#Steve Pound
2jihiir0 · 4 months
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5 more minutes, baby …
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years
BATTLE DRONE (2018) ★★★☆☆
BATTLE DRONE (2018) ★★★☆☆
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floredaqueen · 5 months
Throw some writing ideas (asks) at me pls♡
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theshippirate22 · 1 year
watching season 1 and 2 of stranger things is so funny because it’s like. steve. where is the other half of your body. what do you mean you don’t meet her until s3.
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Robin and Steve getting a job as crime scene clean up crew because hey, it’s a job and it pays well. They are at a regular job, thankfully the bodies are always taken away before they get there so it’s just the blood and other unsavoury things they have to deal with.
What they don’t expect to see is two curly haired strangers rushing up to the scene. A tense conversation between them, the shorter fiery girl telling the taller, defensive boy off
‘maybe DON’T get distracted next time? You think we need another vampire to compete with?’
The taller boy firing back ‘I might be dead but you can’t expect me to hear black sabbath and NOT air guitar! I’ll find our new ‘friend’ and I’ll fix it. Okay!? I’m sorry!’
The intruders walk right into the scene before they acknowledge Robin and Steve.
‘Hello? Hi? Guys this is a crime scene, you can’t just walk through here!’ Steve is infront of both of them, hands on hips and a stern look. Robin comes up to his side, eyeing the pair and cautious after overhearing their conversation
‘Oh. Our mistake. We’ll come back later. You um..don’t happen to know what happened to the victim do you?’ The girl asks, brown eyes flighty before settling on Robin and giving a sweet smile and batting her lashes. Robin stutters, blushing hard and as she tries to give an answer when Steve interjects
‘I’m sorry, we can’t answer that. Maybe try the police?’ It’s said with an irritated undertone almost like he’s jealous that he isn’t the one on the receiving end of the girls attention. But then the other boy steps up, leans far too close while giving Steve a thorough once over that makes Steve feel like he’s been undressed. Steve maybe wishes he was.
‘Oh but I think I’d rather speak to you.’ The boy winks and as he smiles there’s a hint of canine teeth that look unnaturally pointed that the boy licks over. Before he can go any further, the girl thrusts her hand out with a tight lipped smile
‘Ignore him. Please. I’m Nancy, this is Eddie. But like I said, ignore him.’
The boy, Eddie, gives an indignant ‘hey!’ while Nancy continues.
‘We really respect what you do, clearly important and valued work but we are going to need you to come with us. It’s your choice if it’s voluntary or force.’
Robin quickly finds Steve’s hand, as they turn to face each other and run.
#Johnathan and argyle are already normie and vamp boyfriends that help the fruity four out#Robin trips over her own feet and Steve gets pulled down#he manages to stumble to his feet and when he turns he sees Nancy immediately at robins side#almost unnaturally fast he begins to shout but Eddie at his back#whispering in his ear ‘she’s fine. Nancy would never hurt her’#Steve’s heart hammering fast. tried to shout to Robin but Eddie just keeps circling round him hands in his jeans pockets#he almost seems shy now like he doesn’t now how to talk to Steve. he opens his mouth to say something but is#interrupted by robin laughing (if a bit hysterical) at something nancy said. immediately pulling Steve’s attention to the girls#Steve sees an opening and takes it by rushing over to robin and checking in on her#somehow it’s agreed steve and robin will go with them but Eddie is moping the whole time at Steve barely says two words to him#the truth is Steve doesn’t know what to say and it’s easier to give Robin his full attention than think about how Eddie#got his heart pounding in a way that wasn’t just from danger#Nancy is immediately besotted with Robin and isn’t shy with it#she sees Eddie pouting and tells him to get a grip but Eddie just sighs and pines. he’s never been so disregarded by a human since well..#since he was human and now this boy - steve- is all he can think about. he’s even interrupting his dnd thoughts#stranger things#eddie munson#steddie#steve harrington#ronance#HELLO!!!
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yourfavealbumisgender · 9 months
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Selling England by the Pound by Genesis is Transgender!
requested by anon
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kedreeva · 2 years
Game Time
It's November 29th and I'm doing well, but I'm.... a ways away from 50k on my nanowrimo story. But there's still time if I focus. I am terrible at focusing! Here's where you come in.
I will write 100 words for every task/chore from your to-do list that you do today or tomorrow.
It doesn't have to be a very big task, but preferably it is one you are struggling with motivation for as well, so that we can help each other. Dishes, vacuuming, taking a walk, writing your own 100 next words, eating a food, sending that email... whatever you need some extra push for, go do it* and then come tell me, and I'll write 100 words more. Asks are fine, or replies or reblogs or messaging.
*Since a lot of people are sending in tasks that they've already done prior to seeing this post, to be clear you should be doing one NEW task, one that is inspired by seeing this post and, preferably, something that might not have gotten done otherwise.
I'll take task reports until midnight EST on the 30th, and once I hit 50k (which probably won't be today but... who knows), I will start on the prompts in my askbox, and/or sentinel fic with whatever is leftover. So don't be afraid to start a task that would put me over; as long as you report by midnight, I'll still write.
Let's get some stuff done!
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strangersatellites · 2 years
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starry haze, crystal ball
explicit | 7k
it’s literally just the steddie tarot-verse on ao3 lol
but surprise! there’s a bonus chapter that’s allllllll smut!
read on ao3!
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gonegrove · 1 year
concept: Billy and Chrissy becoming friends/starting to date after the events of season 2 because they run in the same circles. Steve also started hanging out with Chrissy’s end of the popular/jock circles more after his fall out with Tommy and was sure that he’d also be able to avoid Billy  post-s2 since those two seemed to be getting friendly. But as Billy and Chrissy get closer Billy ends up slooooowlyyyy appearing more in Steve’s presence in casual settings and literally never brings up the time he almost beat Steve to death which leaves Steve like ??????.
honestly the whole thing leaves Steve like ?????? because why the fuck are Billy Hargrove and Chrissy Cunningham of all people hanging out???? and why is Billy like.... so chill and normal and like????? Not Fucking Awful To Be Around Now????????? like ????????
like by the time june rolls around he’s on a chair by his pool watching Billy be absolutely saccharine to Chrissy while he’s taunting her to get into the pool with him and wondering if he’s having a fucking aneurysm.
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faofinn · 1 year
29. Pounding Headache (Alt 3)
Part 1 | Part 2
“Hopefully this second crew should be here shortly and we can get you both off to hospital. Have you got someone to come and be with the kids?”
"Kit and Bug are seventeen."
“I’m sure it would be nice for them to have someone with them?”
"I don't know if anyone replied." He was starting to get more than a little tired of the situation, the nausea still there and the pain creeping in.
“Do you want us to call someone?”
"Maybe, yeah."
“How’s that pain? Do you want something?”
Harrison struggled to pay attention to the paramedic, rubbing his face with a groan. "Wait, what? I didn't get that."
"For me?"
“Yeah, for you. If you’ve got pain.”
He dropped his head to his hands. "Yeah, a bit."
“I’ll get you something for that, then.”
As the paramedic busied himself sorting drugs, Harrison turned to Alfie. "Bug? Can…can you call Grandad Steve? Or one of your uncles?"
Alfie nodded. “Yeah, I’ll call them.” He said softly. 
"Thanks, Bug." He forced a watery smile. "You're doing amazing."
“Are you gonna be okay?” He asked, unable to help himself. 
"Me?" His heart broke, and he stretched a hand out. "Ah, Bug, come here."
“You look like shit.” He mumbled, reaching for his Dad’s hand. 
He squeezed it tight. "I'm okay, I promise. I've just got a headache, just a little bit of blood. I'm always, always, not very well for a bit after I hit my head, but then I'm better the next day. I'm even better from a few minutes ago." 
While it wasn’t a lie, it wasn’t entirely the truth. The nausea had subsided, but the pain was overwhelming. He forced himself to give Alfie a smile, trying to make it seem okay. 
“Still, though. Can we go with you?”
"Do you not want to stay here? Someone will come be with you."
“I don’t want to leave you.”
"You know I'll be okay." He promised. "I'll ask, yeah? You should be okay to."
He hesitated then. “Levi.”
“Can he come? Or should we stay with him?” Alfie didn’t know what to do, too used to his Dads taking control. But now both of them weren’t well, and he wasn’t sure how to cope. 
"What does he want to do?"
He shrugged. "I don't know."
Harrison sighed, doing his best to not snap. It wasn’t Alfie's fault, and he could see his son was stressed and worried about them, but the pounding headache that had settled was testing his patience. 
"Go speak to Leaf, call your grandad, and then come back." He said. 
The second crew arrived as Alfie headed through to the kitchen, and Harrison couldn't help the groan. The extra people just added to the noise and activity, and couldn't be arsed to deal with it. He didn't bother raising his head as the first paramedic crouched by him again, wordlessly holding his arm out for the medication. 
"There you go, give that a moment to work, okay?"
His noise in agreement was more of a groan than a hum, his eyes closed as he rested his head back in his hands. 
Alfie was glad to get away from the noise for a minute, as the second crew arrived and started to fuss. It was overwhelming and all just too much. He didn’t know where his little brother was, or his twin, but he gripped the kitchen counter, tears suddenly springing to his eyes. He pulled out his phone, dialling for Steve. He’d help, he always did. 
Steve answered quickly, his heart breaking. "Alfie? I'm on my way, I'm not going to be long."
“Grandpa Steve?” He whimpered, trying so desperately to stop the tears. 
"Hey, it's okay. You're okay. I know it's scary. You're being so brave, though." 
“I don’t know what to do. I-I want to go with them but I don’t know about Kieran and Levi and everything and what if I’m not allowed to go, or they make me leave in hospital, and what if they’re not okay and they ask me questions and…” He trailed off, totally overwhelmed. 
"It's okay. Where's Hars? Is he taking to the ambulance now? Why don’t you ask him when he's free? See what he thinks, hmm?"
He sniffed. “I can’t. He’s… he’s hurt too, they’re both not well. They called a second ambulance.”
Steve took a second, of course his son wouldn't make things easy. "What did he do?"
“I… I don’t know, he said he fell? Hit the kitchen c-cabinets and hit his head. He’s been sick, and it’s bleeding everywhere, and there’s paramedics with him too and I don’t know what to do, because I dont want to leave him but I don’t want to leave Kieran and Levi if they don’t want to come and I don’t want them to see me like this, not Levi.”
"Bug, take a breath. It's okay." Steve soothed. "Harrison has always been sick when he hits his head, he always has been. And head injuries, however small, bleed a lot. You split your head open when you were younger, and it looked like you'd tipped a bottle of juice on the floor. I know it's scary, you're being so brave. So, so brave."
“I don’t know what to do.”
"Just take a moment, take a deep breath, breathe it all out. You're being so brave, Alfie. You're doing really well."
Alfie forced a deep breath, fighting against the sobbing, and managed to get a little bit of control. “Sorry.”
"Don't apologise, you're okay."
“I… I don’t know what to do.”
"You don't need to do anything, you're okay."
“But I do.”
"Not right now. Get yourself a glass of water and take a moment."
“But Dads…”
"They're being looked after, aren't they?" He said softly. "I'm only a few minutes away.
He sniffed again. “I guess.”
"Think what your Dads would say."
“He just said to call you.”
"So that I could do the thinking for you, so you didn't have to worry."
“I need to find Levi.”
"He'll be around."
“The house is so busy.”
"I know, it will be. They're just  doing their job."
“I don’t like it.”
"I know, kiddo. I know. Is the front door unlocked?"
"Alright. Did you get your glass of water?"
“No.” He admitted. 
"Get that for me, okay? I'm just pulling into the estate now."
“Okay.” He mumbled, reaching into the cupboard for a glass.
"Thank you."
He filled it with water, sniffing again and trying to stop the tears. “Sorry.”
"Don't apologise, Alfie. You're doing really well."
“Are you nearly here?”
"Just parking, kiddo."
Steve didn't put the phone down until he was inside, calling through to the living room but heading straight for the kitchen. He pulled Alfie in for a hug, holding his grandson close.
Alfie wrapped his arms around him. “Thank you.” He mumbled. 
"You're okay, you’re okay." He murmured. "You've been so brave."
“I should find Kieran and Levi.”
"I'll go get them, you stay here, hmm?"
"I won't be long." He promised. 
Alfie nodded, feeling infinitely guilty. It should be him helping, not Steve, but he felt rooted to the spot. 
Steve headed upstairs, where he found Levi and Kieran. The older brother was comforting Levi, keeping him distracted. The relief was so obvious on his face as he saw Steve, dropping the tablet and rushing at his grandfather. 
"Hey, Kit." He pulled him in for a hug, Levi quickly joining them. "And Levi, there we go. You two are okay."
Levi pulled back, moving to sit on his bed again. "Are dads really sick?"
Steve sighed. "Tai's doing a lot better, but he'll have to go in with having such a low. And Hars, the idiot, he's always been sick when he hits his head. He always has, always used to have my life with it. So he'll have to go and get checked, but it probably just looks worse than it is."
Kieran dropped his head. "Is Alfie okay? I'm sorry, I had to leave, I couldn't…it was just…I'm sorry, I -"
"Hey, it's okay." Steve's heart broke, and he reached to rub Kieran's back. "You don't need to apologise. He's just worried about you two. Obviously your dads are going to have to go in the ambulance, but do you want to go with them?"
Kieran paled. "In the ambulance?"
"No, no. You don't have to, you can come with me in the car."
He let out a shaky breath. "Okay."
"Could I go with dad?" 
"I'm sure you'll be allowed, Leaf." Steve gave him a smile. "Right, I'm gonna go check on them, make sure they're behaving now, eh? Why don’t you two stay up here? Maybe grab your dads' hospital bags, just in case?"
"We can do that." Kieran nodded. "Thanks, grandad."
"You're welcome, Kit. Just give me a shout if you need anything, okay? I love you boys."
Happy they were okay enough upstairs, Steve returned downstairs. He popped his head back into the living room, taking a second as he finally noticed the state of the room.
"You've made an impressive mess, kid." He sighed. "You alright, Tai?"
Tai gave a shrug. "Been better. Think Hars is worse than me."
Harrison cracked an eye open in his direction. "Oh. Hi dad."
He walked over to Harrison's side. "How are you feeling?"
He learned into his arm on his shoulder. "Fucking shit. I feel like my head is going to explode. And they've even been nice and given me morphine."
"Not good, eh?" He winced as he caught sight of the lac the paramedic was cleaning. "You've done a pretty number there, what happened?"
Harrison didn't answer for a moment, all too aware Steve would see through his lies. "I hit my head on the counter."
"Was it your leg again?" Tai asked from across the room.
"Mm. Something like that."
"Harrison." Steve warned.
"Ooh, full name. I'm in trouble."
Tai snickered from the other sofa. "Uh oh."
"What happened, Hars?" He hated the thought, the worry that he might have been drinking, but Harrison knew better, was better. He knew that really.
"It wasn't his fault." He said quietly.
Tai frowned. "Who?" 
Harrison closed his eyes. "You wouldn't let me help you, I asked to do your sugars and I was in the way."
"No." Tai was pale, the nausea overwhelming. 
"Oh, Hars."
"You didn't mean it, I know you didn't." His voice wavered and he took a shaky breath. "You wanted past me, I guess. You…you shoved me pretty hard." 
The room was silent. Harrison didn't dare to raise his head, couldn't bring himself to look at his husband. Tai, on the other hand, couldn't look away. He could feel the panic in his chest, and the monitor was quick to protest.
"Hars." His voice cracked, his emotion obvious. He didn't yet trust his legs to hold him up, but all he wanted was to hold his husband. "Hars, love, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have…I don’t… I'm sorry."
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AU where Steve and Eddie met before the start of season 4… because Eddie was regularly getting pounded by members of the basketball team in exchange for free weed.
The rest of Hawkins (including Robin, because somehow Steve never thought to mention it) had no idea about this arrangement.
Steve was only Eddie’s ‘customer’ a few times, but secretly he was Eddie’s favorite. He has a thing for jocks, and Steve was the best Hawkins had to offer and Eddie might have had a bit of a secret crush
Of course, Jason put an end to it when he became captain, so Eddie has been having a harder time getting any decent action… until after Vecna, when Eddie, Steve, and Robin are talking about getting high and Steve casually asks if Eddie’s still ‘doing business’ like he used to, and if that arrangement extends to former athletes
Eddie is tripping over himself to say yes, Robin is gobsmacked when she figures out what Steve is asking. Steve doesn’t get what the big deal is, but he doesn’t hesitate to invite Eddie to meet up at his place later ;)
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the-birth-of-art · 6 months
Oh Britannia
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thebibliomancer · 8 months
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“Just you wait until I get some patriotic steroids. Then I’ll be really good at punching Nazis”
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odk-2 · 1 year
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Genesis - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) (1973) Tony Banks  / Phil Collins / Peter Gabriel / Steve Hackett / Mike Rutherford from: "Selling England by the Pound" (LP) "I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)" / "Twilight Alehouse" (Single)
Progressive Rock
JukeHostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Peter Gabriel: Lead Vocals / Flute / Percussion Tony Banks: Hammond Organ / Arp Pro Soloist Synthesizer / Mellotron Steve Hackett: Electric Guitar Mike Rutherford: Bass Guitar / Electric Sitar Phil Collins: Drums / Assorted Percussion / Harmony Vocals
Produced by John Burns / Genesis
Recorded: @ The Island Studios in Notting Hill, London, England UK August, 1973
Album Released on September 28, 1973 Charisma Records (UK) Atlantic Records (US) UK Single Released January 25, 1974 Charisma Records
Re-Issues: Virgin Records Rhino Records
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florallylly · 8 months
me projecting onto steve but he 100% has some sweet type alcohol that he refuses to drink bc if he even thinks about it, he gags.
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swagging-back-to · 2 years
i do think it is a hate crime that we never heard Keith speaking Korean in a texas cowboy accent.
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