#Stene p
billcipher-rpblog · 21 days
! S@id I'm l!stening. I could d!stract y0ur fr!end. But !f ! Do then !d l!ke f0r maybe s0meth!ng to tr@ck pe0ple with, that d0esnt recu!re a tracking ch!p.
-Done @non
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renpeach · 1 year
Today was my last night in StenEd theory and I passed! Damn that was hard... now I'm onto speed... which will probably be even harder. Anyways! S P R I N G B R E A K :)
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Slikopleskarstvo in Beljenje Stanovanja: Vse, Kar Morate Vedeti o Pravilni Pripravi, Zaščiti in Čiščenju Po Beljenju
Slikopleskarstvo in Beljenje Stanovanja: Vse, Kar Morate Vedeti o Pravilni Pripravi, Zaščiti in Čiščenju Po Beljenju
Beljenje stanovanja je eden najpreprostejših načinov, kako osvežiti in preoblikovati vaš bivalni prostor. Poleg estetskega učinka ima slikopleskarstvo tudi praktično funkcijo — ščiti stene pred obrabo, vlago in poškodbami. Vendar uspešno beljenje ni samo nanašanje barve na stene. Ključ do odličnih rezultatov je pravilna priprava prostora, ustrezna zaščita pred barvanjem in natančno čiščenje po beljenju.
V tem blogu bomo podrobno raziskali vse vidike beljenja, vključno s pomembnostjo zaščite pred beljenjem in nasveti za učinkovito čiščenje po opravljenem delu.
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1. Slikopleskarstvo kot osnova za prenovo stanovanja
Slikopleskarstvo zajema različne tehnike barvanja, ki se uporabljajo za notranje in zunanje površine. Glavni cilj slikopleskarja je izboljšati estetiko prostora ter hkrati zaščititi stene pred poškodbami. Čeprav se lahko marsikdo odloči za samostojno beljenje stanovanja, je pogosto bolj smiselno najeti profesionalnega slikopleskarja. Strokovnjaki imajo potrebna znanja, izkušnje in orodja, da delo opravijo kakovostno in učinkovito.
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2. Zakaj je beljenje stanovanja pomembno?
Beljenje stanovanja ni samo vizualna sprememba. S svežo barvo lahko dosežemo več pozitivnih učinkov:
Svežina in čistoča: Novi sloj barve lahko takoj osveži prostor, odstrani madeže in znake obrabe.
Zaščita sten: Kakovostna barva zaščiti stene pred vlago, prahom in drugimi zunanjimi vplivi.
Vpliv na počutje: Barve močno vplivajo na razpoloženje. Svetlejše barve, kot so bela ali pastelni odtenki, prostor naredijo svetlejši in večji, temnejši odtenki pa dodajo občutek intimnosti in topline.
Povečanje vrednosti nepremičnine: Če načrtujete prodajo ali oddajo stanovanja, lahko sveže pobeljene stene izboljšajo vtis in povečajo vrednost vašega doma.
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3. Pravilna priprava prostora pred beljenjem
Priprava je ključni del vsakega projekta beljenja. Neprevidno pripravljena površina ali neustrezno zaščiteno pohištvo lahko povzročijo več dela po končanem beljenju. Zato je priprava eden izmed najpomembnejših korakov pri slikopleskarstvu.
Koraki za pripravo prostora pred beljenjem:
Premik pohištva: Vso pohištvo, ki ga lahko premaknete, je priporočljivo odstraniti iz prostora. Če tega ne morete storiti, ga zavarujte s plastično folijo ali posebnimi pregrinjali.
Zaščita tal: Tla, še posebej parket ali keramika, morajo biti zaščitena z zaščitnimi ponjavami ali kartonom. Barvne kaplje se hitro posušijo, zato je pomembno, da so tla ustrezno zavarovana.
Odstranitev dekoracij in zaves: Pred beljenjem odstranite slike, zavese in druge dekorativne predmete z zidov. Osvetljeni viri svetlobe, kot so luči ali svetilke, prav tako lahko zavarujete pred barvo.
Zapolnitev lukenj in razpok: Preverite stene za morebitne razpoke ali luknje od žebljev. Te je treba pred beljenjem zapolniti in zgladiti. S tem zagotovite, da bo barva enakomerno prekrila vse površine.
4. Zaščita pred beljenjem: Ključ do brezhibnega prostora
Ko je prostor pripravljen, je naslednji korak zaščita. Ne glede na to, kako previdni ste med beljenjem, vedno obstaja možnost, da barva kaplja ali se po nesreči razlije.
Nasveti za učinkovito zaščito pred beljenjem:
Uporaba zaščitnih folij: Pohištvo, tla in okenske okvirje je priporočljivo zaščititi s folijo. Folija bo preprečila, da bi barva prišla v stik z nezaželenimi površinami.
Maskirni trak: Trak uporabite za zaščito robov, kot so okvirji vrat, stikal, vtičnic in stropnih obrob. Maskirni trak zagotavlja čiste linije, ko barvate ob robovih in preprečuje, da bi barva prišla na površine, ki jih ne želite pobarvati.
Zaščitna oblačila: Pri beljenju nosite stara oblačila ali zaščitne kombinezone, ki jih lahko po koncu zavržete. Prav tako so pomembna zaščitna očala in rokavice, da se izognete neposrednemu stiku z barvo.
Prezračevanje: Beljenje poteka v zaprtih prostorih, zato je pomembno, da zagotovite dobro prezračevanje. Tako boste zmanjšali izpostavljenost hlapom barve in pospešili sušenje.
5. Postopek beljenja stanovanja
Ko ste pripravili prostor in zaščitili površine, lahko začnete z dejanskim beljenjem. Pomembno je upoštevati pravilno tehniko nanašanja barve, da dosežete enakomeren in profesionalen rezultat.
Koraki za pravilno beljenje stanovanja:
Uporaba temeljnega premaza: Če so stene v slabem stanju ali če barvate čez temnejšo barvo, je priporočljivo nanesti temeljni premaz. Ta zagotovi boljši oprijem barve in enakomerno prekrivanje.
Nanos barve: Barvo nanašajte s čopičem ali valjčkom v enakomernih slojih. Za začetek barvajte robove in vogale s čopičem, nato pa večje površine z valjčkom. Pomembno je, da vsak sloj barve pustite popolnoma posušiti, preden nanesete naslednjega.
Uporaba valjčka: Za velike površine uporabite valjček z dolgim ročajem, kar bo olajšalo delo. Za dosego enakomernega nanosa je priporočljivo barvati v križnih potezah — najprej navpično, nato vodoravno.
6. Čiščenje po beljenju
Po končanem beljenju je pomembno, da ustrezno očistite prostor. Če ste pravilno zaščitili vse površine, bo čiščenje lažje in hitrejše.
Nasveti za učinkovito čiščenje po beljenju:
Odstranitev folij in trakov: Ko je barva popolnoma suha, previdno odstranite maskirni trak in zaščitne folije. Pazite, da ne poškodujete sveže pobarvanih površin.
Čiščenje orodja: Čopiči, valjčki in druga orodja, ki ste jih uporabljali, je treba takoj po uporabi očistiti. Če ste uporabljali barve na vodni osnovi, jih lahko preprosto sperete z vodo. Za oljne barve boste potrebovali razredčilo.
Zračenje prostora: Po beljenju je ključnega pomena, da prostor dobro prezračite. Odprite okna in vrata, da se vonj barve hitreje razkadi.
7. Povzetek
Slikopleskarstvo in beljenje stanovanja je učinkovita metoda za osvežitev doma in izboljšanje njegove estetike. Pomembno je, da se pred beljenjem ustrezno pripravite, zaščitite prostor in po končanem delu pravilno očistite. Čeprav je beljenje lahko preprosta naloga, profesionalni slikopleskarji poskrbijo, da bo delo opravljeno kakovostno, hitro in brez napak.
S pravilno zaščito in natančnim čiščenjem po beljenju bo vaš dom videti brezhibno in osveženo, ne da bi vam bilo treba skrbeti za morebitne barvne madeže ali nereda po opravljenem delu.
Spletno mesto
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ninexcz · 2 years
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Dřevěná mapa světa na 3D stěně, velikost XXL - barva azurová od ninex.cz https://www.ninex.cz/Drevena-mapa-sveta-na-3D-stene-velikost-XXL-barva-azurova-od-ninex-cz-d525006.htm (v místě NINEX.cz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAXzOetAW3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hermanwalraet · 2 years
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🚍 VDL CITEA De Lijn AB 5982 📸 Oostende 🗓️ 2017/09/10 #delijn #vdl #vdlbus #vdlbusandcoach #lijnbus #bus #streekbus #hybrid #milieu #green #publictransport #citybus #city #beachcity #ostend #oostende #ostendbeach #holiday #openbaarvervoer #stenedorp #stene #dorp #5 #5982 #10 #september #10september #2017 #halte #busstop (bij Ostend, Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQunozo8cP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rexaleph · 3 years
consumed some media, and i think it was bad for me, spiritually and emotionally. Ive been in a vulnerable place for a bit, so its hard to say if the media did it, but it cant have helped
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stephanocardona · 7 years
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Grafitti faces by JohanStenbeck
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aloulou-travel · 7 years
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Going home by JohanStenbeck
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route-rocks · 7 years
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Going home by JohanStenbeck
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42soul · 7 years
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Going home by JohanStenbeck
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deafwestnewsies · 5 years
forever for a minute
Our first meeting will be on December 3rd, this upcoming Tuesday, at four o’clock. Hope to see you there.
chapter 3: william- bill denbrough
read it on my ao3!
The woman Smiled at him brightly. “You’re doing great, Bill. Why don’t we try again?” Sure, he could do that. ThiS meant that they would try about fourteen more timeS until the SeSSion was over, maybe twelve if he kept Stuttering eSpecially hard on ‘Walking the dog’ PAUSE! ‘In the park.’ these SeSSions alwayS made him anxiouS, anxiouS to pleaSe, anxiouS to leave, anxiouS to know what the hell kind of information they were keeping from him. that feeling waSn’t new, however. The inceSSant feeling of not knowing Stayed with him like a Stone at the pit of hiS Stomach conStantly, reminding him at any given moment of the day. He tried to ignore it moSt in momentS like theSe, when the Speech therapiSt would grin warmly and make him feel aS if there was actual progreSS being made. The truth would come out when hiS parentS came to viSit, when he would try to impreSS them with hiS Steady SentenceS and even tongue twiSterS. HiS mother told him about ‘He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts’ on her firSt viSit, and he had been trying deSperately to work through it. VoiceS in the back of hiS mind nagged conStantly whenever he would Show off hiS Steady wordS. Ask them. Do it. You know you want to. 
“Hey, can I ask you something?” He looked up in Surprise to See his doctor Standing by the door. Dr. Kanataa was a Stocky, older man with a kind Smile and graying hair. When Bill was firSt admitted to the hoSpital he waS under the Surveillance of a Surly woman who would make Snide commentS about hiS injurieS when She thought he couldn’t hear her, So the change in doctorS had been a relief. It waS in a whole different wing of the hoSpital, the Trauma and Recovery area, and it didn’t have the faSt paced note of worry hanging in the air that StreSSed Bill out. PluS, it had Dr. Kanataa, who was definitely a welcome addition.
“S-S-Sure!” Dammit. 
The man came and Sat on the edge of hiS bed very gingerly. Bill alwayS thought thiS waS funny, the way people enter a hoSpital room aS if they’re approaching a Snake or a feral animal. He waS currently perched in a chair with a Sketchbook. The likelihood of him attacking Someone and getting away with it waS awfully low. “So. How’re things going with Sara?” Sara? Who was- ahh, yes, the really nice therapist. 
He thought about hiS Sentence before Saying it, pictured it clear in hiS head and heard himSelf Say it in hiS head. “Really w-well. S-S-She’s n-n-n-nice.” Damn S’s. 
“I can hear it.” The doctor Smiled again, brighter this time, and made Bill feel like yeS! He waS doing better! “Congratulations, William. You’re getting better every single day-”
The man’S eyebrowS knit together for a Second. “Yes. Bill. So sorry.” 
“I-It’s okay. G-G-Georgie calls-s m-me th-th-that.” 
A clench of jaw. A heavy intake of breath. “Yes. Georgie.” He adjuSted hiS glaSSeS on hiS noSe. “Anywho. I have a proposition for you. As I said, you’ve been improving at such a high speed in these past two weeks, and that will not go unnoticed. Soon you’ll be ready to leave, in fact. Once those stitches get an all clear, the only thing you’ll have to come back for are your sessions with Sara.” At the mention of returning home, Bill’S Stomach erupted into a flurry of excitement. He miSSed hiS bed, hiS family, hiS friendS. Bill miSSed his life before the accident and it hadn’t even been three weeks. “However, we are offering a new option that might be interesting for you.” 
“I-I’m lis-s-stening.”
“It’s a new form of therapy. Not speech, nothing like Sara, but more of a traditional group therapy setting with a twist. Instead of grouping you together by…”
Bill interrupted him. “O-Our p-p-problems? It’s-s-s oka-ay, yuh-you c-can s-s-say it.” 
Dr. Kanataa wryly grinned. “You’re the first kid who’s said what I’ve been thinking. Yes, instead of putting together people with similar problems, as you said, it will be organized by age. We think it will help to be in a social environment where you can work on different speech exercises without being under a microscope of your general peers. Would you be interested in giving it a shot?” 
A group of people hiS age Sounded daunting aS hell. Bill, ever and alwayS confident, waS too nervous to talk to any of hiS friendS over video chat and lied to them, Saying that he waSn’t allowed viSitorS after the craSh. The Scar waS bad enough, the one that wrapped around hiS face in a U shape, croSSing hiS eyelidS and digging through his cheekS. But the Stutter, the Sympathy glanceS he would get, it was too much to even think about. 
He miSSed being with other people, though. Bill miSSed the world. 
“I-If I s-s-say yes-s, c-can wuh-we t-trade in-nformation?” 
The doctor chuckled aS he got up from the bed, ticking a Small box on hiS clipboard. “Sure, Bill. What would you like to know?” 
Bill Set down his Sketchpad and repoSitioned himSelf in hiS chair, Shaking the hair out of hiS eyeS. “Wuh-Where is m-my buh-b-brother? W-Why c-can’t-t-t I s-s-s-see h-him?”
bill is my fav to write because DrAmAtIc IrOnY
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radwolf76 · 5 years
FLASHBack: Week 30 - Peanut Butter Jelly Time
On 13 November 2002, the seventh episode of the third season of the NBC comedy-drama show Ed, "The Wedding", featured Jennifer Bradley using the animation to try to cheer the titular Ed (Link should go to the 35:12 mark in that video).
On 20 November 2005, the sixteenth episode of the fourth season of Family Guy, "The Courtship of Stewie's Father", Brian the Dog tries to cheer Peter up by dressing up like the banana and singing the song. Later, in episode sixteen of season nine from 8 May 2011, "The Big Bang Theory", Stewie would use time travel to steal the moment from Brian.
In Fall of 2005, Ka-chew!, (the commericals division of animation studio Klasky Csupo), produced a public service announcement for Nickelodeon, Breakfast Time, modelled on Peanut Butter Jelly Time, but with a dancing plate and cutlery, and an original song sung by DJ Mighty Mi, Albert S and Balinda. This PSA would regularly air at 6am, marking the transition from the Nick-at-Night programming back to their more kid-oriented fare.
In January of 2006, Britney Spears' ex-husband Kevin Federline (savagely mock-interviewed here by Weird Al, the one artist to be featured on First-Class FLASHBack despite never having made a Flash Animation himself), was trying to promote his "Brazilian Ass-Shaker" of a new song, PopoZão. An enterprising YouTuber (whose name has been lost to time as the original video was taken down), discovered that KFed's head bobs worked even better as Peanut Butter Federline.
On 31 Janurary 2007, Sophat Peou attempted to get on American Idol wearing the banana suit and singing the song. He lasted in front of the judges for ten seconds before being dismissed as forgettable.
On 13 Descember 2009, the band Weezer released a music video for their song Pork and Beans. A celebration of dozens of internet memes, Peanut Butter Jelly time would end up referenced three times in the video. First the Banana appears as a logo on a t-shirt at the 50 second mark, then at 2:43, the Banana is revealed to be one of the masked ninjas attacking Afro Ninja, and finally at the 2:58 mark, the "IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!" caption from the original animation shows up.
In the World of Warcraft MMORPG, the dance for Male Tauren characters is based off of the Peanut Butter Jelly Time Banana, with some Noodle Dance and Raise the Roof thrown in for good measure. This same animation would be reused for the Draenei subrace, the Broken.
That's all for this week. Next week: Mid-Month Madness.
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povrh svega, jebeno si znao lagat! jebeno. ne mogu vjerovat da sam popusila sve te fore i o slucajnom skrivanju aplikacija i tinderu i majici, pa ja sam glupacetina nad glupacama, hvala sta si mi pokazao kako je to bit malo stene kojeg se konstantno sutira, obmanjuje i jebacki vuce za nos dok ja to sve gutam uz sazalno "volim te, bit cemo mi okej, znam ja da nisi ti takav, znam ja da nisi tako mislio, trudit cu se ja vise da se ne osjecas tako zbog mene". ja cu se vise trudit bit tebi pod dzonom i gutat sve uz oprosti, volim te, daj nemoj, pa mi smo stvoreni jedno za drugo, dok mi ti radis tko zna sta iza leda a onda jos mene optuzujes da te varam. pa picka mi materina retardirana i naivna, a i ti se isto jebi, cekam dan kad ce ti sve ovo doc do glave i kad ces skuzit koga si ovako zajebavao
samo neka bude mi ovo reminder za buducnost: nikad ne vjeruj nekome 100%, nikad ne vjeruj pogledima ociju i nikad ne vjeruj u neciju ultimativnu dobrotu. izgleda da je rjeda nego sta si mislila :)
pogodi tko te jos voliii? dezurna glupaca, i dalje bi sve dala za tebe 🙃
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metalcultbrigade · 2 years
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Vibeke Stene, vocalista do Veil of Secrets, God of Atheists, ex-Tristania, completa 44 anos nesta data. https://www.instagram.com/p/ChXrHqNgC1o/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Advice, Af, and At-St: oparendy my director wem to see a production of West Sde Shory a few years sgo, and the guy paying Chino forgot hs gun before coming out for his a stene Once it got to the bg scene where he i supposed to sot Tony he e actor playing Tony ml he went down. The gr playng Maria then had to jerkthe shoe atf of Chino s foot and had to do the grwor scene asking า¡ow meny kKk3 O no? Hoo many kicks. audence dering the frst stae directian hat everyone has a triend of a thend he bridge never rngthe dagger out n sage o she spped te scub out of her chest and ngatharighs During apassion pray a tiend of my broterwssupposedty none of grabbed the wong spea he was supposed to grab one with a fske bu lead be gacd one ih an actua metal p and we esus screadSUS CHRIST YOU STADOED ME $9 Jesus. "stead. ROCIETED uprte teaver'僦jus.cov. Po stage) I was in Peter Pan once andone n at a performance e aresive ng our Hooks nuttache an was wearing off t was near the end with a bi fit RPPED MY MUSTACHE OPPI ot niarty to the wholescane (weich was upposed to be unny anyaay sheritiwxy have a suod so she siased herself ฟ acaatager ateidentSty tuned them back on สาย Juret who 5mng up starved back as possble while our eyes were ting with tears i attended ny county 's performng arts high schaol majning in vocal studies and then and 1 produce to gen aere aspects of the basiness and ney al gave us Broatway's The Lin ing for several years, and tod the best story by far inThe uon Kang-then. are crey two pieces of predecoded noise inthe whole e and told perfarmance, soneone torgat to fip the tape af hese pre-recorded os the lesson sonenes re ณ tack ups you jutt cant reaver ton. Orgnaly he actors were gong to strel on stage wth our Lefou hasing in the eaty neat from atf stage and cath a sfd ducx that Gaston has at st This, of course regtres teo tings to work propery as scere aguahet none and The gunshcr nise had covered Bue-colar redneck schoon Guns a plenty to record. The sued duxk? Hander than you might have hoeghe t Three huning found a seni-reaisc pheasant squesy toy What tolos is an account of the ays the dog toy maaged to be the ngimere prop of the s show Suppy Store and does an escelent jo of looking around toolshly before geting cued augeter aturday Nght Brd n mssng curng cutsincal brector hmuls the deer head the od bocingie ne gunsnot no brd jst wak in with trophy Durng Gaston and Lefaus conversation gun shot sound gpes off and a stagehand throws the brd oneo e sae om the wrong se of the age Leu n G ubte jpte about Gaton's gun gong off ate inead of earty Cue aduts in the once Gunshot and bind grop go off wihout a hitth Lefou accidentaly catches ng prop in Gaston spend gesturing dramaticalywh a suffed pheasant estead afa gan n ater gunshot nappens a the prop squesky toy nose-pereity nether of them neaized it ws a dog o Accidentaly drops the prop durng corversaton wih OCasian daston doesnt he aopped prop In a dress rehearsal for Peter Pan, Wendy Forgt one of her ines and staned peope pot ea Once during the closeng night of our high school production of south paxifc we ere havn cur pre-show pep tak, and our drector eminded everyonety decioed to ignone this advice So daring one scene where the salons were tshno'atthe edge of the stage teoecdes topui up het rubber fol, male ฮ robably ouidnt mach of a probiem id he had genty lossed since od have landed igt ho ubber ish with all of bis stength So now imagee the stage crew al of us hadded logether over the ony to sap sone poor parent across me face Iswear you coud aot hear the chonus af mmnwtotcha saaayw sing from al those backstage From that ronert on สา neber "sh we . rotounty garded by youn hity, under TNs pos gets belter every tme Rnows p on y das NyAnor year or Ng, scnoei 0ur oana (Mpt onPe Pษ.ncn moted tthe consruthicn of a smal baat fashoned ut of scrap wood plaster an n od bout hatwsy don the brane tbey were using to contral theer speed gve the mdst of the wreckage beltore ny trend Adena screaned ADANDON SHP ne Fairy Godnother and the thoughe going down the stage steps wasnt dramatic enough for feeing so sunched mysel off stere I aid thene ike a dead sh for a whle At this point Cinderelia and the Fairy Godmother got to me.mot koing what to do they stepped over ne and and ran shreking hysiercaly out of the om A moment later the Pence came Te nay be my ate fante post frai Rass between Dony marsorace or cRne we tag nether or them about leads wsuerty rerervng eocn owner on stage ล5 mecurtan 0opped They
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jirkasnydr · 3 years
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Psí portréty vašich mazlíčků jsou super a pokud nakonec skončí třeba na plátno někde v obýváku, tak to nemá chybu. Mimochodem Abbynka včera oslavila 11 😍 buchtička naše ♥️ všechno nej a nej 🥰 . . . #Jirkasnydr #kvalitnifotky #takhlevypadalaska #laskajelaska #mejteseradi #focenisusmevem #mistnifotograf #vsichnispolu #fotimslaskou #mladaboleslav #milovice #brandys #prahacity #fotografpraha #dekuji #rodinajenejvic #laskanacelyzivot #laskanaprvnipohled #lysanadlabem #nymburk #stene #sepsem #mujpes #stenatko #dogslife #zivotsepsem #zivotstenete #czechdog #nejlepsipes #vychovapsa (v místě Benátky nad Jizerou) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaxLlc5LrkO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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