#Structured Disasters
vaguely-concerned · 4 months
I am taking the fact that o'brien hung out with bashir in this lighting
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for a whole episode, without it apparently stirring much in him other than maybe faint irritation, as proof that for all his other wonderful qualities our chief of operations really may be completely heterosexual
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why-the-heck-not · 3 months
no those aren’t weird sex noises coming from ur neighbour’s apartment; it’s ur local insomniac slap & folding bread dough in the wee hours of the morning
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fanficmaniatic · 2 years
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Guess who caved in and and drew the regular teenager ninja humans!
This concept was EATING ME alive and literally did not let me sleep, so take this, is 4 am for me and I should be sleeping.
Won’t bother posting this in my art account cuz I am not sure this is going to be their final versions in my head. I might change Leo’s clothes, I am not sure. Trying to make them all look mixed was harder than expected, but in case u r wondering, I did my best so they all look/are blasian. Have a nice day.
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alexihawleys · 1 year
chenford + 'how the hell are we getting ourselves out of this one?'
Tim swallows and glances over at her, his lips twitching into a scowl for a moment before he neutralizes his expression. He can’t frown at her when she’s bleeding like that.
He sighs, crouching down next to her and adjusting her hands, pressing them down over the wound so she’s got actual pressure on it. He doesn’t allow himself to notice just how hard his hands are shaking. Doesn’t allow himself to notice how hard hers are, either. “Look at me,” she whispers, her tone harsh. “Right now, Tim.”
He listens, looks down at her face and feels his throat go tight. "Hi, baby."
Lucy furrows her brow at him and he can tell she's trying to fight a smile. "Hi," she returns, her voice clearly a little shakier than she wants him to hear. "Talk to me. What's the plan?"
Tim slides one of his hands over hers lightly, ghosting his palm over her knuckles. They're sticky with blood and he feels a thick, wet swath of it graze along his skin. He presses his lips together. She's bleeding more than he'd like, but not so much that he thinks it's catastrophic.
Still, the ambulance is at least 10 minutes out and they aren't cleared to move, yet. As if on cue, a loud crumbling emanates through the narrow stretch of the hallway they're trapped in and a piece of drywall lands next to Tim's boot, scuffing the side. He pushes it out of the way, away from Lucy.
This was supposed to be a quick stop-off to question a suspect before they grabbed lunch together. He was supposed to be picking french fries off her plate and casually telling her about all the things he had planned for them to do over the weekend in her incredibly empty apartment. Instead, the suspect had fled after pulling a knife on Lucy and his shitty fourth-floor walkup had started to collapse in on them.
The building, which Tim's pretty sure should be condemned, is going to come down any minute now and they need to be out of it by the time it falls. How that's going to happen, Tim has no idea.
"Baby," her voice is light, pulling him from his thoughts. "What's the plan?"
He knows she's asking for him, not for her. Lucy has a plan already, and he's sure it's a decent one. It's not what he's going to go with, because he's also sure it involves him leaving her, but it's probably decent. "The plan," he says softly, trying to keep the rest of his body still as he reaches down and brushes her hair out of her eyes, "is for you to keep up the pressure, and for me to get us out of here." Lucy frowns and he frowns back at her, albeit teasingly. "What?"
"Real plan," she urges, then sucks in a sharp breath, pressing her hands down into her skin further. The wound is just beneath her ribcage which makes the bleeding that much heavier. "Give me the real plan, please. Ambulance is how far out?"
He glances down at his watch. "Nine minutes," he casts his eyes towards the bleeding, then back up at her face. "You think you have nine minutes in you?"
"I'm not the one who can't last," she teases, and his chest tightens. "I have more than nine minutes in me, I promise."
Tim nods, looking back over his shoulder out the half broken window, straining to see if he can catch a glimpse of flashing lights or rescue vehicles. "I could do a lot with nine minutes," he murmurs, grinning when he hears her laugh. "What?"
"You planning on proving that to me later?"
"I've proven it plenty," he huffs, another crackling sending waves through the air and leaving the ground unsteady beneath this feet. He shuts his eyes and feels Lucy's leg tap against his ankle.
"Breathe," she whispers, and as much as he wants to tell her he'll breathe when they're on solid ground, he listens. "There you go."
"When did you become the voice of reason," he sighs, dipping down next to her slowly, so he won't fuck up the equilibriums of the building that he swears to god is swaying beneath them. He wonders if part of it is just his body reacting to hers, his head swimming because she's unsteady, because there's no way they're this unstable.
Lucy hums quietly. "Well, I was born in June of 19-," Tim cuts her off with a laugh and he watches as her face twists up into a smile, a real one. "We're going to be fine. I'm going to be laid up on your couch by this time tomorrow."
"My couch, huh?"
"Don't tell," she looks around conspiratorially, trying not to smile. "Your couch is more comfortable than mine."
He stares down at her, his face hard. "How much blood have you lost," he asks, serious, before cracking a smirk. He peeks out the window, then settles down next to her as carefully as possible, sliding one of his hands over hers and pressing down a bit further on her wound. "Can I tell you something?"
She hooks one of her bloody fingers around his thumb, squeezing it gently. "Anything you want."
He leans down slowly, as careful as he can, brushing his lips against her hairline. "You're the most important person I've got," he murmurs, his free hand slipping into her hair. "Even with your bad taste in furniture."
Lucy exhales a slow breath that hitches into a laugh by the end, another piece of drywall lands too close to her head for his liking. Tim smiles, kissing her gently and letting himself linger before he sits back up, admiring the smile on her lips, her eyes still closed. "You've at least cracked the top five, at this point," she hums up at him as he hears sirens hurdling toward them in the distance.
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jelfish-aether · 5 months
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arionawrites · 7 months
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widowshill · 5 months
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not for nothing that roger and jeff are wearing completely identical suits for vicki's wedding down to the same pearl stick pin and it's roger that is distinguished with the accessory and the visual emphasis. that roger wears the pocket square and jeff goes plain without one, without a boutonnière (as feels the most probable and appropriate; they both wear boutonnières in roger's prophetic dream of the wedding). that not only is he wearing the handkerchief, but it's folded in such a way as so take as much space as possible – straying from accepted formality of a neat TV fold, occupying more room on the screen, drawing more attention, pointing among other things to his heart in bright white.
#i wrote about this in the tags of that gifset but i thought i should accompany commentary with images.#i've... for sure mentioned this scene before but i've read enough tonight that i feel more confident speaking on it more#than only – omg roger is wearing the same clothes. they could switch places. i wish they would switch places.#625.#it's a category of ds analysis where i do hesitate before ascribing importance but it's not going to stop me entirely.#a) davis could have just not put on the pin he was supposed to and that's the end of that story. not unlikely. but b)#the details *matter* in menswear – dark shadows costumes (in the present day) rely heavily on contemporary codes of fashion‚ class‚ leisure#many Many of the male characters mostly or only wear suits – the subtle differences in those suits (between characters; between days#and arcs) are responsible for communicating a great deal to us about who these people are – their place in the structure of things#and what they want right now.#and in costume design – when two characters are wearing an identical costume (a uniform; a wedding suit) the distinguishing features#take on the role of communicating details of character.#in american weddings the groom is dressed much more like his groomsmen than the bride and the bridal party – this is something#the costume team is going to be aware of and be purposeful about. even if they weren't purposeful: assume a 60's viewer who knows the rules#of suits‚ of weddings‚ of pocket squares (who knows much more than i do)#roger and jeff are dressed so much alike for vicki's wedding as to be nigh indistinguishable – it could have‚#had things played out differently‚ been roger in jeff's place.#both the script and the players elide the two in vicki's perspective (''why hasn't roger come back?'' ''you mean jeff don't you?'')#this being a wedding that he tried to stop – one in which he sensed disaster – one in which you already have the notion that maybe he does#wish it was *him* instead‚ though he won't say that. but his first and foremost priority in 625 and 626 is her happiness.#he takes the responsibility (and the shame) from vicki's shoulders of telling the guests that jeff left and there's no wedding.#he chases jeff down to the cemetary‚ to try to stop him from digging up a grave‚ and *implores* him to focus on offering vicki a life.#he has a large role in these eps perhaps especially because he's the one that had the premonition against the wedding; but also because#vicki is one of the few people he cares about – and he says as much. all this to say. roger is grabbing attention with his extravagant#pocket square – he's pulling focus visually; narratively; from the groom (in terms of vicki/the wedding – jeff has more to do with eve/#the graveyard/peter) vicki is spending as much time thinking about roger as she does jeff. and the moment where roger comes up to her room#to see her is .... well. there's more shared in the way they look at each other than all v/j's professions of love between them.#(and it's a distant echo of her first night in the house: roger at her bedroom door)#in the ds in my head (my beloved ds in my head) this is where the paths ought to have diverged. that vicki – no matter how much she loves#the past‚ how dearly she remembers the 18th century and peter and their ill-fated jail cell‚ has to choose now. not the grave‚ life.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
Me, explaining things in a way that's completely incoherent: I don't understand what you find so difficult to comprehend???
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hillbilly---man · 9 months
I think this show I'm watching was actually literally made for an engineering class
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handgiven · 10 months
❛  umm, is this seat taken ?  ❜ ( from Caleb )
first meeting starter sentences / @freak1ish
Sure enough, the angel did not look like one of the usual patrons. What with his loose floral blouse and a thrifted professor jacket thrown over the chair beside him. The look was not especially aided by the book of John Keats poetry he seemed absolutely determined to read, no matter the noise of the bar, and no matter the way the letters jumbled themselves on the page. (He'd preferred it when John read him the poems out loud to this. But a little over 200 years later he was left with no other choice but to stumble over the written word himself.) He was frowning with focus, and that frown only dissipated momentarily when he heard someone speak.
Emmanuel raised his eyes, a smile shining through their tiredness but soon as he recognise the other – or rather, recognise the fact that he did not recognise him – a bright familiar smile turned to that of perfect politeness, hiding his disappointment, because surely this was the universe's way of telling him Kesabel was not coming. For a moment, he'd gotten melancholy. Kesabel was the only reason he'd dared enter such an establishment; it was so hard to get hold of him these days that when he'd suggested a bar to meet Emmanuel would not protest for a second. But, he supposed, something came up.
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He got so distracted that he'd only realised he kept the other waiting a few seconds later. "Um, sorry, yes. I mean no. It is free." Another smile was given, this time the angel made an effort to make it friendly. The other did not deserve a part in his sadness. He, of course, same as any other regular patron, must have come to have fun.
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niishi · 1 year
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I desperately need to get my place finished so I can properly display him 😮‍💨😮‍💨 I'm getting my cosmiq Zoro Collab & bunny boy fig soon too and I just!!!! want a nice spot for him!!!!
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gravitasmalfunction · 11 months
Extremely cursed crossover that came to me last night as I drifted off to a sleep that was soon to be broken by neighbours playing electric guitar on their balcony at concert volume: Well There's Your Problem podcast episode xxxx: Greystown Cow Dome
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I really wish I could say I loved Beau Is Afraid, and I definitely liked it on principle of its confidence, creativity, and intentionality, but fucking hell does it meander like a plodding motherfucker.
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
fossils and archeology are irl lore but no one cares
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transhitman · 2 years
Thinking a lot about alternative modes of law enforcement in my fantasy setting and worrying the copaganda is working on me lmfao
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krawdad · 4 days
I'm sure the world ending nightmares getting more frequent is a good sign
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