foedhrass · 5 months
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May the Fourth be with you!
My Jedi OC Tarra Skienu (a Squamatan).
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paranatura-verse · 4 months
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Name: Apep Age: 45 Hatching date: 31/01/1903 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Species: Squamatan Place of Origin: Appalachia, USA
A squamatan who hatched in the Appalachian Mountains, one of the only hatchlings in his clutch to survive to adulthood. He travelled to Raleigh in his early twenties, where he quickly turned to a life of crime, holding up grocery stores and gas stations. After several arrests he joined Fiver .38's gang as his main enforcer. The muscle of the group, Apep uses his size and strength to intimidate debtors who haven't paid up. Whilst he gets on well with Fiver he dislikes Pips, and works with him under great duress.
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whistlingstarlight · 1 year
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Received this amazing commission piece from the lovely @actual-dunwich-horror of my Western fantasy trio! L-R: August the centaur, Sa'alku the squamatan and Carlos the human
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captainmazzic · 2 months
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The Sith Lord leaned in as far as his chains would allow, his eerie grin curling even wider. He licked his cracked lips, and his voice came as a whisper, silky and almost sensual. “The taste of your fear is all the sustenance I require. More palatable than the most opulent of feasts.”
Meet Darth Virulen, Master of Massacres, Duskborne Assassin, the Butcher of Sluis Van. The man so infamous for turning capital ships into slaughterhouses and battlefields into charnel grounds that his genetic blueprint was requested by the Sith Alchemist Lord Fulminiss for the development of the Harrower Sithspawn.
He is a Squamatan by birth, but was raised by a nomadic clan of Nagai that ultimately settled near the Stygian Caldera, and had close ties with the Sith Empire within. He joined the Sith at an early age, and a few years before he gained the title of Darth he engaged in a duel with a, uh, certain fellow apprentice of his master. The duel ended with him receiving a lightsaber blade to the face, permanently scarring him. He wears his disfigurement with pride, and he tattooed around his eyes and nose for his face to even more closely resemble that of a skull.
He knows of the Shadow Imperium and the Sith Tribunal, but his heart beats for the Empire. He is one of the deadliest subtle murder machines the Empire has - his specialty is killing, both en masse and silent targeted elimination. He has been responsible for countless massacres, disappearings, assassinations, and genocides. His strong code of honor that guides his violence ensures that almost all of his opponents face him directly, their deaths personal, rather than behind a screen or the push of a button. His worldview dovetails closely with the culture of his adoptive Nagai, and it was partly this culture and mindset that drove his master to select him as a second apprentice. As his master before him (and his former fellow apprentice), he values honesty and integrity. He keeps his promises, he is true to his word.
The jury is still out on whether that makes him less scary, or even more terrifying. :)
Anyway he's one of the two main characters for the new thing I'm writing (tentatively titled Like a Fine Wine), that (hopefully) won't be very long. I don't intend for it to be much longer than 3 or 4 chapters, and I already have the first two done. It's set in the same AU as Opening Dialogue, but takes place a year or two after.
I'll be drawing the other main character in the new fic probably tonight or tomorrow, in between all the writing XD
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nekotaetae · 2 years
I’ve already made Yennes in the web I said. I had to edit her out a little bit to add some details, but here is the result:
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She is a squamatan, there’s not much info about her species, but she has markings in her face, a knobbly ridge and her canines can throw acidic venom. She’s been raised by mercenaries and knows and has worked a lot of sketchy people, but she is surprisingly kind hearted
I already described her in the story but I wanted you to have something more visual. I hope you like her.😊
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harpagornis · 2 years
Caecilians of Lemuria
Where in most landmasses squamates thrive, on Lemuria they are only represented by geckoes (which boast an impressive diversity of 60 known species), two snakes, a monitor lizard and a few oplurids. Many niches are taken by their sphenodont relatives, whose fortunes have favoured them on this island, but the majority of squamate niches are instead taken by caecilians.
Caecilians in Lemuria are represented by two clades: Chikilidae and Ichthyophiidae. Having a presence in mainland Asia – which is speculated to be a result of India colliding with Asia – chikilids thrived in former Maldivia and ichthyophiids in former Marama. The former, finding themselves with few squamatan competitors, wasted no time expanding into niches taken by squamates elsewhere, while the latter found themselves in an environment with few competing fishes.
Thus, when the two landmasses collided and formed Lemuria, neither competed with one another: chikilids took the land, while ichthyophiids took the water.
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Phytophis fatamara or Palavify, a herbivorous chikilid demonstrating the long facial tentacles, large eyes and scale-derived spikes often present in non-subterranean species. It grazes slowly on the open pastures, eyes constantly watching and tentacles constantly feeling the texture and taste of vegetation. By Dave Garcia.
Represented in mainland Asia by only a single genus, here there are 70 known species and probably far more, occuring in all manner of environments from wetlands to montane meadows to even semi desert. Unlike snakes, caecilians cannot unhinge their jaws, but their flexible and robust skulls more than make up not just in terms of prey capture (many species are venomous like snakes too) but also in grazing: some chikilids are among the few herbivorous adult amphibians out there.
Some species took to life in the trees; while the eyes increased somewhat, it was the tentacles present on all caecilians that engorged the most, becoming full on analogous to a mammal’s vibrissae or a serpent’s tongue, allowing them to feel for prey branches away. Others took like to open spaces; some are burrowers, while others took the fish scales present within the caecilian skin to develop long and unique spikes, looking like massive catterpilars as they graze.
Due to the sheer diversity of this group – small species barely interact with humans, for instance – there is all manner of folklore regarding these impressive creatures, from symbols of longevity like snakes to garden pests like snails. Many are part of Lemurian cuisine, and indeed many species are threatened by overhunting as well as habitat loss, pollution and fungi that target amphibians.
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Pisciserpens sammangali or Pitava, demonstrating the fusiform fish-like body of the more aquatic members of this group. It forms large schools that migrate between the Great Lakes and the Sammangal, and is often called the “Lemurian sardine”. By Dave Garcia.
Also Lemuria has fishes, they’re most represented by a few families shared with Madagascar. The dominant force in Lemurian freshwater habitats are ichthyophiid caecilians. Some are still semi-aquatic terrestrial burrowers in wetlands and tropical rainforests, but several clades have taken to the water, developing a caudal fin (similar to that of ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs and metriorhynchids) and an oval, fish-like body shape with a dorsal and anal fin (they do not have fins/flippers, like fish-like molluscs, and do just fine without them). Like most amphibians they breathe through their skin – the dorsal and anal fins partcularly well suited for this due to the increased surface area – but the more metabolically active species regularly surface for air. Unlike aquatic salamanders, they lose the larval gills for hydrodynamic efficiency.
The vast majority of the aquatic species occurs in the Great Lakes region, where 80 species are known, occupying all manner of niches from sardine like filter-feeders to durophagists feeding on hard clams and snails to macropredators competing with the local crocodiles. At least 40 species migrate to the Sammangal during the monsoon season, taking advantage of the sunken forest to graze on the underwater saplings or adult leaves or hunt the myriad of prey availiable.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
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Suralinda Javos is bad ass, btw. She was a member of Black Squadron at one point, under Poe Dameron and a member of the New Republic who joined sometime after the Battle of Endor.
I kind of want to make a female Squamatan OC. They are so cool!
Squamatans were humanoids with reptilian characteristics. Their blue skin was patterned with thin lines across their faces. Their heads were capped with a knobbly ridge running from the bridge of the nose to the back of the skull, which bisected their hairline. Some Squamatans wore their thick dark hair long, partially braided into ponytails. They had pointed ears, and two pointed teeth which could shoot an acidic venom as a means of defense. The Squamatans had forked tongues of the same purple color as their lips, and large, yellow reptile-like eyes with orange-red irises and black, slit-like pupils. Their fingers ended in sharp, talon-like nails. They produced sweat when under physical strain. - Wookiepedia
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spacelingart · 7 years
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March’s sketch for MJ of a male Squamatan, a new alien in the Star Wars universe. I’m curious to see how the males will differ from the females if we see any more of them, but something about their design reminded me a bit of Zabraks.
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Return to Me - Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen: Guilty Conscience, Part Two
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A/N: Hi all! I don’t think I have many notes for this chapter. This is a part two because it wraps up the aftermath of the party on Naboo. Let me know what you think, if you want to be tagged, anything! Love you all!
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 4,029 Synopsis: Poe returns to Yavin-4 to find out the mess that has been made on Naboo, while the reader also deal with the aftermath of the party and Suralinda’s outburst.
Tag List:  @xeniarocks, @too-many-baes, @araceli91103, @idocarealot, @treblebeth, @treestarrrrrrrr, @thescarletknight2014, @charlottie2998, @ibikus, @mellow-f1, @mrsdaamneron, @trustme3-13, @missjess71, @ella-solei, @minelskede, @gleigh42, @usuallyweepingnacho, @givemethatgold, @and-claudia, @constantdisgrace, @wordsinwinters, @readingvogueonprivetdrive, @trshbb, @kaitlynw011, @ihave2muchtimeonmyhands​, @fairytalesforever​, @thanos-jeep​, @mixedfandxms​, @pastelbunny1501​, @emotionalcal​, @daniellajocelyn​, @getyourselfaunicorn​, @spider-starry​, @jimhalpertcanbuymelove, @angelicaxhouston, @roserrys​
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The base on Yavin-4 was just Poe’s childhood home, but he was nevertheless glad to see it as he landed the A-Wing just outside of the mess of crates and ships surrounding the house. He looked over at his father once they had come to a safe landing and sighed.
“Let’s not do that again,” Kes said.
“Fighting off the First Order? I don’t think we have much of a choice,” Poe said with a tired smile. Kes nodded his head and looked out the window at his house.
“Home,” Kes said. Poe nodded his head, but when Kes said home, he could only think about his quarters destroyed on the D’Qar base. “Looks like everyone is back from Naboo, too.”
Poe glanced up to see Finn walking towards the A-Wing. Finn was usually in a good mood, at least when he saw Poe, but now he had a frown on his face. Immediately sensing the worse, Poe and his father climbed out of the A-Wing and moved towards him.
“Poe, welcome back,” Finn said, giving him a quick hug.
“Thanks. Everything alright?”
“Yeah,” Finn said, shrugging slightly. “I just had to get away from the yelling.”
“The yelling? Who’s yelling?” Kes asked. Instantly, Poe could see his father’s mind travel to an imaginary fight in the kitchen, one that would end up breaking some of his favorite antiques.
“General Organa,” Finn said with a sigh. “She just got back a few moments before you.”
“Why is Leia yelling?” Poe asked, following his father who was already taking long strides towards the house.
“It’s a long story,” Finn said, following along. 
As Poe walked into his living room, he was met with a scene of chaos. Suralinda sat in the corner of the room, her arms folded tightly across her chest. Leia wasn’t yelling, but it was clear from the color in her face that she had been a few seconds before. Rey was sitting out on the porch when they walked in, focusing intently on the Force tree. Snap and Karé stood off in the kitchen, watching the room uncomfortably.
“Oh good, Commander, you’re here,” Leia said cynically when she noticed Poe’s presence, “You can scold your pilot now.”
“Why would I need to scold Sura?” Poe asked, stepping deeper into the room, looking between both women.
“Stars! Please don’t bring him into this,” Sura complained, standing up.
“Into what?” Poe asked.
“Javos here nearly lost us one of our most important allies, and in the process, might have scared anyone else off of wanting to become our allies.”
“What? How?”
“Because someone can’t control their temper!” Leia said, her voice rising again as she glared at Suralinda. The Squamatan rolled her eyes as she began to pace. “Or her liquor either.”
“Leia,” Poe said carefully, touching her arm, “Can you just tell me what happened?”
“Fine,” Leia said, letting out a breath. “On Naboo, we were at Y/N’s party. Suralinda found one of her friends—”
“Meg Junari,” Sura cut in. “You know her, Poe. I introduced you guys years ago.”
“Yeah, yeah, I kind of remember her,” Poe said with a nod. Apparently, this wasn’t good enough for Sura as she groaned loudly and looked off.
“This friend of Javos’s thinks she has a good location for our new base. When Javos presented this idea to Y/N, Y/N told her it wasn’t a good idea. We don’t know this woman; we cannot trust her with the entire Resistance.”
Poe looked over at Sura who rolled her eyes again.
“So then she decided to present the idea to me, and when I shot her down, she decided that was a fine time to scream in Y/N’s face, in front of the entire party.”
Sura’s face drained of color as Poe looked over at her, hoping to find some inclination that what Leia was telling him wasn’t in fact true. He shook his head, unsure of how to react, especially in front of everyone.
“What do you want me to say?” she asked after the pause in the conversation had gone on too long.
“I don’t know,” Poe said simply.
“Why don’t you tell him what you said to Y/N,” Leia said. Suralinda looked back at Leia with wide, betrayed eyes, but then let them fall back onto Poe. Whatever she was about to say, she knew would upset Poe.
“What?” Poe asked.
“I told her it was her fault,” she said quietly, looking down at her long fingers, “Everything that happened on the Raddus.” Poe looked up at the ceiling as he tried to keep his cool. “Look, I’m sorry, I realize it was a stupid mistake—”
“Mistake?” Poe asked with a laugh. “No, that wasn’t a mistake. You know exactly what— Look, I can’t do this with you right now,” he said, giving up before things got out of hand. “You put the fate of the Resistance on the line,” he said. “Y/N is our best chance right now at getting more help.”
“I know.”
“Apparently not.”
“If you’re gonna punish me, then punish me,” Sura said, stepping forward. “If not, I’m going to go. I don’t need a scolding by the two of you to know that I made a mistake. I thought we were supposed to be forgiving of those,” Sura said, looking at Poe in particular. He set his jaw as he stared back at her just as fiercely. She walked away a few seconds later and stormed out of the house.
There was an uncomfortable silence in the room as everyone waited for the right time to start up conversation again. Leia looked as angry as Poe felt, but she didn’t know the half of it. Although Poe was angry with Suralinda for blowing up at you, especially in front of all those dignitaries, he was mostly feeling responsible. He had started a relationship with Suralinda, and he knew that a relationship with one of his closest friends and one of his pilots put the Resistance at risk.
“You’re not going to punish her anymore, right?” Poe asked.
“No,” Leia said with a sigh, “I think she got punished enough by this embarrassment.”
“How bad was it?” Kes asked, taking a step into the room.
“It was over quickly, but the damage was done. We brought Javos along to show off one of our best pilots. What do you think they think of us now?” Leia asked, sitting down on the couch.
“It can’t be as bad as you suspect,” Kes said, frowning slightly.
“I certainly hope not. I got Javos out of there right away, so I’m not sure how the party ended.”
Poe nodded and glanced out the window casually, seeing Suralinda out by the crates of supplies. He slipped out of the room, only noticed by Snap, who gave him a nod on his way out. Rey was still focusing heavily on the Force tree, so Poe snuck around her quietly. He walked over to Suralinda.
She looked up at him and then instantly turned away. Poe let out a small, pathetic laugh and took a step closer.
“Please don’t give me the silent treatment,” Poe said, smiling at her softly.
“I don’t have anything to talk about,” she said, still keeping her head down.
“Why did you yell at Y/N?” Poe asked gently. Suralinda lifted her head carefully and frowned at him.
“I don’t know.”
“It’s not her fault what happened.”
“I’m not so sure that’s true,” she said. “We were fine before she got here.”
“No, we weren’t. We need Y/N’s help. We need something bigger than the Resistance.”
“And what? Your ex-wife is going to be the one who brings that?” she spat. Poe tensed and folded his arms across his chest.
“Why does it matter that she’s my ex-wife?”
“It doesn’t. But she’s self-centered, inexperienced, she’s not the one we need.”
“You don’t know anything about her,” Poe said, his voice dropping deeper as he became angrier.
“Maybe not, but from what I’ve seen, she’s not the woman you’ve built her up to be in your head.” Poe scoffed and shook his head.
“I knew that was what this was about.”
“You and me!” he yelled. He didn’t expect to get that loud and nervously looked towards the house. Still, the only one outside was Rey, concentrating on the Force tree. “Sura, we’re done.”
“I know,” she said, her voice rising, too, “You made that perfectly clear.”
“So what’s the problem, then?”
“The problem is she has gotten in your head. And I’m not the only one who thinks so.” She took a pause and looked at him, her eyes wide and loving, even. “Poe, I know you love Y/N, but right now, we have to do what’s best for the Resistance.”
“What does that mean?” he asked, taking a step back. “My feelings have nothing to do with the Resistance.”
“Good,” she said with a nod, “Because you need to be making decisions with your head, not anywhere else.”
“I appreciate the advice, Suralinda, but really, I’m fine.”
She turned away from him and went back to sorting the boxes, signaling for Poe to leave her alone. As he marched back towards the house, he found Rey gone from the porch. In the living room, Kes was excitedly telling a story to Karé and Snap, making them both laugh.
“Poe.” He jumped slightly as he turned to see Leia standing in the hallway. She beckoned for him to come closer. Once they were both alone in the hall, she began speaking. “How did it go with Lando?” she asked.
“Alright. He gave us a ship, some credits. Said he’s gonna do everything he can to get us some more help.”
“Good,” Leia said, giving him one of the first genuine smiles he had seen on her in a while. “How are you doing?” she asked after a pause.
“I’m good.”
“You never told me about you and Javos,” she said simply.
“There was nothing to tell,” he said, dipping his head gently.
“Not to her there wasn’t.”
“I love Sura, Leia,” he said, dropping his voice, “And I know starting a relationship like that with her was probably a mistake, but—”
“You don’t have to explain,” she said, “We all get lonely. I take it she didn’t take the break-up too well.”
“Not entirely.”
“Well, if I were you, Fly Boy, once I made amends with Sura, I would reach out to Y/N and fix things there.”
“Was it really that bad?” Poe asked.
“I certainly hope not, but I’ve got a bad feeling about it.”
“I’ll call her in the morning.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Ever since you were little, back when your parents threw galas you were forbidden to come to, you loved to visit the room where the party had taken place once it was over. You loved looking at the floor for fallen pieces of the elaborate gowns worn. You would twirl around the empty ballroom, swirling in your nightgown. The best, messiest sweets were always left on the banquet tables for you to munch on, before your governess found you. It was the one time where you could feel like you were a part of Naboo royalty, without having to deal with the rules and restriction of it all.
That much was still true all these years later. You stood in the banquet hall, thinking about all of the conversations you had during the evening. You tried to focus on the conversations you had with fellow diplomats who wanted to help you, but your mind kept going back to your conversation with Suralinda.
The few times you had met Suralinda you weren’t her biggest fan. She was flashy, pushy, and unaware or at least apathetic to the effects she had on people. She was an old friend of Poe’s, so you put on a good front for him when she had been around. Sura had been a good friend to Poe, and you appreciated that, but there was always a divide between the two of you.
Poe told you they had never been together, but something in her tone told you that had changed since you’d been gone.
A sound at the large entrance doors pulled your attention. Lin stood in the doorway, hands behind his back, a gentle smile on his face. You smiled back at him, granting him permission to come closer.
“Hi,” you said.
“Hi. What are you still doing here?”
“I always liked to survey the aftermath of a party.”
“I think it went rather well, don’t you?” he asked, examining the room with you.
“Yes,” you said with a sigh. “We got a lot of promises, I just hope they come through.”
“They will,” he said, bumping your shoulder gently.
“Of course you think that. You charmed everyone you spoke to.” Lin let out a handsome laugh as he folded his arms across his chest.
“You act as though you didn’t do the same to everyone you spoke to.”
“Well,” you said, smiling at his compliment, “I’m not sure that’s true, but thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he said with a nod. “There was one conversation I wanted to ask you about.”
“Sure,” you said, looking up at him.
“That pilot from before, the Squamatan—”
“Suralinda Javos,” you said, unable to hide the disdain in your voice.
“You don’t seem to be a fan,” he said gently.
“Sura is fine. She’s been a great help to the Resistance. She’s just—”
“She speaks her mind,” Lin finished.
“Yes! At the most inopportune times!” you exclaimed, making Lin laugh.
“What was she speaking her mind about tonight?”
“She was drunk,” you excused, “She was blaming me for what happened with the Raddus.”
“How would that be your fault?” he asked.
“She says I got into Poe’s head.”
You realized your mistake just as you made it. Obviously, Lin was going to ask why you would have gotten into the head of the Resistance’s best pilot. And the fact that you had called him by his first name was questionable as well. Lin was so easy to talk to, though, it was hard to keep your guard up.
“I don’t think I understand.” He looked at you quizzically, kindly, urging you to tell him the truth.
“Suralinda thinks,” you started, “Suralinda thinks it was my fault that everything that happened aboard the Raddus happened. She thinks that since I’ve been back to the Resistance, I’ve gotten into Commander Dameron’s head, and made him make these mistakes.”
“Back?” he asked quietly.
“I think you’ll want to be sitting down for this,” you said, giving him a weak smile. He nodded his head as you took his hand. You led him onto one of the terraces looking out on the lake. The quiet sound of the water settled the nerves in your stomach somewhat. You sat Lin down on one of the stone benches and looked at him seriously.
“Before I was elected queen, I lived a very different life.”
“Okay,” he said hesitantly.
“As a kid, I grew up with Kylo Ren. My parents were close to Leia. About six years before my election, I was a member of the Resistance as I went to Theed University. When I joined, I worked directly under General Organa, learning from her first hand. During this time, I became really close to Poe Dameron. We— we fought alongside each other.” You held off on telling him anymore, waiting to gauge his response.
“So what happened? Why did you leave?” he asked after a pause.
“My parents never wanted me to join the Resistance. The life they wanted for me was always in the political realm. I went to school for politics but followed my heart into the Resistance. Because of my friendship with Kylo Ren, Naboo believed that if I became queen, I could keep them safe. It wasn’t my first choice, but the decision was clear.”
“So you left your entire world, all of your friends, in order to protect your people?” Lin asked.
“Wow. Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked after a pause.
“Because my parents didn’t want me to. They wanted me to pretend that the years I spent in the Resistance never happened. They wanted me to play as if I had been a diplomat all of my life.”
“Well, I’m sure you were always diplomatic,” he said with a small smile. You shook your head and laughed at him. “What?” he asked.
“Nothing, you’re just being very kind for someone who just found out that I’ve been lying to him the entire time I’ve known him.”
“You didn’t lie.”
“A lie of omission is still a lie,” you said.
“Regardless, I don’t care.” He took your hand in his. “So you were a part of the Resistance. There’s nothing wrong with that. If anything, I think that makes you an even better leader and person.”
“Really?” you asked, your voice cracking a little bit, taken back by his words.
“Really,” he said. Before you knew what was happening, he leaned in and planted a soft kiss to your lips. He pulled away soon after, looking into your eyes, asking if what he had just done was okay. You gave him a small smile out of the corner of your mouth. He leaned in again, but this time you pulled back.
“I’m sorry,” you said, shaking your head slightly.
“Don’t apologize. If that wasn’t okay—”
“No, no, it was fine,” you said, “It was more than fine,” you said, taking back his hand as he frowned. “It’s just—”
“You don’t need to explain.”
“I have to focus on protecting my people, rebuilding the Republic, and helping the Resistance right now. The First Order needs to be defeated.”
“I know. And I agree.”
“Thank you.” You stood up and smoothed your hands on your dress. The events of the night weighed on you heavily now, and your main focus was to get back to your bed and rest.
“What about after?” he asked, making you look back at him.
“After we defeat the First Order. What happens then?”
“I don’t know,” you said truthfully, sitting down next to him again. “I know what my parents want for me, but I’m not sure. About a lot of things, actually. Is that alright?”
“Yeah, that’s okay,” he said with a smile. You smiled back at him and sighed.
“Lin, it’s been a really long night.”
“I know. Go get some rest.”
“I’ll see you in the morning?” you asked.
“Goodnight,” you said, standing again. He stood, too, and gave you a dignified bow.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” You walked back through the dining hall, finding a group of servants beginning to clean up. You gave them a smile as you passed, and when you walked back into the hall, you found Loré waiting just outside the dining area.
“Hi,” you said, jumping slightly at her presence.
“Do you know what time it is?” she asked, standing up straight.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to keep you up,” you said with a smile.
“Don’t worry about it. I just knew you couldn’t get your hair down without me,” she said, her fingers playing with the intricate ponytail at the back of your head.
“Maybe you should just make hairstyles I can dismantle on my own, so you wouldn’t have to stay up so late,” you said, making your way upstairs.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t stay up so late,” she quipped. “What were you doing, anyway?” You looked over at her, finding a curious gleam in her eyes.
“Just thinking about the party.”
“With Lin Ral,” she added with a smirk.
“You are all terribly nosy,” you said, opening the door to your bedroom. She giggled as she followed you inside. “We just talked for a minute.”
“About Commander Dameron,” she said quietly as she pulled a robe out from your wardrobe.
“Excuse me? Were you eavesdropping?” you asked, whipping your head around to look at her.
“No,” Loré said too quickly. “It’s not my fault that the walls in this palace are paper thin.”
“Of course. And I’m sure you could hear everything through the balcony and the dining hall,” you said, stripping your gown. You changed into your robe and sat down next to Loré at the foot of your bed. She got to work untying your hair and went to grab your hairbrush before you stopped her.
“It really is late,” you said, “I can brush out my own hair.”
“Are you sure?” she teased.
“I think I can manage,” you said with a laugh.
“Alright. You sure you’re okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, I’m just tired.”
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.” You nodded and watched her leave. Once the door shut, you put the pins that were in your hair back on your vanity. You quickly brushed out your hair as you thought over the events of the night. First, what happened with Suralinda, and second, with Lin.
You had initially been feeling jealous of Suralinda. You weren’t entirely sure what happened, but there was something going on with her and Poe. But now, after what happened with Lin, you were beginning to feel something different entirely. It was just one kiss, but you felt as though you had betrayed Poe’s trust.
You quickly braided your hair, trying to keep your mind on anything other than Poe or Sura or Lin. It was futile, you realized as you threw your plait over your shoulder. You could forget all of them, except for one.
Before crawling into bed, you opened the jewelry box on your vanity, the one your mother had given you when you were just a girl, and pulled out a necklace you hadn’t worn in some time. Usually, you would only wear it when you were feeling most vulnerable, or when you felt very alone. The necklines of most of your dresses meant that you couldn’t hide the chain so you couldn’t wear it all that often. But tonight, you didn’t care. No one was going to see the necklace, and you needed it desperately right now. The metal was cool against your skin as you slipped it over your neck.
Lin’s question lingered in your mind. What about after? What did your future hold, if you were successful in destroying the First Order? That was only the first step in putting the galaxy back together. There were years worth of work to do, even if you stopped the First Order tomorrow.
As you climbed into your covers, you played with the ring at the end of the necklace chain. Although the necklace had the ability to calm you, it couldn’t erase the guilt and worry you felt right now. You clasped Poe’s mother’s ring in your hand, the ring you had once worn on your own finger, as you closed your eyes. You tried to focus on what was best, not what you wanted, but your thoughts only raced back to Poe and the ring on your chest.
You remembered how it felt when the chain would dangle in your face, hung around Poe’s neck. You remembered pulling on it slightly when he was giving his attention elsewhere. You remembered when he gave it to you. And you remembered the horrible day that you begged him to take it back. 
“I’ve been saving this ring for the right partner my whole life. It’s yours to keep, Y/N. You were meant to have it.”
As you shut your eyes, a single tear slipped out. You snuggled into your pillow, the weight of your blankets and the soft material of your sheets and robe lulling you into an easy sleep, where not a dream or thought could cloud your mind.
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pilotslegacy-moved · 4 years
“Suralinda Javos was drunk. Or at least Poe was fairly certain that Black Squadron’s Squamatan pilot was drunk. Why else would she be up there on that stage doing... well. he wasn’t exactly sure what she was doing. Poe shook his head. He loved Black Squadron. Would die for any one of his pilots.”
16 pages in and i’m already getting fed so damn well.
blacklist the tag ‘sarah reads resistance reborn’ if you want me to shut the hell up bc i’m only 2 poe interactions in and i’m already way too excited 
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whirlybirbs · 6 years
"let me buy you a drink" w/ punchy + drunk!poe
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summary: things were good, then an old friend of poe joins the resistance. sura likes jessika, poe likes you, you think poe like sura... it’s a mess. and then, enter gret franz. cue the bar brawl.pairing: poe dameron x cadet!reader, punchyrating: t for some drinking references, bar fights over a girla/n:  a drabble based off poe + punchy from pre-flight check! this operates along their story-line, after the mission and pre-getting-together! this got long so.... here we are.
The base’s cantina is where, at any give point on a Friday night, you can find nearly all of the Resistance's Starfighter Corp. Dagger, Stiletto, Cobalt and especially Black Squadron all operated under the age-old guise of: work hard, party harder.
Karé and Jessika insist you deserve a round or two on them after the bantha-shit you’d been dragged through all week; you’d been off your game ever since returning back from the Voss mission. Blame a certain Black Leader for that. You feel like you can’t go anywhere without --
“Look who it is!”
You try to avoid Poe’s gaze as you rendezvous with the other half of Black Squadron.
Snap Wexley greets Karé is a smile and a kiss. That riles a chorus of chirps and jeers from the squadron. You greet Oddy, L’ulo and Snap with quick knuckle bumps and high-fives (each personalized, of course), before offering Poe a curt nod from around Jessika. 
He swigs his beer. 
"Who are we toasting tonight?” Oddy chirps, eyes bright as he moves to toss a credit towards the bartender. 
Jessika’s hand come down on your shoulders and she shakes you in good fun. “We’re getting Punchy messed up tonight.”
“No, c’mon --” you mumble, raising your hands, “I’ve had a shit week enough --”
“No,” it’s Karé this time, “No backing out, you agreed to get wild with us -- girls night, remember?”
“Speaking of...” Snap leans, elbowing Poe in the ribs, “Look who just got here.”
You watch the exchange, eyes narrowing as you spot Poe’s brows dart upwards. The back door of the cantina swings open and through the dimly lit, crowded room, you see her.
Suralinda Javos is new. 
From what you were able to gather from Snap and L’ulo, she’s retired New Republic Navy -- she worked as a journalist for a bit and after a visit gone awry, Poe recruited her for the Resistance. There’s, apparently, a mixed history there. And that is cause enough for you to dislike her. 
God, you wish you could wipe that look off’s Poe face. She’s not even that great. Okay, fine, she’s beautiful. And tall. And lean and dangerous and cunning and...
You feel like a T-40 X-Wing, and she’s latest model when she walks in the room.
Not to mention the clash of personalities. 
She was promoted to Crimson Squadron’s flight commander in the matter of a week, no doubt for word down the chain.
You are, by no means, by the book -- but the Squamatan is chaos in the sky. You nearly throttled your helmet through your windshield after drills one day when you watched Poe leap from his cockpit, cheering and commending her and loving how reckless she was. 
So, yeah, there’s maybe a little jealousy there. Reckless was your thing. And when you were reckless, Poe just... got all huffy and did his usual ‘kid’ routine. 
“I could go for that round about now,” you deadpan, ignoring the way every pilot in the bar seems to gravitate to the teal-skinned Squamatan, “Anyone else?”
A gruff grunt. It’s Jessika. “Yep.”
“Count me in.”
Karé and Jessika had, really, been your saving grace post-Voss; they were kind enough to listen to you rant and rave -- and eventually help you navigate yourself to the point of, yeah, you didn’t hate Poe. The self-exploration stopped there, though. Whatever this was happened to be a bit more complicated than not-hate. You couldn’t say you you were excited to admit that you didn’t hate Poe at all, quite the opposite, because having feelings for your flight-Commander is so not good.
So, you shut up and pull your big-girl flight suit up, because you were content on just being good with Poe. 
No arguments, no side-hand comments, no butting-of-heads. You’d even smiled at him after drills; it was like the sweetest sucker punch in the world.
Until this week.
It was too good. And then Suralinda traipsed into it all.
Long story short, Jessika and Karé can’t stand her either. Which, honestly, is so not your vibe. You were very anti pitting-girls-against-girls because of shared interest in a man, but you’ve always been bullheaded and Jessika and Karé are good friends. 
And, right now, beside the very gorgeous Suralinda, you’re thankful for good friends. 
“Hey, you.”
You scoff at Poe’s greeting for the Crimson Leader. Suralinda offers a big smile, hand moving for his arm. “Hey!”
Jessika and Karé shoulder you, muscling you down the line and far from the interaction happening -- all before leaning over the bar and gesturing for a round of shots. And that is pretty much how the night goes. Little by little, the Squadron joins you and the girls.
Poe and Suralinda continue their cosmic level flirting, and you settle on joking with the rest of Black Squadron. 
You’re trying to stack shot glasses when a hand on your shoulder interrupts. 
You turn, buzz spinning the room in the best way. 
And there’s Gret Franz, Dagger Squadron’s offensive left-wing -- tall, dark, handsome. His smile is lopsided and dangerous and you’re hooked; everyone knows Gret is a flirt, but suddenly you’re in the spotlight and you can’t get enough of it.
And Poe? Poe’s all set, thanks. 
“What’s up with that?” Suralinda asks, brows quirked as she juts her chin to motion in your direction.
Poe’s entire face falls.
He hates how sweet your smile is then. It reminds him of the one you’d spared him on the space depot, all toothy and bright. Dimples dig into your cheeks and Poe watches as Gret Franz makes you laugh. Actually laugh. And makes half his squadron laugh, too. 
“You like her,” Sura chirps, “Don’t you?”
Poe’s known Suralinda since his first year in the academy -- and though L’ulo and Oddy like to tease, their friendship is only platonic; any romance was blasted out the airlock Poe’s second year when Suralinda shut him down hard and fast. 
Poe, it’s not you, really, she’d said one night, seriously, I don’t swing that way. 
Suralinda’s just trying to get an in to make moves on Jessika. All those risky flight maneuvers, all the lunches in the mess at Black Squadron’s table... and still, Jessika Pava is a little too busy being a good friend to even notice the advances. 
Nothing ever works smoothly with Resistance Starfighters and romance. It’s just not how the gears roll. 
“No,” he says it too fast. Sura rolls her eyes, “She’s... we’re just squad-mates.”
“Is that why you don’t like her?”
Yeah, duh, fraternization isn’t just a Navy rule. Poe says nothing, only moves from his post at the bar to shoulder his way down the line. 
Something spikes a hot anger in his gut when Gret’s hands move to your lower back, leaning over you to press his chest to your back. The proximity stirs a jealousy in him that he tries to push away, but... he’s tipsy. And ---
And Gret is a trash flight-leader.
Imagine your surprise when you’re suddenly not only the subject of Gret’s attention, but Poe’s -- the curly haired commander arrives at your other side, nudging you and offering a slow smile. Gret notes the man by your side and sudden center of your attention. 
Poe and Gret’s gazes connect.
At once, both of them blurt out:
“Let me buy you a drink.”
You have to do a double take. The Squadron behind you falls into a heavy silence at the sudden rivalry being created -- you turn to look at them both, shifting from foot to foot then, eyes darting between the flight-leaders. You blink, mouth falling open as you try to find the right words to say. 
The shots have your thoughts working slow, sticky like honey.
“Really --”
“No,” Poe laughs, “I insist, man --”
“I thought you were busy --” Gret chirps, “With Sura.”
“Sura and I --” Poe says with a tight smile, blinking up at the taller pilot, “... are just friends. So, why don’t you run along back to Dagger Squadron’s little corner and let me buy my Lieutenant a drink?”
The bar now, has their attention trained on the growing tension between the two men, voices stifled and eyes drawn. The bar seems to back up two paces, making room with the egos clashing. 
“Oh,” it’s a sharp laugh, “Big talk coming from you.”
“From me? Yeah?”
“Last I checked,” Gret jabs, “You got laid out by your Lieutenant. Twice.”
Poe’s jaw clenches. You can see the anger there. He wets his lips, swallowing before turning his head to shoot Snap a look; for a second, you think maybe Poe’s going to back off. And then, brown eyes land on you.
“She’s got a mean hook.”
There’s a beat of silence, and then Poe pokes the bear. 
“Too bad she’s not into academy drop-outs, Gret.”
Then, you watch Gret, aforementioned New Republic Navy Academy dropout, land a hit on Poe. You’re, honestly, blown by it -- mostly because starting fights was more your thing than it was Poe’s thing. Secondly, because the whole bar proceeds to erupt into a brawl, seemingly over the rivalry created in an instant over buying you a drink. Fittingly enough, though, when your brain and body decide to get it together through the haze of enough alcohol to knock a Tauntaun out, you’re the one that ends the fight.
The shriek stills the bar as you pull Poe and Gret from each other. Black Squadron, in various ends of the cantina, cease their punching. The whole corp follows suite. 
You swallow, hair wild as you try and catch your breath. Standing and squaring your shoulders, you speak slowly.
Your speech is slurred, face hot. You jam your finger into Poe’s chest, ignoring the split lip. You lean, staggering a bit.
“I... will buy myself a drink.”
And like that, it’s settled.
You buy yourself a drink. And Poe goes home with his ego (and his jaw) bruised.
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foedhrass · 3 years
May the 4th be with you!
"Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, Count Dooku?" Happy May the 4th from my OC Squamatan Jedi Tarra Skienu!
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paranatura-verse · 5 months
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Name: Carlos Hernandez Age: 26 Birthdate: 16/06/1841 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Species: Human Place of Origin: Providence, Rhode Island
Carlos was born into a family of four in Providence. Initially working at a market until a cart accident that permanently damaged his leg, he changed jobs to work at a carriage rental where he met his closest friend, the centaur August. The two eventually moved across the country to the newly settled Bronze Bay in California, a small mining and cattle-rearing town. After several weeks of cows disappearing Carlos eventually caught the thief, Sa'alku. After being rescued from a trap the squamatan began working for him as thanks. Hardworking and pacifistic, Carlos is often called upon to resolve disputes amongst the townsfolk.
Name: Sa'alku Age: 40 Hatching date: 06/01/1827 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Species: Squamatan Place of Origin: Rust Desert, California
A member of the squamatans, a race of giant reptilian humanoids, Sa'alku was originally hunted by the settlers of Bronze Bay due to killing their cattle. After being caught in a trap he was rescued by Carlos, and in return he began guarding the rancher's herds. Whilst the townsfolk are still wary of the stranger (unaware he was the very "monster" they were hunting), Sa'alku has proved himself a loyal friend, if a bit unorthodox at times.
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whistlingstarlight · 6 months
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"Fiver .38, a demon criminal active on and off since the 1940s. Whilst his mafia and gang ties have allegedly been cut, he has been reported lately to be seen with the Squamatan criminal known as Apep. Incredibly cunning and dangerous, do not approach without immense backup."
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glompcat · 6 years
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Star Wars: Poe Dameron (2016-2018) #31 - The Awakening Part VI - Written by Charles Soule - Art by Angel Unzueta - Colors by Arif Prianto
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Star Wars: Poe Dameron (2016-2018) #7 - The Gathering Storm - Written by Charles Soule - Art by Angel Unzueta - Colors by Frank D’Armata
Gotta love that Squamatan acidic venom.
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nekotaetae · 2 years
It wasn’t meant to be
Hiiii!!! I have been thinking about this for a long time and I have finally decided to write it. This is not my first fanfic, but it’s the first one in English and about star wars. I hope you enjoy it^^. I don’t know if I’ll have scheduled updates but I do have a lot of ideas, so I hope you like it.
Sumary:  That day didn’t finish as everyone thought it did. They had shot him, he was supposed to be dead, yet someone decided it wasn’t his time. Someone saved him, but that wasn't enough to fix everything.
Next Chapter>>>
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Nothing. That was all he saw. All he felt, heard or smelt. Absolutely nothing. He didn’t remember his name, who he was or what he had done. He didn’t know what led him to be in this ‘situation’. He didn’t know what to do, or if he had to do something, so he waited and, after what felt like hours, he knew he despised waiting. And at that exact moment, he heard it.
“Come oooon, you have to be alive, please be alive” said someone impatiently really close to him.
“He is alive, I’m basically doing that job for him. But if we don’t speed this up he definitely will be” said another more calmed voice.
“We have to get him outta here before reinforcements come and get him in a bacta tank, let’s go”declared the first voice, this time with more confidence before whispering “Don’t worry buddy, we’ve got you covered”
Then the voices faded again, and nothingness welcomed him back.
The low levels of Coruscant were everything the Republic wanted to hide, and that was why it was the best place to hide, more so if you had a couple of contacts who could help you with that.
Yennes had been hiding from the Coruscant Guard for a week now since she stole thousands of credits from a corrupt senator. Not having a team had its perks, everything depended solely on her, and when something didn’t go as planned it wasn’t because some dikut did the exact thing she told them not to do. The mercenary had experience working with that kind of people, so it was a long time ago when she decided to go solo except on specific occasions. This had proven to be the best option, unless you were being chased by dozens of clones, in which case having a friend was really useful.
And that’s where she was at the moment. Asajj Ventress was not exactly what one would call a friend, but they had worked together a couple of times, and Yennes was greatly surprised when everything went perfectly according to plan. The best way to describe their relationship was ‘occasional colleges’.
The squamatan had been living in the mercenary world since she was merely a child, so she didn’t lack contacts, bust most of them were the opposite of discrete or weren't on Coruscant at the moment and, those who were, didn’t owe her a couple of favors, so that’s how the situation with the ex-Sith came to be.
“You really should look into your targets more if you are going to end up like this” said Asajj while looking through the window looking
“With a lot of money” asked jokingly Yennes, who was laid down in her friend's bed looking at the ceiling and bored out of her mind.
“With half the guard after you” chastised the bounty hunter looking directly into Yennes’ yellow eyes “I’m going to ask around if someone has seen anything, these last days has been difficult to see a clone around here. You and your blue ass stay here, it won’t take to much time”
The squamatans were not a very known race, so she frequently stood out in crowds. They were humanoids with blue skin patterned with thin lines across their faces and a knobbly ridge running from the bridge of the nose to the back of their skull, separating their black hairline. They also had yellow eyes, pointed ears and two pointed teeth that could shoot acidic venom. Yennes didn’t know a lot about her race or culture, after all, her homeplanet wasn’t really the ‘advanced’ type. She was raised by a bunch of mercenaries who rescued/kidnapped her when she was a child. She loved them, they were her family after all, but she really hoped they didn’t hear about her current situation because she wouldn’t hear the end of it.
Time passed and Yennes started growing restless, after all, she hated not being able to do anything. She had been pacing for at least fifteen minutes when Ventress came back.
“The coast is clear. You can go out now” said the moment she stepped into her small apartment.
“What?! What do you mean?!” asked incredulous
“Exactly what I said” said while shrugging just before closing the door and heading to the small kitchenette.
“So, they’ve been looking for me tirelessly and now they give up?” asked Yennes following her. The Coruscant Guard was nothing if not efficient, they never left anything undone, she would know as she had already had a good amount of problems with them.
“Yes. They seem to be too occupied chasing a rogue clone” said Ventress making Yennes really curious “I have no idea what has happened but they are all looking for him and- Oh no, no way. You are not going to chase that clone” said Ventress after realizing what was going on in the squamatan’s head.
“Why not?! He is a ‘rogue’ clone for a reason. Aren’t you curious?” asked with a childlike curiosity
“You are out of your mind. Haven’t you heard the saying ‘Curiosity killed the loth cat?’”
“But satisfaction brought it back to life. Come oooon, he probably has some shit on someone important that we could use” tried negotiating the mercenary while getting closer to her “Aaaaand, after all, you still owe”
“What?! You’ve basically lived here for a week and I still owe you?!” Ventress asked, growing angrier by the second “You do know that I could kill you right?” threatened getting dangerously closer, before Yennes stopped her pointing her index finger upwards
“I’m perfectly aware, you have a shiny sword, but, first of all, I got you this apartment, that counts as one. Second of all, remember what happened a month ago on Lothal?”
“Oh for the Force's sake! You are insufferable!” shouted Ventress, stepping back and applying pressure in the bridge of her nose “This is the last time you are saying I’m in debt with you” warned pointing her finger to Yennes’ chest.
“Deal, you owe me nothing more. Now, come on!” shouted the squamatan excited while walking to the door,
"Do you even know where you're going?" asked, making Yennes stop in her tracks." Follow me you dikut, I heard something about a storage"
They walked in silence through the streets until they arrived at an area full of supposedly abandoned storages. The eerie atmosphere surrounded everything around them and nothing could be heard except the occasional rats that crowded the lower levels. They kept walking, looking for something that would give them a clue until Ventress stopped suddenly and pointed at a certain storage “There”
Both of them started walking towards the place and Yennes started looking for a way to get into it. “We should enter through a window so no one detects us. There’s a ladder up there that we could try and reach-” said ladder interrupted her by suddenly going all the way down “Or you can do that” shrugged before bowing to her colleague “Force users first.
They climbed the ladder without barely any effort and entered through a broken window on the upper floor. If the place looked in bad shape outside, inside was as if a hurricane, earthquake and explosion happened. The upper floor was filled with dust, abandoned machinery and lots of chains hanging from the ceiling and, right in the middle, there was a huge hole where the lower level could be seen, and where things were escalating quickly.
“Organic chips built into our genetic code, to make us do whatever someone wants, even kill the Jedi. It’s all in here” a clone frantically says pointing to his temple while talking to another clone and what appeared to be a jedi, both caged in a ray shield.
“Let’s just get you some help first. Then we can review everything. It’ll be okey Fives. We’ll sort this out.” said the jedi as calm as he could
Yennes felt how Ventress tensed by her side and started quietly cursing “Something wrong?”
“That’s Skywalker. I’ve fought him several times. We should go, this isn’t going to end pretty” said before trying to stand up, but having her arm caught by Yennes
“That is precisely why we shouldn’t, he might need help” tried convincing her.
“You can’t do shit against a Jedi honey, and besides, you are a mercenary, aren’t you supposed to not care about anyone besides yourself?”
“Fuck you Ventress. Do what you want, but I’m staying”
Yennes let Ventress go and went back to watching everything unfold. The ex-Sith never understood this woman. She had lived a life of crime all her life, that was easy to know just looking at how she moved between the shadows and how many people she knew, and yet she was kind and compassionate. Every mercenary and bounty hunter she had met since she joined the guild was selfish, mostly arrogant and probably assholes, that’s why she didn’t dislike Yennes, she was sure she wasn’t going to stab her in the back. She did dirty jobs without a problem, yet she had a side that was simply put, good. That same side was the one making her stay out of curiosity and kindness towards someone she had never met.
Ventress didn't have friends, didn’t want them either, but Yennes was the closer she had to one, so she sat back beside her and waited till everything finished “You are going to get yourself killed one of these days seeing how stupid you are”
“He's in on it! I don’t know to what extent. But I know he orchestrated much of this. He told me in the medical bay.”
“He told you? When you tried to assassinate him? You have gone too far Fives. The Chancellor isn’t capable of what you claim.”
“The Chancellor?” whispered Yennes incredulously before addressing Ventress “That can’t be, it would be huge.
“Why not? Ask yourself, why were the clones created ten years ago if there wasn’t a war going on. Same with droids. Everything was ready from one day to the next” answered Ventress coldly, thinking aloud about it, but her thoughts were interrupted by a blaster shot.
“Fives! Fives!”
“Get this ray shield off!” shouted the jedi just before a clone shot the ray shield, freeing them and letting the other clone run to his brother.
“Fives. Brother. Call for help! We need a medic!” shouted that clone before Fives started talking, but both women couldn’t hear anything of what he was saying
"Shit, he's going to die, can't you do that weird thing?" asked Yennes worried
"Not without being noticed by Skywalker, probably"
"We have time"
" Oh, I know we do, but he doesn't" said irritated
"Look, the important part is the brain. We have at least 10 minutes until it is irreversible. If they take him out of here, I'll try"
"Okey" said without being fully convinced. She really did hate not being able to do anything. But something wasn't right. Clones called each other 'brother", they looked after each other, she had seen that with her own two eyes, and yet that clone had been shot without a second guess. Then there was the guard that shot he hadn't moved since he had done it, he seemed in shock, looking at his hands like he couldn't believe what he had done.
What that clone, no, not that clone, his name was Fives, what he was talking about. Could it be true? And if it was, how big was it? Yennes never liked politicians, most of them were liars and corrupted, but this complot was insane, completely unbelievable. Yet what seemed like a loyal soldier was dying just for believing it. “Fives? No…Fives. Come on, Fives. Don’t go. Stay with me. Stay with me. Fives, don’t go.” cried the clone while holding his brother closely before others tried to take the body away from him.
The clone had to be restrained by the Jedi while the Coruscant guard took the body, and that was the last thing she saw before Ventress took her arm and pulled her towards the window. They descended down the stairs and silently followed the guards, who were boarding into two different ships. The moment they started taking off Ventress threw Yennes to the ship with the body in it and then jumped after her. The four clones inside were shocked for a second, a second the mercenary and bounty hunter took advantage of and knocked them out quickly. The ship hadn't ascended too much at that moment, so Yennes jumped into a storage’s roof and rolled in the floor so she didn't hurt herself. Ventress took the clone’s body and jumped after her, leaving the body on the floor the moment she could and started healing him and breathing for him.
Yennes quickly moved closer to the clone without knowing what to do, just hoping he would wake up "Come ooooon, you have to be alive, please be alive"
"He is alive, I'm basically doing that job for him, but if we don't speed this up he definitely will be." said Ventres fully concentrated on her job.
"We have to get him outta here before reinforcements come and he definitely needs to go into a bacta tank, let's go” said Yennes better analyzing the situation. She passed one arm under his knees and the other behind his back and started carrying him while Ventress kept him alive "Don't worry buddy, we've got you covered".
"Where are we taking him?" asked Ventress
"I know a guy. He might be a dick and a mafia boss, but we've known each other for some time. We'll take his tank" answered Yennes while she carefully took Fives down the scaffolding behind the storage they were in. "It's close, we'll arrive in a couple of minutes".
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