#Strange creatures that can mimic voices....bushes blooming in the shapes of people
raviollies · 11 months
Does Theta have another form, like the Ladies of the Wood or Auntie Ethel?
She does indeed ( here, & here)
I went more monstery (Drew my inspiration from Bloodborne, Witcher and The Ritual) than the other two examples as I wanted to emphasize the ruthlessness of nature. A representation of an ancient monster lurking deep in the woods, unmoved by human emotions and feelings.
Theta is VERY ancient. Maybe she had a more humanoid form before - but now it's... almost part of the cycle she represents : The Fae are life but Hags are decay. She is the carcass of a beast but upon her back is a coat of moss and flowers, her wood antlers bloom. That which decays is necessary for life to blossom once more.
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