#Subnautica themed ask meme
ariibees · 5 months
*climbs into your askbox like an old friend* I just wanted to come and say I vibe so hard with your feelings about Outer Wilds! Unfortunately for stupid reasons of physical impediment I'm unable to play games with a controller and it is, as it turns out, pretty impossible to play on mouse and keyboard, so i had to experience it through other people's playthroughs which was a huge shame. but nevertheless, I absolutely agree with "rewrote my brain"!!
Interestingly enough, I had the exact opposite experience with the control schemes -- I played the game using keyboard & mouse pretty comfortably, and absolutely would have suffered with controller. In the early game the controls do take some getting used to (particularly the delayed jump and zero-gravity maneuvering) and I was using a pretty awful button mapping setup earlier on, but with the exception of [THAT SECTION] that controller can arguably-slightly-cheese I preferred the ease of looking around and aiming my scout that kb&m provided. Though I'll admit I'm biased in that regard, as I've gone to pretty comical lengths to avoid having to use a controller for anything (looking at you, Sonic Adventure 2) and thus never really learned how to hold/use them.
That aside, even though you didn't get to play the game on your own, I'm glad you were able to enjoy other folks' playthroughs -- there are some seriously awesome ones out there. Since it's impossible to replay Outer Wilds for obvious reasons I always try to push people towards experiencing it on their own first, but in a situation where you can't I'm glad you still got to see it through one way or another.
As for the actual point of the ask hahaha, yeah, gosh, this game just fundamentally dug into me in a way others haven't. I legitimately went through the five stages of grief over the game's ending.
The game is also just great at putting you in the shoes of the Hatchling. With the exception of like, continuing a save after getting the kazoo meme ending which technically "doesn't happen," you explore the world and learn everything entirely in-character, which made it all hit much harder for me. It didn't feel like I was observing a story, it felt like I was the one making it and uncovering the mystery and having all of this happen to me. That and the fact that I had some personal things going on in my life around when I played Outer Wilds that aligned with the game's themes, leading to it kinda taking me out on a very personal level.
Outer Wilds also just seemed perfectly engineered to suck me in, haha. It's got computer simulations! Black holes! Quantum mechanics! I was the kinda kid who lived for space documentaries so getting to fly around and explore everything was amazing. Going through environmental puzzles, reading adorable exchanges with the nomai, getting to see the most incredible sights (the door falling away at the [SPOILER] and having to make a leap of faith to get across the gap was amazing), and putting it all together in a wild red-string conspiracy board...I completed the entire game over the course of like, 2-3 days as I recall? Just entirely immersed for that time.
It's inspired me so much in my stories and how I think about mysteries. It's the best time-loop game out there, and the presentation of the sandbox mystery is just unparalleled in any other game. Hence why everyone who's played it is left looking up Youtube playthroughs and chasing that high again -- personally I think going into the original Subnautica game blind touches some of the same feelings, but you're never really gonna get the Outer Wilds Experience again.
The mechanics are great, the mystery is presented wonderfully; I fell in love with the environments and the characters and the dialogue. The themes were tied into the story very naturally and hit me right in my core. Obviously I can't really replay it, but I do sometimes boot it up just to reread some sections or go hang out on Giant's Deep for the ambiance; it's comforting and nostalgic in a weird sort of way.
Sorry that this response isn't anywhere near coherent. I'm very, very tired right now, and I love Outer Wilds a lot and won't pass up a chance to ramble about how great it is. It's a very special game to my heart and dug into me in a way other games often can't do. It's not for everyone, but if it is for you it's REALLY for you. Clearly I like it and clearly you like it. So thanks for climbing into my askbox and setting me off, haha.
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flightlesscrowkids · 2 years
this ask meme is giving me such nostalgia… 13 and 55 🌟
I know... what year is it!!!!
13 - do you listen to music as you write? if so, what have you been listening to recently?
I do, though usually I have to listen to wordless music in order to not get distracted by the song, OR one particularly thematically appropriate song that I can just listen to over and over so the words don't mean anything anymore lol. My YouTube is full of various chill/lo-fi beats compilation videos - the original Studying Girl of course but there have been a lot of fun spooky/autumn themed ones recently as well. I also have go-to video game soundtracks - I listen to Subnautica and Night in the Woods a LOT.
In terms of songs with words - I listened to Hozier's Sunlight on repeat while writing my recent yushi huang/ling wen fic, and MUNA's you can handle me while writing my lesbian fengqings - and both of those also have lyrics from them for titles!
55 - have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Ooh, yes, definitely. I think a big one is tone - even when my fics are darker or sadder there's always at least a note of hope, or change, or growth at the end (even if it's not a good kind of hope, like meng yao at the end of my mermaid cannibalism fic). I have a hard time with cynicism and anything relentlessly dark. The angstiest thing I've written recently was my xie lian yong'an coffin era fic and that's literally about him escaping from being buried alive lol. The horror is there but so is the escape from it, even if you're still bleeding out in the rain.
Also like recently I write a Lot about gender, and queer community, and identity-in-relation, and realizations of love that are less "oh, I'm in love" and more "oh, I have been loved this whole time" or "oh, my desire is not only permitted but welcomed and returned."
Also I'm obsessed with describing light and always have been ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mother-ofwriting · 5 years
Subnautica Asks
Based on creatures that I’ve encountered, so not all creatures in Subnautica are accounted for.
Passive creatures/asks....
Bladderfish- In what situation is your muse the most submissive? Boomerang- Does your muse like traveling? Why or why not? Garryfish- When does your muse feel the most ‘normal’? Gasopod- What would cause your muse to enter into ‘defense mode’? Holefish- What is one thing (or more) that your muse finds INCREDIBLY difficult to lie about? Hoopfish- Is your muse good at sports? What kind? Hoverfish- Are there any dangerous situations that your muse can easily survive purely from luck? If so, what? Jellyray- When does your muse feel the most ‘beautiful/handsome’? Peeper- What would cause your muse to give a wide-eyed, slack-jawed ‘what the heck’ expression? Rabbit Ray- Is your muse easily scared? By what, if at all? Skyray- What makes your muse the happiest, like they’re on cloud nine? Spadefish- What does your muse obsess over? Reefback Leviathan- How strong is your muse, on a scale of ‘the air could knock them over’ to ‘the sun has competition’? Shuttlebug- Does your muse like the dark? Why, or why not? Floater- Is your muse more likely to lift others up, or let them sink to the bottom? Ancient Floater- How long do you think your muse could live, at a maximum? Or are they immortal? How would they feel if they knew their ‘true’ lifespan?
Hostile creatures/asks...
Reaper Leviathan- Is there any person your muse will never be kind towards? If so, who and why? Ampeel- What energizes your muse the most? Biter-  Boneshark- What is something your muse would protect at all costs? Why? Crabsnake- What situation causes your muse to retreat into themselves/hide? Crabsquid- What would your muse do to protect something? How dangerous would the method be? Crashfish- What can make your muse explode in anger? Mesmer- Is your muse a people person? Why or why not? Sand Shark- Is your muse territorial in any way? What about/where? Stalker- Is there a food your muse just absolutely DEMOLISHES? If so, what? Warper- Would your muse attack someone based on one characteristic, if so, what? Bleeder- Is your muse capable of easily manipulating others, or are they more so manipulated by others? Cave Crawler- How sneaky is your muse? Rate from ‘I’mma Ninja’ to ‘CLOMP CLOMP FRICKAS’?
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ab-arts · 4 years
📌💎 both fandoms :0c
📌 How did you find your hyperfixation?
For Batim, I found it through these Batim-themed Minecraft hide and seek roleplay videos on YouTube. No I’m not joking lol. I didn’t become interested in Batim until I listened to Build Our Machine for the first time, which was around when only Chapter 2 had been released.
For Subnautica, I found it through Markiplier’s playthrough of it. Basically I knew about the series and that it was about underwater so I was like eh why not? I become very hooked lol.
💎 Are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
There is a specific glitch in Chapter 3 my sister discovered, that if you try to hit the Piper before it comes out of the poster, it’ll not even break through the poster and instead float out of it like a ghost toward you, which is both hilarious and terrifying. It then gets stuck in the wall or floor until you kill it or it just phases out of the playable game map. Oh and doing this breaks the game and won’t let you progress.
There’s an Easter egg somewhere where you can find a Markiplier figurine in some wreckage 200 meters or so underwater as a tribute for him playing the game through its development. I haven’t found it yet but I want it on my wall.
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lillythepug1 · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely, amazing @hithisisleon to do this 21 questions meme:
Name: Keisha, but I go by Kei and Lilly as well (nickname and alias really, so you can call me whatever)
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 6 ft/ 182 cm
Amount of sleep: I do not sleep, only suffer
Last movie I saw: Educational laparoscopic surgery walkthrough (mega cool, but I forget the name)
Last thing I googled: Easy bento recipes
Favourite musician: Danny Sexbang from Ninja Sex Party
Song stuck in my head: Subnautica OST
Other blogs: I have a side blog for writing but it gets weird (Gore, non-con, sexual themes, and acts)
Do I get asks: Mostly on my side blog cause I take requests there but my main blog is p dead, but always open
Blogs following: Very scattered, mainly overwatch, sims 4 cc and writing blogs
Lucky numbers: I don’t really have any, I’ve just always been a very fortunate person
What I’m wearing: Fuzzy PJ’s cause polar vortex, yah know?
Dream trip: I really want to go to Japan and visit Puro Land and all sorts of fun cafes (plus lolita shopping lol) but I also really want to travel Europe!
Dream job: Being a Medical Device Reprocessing Technician (currently studying), Medical Information Manager or a Hospital Unit clerk (certified)
Favourite food: Beef Stroganoff but I’ll try just about anything once!
Languages: English and medical terminology (It’s technically its own language) I learned Quebec French as a child but it never stuck...
Play an instrument: I play with forceps and retractors... does that count?
Favourite songs: Danny don’t you know - NSP
Random fact: My favorite art to draw is gore and I want to be really good at replicating organs in my work. I tag @ganbattedesu and @sith-side-of-the-force if they would like to and anyone else who want’s to join!
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First person games research
Call of Duty COD is one of the easiest first person games to talk about, because it’s been basically the same for about 200 years. It’s a basic first person shooter, the story is badly written and disinteresting, and the game is basically an overpriced multiplayer mode with an optional game tacked onto it. But that’s sort of ok, if you’re the type of person who enjoys that sort of thing, because the gunplay is pristine. It’s beautifully designed so that the guns have a visceral kick to using them, and sound great. It’s extremely polished, and I personally see it as a baseline for all other, better shooters to work from.
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Return of the Obra Dinn Return of the Obra Dinn is much more my speed than COD. It’s a contemplative, first person detective game set on a ship, and is, without a doubt, one of the best games ever made. Set on the abandoned ship, Obra Dinn, you are tasked with solving the fates of the 60 crew members. To my mind, it’s still the only game that’s ever done detective work properly. It has measures in place to stop you brute forcing the problem with trial and error, like the fact that you have to solve 3 murders at a time before the game will verify if they are correct or not. At the same time, the puzzles aren’t super easy and your character is completely mute, so you don’t have any of those moments where you’ve very cleverly worked something out for yourself and the protagonist proudly shouts out “I THINK THE ANSWER IS...,” completely ruining the moment for you. It leaves you to deduce things from clues and it leaves you with a genuine feeling of accomplishment whenever you solve a set of deaths. The main downside is that you can only ever play it for the first time once, which is a weird thing to say about a game, but once you’ve solved it for the first time, you can never solve it properly again. You definitely won’t feel the same sense of accomplishment.
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Portal Portal isn’t a puzzle game. It’s the puzzle game. The quintessential puzzle game. It was unique among first person games at the time, because in 2007, the top selling first person games were Call of Duty, Halo and Bioshock. While these were all (and by that I mean Bioshock) extremely good, important games, they were all, on a moment to moment basis, about killing a bunch of dudes in a grimy corridor. Portal, on the other hand, was about subtly dark humour, complicated physics puzzles and accidentally creating one of the most universally recognised memes in all of internet history. It was witty and challenging and amazing. Portal 2 was also an amazing game, but compared to the original, it felt less experimental, and more focused on showing of big set pieces, which wasn’t fully in line with the original’s themes. It’s still one of the best games ever made. But Portal 1 is better. 
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Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind  Morrowind is, in my eyes, the perfect Elder Scrolls game. It has good characters, an awesome world, and the most ideal core gameplay loop for an open world RPG of it’s type. It forces you to take notes of your surroundings, read road signs and actually talk to people to ask for directions. Morrowind gives me the feeling I get when I watch Lord Of the Rings, except it’s not about some big world ending threat (it is, but it doesn’t really feel it.) I’m just an ex-convict, wandering around the world, finding a guild to join and starting a life for myself. It’s the melancholic, slow pace that I want to take over to a game more based around characters and detective style gameplay.  
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Bulletstorm The shotgun sounds like god slamming his car door, and you have a grappling hook. You can power slide in and kick a dude into orbit. The story sucks, but it doesn’t matter.
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Doom Doom (the original, 2, Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal that is. Not Doom 3) are some of the most important shooters in the industry because they’re fun. The original game was from a time before shooters all got bogged down in gritty realism and was just about a guy who could run at the land speed record indefinitely, and was literally killing his way out of hell. It’s fast paced, gory and just plain fun.
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Subnautica  Subnautica is a first person survival exploration game. The only thing that really needs mentioning in Subnautica is the fact that it controls absolutely beautifully underwater, it truly feels amazing. Also literal terror.
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Superhot Superhot is an innovative idea, in that time only moves when you move, or rather, the game slows down immensely and gives the gunfights a really slow, methodical feel to them.
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