#Steve rogers x HR!Reader
imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
I know you've just posted the theme for tomorrow, but that headcanon for HR!Reader and mandatory attendance of the party made me giggle and think about something - Steve would know about ultimatum which Tony set for Reader and probably would 'accidentally' meet Reader somewhere in the office to 'chat' about the party. Since it will be his birthday he wants to share with her what would make him happy - from dresscode to 'gifts' (oh, he wants that pussy). After Reader tells Steve she would never consider and advice he gave her, the conversation leaves her hot and bothered - and it is enough for Steve 😏
I think I’d like to break this ask up into two days, the first (where I answer this today) and the second tomorrow (where Steve sees her at the party)
The invitation was modestly decorated with pieces of the traditional red, white & blue that both represented Steve’s birthday and the Fourth of July. It was a combination party hosted by Tony Stark to celebrate the man with a plan, and the greatest country’s birthday.
You turned it over in your hand, eyeing the card stock and decor that enhanced the simple black ink almost relieved that you hadn’t received one in person. Rather you had mulled over the invitation with other members of the HR team. They had been ecstatic to receive their invitations to the Stark party, finding themselves mulling with the superhero’s they represented, while you found yourself exhaling a sigh of relief at being left out.
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were trouble. They were trouble by definition, and they made you feel innately overwhelmed with strengthening feelings for the two of them. Your emotional connection to the two super soldiers had long since transcended professionalism and yet you resisted every chance to let them in.
This party, had you been invited, would’ve surely broken your spirit.
“Have fun. I think a quiet night in is in the works for me.” You recalled your glee at being left out and handed the invitation back to your colleague, before ultimately heading to your office.
As you had stepped inside and closed the door behind you, you settled yourself in your desk chair and reached for the mouse of your computer. The screen loaded and you opened your emails, scouring through the inbox that heralded no real interest. However as you started to close one screen for another, a knock at the door interrupted your next task.
“Morning, doll.” Steve stepped into the office and leaned on the door frame, arms crossed over his chest with a toying smirk on his face.
You lifted your head and looked toward him, your eyes narrowing and brows furrowing. He looked as if he had just stepped foot off the training floor with his compression gear and soft beads of sweat rolling down the column of his neck. Regardless of his appearance from the training facility, he still looked commendably attractive.
And with this admission of beauty had come the flutter of your heart and increasing warmth between your legs.
“Can I help you, Captain?” You looked away and swallowed heavily, your eyes downcast and taking special interest in the notepad on your desk.
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Steve, doll?” He stepped closer, drawing your eyes to his broad chest and thick biceps.
“Once more, Captain.” You responded softly, more than you anticipated. “What did you need?”
“Heard the HR department got invited to the party, thought I’d come talk to you about it.”
“I didn’t get an invite.” You replied with speculation, only now noticing the thick invitation in his hand.
“Are you sure?” Steve stopped in front of your desk, personally hand-delivering an invitation.
Although it retained the same information as the others, your invitation was simpler and less gaudy. It was more aesthetically pleasing to the eye and seemed more intimate than not, with each detail seeming as if it was hand picked for you.
“I wanted to give it to you myself.” Steve’s hand trailed along the edge of the desk until he had rest his hand on yours, fingers curling around the edge of your palm. “And since its my birthday-”
Heat coursed through your entire body, along with sexual tension. It was poignant, the way he looked at you as if he wanted to throw you across the desk and spread your legs to devour you.
Steve’s eyes had reflected intense desire and want, his lips pursed as he looked you over and drew closer to the desk. There was an unrelenting need to feel you pressed against him, to feel you quake as he filled you and fucked you, and made you scream his name.
“Captain,” your voice wavered as you legs shook, unable to truly breath when you noticed him walking around the desk, “what can I do for you?”
Steve pulled your chair out from under your desk, turning you to face him. He kept his hands on the arm rests and leaned in, trapping you between the chair and his chest. His eyes dropped to your mouth and back again, his teeth tugging on his bottom lip.
“Wear something pretty for me,” you knew exactly what he meant even before he lift a hand from the arm rest to toy with the buttons of your shirt, “something you think I’d like.”
Your breath wavered, your back arched against his father light touch and you swore he could feel the heat that was radiating from between your legs.
“What does a man like you want for your birthday?” Your asked airily, unable to catch your breath.
Steve hummed, the sound akin to a husky purr had stirred a reaction in your body that created wetness between your thighs.
“What I want?” His lips barely grazed yours, and his hand fell further down your chest. “You know exactly what I want, doll.”
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ttyls · 1 year
i think steve keeps the habit of a very quick shower from the army when he has no injuries or pain he has to be mindful of so he's fascinated when you explain the "everything shower" and engaged as you run him through the steps of your own everything shower routine
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mochie85 · 1 year
Truth Or Dare
These Wicked Games Collection Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: The first contact you and Loki had made in weeks, since the falling out that fateful morning. A game of Truth or Dare makes you both confront your feelings. Suggested Song: "Do I Wanna Know" by The Arctic Monkeys Word Count: 2.9K Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Warnings: Smut adjacent/Mature, a game of truth or dare, a kiss between Reader and Steve Rogers. 😏
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Pent-up days bled into lonely nights. You retreated into your room, save for mission briefings and assignments that Fury would send you too.
Your interactions with Loki had been civil. Not a word was spoken between you two that didn’t involve other people or the task at hand. And when you found yourself in each other’s company, alone, you would just leave the room.
What you didn’t see were the glances and the stares in your direction. Not Loki’s, but the team’s.
“They must’ve fucked,” Bucky whispered.
“Absolutely, they did,” Natasha confirmed.
“How do you know?” Steve asked. “You can’t know that.” The three of them were watching through the glass wall of the conference room. You were showing the new recruit, Wanda, around the common areas and Loki was watching you through side glances and narrowed eyes.
“Do you remember how he acted during poker night?” Bucky asked.
“Ya, he was a real piece of work. I thought we were gonna have to call HR or something the way he was coming on to her,” Steve spurned.
“Ya, and now…that stopped. He got over his infatuation.” Bucky observed.
“Or he wasn’t enough to satisfy her.” Natasha counteroffered. Both men looked at her quizzically. “I mean come on. Not once had she looked in his direction. She’s over him. But he hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off her!” Natasha said proudly of you. Neither Steve nor Bucky could argue with her assessment.
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You had just walked into your room when a loud knock came on your door. “Come in” you yelled across your apartment.
“Hey,” Nat said, walking in and sitting on your duvet. She eyed you up and down looking at your blouse and pencil skirt. “Did you just have a meeting?”
“Ya, with Fury.” You said, mid unbutton.
“Don’t get undressed yet. The rest of the team is on a mission again tonight. So, we thought we’d have a little movie night to welcome Wanda.”
“Oh, that’s nice. I think she would love that. I’m down,” you said excitedly.
“Great! Same crew as poker night.” Nat said getting up to leave.
“On second thought…”
“What?! What is it?” Nat asked running through a list of possible scenarios and conclusions in her head. “Oh my God, is it because of Laufeyson?”
“WHAT?! No! Why would you say that? Pfft…of course not!” You laughed. “Laufeyson? Why would I care? I don’t- I don’t care,” you prattled.
“You guys slept together, didn’t you?” She smirked, wanting confirmation of her earlier theory. You stayed quiet. Just staring at her, not knowing how to answer her question. It wasn’t like you were ashamed of it. It was just that it ended on a very sour note. “Your face says it all. Tell me everything!”
You sat there, telling her about the amazing night you had weeks ago. How you brazenly went to his room that night of the poker game and had your own game. But then you also told her about the following morning and how neither of you have really talked about it since.
“You like him, don’t you?” she asked with a Cheshire grin. “You really like him!” You groaned and flopped yourself on the bed, hiding underneath your pillows. “I honestly don’t see the problem. The man was packed! And if you’ve managed to ride it and leave it. More power to you.”
“What?! I remember the poker game. I remember him stripping!” she laughed as you rolled your eyes.
“How could I forget? He made a show about it in front of me when he could’ve easily just magicked his clothes off!”
“Look. Just come. Prove to him that you don’t care what he said to you. That it was a game for you too and nothing more. Right?”
“Right…” you agreed hesitantly.
You followed Nat down the hallway, praying to any powers-that-be that Loki wouldn’t show up. Wanda bound up to the two of you and she blocked your view of the common area. She was very excited about the movie, thanking Steve for letting her choose it. When she moved to sit, was when your eyes landed on the recliner across from you. Decked out in a fitted white shirt and loose black denim, sat Loki, with his arms crossed and legs open as if in invitation.
You sat on the couch to the other side of him, facing the other direction, pretending to be interested in the projector Bucky was trying to work out. Bucky smacked it a few times till the light flickered momentarily and then went black again.
“Why is this not working?!” Bucky raised his arm to hit it again before you and Vision stopped him.
“You know, I think we should play a little game to take our mind off things while those two try to fix the monitor,” suggested Natasha. “A little game of Truth or Dare, perhaps?” The game got your attention and you looked directly at the redhead, affixing your death stare to her pouty lips.
What are you up to? You mouthed to her. She ignored you completely and turned around. “Ooh, can I go first? I love this game!” Wanda asked bouncing excitedly. “I’ll start with Steve!”
“Awe why do you have to start with me?” He asked petulantly.
“Cuz you’re our fearless leader. So lead!” Natasha pushed. Steve only rolled his eyes.
“Truth or dare?” Wanda asked.
Steve lowered his head down in defeat, smiling, trying to be a good sport. “Dare,” he said to the resounding oohs and aahs from the group.
“I dare you to demonstrate the best kiss you’ve ever had.” Wanda smiled innocently at the heckles and jabs thrown in Steve’s direction. Although, you got the feeling that she was hiding more than she was letting on.
“What? Like in the air?” Steve proceeds to pucker his lips and kiss an imaginary person in front of him.
“No! OK, that’s… kind of gross!” Everyone laughed.
“How ‘bout on her!” Nat interrupted, pointing to you as she sat back and smiled, watching the whole thing play out.
Heat ran down your back as you looked at Steve. He gave you a boyish, heartwarming smile that almost took your breath away. You watched as he got up and made his way over to you. Did everything just go in slow motion? He lifted your chin to face him. “May I?” he asked so sweetly, and you nodded in response. With bright blue eyes shut, he leaned in and kissed you.
It was soft at first. He gently sucked on your upper lip and splayed his hands open, cupping your cheek. You had missed this. The closeness. The intimacy.
You missed him!
You started thinking about Loki and the few erotically charged moments you spent with him. You moaned at Steve’s touch, imagining it was Loki you were kissing. Steve took that as a sign to tilt his head and his tongue dove in further. It slid across yours, sending a tingling sensation down to your core.
Natasha watched Loki. As Loki watched you. The scowl on his face getting deeper and deeper as you clung to Steve tighter and tighter. Steve pulled away slowly, as he breathed out. You didn’t realize you were holding tight to his lapels, on your tippy toes, keeping him close to you.
“Ok. My turn!” Steve smiled and turned around abruptly as if he hadn’t given you one memorable kiss. You stood there stunned into place, slowly turning to face away from Loki. Steve looked at Natasha to exact his revenge. “Natasha. Truth or dare?”
“Truth.” She answered confidently.
“Have you ever fantasized about anyone in this room, intimately?”
“Yes.” She answered and Bucky’s ears picked up, looking at the deadly assassin through his side eyes.
“Who?!” Steve asked aloud.
“Fixed!” Bucky yelled as the monitor came to life.
“One more before the movie starts.” Nat turned to you and asked you with wild eyes and a mischievous grin. “Truth or dare?”
You took a deep breath and sighed, “Dare.” Nat’s grin got even wider as she walked up to you and whispered her dare in your ear.
“Oh come on! We all want to hear it!” Wanda said. Your eyes turned wide and the expression on your face dropped when Natasha pulled away.
“Go on. You have to do it! You chose dare.” She goaded you. You narrowed your eyes at her as you started making your way over to Loki on his lone recliner. His arms were still folded, and his legs were still open.
The confusion on his face was telling. It got even more concerned when you turned around and sat directly on his lap. Loki held his arms in the air, unsure of what to do or where to put them. “Excuse me?!” he finally said.
The room looked at both of you, chuckling and awe-faced. Nat looked like she had won a match that you were unwittingly a player in.
“Just go with it, okay?” you whispered to Loki.
“Go with what? Why are you sitting on my lap?” Loki bellowed.
“Shh! The movie is starting,” Natasha scolded the both of you, turning around with a self-satisfying grin. The audacity! The fucking nerve of this woman! You were going to pay her back somehow. You didn’t know where or how, but one day! Best friend be damned! Maybe you’ll reveal who she’s been having fantasies about. Maybe you’ll hide all her guns. Yeah! And her stun bracers too!
Loki placed his hands on the armrest. He was euphoric at the turn of events. But highly confused as to what the dare was to make you sit on his lap. How long will he have? Are you going to sit here for the entire movie? Can he touch you? Norns how he longed to touch you! It’s been weeks since that awful morning. And every time he tried to talk to you, you would leave the room. Or there were more pressing matters at hand.
His pride and confidence left him the morning you left his bed. He thought he made it very clear how in love with you he was. But you either didn’t believe him or you were just playing a game with him.
He didn’t know how to approach you anymore. But one thing is for certain, if you keep moving the way you were, he would have to excuse himself immediately.
“Stop moving!” he ordered.
“I can’t help it. You’re not exactly comfortable to sit on.” You whisper-growled back at him.
“That’s not what it looked like a couple weeks back. I seem to recall you enjoyed sitting on my lap.” Without warning, Loki grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to his frame. Seating you right in between his open legs. Right on the cushion of the seat. “Better?” he asked.
“Yes,” you said begrudgingly. “Thank you.”
“Always a pleasure, darling.”
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The first half hour of the movie was hard to follow. Every breath Loki would take, any small movement he would make, you felt it right behind you. You sat perfectly stiff. Your back, like a ruler, not wanting to give in to his warmth and comfort.
As the movie progressed, you tried to make the best of your awkward situation. The team had settled and forgotten about the two of you in the back of the room. You yourself got lost in the dramatic plot of the movie. All too soon, your arms grew tired. You relaxed them onto the armrest, forgetting that they were already occupied by Loki’s. You tried to relax them to your sides but were met with his thighs on either side of you.
Loki didn’t seem fazed by any of it. His breathing was even. His heartbeat was steady as a drum, albeit thumping loudly and hard behind you. The only tell he gave away was the movement of his head next to yours. His quick inhale of breath as he surreptitiously smelled the perfume of your hair.
How long has it been? Days? Weeks? A lifetime, since you’ve felt his touch. And here you are now, sitting on his lap, hoping that the growing hardness you felt behind you is what you think it is and not just his belt buckle.
“Truth or dare, darling?” Loki whispered in your ear, breaking his resolve.
“Loki, I’m tired of these games. I don’t-”
“Truth? Or dare?” he insisted. You gave out a big sigh and rolled your eyes, knowing he could see your expression. You looked around at your team, engrossed in the movie.
“They can’t hear us as long as you whisper,” Loki said answering your unspoken question.
“Truth.” You answered him.
“Really?” he asked surprised.
“Well, a dare got me into this mess,” you reasoned.
“What was Natasha’s dare?” Of all the things he could’ve asked you. You didn’t think he would be too curious, but it was also the one answer that would leave you too vulnerable.
“She dared me to-”
“Sit on my lap?”
“No!” A beat was taken before you had the courage to say what you needed to.
“What did she say, verbatim?”
“Her exact words were…to sit with the person I had feelings for…for the entire movie,” you whispered.
Heat crawled up your spine. You can feel your embarrassment radiate through your clothes and add to the heat that Loki was giving off. You felt so flushed and nervous that you started rambling. “And you had taken up the entire space with your long legs. Clearly, there was nowhere else for me to sit but your lap. I mean honestly. It was almost as if you didn’t want anyone sitting next to you. What’s the point in coming to these group exercises if you don’t intend to be amiable? I-”
“Shh,” Loki said putting his finger to your lips. “Keep your voice down, darling. Or else my enchantment will fail.” You looked around at your teammates who were still engrossed in the movie.
He pulled you closer to the chair, flushed against his firm chest. His large hand cradled your stomach while his other fingers continued to explore your lips. They tickled you as he ran them gingerly, tracing your cupid’s bow down to the soft pout of your bottom lip. He kept his stare at your mouth, lost in thought.
“Dare me, darling.” He whispered.
“That’s not how the game works, Loki,” you smiled.
“Dare me to kiss you. Please.” His plea took you by surprise. Desire wrapped around the two of you. Squeezing the air from both your lungs, leaving you wanting.
Breathlessly you said, “I dare you to kiss me Lo-” You hadn’t finished your sentence before his lips hungrily descended on yours. His hand cupped your cheek and kept your head to his. Your hands intertwined with his and he held on to you tighter.
Loki’s kiss was deep and demanding. There was a sense of urgency to it as if he was running out of time and he had yet to get his fill of you. He pulled away briefly to breathe but his appetite only grew. He needed to kiss you. He needed to touch you. Everywhere.
With his eyes closed, his lips found your neck and artfully marked your skin. His hands flew to the buttons of your shirt, opening them one by one as you laid your head back onto his shoulders.  You gave in to him. Into his touch. His hands reached inside and cupped your breast, making you moan.
A well-timed explosion happened in the movie that you and Loki had already disregarded. It pulled your attention away from his yearning, giving you logic long enough to remember where you were.
“Loki…” you whimpered. He ignored your cries and was lost in his own spiral. “Loki I…I need you. But not here. Not in front of everyone.”
“Why not in front of everyone? That way Rogers knows what a proper kiss looks like,” he growled. His jealousy made you titter. “Let me wipe that moment out of your memories. Let me replace it with my lips.” He grabbed your chin and kissed you again with no regard for keeping it quiet. His entire body shook with emotion. Longing, jealousy, dominance.
“I was thinking of you,” you admitted panting onto his lips. “I was imagining I was kissing you.”
Loki stared into your eyes as he let that information swirl in his thoughts. His growing smile sent shivers throughout your body. You felt carnal pleasure in knowing you had pleased him somehow.
His voice changed. His eyes had grown darker. He inhaled through his teeth as he praised you, “That’s my girl,” he snarled. His hands continued to roam underneath your blouse. His fingers pinched your aching nipples through the lace of your bra, sending you jolts of pleasure down to your already heated sex. “Are you going to continue being a good girl for me?”  
You nodded devotedly. “Good,” Loki growled, fighting to keep his desire at bay. “I want you to go to my room and wait for me on my bed. Can you do that for me, pet?”
You moaned when he nipped your jaw gently waiting for you to answer. You slowly got up, feeling the rush of your excitement pool down into your panties. You walked slowly, trying not to get the attention of the others, as you snuck behind the chair where Loki was sitting.
“Oh and pet…” he whispered grabbing your hand gently. “…Don’t think of running away to make me chase you like last time. Unless,” spreader bar “You’d like to be cuffed and barred again.” He smiled, daring you.
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⬅️20 Questions | House of Card➡️
🏷️ @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @psychospore @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958@salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallow @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @n3rdybirdee @melsunshine @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokischambermaid @cjand10
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ronearoundblindly · 24 days
would you ever write an invisible reader? Like let’s say she’s an agent or a scientist. Quiet and stuff right? She always keeps to herself has the biggest crush on Steve but because she’s thinks she’s invisible she doesn’t ever think he might be interested too. There’s a mission she goes on and things go awry and she actually turns invisible. Something akin to how in the Fantastic Four movies they get their powers she gets this one? But it takes time to get under control. Steve thinks it’s his fault so he tries to help out. And through the the process of helping her gain back visibility she realizes Steve has seen her all along. Lol this really just came to my head when I was thinking about Steve using paint on someone’s body as a way to show them he thinks they’re art.
This. Is. Spectacular. I'm gonna fudge it a bit. Headcanon/stream of consciousness format. No warnings just canon-level "action." gif credit: @meidui
Erasure (Steve Rogers x junior agent!Reader)
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My first instinct is to make it an ability to alter someone perception--i.e. you're constantly a little embarrassed of your input, so you tell people to 'forget you said that'--and let's say that constant hope that you won't be remembered badly is the innate trigger for your ability.
Probably a science experiment of Tony's gone wrong. He and the team are arguing about something that needs to be recovered before a damaged thing reaches critical mass. You sneak in to just grab what he wants and not waste time arguing. Tony doesn't know you're in there and locks the lab down until the dangerous pulse dissipates. (Steve doesn't know you're in there either because you popped in while he was facing and yelling at Tony, fwiw.) Maybe Tony saunters in once the doors open, finds you there with the part in your hand and knocked on your ass.
Your skin touches his as he reaches for you and the part. You jokingly tell him there's nothing to worry about, nothing to see here. You're surprised that he listens and walks off immediately, chatting and leading the team away down the hall to show them something else he's working on in the hangar bay.
Overall, once you catch your breath, you're fine. You don't want to go to the infirmary and tell them you did something so dumb.
Life continues.
Through a lot of trial and error, you realize what you can do--forcibly--by erasing people's memory of you being around. The head count for meetings is off. Several teammates you know you spoke to see security footage of you at the time and curiously remark that they don't recall you being there. Things like that. It works on everybody, or so you think.
There's a brainstorming session about how to infiltrate a possibly corrupt corporation's facility to gain intel. Everyone agrees to this elaborate rouse where two ripped agent dudes pose as janitors and blah blah blah. It's a little absurd.
You check the companies job listings, and knowing you qualify for one, submit an application the next day. The woman in HR who hires you doesn't work on the same floor as where you are technically snooping, and you can handle the work they actually want you to do in just a few hours a day, giving you a bunch of time to access nearly everywhere and nudge everyone to forget you were there.
The attempted break-in of fake janitors is the talk of the office on your last day, the one where you find the info Stark wanted to begin with, and then you quit, still quietly, returning to the Avengers the next morning.
You drop off the intel to Tony's office when he's not there, but just as you get situated back at your little desk, Steve comes up.
He looks concerned, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the flimsy cubicle wall.
"Feeling better?"
You're so confused.
"You were out for over a week. Did you need to go to the hospital? Was a family member with you at least? You could have called in for help."
On impulse, you grab his arm and tell him not to worry about you, yet he...doesn't move. After a flawless use of the power hundreds of times in a row, you don't understand.
Blinking up at Steve, you blurt, "I should be erased. Why are you still noticing me?"
He's bewildered, sure, but Steve tucks his head and smiles shyly.
"Can't erase you, doll," he chuckles, so soft only you can hear. "I draw you in pen--" Steve taps his temple "--up here..."
He bends down, his hand gently gripping your arm and his cheek touching yours.
"...now where you been for a week?"
And then, yes, some beautiful closeness and Steve paints on you to highlight what parts he drew so permanently on his mind!
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a/n: Thank you for sending in this lovely idea, nonnie! I'm sorry everything I'm writing has been short and convoluted the last...while, but this is such a sweet premise. (Also, my apologies if you really, really wanted straight invisibility as the power. Just send in another ask, and I'll try to come up with an alternate version!)
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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highonmarvel · 9 months
Hi there! May i please request a mob!steve x reader where the reader used to be with him but when she found about his mob life she left him so like the HR he decided to ruin her life and one day he just shows up in her now downgraded apartment and manipulates and gaslights her into coming back to him, and she just goes back because she’s just in a vulnerable place
Feel free to add your own spin to it btw love your work soo much! Especially the biker!bucky 🤗
oh, i like this! and thank you so much for the love! i hope you enjoy. and i apologise for taking over a month to get back to you, shit’s been wild for me. okay, here we go:
Easy Luxury
Steve Rogers: You find out how your suspiciously wealthy boyfriend makes his money, and have to start over without it.
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content warnings here!
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It was never manipulation, it was a deep understanding that enabled him to know what you needed before you even opened your mouth, a symptom of being the blond-haired, blue-eyed boy next door type. Naturally, he knows what’s best for you, you’d never have to question him. And you didn’t.
Steve was suspiciously wealthy for such a humble and down-to-Earth guy, but you didn’t question it; his expensive car, his shiny watch, his high rise penthouse, his seemingly endless cash, you didn’t read too much into it, you just enjoyed his presence, and his luxury didn’t hurt either; anything you wanted, and things you didn’t, Steve gave to you, and you accepted gratefully. He even insisted you live closer to him until he didn’t have so many people coming in and out of his apartment for something he never quite explained, and then you could move in with him. You live in a nice ass building a block down from him, making for easy visits, curtesy Steve.
You sigh as you place your bag down in the lift on the way up to the top floor, excited to surprise Steve. You had head to see your parents for what was supposed to be two weeks, but after just one you’d had enough, and you missed Steve.
You excitedly bounce on your toes as you pick your bag up again, the elevator numbers just a few ticks from the top. With a wide grin, you stare straight ahead as the the doors open, and that smile immediately drops.
Right in the middle of your living room, Steve is ripping the teeth out of a guy tied to a chair. Even the back of his shirt is bloodied, and there’s so much blood on the floor you have to assume there have been many other people in this man’s position in the time you’ve been away.
“You fucking rat,” he grunts as he pries the man’s mouth open again and sticks an adjustable wrench into the back of his cheek. It clasps onto one of his wisdom teeth and Steve pries it out, and you can tell he’s satisfied despite his back facing you. The man lets out a bloodcurdling scream and Steve tosses the tooth onto a pile of at least five others.
“Workin’ for the Starks, huh?”
The Starks are a well known mob family in New York, and if they’re Steve’s rivals then…
You gasp out loud.
Steve whips around, and his face, though covered almost entirely in crimson, goes pale.
“Baby! You’re back early.”
You finger flies to the close button for the doors, pressing furiously as if that’s gonna make it happen faster. Steve races towards you, calling your name as you anxiously push the button at lightning speed. At the very last split second, just before Steve can stick his hand between the doors, they shut, and the lift begins to descend. You hear Steve’s frustrated “Fuck!” and banging above you as your stomach sinks with the elevator.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, what can you do? Steve had convinced you to quit your job, you pretty much lived exclusively off of him, but you can’t possibly stay with him, yet you’re rendering yourself homeless if you leave.
Once you get to the ground floor, you race out the door, leaving your bag behind and ignoring a concerned look from the doorman as you dart out. You phone buzzes in your pocket, and you know it’s Steve. You ignore the vibrating phone call and run towards your apartment. You’re sure you have some money cobbled together from Christmas cards over the years. No way in hell you can pack your things, and you know you’ll have to get rid of your phone, but you need at least a little bit of cash.
You’re sure you’re on the verge of dying from a lack of oxygen as you make it to your apartment and slam the door behind you, locking it, too, though you doubt that’ll keep him out.
You’re furiously rummaging through drawers when a gentle rap at the door makes your soul damn near leap out of your body.
“Honey?” Steve calls, voice calm as ever, as if he didn’t just commit such unspeakable violence, and who knows what fucking else he’s done that you’ve never seen? And how did he get here so quick? Is he still covered in blood and spit and flesh and evidence from his torture?
You try to tune him out as you look for the last of the envelopes to add to your small pile, but you can’t ignore his gentle voice trying to coax you into a state of relaxation he would soothe you into when your anxiety became too much to bare.
“Sweetheart, let’s talk about this.”
“Go away!” you manage to shriek through hyperventilation.
“Don’t do something stupid,” he warns, voice low in a way you’ve never heard him use before, and if you were terrified before, you were on the verge of a heart attack now.
With a few envelopes and no way to escape, you run to the window and peer down; you’re three floors up with some soft patches of grass beneath you. You don’t have time to even calculate it, surely adrenaline will get you through the pain if you’re severely hurt. You’re working up the nerve, and just as Steve busts the door in, yelling your name, you jump, luckily landing on your feet, but falling soon after, and briefly wondering if you’ve dislocated your knee as you scramble to stand and start running.
Steve shouts your name from the window but you don’t even look back, just running to God knows where. You’re sure you’ve run full speed for more than half an hour when, by such luck, you stumble across a really cheap looking motel. Just as you throw some cash to the guy to give you a key, you feel around in your pockets for your phone, panicked, and for the first time in your life, you’re glad to have lost it. He can’t find you now, at least not by tracking, you hope. Though you might have expected to be plagued by insomnia due to your stress, you pass right the fuck out as soon as your head touches the crusty pillow on the room’s stained mattress.
The sun isn’t out when you snap your eyes open, it couldn’t have been more than six hours since you ran away, then, but there’s no sign of Steve, and you let out the biggest breath of relief there ever could be. You head to the bathroom to shower and think of your next move, but it’s so filthy you wonder if you’re only making yourself dirtier by stepping in. You’re sweaty, and your body is physically tired from the sprinting. You flop onto the floor as you try to consider your next move. You’ve got an old friend living in Queens! You haven’t spoken to her in years, literally since high school, but since then she had practically been living on her own and raising herself and her sister, you can’t imagine she’s moved since then.
You have to walk a ways before you manage to get to an area you can hail a cab, and that takes a little more effort than you would have liked to exert. By some grace you manage to remember the address, and as you pull up, the house looks pretty much the same as all those years ago, giving you a glimmer of hope.
You drag yourself to the front door and manage to knock despite your weak body.
The door opens after a few moments to reveal the red hair you haven’t seen in forever, yet still, she looks virtually the same.
“Natasha!” you say as you collapse into her arms.
“Oh my God!” she cries, but she catches you with ease, “What are you doing here? What happened?”
You can barely speak, but she seems to somewhat understand as she leads to you to her living room and gently sets you down on the couch. Her blonde sister comes running into the room, eyes wide and panicked.
“Yelena!” Natasha calls, and hurriedly says words in Russian you could never understand. Yelena leaves and returns with a cup of water, which you gratefully accept, not realising just how thirsty you actually were. You gulp down the water like a dying fish and Yelena immediately leaves to get you another.
Sitting down and not on the verge of dehydration, you can speak, but your voice is still hoarse.
“I’m sorry for dropping in like this—”
“Don’t ever apologise for coming to me,” she cuts you off sternly, nearly angrily, like she’s irritated you thought you could ever bother her. She was this way in high school, but still, you haven’t spoken in years and years, and you feel bad for that. You know she can help you, or she’ll try to do everything in her power to do so, but you can’t let her get involved in mob business… like you were, unknowingly.
“I’m just in a rough spot,” you say, nodding thanks to Yelena as you take the second cup of water and down it even quicker than you did the first one. She sits down next to you, concerned, as Natasha is seated across from you on the opposite couch, leaning forward, forearms on her thighs as she listens attentively, “Don’t have a job or a place, or anyone else I can go to. I’ve got a bit of money, can you help me find a cheap place?”
“Just stay with us,” Yelena says, sitting up straight.
“Yeah,” Natasha agrees, “It’s clear there’s a lot going on, please, don’t be alone right now. You can stay here, I can help you get a job.”
Even after all this time, she treats you so beautifully, but you can’t let her get wrapped up in this; if Steve finds you, he might hurt Nat and Yelena, and you’d never be able to live with that (and maybe you won’t have to if he kills you too).
“No!” you say, a little louder than needed, causing the pair to give you strange looks, “Please,” you say, speaking softer now, “If you want to help me, can I just use your shower and you help me get a place? I know you know a lot of people.”
You can tell she wants to protest, but Nat only presses her lips into a thin line and exhales through her nostrils, nodding before standing up.
“Okay,” she concedes, “Yelena will get you some fresh clothes and I’ll make some calls.”
“Thank you,” you say, with more sincerity than you ever have in your life. Yelena helps you up, and you want to protest, but realise you’re a lot weaker than you thought, and you can’t tell if it’s mental or physical exhaustion.
You have to sit down in the shower, rinsing the stickiness off of you and watching it float in the few centimetres of water before being whisked down the drain.
You’re steadier on your feet once you’re clean and dressed, and you pop into the kitchen just as Nat hangs up her phone.
“Okay, I’ve got somewhere $95 a month, but it’s not great.”
You shake your head, “It’s perfect, thank you.” You counted around $650 in your cash, but if you get a job you can make it work.
“But you’re not leaving before you eat.”
Eating breakfast with Nat and Yelena takes the weight of the world off your shoulders, the three of you laughing about events from a decade ago with the same vigour you did when they first happened. But you can’t shake the feeling you have to leave, quick.
You’re nearly done helping the pair clean up when Nat comes up to you.
“Hey, what’s your number? We should stay in touch, even if just for a few months, just so I know you’re okay.”
“I lost my phone,” you sigh.
“I’m drop in every once in a while then, okay? And you can’t fight me on this. I’m honestly really worried about you,” she throws her dish rag over a chair and walks up to you, holding your shoulders as she looks into your eyes, “But I’m so glad you came. I’m always here for you. So is Yelena.”
You look to the doorway Yelena’s leaning against and she gives you a smile, but it’s a little sad.
“Thank you, Nat. I love you, so much. And I’m sorry it’s been so long.”
“These things happen, it’s fine. I’m just glad you’re in one piece. Looks like you had a hell of a night.”
You laugh shakily and nod, “I did. I’m surprised I didn’t dislocate a knee.”
“Oh my God… okay, conversation for another time, let’s just get you into your place. Do you have anything we need to take?”
You literally have no earthly possession with you at this point besides the envelopes, which you tuck into the inner pockets of Nat’s biker jacket she’s lending you. You refused to take any clothes other than one other pair of pants and a t-shirt, but Yelena promised she’d wash your others and bring them back, though you’re not even sure you want them anymore.
“I’ll be back with them tomorrow,” she says as she closes the door, leaving you alone in a flat you’re sure has mould.
There’s only a couch, a mattress, and a clock you’re not sure if displays the correct time, which is more than you were expecting. You flop down onto the slightly dirty couch and run your hands over your face. Now fed, hydrated, and somewhat rested, you can’t think of anything else to distract you from thoughts of Steve…
Okay, you’ll try to find a job tomorrow, for today, there’s nothing more you can do but try to sleep, even though it’s not even midday yet.
As promised, Yelena drops off your clothes the next morning, with the tears poorly sewn up, but you thank her for the effort and encourage her to leave the building before you do, in case Steve is watching, but you don’t cite that reason.
Half an hour later, you stride out, taking a walk down the dodgy streets, and luckily, you come across a bakery with an “URGENTLY HIRING” sign in the window. Your little streaks of luck would mean much more if it wasn’t overshadowed by everything else, and your luck ends when you’re half way into the interview.
“What?!” you gasp, trying to lean over to get a better look at the computer screen the interviewer (who’s just some teenager, probably a temp) is trying to shield from you.
“Ma’am, you have a charge for robbery, we can’t hire you.”
You exit in a daze, nearly numb at the realisation Steve would go this far. Why not just kill you? If he was worried you’d go to the police (the thought had never even crossed your mind until this moment), he’d just fucking kill you, or kidnap and torture you, he wouldn’t just leave you to rot out in the real world, that’s too risky.
You sadly make your way back to your flat, and who’s there when you open the door?
Steve stands with a crisp blue shirt in the centre of the room, and what can you do about it.
You fall to your knees and sob, face in your hands as you try to take in your fate. What did he want with you? You want to say you swear you’ll never tell anyone, that you haven’t told anyone, but you can’t speak through your gasping sobs.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he coos, slowly making his way over to you, like he’s worried he’ll scare you off, “It’s okay, don’t worry, I’d never hurt you, baby, you weren’t supposed to see that, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, I didn’t want to hurt you, ever, but I have.”
He sighs, and you manage to look back up at him, a somber coat over his blue eyes.
“And look at you,” he gently raises your arm to trace a finger over scrapes and scratches you guess are from darting through narrow alleyways and through thick bushes, “Baby, and look at his,” he gestures around him to the damp flat, and you sniffle, “You can’t stay here, come back, I’ll take care of you, like I always have.”
“Th- the arrest—”
“I had to do that, baby, I’m sorry. I just had to. If you were with me that never would have happened, see? And it can all go away. Honey, I’m offering you the world, all you have to do is come with me.”
With teary eyes you look around. You can’t live here too long or you’ll get some kind of mould poisoning, you can’t get a job, you can’t endanger Nat and Yelena…
“Okay,” you sigh, defeated, and just as Steve starts to smile, there’s a knock at the door. Natasha calls your name and you tense up, Steve looks down at you with his head cocked to the side.
“I think you better answer that, sweetheart. Tell her you’re not gonna be here anymore.”
He pulls you to your feet and you gulp as you lean your head against the door.
“Yeah?” you answer.
“Let me in.”
If Steve sees Nat, he’ll know who to look for if you try anything like this again. But he’s sitting patiently on the couch, and he nods towards the door, beckoning you to open it. You take a deep breath and crack it open a bit.
“Hey, what’s up?” you think you say, but you can barely hear your words over the pounding of your heart.
“Is everything okay?” she asks, and you shoot a glance behind you, which you immediately regret when Nat bounces on her toes to get a look.
“Yeah,” you block her vision and bring her attention back to you, still trying to keep the door as close to closed as possible, “I… I have to go…”
“What?” she asks, “You just got here, what’s changed?”
“Things have worked out, it’s all good now, don’t worry—”
You freeze as you feel Steve behind you, his tall frame casting a shadow over you and Nat. You shut your eyes, willing this to be a trick of light or a hallucination due to stress, it can be anything but real.
“Hi. Steve Rogers,” he extends his hand, and Nat tentatively takes it, in only a way you know — to everyone else, she wouldn’t seem cautious, but you saw the clench in her right knee that gives away her switch to defence.
“Natasha Romanoff.”
Fuck, Nat, why did you say your name!?
“Nice to meet you. Don’t worry about her, she’s in good hands with me.”
She nods.
“Steve, could you go get my clothes for me? I think they’re in the bathroom or the bedroom, they’re the only two other rooms.”
He nods and turns away. Once he’s out of sight, Nat’s expression turns panicked as she scans your face, noticing tears welling. She doesn’t say it, but you can tell she’s pleading “Come with me.” You shake your head and quickly wipe away the tears before they fall, just as you hear Steve’s approaching footsteps again.
You shut the door just as he exits the bedroom with your neatly folded clothes from your recent run.
“Natasha washed these, I assume? Or was it Yelena?”
[taglist; @cjand10]
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kining-the-evil · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if you could write a Steve rogers x daughter reader?
Like he gets back from a mission and he has a nightmare but the daughter is involved in the nightmare somehow. So when he wakes up he rushes over and realizes that she is ok and she is safe. So he just cuddles with her for the rest of the night to protect her and to calm his nerves.
Thank you and 100% your choice
My Safety In The Night
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Summary: This mission got to Steve in a way he’s not used to
warnings: nightmares, talks of death, seeing a dead body in the dream
an: reader is around 13 years old.
Steve was exhausted as he walked into the section of the compound that was set as an apartment for you and himself. While Steve’s body was no stranger to pain, this mission just seemed to get to him. Maybe it was the length of the mission, or the fact that the kids they were protecting at one point reminded him of you, but he decided he didn’t care. He just wanted to check on you, change, shower- no. That could wait until tomorrow. The less he did the sooner he could go to bed himself.
He started towards your room, but changed directions at the last moment. It was a Friday night, so you had probably fallen asleep on the couch. The living room had no lights on, but the tv had the credits of one of your favorite movies playing on the tv.
“Kid, it’s almost midnight-“ his words stoped when he caught sight of you. You were curled up in a ball with a blanket covering you, fast sleep. A box of pizza was on the coffee table, a couple of pieces in it.
“Never mind,” he chuckled lightly, running a hand gently over your head to make sure you didn’t wake up. Hr grabbed the box, stealing a piece before sticking the whole thing in the fridge and moving on to get ready for bed.
Steve wasn’t sure why he was running, but he did know if he wasn’t quick something bad would happen. The ground was uneven, slowing him down quite a bit which just frustrated him more.
“Dad!” He stoped I’m his tracks the best he could, spinning to try and find the source of the voice. It almost sounded like… “Dad!”
“Y/n?” He called, hoping your could hear him. “Baby, where are you?!”
“Dad!” Your voice sounded loudest to his right, so that’s the way he ran.
“Y/n!” He continued to call for you, trying to follow your own screaming.
“Dad! Help!”
Finally, he came to a cliff and found you. You were held by a faceless man, both of you standing far to close to the edge.
“The great Captain America. You took everything from me, and now I’ll take everything from you.” Without any more warning the man pushed you, your scream echoing through the area.
Steve sat straight up in bed, his shirt soaked with sweat making it stick to his body. He wasn’t sure what was louder, the beating in his chest or his head. Where were you?
He quickly got out of bed, practically running out of his room and towards the couch where he had left you. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why hadn’t he moved you?!
He finally took a breath of air when he found you, still asleep in the same spot. A glance at the clock told him there were a number of hours until morning. He couldn’t go back to bed, he just…couldn’t. Instead, he walked over to the couch and picked you up.
“W-what,” you started to fight him, but he quickly calmed you.
“It’s Just me kid,” he mumbled while sitting down. He kept you pushed against his chest, trying to calm himself down.
“Are you ok?” You yawned, staying wrapped up in his arms.
“I’m fine, just…wanted to see you,” he rubbed light circles on your back. “Get some more sleep.” He knew he’d be staying up the rest of the night, closing his eyes would just show your face as you feel off the cliff. But he was fine to just sit here, as long as it meant you were safe.
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
The earpiece
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: Steve always had an excuse to not date. The world was in trouble, Bucky needed saving and then Bucky needed support. But now there were no excuses. He asked you out and you said yes. But Steve was still that small kids from Brooklyn that girls overlooked. This time though, Sam and Bucky were in his ear… literally.
Warning: fluff I guess, lil angst maybe?
Word count: 1.3k (never in my life have I written something so short.)
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This had been a long time coming. It was something Steve had pushed off. He always used the same excuse, there was time for dating later. Then he used Bucky as an excuse. After finding and helping Bucky he had no excuses anymore. But later came much sooner than he’d hoped.
It didn’t help that Steve was absolutely smitten by someone that worked for the avengers. He tried to deny it but it was futile. His cheeks would get rosy and he’d be a bumbling idiot whenever you were around. Now Sam and Bucky were always bickering but they managed to set aside their differences in order to mess with him. Always pushing him to talk to you, both figuratively and literally.
It was borderline embarrassing the amount of times Bucky or Sam would literally push him towards you so that he would have no choice but to speak with you. It was endearing though, seeing the big, strong leader of the world’s mightiest heroes stutter out a greeting while being completely flustered. Most of the time he would go beet red, mumble an apology and a quick hello before going on his way. He’d always miss the shy smile and how you’d be just as flustered as him.
One day though he got the courage to ask you out and now here he was. In a restaurant that Nat suggested sitting across the woman he had been crushing on for the better part of a year. It was private enough so that at least if he embarrassed himself it wouldn’t become news. Steve couldn’t imagine the headlines of gossip blogs talking about how bad of a date he was. His only saving grace was the plan Sam and Bucky came up with. The plan itself was simple, he would wear an earpiece so that if he wasn’t sure about what to say or if he got stuck Bucky and Sam could advise him.
“Have you been here before?” You look up from the menu.
“No, it was a recommendation.”
You hum in acknowledgment as you look back down.
“Smooth.” The earpiece crackles in Steve’s ear, Bucky having been the one to make the comment. “Ask her something, punk.”
“See anything you like?”
“SeE aNyThInG yOu LiKe?” It’s Sam this time. Bucky chuckles in the background.
“Everything looks good enough to eat.” You reply but you’re looking right at Steve. The implication makes Steve blush and agree with you.
“Oh she’s good. I like her. When you mess this up I’m going to ask her out.”
“Not if I get to her first.” Bucky tells Sam.
Steve clears his throat just as the server gets to the table. You both place your orders and wait for the server to leave.
“So.” You both say at the same time and you chuckle. Steve motions for you to go first.
“Did you hear about that music festival that started tonight?”
Steve shakes his head.
“Oh, well I thought you might like it. It’s mostly 30’s and 40’s music. People dress up like they did back then. It seemed pretty cool. It runs all weekend.”
“Alright punk, say these exact words. I think it would be fun, we should check it out.” Bucky says. “Word for word.”
“I think it would be fun, we should check it out.” Steve smiles at you.
“I’d like that.”
After that the conversation flows almost smoothly. There are a few times when you see Steve blush but chalk it up to first date nerves.
“So if you could have any superpowers what would they be?” Steve asked after you had been going back and forth asking silly questions.
“I work in HR, patience is my superpower.”
He chuckles. “Well I sure as hell couldn’t do it.”
“I’ll be right back, I need to use the restroom.” You shoot him a warm smile and get up, heading toward the bathroom.
“Not too bad, Stevie. I mean you could use some improvement but hopefully you don’t fuck it up too much by the end of the night. And stop clearing your throat so much.”
“If you two would shut up for five minutes maybe I could.” Steve says in a hushed tone.
“Dude we just want you to get laid or something. And you like Y/N, you two would be a perfect fit.”
“I know but the two of you bickering in my ear is distracting. She’s going to think I’m crazy.”
“What are you two doing in the comms room?”
“No. Don’t tell Nat what’s going on. She’ll kill me.”
“We’re helping Steve through his first date.”
“I told you not to tell her.” Steve whisper yells.
“Are you using an earpiece?” You ask from beside him. Steve flinches slightly after not having realized you were back. You put your hand out. “Give it here. Who are you talking with anyways?”
“Don’t tell her anything.” Bucky says before the communication is cut off.
Steve sighs and at least has the decency to look guilty as he pulls the earpiece out of his ear and hands it over.
“I’m so sorry. I was just so nervous about this date. It wasn’t even my idea. Sam and Bucky just wanted to help me out a bit.” He rambles but looks defeated.
The server comes around and places the check on the table which Steve quickly snatches up.
“Let me take you home?”
“Yeah, of course.” You smile at him but he won’t even look at you. His shoulders are slumped as he walks out with you.
Although the night ended quickly it still had been lovely. Steve looked like a kicked puppy as he walked up the sidewalk toward the building you lived in. You stood on the first step so that you could be eye level with him and turned around.
“How much of you did I see tonight?” You ask cautiously. Steve’s eyes snap up to yours.
“Almost all of it. I promise they were only there to help me if I got stuck in conversation.”
“So the questions about self defense lessons?”
“And the questions about going fishing?” You ask a little more amused this time.”
“The questions about my hobbies and family?”
“All me.” Steve says.
“Hhmm.” You dig around in your purse to look for your keys.
“I’m sorry I ruined the date tonight.”
“It’s ok.”
“Have a good night, Y/N.”
“Goodnight. See you tomorrow. Let me know what time you want to go.”
Steve, who had started to walk away, turned to look at you. Eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. He walks back towards you before asking, “You still want to go?”
“Yeah, I’d love to.”
Steve’s blush was back in full force but he smiled anyway.
“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow. How about 11:00?”
“Perfect. See you then.” You lean forward and kiss his cheek before walking into your building. Before closing the door you turn back to him. “Don’t let them know how the date ended, I want to see them sweat it out at work.”
Steve laughs but agrees and waves as he finally walks off.
You sigh in relief as you finally walk into your apartment. The first thing you do is take off your heels and sit on the couch.
“That went better than expected. Thanks for helping out.”
“Don’t worry about it. I told you Steve is completely taken by you.”
“Still I don’t think I could have gotten through tonight without you. I was so nervous.”
“You did great. You should be a spy, I could train you.”
“I’ll leave the spying up to you Nat. Thanks again, we'll have a girls night soon.”
“Definitely we need to know how the second date goes.”
“You’ll be the first to know. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” Both Nat and Wanda say.
You pull the earpiece out of your ear and place it in the small box Nat had given you. At least now you know that you weren’t the only one so nervous about this date that you needed some back up.
Hopefully the second date would go well and this would just be a funny story to tell.
Part 2
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thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
here's some long-awaited tony food for your thots
(im serious this is 100% PWP done in like, *check watch* 6-8 hrs or so in one sitting- it's all over the place, fam)
let me know immediately if any of you want me to community label this, if that makes you more comfortable. if you want another installment (it will have actual plot i promise) just let me know. None of the used images here are mine, they belong to their respective owners, I only own my garbage writing.
Boyfriend!Steve Rogers x Girlfriend!Experienced!Unfaithful!Reader x Jealous!Yandere!Tony Stark- Repression and Suppression
and here are some messy A03-esque tags for your reading pleasure (srsly read these before continuing or you void your reading warranty):
(Lime, Lemon, G-rape, Cheating, Physical Cheating, Unintentional Cheating, Affair, Noncon, Dubcon, Forced Orgasm, Overstimulation, Fingering, Oral, Vaginal, MxF, PWP, Love Triangle, Jealousy, Third Wheel Tony Stark, Sexual Deviant Tony Stark, Manipulation, Humiliation, Dirty Talk, Swearing, Teasing, Gaslighting, Sexual Coercion, Power Play? Beard Burn, The run of shame?, Lust used as a manipulation tool, Tony blatantly misunderstands words, The horny ruins lives, Reader’s never cheated in her life ong she just misses sex, Tony is all kinds of wrong here, OOC Tony Stark, His dialogue is probably OOC sorry about that, No descriptors besides gender have fun)
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You don’t know how this happened.
Okay, you do know how this happened. You and Tony stumbled upon the same floor in an otherwise empty Tower and you both plopped on the same couch shooting the shit. No paperwork for you to do and no big baddie causing a commotion in New York for the Iron Man to stop. And you may have overshared a tad about the feelings you’ve been having at his prompting about your relationship status, but hey, that’s normal, even for sober people. Everyone needs to vent every once in a while. Or overshare, or both.
What you didn’t expect, however, was your totally innocent sex conversation with Tony to turn into dirty talk. Which, alright- fair, this was Tony you were talking to, so probably not your best moment.
“It’s not like he’ll find out.” Tony’s palm rests on your thigh. “And you said so yourself, he doesn’t give you what you need.”
But thankfully, that’s when your brain started working again, and you actively began to create some space between you, with his hand falling off your leg.
“No, Tony. You know who I’m with and you know he’ll be coming back.”
Tony follows you and- what the fuck? Was this couch always this small? The palm greets your thigh again, more insistent now if the pressure was any indication.
“Can you really wait that long?”
You stare at Tony, incredulous at the turn of events. He wouldn’t- would he?
You see him smile at you before diving in for a kiss.
Wide-eyed, your first reaction is to push him off, but he practically falls on top of you, keeping you pinned there as his tongue goes to work in prying your mouth open.
You struggle, and then, well, he knew how to kiss to get what he wanted, that was for sure. It was so different from what you were used to with him, all chaste and loving. Tony used the flat surface of the appendage to massage your tongue, and- holy fuck you really forgot what good kisses felt like. Tony feels so good- so warm and passionate, that his embrace sends you into a blanketed bliss.
And as you make out, that blanket grows more and more stuffy. You lose track of time, and- well, yourself. The next time you open your eyes, you’re greeted to a shirtless and more disheveled Tony Stark on top of you, kissing down your neck, and humping his bulge against you and- oh fuck your pants were gone.
Okay, this had officially gone too far. Yes, this was hot, and yes your body was awakened from the longest dry spell ever by his kisses, but you had to try and stop this. You had to get Tony to shut this shit down, and then blame your horny self later.
But first, Operation Turn off Tony.
“Wait!” Your hands fly to Tony’s chest, pushing with effort despite wanting to melt into a puddle. “I can’t- you know I can’t-”
Okay, your voice would’ve sounded commanding if Tony hadn’t run his hands under your shirt.
And if his arm wasn’t practically glued to the damn cushions you would've had more leeway to shake him off. And if he wasn’t so stron-
Wait- one arm?
…oh my god why is he pushing against you?
“Oh?” It comes out automatically and your body absolutely preens at the sensation before you come back down.
Oh fuck no- now two of his fingers are inside you and you’re not sure if you can even try to hold him off now.
Think of Steve think of Steve think of Steve think of Steve-!
“Tony, mmn-m, pl-”
“Why refuse this?” He pauses to let his fingers talk and the resulting squelching has you trying to seal your mouth in protest. “Why refuse me? When the sweet release you want is right in front of you?” His fingers fall away. “And when this-” he rolls his denim-covered penis over your pussy, eliciting a groan from both of you, “cock is ready and begging to be inside you?”
There is no hope to quell your blushing at this point either, you unhelpfully surmise to yourself. But even so, you don’t let up, forcing yourself to meet his eyes.
“He’ll, ah- find out, hah, Tony.” Fucking hell it was hard to form words now, “and he w-will-”
Tony, more envious than you’ve ever seen him, snarls in retaliation. “Don’t think about him! He’s not the one who’s going to be fucking you tonight.” He takes a moment to regain his composure before adding, “don’t worry, baby. I’ll make you feel so good you can’t stand it.”
“Ton- ah!”He hit a sensitive spot inside you, and your body jolted with the feeling. “P-please...ha...” You pant, trying to control yourself as his fingers retract. Trying to think of Steve instead, and all the other reasons why you shouldn’t be doing this. Why he shouldn’t be doing this to you and how he’s currently making you tingle in too many places.
In mock concern, he inquires, “what is it, baby? I’m right here...” You swear to the highest moon that Tony Stark’s teasing is the worst kind you’ve ever had to experience in your entire life; mainly because he does it in a way that pisses you off to no end.
“I- Tony, I n-need you to-” He shushes you, leaving you more baffled. He doesn’t even know your request yet and he’s already cutting you off. The playboy slides two fingers inside your wet canal and you cry out in surprise. They slip out within the next second, not allowing you to properly process the action. He languidly laps at his fingers and you actually whine at the sight, which is literally the worst reaction you could've had. Tony hums at the taste and his eyes, holding your own, gleam wickedly as you attempt to recover.
“Oh, you need me to fuck you baby? Say no more.”
You gasp, utterly scandalized. How the fuck did he interpret a nothing sentence into that? He’s already working on unzipping his jeans and you’re quick to remedy the situation, despite your breathlessness. “No, Tony, that’s not-” A hand swiftly comes down to palm your sensitive pussy and squeezes, attempting to shut you up with desire. You’re shameful when you realize his tactic worked, as you find it elicits a sexual groan from you strong enough to make your head tilt up towards the ceiling and your back arch off the couch. Tony tuts at your wanton display.
“Don’t deny it, honey. You’re absolutely dripping for cock.” He leans in close to your ear and latches his mouth onto your neck. The man nibbles and suckles enough to probably leave a mark before playfully biting your earlobe and whispering, “and I’m more than willing to provide that relief.” A small part of you finds it ironic he’d use the word willing when you haven’t vocally confirmed it in this case.
When he’s fully sheathed inside you, he sits still for a minute, groaning at the feel of you. Tony then starts circling his hips, not thrusting in the slightest, and at this point you’ve had enough of his games. If he wants to do this so badly then so be it. “No teasing…” you huff unpleasantly.
“Hmm? What was that?” His member is still nudging against the ridges of your vaginal walls, causing your lower body to spasm and tighten at random intervals.
“If you’re going to fuck me then actually fuck me.” You make your voice harsh to get your impatience across, keeping your gaze even. Tony simply winks and wastes no time setting a pace inside you, smirking pleasantly as your body shifts from his thrusts. He licks his lips at the sight of your breasts bouncing underneath your shirt and impatiently forces the fabric up to your neck to squeeze at one. 
You close your eyes and furrow your brows, focusing your efforts on meeting Tony’s thrusts and tightening your pelvic muscles frequently to help his orgasm along. Judging by his strained moans, the fruits of your past lovers' labor seem to be working. He starts to shudder and you beam with pride.
That is until he yanks himself out of you completely, struggling to hold himself over your body.
“Mngh, hah- baby,” he laughs in between ragged breaths, “let’s not spoil the fun too early, now…”
Tony then switches to playfully dragging his cock along the splayed seam of your lips, right over your spasming hole, and you wouldn’t have been able to hold in that unholy moan if you tried.
He flips you over without a word, leaving you disoriented with an “oof,” as he re-positions you to make your ass hang lewdly in the air. Tony swats one asscheek and your hands scramble to find purchase before he tries something else, which you seldom find in the firm material. Another mocking sound escapes his throat at your reaction and you turn your head to glare at him.
“Could have given a girl a warning, y’know?”
“Well, sweetcheeks, I can’t very well tackle this raging problem unless I approach it from all possible angles~” His eyes rove over your new position admiringly. “And this view is definitely worth the effort.”
He winks at you, smirking all the while. You refuse to react, deadpanning, before giving up. “Fuck you, Stark.”
He says some other comment you don’t care about- on the lines of having patience- when something wet wiggles across your folds-
Your eyes widen. Was this a better advantage point for him to-
His tongue thrusts itself inside your walls and you lose all sense of thought, wanting to collapse into the couch already. Tony’s firm and swift in his movements, pressing the angle of his chin into your mound harshly and rubbing your sensitive areas consistently. The stiff hairs of his beard rub themselves across your clit as he leans forward and you lose all sense of yourself, screaming into the cushioned void and spasming around his mouth.
Your hips lull into a gentle rocking, you realize, when the sensations have dulled. You can still feel Tony between your legs, but licking you much more softly now. Your satisfied mews fall out of your mouth like a gentle stream, and you let yourself bask in the well-overdue afterglow.
Tony slowly parts from your pussy with a smacking sound, and you feel saliva trailing down your thighs as you whine. You hear him say the word “ready” and you hum questionably, not in the mood for words. He leans forward to kiss up your back and make a path for your ear, reiterating himself.
“You ready for me, honey?”
“Mm, you’re not-?”
“-finished? How kind of you to offer, baby. After all, I haven’t finished fucking you into forgetting him yet.”
Your brain almost fits the pieces together, already turning towards him to voice the question when you feel him line up his cock at your entrance. You don’t even bother doing anything other than bracing yourself as Tony thrusts into you, and you realize too late that you’re still too sensitive.
He’s more insistent as he fucks into you, just as his mouth, but he’s humping into all the right places despite your body singing to the point of pain.
“Ahn! O-oh!” At this point, you literally didn’t care that your face was practically being suffocated by the cushions that Tony Stark- your not-boyfriend- was pushing you into and fondling your breasts. You were about to get an orgasm on a dick you haven’t been treated to in months on top of a great orgasm, and it was quickly feeling like it was going to be one of the best ones you’ve ever had.
“Oh, fuck- yes, oh- Tony- fuck-! me!” You manage to scream out over your lack of breath, feeling his thrusts grow frantic. The determined mumbling he’s spouting over your ear becomes noise as your second orgasm crashes over you. Your ears are fuzzy but you can make out Tony proclaiming your name in ecstasy before he plops down on your back, causing your legs to fully give out.
You pant there, lying in sweat and regret, wanting to move just yet but knowing you have a lot of cleanup to do.
Tony shifts first, stroking your hair as he whispers once more, “So, was that a thorough fucking for you baby?”
Despite yourself, you laugh. Whether it was from the now spiraling guilt slowly ebbing away at your brain or that it was from the sudden feeling of loss in how to handle your new infidelity status, you didn’t know. You chalked it up to exhaustion.
Tony mumbles again, but you’re coherent enough to understand his words and nod, calmly lying there as he gets up. 
You waited until the bare ass of Tony left your line of sight before you shot up like a lightning bolt, gathering your clothes and racing toward the elevator in one fluid motion.
You impatiently return to your room to inspect Tony’s damages in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, trying to ignore the aftersex glow you still had. Your hands trail over your naked body, taking note of the reddened marks with each twist and turn. Yep, that was definitely a hickey.
They halt on your thighs when you feel a searing pain there and your eyes grow wide, mouth hanging open with a hiss.
Oh fuck. You had beard burn. How the hell were you going to explain that to Steve? Covering them up was one thing- but the itching pain you were going to feel?
The cum inside you suddenly shifts downward and you instinctively clench to hold it in, cringing at yourself. Another man’s mess splattered on the carpet of your and your boyfriend’s room is not what you needed right now.
Biting the inside of your lip, you hurry to the connecting bathroom and wash yourself of the sexual encounter the best you can.
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buckybarnesbingo · 2 years
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BBB Weeks 32 & 33 Roundup!
We’ve got over 500 fills so far, and we’ve only got a few weeks left!
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Title: Purrfect First Date Creator(s): BBDB2H Link: ao3 Square: C1 - Pet Rock Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Warnings: none Major tags: Modern AU, First Date, Flirting, College AU Summary: It’s sappy, it’s sweet, and it’s everything Bucky wants on a first date with Steve. Word count/format: 832
Title: The Last Thing You'd Expect Creator(s): Rufferto Link: tumblr Square: U4 - Board Games Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes & Mr Knight Warnings: no archive warnings apply, Major tags: Gun, Mr Knight&BuckyBarnes Summary: Bucky was asked to infiltrate the Midnight Mission and capture Mr Knight after learning how sometimes crazy Marc Spector can be and how dangerous he is. The last thing he expected was a mostly lucid Mr Knight sitting around waiting for him. He’s sorry for his part in beating up the avengers, and expresses it with the first thing at hand. The first board game he picks up from a stack of old board games that the house presents. Looks like there’s going to have to be a choice. Play the game or fight Mr Knight in the craziest of all haunted houses. Word count/format: art
Title: Gone But Not Forgotten Creator(s): lillywillow Link: tumblr Square: K4 - Support Group Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky/ gender neutral reader Warnings: Loss of a pet Major tags: cats Summary: Bucky struggles with the loss of a furry friend. He finds somewhere he can go to cope with his sorrows where he meets others going through the same thing. Word count/format: 1383
More under the cut!
Title: Sam dragging Bucky on social media - Part 4 Creator(s): rebelmeg Link: tumblr Square: Y2 - online interactions Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Sam Warnings: none Major tags: social media post, photo edit, humor Summary: The arm travels a bit farther this time. Word count/format: N/A
Title: Sit Still Creator(s): (HR)tftcw Link: ao3 Square: Y4 - Metal Arm Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Tony Warnings: N/A Major tags: Fluff Summary: Tony tries to get Bucky to sit still for an arm tune-up Word count/format: Moodboard + 242 word ficlet
Title: cold blade of silver, his eyes they burn so wild Creator(s): (HR)tftcw Link: tumblr Square: Y2 - Kink: Arm Kink Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Zemo Warnings: N/a Major tags: Unresolved Sexual Tension, slight Knife Play Summary: Helmut Zemo just wants a fresh shave, and conveniently enough, he happens to be stuck with someone who’s very good with blades. Word count/format: 1271
Title: Starvation (Chapter 1) Creator(s): (HR)tftcw Link: ao3 Square: B3 - Sam Wilson/Falcon Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky x Sam Wilson Warnings: N/A Major tags: Sex Pollen, Masturbation, Dirty Talk Summary: When he’d been given the news that Bucky had been dosed with something in a Hydra bunker, Sam had immediately thought of all the disastrous things it could’ve been. An aphrodisiac hadn’t been on that list. Word count/format: 1306
Title: hey now you're an all star (Chapter 1) Creator(s): (HR)tftcw Link: ao3 Square: U4 - AU: Hockey Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky x Steve Rogers Warnings: Eating Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Alcohol Abuse, Past Psychological Abuse Major tags: Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Pining, Found Family, Alternate Universe - No Powers Summary: Boston Bruins trade notorious party animal/human disaster Bucky Barnes to the Dallas Stars, and captain Steve Rogers is not impressed when Fury puts him on babysitting duties. But, as he gets to know Bucky - really gets to know Bucky - he wonders if maybe the media has got it all wrong - very, very wrong. Word count/format: 3418
Title: 32557038 Creator(s): (HR)tftcw Link: ao3 Square: C5 - Dyin' Ain't so Bad Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky x Steve Rogers Warnings: Torture, Blood, Poisoning, Prisoner of War, Vomiting Major tags: AZZANO, Blood, Canon-Typical Violence, Whump Summary: A glimpse into Bucky's time in captivity after Azzano. Word count/format: 1573
Title: 5 Times Bucky's "kindergarten teacher" Side Made an Appearance Creator(s): (HR)tftcw Link: ao3 Square: C4 - Kink: Brat Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky x Steve Warnings: N/A Major tags: Violence, Spanking Summary: "Let me get this straight,” Sam says with a skeptical look. “Hydra made the Winter Soldier an underground kindergarten teacher?” Or, how Bucky is terrifying even when living out nursery rhymes. Come to read this super not serious fic, stay for the amazing art from Kay. Word count/format: 2438
Title: Starvation (Chapter 2) Creator(s): (HR)tftcw Link: ao3 Square: K4 - Kink: Held Down Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky x Sam Warnings: N/A Major tags: Sex Pollen, Deepthroating, Top Bucky Summary: When he’d been given the news that Bucky had been dosed with something in a Hydra bunker, Sam had immediately thought of all the disastrous things it could’ve been. An aphrodisiac hadn’t been on that list. Word count/format: 1901
Title: Starvation (Chapter 3) Creator(s): (HR)tftcw Link: ao3 Square: K2 - Falcon Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky x Torres x Sam Warnings: N/A Major tags: Top Bucky, Threesome, Accidental Voyeurism Summary: When he’d been given the news that Bucky had been dosed with something in a Hydra bunker, Sam had immediately thought of all the disastrous things it could’ve been. An aphrodisiac hadn’t been on that list. Word count/format: 2077
Title: Clint will do anything for that date, even be a Landscaper Creator(s): Rufferto Link: tumblr Square: B5 - Fix It Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky/Clint, Winterhawk Warnings: Alternate Universe, No Powers, Disabled Character Major tags: Disabled Character Summary: Clint accidentally gets himself roped into fixing the landscaping of his new neighbors to spite the Home Owners Association. Fixing it isn’t the problem, Clint can learn! The problem is he actually went there to date Bucky. Georgette the bulldog is a minor but very important character and must be included. Word count/format: art for an already written story on a03
Title: The Not so Secret Admirer - Chapter 3: Cuddles & Fluff Creator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: U1 - Fluff Rating: Mature Ship(s): Jame “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis Warnings: set up, secretiveness, No Nut November, sexual frustration, man tiddies Major tags: Avenger Tower, Canon divergence, Idiots in love, secret admirer, Jane is not awake yet, matchmaking, snowed in, Steve is relaxed, cuddling for warmth, fluff Summary: Bucky and Darcy woke up together after the power went out. Bucky’s room got cold while they slept. He had to build a fire before he could warm Darcy’s nose again with his manly tiddies. Word count/format: 1071
Title: Midnight Ventures Creator(s): lillywillow Link: tumblr Square: B2 - December 16, 1991 Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/ Gender neutral reader Warnings: mild angst Major tags: Sleepwalking Summary: With the anniversary of the death of Tony’s parent, Bucky’s guilt manifests itself in a new way Word count/format: 1303
Title: Snowball Fight - A Dating Trouble Two Shot - Chapter 2: Sweaters and Hot Chocolate Creator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: Y4 - Zombie Rating: Teen Ship(s): James “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers Warnings: polyamory, feelings, insecure Steve Major tags: Alternative Universe, Coffee Shop AU, Single Parent AU, No Power AU, snowball fight, Steve’s daughter Maggie, ugly Christmas sweaters, Hot Chocolate, Zombie fleas Summary: After an epic indoor snowball fight, Steve, Maggie, Bucky, and Darcy were about to have Hot Chocolate. The choice in ugly Christmas sweaters evokes feelings in Steve. He was not prepared for them, but Bucky and Darcy were there to help him. Word count/format: 1304
Title: One Night in Asgard - Chapter 4: I was a Cat Creator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: B3 - Changed into an Animal (swapped, formerly Angst) Rating: Teen Ship(s): James “Bucky” Barnes&Darcy Lewis, James “Bucky” Barnes/Loki Warnings: accidental marriage, turned into an animal Major tags: Bucky is married to Loki, Cat Bucky, Loki turned Bucky into a cat Summary: Bucky met up with Darcy after their marriages. Bucky told Darcy something that had her surprised. Word count/format: 100
Title: One Night in Asgard - Chapter 5: How I Became a Cat Creator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: Y5 - Animal Transformation Rating: Teen Ship(s): James “Bucky” Barnes/Loki Warnings: accidental marriage, turned into an animal Major tags: Bucky is married to Loki, Cat Bucky, Loki turned Bucky into a cat Summary: Bucky did something Loki didn’t like and got turned into an animal. Word count/format: 100
Title: The Assignment (Chapter 6) Creator(s): scottxlogan Link: ao3 Square: K1 - Kink: Aftercare Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Warnings: Sexual content, touch starved Major tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe – Bodyguard, Sexual Content, Age Difference, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Alcoholic Tony Stark , Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Forbidden Love, Bodyguard Bucky Barnes, Bratty Tony Stark, Lust at First Sight, Dirty Talk, References to Drugs, Bad Boy Tony Stark, War Veteran Bucky Barnes, Hurt/Comfort, Touch-Starved, Light Spanking, Past Child Abuse Summary: Tony and Bucky's morning together brings them closer than ever until Steve calls to check in on Bucky's progress with Tony. Not one to be ignored, Tony takes matters into his own hands in proving to Bucky that he is the one that deserves Bucky's full attention. Armed and determined to recapture Bucky's focus, Tony pulls forth all the stops in a seduction attempt that leads to a surprising morning set on changing everything for Tony in ways he never anticipated moving forward. Word count/format: 10845
Title: A Twist on Game Night Creator(s): LBibliophile Link: tumblr Square: Y2 - Poker night Rating: Gen Ship(s): Avengers team Warnings: na Major tags: Avengers family, Game Night, competitive!everyone, drabble Summary: The Avengers get a little too caught up in their latest Game Night challenge. Word count/format: 100
Title: A Marked Improvement Creator(s): newtypeshadow Link: ao3 Square: U3 - AU: Royalty Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Knives, Severed Heads Major tags: Soulmates AU, Royalty AU, Assassins & Hitmen, Banter, Meet Ugly Summary: The knife flinched away from Tony's throat. "Fuck," the assassin spat, sheathing it with frustration. "We can't kill him. He's our soulmate." Word count/format: 2713
Title: Do You Believe In Dragons? Creator(s): newtypeshadow Link: ao3 Square: C2 - Mythological Creatures Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Warnings: N/A Major tags: Drabble, Mythological Creatures, Established Relationship Summary: "There's no such thing as dragons," Bucky told Tony. Word count/format: 100
Title: Bon Appetit Creator(s): lillywillow Link: tumblr Square: B5 - Takeout/ Pizza Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky/ Platonic Reader Warnings: None Major tags: Takeout Pizza Summary: After every team mission, it became a tradition to get takeout for everyone. Word count/format: 972
Title: Alpine's Second Christmas (chapter 1) Creator(s): WC_ItalianRoast Link: ao3 Square: K1 - Alpine Rating: Gen Ship(s): Stucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: AU: no powers; AU: Soulmates: AU: coffee shops; write!bucky; alpine Summary: Writer!Bucky has writer's block; Alpine helps. Word count/format: 694
Title: Alpine's Second Christmas (Chapter 2) Creator(s): WC_ItalianRoast Link: ao3 Square: Y1 - Steve Rogers Rating: Gen Ship(s): Stucky Warnings: n/a Major tags: AU: no powers; AU: Soulmates: AU: coffee shops; write!bucky; alpine Summary: Bucky and Steve trim their tree; Alpine helps. Word count/format: 725
Title: The Red Woods Creator(s): startrekkingaroundasgard Link: tumblr Square: U2 - Fae Rating: Teen Ship(s): N/A Warnings: mind control Major tags: fae, fairytales, au, moodboard, graphic, edit, drabble Summary: Wandering through the Red Woods one day, Bucky came upon a trail of mushrooms... Word count/format: 150
Title: Road Trip Creator(s): startrekkingaroundasgard Link: tumblr Square: Y4 - Road Trip Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Reader Warnings: gun mention, assassination mention Major tags: moodboard, graphic, edit, drabble, roadtrip, colleagues to lovers, romantic relationship Summary: Days alone on the twisting highway and secluded back roads provided the perfect chance to take the next step in your relationship with Bucky. Word count/format: 93 + moodboard
Title: Home Again (Chapter 24) Creator(s): scottxlogan Link: ao3 Square: C3 - Free Square Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Warnings: Supernatural Elements, Canon-Typical Violence, References to Depression, Bucky Barnes Has PTSD, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Tragedy, Blood Loss, Blood and Injury Major tags: Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie)Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Adult Content, Explicit Language, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Blood and Injury, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Summary: The team prepares for the Power Broker's auction as everyone is feeling the tension ahead of them. Bucky shares a conversation with Yelena before the team arrives in Madripoor and they are given their assignments on the road to finding the truth in what happened to Tony. Word count/format: 11125
Title: Ace Nat Creator(s): nolanfa Link: tumblr Square: C1 - asexuality Rating: Gen Ship(s): Natasha Romanoff & Bucky Barnes Warnings: N/A Major tags: asexuality Summary: Nat and Bucky chilling Word count/format: 1 digital art (still image) + 444 words
Title: Borrowing Trouble - Chapter 2 Creator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: B2 - Funeral Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Tony Warnings: Fake Dating, Grief/mourning Major tags: Modern No Powers AU, University AU, Roommates, Fake Dating, Mutual Pining, Love Confessions, Bucky POV Summary: Tony’s offer to accompany Bucky to his grandmother’s funeral as his fake boyfriend is both generous and dangerous. Word count/format: 1204
Title: Reaching an Understanding Creator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: Adopted - Peggy Carter Rating: Gen Ship(s): Bucky & Peggy Warnings: none Major tags: CA:TFA Compliant, Missing Scene, POV Peggy Summary: The morning after Peggy's failed attempt to get Steve to dance with her, Sergeant Barnes comes looking for her to provide his perspective on the evening. They have what turns out to be an informative conversation. Word count/format: 665
Title: Rules for the Fallen (chapter 2) Creator(s): WC_ItalianRoast Link: ao3 Square: K5 - Murder Strut Rating: Teen Ship(s): None Warnings: body modification, assassins Major tags: AU: Star Wars; body modification, Arc Reactor, Assassins, canon-typical violence Summary: Do you remember, back during the Clone Wars, when Kenobi and Skywalker had to stop Maul from stealing those kids Word count/format: 949
Title: Missed You Creator(s): ruckystarnes Link: tumblr Square: B5 - Missing You Rating: Mature Ship(s): Bucky/Wanda Warnings: groping Major tags: heavy make-out session, groping, intimate touches, just fluff Summary: Bucky's home after a long mission. Word count/format: 568
Title: Card Sharks Creator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: K1 - Thighs Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky/Steve/Natasha/Sam Warnings: gambling Major tags: Drabble, Strip Poker, Polyamory Negotiations, Pre-Slash Summary: In retrospect, Bucky realized that playing strip poker with his teammates had been a huge mistake. Word count/format: 100
Title: Fanfic Creator(s): Metalbvcky Link: ao3 Square: C4 - Ghosting Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: Semi-Public Sex Major tags: Captain America Steve/Modern Bucky, Post Avengers 2012, Bottom Steve, Steve and the 21st Century, Sex Shop Owner Bucky Summary: Steve's sitting at the bar of a nightclub, sipping his drink, when he spots a man on the dance floor. His night turns out a little different than he expected. Word count/format: 5150
Title: Fanfic Creator(s): Metalbvcky Link: ao3 Square: B3 - Takeout/Pizza Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Captain America Steve/Modern Bucky, Post Avengers 2012, Bottom Steve, Steve and the 21st Century, Sex Shop Owner Bucky Summary: Steve goes to Bucky's place and they chat while eating takeout, though the food eventually goes cold due to distractions. Word count/format: 2430
Title: Fanfic Creator(s): Metalbvcky Link: ao3 Square: C3 - Free Space Rating: Explicit Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Warnings: N/A Major tags: Captain America Steve/Modern Bucky, Post Avengers 2012, Bottom Steve, Steve and the 21st Century, Sex Shop Owner Bucky Summary: Steve and Bucky get to know each other intimately. Word count/format: 3130
Title: Chapter Seven Creator(s): ruckystarnes Link: tumblr Square: Y1 - Smell Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes x OFC!Constance Warnings: n/a Major tags: fantasy dreaming, bickering, insinuated pining, swearing Summary: Constance wakes up with a hangover and Bucky makes her breakfast as the two try to decide how to handle what happened the night before Word count/format: 3445
Title: Meet Me in the Pines Creator(s): ruckystarnes Link: tumblr Square: U3 - Medieval/Fantasy Rating: Teen Ship(s): Bucky Barnes x OFC Warnings: none Major tags: kisses, fluff Summary: Maeve gives James a note to meet her in the forest once dark has fallen. Word count/format: 2975
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moize · 3 years
It’s 2021 people. Get it together.
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zaraomarrogers · 2 years
Always and Forever - 2
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Sexual content, minors do not interact
word count: 2301
Y/n put Malcolm in the baby seat, fastening the belt she kissed on his cheek. She’d been crazy busy throughout the month managing and planning the Fall collection showcase. It was Wanda’s first time launching her collection in a mainstream fashion industry.
Wanda Maximoff- cheerful, quick witted, intelligent and extremely protective of Y/n and Malcolm, was the step- sister who was also a best friend to Y/n.  Wanda was just like her mother, warm and welcoming, full of love and compassion. She found a sibling and a friend in Y/n. Wanda was allowed with Y/n in labor room and she was the first one taking Malcolm in her arms before doctors took him away for mother and baby skin to skin contact.
“You good, baby?” Y/n asked, looking at Malcolm in the rear view.
“Yes Mama. When reach Wan Wan?” Malcolm asked mouth full of flavored yogurt.
“In few minutes, Mal. You will have to spend some time with Lily, while Mama’s gonna finish her work. Okay baby?”
“How wong work Mama?”
“It’s going to take time Mal, but mama will come see you okay? Be nice to Lily please.”
“Okay mama, wuv you.”
“I love you too Mal, so so much.”
 The house of blues Boston was illuminated with lights, sound of music blaring from the speakers. Y/n parked the car in the parking spot. She was little late already, taking out Malcolm she hold his right hand in her left while carrying his bag and her purse in right hand she walked into the place. She spotted Lily not so far from the changing rooms, she handed Malcolm to her along with his bag. A kiss and few reminders later, she was walking into the main room where all the models were getting ready. She glanced over checking everything and headed towards the bar section of this huge place. She knew bar was the only place she’d find Wanda and Pepper. Both of them had this nervous habit to have few beers before the show.
 “My god! Get a grip you two.” Y/n exclaimed taking a seat beside Wanda. “I’m the one walking down the ramp.” She signaled the bar tender for a drink.
“I am so excited. You know I’ve designed the dress especially for you. You’re gonna be the sexiest mama tonight.” Wanda squealed from happiness.
“Aha, I’ve seen that dress and it’s all kind of sexy, Y/n.” Pepper said gulping down the beer.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she took a sip from her whiskey. Only reason she agreed to walk the ramp was Wanda. She just couldn’t say no to her.
“I’m sure that guy from the HR will lose his balls.” Wanda laughed out loud. “You are going to be sensational Y/n/n.”
“C’mon guys! We need to stay focused. Pepper, is your husband coming?” Y/n asked changing the subject.
“You mean my ex- husband?”  
“No, I mean your husband because you’re still not divorced yet.”
“Ugghhh….. I don’t know.” Pepper groaned.
“We have booked the most expensive place in Boston. Tony’s presence will attract the media and we need media’s attention other than the sponsored coverage.” Y/n checked something in her phone. They stood up and headed towards the changing rooms where all the models were.
The show was to start in thirty minutes and everything was meticulously organized, all credit to Y/n, she was the driving force behind the whole showcase.
Wanda took out the dress wrapped in a plastic bag and handed to Y/n. “Open it.” Wanda said with a smile. As Y/n unzip the bag to have a look at the dress, her eyes went wide in astonishment.
“Oh.my.god!!! this is so beautiful….” She exclaimed in joy.
It was a floor length evening gown in maroon color. It had spaghetti strap with deep neck and backless back with a side slit. It was the sexiest most prestigious dress Y/n had seen in her entire life. Wanda had outdone herself with yet another masterpiece that it was and she made it especially for her. Y/n felt tears in her eyes, she was overwhelmed by the gesture and it wasn’t the first time. Wanda hugged her tight seeing her sister’s red eyes.
“Hey c’mon Y/n/n…” she whispered. “I want the world to know that my sister is the hottest mama out there.” Both of them laughed heartily in each others embrace.
Pepper awed from behind and ushered Y/n in the changing rooms to get ready. While Y/n was inside the changing room, Wanda called Bucky. Her fiancé, her one great love.
“Where are you?” Wanda asked through the call.
“Right behind you.” She felt an arm around her waist and a warm breath against her ear. She turned around in his arms and smiled sweetly at him. Bucky leaned in to kiss her softly.
“I missed you.” He said into the kiss. Wanda laughed, “You saw me this morning.”
“It’s been nine hours, love.” He tried to steal another kiss but Pepper came in from behind.
“C’mon guys! I’m gonna take your girl away, you can take the seat Bucky in the hall. The show will start in twenty minutes. Where is everyone…” Pepper’s nerves started to appear, Wanda laughed and shooed Bucky off towards the main hall. Everything had been in perfect order, Y/n’s hard work was evident in the every minor detail. She had a team of equally brilliant and capable people but it was her meticulous nature that outshined everything and everyone.
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 Steve parked his car in the parking lot. The House of Blues Boston was lighted up and people from the fashion industry were started pouring in. He made his entrance from the main door. He had been trying to call Pepper’s assistant but couldn’t reach the person. He walked along the corridor praising all the work that had been done. He entered the main hall, the security needed to see the pass that Steve didn’t have, instead he showed them his business card and Tony’s reference. In a second, he was escorted to the VIP section of the hall where only officials were allowed. He was there for barely ten minutes when Pepper came in, dispiriting that Tony wasn’t here. Steve’s austere demeanor and Tony’s absence put Pepper in a bad mood. She excused herself immediately not wanting to engage in any courtesy.
 As the fashion show ushered in, Steve was bored to death. Bucky told him he was busy with some work thing so they planned to meet next day. He wanted to get out of there and was almost at the exit when the announcement for the show stopper occurred and Steve stopped in his tracks.
 Y/n Carter….
 Was he hallucinating?
 He wasn’t even drunk.
 Was she his Y/n?
 He walked back few steps in and forgot to breathe. In the spotlight Y/n was walking elegantly in a beautiful evening gown, accentuating her curves perfectly. Her boobs were little fuller now, everything about her radiates class, charisma and majestic. She was looking exquisite, her smile was the same as he remembered, maybe even more beautiful. She was still the most stunning woman in Steve’s eyes. He wanted to run to her, took her in his arms and kiss her senseless. He wanted to sit in her feet and begged for forgiveness. He simply wanted to feel her and see if she was even real.
A sound of loud applause brought Steve out of his misery. He shifted on his feet, unable to take a step in Y/n’s direction. While Wanda was speaking to a number of designers and media people, a young woman came to Y/n and whispered something in her ear and it took her a minute to excuse herself from the sea of people to went on a separate way where only staff was allowed. Steve tried to follow her, with heels on Y/n was walking in quite a speed. Steve kept walking behind her at a distance where she wouldn’t know someone’s presence. She crossed the corridor and entered in the open area.
“Mama you back.” Malcolm squealed and ran towards her. Y/n easily crouched down and took him in her arms.
Steve froze when he saw Y/n holding a little kid in her arms. He felt like his heart would stop beating and he'd die in suffocation.
   Had she moved on?
   He clearly heard the kid calling her mama, did that mean she got married and had a baby? Steve wanted the earth to swallow him alive. He'd never been in such pain like he was right now. The idea of her with another man, having a family was a slow painfull death for him. In that moment, he needed his Ma, so that he could cry in her embrace. He wanted her to wake him up from this nightmare. He was struggling to breathe when from a distance he heard something he wasn't ready to hear.
 "Mama, i's daddy, see daddy." Malcolm had seen Steve and now he was pointing towards him. Wriggled out of Y/n's hold he ran towards Steve.
 “He… photo daddy, mama.” Malcolm wriggled out of Y/n’s arms and ran towards Steve. Steve didn’t realize that he came right into the view of the little kid. Steve saw him coming towards him.
 Why was this kid running towards him? Steve thought and looked behind to see if there was someone but there wasn’t anyone except for him, Y/n and Malcolm.
 “Daddy…” Malcolm came to stop right before the very eyes of him. Looking like an angel, his face was full of innocence and happiness. Steve felt a harrowing pain in his heart. This little kid has the same blue eyes just as his own. The dark blonde silky hair, same nose and same lips, the little boy was the exact replica of him and Steve left with no doubt but to believe that Malcolm was his. His baby, his blood, his son. And then there was this radiant smile on his baby’s face that he inherited from his mama. The same smile Steve fell in love with, Y/n’s cheerful smile was one of the many things he got enthralled with. He hunkered down and hold Malcolm in his arms, nuzzling his face in little boy’s neck. He knew he’d scare the little boy away if he cry too much but it was like he didn’t have control over his emotions.
 “I’m sorry… I’m sorry…. I’m sorry….” He kept chanting in Malcolm’s neck.
 “Why cwy, daddy?” Malcolm tried to break his grip. “Why sad?”
 Steve didn’t say anything. He couldn’t say anything, he just looked in Y/n’s direction and saw her looking straight into his eyes.
   Her eyes were dispassionate….
  Y/n was aghasted when Malcolm squirmed out of her arms and ran towards what he thought was his dad. She had shown him his dad’s pictures. She was so angry at Steve but she couldn’t take away Malcolm’s right to know his father. All her life, she had missed her dad’s presence while growing up so she knew both parents are equally important for a child. She only got to meet her dad on occasions or ceremonies, her mother Eleanor had a full custody of her and Peggy. When she turned sixteen, Steve took her to meet her dad for the first time in years and ever since that she made it a routine to visit him every other weekend. After graduating high school, she even attended her dad’s wedding.
 When Malcolm turned one, she started showing him Steve’s pictures so he would know his father. She couldn’t let her anger, heartbreak and pain be the reason to snatch her son’s right to know his father. So when she turned around and saw Steve, she felt betrayed all over again. She wanted to slap him on the face but then she saw Steve red and tear-stricken face. He was holding Malcolm like his life was dependent on the very hold of his arms around their son. She took robotic steps in Steve’s direction, her heart was breaking in every step. The events of the night she left New York City were flashing before her eyes.
  “You want jevvy beans, daddy?” Y/n saw Malcolm cupping his dad’s face in his small hands.
 “Daddy, no cwy. Daddy bwave boy.” Malcolm kissed Steve’s forehead.
 “Malcolm…” Y/n called.
“Mama, why Daddy Cwying? Why sad?”
 “I don’t know, sweetheart.” Her tone was colder than she intended when she said, “He must have done something wrong.”
 Steve stood up, his eyes were red and puffy. He had grown a beard, Y/n noticed. He was still very handsome like she knew all those years ago but the bags underneath his eyes were new.
 “Why did you hide my son from me?” rage was seething through Steve’s voice.
 “Excuse me?” Y/n scoffed.
 “My son knows who you are, isn’t that enough for you?”
 Steve was dumb founded for a moment, anger he felt for a bit was dissipated in air. It was hard for him to believe the person standing before him was Y/n, full of bitterness and bizarreness. She was the same Y/n he fell in love with. Hell, he was still very much in love with her now even more if that was even possible. She was the mother of his child, a child he had met moments ago. He was swamped with emotions. He enveloped her in his arms in a bone crushing hug.
 “I’ve missed you, Y/n/n…. I’ve missed you so much.”
 Moments later, Y/n got herself freed from Steve’s tight embrace, without letting Malcolm notice. She was shaken as much as Steve was but both of them were going through different emotions. While Y/n was feeling dismal and betrayed, Steve was hopeful to fix what he had destroyed.
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
#5 was sent to HR!Reader. Somehow Stucky found her personal phone number and this what usually she gets from them.
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Trying to ignore the sound of your phone buzzing on your desk, you paid as much attention to the agent sitting across from you as you could. With little interactions before the incident that landed him in your chair, you’d never really known one of the members of the STAR tactical team, until now.
“So I think-” buzz “-if you just wanted to-” buzz buzz buzz
You reached for your phone to turn it over and had a momentary pause as their names flashed across your screen and the messages had come in rampant succession one after the other.
“Do you need to get that?” The agent pondered, leaning forward to try and detect what urgent need was taking up his time.
Wanna do breakfast tomorrow?
Or brunch?
Or lunch?
Or I could eat you out?
Its up to you.
The phone slipped from your hand and you scrambled to pick it up again, your eyes growing wide as the flirtatious and erotic message had come just a few days after you agreed to give them your number if they needed to talk about anything. And during your conversations going back and forth with them, which started ambiguously, had quickly become entangled with desire and want.
“Kryczek,” the door opened and an imposing yet familiar figure had filled the open space, arms crossed over his chest, “training got moved up. You’re back on the rotation.”
“Captain Rogers-” The agent stood with force to knock the chair over, pivoting himself to face Steve with a look of surprise and respect.
You’re being kidnapped. Be a good girl, don’t fight it
“You’re late. If I were you,” Steve’s gaze flickered toward you, his lips quirking into a smirk, “I’d move my ass.”
“Yes, sir!”
Be a good girl, just follow Steve
The door shut with a forceful slam, and your office had returned to silence. With Steve standing between the only exit and your means of escape, you had resigned yourself to flipping your phone over and huffing.
“You can’t keep doing this. I have things I have to do.”
“Believe me doll,” Steve walked toward your desk and leaned forward to rest his palms against the surface, “we have things to do too but someone seems to be uncooperative.”
“You’re kidnapping me? Really? Isn’t that a crime?”
“I don’t have a record for following the rules, baby. You know that. Now let’s go, we’re leaving.”
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diamond-coral · 3 years
A Game
Summary: Tony suggests a game that you, the unfortunate intern, get dragged right into the center of: who can make a woman cum the fastest?
Pairings: all dark!: Steve x Reader, Bucky x Reader, Thor x Reader, Sam Wilson x Reader, Tony x Reader, implied natasha x reader
Warnings: DUB-CON/NON-CON (oral: f-receiving, fingering, tiny smidge of analplay) VOYEURISM/EXHIBITIONISM, BLACKMAILING, OVERSTIMULATION. The characters in this story are NOT good people. After reading the warnings, your media consumption is your own responsibility!
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As Stark’s party mellowed down and all the guests left, you, the unfortunate intern, were called over to the small group of five Avengers seated in a section of couches.
“Y/n, come!” Thor’s voice boomed.
“Y/n, come!” Sam mimicked, deepening his voice to make fun of Thor’s.
You approached them as the men snickered at Sam’s joke. 
“What can I do for you?” you ask, a fake smile plastered on your face.
Stark cleared his throat and raised a brow at you; a silent command. 
“What can I do for you, sir?” 
“A round of drinks please, and add this to Sir Barnes, Sir Rogers, and I’s drinks.” Thor handed you the flask of his Asgardian liquor and you accepted it, hiding the slight nervous tremble of your hands.
“Of course, sir.”
“Someone’s been learning their manners,” Steve taunted, and it took all your restraint to not snarl at him.
“Easy there, Rogers,” Stark interjected, noticing how your fingers clenched Thor’s flask tighter. “Pretty sure Barnes fucked the brat outta her couple days ago when he came back from that shitshow of mission in Bosnia. Got a lot of pent up rage there, Buck?”
“Mission just put me in a bad mood,” Bucky shrugged. “Either way, I don’t think I fucked all the brat outta her. Got anything left for me, doll?”
“I have nothing for you, you self-righteous, ignorant prick,” you spat venomously.
“There she is. I always love a challenge.” Bucky smirked at how your knuckles were turning white around the flask. “Now didn’t Thor ask you to go fetch us some drinks?”
You huffed, opting to bite your tongue rather than lashing out, and spun on your heel toward the minibar.
Three-months ago, you would never have imagined your internship interview at S.H.I.E.L.D to bring you here. Your interview had been conducted by Captain America himself, and just as things began to look promising, it was interrupted by a sharp knock from Tony Stark. Tony had brought Steve into the hall, leaving the door to the conference room open, and you could only sneak glances through the window of the room, hearing Steve whisper about how it was “a question of morality” while they both kept looking back at you.
You got the position, and the next day, Tony sat you down and gave you an offer.
The Avengers needed to be ‘taken care of’, as he put it, and you being a ‘stress-reliever’ would boost morale around the team. Most of the them never had time for the outside world (apparently saving the world was a big commitment?) and were rarely ever able to make lasting relationships. You could accept the position, be compensated monthy, and get to live in the compound, or you could decline, and walk away with your mouth sealed by the confidentiality contract you signed before the interview.  Something about S.H.I.E.L.D. work being linked to a lot of top secret information, meaning you weren’t allowed to speak any details of the job to outside parties unless you wanted to get sued for every penny you were worth.
You had been on the cusp of taking the second option before Tony mentioned your sister’s job as S.H.I.E.L.D. as an agent. She was half the reason you’d interviewed for an internship. A couple words from Tony about her possibly falling into a fatal accident on a mission, and you took the position offer in a heartbeat.
You almost overfilled the glass while getting lost in your train of thought. Setting down the bottle of expensive whiskey, you placed the last glass next to the others on the silver tray, and picked it up, gracefully yet begrudgingly making your way back to the small gathering.
“Y/n, finally. We were just talking about who here can make a woman cum the fastest.”
The complete utter bluntness of Tony’s words caught you entirely off guard, and you tripped over your own feet, stumbling in your high heels to keep the tray of drinks from falling before Sam reached an arm out to catch the tray and another arm to hold your hip and steady you.
You ripped yourself from Sam’s touch without acknowledging or thanking him, to disturbed by Tony’s previous words to do so. You began passing out the glasses of dark liquid. “And you’re telling me this why?” Your voice was flat in hopes of showing Tony you were completely disinterested in any plans he might have.
“Why, we need your aid, Lady Y/n,” Thor answered a little too cheerfully for your taste.
“I won’t be partaking in your little immature competition of toxic masculinity.” You crossed your arms and continued. “It makes it seem that women are nothing but prizes. Games to be played by boys as they fight over the highscore. Toys.”
“Aren’t they?” Steve cocked his head, eyes glimmering with amusement while a smirk painted his face. The rest of the men chuckled at his reply.
“I think HR would be shocked to hear that Captain America is being a sexist dick to a woman in the workplace,” you bit back, but your threat was weak and they all knew it.
“I think HR would be to busy writing a condolence letter to your sisters family if, let’s say, on her mission with Sam tomorrow in Russia, a stray bullet hit her,” Steve replied. A quick reminder at the stakes. 
Sam clicked his tongue and shook his head in mock sympathy. “Those darn Russians and their careless aim.”  
He abruptly pushed himself off the couch and clapped his hands together. “I wanna go first,” he declared.
“Just remember, you can’t use your dick,” Tony added. “Some of us don’t have super soldier serum enhanced fuckwands.”
“Please never, ever say fuckwand again,” Bucky said, scrunching up his nose. “Besides, the hydra serum didn’t do anything down there.” He waggled his eyebrows while elbowing his enhanced counterpart. “Don’t think I could say the same for this punk here though.”
Steve muttered a ‘shut up’ while the group snickered.
All while they compared sizes like a bunch of teenagers, Sam manhandled you onto the coffee table in the center of the couches. You let out a grunt as you were shoved onto your front, stomach pressed into the tabletop while your pelvis was slammed into the edge.
Sam kneeled behind you and brought up two fingers to your mouth.
“Get ‘em nice and wet for me, baby.”
The men around you went quiet, entranced as you reluctantly took Sam’s fingers into your mouth, sucking on them and swirling your tongue around them.
When Sam finally pulled them out, he looked back at Tony.
“You ready?” Sam asked.
Sam hiked the flowy skirt of your dress up your legs causing you to squirm and pathetically thrash; a desperate attempt at putting an abrupt stop to this stupid game.
“You’re on the clock.”
At Tony’s words, Sam immediately stopped your desperate attempt at worming away from him by catching you by the back of your neck and slamming you back down hard on the coffee table. Much to your disdain, the rough treatment made you wet, and that was the last thing you wanted them to see.
But when Sam pulled your lacy panties down, you could tell it was the first thing he noticed.
“Fuck babygirl, I didn’t need you lubing up my fingers, you’re already drenched,” he noted.
You let out a soft moan as Sam worked two calloused fingers into your pussy. Although they’re thick and long, they were nowhere near the size of his dick and you silently thanked whatever was out there that he wasn’t splitting you in half with it at the moment. Sam released the grip on your neck, moving to settle the hand on your ass before giving it a light squeeze and a slap that elicited another moan from you. While Sam slowly began moving his fingers- twisting, curling, and pumping them- he leaned over you, caging your body under his broad chest, to speak dirty words into your ear.
“Baby, you’re so wet right now, I think you like having them watch you.” Your cheeks burned in shame while he picked up the pace. “You want them to see how well-behaved you are for me? Want them to see how you come on my hand like a good little slut?” he cooed.
Slow pumps now turned to quick thrusts from his skilled fingers and Sam groaned as you fluttered around him.
“That’s it. You’re taking me perfectly.”
Twisting his wrist so his thumb could also strum your clit, Sam was moving so fast you’d easily mistake him for a superhuman.
“Yes, Sam, please,” you cried out, eyes rolling into the back of your head.
“Uh-uh, babygirl. Wrong word,” he scolded, although his pace never slowed as his fingers brutally fucked into you.
“Daddy!” you screamed. “I’m cumming!”
You chanted those words, cunt clamping down on his merciless fingers. He gave you no reprieve, mercilessly thrusting into you, until you squirted, your release coating his hand and dripping down his forearm. Only when you were almost crying, did he finally remove his hand from your abused cunt.
“Now that-,” Sam stated, grinning while he stood. “-is how you make a girl come.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever Birdbrain.” You don’t have any strength to look at Tony as he speaks. “Give her a couple minutes before whoever’s next.”
Whatever the conversation was between them (you couldn’t hear it over the buzzing in your brain), it was much too short to your liking. The few minutes Tony gave you only felt like a few seconds before Bucky was getting up.
“Guess I’ll take a crack at it,” he announced, rolling his head from side to side.
“No one says “take a crack at it” anymore, old man.”
“Keep talking when your in last place, Sam,” Bucky quipped, however, his tone was still light.
You felt a metal hand on your hip before you were rolled over onto your back, now facing Bucky while your eyes pleaded with him.
“Please dont,” you croaked.
Bucky just scoffed, kneeling down between your legs and wrapping both arms around your thighs as he pulled you closer.
“Tony?” His hot breath fanned your pussy as he spoke and you inhaled sharply at the feeling.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Stark said.
Bucky wasted no time the moment the words left Tony’s mouth. He started by licking up from your hole to clit over and over, the lazy stripes already driving you wild. Letting go of one of your thighs to bring his flesh hand to your pussy, he pulled the hood of your clit back, pausing his licking to blow on your engorged bud.
“Such a pretty pussy, doll,” he murmured before turning his head around and speaking louder. “You guys seeing this?” 
He moved his head out of the way to showcase your glistening folds. A couple groans from the men on the couches had you trying to close your legs, but Bucky’s grip was like steel (especially considering his hand was metal).
“Wasting time Buck,” Steve commented and Bucky just rolled his eyes.
“I’m pretty sure I can still beat Sam and have time left over,” he scoffed.
Bucky directed his attention back to your folds, this time, diving in right away. He still had the hood of your clit pulled back as he encased the bud with his lips causing you to writhe at the intense sensation. And yet, you were held down with practically no effort as he methodically played with you. Each time he groaned against you, you let out an embarrassingly loud moan, and by the time he started sucking on your clit, you were wrecked. Your hand found home in his brown locks of hair while he quickly moved his tongue back and forward on your sensitive nub that was trapped in the vacuum of his mouth. The coil inside you wound tighter and tighter, and suddenly, while Bucky began shaking his head from side to side, it snapped. Your clit pulsed rapidly while encased in his hot mouth, and you screamed, legs locking around his head while your hand held his head in place. He worked you while you rode out your orgasm on his face until you could barely move.
Bucky got up from his knees, grinning down at you, so weak, you couldn’t muster it in you to glare back.
“Now I think I really fucked the brat out of you,” he said. “What was that?” He cupped his ear. “Did I hear a thank you sir?”
“Thank you, sir,” you whimpered weakly.
You were so fucked out, all the next events were but a blur.
Thor had feasted between your thighs the same as Bucky but was more sloppy, although, your body seemed to love ‘sloppy’. His tongue was constantly lashing and worming around your clit, the wet muscle accompanied by lewd slurping sounds, and in record time, Thor’s suckling and licking had you tensing and building up so much that your orgasm felt like a waterfall crashing over your body.
Steve was just as methodical and precise as Bucky, also pumping his fingers slowly in and out of your pussy. He was sweetly slow, dragging out your pleasure to the point where you were begging him to come. His warm tongue dragged across your sensitive cunt, while another hand reached up to grab a breast and pinch a nipple. You felt like your body was on fire. It wasn’t until Steve had inserted a thumb into your ass that he finally allowed your body sweet sweet release.
Your head span as finally collapsing on Tony’s floor, listening to the muffled voices above you.
You didn’t even register Stark’s words as he announced Thor had won and Steve had come in last. You barely even heard Steve’s defense that he was just enjoying himself too much in the moment.
Although ten-minutes later you had a somewhat sense of clarity, after hearing their conversation, you wished you were just unconscious. Even better, dead.
“I’m tellin’ you man, I made her squirt. She definitely came the hardest with me.” Sam’s voice rang.
“Dude- she was literally grinding against my face and holding me in a headlock with her legs,” Bucky argued.
“I literally made the brat beg to cum,” Steve inserted.
“I’d say that by bringing her to release the fastest, it was most intense with me,” Thor declared, victoriously.
You were on the brink of tears as they talked about you. Until another voice cut into the room. A female voice.
“What do you boys think you’re doing?”
It was Natasha. Your head jolted up as you felt a glimmer of hope surge through you.
That glimmer of hope was quickly extinguished at her next words.
“Not inviting me to the boy’s party?” she scolded. “You think a girl might beat you by a landslide?”
Nat squatted down next to you, running a soft hand on your cheek.
“Well you’re right. I’ll beat Thor’s record and cut it in half.”
She began unbuttoning her pants.
“And I’ll do it while riding her face.”
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chrisevansredbelt · 3 years
The Office
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pairings: MULTIPLE! steve rogers x reader, bucky barnes x reader, frank castle x reader, MAYBE natasha romanoff x reader, wanda maximoff x reader, pietro maximoff x reader, carol danvers x reader. the last 4 are still maybes so lmk if u want them included and i’ll consider it more!
warnings: eventual SMUT, ummm i guess like innocence kink? office relationships, workplace relationships. these are very umbrella warnings, this is like the pilot episode of this series.
summary: through your parents connections with steve, you’re offered a job at his company. upon meeting your coworkers, there are more perks to the job than you may think…
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*・゚☆
“There’s so many people to remember,” You sigh nervously as Steve walks you back into his office.
You just got done being introduced to everyone, so the worst part of your first day was already over. But now you felt a little overwhelmed at how many people you’d just met. In your head, you assumed there’d only be about 20 people. No, there were about 50. All different jobs and titles.
“Don’t worry, even I forget their names sometimes.” Steve places a reassuring hand to your lower back as he ushers through the doors of his office. It was comforting to know that Steve would be your boss for the foreseeable future. He had been friends with your parents for as long as you could remember and didn’t hesitate to offer you a job under his management when he heard you were desperately looking for one.
You weren’t even sure how he managed to find you a spot on his team since it seemed as though they couldn’t possibly need anyone else. You knew the company, Stark Industries, was fairly renowned in the business world, but still. I mean, you were just the offices assistant. You’re definitely not complaining, but you wouldn’t dismiss the idea that Steve just invented your role specifically for you, rather than actively having been searching for one.
Again, definitely not complaining. You’re actually beyond grateful for Steve. Without this job, you don’t know what you’d be doing.
Steve would’ve found a million and one positions for you at the company if it meant getting to see you everyday. You in your tight skirt and blouse almost made him drop to his knees if it weren’t for the fact that he had a considerable amount of self control.
“Alright, first order of business, photocopy and staple 50 of these for me.” He hands you 3 sheets of paper, “New company policies that need to be signed off and handed to HR.”
You nod in comprehension, “Which is Wanda.”
“Attagirl, look at you go.” He praises and you can’t help but blush, “If you need any help, you know where to find me.”
With that, you exited his office and made your way to the photocopier. The second you stepped out of his office, however, you couldn’t help but feel a little nervous without him. The stares of your new coworkers didn’t exactly help, even if they offered small, genuine smiles.
As you reached the photocopier, you paused momentarily, realising you had no idea how to work the damn thing. God, people are gonna think you’re so stupid. And there’s no way in hell you could bother Steve about this. Oh no, time to panic.
“Need some help?” An unfamiliar voice speaks up behind you.
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You turn to face the man, a somewhat familiar face from when Steve introduced you. James, you believe his name is. You remember thinking how cute he was when you first saw him. He had a nice facial structure and the slicked back hair just looked so clean.
Embarrassingly stumbling over your words, you feel heat rise to your cheeks, “I don’t know how to photocopy.” You feel like such an idiot the second the words leave your lips. You also found that you practically whispered it so that no one else would hear, “I don’t think I should bother Mr. Rogers about it.”
Bucky has to hide his smirk at your referral to Steve. Mr. Rogers. Lucky fuck. He tries his best to offer a genuine, comforting smile and gently takes the pieces of paper from you, “It’s pretty easy.” He opens up the copier, “Just shove it in there and press the button, plus 50, press the button again…” You nod along to his instructions, the copies of paper coming out of the side of the machine, “Piece o’ cake.”
“Thank you.” You sigh in relief, “Mr. Barnes, right?”
This time, Bucky can’t help the small chuckle that leaves his lips, “Everyone calls me Bucky.”
“Am I allowed to call you that?” You ask, teasingly… but innocently teasing.
“Of course, dolly.”
“Well, thank you for your help, Bucky.”
You were left to yourself as the rest of the copies printed. It took a while for all 150 pages to print out, but you kinda liked the noise the machine made. Plus, the paper came out all warm once it was printed.
You made it back to your small, cozy desk in the corner of the office. The desk was definitely smaller than everyone else’s, but you didn’t mind at all. Like you said, it was cozy and it had cute plants in it, a funky computer and a phone! You hadn’t used the phone yet, and you doubted anyone would ever need to call you, but you couldn’t wait to use it.
You created a kind of system to efficiently staple the documents together. Despite the efficiency, by the end of it, your hand cramped badly from your hold on the stapler. You flicked through each bundle to ensure that all the documents were distributed correctly before handing them out to everyone.
You tried not to bother everyone as they worked, placing the form on their desk and, depending on whether they were on the phone or not, briefly told them ‘new company policies’. You didn’t have to explain that they needed to be signed by today because of the bold print on the header of the page that said ‘Must be signed by the end of the working day.’
After handing them out to everyone in the office however, you furrowed your brows at the 10 extra copies leftover. You were certain you printed the right amount and you even did a subtle sweep to make sure you handed one out to everyone.
You thought about asking Bucky for help, but he was on a phone call when you went to approach him.
So, nervously, you sought out Steve. You don’t know why you were so nervous. It was just Steve. But the possibility that you just made a mistake, wasting paper, was scary. What if he got mad at you? You were given a simple job and you still managed to stuff it up.
His door was left ajar, and when you looked through the gap, you saw he wasn’t occupied. You still knocked on the wood, however, “Excuse me, Mr. Rogers?” You pushed the door open a little further as he turned his attention to you now, smiling softly at the sight of you, “There’s a few copies left over, but I printed the right amount and everyone got one…” You explained tentatively, heart rate picking up as he looks from the slightly heavy stack of forms, to your apprehensive expression.
“Oh, those go downstairs to the warehouse.” He stands from his seat, tone of voice completely unfazed by your ‘mistake’. It now seemed as if it was his own mistake for forgetting to mention to you that there was a warehouse, “It’s best if I come with you, it can be a little daunting down there.” He says, a hand finding it’s way to your back and guiding you out of the office.
“Okay,” You nod, following him through the office and into the elevator.
“Sorry about your desk by the way, I know it’s a little small and isolated.” He chuckles a little, but you shake your head.
“Oh! It’s fine.” You assure him, “Let’s me do stuff without anyone looking.” You joke. But Steve’s mind wanders to dirty thoughts. He knows your intentions with that were purely innocent, probably only referring to playing solitaire on your computer or online shopping. But he couldn’t help think about the idea of you doing… other things when no one was looking. Your blindingly perfect smile breaks him out of his thoughts and back to the present moment, “Kidding.”
“So you’re gonna be a trouble maker in my office, huh?” Steve decides to entertain your suddenly playful attitude, basking in the alone time the two of you have. Steve knows he can’t let his personal connections with you outside of work interfere with how he treats you inside of work. But what harm is a little fun?
“Of course not, Mr. Rogers.” You innocently bat your eyelashes up at him, biting your lip as a means to contain your smile.
Steve could’ve nutted in his slacks right then and there. Not only from your expression, but by the way you addressed him.
“You know you can just call me Steve, right?” He smiles, like Bucky, finding humour in the way you addressed him so professionally, “As much as I like the formality, no one else really calls me that so why should you have to?”
You blink up at him, tilting your head a little with a hum, “To boost your ego?” You let go of your lip to let out a small laugh and Steve can’t help but raise a brow at your sudden playful attitude. Also, slightly offended, even though he knows your joking.
“Okay, just because I said to drop the formality doesn’t mean you can bully me.” He shakes his head jokingly.
At that moment, the elevator doors open up to a large warehouse. There’s some loud music playing as burly men operate heavy machinery that beeps just as loud as the music.
“This way, sweetheart.” You can’t help but notice the way Steve feels threateningly closer to you. To be completely honest though, with the men on this floor, you rather prefer to be close to Steve at this moment. He leads you to a more developed side of the warehouse. It looks much like Steve’s office, the double doors leading into a seemingly soundproof room as the moment the doors shut behind you, it’s much less of a headache, “Frank,”
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Your attention is drawn to the man that sits at the mahogany desk at the end of the room. It’s just as fancy as Steve’s office as well and if the man himself didn’t intimidate you enough, the room surely did.
“Rogers,” He puts down his pen, standing out of his chair and rounding the desk to now sit on the edge, “Always a pleasant surprise.”
Steve smiles curtly before gesturing to you, “This is Y/N, our new assistant upstairs.” Steve tenses up at the way Frank eyes you up and down so openly. At least Bucky was discrete about it.
You offer a friendly smile, trying your best to hide your anxiousness as you step forward and shake his rather large hand that practically engulfs your own. But he’s surprisingly gentle, as if aware that he could most likely crush all the bones in your hand if he truly wanted to.
“Nice to meet you, angel.” He speaks and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. He’s soft spoken- despite his gruff voice, “Temp?”
“Uh, no. Family friends.” Steve answers for you. You miss it completely, too enamoured by the assortment of memorabilia around Franks office to notice the exchange of looks between Steve and Frank… “Anyway, Y/N, this is Frank Castle, he manages the warehouse. Bunch of hooligans, but he’s the best one for the job.”
Frank scoffs at the little joke, before nodding to you, “These the new policies?”
He holds out his hand for you to hand them over and you do so rather… obediently. At least that’s how Frank would describe it. He winks at you once you hand them over and enjoys the way your cheeks turn a light peach.
“Yeah. Hand them out, sign ‘em off. Y/N will come by and collect them by the end of the day.” You feel Steve hand find it’s way back to your lower back and it’s as if he knows exactly when to comfort you at all time. Ghee, maybe you’re not that good at hiding your emotions after all.
They both exchange understanding nods before Steve is heading for the door.
“Nice meeting you, Frank.” You smile politely, your fear of the man slowly fading away.
“Yeah, you too sweetheart.” He winks once more.
Once you exit through the door Steve’s holding open for you, you let out another breath you didn’t know you were holding. Even though you weren’t as scared anymore, there was just that tenseness in the air, it was like suffocating.
“He scares me a little.” You tell Steve as you both walk back to the elevator.
He laughs a little, pressing the up button of the elevator before stepping back to you, “Really?” You nod, with furrowed brows looking up at him, “He’s not so bad.” Steve shrugs.
He’d have to keep an eye on Frank. Wouldn’t want him- or anyone for that matter, scaring you off now.
Steve had given you a few more tasks to complete since then. Each one somewhat more difficult the last, mostly because you didn’t know what you were doing, but Bucky seemed to always be around for help. You were also quickly getting familiar with the actual office space itself, so you felt much more comfortable walking around the place and looking for things.
Just as you finished up creating an office calendar of all the events, meetings and due dates put in place so far, a familiar red head approached you at your desk.
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“Hey,” She smiles, resting her chin on her folded forearms on top of your partition. You smile up at her but before you can even say hi back, she’s speaking again, “I notice we have the same lunch break time, so did you wanna come get lunch with me?”
Your face lights up at her offer. Its gonna sound stupid but you were so worried about your lunch break. You didn’t want to sit alone like some loser, but you literally had no friends as of yet. And Bucky’s break was like an hour after yours and Steve’s had already passed. That really only left Frank, but you doubted he’d even want to have lunch with you.
“Yeah, sure!” You beam up at her and she flashes a pearly white smile.
You grab your purse from under your desk and make sure you’ve saved the work on your computer before following her to the elevator.
She takes you across the road to Starbucks and you both sit down at a table after you’ve ordered. You have a 30 minute break so you have more than enough time to talk and eat.
You engage in a little small talk. She asks you about your connection to Steve and your previous jobs.
“Forgive me, you’re in accounting right?” You ask her and she nods with a hum.
“I’m good with the numbers.” She confirms.
“I’m trying to remember everyone’s names and roles. There’s just so many of you.”
“You’ll remember soon enough.” She smiles softly, taking a sip of her coffee.
Though she intimidated you at first (what’s new?), you quickly opened up to Natasha. She gave you this older sister vibe, or a trustworthy aunt, or a likeable step mom. You felt like you could tell her anything and she’d give you the best advice in return without judgement.
After you lunch break, the clock seemed to quickly hit 5. You think you did pretty well with all the work you were assigned, yet you still had all those forms to collect. Some coworkers were proactive enough to hand them to you before you could collect them so that was nice.
But you still had at least 45 to still collect, so by the time it hit 4:45, you quickly made your rounds. Everyone had them on hand when you had come by, though some people still had to cross some T’s and dot some I’s, “Oh, you forgot to sign here as well.”
You straightened out the pile in your arms so that they weren’t a complete mess and slowly made your way down to the warehouse. You didn’t bother Steve to come with you, he had a meeting with the big, big boss, Tony- who you were yet to meet. A perk to your desk being so hidden away, you don’t think he even knew you were here.
So you made the trek down to the warehouse yourself. How bad could it be?
The music that had been playing when you first came down had quietened now- still playing but much quieter than the first time. You knew some of the men would work late into the night, around 9pm to ensure that orders were shipped out and stock was correct. You respected it, you’re certain it wasn’t easy working down here.
You made your way over to the office, cursing your heels for the way they clicked loudly against concrete floor, making a few men turn their attention towards you.
You knocked on the door to Franks office, “Mr. Castle?” You weren’t sure how strict he was on formalities, something told you he was like everyone else and preferred you to call him by his first name, but you didn’t want to risk it. Not with him.
You hear a muffled, ‘Come in’ which prompts you to open the door and step inside. “Hey Doll,” He smiles up at you, standing up and reaching for the stack of forms that sit at the edge of his desk, “All signed and ready to go.” He approaches you before you can approach him, and God, the way he towers over you almost makes you want to cower into the ground.
“Thank you.” You take the stack from him and place it on top of the ones from upstairs. In your peripheral, you see him remaining in his position in front of you, causing you to look up at him cautiously as he smiles down at you softly.
“How was your first day?” He asks, rather gently and you’re so genuinely confused on how you feel about this man.
“It was good. Everyone’s really nice and, I guess it’s a lot easier when you know the boss.” You shrug with a small laugh. You weren’t lying in the slightest, you had a really good first day- as good as first days can be. And it was most likely because of your connection to Steve.
“Well, you let me know if anyones causing you any trouble.” He nods, and it’s strange how he can make an offer sound threatening, “I could always use an assistant down here, but Steve won’t give me one.”
You just huff out a nervous laugh, shrugging your shoulders, “I’m happy to share myself around.”
You’re too enamoured by his smile to see his eyes darken at your comment. His tongue swipes across his bottom lip as he slowly nods, “Glad to hear it.” You smile sheepishly in response, “You have a good night. Hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You bid your goodbye and retreat from his office. This time around, despite not having Steve at your side, you found the room breathable. You didn’t hold your breath at all. Maybe you totally overthought Franks personality. He seemed like a nice guy, just with a very hard exterior.
Nonetheless, you made your way back up to the office. It was quickly clearing out as it just about hit 5:00. You quickly went to your desk and sorted the pile of forms in alphabetical order. You weren’t sure if you needed to, but it felt like the cherry on top of your shift. One last good deed, maybe it’ll do you good later on.
You quickly made your way to the annex, ignoring the way your feet ached in your heels. Push through, you told yourself. Your shift had basically finished and soon you would be home in your nice warm bed. Just deliver these forms to Human Resources and you’ll be on your merry way home.
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“Hey Wanda,” You greeted and she spun around in her chair with a bright smile on her face, “I have all of the forms for you. All signed and I put them in alphabetical order if that helps.”
“Oh my God, you’re an angel. Thank you.” She took the forms from you and looked at you like you just saved her life. She put the stack of paper aside before spinning back around to you, “Not bad for your first day… I’ll be sure to put in a good word.”
“Thank you,” You smile bashfully, twiddling with your fingers in front of you, “Well, you have a good night.”
You almost skipped back to your desk. The office had basically emptied completely now, the only person left was Maria at reception and Steve in his office.
You grabbed all your things, making sure that everything was the way you found it and that it would be easy for the cleaning ladies to vacuum.
After you exited your little cubicle, you head for Steve’s office. The conference room was now empty, indicating that the meeting he was having with Tony was over and that he was most likely back in his office.
You poke your head into the room and smile to yourself when you see him packing up his things. As you step inside, he finally looks up, a bright smile overtaking his features at the sight of you.
“Wanna quit yet?” He asks jokingly, but you’re sure he does actually want to hear your first impression of the job.
“I actually like it a lot.” You tell him, “Hopefully I haven’t jinxed it, but it’s actually really fun working here.”
He seems pleased enough with your answer and shuts his briefcase.
“Come on, I’ll walk you down.”
As you walk out into the hallway, you catch sight of the heavy rain that’s falling outside of the window.
“Oh no, it’s raining.” You stop in your tracks, staring out the window at the dark cloud that hovers over the city, “Do you have a spare umbrella by any chance?”
“You’re walking home?” He asks, concern laced in his tone.
“Yeah, it’s not that far-“
“I’ll drive you.” He cuts you off before you can finish your sentence.
“Are you sure?” You ask. It wasn’t that much of a big deal, it was only a bit of water. Sure, car would be nice but if you just had an umbrella you’d be set, “I could just buy an umbrella from the convenience store.”
He just shakes his head, “Perks of the job.”
You reluctantly take up his offer. Your feet were pretty sore and you would think of the ride as a little treat for your hard work today. You just hoped none of your coworkers would see and think anything of it.
That would be weird, right?
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*・゚☆
a/n: OKAY i kno it seems boring rn but i have many plans for it that i’m just gonna test out and if it turns to shit then i’ll just delete it and we’ll never speak of it again
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hansensgirl · 4 years
you better not shout, better not cry.
summary. | they know if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.
pairings. | Dark!Sebastian Stan x Reader, Dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader, Dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader, Dark!Charles Blackwood x Reader, Dark!Chris Evans x Reader, Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader, Dark!Ransom Drysdale x Reader, Dark!Andy Barber x Reader.
warnings. | NONCON/DUBCON, gang bang, eight-some, (forced and not forced) drinking, manipulation, coercion, dark themes, crimes, threatening, slight angst, mentions of cheating, age gaps, Daddy kink, Sir kink, power dynamics, boss/employee relationships, face fucking, oral (m receiving), dom/sub, finger sucking, degrading, praise, humiliation, voyeurism, fingering, double penetration, cum marking, facials, anal, unprotected sex, cream-pie kink, slapping, spanking, smoking, choking, hair pulling, manhandling, + more. 18+, DARK FIC.
word count. | 13k.
authors note. | merry christmas/happy holidays! please be wary of the warnings, and have yourself a merry christmas and/or a great day! don’t use my gif without permission, and don’t forget to read and reblog because i worked so hard on this. IF YOU’RE INSPIRED BY THIS FIC OR WANT TO USE A SIMILAR PLOT PLEASE MESSAGE ME FIRST OR ELSE YOU’LL BE BLOCKED. love you all sm! also gonna be submitting this to my bb @mypoisonedvine’s festive holiday challenge! (ty for beta-ing and putting up with me).
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Make my wish come true… All I want for Christmas is you…
A group of women erupts in laughter as they point at one of the ugly sweaters that their coworker wears. The man burns up with shame before grumbling off, making you furrow your eyebrows. You stifle a laugh, before grabbing a sugar cookie that you baked yourself. Little red sprinkles fall to the floor as you bite into the treat, the sound drowned out by the others.
The melodious voice of Mariah Carey starts playing and everyone cheers; you included. You quickly shut up, though, realizing how stupid you must look. Standing there by yourself, an elf costume on, stuffing your face full of cookies as you yell.
You find comfort in the numerous Christmas-themed treats — from sugar cookies to Rice Krispies, to cake pops. Your mouth salivates at the sight even though you just had a cookie. Everything is so irresistible… “Merry Christmas Eve!” A cheery voice calls from behind you, and your heart quickens its pace.
“Oh- uh, Merry Christmas Eve to you too, Mr. Barnes.” You stammer in shock, careful to not look up at him. You fiddle your crumb-covered fingers together, a habit that you have yet to lose. “No need to be nervous, doll. Are you enjoying yourself?” He asks, grabbing one of the cookies that are covered in green sprinkles. It’s shaped like a Christmas tree, and it’s one of your favourites.
“Uh, yes, Sir!” You answer quickly and nervously. Undeniably, everyone knows that Mr. Barnes drips with eloquence and dominance. As soon as he walks into the room, everyone either wants to be with him or be him. Everyone vies after him, and he knows that. He knows that, and he just makes it worse and worse and- “Why’re you alone by the snack table, doll?” He asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Oh well- I’m not overly friendly with the others- I mean I’m not rude to them! I’m just not close to them, that’s all.” You ramble nervously, wringing your hands. Bucky places a heavy hand on your shoulder and the butterflies in your start fluttering even harder and faster.
You struggle to look him in the eyes, those darned cerulean eyes that make you weak in the knees. “Oh, I’m so sorry about that… Have you been drinking, doll?” He asks you, and you choke on your saliva. “Oh I don’t drink, sorry if I’m being annoying…” You sheepishly apologize, realizing how out of line you must be acting. Truthfully, Mr. Barnes always has that effect on you.
“Uh- I should probably go see if everything is in order.” You say before Mr. Barnes can say anything else to you. “Happy Holidays!” You call out as you speed walk as far away your legs can take you. Three glasses of eggnog have you wobbling slightly but you’re determined to be far away from Mr. Barnes and the others.
In a way, they aren’t really your bosses. They’re just the CEOs and your boss is the head of the HR department. …Perhaps they are your bosses, but you’ve never really talked to them much. Mr. Bodecker’s temper always frightens you, Mr. Blackwood’s stare would always have you shaking, Mr. Barnes’s aura always makes you weak, and then there’s Mr. Stan himself. Everything about him sends numerous emotions through you and others as well.
You lean back against the wall and pull your phone out, sighing with a heavy heart. You’re not sure if it’s the heavy nostalgia of seeing Santa Claus sitting on a throne or the wallpaper on your screen but either one makes you tear up slightly. You already took photos of the party, and you’ve already sent well wishes to your friends, family and coworkers.
You look back up from your phone and try to decide whether or not you should scroll through your camera roll just to look busy to others. Whilst you ponder with your hazy mind, you accidentally lock eyes with Santa Claus. Younger you would’ve freaked out, but older you burns up with embarrassment. Suddenly, his white-gloved hand beckons you to him with a come-hither motion.
You point at yourself just to make sure because only you know how many mistakes you’ve made of thinking that someone was pointing at you. He nods and smiles, but you’re still not sure. Call it paranoia, call it anxiety, but there’s no way in hell that you’re going to make a fool of yourself on Christmas Eve.
You’re still unsure, so you look around and everyone else is off getting wasted in the main hall. Shiny confetti crunches under your flats as you hesitatingly walk over to Santa. He flashes you a smile and maybe it’s the egg nog talking but his pearly whites look awfully familiar to you. A waitress crosses your path, like a deer suddenly crossing the road. The platter that she holds gets slightly jilted but the shot glasses of tequila survive and her too.
You stop her and grab a couple of shots, taking them down the hatch with no shame at all. Liquid fire claims your throat as you have no remorse for your future self who’ll be hugging a toilet in the morning. You cough and sputter as you continue your way to Santa Claus. “Merry Christmas Eve, little girl!” He cheers delightfully.
You giggle drunkenly, the kind of laugh that would make anyone fall for you. “Oh, so no ‘Merry Christmas Eve’ for me? Seems like someone is asking for coal, or maybe even a spanking.” He drawls in a slight country-Santa accent. Perhaps your ears aren’t deceiving you, but there's no plausible way that Santa Claus just said… that.
“Oh— uh— Merry Christmas Eve!” You whoop, before bursting out in another fit of bubbly giggles. He laughs with you, but only for a few moments before taking in your appearance. Though you’re drunk on tequila, a few sips of wine from before the party and eggnog, he’s aiming to get drunk on your aura. Quiet yet sweet, a nervous mess that only furthers your adorable-ness and amazing desserts.
“See something you like, Mr. Claus?” You question him, snapping him out of his daze. You wiggle your eyebrows to your best ability, but you’re no actress. “Well, maybe I do, little girl.” He winks at you, and you swear that you’ve seen him before. “Wait- Do you work here? Or did we just hire you?” You ask him, as though you’re interviewing him.
“Can’t hire Santa Claus, little girl.” He disappointingly clicks his tongue. You let out an ‘oh’ before letting out a small laugh. He smiles at you and you bite your lipstick stained lip. Your coworkers are chanting in the background but you choose to artfully block them out. Maybe you’re not choosing, and it’s just the alcohol doing its wonders.
“I’m not little, why are you callin’ me little girl?” You slur your words as you question him again. “You are a little girl, and I can’t believe you’re back talking to Santa!” He scolds you, making your eyes water. You jut your bottom lip out in a pout and you’re doing the best puppy eyes that you can. “You been drinking a lot, huh little girl?” He asks you, turning the tables and you gladly let him.
“Yep! Gotta stay hydrated…” You tell him in a sing-song voice that makes him chuckle. “Silly little girl, getting all drunk in front of her coworkers…” He chides, grabbing your almost flailing arms. He pulls you up into his lap with a grunt, even though it doesn’t take much strength. You’re immediately reminded of the way he used to sit you in his lap.
Spinning you around in circles at first, loud giggles and begging for them to stop. Perhaps it’s fortunate that the alcohol renders your mind fuzzy and you can only make out a few colour blobs. “Whaddya’ want for Christmas, little girl?” He teasingly questions, smoothing a white-gloved hand over your hair. “Hmm, I can have anything?” You ask him, a bit of drool leaking out of the corner of your mouth. He nods, taking his thumb and lifting it to your mouth.
Oh, how he has the urge to just push his thumb past your lips and make you choke on it. “Well… I want a raise, even though I’m not all that worthy of the company… Just like my ex said, I’m easily replaceable. Oh! Can I ask for another thing?” You perk up even though your throat burns with sadness and your eyes are almost leaking.
Interested, Lee nods and drags his thumb across your rouge top lip. If he didn’t have a wife who drags him to makeup stores on the regular, he would’ve thought your lipstick was expensive. But it isn’t, because there’s no way your paycheck can afford a lipstick from Hermes or Christian Louboutin. “Can I know why my boyfriend left me? I know I may seem dull and quiet, but I have more to myself…” You sadly ask him, ashamed of how he abandoned you for one of your closest friends.
Lee’s heart breaks in two — making him question whether or not he had a heart after all. Insults had him believing that he’s heartless, but you’re making him question every fibre of his being. “I’m sorry about that, little girl. But what we don’t know can’t hurt us, right? Curiosity killed the cat, little girl.” He reminds you, talking down to you as though you truly are a little girl. “But satisfaction brought it back.” You sass in return, your voice cracking from the impending tears and alcohol.
“You need to listen to me, little girl. Your boyfriend doesn’t know jackshit about treating a girl like you right. He probably doesn’t even know where your clit is.” He scoffs abruptly. You lean in, listening to him as though he’s the wisest man ever. “Bet he can’t fuck that tight lil’ pussy a’ yours as well as a real man like me can.” He whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine and heat to your core.
“Didn’t know Santa Claus had such a filthy mouth…” You tease him, running your hands up and down his thick thighs. He groans, his cock stiffening up inside his red trousers.
“But, before anything like that happens… I would really like to have a raise.” You say with a heavy-hearted sigh. Lee has the urge to grab you tightly and shove his big, hard cock into any wet hole of yours. “Alright, little girl. But you need to continue to be a good girl, or else I won’t be able to get you anything except for a spanking.” He warns with a faux-smile beneath his fake beard. You giggle and squeeze his thighs, almost like a wave goodbye.
You stumble off, probably to go pee or hurl your guts into a toilet. He watches as your hips sway with each step of yours. The sight fuels the thought of you grinding yourself on his cock as you beg him to fuck you. He notices the party has died down to just people humping each other to party songs. Grumbling, Lee pulls the awfully fake beard away from his handsome face. Before, he was cursing his luck for drawing the short stick to become Santa. But now, he’s glad.
He’ll talk to your boss about the raise, maybe along with a promotion. If only the others could mind their own businesses. Literally. He’s glad that he wore only a dress shirt and not the double-breasted suit Jane suggested for him. “You comin’ or what? We gotta’ make these deals before everyone leaves.” Bucky asks as he swiftly walks past Lee. Lee nods and starts to take off the rest of the obnoxious costume. Bucky puts no effort into stifling his chuckle, a known trait of his.
Bucky smooths his hair back, even though not one strand is out of place. His arm whirrs wildly and his fist clenches every few seconds. His stress symptoms were the worst, but they’ve never been this bad. It’s risky; the deal that they’re about to make. For months, they had been making secret bribes, forging numbers and signatures, and putting their employees in loopholes from their contracts. But this deal was the riskiest. Their plan was well thought out, all thanks to Charles, whose middle name might as well be devious.
He stands in front of one of the glass doors. His reflection looks back at him. Somehow, the dark look in his eyes becomes enhanced. His huge frame only makes him more intimidating, but he knows that no woman ever had a problem with it. Except for one. “You comin’?” Lee asks as he brushes past Bucky, mocking his words from earlier on. Bucky rolls his eyes like a spoiled rich kid because he is one.
Bucky buttons his suit jacket and exhales one last time. He walks to his right and pushes the door open with only a little bit of strength. Laughter from different men fills the room, along with thick tension and the smell of expensive booze. “Oh, look who decided to join us!” Ransom sarcastically jabs at Bucky. “Look who finally got laid. I was beginning to think you couldn’t get it up anymore, Drysdale.” Bucky sneers at him, pouring himself a glass of Dalmore 62.
Ransom grumbles a few curse words under his breath and a prideful smirk spreads across Bucky’s face. They all have their ties loosened, maybe even the top buttons of their shirts but nobody cares enough to look. All but Mr. Stan and Mr. Evans are relaxed. They stare at each other with such glares they could murder one another. They all sit in their chairs, all similar. Except for Mr. Stan, who seems as though he’s sitting on a throne.
“They havin’ a starin’ contest or what?” Lee questions Bucky, downing the rest of the whiskey. “I don’t know, but didn’t they hate each other over some family feud shit?” Bucky asks in return, handing Lee the bottle of highland malt scotch. “Like the game?” Lee jokingly asks, knowing that the two head owners of the companies loved to get into petty squabbles. “We all fucking wish.” Bucky jeers, eliciting a chuckle from Lee. As much as they all hate each other, they always did have their moments when they weren’t insulting each other.
The only one who isn’t drinking, Andy, pipes up from all the talking. “So are we going to make this deal or not? I gotta get home for Christmas.” He grumbles just like the old man he is. “Oh fuck you, Barber. Just because you went to Harvard doesn’t mean you’re some busy guy.” Steve jabs, clenching his jaw in annoyance. He always hated Andy, and he proudly showed it.
Charles snickers, Ransom too. Lee and Bucky smirk from the sidelines. Andy clicks his tongue in a threatening way. But Sebastian and Chris send daggers in the form of glares at them. “I suppose we could sign the contracts and then celebrate… I could call the girls from Eighteen30’s.” Sebastian proposes, standing up from his seat. He emerges from the darkness like Batman, his beautiful eyes gleaming in the light. Everyone in the room groans in pleasure, recalling the moments they remembered from the last time they went to Eighteen30’s.
Andy pulls the contract out of his briefcase; an obvious “Andy” move. The sounds of glasses being set down on surfaces fill the room at different pitches. Evans simply turns around, stroking his beard as if he wants to say something. “Got something to say, Evans?” Charles asks him, giving him a devilish smile. “No, just thinking about how I’m gonna be rich as fuck once the ink dries.” He says in almost a hopeful manner. He thinks he has everyone deceived, but it’s the total opposite.
They all choose to keep quiet, wanting to just sign the goddamn papers and get it over with. “Just to be sure… We all know what this entails, right? More money, more power.” Sebastian states, pouring himself a glass of whisky. He never minds the burn, he actually loves it. They all nod, because who doesn’t love money and power? They all pull a pen out of their jackets, ever the businessmen. One by one, in smooth black loops, they sign their full names on the contracts.
Sebastian and Chris are the last to sign because their names carry the most weight. Charles lights his pipes and sighs as he takes a drag of smoke from it. As Lee watches Charles puff the smoke out of his mouth, he has the urge to light up a cigarette. But he can’t, because his doctor told him not to. So now he has to suffer the pain of fighting away that urge and Charles all but taunts him. He watches, and he fights, and he watches until he snaps.
“‘Scuse me.” He says, getting up. “Are you going for the champagne?” Sebastian asks, tracing the rim of his glass. Lee nods, lying to his business partner and longtime friend. “I’ll come with, can’t fucking stand the darkness.” He grumbles, following Lee. They both appreciate the fact that the part is still lively, maybe even more as booze has taken over everyone’s body. “Hey man, sorry you had to be Santa this year.” Sebastian apologizes, clearing his throat beforehand.
It’s not unexpected. Lee already knows that Sebastian is comfortable with him. “Ah, it’s alright. Only had to talk to a couple ‘a horny girls and Mrs. Patterson’s son. That lil’ fucker is cute an’ all, but he fuckin’ drooled on my hand.” Lee rants to him, making him let out a chuckle. “Well, the girls weren’t all that bad, right?” Sebastian questions him, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. “They were… somethin’. Most of them were obnoxious, except for one of ‘em.” Lee admits to him.
“Oh really? Anyone I might know?” Sebastian continues, handing Lee a cigarette. Lee gruffly thanks him and hands him his Valentino lighter. “Hmm… not sure. I don’t think anyone really knows her, she seems quiet. But she was drunk, so that was nice.” Lee tells him, sparing certain details. “She wanted a raise, and to know why her boyfriend left her for some other girl. I think it was her friend. Either way, she nearly started cryin’ on my lap.” Lee recounts to him, something he’d only do with his therapist.
Besides fucking her, of course.
“Oh… maybe we could give her a raise. Do you see her here?” Sebastian asks him with a smirk on his face. Lee wonders if Sebastian is thinking of the same thing that he is, and vice versa. Lee’s blown out eyes scan the crowd for you, hoping you’re still here. Maybe perhaps even more drunk than before. “She’s in this burgundy dress and had a mini Santa hat on… Red lipstick too.” Lee describes to him. Sebastian nods his head and keeps on looking for you.
“Think she had lingerie on underneath the dress… probably wanted to get back with her boyfriend.” Lee begrudgingly admits to Sebastian, finishing his cigarette. Smoke flies from both of them yet nobody seems to care. “How do you know she had lingerie on?” Sebastian teasingly asks him. Lee’s face burns up with slight embarrassment. “I… I was feeling her up, I couldn't help myself. She was all over me in the cutest way possible.” Even though Lee doesn’t give a rat’s ass about God, he’d swear on her that he’s telling the truth.
“Is that her?” Sebastian asks him, pointing at you as you walk out of the women’s bathroom. “Yeah…” Lee puts out his cigarette and throws it beside him, leaving it for the janitor to pick up. Sebastian does the same, aiming his cigarette more accurately. “Fuck, that little doll? I’ve always had my sights set on her. Always so cute and shy… Never bothered anyone.” Sebastian groans, hoping— no, knowing that Lee and the others are on the same boat as he.
“I have an idea,” Lee says, shoving his hands in his pockets. Sebastian follows him, going along with whatever his idea is. From your spot at the snack table, you manage to fill your now empty stomach with your sugar cookies. You’re slightly disappointed that not many of your treats have disappeared, but you tell yourself the night is still young. You look up at the sound of footsteps coming closer and nearly choke on a cookie.
“Oh my— uh, Merry Christmas Eve, Mr. Stan and Mr. Bodecker!” You cheer, stumbling on your words and yourself. “Hi, darlin’,” Lee says, giving you his signature ‘ladies only’ smile. You feel yourself become shy at the sight, but Mr. Stan makes you look back up. He clears his voice and you take in both of them. They both stand tall and intimidating, with enchanting stares that just capture you. “Merry Christmas Eve to you too, little girl,” Sebastian says, taking in your form.
You look absolutely adorable and innocent in front of them. In your little burgundy dress and Santa hat… slightly tipsy with cookie crumbs all over your face. “We came over here to ask you for a quick favour… We just closed one of our biggest deals and we’d love for you to help us bring the champagne. Maybe make a toast with us? It’s the least we can do since you brought all these lovely treats.” Lee explains, grabbing himself a sugar cookie.
It’s identical to the one you have in your hand; except yours is half-eaten and his only has a small nibble. “M- Me? Really?” You ask in shock, nearly going into full cardiac arrest. They probably don’t even know your name, but that doesn’t matter. At least they’re talking to you. “Yep! Unless someone else made all these delicious desserts.” Sebastian jokes around, slightly admitting that he tried a cookie. You shake your head in object and lace your sweaty fingers together.
God, why did you have to drink?
“I’d love to, Sirs.” You whisper with the utmost grace you can muster up whilst being half-drunk. They both nod and Lee places a heavy arm around your shoulders. The cookie in your hand breaks and you not so discreetly drop all the crumbs onto the floor. “Can I ask what the deal is for?” You question, not even daring to look up from the floor. “Oh, it’s nothing to worry your cute little brain about,” Sebastian tells you with a smile, quickly shutting you up and shutting the topic down.
They lead you to the bar and Sebastian makes a simple gesture with his hand. The bartender makes quick work of getting five champagne bottles and you’re easily amazed. Without realizing it, your jaw drops slightly in awe. Both Sebastian and Lee chuckle at how cute you are. The sounds are absolute heaven and they force you to realize something.
Holy-fucking-shit— You have feelings for your bosses.
You choke on your saliva at the epiphany, making Sebastian and Lee jump to you in concern. “Hey, are you okay?” Sebastian asks you, rubbing your back gently. Lee does this same, but his hand inches down to the small of your back. With anyone, you would jerk away and feel very uncomfortable. But with them… With them, it’s the complete opposite. You nod as you slowly calm down. The bartender sets the numerous bottles of champagne down on the bar.
Two bottles of Dom Pérignon, two bottles of Boërl & Kroff Magnum and one bottle of Goût de Diamant Brut. It’s the most expensive champagne in the world, costing $1.2 million. But to them and the company, it’s no big deal. You only know the price because he would rave about it on and on. You sniffle at the memory and Lee shushes you in a calming matter.
“Here, you lift this one, and we’ll carry the rest,” Lee instructs, handing you one of the bottles of Dom Pérignon. You hold onto the bottle tightly, but not too tightly. Sebastian and Lee point to where they’re going to celebrate, just to direct you. You walk in small steps, careful to not drop the bottle. They’d probably murder you if you did. “Right there, little girl… I— uh, I heard you wanted a raise, is that true?” Lee asks you, desperate to hear your lovely voice.
“Uh yeah, I just haven’t had a raise since I’ve been working here. All my coworkers are constantly getting raises…” You sheepishly admit to your two bosses. They nod and frown, how long has that been going on? They’ve kept their eyes on you since you started working here. You reach the door and you don’t open it because your two hands are occupied. Lee oddly knocks on the door, perhaps in a code. A few seconds pass, but the alcohol in your system makes it feel like an eternity.
Mr. Barnes opens up the door and gasps at you. “Nice to see you again, little girl.” He greets, smirking down at you. The sober version of you would’ve noticed the plethora of men in the room, but drunk-you can’t focus on too much at once. You nod shakily, swallowing thickly as you remember your encounter with Bucky earlier this evening. Bucky takes the champagne bottle from you and leads you inside, Sebastian and Lee following.
Bucky briefly leaves the room after setting down the bottle of champagne on one of the tables. It’s incredibly dark in the room and you can only make out the lights coming from the city. Sebastian flicks the lights on and you bite back a hiss at the sudden change. You look around and nearly drop dead right there and then. The company’s biggest enemies are here, smug as ever. “I… Huh?” You’re confused, not sure if your mind is playing a wicked trick on you.
Mr. Blackwood takes a drag from his pipe and then puts it out, the only remnants of it being the scent of smoke. In front of you, though, are Mr. Drysdale, Mr. Barber, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Evans. “Is this the little minx you’ve been telling us about?” Steve asks your bosses, unbuttoning his suit jacket. “Yep, even better in person,” Bucky says, pushing your hair to the side. “What’s going on?” You ask, trying to move away from him. Lee quickly stops you, his pudgy stomach pushing you closer to Bucky.
“Like I said before, little girl. Nothin’ for you to worry your little brain about.” Lee says, his country drawl sending shivers throughout your body. Little girl… The nickname is all too familiar, and it’s not like anyone else with a country accent would call you that. “You were Santa Claus?” You ask him, slightly nudging him. “She’s smart… Can’t fucking wait to make her go all stupid for our cocks.” Ransom says, a smug half-grin on his face.
You whimper at his words because they’re straight out of your greatest fantasies.
“Oh you like that, don’t you? You really wanna be dumb and stupid for our cocks?” Bucky asks in a condescending tone. You shake your head no because all you want is to get out of here. “Let’s get the real party started…” Chris ominously says, grabbing a bottle of Dom Pérignon. He pops it open, the wooden cork flying to the other side of the room.
Foam pours out of the bottle and everyone cheers, minus yourself. Instead, you flinch and still try to move from their grasps. Andy hands him the glasses and he pours everyone half a glass. You, on the other hand, receive a full glass with a strawberry inside. “I- I think I had enough to drink tonight…” You shyly tell them, inching your body away from Andy. “Nonsense, celebrate with us, little girl.” He objects, beginning to tilt the glass forward.
You shake your head and twist your face away, but Bucky’s metal hand stops you. He roughly grabs your jaw and squeezes until your mouth pops open. Champagne fills your mouth and you refuse to swallow. Lee’s fingers dance across your cheek and clamp over your nose, cutting off your only source of oxygen. “C’mon, swallow it all. Do it like the good little girl you are.” Charles demands, the praise going straight to the pit of your stomach.
You cave because there’s no way you’re winning this. Against your will, you swallow the bubbly golden liquid. Slight carbonation sizzles on your tongue and in the back of your throat. You have to admit, it is absolutely delightful. You now see why rich people drink it like it’s water. “That’s a good girl. See? Wasn’t so bad after all.” Andy praises you, tapping your cheek as though you’re a pet.
You whimper again, feeling Lee and Bucky grab your arms tightly. “As much as I love that cute little dress, I’d prefer to see you out of it,” Ransom smirks, handing Andy another glass of champagne. This time, it’s a glass of Boërl & Kroger Magnum. It’s stronger, much stronger than the previous one. Ransom’s hands come to the front of your favourite dress and a loud rip reverberates throughout the room.
You squeeze your eyes shut as the room fills with whistles and groans. “Fuckin’ hell, little girl.” Lee groans, his cock swelling up once again. Suddenly, everyone’s trousers are a few sizes too small. They drink in your lingerie-clad form and you grow even shyer underneath their strong gazes. “I don’t know if I wanna fuck you in this little get-up, or rip it off and then fuck you.” Steve groans, palming himself through his dress pants.
You don’t realize until now that they’ve all surrounded you. Andy tilts the glass into your slack jaw and you allow the bubbly beverage to fill your mouth. Why fight it? Plus, there’s no way you can get wasted off of champagne. You can feel a bit of champagne dribble down your chin and towards your cleavage. It has you feeling even more embarrassed and ashamed than you already are.
The sight fuels everyone in the room. “Fuck it,” Steve says, grabbing the glass from Andy. He throws it behind him, a crash reverberating in the room. You flinch at the sound and Ransom cooes condescendingly. “Are you scared, little girl?” Ransom asks you, tilting your chin up to his face. His blue eyes are blown out with lust and darkness. He smashes his lips against yours and you’re not sure whether to kiss him back or not.
A harsh hand squeezing your ass warns you to mimic his movements. The kiss is rough and filled with need. You try to keep up with kiss lips, so focused on doing it correctly. You don’t even realize that you’re being moved to one of the couches and that everyone has been stripped from their suits. The only article of clothing on the men is their boxers. Ransom shoves his tongue into your mouth and you let him dominate you. Sets of hands begin to feel up your body — groping, squeezing, rubbing.
You feel someone else’s lips on your neck, lightly peppering kisses near that sweet spot of yours. As soon as Charles hits it, you melt in all of their hands. “That’s a good girl, yeah.” Chris praises, cupping one of your tits through your bra. The strings on your lingerie are tearing away, the sound echoing in your ears. Your bra and underwear remain, with tethers of red string on them. Sebastian’s hands run up and down your waist, making goosebumps form.
You aren’t sure what Lee, Andy and Steve are doing, but you know their hands are on you somewhere. Then, Ransom pulls away. Your lips are swollen and they even hurt a bit, too. You can feel wetness pooling in your red panties, but you’re too drunk to care about your sudden neediness. You’re worried about what’s going to happen. Lee lifts you and places you on the expensive shag carpet.
You whimper in pain as the carpet digs into your skin remorselessly. “Sorry, baby. It’ll be worth it, don’t worry.” Lee gently tells you, rubbing your cheek. Suddenly, he strikes you harshly. You let out a shriek of pain and fear, but you’re quickly shushed. “Shh, I know you like that, look -- You’re rubbing your thighs together like a lil’ slut.” He jeers, stroking the other cheek. You whimper and shake your head, even though he’s correct.
“Lying isn’t very nice, little girl,” Steve warns, standing next to Lee. You look up at them both, tears welling in your beautiful eyes. The sight makes them even harder than they already are, to the point where it’s almost unbearable. Lee pulls his boxers down and so does Steve. You gasp and your jaw nearly drops. Their cocks bunce up and slap their lower abdomens. Pre-cum leaks from their swollen, red tips. They’re both roughly the same size, but Lee is thicker than Steve.
“You like what you see, little girl?” Steve asks, grabbing the base of his cock. It looks even bigger in his large hands, and you gulp in fear. You’re not sure why you’re nodding, but you can’t stop yourself. Lee gives his cock a few strokes, and Steve grabs a handful of your hair. You whimper loudly as he drags you closer to his cock. “Say ‘ahh’.” Steve teases, before shoving his cock into your mouth.
You’ve done this before, but never with someone of his length and girth. Your mouth and jaw immediately start to hurt at the stretch. His cock is only halfway into your mouth, but it’s quite possibly one of the worst feelings ever. Steve tugs at your hair again, and you take it as a sign to start sucking. You hollow your cheeks and begin to bob your head, your tongue laving at the bottom of his cock.
You can feel the different veins on his cock throb, pulsating underneath the wetness of your tongue. He groans above you and the others in the room whistle at you. You’re not sure where to look, so your eyes dart around. You end up locking eyes with the man above you and your squeak around his cock. The vibrations of your voice have him cursing like a sailor. “Fuckin’ hell, little girl. So good at sucking cock.” He praises, petting the top of your head.
You involuntarily hum at the praise, squeezing your thighs together. Suddenly, you’re pulled off of Steve’s cock. You gasp for air, not even realizing how you were barely breathing whilst sucking his cock. Your chest heaves and your heart clamours as Lee drags you closer to him. He slaps the fat tip of his cock on your thrumming cheek. You flinch, feeling sticky pre-cum stain your face. Lee shoves his cock in your mouth the same way Steve did, only this time he forces you all the way down.
Your nose meets his fuzzy, soft tummy. You gag and sputter around his cock, trying to control your very much needed breathing. Lee places both his hands on each side of your head. Somehow, he’s still a bit gentle with you, even though he’s forcing you to suck his cock. He slowly moves your head up and down, moaning softly at the feeling of your wet mouth. Saliva coats his coat with a sticky sheen that only helps you make him feel good and nothing more.
“Oh, fuck.” He groans loudly, tossing his head back. You swallow around his cock, your threat constricting around him for a brief moment. You can feel his heavy balls against your chin for a few moments every now and then. All of a sudden, you’re once again pulled away from his cock. Steve forces himself farther into your mouth, just like Lee.
You feel light-headed from the little bit of air you’re getting. But you know that’s not their priority. Gags fill the room and your eyes roll back into your head. You aren’t pulled off of his cock, yet. “Fuck, I’m pretty sure she’s enjoying this as much as you are, Steve,” Bucky says, only just realizing that you’re trying to alleviate the ache between your legs. Everyone’s eyes fall to your cunt, where you’re rubbing your thighs together and humping the hair like a little bunny.
“Bet she probably doesn’t even realize it…” Ransom smirks, feeling his cock throb. You can only hear some of their words. You don’t know what they’re talking about, but it can’t be good. Steve begins to thrust his cock into your mouth, moving his hips back and forth. His balls slap your chin, his cock stretches your mouth and his moans are the only thing your ears can hear. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He announces, and you shake your head in objection.
You place your hands on his thighs and push him as much as you can. Your efforts are wasted because he doesn’t budge at all. You decide to resort to hitting, but it still doesn’t do anything. Steve suddenly still and his cum shoots down your throat. White stickiness fills your mouth up and you whine loudly. Steve paints your mouth with white streaks and he sighs loudly. He doesn’t pull out even after he’s already come, and you’re confused.
“C’mon, swallow it all like the good little slut you are.” He husks, his voice a bit hoarse. He shoves his cock more into your throat and you have no choice but to swallow it all. As soon as you do, Lee pulls you away from Steve. “Fuckin’ piece of shit.” He grumbles loud enough for only you to hear. He gives a nod to someone and then grabs a hold of your head again. “Shh it’s okay, you can do it. I know you can, you’re a good girl.” He eases, slowly pushing his cock into your wet cavern.
Unlike Steve, Lee is a bit gentler. Maybe it’s because his heart is slightly bigger than his dick. His cock hits your gag reflex and you’re so fucking lucky that you aren’t having any… accidents. Steve’s cum is still lingering in your mouth — musky, a little salty, and sticky. The droplets that are on the side of your mouth roll down Lee’s cock, leaving slight wetness on him that isn’t saliva. As soon as your nose nuzzles against his stomach, he groans.
He keeps your head locked in place for some reason, you’re not exactly sure why. Maybe he’s giving you some time to get used to his thickness. You hum in delight, a way of showing that you’re thankful that he’s sparing you some humanity. He chuckles, stroking one of your cock-filled cheeks. Cold fingers crawl between your thigh and you jump in fear. Your body doesn’t fully jerk away because of Lee’s strength. You can see Bucky smirking from your peripheral view and he rubs your wet cunt through the panties.
You shake your head and try to kick him away, but he stops you from protesting. Bucky spanks your ass harshly, watching as the skin ripples from the force. “Uh uh, stop that. Don’t make me put you over my knee and spank you ‘till you’re bleeding.” He threatens, placing one of his knees on your leg. You try to wiggly away from him, but your attempts are fruitless. You accept defeat, but only for now.
His metal hand returns to your cunt and he grabs the crotch of your soaking wet underwear. Bucky pulls it away from your cunt and you can still see his grin as smug as ever. You look up at Lee and your eyes plead for him to stop it all, but he just rubs your bulging throat. He moans at the slight pleasure and you gulp in fear. His thumb rubs at your cheek whilst Bucky rips your underwear away from your pussy.
Sebastian, Chris, Ransom, Andy, Charles, and Steve watch the sight before them with their hands palming their hard cocks. “She’s so fucking wet, aren’t you, little girl? Bet you got this wet just from sucking their cocks, ‘cause you love it so much. You love being a little slut for us.” He sneers, lightly smacking your cunt. You whimper around Lee’s cock and he grows tired of holding back.
He drags his hips back slightly and moves your head away from his cock, before pushing you back down rather quickly and harshly. You feel Bucky’s fingers trace at your drooling hole, occasionally dipping the tip of one of his fingers inside. He traces your wet lips and your sensitive clit too. You twitch at the sudden stimulation. Lee guides you up and down his cock at a rather decent pace. Your gags, wet noises and Lee’s moans fill the room in a rather melodious manner.
Bucky pushes one finger into your tight cunt, groaning at how your pussy immediately hugs his digit. “God, you’re so fucking tight. This cunt just needs to be destroyed, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, we’re gonna ruin it for any other man.” Bucky chuckles, pushing his digit further into you. He feels around, searching that spot that you haven’t found yet.
“You look so pretty with your mouth stuffed full of my cock, little girl. So fuckin’ pretty, ‘s like it was made just for me.” Lee cooes at you, thrusting even harder into your mouth. Tears sting your eyes but you ignore them. Bucky let’s put a noise of satisfaction and pride as you clench around his fingers. “There it is… Do you like it when I touch you like that, baby? Yeah, I know you do. Fuckin’ love it.” He husks in your ear, before nibbling on your earlobe.
You squeeze your eyes shut once Bucky starts moving his fingers inside you. Lee fucks your face with sloppy movements, signalling his impending orgasm. You place your hands on his thick, squishy thighs. Your short nails dig into his soft skin slightly as Bucky assaults your g-spot with his metal fingers. Lee pulls out your hair, a delicious sting radiating from your head. The pain makes you sputter once again around his cock, and that’s when Lee loses himself.
Just like Steve, he shoves his cock further down your throat as he hits his orgasm. His hot cum shoots down your throat, some of it filling your mouth up along with his cock. His hips are stilled but his cock is twitching almost wildly in your mouth. You can feel him throbbing against your tongue and you’re more ashamed than ever. Hopefully, it’s all over now. You shut your eyes close, unable to look Lee in his eyes.
He gives your cheek a light slap, and this time you don’t shriek or flinch. You swallow obediently around his cock, losing all defiance just so that it can all be over. You cringe at the feeling of his cum sliding down your throat, which is a fleeting moment. Bucky’s other hand reaches down to play with your little pearl of nerves. Suddenly, you’re gushing around his single-digit as it thrusts in and out of your pussy. “You look so pretty when you come, little girl. Such a sight.” Bucky whispers in your ear, kissing your neck.
“Aw, you love this, don’t you?” Lee asks, watching as you struggle to keep yourself together. You shake your head, even though the man above you doesn’t allow you to move. “Yeah, you do. You love sucking your seniors’ cocks and having your bosses watch. That’s why you’re all wet, right? Soaking Bucky’s fingers an’ coming all around them.” Lee presses, pulling his cock out. Somehow, he’s still as hard as ever. Steve too.
You open your mouth up to scream for help, but Ransom quickly stops you. His hand wraps around your neck and squeezes, cutting you off. Your scream for help dies down in your throat and so has all the fight in your body. Bucky continues to fuck you with his finger and his hand doesn’t leave your clit either. His movements are quicker, much quicker. Ransom leans his face close to yours, a dangerous scowl staining his.
“Do you want us to be rough, hm? We can fucking ruin you, and your holes. Are you that fucking stupid to try and scream? Who’s gonna help you anyway? Especially if they walk in to see you bouncing up and down on our cocks, begging for our cum.” He spits, squeezing your throat even tighter. “I— I’m sorry.” You apologize, scared of the man in front of you and the others who surround you.
You can feel yourself slowly losing consciousness, slowly but surely. Tears sting your eyes and begin to leak down your cheeks, maybe Ransom chuckle. You can feel his pinky ring dig into the skin of your neck, just like how you can feel Bucky’s fingers push against your sweet spot. “Do you wanna breathe, or do you wanna cum like a good girl?” He asks lowly, staring right into your eyes. You’re not sure what the right answer is, but you can barely think.
From the loss of oxygen to the way Bucky's fingers and slowing down and denying your pleasure. You feel Ransom’s fingers loosen a bit, almost as if he’s giving you a hint. You’re sure he knows you can’t think straight, and he’s probably going to tease you for it. “I… I wanna cum like-- like a good girl…” You breathlessly admit, feeling your eyes flutter shut. “Please…” You beg, more tears leaking from your glassy eyes.
Ransom lets go of your neck but he doesn’t let you fall. Bucky’s ministrations on your pussy speed up, bringing you closer to the edge. White fire burns in your stomach and cunt as you can feel yourself about to cum. “Please, please, please, Sir…” You unconsciously beg, before starting to sob. “Awe… Look at you, so desperate. Hm? You don’t even care if you were gonna pass out, you just want to come.” Ransoms jabs at you, grabbing your face roughly.
You can see that he’s taken off his boxers, his hard cock hanging between his built thighs. “Do it, come right fucking now.” He demands, before hollowing his cheeks out. You can’t see what he’s doing through your bleary eyesight, but you have a feeling that it isn’t good for you. You let out a gasp as Ransom spit on your face, his sticky salvia painting your left cheek.
It drips down to your open mouth in the worst way possible. You let it roll into your mouth because you can’t stop it. “Oh my God, yes…” You pant desperately as you hit your climax. You cum all over Bucky’s fingers, your cunt spasming. You moan loudly, just like the slut they claim you are. Bucky rubs your clit and continues to finger you until you can barely keep yourself up. “So sensitive… God, I’m gonna have so much fun with this pussy.” Bucky groans, slowing down his movements.
You barely have any time to collect yourself from your heaven-sent orgasm. You’re being lifted and placed on someone else. You rub your eyes and turn around, just to see Andy smirking up at you. His kind-seeming eyes, but his smile tells a different story. You turn back around, just to see your bosses and their deviant partners surrounding you. Charles steps forward with his signet ring-decorated hand wrapped around his cock.
He stares you down as he spits in his hands and brings it to his cock. He strokes himself slowly, the salvia making lewd squelching sounds. Andy’s hands crawl up your ass to your soft thighs. He grabs your skin and spreads your legs as wide as he deems best. His thighs rest under yours as Charles kneels down in front of you. “Such a pretty little pussy, Bambina.” He softly tells you, as though he’s your lover.
It seems that you’re looking at him, it truly does. But in reality, you’ve zoned out to a land far, far away from where there were no monsters like these men. Only princes and heroes like him. “Look at her, she looks so fucked out.” Steve comments, pointing at you. Charles hums, before snapping his fingers. Your trip is cut short, and you’re back to reality. Charles grabs the base of his cock and slaps the head of it on your sensitive clit, making you twitch.
Andy runs two of his fingers across your face; his pointer and his middle finger. He moves down to your slightly parted lips and pushes them inside. Charles smears his pre-cum against your wet lips, mixing the stickiness with your cum. You whimper at the feeling and focus on that only. “C’mon, suck on my fingers like it’s my cock, little girl.” Andy urges, pressing your tongue with his fingers.
You hesitatingly comply, trying to please him. The more you listen, the quicker it’ll all be over, right? “You’re just a good little slut, aren’t you? So good, the best little girl ever.” Charles praises, running the head of his cock through your folds. If this was all… okay, then you would agree with him and serve your duties as a good girl. But it isn’t okay, so you leave it at that. Charles pulls his now soaking wet cock away from your pussy, and you feel him push in.
But it isn’t him. It’s Andy’s cock. He slowly pushes into you, stretching you until it hurts like nothing before. He bottoms out with a loud moan that nearly makes your right ear hurt. He doesn’t begin to fuck you brutally, as any man would. No, he stays buried in your wet cunt and Charles seizes the moment. His wet cock head nudges against your other hole, the one that was forbidden to your boyfriend — ex-boyfriend.
You flinch and try to close your legs, but Andy stops you as quickly as possible. “Please…” You beg, using your eyes to tell him “No, I don’t want this. Please stop.” He shushes you and pushes the head of his cock in slightly. You’re gratefully he doesn’t just get on with it and brutalizes you. Andy pulls out of your wet cunt and you’re immensely confused.
To be honest, though, you always are.
Charles pushes into your cunt and fills you up like Andy. He immediately finds your sweet spot just like Bucky did. Andy grabs his cock and leads it to your tighter hole, before slowly pushing in. He groans loudly at how tight you are, how much you’re squeezing him like a vice. “No, stop it, please.” You beg, trying to get up from your spot on his chest.
He pulls you back down and Charles wraps his hand around your throat. “Shut up. Shut your fucking mouth before I get one of them to stuff it full with their cock.” He threatens. His face is calm in the most frightening way possible. Andy curses behind you as he finally bottoms out inside your ass. The pain makes you want to scream, but after your previous antics, you choose to just bite your lip and keep quiet.
Your short, red nails dig into your palms and draw blood, but it doesn’t hurt that badly. They both nod at each other but you don’t notice it at all, too focused on the excruciating pain you’re feeling. You might say that you’re about to pass out, but you can’t even form anything more than “please,” and moans of pain. Charles’s rough thumb rests upon your throbbing clit, ready to bring you to your orgasm.
But God, you’re squeezing his cock so tightly with your pussy it takes him a few moments to collect himself. “You’re squeezing our cocks so nicely, little baby. You just don’t wanna let us go.” Andy chuckles, wiggling his hips for some friction. You let out a loud moan — and you’re not sure if it’s of pain or pleasure.
Charles slowly drags his cock out of your cunt, leaving just the tip inside you. The feeling of sudden emptiness reminds you of when you stand up too quickly after laying down for a while. Mind-altering, if you must say. He slams back inside you and Andy does the opposite; pulling out of you. Charles fuck you slow, yet hard and rough. He rubs your clot quickly as he fucks you relentlessly.
Groans, whistles, curse words and moans all fill the room yet you only focus on the way their cocks are driving in and out of you. “Fuck, such a nice ass. You love having Daddy’s cock in your ass, don’t you?” Andy asks, looking straight down to where you’re connected. You swallow thickly and Charles feels it against his hand. He squeezes the sides of your throat slightly, and you nod quickly.
“Say it. Say you love having my cock fuck your little ass. I bet nobody ever fucked you like this, not even that lousy boyfriend of yours. You probably wished he took you like the little slut you are, destroying all your holes.” He demands as his dirty words make you wetter and wetter. “I…” You pant helplessly, looking around.
Everyone stares you down, their cocks in their hands as they slowly jerk off to you. “I l-love having your c-cock fuck my a-ass, Daddy.” You sheepishly tell him, whispering that last part. “Brava, Bambina.” Charles praises, punctuating his words with one thrust that hits your cervix. You let out a cry and the lewd sounds of them fucking you are drowned out for a brief second.
Charles continues to pummel your g-spot, and occasionally, your cervix. The pain isn’t as bad as the pain Andy is causing you. You can feel Andy’s cock pulsating in you, driving in and out of you. You’re sure you’re probably bleeding, but you know that none of these men care. “Fuck, she’s so stretched out…” Someone says, loud enough so you can hear.
You feel yourself being pushed to the edge at a rather fast pace. “You gonna come, baby? You gotta ask us first.” Charles snickers, slowing down his thrusts and taking away his thumb from your clit. You whine out like a bitch in heat, desperate to come all over their cocks. “Please…” You beg, gyrating your hips so that Charles can continue to fuck you like a starved man.
“Gotta do better than that, Tesoro Mio.” He hums, pulling out even more. He watches in awe as your wetness coats his cock like nothing before. In the bright lights, his cock glistens with your juices. “Please, please let me come! I need it, I want to come so badly, Sir!” You beg, bucking your hips upwards. “That’s a good little slut.” He praises, pushing back into your cunt. You moan loudly and wantonly once he bottoms out again.
The pain in your ass finally turns into pleasure and you moan even louder. “Oh my god!” You squeal despite your throat hurting. You grind down on their cocks slightly, chasing your orgasm. “Please let me come. Please, Sir… Please, Daddy!” You beg involuntarily, taking a page out of your wildest fantasies. Your words spur them on and you’re suddenly crashing into a lovely climax. You moan loudly and clamp down on their cocks as much as your body lets you.
“Fuck, you’re even more beautiful when you come around our cocks. You love being fucked by two men, don’t you? Yeah, yeah you do. That’s why you’re being so needy and desperate.” Andy groans in your ear, feeling his balls tighten up as you milk him and Charles for all they’re worth. You nod in agreement, not even caring anymore,
You soak their cocks with your cum, and your eyes roll back into your skull. “Awe, look at her. She goin’ all stupid.” Lee teases, squeezing the base of his cock to stave off his release. Your heart clamours in your chest, beating wildly as you struggle to come down from your high. Your mind has a slight buzz to it, and the champagne is the one to blame. You can hear soft moans from the other men, and you fight back a shy smile of pride.
Charles and Andy both have beads of sweat dripping down their skin, enhancing your arousal. They both curse under their breaths and groan. Andy’s hips still first, and his cock twitches inside you. “Oh fuck…” He groans in a low voice. Streaks of cum paint your insides, filling you up in a pleasant way possible. You sigh at the feeling and look up at Charles. He squeezes your throat a bit tighter, which only makes you wetter.
His thrusts are slow and sloppy, signalling his orgasm. “Please come in me… Please, Sir.” You whisper to him, knowing he needs something to push him over the edge. “Fill me up with your cum, Sir.” You add, remembering certain lines from porn videos you used to watch. “Oh— fuck…” He groans as he comes inside you. You can feel his cum, filling you up to the brim and then some. Andy pulls out, his cock lightly brushing against Charles’s thigh.
You watch Charles as he slowly comes down from euphoria. You feel empty, so empty. Bucky watches with hungry eyes as cum and a tinge of blood leaks out of your asshole. It’s slightly stretched, which only turns him on even more. Charles drags his cock out of your pussy, slowly and carefully just so that he won’t hurt you.
Again, if the circumstances weren’t so… fucked up, you would’ve enjoyed this all.
You sigh and flop backwards onto Andy’s chest, ready for sleep to take you. You feel your eyes flutter shut, but then you’re jerked back to reality. Your eyes open up just for you to come face to face with Bucky, who smiles deviously at you. “I know you’re tired, baby, but we’re not done with you yet.” He cooes at you, rubbing your ass.
You don’t know where he’s taking you, but you hope it’s somewhere near the door.
“Hi, baby girl… You feelin’ good?” A raspy yet oh-so-familiar voice asks you. You rub your eyes as you’re set on someone’s lap. Ransom’s dark, lust-filled eyes lock with your tired ones. It takes you a good few moments to nod, and he chuckles. His hand comes up to your face, cupping your slightly sticky cheek. He caresses your face with his thumb, and you involuntarily lean into his touch.
Bucky pushes you farther into Ransom’s arms and he grabs your hurting hips. Cum leaks from both of your aching, stretched holes. Ransom’s hand leaves your cheek, but it quickly returns. But this time, it isn’t sweet and loving. No. Instead, he gives you a light slap on the cheek, just like Lee did. The coolness of his ring on your hot skin is… refreshing. It’s different.
Your ass is lifted into the air slightly, giving Bucky easy access to your stretched out rim. Bucky runs his hands up and down your ass, occasionally spanking you. The crack of his hand against your skin is just a reminder of your situation. You can feel Ransom’s cock resting right beneath your abused cunt, throbbing with want and need.
He grabs the base of his cock and lines the fat, leaking tip up to your cum-filled hole. Neither he nor Bucky needs any lube, all thanks to Andy and Charles. In one thrust, he fills you in a way that your fingers can’t. You can feel Bucky scoop up some of the cum leaking from your holes, along with your juices. Everywhere is tingling, a sensation unlike anything else.
He brings his fingers up to your mouth and Ransom squeezes your jaw until your mouth falls open, just like before. Bucky quickly pushes his fingers into your mouth. The taste of cum — salty, musky, and sweet — fills your mouth. It laps over your tongue and you involuntarily swallow it all. Whilst being distracted by Bucky’s fingers in your mouth, you don’t realize that he’s already pushing into your ass.
You gasp around his fingers as he quickly bottoms out inside you. Bucky’s too eager to take it slow. Bucky takes his now spit-slick fingers and wraps his arm around you, reaching down to your clit. You feel even more full than when Andy and Charles were in you. Maybe it’s the added cum, or maybe it’s the same and you’re just not used to being filled by two cocks.
Ransom moves his hand to your stomach and rubs the skin there — the bulging skin. The outline of his cock is faint, but it’s there. “Look at you, all filled up with our cocks.” Ransom whispers, before roughly grabbing your hips. He grinds you down onto his cock before lifting you slightly. Both he and Buckypull out slightly and start shallowly thrusting into you, almost in a teasing way.
You want more, you want more pleasure so badly. You want them to fuck you hard, for them to fuck you deeply and maybe even roughly. “You want something, don’t you, baby? So ungrateful…” Ransom disappointingly coaxes. You thrust back onto Bucky’s cock, a trick you learned from when you caught your ex-boyfriend balls-deep in your closest friend. Then, you grind down on Ransom’s cock.
Cum drips from both of your entrances and runs down the sides of their shafts and your inner thighs. “Fuck, if you wanted it that badly all you had to do was ask real sweetly.” Bucky groans, losing all sense and self-control. He pulls his cock out all the way, not even leaving the tip inside your ass. Ransom pulls halfway out and then bucks his hips up. He fucks back into you, but this time it’s more deep and punctuated.
“Oh— Thank you… Thank you, Sir!” You squeal as Ransom pounds against your g-spot over and over. His sticky, swollen, heavy balls slap against your empty ass. Bucky rubs your clit slowly, just to hear you whine like the desperate slut you are. “C’mon, make some noise for Daddy.” He demands in your ear, rubbing the tip of his cock on your other hole.
The feeling is lovely, but you crave more. “Please… Please fuck my ass, Daddy! I wan’ it so bad, wan’ you to put your big cock in me… Please, please…” You beg whilst you pant wildly. “примерная девочка.” He husks before pushing his hips forward. Despite having your… anal cherry being just popped, he acts as though you’re constantly begging to take it up the ass.
“Fuck, she doing that thing again,” Ransom comments, staring at your face. By ‘that thing,’ he means that way your mouth drops open in a silent scream and your eyes roll back into your skull. You clench around both Bucky’s and Ransom’s cocks, even though your muscles are barely working. You fall onto Ransom’s chest and you can hear his heart beating wildly in his chest, just like yours.
Unbeknownst to you, you just gave Bucky more leverage to fuck your ass. He takes his hand away from your clit and instead wraps it around your hair. He gives your hair a slight tug, and starts fucking you even harder. You dig your nails into Ransom’s chest at the stronger thrusts overpower your entire body and mind. You can hear a groan rumbling in his chest. “Fuck, best pussy I ever had.” He growls, finishing his sentence with one painful snap of his hips that goes straight to your cervix.
“Oh, can I come, please? I need it so— so badly, Daddy… Please, please let me come…” You beg, feeling the knot in your stomach beginning to tighten up. The pressure increases and you’re not sure if you can hold out for a minute more. The lewd sounds, the feeling of their cocks driving in and out of you, and their moans all push you to the edge.
“Awe, well go ahead, little girl. You’ve earned it, come all over our cocks.”
“Yeah… Fuck— I don’t think ‘m gonna last any longer…” Bucky curses under his breath loud enough for you and Ransom to hear. Ransom nods, a bead of sweat running down his neck. Bucky’s metal hand comes up to your bra and he unhooks it. Ransom grabs the cheap fabric and throws it at one of his friends. Ransom gives a wink to Lee, who pockets your bra.
Your tits are sticky with dried champagne from before. Ransom has the urge to swirl his tongue around your hardened nubs until you’re coming around their cocks once again. But his basic needs are just more important than yours as of now. Bucky’s hips still first, his brutality against your ass finally coming to an end.
He swallows thickly — but he gets caught off by a loud, deep moan of his own. It’s right in your ear, and Bucky has you use your body as a brace to hold himself up. His balls tighten up and cum shoots inside your ass. You’re far more sensitive than the previous time and now you can feel every single drop painting your walls. Ransom follows, his load pumping into you in a relieving way. Your walls encompass them both, hugging them tightly.
Bucky fucks into you with a few more thrusts; shallow and quick. He prolongs his orgasm until his mind is fuzzy and his cock can’t take it. He pulls out, removing his hand from your hair and he sighs. His and Andy’s cum follows his cock along with a streak of light pink. He feels nice, prideful in a way that throughout all the pain, you only ever took pleasure.
Ransom keeps his cock locked inside of you, and he just knows that you’re on the verge of either crying, screaming, or passing out. He also knows that you’re smart, and won’t do anything other than remain docile for Sebastian and Chris. “C- Can I go now? I won’t tell anyone– I swear!” You plead to Ransom in an excited sort of whisper. Ransom clenches his jaw and stares down at you, and your lips turn down into a frown.
“You’re lucky we aren’t alone.” He tells you and his words are enough to shut you up. You whimper, but you don’t apologize. “You’ve been such a good girl…” Sebastian says from behind you. You turn around and look up at him. He smiles at you and it’s gentle, almost reassuring. But you don’t return it. Sebastian wraps his muscly arms around you and picks you up with ease.
Ransom’s cock slips from your folds with ease, and cum drips from your filled up pussy. White stickiness drips down your slightly sweaty thighs and it makes you feel so conscience-stricken. Unlike every other time — like when you were sucking off Lee and Steve, or getting fucked by Ransom and Bucky or Charles and Andy — you’re now standing up. It’s weird, a funny feeling that might take you a few seconds to get used to.
Chris comes up to you and he has a menacing stance. He cups your face with his soft yet slightly coarse hands. You flinch, scared that he’ll slap you the way Ransom did beforehand. Luckily, he doesn’t. “Aw, you’re scared, aren’t you?” Chris asks you, rubbing your top lip with his thumb. You hesitatingly nod. “Don’t be. The only thing you should be scared of is us destroying your holes… And by the looks of it, it seems like we already have.” He chuckles in a mocking manner.
You gulp thickly and try to ignore the newfound wetness that is pooling in your core. Along with it is a fire that doesn’t seem to be put out yet. Sebastian’s hands move from your waist to your back, and then to your hips. His movements are gentle and soft, almost as if his intentions hold no malice. But the truth is a complete contrast to what he’s trying to imply.
He spins you around in one swift movement and your world tilts on its axis for a brief moment. You grip his biceps as you try to get a hold of yourself. “Wanna see this pretty face while I fuck you into oblivion.” He mumbles under his breath, and you can feel Chris’s hands running all over your hurting ass. “And I wanna see this ass while I fuck it.” Chris chuckles in your ear once again.
He lands a spank onto your ass, watching the skin ripple in such a marvellous way he swears he’ll never see a girl as pretty as you. Sebastian lifts you up and on instinct, you wrap your legs around his waist. You can feel Sebastian’s cock right near your beaten up, cum-filled entrance. Then, you feel Chris’s tip at your other entrance.
They both thrust into you at once, and a loud squelching noise fills the room. “That cunt is so filled up…” Steve comments from the side, slowly jerking his cock off. You squeeze your eyes shut at his words, and try to block them out. Sebastian lets out a choked moan, whereas Chris groans lowly in your ear.
They both hold you up by your ass, and they start to thrust into you hard and fast. Your head lols back onto Chris’s shoulder and you can barely keep up with them. Sebastian’s hips buck up to your pussy and his cockhead slams into your cervix. “Ow…” You whine, before biting down on your lip. Your lipstick is smeared and your makeup is all ruined, but that seems to be the last thing on your mind.
You’re so fucking sensitive, it’s practically hilarious. Your little body has reached its limit... but maybe your body has no limit anymore. “Shh, just give up, babydoll. You’re doing so good, letting us use you.” Sebastian praises as he delivers a nice, harsh thrust. Chris ruts into you like no tomorrow, treating you like the fleshlight you are.
“Yeah– You love getting used. Bet your boyfriend couldn’t fuck you like this, couldn’t make you feel this good. He probably didn’t know how much of a slut you are.” Chris whispers in your ear whilst he grinds his cock into you. Both of their cocks are covered in cum, but they don’t mind. “These holes belong to us, right? All ours, ready to be used anytime.” Mr. Evans adds.
His slightly greying beard scratches your skin, right where Ransom was choking you. He places a few kisses on your bruising, hurting neck. Your hardened nipples rub against Sebastian’s sweaty chest, and your bulging abdomen touches his, too. “It’s… ‘S too much..” You complain in a dragged out, pathetic whine that turns into a moan. “Oh, it’s too much? Poor baby… Do you want us to slow down?” Chris asks, bringing his thrusts to a halt.
You nod before you start begging because you know they want the cherry on top. “Yes, please. Please, Sir, please slow down.” You ask them politely. You even flash your signature puppy dog eyes, hoping they haven’t gone out of style yet. They both coo at you, before smirking at each other. You shut your eyes and sigh, but your eyelids fly back open when you feel Sebastian and Chris starting to fuck you even harder.
“Too bad,” Sebastian grunts. “You’re going to take whatever the fuck we give you.” He sneers, and you can feel that pressure in your stomach beginning to increase. But it’s too much, more than you can handle. You shake your head and beg them to stop, but your pleas are silenced when Chris wraps his hand around your throat.
Every word that’s in your mouth dies down, and the only thing that comes from you are your moans and whimpers. “You’re gonna come, aren’t you? Just can’t help it, it feels too fucking good, doesn’t it? Do it, come all over our cocks right fucking now.” Sebastian growls as your moans become louder and your grip on their cocks grow tighter.
Your legs are shaking as you come undone. Your hands curl into fists and your eyes shut as they roll back. Your wet walls gush around their thick, long cocks and they continue to fuck you until you’re babbling like a dumb little baby. “Fuck…” Chris curses under his breath, his thrusts becoming sloppy. It’s the same for Sebastian, and inside you’re elated.
Finally, finally, it’s all over.
They both pull out and you’re all but confused. They set you on the ground and you can barely stand without holding on to either Chris or Sebastian. Lee chuckles, and you shut your eyes in embarrassment. “Oh, don’t be like that.” Ransom sasses from Lee’s left side. He’s right. These men just put you through hell, and that’s what you’re going to be embarrassed about?
Sebastian pushes you to your knees and you fall with a muffled thud. Once again, the carpet digs into your knees but this time it isn’t as painful. You look up, and you’re suddenly surrounded by everyone. Mr. Stan, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Bodecker, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Evans, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Drysdale, and Mr. Barber… You’re not sure whether you should look at any of them in the eyes or not.
Truthfully, you’re not sure what to do. Should you run? Scream? Fight? Stay put? Millions of thoughts run through your mind but none of them seem to fully register. Everyone’s dominant hands are on their cocks, moving up and down at a rather fast pace. Chris and Sebastian fuck their hands even faster, eager to meet their climaxes.
Their moans and groans go straight to your wet pussy, fueling certain feelings you had been trying to push down all night. “Fuck, yes…” Chris moans coarsely. His balls tighten up and his red tip lets out spurts of cum. He paints your face and you nearly gag out of disgust. “You look even prettier with– with your face painted like that.” Lee groans, and he comes too. “Open up.” He orders in a creepy sing-song voice.
You listen to him obediently, and you haven’t noticed that the alcohol in your system has dissipated. His cum shoots straight into your mouth, his signature taste of muskiness and salt spreading across your tongue. After a few more seconds, Chris finally stops. He admires the way your face is covered in cum — his cum, to be exact. “C’mon, swallow it all like the good slut you are.” Sebastian urges, and his streaks of stickiness begin to shoot from his tip, too.
He paints your chest, almost like it’s a canvas. As much as you hate to admit it, this all turns you on even more. You can feel your wetness leaking from your cunt. Lee’s finger drags through the cum that’s on your face and he scoops some of it up. He pushes his finger into your mouth and shakes his head when he learns you haven’t swallowed his seed yet.
His frown is enough for you to listen. You swallow with difficulty, which comes from his digit. Your tongue laps up the cum on his finger and he smiles down at you. He pulls his finger out with a ‘pop’ and your legs are being spread again. You know for a fact you can’t take anything more, but you also know that they probably don’t care.
Ransom aims for your cunt, Steve too. They both come at the same time, loud moans escaping past their plump lips. More cum joins the gratuitous amount that’s already there. Once they stop moaning and they stop coming, you’re turned over onto your stomach. You already know that the carpet is probably a mess that dry cleaning might not accept.
Bucky and Charles cover your ass in ropes of their seed, and your messy chest presses into the ground. There’s more cum on you and in you than there is dignity. “Fuck, I wish my phone wasn’t dead. I would’ve taken so many lovely pictures of our masterpiece here.” Bucky groans, and he continues to give his cock a few more strokes just to lengthen his orgasm.
Andy is the last, only because he has patience for things like this. He paints your back like he’s Monet, or maybe even Da Vinci. Sebastian kneels down in front of you and picks your head up from off the ground. His thumb smears the cum on your face into your skin, and you don’t even have the energy to ask them if it’s all over. He chuckles, before standing back up again.
“Looks like you really were a good girl this year.”
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delusionalwriterr · 3 years
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader
Summary: Struggling to ignore the feelings you have for Steve, he can’t seem to forget that you’re his best friend’s little sister.
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: angst, cursing, fluff at the end, Tony being a dick
Request: forbidden love trope with steve rogers where reader is tony stark’s little sister and he is NOT happy about it but is okay with it in the end after pepper scolds his ass???
A/N: I got carried away with this one, wow! But I hope y’all enjoy this since it’s the first I’ve written in a while :3 I’m sorry to anyone who comes across this fic, I’m posting this from my phone so I can’t put a keep reading button, but I’ll do it tomorrow! For now just scroll extra hard :’)
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“How about that girl from HR? The one with the glasses?” Natasha piped up, earning a scoff from Sam, who was sitting across from her. “And the one with ten cats? Uh, uh, I am not letting you do Steve dirty like that.”
“Come one, she’s cute!”
“And has 10 cats!”
Steve chuckled under his breath as he sat back to watch his two friends bicker. The planned quiet dinner between the three of them soon turned into an intervention for Steve’s love life soon after a couple of beers were downed. Well, it was more of Nat listing every possible girl she knows and Sam managing to make a snarky comment for every single one.
“Crazy cat lady is a no, end of conversation,” Sam declared, sitting back and taking a swig of his beer. Nat groaned, mirroring Sam’s actions, “I just don’t get why you don’t want to start dating again, I mean you’re 90 years old!”
The living room was enveloped in a comfortable silence as the question lingered in the air. Sam was just about to make another quip until he saw Steve’s head turn towards the direction of the entryway behind him as they heard someone enter the room. His eyes later landed on you, sending him and Steve a smile as Nat was too busy with her phone to notice you.
Sam looked over to his best friend who’s eyes were still fixated on you as you walked towards the kitchen to grab something from the fridge. Sam scoffed under his breath before piping up, “It’s because he’s in love with someone else.”
Nat immediately tore her gaze away from her phone upon hearing this to look at Sam, “Who?”
She soon noticed that Steve’s attention was elsewhere and decided to follow his gaze, only to find out who he was staring at. With a knowing smirk, she murmured, “So (Y/N), huh?”
Hearing your name was enough to break Steve from his trance to turn to Nat who was taking a sip of her beer smugly. Sam took this opportunity to ask, “Well? You’re not getting any younger.”
Steve let out a breath and uttered his first words ever since the topic shifted to his love life or lack thereof, “Shut up.”
Sam and Nat erupted in frantic conversation as they went over the hundred different ways Steve could tell you how he feels, but he took this time to drink his beer in silence.
The yapping of his two friends soon became muffled as Steve started picking at the label stuck to his bottle, deep in thought.
What’s worse than being in love with your friend’s little sister? Knowing that she loves you back and not being able to do anything about it.
Steve may be old, but he wasn’t blind— it was evident that you feel the same way. He never failed to notice how your eyes instantly meet his whenever you enter a room, or how your hugs last a little longer when it was him on the receiving end. Steve doesn’t fail to return the favor— he makes you coffee every Thursday night because he knows that’s when you and your brother stay up until dawn to work on his suit, he leaves one of his sweaters in your closet whenever he goes on missions because he knows you’re gonna have trouble sleeping, worrying about him.
But even though the feelings were mutual, there was this unspoken agreement between the two of you which made Steve’s heart clench whenever he remembered.
You were off limits.
He would know, because Tony personally pulled him aside to tell him that dating his baby sister was a no-no.
Tony was smart, he noticed something was going on between you two when he took note of the slight voice change whenever you were talking to Steve or how his friend would stand up straighter and puff his chest out a little more whenever you were present. So, he took matters into his own hands and shut it down before anything happened.
“Look, Steve,” Tony started, placing a hand on the super soldier’s shoulder, “You’re a really good guy, a great guy, but I can’t have you canoodling with my sister.”
Steve understood Tony’s sentiments and obviously tried to distance himself from you, but no matter how hard he tries, he still finds himself longing for you.
His train of thought was interrupted by Sam waving a hand in front of his face, “Did you even hear a word we said?”
Steve blinked, staring at his friends who were looking at him expectantly before answering, “Not a single one.”
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You were writing a report for Tony when you heard a soft knock from your bedroom door. “It’s open!” you shouted only to have the door slowly creak open to reveal Steve, already dressed in his Captain America suit and ready for the mission.
“Oh, right, you leave today,” you mumbled as you stood up to walk closer to him. He met you halfway, stepping into your room as he handed you one of his sweaters. This time, it was a light gray and you recognized it to be one of his favorites.
“Extra perfume,” he started as he softly placed the garment in your hands, “just how you like it.”
You smiled as you held it close to your chest, his perfume already hitting your nose. “Thanks,” you smiled as your eyes met his. He was sporting his signature smile, but there was a hint of something else in it, you just weren’t sure what it was.
Adoration? Content? Love?
“Come back in one piece, okay?”
“For you? Always.”
Your heart swelled at his reply as you felt heat rush to your cheeks. You set down his sweater on your bed and briefly glanced outside the door to check if anyone could see before placing a quick kiss on Steve’s cheek.
This took him by surprise as you saw him flinch ever so slightly, but as soon as he was just about to relish in the feeling of your lips against his skin, you pulled away.
Steve contemplated on whether to return the favor, but he didn’t want to risk anybody seeing you. So instead he placed his hand in yours and gave it a gentle squeeze. It was subtle, if it weren’t for his thumb rubbing against the back of your palm, you wouldn’t have noticed it. It was silent, an assurance that he will always come home to you.
Reluctantly, he let go of your hand and walked out the door.
On his way out, he bumped into Pepper who just happened to be passing by. Their eyes met briefly as she noticed a bit of panic in Steve’s before he hurriedly scurried away. It soon came to Pepper that Steve was in your room and took this as an opportunity to slowly peep inside.
She saw you sitting on your bed, a gray sweater placed on your lap as you softly rubbed the fabric between your fingers. Your head turned towards the door upon hearing three soft knocks.
“Can I come in?” Pepper asked as you tried to hide the sweater behind you as if Pepper hadn’t already seen you staring at it fondly. You nod softly and soon enough she was already by your side. “You don’t have to hide it from me, (Y/N). I know what’s going on between you and Steve.”
Pepper saw you shake your head before letting out a breathy laugh. “There’s nothing going on between me and Steve,” you mumbled, almost trying to convince yourself more than the woman sitting next to you. Pepper looked at you with sad eyes, eyeing the way one of your hands was still clutching onto the sweater that was now slightly hidden behind you.
“We both know that’s not true.”
“And we both know that no matter how much I want something to happen, it can’t,” you interjected. Pepper noticed how your voice wavered ever so slightly and how water started to pool in the corner of your eyes, but chose to let you continue.
“I love Steve, I really do, but I love Tony more. I can’t bring myself to break his trust, you know?”
Silence engulfed the room as the two of you sat there, mulling over your thoughts. Pepper tried to find the right words to say to you, something to comfort you and tell you that things will be okay. But she can help but go back to the fact that—
“You love Steve?” she asked, interrupting her own thoughts before she could stop herself. That was when sobs started to come out of your mouth, your hand moving up to it as a desperate attempt to silence them as Pepper clutched your other one.
“I do, Pep. Fuck, I love him so much it hurts,” you cried, silently wiping the tears that won’t stop. “Whenever I see him, he’s like this light in the dark, or a life vest in the water and, god, it’s the best feeling in the world. When we touch, I feel like I’ve just been struck by a thousand lightning bolts because I feel so alive. He makes me feel alive, Pep.”
You turned to her, eyes red and nose puffy, “And it sucks because I can’t have him. No matter how much love I have, no matter how many times I cry, I can’t fucking have him.”
You felt Pepper’s hand come up to your face to slowly wipe away the tears that were still cascading down your face. “Sweetie, love is a strong force—“
“But Tony’s will is an even stronger one,” you interrupted again, causing Pepper to burst into a fit of giggles and elicit a soft chuckle from you. “He can be extremely stubborn,” Pepper agreed, “I’ll try to talk to him when he gets back.”
You shook your head, “No, Pepper, you don’t have to do that, honestly.”
Pepper waved her hand dismissively, almost mockingly, “You think I’m just gonna sit here and watch Tony tell you how to live your life? Nonsense, I’ve seen the way Steve looks at you and that’s not something we should just ignore.”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks after hearing her comment. “How does he look at me?” you asked, shyly turning to her to see her break into a wide grin.
“Like you’re home.”
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You exit your bedroom to hear the faint sounds of Sam and Bucky’s voices in the hall. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you walked towards the sounds which you presumed to be were coming from the kitchen.
With Sam and Bucky back, that meant Steve was back too, but whenever Steve got home from a mission at night, he would usually give you an indication that he was back when you woke up. Sometimes it was just a simple text message or other times it would be a bouquet of flowers (he stopped giving those when Tony asked where you get them from and you accidentally told him they were from Thor in a panic), but you recalled neither reading a text nor seeing a bouquet when you woke up.
You shrugged it off, thinking that Steve was probably too tired when they got back and entered the kitchen to see Sam and Bucky happily eating their breakfast while watching some show on the television.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Sam greeted as soon as you came into view. “Want some pancakes? Bucky made them so fair warning,” he continued, earning a glare from Bucky as he slid a stack towards you.
You muttered a thanks before heading to the fridge to get some butter. “How’d the mission go?” you asked.
“It went alright,” Sam answered only for Bucky to retort, “Yeah, if you define alright as you almost letting go of me mid-flight and Steve almost getting shot in the head.”
You stopped pouring syrup onto your pancakes as soon as you heard Bucky’s comment. Bucky saw this and immediately interjected, “But he didn’t so don’t worry. He’s fine.”
He saw your shoulders relax as you resumed pouring an absurd amount of maple syrup onto your pancakes. Bucky may be old, but he wasn’t stupid. He’s known Steve for a long time and he has never seen him be whipped for anybody as he was for you. Honestly, he adored the idea of you and his best friend together. You were the breath of fresh air Steve needs from constantly trying to protect the world from global threats and extraterrestrial creatures, and Steve was your break from all the tech you’re knee-deep in every single day and your brother’s constant nagging.
“Where is he, by the way?” you asked, shyly. You were too busy finishing your pancakes to notice Sam and Bucky exchanged knowing looks and just heard Sam answer, “He’s probably out on a jog somewhere.”
You nodded as you continued eating your food. You decided you won’t go looking for him, knowing you’ll see him later tonight when he brings you coffee as you remembered that it was Thursday today.
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Much to your dismay, the coffee never came as Steve never visited you in the lab that night. Now that you thought about it, you never got the chance to see Steve today, almost as if he was avoiding you. You shrugged it off and stood up from where you were seated before stretching your arms that were sore from working on tech for who knows how long.
“I’m gonna get some coffee,” you announced, fully knowing that your brother wouldn’t bother answering. So instead, you excused yourself from the room and walked to the kitchen.
To your surprise, the lights were on when you got there which was strange since it was already a quarter past three. What surprised you even more was Steve sitting by the kitchen island, drinking the cup of coffee you’ve been waiting to receive.
You already felt your face light up upon seeing him as you made a beeline towards the coffee pot. “I was waiting for my weekly cup of joe, but it never came so I had to get it myself,” you started, back turned towards him as you poured some in your mug. “Turns out you drank it for yourself.”
You expected him to come back with some snarky remark, but you were met with silence instead. Taking the cup of coffee in your hands, you move to turn around to face him, about to ask about the mission and his almost headshot. “So Bucky told me you almost got shot to—“ but before you could finish, Steve was already gone, his empty mug placed on the kitchen counter.
That wasn’t the end of it. As the days went on, you noticed that Steve was avoiding you, but you didn’t know why. After the kitchen incident, you’ve tried approaching him but he always ended up leaving before you could. You tried to talk to him when he was at the gym, but he left as soon as you entered. You tried talking to him when you found him watching a movie on the couch, but Bucky came right in and asked if he wanted to go on a jog so he took the offer right up.
It was almost as if you suddenly became invisible to him and no matter how hard you tried, it seemed like you never existed.
You were determined to find out why, so you woke up extra early on a Saturday morning, knowing that he would be the only one awake because of his morning weekend jogs to confront him.
As soon as you entered the kitchen to where he was busy preparing a smoothie, he quickly shut the blender off and started to walk away. Unfortunately for him, you were able to grab his arm to prevent him from leaving you again.
“Did I do something wrong?” you asked, the sleepiness in your voice still evident. Steve remained still, clutching his smoothie while facing away from you. You saw his shoulders tense as he let out a soft sigh. Without another word, he shrugged your hand off his arm and continued to walk away.
Just as he was about to exit the kitchen, you spoke again. “If you’re gonna keep ignoring me, at least tell me you’re okay after almost getting shot,” you whispered, voice hushed as if you were scared to anger him. Deep down, you don’t know what’s going on and you have no idea how to fix it. You missed Steve and you’ve spent the past week trying to figure out why he was acting so cold towards you.
You took Steve’s silence to speak up again, “Please just tell me what’s go—“
“Just stop it, (Y/N),” Steve replied, his voice cold and pointed. He was still facing away from you, but you could imagine the furrow of his eyebrows and the creases of his forehead just by the tone of his voice.
“Stop what?” you asked, obviously taken by surprise. “What do you mean, Steve?”
You heard Steve sigh again before finally facing you. “Stop acting like you care about me.”
Now this really took you by surprise. “Acting? Steve I do care for you, where is this coming from?” you questioned. The two of you stood there, staring at each other as you tried to process what was happening. You were fine before the mission so what the hell is going on with him?
Hesitantly, you walked closer to him, afraid of what he might say to answer the question you were about to ask. “You don’t, you don’t feel the same?” you stuttered, heart already shattering when you heard him let out a mocking laugh.
“Of course I don’t.”
You were taken aback as you tried to fight the tears that were already threatening to spill. You slowly stepped back, as if distancing yourself from him would make the burning sensation in your chest go away. “I needed a distraction to get over Peggy and you were right there,” he spurred on, making things even worse.
“You don’t mean that,” you mumbled, almost inaudibly as you tried to regain your composure. You heard Steve scoff, “I do. Now stop following me around like a lost puppy, it’s pathetic,” he spat before finally walking out of the room to go for his jog.
As soon as you heard the door close, you felt your world crash around you as you held your hand up to your chest to try to stop it from tightening. You struggled to breathe as you leaned on the kitchen counter to stop you from collapsing.
It was all a lie. The loving looks, the sweaters, the touches— everything was a lie and you couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that Steve never loved it. It all felt too real to you, or were you just too dumb to notice?
Quickly wiping the tears off your face, you ran back to your room and slammed the door shut.
And in your room you stayed for almost three days. You never went out to eat, you never went out to work in the lab, heck the only time anyone ever saw you was when you needed to go to the bathroom, but even then no one heard a single word from you no matter how hard they tried to initiate a conversation.
The only person you talked to was Pepper, who had enough of your sulking and barged in your room on the third day of your isolation, demanding you tell her what happened.
With a heavy heart, you relayed the events of Saturday to her and to say that she was fuming was an understatement. She couldn’t believe Steve said those things to you because she was so convinced that he loved you back. In fact, she found it so hard to believe that she kept asking you if it actually happened and you weren’t just dreaming. Much to your dismay and to her disappointment, it was all real and you were still heartbroken.
So she did what a good wife would do and tell her husband as they both laid in their bed, about to go to sleep. So imagine the surprise on her face when Tony, totally and completely unbothered by the fact that his sister trapped herself in her room for almost three days, commented, “Sheesh. When I told Steve to end things with (Y/N), I didn’t think he’d do it like that.”
It took Pepper a minute to process what Tony had said, but soon enough she was slowly sitting up from her previous position, already staring daggers into Tony’s side profile. “You did what?” she asked, voice laced with venom, causing Tony’s neck to snap and face her.
“What? You knew I didn’t like the idea of them together so I told Steve to end things or else he’s out of the team,” he replied almost as if it was too obvious to even mention. By this point, Pepper had steam coming out of her ears as she started repeatedly slapping her clueless husband in the chest.
“Ow, ow! What the hell, Pep!” he exclaimed only for his mouth to fall completely shut upon seeing his wife’s expression. “You may be one of the smartest people on the planet, but you’re the stupidest person in the whole goddamn universe!” she exclaimed.
Tony blinked. “Mind telling me why?”
Pepper groaned before frustratedly running her fingers through her hair. “Your sister has been crying her eyes out in her room for the past three days and this is okay to you?!”
Tony waved his hand dismissively, “She’ll be fine in a few days, don’t worry about it.”
“No, she won’t!” Pepper replied, laughing in disbelief at her husband’s idiocy. “Because you took her heart and ripped it to shreds by forcing Steve to end things with her. Honestly, Tony, what is wrong with Steve and your sister being together that bothers you so much?”
Tony sighed, rubbing his hand across his face as he tried to stay awake. He was really looking forward to getting a good night's sleep too.
“We’ve been through this, honey,” he started as he propped himself up the bed to meet Pepper’s eyes. “This job is dangerous. You never know what’s gonna happen to any of us. I want (Y/N) to fall in love with someone, I do. But I can’t have her falling in love with someone in this line of work, she wouldn’t know what to do if she lost Steve. Heck, I wouldn’t know what to do if she lost Steve. It’s gonna hurt her too much, Pep, and I’m not sure if I’ll be enough to catch her if she falls.”
Pepper was stunned at Tony’s sudden confession, but chose to press on. “You let me fall in love with you,” she pointed out, “what makes (Y/N) falling in love with Steve any different?”
Tony sighed, “That’s different.”
Pepper tilted her head, “How?”
The room was filled with silence as Tony tried to think of an answer, but failed to do so.
“See,” Pepper scolded, “you always get so stubborn when you think what you’re doing is right that you end up hurting the exact person you didn’t wanna hurt in the first place.”
Tony stayed silent. “You spent your whole life protecting her, but I think it’s time to stop and let her experience things on her own, Tony. She’s a grown woman, capable of making her own decisions, something I think you need to work on,” she continued, softly pushing a finger towards his chest as he let out a whine.
“Fineee,” he dragged, “I’ll talk to him tomorrow, you win.”
Pepper smirked, “When do I not?”
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You woke up to the sound of soft knocks on your door.
Reluctantly, you rolled over to check your bedside clock to see that it was just half past eight in the morning. Too early.
You ignored the knocks and pulled your blanket over you, too tired to deal with whoever was at the door. However much to your annoyance, the knocking continued and got louder, forcing you out of bed to open the door.
You were met with Tony who was holding two cups of coffee in his hands. “You look disgusting,” he stated, already entering your room and handing you a cup.
“What do you want?” you grumbled, slowly taking a sip of the scolding coffee and grimacing at the taste. “I’ve been your sister for 29 years and you still don’t know how I take my coffee,” you stated, setting the cup down on your desk.
“I’m sorry,” Tony blurted out, catching you off guard.
“Oh god, what’d you do now?” you asked, already thinking of a hundred possible things that he could’ve broken or lost. But you didn’t expect what came out of his mouth next.
“For forcing you and Steve apart,” he explained. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and hurt upon hearing his name leave your brother’s mouth.
“I basically told him to end what was going on with the both of you or I’d kick him off the team,” he continued. You shook your head, “There was nothing going on between us anyway.”
“Oh, quit lying to yourself and just accept the fact that you’re in love with him,” Tony retorted, taking a sip of his coffee. Your eyebrow quirked upon hearing his comment and before you could stop yourself, you retorted, “How can I? You were pretty dead set on keeping us away from each other.”
Tony sighed, looking up to meet your eyes. “I know, I said I was sorry,” he said, sadly, “But Pepper practically almost whooped my ass last night, trying to make me realize that you aren’t my baby sister anymore. You’re old enough to live your life without me having to back you up.”
Now it was your turn to sigh. “Couldn’t you have realized that earlier?” you asked, earning a playful shove from your brother. “Shut up. I’m trying to apologize, this is already hard enough,” he whined, ruffling your hair and earning a huff of annoyance from you.
“Apology accepted, asshole,” you giggled, shoving his hand away. Tony laughed before standing up and walking away. “I think someone wants to talk to you,” he pointed out before exiting your room.
Not too long after, Steve sheepishly walked through the door. You felt your heartbeat quicken at the sight of him, even after he said all those mean things to you a few days ago.
“Hey,” you greeted, offering him a tight-lipped smile. You were still sitting on your bed when you realized that you were wearing the sweater he gave you before he left for the mission.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Steve replied, instantly making you melt. “Can I sit here?” he asked, gesturing to the empty space next to you. You lightly nodded your head to which he automatically responded by slowly taking a seat.
“Listen, (Y/N), I’m so sorry for the things I said the last time we spoke. I didn’t mean any of—“
“I know. It’s okay, I was never mad at you,” you interjected. Steve could almost drop dead right then and there from just the sound of your voice. To him it was like fresh honey, so sweet and smooth that he couldn’t get enough of it. He took this moment to finally meet your eyes for the first time since you fought and as soon as he saw you it was like he was falling in love all over again. Sunlight was lightly peeking through the curtains, subtly illuminating your features as your mouth displayed the softest of smiles.
Without thinking twice, Steve closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours. His hands fell on your waist as he felt your arms wrap around his neck. He could faintly smell the remnants of his perfume on the sweater that was encasing your torso, but he chose to focus on the sweet smell of your conditioner that was seeping from your hair. No words were exchanged, no sounds were made, it was just you and Steve relishing the feeling of being in each others’ hold.
Soon after, Steve felt like he had to say something, anything, because this was one of those moments when you just need to.
“I’m sorry this took so long,” he mumbled, rubbing soothing circles into your hips. He wasn’t apologizing for the fight and you knew that.
You shook your head. “It’s okay,” you said to him for the second time today. “At least I have you now.”
It was Steve’s turn to shake his head and this time it was accompanied with a soft laugh. He placed his hands on both sides of your face before pulling you into a much-awaited kiss.
As your lips melded together with his, you heard him mumble against yours, “You always had me.”
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A/N: Requests are open! ❤️ Also praying that tags are working bc they seem to be broken for quite some time now (either that or my fics just suck lmao) but a like or a reblog would be greatly appreciated!
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