#Stanislaw J. Lec
Andateci piano col drammatizzare la vita! E se si trovassero attori migliori per i vostri ruoli?
Stanislaw J. Lec
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altri-menti · 1 year
Tutti vogliono il vostro bene. Non fatevelo portar via.
(Stanislaw J. Lec, Pensieri spettinati)
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"You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free." Thich Nhat Hanh
"More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them." Harold J. Smith
"A man always has two reasons for what he does: a good one, and the real one." J. Pierpont Morgan
"The world is changed by your example, not your opinion." Paulo Coelho
"To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail." Abraham Maslow
"People are strange: They are constantly angered by trivial things, but on a major matter like totally wasting their lives, they hardly seem to notice." Charles Bukowski
"Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination." Nelson Mandela
"There is no come back to caves. We are too many." Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
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schizografia · 1 year
Ricordatevelo, l’uomo non ha scelta, dev’essere uomo!
Stanislaw J. Lec, Pensieri spettinati
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crazy-so-na-sega · 7 months
La vita ha anche lati oscuri. E’ ciò che resta della sua decenza.
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Stanislaw J. Lec (Pensieri spettinati)
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ziyapasa-01 · 1 year
Tüm kelimeler tükendiğinde insan insanı anlamaya başlarmış...
...demiş Stanislaw
J. Lec
_____beni anlıyor dediğiniz insanlar çıksın yolunuza dileğiyle
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biancoscuro · 1 year
Ricordatevelo, l’uomo non ha scelta, dev’essere uomo!
Stanislaw J. Lec, Pensieri spettinati
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vividiste · 7 months
Alcuni dovrebbero vivere una seconda volta come premio,
altri come castigo.
~Stanislaw J. Lec🌻
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Foto Pinterest
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Tutti vogliono il vostro bene. Non fatevelo portar via.
Stanislaw J. Lec
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makeuphall · 1 year
"Advice to writers: Sometimes you just have to stop writing. Even before you begin." Stanislaw J. Lec
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alonewolfr · 3 months
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Tutti vogliono il vostro bene. Non fatevelo portar via.
|| Stanislaw J. Lec
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thexchangeonline · 11 months
Stanislaw J. Lec
"I am against using death as a punishment. I am also against using it as a reward."
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elizabethanism · 3 years
"Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty."
Stanislaw J. Lec, "Unkempt Thoughts"
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ma-pi-ma · 4 years
Due linee parallele s'incontrano all'infinito – e ci credono.
Stanislaw J. Lec, da Pensieri spettinati
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schizografia · 3 years
Vuoi nascondere il viso? Esci nudo.
Stanislaw J. lec
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vazgecmelerustasi · 5 years
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Etraflarına türlü türlü kötülükleri olmasına rağmen her fırsatta vicdanının temiz olduğunu vurgulayanları gördükçe aklıma Stanislaw J. Lec’in o mükemmel tespiti gelir. 
 "Vicdanı tertemizdi, zira onu hiç kullanmamıştı."
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