#Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off!
newsintheshell · 1 year
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(Speriamo arrivi presto anche GRIDMAN! 🙏)
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animegadaisukiidesu · 4 years
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panelmonkey · 5 years
The Great Themes of Anime 2019: Scissors, Haircuts, Lip Fangs, and of Co...
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purple-reign18 · 4 years
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"Strike Witches & Brave Witches Theme Song BEST" Compilation Album
The album will feature all theme songs from Strike Witches [2008] to 501st Joint Fighter Wing Take Off! [2019]
Album is set to release September 30th
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tirorah · 4 years
Road to Berlin’s ‘Road to Berlin’ Sure Was a Road to Berlin Episode
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Hiya, everyone! It’s that time of the week, but don’t worry, your assigned reading is pretty light this time. Because, honestly? I don’t have much to say about this episode in terms of character arcs or themes or the like. Instead, you’ll find my brief thoughts under the cut, as well as my favorite stuff from Episode 11.
In the end, this episode was a follow-up to the ending of Episode 10, and also the start of the final offensive, which makes Episode 11 the middle chapter of a three-parter. This is always difficult to make satisfying--look at any pre-planned trilogy and you can see the struggle with ramping up the tension while also not blowing the series’ full load, as it needs to set up the final, climactic piece.
Consequently, Road to Berlin (the episode) didn’t do a lot of exciting things; it simply moved the story along. And that’s 100% fine. It’s just not as richly packed with content as most of the season has been. There was also some blatant reuse of old footage again (they really love that shot of Trude brandishing her guns, don’t they?) but again, I felt it was within acceptable parameters. I did feel like the episode was holding back a bit with the aerial combat, though. Seems the Ratte was the biggest star of the show for this week.
Without further ado and in no particular order, here are my favorite things from this episode!
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Patton’s Redemption
Sort of. He was still a gloating idiot, but he actually valued Yoshika’s power enough to argue the 501st’s case to his fellow generals, and he showed admirable tenacity when the Neuroi’s full power gradually revealed itself. He didn’t shout nearly as often either, and was much more reasonable. Overall, he was far less cartoony and made a decent start at showing us why he attained his current rank.
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Although I’ll never forgive him for this. That, and calling Yoshika a ‘little missy.’
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This Line from Minna
It’s delivered calmly, but I like to think this is Diplomatic Minna Speak for ‘Fuck off and up yours, she saved your damn butts!’
And another thing: the doctor said it’d take Yoshika a week to be able to fly again, but Minna wants a delay of ten days, not seven. It seems she wants half a week extra so that Yoshika can recover more, which is both prudent and kind of her.
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The Generals Being Children
Both amusement and disbelief filled me as I watched the generals of different nations bicker like bloody schoolyard kids. It’s true what they say: War. War never changes. (And especially not the ego of man.) The fact a bunch of grown men devolved into chest-thumping and throwing crap at one another is hilarious. Even Lucchini’s been more mature than that this season, and that says something!
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Shizuka’s Turbulent Emotions
Again, Shizuka shows off her similarities to Trude; I feel like she’s definitely the type to hold this in until it comes spilling out in one ugly cry like it did here. She just wasn’t able to hold it in as long, likely due to her relative youth.
We also finally got to see the one character arc thing in this episode I was hoping for: Shizuka and her relationship with orders. For the entire season, we’ve constantly seen Shizuka’s rigid obedience to orders reinforced. But when Mio tells her to keep the Shinden’s presence a secret, we see the first time an order brings her true, internal conflict. Although it culminated in a good cry and not her disobeying said order, I have a feeling she’ll buck the trend and either tell Yoshika about the Shinden, or fly it herself.
Finally, it’s nice to see that she doesn’t let her injury scare her, and channels her guilt into some awesome attack runs. Much credit to her; she’s grown quite a bit, and not because she’s emulating the others, but by growing into her new responsibilities as a combatant.
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Yoshika Doing What She Can
Respect was earned by Yoshika this episode. Although she was obviously disappointed she wouldn’t be able to fly with the others into the final battle, she didn’t let it get her down and decided to do whatever she could to help. That meant we finally got to see her newly attained medical skills again! All those books she checked out in Episode 1 sure came in handy now.
If you will, think back all the way to Season 1, Episode 2 for a moment. A Neuroi attacked the ship bringing Yoshika and Mio to Europe, and a sailor was injured by shrapnel. Back then, Yoshika was severely shaken by the combat, and when she tried to help the sailor with her healing magic, she was promptly rebuked by someone else, as healing him with the shards still inside would only hurt him further.
But here, people rely on Yoshika’s medical knowledge and even Patton greatly respects her for it. Her suggestion to hole up in the Flak Tower is also a huge success, likely saving all of their lives.
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Shirley's Amusement at the Ratte
Why, Shirley, what are you insinuating here? Surely Karlsland isn’t compensating for something! They just like their prototypes huge.
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And Perrine’s Dismay
Harrumph! Size doesn’t matter, obviously! Just look at Perrine’s chest.
But honestly, someone else pointed this out too: the fact they’re relying so much on experimental and/or new things shows how desperate they are, and how fragile their gains are.
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Speaking of The Ratte
The Ratte is awesome. The way its rounds punched through the Neuroi walls... *chef’s kiss* It’s obvious where the love and attention went this episode: all the carnage! We also got to see a lot of Berlin’s ruins, which is a nice change from fighting over ocean and rural landscapes. In my opinion, this was the way to go with the budget.
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Also, Dem Walls!
They were so cool! I was amazed by the way they could reform to cover the gap where they were under attack! They even showed the little drones coming in to stack on top of one another. And later on, how the main body used the walls to shield itself from the Ratte’s full power was also very impressive! I love how powerful the walls were, but that the Neuroi’s resources weren’t infinite. That’s how you write your antagonist.
Not to Mention the Dome of Death!
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Let’s be honest: we all knew a snag was coming. But not only was this a clever trap by the Neuroi, it also showcased the Neuroi using the debris to build more of themselves!
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Miscellaneous Things
Something I didn’t mention in my Episode 10 post was Lynne’s support. She’s been really good at looking out for Shizuka! And she also scored a huge hit on the drone horde, which was great. And this time, Perrine also took the time to reassure Shizuka; as the one who was originally assigned to train Shizuka, it’s good she’s showing her gentler side now.
The 502nd made a brief cameo! I haven’t watched Brave Witches yet, which I’ll have to get on after this season finishes. It was also really cool to see how the other Joint Fighter Wings were pitching in for the war effort. The 501st are definitely the stars of the operation (as they should be), but there’s a multi-prong attack going on off-screen. Exciting stuff!
I also really like the little touches that RtB’s been so good at this entire season. For this episode, it’s the blue tulip on Yoshika’s bedstand. Seeing as the episode starts on the day after the ending of Episode 10, this means someone (maybe Perrine?) had a Queen of Nederland shipped out to Kiel really quickly, just for Yoshika. It’s sweet!
Finally, while Minna and Trude clashed during the previous episode, here they work together to support one another during combat. Trude comes to Minna’s aid the moment she’s attacked.
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The Stuff I Thought I’d Get, But Didn’t
I’d speculated on this episode and came up with things I thought I’d get to see. But nope!
First of all, what’s RtB’s deal with Mio? I can’t believe Minna’s had more subtext with Trude than with Mio this season! Even when the two of them finally spoke with one another for the first time since Episode 2, there was no blushing or anything like that! Are the days of Minna and Perrine fawning over Mio over? Is there someone on the writing team who loves Trude like I do, and has the same problems with Mio that I do? This is really...well, weird. I can’t describe it in any other way.
Anyway, she’s now bringing the B-17 to Berlin, meaning she might get involved somehow (and is also bringing the Shinden, possibly so Shizuka can fly it.) But here I was, thinking, ‘Oh, that plane they showed Mio with in the opening, she’ll fly that, and it’s going to have anti-Neuroi armor!’ and yet I’m not seeing any indication of that happening at all. Mio isn’t even in that plane right now. It’s the Ratte who got the anti-Neuroi treatment, and again, Mio’s presence felt...functional, I guess.
There’s something about her screen presence that bothers me, actually. I didn’t think about it before, because she was absent so much it just didn’t cross my mind, but...what happened to good ol’ jolly Mio? I don’t mind her being a bit more serious--RtB’s been a more serious season, after all--but we haven’t had a patented Mio Laugh since the first episode, and I miss it. Let’s hope the final episode gives her a nice sendoff.
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Secondly, for all the fuss they made about Yoshika and Shizuka’s conditions with that downright tragic ending in Episode 10, the two of them bounced back pretty fast. It’s literally been a day and Shizuka’s already running around fine? And Yoshika doesn’t seem to be experiencing any lingering negative effects of her overexertion? (Aside from the obvious.) For a season that’s so focused on consequences and a consistency in tone, I feel like the two of them got off a bit light.
I was also expecting Trude and possibly Minna and Lynne having sad moments because ‘oh no, people we care about are hurt!’ but because Yoshika and Shizuka seem mostly fine, that didn’t happen at all.
Usually, Episode 11 is the one that ends on a somber note, but here it seems they moved that to Episode 10, and instead had Episode 11 strike a more optimistic tone. No one really showed off their flaws, either; maybe Episode 10 was the bookend to that theme after all?
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Into the End
The episode ends on a very interesting note. Everyone finds out Yoshika is also trapped inside the Neuroi dome--and why, exactly, was no one informed of her presence on the Ratte?!--and they’re ordered to mount a rescue operation for their besieged comrades.
And then Trude comes with this absolutely surprising revelation:
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I imagine at least one staff member had a chuckle at the fact the cast is now embarking on another Road (in)to Berlin.
The what, now? This wasn’t built up or alluded to at all; I have questions, show! Not to mention, how does Trude even know about this? And why is she the one announcing it, and not Minna, the world’s best mom and team captain?
Anyway, the preview seems to indicate some sort of tunnel run--I briefly wondered if they’d have to venture in on foot, but it seems to be big enough for them to fly.
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This shot is ominous.
I’m highly intrigued by this decision. Obviously, the final confrontation will play out outside, but to yank the Witches from the air and into a much more claustrophobic space is a confident move. I can only imagine the surprises the final episode has up its sleeve.
Anyway, all in all, this was a decent episode, and while it did have lots of neat little character moments, it’s obviously setup for what I hope to be a spectacular ending. 
Even if it doesn’t quite deliver next week, though, RtB’s been so consistently great that it’s already cemented itself as my favorite show ever.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Flying Girls Enjoys Comedic Daily Life in TV Anime World Witches Take Off! PV
    KADOKAWA's official anime YouTube channel has posted a 35-second PV for the forthcoming TV anime World Witches Take Off! It is the second season of the TV anime adaptation project based on the spin-off gag manga Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off! illustrated by Makoto Fujibayashi.
  The comedy spin-off is set in a world where Neuroi, the enemies of humanity, never came. So the Witches from all over the world spend their days goofing off instead of fighting. The first season Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off! was aired for 12 episodes from April 10 to June 26, 2019. In this second season, episodes featuring the 501st and 502nd Joint Fighter Wing members will be told alternately.
  World Witches Take Off! is set to premiere on TOKYO MX on January 12, 2021.
    Key visual:
    / TVアニメ「ワールドウィッチーズ発進しますっ!」 PV公開????✨ \ 来年1月12日(火)より 放送スタートの #WW発進しますっ! のPVを公開致しました✨ 501&502ウィッチーズたちの ドタバタ日常をお楽しみに????#w_witch ▼高画質版はこちら▼https://t.co/BAD7RHiRjy pic.twitter.com/XdxLbmMZlo
— 「ワールドウィッチーズシリーズ」公式 (@w_witch_anime) December 28, 2020
    The TV anime first season Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off! is available on Crunchyroll to its members in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark. Netherlands.
      Source: KADOKAWA official anime YouTube channel 
  (C)2021 Fumikane Shimada, Makoto Fujibayashi, KADOKAWA/501st Unit & 502 Unit, Taking Off!
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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craveanimeblog-blog · 5 years
Crunchyroll Removing English Dub of Isekai Quartet
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Crunchyroll announced on Thursday that it will remove the English dubs for The Helpful Fox Senko-san, Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off!, Isekai Quartet, and Million Arthur Season 2 on August 9, 10, 11, and 17, respectively.
Update: Funimation has additionally announced that the subtitled versions of the above four series are also no longer available on FunimationNow, although the dubbed versions are still available for the shows that featured dubs. Additionally, Funimation removed the subtitled version of the first 13 episodes of YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world. from its streaming service.
The crossover project is scripted and directed by Minoru Ashina, Minoru Takehara acts as character designer and animation director with Studio Puyukai animating the series. The story is a bit simple, but definitely opens the door for cute shenanigans as a mysterious red button pops up in each of these worlds and pressing it brings them together. The "Isekai" in its title refers to a subgenre of fantasy anime in which a normal human is brought into a fantasy world through magical means, and each of these series are major examples of this genre as they have sold more than 16 million copies in print altogether along with popular anime adaptations for each of the series.
Although the Crunchyroll catalog has seen some major boosts from Discotek Media lately with classic series such as Kimagure Orange Road joining their streaming library, fans are still seeing some of the last after effects of their ended partnership with Funimation. The ended partnership brought about a major library shift for both streaming platforms, and while Funimation has not announced its own recent shifts in relation to these series, it seems more English dubs will be leaving Crunchyroll soon.
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Crunchyroll has announced that the English dubs for four series will be leaving the streaming service throughout August, and includes Isekai Quartet among a few others. Here's the full breakdown.
The Helpful Fox Senko-san - August 9th
Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off! - August 10th
Isekai Quartet - August 11th
Million Arthur Season 2 - August 17th
These four English dubs are also available on FunimationNow, and this announcement has led to the fan speculation that their respective English subtitled releases will be leaving Funimation in August as well. But this has not been confirmed as of this writing, so all fans can currently do to prepare for the upcoming shift is to be sure to work through these English dubs in their Crunchyroll queue before their respective removal dates.
If you have never head of Isekai Quartet, it was one of the fan favorite releases of the Spring 2019 anime season. A special anime crossover featuring characters from four of Kadokawa's biggest light novel anime adaptations -- Overlord, Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World-, Konosuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!, and Saga of Tanya the Evil in cute chibi forms, you can now find it streaming on FunimationNOW and Crunchyroll. A second season has been confirmed to be in the works.
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ljaesch · 5 years
Crunchyroll Removes the English Dubs for The Helpful Fox Senko-san, Strike Witches 501st, Isekai Quartet, Million Arthur Season 2 Anime
Crunchyroll Removes the English Dubs for The Helpful Fox Senko-san, Strike Witches 501st, Isekai Quartet, Million Arthur Season 2 Anime
Crunchyroll has announced that it will remove the English dubs for The Helpful Fox Senko-san, Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off!, Isekai Quartet, and Million Arthur Season 2 on August 9, 10, 11, and 17, 2019, respectively.
The English-subtitled versions of all four anime will remain on the service.
FUNimation Entertainment also streamed English dubs for all four of the anime except
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uniquestream · 5 years
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Strike Witches 501st Unit, Taking Off! 2019 The everyday life of 501st Joint Fighter Wing's witches filled with mundane tasks like cooking and washing when there's a break in the Neuroi attacks.
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Annunciato un breve film di “Strike Witches 501 Butai Hasshinshimasu!”
Nell’episodio sarà presente anche Shizuka Hattori!
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A seguito della messa in onda della serie animata “Strike Witches 501 Butai Hasshinshimasu!” (Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off!), tratta dall’omonimo manga slice of life di Makoto Fujibayashi, è stata annunciata la produzione di un breve film di 30 minuti, che sarà proiettato nei cinema giapponesi dal 4 ottobre di quest’anno. 
Al cast della miniserie si aggiungerà Aya Uchida, nei panni di Shizuka Hattori. Il progetto sarà diretto sempre da Fumio Ito e realizzato presso gli studi Acca Effe e Giga Production, con la collaborazione di Production I.G e Anime Beans. 
La miniserie è stata trasmessa in Giappone a partire dallo scorso 10 aprile e fa parte dei tre progetti che celebreranno il 10° anniversario del popolare franchise. Nel 2020 andrà in onda “Strike Witches: Road to Berlin”, la terza stagione della serie, mentre per il 2021 è attesa la nuova serie spin-off “Renmei Kuugun Koukuu Mahou Ongakutai Luminous Witches” (Allied Air Force Magical Idols Luminous Witches).
La storia segue la vita quotidiana dei membri del 501° battaglione, impegnati a cucinare, pulire e in altre piccole faccende, durante i momenti di tregua fra un combattimento contro i Neuroi e l’altro.
Il manga è stato serializzato su 4-Koma Nano Ace fra il 2011 e il 2012, venendo raccolto in due volumi da Kadokawa. La casa editrice giapponese ha anche pubblicato i due volumi di “Strike Witches Gekijouban 501 Butai Hasshinshimasu!”, usciti nel 2014 e nel 2016.
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animegadaisukiidesu · 4 years
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genkinahito · 5 years
The Other Home, Mukou no Ie,Liar! Uncover the Truth, Listen to the Universe, Tokyo Wine Party People, Mr. Hikita, I Am Knocked Up, Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off!, High & Low The Worst, Geki × cine “Seven people of the skull castle” Season Moon Waning Moon Japanese Film Trailers Happy weekend! I hope you are all well! The Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival is on and I'm locked into doing that.
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anime-herald · 5 years
Strike Witches: 501st Joint Fighter Wing Take Off! Movie Gets New Visual & Trailer
Strike Witches: 501st Joint Fighter Wing Take Off! Movie Gets New Visual & Trailer
Earlier today, the official website for the Strike Witches: 501st Joint Fighter Wing Take Off! anime adaptatoin updated with a new teaser trailer and key visual for the series’ upcoming movie. We break the details down below.
The 55-second promo offers a brief at the film in action, as the main characters narrate.
Key Visual
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recentanimenews · 4 years
World Witches Take Off! TV Anime Reveals OP / ED Theme Song Performers
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  The war on pants continues, and the OP / ED theme song performers and the Japanese broadcast schedule have been revealed for World Witches Take Off!, the upcoming short-form sequel series based on the humorous spin-off manga written by Fumikane Shimada and Projekt Kagonish and illustrated by Makoto Fujibayashi that follows the everyday adventures of the Strike Witches cast when they're not out saving the world.
  The opening theme, entitled "Wanna Fly?", is performed by Yoko Ishida. The ending themes, entitled "Colorful Everyday" and "Awesome days!", are performed in-character by the girls of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing and the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing, respectively.
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    Crunchyroll currently streams the earlier series, Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off!, and describes the story as follows:
  Strike Witches, the 501st Joint Fighter Wing girls, are back from battle and ready to relax as best they can! War with the deadly Neuroi won’t last forever, but one thing is certain, the war on laundry is eternal. Join these aerial combat cuties in a down-to-earth series highlighting the team’s hijinks between missions.
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    World Witches: Take Off! is directed by Fumio Ito and features animation production by acca effe and Giga Production. The series will broadcast in Japan according to the following TV schedule:
  TOKYO MX: every Tuesday during the 24:45 time slot beginning on January 12, 2021.
Mainichi Broadcasting System: every Saturday during the 28:53 time slot beginning on January 16, 2021.
BS11: every Wednesday during the 24:15 time slot beginning on January 13, 2021.
  Please note that some Japanese TV schedules count early-morning programming as late-night programming of the previous day, so for example the 24:45 time slot on Tuesday evening is actually on Wednesday morning at 12:45am JST.
Comic Natalie
  Copyright notice: © 2021 Fumikane Shimada・Makoto Fujibayashi・KADOKAWA / Strike Witches: 501st & 502nd JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off!
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Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
By: Paul Chapman
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sadlarry3 · 5 years
via Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll! hope you will enjoy it
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ljaesch · 5 years
Crunchyroll Adds the New Strike Witches Anime and the Second Trinity Seven Anime Film in the U.S.
Crunchyroll Adds the New Strike Witches Anime and the Second Trinity Seven Anime Film in the U.S.
Crunchyroll has announced that it is streaming the Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off! anime. The company also announced that it will add Trinity Seven: Heavens Library & Crimson Lord (Trinity Seven: Tenkū Toshokan to Shinku no Maō), the second Trinity Seven film, in the United States.
The first three episodes of Strike Witches: 501st JOINT FIGHTER WING Take Off!are available now.…
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