#Sriva Yauvani
botmilf · 6 years
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Our Guiding Light.
Sriva Yauvani, in Lombaxian garments. <3
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botmilf · 6 years
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Sriva reading one of those holo-picture books to the Blackspire princes back in her prime.
(Not a day goes by that she doesn’t wonder if they made it out alive...)
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botmilf · 6 years
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The sketchwork from the livestream yesterday! Thanks to everyone who attended, you guys rock! <3
(This is Sriva reading to baby baxes; one of which is mesmerized by her hair lol)
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botmilf · 6 years
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Sriva and her late husband during a mission on Fastoon.
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botmilf · 6 years
Ratchet and Clank: Back to the Nexus (Chapter 1, p3)
Alister’s fists unfastened a little more. “A way back?” his bushy black eyebrows raised in disbelief. “It’s—impossible…” pushed off her, making a wobbly attempt to stand on his legs. If Sriva hadn’t scrambled up in time to catch him, the Lombax might’ve toppled over. “No one’s heard a damn thing from the Lombaxes in almost thirty years!” sputtered Alister, grabbing on to Sriva’s shoulder with an exasperated grunt.
              “I will show you everything, Azimuth,” Sriva said and secured her arm around his ribcage to keep him steady. “But first, let’s get you cleaned up, yes?”
The bathroom door clicked. Sriva breathed out, stumbling back into a chair beside her desk. Hell, that could’ve gone better. She’d forgotten how extremely reactionary Lombaxes were. Her attention relaxed on the Dimensionator for a second, but her eyes eventually wandered beyond it—to the picture frames. Reaching, she picked up what used to be her favorite one, wiping the dust off the glass with her thumb.
              It was from her Peacemaker days. The corporation deployed military units to Fastoon to aid the Lombaxes in their fight against invaders. In the photograph, she stood next to her late husband Sh’ehora. It was taken just after a successful operation in the canyons. All targets neutralized, no casualties.
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Sriva smirked. Sh’ehora was practicing his Lombax then… What a nightmare that was. He didn’t realize the stress on vowels was imperative and wound up making an unintentional pass at one of the generals.
              Eventually the bathroom door clicked again, swinging open. Alister materialized in the doorframe just as he was pulling on a crisp black tee-shirt. His overgrown white hair draped his broad shoulders, feathering his chest. Sriva flicked a smile. “Black suits you,” she commented, quickly returning the frame to its place.
              Alister averted his eyes left and right, tugging at the hem of the shirt. It was a little snug, but he supposed he could work it. “Show me these transmissions you were talking about,” he said tersely.
              Sriva sat down in front of what looked like a jungle of wires and an actual quantum entanglement transceiver. Alister’s eyes widened. All the transceivers were thought to have been lost in the fall of Fastoon. She jams a key into a lock in the desk, revealing a drawer piled with recorders. “There.” She blinked up at Alister. “All of them.” Watching as the Lombax plucked one from the drawer, Sriva listened with him to the staggered message—as she had countless times before…to remind herself why she did the things she did.
              “My name is Daera Wyntres. I am a Lombax…” static overtook the audio. “For the last twenty-eight ears, our kind—whatever is left of us here—have been trapped in this dimension. We’ve been looking for a way out since we got to this hell. All of our Dimensionators were destroyed by the—” whatever he was about to say dissolved into white noise.
              “The Dimension they’re trapped in is called ‘the Netherverse.’ From what little data I’ve gathered…it’s…unlike ours.” Sriva shifted uneasily.
              Alister’s eyebrows raised at her. “Unlike…ours?” now just one of his eyebrows cocked. Like he wasn’t quite convinced.
              Chewing the inside of her cheek, Sriva sifted through the recorders, fishing out one in particular. She clicked the button with eyes narrowed at the skeptical Lombax.
              “The wildlife is strange here. Everything watches you. Even the most harmless-looking creature seems to want to kill us. I’ve spent a good deal of time studying the animals. They don’t kill for food. They kill for sport, for some way to channel their unusually high levels of aggression.” He sighs. “I watch them kill. There’s always this…this crazed look in their eyes. They strike their prey so desperately, so…clumsily. They’re unable to calculate their maneuvers or depend on muscle memory, which…ought to come naturally to any apex predator.
              I think they’re sick. And I think the longer we stay here, the sicker…the more deranged we become—
              Sriva clicked off the recording. Swallowing hard, she dropped it into the drawer. “Something is not right,” she insisted in a low voice.
              “…And how do you propose we ‘save’ the Lombaxes, hm?” Only he didn’t sound like he really wanted to know. Alister stood there with a look of indifference; the pit in Sriva’s stomach welled as he continued, “There’s nothing we can do about it.” The former General turned his back to her. “I say let it lie. They’re Lombaxes. They’ll find some way to survive—
              Sriva slammed the recorder down on the desk. “You can’t be serious,” she hissed. “You’d just leave them to die in some strange dimension, on some godforsaken planet?!” The screech of her chair being pushed back was deafening. “Tachyon is dead. They need to come home—
              Alister spun, eyes darkened under a glare. “Home?” he barked a laugh. “There’s nothing to come back to! Fastoon is fucking wasteland now.”
              “It’s a desert, dumbass, it’s always been a fucking wasteland.”
              Groaning, Alister tossed his hands up and rolled his eyes. “Look… There’s no functional Dimensionators left, and even if there was—which there isn’t—we’d run the risk of shattering the interdimensional walls.” Taking one more step toward the door, he grimly added, “My advice to you…stop living in the past.” The Lombaxes were gone for good. Refusing to accept that before had driven him to madness. He quite literally almost destroyed the universe.
              The voice in the recording froze him.
              “This is a long shot, but…if anyone on the other side receives this…please…help us. We can’t die here.
              We can’t…die here.
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botmilf · 6 years
Ratchet and Clank: Back to the Nexus (Chapter 01: p2)
Cosmic energy erupted from the container, splintering the close air. Almost instantaneously, the energy charged toward the lifeless body in the preservation tank. Glass burst open. Fluid spilled onto the floor. Screams from withering Zoni needled at Sriva’s eardrums.
              She let go of the Zoni Vessel. Her wiry arms shook. Clenching her fists to stiffen out the trembling, she stepped back from the now empty container at her feet as the last of that magnificent energy seeped into Alister’s body.
              And then the silence descended. Seconds pulled by, each one poking at her sanity as she transfixed on the still limp Lombax. Then—the electricity hummed back to life. The overhead lamp buzzed on.
              Alister’s chest rose and sank. Shallow at first. But soon becoming more regular.
              Swallowing the dryness in her throat, Sriva cautiously approached the shattered tank, careful not to slip on the pool of fluid drizzling through the floorboards. “General…Azimuth?” she murmured and extended a hand to touch the Lombax. He’d aged considerably since she last saw him almost three decades ago. But Lombaxes aged well—specifically Azimuths, it seemed, and he was no exception.
              Alister’s eyes snapped open. Sriva pulled back just in time before the white Lombax lurched upwards in a panic. Ears high. Pupils only slits. Incisors bared at the nothingness in front of him. “Where…the fuck…am I!?” he snarled. His angular head swung to his right; his eyes widened in a way that sent Sriva back another step. While truly brilliant and exquisite creatures, Lombaxes were naturally aggressive and prone to lashing out when experiencing high levels of panic.
              “Alister, my name is Dr. Sriva Yauvani. I’m a physicist and…” she hesitated…then, finally, muttered, “Lombax specialist—or…I was, I’m afraid.” At that she offered a sort of half-smile. It felt strange on her, like it didn’t belong.
              “Huh, yeah, whatever. Am I in hell?” Alister examined himself, pupils still shrunk, tail thrashing. “And what is this shit all over my fur?” he demanded, twitching in disgust at the slimy preservation fluid drenching his coat.
              “No. You’re in my hut. I brought you back,” Sriva answered. Though the Lombax hadn’t calmed down quite yet, she drew close and ever-so slowly touched his right ear. It flinched sensitively.
              There was a splitting snarl, and in what seemed like barely a second, Sriva found herself pinned to the floorboards with the massive Lombax towering above her. His incisors gleamed menacingly in the dim lamplight. “Why?!” Alister barked in her face. His large, muscled hands gripped her neck tighter until she began to croak. “I was dead! I wanted to be dead and you—” he ran out of breath for a second— “And you…by some…fucking sorcery…brought me back, when I should’ve stayed dead—!”
              Sriva tried to swallow. “I needed you alive—your kind needs you alive!” she felt his grip lighten by a finger or two. With shallow breaths, Sriva reached up to him, brushed her knuckle against his nose so he could take in her scent. Alister instinctively nuzzled her fingers, sniffed, then recoiled his head. It was hard for Sriva not to smile at the familiar way he twitched his ears. It’d been a long time since she’d seen Lombax expression. “I’ve received transmissions…” Sriva went on. “Cries for help from another dimension.” Carefully, she opened her palm and touched his cheek. Alister flinched. “The Lombaxes…they’re searching for a way back.”
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botmilf · 6 years
Fun fact #2
In the more rural areas of Fastoon, the little baxes LOVED to crowd around and braid Sriva’s hair. It was so long and shiny and pitch black, and they were just simply mesmerized by it.
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botmilf · 6 years
Going to start working on a short comic strip of Sriva when Tachyon launched the assault on Fastoon. Basically it’s going to illustrate where she was during that time and how her husband was killed.
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botmilf · 6 years
Sriva may be up in her years...but she can still kick Alister’s ass
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botmilf · 6 years
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Sriva during one of her English classes on Fastoon. She was pregnant with her first child when Tachyon launched the assault.
...She lost the baby.
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botmilf · 6 years
Ratchet and Clank: Back to the Nexus (Chapter 1 page 4)
The Lombax shifted on his back; the bed was massive in comparison to his small size—certainly no less cushy, however—and yet every night he was still restless. The next several hours consisted of Ratchet squirming into a series of puzzling positions—most notably: lazing off the edge of the bed, listening to the blood pulse to his head before thinking up some other odd sleep coil to twist himself in. This was routine for him nowadays: ever-shifting until he became too exhausted to care anymore.
              Ratchet’s ear twitched in response to the room entrance hissing apart. He didn’t have to roll over to know who walked in, and barely so much as flinched when Clank hopped up onto the bed. “Ratchet…?” the robot picked up Ratchet’s tail by the tuft, giving a light—playful tug for his attention. “You cannot go on like this forever,” Clank insisted when he got no reaction. “Drinking away our problems has never solved them, Ratchet.”
              “Yeah, well, it’s better than dealin’ with it all the time.” Ratchet finally rolled over. Bags had formed under his eyes. He didn’t sound drunk anymore, really. Just…drained. “I could’ve stopped it, Clank…”
              “Stopped what?”
              “All of it. I shoulda made Cronk and Zephyr evacuate!” he tossed up his hands in defeat, then flopped them back onto the matrass—spread out at his sides. “I could’ve…helped him,” he said, fixed rigidly up at the ceiling. “I could’ve helped Alister.”
              “What could you have possibly done?” Clank stopped playing with Ratchet’s tail. His green optics narrowed with something of frustration. “We have been over this, Ratchet. There is nothing you could have done to prevent their deaths.” The robot’s tone smoothed; he noticed Ratchet fidget. He proceeded into a speech about how tragedy is a natural part of life that must be accepted—Ratchet wasn’t really listening anymore.
              He was staring beyond Clank. At the open pocket watch on the night stand.
              “Sometimes the universe has a cruel sense of humor.”
              “…My father once said: the universe has a wonderful sense of humor!” Clank said. “The trick is, learning to take a joke.”
              But some jokes, Ratchet knew, however, were far too mean.
              Every night she relived it. Exactly the way it was, down to the smallest detail. The trembling of the glass just before the windows burst against the drophyd fire power. The catch in her breath as she fell on her belly. She awoke to a big hand jostling her arm.
              “It’s ready.” Azimuth softly withdrew his hand. After hours of toiling with the circuitry and programming, he at long fucking last managed to—poorly—fix it. It’d been a good three decades since he even touched transdimensional technology. “Dr. Yauvani…” Azimuth swallowed; Sriva looked up at him. “Why would you care anything for the Lombaxes? You aren’t one of us.”
              “Your kind gave me the only home I’ve ever known.” Sriva breathed out, glancing again at the Dimensionator on the work table—now in one piece again. “I cannot just forget that, Azimuth.”
              “Euch,” Azimuth grunted, swiping a bug off his arm. “Elders, where the hell are we going?”
              Mashing shrubs out of their path with a long machete she found in her keepsakes, Sriva hopped over a suspicious-looking mud puddle and panted back, “the hilltops.”
              “The Dimensionator requires a rather large area of space to open the portals, doesn’t it?” Sriva pulled a snake out of the branch over her head and tossed it into the bushes—as though a venomous reptile was nothing to be afraid of. Azimuth blinked, wondering if he’d actually just witnessed that. “It is not too much further,” Sriva said, slashing away ahead of the Lombax.
They reached a clearing before long; the foot of the hills.
About to affix the Dimensionator to her head, Azimuth hesitated a moment before stopping Sriva. “No,” he said, shifting the device from her hands into his. “Let me.” Fitting the helmet over his ears proved to be rather uncomfortable—one would think an invention constructed by Lombaxes would be more…well…’Lombax-friendly.’ Sharing one final look with Sriva, the General yanked the starter cord.
The device hummed to life. Electricity splintered into the air, hazardously close to throwing Azimuth off balance. “Dimensionator: find the Lombaxes!” the General shouted above the noise after catching himself on his heels. The walls of reality shuddered around them. A beam of energy erupted from the Dimensionator, exploding into a portal in front of Azimuth.
The portal sizzled and crackled, struggling to remain open. The Dimensionator sparked. Then sparked again. Then sparked again and again until—
“Shit!” Sriva scrambled toward Azimuth, swatted the device off his head and flung her arms around his middle. “RUN! FUCKING RUN!” Together they tumbled down the hill, scarcely escaping the Dimensionator’s explosion. White light burst across the atmosphere, the air rippled as the wall between dimensions shattered.
“What—?” Azimuth untangled himself from Sriva. “Just what the hell—?”
“The dimensions…” Sriva hopped to her feet, staggering back up the hill. Fragments of the Dimensionator scattered at her feet, scorched to utter uselessness. “They are…fused.” She squinted into the cosmos. New constellations crossed with the old, impossibly coexisting.
“I can’t…believe—” Azimuth still stammered. Eventually he was able to organize his thoughts enough to articulate full sentences. “I…I think”— he shoots a glare at Sriva— “I think I’ll add this to my ever-increasing list of fuck-ups.”
But Sriva laughed. She turned her head towards Azimuth, smiling. “Well,” she chuckled. “I supposed the hard part is over, yes?”
                Clank had retreated into his offline state. Ratchet lied and told him he’d go to sleep, that a little rest was probably all he needed. It was the same lie he’d told him every night—and by now Clank knew it. By now…Clank had given up trying.
              Everyone had given up trying. Including Ratchet.
              The Lombax perched at the foot of the bed. Alister’s pocket watch hung open in his hand. I coulda’ saved you… The same damned sentence pinged over and over in his mind. Throughout Ratchet’s life, he’d always held out hope that another Lombax was left in this universe, that he wasn’t alone.
              “I really am the last one now, huh?” he murmured to the photo of Kaden and Alister, and sighed, snapping the pocket watch closed. With sinking ears, his hand dropped down onto his lap. “Yeah…” There was a time before when he thought he was over it. He was sure he was over it. He told himself he was over it. Until recent months, he’d ignored everything: the ghosts that brought him the shame of his deadliest failures. But it wouldn’t stop gnawing on him.
              It just wouldn’t stop.
              He couldn’t make it stop.
              Curling his legs underneath himself, Ratchet squinted at the Metropolis lights pooling in from the window, gleaming on the fringes of his fur, casting a long, Lombax-shaped shadow across the room. Dammit, he couldn’t stand this anymore. Ratchet bit back the urge to sob, the fucking urge to scream at the walls.
              Something. He needed to feel something again.
              He had to leave this place. This planet. These people.
              Rustling into his thermaflux armor, Ratchet slowly, carefully picked up Clank and buckled him to his back as quiet as he could. Had he thought about leaving him behind? Of course. But years ago, Ratchet had come to realize that he truly was nothing without the little robot by his side. Clank had become like a limb to the Lombax; without him things didn’t feel…complete.
              Clank’s sudden voice nearly bounced Ratchet’s skeleton out of his body. “Oh! Hey, pal!” Ratchet panted, glancing over his shoulder, a sheepish grin.
              “Where are we going?”
              “…Fastoon.” Ratchet pressed on. Out of the apartment. Down the staircase. Out onto the landing pad. Without any idea what he was looking for—or why in the hell he was going—they took off into the planet’s orbit. He was going home.
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botmilf · 6 years
Ratchet & Clank: Back to the Nexus (Chapter 01: p1)
In all her searching, Dr. Sriva Yauvani did a lot of things she wasn’t proud of. This was among such things—but she reasoned that all of it was necessary evil. Springs loosed from the cumbersome, ancient device as she carefully placed it under the safety of blankets and empty nanotech canisters in the back of her shuttle.
              She was gone after that. Soon enough the Metropolis police would be notified of the missing Dimensionator. By then, though, she would be off the planet, out of the sector.
              Again, necessary evil—she told herself as she piloted deep into the stars. Indeed, the Dimensionator was in shambles…but it was her last hope at finding the Lombaxes, and she’d acquired just the individual to repair it some time ago. It wouldn’t be long now.
              The piece of scrap sputtered down onto the rickety landing pad, a metallic rattle shuddering through its confines as Sriva shut off the engines and disengaged from the cockpit. Stepping out onto the nearly overgrown landing pad, she breathed in through her nose; taking in the odors of the swamp that covered this planet for miles. No one would come looking for the Dimensionator here, all the way on this side of the Solana Galaxy. A small moon such as this one wouldn’t be on anyone’s radar, mainly because of the lack of sentient life forms.
              Sriva’s hut hunkered above ground, deep in the canopies. Strapping the Dimensionator to her back, Sriva muscled her way up to the front porch on a makeshift ladder that she’d build several cycles ago. It creaked dangerously with her weight, beginning to loosen with wear and age. One foothold snapped off, almost sending Sriva plummeting to the jungle floor had she not latched on with her hands.
              “Shit,” she exhaled, eyeing that terribly final drop.
              Eventually she reached the porch—after taking her sweet time climbing. That damn-near tumble still clenched in her chest, and, with an uneasy glance over her shoulder, scrambled to her feet and into the hut.
              Sriva sets the Dimensionator down onto the work table, among the mess of cobwebbed books and research equipment and recorders, filled long ago with drabble concerning interdimensional travel and rifts. Clicking on the overhead lamp, Sriva at last faces a large preservation tank plugged into a portable power supply in the corner.
              Inside, immaculately preserved, one of the last Lombaxes accounted for.
             Well, was accounted for. High voltage trauma seemed to be General Alister Azimuth’s cause of death—an immediate death.
              Eyes drifting through the bookshelf nearby, Sriva plucked out a sleek, rounded container. Zoni shifted and protested inside—much weaker than before, however. She knew a usage to this magnitude might kill them, but of course…necessary evil. This Lombax was the only one who could fix the Dimensionator, and the Dimensionator was the last chance at ever bringing the Lombaxes back home.
              Sriva breathed out. She opened the vessel.
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botmilf · 6 years
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where Sriva was the day Tachyon launched the assault on Fastoon. (she taught Common in the more rural areas of Fastoon)
I’m gonna make this a short comic, which will illustrate her surviving the attack. It will also illustrate how her husband was killed. 
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botmilf · 6 years
Sriva is the kind of person who stayed up into the wee hours of the night studying the Lombax alphabet, language and culture before her mission on Fastoon.
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botmilf · 6 years
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Sriva and Azimuth. Excerpt from the fanfiction. Everybody is so short compared to Alister lol.
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