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#ThankyouYahshua #encouragement#kingdomofyah #kingdomofgod #Yah #yahshuaHamashiach #yahshua #yahspeople #yisrael #yasharahla #twelvetribesofisrael #yahreigns #APTTMHY #statementoffaith #yahshuaspeaks #TheElect #TheChosen #TheHolyNation ****** #PeopleofYah ****** #TheChosenNation #TheRoyalPreisthood in #YashuaHaMashiach https://www.instagram.com/p/CMeyamUntl0/?igshid=1uipc7r5bujjo
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santmat · 4 years
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Why Vegetarianism Was Edited Out Of Early Christianity: Today we explore: Why Vegetarianism and Veganism? Thy Will Be Done; Thou Shalt Not Kill; Vegetarian Verses of Namdev; Poem of Darshan Singh; Sayings of Pythagoras; Vegetarian Sayings of Jesus; The Vegetarianism Adopted by the Apostles; The Acts of Philip; Saint Paul; Gospel of Thomas; the Vegetarianism Edited Out of the Unity School of Christianity Statement of Faith; A Glimpse Into the Mainstreaming, Succumbing, the Accommodation Process: As the Ranks Swell With New Converts Bringing Their Meat Diets With Them, the Vegetarian Teachings Eventually Get Edited Out – Spiritual Awakening Radio PODCAST @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/BUPhrRurvgw
@ the Podcast Website: https://SpiritualAwakeningRadio.libsyn.com/website
@ SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com http://www.SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com
@ Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spiritual-awakening-radio/id1477577384
@ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5kqOaSDrj630h5ou65JSjE
@ Audible: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Awakening-Radio/dp/B08K561DZJ
@ Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9zcGlyaXR1YWxhd2FrZW5pbmdyYWRpby5saWJzeW4uY29tL3Jzcw
… Or wherever you get your podcasts from (Gaana, Stitcher, Podbean, Radio Public, CastBox, Pandora, TuneIN, etc…).
All for the Love of Wisdom and Radio, Peace Be To You, James Spiritual Awakening Radio Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
“All living creatures seek a life of peace, So pass your days on this Earth humanely. Even the heart that beats in an animal’s breast Knows sympathy, brims with love. So look on all living creatures with loving compassion – bring to humanity’s night the light of dawn.”
— Darshan Singh, from, Jadah-e Nur (Pathway of Light), Love’s Last Madness, the new expanded edition, 2018
#vegan #vegetarian #veganism #darshansingh #ebionites #nasoraeans #vegetarianism #veg #bible #apocrypha #gospelofthomas #gospeloftheebionites #gospelofthehebrews #jesus #yeshua #christianity #LostBooksOfTheBible #namdev #actsofphilip #saintpaul #unity #unityschoolofchristianity #statementoffaith #earlychristianity #essenes #disciples #apostles #VegetarianChristians #jamesthejust #keithakers #pythagoras #pythagoreans #ahimsa #compassion #peace #nonviolence #meditation #spirituality #santmat #Sant_Mat #radhasoami #santmatradhasoami #santmatsatsangpodcasts #spiritualawakeningradio #jamesbean #spiritualawakening #spiritualpodcasts #veganradio #veganpodcasts #vegetarianpodcasts #religionpodcasts #romanempire #worldpeacediet #ChinaStudy #beveganmakepeace #GoVegBeGreenSaveThePlanet #assistingisaiah #peaceablekingdom #quakers #goldenage #backtoeden
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charlesinhk · 8 years
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Union Church Youth Confirmation Retreat #unionchurch #unionchurchhk #youthgroup #statementoffaith (at Mui Wo)
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belovedskies · 7 years
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So much love for this post right here. God is within us, we will not fail. #affirmations #declaration #statementoffaith #godislove 🙏🙏🙏
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(1) Testiony & (2) Statement of Faith
(1) Testimony:
Firstly, you must understand what a testimony is, and by definition it is evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something.
Secondly, please understand that my testimony below is very poorly worded and not at all articulate. I wrote it right after ”my experience” happened, and I refuse to revise it, because I believe it might lose some of its importance or specialness to me, and that would be devastating. So, please excuse the rather poor quality in literary standards. 
Thirdly, here is some background information. I have always been a Christian. I have always believed in God and Jesus, but honestly, I’d never really cared or even been interested in God until “my experience” happened. I am specifically a Primitive Baptist (message me if you’d like to know more) and I was baptized on March 11th, 2012. Now, I am going to tell you how I came to this decision, and/or realization.
I was home alone and was listening to Disney Movie songs on YouTube, because I’m a dork. :) But I came across a movie I used to LOVE watching: Prince of Egypt. So, of course I had to watch it, because it was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. I came to the part in the movie where Moses sees the Burning Bush and hears God’s voice and I couldn’t help myself, I cried. I wasn’t quite sure why I was crying, but it affected me and i just found myself crying at God’s greatness. 
The next scene I cried at was when the Israelites are leaving and they sing “When You Believe” and I started tearing up, but when Moses got to the sea and his brother, the Pharaoh started coming and Moses had to put ALL of his FAITH in God and risk looking like a complete fool by walking out into the ocean; I broke down. I couldn’t stop crying. Moses had put all of his Faith in God and I realized so should I. That moment was when I believe I was truly reborn, my heart made new.
I was currently experiencing some tough obstacles I was trying to, and am still struggling, to overcome. I had been praying about them, but I wasn’t really putting my heart into the prayers. So when I was crying uncontrollably I got on my knees and prayed and begged and begged God for an answer to my problems. He gave me an answer. He spoke to me; not aloud, but in my mind and heart. He told me: Focus on God more, and let my love for him and his love for me overcome any obstacles. 
I would never have thought that. Trust me, if I could have found an answer that easily I would’ve. After He gave me that answer I just cried and cried and this unreal and amazing feeling of relief and awe washed over me. I felt so close to Him. He had given me exactly what I’d needed and for maybe three days after that amazing experience I struggled with whether or not I should get baptized. It had seemed like God had given me a little push into doing it, it seemed like that was what He wanted, but I was still worried it wasn’t the right time. But finally after praying and discussing things with my family, I decided I would get baptized. 
God is amazing. God is great. God will love you no matter what you do. It is amazing to think that He is always there with you, loving you, guiding you. I am so thankful for my family, life, and everything God has given me. 
I just wanted to share with you my experience and what really happened to make me feel so close to God.
*Again, I know this is poorly worded, but it is very difficult for me to explain it in words.*
If you have any question, please feel free to ask. 
Thank you for reading this whole thing, I mean, if you did, but if not that’s okay too, it is really long. :)
Love y’all! ♥
(2) Statement of Faith
I was a Primitive Baptist for much of my life, however, I no longer consider myself part of any denomination. I attend an Independent Baptist church.
While I do believe in the main idea Primitive Baptist's have, which is predestination of the elect, it came to my attention that I did not agree with many of their other practices. I believe that other things such as bible studies, life groups, instruments, and children's Sunday school can and should be added to the church to enhance the worship. However, I do not believe churches should run like businesses, pressure people to give money, or add on unnecessary things like basketball courts and playgrounds.
I affirm the belief of The Holy Trinity.
I believe Jesus is God's son.
I believe Jesus died for all of His children, and all of His children were redeemed after his sacrifice on the cross, and they are all secure in their eternal life with God. It is a finished work.
I am not a Calvinist, nor am I related to Calvinism. Calvinists believe in total/absolute predestination. I believe in free will on earth, but predestination concerning the elect only (which is eternal life).
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hischosengeneration · 11 years
What's in a name?
Yesterday at a church I visited, the message was titled, It's All About Jesus.  One thing that the pastor mentioned was quite thought-provoking.
"What does it mean when you say Jesus is Lord?"
That statement carries a lot of weight.  
Today we hear "God" or "god" tossed around lightly, or to mean anything you want it to be.  "That celebrity on TV is so hot! What a god!"  Or how about, "God lives in us, so we are all gods, essentially."?  "God" or "god" is simply just something representing spirituality of some sort.  And what is spirituality these days?  Finding your inner self, your inner man?  Being the good guy in society?  Being one with the forces of nature?
Sometimes we think twice when we mention the "J-word," so to speak.  JESUS.  People don't get offended when you talk about God, so much, but I think people get a little uncomfortable when you mention that Jesus is God and that He is Lord.  Have you ever thought about that?
The name of Jesus, and even His very being, had been causing discomfort and even outrage from the beginning of His ministry.  There were the few who followed Him, and the majority who denied Him.  Today, will you stand up for Him?  
"Therefore God gave him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."  (Philippians 2:9-11)
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The one and only Power... Yahshua! #ThankyouYahshua #encouragement#kingdomofyah #kingdomofgod #Yah #yahshuaHamashiach #yahshua #yahspeople #yisrael #yasharahla #twelvetribesofisrael #yahreigns #APTTMHY #statementoffaith #yahshuaspeaks #ThankyouYahshua #encouragement#kingdomofyah #kingdomofgod #Yah #yahshuaHamashiach #yahshua #yahspeople #yisrael #yasharahla #twelvetribesofisrael #yahreigns #APTTMHY #statementoffaith #yahshuaspeaks #ThankyouYahshua #encouragement#kingdomofyah #kingdomofgod #Yah #yahspeople #yisrael #yasharahla #twelvetribesofisrael #yahreigns #APTTMHY #statementoffaith #yahshuaspeaks #TheElect #TheChosen #TheHolyNation******#PeopleofYah****** #TheChosenNation #TheRoyalPreisthood in #YashuaHaMashiach #ThankyouYahshua #encouragement#kingdomofyah #kingdomofgod #Yah #yahshuaHamashiach #yahshua https://www.instagram.com/p/CLevKtEHp4b/?igshid=1pc8d7czyydpu
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charlesinhk · 8 years
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Union Church Youth Confirmation Retreat #unionchurch #unionchurchhk #youthgroup #statementoffaith (at Mui Wo)
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charlesinhk · 8 years
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Union Church Youth Confirmation Retreat #unionchurch #unionchurchhk #youthgroup #statementoffaith (at Mui Wo)
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charlesinhk · 8 years
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Union Church Youth Confirmation Retreat #unionchurch #unionchurchhk #youthgroup #statementoffaith (at Mui Wo)
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charlesinhk · 8 years
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Union Church Youth Confirmation Retreat #unionchurch #unionchurchhk #youthgroup #statementoffaith (at Mui Wo)
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charlesinhk · 8 years
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Union Church Youth Confirmation Retreat #unionchurch #unionchurchhk #youthgroup #statementoffaith (at Mui Wo)
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#ThankyouYahshua #encouragement#kingdomofyah #kingdomofgod #Yah #yahshuaHamashiach #yahshua #yeshua #ahiya #yahoshua #yahuwah #yahspeople #YahshuaHamashiach #yahawashi #yahawahsha #yahuah #yahusha #yisrael #yasharahla #twelvetribesofisrael #yahreigns #APTTMHY #statementoffaith #yahshuaspeaks #pittsburghisraelites https://www.instagram.com/p/CJtT0fDH3qM/?igshid=1v842i2ey4rhj
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#ThankyouYahshua #encouragement#kingdomofyah #kingdomofgod #Yah #yahshuaHamashiach #yahshua #yeshua #ahiya #yahoshua #yahuwah #yahspeople #YahshuaHamashiach #yahawashi #yahawahsha #yahuah #yahusha #yisrael #yasharahla #twelvetribesofisrael #yahreigns #APTTMHY #statementoffaith #yahshuaspeaks #beseparate #pittsburghisraelites https://www.instagram.com/p/CJSbCjHHTOy/?igshid=d4g85iupc537
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#TheElect #TheChosen #TheHolyNation #TheChosenNation #TheRoyalPreisthood in #YashuaHaMashiach #ThankyouYahshua #encouragement #kingdomofyah #kingdomofgod #Yah #yahshuaHamashiach #yahshua #yeshua #ahiya #yahoshua #yahuwah #yahspeople #YahshuaHamashiach #yahawashi #yahawahsha #yahuah #yahusha #yisrael #yasharahla #twelvetribesofisrael #yahreigns #APTTMHY #statementoffaith #yahshuaspeaks https://www.instagram.com/p/CH8PtmCHeoB/?igshid=1avqgvq3ywd31
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hischosengeneration · 12 years
I don't fear change.  I fear God.
"...fear God, honor the king."  (1 Peter 2:17)
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