star-sara · 2 years
• El miedo es lo que nos hace seres vivos •
• Aunque lo neguemos, es parte de nosotros cómo un sentimiento importante cómo el odio, amor, tristeza etc •
• Ser valiente y enfrentarlo, es la única manera en que te vas a deshacer de el •
• ... •
• No te dejes engañar, mucha azúcar no es saludable •
• Cómo una persona que aparenta ser dulce resulta ser muy amarga y con una personalidad tan agria... •
• A veces, simplemente debes ir por tu propia cuenta... •
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• ¡Kämpfer y Valentín! Delta x Swap Boy's
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Delta → Animated Zorox
Swap → Popcorna-pr1nce
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• Kämpfer •
🗡️ Edad: 18 años
🗡️ Personalidad: Es de carácter bondadoso, confiado, paciente, es aventurero y amistoso
🗡️ Gustos: Le gusta cocinar, hacer ejercicios, entrenar, tocar algunos instrumentos y combatir
🗡️ Disgustos: No le gusta los desastres y flojos, le molesta un poco ser ignorado y que no le agradezcan por su ayuda
🗡️ Sexualidad: Bisexual, pansexual y poliamoroso
•Datos adicionales•
🗡️ Le gusta pasar el tiempo con su madre (Swap) y con Swap!Chara también
🗡️ Se comporta muy sobreprotector con su hermano a veces, aunque sabe que él solo se puede cuidar
🗡️ No le agrada blueberry (ojo, swap y blueberry no son lo mismo, son muy diferentes)
🗡️ Le gustan los gatos aunque no mucho ya que es alérgico a ellos
🗡️ Sabe usar GB y huesos, aunque prefiere más usar su espada
• Valentín •
⚜️ Edad: 17 años
⚜️ Personalidad: valiente, confiable, bromista y un poco travieso, aunque suele ser callado algunas veces, serio
⚜️ Gustos: Le gusta el boxeo, contar chistes, cocinar, buscar algunas aventuras, los anfibios, reptiles, pasar el tiempo con su padre (Delta) y a veces molestar a su hermano
⚜️ Disgustos: No le agrada los infieles, bromas de mal gusto, que hablen mal de su familia a sus espaldas, No le gusta mucho que su hermano lo cuide tanto aunque sepa que solo es preocupación, prefiere cuidarse solo, la traición
⚜️ Sexualidad: Demisexual
•Datos adicionales•
⚜️ Suele entrenar con Swap!Alphys, algunas veces resulta herido y por eso trae vendas y también pasa tiempo con Swap!Undyne
⚜️ Suele combatir cuerpo a cuerpo, pero a veces usa su magia
⚜️ A veces suele molestar a su madre Swap junto a su tío Swap!Papyrus
⚜️ Le tiene cariño a Swap!Toriel, como una segunda madre
⚜️ Mejor amigo de Pólux
⚜️ Tiene un trauma a los perros
⚜️ Suele coleccionar películas antiguas
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• ¡Lincy! Sugar x Candy girl
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Sugar → ask-sugar-skull-sans
Candy → BabyAbbieStar
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🧁 Edad: 20 años
🧁 Personalidad: es insegura, suele estar nerviosa mayormente aunque trate de ocultarlo, desconfiada pero siempre tiene cariño para demostrar a las personas que lo necesitan, generosa, reservada
🧁 Gustos: los caramelos aunque prefiere más los pasteles, jugar en la nieve, los colores verde y azul, lugares con tranquilidad, los peluches o visitar a su padre (sugar)
🧁 Disgustos: películas de terror, personas aprovechadas, consumo excesivo de alcohol, leche con chocolate y drogadictos
🧁 Sexualidad; lesbiana
•Datos adicionales•
🧁 Ella es producto de una borrachera que tuvieron sus padres, meses después de ese suceso candy tuvo a lincy y ambos estuvieron de acuerdo en que la cuidarían entre ambos pero ella viviría con candy
🧁 Ella y Zhàdàn son enemigos
🧁 Tiene algo de miopía, aunque no suele usar mucho sus lentes
🧁 Le tiene cariño a sus padres, aún sabiendo que solo fue producto de una borrachera
🧁 Sugar no es un padre muy cariñoso con ella al no ser planeada, pero a lincy le es suficiente con que él la haya cuidado
🧁 Constantemente busca sentirse segura o conforme consigo misma, aunque lo considere difícil de conseguir
🧁 Se lleva maso con negative (su padrastro), al igual que con algunos de sus medios hermanos
🧁 De magia aún no sabe usar mucha, solo ha podido invocar huesos pero nada más
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• ¡Bitterness y Blackmail! Negative x Candy kiddos
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Negative → ValenSealover
Candy → BabyAbbieStar
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• Bitterness •
🌸 Edad: 16 años
🌸 Personalidad: agresiva, burlona, mentirosa, amenazante y engañosa, con poca empatía a los demás
🌸 Gustos: juegos de palabras, dulces agrios, molestar a su hermano y a su padre, meterse en peleas y provocar algunos problemas
🌸 Disgustos: que la delaten, los pájaros, perder, las cosas románticas y cursis, las ranas
🌸 Sexualidad: heterosexual
•Datos adicionales•
🌸 Cómo se dijo anteriormente, le gusta meterse en peleas y es algo frecuente por eso tiene varias benditas y quizás alguna venda debajo de la chaqueta
🌸 No le interesa nada si la situación no la beneficia a ella
🌸 Aunque le gusta molestar a su hermano, en realidad le teme ya que él ha intentado venderla, o hasta intentar matarla
🌸 Ella provocó la grieta en la cabeza de blackmail cuando se quiso defender
🌸 Siempre viendo el lado negativo
🌸 Prefiere estar con su padre
🌸 Puede invocar GB y huesos, pero prefiere atacar con navajas
🌸 Se odia a muerte con Cecil
• Blackmail •
🎭 Edad: 16 años
🎭 Personalidad; es coqueto pero desquiciado, agresivo, chantajista, manipulador, algo reservado y un poco bromista
🎭 Gustos: juegos de palabras, chocolate con leche, hacer trampa, robar o chantajear, la tortura psicológica
🎭 Disgustos: ¿?
🎭 Sexualidad: Pansexual
•Datos adicionales•
🎭 Doble cara
🎭 Tiene una apariencia dulce y que muestra inocencia, pero la verdad es un desgraciado
🎭 Odia a su hermana por que desde los 13 años en la escuela le hacían bullying pero ella jamás lo defendió, incluso ella se unía a los que lo molestaban y se burlaba de él y sus padres nunca le creyeron cuando se los dijo por esa razón le agarro un gran odio
Lo que blackmail no sabe es que Bitterness hacía eso para que no le hicieran lo mismo a ella pero nunca pensó que su hermano llegaría a odiarla tanto hasta el punto de querer matarla
🎭 Versátil
🎭 ¿Con un posible interés amoroso por Valentín?
🎭 Prefiere pasarla con su madre
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• ¡Dell! Epic + Candy accidente combo
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Epic → yugogeer012
Candy → BabyAbbieStar 
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💙 Edad: 11 años
💙 Personalidad: es muy curioso, juguetón, amable y siempre sonriente
💙 Gustos: los juguetes, caramelos, los paseos, un poco los videojuegos y decorar
💙 Disgustos: ruidos muy fuertes o colores muy brillantes
💙 Sexualidad: ta chiquito no sabe aún de eso
•Datos adicionales•
💙 Nació por un experimento de epic en el que se mezclo por accidente su ADN junto al de Candy y de ahí nació este pequeño
💙 Epic fue quien se quedó con Dell (ya que si Candy lo llevaba con el negative pensaría que le fue infiel), pero es visitado por su madre con regularidad
💙 Es mudo
💙 Tiene los ojos tapados, sin embargo puede ver muy bien
💙 Tiene claustrofobia
Bye bye mis pequeñas almas~❤️💐
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dhampurgreen · 1 year
Candy sugar Mishri
Embracing the Irresistible Sweetness of Handcrafted Candy Sugar Mishri: A Nostalgic Trip Down Memory Lane 🍬✨ Unwrap the Joy!
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modelz-2k · 2 years
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spaceloveplace · 2 years
amor mio
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cuetpreparation · 2 years
How to start a Sugar Candy business?
Making candy is an excellent way to turn your hobby or skill into a profitable home-based business. Homemade candies are both simples to make and popular. Children and mature adults enjoy candy, ranging enjoy candy, which runs from chocolates to lollipops. A candy-making hobby can easily be turned into a profitable home-based candy-making business. The global specialty candy market for specialty candy is growing.
Hard candies, also known as lollipops follies, or boiled sweets, are typically composed of sucrose, glucose, water, color, and flavoring. Despite the proliferation of new candy varieties, hard candies have maintained their market share, particularly among children.
Can you start Candy Business from your home?
Candy Equipment and Ingredient Costs - If you want to make your candy, you'll need to budget for candy-making equipment, and ingredients, and pay your confectioners and chocolatiers for their time. If you go the wholesale route, you'll only have to think about the costs of selling ready-made candy.
Gather all the candy-making supplies and ingredients. Here are a few pieces of equipment and specialty items you should consider purchasing: Copper kettles, scales, candy wrapping machines, cotton gloves, 
rotating stretchers or hooks for npulling candy, candy molds, and 
thermometers for recording candy temperatures are some examples of candy equipment.
Ingredients - If you plan to sell chocolates, your candy store ingredient inventory should include sweeteners, extracts and flavorings, specialty food coloring, and bulk chocolate.
What is the cost of the Candy manufacturing business?
If you only operate online, the cost of opening a candy store can be as low as a few thousand dollars. Starting costs for a brick-and-mortar candy store can range from $50,000 to $150,000, depending on the size and scale of your operation.
Is the candy-making business profitable?
Candy consumption worldwide averages more than $19 billion per year and grows at a steady rate of 3.5 percent per year. Many successful entrepreneurs have emerged from the candy manufacturing and retail industries. The candy store is a Best Small business model.it appeals to a Huge range of age groups and enumeration. 
They're profitable for a reasons,but Candy is a great gift for all types
of weddings, birthday parties & anniversary
Candy shops are retail establishments. That means candy prices must include the cost of ingredients, labor, rent, utilities, and taxes. The traditional method of pricing items for sale is to double the cost of producing each piece of candy to recoup its initial cost, followed by the cost of producing another piece of candy. Then you add your profit margin, including the abovementioned costs and what it takes to make money off each piece of candy sold. Candy is sold in large quantities, making it simple.
India Candy Market Forecast & Opportunities, FY2016-FY2026 (Quoting www.techsciresearch.com)
India's candy market is witnessing consistent growth, owing to increasing disposable incomes bringing brand consciousness and inclination towards imported products, and growing organized retail and e-commerce channels along with robust supply chain networks. Moreover, factors such as rising population, the emergence of premium candy segments, and entry of foreign players are further fuelling the candy market in India.”
(Quoting hospitality.economictimes.indiatimes.com) “In FY2020, the Indian candy market was valued at USD 1643.64 million in value terms and is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 15.40 percent in value terms to reach 3661.68 million dollars by FY2026.”
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inthewindtunnel · 2 years
SugarCandy Mountain
Forget Me Not
My Best Friend
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2022animalfarmg2 · 2 years
The Letter
Giulia Fabri and Henrique Montoro 9E
Have you ever wondered what would happen if humans entered Animal Farm by mistake? What if they discovered Snowball's actual reality wasn't from a traitor? And what if we could read Snowball’s own testimony? Read our fanfic to find out!
Content rating: K
It was supposed to be a cool teenagers' weekend. Some friends decided to travel to an abandoned farm and celebrate together, without any reason at all. They just wanted to have fun and leave their comfort school zone.
As soon as they arrived at the farm, some curious things were spotted. All the animals seemed like they were sleeping, but not moving. Later, the friends realized that no animal was breathing. There was dust everywhere, mainly on a curious wall where a sentence was written behind some scribbles of blood. "ALL ANIMALS ARE STILL EQUAL”. It seemed awkward and scary to read this sentence out of nowhere. Who wrote this? Animals? Was it even possible? And what happened to all of them?
The complete dark silence blocked the friends from thinking about anything that might have happened on that farm. The only thing they knew was that they were not supposed to be there.
While walking around the farm, the friends found a mysterious white coffin with a diary on top of it. Obviously, the frightened curious teenagers sat in a circle, opened the diary and started to read it. It seemed like it was written not a long time ago, but the pages were all ripped and stinky and there were lots of grammar mistakes. But this wasn’t an obstacle for those friends.
“Willingdon, England.
Hello there. 
I have no idea who you are, or how you get to this diary. But it doesn’t matter. I’m glad that you are reading this. I wrote this diary for just one person - any person. I want at least one person to understand my reality.
I was part of a farm called Animal Farm. I guess that’s where you are supposed to be standing right now while reading this. But I have no idea if somebody took this diary somewhere. You might be reading this from another continent… Wow. Anyways.
I loved Animal Farm. The concept of an animal revolution triggered me every day to wake up and be nice to everyone. Animalism was my golden word. A concept created by animals to make us feel independent and happy seemed amazing to me! Humans were making us suffer and live our lives stuck in the same place and with the same jobs. And there is so much to discover in this world! I was very happy to finally live free with my comrades. I loved that the animals were also liking me and enjoying my thoughts and ideas of a better farm for all of us.
But my life was not full of flowers and rainbows. One day, Napoleon - our commander - threatened me and exiled me from the farm, precisely when I was the happier version of me. I never understood why this happened. I was one of his best friends, helped the farm system to work every single day, and sang Beasts of England (our anthem) with passion in all our meetings. Why me?
At first, I got so sad I wasn’t able to leave the forest I was hiding in. Every night I could hear Napoleon’s last words echoing in my head: “YOU ARE THE SHAME OF ANIMAL FARM!”. Every night I could hear Napoleon’s steps approaching me and trying to kill me, to take me out of this planet unfairly. Those days were the worst days of my life, I cannot lie.
But now I guess I got over it. For the past months, I spent from the sunrise to the sunset inside Animal Farm hidden from the animals. My desire was to come back to my friends - my family. But I couldn’t. I saw everything since I got exiled from the farm. Napoleon lost control of Animalism and designed a dictatorship so that only his wishes were fulfilled. This is a shame for what we animals wanted. I saw from behind the cameras every single thing that happened on that farm. I know that this was not what all animals wanted. This was not equality anymore.
And I’ve tried my best to help my comrades. As soon as I realized that Napoleon was acting like Mr. Jones, I tried to stop humans from entering the farm - our desired paradise. I’ve tried to talk to neighboring farms, and convince them that trading with Animal Farm was the worst thing that they could do. I even tried to blackmail them, but I didn’t get heard. I never get heard.
I cried when humans entered Animal Farm. I cried when the animals realized they needed humans to live and didn’t come up with any other alternative. I cried when Napoleon announced Boxer’s “death”. I cried when Animal Farm went back to Manor Farm. I cried when the animals realized that what was happening was the complete opposite of what they dreamed of… Everything lost control.
The point is I also lost control. That’s why I’m writing this. 
I couldn’t watch Animal Farm transforming into a dictatorship. I couldn’t watch animals suffering again in human hands. This couldn’t happen. I’d rather die than see my comrades enslaved like that.
The only thing I was able to do was revenge. An act of brutal revenge. But revenge for good. For my comrades' good. 
I remember Moses telling the Sugarcandy Mountain story lots of times. He wished for a heavenly world. This is what all animals wished - and because of their effort, that’s what they deserved. So I did it myself.
If you are reading this, I am dead. If you are reading this, all my comrades are dead. I did this for good. I really hope that by now we are all happy in Sugarcandy Mountain - happy, free, and together.
It's not fair that animals are suffering and I'm not. It's not fair that animals are dead and I'm not. I killed myself, and all of them. I'm still part of this family. We are always going to be a group. All animals are still equal. If one dies, everyone should die.
I honestly hope you could understand this. I really hope you didn’t see this as an act of terror or violence. I still love Animal Farm. But this wasn’t the Animal Farm. This wasn’t OUR Animal Farm.
I also hope that we can meet in the future - maybe in heaven.
Best regards,
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b4rfbrain · 3 months
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john fluevog sugarcandy boots
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cosmicanger · 3 months
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john fluevog sugarcandy boots
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wikipete · 1 year
Clown Clubba for SugarCandy's Pride Collab
I painted an (old) WarHammer Fantasy Orcs and Goblins "Clubber 2" as a clown with the "NeoPets Haunted Woods" basing scheme.
I wasn't really sure what I was doing here. I did have a do-over for the hood. I didn't know what to do with the robes, but, I like how they came out.
I painted the whole face normally BEFORE applying the clown face. No.Regrets. Gotta edit the video now.
Also; E's adorable!
#hobbyStreak 12
#shameGolf -1 = +10
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mewtonian-physics · 1 year
4 & 24!
id give you death note answers but its been so long since i actually participated in the fandom that i dont have good answers for it. i'm sure you were aware you'd probably get answers about the current fixation anyway LOL
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
one too many uwu sugarcandy sadboy raiden with tears in his eyes and making a little heart with his hands images showing up in my recommendeds. i cannot thrive in such an environment
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
paz. paz 100%. i have seen people argue over whether she deserved what happened to her and what happened to her is so bad that i'm not going to say it here because it's a fucking nightmare and if you must know you can look it up yourself. suffice to say it is not something i should ever have to see people saying someone deserves. this is one of the many reasons i pretend her entire story arc and especially ground zeroes never happened i cannot engage with this bullshit
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star-sara · 2 years
Masterpost 2
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🍬Mis ship childs💐:
62. Kämpfer (DeltaSwap)
63. Valentín (DeltaSwap)
64. Lincy (SugarCandy)
65. Bitterness (NegativeCandy)
66. Blackmail (NegativeCandy)
67. Dell (EpicCandy)
68. Shape (EpicInk)
69. Astley (CoretFuzx)
70. Navy (MoonFuzx)
71. Mulsy (MoonLust)
72. Carola (MoonFuzx)
73. Kōtta (Error404 x Abyss)
74. Xiàn (Error404 x Abyss)
75. Ayame (Ganz x Cross)
76. Yutaka (Love x Lavender)
77. Kurubure (Bird x Killer)
78. Lixer (TGaster x XGaster)
♣️Mis oc's🌹:
24. Laxu
25. Bepper!Sans (UnderHöllee)
26. Roku!Sans (UnderObey) Taken
27. Kxuri!Sans (Collapsetale) Taken
28. Dlam!Sans (UnderDopm)
29. Slush!XChara (Candyverse)
30. Icy!Phantom Papyrus (Candyverse)
31. Xolur (The Amazing Digital Circus)
32. Naive (The Amazing Digital Circus)
33. Desiree (The Amazing Digital Circus)
34. Lynx (Hazbin Hotel)
🪷Next generation🪷:
4. Daisy (Pomme x Bell)
5. Copito (Nort x Kikuru)
6. Bianca (Nort x Kikuru)
7. Iris (Bepper x ???)
Ships canons
Roku x Dissappeared
Kxuri x Rud
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fiftytwoeightythree · 1 month
I've just read about you getting into university OMG Congratulations! 👏 BTW What are you up to these days drama-wise, anything to look forward? I've seen your posts about Marry My Husband, was it really good? /monchae
hi monchae! tysm ^^ i'm really nervous about it but i'll try my best to study good and get that degree.
these days i'm thinking about starting a new drama since i've finished red swan but i'm not sure what i'm in the mood for... my sweet mobster seems too sugarcandy-y to me these days but connection seems like eating hard steel with concrete lol i don't know what to watch so i'm waiting for the right moment to decide.
about marry my husband... it was an absolute surprise. i thought it'd would be a romcom about a woman divorcing her cheating husband and start a new life in front of him to teach a lesson but it was a much harder concept... i'm not a fond of fantasy dramas and only make an exception when an actor/actress i like is in it, so when i've learned about the real plot i got discouraged for a second. but seeing all those great gifs and snaps from the drama i've decided to watch and i haven't regretted it. it was fun, dramatic, full of lessons about boundaries and womanhood and how the wrong partner can drastically change your life. i really liked it and i can only recommend to everyone who is in a drama slump and haven't watched yet.
i hope you're doing well and your summer is going as planned!
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msmooreanimalfarm · 10 months
Don't worry animals, once you die you will go to Sugarcandy Mountain! Everyday is sunday, there is endless sugar and cake!
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arghyabapu · 2 years
Watch "🤩Javvu Mittal Thatha |#shorts #indianstreetfood #youtubeshorts #sugarcandy" on YouTube
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2022animalfarmg2 · 2 years
all animals are gay but some animals are gayer than others
Sofia Gutt and Letícia Moura
What if Benjamin and Boxer were a couple? Well, that's what happened. But do you think Napoleon would only sit and approve their love? No. Our fanfic puts you inside Napoleon’s mind, showing his deepest fears, emotions and the reasons behind his actions. So it”s a mix of past, while telling Napoleon’s backstory, and present, showing how the farm reacts to a gay relationship. To learn about all the trauma behind this important character and to get to know Boxer and Benjamin a bit better, read our full story here.
A beautiful spring afternoon. The farm was finally at peace. Everyone was happy because now they would be able to have food, and not were not starving, like how it happened during the winter. But some animals were happier than others. Boxer and Benjamin were enjoying their afternoon together. 
The relationship between them was not oficial, but the gossip spoke for itself. Nobody said anything, but the two animals were always wondering: if our relationship was public, would Napoleon accept us? 
Napoleon had always been a hard part of their relationship. Boxer thought he was such an inspiring leader, who would do anything to make their lives easier and better overall. Benjamin, however, was more skeptical, and didn’t trust the leader. He was always telling Boxer to stop believing and working endlessly for Napoleon. 
chapter 1
As always, Napoleon was sitting on his bed, sipping on Mr Jone’s most expensive wine, just chilling. That’s when, out of nowhere, Squealer entered the room, running, out of breath. 
NAPOLEON! NAPOLEON! - he yelled - You won’t believe what I just witnessed! Boxer and Benjamin are a couple!
Napoleon immediately spat out all his wine. The bedsheet was ruined. 
WAIT, does that mean that they are a GAY couple- he said, with tears on his eyes
I’m afraid so, master
I need to deal with this immediately! This is absolutely unacceptable!
Yes… unacceptable…- Squealer responded without much conviction. 
chapter 2
On their way to the emergency meeting, all the animals were trying to guess what was going on. Benjamin was the only one to even consider and realize that the meeting could be about him and Benjamin. He did notice Napoleon looking at them weird, but no one else seemed to see that. 
The walls were painted with black, white and gray. This reminded Benjamin of when he was at school and he drew straight flags to pretend to be straight.
All animals went inside the barn, and, for a minute, everyone was silent. And then Napoleon finally said:
Comrades, it has come to my attention that homossexual tendencies have been happening on the farm. This is unexceptable. We do not accept this kind of behavior. This will not do any good for us. IF you see anything related to this issue, you must report it immediately. I do understand that there are beautiful animals. I myself would be tempted to act a certain way, if I were part of this movement. Not that I am… I'm just saying, I understand the temptation, however, we must follow the principles. We all know that this type of behavior gets us out of the sugarcandy mountain when we die. 
The animals were very confused with this last statement. Wasn't Napoleon against the tales of sugarcandy mountain? However this preoccupation quickly disappeared when Squealer came to speak with them and cleared up the issue.
chapter 3
Boxer comes to Benjamin:
He 's right! Darling, he's right! - he said, enthusiastically -  We must find the homossexuals that have been disturbing the farm! How could someone even do this? 
Hmmm… I’m afraid they were referring to our relationship, my love
But… ummm. We… we’re not… we’re not… homo-... homossexual.. ri- right???????? - That’s when he started crying - But we’re not homosexuals, we’re not doing any harm to the farm, are we? - now he was worried- Wait, are you saying that we’re being mean to them?
I'm not saying anything, Napoleon said those horrible things
Well, if he's saying that, it must be true! Napoleon is always right! WE MUST WORK HARDER!!!!
My love, this doesn’t work like this, we cannot control such things- he said, with anger in his eyes - if you keep believing everything Napoleon says blindly, this will not work! - that was the first time Boxer saw him showing that much emotion- You have to choose! Me or  Napoleon?
Hmmm - he said - I have to think… I mean, Napoleon is responsible for the farm surviving! 
He left. He just left. Leaving the love of his life alone. Benjamin just got up and left. Each one of them spent the rest of the evening crying, uncertain of the future. Couldn’t they just be happy? No, Napoleon wouldn’t allow that.
chapter 4
Napoleon’s point of view:
No one's gonna know. They’re gonna know. How will they know?
I never let myself think too much about this subject but, I mean, it is normal to think other men animals are extremely attractive. Right? That doesn’t mean anything. Definitely lol. I'm just overthinking. No big deal
LMAOOO why did I even think about this?????? OMG CRINGE
Okay now seriously: since I was a child, it was common sense that gay couples were unacceptable. My parents made sure I knew that. They used to say I was “different from the other pigs”, but not in your usual way.
Flashbacks start of my father. Anger on his eyes. The violence stuck with me forever. Tears start to fall, I try my best to avoid it. It doesn't matter. I don't even care. Please, dear Squealer don't come in now. I would hate it if he saw me like this. I stop crying. My parents built who I am today. Strong. Independent. A true leader. I guess I could tell you the truth. Afterall, those are only thoughts. I don’t really think they would make a big difference. Okay, I really do hate to admit this, but I hate my parents. I mean, they’re dead now but I still hate them. You know, I’ve always thought that I was different, but they didn’t allow me to feel that way.  But, at the same time, I could never admit that I hated them because, at the end of the day, they made me the leader I am today, and I could never run the farm and implement the changes I have, without their strict education. 
I do realize that this made me never really think about who I am as an individual, but they used to say that what matters is the legacy you leave behind. I basically built this farm. So I guess this means my legacy will mean something. 
I guess I must leave these weird feelings behind in order to run the farm more effectively.
chapter 5
Boxer was strolling around the farm, alone this time. He wondered what put him in that situation. Just yesterday, he was extremely happy, but then this whole homossexual thing came into the farm and now his situation was completely changed. Benjamin told him Napoleon was wrong, Benjamin said they were the homossexuals, and that was just fine. But Napoleon was supposed to be always right. His whole life, as long as he could remember, he knew he could trust Napoleon. Now, everything was different, and he didn’t know what to do. 
He thought many times of going after Benjamin, but he didn’t have the courage to do so. Even though he saw that he left because he was very upset with the whole situation, he didn’t really get it and felt upset.
Then, Clover pulled him aside and asked him what was wrong. He told her, with no filter, as she had always been like a mother to him. Clover felt very bad for him, and tried to explain, as well as she could, what Napoleon’s discourse meant. Boxer was heartbroken and didn’t believe Napoleon could say such things. As he realized what was actually happening, Boxer decided to go after Benjamin, after all, and try to make things better. 
chapter 6
Napoleon’s point of view:
Like always, I had a lot on my mind. You would normally assume that, since I’m the leader, I spend most of my time doing nothing. But that’s not actually true. I think. All the time. Actually, I overthink, a lot. On these moments, I always have Squealer by my side. He makes my days when I’m worried about the future. I hate it. It makes me a hypocrite. It makes me gay. This situation made me think a lot. Why do I see gay as a bad thing? Who made me believe that being gay is something negative? 
Comrade, are you okay? - he said. His sweet voice filling the room 
I guess my face expression showed way too much of my emotions
Yeah, sure, it’s just that… - What was I going to say? Could I just say that every night I go to sleep and he is the only one I think about? That my day is only good if he stays by my side? That the thing I worry the most about is him thinking of me as a dictator? I swear, God knows I swear, I would not do any harm to him. I swear, I swear…
Sir… sir? Are…are you crying?
I’m sorry…
That’s when I kissed him. I felt everything and nothing at the same time. I had nothing to lose. If he didn’t approve this, I would have to kill him. But, he kept going. He made me feel as if I was the most important animal in the world. We kept kissing until I stopped it.
Do you think this is wrong? - I said
Comrade, I don't know if this is some kind of test, but I need to be honest with you. I do have feelings for you. I’ve tried to hide it, I’ve done everything in my power to stop having these feelings. But I see beyond you. I get you, I do hope that, if any of this is true, that you accept you for who you truly are and that you get me too.
Ohhh, I’m so so sorry! I would never test you like this - I said and then I agreed with him - Okayyy, maybe I would. But you mean the world to me, I think, hum I think… I think I love you.
I love you too, master.
Please call me Napoleon
chapter 7
After looking around the farm for the whole afternoon, Boxer finally found Benjamin in a corner of the barn. The walls all around had Napoleon’s new rules written in them. Benjamin couldn’t help but forgive Boxer. After all, he really loved him. He could see now that Boxer actually tried hard to understand what bothered him. He saw he really had changed as Boxer took the cans of paint that were hidden around and handed Benjamin a paintbrush. Together, they repainted the whole place as Benjamin finally got the chance to explain to Boxer how he felt about the whole situation and how what Napoleon was doing was bad. 
They were back to normal. Back together. But definitely not the same. Both of them learned a lot, Boxer especially, and realized life is not as easy as walks in the spring and working the harvest. They also realized what they had was worth fighting for, and if there were difficulties, they would go through them together. Together, they could confront Napoleon and deal with the consequences in case it didn’t work. Together, all of it didn’t matter, and Boxer and Benjamin would never let Napoleon get in their way again.
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