#Steve Harrignton
ko0kyco0kies · 7 months
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Just need to say something
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ashwhowrites · 10 days
King!Steve Harrington x reader, he asks the reader out because of a bet. Happy ending!!!
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Drunk bet
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Steve had a reputation in Hawkins High, and he loved it. He loved the attention from the girls and the respect from the jocks. He was cocky and smug whenever eyes watched him as he walked. He was the King and there was a line of girls wanting to be the Queen.
He could get anyone he wanted, and he had many choices. He liked the way girls chased him and all he had to do was send a smile their way.
Steve was drunk at a party, betting money on games of beer pong. If he was sober, he would remember that he was awful at that game. Hundreds of bills slapped down on the table as he missed another cup.
"Nice playing with you, Harrington" Billy smirked as he collected the money.
"Wait! Come on, rematch!" Steve slurred
"It's fun kicking your ass, but you have no more money to bet" Billy laughed
"My dad will kick my ass knowing I lost all of that. What do you want to bet on? I'll do anything to win that back," Steve said
Billy gave it a thought, he had King Steve in the palm of his hand. "Alright, Steve. I'll give you everything back if you ask out Y/N and date her for three months. Hundred for each month. We have a deal?"
"No way! If I go out with her, my reputation goes straight into the mud" Steve fought.
The thing was, Y/N was a very pretty girl. But she was nowhere near the popular crowd. And dating within the popular crowd was acceptable, dating outside of the circle was immediate destruction. He'd lose his King title.
He didn't know that Billy knew all of that. Billy wanted to be the king of Hawkins. He could take Steve down in every aspect. Steve felt stuck because he knew his father would be pissed about the money. Maybe Steve could complete the bet without anyone knowing he was seeing her.
Billy stood there with a smirk when Steve sighed and shook his hand.
Monday rolled around and Steve had to put his plan into motion. He didn't know too much about Y/N but he knew they shared a few classes together. All he had to do was get her alone, turn on his charm, and ask her out.
He waited in the hallway until it died out, slipping next to her locker when she wasn't looking.
She jumped as she heard his voice, turning to see him standing there with a smile on his face. She was skeptical but stayed polite.
"Hey Steve, what's up?" She asked, closing her locker and then leaning against it.
"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out tonight? You can come to my place and I can cook us something"
Y/N was swooning from Steve's smile and the smell of his cologne right under her nose. She couldn't believe that Steve was interested in her.
"I would love to," she smiled, maybe all those small waves and hellos meant something to him.
"Perfect. How about you give me your number and we can talk about details after school." He said
Steve smiled at how excited she was, this was going to be easy. He let her softly grab his hand and write down her number. The pen tickled his skin as she wrote on his skin.
"Call you later," he said as he pushed off the locker, sending her a wink that made her heart race.
Y/N arrived at the address Steve said over the phone. She was nervous as she walked up to his house. She knocked on his door and anxiously waited.
"Welcome to my casa!" Steve said as he opened the door and allowed her to walk through. It was a beautiful home, very clean and everything had a shine.
"I hope you like pizza, I've got a great recipe," he said as he trailed off to the kitchen. Y/N followed but was still in awe of the house.
"Pizza sounds great," Y/N said, Steve pulled out a chair at the counter and motioned her to sit. She sat and took in his cute apron and the towel hanging over his shoulder.
"Do you like to cook?" She asked, her eyes following him as he checked on the oven
"I love it" he replied, "parents are barely home and I got tired of take out and frozen meals." He shrugged
Y/N couldn't help but frown. She wondered if he ever got lonely, but he was popular so maybe not.
"Can I help with anything?" She asked, standing up and walking over to him. Steve smiled at her, he could see the excitement sparkling in her eyes. He already has her wrapped around his finger.
A month flew by and Steve believed he had this bet in the bag. Since he was always home alone, he'd ask her to come over. She didn't question why they never went anywhere and that made it easy.
He didn't have much interest in her, but he did like her company. She was funny and was fun. There was never a dull moment with her and Steve didn't realize how much fun he needed in his life.
A few weeks into the first month he kissed her.
It was soft and slow. She didn't know where to put her hands but once she got more comfortable she touched him. He kissed her a few times, letting her grow more comfortable with him and adding anything she wanted to the kiss.
Two months in he asked her to be his girlfriend. She said yes without a second thought, just like he thought.
He started taking her out on dates, but only in private areas. Private waterfalls for picnics and driving into another town. She saw it as all adventures. She loved to explore and her heart raced by how much Steve seemed to want to explore with her.
Three months in Steve felt it.
He felt a little spark when he kissed her. When she held his hand as they jumped into the cold water below, he felt warm everywhere. The sound of her laughter as they plunged into the water made him smile.
He started loving the long drives. Singing with her and dancing at red lights. He started to feel happy when he saw the excitement in her eyes when she took in something new.
How he wished he had a camera to take a picture every time she smiled at him.
They had a few drinks one night, cuddled on his living room floor as the fire roared. Lately, the bet has been the last thing on his mind and it certainly was right now. The way her skin glowed from the fire. Her shoulder was exposed from her shirt, and without thinking he leaned down and kissed the skin.
He felt something burn inside him when she moaned. Then it became the only thing on his mind, making her moan and moan again.
They had sex on the floor in front of the fire, the beer bottles scattered on the floor. His forehead was against hers as he pushed himself in and out of her.
Steve knew he'd have to face Billy now that the three months were up. He didn't want to break up with her, he liked her and he liked her a lot. He knew he fucked up with how they started and he planned for her to never know.
Billy pulled up to his house, honking the horn as he got out.
Steve groaned as he rolled out of bed. Y/N was asleep, so he quickly left the room. He raced out to make Billy stop the honking. Once Billy saw him, he stopped.
He had a big smirk as he took in Steve's appearance.
"My oh my, sex hair and scratches? Someone had a good time," Billy chuckled.
"Look, I'm out of the bet. Keep the money and we're even." Steve said
"Oh, why? Fucked her and now you're in love?" Billy scoffed, "King Harrington settles for the pretty nerd."
"Billy, just stop. You get to keep the money, so let's keep this between us. She doesn't have to know" Steve hissed
"Alright, man. I'll keep this little bet between us, but what's your plan? Gonna have to start taking her out in public at one point, people will see and your reputation is doomed. And also," he said, stepping closer to Steve as he lowered his voice, "she's right behind you."
Steve gulped as he was fast to turn around. She stood there in his shirt from the night before. Her arms crossed as tears ran down her face.
Billy laughed as he got back in his car, but before he sat down he whistled.
"If you need a rebound, I'm here, gorgeous," he winked at her.
They watched as he raced out of Steve's driveway, leaving them alone.
"Y/N," he started but she already was running inside.
"I CAN EXPLAIN!" he shouted as he raced into his house, he was quick to head up to his room. She was yanking off his shirt and throwing on her clothes.
"I don't care anymore. You're just as much of an asshole as I thought." She hissed, angrily putting on her pants. "I should have known better. 'Oh baby, I just want you all to myself and I know this romantic spot at the lake,' you just didn't want anyone to see us together!" She mocked his voice as she headed out of his bedroom.
"I know! I'm so sorry and I fucked up. But please believe me. You heard me tell him to keep it right? You heard me!"
"Yeah, I heard you! But I never heard you admit any feelings for me. Why? Too scared to admit that to Billy? Knowing your reputation is on the line?" She scoffed, sliding on her shoes.
"I do have feelings for you! Yes, it was a bet initially but I fell for you. I really like you and I didn't want us to break up. I want to be with you," he cried, tears falling down his face as he grabbed the front door knob.
"Yeah, well I don't want to be with you." She snapped as she slammed the door behind her.
Steve gave her time to cool off but when Monday arrived he had his eyes set on her. He followed her around and begged for her to listen to him. People were staring and whispering about them in the halls but Steve didn't care.
Finally, she stopped, turning around as Steve's body smashed into hers.
"Quit following me around, this time I don't want to be seen with you," she declared, ignoring the kicked-puppy look in his eyes. "Take a look around, any girl would jump at the chance to be with you. And you wouldn't have to be ashamed of them, leave me alone and find someone else."
She went to turn around but Steve grabbed her shoulder.
He looked into her eyes and she tried to keep her hard face on.
"I don't want them. I don't want to look elsewhere. I'm looking at the girl I want. I'm sorry for everything and I'm sorry I thought you were someone to be ashamed of. You're not. You are the best person I have ever met and I'm begging for another chance."
She watched as he dropped to his knees and held her hand. She smiled awkwardly as the school stared and gasped.
"People are staring!" she hissed
"Good, because then you will see that I don't care who sees us. Y/N, will you please give me another chance? We don't have to label it right away, we can start with a date and talk through everything. All I ask is you say yes in the moment and we can think about it later."
She sighed, looking down at their hands. In his eyes, he looked sincere and sorry.
"Fine," she sighed, smiling to herself when Steve's face lit up, "But we will be thinking about it later."
"Deal!" he cheered as he stood up. She was caught off guard when he swooped her into a kiss. She ignored the crowd around them as she kissed him back.
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bbymunsonx · 3 months
birds of a feather
eddie munson x fem reader
summary: eddie munson was your best friend and you were hopelessly in love with him. it was starting to get embarrassing how much you were in love with him. the only problem was that you don't want your boyfriend, steve harrington, to find out.
warnings: MINORS DNI 18+, smut, angst, cheating, attempted SA, oral (f receiving), nipple play, piv (protected), masturbation, sex toys, wet dreams, aftercare, death, no happy ending
word count: 8.1k
notes: sorry!
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Ever since you had moved to Hawkins, your life had been a nonstop nightmare. Life before Hawkins wasn’t all that great either, but at least California has sunlight, beaches, great weather… Hawkins was just, Hawkins. Your little sister, Max, and your stepbrother, Billy, were just as excited about this new beginning as you were. 
You remember the first day of school like it was yesterday. Stumbling to your locker, you tried the combination five times and your locker wouldn’t open. 
“Goddamn it,” you mutter to yourself under your breath. As you tried to open your locker one last time, all your books suddenly slipped out of your hands onto the dirty high school floor causing you to sigh. 
“Are you alright?” A voice came up from behind you. Your head whipped around revealing a boy standing right behind you. He had shoulder length hair that was slightly frizzy, tattoos covering his arms and deep chocolate brown eyes. He started to crouch down to pick up the books that slipped from your hands. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay. I just can’t get this fucking thing open.” You groaned, causing the boy to display a slight smile on his face. 
“I think it might be because this is my locker. I’m 748. You’re 747.” The boy pointed to the locker directly next to the one that you were trying. You could feel heat rising up your neck onto your cheeks as you were completely embarrassed.  
“Oh my god, I feel completely stupid. Thank you…” You waited for him to give you his name.
“Eddie,” He smiled and reached out his hand. You gave Eddie your name and shook his hand. 
“It’s nice to meet you Eddie.” You smiled at him before shoving your books in your locker and walking away. Little did you know, since your last names were Mayfield and Munson, Eddie sat next to you in homeroom and the two of you shared a couple classes together. Throughout your first year at Hawkins High, and Eddie’s second year, the two of you became best friends.
As you got closer with Eddie, you started to feel something towards him. You started to feel a bit nervous when you saw him. Your palms would get sweaty when he would call you the pet names he usually calls you. Your stomach would flip flop whenever he took a hit of the joint that you two shared. You would feel your heart shatter into a million pieces whenever Eddie would tell you about his latest one night stand. Even though you became extremely close with Eddie during your freshman year, you also became close to the King of Hawkins High, Steve Harrington. You started hanging out with Nancy Wheeler and by association, became friends with Steve. Steve was the most popular guy in school but he wasn’t Eddie. 
It wasn’t unusual for you to spend your free time at Eddie’s. Billy was usually having sex with a different girl in his room and there’s only so many sex sounds a person can take before they explode. 
You and Eddie both lay on his bed in your pajamas with a scary movie on in the background. Again, nothing unusual. As you take a hit of your joint and pass it to Eddie, you say, “What do you think about Steve Harrington?”
That caused Eddie to start choking on the smoke he had just inhaled. “Jesus, Munson, breathe,” you laughed at him. 
“Why do you wanna know how I feel about Harrington?” Eddie scoffed. 
“Nancy told me he wants to ask me out,” You looked over at Eddie to try to catch his reaction. You looked down at his hands to see him clenched his fists. “You’re my best friend and I just wanted to see what you thought.”
Eddie took your hand in his. “I want you to be happy, sweetheart. If Harrington makes you happy, then I think you need to have a talk with him.” He smiled at me which made me smile back. 
“I have an idea.” You sat up, trying to get Eddie to feel excited about your idea. “Steve’s having a party tomorrow night. Nancy’ll be there, Barb, Robin, Chrissy… a whole bunch of us. Why don’t you come?” 
“Princess, I know for a fact that Steve isn’t gonna want me at his party.” Eddie sounded doubtful in your idea. 
“He will if you bring this.” I shook Eddie’s bag filled with weed in his face. Eddie rolled his eyes at you. 
“You’re lucky I love you.” He responded and placed a wet kiss right on the top of your forehead. 
Your stomach sank again. 
You and Eddie arrive at Steve’s house a little after the party started and the two of you stuck out like a sore thumb. As you looked around, it seemed like half of the high school was there. 
“Hey!” Steve noticed you across the room and walked right over to you. “Thanks for coming! You look… wow!”
“Thanks, Steve,” you blushed. “You know Eddie, right?” You tried to introduce them to one another. 
“Yeah, yeah. Hey, Munson.” Steve barely looked at Eddie as he said that.
“Harrington.” Eddie responded coldly. Suddenly, the room was filled with so much tension. 
“Alright, I’m gonna go grab a drink.” You said as you were walking away, trying to break the tension. 
“Come out back when you’re ready. We’re all hanging by the pool.” Steve yelled at you while walking over to the back door. 
As you walk over to the kitchen, you run into your stepbrother, Billy, walking in the opposite direction. 
“What are you doing here?” He questions rudely. 
“Um, I was invited. What are you doing here? You still obsessed with showing Steve how much of a big boy you are?” You smirked at Billy and continued walking. 
“Watch it!” He yelled at you, to which you replied by throwing up your middle finger behind your back. 
Steve’s fridge was filled with beer so you took two, one for you and another for Eddie, and headed out to the backyard. 
There were a bunch of chairs set up outside with a fire pit in the middle of them. Sitting there was Steve, Nancy, Robin, Barb, Chrissy, Tommy, Carol, and lastly, Eddie. “Hi, guys!” You greeted the group before handing Eddie his beer. You took the empty seat between Eddie and Steve and gazed into the fire. 
One beer quickly became two and two beers quickly became three. The night was going pretty smoothly and it seemed as though even Eddie was having a great time. He spent a majority of the time making small talk with Chrissy Cunningham, who was seated next to him. After the conversation began to die down a bit, Robin exclaimed, “Let’s play a game!”
Steve initially groaned, “Games, Robin? How old are we? Ten?”
“Games could be fun,” you smirked over at Steve. 
“What kind of games do you want to play?” Steve caved in, seeing your eyes light up. 
“Let’s play truth or dare,” Robin smirked. You sighed internally. Truth or dare never ends well. 
“Alright, let’s do it.” Steve agreed. 
After a few rounds, it was Eddie’s turn. So far, Robin and Nancy kissed, Chrissy had to choose somebody to flash (luckily for her she chose Robin), and Steve told us all the last time he had sex… which was right before he had met me. 
“Truth or dare, Munson?” Steve looked over at Eddie. 
“Dare,” he responded coldly.
“I dare you to kiss Chrissy.” Steve laughed. “The freak kissing the prettiest girl at Hawkins High.” Your stomach dropped when you heard Steve call Chrissy the prettiest girl in school. 
You looked over at Eddie with wide eyes, not anticipating him to actually do it. 
“It’s okay, Eddie. It’s a game,” Chrissy consented as Eddie shifted over to get closer to her. He reached his hand out to grip her neck, ever so slightly. They both closed their eyes and leaned into one another. All you could hear was Chrissy gasp into the kiss, so you could only guess that Eddie had slipped his tongue into her mouth. A classic Munson move. 
“Alright, Munson. I told you to kiss her, not eat her face.” Steve laughed. You could feel Steve look over at you as your eyes were glued to the fire sitting in front of you. You were trying not to let the tears that were glossing your eyes fall down your cheeks. Eddie was your best friend. That’s all. 
“Mayfield, it's your turn, babe.” Steve started. Your stomach flipped as that was the first time Steve had called you babe. “Truth or dare?”
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or your emotions from watching Eddie and Chrissy make out, but suddenly, you had other plans. You whispered over to Steve, “Follow me. I have another idea.” You got up off the chair and took his hand in yours, slowly dragging him up. 
“Sorry, folks! Gotta go!” Steve laughed to the group as you dragged him into the house. You had looked back at the group, who were already back to playing the game, but not Eddie. He was staring daggers into you and Steve. You loved every second of it. 
You had dragged Steve through his filled house, up his stairs and into his bedroom. After the two of you were in the bedroom, you slammed the door shut and immediately connected his lips to yours. 
“What do you have up your sleeves, Mayfield?” Steve whispered in between kisses. 
“Nancy told me that you liked me. Is that true?” You suddenly gained the confidence to ask him. 
“I do.” Steve said while batting his eyelashes at you. “I thought you liked Munson?”
You pulled away from Steve to look at him completely, “Why…why would you say that?” 
“It’s just that everyone thought you guys were a couple. You are always together so I just figured you were screwing or something.” 
“I’m all yours, Steve.” You had connected your lips back to his, deepening the kiss while nudging him towards the bed.  You laid back on the bed as he laid on top of you, ravishing you. As he kissed his way down your neck, you involuntarily groaned. 
“Steve,” you whimpered. Just as Steve lifted your shirt over your head, his bedroom door immediately swung open, ricocheting off the wall. Eddie was at the door eating Chrissy’s face with his hands cupping her breasts through her shirt. 
“Fuck, Eddie! Get out!” You threw your shirt at him to get him to leave. 
“Oh sorry! Thought this was the spare!” Eddie exclaimed as he and Chrissy left. Chrissy gently closed the door behind them. 
“Where were we?” Steve cocked an eyebrow at you while kissing down your neck. Steve really took his time with you, but it was very obvious that Eddie was not taking his time with Chrissy. Her moans were already filling the entirety of Steve’s upstairs. 
“Fuck, Eddie!” Just the way you had yelled at Eddie earlier. “You’re so good! Yeah…yeah right there!”
You hadn’t even noticed that Steve was pumping in and out of you, his cock splitting you open. All you could focus on was your best friend having sex in the next room, and your heart was split in two because he wasn’t having sex with you. 
It’s been two months since you and Steve have been official, and you’ve never been happier. After a couple of dates, Eddie and Chrissy figured out that they just weren’t compatible. Not the way you and Steve were. Though you and Steve were together, you still spent a majority of your time with Eddie. You wanted to be anywhere that wasn’t home. Steve understood the dynamic of your friendship and he was completely fine with it. Or so you thought. 
After a long night of smoking and watching horror movies, the two of you fell asleep in Eddie’s bed. Something woke you up out of your sleep. The sound of your name being spoken, or rather whimpered. As you started to regain consciousness, you felt Eddie behind you, deep asleep, rutting his clothed crotch into your clothed ass, while whimpering your name. You debated letting him finish, but the thought of Steve popped into your head, causing you to wake Eddie. 
“Eds, get up!” you nudged him, causing him to jump awake. 
“What! What is it?” He seemed genuinely confused. You pointed down to his very obvious boner. “Was I…”
“Just a little,” you cringed. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry, Mayfield.” Eddie covered his face with his hands, obviously very embarrassed. 
“Eds, it’s fine. We can’t control our bodies and what they do.” Who were you to judge Eddie with the obvious wetness pooling at your center. “I think I’m just gonna go home.” You started to get up before Eddie quickly grabbed your hand. 
“Please don’t go. I can just go to the bathroom real quick and take care of this and then we can start another movie. Just please. Stay.” Eddie pleaded with you. You sighed and shook your head. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Eds.” You rubbed his hand with your thumb before letting go. The feeling of his hand on yours felt more like cheating than waking up to him grinding into your ass. 
The last thing you could hear before walking out of Eddie’s room was him softly cursing at himself under his breath. A part of you felt awful for leaving him, but another part of you would have taken things to another level if you’d stayed, and you couldn’t hurt Steve like that. 
As you walked into your room, you plopped on your bed and let out a huge groan. Thankfully, it was the middle of the night meaning everyone was asleep. The silence of the house only caused the thoughts in your head to get louder and louder. The feeling of Eddie’s cock rutting against your ass. This has never happened before, but you would have chalked it up to Eddie having a wet dream about a cheerleader or something. But he was whimpering your name. Desperate whimpers as his grinding became more desperate. More needy. 
The more you thought about it, the more you were aware of every single part of your body. Your heartbeat was too loud. You could feel the beads of sweat dripping between your breasts. You could feel your clit begin to pulsate as it was desperate to be touched. You bit your lip as you quietly reached over to your nightstand, pulling out your trusty vibrator. Because of how worked up you were, you knew it wasn’t going to take much to make you orgasm. 
You teased yourself at first. Trailing your finger around your neck and down to your tits. Luckily, you weren’t wearing a bra, and your arousal caused your nipples to become rock hard. Your fingers slowly started to circle around your clothed nipple. You softly exhale at the contact. You were planning on teasing yourself for a lot longer but you couldn’t take it anymore. 
In one swift movement, your shorts and panties were laying at the foot of your bed with your vibrator making contact with your clit. Fuck, you groaned at the contact. Your brain kept picturing Eddie and what he was doing earlier in the evening. You loved Steve. Steve treated you so well and made you so happy. But there was nothing you wanted more in the world than for Eddie to have kept going. For him to wake up to realize what he was doing and keep going. For him to climb on top of you and fuck you.
When you turned the vibrator up to the higher setting, you were already close. Eddie was in your head egging you on. Telling you how girl of a girl you are and how needy you are for him. 
As your orgasm washed over you, your hand fell to your mouth to stop you from screaming his name. The name of the guy who wasn’t even your boyfriend. 
The next day, you didn’t see Eddie at all in the morning. Since you’re always locker neighbors, he usually waits at your locker for you, but this morning he was a no show. You were at your locker gathering your books when all of a sudden, someone came up behind you and wrapped his hands around you, lifting you up. Automatically thinking it’s Eddie, you screamed, “Eds! What are you doing?!”
The arms put you down, causing you to turn around. Steve was standing behind you with a confused look painted on his face. “Eddie?”
“Shit, Steve! I’m sorry!” You pecked him on the lips. “I’m just used to meeting Eddie here. Creature of habit, I guess.”
Steve let out a fake sounding chuckle as he smiled down at you.  “Hey, where were you last night? I called your house and got an earful of Hargrove.” Steve scoffed. 
“Oh, Eddie and I were having one of our movie nights.” You smiled innocently. Steve doesn’t need to know specifics. 
Steve reached out to your hands while whispering your name, “I think we need to talk.” The bell rang for classes to start but classes were the last thing you were interested in at the moment. 
“What’s up, babe?” You questioned. 
“Look at me in the eyes and tell me you're not in love with him.” Steve said sternly. Your throat began to feel dry as you found it difficult to look at Steve. 
“I…Steve…” You began.
“I know how close you are with Munson. I know you two are best friends. But you are my girlfriend. Not his. I really hate to do this to you,  but I need you to choose. Me or him.” Steve said sternly. He was actually serious. 
Behind Steve, you noticed the entire reason why Eddie didn’t meet you at your locker this morning. All you could see was him leaning against a locker while talking to a girl in a cheerleader uniform. You could hear the way she chuckled all the way over here. 
“I’m yours, Steve. Only yours.” You grabbed his face and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips before heading to class. 
It’s been a couple days since you stopped talking to Eddie cold turkey. A part of you felt extremely guilty, watching him slowly pull away, but the other part of you didn’t feel bad at all. Eddie was a player, plain and simple. You and Steve had something special and you wouldn't jeopardize your relationship over something that wasn’t real. 
Since you stopped talking to Eddie, you spent more and more time at Steve’s house. It was really great being able to spend time with him like this. On this particular night, you told Steve you wouldn't be able to spend the night because you had a drama club meeting. 
When you arrived at the Drama Room, you noticed Eddie in the room, setting up the table for his Hellfire Club meeting. Unfortunately, you were way too loud opening the door so you couldn’t slowly back away. You and Eddie had just stared at each other for a few moments in silence before you let out, “I’m sorry. I thought I had drama practice tonight.”
“Oh, sorry. They’re in the cafeteria tonight.” Eddie replied sorrowfully. 
“Thanks.” You quickly turned around to run out of the room. Eddie tried to call after you, but you had already made it halfway down the hallway. 
Drama practice ran quite late tonight, as the parking lot was completely empty by the time you left the school. You sort of expected Eddie’s van to still be here but Hellfire Club must’ve let out early tonight.
Not feeling like walking all the way home, you decided to stop at Steve’s house since it was closer. After five minutes of walking, you arrived at the Harrington house. You reached down and took the spare key from underneath the welcome mat and let yourself in. 
“Steve!” You yelled. Silence. 
Music blasted from up the stairs so you decided to follow the noise. The music was coming from Steve’s room. That wasn’t the only noise coming from Steve’s room. 
As you opened the door, you were greeted with Nancy on top of Steve, completely naked. She was rocking back and forth on his cock making him whimper, in a way you’ve never heard. 
“Steve?” You choked. Steve and Nancy both stopped dead in their tracks and looked over at you. 
“Shit!” They yelled at the same time. “I can explain!” Steve yelled after you. You burst into tears as you ran out of Steve’s room, down the stairs, and out of his house, into the pouring rain. 
Your house was a ten minute walk and Eddie’s was a twenty minute walk, yet you chose to run to Eddie’s house. You just wanted to be in the arms of your best friend. 
Extremely out of breath from running and sobbing, you finally made it to Eddie’s trailer. Your hands started banging on the door waiting for him to answer. You could barely see from the rain dripping down your forehead and the tears falling from your eyes.  
After a minute, Eddie arrived at the door with wide eyes. 
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He questioned. 
“I went to Steve’s and he was fucking Nancy.” You whispered, but Eddie heard you loud and clear. 
Eddie whispered your name under his breath before you grabbed his face in your hands and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips. The two of you melted into the kiss for a few seconds. The butterflies in your stomach were relentless as you always wanted to know what it would feel like to have his lips on yours. Though, you wished it would be under better circumstances. You let go as soon as you heard someone’s voice coming from inside the trailer. 
“Eds! Who is it?” A girl’s voice called. The girl who he was flirting with this morning.. 
Eddie whispered your name before your hands covered your mouth. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing here. I’m sorry, I have to go.” You ran away back into the rain, slowly making your way home. 
It’s been six months since you and Steve inevitably broke up. Believe it or not, you two started to become good friends. You had hated him for a little bit in the beginning, but even though he was physically cheating on you, you had mentally been cheating on him for a lot longer. 
After the night you and Eddie kissed, you two hadn’t kissed again. You haven't even talked about it. The only thing he asked was if you were okay after everything with Steve. He continued to date other girls and you continued to date other guys. 
That was until one night you had gone out with Jason Carver. The two of you had a great time seeing a movie, but when you had gotten back into the car, he had tried to force himself on you. Tried to get you to do things you did not want to do. He grabbed your shirt so hard it tore. You’re favorite shirt. Funny enough, it was the shirt you were wearing the first time you met Eddie. You were finally able to push yourself off of him and run. Every time you need to run somewhere, you find yourself running right to Eddie Musnon. 
This time, you didn’t care if there was another woman in there, you were going to burst right in. As soon as you burst in the door, you ran all the way down to Eddie’s room, where he was laying in his bed in his pajamas, strumming at his guitar with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He instantly put his guitar on the ground and his cigarette on his ashtray before jumping out of bed. 
He grabbed the fabric of your torn shirt and traced it in his fingers. His hands grabbed onto your shoulders before looking you right into the eyes. “Who did this to you?” His voice was almost so deep it sounded as though he was growling. 
“Jason Carver.” You whispered. 
“I’m gonna kill him.” Eddie grabbed the keys to his van before gently pushing you aside. You grabbed onto his arm, not wanting him to go anywhere. 
“No. Don’t go. I need you.” You pleaded with him, almost sounding completely desperate. 
“Okay, princess. I’ll stay.” He walked back towards you. Eddie reached into his drawer to grab you a pair of sweatpants, a t- shirt, and a towel. “How about you shower tonight off, yeah?”
“Thanks, Eds.” You whispered. You’ve showered at his house mutual times but this time felt more personal. As soon as you got into the shower, you immediately lost it and started sobbing into your hands. 
After about twenty minutes in the shower, you put on Eddie’s clothes and gazed at yourself in the mirror. There was just something that looked so right about you wearing his baggy clothes. You slowly brought up the collar of the t-shirt and inhaled it. It smelled just like him, and that brought you a tiny amount of comfort. You exited the bathroom and went back into Eddie’s room to see him still laying on his bed watching a movie on the television. He looked over and saw you standing there, patting on the side of the bed next to him. Your side. 
“I knew I shouldn’t have gone out with him.” You groaned as you plopped down on the bed.
“Did he…” Eddie began before you quickly cut him off. 
“No. No. I got away before anything else could happen.” You sounded relieved, as did Eddie. “Eddie…” You whispered, turning your head to the side to look at him. 
“Hm?” He whispered back, looking back at you. 
“Remember when Steve and I broke up and I came here and kissed you?”
“I do.” Eddie nodded. 
“I should’ve done that sooner.” You whispered, not even sure if Eddie could hear you. “I’ve gone out with all these bullshit guys, just to try to get over you.”
“Over me?” Eddie questioned, to which you nodded. “You like me?”
“Of course I do, Eddie,” You scoffed, feeling stupid. “I’ve literally been in love with you since the first time I saw you. I can’t pretend anymore. My heart beats for you and only you. Pretending that I’m not in love with you… it’s killing me.” 
Eddie’s hand slowly slid over to your side of the bed, on top of your hand that was lying by your side. You turn your hand over to invite his fingers to interlock with yours, which he does. He gazes at you with loving eyes as his fingers begin to play with yours. 
“Please say something.” You whispered. 
“You’re my best friend, Mayfield. You are… everything. I was a pussy for not saying anything but I just loved you too much, I was scared. I was scared to lose you. I love you in every sense of the word. I don’t think I can love you any more than I already do. My beautiful girl” Eddie smiled down at you while caressing your cheek. 
“You love me?” A tear escaped your eye. 
“Don’t be so surprised.” Eddie chucked at you before leaning down and planting a gentle kiss on your lips. You didn’t hesitate to immediately kiss him back. You haven’t felt his kiss in so long but it immediately felt like home. 
As things became more heated, you whimpered as he slipped his tongue in your mouth. A classic Munson move. 
“You alright, baby?” Eddie questioned because of your reaction. 
“I’m more than okay,” You smiled into the kiss. Eddie readjusted himself as he climbed on top of you, to get better leverage while kissing you. You whimpered to yourself as Eddie’s lips left yours. His lips were all over your face. All over your cheeks, your forehead, even your nose. He couldn’t get enough of your face. 
When he was pleased with the work he did on your face, his lips began to travel south. He licked and sucked on your neck, obviously leaving hickeys. You were Eddie’s and everyone was going to know it. 
“Fuck, Eds,” you groaned as he continued to mark his territory. You began to squirm under his touch, everything on your body becoming way too sensitive. He had barely touched you and you were already coming undone underneath him. 
“What do you need, sweetheart?” Eddie taunted above you, knowing exactly what you needed. He lifted his shirt off your body and lucky enough, you weren’t wearing a bra. 
“Need you to touch me.” You gasped as his warm mouth made contact with your nipple. 
“Christ, Mayfield. You were hiding these from me this whole time?” Eddie continued to taunt. He was repeating the licking and sucking he had performed on your neck but on both of your nipples. While his mouth was attached to one nipple, he was rolling the other one with his thumb and forefinger. He wanted to make sure they were getting the same amount of attention. As he licked, sucked, and bit, you were trying your hardest to grind into him to relieve your throbbing clit. Everytime your hips bucked up, Eddie would back away slightly leaving him out of touch. 
“Tsk tsk,” Eddie smirked. “You gotta be patient, baby. I’ll take care of you.” His hand returned to your face and cupped your cheeks as he gave you a filthy kiss filled with lust. 
Eddie continued to kiss down your body until he reached the band of his sweatpants. He placed a wet kiss right above the band of his sweatpants and used his fingers to play with the band. 
“Can I?” Eddie asked to which you nodded. “I need you to talk, princess.” 
“Yes, please take them off.” You groaned in frustration. Eddie took the band of his sweatpants in his teeth and slowly dragged them down exposing the lacey pair of underwear you had worn for your date tonight. You didn’t even wear the underwear for Jason. You just wanted to wear them for yourself. 
“Fuck,” you heard Eddie groan under his breath over your clothed cunt. Eddie lazily dragged his fingers down your clothed slit, smirking at the sight of you squirming. He lowered his face near your core when your breath hitched. 
“I’ve never-” you began, watching Eddie slowly raise his head.
“You’re telling me that Steve never ate you out?” Eddie asked, almost angrily. You shook your head no. “That’s just not gonna do, princess. Do you trust me?” 
“With my life, Eds.” You whispered. As soon as those words left your mouth, Eddie leaned down and planted a light kiss right over your clothed clit. If you weren’t so turned on, you may not have been able to feel it.
You bucked your hips as Eddie reached for the band of your underwear and slowly shimmed them down your body and he placed them right into the pocket of his pajama pants. “Jesus Christ,” he groaned to himself at the sight of your bare pussy. “You’re so wet. All this for me?” Eddie taunted. 
“I’m always this wet for you, Munson.” You moaned. That’s all it took for Eddie to lay back down on the bed and start kissing up your thighs. The feeling of his rings wrapped around your upper thighs were enough to make you shiver. After he had kissed his way up your thighs, he flattened his tongue against your hole and licked from your hole to your throbbing clit. The initial contact between his tongue and your clit was enough to make you moan, the loudest you’ve ever moaned. 
“God you taste so good, baby.” Eddie moaned into your cunt. “I could eat you for breakfast, lunch and dinner.” He continued to swirl his tongue around your clit as he slowly slid a finger inside of you, pumping it in and out. Your back immediately lifted off the bed as you began to grind on Eddie’s face. 
“I’ve waited so long to hear you moan for me, baby.” Eddie groaned. The vibrations of him talking added to the pressure he was already applying to your clit. 
“Just like that, fuck, you feel so good inside me, Eds.” You were able to gasp through your moans. If you listened closely enough, you were able to hear Eddie moaning too, desperately. The sounds of Eddie moaning mixed with the feeling of his tongue and his fingers were enough to push you over the edge. Eddie could feel you clench around his fingers, a sign that you were close. As his one hand was busy working you towards an orgasm, his other hand slowly reached up and interlaced his fingers with yours. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna-” you cried out before the cord in your lower belly snapped, causing you to orgasm all over Eddie’s face. 
“Atta girl.” Eddie coached you as you continued to ride out your high on your face. When he lifted his face, his lips and nose were shiny, covered in you. “That was the fucking hottest thing I’ve ever done.” Eddie quickly moved back up the bed and showered you in kisses. The taste of cigarettes plus the faint taste of you on his tongue was enough to make you cum again. 
You reached down and briefly touched Eddie’s throbbing cock through his sweatpants. “Your turn, my love.” 
“I’m not one to turn down a blowjob, but if I don’t get to fuck you right now, I’m actually going to lose my mind.” Eddie laughed as he continued kissing you. You laid back in the bed as you watched him take off his sweatpants and his boxers. Your eyes almost fell out of your head because of how big he was. 
“Fuck, Eddie.” You had to stop yourself from drooling at the sight of him. His throbbing cock was dripping with beads of precum, anxiously waiting to be inside of you. Eddie reached to his nightstand and brought out a condom before rolling it on his cock. 
He leaned over you and placed a sloppy kiss on your lips. He took his cock in his hands and started lazily trailing it up your slit and resting the tip right on your clit, causing you to whimper. 
“Eddie if you don’t fuck me right now I’m gonna hit you,” you groaned frustrated. You felt so empty and all you wanted was to feel him slam into you. 
“Such a dirty girl. You just can’t wait for my cock, huh?” Eddie teased. 
“I just want you so bad. I’ve always wanted you.” You grabbed his face and roughly kissed him, and he took that as the opportunity to slowly push himself into you. Your open mouth kiss quickly turned into a moan as you felt yourself trying to adjust to his length. 
“You alright, princess?” Eddie whispered. 
“Yes. God, you’re so big. Biggest cock in Hawkins.” You kissed him more as he continued to push into you. Eddie continued to push into you as you cried out. 
“Alright, sweetheart. You’ve got all of me.” Eddie groaned as he started to slowly move in and out. As he started to move out, you wrapped your legs around his waist, not wanting him to go anywhere. 
“Christ, Eddie. Can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this,” you groaned as you started to leave scratches up and down his back. Every time your nails would scrape his skin, he would filthily moan into your mouth. You whimpered every time his guitar necklace would dangle and tickle your neck. The two of you just kept making the dirtiest noises, and neither of you could get enough. 
“This is so fucking embarassing, but I’m not gonna last much longer.” Eddie moaned into your mouth as his pace began to quicken. 
“It’s okay, Eds. Me too.” You whimpered as Eddie continuously hit your g-spot. As he got closer, he reached down and started rubbing circles around your clit, causing you to tightly clench around his length.
“I’m gonna cum, baby.” Eddie groaned and at the same exact time, you came around his cock. As he was still inside you, his forehead gently laid on top of yours. His bangs stuck to the sweat that was dripping down your forehead. 
“That was…” You started. 
“Incredible.” He finished. He slowly pulled himself out of you, causing you to shiver because of how sensitive you were. Eddie rolled next to you to catch his breath for a moment. “I’ll be right back.” He kissed you on the forehead before rolling out of bed and grabbing you a change of clothes and a wet washcloth. 
“Here… let me,” Eddie softly said while spreading your legs open and cleaning you off with the wash cloth. No man has ever done this for you before and it makes your heart feel so full. “I left your change of clothes in the bathroom. Go get changed and I’ll get us a snack.” He placed a kiss on your lips before leaving the room to go to the kitchen. 
All you could do was lay in his bed and smile like a fucking idiot. 
It’s been three years since you and Eddie professed your love for one another. You expected these years to go differently, but every year was another challenge. Hawkins had become cursed. Monsters roamed the town that you called home. Your friend, Barb, was killed. You watched as Billy was impaled by a gigantic monster in the middle of the mall. And now your sister was being targeted by a powerful wizard, whom we cannot see. Max was only being targeted after Vecna had killed Chrissy. 
Chrissy was truly struggling, so you offered for her to come over Eddie’s house to smoke and help get her mind off of everything. Since you and Eddie became a couple, you were able to mend your relationships with Chrissy, Steve and even Nancy. All that mattered was that you and Eddie had each other. But now that Chrissy was killed in Eddie’s trailer, the entire town of Hawkins had labeled Eddie as a “Satanic Murderer”.
You had spent the entire week in hiding with Eddie. You’d rather the town label you as a Satanic Murderer than leave Eddie alone. It had been an exhausting week, but you had been hopeful that the group would find a solution. 
The two of you spent the week reminiscing on your years together, even when you two were just friends. The nights you would spend over at his trailer, sprawled out on Eddie’s bed looking at him with nothing but pure love in your eyes as he strummed on his guitar. The time the two of you volunteered at the Snowball dance for the kids. The Christmases you would spend at the Munson trailer with Eddie and Wayne where it would end with Eddie mercilessly beating you in a snowball fight. 
The only solution anyone could come up with was that you all had to go to the Upside Down yourselves to kill Vecna. There was no other way. 
You kissed Max on the forehead as she made her way into the Creel House. “I love you, Max. I’ll see you soon, alright?” You had to stop the tears from escaping your eyes. “Lucas… take care of her.” You hugged Lucas as they left the RV that Eddie stole. 
The plan was that Steve, Robin, and Nancy were to go to the Creel House in the Upside Down to kill Vecna. You stuck with Eddie and Dustin, as you were all tasked with creating a diversion for the demobats. 
Eddie and Dustin set up an amp on the top of Eddie’s trailer so he could play his guitar to lure the bats right to us. As he played, you sat next to Dustin with tears in your eyes. A part of you was completely fucking terrified. In the distance, you saw the bats start to fly towards the trailer. 
“Let’s go!” You yelled at Dustin and Eddie as you jumped off the top of the trailer. Dustin and Eddie followed right after you. As the three of you were safely in the trailer, the group of you jumped up and down, celebrating how badass that was. 
You hugged Dustin and then latched your arms around Eddie’s neck, tightly. Never wanting to let him go. 
“Alright, let’s get out of here.” Dustin said, grabbing on to the rope before stopping. There was a weird noise coming from the back of the trailer. 
“What’s that?” You questioned, before bats started letting themselves into the trailer one by one. The three of you must’ve missed something while you were protecting the trailer. 
“Shit! Dustin, go!” You screamed at Dustin as he climbed up the rope and flipped upside down on Eddie’s bed. 
“Go, baby! I’m right behind you!” Eddie handed you the rope and rubbed the bottom of your back as he nudged you up the rope. Your muscles burned as you pulled yourself up but then you flipped over on Eddie’s bed, right next to Dustin. You pushed yourself up to see Eddie just standing there, his gaze moving from the gate to the bats. 
“Eddie?” You whimpered, unsure what he was doing. 
“EDDIE! COME ON!” Dustin yelled, his hands on his head in distress. 
Eddie looked us through the gate before making direct eye contact with me, “I’m sorry.” He lifted his makeshift weapon and used it to cut the rope down, destroying the tether from our world to the Upside Down. 
“Eddie, no.” Your voice was barely above a whisper. You didn’t know what he was doing. 
“EDDIE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? NO!” Dustin continued to yell. 
“I’m buying more time.” Eddie said before moving the other mattress out of the way and running out of the trailer. Your blood had run cold, your eyes unable to focus on what was happening. Dustin was trying to find a ladder or something he could use to jump through the gate. 
“Dustin, you need to hoist me up there. And then you need to go.” You grabbed Dustin by the shoulders, trying to get him to pay attention. 
“No,” Dustin whimpered. 
“DUSTIN! You need to get me up there!” You raised your voice, immediately feeling guilty. You had never raised your voice at Dustin. He was like your little brother.
“Okay, okay. On three.” Dustin sadly shook his head and began to count up to three. 
You jumped on Dustin’s hands as they pushed you up to the gate. Your hands had grabbed onto the gate, enough for you to push yourself through. After mustering up the strength, you were able to push yourself enough that you fell right through, right onto the hard floor of Eddie’s trailer.
“FUCK,” you screamed in pain. You had clearly landed on your ankle wrong, but that didn’t matter to you. You needed to find Eddie. Dustin was shouting your name from the other side but you paid no attention to him as you ran out of the trailer and into the Upside Down. 
You burst through the doors and looked all around, about half a mile away, a herd of demobats surrounded Eddie. He was laying on the ground, trying to fight them off but obviously failing. 
“HEY! OVER HERE! COME AND GET ME!” You screamed loud enough to get the bats attention. You started banging on every gate you could to get them to get off of Eddie. As the bats started to fly towards you, all you could see was that Eddie wasn’t moving. 
Just as the bats were about to get to you, they suddenly stopped in their path just to turn around and fly in the completely opposite direction. Most likely towards the Creel House. Towards Steve, Nancy, and Robin, but you didn’t care right now. 
It took you a minute to limp over to Eddie, who still wasn’t moving.
“Eddie?” You whimpered, as you knelt down to him. His chest was moving up and down very slightly. 
“There’s my beautiful girl.” He coughed out. Spurts of blood dribbled on his chin as he coughed. 
“We have to get you out of here, Eds.” You tried to stay calm and lift him up. He was completely limp and you weren’t strong enough to lift him on your own. “Can you move?” All he did was shake his head. 
“I…I didn’t run away, right? I just wanted to help.” He asked with tears in his eyes causing you to almost lose it. 
“No, sweetheart. You didn't run.” You caressed his cheeks in your hands and wiped his tears with your thumb. 
“I love you so much. I’m gonna miss you,” Eddie whimpered before turning his head slightly to kiss your hand. This is when you just let your tears come out. There’s no point in trying to fight them anymore. 
“I will love you for the rest of my life, Eddie Munson.” You closed your eyes and knelt down to plant a soft kiss on Eddie’s lips. When you lifted your head, you noticed he wasn’t moving. He wasn’t blinking. He wasn’t Eddie, not anymore. 
“Eddie?” You whispered, as you started to shake him slightly. He still wasn’t moving. Sobs started to escape your mouth as you didn’t have the strength to hold them in anymore. You held his head in your hands, slightly closing his eyes to make it look like he was sleeping. Eddie was always so pretty when he slept. 
Steve, Nancy, and Robin started running towards you screaming that you had to go. They stopped dead in their tracks as they realized what had happened. 
Nancy and Robin stood there with their hands covering their mouths. Steve came running over to you and crouched next to you and whispered your name, “We have to go.”
“I can’t leave him here. I can’t leave him here!” You sobbed onto Eddie’s shirt. Steve didn’t have the choice but to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder as you screamed and cried. 
“NO! STEVE! PUT ME DOWN! NO! EDDIE!” You screamed and sobbed and choked. As Steve walked back to the trailer, the vision of Eddie laying in the middle of the trailer park became more and more faint. You had just left him there. The love of your life. The bane of your existence.
The worst part about mourning Eddie is that you couldn’t mourn him. Though most of Hawkins was in ruins, everyone was celebrating the fact that Eddie Munson was presumed dead. The town was relieved to know that such a scary man had perished in the “earthquake” that shook the town. No one knew that Eddie had died for them. He died to give Hawkins a chance at a better future. 
You sat outside on a park bench in silence with Wayne Munson. Dustin had told him what happened a few days prior, but this was the first time you saw Wayne since Eddie died. As soon as he laid eyes on you, the two of you completely fell apart. You melted in his arms as you started to sob. 
After your sobs started to subside, the two of you just sat in each other's presence. You started to reminisce on times you and Eddie shared together. Times you’ll never get back.
“Don’t you think it’s weird that we’ve only been friends for like, six months? I feel like we’ve been friends longer than that.” Eddie laughed after taking a hit of his joint. The two of you were extremely high and at this point, you would just say stupid shit to one another.
“It’s because we’re birds of a feather, Munson.” You laughed while looking over at him, eyes full of love, but he didn’t notice. Not yet. 
“What the fuck is that?” He said, dumbfounded.
“It means we’re kind of like the same person. Platonic soulmates, if you will.” You smiled up at him. 
“That’s really profound. I like that. But birds are annoying,” Eddie smiled, getting higher by the second. “Wait, that’s even better. If you see a bird outside, that’ll just be…like… an extension of me. They can annoy you when I’m not around.” 
You laughed, “What do you mean ‘when you’re not around’? You’re up my ass 24/7.” 
“You never know, sweetheart. I gotta keep you on your toes.” Eddie took another hit of his joint. 
You snapped back into reality with a sad smile on your face. You’ll miss those small conversations with Eddie more than anything. Just as you focused back on the present, a small bird, a baby finch, landed right next to you on the bench. All it did was look up at you for a moment before it flew away. Eddie. 
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alleiwentcrazy · 2 years
Eddie hates it when people don’t answer his calls. He hates it with passion.
It reminds him of too many things. It reminds him of manhunts and abandoned sheds, and no one on the other side of the line. It reminds him of cold, clammy hands, of hunger, of fear. Breaking bones and eldritch horrors he’d thought existed solely in cheap movies, not in real life, until he was brutally made aware of the fact that when people say everything’s possible, everything is possible.
Every time someone doesn’t answer the phone when he calls, panic starts to boil inside his veins and his brain immediately makes at least a dozen painful scenarios for him to dwell on. He knows that technically, they just don’t know that it’s him. But it doesn’t make him worry any less, so everyone’s learned to respect the rule. They just have to pick up. No matter what. Or he’ll freak out, drop everything he’s doing and come unexpectedly to check if everything’s alright.
There hasn’t been a single situation when things were actually bad—people go get groceries, take solid, deep naps, or they’re simply too lazy to pick up sometimes—but he always does that. Always.
Especially if it’s Steve who doesn’t answer. What if he fell? Or someone mugged him? Or he got into a fight? This brain can’t take any more damage. What if he’s in the hospital now, waiting to be anesthetized before surgery, and no one’s called Eddie yet, because to society they’re just some dudes living together?
There are too many options. Eddie doesn’t like taking chances anymore, so he slaps the “I’ll be back in a few” sign on the door, closes the shop and speeds through the town like he has nothing to lose. (And it’s quite stupid, because he has too many things to lose now—but he’s allowed to freak out once in a while.)
When he gets there and sees Steve pacing and gesturing animatedly in front of the window of their tiny but awfully cluttered kitchen, he finds out exactly what it means to have the whole world on your shoulders. Or, rather, to be finally freed from the pressure it creates.
It’s okay. It’s just a stupid phone call. It wasn’t even important, anyway.
Despite that, he takes his helmet off. Won’t hurt to remind Steve of the rule. And maybe kiss his pretty face a little while he’s here.
He doesn’t even have to enter their apartment to know that Steve’s not alone. First off – if Steve’s pacing and rambling, an anxious trait he’s picked up from Robin, wasn’t a hint enough – it’s loud. Their paper walls can barely hold back a normal conversation, let alone something resemblant of a heated discussion. Honestly, Eddie has no idea how their neighbors can stand them sometimes, with his metal, their late-night conversations and non-conversations alike, with the kids visiting so often. Although Steve is optimistic (they have some lovely neighbors, like sweet Gran Fran, but don’t ever let Eddie express his opinions about that old hag from across the hallway, Miss Hermans), he’s still waiting for that complaint to be filed.
Second, he smells coffee. Steve never makes coffee for just himself.
Eddie opens the door gingerly, remembering how easy it is to completely unhinge them by accident, and is about to scream something about getting home, when none other than Dustin Henderson cuts him off with a shriek.
“—because it’s actually pathetic, that’s why! Get a grip, man, just do it!”
“Oh, it’s so easy for you to say, because you’ve never actually tried—”
“And maybe I never will! If you won’t do it, how can I learn how to do it myself? You know that you guys are the closest thing to father figures!”
“Hey, don’t make it about yourself for once, maybe? Some humility?”
Dustin’s quiet for a second, but Eddie knows he’s not about to admit full defeat. “Yes, sorry,” he chokes out, finally. “But you’ve tried so many times, you should know that it doesn’t get any easier on another try. Just do it, it doesn’t matter how.”
“It does, though! To me, it—it does. It matters,” Steve mumbles back, and Eddie can picture his face in perfect detail. It’s Steve’s small voice, which means he’s worried about something, even though his worry doesn’t make any sense in everyone else’s eyes. He’s unsure: his brows are pinched, lips pursed, stare skittering around the room, never focusing on anything. Dustin knows this face too, because his tone gets softer.
“Okay, then walk me through it.��
“Walk me through it. You’ll know what you want, how you want it, when and where, and it’ll be easier when you try it next time.”
“Dustin, I really don’t—I’m not sure it can get easier, ever.”
“Because you’re scared.”
Steve sighs deeply before he responds. “Yes. Because I’m scared.”
“It’s been eight years, Steve. What are you scared of?” Dustin’s voice is gentle, curious. He’s not judging, he genuinely wants to know the reasons, and so does Eddie. He leans against the wall, trying to sneak a peek of the kitchen unsuccessfully, and listens. A while passes before Steve speaks again.
“I think—There are so many things I’m afraid of. But the main one… It’s still rejection. Not being enough. Because it’s not like it’s anything formal, right? It’s only a promise, and if it ends up turned down…”
Chair legs scrape the floor and Eddie can hear two soft slaps – hands on shoulders, probably.
“Steve Harrington. Calm down. You know it’s not going to happen—no, don’t argue. I know it, and this alone should be enough. You are an amazing person. You’re great with people, you’re bright, you’re sweet, caring, you have so many talents. I love you, Steve,” the pause that follows is filled with something so heavy there’s a shift in the air. It has a different smell now. A little salty, a little warm. “And he loves you. More than you can imagine, probably. So just pop the question, Steve. And don’t back out with some stupid excuse like this morning.”
“Pop the question,” Steve says, his voice firm, only a little timid. “Yes, I think—I think I can do that.”
Eddie bounces off the wall and takes quiet, slow steps backwards. He can’t hear anything else, even though the conversation continues. He bites his tongue hard enough to make it bleed a little. A coppery taste floods his mouth as he closes the door.
Oh, it’s just so, so stupid. He would have said yes. Each and every time, he would have said yes.
Later that day, when they’re lying in bed together, with the sheets rumpled, their bodies warm and mushy from the nap, with Eddie’s lips on Steve’s and Steve’s hands in Eddie’s hair, Eddie remembers the overheard conversation.
Well, no. That’s a lie. Because he hasn’t stopped thinking about it ever since.
Every single second of what, at first, seemed to be yet another annoying Monday, has been filled with reverie and anticipation. Dustin’s right – Eddie loves Steve. He loves him enough to risk hell for him, enough to argue with anyone who’s in any way mean to him. Enough to take his hand and say “You don’t have to be afraid when I’m with you”, even though Eddie’s the biggest coward in the whole wide world.
Eddie loves him. Loves his goofy smiles and scrunched happy faces, loves his moles and the uneven mustache he grows out sometimes when he’s bored. Eddie loves how gentle Steve is, how thoughtful and kind-hearted he is. How he helps Gran Fran replant her flowers each month with more enthusiasm than Eddie’s ever shown to anyone. How he talks to children, how much respect he has for those undermined by everyone else.
Eddie loves how he’s learned to stand up for himself. He’s proud of Steve, of how much he’s grown, of how he knows how to express what he needs and what he wants now. Eddie’s loved him for ages, maybe even longer than he’s aware of, but every single significant and insignificant change in Steve’s behavior and point of view makes him fall a little bit harder, every time. In any shape, in any form, there’s one constant in Eddie’s life: his love for Steve.
He likes to think that they do that to each other, both of them. That they help each other through inevitable changes, painful regressions and euphoric victories alike. He likes to think that together, they make one, healthy, living being – and apart they’re good, because they’ve grown to be good people thanks to the connections they’ve made overall. He likes this idea of just being good, together and apart. And he loves Steve for giving him the opportunity to be just that.
Eddie wants it to last. Desperately, intensely, madly. He wants it to last and he needs it to keep happening – he knows that, and he knows he has the capacity to do that. To be there, to stay. His hands touch Steve’s thigh, not in the slightest covered by those silly Hawkins Tigers shorts he’s kept, then they touch Steve’s soft, scarred belly, then they touch his chest, where his heart is beating steadily and peacefully, and he keeps kissing him and Steve keeps clingling back to him, and Eddie’s so sure.
He wants this. He wants to experience growing old together, he wants them to get all wrinkly and bald together, he wants the fights over who gets the most comfortable chair in their grandkids’ living room. He wants them to experience the highs and the lows of the family that they already have, and the one they’re going to build someday.
Eddie wants this. He wants Steve. The whole deal; the promised forever. And he doesn’t want to wait another second.
“Steve,” Eddie says, cutting the kiss short so suddenly Steve actually pulls him closer, chasing after the warmth of his lips. “I’m saying yes.”
“Mm. Okay,” he mumbles back, too kiss- and sleep-hazy to catch Eddie’s intention right away. He tries to bump their noses together���which is adorable, really, but Eddie can’t let him hijack and self-sabotage this proposal too.
“No, Steve,” he squeezes Steve’s side until he looks at him properly. “I love you. I’m saying yes.”
In awe, Eddie watches as Steve’s face goes through confusion, true bewilderment, a bit of fear and fleeting exhilaration, to finally settle on disbelief.
“How did you—”
Eddie laughs a little at that. “I called and you didn’t pick up.” Steve makes a little oh sound, already looking like a kicked puppy. “But it’s okay, doesn’t matter, not the point,” Eddie jumps in, anticipating an unnecessary apology. “The point is, I love you, and I’m saying yes.”
Steve stares at him for a long second, his eyes wide and earnest. His fingers slide from Eddie’s hair to finally settle on both of his cheeks, cradling them lovingly. Eddie kinda wants to cry.
“You’ll marry me?” Steve asks, incredulous, his voice only a bit louder than a whisper. The way he accentuates the word “marry” gives yet another layer of meaning to such a simple question. You’ll love me? Forever?
“I’ll marry you,” he replies without hesitation. “You’ll marry me?” You’ll love me? With my flaws?
“I’ll marry you,” Steve says back. Then he grins with his eyes glistening in the bedside light, and squishes Eddie’s cheeks so hard it squeezes the unshed tear right from his eye. “We’ll get married!”
Steve giggles happily, and Eddie laughs with him. There’s so much joy inside him—them, the whole room seems to get bigger. “We will,” he adds through a smile, already peppering his fiancé’s face with kisses.
“Oh gosh, I have to call Robin,” Steve manages through his giggles and Eddie loves him so much. “And Dustin!”
So, so much.
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quinn-joseph · 1 year
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"Three favorite movies. Go."
• Stranger Things 3x08
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morgodrawings · 1 year
DAY 15: Shotgunning
I missed drawing my pookies
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decodedlvr · 11 months
“Oh.. hell yea baby bounce on it”
You and Steve have been together for 5 months now. Met in college, specifically art class, he was forced to take an elective, anything for him to graduate. That’s when he saw you in the middle of the room.. naked. Well kinda, there was a long white sheet wrapped around you. Figure drawing was that days subject.
You seemed happy? Not at all flustered having all eyes on you, Steve was a bit intimidated, not only because of how beautiful you looked and all, but everything about you made the whole room glow. And made the bulge in his pants grow.
After class he was the last one out, he wanted to talk to you, little were you aware he was stuck behind in the room; that’s when you dropped the sheet to put your clothes back on. You both screamed in sync and he scrambled out of the door faster than you could’ve blinked.
Later that afternoon, you seen him in the library and came up to him to talk about the book he was reading. He was surprised you didn’t mention the incident, and since then you two hit it off.
He knew you were a virgin, so heavy make out sessions, mutual masturbation and lots of oral was the base of your guys relationship.
You woke up, extremely needy and horny. No vibrator or dildo could sedate your craving other than Steve. He wanted to take his time with you, telling you that you’ll know when the time is right. He made a mistake years ago losing his to quickly so in his terms, he’s doing you a favor. In your terms, he’s torturing you.
You swear he gets off on it.
You’ve been rubbing your pussy up against your hand every five seconds at work, coaxing him through sexy texts and lewd photos. Trying to give him the heads up you’re ready for him to finally fuck you. Or “make love” as he’d exclaim. same shit
He’s usually arrived home by the time you get off of work and today, you were definitely worked; panties have been sticking to your cunt since 10 this morning
“I need you now!” you shout kicking your shoes off and tossing your bag elsewhere, meanwhile, he’s wide-eyed, staring at you with a mouth full of cereal
“Steve baby please I love you so much but I need your cock in me right now, I’ve been so horny all day, I mean I can literally smell myself through my own pants right now,” you admit ridding him of the bowl, climbing into his lap, immediately grinding your hips
He scoffs.
“Baby we’ve been through this.. damn, really can smell it huh?” he replies cursing himself, biting his lip, “I thought we were going to wait? you know I want it to be special for you”—
“and it will be, please I promise I’m ready” you pout
The heavy feeling of you has him already babbling.
—“just like that baby, bounce it a little bit — y-yeah that’s it there we go,” he strains bucking, his hips up into yours, cock fully solid
“yeah? like that daddy?”—
“Don’t! Stop that.. fuck, don’t call me that, you know what that does to me”
“what does it do hm?” you lean down to nip his ear, “does it make you wanna fuck my brains out?”
He growls, moving your hips faster “What the fuck are you doing? Why are you doing this to me, fuck! keep bouncin, keep boucin that hot pussy on my dick sweetheart oh— shit”—
“Come on Stevie you know you want it, you’ve been dying to feel my pussy squeeze it, anytime with you will be s-speacial, just.. PLEASE!” you, almost in tears, begging; your thighs are burning the faster and harder you grind
“Ahhh, fuck it, get up!”, he demands angrily and eagerly ripping your pants and soaked panties off—
“Open those fuckin legs, ill make ya feel real special tonight”
reblogs appreciated
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ronance-romance · 1 month
Concept: Nancy wears flannels more and more, nobody says anything until Steve asks why she keeps stealing Robin’s clothes
The first time it happened, Steve didn’t say anything. Perhaps it was laundry day. Nancy did like to keep a rigorous schedule. But a couple days later, when she entered Family Video, there she was again in loose plaid and jeans, hair a bit of a mess. Of course Nancy’s version of “a mess” meant anything less than the usual perfection he saw in her. He often tried to tell himself he was over that high school crush. Sometimes, Nancy Wheeler made it hard to actually make it be over.
“Trying out a new style, Wheeler?” Eddie snorted as he hopped up on the counter, stealing Steve’s popcorn from his morning movie with Robin. The girl in question had stepped out to the bathroom, having missed Nancy’s and now Eddie’s entrance.
“Shut up,” Nancy replied cleverly.
“Hey Robin!” Eddie called as she finally emerged. “Have you noticed Nancy’s new look?”
“Um, not really!” Robin ducked into an aisle. Steve raised an eyebrow, tracking her movements. What the hell was she doing in the horror aisle? They finished stocking that.
“Right, okay.” Steve scoffed.
“What brings you here, anyway?” Robin asked from a distance.
Fast Times.
You had to be kidding. Joking. Pulling his leg, even. Steve looked at Nancy like she had grown two heads. Opened his mouth. Then closed it.
“Yo Harrington, did you forget the English language or something?” Eddie said, his mouth full of the last handful of popcorn he’d stolen.
Steve wanted to grab him by the jaw and tell him to stop being a nuisance. But he didn’t do that. Nor did he acknowledge the question.
“Something the matter?” Nancy demanded. “Did I scratch it or something?”
Steve picked up the film and walked it to where it belonged, feeling like his body didn’t belong to him in that moment. Robin was about to ask what the hell was wrong with him till she saw the movie he was holding.
“Nancy rented Fast Times?”
“THE Fast Times?”
“The Fast Times with—”
“This going somewhere anytime soon, Buckley?”
Robin’s cheeks were as pink as a sunrise as she shelved the movie without further comment. Steve had more questions than answers, but people never liked answering his questions. So he didn’t ask any.
Another day, another interruption from the ever annoying Eddie Munson. After shooing him out of the store, Steve and Robin served several other customers. For a Saturday, it was quiet.
Ding. Nancy appeared again. Red and blue flannel. He tilted his head as she gave a friendly greeting to Robin. As they chatted it up, he felt that odd sensation in the back of his skull coming to the front, like he was remembering a dream he’d had. Dejavu, his brain reminded him. Something was familiar. And then he remembered:
Two weeks ago. He and Robin were on a friend date. She’d worn that shirt. He remembered because he had stupidly spilled his drink all over it and he had offered to clean it at his place and return it to her the next day. The shirt was too big even for someone as tall as Robin.
And that’s what all the shirts Nancy had worn that week had in common. Too big. They swallowed her whole.
“Nancy, why do you keep wearing Robin’s clothes?”
The comical, red faced silence that followed was better than any movie Steve could’ve picked out that day. But it was Robin’s turn, unfortunately, and she had chosen Fast Times. For some reason.
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kitchen-spoon · 4 months
God I need a Steddie gilmore girls au.
Steve as lorelai and Eddie as luke.
Its my first watch so i’m at the start of their on again off again. But even just a one shot of their first fight.
They have only been together a few months after being friends for years and having so much tension and love built up between them. Steve’s parents are renewing their vows they are on good terms because of Dustin or maybe Eleven? She would fit better but I know their relationship isn’t explored often (could do sibling steve got custody of) I’d love max but she is so not at all like rory.
Anyway. They go Eddie comes everything goes to shit. Tommy shows up because Steve’s father went to him. He wants Steve with someone ‘propper’. Both of them have been sort of awful to him. But Eddie loves Steve so he goes. Tommy realizes he cant get Steve from Eddie he gets drunk and sloppy with a last ditch effort.
Eddie’s had enough because Steve felt bad for Tommy because his father died and they had a bad relationship but he’s inherited the company. (Another reason why Steve’s father pushed Tommy). They drank and talked about old times. Nothing happens! It’s innocent! But Steve feels guilty and ignores Robin’s advice and doesn’t tell Eddie until that night.
Eddie leaves, Steve chases him but Eddie says he needs time. Steve feels like he is dying, he cant wait. He could fix it all if he could explain it! He was stupid so stupid he knows. But he pushes too hard and Eddie draws the line. He had said months back he was in. All in for all of it. He wanted to do this seriously. But it had become too much. Steve was too much and always would be.
They are both heartbroken. Steve is devastated, Robin worries and tries to help but Steve just forces himself to focus on the salon. Meanwhile Eddie is snapping at people at the garage he inherited from Wayne who had to retire because of his hip.
Steve cuts his father off in the process. So does eleven or dustin. Neither of them will speak to him but they are polite and kind to Steve’s mother. Eventually it breaks his father who goes to Eddie and admits he is wrong. He gives not so much a blessing but a admittance of defeat, knowing he truly cannot do anything about Eddie.
Eddie doesn’t even close and clean up properly. He just flicks the lights off and rushes over to Steve’s. Steve who was previously watching sad 80’s breakup movies in his old high school gym shorts and a swim team t shirt a few sizes too small is shocked to see him. But Eddie doesn’t wait and surges forward connecting their lips in a kiss Steve instantly melts into.
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ashwhowrites · 3 months
Duty calls
Steve's babysitting duties are needed at the wrong time
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Steve was the babysitter for the group, which meant he was always on call. His walkie would screech, or his house phone would ring. He barely remembers the noise of silence.
He'd do anything for those kids, but damn they always needed him at the wrong time.
"Happy birthday," Y/N whispered. Steve's eyes locked on her body as she was dressed in revealing lingerie. He sat on the couch, she stood between his legs with a cocky smile.
Steve reached forward, tugging his jeans as he felt his cock pulsing.
"Happy birthday to me," Steve said in awe, she laughed and slowly moved her hips. She turned around and straddled his lap, her ass placed gently on his growing bulge. He groaned as she began to move her hips in circles, rubbing herself against him. He moved his hands and held her hips.
His sexy girlfriend was wearing lingerie and giving him a lap dance, nothing could ruin this moment.
Steve groaned when Y/N stopped her dance.
"You should probably get that, birthday boy. I'll meet you in the bedroom." Y/N winked, reaching behind herself as she unhooked her bra. Steve watched the material fall to the floor, rubbing his jaw as he kept his eyes on her. He reached over to his phone, watching her walk down the hall.
"Harrington," he said, softly adding pressure to his jeans
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!" Dustin screamed through the phone
"Thanks, kid. Goodbye," Steve said as he went to hang up. But Dustin stopped him.
"Hey hey! I have more to say. We have a surprise for you! And we need to be there in ten minutes or they'll charge your card" Dustin said before he hung up.
"Son of a bitch" Steve groaned, his head low as he started his shameful walk to his bedroom.
"Missed you," Steve said, his lips pressed against Y/N's. She kissed him back, smiling against his lips.
"Missed you so much," She whispered, her hands tangled in Steve's long hair. Their lips met back in a kiss, she tugged on his hair, his head snapping back as she swirled her tongue against his.
He moaned as he cupped her ass, harshly squeezing the skin. She moaned into his mouth, rocking her hips against his.
"Bedroom?" Steve whimpered out, already standing with her wrapped around his body as he carried her to the bedroom.
He softly laid her down, standing as he looked down at the gorgeous girl under him. She moaned at the sight of his dark eyes and hairy chest, aching to run her fingers through it.
"Fuck me, Steve" she moaned, slipping off her underwear
Steve bit his lip as he moved down to his knees. Her wet pussy was inches away from his eyes and lips. He softly licked up her cunt, enjoying how she shivered and moved her hands into his hair.
"Steve, we got a code red. Meet here immediately" Mike's voice rang through his walkie.
Steve ignored it, diving his face into his girlfriend's cunt as she cried out. But his girlfriend was a sweetheart and always did the right thing.
She softly pushed his head away, a knowing look in her eyes.
"Do I have to?" Steve whined
"Yes," she laughed, reaching to his bedside to grab his walkie.
Steve had been cock blocked for a solid week, never once getting a release with his girlfriend. He was sexually frustrated and refused to let those kids screw him over again.
He was in a heated makeout session with Y/N, their tongues battling as he fingered her cunt. He was three fingers deep, soaking in her sounds as she cried out in pleasure.
"One second, don't move" Steve demanded. He slapped her cunt, smirking as she whimpered. But she listened, laying on his bed naked as she watched his every move. He walked over to the phone on his dresser, harshly yanking the cord. The ringing stopped as the phone was disconnected.
"Steve!" Y/N gasped in surprise
Steve didn't say anything, shrugging his shoulders as he walked back to his bed.
She didn't have anything left to say when his fingers returned to her cunt and his mouth latched on to her clit. She clawed at the sheets as she came all over his fingers and mouth.
She panted as he worked her through her orgasm. Her head was lost in the clouds as she saw stars.
"Steve, why won't your phone work? I need a ride" Dustin's voice cracked through the walkie.
"ignore it," Steve said, pushing Y/N's legs open as he lined himself at her entrance. His swollen tip rubbed against her folds, moving up and down before he pushed himself inside of her.
"Got it" Y/N moaned, this time fine with it as his cock drilled inside of her. She ran her fingers through his chest hair and moaned. Steve loved the feeling of her nails scratching against his chest. He moaned as she clenched around him, picking up his pace.
"Helllllllo?" Dustin's voice rang through the room
Steve reached for the walkie, keeping his fast pace as he held the walkie in his hands. He turned it off and threw it on the floor, ignoring it as he heard it fall apart. Y/N still crying underneath him as his cock hit all the right spots.
"YES STEVE, FUCK" she screamed, her head thrown back as Steve's long fingers began to rub her clit
"Fuck you feel so good" Steve moaned, leaning down as his forehead rested on hers. Finally getting to soak in the feeling of her wet pussy wrapped around him.
"Such a good fucking girl" He growled, his fingers working on her clit as he felt his orgasm coming close. He moved his free hand to grip her chin, his eyes boring into hers.
"Cum for me" he demanded, keeping his grip on her chin as she tried to whine out. She felt her eyes roll in the back of her head as her back arched. Steve's head dropped to her neck as she soaked him in her cum, his grip lost on her chin.
"Cum in me, please, please" she begged, she reached behind him, scratching down his back as his balls slapped against her skin. The sweat from his hair ran down his face as he bit down on her neck, filling her.
He slowly slipped out of her, leaning down to softly kiss her lips.
"Fucking finally" he cheered, a big smile on his face.
"STEVE!" Dustin's voice screamed from the front yard.
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ghosttotheparty · 10 months
a mess of holy things 12 also on ao3 // prev // next cw: some dumbification
“Hi, sweet boy.”
Eddie flops onto the sofa, his head in Steve’s lap, grinning up at him, and Steve smiles.
“How are you?” Eddie asks, his voice softening like he can read Steve’s face. Steve’s mouth twists, and he shrugs a little bit, combing his fingers through Eddie’s bangs, pushing them back. He wants to lean down and press a kiss to his forehead, but he can’t lean down with Eddie there.
“Okay,” he says, his voice quiet.
“What’d you do today?” Eddie asks lightly, his eyelashes fluttering as he blinks, and Steve smiles in spite of himself. He’s so pretty.
“My mom called before I came over.”
Eddie wasn’t here when he arrived. But he keeps a spare key under his doormat, and now it lives on Steve’s keychain.
“How’d that go?”
“The usual,” Steve sighs, running his fingers through Eddie’s hair. “She asked about my classes. About friends.”
“You tell her about Robin?”
“No,” Steve says with a scoff. “If she knew I was best friends with a girl… She’d think we’re falling in love, and then she’d ask if Robin goes to church, or if she’s accepted Christ as her saviour,” he adds, imitating his mother’s voice, and Eddie snorts, scrunching his nose adorably. “Better to let her think I’m lonelier than I am.”
Eddie hums. He’s quiet for a moment, somehow tilting his head even though he’s laying down.
“You always seem sad when you talk to her,” he says softly.
Steve shrugs again.
“It’s hard to talk to her,” he says. “‘S frustrating.”
“She sounds difficult,” Eddie says.
Steve nods.
He traces the bat on Eddie’s neck, dragging his fingertip over its face.
“You finish your homework?” Eddie asks, and Steve scoffs again, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Makes me sound like a kid.”
Eddie sticks his tongue out at him. Steve giggles and covers his mouth with his hand, laughing again when Eddie just licks his palm.
“Sit up,” Steve says, patting his cheek, and Eddie does, suppressing a smile as he moves to lean against the back of the sofa. Steve moves to climb on top of him before he’s even settled, sitting on his lap and falling forward to tuck his face into his neck, pressing close.
Eddie wraps his arms around him, rubbing his back tenderly, sighing.
“How was work?” Steve asks, mumbling into the side of Eddie’s neck.
“Fine,” Eddie says softly. “Missed you.”
“You like my ass.”
“I really do,” Eddie sighs.
His hand slides around to it, and Steve grins, arching his back and nuzzling into Eddie’s neck and Eddie squeezes, kneading gently.
“You didn’t tell me if you finished your homework.”
“I did. Why?”
“Just making sure you don’t have anything else to do tonight.”
“Anything else?”
“Other than me.”
Steve snorts.
“Thought you were supposed to do me.”
“Relationships go both ways, sweetheart.”
“Fine,” Steve says, sighing heavily even though he’s beaming now. He hasn’t smiled all day, but when he sits in Eddie’s lap, face tucked into his neck to smell the vague alcohol and cigarettes and everything Steve isn’t supposed to fall in love with, his cheeks are sore.
He opens his mouth, exhaling against Eddie’s neck before he kisses him slowly. Eddie hums softly, tilting his head to give him space, and Steve kisses him again, slipping his tongue up his jaw.
“You’re fucking with me,” Eddie says, his voice low, and Steve giggles, humming in disagreement.
“You taste good,” he says softly, licking his neck again.
“I taste like a bar.”
“You taste like you.” He bites Eddie gently, sucking his skin between his teeth and licking, nibbling lightly. Eddie’s hand tightens on his ass, squeezing, his fingers digging into his flesh, and Steve’s breath catches in his throat. “That feels good.”
Eddie hums softly.
“Take your shirt off, honey.”
Steve nods, shuddering as he leans back, and he reaches for the hem of his shirt. His grip is too loose and he drops it as he lifts it before he tries again. Eddie is laughing, and Steve’s cheeks flush with heat as he smiles bashfully.
Eddie helps him tug his shirt over his head, setting it aside with a soft groan.
“My pretty boy.”
Steve shivers, sliding his arms around Eddie’s shoulders, his gaze falling shyly.
“Look at me,” Eddie says.
Steve looks at him.
Eddie is smiling, his eyes shining, and Steve wonders if this feeling is ever going to fade. This achey feeling that makes him feel like he’s going to burst into tears.
Eddie’s hand is a little cold when he touches Steve’s chest, spreading his fingers to take up as much pace as possible, squeezing his pec. Steve suppresses a smile, and Eddie grins, biting his lip as he does it again and then runs his hand across his chest, squeezing the other side.
“Okay?” Eddie whispers. Steve nods, exhaling. Eddie tilts his head fondly, watching him carefully as his fingers close on his nipple, pinching teasingly, as Steve holds his breath, biting his lip, stifling a weak moan. “Sweetheart.”
“Kiss me.”
Steve leans down and crashes their mouths together, reaching to hold his face, cradling his jaw. He feels like he might pass out, like his vision has gone black, like his heart is beating too fast. Eddie’s tongue slips past his lips, and Steve lets his jaw drop, lets Eddie lick into his mouth.
Eddie’s fingers inch down his chest, pressing into Steve’s belly, feeling him, holding him, pressing and squeezing until he finds the drawstring of Steve’s sweatpants. He tugs gently, questioning. Steve nods, letting out a weak sound.
“Stand up for a moment,” Eddie says gently, patting his hip, and Steve does, swaying, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment as he steals himself on Eddie’s shoulders. Eddie smiles up at him fondly as he pulls at Steve’s sweatpants, tugging them down with his boxers. Steve’s cheeks are hot as he steps out of them, letting Eddie toss them aside to join his shirt.
He pauses before he starts to climb onto Eddie’s lap again, watching as Eddie reaches to undo the fly of his jeans. Eddie is suppressing a smile, opening his jeans, pushing them down a little as he lifts his hips, and Steve exhales, his hand tightening on Eddie’s shoulder.
“C’mere,” Eddie says softly, gesturing, and Steve climbs onto his lap, his head dropping as his dick touches Eddie’s.
“Oh, God.”
Eddie laughs softly, kissing him, reaching up to cradle the back of his head, and it’s tender, and sweet, and loving, until his fingers curl into his hair and pull sharply, tugging his head back. Steve lets out a noise that doesn’t even sound like it comes from his throat, too high, too weak, his eyes rolling back. Eddie licks a line up the side of his neck.
He hisses when Eddie bites him, closing his eyes and gripping Eddie’s shirt tightly. He whines, hips shifting, rubbing against Eddie.
“Spit for me,” Eddie murmurs into his ear. Steve forces himself to open his eyes to find Eddie’s hand between them, palm upturned. Steve holds his wrist as he lets spit gather in his mouth, as he spits slowly. “Good boy.”
Steve smiles deliriously, and he feels inebriated again, like he’s drunk or high or something, like Eddie is making his way into Steve’s bloodstream. Eddie’s hand wraps around both of them, spreading Steve’s spit, and his rings are cold against the heat of Steve’s skin.
Eddie’s hand pauses, and he looks up at Steve.
Steve whines, shifting his hips again.
“Green,” he chokes. “Green, fuck, gimme more.”
Eddie grins. His hand moves again, tightening, and Steve sighs, closing his eyes. Eddie hums, his voice rough in his throat.
“Watch,” he says softly, his voice low.
Steve forces his eyes open again, and he’s looking at the ceiling for some reason, so after a brief moment of orienting himself, he lowers his gaze. He looks at Eddie’s hand, at the way their skin is shining.
“We’re so pretty,” Steve slurs. Eddie grins.
“Yeah, we are,” he whispers.
He quickens his hand and Steve grits his teeth, his muscles tensing, letting out guttural sound that makes Eddie giggle.
“Oh, God—”
“That’s it, baby. Feel good?”
“Fuck, yeah.”
Eddie is still laughing, his eyes shining brightly, and Steve can’t even feel annoyed, because he’s so hot, it’s fucking ridiculous. Steve kind of wants him to be mean to him. To make fun of him. To laugh at him. To tease him mercilessly, until Steve is sobbing, begging.
Steve groans, gripping Eddie’s shirt tightly. He’s trembling, and he can’t stop shifting on Eddie’s lap, swivelling his hips, jerking into Eddie’s fist.
“Come here,” Eddie says after a moment of gazing up at him, and Steve whines when Eddie’s hand disappears before it slides to the small of his back. He lifts Steve up, sliding his hands down his thighs to guide his legs around his hips.
“Eddie,” Steve breathes, his voice breaking. He wraps his arms around Eddie’s neck, squeezing his eyes shut as Eddie carries him out of the room, trying to steady his breathing.
Eddie sets him down gently, kissing him.
Steve loves it when he kisses him.
He always kisses Steve like the world is ending, like the sky is falling. Like it’s the last time he’ll ever get to kiss him.
Steve whines into his mouth, letting his tongue fall so Eddie can lick it, and he grabs at Eddie’s hair, his fingers gripping it tightly enough that Eddie grunts.
Eddie’s hand slides to his chest and squeezes his pec, and Steve hums.
“Stay here,” Eddie whispers. Steve whines, frowning. Eddie laughs. “I’ll be right back.”
He kisses him again before the heat of his body disappears, the bed shifting as he leaves, and Steve opens his eyes, lifting his head to look at him. He’s turned away, tugging his shirt off, and his hair lifting to expose the tattoo on his back. Steve’s eyes trace the line of his spine, the dimples just above the waistband of his jeans.
Steve lets his head fall back to the bed with a groan, and he suppresses a smile when Eddie laughs again. He hides his face behind his hands, his back arching as he lets out a desperate whine. He hears the bedside table drawer open and close, and then the mattress shifts as Eddie crawls over to him.
“Fuck,” he says. His voice is too loud. Eddie’s skin is cool on his, his inner thighs pressed to Steve’s hips, pinning him into the mattress. “Eddie.”
“Hi, baby.”
There’s a click of plastic, and Steve opens his eyes blearily, lifting his head. Eddie's naked now, glowing. He’s got a small bottle in his hands, and he’s suppressing a smile as he pours a clear liquid into his palm.
“You okay?” Eddie checks quietly.
“Yes,” Steve gasps, nodding.
“You know what to say if it’s too much?”
Steve nods again, breathing a weak Yes, holding back a weaker Sir.
“Good boy,” Eddie whispers, leaning down to kiss Steve’s chest, and then his hand is touching Steve’s dick, and it’s slick and warm and Steve might be dying. “Feel good?”
Steve whines.
Eddie hums condescendingly, rubbing, and then he shifts on Steve’s lap, moving forward, taking them both in his hand. Steve writhes, looking up at him.
His cheeks are red. He’s smiling.
Steve’s hands find Eddie’s thighs, and he squeezes as he looks at the ceiling.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says weakly.
“Thank you, sweet boy.”
Eddie tosses the bottle aside and presses his hand to Steve’s belly, rubbing and squeezing tenderly. He leans over, holding himself up on Steve’s torso, and his hair falls around his face as he hits his dick against Steve’s. Steve groans, clenching his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Eddie, ‘m gonna come.”
“Already?” Eddie teases brightly.
Steve whines, his face hot as he listens to the sound of Eddie’s hand moving, the sound of Eddie’s breath hitching.
“Fuck,” Eddie chokes, his weight shifting on top of Steve. “I shouldn’t make fun of you, I’m so close.”
Steve giggles deliriously, lifting his chin, pressing his head into the bed.
“God, you’re amazing,” Eddie murmurs, pressing his thumb under the head of Steve’s dick. “So fucking beautiful, baby, you’re perfect.”
Steve whines, watching Eddie’s hand, watching his stomach tense as grinds against him.
“Stevie, baby.”
“Where do you want it?”
Steve groans, lifting a hand and gesturing to his chest, breathing out a soft please. Eddie laughs softly, squeezing his pec.
“Such a slut,” he says fondly.
“Yeah,” Steve whines, nodding at the ceiling. “J’st for you.”
“Yeah?” Eddie says, his voice soft and sweet and condescending. “You my little slut, baby boy?”
Steve nods, reaching to hold Eddie’s thighs, gripping him so tightly he might leave bruises. It’s not that he particularly wants to leave bruises on him, but he also doesn’t think Eddie would mind. And Steve can’t really unclench his hands, not when Eddie is calling him his slut, when he’s groping and squeezing and tugging at his chest.
Steve moans, his hips lifting off the bed to press to Eddie’s, and Eddie lets out a rough noise that’s almost a fucking growl. Steve does it again, looking up at Eddie, who nods, half-smiling, his hand moving quickly over their dicks. And Steve wants to hear him make that sound again, wants to hear his voice all rough and ragged.
“Yeah, sweetheart,” Eddie says breathlessly.
“Talk to me—”
Eddie leans down and kisses him messily, licking across his mouth.
“You wanna hear me?” he breathes, nudging their noses together as they shift against each other. “You like it when I talk to you?”
“Yes,” Steve breathes, nodding, squeezing Eddie’s hips.
“What do you wanna hear?” Eddie whispers, kissing him again. “You want me to tell you you feel good? You sound so pretty?”
Steve groans, squeezing his eyes shut.
“‘Cause you do,” Eddie whispers after leaning closer, his lips brushing Steve’s ear. “Feel so fucking good. So perfect for me, like you were fucking made just for me.”
Steve nods desperately, tilting his head as Eddie slides his tongue over his ear, like he’s making out with it, and it’s weird and messy and gross and Steve is coming.
He lets out a weak noise, pulling Eddie against himself, and Eddie groans, growls, into his ear. Steve is breathing hard, gasping for breath, clinging to Eddie as he pushes himself up.
“Please—” Steve gasps, clutching at him, and Eddie nods, kissing him quickly, panting into his mouth.
“I’m gonna come,” he says, his voice rough. “You want it on your tits, baby?”
“Yes,” Steve gasps, nodding, still writhing, shivering, and Eddie sits up, reaching down to jerk himself off. He’s wet with Steve’s come. “Fuck, you’re so hot.”
Eddie snickers, leaning over Steve and holding himself up with a hand on Steve’s shoulder, resting his weight on him, and Steve wants him to crush him, to press so hard, so heavy, he can’t breathe.
Eddie grunts low in his throat, and Steve lets out a moan when Eddie comes, hot on Steve’s chest. He holds Steve in place by his shoulder as he fucks his hand, and Steve looks down to watch blearily, his vision blurred as he reaches to rub it into his skin. Eddie laughs breathlessly.
Steve smiles at the ceiling, rubbing the come across his chest slowly, sleepily.
Eddie relaxes on top of him, resting his weight on his stomach. Steve sighs.
They fall quiet, their breathing slowing. Eddie touches Steve’s chest, dragging his fingers up his sternum, through his chest hair, over the hollow of his throat. And then he’s tracing Steve’s lips, and Steve parts them, smiling as Eddie presses his fingers into his mouth.
Steve moans softly, licking them clean, letting Eddie rub them against his tongue, hook them on his teeth to pull his jaw down.
When he pulls his fingers away, Steve sighs, his head falling back on the bed, and Eddie pats his cheek. Steve smiles.
“Sorry I said tits,” Eddie says, his voice rough, and a laugh bursts out of Steve.
“I don’t mind,” he says quietly.
“Mm.” Steve exhales heavily. “Like how you talk about my body.”
Eddie hums and leans down, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
“C’mon,” he says, finally climbing off of Steve, who whines, furrowing his eyebrows, pouting. “Let’s get cleaned up.”
Steve lets him pull him across the bed, groaning, and he opens his eyes, looking up at him.
He’s already looking back, red-cheeked and smiling softly, his hair messy. His neck and shoulders are reddened too, marked by Steve’s hands, and Steve glances down at his hips, where he finds his own fingerprints like they’re stained onto Eddie’s skin. He looks back up at Eddie.
“Kiss me?”
Eddie’s smile widens, and he moves back toward Steve, leaning down to touch his chin, lifting it so he can kiss him tenderly.
“Come with me,” he murmurs against Steve’s lips.
“Okay,” Steve says softly.
Steve’s handwriting is shitty when he lays like this, on his stomach, propped up on his elbows, but it’s comfortable, and he’s tired, so he doesn’t really care. It’s pouring outside, and it’s lulling him to sleep.
He’s almost done with this assignment, and he cares less and less the closer he gets to the end of it. He’s barely trying anymore, letting his face rest on his palm, squishing his cheek, his handwriting lifting off the lines of the paper in his notebook, scribbly and sleepy.
“You almost done?”
Steve just groans in response, and he hears Eddie chuckle behind him as he comes into the bedroom. Steve is on the floor, legs stretched out behind him, books and papers scattered in front of him within reach. He’d started working when Eddie went to cover someone’s shift at the bar, and he was still working when he came home. Eddie had gone to the kitchen to clean, had gone to shower, to dry his hair.
“How close are you?” Eddie asks, letting out a soft groan as he lowers to the floor, and Steve glances behind himself, smiling as Eddie lays down, resting his head on Steve’s ass with a sigh.
“Few more minutes maybe,” Steve says, looking back at the paper. He scribbles out a word that’s almost illegible and rewrites it. “‘M bored.”
Eddie hums, his head shifting, and he squeezes Steve’s thigh gently.
Steve works, his vision more clear as he focuses on Eddie’s weight against him, his handwriting still awfully messy because he’s writing faster now, desperate to finally be done.
He lets out another groan when he finishes, shoving away his notebooks and tossing his pencil aside as he falls to lay flat on the ground, letting his face press to his arm. Eddie laughs softly, squeezing his thigh again.
“All done?”
Another groan.
Eddie laughs again, rolling over, and Steve smiles against his arm as he feels Eddie’s arms rest across the backs of his thighs, his face pressing against Steve’s ass.
“You comfy?” Steve mumbles into his arm.
“Very much so, yes.”
Steve snorts, and he sighs, reaching back to touch Eddie’s head, pushing his fingers into his curls; they’re almost dry, and Steve tries not to snag any tangles.
“How’s your homework?” Eddie asks. “You think you did good?”
Steve makes a non-committal sound, shrugging, letting his fingers curl into Eddie’s hair.
“Who cares,” he says dryly.
“Probably your parents.”
Steve groans again.
Eddie’s hand tightens on his leg and he sits up, making Steve’s hand fall aside. Steve sighs, already missing his warmth, but Eddie comes back, laying on the ground next to him and sliding his arm around his waist. Steve shifts closer, closing his eyes and pressing his face to Eddie’s chest. He smells like his soap. Steve can hear his heartbeat, gentle and steady, and the rain turns to white noise.
“You ever think about dropping out?” Eddie asks after a moment, running his hand through his hair, playing with the ends, twisting them around his fingers.
“Every day,” Steve says honestly.
“Mm. Can’t though.”
“I’d support you if you did,” Eddie says softly. Steve smiles.
“‘S nice.”
Eddie scoffs.
He presses a kiss to the top of Steve’s head, and Steve wraps his leg around Eddie’s, pulling him closer, sliding a hand around to the small of his back and slipping his hand under his shirt. His skin is warm from the shower, and Steve sighs again, holding Eddie tightly, like he wants to absorb him, like he’s trying to let their skin melt together.
The rain gets louder. Hits the roof and the window steadily, obstructing the light from outside. Steve presses closer to hear Eddie’s heart.
“Jesus,” Eddie says quietly. “Rain’s louder ‘n skeletons fuckin’ on the roof.”
Steve blinks his eyes open.
Eddie laughs, and Steve can feel it on his face, can feel the vibrations from it against his cheek, and he lifts his head, propping himself up on an elbow to look down at him.
“What did you say?” Steve says, grinning, staring at Eddie and his eyes shine up at him.
“I said,” he says pointedly, tilting his head, his hair getting caught on the rug. “The rain is louder that skeletons fucking on the roof.”
Steve stares at him for another moment before he bursts into laughter, dropping onto Eddie’s chest. Eddie giggles, wrapping his arms around him, and he rolls them so he’s on top of Steve, pressing him into the ground and burying his face in his neck. It tickles.
Steve tries to fight him away, but he’s laughing too hard to push him again, his eyes squeezed shut and his cheeks sore. Eddie is heavy on top of him, blowing raspberries in his neck and digging his fingers into his sides. Steve squeals, finally reaching for his hair and tugging it sharply, which makes Eddie laugh, his breath warm on Steve’s skin.
When Eddie finally lifts his head and crashes their mouths together, grinning, reaching to hold his cheek. Steve giggles into his mouth, sliding his hand under his shirt again. Eddie’s tongue slides into his mouth, slick and warm and pressing behind his teeth clumsily, and Steve hums, tugging at his hair.
Eddie is still grinning when he lifts his head, and his smile softens as he looks at him. Steve’s lips are parted, and it takes a moment for him to open his eyes.
Eddie’s hair is falling around them like a curtain, hiding them from the overhead light, and Steve reaches up to tuck it out of the way, holding Eddie’s head gently.
“What?” he says quietly when Eddie doesn’t say anything.
Eddie shrugs, his eyes flickering across Steve’s face.
“Just…” He holds Steve’s waist absently, his thumb brushing back and forth slowly. “I really like you.”
Steve’s stomach flutters. He tilts his head.
“I really like you too.”
And Eddie does this sometimes. Teases, complains that Steve must actually hate him because he doesn’t let him slide his cold hands under his shirt. But it comes out so earnestly in this moment, his voice soft like he doesn’t mean to say it.
“Yeah,” Steve says, his voice softening. “Of course.”
Eddie blinks at him. His thumb brushes back and forth again before it stops, and Steve pushes his hair back again.
He pushes Eddie back gently, sitting up, and he holds onto him to keep him close. They sit across from each other.
“What is it?” Steve asks, pulling at Eddie’s leg so he wraps them around him.
“‘S nothing,” Eddie says lightly, dismissively, but Steve’s hand tightens.
“Baby,” he says softly, leaning closer, meeting Eddie’s eyes. It makes Eddie smile a little bit. “What’s going on?”
Eddie looks away, taking a breath, pausing, and Steve waits, running his fingers over Eddie’s shin. He’s wearing shorts, and when Steve looks down, he can see the wing of the moth wrapping around the back of his leg. He traces it lightly.
“I keep… like, thinking that I…”
Steve looks at him again, but he’s looking down at the ground between them.
“That I’m like, an experiment for you,” Eddie says, his voice quiet, and he looks up at Steve, who frowns. “Which— I don’t wanna sound like an asshole, I’m sorry, I—”
“You don’t sound like an asshole,” Steve says gently, squeezing his leg. “Tell me.”
“I just…” Eddie bites his lip as he pauses again, looking away for a moment. “I keep thinking that you, like— you’d gonna decide that…”
Steve reaches over and takes his hand, linking their fingers gently. Eddie squeezes gently.
“That you wanna… focus on God,” Eddie says finally. “And you— you won’t wanna be with me.”
Steve exhales, his heart falling.
“Which,” Eddie interrupts, his hand tightening on Steve’s. “I mean, if you— if you do, I— I’ll respect that, obviously, I— I want you to be happy, I just…”
“Eddie,” Steve stops him, tugging at his hand, prompting him to look up at him, and Steve’s throat is tight. He pauses for a moment and then leans in to kiss him gently, slowly, staying close when they part. His lips brush against Eddie’s when he speaks. “You don’t have to worry about that.”
Eddie smiles a little, but Steve can tell he doesn’t believe him, so he kisses him again, harder, reaching to hold his face. Eddie lets him, his lips parting, his head falling back, and Steve presses closer, his legs around Eddie.
They’re both quiet when they part again, sharing breaths, holding each other.
“I don’t…” Steve starts, his voice rough. “I don’t know what I believe about, like, God. I think I’m… leaning toward, like. Atheism. Like…” He pauses, his heart beating faster, and Eddie nods, listening intently as he holds his waist gently, firmly. “I don’t… I don’t really believe in God.”
It’s the first time he’s said it out loud.
The words tumble out of his mouth clumsily, like he’s not fluent, like he’s unpracticed, and he feels cold. He suppresses a shiver, fingers tightening on Eddie, holding him like he’s about to slip away.
“But—” His voice cuts off, his throat tight, and he blinks his eyes, clearing his vision. “I believe in— in this.” He squeezes again. “This is real. I know it is. I can— I can feel it.”
He leans forward and presses their foreheads together, closing his eyes and taking a breath. Eddie’s hand smooths over his back gently, calming.
“I believe in us,” Steve says softly, whispering. “It sounds so stupid, but…”
“‘S not stupid,” Eddie murmurs.
Steve exhales.
“Do you… Do you remember what you said that day we met?” he asks quietly. “About… God’s presence?”
Eddie hums, his nose brushing over Steve’s.
“Kind of,” he says. “Tell me.”
“You said… that God’s absence brings you more peace than his presence.”
“It’s like that.”
Eddie looks at him, leaning away enough to see him clearly. He doesn’t have any of his piercings in, and he looks odd without them, his skin bare except the subtle holes in his skin.
“Yeah?” he whispers. Steve nods.
Steve reaches for one of Eddie’s hands, taking it gingerly, and Eddie lets him, his other hand smoothing over his head, brushing through his hair. Steve looks at their hands, at the ink of Eddie’s skin, and he traces his fingers.
“You bring me more peace than God ever did,” he says quietly, whispering to the flower on the back of Eddie’s hand. “Feel safer with you than I do in church.”
Eddie tugs his hand, and he looks up.
Eddie’s eyes are glistening. Steve watches the bat on his throat shift when he swallows. And then Eddie is pulling him into a kiss, his mouth lingering on Steve’s, hands releasing him to reach for his face. And Steve melts against him, placing his hands on his chest, his fingers curling to hold the fabric of his shirt.
Steve pulls away with a slick sound, his hands pressing firmly to Eddie’s chest.
“I—” He takes a breath, looking at Eddie desperately. Eddie’s thumb brushes over his cheek. “Even if I did believe in God,” he says softly. “Even if I changed my mind, and I was— reborn, or whatever.”
Eddie smiles crookedly.
Steve kisses his smile.
“I don’t care what He thinks,” he whispers against Eddie’s mouth. He reaches to hold his face, brushing his thumbs over his skin, scratching his fingertips over his stubble, pressing their foreheads together. “He’s all-powerful, all-knowing. He put you in my path. Had to know I’d fall for you.”
Too honest.
He looks at Eddie nervously, and Eddie is crying, his eyes shining with tears that fall when he blinks. Steve wipes them away, frowning.
“‘S really nice,” Eddie says, his voice weak.
“Can I have a hug?” Steve asks softly, and Eddie pulls him close, pressing a chaste kiss to his jaw before he buries his face in his neck.
Steve tucks his arms between them, closing his eyes, and he listens to Eddie’s heartbeat. It’s faster now than it was earlier.
Eddie’s hands are gentle as they run over Steve’s back, over the back of his neck into his hair. Steve loves how he touches him. Always so tender, so gentle, like Steve deserves it.
“Can I have a kiss?” he asks weakly. “Please, Eddie.”
Eddie lifts his head, touching Steve’s chin and guiding him into a soft kiss before he whispers to him.
“You don’t ever have to beg for a kiss,” he murmurs. “Okay?”
Steve nods. Eddie shakes his head by his chin lightly.
“Yes,” Steve breathes, nodding again. “Okay.”
“Good boy,” Eddie whispers, brushing their noses together. Steve’s eyes close. “You want a kiss, you take it, okay?”
Eddie kisses him.
Steve clutches at him, clings to him, grasps his shirt and his hair, and Eddie lets him, treats him so fucking gently Steve feels like he might fall apart if he lets go. Eddie pushes him to his back, his hand steady on his chest, and Steve pulls him down with him, his hands knotted in his curls.
Eddie’s hand presses to Steve’s neck, his palm to Steve’s throat, fingers wrapped around it, and Steve lets out a weak whine, his head falling back.
“Is that okay?” Eddie whispers. Steve nods and then lets out a sharp Yes under his breath.
He pulls Eddie back into a kiss, sighing as Eddie settles over him.
“I’ve been thinking,” he mumbles absently.
“Uh oh.”
Steve snickers. holding the sides of Eddie’s head, tightening his legs around him. Eddie kisses the corner of his mouth and then his cheek.
“What are you thinking, baby?” Eddie asks, his voice muffled by Steve’s skin.
He looks at the ceiling, his eyes fluttering shut as Eddie kisses the side of his neck. He buries his hands in his hair, cradling the back of his head, humming as Eddie’s fingers tighten on his neck.
“I think I wanna… wanna try something. With you.”
His face is burning, and he feels Eddie’s lips spread into a smile against his jaw.
“What’s that?” Eddie asks softly, sliding his lips to Steve’s cheek and kissing him there slowly. “Hm? What d’you wanna try, sweet thing?”
Steve exhales shakily, closing his eyes as Eddie’s lips close on his earlobe.
“Mm. Not… Not today but I…”
He stops, face burning with embarrassment, and Eddie hums softly.
“Where are your words?” he murmurs, his lips brushing the shell of Steve’s ear. He presses his hips against Steve’s just enough to make his breath catch.
“Want…” He swallows. Eddie kisses his ear slowly, his teeth catching softly. “Wanna try pen— penetration.”
Eddie grins. He lifts his head and kisses Steve so hard their teeth crash together, and Steve hugs his neck, holding him close as Eddie presses their hips together again. Eddie hums quietly.
“Which way you want it?” he whispers between kisses, tilting his head to lick into Steve’s mouth. Steve groans softly, his fingers digging into Eddie’s back.
“Want you,” he breathes. “Want you to fuck me.”
Eddie’s hip land harder. His breath catches, and he lets out a rough sound.
“You sure?”
Steve nods, opening his mouth, and Eddie licks his tongue.
“Want you inside me.”
Eddie groans softly and reaches to grab Steve’s knee, lifting it to hitch it up on his hip. Steve arches his back, pushing up against him.
“Do you want it?” he asks weakly, hugging Eddie tightly, tilting his head for Eddie to mouth at his neck. “Do you want it too?”
“God, fuck, yes,” Eddie gasps. He slides a hand into the small of Steve’s back, pulling him close as he ruts against him. spreading his legs to be closer. “Would be a fucking honor to fuck you, Stevie.”
Steve giggles, and he pulls Eddie's hair sharply, tugging him away from his neck, so he can kiss him messily. Eddie moans softly, smiling against Steve’s mouth like he’s proud of Steve for not asking, for taking it.
He comes with Eddie’s tongue in his mouth, with Eddie’s fingers around his throat. He presses a hand to Eddie’s back when he stops to look at him, letting out a heavy exhale and nodding, closing his eyes and letting his head fall to the floor.
“Keep going,” he says breathlessly, nodding even though he can’t see if Eddie’s looking at him or not. “Come for me.”
Eddie groans and buries his face in Steve’s neck, breathing heavily as he starts to move again, desperately using Steve’s body, licking his neck and ear and jaw like he’s mindless.
“Fuck, I—”
Steve bites his lip to cut himself off.
But Eddie groans like he knows.
“When do you wanna do it?” Eddie asks.
It’s dark in his room, especially when Steve’s got his face buried in his chest, his eyes squeezed shut, breathing in the smell of his soap and laundry detergent. He can feel Eddie’s heartbeat against his face. He can feel the vibrations of his voice.
“I don’t know,” he says, turning to rest his cheek on his chest instead, so he can hear him. “Sometime soon-ish.”
Eddie hums softly.
It’s still raining outside. Pouring. There’s a vague rumble of thunder somewhere in the sky, but it’s too far away for the lightning to show itself. Eddie’s fingers drag up and down Steve’s bare arm. He isn’t wearing a shirt. Didn’t bother putting one on after getting out of the shower.
“We’ll take it slow,” Eddie murmurs. Steve sighs, rubbing his cheek against Eddie’s chest. “Okay?”
“Start with a finger,” Eddie continues, his voice soft and rumble. “If you don’t like it, or you wanna try another day or anything, you tell me, alright?”
“I will,” Steve whispers.
“That looks like the smile of a boy that just crushed an exam.”
Steve’s smile is crooked, and he tilts his head, grinning up at Eddie. He tosses his backpack to the floor when Eddie tugs him inside by the lapel of his jacket, letting him drag him into a hug. He sighs heavily, closing his eyes as Eddie pushes the door shut behind him.
“‘M so fuckin’ tired,” Steve mumbles into Eddie’s shoulder, lifting onto his tiptoes as Eddie wraps his arms around his waist. Eddie’s wearing a hoodie, and it’s soft on Steve’s face.
“How’d it go?”
Steve groans.
“Fine, I guess. I’ll find out in a few weeks.”
“Bet you did great.”
Eddie lifts his head and kisses Steve’s temple before Steve looks up tiredly, opening his eyes slowly. Eddie brushes his hair back fondly before he kisses his mouth gently.
“You eat today?”
“Mhmm,” Steve hums. “Ate after I left the exam hall.”
“Good boy.”
“I’m so tired.”
Eddie caresses his face like he’s analysing him, and Steve closes his eyes again, letting him. He likes when Eddie looks at him like this. When Eddie touches him like this.
“Wanna lay down?” Eddie asks softly. Steve nods. Eddie taps his cheek firmly, reprimanding him, and Steve’s breath catches in his throat. His eyes flutter open to find Eddie looking at him expectantly.
“Yeah,” he says finally. “Wanna lay down.”
Eddie smiles like he’s proud and he tugs at Steve’s jacket again.
“Take this off ‘nd hang it up.”
Steve does, his movements slow and sleepy, and Eddie watches, leaning against the doorframe before he holds his hand out to Steve to take, leading him to the living room. There’s a movie on the television, paused and staticky, and Eddie sits against the arm rest, gesturing, tugging Steve’s hand.
Steve falls onto the sofa, his head landing in Eddie’s lap, and Eddie laughs lightly, reaching for the remote as Steve gets situated.
He sighs when he’s settled, his eyes closed, and Eddie’s hand runs through his hair.
“‘M proud of you,” Eddie says lightly when his move is playing again. Steve opens his eyes and looks up at him. “I know how hard you’ve been working.”
Steve nods, half-smiling.
“So smart,” Eddie praises lightly, caressing his cheek. Steve’s face flushes with heat, and Eddie’s smile widens. “My bright boy.”
His thumb brushes Steve’s lower lip, and Steve opens his mouth instinctively. Eddie laughs, sliding his thumb into his mouth, combing through his hair with his other hand as Steve closes his mouth around it and sucks.
“Stupid for me, though, huh?”
Eddie’s other fingers wrap around Steve’s chin, cradling his jaw, and his voice is rough when he speaks again.
“Open up.”
Steve opens his mouth, letting his tongue follow Eddie’s thumb as he pulls it away, whining. Eddie shushes him gently, wiping his thumb on Steve’s cheek, leaving it wet with his spit, and it’s gross, but Steve lets out a weak hum. Eddie slides his finger in his mouth gently, slowly, tugging his hair when he closes his lips around it.
“Keep it open for me, doll.”
Steve hums weakly, nodding, opening his mouth again.
Eddie’s finger slides over his tongue again before another joins it, pressing down on Steve’s tongue, forcing his jaw open wider. Steve’s eyes open after a moment, and Eddie is looking down at him, smiling, fond.
“You gonna be nice and quiet so I can watch my movie?” Eddie asks. Steve nods. “Words.”
Steve’s breath catches in his throat, and he struggles around a weak Yes with Eddie’s fingers firm on his tongue, keeping his mouth open.
“That’s a good boy,” Eddie says softly, kindly, and Steve closes his eyes, groaning weakly. Eddie shifts in his seat so he’s slouching more comfortably, and Steve curls up, keeping his head straight so Eddie’s fingers don’t fall away.
Eddie’s fingers move idly in Steve’s mouth, pressing over his tongue, spreading apart like he’s trying to take up as much space in Steve’s mouth as possible. His other hands plays with Steve’s hair, combing through it, twisting his fingers in it, tugging gently until his scalp aches dully.
The next time Steve opens his eyes, Eddie is looking at the television, almost ignoring Steve completely. Steve whines.
“Thought you said you were gonna be quiet for me,” Eddie says absently, and then he lowers his gaze to Steve and meets his eyes, pulling his fingers away enough for Steve to speak clearly. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Steve says softly. “Can I have your spit?”
Eddie smiles, pausing. He can’t lean down properly with Steve here on his lap, so he lifts his hand to his own mouth, extending his fingers, and he spits on them slowly. Steve watches longingly, his head full of clouds.
Steve sticks his tongue out, and he knows how weird this is, how debauched, how filthy, but Eddie’s spit is warm on his tongue, and it makes him feel beautiful, like Eddie is painting him, creating him with his own hands. Steve sucks on his fingertips. Swallows.
“Sweet little thing,” Eddie murmurs. “This gonna keep you quiet?”
“Yeah,” Steve says softly around Eddie’s fingers, reaching for Eddie’s wrist, pushing his fingers in deeper until they’re pressing against the back of his tongue. He hums quietly. Closes his eyes.
He’s quiet.
He doesn’t fall asleep, but he’s somewhere between awake and not. He can’t really feel his body, like he’s floating, like he’s high. Not that he knows what that feels like. But if it’s anything like this, he thinks he understands addicts.
Eddie’s fingers occasionally play in his mouth, like Eddie is fidgeting with him. It makes Steve melt even more.
He opens his eyes after a while, just to look up at Eddie. Just to gaze.
Eddie watches the movie. His thumb brushes over Steve’s chin lightly. He looks down after a while and he smiles when he finds Steve already looking back at him.
“Feel good?”
He’s drooling. Eddie pulls his fingers away, making Steve’s hand fall aside, and he wipes the drool off his chin with his thumb before lifting it to his own mouth, licking it away. Steve smiles, watching.
Eddie’s hand touches his face. The spit on his fingers is already cold on Steve’s skin.
“I wanna do it tonight.”
His voice is breathy when he says it, and he wonders for a moment if Eddie could even hear it. This confession.
But Eddie smiles softly. Caresses his cheek.
Eddie’s lips grace down the side of Steve’s neck. He’s slow, and gentle, careful as he kisses over his veins, over his pulse. Steve’s hands are in his hair, fingers right in his curls, holding his head.
They sway where they’re standing, arms around each other, skin sliding. Eddie is warm. His skin, his breath, his tongue. Steve never felt heat like this until Eddie. Safe.
Steve feels a little lightheaded. Eddie keeps murmuring to him the way he always does.
“How do I…”
He stops himself, cutting short, because he doesn’t know how to ask it. Does he lay on his back? On his front?
Is it going to hurt?
Eddie kisses him gently, his tongue slipping over his lip, and Steve exhales, his hands sliding over Eddie’s waist and pulling him close. His breath catches when Eddie’s dick presses to his, but Eddie stays in place, holding him close, cradling his face tenderly. He sucks in Steve’s lip for a moment before they part, and Steve could swear he’s been fucking brainwashed or something. He melts, his head falling back a little bit as his eyes flutter open to look at Eddie.
Eddie won’t hurt him. Steve knows it.
“Come here,” Eddie says softly, brushing their lips, and he pulls at Steve’s arm gently. Steve follows easily, watching blearily as Eddie leads him to the bed, opens the drawer of his bedside table and tosses a plastic bottle and foil packet onto the bed. Steve follows as Eddie climbs onto the bed, leaning against the wall.
“Right here, honey,” Eddie says, gesturing between his legs as he spreads them. “Lean against me.”
Steve crawls to him tiredly and turns to rest his back against his chest. His eyes close, and he exhales as Eddie’s arms slide skeins him gently.
“Okay?” Eddie whispers softly, his breath on Steve’s ear. Steve nods before he corrects himself.
“Good boy,” Eddie murmurs. Steve smiles, his cheeks warm, and he reaches for Eddie’s forearms, touching them gently, holding onto him. “You remember what to say if you want me to stop?”
“Tell me.”
Steve takes a breath, melting against him.
“Yellow or red.”
“Good. What’s your color right now?”
Eddie hums, kissing his ear. His hands slide over Steve’s skin, pressing firmly, squeezing his chest, his belly, his arms. Eddie likes his arms. A few weeks ago, Steve got out of the shower and was pulling on a shirt when Eddie pulled it out of his hands and started kissing him, licking and biting and sucking on Steve’s arms as Steve laughed so hard his stomach hurt. There were three bruises left after that, one on his left arm and two on his right, and Steve liked looking at them. Pressing against them.
Eddie’s hand makes its way to Steve’s dick slowly, dragging through the wetness that’s smeared against his stomach and using it to stroke him gently. Steve’s eyes flutter shut. He reaches for Eddie’s other hand, still on his chest, and he laces their fingers.
“Okay?” Eddie whispers.
“You want me to tell you how this is gonna go?”
“Yes, please,” Steve breathes, nodding.
Eddie hums, nosing at his neck.
“I like those manners.”
Steve smiles, squeezing his hand.
Eddie does that thing Steve likes, pressing his thumb under the head of his dick and rubbing like he’s massaging it, and Steve’s head falls back as his breath catches in his throat.
“I’m gonna get my fingers wet,” Eddie says softly, squeezing his chest again. “With the lube. And I’m gonna press right here,” he says, letting go of Steve’s dick and sliding his hand down, lower, and his fingertip presses to Steve’s hole, gentle and tentative like he’s waiting for Steve to push it away. He doesn’t.
“And I’m gonna put it inside you,” Eddie whispers. “Nice and slow. And when you’re ready, I’ll put another one in you, and I’ll stretch you until you’re nice ‘nd loose ‘nd open for me. Okay?”
Steve nods.
“Okay?” Eddie asks again, his finger still pressed lightly, and Steve wants it.
“Good boy.”
And then the pressure is gone, and Steve wants it back.
“Then what?” he asks, opening his eyes and lifting his head to watch Eddie reach for the bottle next to them, releasing his hand so he can reach across him. Eddie presses a brief kiss to his neck.
“Then, if you wanna keep going, I’ll fuck you.”
Steve’s eyes close.
He hears Eddie let out a soft breath, a light laugh, and there’s the click of the bottle lid and a soft, wet sound of skin rubbing, and Eddie’s lips brush the shell of his ear.
“However you want.”
Steve shivers. Eddie reaches back between his legs, and his fingertips are warm and wet as they press against his taint gently.
“Slow,” Eddie murmurs. “And soft. Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Steve breathes, nodding. “That sounds nice.”
Eddie kisses his jaw, smiling.
Steve pauses, relaxing against him, nodding, before he speaks.
“Can you hold my hand?”
“Of course, baby.”
His hand touches Steve’s, and Steve’s eyes burn for some reason. Eddie’s fingertips are rough with calluses, and he’s warm and gentle and tender, and Steve’s whole body aches. Eddie kisses the side of his neck slowly.
“Breathe for me,” he murmurs. Steve inhales deeply, exhales slowly. “That’s my boy.”
Steve smiles.
Eddie’s fingertip touches his hole again. Rubs slowly, presses lightly.
“Relax,” he whispers softly, pressing harder. “‘S gonna be so good.”
Steve nods, taking another breath. Eddie kisses his neck.
“There you go.”
His finger slips inside, and Steve tightens, stiffening, his eyes opening. Eddie slides his arm around him, across his chest like a seatbelt, and Steve clings to it, hugging it to himself.
“Alright?” Eddie asks softly, and Steve nods.
“Don’t stop,” he says breathlessly. “Please.”
Eddie exhales into his neck, nodding. He presses harder, still so gentle, so sweet with him. Steve lets out a sharp exhale when he feels Eddie’s hand, when he realizes Eddie’s whole finger is inside him. He groans weakly, his hips shifting.
It’s a confusing sensation, he thinks. It’s nice, even if it feels wrong.
Steve never knew something wrong could be good.
His chest tightens suddenly, and his grip on Eddie’s arm tightens.
“Talk to me,” he says, his voice higher than it should be. “Please.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know, just… Wanna hear you,” Steve says desperately. “Only wanna feel you, please, Eddie.”
“You’re doing so good, baby,” Eddie murmurs, kissing his jaw. “Can already tell you’re gonna feel so good wrapped around me.”
Steve moans softly, nodding, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Does it feel okay?” Eddie whispers.
“Yeah,” Steve breathes. “It… It feels weird.”
“Want me to make it good?”
Eddie’s lips press to Steve’s cheek, and his finger moves. Steve gasps, his back arching, and he lets out an Oh! as Eddie’s finger slides out slowly and then presses back in.
“So good,” Eddie whispers, licking his jaw. “My sweet boy.”
Steve nods, holding his forearm tightly, his other hand dropping to Eddie’s leg and gripping his thigh tightly. His head is cloudy again, his vision almost blurry at the edges, and he’s trembling, holding Eddie tightly so he doesn’t float away.
And it feels good. The switch is kind of sudden, from okay and odd to fucking perfect.
“God, Eddie,” Steve says breathlessly.
“Yeah,” Steve whines. “It feels good.”
Eddie smiles against Steve’s neck, his finger shifting in and out slowly, rhythmically, and Steve is rolling his hips to meet the movements, panting. And all the bad is gone as quickly as it had appeared, and Steve might be glowing.
“Talk to me,” he gasps.
“You’re so amazing,” Eddie whispers without any hesitation, like he’s been waiting to say it. “Can’t believe you’re letting me do this.”
Steve laughs softly, his head falling back to Eddie’s shoulder,
“I’m honored,” Eddie says, and Steve can hear his smile in his voice. “Like, actually honored. You’re letting me have this, God.”
“Want you to have me,” Steve says weakly. “Want you to have everything.”
Eddie exhales roughly and his teeth close on Steve’s neck. Steve groans.
“You ready for another one?” Eddie asks, his breath cooling his spit on Steve’s skin.
“Yeah,” Steve chokes. “Want another.”
Another finger presses alongside the one inside Steve, stretching him, and the ache burns. He hisses through his teeth, lifting his head, shoulders tightening, and Eddie pauses, looking at him.
“Green,” Steve says before he can ask. “Don’t stop, please.”
“You gotta relax, honey.”
Steve is panting, and his skin is tacky with sweat already. He nods.
“Breathe,” Eddie whispers. His lips brush Steve’s neck, catching against his skin, and that’s what he needs—
“Kiss,” Steve gasps, turning his head. Eddie is smiling when he kisses him, sucking on his lower lip, licking into his mouth. Steve hums, relaxing against him, letting his shoulders fall, and Eddie’s finger presses harder, slipping inside slowly. His other hand slides over Steve’s chest, fingertips raking through his chest hair, until it finds his neck, resting on his throat.
Steve moans into Eddie’s mouth when his finger slides inside him, breathing hard, grabbing Eddie’s wrist tightly and holding his hand in place. Eddie’s fingers tighten around his throat.
“That’s good,” Steve gasps when they part, their chins slick. “Mm.”
Eddie’s fingers are sliding easier now, moving smoothly, prodding and spreading gently. He’s breathing heavily into Steve’s mouth, and his dick is hard against the small of Steve’s back, pressing against him, teasing him. Steve wants it.
“You know what I’m looking for?” Eddie asks quietly, his fingers moving harder. Steve whines, shaking his head. “Your prostate, baby.”
Steve groans low in his throat, writhing against Eddie’s hand.
“I dunno what that is,” he says, his voice slurring. Eddie chuckles softly, nuzzling into the side of his neck.
“‘S gonna make you feel so good,” he says slowly. “Gonna make you light up inside.”
“Sounds nice,” Steve mumbles. He’s still writhing, clutching to Eddie’s wrist with both hands. One of his legs extends and slides under the bend of Eddie’s knee, and Eddie shifts so their legs lock together. His fingers shift again, spreading apart, and he presses deeper.
A loud sound escapes Steve. His head falls back, and his hands tighten on Eddie’s wrist so suddenly it forces his hand against his throat harder, and Steve is on fucking fire. Every cell in his body, burning alive.
He claps a hand over his mouth as he lets out another moan, and Eddie’s hand doesn’t stop.
“Put your hand down.”
Steve drops his hand, grabbing Eddie’s wrist again as he gasps for breath.
“Good, yeah?” Eddie breathes. Steve nods, whining.
“Yes,” he says weakly. “‘S so good. Holy fuck.”
Eddie laughs, giggling against Steve’s shoulder.
“Love it when you talk like that.”
“When I talk like you, you mean?” Steve asks, pushing back against Eddie’s fingers, forcing them deeper, harder. Eddie squeezes his throat for a brief moment, lightly chastising him. Steve exhales roughly, his eyes rolling back before he closes them.
“Yeah,” Eddie says despite. “Like it when I rub off on you.”
Steve giggles, letting his head roll so his face is against Eddie’s cheek.
“Bet you do.”
Eddie scoffs, turning to kiss his forehead.
“Little shit.”
“Be nice to me.”
“This isn’t nice enough for you?” Eddie asks, smiling, thrusting his fingers into him harder. Steve whines, squeezing his eyes shut. “Jesus.”
“Gonna make me come.”
“I know, baby,” Eddie whispers. “Let it happen.”
“Can I have another one?” Steve asks in a small voice, shy, and Eddie kisses his forehead again.
“‘Course, baby.”
He pulls his fingers out. Steve whines, writhing, squeezing his writhes. Eddie hushes him.
“Need more lube, baby, I don’t wanna hurt you.”
Steve relaxes, opening his eyes to look. Eddie has to let go on his neck to open the bottle.
Steve looks at his fingers. Thick and rough with calluses and stained with tattoos. He wants them back.
Eddie spreads that lube over his fingers, warming it up, and his hand is shining.
He reaches for Eddie’s face, holding his chin and pulling so Eddie looks at him as he reaches back between his legs. Steve opens his mouth.
Eddie smiles, reaching to hold the back of Steve’s neck firmly, and there’s a pause before he’s spitting into his mouth. It’s harsher than it’s ever been before, rougher, and Steve groans as he closes his mouth and swallows.
“Thank you,” he breathes.
Eddie kisses him gently.
“Sweet boy.”
Two of his fingers push back into Steve, and he yelps, reaching behind his head to grab Eddie’s hand. Eddie laughs softly, squeezing the back of his neck, shaking him lightly.
“Little whore.”
Steve nods, panting, breathless. A third finger presses against his rim, stretching him open, and he groans, his back arching.
“Yeah,” he whines. “‘M your whore.”
Eddie groans, pushing his fingers in deeper, like he’s digging through Steve’s insides, and Steve would let him. Would let him gut him, eviscerate him, wring his insides dry.
“Wanna put my mouth down here sometime,” Eddie says, his voice rough. Steve shivers.
“We can do that?” Steve chokes, imagining it. Eddie’s mouth on his ass. It’s filthy.
“We can do whatever we want.”
Steve whines, reaching an arm down to catch Eddie’s wrist, and his legs squeeze shut around their arms. Eddie hand mashes against Steve’s balls, and Steve lets out a sob.
“You okay?” Eddie checks, his fingers pausing, and Steve’s eyes open. He grips Eddie’s wrist tighter.
“If you stop I’ll kill you,” he says breathlessly. Eddie laughs brightly, pushing his hands against him harder, deeper. Steve’s eyes roll back.
“You really are a whore, huh?”
Steve nods desperately, shifting his hips against Eddie’s fingers.
“For you,” he chokes. “Just for you, only you.”
Eddie makes a soft sound.
“God, Steve.”
Steve whines, and he hasn’t even touched his dick, but he’s so close—
“Yeah, sweetheart.”
“Fuck me. Please.”
Eddie groans.
“Are you sure?”
Steve nods again, grinding onto his fingers.
“Wanna come with you inside me.”
Eddie’s hand freezes. His hand on Steve’s neck tightens and grips him, holding him close, panting against his cheek.
“How do you want me?” Steve asks breathlessly, his eyes fluttering open to look at him, and Eddie’s eyes are glistening, shining brightly with unshed tears. Steve kisses him.
They stay there for a moment, lips pressed together, Steve’s hands holding Eddie’s face and wrist, Eddie’s fingers still inside him. They’re breathing into each other’ mouths when they part.
“On your back,” Eddie murmurs. “So I can kiss you.”
Steve nods.
They move slowly. Steve mourns the loss of Eddie’s fingers inside him the second they’re gone, but as he moves away from Eddie’s warmth, Eddie reaches for his own dick, stroking it slowly, and Steve melts.
He lays on his back, Eddie’s pillow under his head, and he watches Eddie kneel between his legs. He’s ripping open the foil packet, lips pursed in concentration, and he’s adorable. And beautiful. And everything else Steve can possibly think of.
He’s still breathing hard, his chest rising and falling, and he looks so soft. He looks nothing like Steve.
It made Steve shy at first. How different they are, how beautiful Eddie is.
But Eddie looks at him kindly.
Pets the hair on Steve’s skin, traces his stretch marks like they’re art.
He makes him feel beautiful, too.
Eddie rolls the condom over his dick, reaching for the lube again.
Steve watches helplessly. His cross nestles between his collarbones. They both ignore it.
Steve nods. Eddie just looks at him, his eyebrows raising a little bit.
“I’m alright,” Steve says, but he chokes on his voice, and his eyes sting. Eddie touches his leg, brushing his thumb over his knee.
“You can change your mind,” he says softly. Steve shakes his head.
“‘M not changing my mind,” he says as firmly as he can. “I just—” He pauses, taking a breath that stutters in his chest, blinking tears out of his eyes. “Feeling a lot. Overwhelmed.”
Eddie leans down and kisses Steve’s knee.
“What do you need?” he asks softly.
Steve swallows.
“I need you inside me.”
Eddie smiles, kissing his knee again.
He moves closer. Pours some lube on his hand and spreads it over his dick. Touches Steve’s leg.
“Alright?” he checks, one more time.
Steve nods.
Eddie leans over Steve’s body, holding himself up on a hand next to Steve’s shoulder. His other hand is reaching down, guiding himself to press to Steve’s hole.
“Need you to breathe,” he whispers.
Steve nods, inhaling slowly, closing his eyes.
His hands find Eddie’s shoulders. Move up to his neck. Hold him. His legs wrap around Eddie’s hips, their skin pressing, sliding.
“Good,” Eddie breathes when Steve exhales.
He pushes in.
Steve inhales again, biting his lip and furrowing his eyebrows, his back arching. His eyes flutter open to look at Eddie.
He’s looking back, analysing him, studying him. His cheeks are red. His hair is falling around them.
Steve reaches up and pushes it back carefully, holding it out of the way. He nods when Eddie meets his eyes. His hands tighten in Eddie's hair when Eddie’s hips meet his ass, and he lets out a low groan, his eyes rolling back and closing.
Eddie lets out a ragged breath.
“God,” he says roughly. “Fuck.”
Steve nods again, shifting, writhing.
“Does it feel good?” he asks quietly.
“Yes,” Eddie says softly, strands of his hair falling from Steve’s hands and brushing his face as Eddie leans down to kiss his forehead tenderly. “You feel so good, so perfect for me.”
Steve whines, tightening his legs.
“Can you— Can you move?”
Eddie hums. He presses their foreheads together. Drops to his forearm, wrapping his other arm around Steve’s waist, tucking into the small of his back. He pulls out slowly and then pushes back in, and Steve’s back arches more, his head pressing into his pillow as he whines.
And he’s never sounded like this before.
He remembers in middle school and high school when his friends would make sex noises like this, just to be funny. Their voices were always high-pitched, like a girl’s, and Steve always hated it.
But that’s exactly what he sounds like now. His voice is weak, shrill, and he sounds like a woman. But he can’t shut himself up, even when he bites his lip. He covers his mouth with a hand, but Eddie reaches up and tugs it away, pushing it into the bed. Their fingers lace, and Steve clings to him, wrapping his other arm around his neck.
Eddie is grunting into Steve’s neck, his voice rough. Steve listens to it, pushing his hand into Eddie’s hair, tightening, pulling.
He pushes back against him, grinding down, and Eddie lets out a moan, nodding.
“That’s it,” he says roughly, breathlessly. “Fuck, ‘s my good boy.”
Steve nods, whining his name. He buries his face in Eddie’s neck, groaning when Eddie releases his hand and reaches down to his thigh, hiking it up his waist and pressing closer, harder. Their chests press together, Steve’s dick trapped between their stomachs, caught in the friction of their bodies moving together.
“Oh, God—”
He wraps his other arm around Eddie’s neck tightly, hugging him, hiding, his voice muffled by Eddie’s neck.
“Baby,” Eddie says breathily. lifting his head. “I’m gonna come.”
Steve nods desperately.
“Me too, me too, I’m so— I’m so close—”
“Come for me, baby,” Eddie says roughly. “Come on, baby boy.”
Steve sobs.
Eddie fucks him through it, soft and gentle, and Steve’s eyes are squeezed so tightly he’s seeing lights on his eyelids, and this might be heaven, he thinks.
He’s panting as he comes down, clinging to Eddie desperately, tears running into his hair, stomach slick with come. Eddie is still, breathing hard, face buried in Steve’s neck, and then he relaxes, his body falling to Steve’s, heavy and hot.
“You came?” Steve asks breathlessly. Eddie nods.
He pushes himself up after a moment. They’re both shaking. Trembling.
Eddie’s cheeks are vivid red. His hair is a wreck, and his eyelashes are wet, and his lips are shining, and Steve is opening his mouth before he can even think. Eddie smiles tiredly before he closes his mouth, pausing. He lowers his head and spits into Steve’s mouth before he kisses him.
Steve hums, sighing. His hands hold Eddie’s shoulders gently, his eyes closed as his breathing slows. Eddie’s nose nudges his.
“Okay?” Eddie breathes.
Steve nods.
“I’m gonna pull out.”
Steve whines weakly, and Eddie laughs, kissing his lips briefly before he pulls out carefully. They both hiss.
“C’mere,” Eddie says softly, pulling Steve’s hand. Steve sits up weakly, letting him pull him up, and Eddie caresses his face tenderly, kissing his forehead. “Sweet boy.”
Steve smiles at him.
“I’ll be right back, okay?” Eddie whispers. “Gonna get us some water.”
Steve nods, closing his eyes when Eddie kisses his forehead again.
Eddie leaves and comes back with a tall glass of water and a washcloth. He’s still naked but the condom is gone.
“Drink,” he says, holding the glass to Steve, and Steve takes it. His hands are shaking as he lifts it to his lips slowly, and Eddie reaches back out to help him, guiding the cup carefully. “There you go.”
Steve takes a few sips and then lowers the glass, and Eddie takes it back. He cleans the come off Steve’s stomach and chest. He’s careful, gentle like Steve’s skin might shatter, and Steve’s eyes burn.
He takes a breath, but it stutters in his chest and catches in his throat, and Eddie looks at him, worry painting his face.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asks softly. Steve shakes his head, smiling, touching his face and leaning in to touch their foreheads.
“Why are you crying?” Eddie whispers, moving to sit in front of him, setting the glass aside. Steve lets out a wet laugh, shaking his head again, and Eddie wipes his tears, tilting his head curiously.
“Thank you,” Steve breathes. “For being so good to me.”
Steve lifts his gaze. Eddie caresses his face, his own eyes sparkling with tears again. The sweat on Steve’s skin starts to dry, and he shivers. Eddie reaches over to grab a blanket from where it’s been kicked to the edge of the bed, and he swings it in the air to wrap it around Steve. Steve smiles, pulling the corners of the blanket tighter around himself.
Eddie leans in and presses their foreheads together, running his nose along the bridge of Steve’s.
“I’ll always be good to you,” he whispers. “Want you to kill me if I ever stop.”
Steve lets out a tearful laugh, sniffling, nodding. Eddie runs his hands down and then back up his arms over the blanket, warming him up, holding him close.
“You’re my boy,” he says quietly. “My baby. You only deserve good.”
Steve squeezes his eyes shut. And he cries.
Eddie had told him to be in the college library today.
Steve had been planning on being in the library anyway, but it was an odd thing to hear from him. So he came, of course. Sat in his usual spot, head down as he twirls his pen in his hand. He’s been rereading the same sentence over and over, trying to decipher it. It’s not a complicated sentence. Every time his eyes run over it, it’s like the words rearrange themselves, shifting into a different language. He doesn’t get it.
He rubs his face harshly, sighing, closing his eyes for a moment before he tries again.
He’s gotten through two more paragraphs when something touches his head, and he looks up to find Eddie smiling down at him, his hand holding the top of Steve’s head, twisting through his hair and tugging casually. Steve’s expression lightens immediately.
“Hi,” he says lightly.
“Hey, Stevie,” Eddie says, tugging again, and he tilts his head. “What’s up?”
Steve pauses, noticing Jeff approaching behind Eddie, smiling almost excitedly.
“Just… Just frustrated. ‘S fine.”
Eddie looks at him like he wants to press farther, like he wants Steve to just tell him, but he nods a little bit, tugging his hair one more time.
“Jefferson,” he says formally, turning to Jeff, who immediately rolls his eyes and smacks the back of Eddie’s head lightly.
“So annoying. Hi, Steve.”
“Hi, Jefferson.”
Jeff rolls his eyes again.
“I made the mistake of inviting Eddie to hang out with me while I worked but I forgot what a terrible study partner he is,” he says, resting an arm against Eddie’s shoulder and leaning against him. Eddie’s jaw drops in an offended expression and Steve grins.
“Untrue,” Eddie says. “I’m a fantastic study partner, remember that time I helped you study for biology?”
“You mean when we were seventeen?” Jeff says, looking at him sceptically. “And you kept complaining very loudly that you were bored and biology is a useless subject?”
“Slander. Biology is a very useful subject.”
He sends a faux-subtle wink to Steve, who snorts and shakes his head, looking away, his cheek flushing.
“Alright,” Jeff says dismissively, looking away from Eddie after slapping his head again. “Steve, what are you up to today?”
“Uh,” Steve says, sighing, glancing at his textbook. “Just… Doing my reading. But…” He shrugs.
Jeff seems to see it on him. How tired he is.
“Any chance you’d be willin’ to take this thing off my hands?” Jeff says, nudging Eddie with his elbow. Eddie elbows him back. “So I can actually be productive?”
Steve looks up at Eddie, a smile spreading across his face.
“Thank God,” Jeff says.
Steve laughs softly as he packs his bag back up, and Eddie tosses an arm around his neck for a moment, knocking their heads together gently in place of a kiss. Jeff watches with a fond smile. He hugs Steve before they leave.
It’s cold outside, but neither of them put their hands in their pockets, because every few steps, their knuckles will brush against each other.
“What’s going on?” Eddie asks as they’re passing by an empty bench. Steve glances at him. They’re walking close together in spite of all the space on the sidewalk. He sighs.
“Uhm.” He shrugs. “I don’t know. I just… every time I open my textbooks or work on my assignments I… I feel like I’m going crazy.” He shrugs again, shaking his head. “I’m just lazy, I just need to actually commit.”
“You’re not lazy, babe,” Eddie says. His voice is firm, leaving no room for argument. Steve glances at him. “Steve.”
He reaches out and grabs Steve’s sleeve, pulling him to a stop. Steve looks at him, taking a deep breath. He can see his breath in the air when he exhales. Their eyes meet, and Eddie’s head is tilted forward a little bit, his eyes shining earnestly.
“You’re not lazy,” Eddie says gently. “That’s your parents talking.”
He’s still holding Steve’s sleeve, in lieu of holding his hand. Steve wants to hold his hand.
There aren’t very many people outside because of the cold; a few are around the building smoking or briefly catching up with their friends, but the two of them are far away enough that the others can’t see them clearly.
“Has some truth to it,” Steve mumbles. Eddie tugs on his sleeve.
“No, it doesn't.”
“Well, it’s either that or I’m just stupid, Eddie,” Steve snaps. “Because I can’t fucking read a book for the life of me—”
Eddie tugs his sleeve sharply, and Steve looks at him, gritting his teeth to stop his lip from trembling.
Eddie looks upset. His eyebrows are furrowed, his lips pursed, head tilted. He’s quiet, fist tight on Steve’s sleeve, and then he glances away before he steps a little closer to Steve.
“…Don’t talk about my baby like that,” he says quietly. Steve’s throat tightens.
“Why am I so bad at it?” he asks weakly, his voice breaking. Eddie’s expression softens and he exhales.
“It’s not for everyone,” he says, shrugging. “School’s a system, systems are never all-inclusive.”
Steve huffs, looking away.
“Look,” Eddie says, tugging his sleeve again. “Babe. I took senior year twice. Woulda been three times if Jeff didn’t graduate. ‘Nd I didn’t even bother applying to college, I’m too stupid—”
“You’re not stupid,” Steve interrupts sharply, his voice still shaking.
Eddie tilts his head, a smile teasing his lips, and he raises his eyebrows.
Steve rolls his eyes, suppressing a smile, and he looks away. He sees someone’s head over the tall, deal shrubs on the sidewalk, about to round the corner, and he pulls his arm out of Eddie’s grasp, stepping away. The person comes around a moment later.
His eyes linger on Eddie. His expression shifts to something Steve can’t quite read.
He and Eddie are quiet as the guy walks away, his footsteps crunching the thin layer of ice on the sidewalk.
Steve hadn’t noticed himself become used to Eddie. Nothing is weird about him anymore. Nothing is peculiar.
It’s just Eddie.
“That’s different,” Steve says after a few moments.
“It’s only different because my uncle is nothing like your father.”
Steve blinks.
His vision blurs and he looks away, his mouth twisting to stop his lip from quivering.
He’s angry. He hates feeling angry.
Especially when he doesn’t even really know what he’s angry at. It’s ridiculous. He’s not angry at Eddie. Of course he isn’t angry at Eddie. And he’s not even really angry at his father right now.
He’s just angry.
“Stevie,” Eddie says softly after a few moments. Steve looks up at him. The sky is white, cloudy and bright, and Eddie’s hair stands out against it, looks even darker than usual. He’s a little blurry. “You’re not lazy. And you’re not dumb. School just sucks.”
Steve nods, looking away again.
“It sucks.”
“Hey.” Eddie looks around and then takes his sleeve again. “Look at me.”
He does, wiping his cheek quickly. The tear that falls is hot on his skin.
Eddie looks at him for a moment. Gazes at him. Pauses before he speaks.
“You’re not allowed to talk about yourself like that,” he says softly. “Okay?”
Steve is quiet. His eyes look back and forth between Eddie’s for a moment, and then he nods.
Eddie smiles softly, tilting his head at him fondly before he gestures with a jerk of his chin.
“‘S go to your place,” he says lightly. “You look like you need a kiss.”
Steve smiles, nodding.
They’re quiet the rest of the walk to Steve’s. Their hands brush together every few steps. And Steve knows he’s right here, touching him, breathing alongside him, and he knows they’re going to the privacy of his dorm room, knows he’s going to get to kiss him in a just a few minutes, but God, he longs for him.
Eddie holds the door open for Steve when they get to his building. Steve ducks under his arm to pass him, and Eddie ruffles his hair playfully.
The door to Steve’s room is just swinging shut when they turn to each other, crashing together. It’s dimmer in his room than it is outside, the bright light from the sky coming through cracks in the curtain, but it’s still bright enough for Steve to see Eddie’s face. Eddie pushes him against the door gently, his head cushioned by the coat hanging there, his backpack hard against his back.
Eddie kisses him again, slow and lingering. Steve hears the door lock.
“Take this off,” Eddie says, tugging at the strap of his backpack, and Steve nods, eyes still closed. He pulls his backpack off as he kisses Eddie again, and he drops it to the floor. It lands with a heavy thud. “Coat.”
Steve nods again, catching his mouth, catching Eddie’s lower lip with his teeth as he takes it off.
Eddie takes his off at the same time, tossing it aside before his hands slide over Steve’s waist gently.
Steve wraps his arms around Eddie’s neck, letting Eddie lift his leg and slide a hand over his thigh, squeezing.
It all slows down.
Steve’s heart calms down, and his anger fades. He becomes softer with Eddie touching him, sucking on his lip, squeezing his thigh, pressing into the small of his back. He exhales when Eddie pulls away, brushing their noses together.
“You’re smart,” Eddie whispers. Steve half-smiles. “Say it.”
Steve’s eyes squeeze shut. His brows furrow.
Eddie kisses him chastely, teasing.
“Say it. Say ‘I’m smart.’”
Steve takes a shaky breath.
“…I’m smart,” he says quietly, whispering so softly he wonders for a moment if Eddie will make him say it again.
“Say ‘I’m brilliant.’”
Steve suppresses a scoff and a smile, and he nudges their noses together.
“I’m brilliant.”
“Say ‘I’m hard-working.’”
“…I’m hard-working.”
“Say ‘I’m brave,’” Eddie whispers, pulling Steve’s body against his. Steve whines softly.
“I’m brave,” he says breathlessly.
“Say ‘I’m good.”
Steve squeezes his eyes shut. His throat tightens, and he swallows, exhaling sharply.
“I’m good,” he says, his voice wavering.
“My good boy,” Eddie murmurs. Steve nods.
“‘M Eddie’s good boy.”
“That’s right, baby,” Eddie breathes, kissing him again. “Come here.”
He pulls at Steve’s thigh, lifting him up, and Steve hugs him around the neck, letting out a weak sob. Eddie lets him cry. He lays Steve on his back and pulls out of his arms to carefully remove his shoes, pulling them off Steve’s feet and setting them on the ground before he toes his own shoes off and crawls to hover over Steve’s body.
He kisses Steve gently, holding his face with one of his hands, cold against Steve’s cheek. Steve sniffles, opening his eyes when Eddie pulls away, wiping one of his tears away before it can reach his hair. Eddie kisses his cheek softly, them his jaw, his ear, the underside of his chin, his throat, his collarbone.
Steve exhales shakily.
“Can I blow you?” Eddie asks, whispering. “Do you want me to?”
Steve keens, his breath catching.
“Are you sure?”
Steve nods, pushing a hand into Eddie’s hair.
Eddie kisses him again, slowly, leisurely, and then he sits up, gently pulling Steve to sit on the edge of his bed. He tugs on the end of his sweater, and Steve reaches to the hem of it, catching it with his shirt under it, tugging them both up over his head.
Eddie lowers to kneel on the floor between his legs, and he leans in and kisses his chest, just over his heart. He reaches up with a hand and touches his chest, squeezing his pec gently before he rakes his fingers through his chest hair.
“Say ‘I’m kind.’”
Steve closes his eyes and drops his head forward.
“I’m kind,” he says, choking the words out.
Eddie runs his hands over Steve’s waist, over the soft rolls in his flesh, and he peppers soft kisses across his chest until he reaches his nipple, where he pauses, his lips parting so his tongue can tease it. Steve exhales sharply, his mouth falling open. He can feel Eddie watching him, gazing up at him.
“Say ‘I’m beautiful.’”
Steve’s whole body aches. His stomach twists. He looks down at Eddie, who tilts his head, kissing his chest again, his eyes shining, and he looks sad.
“I’m beautiful,” Steve breathes. Eddie smiles, nodding, holding his gaze as he leans in again, closing his lips around Steve’s nipple and sucking, scraping his teeth over his gently. Steve lets out a soft whine, lifting a hand to hold the back of Eddie’s head, fingers twisting into his curls.
Eddie kisses across his chest again, licks over his other nipple before he kisses between his pecs, down his stomach, and then he gently tugs at the button of Steve’s jeans. He lowers so he’s sitting back on his calves, and he looks up at Steve like he’s praying, eyes shining.
“Eddie, please,” Steve breathes, shaking his head.
“Say ‘I’m proud of myself,’” Eddie whispers, ignoring his pleading.
Steve stifles a sob, squeezing his eyes shut and lifting his head toward the ceiling. His shoulders shake. He looks down after a moment when Eddie rests his cheek on his thigh, looking up at him.
“Come on, baby,” he says softly, rubbing a hand slowly and gently over the tent in his jeans. “Say it for me.”
Steve takes a hiccuping breath.
He could safeword out of this. He knows he could. He knows Eddie would stop, would come and sit on the bed next to him and take him into his arms. That he would kiss his face and wipe his tears and tell him he’s a good boy regardless.
Somehow that makes it easier.
“I’m proud of myself.”
He says it so quietly he barely hears it himself, but Eddie sees his lips move, sees him form the words himself. Eddie smiles proudly, rising up and reaching for his face, touching his chin and kissing his lips softly.
“‘S my boy,” he murmurs.
Steve smiles, blinking tears out of his eyes, and Eddie wipes them away, kissing him again before he lowers again. He undoes the button of Steve’s jeans and tugs, gesturing for Steve to lift his hips so they can pull them off. Eddie casts his jeans and underwear aside.
He kisses his thighs. Wraps his arms around them and holds them, sucking bruises into them and biting them, smiling as Steve’s hand finds the top of his head, holding his hair gently.
“Gotta be quiet for me,” Eddie whispers, looking up at him as he noses as the base of Steve’s dick. “Okay?”
Steve nods.
“Good boy.”
He brings a hand to his mouth and spits in his palm. Reaches for Steve’s dick, strokes it slowly, watching Steve carefully. Steve closes his eyes, biting his lip to silence the weak sound that escapes him. He forces his eyes open to watch as Eddie leans in and licks him slowly, sucks the tip into his mouth, eyes shining.
The room is quiet, except for the soft sounds of Eddie’s mouth on him, for the weak, stifled moans that escape Steve’s throat. He’s pulling Eddie’s hair with one of his hands, tugging it absently, pulling hums from Eddie’s throat.
Steve falls forward when Eddie lifts a hand and touches his balls, carefully squeezing. A sound escapes him, and he claps a hand over his mouth. Eddie somehow smiles around his dick, and Steve giggles weakly.
Eddie closes his eyes after a moment, relaxing between Steve’s legs, touching him tenderly, reverently, and Steve is breathing hard, the tear tracks on his face drying. He looks up, lightheaded, running a hand through Eddie’s hair carefully.
His vision is blurry, but his eyes catch on the crucifix on the shelf.
It’s up a little higher than it used to be. He moved it a few weeks ago.
His eyes get stuck on it as Eddie’s head bobs up and down, as his hand squeezes Steve’s balls and his thigh, as a filthy sound fills the air. It stares back at him. Challenging him. Taunting him. Waiting.
He closes his eyes.
Whispers Eddie’s name.
And he comes.
♡ permanent taglist: @estrellami-1 @theplantscientist @spectrum-spectrum @carlprocastinator1000 @starman-jpg @romantiklen @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme ♡ holy things taglist: @stevesbipanic @pearynice @ao3whore @slowandsteddie @swordsandflowercrowns @dragonmama76 @mikeys-thoughts @sofadofax @cyranyx @kazalohiku @lostonceandneverfound @strangerfreaks @bitchysteveharrington @nailbatanddungeon @newtstabber (comment to be added/removed to/from either list!!)
♡ art of steve and eddie ♡ pinboard // playlist ♡ buy me a coffee
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alleiwentcrazy · 2 years
Now with a part two!
There’s a guy that comes to the cafe Eddie’s working at. Every other day, he comes to the counter, smiles at Eddie and gives him a post-it with “hi, an americano with two sugars please :)” written on it. He has a different color of post-it assigned for every day. Eddie smiles back and makes the americano, trying to keep his heart from jumping out of his chest. 
Needless to say, the guy is insanely cute. He has swoopy chestnut hair, droopy, almost puppy-like eyes, and two moles on his neck that make him look like he’s been bitten by a vampire. Eddie’s not sure if he finds it more adorable or sexy; either way, he’s definitely developed a crush. And now, after months of trying to gather up his courage to say hi, after months of pining and staring from afar... He’s still nowhere near ready to talk to him. And Chrissy’s not letting him live it down. 
“You’re insufferable,” she whispers to him frantically when the guy comes through the door on the first Monday of December. “Do something more than smile dumbly or I’ll fire you.”
“You can’t fire me,” Eddie hisses back as he tries to dust pastry crumbs off of his shirt. 
“I’m the manager. I can do whatever I want,” she chirps back and goes on to cleaning the machines that don’t need to be cleaned, because Eddie did that twenty minutes ago. 
The guy comes to the counter. There are snowflakes in his hair, big and soft. Eddie thinks that they compliment his eyes—then he realizes that it’s a weird thing to notice about a stranger. 
The stranger smiles. Eddie smiles back. Today’s post-it is light purple.
Eddie makes the americano. It’s muscle memory at this point, he’s not even thinking about what he’s doing until he has to force a lid onto the cup and serve it to his customer. Hell, whatever. He grabs a sharpie and bends down to drabble something on the cup, trying not to spill the coffee. He manages to draw an ugly looking snake that was supposed to be a dragon, cringes, writes “Have a nice day!” underneath it and prays that it isn’t too weird.
Of course it is. But, miraculously, the guy looks at it, huffs a tiny laugh and smiles right at Eddie and – yeah, whatever, curse him – the whole room lights up. Yes, it’s sappy. Sue him. He could be sappy for this guy—if the guy wanted it.
He takes his coffee and leaves, but before he crosses the threshold, he turns back and waves at Eddie, using only three fingers. It’s a small wave, but a wave nonetheless, so Eddie sends him his best grin and waves back.
When he’s finally out, Eddie bends over the counter and groans. Chrissy pats him between the shoulderblades, mocking sympathy. “You’re on probation,” she whispers. Eddie groans once again. This is hell.
He has to call in sick on Wednesday. Now that he’s thinking about it, he kind of knew that the mayo smelled funny and it wasn’t good anymore. But he’s a broke college student and he had a choice: stale bread with mayo and a slice of tomato, or just stale bread with a slice of tomato. These weren’t even real choices. It was suffering or suffering.
Apparently, he’d chosen double suffering, and he had a whole night of hurling to prove it. Good thing he doesn’t have to send Chrissy any photos of what he had to deal with – when he calls, she cuts him off with “Just take my afternoon shift tomorrow and we’re even. You’ll miss out on your cutie, it’s a punishment in and of itself,” and goes on with her day.
Eddie’s so grateful for Chrissy. He wouldn’t get anywhere without her. 
Eddie doesn’t expect his guy to come on Thursday, it isn’t his regular schedule, so he’s in for a surprise when his morning shift ends and turns into Chrissy’s afternoon shift, and then, some time later, his guy comes in—and he’s not alone.
He’s with a girl. With a pretty, pretty girl, who has beautifully curly brown hair, inquisitive eyes and kind but determined expression on her face. There’s something quite unique about her; Eddie thinks, briefly, that she looks like she’s from another era. Like if they were living in the 80s, she would have a perm, wear bold lipstick and have a whole wall of degrees and certificates in her office. She seems to be destined for great things. She’s a badass.
Eddie’s nothing like her. He tries to swallow down the jealousy as they near the counter. His – his? – guy looks surprised, but smiles either way, his eyes lighting up in a matter of seconds.
“Hi,” the girl says. Her own smile is so nice and warm Eddie can’t stay mopey for too long. “I’ll have a latte with two shots of espresso, and…”
She turns to the guy beside her, but Eddie doesn’t have to know the answer. “An americano with two sugars. On it.”
Their eyes lock for a second. The guy seems a bit shy, but he’s still smiling. Eddie counts that as a win. But he’s still quick with their coffees. He can sense the staring contest they’re having even while he has his back turned to them. He kinda wants them gone, but they didn’t ask for to go, so he just tries to stay calm. Focused. Sharp.
Fortunately, he doesn’t spill anything. They get their order and sit in a corner. It doesn’t look like a date, they pull out books and notes, scribble and sign from time to time. The girl clearly knows more than just the basics of ASL, unlike Eddie. Since the guy started showing up, he’s been trying to learn more about it, but now he makes a mental note to enroll on a course. It’s time to commit – to what, exactly, he’s not sure. But he’s gonna make it happen.
Hours pass, but they stay in the same position. Eddie steals a glance every now and then, trying not to let his jealousy get to the surface again, but it’s hard. The guy is cute, the girl is smart and beautiful. He decides to call Chrissy on his way home – if he has to pine, she’ll suffer with him.
The end of his shift is nearing when he hears a giggle from the godforsaken corner. He looks up from the cups he’s been rearranging and sees that it’s his guy’s girl who’s laughing. She’s laughing at yet another girl, who’s standing outside and drawing hearts on the dirty window. She has a goofy grin on her face, one that makes her eyes and her prominent cheekbones pop even more, and it’s the same grin that the girl inside is wearing at the moment.
Now, Eddie doesn’t know a lot about love, but he definitely recognizes heart eyes when he sees them. He smiles to himself – don’t judge a book by its cover, huh?
His guy looks exasperated about being completely ignored, so he taps the glass a few times. The girl outside looks at him, shocked, like she’s only just seen him now, sticks out her tongue at him, and goes back to blowing kisses at her girlfriend. The guy looks truly wounded. Eddie snorts; the dynamic here is immaculate.
In the meantime, the not-his-guy's girl has gathered her things and prepared to leave. She kisses his cheek on her way out, but the guy stays put, bending over his papers again. Eddie thinks it’s quite interesting. Then, he makes a plan.
When he’s done with work, his guy is still there. Which is perfect. Eddie fixes his hair one last time, trying to gauge whether his outfit is metal enough (it is) for the occasion, and grabs the americano with two sugars he’s made.
It’s alright. Everything’s alright.
His wildly beating heart isn’t so sure about that.
When he gets to his guy’s table, he sets the piece of paper on it first. “Looks like you’re swamped – it’s on the house,” it says. The guy looks up, surprised, his mouth opened in a tiny oh. His eyes go wide for a moment and then he smiles. Something warm settles inside Eddie’s chest.
The guy picks up a pen and writes “Thank you!!!” on Eddie’s piece of paper, but before giving it back, he changes his mind. “I’m Steve,” he scribbles, and then gives it back with a flash of smile.
He smiles a lot. It’s an amazing sight.
“Hello, Steve. I’m Eddie. Nice to meet you,” Eddie replies. “What are you working on?” he adds after a second, because he’s feeling bold and he really doesn’t want to go yet.
The guy – Steve – sighs. He makes some room on the loveseat he’s occupying and pushes his books to the middle. Eddie takes it as a cue to sit down. Their knees bump, Eddie gets goosebumps, but he doesn’t move away. Neither does Steve.
“I’ve got an assignment on modern fantasy and its mythological origins, but I’m not as nerdy as my friends so I’m struggling a bit. Nance helped, but she’s not an expert either and my other nerdy friends went for a trip. Maybe you have any experience?”
Eddie’s eyes open wide and he bounces with excitement, nodding his head along the way. “YES,” he writes, all caps, and Steve huffs another laugh. They look at each other then, Eddie all hyped and ready, Steve—soft? There’s no other way to describe it. His gaze is gentle, almost caring. Eddie can feel his cheeks warm up.
His phone buzzes aggressively in his pocket. He checks it – it’s Chrissy. She’s got her period and she’s out of tampons.
“Shit,” he mumbles. Steve bumps their shoulders.
“What’s up?” he asks.
Eddie picks up the pen. “Tiny emergency, I’m sorry. Tomorrow?”
He knows that his hopeful stare must seem desperate, but Steve reads his reply, looks up and smiles, nodding. Eddie wants to scream victory, but he only nods back and gets up instead. When he’s about to turn and leave, he feels fingers wrap around his hand, delicate but firm. Slowly, Steve opens up his hand and writes something on it.
It’s a phone number. “In case you get sick again :)”
Eddie can’t hold back his dopey smile any longer. When he looks at Steve, the corners of his lips quirk up too. He’s lovely.
Eddie can’t wait for tomorrow.
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greenieflor · 2 years
@shapeofaperson mentioned wanting ace!eddie on my demisexual!steve post, so here we are! enjoy this mess of fluff and projection <3 update: now on ao3!
Eddie had always liked the roof of the trailer. He and Wayne had pulled a little couch and a chair outside a while ago, a nice spot to sit and smoke after Eddie got home and before Wayne went off to work. But the roof let Eddie stretch out and see the stars. He felt closer to them up there, like the little bit of elevation put them within his reach. As he climbed up, Eddie traced his eyes across the constellations, looking for Orion to situate himself. It had been a while since it was a clear enough night for him to properly see the stars, and even though Hawkins was a small town the light pollution obscured some of his favorite stars from when he was a kid and Wayne first showed him the constellations.
Eddie makes it to the roof and squats down, reaching out a hand for Steve to pull himself up with. The two sit side by side, legs hanging off the side and arms stretched out behind them for support. Eddie produces a joint from his vest pocket with a flourish and an eye waggle, causing Steve to burst out in laughter.
The two settle back into comfortable silence, passing the joint between them. As Eddie’s head starts to get a little floaty he starts pointing out constellations to Steve, tracing the invisible lines with the joint between his fingers. He looks over to Steve, his hazel green eyes glinting in the dark. They stay like that for a moment, eyes locked on each other, Eddie’s outstretched hand still pointing at the tail of scorpio. Steve’s eyebrow quirks up and a small smile stretches across his face. “You just gonna let that burn down?” He says, voice barely above a whisper so as to not break the little bubble they created together.
“Oh, I…” Eddie starts, but before he can pull his hand down he feels Steve’s fingers wrap around his wrist and his skin lights up at the touch. Steve bring’s Eddie’s hand down, angling it just right so he can lean forward and wrap his lips around the end of the joint. Despite what is likely an incredibly erotic image, Eddie can’t seem to look away from Steve’s eyes. Honey brown mixing with soft green, growing red and glassy as the night wears on.
“I am so gone,” Steve half laughs as he exhales, smoke billowing out into the starlight. He gives Eddie’s wrist a light squeeze before releasing it and settling back onto his elbows. “Ask me anything,” he sighs, “anything at all.”
Eddie tears his gaze away from Steve’s face as they make eye contact again, bringing the roach up to his mouth to take the final hit. Eddie’s head is swimming, and only partially from the weed. He tries to think of something, anything to ask other than the one question burning at the tip of his tongue. Some joke or stupid quip to lighten the mood, cut through some of the tension he suddenly felt building up in his chest. Steve was looking at him. He could feel those too-perfect eyes on his face, no heat or pressure to it, almost as if Steve was looking at him just to appreciate his form. Eddie flicks the roach off the roof with a shaky sigh and before he can stop himself he’s asking, “what’s it like?” He waits a beat, turning to see the slightly confused look growing on Steve’s face. “Uh, sex. I mean. What’s…sex like?”
Eddie watches the realization hit Steve. The way his eyes widen, his mouth opens into a soft “oh”. If you had told Eddie five months ago that he would be laying on his roof, smoking out Steve Harrington, the whore of Hawkins High, and asking him about sex he would have laughed in your face and sent you to sober up. But the two had grown closer than he ever thought they would. Between Nancy and Robin helping him to finally graduate and practically co-parenting Dustin and, by extension, the rest of the party, Eddie and Steve had spent a surprising amount of time together and, perhaps more surprisingly, Eddie truly enjoyed it. He wouldn’t trade these nights smoking with Steve for just about anything. Maybe that’s why he asks. Maybe he thinks it’ll lead to something else so he can finally just get it over with. He’ll never be certain, and even if he is he will never tell.
“Honestly?” Steve starts, pushing himself up to sit facing Eddie. “It’s kinda boring most of the time. You’ve really never…” he trails off, but there’s no judgment in his voice, no hint of coming shame. Eddie pulls himself up to match Steve, their knees brushing. He keeps his eyes locked on his fingers, watching the way his rings glint as he spins them around and around. Eddie shakes his head, taking a beat to breathe before looking back up at those eyes. Even in the dark they have a warmth Eddie has yet to find anywhere else. “Not a huge selection for me in Hawkins,” he tries for a joke and self deprecating laugh. “Plus I never really… yanno. Wanted to or whatever.”
Steve nods, smiling to himself as if he does know exactly what Eddie is talking about. “I uh, I only really did it cause it felt like I was supposed to. For a while at least. I’m fine, never did anything I was uncomfortable with,” he adds quickly, seeing Eddie’s expression grow concerned. “But yeah, I never really got the appeal. Just sorta seemed like something to check off the list. Well, except with Nance, but that was… different. For a lot of reasons.”
Eddie was staring. He didn’t even try to hide it at this point. “I.. that’s uh…” he stammered, not quite sure what he wanted to say.
Steve smiled, still that same soft, knowing smile. “I can send you a few things to read, if you want. But… if you’re worried about being broken or, or wrong because you don’t want sex,” he paused, eyes searching Eddie’s for permission to keep going. “You’re not. I can promise you that.” Steve reached out, hand falling to rest on Eddie’s knee and giving it a gentle squeeze before a shit eating grin broke across his face. “I mean you’re still weird, you’ve got that whole bone collection thing that I’ll never understand-“
Eddie cuts him off with a laugh, tilting his head and blinking back the tears threatening to spill over.
“But with this? You’re no weirder than me Eds.” Steve gave his knee another squeeze before moving back towards the ladder. "C'mon, my ass hurts and it's getting cold out here. Let's go back inside."
Eddie smiled, not quite able to believe the man in front of him, but not willing to give up a single second with him.
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Instagram request with Daddy Steve? I'm sure he'd brag about her everywhere 😅
Hiii my lovey! So I took this as Sugar Daddy Steve? If you wanted just dad Steve I’m sorry just send me another message and I’ll happily do it! I hope you enjoy these though💖
-find all things Sugar Daddy Steve here✨
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morgodrawings · 2 years
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decodedlvr · 1 year
Thinking about Older Steve becoming a daily cyclist 🚴
He’s been having to adjust and get used to wearing tighter clothing; biker shorts.
Everytime he pedals, the shorts rub his cock and balls the right way. He basically gives himself blue balls everyday.
Until he sees you in a group of fellow cyclists.. thighs bulging from the tightness of your shorts.. the sweaty ass print you always leave behind on the seat of your bike
He aims to ride behind you every evening, from 6pm to 8pm
Watching your plump and round ass in those tight shorts. He can’t help but to watch
Until his cock twitches
Until he’s right up on you, tire to tire on the biking trail. His bulge swelling more and more..
He stabilizes the hand-bar with one hand while the other rubs and squeezes himself through the spandex material
Rubbing more and more with his strong finger tips; eventually edging himself; he’s gotta make a left turn just to stop because he’s cuming..handsfree in those tight shorts, cock spasming, leaking through the material
He really enjoys his new workout routine.
inspired by p*rnhub..and joe keerys obvious everyday bulge🤫
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