#Steve Franken
of-fear-and-love · 1 month
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Robert Forster in Avalanche (1978)
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letterboxd-loggd · 19 days
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The Time Travelers (1964) Ib Melchior
September 1st 2024
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Prime Masterlist
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Welcome to my page! This list will direct you to Masterlists of serial content, each separated fandom! This should help you navigate to additional parts of stories you like, or connect you with posts that pertain to whatever of mine you like!
Last Updated: 08/27/23
Number of lists: 8
Divider credits to: @plutism & @strangergraphics-archive
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Etsy Shop:
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The Commission Diary:
Last Updated: 04/10/23
Total Works: 3
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Stranger Things:
Last updated: 01/03/23
Total works: 28
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TMNT 2012:
Last updated: 03/15/23
Total works:37
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Last Updated: 6/27/22
Total works: 24
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Soul Eater: 
Last updated: 01/03/23
Total works: 9
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Kinktober 2022:
Last updater: 11/04/22
Total works: 4
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One Piece: 
Last Updated: 03/15/23
Total works:26
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Last Updated: 08/27/23
Total Works: 5
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Demon Slayer:
Last Updated: 08/11/24
Total Works: 6
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thethreemustyfears · 1 year
"Can I just say one thing? What if formaldehyde was good for you?"
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ladyofdecember · 2 years
Snot called Steve HONEY!!??!
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lostsaucers · 1 year
The reason Chatsworth was only in a hand full of episodes of the Many Loves of Dobie Gillis is because he was becoming popular and they didn’t want him to upstage Dobie and Maynard, but he was literally the best character
i hate that that's the reason why. proof that he was too good he was TOO perfect
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spicycinnabun · 7 months
pt. 1 2 3 4 5 7 💐
Later that night, when Eddie showed Wayne the flowers for Kathleen, Wayne’s face cycled through a variety of expressions, none of which Eddie understood until he went over to a large gift bag that was sitting on the Lay-Z-Boy.
Wayne opened it, revealing a huge bouquet of about forty roses he had bought that morning. It was absolutely breathtaking, and that meant only one thing: he had gone to Harrington Floral.
“Awww, Uncle Wayne, you big ‘ol romantic!” Eddie grinned, clasping his hands over his heart. It made him happy to see his uncle—usually so cantankerous—head over heels.
“You be quiet now, boy,” Wayne said. His ears were turning the same color as the roses.
Eddie would do no such thing. “I will do no such thing.”
Giving Kathleen two bouquets seemed silly, so Eddie put his in a tall glass of water and set it on the windowsill to admire.
He was secretly pleased that he got to keep the flowers. It was almost like they were meant for him instead.
He could pretend.
Kathleen was a wonderful woman, and Eddie really liked her.
She was the complete opposite of his uncle, but their differences complimented each other, and Wayne hadn’t stopped smiling the entire night. Eddie had never seen him so animated.
The roses made Kathleen cry, horrifying them, but she assured them they were happy tears. She said nobody had ever gotten her flowers before.
“Expect many more, Kathy,” Wayne said, looking a little heartbroken by the admission.
Eddie looked down at his feet because, hell, this was too much for his little black heart to handle.
Then Wayne got down on one knee and pulled out a ring, just like Steve had predicted, and Eddie couldn’t stop the waterworks when Kathleen said yes.
Wayne actually picked her up and spun her around like they were in a ‘50s romance film.
“Congratulations,” Eddie said, laughing through tears. He tried to hide them, overcome and unused to the emotional onslaught of a good thing.
Wayne hugged him and ruffled his hair like he used to do when Eddie was a kid.
“I’m going to take very good care of your uncle,” Kathleen reassured him.
It was unnecessary, but Eddie appreciated the gesture.
They talked late into the night, swapping stories. Wayne told Kathleen all of Eddie’s embarrassing childhood moments, like when he’d accidentally shaved one of his eyebrows off and glued on a pipe cleaner to replace it.
Eddie retaliated by telling Kathleen about the time they had gone to a department store when he was seven, and Wayne had thought one of the mannequins was a real person and had asked it for directions to the little boys' clothing section.
Kathleen cried again—that time, from laughing so hard.
Eddie ended up calling the number from the ad the next day.
He waited with the phone caught between his cheek and shoulder, twirling his spoon in his bowl of Franken Berry.
Someone picked up on the fifth ring. “Hello?”
It was a man. He had a friendly and almost… nasally voice.
“Uh, hi. I’m calling about the ad you placed outside Starcourt Mall. Are you still looking for a roommate, by chance?” Eddie let go of his spoon to cross his fingers. It clinked against the side of his bowl.
There was silence, then a sneeze on the other end of the line and a heartfelt curse.
Eddie glanced suspiciously at the bouquet on the windowsill above the dull green sink. The sun was reflecting against the glass and making it sparkle, the flowers looking bright and cheerful.
He could have been wrong, but that sneeze sounded nearly identical to the ones he’d heard yesterday.
co-writing this with @batty4steddie 💕
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 1 year
Bedside Manner
Y/N visits their boyfriend in the hospital after a particularly…brutal injury. Of course, all his buddies had to come along too.
Johnny Knoxville X Gn!Reader
1.2k Words
Warnings: Suggestive content, hospitals, drug use, alcohol, crude language, description of injury
An: I had this idea stirring arround for a while and I thought it was finally time for me to dredge it up!! :) I just love this man and his broken crank!
By the time you rushed to the hospital, your boyfriend was already so drugged up he could barely recognize you as you stood next to his bedside, staring up at you with confused, blown out pupils. His speech was slow and almost slurred as he squinted up at you from the gurney they strapped him to, “What're you doin’ here?” You thanked god that it was the painkillers, not annother head injury as you sighed, taking his limp hand in yours, “Johnny- Johnny. It’s me, Y/N.” It was like you could see the synapses firing behind his eyes as he blinked once before a look of realization flashed across his face, a goofy smile taking the place of the slack jawed expression he was wearing, his words excited but loopy, “Y/N! Oh…I missed you, honey.” He took your hand, bringing it up to his warm cheek and moving it to press a gentle kiss onto one of your knuckles like he was comforting you, not the other way arround. “I got some bad news, sweetheart…” He looked up at you with those big, dinner plate eyes, “My weiners broke- and I know how much’y liked it, but I think it’s gonna be outta commission for a while…” Staving off all urges to laugh, you patted his hand soothingly, “I do really like it, but we can talk about it later. I was worried about you!” Johnny giggled, “Aww, that’s sweet…” This might’ve been a very sweet moment under any other circumstance.
Because of his line of work, it wasn’t uncommon for your boyfriend to end up in these situations, but you were always there to pick up the pieces for him. From bull spills to concussions- at the end of the world, the only things that will be left standing are roaches and Johnny. His accidents were, more often than not though, a pain in the ass to deal with. As much as you ached for him every time he busted his ass, you couldn’t really feel too bad for him, especially when his idiot friends got involved. You always gave the obligatory phone call to his buddies, but they were never any good.
From behind you, you could hear the sliding door whoosh open and that’s when it all started. Parading in like he owned the place, Bam’s awful cool dude facial hair brushed against your cheek as he peered over your shoulder at the giant flag of Japan Johnny had made on the white sheets right above his crotch, “Oh, dude! Knoxville’s got’is period!” Bam reached into what sounded like a plastic shopping bag and threw a box onto your boyfriend’s lap, rolling until it landed face up. It was a box of tampons- extra absorbency, of course. Before you could call Bam an ass and smack him with the back of your hand, Johnny started…laughing. It seemed like this was the funniest thing to him, pointing at the sheets, “Oh, if you think this looks bad, wait till’y see what’s under here!” He grinned, peeling away the wet layers of linen, “It’s like I gotta Franken-cock…”
“I- I don’t think that’s really…” You hurried to cover him up, just as he was yanking up the hem of the little flowery paper gown the doctors dressed him in, looking up at you pleadingly, “Aww, c’mon baby!” Johnny only ever called you that when he was drunk or high. He gave you puppy dog eyes and gave you with that sweet, persuasive little smile that always got him his way with you. Before you could dissent further, the rest of the guys crowded in the room around him like a tsunami, washing you away to a corner. From your position in the room, you could hear Steve sounding surprisingly earnest as he crimged over Johnny’s crotch, peering at the mangled thing between his legs, “Dude…I feel so bad for Y/N.”
Chris laughed that dumb stoner laugh, reassuring him, “Don’t worry, Knoxville! I’d be happy to sevrice’em any time!” You wouldn’t admit it to your boyfriend, but there was a moment where you contemplated that. Johnny didn’t really comprehend what he was hearing as he leaned back against the pillows, his head lolling to the side to avoid the harsh overhead lights as he turned to face Pontius, “Ah, thanks man…” The guys all talked like girls at a sleepover, gossiping about you like you weren’t even in the damn room with them. Bam, always looking for a reaction, put a hand on your boyfriend’s shoulder, leaning in and trying to provoke him a little, “Really, dude? You’re just gonna take that?” He seemed to think for a second, as much as he could in the state he was in, and just sort of…shrugged, “He’s just bein’ nice.” Bam grinned at the prospects of Johnny letting that slide, “Hey, I can be nice too! Maybe I could hit that…” That idea was much less appealing. “Okay, okay-“ nudging your way to his bedside, you sighed, “nobody is hitting anything for a while!” You shot a wink at Chris, leaving the rest of the guys (sans your actual boyfriend) slack jawed as he chuckled.
Just then, Dunn, fashionably late as always, practically kicked open the door, a six pack in his hand. Turning to him, Steve whisper-yelled, “Dude, this isn’t a party!” Beside you, he seemed like the only person who was taking this seriously. Ryan took a seat in a chair near his buddies, passing one to the boy in the hospital bed, “Didn’t think it was one. It’s a funeral for Knoxville’s ding ding.” Taking the cold, wet can from him, Johnny cracked it open, taking a sip, “It’s not a funeral- the thing’s repairable!” The six pack was passed around as Ryan cracked his open, “Great! Then it’s a party!”
“So, the doc says I gotta get ‘constructive surgery…” Johnny poorly explained what he was told before the little hospital party was crashed, “So maybe, I could get’im to make it, like-“ his eyes widened like a kid talking about what he wanted for Christmas as he gestured about three feet with his hands, “this big!” Your eyes went wide. Ryan pilfered through a medical supplies drawer with his back to Johnny, looking over his shoulder to face him, “You'd’ have’t tuck it into your sock, man- imagine gettin’ Lombardi’d with that.” The guys, including you, all laughed. As much as you hated them, your boyfriend's friends really knew how to liven up a hospital room. Steve piped up amidst the chuckling, “Yeah, I have!” Suddenly, silence. “…Y’ know, Indonesia?” Johnny thought back for a second before a look of realization hit his face, “Oh, yeah! Good times.” Steve elbowed his bed bound buddy, his joking keeping him in good spirits, “You gotta promise me to gimmie one if you get that done.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, man!” Johnny continued his rant, turning to you with sparking eyes, “- But that’s what I want- one that size! Whadya say, babe? Think y’could put in a word for me with the doc?” You giggled, “I think that’d be a little too much, Johnny.”
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cranberrymoons · 6 months
🧟‍♂️ franken-wips 😎
Rules: post 3-6 sentences of your most recent WIP's, with titles, and people can send you asks for more 3-6 sentence snippets! tag as many people as you want or just use this as a reason to add a few new sentences to your projects!
I was tagged by @hbyrde36 and THANK YOU because I have been absent for a few weeks while i tried wrap my head around my own writing (do you ever do that? have a weeks-long existential crisis about your own writing and disappear as a result? anyway..........)
{untitled steddie cowboys fic} (this is due in a few days and i STILL do not have a title for it)
After a few minutes of walking, they find themselves at the door to a saloon, a sign overhead advertising Clean Rooms: $3. “They’d better be, for that much money,” Robin says as they lean against the wall of a building across the street, eyeing the place up. Their shoulders bump together, and she bites down on the end of one of the pins she’s kept tucked up in her hair since they left Louisiana three days ago. “What d’you think?” Steve makes a soft, doubtful noise. It looks pretty dim, and there aren’t many people around. He’d feel better back on the main street where the crowd is easier to disappear into, where they can make a quick getaway if they need to. He’s about to say as much when the door to the saloon pushes open, revealing a man with a guitar slung over his back, a cigarette hanging loose from his lips.
{untitled 911/buddie fic} (lmao i had never even WATCHED this show until a couple weeks ago and then i wrote 10k about them in a single weekend rip 🤦‍♀️ genuinely do not worry about it)
“What, you don’t want to marry me? The moms at school already think we are.” Their hips knock together, and Buck flexes his hand in Eddie’s grasp as the other comes to settle at his waist in the mirror of a dancing pose. “I know they do,” Buck says quietly. He raises his eyebrows. “And I didn’t say I don’t. Seems like you just never asked.”
{untitled steddie summer exchange fic}
i'm not allowed to share snippets from this but it's in the works 😇
the seas be ours (steddie pirates au that I DESPERATELY need to update once i get the rest of my miscellaneous projects under control)
“Found her tied up in the hull,” Eddie’s saying. He nudges his foot against hers, drawing her attention away from Steve. “Hey, you got a name?” She blinks up at him then narrows her eyes. “Yeah.” She tilts her chin. “You got any food?” “Yeah,” Eddie says. “We do.”
tagging @medusapelagia @thefreakandthehair @urmomsonfire @penny00dreadful @wynnyfryd @steddieas-shegoes @shares-a-vest @starryeyedjanai
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medusapelagia · 6 months
🧟‍♂️ franken-wips 😎
Rules: post 3-6 sentences of your most recent WIP's, with titles, and people can send you asks for more 3-6 sentence snippets! tag as many people as you want or just use this as a reason to add a few new sentences to your projects!
I was tagged by @hbyrde36 and @cranberrymoons! Thank you so much!
Loathed Enemy
“You want me to come with you? Fuck, Billy, that could be a death sentence! Harringtons are not famous for being kind and welcoming.” That’s true, both the Hargroves and the Harringtons got to the top of the social pyramid killing and perpetrating the worst crimes ever, and now they are the most powerful family: wouldn’t be fun if Billy managed to steal the Harringtons' most cherished possession?
The bridge of sighs
“Are you surprised, little human? I don’t really cook, you know? By meal is always ready to be consumed.” The boy’s hand goes instinctively to his neck “That’s right. Warm and sweet just as I like it, but I can’t take too much or you’ll faint, which is annoying, or you’ll die, which is annoying too because I’ll have to find a new blood bag and I hate it.” The boy glares at him “Believe it or not but our agreement is an inconvenience for me as it is for you.
Put me together again
Steve was there, just a few feet from them, and now he is gone. "We have to follow them." Eddie says, trying to escape from Hopper tight grip "We must find out where they are going to take him and…" "Slow down kid. We can't do anything right now. There is another kid we have to protect and I'm too busy to keep everyone safe to save your sorry ass from doing something stupid! So now we will go back home and we will make a plan."
[Steddie BB]
It's a secret but I'm struggling a little so any help it's really appreciated!
[Stranger Things BB]
Another a secret!
[Steddie Summer exchange]
Guess what? Exactly
my no pressure tags @bilan-igg, @finntheehumaneater, @kallisto-k, @spaceofentropy, @rindecisions and whoever would like to join!
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of-fear-and-love · 2 months
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Jeanette Nolan in Avalanche (1978)
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brightlotusmoon · 17 days
"Happy Halloween Week!"
"And a boo to you too."
"Indeed, may your eyes of newt see into hell."
"May your demon chains rattle you to the core."
"May the ghosts nip your toes."
"Billy! Pull the lever! Behold the feats of science club!"
-American Dad S16E22 Steve's Franken Out
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ladyofdecember · 2 years
Steve is so obsessed with Snot! He stopped caring about being in Science Club and said he wanted to quit so Steve freaked out and started experimenting on dead people to impress him? 😅 What??
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mephone-3gs · 2 years
happy halloween!!! what do you think the mephones would dress up as?
You didn’t specify which mephone so I’ll try for all of them.
3gs, uhh probably an animal of some kind, maybe just a sheet to be a ghost (he forgot it was Halloween and had to improvise)
4, werewolf probably. Maybe Frankenstein’s monster? Franken-mephone
4s, vampire or a devil (or just shows up in full terminator cosplay you know you know.)
5, Dave strider *gets shot* (this is for someone in specific you know who you are)
5c is probably going in one of those basic Halloween costumes you always see cishet girls wear at parties. Probably made 5s match with her.
5s, either matching with 5c or wearing one of those dumb mnm costumes
6 and 6+ would be toilet paper mummies maybe.
7 is dressed as a black cat 7+ is a zombie.
X forgets to wear a costume and just shows up as is
Mepad, he can be the witch. Let him wear the silly hat. That’s all he gets. He just shows up with the hat.
Mecintosh, also forgot it was Halloween and had 3gs make him a ghost costume last minute as well
Mebook dressed up as the scariest thing he could think of. Steve c
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mosertone · 1 year
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Peter Sellers y Steve Franken en "El
guateque" (1968) de Blake Edwards.
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byneddiedingo · 11 months
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James Brolin and Richard Benjamin in Westworld (Michael Crichton, 1973)
Cast: Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin, James Brolin, Norman Bartold, Alan Oppenheimer, Victoria Shaw, Dick Van Patten, Linda Gaye Scott, Steve Franken, Michael T. Mikler, Terry Wilson, Majel Barrett, Anne Randall. Screenplay: Michael Crichton. Cinematography: Gene Polito. Art direction: Herman A. Blumenthal. Film editing: David Bretherton. Music: Fred Karlin. 
Today, Michael Crichton's film Westworld is probably best known for inspiring the HBO series of the same name. Viewing both of them is a study in the anxieties of two eras almost 50 years apart. The 1973 film takes place in a futuristic amusement park in which the guests indulge their fantasies by encountering androids playing figures from the past and mostly either killing them or having sex with them. So does the series, which ran from 2016 to 2022. In both the movie and the series, things go seriously awry, with the androids killing or maiming their human guests. Especially in comparison with the series' handsomely realized vision of the future, its exploration of the creation of the androids, and its portrayal of the corporate intrigue behind the scenes of the park, Crichton's movie looks antique: the special effects are clunky, the characterization and acting are routine, and some of the action scenes are unconvincing. But the chief difference between the movie and the series lies in their understanding of the causes of the park's disaster. In the movie, the cause is said to be malfunctioning technology, an undetected glitch in the machinery. But in the series the cause lies deeper: The androids develop consciousness, a self-awareness that causes them to rebel against their human makers. To put it in other words, in the 1970s we were concerned about the problem of increasing dependence on fallible technology. In the 21st century, we're worried about technology becoming too good, about artificial intelligence outstripping human intelligence. The fallibility is not in the machines but in ourselves. But to be fair, Crichton showed a sign of our concern about AI, specifically the potential for cybernetic beings to self-replicate and evolve on their own. An engineer in the movie notes that the androids are "almost as complicated as living organisms. In some cases, they have been designed by other computers. We don't know exactly how they work." 
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