tell me abt ure ocs bro
*jumps around you like an excited puppy* Hi!!!!!!!
Ok ok ok so we start with Strike my beloved little baby girl this is what she looks like and this is her backstory but the gist of it is she was cloned from a bounty hunter acquaintance of Jango’s, to be a private assassin for the Kaminoans but the double aging rate thing didn’t work on the batch they had so they only kept the one they called FC-0025
Nala Se kept her in a Secret Lab in isolation where she was trained by the Cuy’val Dar until the war started when she was 15, and then they decided to send her off to war with the rest to see if their training methods were as effective as they thought. near the end of her training she starts to get some Teenage Rebellion and sneak out to visit friend 99 but then she has to say goodbye to him when she leaves Kamino :(
at the Battle of Teth (TCW film) her squad dies because she made a misstep so she’s Traumatised by that and makes friends with Jesse and Ahsoka after
she met Alex during the Clone Wars (he was her informant on an undercover Republic mission, but they frequently met up in the lower levels even after the mission was over) and they gradually fall in love (slow burn FTW) they’re both bi but Strike is demisexual and Alex is demiromantic so they have Bonding Time before actually falling for each other, but when they do it’s in the middle of the night on Coruscant and they’re sitting on his platform outside the shop and looking up at what they can see of the stars through the night traffic and while she’s taking in the beauty of the stars he’s looking at her- 😫
she runs away from Coruscant after O66 and they don’t see each other for years and years and years :( she doesn’t fight with the rebellion for a long time because she’s depressed after losing basically everyone she’s ever loved and tired of fighting for armies that don’t care for their soldiers so she doesn’t meet him there until she finally joins around Kenobi era then a few years later during Rebels they get married 🥹
after the war they have twins who get to meet Uncle Rex and Auntie Ahsoka before they grow up to join the Resistance (they’re basically the only reason I have sequel era OCs skbdjdbd) and have a whole X-wing squadron of their own they name after Wolffe
and I’m completely normal about them as you can tell 😊
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swift-creates · 4 months
@chrumblr-whumblr day 16: begging
wc: 613 | warnings: torture, knife violence, threats | characters: Strike (OC) (pov), Alex Brisals (OC), unnamed Separatist human female
[all time low voice] tonight's like a knife, would you cut me with your kiss I bleed red lips you're unbelievable-
another oc ship fic because i'm uncontrollable! so is the brainrot more things about Strike on AO3
Alex's eyes were wide as his gaze desperately clung to hers. She knew that look. That was the lie to me look, the tell me everything's going to be okay look.
"Stay away from him," she forced out through gritted teeth. "Oh, darling. It's sweet to see you think you have any say in the matter whatsoever." The woman selected out a knife from the tray in front of her, flipping it between her fingers as she strolled up and down the tiny room. "Don't darling me. Touch him, and I'll shove that knife down your throat." Strike's threat was made somewhat less effectual by the audible tremor in her voice. The woman laughed, and patted her on the cheek. "Just watch."
She left Strike, and walked towards him. Alex watched her the same way a frightened animal would someone approaching them, leaning away when she tried to grab him by the chin. "Hmm, where should we start? Do you think she'd like it if we gave you some lovely scars on your face?" Alex's breathing hitched, and he looked frantically past her to Strike.
"Maybe around your pretty mouth. So she remembers this every time she kisses you." She traced the knife lightly over his skin, and she saw his hands start to tremble.
"Don't." Her fingers dug into the leather straps that restrained her, kept her strapped to this stupid chair. They were right there; she should be able to stop this, to protect him, to do something, not stay seated as a creepy woman with knives threatened him. "Here's the thing, sweetheart. This all comes down to you. Just tell me everything I need to know about your little operation, and your boy here goes free and unharmed." She smiled, as if they were at a cafe instead of in a torture room. "Don't call her sweetheart." Oh, Alex. Poor, brave Alex. He was so far out of his depth, and still tried to stand up for her. Strike might be trained to withstand the worst Separatist torment, but he wasn't. He shouldn't even be here, her mind wailed. What have you done?
"You'll look wonderful when I'm done with you." The woman smiled wickedly, digging the tip of the knife in deep enough to draw blood, and Alex let out a strangled yelp. "Stop!" Strike desperately pulled against her bonds, tilting the chair dangerously forward. "Please." The woman turned to her, pretending she hadn't heard the first time. "What was that, lovely?" "Stop." She rolled her eyes and went back to her task, etching a curved line around the edge of his lips. "No manners. Really, should know better than to distract me. Or I might slip up." The knife jarred sharply downward, and Alex cried out.
Strike squeezed her eyes shut at the sound. "Please! Stop." Alex stopped screaming, and she opened her eyes to the woman looking back at her, knife hovering just above his skin. "One more time, soldier." "Please don't do this." Her voice dropped to a whisper. She kept her eyes trained on Alex's, holding him with her gaze if nothing else, and watched the woman pull away from her peripheral vision.
She walked over to Strike. Bent to look her straight in the eye. "Tell me everything I want to know about the Republic operations on this planet, or I will see to it that you and the boy become well acquainted with the very worst I have to offer." "I will. I swear. Just don't hurt him."
The woman smiled, and Strike thought of Rex and Anakin and Ahsoka and Jesse and Kix. I'm sorry.
"Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?"
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OTP asks: 2, 3, 5 and 7!
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
bold of you to assume this is just a “what if” :')
Alex’s nightmares are rarer, but when they happen I like to make him a warm drink before go back to bed (preferably with his arms tightly around me)
when they happen to me, I um. like to be held. so he does that. I love him a lot. :)
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes?
Alex never wears my armour, but I have appropriated a few of his shirts- I mean, my shirts. that I obtained. from elsewhere.
5. Describe their cozy night in.
sometimes we watch an old holomovie. or just listen to music and cuddle. hey, do you like Fall Out Bith?
7. Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
oh, kriff yeah! I don’t really know how to build them but I’ve seen people make them and they look so fun 🥺
[mun: send me OTP asks!]
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you see, the thing is that Strike looks somewhat like Letitia Wright and Alex looks somewhat like Louis Partridge but I cannot imagine them together as StrikeAlex…
ijiejfihe honestly same, of course echo should be Temuera Morrison and Beryl is supposedly Nicole Kang, butI cannot see them as Becho lol
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is it really romantic to kiss your childhood sweetheart and continuously deny you still have feelings for them? find out in this week’s episode!
(spoiler alert: it’s romantic as KRIFF)
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thinking about Strike and Alex and how he gave her a seemingly insignificant object (a metal washer) so that she could carry a piece of him around with her when she was away on the battlefield and how he had to wait sometimes months for her to return or call to tell him she was okay and how she kept it in one of her belt pouches during the war but on a necklace after because there was no point in hiding it away anymore and how she still had it when they met in the Rebellion and how she kept it her entire life even after he died and how she had it on her when she blows up the base and finally gets to be with him again and how the seemingly insignificant can mean so much when you know what it means
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Reallyyyyy not your type of music but here me out, StrikAlex song
omg i love this actually 🥺
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StrikeAlex would both look so good in suits and you cannot convince me otherwise
I think everyone would look good in a suit honestly-
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I especially love StrikeAlex in the Rebel AU because it’s just-
Alex: Are you trying to seduce me? Strike: Why, are you seducible?
Bahahaha I love them (also Kana and Neven a bit...)
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The fact I have three Beryl themed playlist, but yet they're all different...
Jabjsbdjd #cantrelate I have one main playlist for Strike, one StrikeAlex playlist and one for Five and Acho (some songs connect to their relationship with Strike)
are they for different AUs? also, you can’t say that and not drop the links… 👀
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I just StrikeAlex in this one scene in a fic have the same vibe as Nat and Steve in that mall scene from CA:TWS skdbkdbdkdb
I am looking...
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Me creating Becho : It's gonna be fluffy and cjeesy and otherall just so, so, cute!
Me now : I want to break them like someone making pieces for mosaics and then put all this pieces in the most heartbreaking mural you've ever seen
okay but that’s me with StrikeAlex tho 😭
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sooo I was browsing Spotify and found this perfect StrikeAlex song (Strike POV @ Alex)
This loneliness will tear me apart I'm wishing myself back to the start ‘Cause when I'm holding her I feel your heart And I hope it beats ‘til it leads me back to where you are
‘Cause she's just not you and he's just not me Like two strangers in the dark We've been trapped inside of a storyline Where the pages lost their spark
[Break Away - Artist vs Poet]
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For the ship ask game : Anidala, Obitine and StrikAlex (and Becho if you want)
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Sorry I have a Master Kana/Happy Clone Wars AU brainrot and I love her student and I'm prob about to make like 5 more ocs and huuuu...
MOOD I currently have StrikeAlex on a Happy Planet brainrot
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Sobbing over this adorable StrikeAlex kiss scene I just wrote
had some Ninjago brainrot so Kai is just. there for no reason at all
You're writing a kiss scene, meanwhile Beryl and Echo haven't even exchanged a word, Kana is an a desertd planet with her Master and Lili is still stuck with the empire and hasn't met her soulmate, we are not the same
Also that's very relatable lmao
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