#Spy X Family manga series
wondrousmay · 5 months
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Endo-sensei is currently in London for an overseas worktrip! He’ll be taking a break from updating the manga on May 27 and apologizes for the inconvenience. (Source)
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abdy-18 · 2 months
i made a lil comic :3 tw: blood
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it was inspired by this c:
i'm not sure if this count for day 2 and day 3 of @twiyorbase Twilight week :3
btw I couldn't choose between baby Twilight with pacify her or hat
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shysheeperz · 2 months
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muninnhuginn · 1 month
Still weird seeing Twilight be so honest with Yor about struggling to turn his brain off and just *be*. A good kind of weird, of course. I could never imagine volume one Twilight being so open with her (or anyone, really). This chapter was so nice with its references to all the way back then and showing how far they've come since. Still some sneaky Project Apple seeds being laid, of course, but overall, this was a pleasant checkpoint. A little calm before the next storm, which was sorely needed after the last arc
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h0estar · 2 months
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martha, dearie, you are so strong. i love you so so so much ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ
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saltyloafy · 1 year
something abt twilight's friends saying to him "still such a crybaby after all these years!!" when we haven't seen him cry once as an adult,,, absolutely sickening
"all I want is to have fun with you guys like we used to..." I'M SOBBING AND THROWING UP
twilights backstory gets me so fucked up. I'm always thinking about him,,, poor war criminal meow meow,,
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also including the last 2 pages in this bc they KILL me
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"I hated the enemy without knowing why. I picked up a gun without knowing why. I obeyed my country without knowing why" LINES THAT GO SO HARD THEY KILL YOU UPON READING
ignorance isn't bliss, ignorance is a sin,,, 💥💥🔥
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wishuponroses · 6 months
I adore how Tatsuya Endo writes his characters, especially the women. They can be warm, soft, cute, cool, tough, scary... all, if not most, of his ladies in Spy x Family are equally wonderful in their own way, both in character design and personality.
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the-eternal-child · 10 months
So I was just singing Spy x Family's praises to my friend (as you do), and it occurred to me that the characters' backstories may be revealed in the order they were introduced: Twilight>Anya>Yor.
We know that each member of the main cast has had painful childhood experiences (honestly, I wouldn't even know how to rank who had it worse because each is its own brand of hell), it could make perfect sense to introduce the backstories sequentially or it could be introduced as leading themes into current plotlines. Who knows?
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Chapter 90.5 has us all waiting with baited breath to see if we're getting Anya's backstory or not and I think if we are getting another look into someone's past, Anya's makes the most sense. Though Endo could be a complete tease and not give us anything for another 10 chapters 😭.
Twilight's backstory provided some great context into his past and what led to his current emotional struggles, setting the context for why he holds fast to his goal of 'creating a peaceful world' while fighting his losing battle of loving his new little family (especially the mole arc hoooboy!).
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We already have in story context for Project Apple, we know it's existence, that there was human and animal experimentation (Anya and Bond) and that the subjects were being used for political goals somehow. We had the lead up of little bread crumbs along the way like she might have 'escaped the lab', her random knowledge of classical language, etc. Now would be a good time to start working toward weaving that story more fully into the main plot line (Random aside but has anyone ever noticed Desmond has 2 scars on the side of his head like Frankenstein's screws?).
I think Yor's backstory is still quite a ways off. There's still too much we don't know about Garden, I think, for them to introduce her backstory and how she met them. They're shady af, we don't know what their motives are, who they work for, nothing!
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I mean, was anyone else worried when Yor mentioned Loid took a liking to Desmond and Shopkeeper was like 'oh really?'. That was so sinister, and it was never mentioned again! Makes me feel like a setup to him digging into Loid Forger or something.
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Bringing in Garden's orgins seems like material leading up to identity reveals between Yor and Twilight, and the story just isn't there yet. So Anya it is and I'm so ready but I'm so NOT!
Anyhow, thank you for listening to me ramble about this series that has taken over my life! Have a good day! BYYYYYEEEEEEE!
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anime-faniez09 · 11 days
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Spy x Family is a manga and anime series centered around an unusual, makeshift family. The story follows a spy named Loid Forger, who is tasked with an important mission to maintain world peace. To carry out his mission, he must create a fake family, so he adopts a telepathic girl named Anya and marries an assassin named Yor. However, neither Loid nor Yor are aware of each other’s true identities, while Anya secretly knows everything through her telepathy.
The series blends action, comedy, and heartfelt moments as the "family" navigates dangerous missions, everyday life, and the growing bonds between the
Loid Forger (Twilight): "For the sake of world peace, I’ll do anything."
Yor Forger: "I may not be perfect, but I want to be a good wife and mother."
Anya Forger: "Papa's a liar. But I love him anyway."
Loid Forger: "You can’t change the past. The only thing you can change is the future."
Yor Forger: "I must keep this family together, no matter the cost."
These quotes capture the essence of the characters and their motivations.....
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afabstract · 10 months
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A family that lies together... stays together. LOL.
Love the new episode.
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Here’s part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/giveamadeuschohisownmovie/735552718846984192/i-got-a-specific-question-for-you-all-of-the
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Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 84... You have been warned...! 👌
(How do you keep on doing it Endo?! 😵)
But, before I start discussing this chapter, I'd like to say something about what happened in the fandom recently...
If anyone here is unaware, an account by the name of shinybluebirdwizard deactivated their account after being harassed for answering an ask about who they thought Anya loved more... Thinking back on the post, to me it felt like shinybluebirdwizard's answer was more of a joke then anything super serious, but we'll never really know for sure... As of right now, my biggest hope is that Shiny is doing alright and will one day return to the fandom... But, I also completely understand if they decide that they don't want to ever come back either... All I can truly ask for now from this fandom is to be kinder to one another and not be at each other's throats for a difference of opinion...
Anyway, let's get back to the review shall we...?
We start where we basically left of at in Mission 83, with Wheeler cornered by Nightfall and another agent...!
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Wheeler tries to convince Nightfall to let him go and that he doesn't have the documents, but of course, it doesn't work and the other agent subdues Wheeler and finds the documents...! Wheeler tries one more time to persuade Nightfall in letting him go, but she knows that he may have the documents memorized, so Wheeler will be imprisoned... But then...:
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Wheeler tells Nightfall to drop her gun or he'll break the other agent's neck, then exchange happens between Wheeler and Nightfall:
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Damn...! 😲 Does anyone else feel like Wheeler was being a little flirty with Nightfall...? 👀 No? Just me...? Okay... 🤷
Anyway, Wheeler escapes into the sewers and Nightfall goes to pursue him...! Then, um... Nightfall has this thought of if she were to ever die, and well...:
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Oh, Nightfall... 😌 No words can describe the amount of crazy you are...! 😏
After... THAT...! We catch back up with Twilight after his brutal fight with Yuri...:
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Twilight tries to get out of the sewers, but he overhears some footsteps and decides to be cautious... But then, the footsteps stop, and Twilight is unsure of where they were coming from... When suddenly...
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After Wheeler's initial attack, Twilight tries to convince him that he's with the SSS...
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...But it doesn't work...
Then, Wheeler figures out that this must be Twilight in disguise and says this to him:
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We cut back to Nightfall as she hears some fighting in the sewers, but when she finds where it's coming from, she sees this: 😰
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As Nightfall is shocked and stunned by what she sees, Wheeler proceeds to remove Twilight's mask, when...:
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and that's how the chapter ends, and HOO BOY...!! That chapter was INTENSE!! 😰 Especially at the end...!! 😥 And I know that this arc isn't over with just yet, but... I think that this might my new favorite arc of the series...!! 😆
The only thing that kind of confused me in this chapter was the part Nightfall was like: "No no no, that's Yuri Briar. He's no friend of mine!" and started saying "That's Yuri Briar" over and over again... I believe that was her starting realize that was Twilight on the ground defeated, but I don't know for sure...! 🤷 In any case, this chapter was still amazing and I'm eagerly awaiting for the next one to drop...!! 😆
Lastly, I'm sorry to anyone that just came here to read my review, but it was very important to me to talk about what happened to shinybluebirdwizard...
I was raised to treat others how I wanted to be treated, so whenever I see how mean people can be sometimes, it truly breaks my heart... We don't have to agree on everything, but we can at least try to be respectful to someone else's opinion... And if that means not interacting with them at all, then by all means, avoid them at all costs... But the one thing that I wish for the most is for everyone to be more kind and understanding of one another...! And then maybe, something like this won't again...
Anyway, that's all I wanted to say and I hope that you all have a wonderful rest of y'alls day...! Take care, be safe out there and be kinder to one another...! 💗 Later...! 👋
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nightfal1n · 4 months
Been awhile since the last time I read Spy x Family but the moment I saw this from chapter 99....
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It reminds me of this scene from chapter 1
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...And I really have a bad feeling about this ; w ; send help
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balu8 · 5 months
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Spy x Family
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This new K-drama kinda reminds me of Spy x Family:
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Also, the summary is giving major Twiyor vibes 👀
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(Now, if they adopted a child and a dog....)
Oh yes, this is definitely added to my watchlist now! More spies, more assassins and more found families! I'll be eating good this year heh
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naarinn · 7 months
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