#Starscream and Knockout would be competing for the attention of the fans
How would the tfp cons react at becoming celebrities after humans spot them and instant of panicking they start to fan girl over them
I love questions like this, because, it's actually true. The Cons have lots of fans! It was really fun writing about how they'd all react to their sudden rise to fame.
TFP Con's Reaction to Being Celebrities/Fangirled Over
-Definitely surprised, at first
-He'd need a minute to process, and take it all in
-But then he'd burst out laughing
"HAHAHAHA! The sheer IRONY! ...The very creatures which my DEAR friend OPTIMUS swore to protect...are clambering over one another to express their devotion to ME!"
-And when Optimus finds out, Megatron is SO smug about it. He KNOWS how much this whole thing is gonna emotionally destroy the Prime, and he LIVES for it.
-Megatron would smirk, signing a human's autograph, and say: "Haven't you heard, Optimus? I'm quite popular on this planet!"
-Kinda hilarious, honestly
-He'd also turn ALL the humans against the Autobots and use them as disposable soldiers...a new army of Vehicons, but smaller.
-At first...he'd be TERRIFIED.
-A crowd of human fans would swarm him -- screaming, fangirling, asking him to sign things, etc.
-So, of course, he'd be like:
And just pathetically run away screaming.
He'd start out annoyed and disgusted:
Megatron would get a kick out of Starscream's reaction, as well. He'd elbow the second-in-command, and tease him:
"Why the long face, Starscream? Aren't you glad to finally be the object of worship?"
-Eventually, Starscream WOULD be glad (though he'd never admit it to the other Cons)
-The fame would go straight to his head. Soon, he'd dream of ruling both Cybertron AND Earth. He might even recruit his fans to aid in his attempts to assassinate Megatron
-Starscream with an army of humans. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
She'd say: "All this? For me? I'm blushing!"
And then she'd immediately slaughter everyone.
Classic Airachnid. She sure does love slaughtering things.
-He'd mostly serve as Megatron's bodyguard, standing and watching
-If a human approached him, asking for his autograph, he'd say: "..........," stand there for a moment, and just walk away.
-How rude.
"I find this level of adoration highly...illogical."
-Then he'd bore Megatron and Starscream to death with a lecture about psychology and parasocial relationships
-He'd snag a couple humans to use as lab rats, too
-Oh, he's LOVING it.
-He could pose in front of paparazzi all day
"Now, now. One at a time. Rest assured, you'll all get a chance to set eyes on my radiance! Who needs to fight AutoBOTS when I could sign autoGRAPHS- HEY! WATCH THE FINISH! I JUST BUFFED THAT!"
-Megatron's getting VERY annoyed, because Knockout and Breakdown have been spending pretty much ALL their time buffing each other. Gotta look lustrous for the adoring fans.
-Right by Knockout's side. He'd be flexing and showing off his strength to the crowd
-He'd also rub the whole thing in Bulkhead's face
-Bulkhead would show up with Miko, and Breakdown would be like:
"Big deal. You've got one human on your side. Look how many I've got!"
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