#Stick em into ATS or smth
shima-draws · 1 year
Me, suddenly remembering OCs I made YEARS ago and haven’t touched since:
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
^^I think those were my main ones but Ofc there's probably ones that I missed due to missing childhood memories 😔
And YEHEHEHEA BOIII THISE 7MIN IN HEAVEN QUIZZES- istg id always get Eyeless Jack every time and if I didn't get him, I'd retake the quiz until I did 💀💀 and yeah he was my "main boyfriend" during my creepypasta phase and the funny thing is, I'm not sure if it even was because of his personality, I think it was just because he wore a BLUE mask.
Now lil funfact about me, when I was little, I was FUCKING O B S E S S E D WITH THE COLOUR BLUE. Always wanted to wear blue clothes, eat blue food, drink blue drinks (there was this one energy drink with a blue color that tasted absolutely awful, I still pestered my family members to buy it for me, even though I didn't like drinking it at all 🥲) I wanted EVERYTHING in blue—
So yeah, I held a questionable "love" for Mr.Kidney Eater lmfao. Also like, I left the CP before like, Bloody Painter and the others newer ones were made, so when I revisited it a while back I was like "who tf is this guy" and speaking of what changed after I left, I remember that EJs OG backstories was smth along the lines of "his father was a doctor, some shit happened, his father poked his eyes with like a Fireplace poker thingie and THATS why he got em black goo leaky eyes" and he was just Some Dude™ but that's also changed, I was so confused when they addressed him as a Demonic Creature like 👁👄👁 where'd my lil silly man go? (Not that I miss it THAT much but going from hahaha doctor twink with scalpel to an actual Threat™ was pretty jarring) there was also the gratification of getting The Smart One as a kid, like yeah I'm Not Like Other Girls I get the cool one, not JEFF. Oh, the Hipster/Internalised Misogyny Mindset my detested 💀
Speaking of old!Fanon, remember when they made Hoodie&Masky obsessed with cheesecake? And the reason WHY they made them obsessed with turned out to be pretty scummy actually? Big oof, big oof 💀
And OMFG THE PUBLISHED JEFF FANFIC AINT NO WAY— its honestly kinda impressive if you really think about it ngl imagine being able to sell physical copies of your fanfics without having it being just you printing out every pane in A4 format 🤔 it's just kinda unfortunate that the fanfics that DO get published are all kind of,,, crap (cough cough After cough 50 shades cough cough) like no flake on the authors (mostly) because good for them for being able to make money off smth they love doing (at least I think they do) but holy fuck what I would give if they actually published the good fanfics :,)
-Ren'py anon
that’s the first one that was on there lol
Lovely choices of nostalgia :D
And yeah no I can totally understand why you were so obsessed with blue! As kids, we literally have no idea of self identity and struggle with making a person out of ourselves. A lot of us grab ahold of one thing and try to stick with it, even when we don’t like it. I used to try so hard to be a tomboy. I hated pink, I didn’t like wearing skirts, I didn’t like makeup saying that I ‘liked being more natural’’, I wore an absurd amount of ugly male sweatshirts, T-shirts, and skinny jeans from Aeropostale, and most of all, I hated on other girls for being LITTLE GIRLS???
That got really deep oops, but yeah, most logical and relatable thing ever am I right 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 /hj
I’ve never looked into EJ’s backstory, all I knew is that he was hot, ate kidneys, and had goo for eyes. BUT OH MY GOD WHAT. WHY ARE CREEPYPASTA PARENTS ACTUALLY MONSTERS??? Probably because 11-18 year olds were sharing and altering the stories during the early 2010′s and whatever. Anyway, A FIREPLACE POKER INTO EJ’s EYES??? THAT IS SO BRUTAL HOLY SHIT. It’s so funny how you’re all like, “Oh shit man that’s crazy. Anyway, where’s my funky little cannibal? ^^”
I hate it when people change stories to smth paranormal or demonic. Like, I have little to no issues with it, but GOD DAMN do they butcher tf out of the genre. 
Ah yes, that I”M DIFFERENT FROM OTHER GIRLS AND DON’T CARE ABOUT STUPID THINGS LIKE SELF CARE AND ESTEEM. No I could NEVER act like a decent person who doesn’t argue over every little thing 🙄🙄🙄 
Yes yes yes YES, that whole Hoody and Masky thing was actually really cruel. I thought they just really loved cheesecake just like how Toby really liked waffles. Turns out, the entire Marble Hornets fandom made fun of the figure/weight of the actor who played Masky. Saying he should, ‘lay off the cheescake’. 
That was so messed up man. I know it was early internet banter, but god damn that was just straight up brutal.
Yeah, I was shocked too. How could something THAT bad be published with STOLEN cover art? 😭 The story was shitty as all bad Wattpad fanfics are. If people actually published the good fanfics, the world would go CRAZY. 
Unfortunately, 50 shades of grey had that fame despite it’s.... interesting contents. Some people love it, most people despise it now over the years.
It is such a shame that doesn’t happen more often though. It is quite embarrassing to say you read fanfiction, but it shouldn’t be so condemned and tossed away for it’s notoriety with the bad ones that got around.
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meshkol · 5 years
Twitter Threads (or That One Time Tony Dialled It Up to Eleven)
Summary: Social media is hard and full of trolls, and Tony has poor impulse control.
Notes: I hate this so much. Less cracky than I wanted it, because I suck at writing humour. Fill K-3 for the Tony Stark Bingo 2019: Gossip Press. Unbeta'd as per usual. Any relation to existing twitter handles is entirely coincidental.
Warnings: Social Media, Twitter, Homophobic Language, Sexist Language, Ableist Language, Internet, Trolls, Protective Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Goes On A Rampage
No one can say that Tony’s ever had good impulse control, especially about people he loves.
@1234ideclareathumbwar posted: I donno what it is about dr strange but he must suck dick like a pro if hes got iron man whipped god knows theres nothing attractive about him except those dick suckin lips #drstrange #ironman #wtfisstarkthinking
 @100percentDONE-xxx replied: yeah its not like he can give a decent handjob ffs must me the lips or maybe hes just tight every1 knows stark loves a tight whole hes prolly cheating neway poor cripple
 @itsawrapandimreadytoparty replied: Probably just lays there and thinks about the wizard gods just to get that $$$...I’d think of England even for a nymphomaniac drug-addicted sugar daddy too, tbh.
 @BlessYouThor-ness replied: still can’t believe he chose strange over THOR like everyone can see the chemistry between them and tony is such a bottom he’d take thor’s cock so well fuck yes
 @they-did-the-thing777 replied: is it just me or does strange look like an alien maybe there’s no magic at all just aliens and he’s got a tentacle dick and stark just wants to mark off another box on his worlds-biggest-slut checklist #tonystarkispathetic
 @snowflakes_makeme_lol replied: hes just fkn ugly i s2g stark id spread 4 but strange??? that bitch be ugly asf n not worth gettin my dk wet prolly get aids
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: You guys are the pinnacle of our evolution and I am in awe of your genuine kindness and polite generosity (and grammar). Wow, I can’t believe Stephen Strange saved all of your jerkass lives TWICE for this shit and you know what? Everyone knows I’M the cocksucker in this relationship, dumbfucks.
 @kiki_blow_this_popsicle_stand replied: HOLY SHIT LMAO
“What are you doing?”
He doesn’t bother looking up from his tablet, backing away from that thread because he has no interest in seeing the replies, and hunting for the next war he can wage. “Destressing,” he replies gleefully, clicking on a thread that mentions Pepper. He can feel Rhodey behind him – and, what’s more, he can feel the disapproval seeping out of his pores too now that he’s peeking over Tony’s shoulder – but he’s on a roll, and fuck impulse control when he can sass and bitch on twitter. Some people just need to be removed from the genetic pool of the human race and not be allowed to procreate, honestly.
Somewhere in bumbfuck-nowhere, Fury is having a coronary and Stephen is rolling his eyes so hard they’re permanently lodged in his cranium.
@rudethatyoureallamatwink posted: Does anyone else think that Pepper Potts only got the job at Stark because she’s got awesome legs and a great twat and Tony Stark wanted to stick his dick in? #idfuckher #pepperpotts #starkindustries #idfuckhimtootbh #tonystark
 @MyNameIsGoFuckYourself replied: lol ur gross shes like 35 or smth but wvr u want crusty ol lose pussy u do u bro #oldchickgross #getbotox
 @shredderinmymetal3-14 replied: @MyNameIsGoFuckYourself lmao wtf?? He started fucking her when she was like twenty or something so she was still nice and tight back then. I mean I’d still fuck her right now cause she’s one hot cougar and I bet she’s learned a thing or two from the Slut Extraordinaire. And anyway, how tf do you know what her cunt’s like?? The only hole you’ve fucked is your mom.
 @queeen-bee-says-hi replied: Wow, you guys are pigs. Pepper Potts is a strong, independent, beautiful woman who is worth a thousand of all you, and your mothers would be ashamed of you all.
 @gags_are_the_best_fight_me_bitch replied: @queeen-bee-says-hi hey look theres the feminazi if you want i can replace that stick up your pussy with my dick you know you need it ill fuck you real good show you what a real mans like
 @truthisanillusion replied: I’ll fuck @queeen-bee-says-hi AND @OfficialPotts_CEO at the same time fucking feminazi cunts, god knows you bitches would be grateful for my prick in your gaping lesbian pussies
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: Wow. So. Uh.
1. That’s revolting and my AI just delivered the IPs of @gags_are_the_best_fight_me and @truthisanillusion to the authorities for premeditated violence, rape, and hate crimes. You’re welcome, and feel free to send a cash donation to the charity of your choice for my thoughtfulness. I’d recommend something for women’s or LGBTQ+ rights, and I’ll match it with a multiplier of 1000x.
2. @queeen-bee-says-hi, good for you, and I can see from your profile that you’re a student. Consider your crops watered and your schooling paid for, all the way to your twelfth PhD if you want it.
3. @OfficialPotts_CEO can and will murder you with her pinky nail. I’ve taken on Thanos and I’d rather go ten rounds with him than piss her off. THAT’S why she’s CEO, not because of her admittedly awesome legs.
4. I hate this hellsite. If I buy it, can I kill it?? Rhodey says “technically” so I’m gonna look into that now.
 @i_stan_one_legend_named_virginia_p_potts replied: IRON MANNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! DEFEND THE QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!! #PEPPERPOTTS4PRESIDENT
 @iaminlovewithcapandimunashamed replied: lmfao incels be fkd when #ironman comes to town
 @truthisanillusion replied: Hey @YouKnowWhoIAm No one trusts you or likes you, you fake ass super “hero” taking it up the ass like a faggot stfu and die already, kthxbye
 @queeen-bee-says-hi replied: whAT OH MY GOD THAT IS NOT NECESSARY
 @OfficialPotts_CEO replied: Tony, stop picking fights and threatening to buy twitter or I’ll ground you. And just accept the gift, @queeen-bee-says-hi - after all, he’s already done it.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: Shut up Pepper, you aren’t the boss of me.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: And jokes on you @truthisanillusion because I’m already dead inside come at me bitch I’ll be the one in the multi-billion-dollar suit of armor surrounded by Avengers
 @OfficialPotts_CEO replied: Actually, I am. Don’t make me take away your toys. Or call @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel. He’s on speed-dial, sweetheart, and he likes me better than you.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: Rude.
 @Sorcerer_Surpreme_With_A_Scalpel replied: The last time you threatened someone, your house got blown up. Please refrain from egging on internet trolls or I’ll dump you for Rhodes for my own sanity.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: ALSO RUDE.
“You know, I’m not even remotely bi-curious and I would totally tap that,” Rhodey says absently, though his lips are quirking into a smirk.
Tony rolls his eyes. “Hands off, you little shit, or I’ll tweet about that one time in MIT when you ate that—”
“Fuck you.”
“Been there, done that,” Tony quips cheerfully. “Not remotely bi-curious my ass—”
“You know what’s better than picking fights with twelve-year-olds on twitter? Kicking your ass right here. You come at me, Stank.”
Tony opens his mouth to reply but then gasps, already losing himself in another thread after sending a middle finger emoji into the last one.
@mwahahaha-666 posted: You guys can wax poetry about Tony Stark all you want, but screw that basic-ass rich boy - everyone knows Doctor Strange is the smokin’ hot one. #takemenow #mybodyisready #drstrange
 @ukulele_jedi_master replied: PREACH!!! stark may be loaded but stephen is the one that looks like a prada model giMME THAT MAGICAL DICK
 @xxx-foreverfit-xxx replied: Fuck both of you. I just wanna be a fly on the wall when they’re fucking each other...or better yet, DIRECT them on how to ruin each other #ironstrange #otp
 @highpercentageofuselessnessachieved replied: i wonder if he can clone himself like can u imagine?? being fucked from all ends by #drstrange cock?? what i wouldn’t give to be tony stark omfg i don’t even want the money just the hard dickin from that fine piece of ass
 @its_a_fact_that_captain_america_has_a_big_dick replied: He’s got Iron Man wrapped around his little finger so he must have the biggest dick and the know-how to use it properly. Yes pls and thank you very much, I’ll take that monster dick pronto.
 @TGBYHN_4_LYFE replied: dude i tell u what i would do what @xxx-foreverfit-xxx said: sit in the corner w a ridign crop in 9’’ stilettos rubbin myself while directing them 2 do what i want...make em touch n stroke n suck n bite n fuck each other til they cant walk anymore n then cuddle w them n stroke their hair
 @catcatcatcat-cat replied: I would give my college education, my life, my cow, and my internet access away for the rest of my life for a sex tape
 @xxx-foreverfit-xxx replied: @TGBYHN_4_LYFE omfg fuCK YES CAN YOU IMAGINE listening to them moan as they lost themselves in each oter, so fucking desperate to get off that they’re begging you to let them cum even as they try their hardest to obey, covered in precum and sweat and hot as fuck
 @bigfoot_is_nessie1987 replied: I s2g the amount of fanfiction I write about those two alone should have me committed but I literally can’t stop the two of them are so fucking hot together that it should be illegal god bless Iron Man and Dr Strange and their sexy, sexy chemistry and sexy, sexy bodies #killme
 @one-upon-a-time-in-asgard2 replied: They are the hottest couple in the history of the universe and so fucking pure I love them both so much also @bigfoot_is_nessie1987 I demand a link to your fics cuz I’m always looking for more ironstrange porn #otp #ironstrange
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel Hey, they think you have a big dick. Little do they know that they’re totally right and that you also have the added bonus of actually BEING a big dick too! #dontthreatentoleavemeforplatypus #orilltagyouinthirstposts #awesomethirstposts #stephenhasabigdick #andiloveit #goodshit
 @mwahahaha-666 replied: OH MY DUCKING GOD
 @its_a_fact_that_captain_america_has_a_big_dick replied: Well, I’d be mortified that Tony Stark is replying to this except Tony Stark is acTUALLY REPLYING TO THIS BLESS YOU IRON MAN
 @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel replied: One of these days I’m going to murder you with your own bravado and not lose a night’s sleep over it. And fine, I won’t touch Rhodes...I’m sure Rogers is free anyway, and he’s always so polite when I visit.
 @bigfoot_is_nessie1987 replied: Please don’t read my fanfiction I will literally combust in embarrassment also I am dying over here in Copenhagen omfg
 @catcatcatcat-cat replied: ...oh my god what does that mean you guys are MARRIED??!?! BLESS THE WIZARD GODS!!!!
 @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel replied: Rhodes, I know you’re reading over his shoulder, so if you could please take away his phone now before he ends up on the cover of the Times...or breaks the internet. Again. Thank you in advance.
Tony reacts immediately, trying to make a break for it, but Rhodey’s already tackling him into the couch, a hundred and ninety pounds of lean muscle and pretty Class As. Tony hisses breathlessly, the wind knocked out of him, and he struggles valiantly to keep his hands on his tablet while Rhodey does his best to rip it away. He doesn’t have a very good position so he makes a hair-brained, split-second decision to throw his body weight to the side, making them both roll off the couch. Rhodey’s a jerk though, and manages to react fast enough so that Tony takes the brunt of the impact, and he can’t even help but groan in a mixture of mild pain and disappointment as he feels the tablet being removed from his lax fingers.
“Sucks to be you, Stank,” he says breathlessly, fingers flying over the keyboard, and Tony cranes his neck until he can read Rhodey’s reply (and on Tony’s fucking account what in the hell!):
@YouKnowWhoIAm replied: I think I broke your hot mess of a husband, Stephen. Come collect him before he murders me with his eyes or gets his hands on another electronic device. We’re in the lab.
Three seconds later, Stephen walks through a portal, looking oh-so-fucking-gorgeous in his battle robes, and wearing a scowl of irritation that bodes well for rough, mock-angry sex in the near future.
Tony grins unapologetically, and abandons the lure of social media in exchange for his pseudo husband.
It’s an easy choice.
Also read on ao3.
Feel free to prompt me things on my Bingo Card!
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griffinblogsgw2 · 5 years
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(Response to The Warden and The Thief pg 34)
#Gonna assume you found a dime or smth (x) @commander-titania
Well shit, now I gotta rewrite some things.
#he found a cool bug #that he promptly ate (x) @galaxypuddle
Goddamnit. Another rewrite.
#oh dear what DID he find (x) @thetyrianthree
A bug and a dime so far.
#he burned #a risen corpse #and everyone just #believed #it was him?! #i'm wheezing #that's beautiful #classic sylvari #also tora's a sap pass it on (x) @ascalonianpicnic
Well... yes? To give credit where credit’s due, he did one hellvova job on that corpse - The Mute makes it sound way less impressive than it was. But I mean, we saw the corpse - it has god damn leaves for skin. It has his hair.
#so THATS how he did it #clever boi #so what did they do with the grave #am curious #also i love the mute very dearly (x) @nocte-argentea
They did that thing where they outline the body in chalk but it didn’t work out too well.
#WHAT DID HE FIND #you can't leave it at that until next week #also mute is a goddamn treasure #love them (x) @three-antlered-deer
A bug and a dime so far.
And thank you <3 The Mute is a lot of fun to write.
@saintcranky (x) #the corpse the corpse you burned the corpse you YES THAT CORPSE #I am loving the yzma kronk moment here
You did it. You figured out their whole dynamic.
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#Tora bby it's bad luck to see your grave but not your funeral
Also this is the darkest shit I’ve read in the comments god damn
@fallenqueero (x) #*sticks a piece of cardboard in the ground that says 'Tora :('*#i mean im assuming he found a very sad Terin at least
Or a bug or a dime. Man it’s real up in the air at this point. Who knows what he found. I am a master of mysteries.
#still loving the new coloring btw its just as good as last weeks comic :D
^ @syankora!!
#terin just might have some hangups #just maybe #look at em #they cute #also YAY SYANKORA #YYAAAAYY (x) @theauseer​
^ @syankora​ !!
#he found a buncha people crying and missing him #or at least Terrin being sad #that's what I'm bettin #I find it hilarious Mute refused to answer the stalking question (x) @voidthoughts7951
I would find it very odd to find a bunch of ppl mourning, unless he visited on the exact anniversary of his “death” or something. He was dead for over a year at this point.
But yeah, maybe it’s Terin. Or a bug. Or a dime. Who knows. Mysteries.
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useeer · 4 years
For the romantic f/o ask, 💓
💓- weird habits you love about each other?
ok hound has this habit of stickin their damn fingers into just about any mysterious substance. half the time even tasting it. i don’t hate the habit, but i do find it. questionable. though they love to stick their fingers into things i tell them not to- just to get a reaction out of me (which i usually over exaggerate bc i’m dramatic). essentially, i dislike the habit but find it secretly enjoyable to joke/shout/play around etc. cuz....i wuv them and love when their playful side comes out.
they also have a cooler body temp so their showers are fucking scalding. like so hot i’d burn my ass off but they walk in it like it’s normal. makes showering together interesting.
they also constantly drum their fingers, and crack their knuckles.
they also like to collect pretty- but useless things while on their hunts. little trinkets, shiny rocks or pretty flowers to press. sometimes they bring them home for themself but more often than not they’ll bring smth bc “i thought you’d like this”
likewise i’d buy them 657545657 things bc it reminds me of them or even arthur dawg.. love em both on god.
i have this funny habit of brushing my top lip to my piercing, and wiggling my nose. i do it without thinking and i’m sure they think it’s just a lil goofy.
they also indulge me when i talk abt my hyperfixations. they might not even understand half of what i’m talking abt but still they’ll listen, cuz seein someone talk abt transformers ain’t ever been so cute 🥺😖
mirage definitely has a bad habit of running his mouth and digging himself into a hole. it doesn’t even matter what it is- good or bad he will dig and dig. i’ll ask if he ate the last cookie and damn if he won’t put himself 6ft in the ground. i think it’s both cute and exasperating at times. cuz like baby you ain’t gotta explain yourself it’s ok...ily either way
not weird persay but we’ve found mirage cuddling our plethora of dogs mutiple times, to the point of him spooning the pit bull and the other dog on his side.
mirage also stutters and i just... think it’s cute (not in a feisty way or anything) i just. really find everything he does adorable. especially when he’s flustered it gets worse.
although he tries to be super cool, he’s definitely clumsy and has tripped over himself more than once. even tripping me and hound up too, tangling us all up into a pile of tangled limbs n laughter on the ground.
drools in his sleep, it’s gross and funny but ain’t ever get mad at him for it. our dogs drool worse.
i sometimes do a little sing song when stressed/in a pickle/focused etc, which he laughs at all the time. esp when i playfully punch him and be bratty, he just finds it adorable and cute.
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