#delta x swap
star-sara · 2 years
• El miedo es lo que nos hace seres vivos •
• Aunque lo neguemos, es parte de nosotros cómo un sentimiento importante cómo el odio, amor, tristeza etc •
• Ser valiente y enfrentarlo, es la única manera en que te vas a deshacer de el •
• ... •
• No te dejes engañar, mucha azúcar no es saludable •
• Cómo una persona que aparenta ser dulce resulta ser muy amarga y con una personalidad tan agria... •
• A veces, simplemente debes ir por tu propia cuenta... •
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• ¡Kämpfer y Valentín! Delta x Swap Boy's
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Delta → Animated Zorox
Swap → Popcorna-pr1nce
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• Kämpfer •
🗡️ Edad: 18 años
🗡️ Personalidad: Es de carácter bondadoso, confiado, paciente, es aventurero y amistoso
🗡️ Gustos: Le gusta cocinar, hacer ejercicios, entrenar, tocar algunos instrumentos y combatir
🗡️ Disgustos: No le gusta los desastres y flojos, le molesta un poco ser ignorado y que no le agradezcan por su ayuda
🗡️ Sexualidad: Bisexual, pansexual y poliamoroso
•Datos adicionales•
🗡️ Le gusta pasar el tiempo con su madre (Swap) y con Swap!Chara también
🗡️ Se comporta muy sobreprotector con su hermano a veces, aunque sabe que él solo se puede cuidar
🗡️ No le agrada blueberry (ojo, swap y blueberry no son lo mismo, son muy diferentes)
🗡️ Le gustan los gatos aunque no mucho ya que es alérgico a ellos
🗡️ Sabe usar GB y huesos, aunque prefiere más usar su espada
• Valentín •
⚜️ Edad: 17 años
⚜️ Personalidad: valiente, confiable, bromista y un poco travieso, aunque suele ser callado algunas veces, serio
⚜️ Gustos: Le gusta el boxeo, contar chistes, cocinar, buscar algunas aventuras, los anfibios, reptiles, pasar el tiempo con su padre (Delta) y a veces molestar a su hermano
⚜️ Disgustos: No le agrada los infieles, bromas de mal gusto, que hablen mal de su familia a sus espaldas, No le gusta mucho que su hermano lo cuide tanto aunque sepa que solo es preocupación, prefiere cuidarse solo, la traición
⚜️ Sexualidad: Demisexual
•Datos adicionales•
⚜️ Suele entrenar con Swap!Alphys, algunas veces resulta herido y por eso trae vendas y también pasa tiempo con Swap!Undyne
⚜️ Suele combatir cuerpo a cuerpo, pero a veces usa su magia
⚜️ A veces suele molestar a su madre Swap junto a su tío Swap!Papyrus
⚜️ Le tiene cariño a Swap!Toriel, como una segunda madre
⚜️ Mejor amigo de Pólux
⚜️ Tiene un trauma a los perros
⚜️ Suele coleccionar películas antiguas
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• ¡Lincy! Sugar x Candy girl
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Sugar → ask-sugar-skull-sans
Candy → BabyAbbieStar
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🧁 Edad: 20 años
🧁 Personalidad: es insegura, suele estar nerviosa mayormente aunque trate de ocultarlo, desconfiada pero siempre tiene cariño para demostrar a las personas que lo necesitan, generosa, reservada
🧁 Gustos: los caramelos aunque prefiere más los pasteles, jugar en la nieve, los colores verde y azul, lugares con tranquilidad, los peluches o visitar a su padre (sugar)
🧁 Disgustos: películas de terror, personas aprovechadas, consumo excesivo de alcohol, leche con chocolate y drogadictos
🧁 Sexualidad; lesbiana
•Datos adicionales•
🧁 Ella es producto de una borrachera que tuvieron sus padres, meses después de ese suceso candy tuvo a lincy y ambos estuvieron de acuerdo en que la cuidarían entre ambos pero ella viviría con candy
🧁 Ella y Zhàdàn son enemigos
🧁 Tiene algo de miopía, aunque no suele usar mucho sus lentes
🧁 Le tiene cariño a sus padres, aún sabiendo que solo fue producto de una borrachera
🧁 Sugar no es un padre muy cariñoso con ella al no ser planeada, pero a lincy le es suficiente con que él la haya cuidado
🧁 Constantemente busca sentirse segura o conforme consigo misma, aunque lo considere difícil de conseguir
🧁 Se lleva maso con negative (su padrastro), al igual que con algunos de sus medios hermanos
🧁 De magia aún no sabe usar mucha, solo ha podido invocar huesos pero nada más
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• ¡Bitterness y Blackmail! Negative x Candy kiddos
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Negative → ValenSealover
Candy → BabyAbbieStar
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• Bitterness •
🌸 Edad: 16 años
🌸 Personalidad: agresiva, burlona, mentirosa, amenazante y engañosa, con poca empatía a los demás
🌸 Gustos: juegos de palabras, dulces agrios, molestar a su hermano y a su padre, meterse en peleas y provocar algunos problemas
🌸 Disgustos: que la delaten, los pájaros, perder, las cosas románticas y cursis, las ranas
🌸 Sexualidad: heterosexual
•Datos adicionales•
🌸 Cómo se dijo anteriormente, le gusta meterse en peleas y es algo frecuente por eso tiene varias benditas y quizás alguna venda debajo de la chaqueta
🌸 No le interesa nada si la situación no la beneficia a ella
🌸 Aunque le gusta molestar a su hermano, en realidad le teme ya que él ha intentado venderla, o hasta intentar matarla
🌸 Ella provocó la grieta en la cabeza de blackmail cuando se quiso defender
🌸 Siempre viendo el lado negativo
🌸 Prefiere estar con su padre
🌸 Puede invocar GB y huesos, pero prefiere atacar con navajas
🌸 Se odia a muerte con Cecil
• Blackmail •
🎭 Edad: 16 años
🎭 Personalidad; es coqueto pero desquiciado, agresivo, chantajista, manipulador, algo reservado y un poco bromista
🎭 Gustos: juegos de palabras, chocolate con leche, hacer trampa, robar o chantajear, la tortura psicológica
🎭 Disgustos: ¿?
🎭 Sexualidad: Pansexual
•Datos adicionales•
🎭 Doble cara
🎭 Tiene una apariencia dulce y que muestra inocencia, pero la verdad es un desgraciado
🎭 Odia a su hermana por que desde los 13 años en la escuela le hacían bullying pero ella jamás lo defendió, incluso ella se unía a los que lo molestaban y se burlaba de él y sus padres nunca le creyeron cuando se los dijo por esa razón le agarro un gran odio
Lo que blackmail no sabe es que Bitterness hacía eso para que no le hicieran lo mismo a ella pero nunca pensó que su hermano llegaría a odiarla tanto hasta el punto de querer matarla
🎭 Versátil
🎭 ¿Con un posible interés amoroso por Valentín?
🎭 Prefiere pasarla con su madre
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• ¡Dell! Epic + Candy accidente combo
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Epic → yugogeer012
Candy → BabyAbbieStar 
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💙 Edad: 11 años
💙 Personalidad: es muy curioso, juguetón, amable y siempre sonriente
💙 Gustos: los juguetes, caramelos, los paseos, un poco los videojuegos y decorar
💙 Disgustos: ruidos muy fuertes o colores muy brillantes
💙 Sexualidad: ta chiquito no sabe aún de eso
•Datos adicionales•
💙 Nació por un experimento de epic en el que se mezclo por accidente su ADN junto al de Candy y de ahí nació este pequeño
💙 Epic fue quien se quedó con Dell (ya que si Candy lo llevaba con el negative pensaría que le fue infiel), pero es visitado por su madre con regularidad
💙 Es mudo
💙 Tiene los ojos tapados, sin embargo puede ver muy bien
💙 Tiene claustrofobia
Bye bye mis pequeñas almas~❤️💐
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qin-qin16 · 1 month
They have a cat or a dog behavior?
cw: Which of these Sans resembles the most a cat or a dog personality?
Certainly dog behavior. Some are like guard dogs: growling (literally, sometimes) at anyone who comes close to you — always with a hand on some part of your body, whether on your waist to pull you closer, or on your shoulder, protecting you from any potential danger. Their canines always leave a mark on your skin every time they give you gentle love bites, one of the few ways they can show the great affection they have. Fear of betrayal? With them, you don’t have to worry! They are so loyal that they won’t even let you go to the bathroom alone. Others, more gentle, will shower you with kisses and nuzzles, always by your side, smiling while talking about daily life (it’s almost possible to see a tail wagging behind them when they smiled so brightly at you).
Fell, Delta, Horror (guard dog), CROSS (pathetic dog), Swap, Dream (golden retriever) 
They bite you, leave little presents on your bed, and disappear for days only to come back home as if nothing ever happened. Some are so quiet that you barely feel their presence until they decide you need to know, while others are so noisy that it's impossible not to know which room they're in. Affection? You might get at most a handshake, or, with the most affection ones, hours and hours of them on top of you, preventing you from getting any work done for the day. If you could compare them to any animal, it would definitely be a cat (some more wild and others more tame).
INK (orange cat), KILLER, Error, FellSwap Gold (black cat), Geno (calico cat), Color Sans (tabby cat).
If they have any specific behavior, you’ve just created a category for them now: they don’t sleep, they don’t eat, and sometimes you question if they’re even breathing. The only thing you notice is that, no matter where you are, you can always feel their eyes on your back, always watching.
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stellocchia · 25 days
These are all ships I've seen mentioned but never saw much for. All of them sound pretty interesting though. Gonna write a fic for the winner of the poll.
So feel free to leave your propaganda in the tags or the reblogs if you want, lol
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howlsofbloodhounds · 30 days
for the anon asking about cross,
i think the reason people depict cross as being in nightmare's gang can be down to what fans were being up to back then.
the irl time between underverse 0.2 and 0.5 was very long, and during that time cross is still nominally a "bad guy" basically, working on nightmare's side often enough even. of course there's that clear expectation that cross will cross (heh) nightmare, but i think people really like the morally gray position that cross occupies in the story. if we're going by canon, then by underverse 0.6 cross officially joins dream's side. but still fandom always likes to explore the what-if.
what if dream fails to bring cross to the good side? what if x-gaster is never revived? what if ink never meets cross?
i think the xtale materials also show that cross is a morally complicated person. he can be really impulsive and cynical and cruel at times, so people just run with it and make him part of the bad sanses. also the multiverse is a continuity soup anyway - most people just take what they like from respective canons and make their own take on it. it would be a headache trying to make everything fit to a t.
personally, i don't consider cross part of the nightmare's gang anymore. he used to be, but now he's not. i don't know how underverse is going to end so i'm just holding my final verdict for now. but if i have to headcanon my cross take, he would not be in the star sanses either. the star sanses are not exactly canon to underverse, and underswap sans did perish there. so uuuh there would be some finetuning to fit the star sanses into cross' canon. either way, i think cross would be uncomfortable working with ink and another swap sans due to what happened. he would still help dream, but not be in the star sanses in any official capacity.
~ crowshipping anon
Yeah, I agree with this. I’m also fond of the idea that Cross eventually leaves the Gang and goes on to do his own thing, with XChara with him preferably, and he of course occasionally hangs out with and or helps characters like the Epic Sanses, Swap, Dream, Core, etc.
And I think he’d set a very good example for a Killer that eventually manages to escape Nightmare, and like in that “dead dove do not eat” situation we talked about with Color and Killer, help keep Killer in line and help with his rehabilitation and socialization from time to time. Able to make sure that no one hurts Killer, and that Killer can’t hurt anyone else. (I just really love the idea of Cross and Killer squabbling a lot lmao)
I don’t mind Bad Sans Cross at all, but a Cross more akin to this version is so rare to come across that I just enjoy it a lot. Even if in that one Bad Sans Poly (mtt + nightmare) fanfic that I beef with one-sidedly.
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silcoitus · 12 days
Swapped (Chp 10)
Previous chapter: Chapter 9
Swapped Masterlist
Rating: Explicit. Minors DNI 
Chapter tags: Silco x f!reader, bodyswap, eventual smut, no outline, just vibes, inconsistent bodyswap mechanics, idk wtf i'm doing, Sevika and Jinx are in this chapter!
Chapter word count: 3.3k
Chapter Beta Readers: @ink-and-dagger
Total word count: 38.7k
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Chapter 10—Hangover on AO3
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Stay tuned for Chapter 11!
A/N: An update? Wild.
Taglist: @averagecrastinator @mazikomo @writingmysanity @insult-2-injury @ariaud @jennrosefx @ins0mniac-whack @steponmesilco  @sherwood-forests @leave-me-alone-silco @givemebeansnow @aeryntheofficial @dreamyonahill @lostbunn @eurydicethesage @thepineapplesimp @whatisafandom @violet-19999 @juicboxd @sageandberries-png @delta-is-here @sirenofzaun @blissfulip @ellhd-imagination @defibrillator7 @cyberillusion-li @scarlettmoon98 @jennithejester @ink-and-dagger @Pinkinthenight3 @pushpop-puppy @dad-dumpster @witheringblooddemon @cuthbertimus @sheacrowley
Join my taglist!
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ijjstlostthegame · 9 months
Questions I have for Grey JD au:
1. Are there any other ships aside from Dawndory and Broppy? Like Cliva, Floom (I love them I had to), and etc?
2. Are their any sibling roleswap or is it just JD and Viva? (Ex: Darnell in place of Cooper)
3. Did JD not wear pants for 20 years while in the bunker like Canon branch or does he have enough sanity to not do that?
4. Are Bristle Jr. And Bridget swapped too? (Like Bridget's the Bergen Queen and Bristle the scullery servant, different font same love /hj)
5. (VERY IMPORTANT) In Trolls World Tour, did Delta also like JD but supressed it or was it a slow burn in her part?
6. (ALSO VERY IMPORTANT) In Trolls Band Together, will Delta come in place of Poppy? (I have so many ideas bout this)
Honestly the only other ships I thought of are Cliva and Brandy x Bruce (duh) I haven’t considered other ones
Only JD and viva
Nah, if anything he was less sane than branch, so yeah he also didn’t wear pants
Nope, they’re still the same
It was a slowburn on her part, it took her a while to realise “oh, I’m in love with this dumbass”
No, the whole love plot that happens in wt won’t happen in world tour of this universe
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shuttershocky · 1 year
did they take an idea of making eben's new module being more absurd than all previous ones as a challenge?
(also uh, let's just pray same person designs Phantom's new module)
On analysis it's actually quite well balanced when compared to his other two modules, with its own use cases!
Module X (the extra attack charge) is still superior when Ebenholz's plan is to oneshot the enemy without them fighting back.
Module Y (+30 ASPD when holding a charge and AOE attacks) is still the best option for Eben when trying to act as a regular Caster for general content
Module Delta (Necrosis build) meanwhile unlocks an entirely new playstyle for Eben that wasn't viable before: as a consistent DPS unit. You see, since most of Ebenholz's damage was amplifying the power of his stored attacks, once he blew his charges his damage dropped heavily, which is why he's always so focused on oneshots. If you use his S3 for example and he fails to kill the enemy in the initial burst, he can't store charges and just keeps autoattacking them, which makes for much lower DPS. Module Delta makes that his playstyle instead. The initial blast isn't for oneshotting the enemy, it's for activating Necrosis on them. Then while they're suffering from Necrosis fallout, all the autoattacks Ebenholz hits them with do an extra 30% of his ATK as elemental damage, which is practically True damage since no enemy has elemental resistance yet. If an enemy is resistant to Ebenholz oneshots, then this module makes Ebenholz swap to a DPS style that inflicts massive damage over a longer period of time instead, while also debuffing the enemy (Necrosis is also a 50% ATK down!)
All in all Eben might just have the most holistic and well-crafted Module sets among all operators, even if he wasn't appreciated much at first. Each module leans into a different playstyle for Ebenholz with a clear strategic niche, without completely altering his identity as an Arts Nuker.
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sirfrogsworth · 10 months
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So... I paid $220 to go from this...
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To this...
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I'm pretty sure that was not worth it.
But good for Dakota. He is an excellent salesman.
Now, my previous tire sensors were wildly inaccurate. Sometimes they were off by over 5-10 PSI. I can't tell you how many times I thought my tires were nearly flat and then I'd bust out my Jaco Elite Digital Tire Pressure Gauge with shop-grade accuracy, a robust stem, and a 360° swivel chuck...
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And I'd be like, "Yo Jaco, my dashboard says my left front tire only has 18 PSI!"
And Jaco would be like, "Dude, chill. You're still at 27. You'll be fine. Also, remember that since your brother had to swap out a wheel, your sensors think your left front tire is your right front tire. He said it was a pain to fix and you should just remember which is which and he was sure that wouldn't be confusing in the future."
Narrator: It was very confusing.
If there could be one redeeming result from this, it would be getting those Cadillac-grade super accurate tire pressure readings.
So... let's compare the new fancy $220 pressure sensors to Jaco, who is certified accurate to professional ANSI 2A standards.
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Well slap my patoot and call me a Cadillac.
That's... amazing.
The largest delta was only 0.6 PSI!
I don't know if that meets ANSI 2A standards, but that exceeds FROGGIE 2A standards.
And the left front tire was the left front tire and the right front tire was the right front tire. And I'm sure all of that time I spent training myself to reverse the reading from the front tires will not cause any more confusion.
Narrator: It will.
This means I can actually rely on these readings. I don't actually have to bend over and kill myself trying to stick Jaco onto the little... *brain gears grinding* umm... the tire nipple? The pressure nubbin? The nubbin nipple pressure thingie?
The valve stem!
That's what that's called. The tire nubbin nipple valve stem.
Poor Jaco might end up collecting dust. I'll make sure I remember to press his rapid air bleeder every once in a while to give him some attention.
Narrator: He won't.
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Poor Jaco.
In any case, having reliable pressure sensors that save me from bending over does make me feel better. Not $220 better. But better. I mean, having an expensive thing be functional is a low bar, but I am happy it works.
Alright, down to business. Who wants to see some beauty shots of these budget tires that get super hard in the winter?
May I introduce you to the Radar Dimax AS-8 tires.
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So fresh and new.
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So rubbery.
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Those leaves were totally just there. By no means did I kick them in front of the tire to add a pop of color. I have journalistic integrity and I only shoot the truth.
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Look at that asymmetric tread on this all season sport touring tire.
Do you want to go sport touring with me?
Is that a thing people do?
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Look at how deep that tread is. These babies won't be balding for years.
Let's get closer.
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Absolutely cavernous.
I'd even say that tread depth is downright... trenchy.
Like, I'm half expecting an X-wing to fly in there.
If only I knew someone proficient in the ways of Photoshop.
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I'm that someone!
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rarepair-haven · 8 months
I think a shipname for the Delta x Swap ship should be: Bluevery.
You know, the mixture of the word "Blue", one of Swap's nicknames, mixed with the word "bravery", which is the trait of the soul that Delta absorbed.
Anyway, I think their dynamic would be really fun.
Since Delta is normally related to boxing, training and such, and Blue wants to join the royal guard through training with Alphys from his universe, it wouldn't be a bad choice for them to be training partners, right?
At the same time that Delta can become stronger to help people, Blue would become stronger to achieve her goal.
The two would get along great, for sure. They would tell jokes, train, of course, cook together, nerd out about space, because possibly Swap likes astronomy like Classic.
Maybe they would even make a duo that helps other aus.
In other words: ✨a power couple✨
Idk where this sudden love for delta came from but there’s like six in the ask box about him. Love this weird dude tbh. Any ship where the main basis of it is two dudes lovingly beating the shit out of eachother is a win in my books
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fox-flux · 1 year
the item-to-UI spiral
i just recently touched up this animation (sorry for the dropped frames):
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and i wrote about how it works on cohost so i'm crossposting here and hoping tumblr doesn't chew my markdown up too badly!
now, i admit upfront: i did zero research on this. maybe there is a cool clever way to do a parametric spiral that isn't this. my suspicion is that any "simpler" alternative would be a trip through the polar plane and involve a bunch of trig, and we're game developers here, so we do everything with vectors god dammit
the problem
here is what i decided i want from the beginning:
when you pick up the key (or a handful of other items, but mainly the key), it animates moving smoothly into the UI.
the motion should not be a straight line, because that's boring.
the ideal seems to be a sort of spiral around and outwards from the player, which ⓐ feels like a congratulatory motion of "sparkly thing swirling around you" and ⓑ would still roughly end in a straight shot towards the final position in the UI, which is good as a dramatic finish to a motion.
(i'm pretty sure i did not know that i wanted a spiral from the beginning; it sort of emerged as an obvious thing to try. i first added this ages ago though so i'm not completely sure)
so how do we do a spiral if we don't want to use trig? my answer was to make this bad boy parametric. you know, that thing where you have x(t) and y(t) separately, and t is a hidden time variable. but i don't want to control x and y here; that would make everything radically different depending on where the key starts. so i went for a different coordinate system:
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the original position of the key is the origin, and the final resting place in the UI is the point (0, 1). (note that as part of the UI, the animation happens in screen space, not world space; i immediately subtract the key's position from the camera offset and only work in screen coordinates from then on.)
to avoid confusion with screen or world coordinates, let's call these new axes u and v, where u is the perpendicular axis and v is the orthogonal axis (the one pointing towards the destination). though it doesn't really matter which is which since i'm about to treat them separately.
converting from uv back to screen coordinates is easy; one unit of v is the original delta vector, dest - source. one unit of u is a vector perpendicular to that, which is trivial to compute (swap the coordinates and negate one of them). so screen coordinates are
u * delta:perpendicular() + v * delta
[seriously? there's no, just, regular monospace text styling? —ed]
which is like no effort at all. so now i can think in terms of u and v and not even worry about the screen, or the distance, or anything except the shape of the animation! that's great. and now i'm in a good place to split this messy 2D problem into two 1D problems.
the orthogonal axis
first i want to think about the key's movement directly towards the UI. as an Artist™, i have a tenuous grasp of a few wisps of animation basics, so my instinct is to make this feel real good by adding a little anticipation. that means a "wind-up", where the key actually starts out moving away from the UI. i think this adds emphasis because ⓐ "backwards to forwards" is a more dramatic change than "still to forwards" and ⓑ backing up first means the important part of the motion now covers a greater distance. (the forwards motion also now has to be faster to cover the distance in the same amount of time, which feels more dramatic.)
so how do i do that? i am but a simple fox, and this is a platformer, so there can only be one answer for me: a parabola. essentially it's like the key is doing a jump off of a cliff and landing on the ground below. except, you know, upwards.
i don't need to model this like physics, though; i already know a lot about the parabola i want, so i can jump directly to expressing it as a function, v(t) = at² + bt + c.
i know that at time t = 0, the key is at its starting position, i.e., 0. so v(0) = 0, which swiftly implies that c = 0.
i don't know how long the animation should be yet, but i might want to change that later anyway. so i'll just say the key reaches its endpoint at t = 1 and scale it later if i want to. that means v(1) = 1 (remember, the destination is 1 unit away, because i decided it is), so a + b = 1. i don't want to plug that in quite yet because it makes the function slightly messier, but i'll keep it in mind; as soon as i know what either a or b actually is, i can find the other very easily.
that's already taken care of two of my coefficients. what about the third? i don't have a third constraint, so it can be whatever i want. but a and b don't directly correspond to any obvious property of the behavior here. i'd like something intuitive that i can adjust.
i think a natural question is to ask how far back the key winds up. i'll call that h, since it's the maximum height of the arc. or, uh, maximum... un... height. remember, it should be a negative fraction of the total distance, since it's a movement away from the target, 1.
how does h actually fit into my parabola, though? well, it's the v-value of the parabola's local minimum. there's an expression for that, but i always forget what it is. i do know (and can readily derive) that the t-value of that point is −b/2a, so i can just plug that in:
v(t) = at² + bt v(−b/2a) = a(−b/2a)² + b(−b/2a) = a(b²/4a²) − b²/2a = b²/4a − b²/2a = −b²/4a
ah, so h = −b²/4a. but i know h, and i want to find a and b. luckily i know how to express a in terms of b, which turns this into a quadratic:
h = −b²/4a h = −b²/4(1 - b) 4h − 4hb = −b² b² − 4hb + 4h = 0 b = (4h ± √(16h² − 16h)) / 2 b = (4h ± 4√(h² − h)) / 2 b = 2 · (h ± √(h² − h))
hmm. do i want the + or − there? if you graph an example, you'll find that the difference is that one solution has the peak happen before t = 0, which is... not helpful here.
i can distinguish them by noticing that i want the slope to be negative at t = 0, since the key should start out moving backwards. that's given by v'(t) = 2at + b, which at t = 0 is just b. how convenient! so b should be negative, which forces using the − solution. note that this is guaranteed to be negative as long as h is; h² is less than h² − h for negative h, so h will be less than √(h² − h).
now i have b, and that gives me a. and i have a parabola, as well as an extra parameter h that i can play with, even dynamically if i want.
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the perpendicular axis
this has some nice oomph to it, but it's still fairly obvious that this is movement along a straight line. so now i can think about how to move perpendicularly, at the same time. it's nice to have this separate, because no matter what i do here, it will not affect the impact of the original parabola.
spirals are appealing, and this animation just feels like it wants a spiral. i'll give it a try, why not.
i don't care about any formal definition of what a spiral is. i just want to go roughly around the player. i'm already doing that in one dimension: the key moves to one side of the player, then the other. to get something spiral-like, i just have to do that a second time.
already i have several constraints falling into place:
u(0) = 0, because the key starts out with no perpendicular displacement
u(1) = 0, because the key also ends with no perpendicular displacement
between 0 and 1, u(t) takes on positive values for a while, and also negative values for a while
...which implies that there is a third zero somewhere in there
now, this sort of sounds like a wave, right? it goes up, then down. (or maybe down, then up; it doesn't seem to matter.) and originally, i used a sine wave here. but that always looked a bit wonky to me, and one of the big things i changed in this recent touch-up was to not do that. here's why.
a very good question to ask is, when should u be zero? that is, when should it cross back through the path of the player? and i think for maximum impact and maximum spirality, there is only one possible answer: at the peak of the wind-up. otherwise the animation has different kinds of extremes happening at different times for the same movement, and that's probably why the sine approach looked wonky.
when is the peak of the wind-up, though? i already know that — it's −b/2a. i don't know what that is, exactly, since those coefficients are based on some other thing... but i can figure it out, which is good enough, so i don't actually care about its value. just call the whole thing s, where s is mathematics shorthand for "it's a number but i don't have a good name for it and t is already something else".
and this is what prompted me to realize that a sine wave is not such a great idea. sine waves like to repeat, which means each wave is the same length. but i have two waves here: one from 0 to s, and one from s to 1. it seems unlikely that they are exactly the same size. i could fuss with the sine wave to make it work, but surely there's a simpler approach here.
and there is! remember, i don't care whether the function repeats. i only care what it does between 0 and 1. outside of that range, it can do whatever the hell it wants. so what do i need sine for? after coming up with that quadratic function, i can immediately think of one type of curve that has both a peak and a valley: a cubic.
which, at last, brings me back to my original question [upthread on cohost]: just how do i find a cubic that's zero at three specific points? i can plug them in but then i have three equations and four variables, which sounds annoying—
and then i remembered how algebra works, so
u(t) = t · (t - s) · (t - 1)
and that's it.
well, almost. there is also one free parameter here, because i can multiply the whole thing by a constant without changing the zeroes.
u(t) = ct · (t - s) · (t - 1)
the question is, what should that constant be? it controls how high the peaks are, i.e. the "width" of the spiral. but i can't get a good sense of it without figuring out what the heights of the peaks are.
unfortunately it turns out the heights of those peaks are fucking nightmarish hellscapes of square roots. so at this point i finally take off my mathematician hat and put my game developer hat back on.
i don't actually care about the heights of the peaks. i just want the animation to look good.
the maximum heights seem to happen when s = ½. i don't have a mathematical basis for this (though there are interesting properties of cubics that could probably help); i just tried it on wolfram alpha and noticed that the peaks are both shallower than this maximum value if s is anything else.
that maximum height is 4/27 (thank u again wolfram alpha), which is roughly 0.15. of course as already mentioned, s is very unlikely to be ½ (in fact it's impossible, which you can convince yourself of if you think about v in terms of projectile motion), so the height in practice will be even smaller than this.
a good spiral is kinda circle-y, so the range should probably be closer to, like, 1
i guess i'll multiply it by 6 or something. hmm, maybe 8. yeah 8 looks better. 12 is too much
and that gets me my spiral. the only other detail i skipped is that i reverse the direction of the spiral (just by negating the perpendicular part) depending on which side of the screen the key starts on.
the final result
trimmed down to minimize the syntax cruft and leave just the math part:
h = -1 b = 2 * (h - sqrt(h*h - h)) a = 1 - b s = -1/2 * b / a t = time / ttl ortho = t * (a * t + b) perp = 8 * t * (t - 1) * (t - s) delta = dest - source sprite:draw_at(source + delta * ortho + perp_sign * perp * delta:perpendicular())
also sorry
this is the kind of post that is just begging for some graphs and diagrams and stuff, but i am tired and there is just slightly too much friction on putting images inline on cohost [for now... —ed]
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mmni-ship-showdown · 2 years
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Match 1: Tarquin the Human Ladybug (Croydonosaurus) VS Creepy Joe (Pier Today Gone Tomorrow)
Match 2: The Ice King (Fraud of the Blings) VS Agent Macabre (The Man who Came In from the Cold Storage)
Match 3: Jimbo Jumbo (Fraud of the Blings) VS Jordan and Sybil (Ashopalypse)
Match 4: Espanol (The Quest for Escape-A-Lot) VS Raoul (Love Behind Bars)
Match 5: ASDA (Singing in the Aisles) VS Krystaal and Charlene the Peacocks (Who Bun It?)
Match 6: Mutant X/Lawrence Dallaglio (Ashopalypse) VS Bez from the Happy Mondays (Croydonosaurus)
Match 7: Madam Castaway (A Dice with Death) VS Kyle (Primary Cape Crusader)
Match 8: Prime Minister (Star Paws) VS Vivian the Goblin (Primary Cape Crusader)
Match 9: Trevor Noun (Wishing for Wishy Washy) VS Mischief the Chicken (Look Out)
Match 10: Penelope Mayhem (Cat in the Habit) VS Jolene (Ashopalypse)
Match 11: Jasper Longlegs (The Wizard of Paddington Station) VS Shelley the Lady of the Docks (A Cop in the Ocean)
Match 12: The Sexy Little Lambs (Zoomania) VS The Mayor of Wapping (Look Out)
Match 13: Delta von Tassel (Flat Pack Attack) VS Oscar
Match 14: Madam Glove (From Russia with Gloves) VS Auntie Freeze (The Man who Came In from the Cold Storage)
Match 15: High Q (The Man who Came In from the Cold Storage) VS The Papal Enforcer (Cat in the Habit)
Match 16: Vinnie the Ventriloquist (A Dice with Death) VS Marcus (Back to the Tutor)
Match 17: Carl/*Moving Okay Hand Sign* (Hot Swap Buns) VS Steven the Salacious Filing Cabinet (Temple of the Red Giraffe)
Match 18: The Armoire (Nightmare on Bone Street) VS The Special Special Special Special Boy (Careless Whisper)
Match 19: Carruthers Carruthers (Pier Today Gone Tomorrow) VS Mayor Penelope (Careless Whisper)
Match 20: Rambo (Wild Feast) VS Madam Frisky (Wishing for Wishy Washy)
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star-sara · 1 year
Holis mis pequeñas almas uvu~
Buenoo no tengo nada que decir ahora xd así que con los dibujitos :D
El primero fue basado en este
Dibujo original (hecho por Nightmare_Zoko en Wattpad):
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El mismo dibujo pero a mi estilo :v :
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Ay el amor xd~
Ahora un dibujito de mi nene Archibald pero en su forma fantasma 👻❣️
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Ay que adorable :'3
Bye bye mis pequeñas almas~💮🍬
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qin-qin16 · 7 days
Are they protective of you?
cw: Are they like a guard dog that won't leave your side? Or are they more carefree about the dangers around you?
Of course they are like a big guard dog! You have no idea how dangerous the world is out there; obviously, they have to protect you from everything and everyone! When it’s not their arm around your shoulders, pulling your body closer to theirs, then it’s definitely their jacket or hoodie over you, making it clear to anyone that you’re together. And how can you say they don’t need to fight the jerk who touched you? Of course they do! If it’s to protect you, they would do anything (within or outside the law).
Fell, DELTA, CROSS, Killer, Dust, FellSwap Gold
They’re a bit of both. Of course, they’ll defend you if someone tries to pick a fight with you, but they also give you space to handle your own problems. You’re both pretty comfortable with that, and usually, you prefer to stay in your corner peacefully—much better than having someone barking at everyone who tries to get close to you.
COLOR, Fresh, Ink, SWAP, Dream, Geno, Classic
They prefer that you defend them. Every time they get into a fight, they look at you like a wet cat, completely helpless and pleading for your help. You, on the other hand, don’t mind at all standing in front of them, protecting them from whatever is intimidating them (whether it’s an ignorant guy or a giant bug). It’s them who wear your jacket as a form of protection, while your arm is around their hips. Could they be pretending just to see you all brave defending them? You’ll never know~
LUST, Science, Farm, SwapFell
You'll never know how many people they've gotten rid of just because they look at you weird.
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stellocchia · 12 days
So, I made a POLL a while ago about Killer's underrated ships all to write a FIC about the winner. But I forgot a couple of ships, so here's a new poll!
I took Horrorkiller out since it already won the last one.
Like last time, winner gets a fic. That's more of a reward for me than you guys, but oh well!
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howlsofbloodhounds · 14 days
Anywho. Both my inboxes (this one and the @stagesofkiller one for u freaky ones) are now empty, but open if anyone wants to send anything on your mind or you’ve been wanting to talk about for any ship, character, headcanons, idea, etc.
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silcoitus · 7 months
Swapped (Chp 9)
Previous chapter: Chapter 8
Swapped Masterlist
Rating: Explicit. Minors DNI 
Chapter tags: Silco x f!reader, bodyswap, eventual smut, no outline, just vibes, inconsistent bodyswap mechanics, idk wtf i'm doing, drinking game, never have I ever, whiskey, absinthe,
Chapter word count: 4.6k
Chapter Beta Readers: @ink-and-dagger
Total word count: 35.3k
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Chapter 9—Tall Tales on AO3
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Read Chapter 10 here!
A/N: Thank you so much for your patience. This took forever because 1. I don't drink (or rather I don't drink anymore), so writing anything to do with drinking is always challenging. 2. I've been laser-focused on finishing TMSA. But as I try to finish writing the last chapter, I needed a break from it. So this and Tailor-Made proved the perfect distractions.
Taglist: @averagecrastinator @mazikomo @writingmysanity @insult-2-injury @ariaud @jennrosefx @ins0mniac-whack @steponmesilco  @sherwood-forests @leave-me-alone-silco @givemebeansnow @aeryntheofficial @dreamyonahill @lostbunn @eurydicethesage @thepineapplesimp @whatisafandom @violet-19999 @juicboxd @sageandberries-png @delta-is-here @sirenofzaun @blissfulip @ellhd-imagination @defibrillator7 @cyberillusion-li @scarlettmoon98 @jennithejester @ink-and-dagger @Pinkinthenight3 @pushpop-puppy @dad-dumpster @witheringblooddemon @cuthbertimus @sheacrowley
Join my taglist!
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