#Spring Sinus Relief
organichealingoils · 5 months
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leggerefiore · 2 years
cw: fluff, ingo having spring allergies, pla ingo at the end
pairing: Ingo/Reader
It was a bit sad to see him in such a condition, admittedly. Normally, he stood so tall and proud with a certain air of authority in his domain. That domain being public transit management, but he enjoyed it over all. You were almost tempted to press a hand to his forehead and check for a fever, but you resisted. He sat at his desk with many papers lined before him, having been banished from train work by Emmet until his condition improved. Another sniffle came from him, followed by a sneeze, and then a tissue being needed.
The antihistamines have seemed to do little for him. It was impossible to save him from this, alas. Unova had begun its shift from a frigid, icy winter into a blossoming and warm spring. All the greenery and flowers coming to life were gorgeous, yes, but the pollen they brought with their life led to poor Ingo falling into allergies. His watery eyes and scratchy voice made him more off-putting than his frown and stiff body language normally did. You sighed at the state of your poor boyfriend.
“You want to try eating something spicy, Ingo?” you asked, remembering a friend claimed eating a raw, hot pepper temporarily cleared their symptoms, “I'll make it for dinner.” You had come to visit him on his lunch, as he was spending it alone due to Emmet managing all the train work himself. Ingo gazed at you with desperate eyes.
“… I would love to try anything at this point,” he begged, “I had a Depot Agent peer in here when I made an announcement because he did not think it was me…” You hated how much you wanted to laugh at that. His voice did sound off, you would give the employee that. You walked over to him and cupped his face. There were more fun ways that you would prefer his body to be stressed out. Rubbing your thumbs against his temples, you observed the irritation under his nose and the redness of his eyes.
“You want to take off early? Emmet wouldn't mind,” you asked him. The younger twin had already tried to send the older one back home, but he resisted him and insisted there was still some work he could do. Not to mention how much he just wanted to battle today. He leaned into your touch, clearly enjoying the light massage you offered him.
“I can't…” he argued lightly, “I hate to leave him alone here.”
“You can,” you corrected him, “Emmet can see how bad your health is right now and is more worried about you than himself.” Ingo sighed. His hands came over yours to lightly push them away as he pulled out his radio and called into Emmet's frequency. The twin easily agreed to Ingo's leaving and ordered him to bed rest. Ingo looked mortified by Emmet's reaction. You gave a light laugh. He quickly finished up his activities and headed out with you.
The Warden sniffled with annoyance as he downed the tea Calaba claimed should help him. You sighed as the memories of your time in Unova with all the allergies' medicine you could only dream of feeling so far away. Ingo sneezed into his handkerchief as he laid back down on his futon. You tried to finish the spicy stew he had liked back home in hopes of giving him some relief from his seasonal curse. Pouring some into a bowl, you came to sit beside him as he ate it.
“… In our time, even with all the medicine we have, you still didn't always get over your allergies,” you told him as you leaned onto his shoulder, “I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed doting on you during those times.”
“Thank you,” Ingo spoke with his scratchy voice, “… How did I meet someone like you?” You giggled.
“Ah, all there's a story to distract you from your sinus pressure,” you grinned at him, “Want to know about how we met originally?”
The light smile he gave you warmed your heart.
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For those curious, here's a little excerpt of what i wrote :3 i will... Eventually release it. Maybe. It depends.
Its currently nameless but enjoy
Despite that absolutely shitty loss, Matthew gets up the next day for practice and he gives his all again. He shoulders it and moves on. And he does that for the entirety of the winter portion of the season, making it through road trip after flight after road trip. He's exhausted by the time All Star Weekend comes around, but he's glad for the days off. The late January air is kicking his ass, despite it being Florida of all places. Unlike literally everywhere else in the world, spring is in full motion in the unique place that is Sunrise, Florida, and it's making Matthew want to keel over and die.
He'd always had the worst allergies in the spring. Maybe it was just that he spent most of his childhood in places that made his fingers nearly freeze off that spring wasn't as bad, but god was the pollen horrible in the lower states of the US. He felt like he was suffocating every time he stepped outside.
That being said, Matthew enjoys his time off from thinking about making the playoffs. He thinks, now, about how he's gone through an entire box of tissues trying to clear his sinuses and at least half a bottle of nasal spray. He begins to think he has a cold or a sinus infection or something, but the medical staff on site said he was fine, so all he can bring it back to is allergies.
Fucking allergy season. Kiss All Star Matthew Tkachuk's ass.
He continues to be miserable the first couple of days he's in town. He and the other teammates that made it on the roster had flown in early, having no games prior to the weekend off. Grateful for their four day weekend, they landed in Florida two days early, and Matthew nearly spent the entire first night curled up in his hotel room a miserable mess. Maybe he was being dramatic. Maybe the pollen particles were waging war on Matthew Tkachuk himself and literally no one else. He was miserable, that's all that mattered.
The morning after, he woke up with a nose so stuffed he thought for a good few minutes he would never be able to breathe again. And then he took an allergy pill, blew his nose as much as humanly possible, and used the rest of the tiny bottle of nasal spray he'd gotten at the airport. That shit had been ten dollars and he hadn't even gotten a day's use out of it. Now that was some bullshit if he's ever seen it.
Thirty minutes later, his nose was dry and he finally felt peace. The relief that flooded his chest felt better than a blanket fresh out of the dryer, and that's fucking saying something. Well enough to go out and have fun, though, Matthew promised all of his friends in town for the day that they'd spend time together. It was rare that they were all under the same roof, the lens of competitive hockey nature out of the way. Really, he genuinely looked forward to it.
He had lunch reservations with Auston, Mitch, and a couple of the guys he flew in with. Standard stuff, just shooting the shit and hanging out. Their group was rushing out of the hotel, a tad behind on getting there, when someone shouldered him at the back of the group. He should've seen it coming, really, but he was in a rush and trying to keep up with the already pretty intimidating size of their group.
"Hey, watch where you're-" a familiar voice snaps, then screeches to a halt as he whips towards Matthew. Granted, he was stunning, he couldn't blame anyone for being so enraptured with him that they stopped speaking, but Leon Draisaitl was not one of those people. In fact, Matthew was sure he'd only ever stop like that if he was jaw-droppingly ugly, like a cake made to look like a baby that got dropped on the floor one too many times.
"What?" Matthew reaches up to touch his face, "Too beautiful for you? Keep moving, Draisaitl."
Draisaitl blinks slowly. Matthew was already far behind his group. No way he'll catch up now. "Uh," his eyes search Matthew's face, and then his hand, and that's when Matthew realizes something has to be wrong. "You. Um. Dude, you're covered in blood."
Matthew looks down at his hand from where he had touched his nose, and, yeah that was a lot of blood. "Oh, yeah, that'll do it." Suddenly his head starts swimming, and maybe he shouldn't have overdone it with the nasal spray. Or maybe the stupid weather change was getting to him and it gave him brain damage, or whatever the hell causes nosebleeds. He looks out to where his friends have already pushed out of the busy hotel doors. He'll have to call and tell them he'll be there later.
Seemingly horrified, Draisaitl looks around the room before his gaze inevitably comes back to Matthew. "You are way too calm for there to be blood pouring out of your face," he jabs, hooking his hand in Matthew's arm and dragging him god knows where. He's not really up for fighting it. "Is this, like, normal or something? Or did you just happen to have a nosebleed the second I walked into you?"
Shrugging, Matthew finally sees their destination is the men's restroom. The hotel is pretty fancy, so it's one of those single public restrooms with an actual toilet that shuts. He's grateful that his nice pants won't be tarnished by random bathroom germs. "Well, you know, I just thought it would be funny if I had a nosebleed the second you appeared. Because I totally saw you coming." He grins up at Draisaitl, who scowls and shoves him over to the toilet.
"Sit down, you dick. You're lucky I'm even helping you at all." He very clearly bites back anything more offensive. Matthew can't help but make fun of him for it as he sits.
"Oh, is that what this is?" Matthew laughs, watching Draisaitl do whatever the hell it is he's doing over by the sink. "Well, thanks, but I can take care of myself. I'm a big boy."
When Draisaitl turns around, he's got a condescending look on his face. An eyebrow raised, face wrinkled in that permanent frown of his. "It looks like you dipped the lower half of your face into a plate of spaghetti." He says it so nonchalantly and Matthew is so caught off guard, his mouth drops open in disbelief.
It takes him a moment to think of something in response. The fog in his brain is to blame for that, he thinks, because normally he has no issues keeping up with Leon Draisaitl when they're chirping and insulting each other. "You're messing with me." Matthew guesses, studying Draisaitl's stony face. He doesn't even crack a smile to show he's kidding in the slightest. "It doesn't actually look like that, right? It can't be that bad."
Draisaitl shrugs and makes his way over, a couple wet paper towels in each hand. "It's pretty bad," he chuckles, finally, and Matthew relaxes ever so slightly. He kind of hates that he does as Draisaitl crowds around him, his touch gentle as he tips Matthew's head up to face him. There's something so precarious, so strange, so intimate about it that doesn't feel like two guys in a bathroom cleaning up. Matthew internally hopes the blood on his face masks the way he flushes. "I'm surprised you didn't notice," he says as he carefully drags a paper towel against his upper lip, "I mean, you talk so much I can imagine some of it had to have gotten in your mouth."
"Okay, ouch," Matthew grumbles, trying to pull away, but Draisaitl's hand stabilizes him and keeps him in place. It sends a little shock into his gut. "Listen, we were running late to our lunch reservation, I didn't really have time to think, okay? I just-"
Matthew is promptly interrupted by a phone ringing. Oh, shit, he forgot he had to call his friends. Leon pulls away as Matthew scrambled for his phone, not even looking at who in his group was calling before hitting answer. He can barely even get out an explanation before a very loud, concerned voice broke through.
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autobot2001 · 3 months
A Terrible Spring Day
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: E Warning: None Pairing: Drift X Jamie (OC) Description: Today is not a good day for Jamie's allergies
@juneofdoom day 18; "I'm fine.", allergies & headache.
The one thing Jamie hates about spring is her allergies. She takes medicine for her allergies, but sometimes her allergies still act up. Today is one of those days. Jamie is dealing with sinus pressure and itchy eyes. She knows the others will notice her rubbing her eyes. Jamie knows she’ll feel worse as the day goes on. She goes to the training room with the terror twins, guardians and Lightning. All of them desire a good workout post-breakfast. Jamie is hoping the shower after the workout will help her allergies.
The shower helped with Jamie’s allergies. The friends decide to go to the park after lunch. Jamie finds it funny that Sideswipe is arguing they should go to McDonald’s for lunch. She saying nothing about her allergies. Hoping her allergies don’t act up the second she goes outside.
It’s not long before Jamie’s allergies act up. Her eyes feel like they’re burning along with witchy. She is now sneezing. Not enough for her friends to think it’s her allergies.
By the time the friends decide to go home, Jamie feels worse. Crosshairs and Drift watch Jamie lie on the bed and cover herself with her red blanket. Saying nothing, Crosshairs feels her forehead for fever. “I’m fine,” Jamie claims. Crosshairs is relieved that Jamie doesn’t feel warm. The two mechs stand by Drift and Jamie’s closet, watching how she positions herself on the bed. “Headache,” Drift whispers, “we’ve been outside for the past two hours. I suspect it’s her allergies which has given her headache.” Knowing Jamie is looking to take a nap, Crosshairs and Drift sit on the couch and watch TV.
Jamie tries to fall asleep. She tries for a half-hour before giving in to taking pain relief. By now, the headache is causing Jamie discomfort. Crosshairs and Drift watch Jamie get pain relief from the bathroom cabinet and go back to bed after taking the pills. “Good thing it’s only two in the afternoon,” Drift says, “I hope we don’t have to wake her up for dinner.” “It’s rare she has days like this with her allergies. It’s better than her struggles with mental health, but not when she feels unwell to do anything.”
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trexovablog · 1 month
Panchakarma: A Path to Detoxification and Renewal
Finding peace and balance in our busy lives can be challenging. We all need a reset at times, a way to rejuvenate our minds and bodies. Panchakarma, a traditional Ayurvedic treatment, offers that much-needed healing. If you're wondering, "What exactly is Panchakarma?" or searching for the best panchakarma treatment near me, this article will guide you through everything you need to know.
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Introduction: What is Panchakarma?
Panchakarma is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that focuses on detoxification and rejuvenation. The term itself means "five actions" or "five treatments" and refers to five different procedures used to cleanse the body of toxins. Imagine your body like a car: even the best engines need a thorough cleaning and tune-up to run smoothly. Panchakarma treatment offers that same deep cleanse for your body, helping you restore balance and feel revitalized.
People often seek this treatment when they feel the need to detox from stress, poor diet, or environmental pollutants. If you're searching for the perfect panchakarma treatment near me, it's likely you're looking for a way to refresh both your mind and body.
The Fivefold Treatment of Panchakarma
The essence of Panchakarma lies in its five main procedures. Each treatment is designed to eliminate toxins from different parts of the body, ensuring thorough cleansing and rejuvenation. Here’s a closer look at these five procedures:
Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis)  
This is a therapeutic vomiting technique that removes toxins from the respiratory and digestive systems. Vamana is particularly effective in treating conditions like asthma and chronic indigestion.
Virechana (Purgation Therapy)  
This procedure uses herbal laxatives to cleanse the intestines, purifying the body of excess bile. It’s ideal for those dealing with liver conditions, skin issues, or digestive problems.
Basti (Enema Therapy)  
Basti uses herbal oils or decoctions introduced into the colon to remove deep-seated toxins. It’s especially useful for balancing Vata dosha and dealing with issues like constipation or joint pain.
Nasya (Nasal Administration)  
This method cleanses the nasal passages by applying herbal oils or powders through the nose. Nasya is effective in treating sinus problems, migraines, and mental stress. It’s often referred to as a remedy for clearing the head and mind, much like decluttering a messy room.
Raktamokshana (Bloodletting)  
This procedure involves the removal of small amounts of blood to purify the bloodstream, which can help in treating skin conditions, high blood pressure, and other blood-related disorders.
Each of these five treatments works harmoniously to eliminate toxins, restore the body’s natural balance, and enhance overall well-being. A panchakarma centre near me can offer tailored treatments based on individual needs, ensuring a customized healing experience.
Benefits of Panchakarma
The benefits of Panchakarma treatment are vast and holistic, impacting both the physical and mental aspects of health. Here's how this time-honoured practice can transform your life:
Detoxification and Purification  
The primary goal of Panchakarma is to detoxify the body. Removing built-up toxins from the digestive system, blood, and tissues, allows the body to heal and regenerate. Think of it like a deep spring clean for your internal organs.
Enhanced Digestion  
With toxins eliminated, the digestive system becomes more efficient. People often notice reduced bloating, improved metabolism, and fewer digestive issues after a Panchakarma session.
Stress Relief and Mental Clarity  
This ancient treatment not only purifies the body but also calms the mind. Many report feeling more relaxed and clear-headed post-treatment, with a significant reduction in stress and anxiety levels.
Improved Immunity  
By balancing the body's internal systems and strengthening digestion, Panchakarma boosts immunity, helping you ward off illnesses more effectively.
Whether you’re dealing with chronic conditions or simply seeking overall well-being, a panchakarma treatment can provide profound healing effects.
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What to Expect from a Panchakarma Treatment
If you’re new to the world of Ayurvedic healing, you might wonder, "What happens during a Panchakarma session?" A visit to a panchakarma centre near me typically begins with a consultation where a trained practitioner assesses your dosha (body type) and any imbalances.
Customization of Treatment  
Based on this assessment, the practitioner tailors the treatment plan to your specific needs. Panchakarma is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s personalized to target the root of your health issues.
Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Protocols  
Preparation for Panchakarma often includes dietary adjustments, herbal supplements, and light oil massages to ready the body for detox. After the treatment, practitioners recommend specific diets and lifestyle practices to maintain the benefits of the detox.
The entire experience is gentle yet powerful, allowing your body to heal at its own pace while you focus on self-care and relaxation.
Finding the Best Panchakarma Centre Near Me
When looking for the best panchakarma centre near me, it's essential to choose a reputable facility with experienced practitioners. Start by researching centres in your area, reading reviews, and perhaps even speaking with past clients to gain insight into their experiences.
Look for Qualified Practitioners  
Ensure the centre has certified Ayurvedic doctors and therapists who are well-versed in the practice of Panchakarma. Your health is valuable, and the right guidance makes all the difference.
Atmosphere and Ambiance  
The environment plays a crucial role in healing. A peaceful, nurturing space enhances the effectiveness of the treatment, making it easier for your body and mind to relax and restore balance.
With a little research, you’ll be able to find the perfect panchakarma treatment near me that aligns with your health goals and personal preferences.
Conclusion: Embrace Healing and Detoxification
The journey to wellness often starts with a single step, and Panchakarma could be that step for you. By detoxifying the body, calming the mind, and restoring balance, this ancient practice offers an opportunity for renewal. Whether you're searching for a panchakarma treatment to detox or looking for a panchakarma centre near me to start your healing journey, know that Panchakarma can provide a natural, effective way to rejuvenate your body and soul.
Don't wait for the perfect moment—your health deserves attention today.
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rajenthospital · 2 months
Role of ENT Specialists in Managing Seasonal Allergies in Jaipur
Seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis, are a common concern for many residents of Jaipur. The city’s unique climate, coupled with its diverse flora, often leads to a surge in allergy cases, especially during the spring and autumn seasons. For individuals suffering from these allergies, seeking professional help from an ENT specialist in Jaipur can be a game-changer. ENT specialists, or otolaryngologists, are experts in diagnosing and treating disorders related to the ear, nose, and throat. Their role is crucial in managing seasonal allergies, providing relief, and improving the quality of life for their patients.
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Understanding Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to allergens such as pollen, mold spores, and dust mites. Common symptoms include sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, and throat irritation. These symptoms can range from mild to severe and may significantly impact daily activities and overall well-being.
In Jaipur, the primary culprits are pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds, which are most prevalent during certain times of the year. The dry and windy conditions in the region can exacerbate the spread of these allergens, making it essential for affected individuals to seek appropriate medical care.
The Role of ENT Specialists
An ENT specialist in Jaipur plays a pivotal role in managing and treating seasonal allergies. Here’s how they contribute to alleviating the symptoms and improving patient outcomes:
Accurate Diagnosis
One of the first steps in managing seasonal allergies is an accurate diagnosis. ENT specialists utilize a variety of diagnostic tools and tests to identify the specific allergens causing the symptoms. This may include skin prick tests, blood tests, and nasal endoscopy. By pinpointing the exact allergens, ENT doctors can develop a targeted treatment plan tailored to the patient’s needs.
Personalized Treatment Plans
ENT specialists are well-versed in creating personalized treatment plans that address the root cause of the allergies. These plans often involve a combination of medications, lifestyle modifications, and environmental controls. Common treatments include antihistamines, decongestants, nasal corticosteroids, and immunotherapy (allergy shots). By customizing the treatment, ENT doctors can ensure better symptom management and reduce the risk of complications.
Advanced Treatment Techniques
In some cases, seasonal allergies may lead to complications such as chronic sinusitis, ear infections, or nasal polyps. ENT Surgeon in Jaipur are equipped with advanced treatment techniques to address these issues. Minimally invasive procedures, such as endoscopic sinus surgery, can provide significant relief for patients with severe or persistent symptoms. These procedures aim to improve sinus drainage and reduce inflammation, offering long-term benefits.
Preventive Care and Education
Preventive care is a critical aspect of managing seasonal allergies. ENT specialists educate patients on avoiding triggers and adopting lifestyle changes to minimize exposure to allergens. This may include advice on keeping windows closed during high pollen seasons, using air purifiers, and regularly cleaning bedding and upholstery. Additionally, ENT doctors provide guidance on proper nasal hygiene, such as using saline sprays and nasal irrigation, to keep the nasal passages clear and reduce irritation.
Holistic Approach to Care
ENT specialists adopt a holistic approach to care, considering the overall health and well-being of their patients. They work closely with other healthcare providers, such as allergists and immunologists, to ensure comprehensive care. This multidisciplinary approach helps in addressing all aspects of the patient’s condition, from symptom management to underlying causes.
Why Choose Raj ENT Hospital?
When it comes to managing seasonal allergies in Jaipur, Raj ENT Hospital stands out as a premier choice. With a team of highly skilled ENT specialists, the hospital offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment facilities. The experts at Raj ENT Hospital are dedicated to providing personalized care and effective treatment solutions for a wide range of ENT conditions, including seasonal allergies.
Patients at Raj ENT Hospital benefit from the latest medical advancements and a patient-centric approach. The hospital’s commitment to excellence ensures that every patient receives the highest quality of care, tailored to their specific needs. Whether you are dealing with mild symptoms or more severe complications, the ENT doctors at Raj ENT Hospital are equipped to help you achieve relief and improve your quality of life.
Seasonal allergies can be a significant burden, but with the expertise of an ENT specialist in Jaipur, managing these allergies becomes much more manageable. ENT specialists play a crucial role in diagnosing, treating, and preventing seasonal allergies, ensuring that patients can enjoy a better quality of life. If you are struggling with seasonal allergies, consider seeking help from an ENT doctor in Jaipur, such as those at Raj ENT Hospital, to find effective relief and improve your overall well-being.
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Conquering Pollen Allergies: Symptoms and Solutions
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Pollen allergies, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis, affect millions of people worldwide, especially during the spring and summer months when pollen levels are at their peak. These allergies can cause a range of symptoms, from mild irritation to severe discomfort, impacting daily life and overall well-being. Dr. Rahul Mathur, a highly experienced general physician in Jaipur and the founder of Swasthya Clinics, provides comprehensive allergy treatment in Jaipur, specializing in the management of pollen allergies.
Understanding Pollen Allergies
Pollen allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to pollen particles from trees, grasses, and weeds. When exposed to pollen, the immune system releases histamines and other chemicals, triggering allergic symptoms. Common symptoms of pollen allergies include:
Sneezing: Frequent bouts of sneezing, often accompanied by a runny or stuffy nose.
Itchy Eyes: Irritation, redness, and itching in the eyes, sometimes leading to watery discharge.
Nasal Congestion: Blocked or stuffy nose due to inflammation of the nasal passages.
Runny Nose: Excessive nasal discharge, often clear and watery, caused by increased mucus production.
Itchy Throat: Scratchy or tickling sensation in the throat, leading to coughing or throat clearing.
Causes of Pollen Allergies
Pollen allergies are primarily caused by exposure to pollen particles, which are released into the air by trees, grasses, and weeds. Certain factors can increase the risk of developing pollen allergies, including:
Genetic Predisposition: A family history of allergies increases the likelihood of developing pollen allergies.
Environmental Factors: Pollen levels vary depending on factors such as weather, geographic location, and seasonal changes.
Immune System Sensitivity: Individuals with a hypersensitive immune system are more prone to developing allergies.
Exposure to Pollutants: Air pollution and environmental toxins can exacerbate allergic reactions to pollen.
Treatments for Pollen Allergies
Dr. Rahul Mathur offers a range of treatments for pollen allergies at Swasthya Clinics, tailored to each patient's specific needs and preferences. These treatments may include:
Antihistamines: Oral or nasal antihistamines help relieve symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and runny nose by blocking the effects of histamine.
Decongestants: Oral or nasal decongestants reduce nasal congestion and sinus pressure by shrinking swollen blood vessels in the nasal passages.
Nasal Corticosteroids: Prescription nasal sprays containing corticosteroids help reduce inflammation and relieve nasal symptoms.
Allergy Immunotherapy: Also known as allergy shots, immunotherapy involves gradually exposing the body to increasing doses of allergens to desensitize the immune system and reduce allergic reactions.
Allergy Medications: Over-the-counter and prescription allergy medications, such as eye drops and allergy tablets, can help alleviate symptoms.
Lifestyle and Home Remedies
In addition to medical treatments, there are several lifestyle and home remedies that can help manage pollen allergies effectively:
Avoidance: Stay indoors on high pollen days, keep windows closed, and use air conditioning to filter indoor air.
Allergen Reduction: Use high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your home, wash bedding frequently, and shower after outdoor activities to remove pollen from your hair and skin.
Saline Nasal Rinse: Regularly irrigate your nasal passages with saline solution to flush out pollen and mucus.
Wear Protective Gear: Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your eyes and face from pollen exposure when outdoors.
Natural Remedies: Some people find relief from pollen allergies by using natural remedies such as local honey, herbal supplements, and acupuncture. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new treatment.
Dr. Rahul Mathur: Expertise and Experience
Dr. Rahul Mathur is a highly qualified general physician in Jaipur, specializing in allergy treatment and respiratory health. He holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree from a prestigious medical institution and has completed specialized training in allergy and immunology. With years of experience in diagnosing and treating pollen allergies, Dr. Mathur provides compassionate care and personalized treatment plans to help patients conquer their allergy symptoms and improve their quality of life.
Pollen allergies can be challenging to manage, but with the right approach and guidance from a qualified healthcare professional like Dr. Rahul Mathur, relief is possible. By understanding the symptoms, causes, and available treatment options for pollen allergies, individuals can take proactive steps to minimize their exposure to pollen and alleviate their allergy symptoms effectively. If you're struggling with pollen allergy treatment in Jaipur, visit Swasthya Clinics for expert allergy treatment and personalized care.
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frontierallergy · 5 months
Surviving Cedar Fever: A Guide for Austin Residents
Many individuals residing in Austin and its neighboring areas are well-acquainted with the notorious Cedar Fever, an allergic response triggered by the pollen of the mountain cedar tree (Juniperus ashei). Commonly referred to as the culprit Juniper tree, this species exhibits a robust seasonal flowering period, dispersing minute, spiky pollen grains into the atmosphere. Under microscopic observation, these pollen grains bear resemblance to miniature grass burrs and swiftly adhere to hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, nasal hairs, garments, and pet fur.
Cedar Fever typically garners diagnosis predominantly during December and January, coinciding with peak pollen counts. However, instances can commence as early as October and persist until March, as evidenced.
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Austin Allergy Report
Beware, allergy sufferers – Austin has earned the moniker of the Allergy Capital of the World for good reason! Throughout the year, Austin contends with airborne allergens that pose challenges for individuals with sensitivities. In autumn, we encounter "Hay Fever," attributed to Ragweed pollen from mid-August to mid-November. Subsequently, during winter, we confront "Cedar Fever," induced by cedar pollen from December to February. Spring introduces Oak, Elm, Pecan, and Ash tree pollen. Additionally, Mold and Grass present potential issues throughout the year.
If you plan to visit Austin or partake in outdoor activities, consult our 5-day allergy forecast to organize your week accordingly.
Signs of Cedar Allergy
Cedar allergies manifest symptoms akin to other pollen allergies. If you're allergic to cedar, you may experience:
Itchy, watery eyes
Runny nose
Nasal congestion
Scratchy throat
Coughing or wheezing
Sinus pain, pressure, or congestion
Skin rashes
Triggers of Cedar Allergy
Cedar allergy occurs when the body's immune system identifies cedar pollen as a threat and launches an immune response against it, mistaking it for a harmful substance. While cedar pollen is innocuous, this immune reaction mimics responses to viruses or bacteria. Cedar pollen is most abundant during winter, particularly from December through February.
Foods to Avoid with Cedar Allergy
Bell peppers
Diagnosis and Treatment of Cedar Allergy
Allergy Testing
Allergists typically conduct skin tests to diagnose allergies. These tests are usually administered on the backs of adults and the arms of young children. The testing process takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours, and results are typically available by the end of the day. Occasionally, a confirmatory blood test may be conducted.
There are two primary approaches to managing cedar allergies.
You can utilise medications such as H1 antihistamines, H2 antihistamines, nasal sprays, or leukotriene inhibitors for short-term relief. However, it's advisable to consult your allergist first to determine the most appropriate medication(s) for your condition.
For long-term protection, consider allergy immunotherapy.
Allergy immunotherapy, also referred to as "desensitisation," offers medical treatment for individuals afflicted with allergies.
Immunotherapy entails gradually exposing the patient to increasing quantities of the allergens they react to, facilitating the development of immunity and the alleviation of allergic symptoms.
There are three forms of allergy immunotherapy:
Shots/Injections (subcutaneous allergy immunotherapy, or SCIT)
Under-the-tongue drops (a variant of sublingual allergy immunotherapy, or SLIT)
Tablets that dissolve beneath the tongue
Preventing Cedar Allergy
To mitigate exposure to cedar pollen and alleviate allergic symptoms during cedar season, adhere to these precautions:
Ensure doors and windows remain closed during periods of elevated pollen levels.
Regularly replace air conditioning filters
Change clothes and wash hands after outdoor activities
Vacuum weekly
Bathe pets regularly, regardless of indoor or outdoor living arrangements
How long does it take for cedar allergy symptoms to manifest?
Adjusting to juniper pollen in Austin can take time. Some individuals may experience immediate allergic reactions, while others develop allergies after repeated exposure.
When is the peak season for cedar allergies?
The peak season for cedar pollen allergies typically spans December through February.
Moving Forward
Experience relief from cedar allergies with Frontier Allergy in Austin. Frontier Allergy provides allergy testing, shots, and various treatment options. While avoiding cedar fever may prove challenging, effective symptom management is within reach.
Refer to our daily allergy report to stay informed about pollen levels and adjust your outdoor plans accordingly. When pollen counts soar, it is advisable to keep windows closed and minimise outdoor activities.
Contact Details:
Address: 2217 Park Bend Drive, Suite 300 Austin, TX 78758
Contact No: 512-382-1933
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helthcareheven · 6 months
Nasal Dilator Max: Internal Devices for Optimal Airflow
Internal Nasal Dilators are medical devices that are placed inside the nose to help improve breathing by gently expanding the nasal passages and increasing airflow. They are small, spring-like strips made of flexible silicone that are inserted into the nostrils to exert gentle outward pressure on the sides of the nasal cavity. This action works to widen the nasal valves and increase the cross-sectional area for breathing.
How do they work? The nasal passages contain cartilage and soft tissue that can sometimes collapse inward, restricting airflow and making breathing more difficult. This is a common cause of nasal congestion and obstructed breathing. Internal Nasal Dilators work by counteracting this inward collapse of nasal tissues. They are placed high up in the nostrils, near the top of where the nose meets the face. Here, the sides of the nasal passages are naturally narrower due to the inward curving shape of nasal anatomy. The dilators gently push outward on the walls of the nose at this location to maintain an open airway. This opening up of the nasal valves is what improves breathing capacity with the use of.
Types of Internal Nasal Dilators There are a few main types of Internal Nasal Dilators that differ in their material composition and form factor:
- Silicone Dilators: These are the most common type. Made of flexible medical-grade silicone, they conform comfortably to the shape of the nose.
- Thermoplastic Dilators: Similar to silicone but made of a temperature-sensitive plastic that can be molded to fit individual nasal anatomy.
- Hydrocolloid Dilators: Contain a hydrocolloid gel interior that swells upon hydration to provide lift and support.
- Composite Dilators: Incorporate wires, springs or other internal reinforcement components for added structural support.
Benefits of Use Some potential benefits that users often report experiencing with Internal Nasal Dilators include:
- Improved Breathing: By widening the nasal passage and preventing collapse, respiration is unrestricted. This enhances oxygen intake and energy levels.
- Relief from Snoring: Opening the nasal airway can help reduce or eliminate loud snoring caused by vibrations from obstructed breathing.
- Enhanced Endurance: Greater airflow capacity allows athletes to perform at a higher level for extended periods of time without getting winded.
- Reduced Nasal Congestion: Dilators keep nasal tissues open to let mucus drain freely rather than becoming trapped, reducing sinus pressure and stuffiness.
- Improved Sleep: By facilitating easier breathing, sleep quality and restfulness significantly increases for those with sleep apnea or who simply breathe through their nose while sleeping.
Precautions While generally very safe when used as directed, some precautions apply to Internal Nasal Dilators:
- Not suitable for those with severe nasal deformities requiring medical treatment.
- Allergy testing should precede use if prone to reactions from materials.
- Discontinue use if irritation occurs and consult a doctor for alternative options.
- Not a permanent solution - effectiveness may lessen over time as tissues adapt.
- Clean and store properly between uses to maintain hygiene.
- Avoid excessive force during insertion to reduce risk of mucosal damage.
Proper fitting by a medical professional is advised, especially for complex nasal anatomies. Overall, Internal Nasal Dilators provide a non-invasive way to breathe more freely when nasal obstruction is limiting quality of life. Used as part of a treatment plan in consultation with an ENT specialist maximizes their benefits.
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medfieldhealing · 6 months
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Are Spring Allergies Getting to You? Sinus Relief with #HandReflexology #AllergyRelief #SelfCareReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #ReflexologyNearMe https://healingplacemedfield.com/reflexology-reiki-energy-medicine-boston/2024/04/04/are-spring-allergies-getting-to-you-sinus-relief-with-handreflexology-allergyrelief-selfcarereflexology-healingplaceenergyschool-reflexologynearme/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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lovingessentialoils · 6 months
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sentinelptc · 8 months
Navigating Seasonal Migraines and Headaches
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Seasonal migraines and headaches can significantly impact the quality of life, especially for those living in variable climates like Peachtree City. Understanding the triggers and exploring holistic approaches like Applied Kinesiology can offer effective management strategies. This blog will delve into the causes of seasonal migraines, their motivations, and innovative methods to prevent and alleviate them.
What is a Seasonal Migraine (or Headache)?
Seasonal migraines and headaches are not just ordinary pains but are often intense and recurring, linked with specific seasons or weather changes. These headaches can vary in intensity and frequency, deeply affecting daily activities.
How Does Cold Weather Affect Migraines and Headaches?
Cold weather can lead to tightened muscles around the neck and head, increasing tension and triggering migraines. Additionally, barometric pressure changes in colder months can cause discomfort in sinus areas, leading to headaches.
What Time of Year is the Worst for Seasonal Migraines and Headaches in Peachtree City?
In Peachtree City, migraines peak during the transition between seasons, particularly from fall to winter and winter to spring, when weather fluctuations are most prominent.
Causes & Triggers Of Seasonal Migraines
Increased Tension: Stress and muscle strain can escalate during seasonal changes.
Too Many Indoor Activities: Lack of fresh air and sunlight can contribute to headaches.
Dehydration: Indoor heating during colder months can lead to dehydration.
Dramatic Changes In Temperature: Sudden temperature shifts can trigger migraines.
Humidity Levels: High or low humidity can affect sinus pressure.
Air Pressure: Barometric pressure changes can lead to head pain.
Allergies: Seasonal allergies often cause headaches.
Wind: Strong winds can increase sinus pressure.
Sunlight Or Glare: Bright light can trigger migraines.
Diet: Certain foods like chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods can be triggers.
Change Of Sleep Patterns: Seasonal changes often disrupt sleep.
Holiday Stress: Increased stress during holidays can lead to migraines.
How To Avoid Seasonal Migraine Triggers
Managing triggers is crucial. Stay hydrated, maintain a consistent sleep schedule, manage stress, and be mindful of diet and indoor air quality.
Seasonal Migraine & Headache Prevention
Prevention strategies include regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate hydration, and stress management techniques like yoga or meditation.
Massage Therapy & Physiotherapy For Seasonal Migraine Relief & Prevention
Massage therapy and physiotherapy can relieve muscle tension and improve circulation, reducing the likelihood of migraines.
Acupuncture and Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) For Seasonal Migraine Relief & Prevention
These traditional techniques can help balance energy flows and reduce muscle tension, relieving migraine symptoms.
Applied Kinesiology for Seasonal Migraines and Headaches
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a holistic approach that examines the body's balance and functionality, identifying potential migraine triggers. AK practitioners may use muscle testing to determine imbalances and recommend dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, or specific exercises.
Need Help Managing Seasonal Migraines or Headaches?
Seeking professional advice from healthcare providers specializing in migraine management, including AK practitioners, can be beneficial.
Seasonal migraines and headaches, especially in areas with changing climates like Peachtree City, require a multifaceted approach. Understanding triggers, adopting preventive measures, and exploring holistic therapies like Applied Kinesiology, massage therapy, and acupuncture can provide significant relief and improve life quality. Stay proactive in your health journey, and consider consulting with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options.
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Different Allergy Management
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Allergies are increasingly common and can range from inconvenient to life-threatening. Traditional allergy management often involves taking antihistamines or using an inhaler, but there are alternative methods that have gained popularity in recent years. These methods include acupuncture, herbal remedies, and dietary changes. In this blog post, we will explore these different allergy management techniques and weigh their effectiveness. Whether you are tired of relying on medication or want to explore holistic options, this post will provide valuable insights into managing your allergies.
Understanding Allergies
Understanding allergies is crucial for individuals who suffer from allergies on a daily basis. Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a harmless substance as if it were dangerous. This can cause symptoms such as sneezing, itching, hives, and even anaphylaxis.Common allergic reactions can range from mild to life-threatening. Pollen allergies, food allergies, inhalant allergies, and medication allergies are among the most common types. Some people may also experience allergies to latex or insect venom.To handle allergies, it's important to identify triggers and avoid them, as well as considering antihistamines, corticosteroids, and other treatments under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
Managing Allergies
If you suffer from allergies, it's important to work with your doctor to develop a personalized treatment plan based on your medical history, allergy test results, and symptom severity. The plan may include avoiding allergens, taking medications, and/or receiving immunotherapy.
1. Allergen avoidance
When it comes to managing allergies, avoiding allergens is key. Even though it may not always be possible to completely avoid an allergen, there are steps that can be taken to decrease exposure. For instance, special dust-proof covers can be put on pillows, mattresses, and box springs to limit contact with dust mites. Furthermore, washing bedding frequently with hot water and avoiding stuffed animals in the bedroom can also help. Grasses, trees, and weeds produce pollen that cause seasonal allergies, so it is important to stay indoors on high pollen count days and keep windows closed. Finally, individuals should work with their doctor to create an allergy management plan and always carry medication in the event of an allergy attack.
2. Medications for Allergy Symptoms
Allergy medications can come in various forms such as pills, liquids, inhalers, nasal sprays, eye drops, skin creams, and shots. There are over-the-counter options as well as prescriptions, depending on the severity of the allergy symptoms. Antihistamines are commonly used to block histamine, which causes allergic reactions. Decongestants provide temporary relief for nasal and sinus congestion, but they are not recommended for individuals with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, glaucoma, or hyperthyroidism. Corticosteroids are used to suppress allergy-related inflammation and relieve symptoms such as stuffiness, runny nose, and sneezing. It is important to be aware of the side effects associated with allergy medications and consult with a physician before use.
3. Immunotherapy for Allergies
Immunotherapy is a preventive treatment for allergic reactions that involves gradually increasing doses of the substance or allergen to which the person is allergic. It helps to desensitize the immune system to the substance, probably by causing the production of a "blocking" and "tolerizing" antibody response. Skin or sometimes blood tests are performed to confirm the specific allergens. Allergy shots are tailored to the patient and could be accelerated or slowed down based on how the patient tolerates them. It is a cost-effective and beneficial treatment approach for many people with allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, conjunctivitis, or stinging insect allergy. Allergy shots work like a vaccine, leading to lasting relief of allergy symptoms even after treatment is stopped. If allergy shots are successful, maintenance treatment is generally continued for three to five years.
If you suffer from allergies, it's important to work with your healthcare provider to develop a treatment plan that's tailored to your unique needs. Based on your medical history and the results of allergy tests, your provider may recommend avoiding allergens, taking medications, or undergoing immunotherapy. By following a comprehensive treatment plan, you can manage your symptoms and enjoy a better quality of life.
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tridentchiro · 1 year
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Millions of people suffer from sinusitis and allergies every year. Sinusitis and allergies can be particularly uncomfortable conditions that cause symptoms such as runny nose, congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes. While conventional treatments such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs may provide temporary relief, these approaches do not address the underlying causes of these conditions.
Chiropractic care is often recommended for people with sinusitis and allergies. Chiropractors can help to restore balance to the body and address the underlying causes of these conditions. This can help to relieve symptoms such as excessive mucus production, congestion, headaches, and difficulty breathing, while also reducing the risk of long-term complications. In addition, regular chiropractic treatments can boost overall health and immunity, helping to prevent flare-ups in the future.
Sinus and allergy problems are two of the most common health issues in the United States. Allergies are caused by a malfunctioning immune system, while others believe that sinus problems are the result of an infection. 
Sinus and allergy can be caused by a variety of factors, including environmental allergies, food allergies, fungus, bacteria, and viruses. Exposure to cigarette smoke or other pollutants can also contribute to these problems. Whatever the causes may be, there are plenty of ways to treat these conditions with chiropractic care.
Acute sinusitis
Acute sinusitis is a common form of this respiratory infection, caused by a variety of things, including allergies, viruses, and bacteria, as well as environmental irritants. 
Chronic sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis is a common problem that can affect people of all ages. Symptoms can include nasal congestion, runny nose, drainage down the back of your throat and facial pain or pressure.
Hay fever
Hay fever is a condition that is caused by allergies to pollen. Pollen counts are highest in late spring and early summer. Other triggers for this condition, including dust mites, smoke, pet dander, and even some foods.
Nasal polyps
Polyps are abnormal, round or conical growths that develop on the lining of various body cavities. Nasal polyps are a particularly common type of polyp, and can cause significant problems due to their location in the nasal passages. They can cause a variety of symptoms, such as difficulty breathing and chronic sinus infections.
When most people think of chiropractic care, they think of treatments for back and neck pain. Sinusitis and allergies are common problems that can be caused by a variety of things, such as environmental irritants, dietary issues, and stress.
It can be difficult to cope with the symptoms, which can include a stuffy nose, headache, and swollen sinuses. 
Allergies are often caused by inflammation, which chiropractic care can help to reduce. Additionally, chiropractors in Spartanburg can help improve air flow and drainage in the sinuses, helping to relieve congestion and other symptoms of sinusitis. 
Sinusitis is a condition that can be extremely uncomfortable and irritating. Symptoms such as nasal congestion, headaches, and facial pain are common, and for some people, sinus infections can be quite serious. Chiropractic care may offer some relief from  the symptoms of sinusitis and help improve circulation and drainage, which can help to reduce inflammation and symptoms associated with allergies or sinusitis.
Nasal-specific techniques can also be highly effective in treating sinusitis. It’s called the “nasal douche” and it’s a method of rinsing your nose with warm water to clear out any mucus or irritants. These nasal douche can be done using a bulb syringe, irrigation bottle, or neti pot.
This type of massage can help loosen up congestion and allow you to breathe more easily. Trigger-point therapy is a technique that involves massaging specific points on your body. It can also help reduce inflammation and pain, by targeting specific trigger points in your neck and upper back.
Many people find relief from light-force cranial manipulation. This gentle approach to chiropractic care is safe for people of all ages, and it can be effective in treating a variety of conditions, including sinusitis and allergies. Light-Force Cranial Manipulation (LFCM) involves gently manipulating the bones in your skull. 
One treatment that is often overlooked is intersegmental traction. A very effective way to treat sinusitis and allergies. It is a non-invasive treatment that can help relieve the symptoms by loosening the muscles and tissues in your neck and upper back.
Chiropractors can help to improve your overall health and well-being by treating the root cause of your problems, rather than just providing temporary relief. It may also help improve your immune system function, which could lead to fewer allergy symptoms and overall health.
If you are suffering from allergies or sinusitis, visiting our chiropractor in Spartanburg may be the solution for you. We can help to clear your airways and improve your breathing. Additionally, we can help to relieve pressure in your head and neck caused by swollen sinuses. Contact Trident Health and Chiropractic at (864) 871-4951 today to schedule a consultation and find out how we can help you get back to feeling your best.
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w0ls-den · 1 year
if your spring ads are about festivities and decorations sales and not advertising allergy and sinus relief against the pollen and stuffs in the air;
Stop showing me spring sales if it's not for any fukin relief against it
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naturecreationhp · 1 year
The Peppermint Relief From Spring Allergies
Spring is a beautiful season when nature comes alive with blooming flowers, buzzing bees, and chirping birds. But for some people, spring is the season of misery due to allergies. Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to certain substances like pollen, dust mites, or animal dander. The symptoms (including sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and sinus pain) can range from mild to severe, and they can interfere with daily activities.
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Spring allergies can trigger sinus pain by causing inflammation in the sinus cavities. The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the bones of the face and skull, and they are lined with a thin layer of tissue called the sinus membrane. When allergens such as pollen, dust, or mold enter the sinuses, they can cause the membrane to become inflamed and produce mucus. The buildup of mucus and pressure can lead to sinus pain, which is often described as a dull ache or pressure in the forehead, cheeks, and eyes.
Peppermint is a versatile herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. Its therapeutic properties are the reason why peppermint is one of the ingredients in Nature Creation’s herbal heating packs. Even the best microwavable heating pad on their store has peppermint leaves filled in it for aromatherapy purposes.
One of the most popular uses of peppermint is for relieving sinusitis, a condition that occurs when the sinuses become inflamed and filled with mucus, causing pain and pressure around the eyes, nose, and cheeks. Peppermint contains several active ingredients, including menthol, which has a cooling and soothing effect on the nasal passages.
When inhaled, the menthol in peppermint can help to open up the airways and reduce inflammation in the sinuses. This makes it easier to breathe and can help to relieve sinus pressure and pain.
In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, peppermint also has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help to fight off the underlying infections that often cause sinusitis. This is especially helpful during allergy season, when pollen and other allergens can irritate the sinuses and lead to infection.
Nature Creation is a trusted dealer in herbal heating packs, cold packs and aromatherapy products. To buy the best microwavable heating pad at affordable prices, visit the Nature Creation website now. Their Sinus Relief Mint Pack is especially designed to alleviate sinus pains with the help of peppermint leaves.
This mint pack can be used in two ways- either heated in the microwave for 10 seconds to enhance the peppermint aroma.
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