decodedlvr · 1 year
Thinking about Older Steve becoming a daily cyclist 🚴
He’s been having to adjust and get used to wearing tighter clothing; biker shorts.
Everytime he pedals, the shorts rub his cock and balls the right way. He basically gives himself blue balls everyday.
Until he sees you in a group of fellow cyclists.. thighs bulging from the tightness of your shorts.. the sweaty ass print you always leave behind on the seat of your bike
He aims to ride behind you every evening, from 6pm to 8pm
Watching your plump and round ass in those tight shorts. He can’t help but to watch
Until his cock twitches
Until he’s right up on you, tire to tire on the biking trail. His bulge swelling more and more..
He stabilizes the hand-bar with one hand while the other rubs and squeezes himself through the spandex material
Rubbing more and more with his strong finger tips; eventually edging himself; he’s gotta make a left turn just to stop because he’s cuming..handsfree in those tight shorts, cock spasming, leaking through the material
He really enjoys his new workout routine.
inspired by p*rnhub..and joe keerys obvious everyday bulge🤫
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brunchable · 18 days
𝐌𝐫. 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 | Stucky x f!reader.
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Part Two | Four Pairings: Bucky Barnes x f!reader, Steve Rogers x f!reader | Daughter of Thaddeus Ross (Red Hulk) Words: 5.8K Themes: Forbidden/Off-Limits Reader, Love Triangle, M for Mature, 18+ , Post-Endgame, AGE GAP (24y/o reader). Summary: Steve and Sam discuss Steve’s lingering thoughts about the mysterious woman he danced with at a party, while Bucky continues his therapy sessions with Y/N. Y/N ends her engagement with Ethan, leading to a tense confrontation with her father, Thaddeus Ross, who pressures her to maintain the arrangement for political reasons. Y/N’s growing connection with Bucky becomes more apparent, but her father's expectations weigh heavily on her, leaving her conflicted about her future. A/N: Steve's song can be One Kiss by Dua lipa lmao.
taggies: @astrelz @pattiemac1
Steve and Sam had just finished their usual morning run, both catching their breath as they walked toward a bench, sandwich in hand, their usual routine after.
Steve’s hair was still damp with sweat, and Sam wiped his forehead with the back of his hand as they found a park bench. The park bustled with early morning energy—people in suits rushing, joggers taking a break, and the steady hum of traffic in the distance.
"You know, you’re getting slower, Cap," Sam teased, flashing Steve a grin as they sat down.
Steve smirked, settling on the bench. "I thought I’d take it easy on you."
Sam chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, right. Three days ago, you were out there dancing like you had moves I’d never seen before, and now you’re holding back on a run?"
Steve sighed, "You’re not gonna let that go, are you?"
"Nope. You’ve been quiet since that night. A little too quiet, if you ask me."
Steve avoided Sam’s gaze, watching the pigeons on loitering around. "It was just... a one time thing."
Sam raised an eyebrow. "Just a one time thing? Come on, man, I saw you two. There was something going on out there, and it wasn’t just the music."
"I don’t even know who she is." Steve finally looked up, a small smile tugging at his lips. 
"Doesn’t matter," Sam replied, shrugging as he took a big bite. "You don’t need to know her to know that something clicked. That’s why you’ve been all broody these past few days."
Steve sighed, leaning back in his chair and looking out at the city as it buzzed with life around them. The memory of her—of the girl he’d danced with—had stayed with him, playing in his mind over and over. Her smile, the way she moved, the way it felt like the rest of the world had disappeared for those few moments.
"I don’t even know her name, Sam," Steve finally admitted.
"So what?" Sam shrugged. "You’ve got instincts, right? If it felt right, you should do something about it."
Steve glanced over at him. "And do what? Ask around for the girl I danced with at a party I didn’t even want to go to?"
Sam grinned. "It worked for Cinderella."
Steve rolled his eyes, but Sam didn’t let up. 
"All I’m saying is, you don’t get moments like that every day. Whatever happened on that dance floor, it’s been on your mind for three days. That means something."
Steve opened his mouth to respond, but before he could say anything, a cyclist zoomed past them, so close that their Sam almost dropped his sandwich. Both Steve and Sam jerked back in surprise.
"Whoa!" Sam shouted after the cyclist. "Watch where you’re going!"
"This city..." Steve shook his head, laughing softly. 
"You know, you could’ve used that super-soldier strength to tackle the guy." Sam pointed.
Steve gave him a deadpan look. "Yeah, that would’ve gone over real well. Captain America assaults cyclist—makes headlines."
Sam laughed, but the seriousness returned to his voice a moment later. "Look, man, I know you’ve been out of the game for a while, but you deserve to live a little. If that girl gave you even a glimpse of something good... you should try to find her."
Steve stared into the distance, the thought hanging in the air. Could he really track her down? Did he even want to?
"Trust me," Sam added, "might be worth a shot."
Steve sat in silence for a moment, thinking it over. Sam’s words weighed on him, the idea of taking a chance—of finding her again—slowly growing in his mind.
Before Steve could say anything, a group of women walked past their bench. One of them glanced back, her eyes widening as she recognized him. She stopped in her tracks, tugging on her friend’s arm.
"Oh my God, aren’t you... Captain America?"
Steve sighed inwardly, but a polite smile spread across his face. "Not anymore," he said smoothly, pointing to Sam, "he is."
The women turned their wide-eyed stares to Sam, and for a moment, there was stunned silence. Sam blinked, his expression somewhere between amused and baffled.
"Oh... um..." one of the women stammered, clearly caught off guard.
Sam shot Steve a playful glare, then broke into a broad grin. "That’s right," he said, leaning back in the bench with exaggerated confidence. "I’m the new and improved model."
The women giggled, their surprise quickly turning into admiration. "Can we get a picture with both of you?" one of them asked.
Sam didn’t miss a beat. "Only if you tag me as the real Captain America."
Steve chuckled, shaking his head. "Come on, let’s get this over with."
The women quickly snapped a picture, and after thanking them with enthusiasm, they moved on, still buzzing with excitement. As they walked away, Sam shot Steve a mischievous grin.
"You know, I really should start charging for these appearances," Sam said.
Steve rolled his eyes but smiled. "Maybe you should."
As Steve sat back down, Sam shook his head, laughing. "Man, even when you’re trying to lay low, you can’t avoid the spotlight."
Steve gave him a half-smile, but his mind was elsewhere. He stared out at the busy street, Sam’s words echoing in his head.
"Maybe you’re right," Steve said quietly.
Sam raised an eyebrow. "About what?"
"About finding her," Steve said, his voice firming up, “I mean. . . my life has been feeling a bit dull.”
Sam grinned, slapping Steve on the shoulder. "Now that’s what I like to hear."
Steve shifted on the bench, a new determination building inside him. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, but Sam was right. 
× × × ×
Back at the mansion, Y/N barely had time to settle in when her father stormed into the room. Thaddeus was not a man easily angered, but when he was, the entire house felt the weight of it. Today was one of those days. His presence loomed large as he stood rigid in the doorway, his eyes cold and piercing.
“I just got word that you ended your engagement,” Thaddeus’s voice was sharp, each word cutting through the air. His hands clenched into tight fists at his sides as he took a step forward. “Without even telling me.”
Y/N’s heart raced, but she stood her ground, refusing to shrink under his gaze. “I didn’t need your permission, Dad. It was my decision.”
Thaddeus’s eyes narrowed, his face hardening. “Your decision?” His voice rose in fury as he closed the distance between them, looming over her. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done? This wasn’t just some personal arrangement, Y/N. This was a political move—a way to solidify alliances. And now, you’ve destroyed it.”
Y/N could feel the tension radiating from him, but she refused to let his anger rattle her. “There was no love between us, and you know it,” she snapped back, her voice steady despite the pounding in her chest. “I wasn’t going to marry someone just because it suited your politics.”
Thaddeus’s expression darkened, his jaw clenched. “This isn’t about love. This is about duty. This is about the family, about what we stand for! You’ve always been reckless, thinking you can make decisions like this without understanding the consequences.”
“Oh my gosh! Duty? So are we some part of the royal family?,” Y/N shot back, her voice trembling but resolute. “I couldn’t live a lie anymore.”
Thaddeus’s laugh was bitter, “You’ve never had to live the life I’ve lived, Y/N. You’ve always had everything handed to you, protected from the real world, from real responsibility. Well, guess what? Life isn’t about what you want. It’s about what you have to do. It’s about playing your part.”
Y/N felt the weight of his words sinking in, but she wouldn’t back down. She’d made her choice, and for the first time, she’d done it for herself.
“You better take it back,” Thaddeus ordered, his voice low and menacing. “Call him. Fix this. The engagement is not over.”
Y/N blinked, stunned by the sheer audacity of his demand. “Take it back?” She let out a sharp, humorless laugh. “You want me to go back to Ethan? To a man who’s still in love with his ex? That’s what you want?”
Thaddeus didn’t flinch. “It’s what’s necessary.”
“Necessary for you,” Y/N said, her voice rising as the frustration bubbled over. “You’re already president! What more do you need? This is my life, Dad. Not another political maneuver you can use to your advantage.”
Thaddeus’s gaze sharpened, his lips thinning into a hard line. “You don’t understand how the world works. You’re my daughter. Everything you do reflects on this family, on me. You think you can run around making decisions on a whim? That’s not how this works.”
“I won’t go back to him,” Y/N said firmly, her voice steady with defiance.
Thaddeus stepped closer, his voice low but dripping with cold authority. “You don’t have a choice. In a month’s time, I’ll be introducing you to the world. The daughter of President Thaddeus Ross. You will stand by my side and play your part, whether you like it or not. You’re not just my daughter. You are an extension of everything I’ve built.”
Y/N felt the suffocating weight of his words settling over her, like a blanket she couldn’t shake off. She had always known that being Thaddeus Ross’s daughter came with expectations, but now, more than ever, she felt like she was nothing more than a pawn in his grand political game.
“I won’t be part of your plans,” she said, her voice quieter but laced with firm defiance.
Thaddeus’s eyes bore into hers, his face hardening into a cold, unreadable mask. “You already are,” he said simply, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Without another word, he turned and stormed out of the room, leaving Y/N standing there, her hands trembling as the enormity of his expectations pressed down on her shoulders. The life she wanted, the freedom she craved—it all seemed further away than ever.
× × × ×
Y/N sank onto the couch, her mind racing. Ending things with Ethan had felt like the right decision, but her father’s reaction made her question everything. Could she ever escape this life? Could she ever truly be free from her father’s control?
Her gaze drifted around the room, settling on a framed photograph sitting on the mantle—one of the few pictures she had of her mother. It was old, faded at the edges, a reminder of a woman she never got the chance to know. After her parents had separated when she was just a baby, her mother had disappeared from her life completely. All Y/N had were secondhand stories and a face in a photograph.
Her father never talked about her mother, and Y/N had stopped asking questions long ago. But sometimes, like now, she couldn’t help but wonder what her life might have been like if she’d had her mother around—someone who could have balanced her father’s rigid expectations, someone who could have shown her what it meant to live freely.
But that life had never been an option. Her mother was gone, and her father was all she had. As much as she tried to carve out her own path, the weight of being Thaddeus Ross’s daughter was always there, pulling her back in.
Her thoughts drifted away from the heaviness of her family and back to her recent encounters with Bucky. There was something about him, something different from everything else in her life. He didn’t push, didn’t demand. He just... was. And that simplicity, that calmness—it was starting to mean more to her than she had anticipated.
Her thoughts shifted to Ethan when she noticed a missed call from him. She stared at her phone for a long moment. They hadn’t spoken since she called off the engagement, and part of her wanted to ignore him. She had made her choice—there was nothing more to say. But curiosity tugged at her. What could he possibly want now?
With a resigned sigh, Y/N tapped on his number and brought the phone to her ear. It rang twice before Ethan picked up, his voice cool and calculated, as always.
“Ethan,” she replied, her tone cautious. “I saw your missed call. What do you want?”
There was a brief pause before Ethan spoke again, his voice more measured than before. “I’ve been thinking about everything that happened. About the engagement.”
Y/N’s defenses went up instantly. “There’s nothing more to talk about. I ended it.”
“I know, and I’m not calling to argue that,” Ethan said, his voice calm. “I get why you did it. I’ve been thinking about what you said. Maybe you were right, but that doesn’t change what’s happening around us.”
“What are you getting at, Ethan?” Y/N pressed, her voice sharp. “Why are you calling me?”
“Look, this isn’t easy for me to explain over the phone,” Ethan replied, his voice dropping to a more serious tone. “But we’re in a complicated situation right now, both of us. And it’s not just about us—it’s about our families and that event your dad wants to hold.”
Y/N sighed, already feeling exhausted by the conversation. “I know all of that. But I’m not going back to the way things were, Ethan. I’m done.”
“I’m not asking you to go back to that,” Ethan said quickly, his voice becoming more urgent. “Just... hear me out. I have a plan, a way for us to manage this without blowing everything up.”
Y/N frowned. “What kind of plan?”
“It’s hard to explain,” Ethan replied, his voice vague and careful, almost too careful. “But I’ve been thinking. There’s a way to do this... to make sure we both come out of this in one piece. But you’re going to have to trust me.”
Y/N’s stomach churned. “Trust you? Ethan, I ended things because I didn’t want to keep pretending. You want me to trust you with something you won’t even explain?”
“I know it sounds like I’m asking for a lot,” Ethan admitted, his voice softening slightly. “But trust me when I say I’m looking out for both of us here. I’m not going to let this get messy—for you or for me.”
Y/N clenched her jaw, frustrated by his vagueness. “You can’t expect me to just go along with this without knowing what you’re planning.”
Ethan sighed heavily. “I get it. I do. But right now, I can’t give you all the details. It’s just... complicated, I’m arranging plenty of things okay? And I need you to trust me on this. You don’t want to deal with the fallout if we handle this the wrong way.”
Y/N bit her lip, her mind racing. The idea of trusting Ethan after everything felt absurd, but something about the way he was speaking, the way he kept insisting, made her pause. She hated the thought of going along with anything Ethan was plotting, but part of her wondered if he was right—if handling things the wrong way could make everything worse.
“And what exactly am I supposed to do in the meantime?” Y/N asked, her voice low, testing the waters.
“For now, just... we act like we did before,” Ethan replied, sounding almost relieved that she hadn’t hung up. “Just let things settle. Your dad becoming President is a huge deal.”
Y/N sighed, feeling the weight of it all pressing down on her. “I’m not going to pretend forever, Ethan.”
“I’m not asking you to,” Ethan said, his voice firm. “But this is bigger than us right now. Just... trust me. I promise you, it won’t be like this for long. I want out as much as you do.”
Y/N sat in silence, conflicted. She didn’t trust Ethan—not completely—but the idea of making things messier, of causing a scandal in the middle of her father’s presidency, made her stomach churn. She didn’t know if she had it in her to make things worse for everyone involved.
“I’ll think about it,” Y/N finally said, her voice hesitant but tired.
“Sure, think about it, but don’t dwell on it too long.”
Y/N ended the call and placed her phone down on the coffee table, staring at it for a moment. She had always thought that ending the engagement would free her, but even now, it felt like she was still trapped, still playing a role in a life she didn’t want.
Her mind drifted to Bucky, to the quiet ease of their encounters. There were no plans, no demands, no complicated webs of politics and expectations with him. He was just... Bucky. And right now, more than anything, that simplicity was what she needed.
× × × ×
Session 2
Bucky sat with his arms crossed over his chest, his body tense. The room was quiet, save for the soft ticking of a clock on the wall, and the distant murmur of voices outside the door. He glanced around the room, his eyes landing on the notebook in Y/N’s hands. She was back in her professional attire—hair neatly pulled back, glasses perched on her nose, and her demeanor all business.
Therapist mode.
It felt strange to Bucky now. Over the past few days, he’d run into her outside the office—at the market, at the coffee shop—and each time, she had been different. Relaxed. Playful, even. It was hard to take her seriously now, after seeing her “real” character, the carefree woman who laughed easily and joked around. This version of her felt stiff, too controlled.
“So,” Y/N began, her voice calm and measured, as she glanced up from her notes, “let’s talk about the list.”
Bucky frowned. “The list?”
“Your amends list,” she clarified, looking him directly in the eye. “The one you’ve been working on.”
Bucky shifted in his seat, his eyes flicking to the window. “Right. That.”
Y/N remained unfazed, her gaze steady as she waited for him to continue. “You’ve made some progress,” she said, glancing at the file on her lap. “But there are still names on that list, aren’t there?”
Bucky hesitated, then shrugged, leaning back in his chair. “Yeah, there are names.”
Y/N nodded, her expression neutral. “How does it feel, working through it?”
Bucky sighed, glancing back at her. “Honestly? It feels like a damn chore,” he muttered, not hiding his frustration. “I’m sorry, but I’m finding it hard to take this seriously.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, clearly expecting more. “Why is that?”
A smirk tugged at his lips. “Well, it’s a little tough taking therapy advice from someone who I’ve seen spill her coffee and laugh about it, or humming ‘80s pop hits while picking out apples at the grocery store.” He shrugged, the smirk widening slightly. “It’s like... therapist by day, party animal by night. Hard to keep a straight face after that.”
Y/N stared at him, her expression completely unchanged, the silence in the room growing heavier by the second.
Bucky’s smirk faltered slightly as the silence in the room dragged on. He shifted in his seat, suddenly feeling like he was under a spotlight. 
“Tough crowd,” he muttered, letting out a short laugh.
Y/N didn’t budge. She kept her gaze on him, unblinking, before calmly responding, “It’s not about me, Sergeant. It’s about you and the work you’re doing here.”
Bucky’s smirk faltered. He hadn’t expected her to call him out so bluntly. He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, I guess.”
Y/N continued, her voice steady but a little softer. “I get that it might feel strange after seeing me in a different context. But here, this is the space where we work through things. You can joke, but the process still matters.”
Bucky’s jaw clenched. He wasn’t used to this version of Y/N. Outside, she had been easygoing, someone he could joke with. But here? She wasn’t giving him any leeway.
He sighed, his hands resting on his lap. “Yeah, well... it’s not just that. The whole list... It feels pointless sometimes. What’s the point of making amends when none of them will ever forgive me?”
Y/N’s expression softened, though her gaze remained steady. “It’s not about them forgiving you, Sergeant. It’s about you finding a way to forgive yourself.”
Those words hit a little too close to home, and Bucky shifted uncomfortably in his chair, his gaze dropping to the floor. “Easier said than done.”
Y/N leaned back slightly, giving him some space. “Of course it is. But you’ve already started. You’ve been facing those demons. You’re not running anymore.”
Bucky met her eyes, feeling the tension in his body slowly ease. 
Y/N flipped to another page in her notes. “You said you’ve crossed a few names off the list. Tell me about them.”
Bucky hesitated. He wasn’t used to opening up like this, but something about Y/N—therapist mode or not—made it a little easier to talk. “There’s this one... Yori. His son... I killed him. Not on purpose, but... it happened. I still haven’t told him the truth.”
Y/N stayed quiet, giving him the space to continue.
“I’ve been spending time with him,” Bucky went on, his voice quieter now. “He doesn’t know why I’m there, though. He just thinks we’re friends. And I—” He stopped, his throat tightening again. “I can’t bring myself to tell him. How do you do that? How do you tell someone that you’re the reason their son is dead?”
Y/N’s gaze softened, but she didn’t offer easy answers. “You don’t have to rush that conversation,” she said gently. “You’re allowed to take the time you need. But when the moment comes, you’ll know. And it’ll be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But it might also be the first real step toward healing.”
Bucky clenched his fists in his lap, the weight of her words settling over him. Healing. It felt impossible sometimes.
For a moment, there was silence between them. Y/N scribbled something in her notebook, then glanced up at him again. “You’ve done more than you realize. You’re facing these things head-on, even when they terrify you. And that... that takes courage.”
Bucky scoffed softly. “Courage, huh?”
Y/N smiled faintly. “Yes, courage. You’re here, aren’t you?”
Bucky met her eyes for a long moment, something unspoken passing between them. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it felt... different. Like she understood him more than most people ever could.
“Yeah,” Bucky said quietly, glancing down at his hands. “I’m here.”
And for now, that was enough.
× × × ×
After Bucky's session, Y/N sat at her desk, absently scrolling through her emails. A new message popped up, and her heart sank when she saw the subject line: Event Details – Ross Family Introduction.
She hesitated for a moment before clicking on it, her stomach churning as she read through the formal invitation. In a month’s time, her father was planning to host a grand event where he would officially introduce her to the public—his secret family, finally revealed. It wasn’t just a casual introduction; it was a spectacle, one that would change her life forever.
The ornate wording of the invitation made her feel even more trapped. There was no escape from this. Her father expected her to be perfect, to play the role of the ideal daughter, to smile and wave and uphold the pristine image of the Ross family. 
Her phone buzzed, pulling her attention from the email. It was a text from her father: We’ll go over everything soon. Be prepared.
Y/N stared at the message, the weight of it all hitting her again. She was being groomed for a life she didn’t want, expected to conform to an image she didn’t recognize. 
She leaned back in her chair, rubbing her temples, her mind drifting away from the impending event. Her thoughts wandered back to earlier that day, to her session with Bucky. She had kept her cool, remained professional, but one thing from that session stood out more than the rest: the moment Bucky had called her a party animal.
The comment had caught her off guard at the time, and now, thinking back on it, something about it gnawed at her. A faint, fleeting thought crossed her mind, one she quickly dismissed—but it returned just as fast. Could Bucky have been the guy she danced with at the party?
Her heart skipped a beat at the memory of the man on the dance floor. No, she reasoned. It couldn’t be him. The guy she kissed looked different. His hair was shorter, his face was less familiar. And yet, something about the way Bucky had looked at her earlier, the way he had joked about seeing her outside of therapy, lingered in her mind.
But Bucky couldn’t be the same guy. Could he?
She sighed, shaking her head. She was overthinking it. There was no way Bucky was the mysterious man from the party. The man looked different, acted differently. And yet, the thought wouldn’t fully leave her.
Y/N glanced back at the screen, at the email detailing the event that awaited her. The weight of her father’s expectations pressed down even harder now, but her mind remained distracted, circling back to Bucky and the lingering feeling of familiarity she couldn’t quite shake.
× × × ×
It was late afternoon, and the air was warm with a gentle breeze as Y/N jogged along the park’s winding path. She loved this time of day—when the sun was low in the sky, casting everything in a golden light. It was the perfect time to clear her head, especially with everything weighing on her lately. Her thoughts kept drifting back to the event her father had planned, but out here, she could forget about it for a while.
Dressed in a sports bra and yoga pants, she moved easily along the trail, her ponytail swaying behind her as she ran. The beat of her music thumped in her ears, the rhythm of her steps in sync with the song. She was feeling good, maybe even a little confident—until she noticed two figures up ahead.
She slowed her pace slightly, squinting as she recognized them. It was Bucky and Steve, both casually walking along the path, deep in conversation. For a moment, Y/N considered veering off onto another trail, but it was too late—Bucky had already spotted her.
“Y/N?” Bucky’s voice called out.
Y/N slowed to a jog, then stopped a few feet in front of them, catching her breath. She pulled out her earbuds, her skin glistening slightly with sweat. 
“Hey, Sergeant Barnes,” she greeted with a teasing smile, her breath still coming in short bursts. She gave a quick nod to Steve. “Captain Rogers.”
Steve smiled, his eyes flickering briefly over her before meeting her gaze. “Just Steve, please.”
“Didn’t expect to see you out here.” Bucky seemed momentarily distracted, his gaze lingering on her a little longer than usual.
“Same. But I try to get a run in whenever I can.” Y/N grinned, leaning down for a second to catch her breath, aware of how her outfit might look. 
Steve, ever the polite gentleman, stepped forward, hand reaching for a shake, “Nice to meet you. You must run a lot to be out here in this heat.”
“It’s my way of staying sane.” She flashed a smile, quickly shaking Steve’s hand.
Bucky’s gaze hadn’t left her, and she couldn’t help but notice the slight flicker of something in his expression—was it surprise? Amusement? She couldn’t quite tell, but it gave her a bit of a thrill. 
“So, are you two just out for a walk?” she asked, wiping the sweat from her brow, subtly glancing at Bucky again. She couldn’t help but recall the lingering thought from a few days ago—could Bucky have been the guy from the party?
“Yeah,” Steve answered, a light chuckle in his voice. “Bucky’s been showing me the less crowded areas. He likes to keep things... quiet.”
“Like I said, no need to be recognized every five minutes.” Bucky scoffed.
Y/N chuckled, catching her breath fully now. “Smart.”
There was a brief silence, and Y/N couldn’t help but feel a little awkward standing there in front of them, especially with how intensely Bucky was watching her. She shifted slightly, not entirely sure why she felt so on edge around him, especially after the last session. The whole party animal comment still gnawed at the back of her mind.
“So... how’s the list going?” she asked, throwing the question at Bucky, more as a distraction than anything.
“Even on a jog, huh? I thought we weren’t in therapy mode right now.” Bucky smirked, raising an eyebrow.
“Just curious. But if it’s confidential, I’ll back off.”
Steve glanced between them, an amused smile creeping across his face. “Looks like you two know each other. . .well?”
“Yeah, we’ve crossed paths a few times.” Bucky shrugged, still watching Y/N. 
“More than a few,” Y/N added playfully, though her heartbeat seemed to stay quickened. 
Steve gave a nod, his curiosity piqued. “Interesting.”
“Well, I’d better get back to my run. You guys enjoy your walk.” Y/N straightened, glancing between the two of them. 
Before either of them could respond, Y/N turned and jogged off, feeling their eyes on her as she went. She could almost sense Bucky’s gaze lingering a little longer than it should have. Her mind raced, that same nagging thought creeping back in: could it really have been Bucky at the party?
As she rounded a corner and left them behind, she couldn’t help but glance back, catching Bucky’s eyes one last time. No, it couldn’t be him. Could it?
× × × ×
Bucky watched as Y/N jogged away, her form disappearing around the bend of the path. She was hard to ignore—especially dressed like that, with her confidence and energy radiating off her. It was a stark contrast to the calm, composed version of her he’d seen in their sessions. 
What made it worse, though, was the fact that he knew. He knew Y/N was the woman Steve had danced with, the one he kissed at the party. Steve hadn’t figured it out, hadn’t made the connection. But Bucky had. He’d recognized Y/N after seeing her many times, her face too familiar to forget. But he hadn’t said anything. He didn’t know why he kept it to himself—maybe because it wasn’t his business.
His mind wandered back to what she said earlier—about the list. Even outside of the office, she seemed to care about his progress. But Bucky had to admit, something about seeing her like this, away from their usual serious conversations, made it harder for him to keep things professional in his head. Especially with her jogging off like that.
“You’re staring, Buck.”
Bucky blinked, forcing himself to look away. “No, I’m not.”
“You are. And don’t try to deny it.” Steve chuckled.
Bucky shook his head, trying to play it off. “I wasn’t... I was just—” He trailed off, unsure how to finish the sentence.
“You were just... admiring the view?” Steve teased, a knowing smile creeping across his face.
“Shut up, man.” Bucky shot him a glare, but it lacked the bite. 
Steve’s grin widened. “I get it. She’s... hard to miss.”
Bucky exhaled, his jaw tightening. He hated how obvious he must have looked. “It’s not—She’s... she’s my therapist, kinda. It’s complicated.”
“Oh, so it is like that.” Steve raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’ve got a thing for your therapist?”
Bucky shot him another glare. He DID NOT have a thing for her, but ever since the first time he ran into her outside of their sessions, he’d been struggling to reconcile the two versions of Y/N—the professional therapist and the carefree woman he kept bumping into. And now, seeing her like this? It wasn’t helping.
“No, I don’t,” Bucky said, though it sounded more defensive than he intended. “She’s just... different than I thought. That’s all.”
Steve chuckled again, shaking his head. “Whatever you say, Buck. But from where I’m standing, it seems like she’s gotten under your skin.”
Steve watched as Bucky’s eyes lingered on the spot where Y/N had disappeared around the bend. He could tell Bucky was trying to play it cool, but it was obvious—Y/N had thrown him off his game. Steve knew Bucky well enough to recognize when something, or someone, had shaken him.
“You know, she seems pretty cool,” Steve said casually, watching for Bucky’s reaction. “Smart, confident. You don’t see that every day.”
Bucky grunted in response, still not looking at him.
Steve smirked, deciding to push a little further. “So, how long have you known her?”
Bucky shrugged, clearly trying to downplay it. “Not long. We’ve just run into each other a few times. Nothing major.”
Steve wasn’t buying it. There was more to this than Bucky was letting on. 
“Uh-huh. And you didn’t mention her before because...?”
Bucky finally looked over at Steve, his face guarded. “Because there’s nothing to mention.”
Steve gave him a look, the same one he’d been giving Bucky since the ‘40s whenever Bucky tried to avoid a subject. “Right. You’re just staring after her because... nothing.”
Bucky let out an exasperated sigh. “Look, she’s a therapist I’m seeing for some stuff. That’s it. I didn’t bring it up because it’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big deal. Well, she clearly left an impression on you. The way you were watching her jog away... if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were interested.”
Bucky frowned, throwing his arms in the air. “I am not interested, Steve.”
Steve smiled, leaning in a little. “You sure about that? Because it seems to me like maybe it’s a little more complicated than you’re letting on.”
Bucky shook his head. 
Steve’s smile softened, and he gave Bucky a nudge. “Look, man. I’m not saying you have to do anything about it. But maybe... don’t ignore whatever you’re feeling. You’ve been through a lot. It’s okay to let someone in.”
Bucky didn’t respond, his jaw tightening again. Steve knew he wasn’t going to push it any further for now, but he could see it—Y/N had definitely gotten under Bucky’s skin, whether Bucky was ready to admit it or not.
As they continued their walk, Steve glanced over at Bucky, a small grin playing on his lips. He’d keep this little observation to himself for now, but he’d definitely be keeping an eye on this whole situation. Something told him this wasn’t the last time Y/N was going to cross their paths.
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kiriska · 9 months
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I originally made this zine back in October. There was no particular impetus for it except I think I’ve just been low key constantly thinking about ghost bikes since I learned about them some years ago.
I rewrote some parts of this a few times and I’m still not happy with it, but it feels kind of pointless to keep fiddling with it. There’s too much I want to say and 8 pages isn’t enough.
Saying that drivers “choose” vehicular manslaughter sounds aggressive. I know (most) drivers don’t intend to do harm, but it doesn’t actually matter what their intentions are if someone gets hurt or is killed. Maybe drivers aren’t “choosing” to kill, but they are choosing to get gigantic vehicles and to go fast enough to kill.
Most recent cyclist deaths in the Seattle area have been on common biking routes, though none of them have bike lanes (Seward Park Ave, Spokane St, Marine View Dr). I’ve biked on all of these, some of them very frequently. It sucks passing by each time and knowing someone died there, and that it could’ve been avoided.
Basically everyone I know who bikes has been hit by a car at some point. A friend was hit while in a crosswalk a few months ago. (In a similar incident, a 13-year old kid was killed in a crosswalk last year.) Thankfully, no one I know has died yet. It does sort of feel inevitable though.
Recently, a car ran a red light and hit a bus. The bus was forced onto the sidewalk, where it killed a pedestrian. I walked by on my way home with groceries 5 minutes after this happened. Couldda been me. Everyone is a pedestrian at some point, but so many people avoid living life as a pedestrian. They drive everywhere and are only ever on foot within a building. My high school was one (1) mile from my house, but I had to drive to get there because of the 6-lane highway between us.
The problem is complicated. I mostly blame infrastructure, but that’s not easy to fix. We designed and built whole cities around cars and left no space for people, and that can’t be corrected without a lot of money and political will. We need roads that are “inconvenient” for cars and drivers. Ones that are narrower and have speed bumps and “traffic calming” devices slow drivers down by design, without relying on speed limit compliance or enforcement.
Seattle is cramped as hell and there aren’t sidewalks in a lot of places. But in order to build sidewalks and bike lanes, we need to take away space from cars, and hell gets raised every time anyone even suggests taking away parking, much less an entire travel lane. Lots of people depend on cars, but that’s never going to change without cities investing in the alternatives.
Buses and transit can become reliable. Bikes offer a lot of the same freedom and personal autonomy as cars. “No one wants to bike in the rain/cold/hills/etc” and yet Seattle has such a robust cycling community, both in commuters and recreational cyclists. “You can’t haul groceries/supplies/kids/dogs/etc by bike,” and yet so many people do.
And if people don’t feel safe on bikes, it’s just because of all the cars.
RIP Steve Hulsman, who was killed at the intersection of Marine View Dr and 46th Ave, the intersection in the photos, on December 21st.
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stuckybingo · 7 months
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It is time to Resurrect Stucky!
Reclists Part 3
Back in December, the call was put out for fans to create a Stucky Renaissance on Tumblr. We at Stucky Bingo are all about our two favorite centenarians and participants for this event helped to create a series of reclists for all of our fellow Stucky enthusiasts to enjoy.
This reclist is dedicated to Fanart! Whether it is drawings, manips, or moodboards, it is all amazing.
I'd do more for you but I can't by Rufferto (Teen, Fanart, Warnings: Hydra, Winter Soldier) An AU where The winter Soldier never goes in for repairs without a fuss, that is unless a blonde tech named Grant James is there. The tech is actually Steve Rogers in disguise trying to get Bucky back.In order to fix Bucky he has to accidentally hurt him which Steve is sure is a certain type of villainy that doesn't sit well in his stomach. Hydra goons are everywhere and there's only so much he can do for now while he's been secretly transformed to only resemble Captain America to get to the Winter Soldier.
Beyond the finish line by otp-holic (General, Moodboard) What if Steve and Bucky were professional cyclists...
Waiting For Something More by Rufferto (Teen, Fanart) Cap and Bucky meet and Bucky has taken drastic measures to finally get his attention.
Steve? | Sketches by petiteallemande (General, Fanart) Steve watches Bucky turn to dust.
HoeHoeHoe by elkleggs (General, Fanart) Steve and Bucky making out.
Breakfast by capibuck (General, Fanart) Bucky cooking with Steve behind him, both smiling.
Like you latte by Smutconnoisseur (General, Moodboard ) Café owner Steve finally makes a move on the cute caffeine enthusiast author who spends his mornings typing away in his shop
Diplomatic incident by petite-madame (Teen, Fanart) I’m very flattered and I know it’s a present, but…I’m not really sure about the outfit and… Tututu. Exactly, it’s a PRESENT. From Princess Shuri HERSELF, so you got nothing to want. Or d'you want to create a diplomatic incident? ANOTHER ONE ? Alienating the whole U.N. wasn’t enough, you wish to add to the list the only country that’s willing to help us? Pfff, you are just feeling self-conscious because a couple of kids told you “Hi, Jesus, can you multiply our sandwiches?” when we were visiting the town this morning
sorry by muffinshark (Teen, Fanart) Steve with his head in Bucky's lap and Bucky embracing him
Strangers in the Night by purpleicedteas (Teen, Moodboard) Steve and Bucky's mornings in bed.
artist’s model by muffinshark (Teen, Fanart) Bucky gets dressed as Steve finishes painting
the artist by muffinshark (Teen, Fanart) Steve's drawings of Bucky with some doodles Bucky added
Fur Babies by Girl_Back_There (General, Moodboard) Steve and Bucky's Fur Babies
The Life of Bucky Barnes by petite-madame (Teen, Fanart Series) Images from Bucky Barnes' Instagram. My life with Steve, mainly, and tons of other stuff. Don't call me James.
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resident-gay-bitch · 10 months
Whoopsie, Did I Turn You On?
minors dni - steve x gn!reader, public humiiation, dom + submissive roles, sub steve, sadist reader, masochist steve, sexual themes, clumsy steve, mean reader
lmao idk what this is - it's a snippet from my unfinished kinktober list, so here, have it in november instead lol. enjoy? this is so random istg and i wote it at an ungodly hour but we live laugh love. i figured someone out there will get a kick or two out of this. enjoy!! :))
You can’t help it. It’s not like it’s your fault anyway, it’s all Steve’s. He just looks so cute today, strutting around in that too small polo and those snug jeans of his. His hair sits impossibly perfect and you often find yourself wondering how you managed to get yourself such a pretty little plaything. 
Not only does he look perfectly fuckable, having put on mascara again, and raspberry lip balm like he knows you like; he’s also a bit of a klutz today. 
This morning he dropped all his coins, with you standing over his shoulder, when trying to give some money to a busker. He tripped on the curb when running across the street to show you the flower shaped tart he got at the market. He kept missing the straw when trying to take a sip of his iced tea because he was too busy looking at you. And just then he almost stepped off the curb and in front of a cyclist whilst walking down the street because he was telling you all about his night with Robin yesterday, and trying to keep your attention. 
It’s fun making him stir. He always has your attention, you just like making him fight for it. 
He’s so obsessed with you it’s crazy, so desperate to please, and maybe if you were a good person you’d assure him that you love him, and stroke his hair and kiss the tip of his nose. 
But you’re not, not really. You’re mean, you like to play. And when Steve gets clumsy like this, fighting for your gaze to be on him and nothing else, you get horny. 
He flushes bright red every time he messes up. Passersby think he’s just embarrassed that he tripped or dropped something, but you know it’s because it turns him on. He likes being humiliated by you, giving you all the power. He likes when you make him feel more embarrassed than he needs to be. 
“Stevie!” You called, sitting down at a table under the pateo of a nice cafe. Steve had popped inside to place your orders whilst you nabbed a table. “Over here!” You waved at him. 
He came rushing over with a bright smile, leaning down to kiss your cheek before walking around to his side of the table. Only, he tripped halfway there, when you stuck your foot out in his path. 
He stumbled forward and gripped onto the table before falling flat on his ass, all the patrons of the cafe and people walking past on the street turned their heads to watch him embarrass himself. 
He looked up at you, red from the tips of his ears all the way down past the collar of his adorably tight shirt, his eyes a little glassy. 
You pouted down at him, mock sympathy, already noticing the growing bulge in his jeans, “Awh, poor baby… Did you trip?” 
Steve swallowed and looked around, rubbing his elbow where he bumped it, “Yeah.”
“How did that happen?” You asked with a filthy smirk, “You’re such a klutz today, got all your wires crossed.” 
He nodded his head, looking to the ground sheepish, his hands subtly moving to cover his erection from people still staring. 
“Come on, up you hop.” You smiled, reaching your hand out to aid him. “You look silly down on the ground like that, Stevie. It’s almost like you enjoy being humiliated.” 
You noticed Steve burn up red as he scrambled to his feet and sat himself down across from you. He looked so embarrassed, and so fucking turned on. You can’t wait to ruin him later. 
“I’m sorry.” He muttered, straightening his clothes out. 
“Don’t apologise, pretty boy.” You smiled, leaning over the table to whisper, “You look so cute all ruffled up and confused like that. Almost as gone as when I suck your pretty cock.” 
Steve choked on his sharp inhale of air and broke out into a coughing fit, right as the waiters brought out your coffees. You grinned at him, having a proud little laugh to yourself before thanking the waiter and watching them be on their way. 
Steve didn’t like that you looked at them, or talked to them. He wants your attention again, and you’re not going to give it to him right away. 
It’s only when he took a sip of his coffee and almost burnt his tongue on it, did you look at him again. 
“Such a dumb little whore, hmm?” You muttered, shaking your head as you sipped your coffee, “Always so desperate for my attention.” 
Steve gnawed at his lip and wiggled around in his seat, one hand down in his lap. You chuckled to yourself, watching him writhe. You’re sure he’s probably leaking from the pretty tip of his cock right now, staining his boxers and maybe even his jeans. You’d like to take him into your mouth right now and listen to him whimper and moan all pretty for you, tear him apart in the way he loves, only to be put back together and held by you after. 
But that’s to come later, no matter how badly you want it now; making him writhe like this all day is just so rewarding. 
After your coffees were finished and you and Steve had chatted for a while about the mundane things you often like to talk about with your boyfriend, you both made you way down the street again. He was desperate to hold your hand, leaning into you ear and practically begging for it. 
You let him, after he tripped over a lose brick and bumped into a random person, managing to stay upright. It still embarrassed him though, and that person said some rather rude words in response. 
He was smiling, humming happily as the pair of you walked along, hand in hand, when you decided to have a little bit of fun. Embarrass him one more time before letting him get what he so desperately wants, which is his weepy cock in your throat, and to touch you in whichever way you’ll let him. 
“Stevie.” You muttered, tugging on his hand, “You look so cute today, let me get a photo of you? How about you go stand by that tree?” 
“Okay.” Steve smiled and kissed your cheek again, he loves when you take his photo. You always make it your lock screen right after, every time you take a new one, even the filthy pictures. 
He rushed over to the tree you had pointed too and you took out your phone to snap a few pictures as he posed. You managed to get a few good ones before the sprinkler behind him soaked him in water, just as you had planned. 
Steve stood there as the water dripped down him, soaking and flattening his hair. People stopped to stare and laugh in the park, a person or two even snapped a photo. 
You laughed, you’d caught the whole thing on video, and posted it to your close friends story, tagging Steve. 
He rushed back over to you, drenched in water, cheeks red again. 
“Steve, you’re so stupid.” You said, “What were you thinking, standing under that tree, right where the sprinkler is?” 
“I- I don’t know.” He muttered, his hands in front of his crotch as he bounced from foot to foot, chewing at his lip again. His eyes kept darting around and everyone looking. “I’m stupid- I’m so stupid today.”
“Yes, you are.” You grinned, giving him a good once over and biting your lip. “My stupid boy, hmm? You must feel so humiliated.” 
Steve nodded his head. 
“We better get you home, before you do anything else dumb.” You said, turning to head back home. 
Steve chased behind you, his shoes squelching with each step. “Can I please hold your hand?” 
You laughed, pulling your hand away from him as you shook your head, “You’re soaked, baby. I’m not touching you, that’s your own fault for being so dumb, Stevie.” 
“Right… I’m sorry.” He swallowed, looking at you with big eyes and a pout. The epitome of a kicked puppy expression. 
“Guess we better get you all cleaned up in the shower at home.” You sighed, pretending like this was a chore you had no interest in doing. “And since you’re so dumb and clearly can’t do anything yourself, I better be there to help you.” 
Steve swallowed, his eyes lighting up and pupils dilating as he tugged at the crotch of his pants, “You’ll shower with me?” 
You looked at him and grinned, “Only if you be a good boy and stay on your knees for me, I don’t trust you not to slip and fall, dumb whore.” 
Steve actually moaned, and you had to slap a hand over his mouth so no one else could hear walking by. Sure, you liked watching Steve humiliate himself in public, but those pretty, sinful sounds were reserved for you, and you only. 
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loveydovey-leviathan · 5 months
Below is a list of events happening in New Zealand in support of Palestine. All events can be found on the official PSNA website (Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa).
North Island Rawene Saturday 4 May 10:00 am Meet outside No 1 Gallery Opononi – Gathering for Palestine Sunday May 4 1:30 pm Outside the Four Square, Opononi Kerikeri, Bay of Islands - Rally Rally on the First Saturday of the month from now on Saturday 4 May 9:00 am Kerikeri roundabout, State highway 10 Whangarei – Rally Saturday 4 May 11:00 am Whangārei Town Basin in front of Hundertwasser Building  Auckland – Mystery Picket Friday 3 May 12:00 mid-day Email [email protected]  for more details Auckland – Banners around Tamaki Makaurau Saturday 4 May 10:00 am Gather on Carrington Road, Point Chevalier, south of the overbridge over State highway 16. Text Steve on 021 256 511 For further details Auckland – Ride for Palestine (hosted by Progressive Cyclist Movement) Sunday 5 May 11:30 am Te Komititanga – Britomart Square Returning in time for the 2:00 pm Rally Auckland – Rally Sunday 5 May 2:00 pm Te Komititanga – Britomart Square Tauranga – Rally – World Press freedom Day Friday 3 May 1:00 am Outside NZME office, 405 Cameron Rd, Tauranga Hamilton - Rally Saturday 4 May 1:00 pm Flynn Park, Hamilton Rotorua – Flags for Todd McClay Thursday 2 May 4:00 pm National MP Todd McClays Office - 1301 Amohau St, Rotorua Napier - Rally Saturday 4 May 11:30 am Marine Parade Soundshell Roundabout Hastings - Rally Sunday 5 May 2:00 pm Hastings Town Clock – Hastings CBD Palmerston North - Rally Sunday 5 May 2:00 pm The Square, Palmerston North New Plymouth – Flags on the Bridge Friday 3 May 4:30 pm Paynters Ave Bridge, New Plymouth New Plymouth – Rally Saturday 4 May 1:00 pm The Landing, 1 Ariki Street, New Plymouth Whanganui - Rally Saturday 4 May 11:00 am Riverside Market, Whanganui Carterton Every Tuesday 12:00 midday Memorial Square. Martinborough – Gathering for Palestine Every Wednesday 11:00 am The square at the top of Kitchener St, Martinborough Masterton Every Saturday 9:30 am Town Hall Lawn Featherston Every Saturday 11:00 am The Squircle (opposite the op shop). Wellington No Rally this weekend
South Island Nelson – Rally Saturday 4 May Check out the Te Tau Ihu Palestine Solidarity Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TeTIPalestine/ Blenheim Saturday 4 May 11:00 am Blenheim Railway Station Christchurch – Rally Saturday 4 May 1:00 pm Bridge of Remembrance, Cashel Street Timaru – Painting for Palestine Sunday 5 May 10:00 – 3:00 pm The Art Hangout – Woolcombe Street, Timaru Dunedin - Rally Saturday 4 May 2:00 pm Otago Museum Reserve to the Octagon, Dunedin Queenstown - Rally Sunday May 5 1:00 pm Earnslaw Park, Queenstown Invercargill - Rally Friday 3 May 5:30 pm Wachner place Invercargill
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thinking about Vampire Steve telling Ravi that sleeping under sheets in the morgue is 'his custom' and now I decided to believe he's just there in the first seasons sometimes. Either under a sheet or in a drawer.
The morgue gang is talking about their illegal brain club activities and he hears Liv say stuff like 'I can't believe I have to eat two cyclists in a row' and 'I hate these crypto-dude brains, the visions are so annoying'
and he's just like: 'tis not my morgue and not my business. I am staying in my lane😌🦇."
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Two Las Vegas teenagers accused of mowing down a retired police chief in a fatal hit-and-run last month allegedly also tried to kill another person and crashed multiple stolen vehicles in the same two-hour crime spree.
The alleged driver, Jesus Ayala, 18, and his passenger, Jzamir Keys, 16, both faced court on Thursday on a slew of charges, including murder, tied to the Aug. 14 rampage through Sin City that left 64-year-old Andreas “Andy” Probst dead.
The teens allegedly kicked off their spree just before dawn when they struck a 72-year-old cyclist with a stolen Hyundai sedan before fleeing and crashing the vehicle, 8NewsNow reported, citing law enforcement sources.
It wasn’t immediately clear how injured the elderly cyclist was in the initial hit-and-run.
Just 30 minutes later, the two teens were allegedly the ones who filmed themselves mowing down Probst — a retired police chief in California — as he rode his bicycle in a designated bike lane.
Horrifying video shot from the front passenger seat shows the stolen vehicle approaching Probst from behind and suddenly ramming him, sending him hurtling onto the hood and into the windshield.
The laughing teens then allegedly dumped the car, which was covered in blood, about 10 minutes away, the sources said — before stealing two more vehicles that they then crashed into each other near a shopping mall.
Ayala, the driver, was nabbed just hours later — and bragged to cops while in custody that he wouldn’t be locked up for long, KLAS reported.
“You think this juvenile [expletive] is gonna do some [expletive]? I’ll be out in 30 days, I’ll bet you,” Ayala told the cops, according to KLAS. “It’s just ah, [expletive] ah, hit-and-run — slap on the wrist.”
Ayala was hit with 18 charges, including murder, attempted murder and grand larceny.
His passenger, Keys, was arrested Tuesday.
Both teens are being charged as adults, according to authorities.
During their brief initial court appearance, neither teen spoke and they were not asked to enter a plea.
“Justice will be served in this case,” Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson vowed.
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theladybarnes · 2 years
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“Band-aids don't fix bullet holes. You say sorry just for show. If you live like that, you live with ghosts”
▸ summary: there’s no turning back, the truth is out and feelings are set free ▸ characters: steve rogers, bucky barnes, tony stark ▸ word count: 4.1k ▸ warnings: angst, canon dialogue, canon violence, gun violence,  ▸ series masterlist
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The silence inside of the bunker felt like hours, but it was merely seconds from when Tony asked his first question. 
 “What is this?” he yelled out, sounding distressed. Almost like he was afraid of what was going to be shown. But he was only met with silence as the man continued to stare back with the same disdain he had when the lights came on. “Tony.” you whispered, feeling your voice begin to leave you. His hand is clasped over your wrist after that, tugging you closer to his side without acknowledging you.
 The video begins to play out. Muted sound with grainy texture blinking before the number on the timestamp began to move. For a moment you think it’s of nothing until a car suddenly bursts into the screen, crashing directly into the trunk of a tree. You had always been told that your parent’s death was a complete accident, having suddenly crashed and passed. But your eyes caught it, the sight of a motorcycle driving beside them.
 It continues to show as the cyclist turns around, parking near the broken vehicle as the driver suddenly falls out the door. The dark figure coming towards the scene is familiar, and if you weren’t so stressed out with the sight of the car, you’d have gotten a better look. There’s a clicking noise from the screen and suddenly the room was filled with the echo of the video.
 “Help my wife…Please.Help.”
 The air is taken from your body at the sound of the man’s–your Father’s voice. The fear as he blindly scrambled over the floor. Just then the figure stepped forwards, merely reaching down to grab the pale white hair that lay on top of Howard’s head.
 With a forceful tug, he pulled Howard back, causing the older man to look up in shock at the figure. Even with the lower quality of the video, you can see it in his eyes. He’s looking up at the figure with pure shock. A pain began to grow in your chest. Making whatever air that was coming out of you hard to breathe. Nothing could have prepared your heart for your father’s next words.
 “Sergeant Barnes?”
 Snapping your head up, you finally meet his gaze. It couldn’t be him. This had to be another ploy of Hydra’s or a fabricated video again. Just like Vienna. It had to be fake. It couldn’t be him.
 Tony stiffened beside you, eyes following yours as you both watched for Bucky’s reaction. The screen continued to play on, showing hit after hit against Howard’s face. His body sagging to the floor after all he’s endured. From his lifeless motion you know he’s already gone by the time she called out again.
 The sound of your Mother’s cries brings a blurry of tears over your vision. She’s not supposed to sound like that. The pain from not hearing him respond.  In all videos of your parents growing up, you’ve only ever heard her melodious laugh. The stern but loving scolding she’d call to your brother when the child version of him would begin his crazy antics on film. This wasn’t supposed to be in your memory. None of this was. 
 Your father’s body is dragged up from the floor, placed perfectly back in his seat. Just like in the photos you’ve seen from the database. There’s not much more you think you can take. Inside you’re begging for whatever God, be it Thunder or Mischief to come to your aid, make this sick video be a figment of your imagination. 
 But it doesn’t stop. And the more it plays out, the harder Tony’s grip on your wrist becomes. Like he’s using you to help anchor himself as his breathing grew unsteady. 
 “Please, don’t.” you gasped. You blink away tears as the shadowy figure walks around the car. Over to the passenger door. The familiar heavy trudge from favoring his left side. It’s all too much. But you can’t look away. 
 Her life is gone in seconds. Someone who would have been your world was gone. Taken by the fist of Hydra.
 Emerging from the shadows, the figure walked over to the source of the recording. Gaze hard as the camera revealed his face. You’ve seen that look not too long ago, the cold stare with no thought behind it other than to finish the job. With a single glint of light to his metal arm, the winter soldier raised his gun and cut off the feed with a single precise shot. 
 Tony is the first to react, impulsively attempting to lunge over to Bucky. 
 Steve is fast to grab hold of Tony, holding onto him from making it forward. Unfortunately, he never had the chance to catch you. Watching in shock as you reached for the gun at your side, aiming it directly over at Bucky. There’s tears in his eyes, he spares a quick glance to the gun in your hand before he looks up at you.
 “No, Tony, Scout.” Steve pleaded. 
 You can’t tear your eyes off the man in front of you. The gun felt heavy in your hands, but you managed to keep the line of the shot aimed directly at his face. Behind you, Tony caught up with his train of thoughts as he spoke up. Asking the question that all of you seemed to already know.
 “Did you know?”
 “..I didn’t know it was him.”
 The sound of Steve’s wavering tone was clear enough for you. But Tony needed the clarification. He had to hear it from the man himself. 
 “Don’t bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?” 
 The words caused a bubbled up cry to escape from you. Nearly gasping as you left some emotions out. Without another thought you jumped forward, rushing to Bucky as you pressed the barrel of the gun against his forehead. Steve called out to you, urging you with your name but you couldn’t turn back.
 “Did you know?” you whispered, feeling the wave of tears continue to fall past the sides of your face and onto your collar. Soaking the material. “Did you know when you met me?”
 Bucky is almost defeated by your words, eyes closing as he leaned his forehead against your gun. Like he’d accept this fate from your hands. But to your surprise and relief, he shakes his head. “I’d never-” he croaked, choking up at his words. “I’d never keep this from you..”
 “Sweetheart,” Steve called again, making you flinch away from Bucky. The gun sagged down to your side as you moved away from the boys. It’s not until Steve comes into your line of sight that you feel the anger coarse back inside you.
 “How long?” you gritted, hand gripping tightly to the gun.
 “How long did you know?”
 Tony has moved now to face Steve, the furrowed expression growing harder. From the side you can see his fingers twitching, tensing even more as the moments ticked by. “Answer her, Rogers.” he practically growled.
 Steve is quiet as he thought out an answer. Shuffling only half a step as he looked between you and Tony. “No matter what I say, it won’t fix anything.”
 “What you say next is very important to me. Now give me a goddamn answer. How long did you know?” you were shocked by how deep and pained your own voice sounded but you couldn’t help but ask. It was like needing the final nail in the coffin. 
 “..Since SHIELD fell.”
 The answer makes your knees buckle, almost bringing you down to the ground. It’s been years since he put it together and he kept it from you. All that time spent together and he kept this lie. He kept this whole lie from you and Tony. So many memories run through your mind, nights where you two bonded over each other’s losses, the longing of a family life that neither could get. At the time it felt like secrets you could trust with him. Unfortunately, he was keeping more from you than you thought.
 Being so lost in your thoughts, you barely registered Tony’s reaction to it all. The slightly aggravated chuckle in his throat is barely audible for you to pick up. And you realize it’s too late to take any other action because before you know it, he makes his attack.
 Steve is hit with Tony’s gauntlet hard enough that he’s flying across the desk. Causing Bucky to pick up his gun, ready to aim over at Tony. But he’s faster this time, disarming the gun quickly and shooting it with a single blast. 
 In the blink of an eye his throat is wrapped around Bucky, lifting him from the ground as he dragged him halfway across the room. You stand there, stunned by what happened in mere seconds before you snap out of it and chase after them.
 Steve’s shield flies past you as he aims it to hit over Tony’s head, making Tony’s blast to Bucky miss the shot. The ringing of the metal hitting against metal is loud to your ears but you dash over without so much as a plan. All you know is you have to stop this. 
 But the closer you get, the more you notice the unfairness of the two fighting against Tony. And your heart can’t handle the divide it’s having. Running to Steve, you watch him struggle against the binds that Tony shot at his feet.
 “Hypocrite!” you yelled, jumping over him to straddle at his waist. He held up his arms, using the forearms to protect his face against the assault of punches you were throwing at him. “You hid this from me! You lied to me!”
 “I didn’t lie! I didn’t know how to tell you!” he cried out, dropping the shield to grip one of your arms. You used the open space to throw in a punch to his mouth, satisfied when you heard a grunt from him. For a second he stared up at you, dark blue eyes wide as he noticed the pack to your punch.
 “You let me search for him, you let me go look for their killer!” The words don’t even hit you until they’re spilled out and it’s like ripping a bandaid on a wound again. 
 “It wasn’t him! He had no choice, you know this!” He pushed you off him roughly, sending you to fall back against the ground. The back of your head hit the floor roughly, but you managed to pull yourself up in time to see Steve use the shield to break off the binds. 
 An explosion rumbled inside the bunker, making you snap your head up just in time to see one of the pillars begin to fall. Running away, you managed to climb over the center floor where the machine that wiped memories stood. What you didn’t notice was another pillar coming down, the shadow casting over you for only a quick second before you’re being pulled away. It crashes against the floor and you’re tucked into someone’s arms as you’re pulled away from the wreck. 
 Opening your eyes, you’re able to see Bucky’s panicked expression as he pulls you in close. His lips parted, like he wanted to say something but all he could do was bring up his gloved hand. Holding the side of your face gently for just a moment before Steve called out to him. 
 “Get out of here!” he warned. The sound of debris beginning to move let all of you know Tony was not down for the count yet. 
 “Please.” he said finally, looking back at you.The words can’t come to your mouth. Despite suddenly feeling desperate to say something, anything to him at this moment. But instead of giving him a reply, you reeled back your fist, swinging it over at him. Just like you’ve both practiced so many times, he dodged the hit. Moving into a defensive position for your next attack.
 Using the front of your foot, you hooked the back of his knee, bringing him to stumble forward. A move you knew he’d forget when training. And like before it allowed you to get a swing this time with your other arm. The pain in your knuckles from having fought both Bucky and Steve already is barely there but you notice that the skin has started to tear, making small streaks of red from at the bone. 
 Bucky gripped at your arm, twisting you around so that he could have your back against his front. You’re struggling a bit in his hold before he leaned in. “I’m sorry.” Using his leg, he nudged against the back of your knees and gave a light shove, causing you to fall forward and give him the chance to leave. 
 Tony zipped past you, and from your spot on the ground you can hear him take another shot. Steve’s voice is the only thing that alerts you of his hit missing the mark. “It wasn’t him, Tony. HYDRA had control of his mind!”
 “Move!” Tony demanded, picking himself from the ground to fly over him. You managed to climb over a small mountain of concrete to watch as Steve used the shield to destroy one of the stabilizers in his suit. But the hold isn’t long and soon Tony flies over to get towards the tunnel exit to get Bucky. 
 There’s an attempt for Steve to follow through but Tony shoots behind him, causing one of the walls to fall and create a divide made out of the debris. You use this chance to charge after Steve, using the front of your knee to crash into his side.
 “You’re a liar! A traitor!” you yelled, using all the anger and emotions inside you to help get a better hit on Steve. For a second, he allowed you again to get in some hits. But he used the shield this time to cover himself and your hand came into contact with the hard metal. 
 A horrendous crack came from your hand and you let out a cry at the pain. “Oh God!” Steve stuttered, rushing over to reach out for your hand. But before he could make any contact, you reached with your good hand to grab the gun from your holster. 
 “Do not fucking touch me!” you rasped, holding your gun up. Steve’s eyes followed your hand, noticing the shot that’s aimed directly at his chest. 
 “Please don’t do this..you’d never hurt me..you’d never hurt anyone.”
 You held the broken hand against your chest, feeling your body tremble a bit over his words. In many ways, he still knew you, and his words now only seemed to hurt you more. As if he could use them against you. “No, I don’t hurt people. But they apparently get to hurt me, right? My friend, my boyfriend, they both get to hurt me and I’m supposed to take it?” 
 The thoughts running in your mind don’t make sense and the pain is only making it worse. “There was never going to be an easy way to tell you. Do you think this is the answer to that?”
There’s a rumbling noise and you can only imagine the chase going between the two men you cared most about right now. 
 “You had so many chances to tell me..but you didn’t.” Clicking your thumb over the safety, you grip harder but the aim is lowering and you hate that his words are getting to you. “You were my friend, Steve. I loved you.”
 He blinks hard for a moment, reeling in your words. “I know, and I can’t take back everything.” Rationally, you know this and you feel the weight of what’s going on around you coming in. “But sweetheart, we have to stop this. Just listen to me for once..” You nearly dropped the metal from your hand when he breathed out the last thing you wanted to hear. “..I love you.”
 The shot echoed loudly in the bunker, alerting you. Looking down at your hand you notice the small bit of smoke coming out from the end before you realize Steve is clutching at his side. After having waited so long to hear it from Steve, the moment the words came out of his lips, the world of hate and anger returned to you.
 Not giving him a second to recover, you bum rushed him again, using the gun as a weapon to give blunt attacks on him. But this time, instead of being on the defense, he used his fist to bash at your good hand, knocking the gun down and kicking it over towards a lower shaft.
 “Scout, please!”
 The anger was too much. Making you blind in a rage that continued to try and attack Steve. Even with one arm down, you swung and kicked in any direction that could hit him. Seeming to have enough, he used his shield again to push you away. But he underestimated his force and instead of getting you back, it sent you flying.
 The blow was hard and before you could scream you were landing hard against the wall, falling down concrete of the shaft until you rolled down to the ground. Cold air whipped at your face, and you could feel a warm liquid begin to spread over your face. The fall had hurt you pretty bad. Raising your semi good hand up, you dab lightly at your nose to feel the blood begin to come out.
 Your vision blurred and you couldn't tell if it was the fact that you were crying or that your head had been hit too hard. 
 Another body soon after is rolling down, making your blink away the blur to see that Steve had come flying down. There were loud clinks of Tony’s armor climbing over the wall and you groaned out to him. But Steve quickly took away his attention, climbing back up and missing you barely awake in the corner. 
 “This isn’t gonna change what happened.” 
 “I don’t care. He killed my mom.” 
 A sob built up your throat but you held back to try and gather your strength. The two of them go back into fighting with each other. You’ve heard them fight before and known them to get each other annoyed but this was different. There was so much pain in it.
 There’s a loud yell and Bucky is flying in with Steve’s shield, using it to hit at Tony’s back. It’s enough to give the two a one up on your brother. Fighting against Tony in tandem. He’s barely able to get hits back and you try to yell out for them. 
 This fight was going to get worse.
 “Stop!” you yelled out, finally able to sit up from the ground. The world spins and you barely catch as Steve is sent flying back. The light beam from Tony’s repulsor etched over the wall as Bucky continued to fight back. “Bucky, stop!” 
 He has Tony pressed against the wall, using his right to grip at his mask while his left punches against his arc reactor. The metal banging loudly before he gripped tight at the center. He lets out a guttural yell, making you panic at what could happen next. 
 Searching around you, the metal of your gun shined through and you rolled over to grab it. Aiming over at Bucky, you hesitate for a moment, unsure you could do the unthinkable. But Tony’s head is being pushed further and you know you have to make a choice. You aim for his leg, shooting a single warning shot into his thigh.
 He gave out another yell and looked over his shoulder before he finally noticed you. The shock of you being there was enough distraction that Tony used the arc reactor’s shot against his arm. Shooting the limb off his body. 
 Bucky is down on his knees, using one hand to lift his body while he’s deliriously realizing he doesn’t have his arm on him. Another shot from his hand and Bucky is flying forward, landing on the ground near you. 
 Tony is already making the move to attack him and you found yourself crawling over, towards his body. “Tony, don’t.” Moving to hold your hand up, you’re barely able to keep your body up as you try and stop him from coming over to Bucky. “We can’t.” 
 Steve comes in again, pulling Tony back in the fight long enough that you’re able to let your guard down. A groan from the floor alerts you and you notice that Bucky is regaining consciousness. “Stand down.” you order him. 
 The fight around you both is getting more intense and for a moment, it looked like Steve had Tony down before he countered his attacks. Using a new technique to get Steve back on the ground.
 The blonde groaned as he struggled to get up from the floor. He’s on his knees as Tony slowly approaches them. “He’s my friend.” he tried, pants with a tired breath.
 “..So was I.”
 Punching him, he grabbed Steve by the collar, flinging him against the pillars that let the snowy air inside. “Stand down. Final warning.” But in typical Steve fashion, he continued to get up. You knew well enough that he’d never stand down from a fight, despite the outcome. 
 “I can do this all day.”
 Below Bucky is turning over, slowly extending his only hand out towards your brother. And just as Tony is about to aim a shot at Steve, he gripped tightly to his leg. Making Tony lose focus and send a kick to Bucky’s face. 
 That’s when Steve took the chance to grab Tony in his suit and fling him. The stabilizers turned on at the wrong moment and sent him flying faster against the wall. You crawled over to Bucky finally, looking down as the blood began to come out his nose. 
 Your hand reached out, pulling him up to help place his head on your lap. From the corner of your eye you see the fight turning vicious. “They won’t stop,” you whimpered, moving your hand to cup at his cheek. “The fighting won’t stop.”
 Bucky placed his hand on top of yours, warm and gentle as he squeezed back. “I’m sorry.” he whispered, wincing at some of the pain that came from talking. “I’m so sorry.”
 A clang echoed in the room and you gasped in horror at the site of the shield wedge into Tony’s reactor. At first it looks like he’s been stabbed by the metal, but from the way your brother lied back in shock, breathing heavily, you knew he was okay. But there was defeat on his face as you watched as Steve pulled away. Climbing off his body and taking the shield off with a grunt.
 He approaches you and Bucky and you find yourself recoiling away from Steve. Making the man flinch with hurt before he reached down to help Bucky up from the ground. You scoot away from them, giving them room to leave.
 “That shield doesn’t belong to you.” Tony snapped, attempting to push himself up. “You don’t deserve it. Our father made that shield!”
 Steve stopped in place, looking down for a second before he dropped the disc to the ground. The vibranium echoed loudly and you stared down at the shield before hearing your name. Bucky who still stood in the same place looked at you, blue eyes filled with crystal like tears.
 “You’ll find me?” he whispered, just loud enough for you to hear.
 It’s at this moment you truly feel what it’s like to have your heart break. Because while every part of you wishes you give him the answer he wants to hear. There’s a loud, pained voice telling you what you should do. What you need to do. 
 “No, Bucky. Not this time.”
 He looks physically broken at your reply, lips parting in shock. The shared bond of seeking out one another has been a staple in both of your lives, but for the first time, you know you can’t continue on. Steve takes it at a cue to continue on, leading the two of them to the stairs. 
 By now Tony has managed to crawl over, using a gentle grip to help you up from the floor. But no matter what soothing words he’s attempting to murmur at you, all you could do is watch as the only two men you’ve given yourself to make their exit.
 Taking a little bit of your heart with them.
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a/n: IM SO SAD. I really hope people enjoy this chapter because it probably one of the best dramatic moments in the mcu. 
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rachel-974 · 11 months
Hi Rachel, I have a question about the post about the man in orange with white hair...who is he?
Oh hum... If you know Minecraft old version before, they have a lot some Steve skin different way like : Tennis Steve, Cyclist Steve... Etc... I draw the prisoner Steve, he's cool btw.
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decodedlvr · 10 months
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smut-fluff-angst (includes other ST characters) [MDNI]
As long as I’m with you- Steve wakes up to another bad night you’ve had (tw)
King Steve doesn’t exist- (Steddie) ft. Billy Hargrove
Steve Harringtons deepest secret gets revealed, but will the freak accept him? Will he runaway from him like everyone else? Does size really matter?
Shy my ass - (short) Steve Harrington x you - you’ve always imagined riding your boyfriends big nose
Bio- (short) Steve Harrington x you - Steve watching you fuck your self on his c*ck
The band-aid to my wounds- Older Eddie fic (ft. Steve x kurt kunkle x reader)
After stumbling into an old barn after being stranded by your freshly new ex boyfriend, you wake up strangely in a room..that isn't yours..
Headcanons / blurbs / imagines
Trans Steve getting his groove back
Convincing Steve to take your v-card
Hot and bothered by their black gf (steddie)
Grinding yourself innocent perv self on Steve’s hand
Struggling to get wet (steddie)
Soft Stevie
Perv cyclist Steve
Steve’s nickname 4 u
Older Steve loves a bush
Fucking Steve while thinking about Eddie
Dilf Steve discovers new kinks
(Steddie) helping chronically ill reader feel better
Sugar daddy Steve moodboard
Sweater weather moodboard, strangers to lovers
Dancing with R&B Steve
Angelic Stancy
Beefy Steve
Hunt me down
Bi Steve
Businessman or dancer Steve imagine
Smash? Smash.
———— extras
Billy Hargrove loves plus size women
Dom Nancy / fruity four headcanons
Robins an angel
Argyles favorite positions
⤬ reblogs, comments & likes are appreciated ⤬
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Day 2 - June 30th
We packed quickly and left the Lower Lake campground for the Elk River Trail. Immediately after we passed the trailhead we climbed and then climbed some more.
Early on, the trail was so steep and littered with rocks that we had to hike our bikes. Descending was nerve wracking, bone jarring and exhilarating at the same time.
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It all climbing is done in the saddle.
We came to a fork and had to choose the Hydoline Trail to the left which immediately shot up a long steep hill or the flatter looking Elk River Trail. Knowing both came together at a higher elevation we decided to take our pain up front.
We looked up the hill to see a guy in a red shirt walking his bike. Like him, we mostly hiked our bikes up the climb to power lines. Once things started to flatten out, we passed red-shirt Larry, a 70ish cyclist riding the same bike as me. Later we learned that he had already ridden 600 miles from Victoria and was headed south the Mexico and beyond via the GDMBR.
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The initial Hydroline climb!
At the top of the Hydroline Trail, it converged with the Elk River Trail and crossed from Alberta into British Columbia. There were two picnic tables at the convergence and Dave and Brad were their consuming calories. We pulled up and a minute later, Larry joined us. A few minutes after that, we met Anton, a French-Canadian doing the whole route.
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A small sample of our riding community!
After a few minutes of sharing info (where are you staying, who have you met, have you seen any bears, etc.) we all took off for the totally exhilarating descent down the Hydro Trail. The first 3 miles were steep, fast, and fun. At the bottom we turned left along the Elk River Valley.
We stopped for a snack at a hikers cabin. The thing came complete with a wood stove for winter hikes and skiing. While there, Larry caught up and we learned about his wonderings. I asked him if he knew what animal was leaving the many piles of scat that we were seeing. He said bear. He had a grizzly within 30 feet of his tent the night before.
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Just a pit stop…
Further down the road, the views opened up to reveal one of the most beautiful mountain ranges I’ve ever seen. Pictures can’t capture its size or beauty.
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Still further, after seeing much fresh horse manure, we came upon a herd of domesticated horses grazing freely. Fortunately they weren’t spooked by us and did manage to get out of our way.
Range horses.
Throughout the day we saw several other riders going in either direction. Some we spoke to. Some just wanted to keep moving. Most were younger (20s, 30s) men, we did see one woman with another rider. And while we were eating lunch along the Elk River, we saw a solo woman.
Later as we pedaled down a gravel road, a local guy who was with his wife and dog in a pick-up truck stopped to chat. He was a very entertaining fellow. It seemed like he regularly stopped to talk to strangers and he had a wide variety of stories to tell.
Interestingly, he had slowed to talk to the solo woman rider that we had seen earlier. He, in more colorful terms, described her as all business and that she had her head down and didn’t bother to stop.
As the day grew later, we cut out some climbing by taking a paved road to our campgrounds for the night. When we arrived at the office to register the solo woman cyclist was standing there trying to get a campsite. Ultimately, we invited her to set up her tent on our site and she agreed.
Natasha, born and raised in Ireland but living in Boston was out to do some of the things she always wanted to do. A major change in her life gave her an opportunity so she built out a Salsa Fargo bicycle with the components she wanted and hit the GDMBR. She was unsure about how far she would ride in the 20 days available to her so she’s taking it day by day.
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Steve, David, Ed, Natasha, Jose.
For dinner, we popped into the only good restaurant in town, Blend Bistro. The cold beer and hot food hit the spot.
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Blend Bistro.
Back at camp we had a fire and learned a little more about Natasha… she’s an ESL teach and has played accordion in a Celtic band. We also had a philosophical conversation about what we want out of trips like these. I’ll leave to each rider to share their own story.
The night wrapped up with fireworks, literally. Since it was Canada Day Elkford had bands near the community center, a beer garden, and fireworks. We had a prime spot for viewing the fireworks which looked like they were exploding right above us.
With all the festivities and people jammed into this town of 3000 it did get a little loud. After the fireworks we listened to partying campers, near fist fights, and sirens late into the evening. Probably one of the worst camping nights sleep I’ve ever had.
Ending with a couple observations… first, Canada exploits their natural resources for all the world to see. Around one corner would be the most gorgeous mountain pass and around the next a mountaintop coal operation shaving the mountain to sea level. For the 3000 people who live in Elkford, coal is their living. It was very important to them and took priority. Second observation came from Ed. In particular, the community of cyclists and people supporting them is just amazing. We’ve met riders from all over and we all want to connect, tell our stories, and listen to others.
Ride stats:
Miles ridden: 47.98
Elevation gain: 2,329 ft
Max elevation: 6,392 ft
Start time: 8:23am
Moving time: 5:18:18
Elapsed time: 8:16:36
Ave speed: 9.0 mph
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kerlonaspen · 2 years
Scheels billings mt
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In 1927 Carl "Charlie" Buth and Chris Kuehl took over management of the Sabin store.įrederick M. The farm implement line was dropped in 1925. At the time, the store was selling hardware and farm implements. Scheel, son of the founder, bought the business in 1919 after returning from service with the U.S. The total cost of the store was $600.įrederick M. The proceeds were used as the down payment for the first Scheels store, a hardware and general merchandise store in the tiny town of Sabin, Minnesota, near the North Dakota border. The field produced 300 bushels of potatoes, which the family sold for $300. The couple gave their children, Frederick M., age 10, and Margaret, age 8, the job of planting and tending a three-acre potato plot. Scheel, a German immigrant, moved to northwestern Minnesota from Chicago with his wife, Augusta. In the early years of the 20th century, Frederick A. The company is owned by store managers, employees, and the Scheel family and is led by Steve Scheel, great-grandson of the founder.Ī Chain of General and Hardware Stores: 1902-64 Scheels' newest locations are two-level Scheels All Sports superstores of over 100,000 square feet, organized as "boxes" containing several separately managed specialty shops. As sales of sporting goods grew, hardware sales were gradually phased out. The company added a line of sporting goods to its stores in the mid-1950s and steadily expanded across the Midwest over the next several decades. The first Scheels store, opened over a century ago, was a general merchandise and hardware store. Its stores span seven states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Montana, and Iowa. Centered in Fargo, North Dakota, Scheels has nearly 25 retail locations in mid-size Midwestern cities. Hunters, cyclists, golfers, runners and nearly all other sports and outdoor enthusiasts can find the gear they need at the stores operated by Scheels All Sports Inc.
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omsdoortodoor · 2 months
OMS Door to Door Challenge - departure date minus 5 weeks
Ian's fortnight
“Riding a bike is everything to a cyclist. The friendship and camaraderie you have with other cyclists…to a cyclist, it was the be-all and end-all of your life” Tommy Goodwin.
The third weekend in July saw a group of thirteen of us descend on New Alresford in the watercress area of Hampshire for a boys cycling weekend. This, apart from the covid year has turned into an annual event visiting a different town each year. It all started with my Stag weekend in Shrewsbury, eight years ago and we have since visited Cirencester, Marlborough, Salisbury, Ludlow  and now Alresford
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I say cycling weekend but you could also call it a pub crawl or wine fest and not all of us cycle!  When we arrived six of us went out on the bikes for a ride of about twelve miles, after about three Andrew, Steve and I stopped at the first pub we came to.  We’d had an awful journey up the A303 and were in desperate need!
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On the Saturday we headed off to Bishops Waltham where we had a coffee and cake stop before heading up the Meon Valley to the Ye Olde George Inn at East Meon for lunch. We then returned to Alresford cycling through some lovely countryside passing several watercress beds on the way. That evening we visited the local Italian restaurant before a last glass or two of wine at the hotel. A big thank you to all who attended, and I hope to continue the tradition next year. 
As a footnote, I was stood in the bar at The Swan Inn where we were staying when I heard, “That's Ian!”, only to turn round to be greeted by my nephew James and his partner Amy. I shouldn’t have been too surprised as they do live a stone’s throw away, and it was great to see them.
Jane's fortnight
For those who read my last blog, the answer to the question is:  Yes, I have done my foot exercises every day since my conversation with Sarah.
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I now feel like the start of the Door to Door Cycle Challenge is within reach, I can feel it, I can almost touch it.  And with that comes the need to step up the final organisation.  On that front, there are lots of bits and bobs that need to be done.  And to be honest it was beginning to stress me, because I knew there were lots of little bits, but no list, no responsibility and worst of all no SPREADSHEET!
I kind of felt like this:
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So last Wednesday, Ian and I reverted to our original Door To Door planning meeting.  And I feel much better organised for doing that, and for having a fresh spreadsheet.  All tasks are on a list, with whose responsibility it is and which week it will be completed in.  So, this week I have:
Had the iPad screen fixed that I (read Tarka) broke when we were away.  I will be using that a lot for uploading video on the challenge.
I have also checked to make sure I know all the details of my personal google account (rather that my old business one), so that I can upload to YouTube and other similar things without any hitch when we are one the road.  Boring by necessary.
Typed out a list with the kilometres per hour converted to miles per hour. (Because you just can’t read the km’s on the dashboard of the motorhome).  Also boring but safe and also probably necessary.
Next week I need to finalise the first aid kit and write an article for our Parish Magazine about the challenge.  I also need to give some thought to creating some themes for blogs and posts when we are on the Door to Door Challenge, as well as finalise the start and finish arrangements for the challenge.
The other “biggy” of course is my physical preparation.  Pilates and strength training continue to go well, and I am comfortable that I am on track (Thank you Sarah Grey).  But since the last post, I have started what I think is the final thing that I can do to prepare myself…Oxygen Therapy.  I know I mentioned it earlier, but the idea is that I get 20 sessions as close together as possible to get my body to the best level it can be.  Then it gets maintained by weekly/fortnightly/monthly sessions depending on what works best for me.  The initial part is a huge commitment of my time, because I am saying goodbye to 3 hours including the travel to Exeter on a near daily basis and sit in a chamber looking like a fighter pilot, but sounding like this, for an hour. 
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So, as of today I have had 12 of my 20 sessions.  Am I feeling a difference?  YES.  It hit me yesterday that I felt WELL.  And I realised that I could not remember the last time I had felt like that.  Not for, literally years.  Now, as my friend Carol advised, I will ensure that I don’t get carried away and undo all the good I have done.  So, the focus for the last few weeks is PACE, PACE, PACE.
I can’t complete this blog without mentioning the truly inspirational Laviai Nielsen, who won a bronze medal as part of the British Quartet in the mixed 4x400 meters.  Apparently, she was diagnosed with MS just two days before she flew to the last Olympics in Tokyo.  Although physically we are totally different, I can imagine what might have been going on for her mentally and emotionally and I completely understand why she refused to accept her diagnosis as she competed at Tokyo.  But on returning from Tokyo, she was forced to adapt her lifestyle and tailor her training to avoid future MS-related flare-ups.  And she has mastered her lifestyle adaptations so well that she has gone on to win a bronze medal.  Total respect to her and to her sister, also an Olympian with MS.
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But here is the lesson for me.  Obviously, I am not going to go out and start running – it’s just not my thing.  But whatever physical adversity I face, I think living a good live depends on finding and implementing the right lifestyle adaptations for me.
And right now, I think I am doing well on that score - getting balance – being as well as I can but also having some fun times too.
And the final note about fun, is that we are delighted to say that our final fundraiser is definitely going ahead as planned.  For a time we were a bit unsure. So, for anyone who lives close to us, we will be holding a ‘Pop-Inn’ on the 6th September with The Big Chipper in attendance.  If you’re local and need more details, just DM me.
As always, Ian and I are truly humbled by the amount of support we have received both in terms of encouragement and the money we have raised for Overcoming MS.  If you would like to see Ian’s training route or help people with MS to lead a fulfilling life, our links to Strava and Just Giving are here.
Thank you so much
Jane and Ian
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asprinterandamarathon · 2 months
BOTR - Day 25 - July 9, 2024
It was 45 degrees when Diane woke up at the Hecla Campgrounds. No reason to jump out of bed so she pulled the down comforter over her hatted head and slept until the temperature came up.
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After breakfast Diane decided to go back to the 8,900’ rails-to-trails hike she had done the day before. The Cordilleran Flycatcher and Green Tailed Towhee were her draw. The flycatcher breeds here but winters south of the border. The bird became another lifer (on her lifetime bird list) on this hike. The Towhee she had seen before but was anxious to see it again.
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Views on Diane’s hike.
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Starkly beautiful.
Diane’s second hike of the day came after lunch in Salida. She went back down to the river to hike along there. The river rafters and river surfers made for interesting viewing during that hike.
Dinner was back in camp. After more than seven miles of hiking, another relaxing evening by the river was in order.
Relaxing by the river… again!
The guys all slept reasonably well considering we had showers, a roof over our heads, and beds! After breakfast, we said our goodbyes to Annette the owner and rolled a mile downhill to the start of Los Pinos Pass, a 5 mile, 1500’ grind to start the day. We all felt pretty good so the pass was doable without issue. After, we generally descended for 35 miles through sagebrush meadows. The last 11 miles of the day, however, were yet another grind to our lodging, Waunita Hot Spring Ranch. The miserable hot, sunny afternoons were sucking the energy out of us all. The rain for the final mile of the ride but a chill on the day.
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Steve, Jose, David K, and Paul R Celebrating the first climb!
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On the way up.
We had staged Marc’s van at the ranch so we had several luxuries… burgers, beer, and resupply of food for the rest of the trip.
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Jose in the heat of the day!
Three days in with our two toughest days ahead of us, we decided to regroup. Thanks to a great idea from Marc’s wife, we would use his van to carry our gear and support us along the way. The roads were possibly drivable for the entire route.
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Can’t you feel the sun on the back of your neck?
With the new plan in place, we enjoyed the hot springs and got to know a few of the other guests (scouts and their families). We also got to better know another cyclist (Tony) who was riding with his dog (Olive) in a carrier behind him. The day before Olive logged 17 miles on foot. Today, it was 11. Coincidentally, Tony who lives in Denver is married to a woman who played lacrosse at UNC Chapel Hill.
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Post ride spa prep with Steve, David H, Marc, and Jose
Sleep came early although it was fitful.
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ghostjelliess · 5 months
Some of y'all Teslas out here driving like we don't all know where you live. You gotta park in the garage if you're gonna fake-hit cyclists in a bike lane my guy. I jog past your house twice a week; I know which lights you turn on when you leave and your dog doesn't even bark at me anymore. Just give it a little think next time, okay? Some people get creative when they're fed up with assholes coming for seniors, and old man Steve isn't just some cyclist, he's The Professor, and he has fan girls (and also cameras).
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