pinky102zanexd · 2 years
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This was supposed to be for a request asked months before at that one SilentTale event, however, Isa asked for a SilentTale version of her AU, The World After The War AU, only for me to accidentally get a mix-up and ended up doing a Fish Out of Water one—
I'm so sorry, Isaaaa, I'll surely make it right nexttttt🥲🌸
Fish Out of the Water AU - @fic-and-art-for-ships
✦Stay safe, stay patient, stay strong, stay... Determined, pinksterz!💕
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star-sara · 2 years
• El miedo es lo que nos hace seres vivos •
• Aunque lo neguemos, es parte de nosotros cómo un sentimiento importante cómo el odio, amor, tristeza etc •
• Ser valiente y enfrentarlo, es la única manera en que te vas a deshacer de el •
• ... •
• No te dejes engañar, mucha azúcar no es saludable •
• Cómo una persona que aparenta ser dulce resulta ser muy amarga y con una personalidad tan agria... •
• A veces, simplemente debes ir por tu propia cuenta... •
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• ¡Kämpfer y Valentín! Delta x Swap Boy's
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Delta → Animated Zorox
Swap → Popcorna-pr1nce
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• Kämpfer •
🗡️ Edad: 18 años
🗡️ Personalidad: Es de carácter bondadoso, confiado, paciente, es aventurero y amistoso
🗡️ Gustos: Le gusta cocinar, hacer ejercicios, entrenar, tocar algunos instrumentos y combatir
🗡️ Disgustos: No le gusta los desastres y flojos, le molesta un poco ser ignorado y que no le agradezcan por su ayuda
🗡️ Sexualidad: Bisexual, pansexual y poliamoroso
•Datos adicionales•
🗡️ Le gusta pasar el tiempo con su madre (Swap) y con Swap!Chara también
🗡️ Se comporta muy sobreprotector con su hermano a veces, aunque sabe que él solo se puede cuidar
🗡️ No le agrada blueberry (ojo, swap y blueberry no son lo mismo, son muy diferentes)
🗡️ Le gustan los gatos aunque no mucho ya que es alérgico a ellos
🗡️ Sabe usar GB y huesos, aunque prefiere más usar su espada
• Valentín •
⚜️ Edad: 17 años
⚜️ Personalidad: valiente, confiable, bromista y un poco travieso, aunque suele ser callado algunas veces, serio
⚜️ Gustos: Le gusta el boxeo, contar chistes, cocinar, buscar algunas aventuras, los anfibios, reptiles, pasar el tiempo con su padre (Delta) y a veces molestar a su hermano
⚜️ Disgustos: No le agrada los infieles, bromas de mal gusto, que hablen mal de su familia a sus espaldas, No le gusta mucho que su hermano lo cuide tanto aunque sepa que solo es preocupación, prefiere cuidarse solo, la traición
⚜️ Sexualidad: Demisexual
•Datos adicionales•
⚜️ Suele entrenar con Swap!Alphys, algunas veces resulta herido y por eso trae vendas y también pasa tiempo con Swap!Undyne
⚜️ Suele combatir cuerpo a cuerpo, pero a veces usa su magia
⚜️ A veces suele molestar a su madre Swap junto a su tío Swap!Papyrus
⚜️ Le tiene cariño a Swap!Toriel, como una segunda madre
⚜️ Mejor amigo de Pólux
⚜️ Tiene un trauma a los perros
⚜️ Suele coleccionar películas antiguas
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• ¡Lincy! Sugar x Candy girl
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Sugar → ask-sugar-skull-sans
Candy → BabyAbbieStar
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🧁 Edad: 20 años
🧁 Personalidad: es insegura, suele estar nerviosa mayormente aunque trate de ocultarlo, desconfiada pero siempre tiene cariño para demostrar a las personas que lo necesitan, generosa, reservada
🧁 Gustos: los caramelos aunque prefiere más los pasteles, jugar en la nieve, los colores verde y azul, lugares con tranquilidad, los peluches o visitar a su padre (sugar)
🧁 Disgustos: películas de terror, personas aprovechadas, consumo excesivo de alcohol, leche con chocolate y drogadictos
🧁 Sexualidad; lesbiana
•Datos adicionales•
🧁 Ella es producto de una borrachera que tuvieron sus padres, meses después de ese suceso candy tuvo a lincy y ambos estuvieron de acuerdo en que la cuidarían entre ambos pero ella viviría con candy
🧁 Ella y Zhàdàn son enemigos
🧁 Tiene algo de miopía, aunque no suele usar mucho sus lentes
🧁 Le tiene cariño a sus padres, aún sabiendo que solo fue producto de una borrachera
🧁 Sugar no es un padre muy cariñoso con ella al no ser planeada, pero a lincy le es suficiente con que él la haya cuidado
🧁 Constantemente busca sentirse segura o conforme consigo misma, aunque lo considere difícil de conseguir
🧁 Se lleva maso con negative (su padrastro), al igual que con algunos de sus medios hermanos
🧁 De magia aún no sabe usar mucha, solo ha podido invocar huesos pero nada más
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• ¡Bitterness y Blackmail! Negative x Candy kiddos
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Negative → ValenSealover
Candy → BabyAbbieStar
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• Bitterness •
🌸 Edad: 16 años
🌸 Personalidad: agresiva, burlona, mentirosa, amenazante y engañosa, con poca empatía a los demás
🌸 Gustos: juegos de palabras, dulces agrios, molestar a su hermano y a su padre, meterse en peleas y provocar algunos problemas
🌸 Disgustos: que la delaten, los pájaros, perder, las cosas románticas y cursis, las ranas
🌸 Sexualidad: heterosexual
•Datos adicionales•
🌸 Cómo se dijo anteriormente, le gusta meterse en peleas y es algo frecuente por eso tiene varias benditas y quizás alguna venda debajo de la chaqueta
🌸 No le interesa nada si la situación no la beneficia a ella
🌸 Aunque le gusta molestar a su hermano, en realidad le teme ya que él ha intentado venderla, o hasta intentar matarla
🌸 Ella provocó la grieta en la cabeza de blackmail cuando se quiso defender
🌸 Siempre viendo el lado negativo
🌸 Prefiere estar con su padre
🌸 Puede invocar GB y huesos, pero prefiere atacar con navajas
🌸 Se odia a muerte con Cecil
• Blackmail •
🎭 Edad: 16 años
🎭 Personalidad; es coqueto pero desquiciado, agresivo, chantajista, manipulador, algo reservado y un poco bromista
🎭 Gustos: juegos de palabras, chocolate con leche, hacer trampa, robar o chantajear, la tortura psicológica
🎭 Disgustos: ¿?
🎭 Sexualidad: Pansexual
•Datos adicionales•
🎭 Doble cara
🎭 Tiene una apariencia dulce y que muestra inocencia, pero la verdad es un desgraciado
🎭 Odia a su hermana por que desde los 13 años en la escuela le hacían bullying pero ella jamás lo defendió, incluso ella se unía a los que lo molestaban y se burlaba de él y sus padres nunca le creyeron cuando se los dijo por esa razón le agarro un gran odio
Lo que blackmail no sabe es que Bitterness hacía eso para que no le hicieran lo mismo a ella pero nunca pensó que su hermano llegaría a odiarla tanto hasta el punto de querer matarla
🎭 Versátil
🎭 ¿Con un posible interés amoroso por Valentín?
🎭 Prefiere pasarla con su madre
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• ¡Dell! Epic + Candy accidente combo
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Epic → yugogeer012
Candy → BabyAbbieStar 
──・──・・✧ ・・──・──
💙 Edad: 11 años
💙 Personalidad: es muy curioso, juguetón, amable y siempre sonriente
💙 Gustos: los juguetes, caramelos, los paseos, un poco los videojuegos y decorar
💙 Disgustos: ruidos muy fuertes o colores muy brillantes
💙 Sexualidad: ta chiquito no sabe aún de eso
•Datos adicionales•
💙 Nació por un experimento de epic en el que se mezclo por accidente su ADN junto al de Candy y de ahí nació este pequeño
💙 Epic fue quien se quedó con Dell (ya que si Candy lo llevaba con el negative pensaría que le fue infiel), pero es visitado por su madre con regularidad
💙 Es mudo
💙 Tiene los ojos tapados, sin embargo puede ver muy bien
💙 Tiene claustrofobia
Bye bye mis pequeñas almas~❤️💐
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adarkstrangeartist · 2 years
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This is kinda an old drawing but I think y’all should see it-
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sandeewithtwoe · 7 months
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Nightmare is incapable of lying
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog
Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios
Horror: Ugh… boss, please tell me you’ve made coffee
Nightmare: Milk and sugar
Horror: Thank god
Horror: *drinks the “coffee”*
Horror: Is this… just milk and sugar??
Nightmare: that’s what I said
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wi-fu · 10 months
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holybibly · 2 months
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My sweet bunnies, I am here to spoil you.
Unholy thoughts of the day: A feline pride of 5 luxurious predators is moving into the house next door, and perhaps a little sugary lamb is just what they crave for dinner.
You were never afraid of feline hybrids, despite their aggressive and overbearing behaviour. Or so you thought. When a pride moved into the house next door as a good neighbour, you decided to welcome them as warmly as you can. You even baked a cherry cake for their dinner, but who knew they'd want to eat a different kind of "cherry." And that's how your innocent, sweet "welcome" turns into a predatory hunt, where you are the prey and they are the hunters. And when they catch you, you will be their dessert.
You shouldn't be afraid of them, you proud little lamb; you're not afraid of anything, but the way they circle around you, towering over you and looking at you as if they'd never seen anything more delicious, fills you with pure terror.
"I-I think I should go... I just wanted to say hello." You bleat softly as a beautiful red-haired cat leans in so close you can feel his hot, wet breath on your neck.
"You look delicious." His tongue flicks out just long enough to lick your skin, and you squeal, stepping back and bumping into another guy—way above the one who just licked you.
"But we haven't met yet, have we? It's not polite to leave so soon after we've opened our doors to you, little lamb." The tall cat purrs softly and squeezes your shoulders with his big hands. His deep, husky voice sends a noticeable chill through your skin.
"Now, now, be gentle, Mingi; the baby is obviously used to being treated like a princess, am I right? Look at that beautiful long hair; I just want to run my fingers through it and squeeze it in my fist." Another guy leaned in until his handsome face was level with yours. "You have a beautiful mouth too; has anyone told you that, Princess?" He ran his thumb over your lower lip, purring sweetly as he felt it tremble.
"I... I was never told that..." You barely whispered.
"What a shame, but we'll fix that. I'm Wooyoung, by the way." But before you can answer, two other guys push him away and appear in your field of vision.
"Don't be afraid, honey, we won't bite." The taller one, with luxurious sensual lips, whispers softly. "You'll like it with us."
"Oh, we'll take good care of you, darling. How did you know we like cherry?" The blonde says, his eyes sliding down your body.
"I didn't; it's... it's my favourite flavour." You stutter as you feel Mingi press his hips against your ass, his hands sliding down your shoulders until they find their place just below your breasts. His touch is hot and possessive, as if you already belong to him.
You gasp loudly as you feel a thick, soft tail wrap around your thigh as you look from one boy to the other. Your eyes widening in fear as you see the predatory grin on the red-haired boy's face. He silently repeats "delicious,"  lewdly running his tongue over his lips, leaving them wet and shiny.
You almost want to beg them to let you go when the blonde in front of you catches your attention.
"How fortunate that it's our favourite too. Welcome home, dear. I'm Hongjoong, and this is my pride: Mingi, San, Wooyoung, and Seonghwa, and we are so happy to meet you."
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mblue-art · 9 months
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the taste-testing went... well..? let's... try mocha next time...
extra under the cut !
starring @inkz123 ! they wanted to dive into his cup hehehe
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peaceandlove26 · 1 year
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happy early pride month
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meowiu · 6 months
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sugarbunnies tote bag 𐙚
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vilochkaaa · 4 months
Somehow I feel like you'd draw a very good smug Elliott... Like he's about to say a bouquet's worth of flowery language with a shoujo rose filter on. (He is my favorite audacious man)
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I really liked that idea a lot...
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anime nya kawaii elliott jumpscare
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semeukedotcom · 1 year
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pinky102zanexd · 2 years
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It was February 22, 2023...
SilentTale - @pinky102zanexd / @pplayz
✦Stay safe, stay patient, stay strong, stay... Determined, pinksterz!💕
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pantherxrogers · 5 months
hey! could you write a san version of the sugar daddy/boyfriend smut👀
one-shot: sugar daddy!san x fem!reader ⋆。°  ✮   ⁺
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⭐️ pairing: sugar daddy!san (+ boxer!san) x fem!reader
⭐️ warnings: smut (18+ only), explicit language, oral (f receiving), dry humping, swearing, gentle dom!san, slightly sub!reader, crybaby!reader (but they're happy tears), incorrect boxing terminology (boxer!san is just sexy lmao i know nothing about boxing), pet names galore, spit as lube, super fluffy too
also...pee after sex!!
⭐️ summary: sugar daddy!san comes home from Europe with a special gift for his spoiled girl. she's a little bit of a crybaby, but he knows how to remedy that. he may be a boxing world champion but he's devoted on making the reader feel like the winner 😼
⭐️ a/n: lmao, i got carried away writing this one because San is my bias. it's definitely longer than Mingi and Yunho, so i'm calling it a one-shot.
i re-watched the bouncy music video recently, so i had the idea to combine sugar daddy!san with Boxer!san. and also non!idol san. it's a trope salad LMAO. enjoy! 🫶🏾 thank you for the request darling! <3
my masterlist (you can find the mingi and yunho versions here!)
This is a work of fiction and is not meant to represent real events or the actual personalities of any K-pop idols mentioned. All characters and situations are purely imaginary. This story is created for entertainment purposes only, and no harm or disrespect is intended toward the idols or their fans. Enjoy!
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"Good job, baby!" You squeal, rushing towards San as soon as he steps into your shared penthouse.
"Thank you, pretty girl," your boyfriend mumbles, weighed down by jet lag, but already feeling lighter in your presence.
"So proud of my undisputed champion! I wish I could've been there," you coo, basking in the feel of him.
"Me too, baby," he confesses, finally content in your arms. It's always nice to win, but nothing beats his greatest treasure. You.
Standing on your tippy toes, you press a firm kiss to his lips. He meets you with a hunger. San traces his tongue along your plump bottom lip, asking for entry. When he delves into your mouth, you can't help the little moan that slips out. The sound makes San's pants feel tighter.
Your heart's beating faster now, and you melt into your boyfriend's warmth. The thin, silky nightie barely covers anything. A warm chill goes down your spine when your nipples brush against San's firm chest. As you lift your leg to drape around his waist, you notice his arms are locked behind his back.
"Ummm…" you trail off, breaking the kiss to ask for an explanation. This is your first moment to really get a good look at him, which doesn't help the wetness gathering in your thong.
He's smirking at you, and he's just so sexy. The chandelier lighting of the foyer reflects from his thin, gold chain. You notice that he's dressed comfortably, likely still wearing whatever he wore on the private jet to get home.
He's wearing his own merch, Choi San (K-Rocky) World Champion printed across the front of the gray hoodie. It makes you beam with pride every time you see it. Trailing your eyes down, you're met with his matching sweatpants and growing bulge. More pride surges in your chest, happy to know he missed you as much as you missed him. As a result, a girlish giggle slips through your lips.
"Something funny, pretty girl?" he chides, playfully raising an eyebrow at you.
"Is there something in your pocket or are you just excited to see me?" you grin, loving the ways his eyes light up at your cheesy joke. He crowds your space again, smiling down at you before he whispers in your ear.
"Well, I'm definitely excited to see my baby, but I also have a little surprise for her," he grumbles, sending warmth to your lower belly. He steps back again, arms still locked behind his back.
You're fighting back a smile, remembering the promise he made before leaving to reclaim his title.
"Close your eyes, sweet girl," he murmurs. You can't see him, but he smirks again, cock stirring in his pants at your obedience.
"Are you ready?" he teases, chuckling softly at the furrow in your brow. He can't ignore how cute you get when you're feeling bratty.
"Sannieeeee, c'mon," you whine, growing more impatient by the second.
He feels like a pervert the way his eyes lock on your full breasts, biting his lip when they sway in tandem with your little tantrum. He thinks about how they'll feel in his mouth when he gets you underneath him.
"Stop staring at my tits and let me have my gift!" you growl, knowing how spoiled you sound but you've lost the ability to care.
"Hey, be a good girl," he commands, the serious tone in his voice putting an abrupt stop to your antics.
" 'm sorry, sir," you whisper breathily, clit throbbing at the way he effortlessly switches into his dominant side.
San heart aches a little bit when he looks at you. He knows you love playing rough, but he doesn't have it in him to torment you any longer.
" 's okay baby, open your eyes for me," he coos. He nearly jumps back at the shriek you let out.
"Ah! I knew it!" you cry out, reaching forward to snatch the Hermes bag out of his hands. Reaching inside, you almost burst into tears when you feel the handbag of your dreams.
"Sannie," you whimper, looking up at him with teary eyes. He's on you before you can continue, wrapping his strong arms around you.
"Don't cry, baby," he begs softly, unable to watch you cry, even if they're happy tears.
"I can't help it," you sniffle, "I'm so grateful for you," the words are muffled against his chest, you find it hard to continue opening the bag.
"I couldn't do any of this without my baby. This is the least I could do," he answers honestly, pulling your soft body away from his to look into your eyes.
"I love you more than anything." You tear up again at the sincerity in his eyes.
"I love you too," you whimper, trying to stop the tears that flow down your cheeks. San's hands come up, brushing away the tears as lightly as possible, so you don't feel his rough callouses.
He holds you for a few more minutes, quieting your tears with affirmations and soft kisses. You stand there in silence for a while, calmed by the steady sound of his heartbeat.
"How do you feel now, baby? he asks softly, tracing his hand down your back. Another smirk rests on his face, when he watches the goosebumps raise up on your skin.
"Think 'm good now," you answer him, remembering the task at hand.
You finally open the bag, admiring the heavy Birkin in your hands. As you pour out a stream of thank you's and I love you's, when San catches you by surprise.
One moment, you're standing in the foyer and the next moment, he's scooped you up and into the living room. He gently places you on the vast leather couch, settling in beside you.
Drawn to his warmth, you cuddle up next to him, loving the way his strong arm cradles your waist. He carefully takes the bag from you, placing it on the marble coffee table. The two of you sit in a comfortable silence before the TV catches his attention.
"Are you watching my highlights, baby?" he teases, knowing full and well that you always tune into ESPN when he's away.
"Don't tease me, Sannie. I missed you," you mumble, nestling further into his side.
San looks down at you, enchanted by the exposed skin that the nightie doesn't quite cover. He brings a rough hand to your thigh, tracing the smooth skin, admiring how it feels in his grip. He can hear your breathing pick up, knowing exactly what effect he has on you.
"Missed you too, pretty girl," he sighs, using one arm to shift you onto his lap. San helps you adjust, finally content when you're straddling him.
"I missed you more," you breathe out, finding it difficult to concentrate.
He's so warm and strong beneath you, his muscular thighs being the perfect pillow. His hands are lower now, softly groping your ass through the lingerie. You can't help but to grind down on him, both of you letting out a content moan.
"Not possible," he murmurs, "But you're welcome to try to prove it," he finishes his sentence with a sharp smack to your ass, triggering another moan from you.
"Shit," you huff out, overwhelmed by the feeling of his body underneath yours.
His cock is fully hard now, protruding through his sweats. Your thong is basically nonexistent, clinging to your wet pussy. That sensation combined with San's lazy grinding make it hard for you to think clearly.
His lips are on your neck now, sucking on the sensitive skin. He loves the way you moan out into his ear, harshly grinding his hard cock against your pussy.
"C'mon baby, you gonna prove it to me?" he teases, warm breath against your ear.
His words finally click in your head, knowing what you want to do. You start to shimmy off his lap, trying to get on your knees, but San's arms lock you in place.
"Wanna show you how grateful I am," you beg, hooded eyes staring back into his own.
His head lulls back onto the cushion, finding it hard to concentrate when you look at him like that. Messy curls, hard nipples poking through your nightie, and your lips swollen from kissing. You look fucked out and he's barely getting started.
"Then let me taste you, baby. That's all I really want," he groans, quickly switching your position. Your head spins for a moment, barely registering how you changed places so fast.
You're on your back, San's rough hands pinning your thighs to your chest. The leather couch is cool beneath your skin, helping you think a little more clearly. Raising up on your elbows, you look down at him, eyes almost rolling back at the image.
He's bent over in front of you, gray hoodie long forgotten. He's wearing a white tank, muscles on display for you. As you admire him, his smooth lips trail along the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. Always the tease, he softly kisses your clit through your thong, your hips bucking in response.
"S-Sannie, please," you moan out, trying to push up against his mouth. He pulls back, smirking up at you, loving the neediness in your voice.
"Tell me what you want, pretty girl," he murmurs, faintly tracing his fingertips up and down your plush thighs. He looks at you expectantly.
"Want your mouth," you whine, hating when he does this. It makes you feel shy, but maybe that's why your heart flutters a little bit. Even if you'd never admit it to him.
"Want me to lick your pretty pussy?" he coos before lowering his head, pressing another kiss to your bundle of nerves.
"Mmmm, yes" you moan, eyes rolling back at the light pressure.
"Such a good girl. What my baby wants, my baby gets," he growls, peeling the soaked fabric away from your pussy.
"Fuck," he groans, eyes locked on the trail of wetness still clinging to your thong. He can't help dipping his tongue in it, eager to have a taste. You yelp, surprised by the sudden contact.
"Y-yes, Sannie, feels so good," you pant, unable to focus on anything but the intense pleasure from San's tongue.
He alternates between sucking on your clit and bringing up a finger to rub figures eights. Your hips buck up, doing anything to maximize your pleasure.
"You like that, baby? Like how it feels against your little clit?" The look of pure ecstasy on your face gives him his answer.
He latches back onto your pussy, using his thick tongue to delve between your sopping folds. Your high-pitched moans spur him on, sliding his tongue into your tight hole.
The lewd noises of your boyfriend tongue fucking you is too much for you to bear, your pussy starts to clench around the wet muscle, teetering on the edge of your orgasm.
"F-fuck, yes sir," you huff, spreading your legs even wider, "Gonna cum soon."
He hums against you, the vibrations adding to your pleasure. He's back on your clit again, flicking the nub with the tip of his tongue. When you thrash against the couch, San tightens his grip on your thighs, trapping you into place.
"You can come for me, sweet girl. It's okay," he soothes you, switching back to rubbing fast circles against your clit.
Your hips have lost their rhythm now, aimlessly bucking into the pleasure of San's thumb. He lowers his head again, lewdly spitting on your pussy.
"C'mon on my tongue, baby. That's it," he hums, gravelly voice going directly to your clit.
"Ahhh, fuck," you whine out, feeling his tongue enter your hole again. The pleasure is too much. His rough thumb against your clit and tongue stretching out your pussy push you over the edge. Your orgasm crashes over you in waves, San coaxing you through it.
He sits back on his heels, taking in your body. He keeps circling your clit, letting you ride out your high and come back down to him.
When you've calmed down, you see your boyfriend hovering over you. That kind smile is on his face now, stretching all the way up to his eyes. You swear you can feel your heart expanding in your chest.
"Hi, my pretty girl."
"Hi Sannie," you whisper shyly, cheeks burning at the way he admires you.
"C'mere," he snuggles you back into his lap, adjusting your nightie and smoothing down your curls. You giggle at the wet kisses he's pressing to your cheeks, loving the way he cares for you.
"Missed my baby so much," he accentuates his words with a tight squeeze, making your heart do the same. You let out a soft missed you too, feeling sleepy in his arms.
Cradling your body, you feel him rise from the couch. He turns off the TV, but alarm bells ring in the back of your head.
"Can you take my Birkin to my wardrobe please?" you mumble. San tries his best to hold in his laugh, so he doesn't disturb you. Not even a mind-shattering orgasm could make you forget about your Birkin.
"Of course, baby," Is the last thing you here before your eyes close for the night.
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anti-radqueer-dave · 3 months
Nyan Neko Sugar Girls Stamps
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Nya!! rawrr~~
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decorabnuy · 3 months
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since i've watched both madoka and nnsg i felt forced to make them as magical girls I LOVE THE TRIO!!!! I MISS THEM SM (also yeah hitoshi san turns into a neko but only during the transformation)
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and also more drawings i made (especially of raku chan!!), i hc that there's gonna be a sequel where raku chan comes back but she's both an angel and a neko demon, so thats why she has devil horns + angel wings
that's it i think WATCH NYAN NEKO SUGAR GIRLS best anime of all time
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viciamocha · 3 months
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A fanart of the best anime of all time
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