#Steve is pissed at Eddie for outing them at first but forgives him once he brings him lunch and flowers to Family Video the next day
artiststarme · 1 year
No Steves Allowed!
Okay guys, I decided to the DnD one first today but I'll probably end up posting the parent fic today too. I've never actually played DnD so if this doesn't make sense, let me know! I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments.
Eddie wasn’t a big fan of rules, or setting boundaries, or partaking in any form of mass conformity. When he made his DnD club, he wanted it to be a safe space for all the outsiders and outcasts to relax and enjoy their high school years. (And join his DnD campaigns so he could torture them but that was neither here nor there). However, there was one rule that was non-negotiable and grounds for immediate character damage and death. 
There was to be no mention of Steve Harrington. 
It didn’t matter if he was your partner in chemistry for a project or if you were complaining about his crony bumping into you in the hall, no one was allowed to mention him by name or otherwise as soon as Eddie stepped into the drama room. This confused the original Hellfire members as well as their successors but everyone conceded eventually. Especially when mentions of Steve brought about the painful and horrific deaths of their characters. 
Gareth, the little shit that he is, tempted the rule the most, even still. Even after all of the characters he’s lost (one named Stephen that was beheaded by a griffin carrying a blade from a fallen half-elf soldier and several others that tried to work the name ‘Steve’ into a background story), he still liked to poke the bear at least once a campaign. 
“Galahad, it’s your play. What course of action will you take to persuade the innkeeper into allowing you and your friends a place of slumber for the night?” Eddie asked him, his voice firm and powerful as he enveloped his Dungeon Master persona. 
He already regretted giving him the chance to speak after he saw a slow smirk spread across his face. “Well, dear Dungeon Master, I think I’m going to go back to the bar and collect my friend Stephen Nicehair. Then I’ll use his looks and luscious locks to seduce the innkeeper into giving us beds.”
Eddie could feel his left eye twitching in annoyance. ‘Stephen Nicehair’? That’s the best Gareth could do?
“As you turn around to go back to the bar, you hear the innkeeper release a battle cry. He drops the pillows in his hands to reveal a cursed dagger with an obsidian blade. The previously friendly man plunges the dagger into your chest without hesitation and twists it in your heart to deliver maximum pain. Roll damage.”
Gareth sighed but rolled his dice, “six.”
“As the life fades out of your eyes, the innkeeper leans in closer to your face and whispers, ‘no one tries to outsmart me in my inn’. You die just as you lived… Pathetically. Galahad the Bad is now dead, existing on the floor of the inn in a pool of blood with the dagger still protruding from his rib cage. Your party is now cursed by the Goddess of Death because your blood was spilled on the cursed obsidian blade. ‘Til next time, boys.”
The entire Party was silent for a moment in shock until Dustin loudly erupted. “What the hell was that?! The innkeeper? Eddie, he’s an NPC that was supposed to offer us shelter after saving the town, what the fuck?”
Jeff shook his head at him and patted Dustin’s shoulder, “hey man, Eddie really doesn’t like it when people break his rules. It’s better not to question the consequences.”
“What rules?” He turned to Eddie to point an accusing finger at him. “You said that you hated rules because they forced conformity onto people outside the mold. And all he did was say he was going to get his friend Stephen to help!”
Eddie’s eyes flashed dangerously as he leaned in closer to Dustin. “Roll for initiative and persuasion.”
“Roll Henderson!” He screamed. 
Dustin sighed brattily but rolled the dice as directed, “fourteen for initiative and ten for persuasion with my modifier.”
Eddie grinned at him maniacally. “Elric steps up to the innkeeper to try and appease him of his anger only for the man to pull another dagger from his cloak and slice it across Elric’s neck. You can feel the warmth of the blood spill down your front and feel some of the traitorous liquid bubble into your mouth and through your lips. You can’t breathe and can only gurgle a single question. What do you ask?”
“I ask him why he killed me!” Dustin said, a mixture of alarm, shock, and outrage in his voice. 
Eddie leaned in close to him, the evil glint in his eye still fully present and terrifying. He switches his cadence to match the hoarse voice of the innkeeper and says, “‘You can’t speak of Stephen or any of his aliases and stay in the world of the living.’ Elric falls to the ground and bleeds out all over the floor. The innkeeper steps over your useless body and says to your Party, ‘It’s a no to the shelter, take the bodies of your compatriots and leave or face the same fate.’”
Mike looks pissed and Lucas looks shocked at the turn this relatively happy session took. Meanwhile, Jeff and Grant were busy alternating their glares between Gareth and Eddie. Dustin just looked flabbergasted that his bard was murdered so callously by what he thought would be an innocent NPC.
“Alright, let’s pause there for now and we’ll pick it up next week. Some of you have new characters to make. Also, as a reminder to the senior members and a precaution for the new members, there will be absolutely no mention of Steve Harrington. Thank you, you’re adjourned.” Eddie spoke and waved them off. 
“What? But Steve-”
“I said adjourned, Henderson!” And from that moment on, Steve wasn’t mentioned at Hellfire. The kids slipped up here and there, especially given their hero worship of the guy but no one said his name aloud again in fear of losing another character. But then Eddie experienced the Spring Break from hell, found out that Steve Harrington was actually a pretty good guy, and started dating him.
The rule posed a problem once Eddie was finally able to talk Steve into joining a one-shot campaign. It took months of dating and illicit promises to get Steve to make a character, honorably named Steeb Munsington, and sit down with all of Hellfire to play. 
“So how’s this supposed to work? Are we just ignoring Steeb the entire campaign?” Lucas asked him.
“What why? Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something?” Steve looked adorably alarmed and glanced concernedly between Lucas and Eddie. 
Lucas patted his hand from his seat next to him. “Eddie has a rule about bringing you up during a session. If we mention you, our character gets serious hit points. No offense man, but I’m not taking that chance.”
Steve turned to Eddie with a hurt look. Oh shit, he had to fix this quick. 
“Obviously it’s void now! Obviously guys, shut up.” He turned to Steve. “Don’t worry Stevie, that was a joke.”
“Oh was it a joke when you murdered Elric the Bard for questioning Galahad’s unfair demise?!”
“Henderson, shut your mouth right now or you can kiss Kalston the Killer goodbye right now.” When he opened his mouth to argue, Eddie cut him off again. “The rule is clearly void now! I only had the rule in the first place so you guys wouldn’t be able to tease me about my crush on Steve. Now we’re dating so it’s fine. The rule has been discredited, no more capital punishment for mentioning his name.”
“You’re dating?!” Dustin screamed in shock. Eddie sent a panicked glance at Steve who was glaring at him with his arms crossed over his chest. He wouldn’t be getting any help from him. 
“You’re gay?” Mike muttered in bafflement. Wow, nothing got past that kid. 
“You murdered eleven of my characters because of a crush?” Gareth shrieked, his face turning red in anger.
Will stared at the two of them in shock while the rest of the Party raised their voices in uproar. He was completely frozen while insults and accusations were thrown, thankfully more due to the fact that Eddie had gone on a rampage as DM rather than them being gay. How were they not focusing on the gay comment?
“Not just a crush anymore, he’s been my boyfriend for months! And if you had stopped violating my rule, they wouldn’t have died! Anyways, let’s let bygones be bygones and move along with our campaign. We only have eight hours to get this done today before the sheep have curfew.” Eddie clapped his hands and grinned. 
Jeff shook his head at him and Grant muttered angrily under his breath. Gareth, though, exploded. “You murdered a shit ton of my characters for even saying words that sounded like Steve! And now you just want us to move along because you’re dating the guy now! Congratulations by the way, we all noticed you seemed happier lately. Steve, if you hurt him, I’ll kill you like he killed all of my characters for even saying your name. What the fuck, Eddie?!” 
“Jesus Christ, it was a long time ago! If you drop this, I’ll give everyone extra XP to start, okay? Double.” Gareth was still glaring at him. “Triple.”
“Fine but deep down, I’m still pissed off.” Gareth muttered. 
“Noted, now let’s start. Stevie, I can help you out if you need it. Steeb is going to do great, I’m sure. I’m not above torturing my friends when it comes to you, okay?”
“Eddie!” Everyone besides him and Steve yelled. Ah yes, this was going to be a good gameday indeed. 
Permanent tag list: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Eddie is in the verge of tears.
His boyfriend just broke up with him, he’s in a club, alone for what feels like hours and he has been trying to get out of the place but he can’t find the exit.
As if he wasn't suffering enough, he sees his now ex-boyfriend talking to someone at the bar, probably looking for a replacement for Eddie.
It's just so unfair, in Eddie's opinion, because he knows that his ex-boyfriend will find someone else in no time. He's so attractive that Eddie often wondered how he managed to land him in the first place. Eddie hasn’t much to offer so he has to accept that he will die alone now.
He knows he should leave him alone and get out of there, but he's also pissed and tired and angry, and he kinda wants to beg him to take him back.
Despite the loud music and the terrible lighting, his ex notices him and stuns Eddie with a sigh of relief and a smile.
"Shit Eddie, finally! I couldn't find you anywhere, I was starting to panic!" He puts a hand on his shoulder, Eddie flinches.
“Don’t touch me, I’m mad at you” he takes a step back but he trips on himself.
His boyfriend- no, ex boyfriend- catches him just in time “are you okay?”
Eddie whines, he hates his reflexes, his stupid strong arms and his cute-worried expression “let me go, we’re not together anymore.”
His ex laughs “what? Since when?”
“Since you broke up with me, Stevie” Eddie wants to be strong, but his eyes get watery.
“Shit please don’t cry! I don’t know what- I would never break up with you! Please calm down” Steve takes Eddie's face in his hands, to comfort him.
"You did, I remember!" Eddie points his finger at him and then presses it on his chest "shit, I'll miss your boobies so much."
"Oh my god, Eddie!"
"What? It's true!" He pouts "You didn't even let me say goodbye to them."
Steve takes a deep breath and moves his hands on Eddie's shoulders "You don't have to say goodbye because we didn't break up in the first place. Let's go home, please."
Eddie can never resist a request from him, so he easily complies. However, he forgets about their conversation once they're out of the club and, yet again, gets mad at Steve for breaking up with him. And again on the ride home, in the elevator, and one last time as Steve is helping him into his pajamas.
Steve can finally relax once Eddie falls asleep, and he follows not long after, hoping that in the morning his boyfriend will realize how unreasonable he had been.
Steve wakes up feeling someone staring at him. He blinks a couple of times before he can focus on the sight of his boyfriend, laying on his side, and glaring at him.
"What" Steve deadpans.
"You broke up with me last night" Eddie accuses him once again.
"Not again! Are you serious? When would I have done that?"
"I clearly remember you saying we 'should not do this" Eddie points at Steve, then himself "anymore'. You pointed at us! It couldn't have been more clear."
Steve abruptly sits up, the scene of the night before clear in his head.
"I told you we shouldn't do it anymore as in going out and getting shitfaced because we're too old."
They stay silent for a while, then Eddie speaks again "Oh well, everything is okay then, I forgive you, Stevie."
Steve gets out of their bed "I'm seriously considering breaking up with you."
Eddie jumps on his knees, staying on the mattress "You wouldn't dare!"
Steve glares at him one last time before leaving their bedroom "Watch me."
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holysteddie · 1 year
cw: nsfw stuff happens while they're semi in public and both drunk.
i did not re read this because i wrote most of this while really tipsy and sleepy in a car so i thought it would be funny if there was some mistake, or impressive if there isn't.
Robin had to physically pull Steve out of the bar, and yet he still had a drink in his hands, a moscow mule she guessed from the smell. She let him drink it, 'cause at this point it wouldn't make much of a difference.
She let him in the passenger seats in the back and waited for Nancy and Eddie, she could still hear some Mindless Self Indulgence song playing from the club, and she beat her fingers on the steering wheel. Ever since she learned to drive, Steve took advantage of it one too many times. If she wasn't drunk already, then he would get drunk and force her to be the one driving.
Steve was giggling at himself in the back, booping his own nose, when he saw Nancy dragging a happy Eddie away from the bar, hooked under her arm, while his other free arm was flying in the air as he sang the song playing in the background with his voice high.
Nancy threw Eddie in the backseats, on top of Steve, and then threw herself on the passenger seat with a sigh.
"Sorry, he said he was pissing himself and i'd rather believe him than him actually, y'know, pissing himself in your car" Nancy apologized, putting her hand on Robin's. It was really not necessary, not the apologizing nor the touch, but both were nice to receive.
She smiled tenderly at Nancy, and started the car, accompanied by giggles and laughs from the back seats.
She turned around quickly, seeing Steve and Eddie all over each other, laughing on top of each other like they'd just said the funniest thing in the world. She's not sure they even said a word to each other.
In the club, when they first arrived, they'd been a little shy, giving each other longing glances like they always did. Steve was brave enough to compliment Eddie's looks, saying he looked good. Beautiful, was what he meant, but good was good enough, good enough to make Eddie blush and thank him with his lip trapped between his teeth.
It took several drinks for them to be able to get into a real conversation and expecially to dance together.
Steve offered Eddie some weird, fruity drink, and then they danced together on the dance floor somehow both like they were the only two people there, and like there was so much people that they had to stick to each other like that at the same time.
And then they kissed, at some point, and Robin would've just let them be, celebrated, even, for how they finally got their head out of their asses, but they were drunk, and he wouldn't forgive herself if they went a little too far and then regretted it the morning after, or if they didn't and they had to live their love story without even remembering their first kiss properly. She'd hate if it happened to her. She was hoping they were so drunk they'd just forget about it so they could just have a real first kiss, to never know they already had one.
So she pulled Steve away as he whined, and then she let him go back to Eddie, but stayed close to them the whole time, one eye on her secret, super delusional crush dancing in front of her, the other on the two boys standing a little too close to each other.
And so now they were here. She was tired, and she couldn't wait to go home, and Nancy beside her looked in even worse conditions, her eyes closed and her fingers pressing her temples.
She stayed silent the whole car ride, looked at Nancy every once in a while, and they shared a small smile. Then Nancy closed her eyes, and she looked back at the street.
Behind them, the two boys were not making much noise, just some giggles every now and then, and when she turned around quickly at a red light to check on them, she found Steve leaning heavily on Eddie's shoulder, both of them with their eyes closed. They looked so cute she might've thrown up, so she tried not to look at them too much, turned on the radio a little to hear something other than soft snores and quiet nonsensical mumbles.
The next time she peeked at them, Nancy was mouthing the words to the song, probably trying to stay awake, and Eddie had his eyes half open in a weird expression, and Steve– It took a second for Robin to realize that no, Steve did not disappear, he didn't throw himself out of the car without her noticing, but he just, collapsed.
He could see his legs, and if she squinted a little, she could see some movement, like Steve's head was in Eddie's lap, and he's patting his hair. Sober Steve would hate it. Actually, Drunk Steve would hate it too, coming from anybody else but Eddie.
Why did she check on them again? They make her nauseous.
They're almost home when Nancy started to straighten up. Robin thought she just realized they're close and found the will to fully wake up, but then her fingers go to the radio and turn the volume down, and she leans her head closer to the gap between their seat but without throwing her head too far, like she's trying to listen to something.
Now, it's not like Robin had hearing problems, but between the music and the wind and trying to focus on driving, she decided that the little weird sounds coming from the back seats were ignorable. It was just Eddie being Eddie and being drunk, nothing too weird.
But now the car was stopped at another traffic red light, and the music was off, and–
The sucking, wet, squelchy noise is so evident she actually feels like throwing up.
She turned around completely and looked in between their seats in a hurry and regrets it instantly as she saw an image similar to what she pictured just earlier.
Steve's head on Eddie's lap, Eddie's fingers in his hair. But he wasn't patting them, he was holding them in a tight grip, pulling and pushing on them, and Steve's head was bobbing up and down, and– she just saw Eddie's balls.
His face was contorted in pleasure and he kept humming every now and then, the only noise he was letting himself let out. Instead, Steve seemed like he wasn't even trying to turn his volume off, giving Eddie the noisiest, sloppiest blowjob in the history of blowjobs.
They just kept going, not noticing (or not caring about) Robin and Nancy both looking at him, caught them right in the act.
"Oh my fucking god you are not sucking his dick in my car!" She screamed, slapping her hand on one of the seats just to make noise and scare them. It worked.
Steve jolted up, letting Eddie's hard dick free and wild in the air for everyone to see.
Both her and Nancy screamed, Nancy covered her eyes and Robin looked away at Steve, while in the corner of her eyes she could see Eddie hurriedly tucking his dick back in his pants.
Honestly, Steve wasn't a much better view. His lips were red, puffy and wet, glistening with something that couldn't be just spit, and his chin was wet, and his hair were sticking up everywhere, and he was so visibly hard in his jeans that it was painful just to watch him.
"Nancy, sorry, i'm gonna need you to get out so that Steve can get his ass out of the car and seat next to me." Nancy immediately gets her seatbelt off and starts to get out of the car, at the same time as Steve started to whine in protest.
"But–" He tried to argue, holding onto the seat in front of him, looking at her with his big brown eyes. They weren't gonna work on her, not this time, not when they weren't filled with his annoying cuteness or his kicked puppy energy, but wet with arousal and need. It was gross, really.
"No buts! You're sitting beside me at the end of the discussion." Eddie snickered at her usage of the word buts, like some sort of preschooler, and Steve shamefully lowered his head and got out of the car, sitting in Nancy's place.
She saw Nancy sitting beside Eddie, trying to stay as close to the door as possible, her face scrunched up as she pushed the window down to let the backseat air a little.
She felt sorry for her. She'd rather die than sit right where Steve's horny ass was sitting a moment earlier, where just a couple of minutes ago, he was sucking a dick.
"I'm sorry, Birdie" Steve muttered once he had his seatbelt on and she started back the car, the traffic light going from red to green for maybe the third or fourth time since she stopped.
"Yeah 'm sorry too" Eddie said after Nancy subtly punched him in the guts. Well, not really subtly since she noticed.
"Okay, now shut up. The both of you." They nodded, and she turned the music back on
"Unbelievable..." She muttered under her breath, even as Steve threw depressed kitten looks at her. She was not falling for it, the bastard wasn't regretting one single thing, and the only reasons she's so calm is that he's drunk, and she knew that he would've never done that if he wasn't.
She kind of feels bad, a little. She was supposed to look out for him. She tried to do that the whole night, trying to pull the two away from each other so they wouldn't get hurt. And yet she managed to fuck it up, and now Steve sucked his first dick while drunk in the back of his best friend's car, with his best friend and his ex girlfriend in said car.
She tried her best, at least, she couldn't take that away from herself. And she was still upset with them, drunk or not.
She kept driving, and if she saw Nancy winking and fist bumping Eddie in the back, she said nothing.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 3 months
From Hell to Home to Back Again
Summary: At the talent show, Chrissy Cunningham is so hungry that she nearly collapses. When she's found by Hopper, her parents ended up losing custody of her. She ends up being placed in the care of the Hendersons, and she finally finds the family she so desperately needed. She also ends up falling in love. What other changes are made in this alternate universe?
@emen-98 @1lostsoul0fishbowl @vulpixsworld
Prologue . . . Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Turns out, Chrissy had been in her coma for quite a few weeks. She didn't wake up until the end of November, and it wasn't until the beginning of December that she was able to start school up again. She was disappointed that Ronnie was only able to stick around long to say goodbye but nowhere near as disappointed as Robin and Eddie were. Also, the Hollands had waited to move until Chrissy woke up, and they were able to say goodbye. It was something that Barb would have wanted, they had told her. There was a part of Chrissy that was sad that they had to leave, but she understood why, and she was glad that they were going to be with family. She had missed Bob's funeral, but she wasn't sure what she would have said. She didn't know the man, and it's not like she could say he was a hero. . .no, one knows except their little party what happened.
"I'm sorry for not telling you," Chrissy whispered to Eddie.
"You don't have to keep apologizing, darlin," Eddie said sleepily.
After getting out of the hospital with a clean bill of health, Chrissy immediately jumped his bones. It was a little awkward at first because Eddie had been deathly afraid of breaking her, but after letting Chrissy handcuff him to the bed and doing whatever she wanted to him, he wasn't so scared. Although he was a little scared that she would hurt him. . .but in a good way, though. Healthy amount of fear. When they weren't in school or hanging out with friends, they were together. They all made sure that there would only ever be one awkward moment again when Wayne accidentally walked in on them with Eddie wearing her cheerleader uniform and chained to the bed. Chrissy had been on top of him wearing his vest and nothing else. They still couldn't look him in the eye. Now here they were. . .wrapped up in each other's arms.
"I just feel so bad," Chrissy said. "You have nightmares now."
"So do you, and at least now I know why. We're in this together, Chrissy," Eddie said and yawned.
"So, you're really not mad?" She asked.
"I'm going to be pissed if you don't let me go to sleep, darlin," he said.
"You called me 'darlin'. You have an accent when you do that," Chrissy mumbled.
"Yeah, only when I say shit like that. I try not to let it come through," Eddie said.
"It's sexy," she said.
"Maybe I should do it more often," he said. ". . . Darlin."
And when they were all with their friends, they were trying to study for their end of semester exams or trying to make up for the school work that had suffered while Chrissy was in her coma. The new principal who had been so forgiving was now gone, and now, another one was in their place. Much like Higgins, this woman's pockets were being lined by the rich parents who want what's "best" for their kids. It meant no help for Eddie once again. The one thing that was helping now was the fact that he was dealing drugs and not many people were willing to fuck with someone who gave them what they wanted. Now, every one of their friends were trying to help him keep his grades up as well as theirs. Steve, Nancy, Robin, Jonathan, Argyle, Chrissy, and Eddie were sprawled out in Nancy's room, studying their asses off when Eddie threw down his pencil in frustration.
"GAH!" Eddie exclaimed.
"I need a fucking break too," Robin said. "A bathroom break more specifically."
Robin stepped over people's bodies lying on the floor but made sure to step on Eddie before she left the room.
Chrissy giggled and rubbed Eddie's back while he scowled, mumbling under his breath. Just as they settled down, they heard Robin shriek from the bathroom. They all sat up just as she came running into the bathroom with a thin white stick.
"What the fuck is it?!" Robin asked.
"Well, Robin, it looks like a pregnancy test," Steve said and paused. "Yes, it is in fact, a pregnancy test."
"Steve! Who's is it? Chrissy? Is it yours?" Robin asked.
"What?! No! I least I don't think it's mine!" Chrissy yelped.
"What do you mean you don't think it's yours?! Did you or did you not piss on a plastic stick today?!" Eddie shrieked.
"I don't remember doing it, but the doctor said I might have some memory problems!" Chrissy panicked.
"We just started having sex! We can't be pregnant yet!" He yelled.
"Oh, right!" Chrissy realized. "Nancy, is it yours?!"
"What?!" Steve yelled. "Nance?!"
"No! Nope! Definitely not!" Nancy exclaimed.
"Well, it's not fucking mine!" Robin exclaimed.
"Guys! There's another female living in this house!" Steve exclaimed.
"Max," Robin and Nancy said in realization.
"She better not fucking be!" Robin yelled. "She's too young, and I'm not ready to be an aunt!"
"It's not ours, is it?" Argyle asked Jonathan.
"What?! Of course, it isn't!" Jonathan exclaimed.
"Okay, because the other day when you asked me to fill - "
"ARGYLE!" Jonathan yelled out, blushing.
Suddenly, the door burst open. Ted and Karen stood in the doorway, looking concerned.
"What the hell is all this yelling about?" Ted asked.
"THIS PREGNANCY TEST IS TEARING US APART!" Eddie yelled, pointing at Robin's hand.
"Oh," Karen laughed. "That's mine. It was a false positive. I got my period."
"Oh, thank God!" Robin sighed, and then she screamed, throwing it on Nancy's bed. "My mother pissed on that thing!"
"Thanks, Robin," Nancy said sarcastically.
"Mom! Dad! Kitchen!" Robin exclaimed.
"I think we're in trouble, dear," Ted said.
"I think so," Karen said in amusement.
Robin led her parents down in the kitchen with the others following quickly. She sat them down at the island and stood in front of them with her hands on her hips..
"Okay, sometimes when a man and woman love each other, although they don't have to love to each other. Sometimes, it doesn't even have to be a man and a woman, but in your case. . . " Robin said.
"I think our daughter is giving us the talk," Ted said.
"It's about time, don't you think?" Karen giggled.
"Mom! Dad! Focus! . . .Visuals!" Robin exclaimed and rushed upstairs before coming down with Nancy's purse.
"Hey! That's mine!" Nancy yelled as Robin pulled out a condom.
"Mom, dad, this is a condom. . . " Robin said and then grabbed a banana. "And this is a . . . Well, you know what this is."
"No, dear, I'm afraid we don't. Enlighten us," Ted said.
"Ted! Okay, Robin, enough," Karen said in amusement. "We don't need to have the talk."
"It certainly sounds like you do. . .almost getting pregnant . . . Jesus," Robin said and rolled her eyes.
"Well, this was the entertainment we needed," Eddie grinned. "Let's get back to it."
"Well, it's a good thing none of overreacted," Argyle said as they walked up the stairs and they all laughed.
"Hey, Chrissy?" Eddie asked as they walked back into Nancy's room.
"You don't mind if we do mouth and hand stuff for a while, do you?" Eddie asked.
"Just what I was thinking," Chrissy grinned.
"We'll definitely won't have a problem with that. Steve is very generous," Nancy grinned.
"Damn," Chrissy laughed as Steve smirked, and then he shook his head.
"I don't understand why some guys complain about doing that. I love it," Steve said.
"Apparently, so does Nancy," Chrissy said and wiggled her eyebrows at her as they all laid back down.
"Ugh, gag me with a spoon," Robin said. "Not about my sister. I just had a sex talk with our parents. Don't make me give you one too."
"I'm still feeling a little on edge about the whole thing. Is anyone else feeling their heartbeat in their ears?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, I do!" Argyle exclaimed.
"Okay, one, that's not your heartbeat and two, you're laying on Jonathan's chest," Eddie said.
After their very alarming study session, they went their separate ways. Eddie took Chrissy back to his trailer to have dinner with Wayne. She showed him how to make lasagna from scratch. Well, she ended up showing both of them how to make it. It was a lot of fun showing them how to cook, especially when she saw their eyes light up when they realized they had a knack for it. After a while, the three of them sat at the very small table off to the side of the kitchen.
"So, how'd the studying go?" Wayne asked Eddie.
"Good, I thought I got Chrissy pregnant there for a minute," Eddie said.
Wayne almost choked on a mouthful of lasagna. Chrissy bit her lip to keep from laughing as she patted his back. He swallowed and took a huge gulp of water.
"BOY! You did what now?!" Wayne exclaimed.
"Thought! I thought I got Chrissy pregnant! You need to listen!" Eddie exclaimed, tapping his ear. "She's not, by the way."
"You have a death wish, Eddie," Chrissy giggled as Wayne glared at him.
"You don't need to worry. It was Nancy's parents who were the irresponsible ones," Eddie said.
After dinner, Eddie and Chrissy were busy cleaning up in the kitchen while Wayne disappeared. They had assumed he had gone outside to smoke, but they had been wrong. Chrissy and Eddie turned around to find Wayne walking by with Eddie's bedroom door.
"You'll get this back when you become smarter," Wayne said.
"Jesus, Wayne! I guess I'm never getting the door back! This is a little dramatic, don't you think?! If you think this is going to stop us from making the beasts with two backs, then - OW, Chrissy! - then you're probably right!" Eddie exclaimed. "I love you, Uncle Wayne! You look like you have a lot more hair today than you did yesterday! Uncle Wayne, I need that door!"
"Son, we can not fit a baby in this trailer," Wayne said.
"Excuse me, I'm the biggest baby around, and I fit just fine!" Eddie yelled.
"Are you really arguing to be a teen dad?" Wayne asked.
"Well. . .no, fine, take the door!" He exclaimed, tossing his hands up in the air.
"I wasn't asking for your permission anyway, boy," Wayne said and walked out the front door.
"You know, he wouldn't be like this if he didn't care so much," Chrissy said as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
"I know," Eddie pouted.
"He knows we're far from ready," Chrissy giggled. "Besides, we still have your van."
"That's true," Eddie grinned and kissed her deeply. "Let's dance, baby. At least we can do that."
He dragged her into his room and started blasting "Let's Dance" by Bowie. Chrissy giggled as Eddie spun her around in his arms. Her strawberry blonde hair spun around her as he twirled her before pulling her flush against. Chrissy grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck as she swayed to the beat.
"I love you!" She yelled as he dipped her.
"If you say run. I'll run with you, and if you say hide, we'll hide because my love for you would break my heart in two. If you should fall into my arms and tremble like a flower," Eddie sang.
Chrissy hugged him before climbing him like a tree and kissing him, wrapping her legs around him. Eddie laughed before throwing her onto the bed and crawling on top of her. He took the bottom of her sweatshirt in his mouth and raised it up slowly.
"Eddie! There's no door!" Chrissy laughed.
"I'll risk it," he said.
Suddenly, Eddie felt himself being sprayed with water. He couldn't help but hiss. He turned around to find Wayne standing there with a spray bottle.
"No babies," Wayne said.
"At some point, you're going to have to trust us that we're being completely safe," Chrissy laughed. "Eddie, why don't you take me home before you get me in trouble?"
Eddie growled before climbing back off the bed before reluctantly pulling Chrissy up as well. He walked out the door with his girlfriend, flipping his uncle off on the way. Chrissy sighed as they got into his van.
"I swear I never wanted you more," Eddie sighed.
"You're an idiot," she said affectionately.
"But I'm your idiot," Eddie grinned, and then he cackled.
Eddie walked her to the front door and then stood on the porch, staring at her. It was like he was studying every inch of her face, and as his eyes moved, he started tracing her face with his finger. Chrissy sighed happily at his touch. He cupped her cheek, rubbing the skin with the pad of his thumb.
"I'm really glad you're awake," he whispered.
"Me too," she whispered.
She stood on her tiptoes and pulled him in for a kiss. Eddie kissed her back softly, savoring the feel of her lips. Chrissy pulled on his hair, turning the kiss more aggressive. Suddenly, the porch lights started flickering madly, and they both pulled away, looking at each other in fright. BAM! They jumped when they heard something slam against a window. They peered at the window next to the door and found Dustin's face pressed up against it.
"That is my sister you're defiling, Eddie!" Dustin shrieked.
"Jesus H Christ! I hope he never teams up with Wayne," Eddie muttered.
"And don't think I don't know about the pregnancy scare!" Dustin yelled.
"Oh boy," Chrissy muttered.
Meanwhile, Chrissy saw their mother pull Dustin away and scold him before pushing him toward his room. Eddie and Chrissy laughed.
"You should probably head inside. Wouldn't want your brother dad to ground you," Eddie said in amusement.
"I love you," she said.
"I love you more," he replied.
"Scientifically not possible," Chrissy whispered.
This routine that they did would never get old for Chrissy, not even if it went on for a million years. She kissed him one last time before walking into her house. After she got ready for bed, later that night, Dustin barged into her room and started lecturing her on the practices of safe sex. She laughed and tried to tell Dustin that she was being safe, but he wasn't having any of it. He continued on with Tews sitting in Chrissy's lap, falling asleep to Dustin's lecture.
"Dustin!" Chrissy exclaimed after he went on for too long. "I'm going to kill you! Stop!"
Dustin sighed and threw his hands up in the air before placing them on his hips.
"I just want you to be safe," Dustin sighed.
"Aw, Dusty, I am safe," she said softly. "I'm here, and I'm awake."
"It's just too soon for any one of you to have a baby after everything that's happened," Dustin said.
"Well, yeah, but we're going to be as safe we can be, but it's not 100%. The only sure way is abstinence, and you can't ask us not to have sex especially after everything we've been through. It's a great way to be intimate and also get our frustrations out when we don't know what to say," Chrissy said.
"Ugh! I do not want to know that you and Eddie like it rough!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Well, actually, I lean more toward being rough. Eddie leans more toward being gentle - "
"I said I don't want to know!"
"You were the one who came in here lecturing me about sex! If you didn't want to know, why are you here?!" Chrissy yelled.
And like all siblings, they started to argue. Their relationship wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. They might have fought less than the Wheelers and the Sinclairs, but they fought just like siblings do. Their argument ended when they both called for their mother, and she came into the room to drag Dustin out. Finally, Chrissy was able to crawl into bed and cuddle with Peggy, the stuffed pig that Eddie had given her. She had a huge smile on her face as she sighed happily into her pillow. It had been very chaotic today, but the normal kind of chaotic, not the monster kind. And really, she should be more panicked about the whole thing, but maybe it was the fact that it was so fucking normal that it just made her giggle especially when she remembered when Argyle asked Jonathan if the pregnancy test was theirs. She knew without a doubt that he had smoked before he had gotten there. Like Jonathan, the young man was riddled with anxiety, like all of them really, and she knew that the weed helped.
"Argyle!" She giggled fondly.
Suddenly, Dustin pounded on the wall that separated their bedrooms.
"What are you giggling about in there?! Go to sleep!"
"Your face!" She yelled back.
"That doesn't even make sense!"
"Children! Please, Mommy's got to get up for work in the morning!"
"Sorry, Mom!"
Chrissy closed her eyes and thought about her family. She fell asleep with a smile on her face, snuggling Peggy close to her heart.
Chapter Twenty-Four
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im-robins-bitch · 1 year
Steve was concerned.
You were wrapped up in his arms, eyes red-rimmed due to both the weed you and Eddie had started smoking two hours ago and the tears that wouldn’t stop falling down your face. You were inconsolable. 
When Steve had left you, maybe five minutes ago at most, you and Robin had been discussing karma and physics, pondering something Dustin had talked about earlier in the day the way only two stoned people could. Broken sentences whispered to each other, which left the other going, Woah in amazement. 
Steve had needed to piss, he was a fair few beers deep, an argument with his parents earlier in the day loosening his usual restraint. When he had been on his way back from the bathroom, you had staggered into his arms with shuddering breaths. 
All he had gotten out of you was incomprehensible apart from your constant sorry. Steves's eyes had gone wide as saucers and his chest raced in panic. His first thought was that you were about to break up with him.
He had heard footsteps down the hall and dragged you into his bedroom for some privacy. You had a tight grip on his wrist, and when you sat on the bed you pulled him down with you. Once he was down you clambered onto his lap and tightly wrapped your arms around him, your chin hooking over his shoulder as you cried into him. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Steve consoled, dragging his hands up and down your arms. You shook your head against his shoulder sniffling and choking on your own sobs. “Honey, whatever it is I forgive you,” Steve insisted. One hand moved to your head, cradling it, pushing it further against his shoulder. 
“I’m.-” You broke off for a big sniff, gripping even tighter at his back, “It’s my fault.” 
Steve slumped a little in relief at finally getting some kind of explanation out of you, however vague it may be. Your head inched out of its hiding place uncertainly. Steve pressed his forehead against yours, pressing a kiss to your nose as he cupped your cheek. 
He let himself breathe, you were seeking his comfort, he was helping. You loved him he reminded himself. It was probably just a bit of weed-induced anxiety. 
“What do you need?” He asked. “Water?” 
You shook your head before he could even finish, clutching onto him tighter not wanting him to move. “You. But…but I don’t deserve it…I…”
Steve brushed his thumb over your cheek slowly, giving you the time to pull your thoughts together. He wanted to cut you off, of course, you deserved him, how could you even think anything else? He loved you more than he thought possible and you showed him the same amount of love back every day. He had never been so happy, never felt so accepted. It was the kind of unconditional love he had always yearned for. 
“Dustin” You started. Steve immediately stiffened, he was gonna kill that little shit. “He was saying that like, you can’t make new stuff like it all already exists it just has to get transferred to new stuff, like…I  can’t explain it but-” You struggled, your fingers tangling with Steves's hair as you tried to put it all into words. “Like energy can’t be made or killed just transformed or something”
Steve nodded along, trying to follow but you read the confusion on his face. “ like when you throw a ball and it hits the board and then it vibrates, it moved the energy?” 
Steve nodded, urging you to continue, hoping knowing more would explain why Dustin’s impromptu science class would make you cry.  “So it’s like karma because you have to have the balance right? Then Robin realised, maybe it's the same with feelings, like how people love or hate ABBA?” 
Your eyes began to fill with tears again and Steve was quick to wipe them away. You made no further explanation so Steve figured you must be finished. “Honey,” He cooed, kissing your forehead and nose. “I don’t think you need to worry about ABBA not having enough fans,” He says, voice sticky with affection. 
You almost threw yourself backwards off of him, only he caught you before you could fall onto the floor. “Don’t you see Stevie? I love you too much” 
Steve tried not to smile, he really did, but he couldn’t help it. His girl was crying in his arms about loving him too much. Warmth spread through his body at your confession and he pulled you as close to him as he could get. Your chest pressed against his, heaving with sobs. “Sweetheart…”
“I stole all of your other love away so no one else can love you,” You cried into his chest, clutching at his jumper. 
He couldn’t help but chuckle as he stroked the back of your head, rocking you back and forth on his lap. “I don’t want anyone else to have it,” He assured, kissing you anywhere he could get. 
“But-” This time Steve did cut you off, pressing his lips against yours as you finally looked up from his shoulder. 
“No buts, I only need your love, no one else’s!” Steve didn’t realise, so focused on your tears that he didn’t notice his own begin to spill. “I love you so much, I’m monopolising all your love too,  no one else is gonna get to love you like I do” He promised. 
Steve finally felt you slacken in his arms. You pressed soft kisses to the beauty marks under his jaw tickling him until he finally giggled. It only spurred you on as you smattered sticky smooches on his neck and cheeks until he got a grip on your face and gave you the same treatment back. 
He flopped down so his back hit the mattress, bringing you with him. You were still pulled against his chest, listening to the quick beating of his heart. “I love you Stevie” You signed in contentment. 
The earlier upset left your mind as you heard his heart speed up in response. 
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corrodedseraphine · 2 years
dreamland | eddie munson x harrington!reader #21
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pairing: eddie munson x harrington!reader
summary: After breaking up with Jason, you end up in a pretend relationship with Eddie to piss your ex off. The more you know each other the more the pretending dissappears.
the story is also avaliable on ao3
masterlist | eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
First of all, I would like to thank you very much for all the likes, reblogs and comments. You even have no idea how much it all means to me! It's an amazing feeling to see that you enjoy reading my work. I would also like to apologize if you don't like this chapter, but I felt that such an interlude would be a good idea. I hope the next chapter will make it up to you and will be worth the wait! Unfortunately, for the next two weeks I won't be able to make it available, because I'm going on vacation, and I'm not taking my laptop with me, because this is the only opportunity for me to rest before returning to my studies and work. Once again, thank you very much! If you have any questions/observations/ideas, feel free to contact me ♥
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The sun began to slowly peek out from behind the trees, the wind temporarily stopped, and the birds began to wake up and sing. The quiet before the storm. Thought Eddie clutching in his hand the piece of paper you threw at him a few hours ago. It was proof for him, proof of how stupid he was and how much he could lose through that stupidity. No one ever wrote a song for him. Usually it was the other way around, he thought about how he had written something for his former crushes a few times, but was always rejected. He was also never in a serious relationship. Whenever he got the courage to ask someone out it always ended in rejection. No one wanted anything to do with the freak. No one even wanted to give him a chance to get to know him better. And then you showed up, drunk in his trailer, because you just so simply liked the music he was playing. You were the first to want to see what he was really like. You didn't care about the label of weirdo or satanist. All you cared about was Eddie Munson. You stepped into his life and with you came an unknown brightness and hope for a better tomorrow. Standing on the porch, he tried to think of what to do to make you forgive him. Many times he had imagined the moment when you confess your feelings for each other, but he would never have thought that it would take place in such a way. In his mind, you also never did it first, or furiously. Now he had to do everything to fix the mess he'd made.
"Eddie? Edward!" a familiar voice snapped him out of his reverie. He raised his head and saw his uncle running toward him, and right behind him with a quick step was Steve. "Thank God you're okay," the man said, walking up and hugging his nephew.
"It wasn't me, Wayne, I really didn't do anything." howled Eddie hugging his uncle even tighter.
"I know, kid." The man replied.
"Did you... Did you call the cops?" he asked after a moment.
"I had to, but I won't let them lock you up for it. If only Hopper were alive..." sighed Wayne.
"I'm glad you're here." said Eddie after a moment of silence hugging his uncle again.
"y/n's brother was waiting for me at the place when I got back from work." He explained and nodded toward Steve. "In the meantime, he told me about some monsters that started appearing since the disappearance of little Bayers a few years ago. It's hard for me to believe it, but I'd sooner believe in monsters and a mysterious other side than that you and y/n might have done harm to that girl."
"It really wasn't us."
"I know."
"Eddie! y/n!" suddenly the sound of Dustin's shout came to them from deep in the woods, and after a moment he and Max came running towards them.
"Henderson? What happened?" Eddie quickly came out toward them. "You ran all the way out here?"
"I tried to catch Steve, but he wouldn't answer his walkie-talkie," Dustin said between breaths of air.
"I saw Jason, he was hanging around by your trailer with his gang." exhausted Max added. "He went into a rage and started telling everyone that you and y/n killed Chrissy together!"
"The worst part is that people are starting to believe him!" interjected Dustin. "He's spreading the word to everyone that y/n wanted to get rid of Chrissy as revenge for her betrayal, and you helped her because you're Satan's emissary!"
"Shit." Eddie hid his face in his hands.
"After that, it sounds absurd," commented Wayne. "How can people even believe that?"
"We have to be calm." said Steve. "No one will find you here, the most important thing is that you can't go outside the hut area."
"Which is a shame, because I was just going for a walk in Hawkins, Steve," replied Eddie sarcastically.
"Sorry, man."
"What can I do to help you?" asked a visibly worried Wayne.
"We can handle it, you should go get some rest after work," said Eddie.
"Our house is now a crime scene, Eddie. I don't even have a place to rest."
"I am so sorry Wayne..."
"Not your fault, kid." he replied putting his hand on Eddie's shoulder. "Maybe I'll try to find some materials for a little reconstruction," he suggested, pointing with his head toward the windows, which had no glass.
"We can help you!" shouted Dustin, and Max nodded her head. A confused Wayne looked at Eddie, probably not expecting company.
"They're good kids, they won't give you any trouble." Replied Eddie smiling slightly.
"In that case, I'll go get Robin and we'll do some shopping for you." added Steve.
"Hey, Steve could you wait a minute?" in reply Steve only nodded and they both waited until the rest of them had gone to the car that Eddie shared with his uncle. Silence fell between them.
"So?" asked Steve interrupting it.
"I think I fucked up, Steve..." sighed Eddie pulling a piece of paper from his pocket. "I got it from y/n and fucked up."
Steve picked up the crumpled piece of paper and began to read.
No matter how loud it would call me No matter how long it would take There is nothing holding me back But without you Dreamland doesn't exist You are the key
No matter how loud it would call me No matter how long it would take There is nothing holding me back But without you Dreamland doesn't exist You are the key
No matter how loud it would call me No matter how long it would take There is nothing holding me back But without you Dreamland doesn't exist You are the key
No matter how loud it would call me No matter how long it would take There is nothing holding me back But without you Dreamland doesn't exist You are the key
No matter how loud it would call me No matter how long it would take There is nothing holding me back But without you Dreamland doesn't exist You are the key
No matter how loud it would call me No matter how long it would take There is nothing holding me back But without you Dreamland doesn't exist You are the key
No matter how loud it would call me No matter how long it would take There is nothing holding me back But without you Dreamland doesn't exist You are the key
"So she finally gave it to you?" asked Steve with a slight smile on his lips.
"What do you mean by 'finally'?" Asked surprised Eddie.
"She started writing it a few months ago, to tell you the truth I thought you got it for a long time."
"Shit!" a few months ago? that meant you could have ended the pretending a long time ago for good? for a few months you felt exactly the same as him, but he let his lack of self-esteem scare him enough that he didn't take a step in that direction?
"What have you done, Munson?" it slowly began to occur to Steve that the situation really wasn't one of the best.
"I acted like a complete idiot, Steve," said Munson.
"I've already figured it out, but I still need more details," said Steve.
"We had an argument and she shouted right in my face that she had fallen in love with me, later when I asked her about it she said it again, and I..." he stammered as if the words were suddenly unable to leave his head. The very thought of it pained him unmercifully.
"I said I don't believe her!" he exclaimed quietly, burying his face in his hands. "You did what?!" shouted Steve not as quietly as Eddie. "I don't understand anything! After all, that's all you did for her at the prom, lately you spent every free minute together, she stayed at your place for the night! I thought you felt the same as her, at least in a tiny way!"
"I do! I do, Steve..."
"So what is the problem for you?!"
"I am that problem Steve! I wasn't able to believe that someone like your sister would be able to fall in love with me!"
"What the hell Munson?!"
"If a few months ago y/n had come to you and introduced me as her boyfriend what would you have done?"
"I would probably try to accept it somehow."
"Don't bullshit me, man! Suddenly in your sister's perfect life appears a freak hated by the whole school, who hasn't passed the grade twice, plays a satanic game with the kids at school, his band is called Corroded Coffin, listens to metal and lives in a trailer! Oh, and on top of that, he used to occasionally sell you weed! That description is one big sign that screams RUN for people like you Steve!"
"People like us?"
"Big house with a pool, former Captain of the school basketball team, y/n with flawless grades who wants to go to college and become a teacher, you don't have to worry about money for generations to come, you have a perfect life, y/n has a perfect life that I don't fit into!" There was silence between them. Eddie just watched Steve, who analyzed all the words trying to put it all together. Finally, he sat down on one of the steps leading to the porch, and Eddie followed his lead.
"I think she is the only person who should decide who she wants to have in her life. Not me, not you, no one else, just y/n. Besides, the perfect life you're talking about? is just a pretense, Eddie. A big house with a pool? You don't even know how hard it is to sit in it alone. The number of times our parents have been home this year I can count on the fingers of one hand. For as long as I can remember they have been constantly on business trips limiting themselves to phone calls a few times a month. When our grandparents were alive she used to always go there on vacation, year after year, and when it was time to go home she always was panicking and crying for hours at a time until she finally fell asleep in the car. It was really the only place where she got the love she deserved... When I went to high school I forgot about having a sister who needed me. She was left completely alone in that big damn house. I cared more about the parties and the girls who lined up for King Steve than my own sister. I'm ashamed to admit it, but all this shit brought us back together. Fighting for my life against the monsters made me realize that there was more that mattered than being prom king or team captain. In addition, Henderson and the rest of the kids showed up, with these punks we finally felt like we had a family. I want the best for her, you know? I want her to be safe and happy, because she deserves it." paused Steve and looked at Eddie.
"I'm sorry, man, I didn't think that living in such a filthy rich family had its disadvantages..."
"There are more of them than you think."
"Please believe me that I also want the best for y/n. But I can't give her much, because I don't have much myself." Sadness could be sensed in Eddie's voice.
"You don't have to have much to make her happy. Honestly? I had concerns about you at first, I think we both judged the book by its cover... But I remember the first time she told me about your plan with the pretend relationship."
"What did she say?" interjected Eddie.
"I told her that people say you're a freak, and she said without thinking that people don't know you and you're not so bad after all." he laughed lightly.
"I found that I had to trust her on this one, and she was not wrong about you. It turned out that Eddie "The Freak" Munson is actually a good person. It's been a long time since I've seen her in as good a mood as she's been since you started seeing each other."
"Really?" Hearing those words roiled mixed feelings in Eddie. The fact that he was making you happy was the best thing he had achieved, but on the other hand he was becoming increasingly aware of how much he had hurt you.
"Yeah. I'm sure she felt more like home with you in the trailer than alone at our place, where the rooms are big but terrifyingly empty. I thought you knew she was the kind of person who doesn't care how much money anyone has."
"I know, otherwise she wouldn't have even spoken to me," he said.
"Do you really feel the same way that she does? Be honest."
"I have fallen in love with your sister long time ago, Steve. I know I'm not the best candidate, but I promise I'll do everything to make her happy. Only if I can make things right."
"You're lucky I like you, Munson, and I can help you with that." replied Steve slowly standing up. "But I have a condition."
"I-I will do everything." howled a surprised Eddie. He had not expected his support. Your brother's reaction came as a pleasant surprise to him.
"When all of this is over you're done with the drug dealing,"
"It's my only source of money, man." It was already hard for him; he didn't want Wayne to support them both again.
"Then you'll find another job. As far as I know, you'll eventually manage to pass school, so you'll have a lot of free time."
"Right." In all the confusion, he forgot about the end of school, which he wouldn't have made it to if not for you. He knew it would be hard, but he also knew that he was willing to do anything to make you two finally work out. Without a doubt, you were worth it. "Deal." He said extending his hand toward Steve, which he shook.
"I'll go home now, we'll be back in a while with Robin with some food, I'll also try to catch up with your uncle and see how he's doing after spending time with Max and Dustin. I have a feeling that Henderson might have given him a hard time."
"Thank you, Steve." He was truly grateful to him. After that conversation, he felt that hope was once again being awakened in his mind. Something he needed to awaken his motivation to fight as well. He knew that when you will be together, you will overcome everything. He knew that together you would be unbreakable. And he was ready to do anything to get you back.
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guitarrod · 4 years
This is what I told my soon — to — be — stupid son while he finally felt asleep after moaning.
Hey, Chip, Chip? Are you awake? You can face me, son, it´s alright to be scared. 
Hey, Chip, don´t bury your face in a pillow. Listen to your old man talk so I may feel heroic for a while. Sorry about neglecting you all night. It´s a tic I got from the war, or Life. Neglect of civilian life. Maybe I may feel of service while you burrow in your rabbit hole. I got a confession to make. Being a veteran doesn´t help. It just makes you ruminate things at night. I´m glad you finally got to sleep.
Hey, Chip? Forgive your dad but I had to do it. You can learn something out of the old suffering and strife. Joaquin Phoenix´s Joker turned out to be essential. A sort of litmus test for your manhood. What we learn about ourselves in the battlefield, we carry to the grave. No I´m not trying to be funny. It´s easier to get scared now, when you´re a kid, then later in life. And it´s better to feel scared after watching a movie. Preparation, boy. Bootcamp. I´m conditioning you for anxiety. I knew from the first there wouldn´t be any superhero to save your day, boy. This is war.
You millennials, have social media and I´m deeply sorry for that predicament but I had nothing to do with it and try to be the least involved possible. 
Technology? They take our taxes and funnel it into the Pentagon. For what, you´d ask, if awake? Research and Development. The cold war is over and the Taliban or ISIS wasn´t much. Your grandfather had Vietnam. When you´re drafted from your living room straight to the jungle, you´ll grow out of videogames. Hell, you´ll grow out of Pornohub.
Back in the day, some people showed the courtesy of being famous just out of the happy accident of being born famous. That was tough, kid. A world you never want to see again. A cartoon Vietnam. The enemy was finally home. You want terrorism? Have people pretend street culture ain´t manufactured. Hip Hop survived for a measly second. That´s the Nam. That´s napalm drilling a hole in your core. Vietnam had a better soundtrack than suburbia, kid. I apologize for America. But it is what it is. Soulless. Reality has its side effects.
Have you heard of the assembly line, son? Of dear old Mr. Ford. Well, he was chicken feed to Steve Jobs. Again, I´m sorry. It´s my fault I put you into this world, but I´ll take you out. Not out of this world. I´ll take this world out of you. Even if it kills me. But it will take more than ammo and bombs. There´s no one to shoot. Those assembly lines crossed the boundaries of Mr. Ford´s factory and now you carry that assembly line in your baby hands. Your smartphone, son. Whenever you´re online,son, you are enslaved to the treadmill, building nothing out of nothing, until it gets bigger and bigger and leaves you small and emptier. You see the progression. From the whip to a passive existence building a machine that will build another you instead. Your phone will eat you up. At least, in the first circle of hell all a man had to lose was his self-respect, down to the second circle of hell, all he had to lose was his humanity, down this third circle of pure hell you are annulled. You will cease to exist by an algorithm that never learned existence. Life can´t be computed by a virtual world. Life ceases to exist because it becomes invisible When a man spends all day at the factory, he knows where the line is drawn. He is bound to do the opposite once that freedom bell clangs.
When your great- grandfather immigrated to the land of the free, I refuse to add “brave”, you could see the country. Can you see it now? Or do you see concrete and malls? Steamrolled countryside. First, they mow your lawn, then then they´ll cut your balls. 
Excuse the language, son. I know you´re asleep. You got other things to dream about. I can see computer games coming out of your ears. One difficulty level at a time. You´re dreaming of a dream girlfriend. They don´t build those anymore. But you get the picture.
I´m nagging. I´m just an old man to you. But I´m also a veteran. Experience breeds respect. No, you´re right. It doesn´t. I´m just spare parts. Not even. I missed the last upgrade. I´m not fit to be a human being. But I´m damn capable of being your father. They say you are independent and creative, that´s what they would tell the house boy slave. They got you in so deep, they have found a way for you to build your own maze. You carry it with you, at your fingertips. Each day you create a new corridor, new twists and turns. Your phone isn´t an extension of you. You´re not even an extension of it. Both of you have ceased to exist. They don´t need you, Chip. And they don´t need bullets to delete you. All they need is to upgrade the con. There is nothing better for the maHpresume it. He had an investment to increase. So, back in those days, you just couldn´t just go out and pick up an instrument, they made up such a thing as a professional musician. You left your guitar at home and saw somebody else play it. You stopped daydreaming and had a factory of dreams to provide you with them. And anything that will accommodate man´s unwillingness to move will make you rich. Wasn´t it Steve Jobs who said that man doesn´t know what he desires. Well, he does only he´s forgotten throughout the years. Steve Jobs is only a decadent upgraded version of a ral pioneer bitch like Mr. Taylor and Ford. He had the scheme laid out for him already. You buy your fun, boy. You don´t have it.
Have you seen that schematic design that shows you were to fit batteries. Well, that´s your country. Rectangles and squares crossed with straight lines. Do you think your great-grandfather needed to be whipped? He had a square lunch box he carried with him straight to hell. Do you think his grandfather ate at designated hours? He ate when he was hungry. He slept when the sun went down. He looked for his fun just like a dog will ferret out a rabbit hole. Now fun is designated as well. Defined by you who have lost your mind, ages ago. Oh yes, these things are hereditary. Conditioning is the white man´s burden. He´ll condition himself to the prom, marriage and the grave. It wasn´t always that way son. Corporations crossed the line. There´s your smartphone. And now, we finally get to the Joker.
Voluntary futility, boy. You can´t be whipped into it, you have to be born with it. Remember like I said people inherited fame in my time. Today they found a way to make things easier at the supply side. They made reality shows. But they waited their sweet time before they had the gall. They waited until you TV- fed beasts had enough entertainment, lived and learned your life experiences by show and tell through TV, went through all your coming of age rituals in your living room couch strewn with Cheetos and Doritos all over your stomach to be good and ready to learn every single lesson about life laying down. And then they superimposed it, Life, with Reality. Reality shows. Why hire real people to provide your life lessons when your own boring self broadcast on the screen could do the job. Don´t you get it? The age of reality shows is when the bombs fell. You don´t need napalm to be deformed.
And that´s the theme of the Joker. The joke, if you will. Look at me. Look how I´m talking. I don´t even sound like myself. I sound like the Cosby Show. Remember him? The nation´s daddy? Propofol? Remember Eddie Murphy? He told your jokes for you. He made you work less. You could repeat what you saw on TV and copy and paste. Now I´m talking about myself. Sorry, son. I know you´re asleep with your Roblox. It´s all my fault. I had one day of fun and I was drunk and now I got you on the couch with cheerios sprinkled all over. It wasn´t real fun. It was what they taught me.
So the Joker is about the total banalization of celebrity culture. Remember that scene when his social worker said nobody cared about him. She said nobody cared about her too. Nobody cares. Back in the day, we just cared about Clark Gable. Clark Gable lived in the mist of a glossy magazine. We envied the bastard. He had to walk in feather clouds and smile through his pipe overlooking a pool that looked real to us, the magazine swimming hole. Now Clark Gable, thanks to Mr. Zuckerberg, is your neighbor. So we can feel inadequate about him too. As much as we know his timeline is full of shit we can´t repress that animal feeling of inadequacy at the comparison. Your neighbor´s got the pool now. And the wife, and the car, and the reality show. After all, it´s about nothing and everything, isn´t it? It´s about forged envy. Even our jealousy is a compound of fake news. We made it now, son. Why fight terrorists. We terrorize ourselves.
Well, I got news for you. Your nightmares will last but not if I can do something about it. Celebrities have their lives documented by these phones, they can´t take a piss without being blamed for golden showers and orgies they can´t even brag about. We even elected the Mcdonald´s clown. Orange hair and all. Smiling little cruelty. He´s too inadequate to be a horror show. The real horror show is your envy and hunger for something that´s lost its flavor. And when celebrity culture loses its appeal, when it comes crashing down like a stale joke, then we´ve gone full circle. We´ll need a Michelangelo and a Da Vinci for the least credit. We are so sick of chasing fame, fame is chasing us. And you can only run so fast. Son, here´s the deal. A little metaphor. the 1% who have all the money creates a sense of poverty for those with two tv sets and Cadillac cars that a social revolution should be in order. But it will only come when not even a revolution can be romantic. When that 1% is your neighbor, then there´s a real revolution. The revolution of the sane and the hungry and the need to pluck and pick your own guitars. We need new riffs. It will bowl over. Here´s a secret. What makes man move isn´t hunger and strife, it´s pure boredom. And when the American Dream can´t find a way out, then look out!! Look out Da Vinci! look out Michelangelo! Look out Robert Johnson!!!
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