of fire. Your fiamma.
Your brother sat on your porch as you sat in the hallway, talking to each other through an open door.
"I found inspiration, for two big projects."
"Two big projects? Wow, that's amazing, angioletta. I hope I get to see them before Carina." Andrew smiled, the pride in his eyes obvious.
"Oh she'd be so mad!" You laughed, remembering the last time Andrew had seen your artwork before Carina did, and how jealous she got despite trying to hide it.
"How's your girlfriend?" Andrew threw you off, almost dropping your snack on the carpet in surprise at his question, but you took a moment before replying.
"She is at a family picnic for the first time in twenty years, and I didn't want to impose y'know. Plus, everyone is so determined to quarantine, I'm isolated from everyone and everything, but my art." You admitted, spotting the sad look on your big brother's face at your confession. You were feeling lonely.
"It probably won't help if I tell them that I have a girlfriend too." Andy admitted to her cousin Michelle, whose eyes lit up at Andy's admittance.
"You do? Tell me everything!"
"She's an artist, with two older siblings, who are both doctors, but she is my saving grace in this, this cruel world." Andy confessed, getting her phone out to show her cousin a photo of you, and some photos of your art.
Your phone buzzed as Vic sent you a video, getting your brother's attention as you gasped.
"There, there was a tiger, in the firehouse... a tiger... that's not totally terrifying!" forwarding the video to your brother, who checked his phone.
Fiamma: you don't have any vagina art, do you?
Cariño: that's more my sister's interior design style...
Cariño: good luck to Maya
"You know, on the nights we don't have dinner together. I eat canned green beans for dinner, out of the can." Andy confessed as she watched you stand over the hob, stirring your wooden spoon into something that smelt amazing.
"Fiamma, that's disgusting."
Andrew's text sent horror through your body as you read it. He and Carina were following a human trafficker. And nobody was answering their phone. Not Andrew, not Carina, not Andy, and not even Maya. Miranda and Ben weren't answering either, so you ran out of your house, tracking your big sister's phone as you got in your car.
Your brother was good, he was stable, taking his meds, getting sleep. Your sister had moved in with Maya, she was happy as she could be without missing Italy and stressing over your father.
Warren and Maya began to call you as Ben read your message, realising you were going after your big siblings.
"Announcement! Uh, Carina and her brother Andrew are... well... they're following one of the kidnappers, and uh, Y/n is going after her siblings apparently so..." Maya nervously explained, about to tell Andy off for hurriedly getting her phone but Warren shook his head.
"Probably going to call Y/n. They're, they're friends."
"Carina, Andrew, there's something you should know. Y/n is on her way to you, I'm guessing nobody's kept your little sister in the loop."
"Angioletta? No, she could get hurt. How does she know where we are?" Carina began to panic, hearing what Maya said.
"She's probably tracking our phones." Andrew deadpanned, knowing it was too late to stop you.
You knew they were at the Seattle Transit Station, running as you spotted Carina heading through the doors of the station. Speed-walking after your siblings, you barely made it onto the train before the doors shut, quickly making your way up the carriage until you landed in the seat next to Andrew, sandwiching him in the middle of you and Carina.
"What are you doing-"
"You both scared me. Plus nobody knows who I am so..." you trailed off, whispering in Italian to obscure your words to any non-Italian speakers.
The three of you watched as another passenger stood up and moved away from the three of you.
"My first time being profiled as an Italian."
"Stay back, angioletta." Carina whispered, as your siblings stood up to follow the human trafficker off of the train.
"Go find Ben and the police, I'm not losing her again." Andrew instructed, leaving Carina to nod and get out her phone. That was Carina's mistake as she took her eyes off of you, who ran after her big brother like she did when she was a toddler.
But Carina lost sight of you both, stuck rallying the first responders. She didn't see what you saw. The man barge into your big brother, and stab him.
"NO! Help! Help! Call 911!" You screamed loud enough that Carina heard you, hurrying over to see you putting pressure on a stab wound. A stab wound in your big brother's chest.
"We're here, we're here!" you sobbed, as Warren got your brother on a gurney, Maya holding back Carina as you curled up on the floor, hands covered in your brother's blood.
Carina cleaned your hands as you sat numbly in the back of the aid car, Maya and Ben treating your brother, and Carina recalling songs from your childhoods to soothe your brother's pain.
Sitting in the Grey Sloan outdoor waiting room, you were numb as you saw the look in the approaching doctor's eyes.
Your brother was dead.
In grieving, Carina shut down, but you threw yourself into your art projects. Carina had Maya to keep an eye on her, but you...
Andy was there for you. Andy was there when you didn't sleep at night, staring at a blank canvas until you started to paint, she sat and watched you. You didn't want to talk, your big brother was your lifeline.
"Okay, I know your French toast is better, and so is Carina's, but it's the only thing I know how to make for breakfast." Andy explained, bringing a tray into your spare room aka your art room at this point.
"Looks delicious." You managed to smile, but Andy was taken off guard as you pulled her into a hug, burying your face in her neck and not letting go.
"I'm acting captain today... are you sure you'll be okay alone?" Andy asked, her fingernails running gently over your scalp as she cradled your head.
"I have food and water. I just want to paint my grief, because I don't know how else to express it. Talking doesn't work, talking makes me miss him, even if he's with our mama now." You replied, but Andy saw the look on your face when you spotted the red paint on the palette. She didn't see how it reminded you of your brother's blood on your hands as you sat in the aid car, numb and hoping it wasn't his time.
Your siblings may have called you angioletta, little angel, but your brother was the angel among you now.
Your mother called Andrew and Carina two halves of a whole, but you needed both of them. You were away from Carina for so long growing up, all you had was your brother.
Now he was gone, Carina was stuck with the paperwork, and you buried yourself in your art. Minus any red paint, which Andy had removed after seeing the far away look on your face at the sight of it.
Carina called you hours later, asking if you had spoken to your father at all. You hadn't, but somehow he had heard two days ago that your brother died, and he didn't call either of you.
Andy found you sitting on your porch on her return home, in the spot where your brother had once sat, with a portfolio she hadn't seen before in your hands.
"Andrew was supposed to be the first person to see my projects, but he's..." you trailed off, opening the first page to reveal the photographs you had taken of empty Seattle streets.
"I've never seen Seattle so empty."
"Exactly." You let out a wet chuckle, holding back your tears until Andy met your gaze with a faltering smile at your crying.
Maya Bishop: A Doctor Gabriella Aurora just turned up here
Y/n DeLuca: you'll be okay, it's been a long time since medical school, trust me.
Maya Bishop: Come over and help me?
Y/n DeLuca: i'm having dinner with my girlfriend tonight. i'm cooking too.
Maya Bishop: Girlfriend?
*left on read 4:21pm*
"You know your sister has a girlfriend?" Maya enquired as she walked through the Grey Sloan car park with Carina, hand in hand.
"I assumed she had someone living with her. She had two mugs out when I surprised her one morning, and someone gave her a neck bruise."
"A hickey?" Maya raised an eyebrow, wondering how long you and whoever it was had been dating.
"Yes, a hickey. My sister is not a fan of double dates though." Carina added before Maya could get any ideas.
"I still haven't met your girlfriend. I even met your ex-roommate before I met her." Andy's cousin Michelle pointed out, after pointing out how Andy had gone to every barbecue and not brought you with her.
"My girlfriend lost her brother and her sister is very protective and doesn't want her getting the virus... and we still haven't told her sister we're dating, or that I moved in so..." Andy trailed off as Michelle's eyes widened.
"Oh so it's serious?"
"She's my saving grace."
"My visa expires next month." Carina explained to you, making you flinch. You and Andrew had citizenship, but Carina was here on a visa for her study.
"You have to go back to Italy? They shut down the immigration offices... Carina..."
"Angioletta..." Carina whispered, letting out a squeak as you pulled her into a tight hug, fear setting in that you would lose the only family you had left in America.
Carina and Maya were unaware of how well you really knew Andy, until it came to your brother's memorial in the Grey Sloan car park.
Amelia wasn't there, even if she had mentored your brother for a time. You hadn't thought of the neurosurgeon in a long time, having removed all traces of her from your portfolio, your life and your memory.
Whilst Maya held Carina in the car park, you sat on the ground, holding your knees to your chest until arms wrapped around you, and Andy was almost cooing in Spanish, calming you as you clung to her, mask soaked with tears.
Neither of them had any time to judge, but both were unaware you and Andy really knew each other as more than friends. Any assumption they had was wrong. Andy and yourself were well acquainted.
You didn't hide your relationship with Andy. She was at the firehouse a lot, not wanting to bring covid home back to you, since Maya and Carina were further along in their relationship and when Andy had moved in with you, she tried her best to keep you safe.
Everyone wanted to protect you, but they were isolating themselves from you to try keep you safe.
One of your art projects had been inspired by frontline workers, gaining attention online as people wanted to buy the works, the money going to charities to support people during the pandemic... you were flourishing, and your big brother couldn't see it from anywhere but above, whilst your sister and your girlfriend could see it, and you, but chose not to as often.
Your second project reflected another side to the pandemic, photography of the empty streets, void of all life. Almost apocalyptic in a sense.
Andy spent more time with you than Carina did, but you and your sister handled grief differently.
The fire between you and Andy burned brighter than anything else. An eternal flame.
"What are you painting this time? Is that a heart on fire?" Andy peeked over your shoulder, her chin resting on it as her hands hovered over your waist, hesitant to touch in case she messed up your brushstrokes.
"It was supposed to be symbolic, fires of love? Eternal flame? I think I'm better at realism... the portraits reflect that." You shrugged, gesturing to the paintings on the other side of the room.
"You are the sweetest but your sister and Maya should be here in an hour, and you are wearing more paint than clothes." Andy pointed out, her eyes widening as you smirked, walking backwards to guide her to the shower.
"Maybe you should join me, to make sure I get all the paint off."
"I would like that very much, but we need to-" Andy began to point out the lack of time, but you shushed her as you leaned in, waiting until she met you halfway, the hour countdown until Maya and Carina's arrival forgotten about...
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liyawritesss · 1 year
Shuri fluff? You can make it about anything I don’t mind. 😌💜
ᴅᴏᴍᴇꜱᴛɪᴄᴡɪꜰᴇ!ꜱʜᴜʀɪ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ ᴘᴛ 2
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Characters: Civilian!Shuri Udaku x Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: Just some more headcanons for our lovely Shuri, living the domestic life she deserves
Warnings: none, just fluff
A/N: something simple and cute while I’m working on final projects and preparing for finals. Hope you guys enjoy!
Tags: @6-noir @playhousedistee @shuririsdefenseattorney @shuriszn @zayswriting @wrendermedone @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @slytherin-34 @the_lesbian-fangirl @itsmaniiiiiiiii @strangefishflapturtle @cuddl3s4shur1 @shuriislut @dejaonline @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @inmyheadimobsessed
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When moving in together, Shuri took charge of the interior design of your home. Not that she didn’t trust you with the task, but she was very insistent on wanting to decorate the space the way both of you would like it. She took it as an ultimate test on how much she knew you - and she did an amazing job with decorating your home.
She is so intensely in tune with your emotions, it’s honestly quite shocking sometimes. You won’t even be anywhere near each other; you’ll be at work, and she’ll be at home and all of a sudden she gets this weird sinking feeling in her stomach like “Something isn’t right”. Then you come home, and she immediately ask you if your day was alright, to which you’ll look at her like how did you know-
Asks you to taste her cooking when you’re home. She knows she can cook - that’s not the point - she jist wants to get your tummy hyped up for the food she makes.
When she’s out at her job for work, she makes sure to bring home your favorite cafe items when she comes home. Anything from Starbucks to Dunkin’, she’s got your sweets n’ treats ready for you
Surprise! Dates! Lots of em, too. She likes to surprise you with new restaurants and city attractions that pop up every now and then. It serves well in getting the both of you out of the house and away from the stresses of your work lives.
Buys you so much jewelry that you had to get one of those mirrors with a jewelry space tucked inside. She can’t help it, you just look so good in everything that she has to ice you out every chance she gets!
Slow dances in the kitchen after either of you get off work while food is cooking. It’s an intimate act between the two of you, desiring eachother’s closeness after being apart for so long. It helps both of you ground yourself and just be with one another.
Loves to get kisses for a job well done. The way she beams so brightly after you place a kiss on her cheek or her forehead is absolutely heartwarming and unmatched by anything you’ve ever seen. And she slightly leans into you, as if asking for more, but she’ll never ask for more than what she’s given.
Loves to sleep as the big spoon. Shuri finds pleasure in feeling like she can protect you, and so she adores having you in her arms while the both of you sleep. She doesn’t mind if you end up turning in your sleep to face her - but she goes to bed happiest when your back is pressed against her chest, and she feels your hands caressing her arms that are wrapped around your waist, holding you close
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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fictionfordays · 1 year
Reo w/ a Baker!Reader
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(Aged up 21+) Reo Mikage x GN!Reader
CW: Food, Reo is a cutie
A/N: I love writing for Reo sm, he's such a cutie patootie. A lil puppy!
Back to Main Masterlist | Blue Lock Masterlist
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❀ Reo loves your sweet treats and baked goods
❀ He's on a fairly strict diet for his soccer career, but he can't help himself... he HAS to sneak a bite of your cookie dough! Or steal small pieces of your fresh bread!
❀ It's just so warm and delicious 😭
❀ Why, Y/N? Why do you do this to him? 😭😭😭
❀ He loves when you bake him something as a surprise - it's his birthday and you made a cake? Hell to the yes! You remembered he mentioned how blueberry muffins sounded delicious? Ugh you are so amazing. He whined about how your food is too delicious not to eat but coach was yelling at him for being too careless so you baked a healthy quiche loaded with vegetables? Omg you are such a LIFE SAVER!!!
❀ You can do EVERYTHING!!!
❀ So amazing!!!
❀ You'll be in the kitchen meditatively mixing something into a dough and he's standing right behind you with his chin on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around your waist as he watches
❀ He will taste test EVERYTHING. You don’t even need to ask. If you’re baking, he’s right there, just lift the spoon and he’ll instinctively take a bite
❀ But don’t be fooled
❀ He adores your baking, but he is not a “yes man” and will tell you if you need to add a little salt or something. He knows in his heart and soul that you are amazing and that you are the best, so he wants to support you and help you believe what he already knows
❀ If you need help in the kitchen, he’ll do his best!!! He IS a soccer player after all, and he grew up having food cooked for him. He loves you though and is eager to learn what he can from you
❀ You teach him how to knead bread dough, which he learns pretty quick and is surprisingly good at it
❀ You also teach him how to fold vs mix…
❀ How to use a hand mixer… though he’s not crazy about that so he buys you a stand mixer as a surprise
❀ As much as he loves trying to help, you find it’s easier if he’s just your designated taste tester ;)
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Tags: @coffeerecords @enchantedforest-network
If you want to be tagged, feel free to DM!
I do not own these characters. All rights to the original creators. All content—created rights are reserved to Wallabypirate©2023.
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lananiscorner · 11 months
Pumpkin Carving with the Black Eagles
In the last two years, I posted some pumpkin carving with the Blue Lions / Church of Seiros head canons for Halloween, so let’s do the Black Eagles this time. Including Jeritza here, but not Monica, since this is based on playable characters in Black Eagles White Clouds and Crimson Flower.
Bernadetta: Has to be dragged to the pumpkin carving and nearly takes off her own finger when trying to do so in front of the others. She still ends up with the most amazing pumpkins in front of her door after going at it in the quiet and comfort of her own room.
Caspar: Is the one who started it and approaches the task with way too much enthusiasm. Every single one of his pumpkins has a scary face. None of them turn out particularly well. Still thinks it was fun.
Dorothea: There is no part of this that she likes. Risking a finger trying to carve up a stubborn vegetable? Not her kind of fun. Spooning stringy, slightly moist innards out of the gourd? Ew. Having to wash her hands a dozen times to get rid of that orange tint? Annoying. She spends most of her time encouraging the others as well as penciling designs for others to carve.
Edelgard: Approaches this with her usual perfectionism and ends up discarding her first four pumpkins for not being good enough. Spends more than 2 hours on the final one. Is very perplexed when some of her classmates don't appreciate "constructive criticism".
Ferdinand: Naturally tries to out-do Edelgard, so models his pumpkin after hers only better, which naturally ends up screwing him over when she discards the first four. He eventually goes with one of Dorothea's designs and creates one of the best pumpkins ever carved by a Black Eagle.
Hubert: Is scarily competent with a knife, but wouldn't bother with this triviality if Edelgard hadn't requested it. Goes way overboard on both the details in his designs and their general creepiness, to the point where some students muse they might summon an actual ghost if they light his pumpkins up. Much to Hubert's amusement.
Jeritza: Is only there because every student group needs to be overseen by at least one teacher and refuses to take part for the longest time. He eventually gives in at Edelgard's insistence and proves to have all the skill of Hubert and the imagination of Caspar.
Petra: Hands down the Black Eagle most excited for this activity. She's wicked good with a carving knife and ends up carving depictions of some of the scariest spirits and folk tales from Brigid. She's also the one who makes sure to collect all the pumpkin seeds for roasting and the rest of the innards for vegetable broth, so nothing goes to waste.
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startrekprodigyfan · 2 years
A mini rant
I really wish tumblr fans and YouTube react channels would latch on to Star Trek Prodigy. Every week I’m reminded that so many of the people who “officially” review Star Trek content in general online have absolutely NO understanding of the young adult animation landscape.
Countless reviews gripe that the episodes are “too short,” while simultaneously missing all the key details they normally pay attention to in Star Trek because their mindset is still that of animation = for babies. They are so unwilling to engage with the media as it’s presented.
They’re definitely not familiar with the way most animated shows are written these days, where larger story beats are given out bit by bit and writers allow them to come together organically, rather than spoon fed to you upfront.
How many reviewers criticized Dal for being “unlikable” only to walk that back after the Kobiashi episode? How many reviewers complained it was “too much like Star Wars” after only the first episode and didn’t allow the show to even introduce the Trek content? Unwilling to give the character a chance to grow because they didn’t like his starting place?
I’m still salty about reviewers complaining in Dreamcatcher “why didn’t they use the transporter?” despite the show literally telling them that there was a certain type of radiation which is notorious for interfering with transporters. That’s the techno-babble jargon these types of reviewers should LOVE to sift through, but they ignored it and dismissed it and called it a “plot hole” because they don’t respect the intelligence of the writers and its intended audience.
And that’s a common theme I keep seeing. Just this past week it happened again with the Borg episode, where the reviewers complained about the Borg not using their nano-tubes ala First Contact despite the show intentionally referencing the end of Voyager. Instead of it being in line with established canon it’s written off as a way to make the Borg “less scary for kids.”
I don’t understand this seemingly collective amnesia from Trek fans who gloss over long standing established lore and only remember one or two things and forget everything else. I thought cataloguing all these details was one of the things Trekkies were supposed to be GOOD at!
Meanwhile… you wouldn’t see this dismissive attitude coming from young adult animation YouTube reactors. The people who obsess over The Owl House, Avatar, Korra, Amphibia, and Gravity Falls would pick up on those details IMMEDIATELY. They’d analyze the characters relationships, they ship the characters together, theorize about the time travel stuff, and be excited to get into a show like this! They’d ask a question, then the show would answer it, and they’d be like “oh cool! Now I understand!”
Where are my 2 hour long analysis videos about Dal and Gwyn’s relationship? Where are all the lgbt+ reviewers excited that Zero is non-binary? Where are all the reactors trying to protect Murf and Rok? Where are all the animation nerds geeking out over how amazing this show looks??? Where are my Diviner simps???? LOL
I don’t know how to spread my love of this show to other platforms like YouTube. I can’t make videos and I’m not gonna become a reactor. But if I have ANY sway here on tumblr… please, please, PLEASE, let other people who aren’t 50+ year old die-hard Trekkies find this show and start reacting to it!
Spread the word! This show is literally designed to get new people into Star Trek. I wanna see it! I wanna see these YouTuber react channels responding to this show with the same reverence and appreciation that they do for Gravity Falls and other young adult animated shows!
I wanna see people making crazy theories about time travel!
I wanna see people loving Dal’s growth as a character.
I wanna see people loving Gwyn’s sword.
I wanna see people fawning over Murf’s adorable-ness.
I wanna see people mothering Rok.
And more importantly… I wanna see people who’ve NEVER WATCHED Star Trek get into this show and say “I’m really loving Janeway, now I really wanna watch Star Trek Voyager too and see the real Janeway in action!”
These people exist. They’re out there. I know they do! I just have no idea how to reach them! So please, if you ever see a react channel asking “what should I watch next?” Please, please, PLEASE, recommend Prodigy! I fear that word of mouth is really the only way to do this now! Spread the word! Let people around you know how good this show is! Let more people find it! Let more people react to it! Help the show find the audience that seems to be completely missing it!
I love this show. I just want more people to get into it and create content for it! I do what I can here on tumblr, but I’m just one person. I can’t do it alone!
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evrensadwrn · 2 months
Totally down with the theory the marquis was not born rich. He imitates posh manners but is so crazy for sugar he sometimes slips…or possibly things like the spoon lick (sexy as hell btw!) are actually flexes, to say like I’m so powerful I don’t NEED perfect manners. Like who tf is gonna correct him lol? And like that glitter suit…as stunning as he is in it, old money would not be caught dead dressed like that…that’s a pure gangster suit. I actually like to imagine he climbed up from nothing, like maybe even seriously bad circumstances and that’s part of why he is so desperately ambition hungry
There’s a LOT of theories surrounding Marquis which honestly to me is the reason why I love him as a character so much. They could have explained everything about him, but no, they chose to hint at what happened through Bill’s spectacular fucking acting and some lines that pertain to what he was as a person.
And yeah, I find those lack of manners a sort of “fuck you” to everyone else because hey, he’s autem imperator. Look at him wrong and he’ll have his army beat your ass😭 I think not making him the rigid, overly-posh character was a good choice and a sort of breath of fresh air from every other aristocratic sort of villain who just have this structure of “ew peasants”. While Vincent definitely has that mentality, it’s more on the aggressive side and as much as he conceals himself as a “gentleman”, ultimately he reveals himself as a horrible person which I find amazing of course of course. He’s different from Santino or Adjudicator, who still have this sense of formality but Vincent is just straight up “look at me and I’ll kill you merci beaucoup you peasant💗” he’s this vicious sort of guy which just makes me like him even more lmao I don’t know wether I’d beat his ass or kiss him tbh
As for the last part, I think it’s fun!! As someone who LOVES costume design, to me it’s a sort of reclamation of power. Like “I can wear all of these suits and no one can tell me otherwise” sort of thing and it just adds to this air of arrogance he has. It sort of parallels Adjudicator to me, except Vincent has had nothing but glittery suits that can and WILL blind you and also glitter can stay on people so touching will just basically have you covered in his shine quite literally
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rainbowbarnacle · 6 months
@stick-arms suggested I list five things that make me happy, so here I go! If you would like to do the same, consider this your sign to!
For funsies, I will not include coffee, tea, colorful things, sea creatures, or beatrix on this post because those are givens and I go on and on and on about how much I love those all the time.
LET'S BOOM-DE-YADDA THIS THING I LIKE @mercurialmalcontent! They make me incredibly happy. Their fiction makes me happy, their thoughts on books and videogames make me happy, their face makes me happy, the way they think makes me happy. The things they like about me are things I wouldn't realize about myself in a billion years, it's always a delight to see what they'll think next. Also if you've read something of mine and really liked it, it's very likely that it's because they edited it; they are *so* good at thinking up things that make a story go from mostly decent to FREAKIN' EPIC.
I LIKE WHEN VIDEOGAMES LET YOU MAKE REALLY AMAZING CHARACTERS. One of my favorite things about baldur's gate 3 is that there's so much you can do with with your character creatively--I have been devouring all sorts of wonderful stories and comics and designs and concepts. FFXIV has some amazing warrior of lights too--the sheer amount of lore and history and headcanons floating around are just amazing.
I LIKE WHEN VIDEO GAMES HAVE REALLY COOL MONSTERS. These are the creatures that instantly make me go, "IT'S MY BABIES, MY BABIES ARE HERE." Often these are monsters that I want nothing more than to adopt. The Endermen from Minecraft have stolen my heart and are likely taking turns carrying it around like a grass block. In FFXIV there is an entire family of mandragora plant monsters with their own pasts and hilariously dramatic stories. Secret World Legends has humanoid Familiars that toddle around a school making wheezy screechy sounds and I love them. Baldur's gate 3 has these Silent Hill-esque nurses that I want to put somewhere safe and care for. Same goes for the Noonwraiths and the Spoon Wight from Witcher 3.
I REALLY LIKE HORROR STORIES SET IN CREEPY HOUSES. Does the house have a curse? Is something in the attic? Is something in the basement? Is it full of ghosts? Is it full of memories? Does the house exist in different universes? Is it stuck forever in time because all the clocks stopped when That Bad Day Happened? Is the house conscious and aware of the people inside it? Does it magically grow hallways and stairways and new rooms until the people inside are hopelessly lost? GIMMIE.
I LIKE FOOD IN JARS. Yeeeah it's kinda silly, but I do. Storing dry beans or lentils or pasta in them and tucking them safe in the cupboard like I'm a little squirrel. Making quick pickles where everything looks like a cute edible snowglobe. Storing freshly washed fruit in jars. (Really, soak in water and white vinegar for a bit, pat them dry, and stick'em in a jar, your strawberries and stuff will last longer!)
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skybunbun · 3 months
I FUCKING LOVE TOWER OF ADVENTURES WELCOME TO MY RANT (this is... very long so proceed with caution lol)
Okie dokie so to start strong: Gacha Animations
Unfortunately I only have screenshots but still LOOK AT THE POSES
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They're so dynamic?? Maybe it's the fact that they're 3D but wowza I love them <333
2. New cookie designs (from favourite to meh)
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Cream Soda Cookie is magical girl incarnate. I wish she had more detail on her skirt but other than that I have zero complaints. Also she's #relatable and Sea Fairy's lookalike from when she was in highschool XD
Chamomile Cookie is THE girlie. She's a therapist that lives in a cabin in the woods and likes drinking tea. She gets to join Latte Cookie in the big spoon gang. Everyone needs a Chamomile Cookie in their life. 10/10
Lemon Zest Cookie is everything Twizzly Gummy Cookie wanted to be. They're not released yet but I can't wait!!! He looks kinda unhinged in the official art and I'm here for it. (what are the chances he and Lemon Cookie are related???)
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Crushed Pepper Cookie is honestly pretty good, the only reason he isn't one of the favourites is because I'm not a huge fan of peppers and the color red. But I do love the gauntlets!! And his hairstyle is pretty great too, would definitely cut my hair like that but I prefer keeping my cureent hairstyle :3
Twisted Donut Cookie SOOO ADORABLEEE!! He's a little ray of sunshine AND he likes trains??? I want to put him in a room with Ingo & Emmet and listen to them ramble about trains... Also I'm a sucker for goofy ahh propeller hats
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Oh goodness these two... Oh no...
Sting Durian Cookie is the better of the two. Unlike Lemon Zest Cookie he might actually be insane?? I like his hair and face, I think they looks nice but the rest of his outfit is... questionable to me at best. But I also really don't like his color palette...
And Plantain Cookie is just... so so awful. If he's your favourite - I'm sorry for slandering him but I really don't like him. His hair is okay at best and then there's the bandana and eyepatch together???? Why??? And then there's the colors... I don't like him at all, sorry.
3. Gameplay
I really like it actually! I enjoy those type of games, the character models are amazing. The combat is alright but I wish the ultimate (whatever you wanna call it) attack wasn't time based and charged with damage dealt to enemies but I guess I also understand why they did that? In some early levels there's little to no combat + it would be difficult to get the ultimate attack on all 3 characters in your party. The attack animations are really nice and the multiplayer raids are... suprisingly enjoable to me and I HATE! anything multiplayer. Oh and I LOVE the Seasoning Dungeons!
I believe this is it! I haven't unlocked everything yet so this post will be updated either a) whenever I unlock a new mode (so like 3 or 4 times) OR b) when I unlock everything (so only 1, probably a bit long update??? We'll see)
Okie that's all byeee!!!!!
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
In fact, talking about Jennette and Athy's dresses, I have a friend with whom we read manhwas and she studies all this about colors, designs, color theory and all that and she told me some curious facts i things it would be interesting to say like that the colors that predominate in Jennette are the autumn colors (green, blue, purple, brown) which coincides a lot with the colors that Jennette uses while Athy uses the brightest or even pastels like red, pink, white, honestly Athy uses more colors only than in several different shades, which would be between summer or spring (I'm not sure)
And just as you said, Jennette wears longer clothes than Athy, she almost never wears heels and she wears a lot of bonnets, which I think is to highlight her innocent personality, while Athy does show more skin, in fact she has several dresses showing her shoulders, She wears heels and also a lot of chains, both in her hair and on her clothes. I feel like the latter is a reference to Diana who also wore a lot of chains in her outfits. Additionally, Athy has many dresses inspired by flowers, such as one about roses, another about daisies, wisterias, and more
I honestly think Spoon did it on purpose and this is one of the reasons why I like manhwas so much and that is because you can see the artist's effort in designing an outfit for a character with a specific style.
Great observations, anon! It's truly amazing how much care and effort Spoon put into the manhwa's fashion and character design. Not only are the clothes gorgeous, but they are also reflective of the different characters' personalities.
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rikeijo · 1 year
Today's translation #274
Spoon.2Di, vol. 18. Mitsurou Kubo's interview
Part 5.
--- I see! (laugh) So, since this time you are also responsible for original character design, I want to ask you about points important for creation of the three main characters' design. First of all, please tell us about Katsuki Yuuri.
K: The theme for Katsuki Yuuri is: "His clean sex appeal is violence", so I was always mindful of this sense of "cleanliness". He's the type of character that is usually not very good at something, but he also has in himself this potential for a complete metamorphosis. In works about school club activities, it's a very common pattern like - this type of average protagonist tries figure skating for the first time and then he develops [his abilities etc.]. But I thought: "No way I'm going to wait for that having just this one cour [12 episodes to tell the story]" (laugh), so this time, we wrote a story of his resurrection as a skater. That's why, we draw him in a way that he looks unremarkable at first glance, but actually he has a great talent and among [all] Japanese competitors, he's really a very good skater. When I heard Toyonaga Toshiyuki-san's voice during auditions, I thought that the way that his voice cracks a bit in a sort of weakness was really well-acted, and at the same time, his voice when he gets confident was also amazing. This character is so much more than just this image that you see at the first glance, so hearing his voice, I now can't wait even more to see what kind of sex appeal he's going to show us.
[Notes: It seems that a new anime about figure skating is going to be made, based on a manga titled "Medalist". I haven't read the manga, but it seems in this case it's going to be, just like Mitsurou says here, an anime about a very young female protagonist, who just started figure skating.]
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honeybeewhereartthee · 11 months
Spoiler for my stoes
"what if your in a reincarnation in an otome genre world? Since usually we have pink hair. Lucii have long pink hair. The world will think. "Huh. Is this the protagonist...?" Then proceed to put him in the heroine role. Then MC turn out to be the villain. Trying to follow the fate of her character she tried to take all the attention of the character except it backfire because it was a yandere otome world. And it's Lucii with MC. All the love interest perish instead making it a happy ending for those two!"
Hallow speak that in one breath after he remembers the novelist and gossiping Ghost who often tell him about such plots and story line. It was so interesting but others says Ghost is being noisy.
"... Ahaha. Does it include him wearing dress for heroine?" Blood chuckle as he give a side eyes to the angel who rolled his eyes at the question of the domain master.
"What about you? What's your role in the story then, howl-nii?" Kiseki ask interested in the new story that ghost have told the undead. He did notice him hanging up with the underworld butler for a while back in the estate, after he was caught stealing food for the other KKOMAS.
"oh. I'll be the side kick of the villain to support MC! It mean I can stick by their side all the time..." He smile before he was pulled by the side by baby blue when a projectile -- being a fish bone went flying to where his face was earlier. Good thing the little spider by his side pulled him away.
"Ah???" Suddenly the undead can feel fear until it was gone with a smack sound.
"Hanii don't be a bully or I'll hate you for real." You nags the angel who thrown the fish bone just now who rolled his eyes through he rub the hit you did on his head. "What it I forget about you with that smack..." He mumble which earn a look from you.
"It's not like everyone can remember everything about something forgetting something to make you stop bullying the poor hallow is good punishment unless you want to take back your shift when aira take over your role with that boss of yours." You clicked your tongue as you cannot help but sigh.
Through you smile and give him sweets again to say sorry for smacking him too much. You felt slightly bad. But you sure did not hit him enough after bullying bee and others all the time cause they spend a moment with you.
"thank you.. and you too little one." Hallow bows at you and then to the little spider who stared at hallow and seems to says something.
"...it doesn't matter if his all in one. You cannot call him oniisan. Or your brother will be an oni if he hears this." Blood tells baby blue who seems to call Hallow big brother after seeing a mirage vision of his older brother in the place of Hallow
"oh? It's ok. If you call me anything you want little one." Hallow smiles as he pats baby blue head, making the little spider look at him before he was hugged. He seems to call him something beaming in joy. "... He calls you brother owl. Which is ironic since owl technically eats spiders." The spider pinky plays with his spoon. Balancing it with his one finger before he held it with two finger and wiggle it till it become contorted and like his spider web he slowly form a pin with a spider design. It seems he manage to copy what Doll can do but with other materials through it's more of raw straight than other thing.
"here." He flick it to the side of Kiseki who look at it in amazement and smiles warmly. "Thank you! Kiseki will help you with your l--"the young Inkling about to blurt something that he talks about with Baby blue before in terms of sign language and drawing but he was shut up by baby blue who run as speed of light toward Kiseki to shut him up.
"...:))" Blood smiles at blue which made the other sweat drop refusing to meet his eyes. "Your quite close to gossip things you shouldn't..." As blood stood up. Baby blue already sprint away in fear of being told off to his brother about his mischief today. "Silly spider. You cannot escape me..." Blood chuckle before he disappear in dark pink light and he tackle baby blue who was down the hill already and tickle him. "!!!!"
"you have been caught and you cannot escape but suffer the consequences!!" Blood exclaim as the little spider chuckle till his side hurt and can't anymore. Kiseki watch in distance in daze. As if lost on his own thoughts again while looking at the pin blood made for him.
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erisenyo · 2 years
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I posted 9,962 times in 2022
That's 8,564 more posts than 2021!
116 posts created (1%)
9,846 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,597 of my posts in 2022
Only 34% of my posts had no tags
#gorgeous - 91 posts
#amazing - 82 posts
#fic writing - 73 posts
#adorable - 71 posts
#asks and answers - 68 posts
#boost! - 64 posts
#lol - 62 posts
#this is amazing - 57 posts
#atla - 48 posts
#so cute - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#how long before the fire lord suddenly decides he needs a weapons master again and humbly but firmly requests piandao temporarily relocate?
My Top Posts in 2022:
For @zukkaweek Day 3: Spooning/Bedsharing (and maybe some domesticity too) - some friends to lovers, realization of feelings all the way to establish relationship tooth-rotting fluff, inspired by the wonderful @lizardlicks
[There are rules for sleeping with Zuko.
Sokka realizes that fact before he even starts doing it, back in those late days of the war when Zuko catches sight of the fresh bruise blooming over Sokka’s cheek one morning and teases him about getting distracted sparring with Suki, and Sokka doesn’t know how to say that actually, Zuko fell asleep by the fire last night and the reason Zuko woke up there too is because when Sokka tried to shift him to his bedroll, Zuko kicked him in the face in his sleep.] Or, From avoiding bodily injury to getting him to fall asleep in an actual bed, there are rules for sleeping with Zuko. Sokka might just find his way to learning them all.
197 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Zuko, trying to confess his feelings during a maybe-date: It's not just about the physical stuff. I want, like, all that gooey stuff, too.
Sokka: ...?
Zuko: You know. That big word that's so hard to say.
Sokka: Oh. Worcestershire Sauce
(Was reading "Chaliced Flowers" by @zukka96 and got hit by this piece of comedy)
199 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Do share your very strong feelings about Ozai eroding the traditional divisions between adult and child.
@eshusplayground ask and ye shall receive in spades haha, I've been thinking about this a lot recently as I think through what adulthood vs childhood in general means across the nations.
TLDR - Zuko and Azula are treated as adults by Ozai and everyone around them, which strips them of the traditional protections of childhood. It's a transgressive act that entrenches Ozai's perceived absolute authority and establishes his ability to essentially punish now for what someone *might* do later.
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247 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Having Zukka betrothal armband thoughts. The idea that they can hold more than one stone. The record of attempts to get it perfect, from halting chips and rough designs to increasing confidence and the idea that this progression of skill also follows a progression of love and deepening of their bond, and that it is proudly displayed and cherished. The idea that it doesn't have to stop just with a proposal. That stones could be exchanged around major life moments, and also just around major emotional moments--when you are feeling overwhelmed by love for your partner, for the shape the relationship has taken as your lives change. Armbands as a record not just of commitment but of changing and evolving love, of two hearts saying over and over they want to walk together.
517 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Having thoughts about how Toph found people at the Earth Rumble who treated her as an equal and respected her for her skill and listened to her. How she became the Blind Bandit there and the first people to ever take her seriously were The Gecko and Fire Nation Man and the others.
And then she joins the Gaang, people who also treat her as an equal and respect her skill and listen to her, and she starts calling them Twinkle Toes and Snoozles and Sugar Queen and Captain Boomerang.
She's giving them stage names. Because gaining her stage name was the most empowering thing that happened to her up to that point. Because stage names are earned. Because the people who were kindest to her in her life (by treating her how she wanted to be treated) were people who went by things like The Boulder.
15,237 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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roseofcards90 · 2 years
Top three mob psycho characters and why?
Omg hi!! @muninnhuginn Thank you so much for the ask! I think my top 3 characters would have to be:
1. Reigen
I feel like everything about Reigen has already been said one way or another so I’ll be brief but as much as he gets memed a lot by people and how absurd he really is when you see his character, I genuinely appreciate how complex he is in the story as well as his relationships with other characters, especially Mob and Serizawa. The Separation and Confession Arc are two of my favorites, and I love how we can see the clear development of Reigen’s character through both very easily.
2. Ritsu/Mob
I couldn’t choose between the two, so the brothers are being put in the same place for me. I think Ritsu on a level is so funny to me 💀 I love how he gets esper powers out of trying to bend spoons, and when he thinks of Mob as his cool older brother and then we cut to Mob passed out on the ground after jogging, or how he absolutely hates Reigen’s existence and wants to probably kick him in the shoe, and most of all I love the finale where we see just how much he’s grown and willing to reach out to Mob because he doesn’t want him to share that burden alone anymore. Ritsu is great in that duality of his character if that makes sense!
Mob is kind of the same way with Reigen where a lot on him has been said already lol, but in general he’s a perfect main character, he develops so well over the series (I love how the start of the Confession Arc calls back to the first arc with the same scenes playing out where we see how much Mob has grown), and his confrontations with Mogami, Dimple, and ???% are some of my absolute favorites where you really see him shine through.
3. Tome
I love her!! I have yet to still read REIGEN, but she quickly became one of my favs in the original for being a funky weird girl who loves aliens and loves hanging out with her friends. I think the Telepathy mini arc is one of my favorites mostly because we got to see more of her character at the forefront of the story (I also just love how the anime adapted it omg it looks amazing) but yeah she’s great!
Special mention to Tsubomi for being such a deconstruction of the shoujo love interest and how interesting she is in general (and also how the anime manage to expand more upon that like the additional scenes and her design changes throughout the seasons), and also Teru for well, being Teru lol, I don’t have much to say on him other than I absolutely love his development and how he’s just so silly on every level. 😭
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