#Sports & Aggression
alpha-mag-media · 9 months
Bryan Kohberger’s ex-friend says Idaho murder suspect was ‘frustrated’ with girls ghosting him & would get ‘aggressive’ | In Trend Today
Bryan Kohberger’s ex-friend says Idaho murder suspect was ‘frustrated’ with girls ghosting him & would get ‘aggressive’ Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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ur-mag · 9 months
Bryan Kohberger’s ex-friend says Idaho murder suspect was ‘frustrated’ with girls ghosting him & would get ‘aggressive’ | In Trend Today
Bryan Kohberger’s ex-friend says Idaho murder suspect was ‘frustrated’ with girls ghosting him & would get ‘aggressive’ Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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fabiolasshop · 1 year
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gaydiation-poisoning · 4 months
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THIS IS AMP ^ (art by @for-a-new-life)
Age: 14
Height: 4'8
Full name: Amphitrite Takowasa
°She was born a little less than a year after the events of Splatoon 2 (we have a slightly altered timeline)
°She will BITE you if you call her Amphitrite
°Amp's mother Ashta disappeared when she was about 7 years old, ever since she's been growing up on the streets of Inkopolis alongside her best friend/little brother Sammy.
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(pictured here, by @redginaldusrooiakker)
°She does not know her own full name
°She has faint memories of Off The Hook playing on the television when she was little, this inspired her dream of becoming a big time DJ. (cus there's not enough of these Octo DJ bastards running about)
°She made her way to Splatsville at age 13 looking to make it big, although having no money and no home took to crashing on the couch in the Lobby.
°Despite practically living in the Lobby, Amp does not play much Turf War or any other sport. She tends to find them limiting and aggravating, as she's not much of a team player and tends to prefer an aggressive solo charge over working with others. As a result she turns to working at Grizzco for cash.
°She is very reckless on the job, with a tendency to charge in headfirst with a seeming lack of self preservation, most coworkers dislike her for her behavior and think she's a liability. She is, however, effective, and thus Grizz keeps her on and assigns her 'mentors' to keep her focused. (At least until they burn out and she's passed to someone else)
°Mains Octobrush
°After about four months of working for Grizzco, she had a falling out with her favourite mentor and wound up meeting Craig Cuttlefish and joining the Squidbeak Splatoon
°She just wants to feel useful
°Amp has a very casual way of speaking, very rarely using honorifics. Some find this rude, but it's typically a sign that she likes someone a great deal and feels comfortable. She doesn't typically gel well with Authority figures for this reason. (Albeit this is not intentional on her end.)
°She takes to calling Cuttlefish 'Uncle' not long after meeting him.
°Also has very little in the way of a filter with profanity, and tends to cuss a lot when the urge strikes her.
°Very fidgety, tends to chew on wasabi sprouts or tug on her tentacles to keep her mind occupied. Hates sitting still.
°Has very little sense of aim, her method with a splattershot essentially comes down to 'Can't hurt me if you're atomized'
°Almost shoots Octavio after he fell out of the Octobot, Craig had to knock the gun upwards to deflect the shot.
°Prefers baggy clothes
°Will eat anything. Not picky at all.
°Has a love for spicy food, the hotter the better.
°Sometimes eats things with her hands that really should not be eaten with one's hands
°VERY loud for someone her size
°Has no concept of an 'inside voice'
°If you do so much as give her a sandwich she'd probably be willing to die for you.
°Runs very warm
°Very heavy sleeper, can sleep in almost any position.
°The notch in her ear is from a Grizzco Charger by her mentor turned nemesis turned best friend Mono
°The scar on her forehead comes from accidentally bashing her forehead against the Octobot's control console during the fight with Grizz
(on that note)
°If you have talked to me about her or simply read her name, you'd probably have figured out that Amp is the granddaughter of DJ Octavio
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(This charming fella. Art once again provided by @for-a-new-life)
°Neither of them are aware of this connection until post Splatoon 3's story (although there are a couple AUs where that's not the case)
°Her mother is named Ashta, she is Agent 8 and a Clone of Octavio (if you're wondering why she came out female well the answer is 🏳️‍⚧️)
°Amp's lack of knowledge of or contact with her grandfather comes from her mother's distaste for her father (to put it lightly)
°She looks up to her grandpa a lot, she definitely sees him through rose tinted glasses in her younger years. (Honestly the Takowasa family drama will probably get a reblog dedicated to breaking it down)
°She wouldn't have even been accepted by him if Craig hadn't basically reverse psychology-ed Octavio into actually being a grandpa to her
°Amp is close with Octavio but the relationship is...complicated to say the least
°Despite this she is very determined to upkeep a relationship with him
°When she eventually starts her DJing career, she does so under the stage name of DJ ANG3LFISH, a mix of her title as Agent 3, and of Octavio's occasional nickname for her, Angelfish.
°She keeps up this stage performance until one particularly traumatic performance scares her into silence for a time
°She later comes back onto the music scene in a somewhat fishing themed band called The Reel Deal, with her once again as the DJ, and her friends Mono and now much more grownup Sammy as vocalists.
°Amp would not start singing in their songs until some of their later albums.
°She has a lot of vocal fry which can be very good for their harsher tracks
And finally (for now)
°Amp is a Virgo
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(doodle by @redginaldusrooiakker)
(Second part breaking down the Takowasa Family Issues will be out soon!)
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disappointingyet · 11 months
The Decline Of Western Civilisation
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Director Penelope Spheeris Stars Claude Bessy, Exene, Darby Crash, Ron Reyes, Nicole USA 1981 Language English 1hr 40mins Colour/Black & white
The classic LA punk doc
I feel it’s rare to have a (theatrically released) documentary that is much less well-known than its sequel. But The Decline Of Western Civilisation II: The Metal Years had famous people in it, some much-quoted funny moments and set up director Penelope Spheeris up to make the massive hit comedy Wayne’s World. The first Decline, on the other hand, is bleaker, occasionally funny in a very dark way and put Spheeris on the way to directing the grim (and fairly obscure) squatland drama Suburbia. And at the time none of these people were celebrities and even subsequently, the only person here who has nudged fame is Pat Smear, the guitar player from Germs, who was a touring member of Nirvana in their last days and is currently a Foo Fighter. 
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But make no mistake, The Decline Of Western Civilisation is an extraordinary music documentary. Filmed in late 1979 and early 1980, it drops us right into the middle of punk in Los Angeles. There’s no voiceover – although we do occasionally hear Spheeris asking questions – so the description and analysis comes from bands, fans, managers, club owners, bouncers and the staff of Slash magazine.*  
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In what I think was an accident of timing, Spheeris caught a pivotal moment. The early punk scene in Los Angeles had been open-minded and stylistically diverse. Here we see the codifying of hardcore punk and the amped-up aggression of bands like Black Flag, Circle Jerks and Fear and their audiences. Fear, in particular, incite their gobbing crowd with a steady stream of homophobic derision.
The contrast is with Catholic Discipline, led by Slash editor Claude Bessy (aka Kickboy Face), whose guitar player Phranc was a trilby-sporting lesbian. (And Catholic Discipline are shown playing at venue we learn had banned the hardcore bands by this point.) Their crowd looks like a relatively sophisticated bunch who have put a lot of time into their outfits. But they also, it should be said, seem a lot less into the occasion than the kids at the Circle Jerks show. 
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There wasn’t (it seems) even the language to describe what was going on those crowds. Everyone refers to pogoing, but these kids aren’t jumping up and down on the spot, they are smashing into each other and creating a vortex of bodies, and clambering up onto stage and getting shoved off. It seems the terms slam dancing (moshing was an even later coinage as I remember it) and stage diving were not yet in common use. 
So how does Spheeris put us in this world? We get a lot of footage of the bands on stage, which might be hard work for some viewers. But because Spheeris and her camera crew are interested in the scene as a whole, there’s always something anthropologically interesting to note**, even if you can’t tell where one Fear song begins and the next one ends. 
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And then there are the interviews. This the opposite of the uniform talking-head approach, although the great access Spheeris had helps. Interviews with kids from the scene are face-on in a stark room with a bare light bulb hanging down, shot in black & white and tinted blue. Venue owner Brendan Mullen is filmed on a cliff high above Los Angeles. Nicole, the long-suffering manager of Germs, talks in close-up with her clothes merging into the black background. 
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Germs lead singer Darby Crash, by contrast, is filmed cooking eggs and bacon in a grubby kitchen – this is probably the film’s most notorious segment, as his mate blithely recounts stumbling across the body of a workman at her parents’ house. Spheeris [unseen]: “Didn’t you feel bad that the guy was dead?” Michelle: “No, not at all. Because I hate painters." During the X interview, singer John Doe is tattooing LA music scene character Top Jimmy's arm while the band’s other singer, Exene, talks through her collection of fundamentalist Christian pamphlets that she’s collected on the streets of LA.
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All of which is to say that faced with my key question about movie docs – is this actually a movie? (rather than TV or – these days – YouTube content) – the answer is about as emphatic a ‘yes’ as is possible. This is a visually fascinating bit of film-making, regardless of what’s being said. But the what’s being said is interesting, too. Both the letters from readers to Slash magazine and some of the things the kids filmed under the light bulb say are (to a 2023 viewer) evidence that it wasn’t the internet that created all manner of unpleasantness – it was always there, and (in the case of the readers’ letters), people used to bother to actually write and post trolling nonsense (I was going to say and pay for postage, but I’m guessing a lot of these were kids using stamps from their mom’s desk.)
This is one of those movies I’ve known about for decades, but only finally now got a chance to see. And yet somehow it went way past my expectations – this is one of the great rock documentaries.
(In the UK, all three TDOWC movies are currently available to stream for free – legally! – on Plex.)
*OK, so maybe worth saying I know a certain amount about this stuff – for instance, I’ve read We’ve Got The Neutron Bomb: The Untold Story Of LA Punk so I had a lot of context that the more casual viewer wouldn’t. But I still think it would be an absorbing watch if you don’t know anything (you don’t have to have read a book to realise that Darby Crash was very bad news).
**For instance, at this point at least, both in terms of the bands and their audience, this was less all-white than you might imagine/despite the bile spewed by a couple of the interviewees. (Not as far as I know shown in this film, but definitely already a key figure was Spot, RIP.) This is part of my 'Every girl should be given an electric guitar on her 16th birthday' series of reviews
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dreamy625 · 6 months
This rockstar life - 4.4 Getcha rocks off
Content: Smut! There's no plot so you can skip if Steve smut, or smut in general, is not your thing
Words: 1484
The tales of under-stage debauchery were somewhat exaggerated, but not without foundation. It was just a little bit of everything, and a whole lot of boobs! By this point, most of the guys had wives or at least serious girlfriends, and the groupies were primarily a spectator sport. For Steve, it was where he gulped down vodka until stage-Steve calmed down and real-Steve could face the world again. Usually Alice just hovered solicitously, trying to keep insistent journalists and the most aggressively-ardent admirers at bay. But tonight, tonight, there was something else…
She sauntered over to where he was leaning against the wall, cigarette in one hand, bottle, still mostly full, in the other, observing the raucous party happening around him as if deciding whether to change channels. Taking the bottle from his hand, she took a swig, for courage, and then another, for luck. Her heart was beating fast. Nerves. Excitement. Both. 
“I wanna fuck stage-Steve”
She’d whispered it, right next to his ear. He looked startled, then his eyes slid over to meet hers and he smirked.
He took her hand and wove through the crowd of crew and hangers-on, trying to look casual, towards the amps and equipment cases. Some of the quiet corners were already occupied with half-hidden couples, but eventually they found a relatively secluded spot under a staircase.
“So…” said Steve with a mischievous look on his face.
“So.” Alice echoed, grabbing the belt of the robe he’s wearing and tugging him towards her. 
Needing no further encouragement, he pulled her against him with an arm around her waist, leaned down and kissed her hungrily. He threaded his other hand up through her top and traced his fingers around the curve of her breast, using his thumb to rub the nipple through the lace. Alice wriggled her arms into the robe and ran her hands over his back and bum, scratching her nails across the curve of his back in the way that always made him squirm. He was still wearing the tight black jeans he performs in, no shirt, no underwear. She trailed her hand round to the front, brushing over the bulge that’s getting harder by the second, unbuckled his belt and popped the top button. They stumbled backwards until Alice bumped against the wall of flight cases. Breaking off the kiss, Steve started to lick and suck her neck, feeling the vibration of an appreciative mmm in her throat. He tried to slide his hand up under her tight velvet skirt, but then just yanked it up to her waist impatiently and moved his hand between her legs. 
Grinding against her hip he murmured, “I can feel how wet you are through your knickers,” and Alice felt her face flush with delicious shame.
Fumbling with hurried, shaky hands, she undid the rest of the fly buttons and eased the skintight denim down his thighs, letting his dick spring free. She ran her palm down the length, cupping and caressing the balls that lay heavy in her hand, before wrapping her fingers around the shaft and starting to stroke, eliciting a stifled gasp from her partner. After three years together, they knew how to push all the right buttons, and usually they took their time, meaning in every touch. But here, with the risk of being caught both necessitating speed and adding to the thrill, they could skip the niceties. 
Even with Alice’s stiletto heels there was still too much of a height difference for standing up to work, so Steve pushed at the packing cases until he’d created a ledge and then, almost in one movement, pulled Alice’s knickers down and lifted her up onto the stack. She kicked off her shoes, slipped the knickers off entirely, and hooked her legs around his hips. The oversized bathrobe hanging loosely from Steve’s shoulders preserved a little of their modesty, but wouldn’t entirely conceal what they were up to if someone were to pass close by. 
Kissing messily, intensely, bodies pressed together, Alice’s hands tangled in Steve’s hair, then he pulled away for a second. 
“You’re sure?”
Alice locked her eyes onto his, “Don’t think, just do.”
The hand gripping her hip tightened while he used the other to line himself up just so. There was a moment of insistent pressure and slick, smooth yielding, then with one long slow thrust he was inside her. Steve puffed out a breath and held still, giving Alice a moment to wriggle and get, not comfortable exactly, but you know what I mean. When her thighs squeezed against him, he started to move, easy, sliding strokes.
With her arms behind her for balance, her arched back pulling her gauzy shirt tight over her tits, and gazing up at him with kiss-reddened lips slightly parted, she fitted the backstage fantasies he’d had as a young wannabe rockstar to a tee.
“Wait,” he paused and leant back, “I want to remember this picture. You look so sexy, so… wanton.” He said the word like it was coated in honey.
Alice bit her lip; Steve looking down at her from under hooded lids with that lascivious smile was something that would be seared in her memory forever. 
“So that’s what dirty talk from a crossword fanatic sounds like.” She reached up to grasp his chin, “What else can you do with that pretty mouth?”
Steve took the hint, dipping his head to kiss her, his tongue tracing the inner edges of her lips. He started to thrust again - a few languid, teasing strokes before dropping into a steady driving rhythm (a benefit, Alice had noted, of dating a musician - almost metronomic timing). Being perched on a stack of boxes didn’t allow for much movement and all she could do was angle her hips to meet him and let him control the pace. And cling on to avoid getting pushed backwards! With one hand on his waist and the other arm around his neck, she pressed her mouth against the muscle where neck meets shoulder to muffle her rough, almost panting, breath. He smelled of sweat, and smoke, and Aqua Net, and his skin was salty under her tongue. 
It seemed not everyone was making such efforts to keep their pleasure discretely quiet; from somewhere close by there were sounds of rhythmic thumping and moaning, getting increasingly loud.
“Be rude… not to join in,” muttered Steve, throwing his head back and making a theatrical groan. After a moment of shy hesitation, Alice joined in with some breathy sighs, and the unseen couple responded with a further increase in volume. At first they were acting, competing for the most porn-worthy soundtrack, but soon they got lost in what they were doing and the moans were real. 
Steve was doing that thing he does, that isn’t just pushing in and out, but feels like a wave, up and down; whatever it is, it drives Alice crazy! She arched her back, desperate for more friction just… there. 
“Baby… can you… please?”
Gazing intently into her eyes, he licked his thumb and moved it down to her clit. This was another thing she’d gleefully discovered guitarists were good at - strong, skillful fingers that could keep up a repetitive motion for hours if you liked (when not fucking in a public stairwell obviously). 
When he made contact, Alice’s mouth dropped open to let out a long shuddering breath. And as he matched firm, deft circles to the sinuous motion of his hips, she couldn’t stop the gasps that came every time he pushed into her. 
“Oh… Oh god… Stevie… Stee… vee,” she babbled.
As the cries reached a crescendo, Steve felt her clench harder around his dick. “Fuck, you feel so good.”
He started to move faster and she had to hold on tighter, digging her nails into his shoulders. 
“Uhh, Lissy... I’m gonna…”
The last ripples of her orgasm overlapped with his peak and she clung to him as he came with a final deep thrust and a raspy groan.
Still entwined and breathing hard, Steve felt Alice grinning against his neck. 
He chuckled, half-embarrassed, half-delighted, “I can’t believe we did that!”
“Groupie fantasy fulfilled, check.”
Carefully he disengaged and, glancing warily over his shoulder, quickly pulled up and buttoned his jeans. Alice wriggled the hem of her skirt down over her thighs, and then started peering around the floor at Steve’s feet. He bent down and retrieved the discarded undergarments.
“Yours, m’lady.”
He leaned in and kissed her tenderly, with just a lingering trace of the passion from a few moments ago. Taking the hand he offered, Alice hopped down from the stack of boxes, straightening her clothes and doing her best to make herself look presentable again.
Steve reached up and rubbed his neck, “Did you bite me? Is there a mark?”
“Uh huh, sorry,” (she’s not sorry).
“Bad girl,” (he’s not sorry either).
Author’s note: So I wanted to try writing some proper smut, even though it embarrasses the hell out of me, mostly just to see if I could. But then I was sort of stuck - from reading Lorelei's book, it sounds like real-Steve would be quite romantic about sex and not the type to just bang someone in the dressing room a la Vince Neil. But I felt like something just a little bit dirty would fit this part of the story better than a soppy or deep and meaningful scene - this is the rock and roll life on the road section after all. Then I had a brainwave, maybe real-Steve wouldn’t, but his stage persona might!
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rustedhearts · 1 year
The way you can tell how different Steve is in the interview. Old Steve wouldn't have entertained silly questions or opened up with the reporter. Retirement and being a dad really changed him 😭 - 🍝
yeah 🥹 he’s really just a mellow dad now! all he cares about is being a good husband and a good father
i think also getting out of the sports industry made him realize that he can like…relax lol. he always had to be super amped up and aggressive all the time and now he can be soft (as soft as steve gets) 🥺💗
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wiackcom · 10 months
The legendary Nissan GT-R has returned for 2024 with styling and hardware improvements. Nissan revealed the updated sports coupe at the recent Tokyo Auto Salon. Now in its 16th year, Godzilla continues its reputation for incredible performance. The 2024 model balances revised aerodynamics and chassis components with heritage design cues. Highlights of the 2024 Nissan GT-R Nissan has carefully updated the GT-R formula rather than completely redesigning the iconic supercar. The 2024 edition brings thoughtful enhancements. Key changes include: Updated front and rear fascias improve cooling and reduce drag Return of the T-Spec model with heritage paint options 10% larger rear wing on Nismo model aids stability at speed Front limited-slip differential added to Nismo for first time Broader lineup gives more choices yet retains core DNA Under the skin, the renowned hand-built 3.8-liter twin-turbo V6 carries over. It still produces 565 hp in base trim and 600 hp in Nismo models. The ATTESA AWD system continues distributing torque masterfully. While not reinvented, the latest GT-R steps forward enough to raise the bar while respecting past generations. New Exterior Styling Balances Elegance and Aggression Subtle refinement best describes the 2024 GT-R's exterior evolutions. The overall shape stays instantly recognizable as Godzilla. But a closer look reveals smoother, more streamlined details. Up front, the bumper and grille openings are redesigned. The grille mesh pattern is now thinner and more concentrated for optimizing airflow. Active grille shutters better manage cooling, reducing drag. New side sills help guide underbody air more efficiently. At the rear, the bumper cutouts are reshaped and diffuser extended to enhance stability. Larger quad exhaust tips maintain the GT-R's commanding presence. Despite larger wheels on certain trims, Nissan achieved a 0.26 drag coefficient - matching the previous GT-R. Increased downforce comes without aerodynamic penalty. From its signature boomerang headlights to wide stance, the 2024 edition adds polish but retains the carved-from-a-block look that defines Godzilla. T-Spec Returns with Heritage Details Among the biggest 2024 GT-R updates is the return of the T-Spec model. It occupies a middle ground between the Premium and hardcore Nismo variants. The T-Spec trim pays homage to past GT-R generations through special touches: Exclusive paint colors - Millenium Jade (R34 Nür) & Midnight Purple (R34 V-Spec) Nismo upgrades - Wide fenders, carbon brakes, performance parts Gold wheels - 20" RAYS forged alloys now in gold Green interior accents - Unique dark green upholstery stitching With a torque-vectoring AWD system, adaptive damping, and 565 hp feeding those rear wheels, the T-Spec promises serious performance. By honoring GT-R heritage through its design, the 2024 T-Spec occupies a compelling niche in the lineup. It amps up nostalgia without going full retro. Track-Tuned Nismo Pushes the Performance Envelope Situating above the T-Spec as the GT-R flagship is the even more capable Nismo edition. With 600 hp and exclusive chassis upgrades, it's made for dominating laps. New for 2024 is a 10% larger rear wing, now mounted on swan-neck supports. This addition increases high-speed stability and cornering power without hitting braking. The Nismo also benefits from redesigned front and rear aerodynamic elements to maximize downforce. Even the hood, side sills, and rear diffuser are optimized for reducing lift. Performance advances also include a new front limited-slip differential - a first for the GT-R Nismo. Combined with the ATTESA AWD system, it puts all that V6 grunt to the ground forcefully yet smoothly. With its purposeful enhancements and motorsports spirit, the 2024 Nismo remains the choice for those seeking the ultimate track-ready GT-R. Improvements Build on Prove
n Mechanical Formula Nissan knows not to mess with success when it comes to the GT-R powertrain. The renowned VR38DETT 3.8-liter twin turbo V6 continues, hand-assembled by Takumi master technicians. In base form, it churns out a prodigious 565 hp and 467 lb-ft of torque. Motivating the Nismo brings the output to 600 hp and 487 lb-ft. Power delivery remains effortlessly smooth. The ATTESA E-TS AWD system vectors torque between front and rear axles for tenacious acceleration. Nissan's engineers have continued refining this technology over years. Shifting duties are handled by the rear-mounted 6-speed dual-clutch automated manual transmission. Its rapid-fire gear changes are optimized for track use. By sticking with the established mechanical formula, Nissan maintains the GT-R's reputation for useable and reliable supercar performance. Driving Experience: Decades of Refinement The GT-R's capabilities have always stemmed from total integration of components into one responsive, controllable machine. The 2024 model upholds this tradition in impressive style. Immediately noticeable is the suspension's superior compliance over bumps and ruts compared to past generations. The GT-R maintains its sharp reflexes without punishing occupants on the street. Adaptive dampers artfully blend control and comfort. Thanks to relentless engineering, the AWD system and differentials work in seamless concert to rocket the GT-R forward on corner exit with minimal drama. This progressive power delivery builds driver confidence. Predictable turn-in, responsive steering, and prodigious brakes allow tapping into the performance on public roads or track. It reveals a dynamic acuity belying the GT-R's grand touring roots. Climbing behind the wheel reveals why the GT-R has earned its reputation through diligent evolution. The connection between human and machine is profound. Standout Features of the 2024 Nissan GT-R V6 power - Custom twin-turbo 3.8L still blows away exotics costing far more All-weather handling - ATTESA AWD masters slick surfaces and delivers incredible drive out of corners Everyday drivability - Comfort and control refinements make GT-R pleasant to live with Nürburgring pedigree - Extensive development at the 'Ring has honed its dynamic abilities Supercar slayer - Embarrasses mid-engine exotics in acceleration and lap times Nismo track focus - Upgraded aero, chassis, and powertrain technologies make it a beast on circuits T-Spec heritage - Exclusive retro colors and styling touches provide links to the past ** Premium interior** - Despite the performance, cabin is feature-rich and comfortably appointed Even after enhancements across generations, Godzilla stays true to its core character - dominating speed fused with everyday drivability. How Does the 2024 GT-R Compare to Mainstream Rivals? The Nissan GT-R occupies a performance sphere dominated by European automakers like Porsche, Audi, and Mercedes-AMG. So how does Godzilla stack up? Against the Porsche 911 Turbo, the GT-R wins on power and straight-line speed while the 911 claims a chassis balance and interior quality edge. The Porsche carries far higher prestige, but the Nissan fights above its weight class. The Audi R8 provides a mid-engine supercar experience, yet can't match the stunning performance per dollar value of the GT-R. Nissan's tuning expertise makes it competitive with more exotic machinery. Facing the AMG GT R, the GT-R strongly beats it for acceleration and grip. But the Mercedes shows greater refinement. The Nissan remains far rarer. For its unique heritage in the high-performance landscape, the 2024 Nissan GT-R holds its own against prestigious European rivals. FAQs Should I wait for a next-generation GT-R instead? Nissan keeps improving the current R35 generation while buyers wait for a full redesign. The 2024 model makes the GT-R compelling en
ough to buy now. Does the interior still feel dated? Yes, the cabin lacks the rich materials and luxury of premium European brands. But controls are driver-focused and it offers the essential tech features. Is the GT-R still fun and engaging with all its tech? Absolutely. The engineering provides accessible performance, not isolation. It remains intimate and exciting to drive hard. How easy is it to live with as a daily driver? Recent refinements like a quieter cabin and smoother ride make the GT-R pleasant for everyday use. Just watch for its wide footprint. Does the styling look too similar year-to-year? The GT-R follows an "evolution not revolution" ethos - updating gradually rather than reinventing. Fans appreciate consistency. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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sportyconnect · 10 months
The legendary Nissan GT-R has returned for 2024 with styling and hardware improvements. Nissan revealed the updated sports coupe at the recent Tokyo Auto Salon. Now in its 16th year, Godzilla continues its reputation for incredible performance. The 2024 model balances revised aerodynamics and chassis components with heritage design cues. Highlights of the 2024 Nissan GT-R Nissan has carefully updated the GT-R formula rather than completely redesigning the iconic supercar. The 2024 edition brings thoughtful enhancements. Key changes include: Updated front and rear fascias improve cooling and reduce drag Return of the T-Spec model with heritage paint options 10% larger rear wing on Nismo model aids stability at speed Front limited-slip differential added to Nismo for first time Broader lineup gives more choices yet retains core DNA Under the skin, the renowned hand-built 3.8-liter twin-turbo V6 carries over. It still produces 565 hp in base trim and 600 hp in Nismo models. The ATTESA AWD system continues distributing torque masterfully. While not reinvented, the latest GT-R steps forward enough to raise the bar while respecting past generations. New Exterior Styling Balances Elegance and Aggression Subtle refinement best describes the 2024 GT-R's exterior evolutions. The overall shape stays instantly recognizable as Godzilla. But a closer look reveals smoother, more streamlined details. Up front, the bumper and grille openings are redesigned. The grille mesh pattern is now thinner and more concentrated for optimizing airflow. Active grille shutters better manage cooling, reducing drag. New side sills help guide underbody air more efficiently. At the rear, the bumper cutouts are reshaped and diffuser extended to enhance stability. Larger quad exhaust tips maintain the GT-R's commanding presence. Despite larger wheels on certain trims, Nissan achieved a 0.26 drag coefficient - matching the previous GT-R. Increased downforce comes without aerodynamic penalty. From its signature boomerang headlights to wide stance, the 2024 edition adds polish but retains the carved-from-a-block look that defines Godzilla. T-Spec Returns with Heritage Details Among the biggest 2024 GT-R updates is the return of the T-Spec model. It occupies a middle ground between the Premium and hardcore Nismo variants. The T-Spec trim pays homage to past GT-R generations through special touches: Exclusive paint colors - Millenium Jade (R34 Nür) & Midnight Purple (R34 V-Spec) Nismo upgrades - Wide fenders, carbon brakes, performance parts Gold wheels - 20" RAYS forged alloys now in gold Green interior accents - Unique dark green upholstery stitching With a torque-vectoring AWD system, adaptive damping, and 565 hp feeding those rear wheels, the T-Spec promises serious performance. By honoring GT-R heritage through its design, the 2024 T-Spec occupies a compelling niche in the lineup. It amps up nostalgia without going full retro. Track-Tuned Nismo Pushes the Performance Envelope Situating above the T-Spec as the GT-R flagship is the even more capable Nismo edition. With 600 hp and exclusive chassis upgrades, it's made for dominating laps. New for 2024 is a 10% larger rear wing, now mounted on swan-neck supports. This addition increases high-speed stability and cornering power without hitting braking. The Nismo also benefits from redesigned front and rear aerodynamic elements to maximize downforce. Even the hood, side sills, and rear diffuser are optimized for reducing lift. Performance advances also include a new front limited-slip differential - a first for the GT-R Nismo. Combined with the ATTESA AWD system, it puts all that V6 grunt to the ground forcefully yet smoothly. With its purposeful enhancements and motorsports spirit, the 2024 Nismo remains the choice for those seeking the ultimate track-ready GT-R. Improvements Build on Prove
n Mechanical Formula Nissan knows not to mess with success when it comes to the GT-R powertrain. The renowned VR38DETT 3.8-liter twin turbo V6 continues, hand-assembled by Takumi master technicians. In base form, it churns out a prodigious 565 hp and 467 lb-ft of torque. Motivating the Nismo brings the output to 600 hp and 487 lb-ft. Power delivery remains effortlessly smooth. The ATTESA E-TS AWD system vectors torque between front and rear axles for tenacious acceleration. Nissan's engineers have continued refining this technology over years. Shifting duties are handled by the rear-mounted 6-speed dual-clutch automated manual transmission. Its rapid-fire gear changes are optimized for track use. By sticking with the established mechanical formula, Nissan maintains the GT-R's reputation for useable and reliable supercar performance. Driving Experience: Decades of Refinement The GT-R's capabilities have always stemmed from total integration of components into one responsive, controllable machine. The 2024 model upholds this tradition in impressive style. Immediately noticeable is the suspension's superior compliance over bumps and ruts compared to past generations. The GT-R maintains its sharp reflexes without punishing occupants on the street. Adaptive dampers artfully blend control and comfort. Thanks to relentless engineering, the AWD system and differentials work in seamless concert to rocket the GT-R forward on corner exit with minimal drama. This progressive power delivery builds driver confidence. Predictable turn-in, responsive steering, and prodigious brakes allow tapping into the performance on public roads or track. It reveals a dynamic acuity belying the GT-R's grand touring roots. Climbing behind the wheel reveals why the GT-R has earned its reputation through diligent evolution. The connection between human and machine is profound. Standout Features of the 2024 Nissan GT-R V6 power - Custom twin-turbo 3.8L still blows away exotics costing far more All-weather handling - ATTESA AWD masters slick surfaces and delivers incredible drive out of corners Everyday drivability - Comfort and control refinements make GT-R pleasant to live with Nürburgring pedigree - Extensive development at the 'Ring has honed its dynamic abilities Supercar slayer - Embarrasses mid-engine exotics in acceleration and lap times Nismo track focus - Upgraded aero, chassis, and powertrain technologies make it a beast on circuits T-Spec heritage - Exclusive retro colors and styling touches provide links to the past ** Premium interior** - Despite the performance, cabin is feature-rich and comfortably appointed Even after enhancements across generations, Godzilla stays true to its core character - dominating speed fused with everyday drivability. How Does the 2024 GT-R Compare to Mainstream Rivals? The Nissan GT-R occupies a performance sphere dominated by European automakers like Porsche, Audi, and Mercedes-AMG. So how does Godzilla stack up? Against the Porsche 911 Turbo, the GT-R wins on power and straight-line speed while the 911 claims a chassis balance and interior quality edge. The Porsche carries far higher prestige, but the Nissan fights above its weight class. The Audi R8 provides a mid-engine supercar experience, yet can't match the stunning performance per dollar value of the GT-R. Nissan's tuning expertise makes it competitive with more exotic machinery. Facing the AMG GT R, the GT-R strongly beats it for acceleration and grip. But the Mercedes shows greater refinement. The Nissan remains far rarer. For its unique heritage in the high-performance landscape, the 2024 Nissan GT-R holds its own against prestigious European rivals. FAQs Should I wait for a next-generation GT-R instead? Nissan keeps improving the current R35 generation while buyers wait for a full redesign. The 2024 model makes the GT-R compelling en
ough to buy now. Does the interior still feel dated? Yes, the cabin lacks the rich materials and luxury of premium European brands. But controls are driver-focused and it offers the essential tech features. Is the GT-R still fun and engaging with all its tech? Absolutely. The engineering provides accessible performance, not isolation. It remains intimate and exciting to drive hard. How easy is it to live with as a daily driver? Recent refinements like a quieter cabin and smoother ride make the GT-R pleasant for everyday use. Just watch for its wide footprint. Does the styling look too similar year-to-year? The GT-R follows an "evolution not revolution" ethos - updating gradually rather than reinventing. Fans appreciate consistency. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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aktieshop · 10 months
What to consider when buying climbing gear?
Buying climbing gear is an important step for anyone getting into rock climbing or other climbing activities. Here are some key factors to consider when purchasing climbing gear:
Safety: Safety should always be your top priority. Make sure the gear you're buying is certified and meets relevant safety standards. Look for UIAA or CE certification labels on the products.
Type of Climbing: Consider the type of climbing you'll be doing: sport climbing, trad climbing, bouldering, alpine climbing, etc. Different types of climbing require specific gear. For instance, sport climbing focuses on quickdraws and ropes, while trad climbing requires a larger set of gear for protection placements.
Fit and Comfort: Climbing gear, especially harnesses and climbing shoes, should fit comfortably. Ill-fitting gear can affect your performance and safety. Try on harnesses, shoes, and helmets before purchasing to ensure a proper fit.
Harness: Look for a harness that's comfortable for extended periods of wear. It should have adjustable leg loops and a waist belt, as well as sufficient gear loops for your needs. Harnesses also come in different styles, such as lightweight for sport climbing or more padded for trad climbing.
Climbing Shoes: Climbing shoes should fit snugly but not painfully. Different shoes have different levels of aggressiveness, which affects performance. Flat shoes are more comfortable for longer climbs, while aggressive shoes are better for technical routes and bouldering.
Helmet: A climbing helmet is essential for protecting your head from falling rocks and debris. Look for a helmet that's comfortable, adjustable, and provides good coverage without obstructing your vision.
Ropes: The choice of ropes depends on the type of climbing you're doing. For sport climbing, a single dynamic rope is usually sufficient. For trad climbing, consider double ropes or a thicker single rope for durability. Pay attention to rope diameter, length, and UIAA/CE certifications.
Carabiners and Quickdraws: Carabiners come in various shapes and sizes. Choose ones that are appropriate for your style of climbing. Quickdraws are used to connect the rope to the bolts in sport climbing. Look for lightweight, durable options with smooth-clipping gates.
Protection (Trad Climbing): If you're into trad climbing, consider buying passive protection (nuts, hexes) and active protection (cams). Choose a variety of sizes to match different crack widths.
Belay Device: Belay devices are essential for belaying your partner. Look for devices that are user-friendly and suitable for your preferred belay style (auto-locking, tube-style, etc.).
Chalk and Chalk Bag: Chalk helps keep your hands dry. Chalk bags come in various designs and sizes, so choose one that's comfortable to wear and easy to access.
Training Equipment: Depending on your goals, you might want to invest in training tools like fingerboards, campus boards, and hangboards to improve your strength and technique.
Budget: Climbing gear can be expensive, so set a budget and prioritize your purchases based on what's most important for your style of climbing.
Quality and Brand Reputation: Stick to reputable brands known for their quality and safety standards. Quality gear will last longer and provide better performance.
Secondhand Gear: Be cautious when buying used climbing gear. While some gear like carabiners and quickdraws can be safe to buy used, it's generally recommended to buy certain items like harnesses, helmets, and ropes new due to safety concerns.
Remember that climbing gear is an investment in your safety and enjoyment, so take your time to research and choose the gear that suits your needs and preferences best.
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vividracing · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/how-we-turned-this-mclaren-570s-into-a-700hp-beast/
How We Turned This McLaren 570S Into A 700HP Beast!
Known for being at home on the open roads and on the track, this coupé offers the ultimate driving experience to car enthusiasts around the world. Apart from being a thrilling ride, this sportscar is also very light and brings new meaning to what a performance-oriented car can do. We know how addictive the McLaren 570S is with just 562HP, and 443lbft, but the saying, the more the merrier hasn’t been around for nothing. So we amped the power to turn the McLaren 570S into a 700HP beast with the VR Tuned ECU Flash Tune. As seen in the video, the transformation gave this car the highest power and made its performance nothing short of breathtaking.
The $1,500 VR Tuned ECU Flash gives you a tremendous gain of 100ft/lbs of torque at 4500rpm and nearly 80whp as seen in the video. VR Tuned (Vivid Racing’s offshoot) is a brand that’s known for releasing high-performance and quality products such as booster pedals, ECU flashes, gearbox tuning, tuning accessories, and complete tuning box kits, the same quality can be found in this ECU Flash. Apart from providing you with an improved driving experience, the VR Tuned ECU Flash also improves your vehicle’s performance hence giving your engine what it craves. For those looking to crank some more power and torque from their McLaren 570S, the VR Tuned ECU Flash guarantees an improvement to your McLaren 570S off and on the track.
Horsepower Ratings:
Stock Power: 562HP | 443FT/LBs
Tuned Power: 620HP | 502FT/LBs
VR Performance McLaren 570 Valvetronic Exhaust System With Carbon Fiber Tips
We also upgraded the exhaust system of the Mclaren 570S to the VR Performance McLaren 570 Valvetronic Exhaust System With Carbon Fiber Tips which is available in our shop for $2,195. As seen in the video, the VR Performance McLaren 570 Valvetronic Exhaust System With Carbon Fiber Tips gave the supercar the exotic aggressive growl that it lacks. This system features dual 3-inch (76mm) piping to maximize flow throughout the exhaust. In addition to that, the system improves efficiency and flow, and it also adds a touch of styling with the unique carbon fiber-trimmed exhaust tips.
High-quality 304 stainless steel tubing
Dual 3-inch (76mm) mandrel-bent piping for maximum efficiency
Lightweight 35.62lb construction
Significantly reduces back pressure
Valving gives owners the option of comfort or sport mode
No modification is required for installation
3D scanning and CAD modeling provide snug fitment
ARMYTRIX Ceramic Coated High-Flow Performance Race Downpipes McLaren 12C | 570 | 600LT | 650S 2012-2019
  Also featured in the Mclaren 570S seen in the video above are ARMYTRIX high-flow race downpipes which are currently available in our shop for $3,580. The race downpipes are bolt-on which means easy installation, and their design improves the exhaust flow from the turbochargers which adds a significant gain in torque, horsepower and improved sound throughout the entire rpm range. The thing that makes the ARMYTRIX Ceramic Coated High-Flow Performance Race Downpipes unique and a much-needed upgrade for the McLaren engines is that the ceramic-coated downpipes reduce heat soak to the engine which is a common problem in the McLaren engines.
Reduced weight
Improved Sound
Improved Style
Improved Power
BMC Air Filter Cylindrical McLaren 3.8L V8 2013-2021
The Mclaren 570S seen in the video had one more upgrade, an air filter. Manufactured by BMC Air Filters, an Italian company that has been developing filters since 1996, this air filter is available in our shop for just $273.90. By upgrading to this filter, you are guaranteed a higher air passage, and a better filter quality as this filter is made of highly performing materials that allow an increased air flow combined with more efficient filtration. The design of this air filter guarantees containment of all impurities from as small as 7 microns (compared to OEM’s 10 microns). Click on the link below to grab this air filter for your Mclaren 570S, as installing the BMC Air Filter FB742/08 will give your McLaren a clear advantage in your adventures.
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otcsocialnetwork · 2 years
Stock up on Nike for the holidays
$NKE featured on #CNBC this morning. It actually makes sense to catch this in the $80s and on the last day of September trading. Not worried about market uncertainty when every tree has a pair underneath it. It looks like people will be getting a lot of steeply marked-down Nike gear for holiday gifts this year. The sneaker and sporting goods company said in its earnings report Thursday that it’s overwhelmed with products from multiple seasons because of supply chain problems. Some shipments intended for earlier seasons showed up after taking too long, Nike said, while the company is also getting products for the holiday shopping season, which it ordered early to hedge against shipping delays. Overall, the company’s inventory jumped 44% in the prior quarter, and by 65% in North America, its largest market. So that’s left Nike with no choice but to “aggressively liquidate” big chunks of its inventory, said CFO Matthew Friend. Nike isn’t the only one in selling mode: Shares of the company fell in off-hours trading https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/09/30/5-things-to-know-before-the-stock-market-opens-friday-september-30.html http://dlvr.it/SZGdrc
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jocktrolls · 6 years
okay so listen i’m not saying that we need to take a puritan approach to all media or that we can’t enjoy or even be passionate about the exploration of darker and taboo topics 
but i just had to deal with someone who genuinely, unironically thought american football would be more interesting if it involved murder because ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘strategy’’’’’’’’ so if some of y’all could take it down five knotches and walk outside once a week so you learn society isn’t a continual fictional battle royale that’d really make my day 
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 years
I just had the mental image of Mint, through some coincidence, meeting Meghan, either before or after she starts getting therapy. If Mint meets her before she gets therapy, they are subtly horrified at her treatment of her Pokémon, and also very mad when she calls their Pokémon 'disgusting' and 'ugly'. Not sure how things would go if they met her after she started getting therapy.
When the lab gets word of this girl who had a pokemon legitimately stolen by Ingo and Akari, they need to send somebody out to confirm the story. And the person is Mint.
They are not thrilled by this assignment but they do it none the less.
Meghan is sure to amp up the tearful theatrics when telling her story. But then turns on a dime when her new Cleffa does something cute. She also shows off her past photos of Azurill, though admits she does not have too many recent ones due to how fat she got. She just wasn’t as cute to post about anymore.
Mint is getting so annoyed at this girl. Even how she just casually will scoop up the Cleffa without a touch of warning. Or how she nonchalantly she confirms that, yes, this is the replacement for her stolen pokemon. She still misses her other one of course, but aren’t cleffa’s just the cutest?
Mint can feel their eye twitching the entire time and then this girl dares to insult their newly evolved Gloom, saying how sad it is that it’s no longer a cute Oddish. She has The audacity to tell them how they should make sure it evolved into a Bellossom as soon as possible.
Mint still had three more questions that they needed to ask, but they were already SO done with this girl! They just left her there at the cafe and stormed out, leaving her with the bill.
As for later, after her therapy, I feel like Meghan goes the way of Regina George, in that after her popularity is shattered she starts channeling all her rage and aggression into sports. She picks up leaning martial arts and starts looking up to her home towns local gym leader Maylene. She finally puts in the work and starts to really understand pokemon and eventually genuinely befriends a Tyrogue who later evolves into a Hitmonchan.
I could see her one day working at Maylene’s gym as one of the trainers a challenger has to face first before they can go up against the gym leader.
If she ever meets Mint again later she’d be trying to be a better person and would even apologize for insulting Gloom like she did.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Locker Room Talk- A Beelzebub Fanfic (BeelxGN MC)
(I’m not much of a whole-ass fic writer, so I don’t think this will be a regular occurrence, but I just had a scenario play out too perfectly not to give it an upgrade. I would hope this goes without saying, but harassment is not okay, I do not condone it, and if you are experiencing it you should look into what legal options you have available to report it. Please don’t try the Beel method. You’ll go to jail.)
Warnings: Sexual harassment, unwanted innuendo, implied possibility of sexual assault, vulgarity
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"Locker Room Talk” isn't really Beel's thing. In all honesty, he’s never understood the appeal since saying gross stuff where only your friends can hear doesn’t make what you’re saying any better. Because he’s been playing sports for nearly all the time he's been in the Devildom, he’s been around his fair share of these kinds of conversations. Most of the time he just keeps to himself and tries to tune out whatever the other guys have to say. It gives him a bit of a reputation as the “innocent” one sure, but he just prefers not to play along with their pervy antics. If they wanted that, they could talk to Asmo for all he cared.
That’s not to say he didn’t like his teammates or anything. Most of them were pretty good people on the court and got their acts together off of it. And Beel really loved playing sports. He needed the physical outlet as a distraction from his hunger… If he had to put up with a little vulgarity from time to time, it seemed like a fair enough trade… Or. At least it was at first.
When MC came to the Devildom, they turned his whole world upside-down. Things between his brother had always been tense before and even Belphie had grown more distant with him after what happened to Lilith, but it felt like in only a couple of short months they were able to soothe everything over. His family has never been happier and neither has he… Plus, it helped that they were a good, and eager, cook.
His teammates sniffed out his crush for the little human fairly quickly. To be fair, he wasn’t exactly hiding it very well. The first time they ever came by one of their practices, a pouch of homemade cookies in hand, he could have kissed them on the spot. No one, not even Belphie, makes the time to go check on him during practice like that... He must have made his happiness pretty obvious because the human started making it a regular habit. At least two, sometimes three, times a week they would drop in with some kind of food for him. Store-bought, homemade, a small snack, or packed meal, it honestly didn’t matter to him. Anything that came from their hands felt three times more filling than it should have. 
He’s a little embarrassed to admit that after a few weeks the anticipation would start to show in his performance… If they were on their way he could usually smell whatever they had packed heading his direction and he’d play extra aggressively just to get to a break faster. He'd mow everybody else over just to have an excuse to go meet them at the gate. He’s been more than a little reckless before and thinking back on it can make him wince, but he usually forgets all about those little mishaps as soon as he’s met by their smiling face. 
“Hey, Beel! How is practice going?” They’d ask him. And no matter how he answers, all he’d think would be, “Never as good as right now…”
It was around the time that his teammates put it together that the teasing started. It was innocent enough at first. They’d pick on him for having a little crush on the exchange student but it was always lighthearted. Nothing worse than maybe the occasional,
“Oi Beel? Did you get yourself a housewife/husband? Good for you.” or “They’ll cook for you?? What a steal!” Nothing that bad. At least, nowhere near as bad as it would get.
As the weeks passed it seemed like his teammates were expecting something out of him... Like, was he supposed to make a move on them? Though Beel really did want to be with the MC, there were a lot of complications… His brothers being a big one. Most have made no secret that they’re also pretty fond of them too, Mammon especially, and it felt wrong to make another rift in the family right after it took so long to patch the first one… Of course, his teammates didn’t know that. And they didn’t care. All they wanted to do was amp up the pressure…
“Hey, Beel, did you see what your honey was wearing today? I think they’re sending signals. You should probably jump on that, you know?” When it first started, he couldn’t actually believe what he was hearing. Sure, their little jokes sounded like innuendo but they kept things just veiled enough that he could have been reading into it. He’d get uncomfortable, but brush it off easy enough. However, it only ever got worse from there.
“Yo Beel, you boning that human yet? What? No?? What the hell are you waiting for? We see you like them so just do it!” It would grate on his nerves...
“Beel, how’s your sweetheart been doing? Still not fucking, right? Bet they’re getting lonely…” He’d tell them to stop. At first politely, then more forcefully.
“Look, man, if you don’t start taking charge then they’re going to get antsy. Plenty of other guys are here looking to get their dicks wet… Just look at your brothers, am I right?” After a while, he started shouting. But his aggravation only seemed to fuel the fire.
“I bet someone will have them bent over and forgetting all about you by the end of the week.” Eventually, he went to the coach but he didn’t care. “It’s just ‘Locker Room Talk.’ Grow up,” is all he got in response. It didn’t feel like it was just that anymore, but he started to doubt himself anyway... Was he overreacting? Every bone in his body wanted to go on a rampage whenever they started to pester him but wasn’t it all just words? He could endure words, couldn’t he? Besides, RAD has a strict no-violence on school grounds policy on its athletes. Even if he did get a good slug in, then he’d been thrown out of future games for the rest of the season.
Their words were just words. Gross, awful words, but words nonetheless. Sure. Whatever. He could endure that… but only that.
On the day he nearly lost it completely, it was right after their last practice before a big game the next night. The whole team was amped to go, but Beel was trying to keep to himself. Get in, get out, and go back to the House where MC was probably waiting. He’s long since stopped sticking around for socializing with the others. He had just finished changing when one of his teammates cornered him by his locker, the slimiest grin already plastered on his face.
“Look, Beel… We’re going to do you a favor, alright? Since you’re taking so long with this… The guys and I have decided to invite your little human to an “after-game party” tomorrow. To celebrate our victory and all that. Bet they’re dying for some action since you’re not giving any. You’re free to come if you want. Though… they might not be paying much attention to you.” Beel could feel his eye twitch as he watched the scumbag’s snickering face. That face. That fucking face. He'd never seen or heard anything so revolting in his life and-
For a few seconds, all he could see was red.
When he came back to his senses, he already had the sleazebag pinned against the lockers by the windpipe, fingers gripping his neck so tightly that his nails drew blood. At some point, he must have slipped into his demon form because the vibrations of his wings behind him made a sound not unlike a warning growl. His expression must have been ferocious because in the guy's eyes he saw nothing but pure terror. He’d never felt this much rage and hatred together before. Surely, at this moment, he ought to look more like Satan or Lucifer on a rampage than he does himself.
“If you say one more thing about that human, I will kill you. Touch them once and I will eat you. Are we clear?" His hand clenches further, making him receive a gargled cough in response. At this point, he could have probably flicked his wrist and snapped his neck in two. "Then pass it on." He tossed the man back into the metal lockers and watched him sink to the floor, clawing at his own throat and gasping for air. Oh yeah, his sporting days for this semester are over. But if it keeps him away from this trash? He’ll take it.
Of course, he made sure that he doesn’t stick around much longer. He left the scumbag to sort himself out, grabbing his gym bag quickly. He barely remembered to hide his demon form again before walking out of there, his nerves are practically shot already. Thankfully, though, he didn’t make it three steps out the door before a familiar face stopped him in his tracks. MC, who must have been waiting patiently for him this entire time, is leaned next to the bleachers with a backpack in one hand and a deli sandwich in the other. The perfect smile they got when they saw him signaling their blissful ignorance of all that just went down before.
“Hey Beel! How was pr-Oomf!” His body colliding with theirs cuts off their question. Beel’s gym bag lies already forgotten in the dirt, ditched so his arms could embrace them fully. It’s just a hug, a tight hug, but there’s a certain desperation to it. Though he knew it was ridiculous, a part of him was terrified that his teammates may just come up and try to snatch them if he let go…. After some time to process, he felt their head settle against his chest. He worried that they can hear his raging heartbeat... Would they pick up on how pissed he was just a moment ago?
“Ah… Not that great then, huh…?” His arms tense, pressing them closer against the fabric of his shirt. Should he tell them what he's been putting up with…? Does he even have the stomach for it? Letting out a sigh through his nose, he simply grunted out, “No…” 
“Well, what’s wrong then?” So many things… He just wanted to pick them up and fly them away from all this crap. He wanted to rip the tongues out from anyone who's said a bad word about them. He wanted to keep holding them in his arms, shielding them from anything and everything that could possibly take that perfect smile away… But they probably don’t know that, do they?
“Beel? Are you okay...?” He let a slow sigh draw out from his nose, resting his head atop theirs. All too soon, he'd have to let them go. But, for the moment, he could just hold them and wish this feeling would never end...
“Only if you are…”
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gardenerian · 2 years
Yes, actually, I do want the rationals 😂 especially behind Lips biathalon and Liam's curling?? 😂 Of all the things!
okay yay i'm gonna get weird and go Too Far with this:
fiona - speedskating: i can just picture her jumping up as the race gets heated, shouting COME ON and shaking her fists at the tv. she's so amped by it all she goes for a run immediately 😇
lip - biathlon: listen. it's about precision! it's about control! it's about moving quickly and shooting things! he's fascinated.
tami - figure skating: they're athletes! they're graceful! it's about beauty and power and tami is enchanted!!!!
ian - freestyle ski: kinda like the figure skating? i think ian could get into that too. a mix of strength and creativity that he admires. he's fucking floored by what the human body can do.
mickey - ice hockey: sanctioned aggression with blades on their feet? say no more! he loves the energy of it all, and he also wants to hit things with a stick from time to time.
debbie - bobsleigh: they move together as a team! they have to be so in sync! she's on the edge of her damn seat. plus, franny sits in her lap and debbie moves around like they're racing too 🥺
carl - luge or snowboarding: speed! power! danger! this is everything carl would want to do if he didn't love hanging around so much. in another universe, carl snowboards.
liam - curling: okay. hear me out. i think about him getting into sports management in s10. "it's exciting if it's the kill that you love" or whatever he says. it's all about precision and thinking on your feet and strategy and liam thinks it's badass. i can see him and lip sharing in similar olympic interests in this regard.
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