#Sumo Kai AU
lennon-cuddlywump · 2 years
Sumo Kai au
Sees mentions of Dareth’s work as a Gyōji and his heirloom peacock fan
Ya know the fan that summons wild peacocks
Does Dareth feed and keep the peafowl as pets?
Also is scruffshipping endgame? Because just ronin eventually having to accept the peafowl as their feather babies?
Oooh I like that idea! Dareth has a pretty small house with a huge yard for his peafowl to strut around in, he uses their shed feathers to make little necklaces and sells them
He's hoping to become a Tate-Gyõji one day with a little help from the sumo team. However a roadblock came into his plans in the form of a rat man trying to steal his fan.
The birbs all pinned down Ronin in seconds flat, although it was love at first sight for Dareth and offered him some food. Ronin tolerates the peafowl for the most part, since they still jump him if they catch him stealing
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danicadenniss · 22 days
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Yokozuna Kai the Heavyweight Fire Sumo
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jalluzas-ferney · 13 days
What if Kai turned into a buff fire sumo in AU?
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lifesamarize · 1 year
Geführte Tour durch Tokyo
25.04.2023 - Japan, Tokyo [Tobi]:
Was hab ich gut geschlafen. Ich glaube das Wissen, dass es bald weiter geht und dies die letzte richtige Nacht war, hat mich komplett ausgenockt und genießen lassen. Die Sonne begrüßte uns und Sama hatte noch am Abend, als ich bereits schlief einen schönen Tagesplan aufgestellt. Mit Notizen über Orte und den Bahnverbindung ging es früh also schon mit der Metro los.
Erster Stop: Sumoringer Trainingsraum. Hier konnten wir das täglich, öffentliche Sumo-Training mitverfolgen. Eine Traube Menschen stand vor dem Schaufenster und starrte hinein. Drinnen gab es den bekannten Sumo-Ring, ein Seil als Kreis mit Sand als Untergrund. Spannend war es, die kräftigen Männer mit sandbedeckten Körpern trainieren zu sehen. Mal schob Einer, einen Anderen quer durch den Raum. Und Mal liefen sie in Hockstellung als Polonese um den Ring herum. Etwas Lustiges hatte es aber, weil die Übungen eher wie Kindersport in einer Turnhalle aussahen, aber mit Sicherheit sehr anstrengend waren. Nach dem Training kamen die Sumos sogar für Fotos nach draußen und ließen sich mit den Fans und Touristen ablichten. Einer von ihnen, der nicht mit Trainiert hatte, fuhr in seinem Yukata auf einem Fahrrad davon. Ein Bild für die Götter.
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Zweiter Stop: Nochmal fuhren wir zum Asakusa-Schrein. Diesmal schauten wir uns auch kurz die offenen Touriläden an und bestaunten den Schrein bei Tageslicht. Und wir entdeckten dahinter, noch viel schönere Gebäude, einen Koi-Teich und historische Laternen, den Toro. Die sind hier oft aus Stein oder Bronze, sind uns aber bis auf vereinzelte, kleine in Parkanlagen bisher nur einmal am Fuji aufgefallen. Hier sind sie aber immer präsent und haben sogar eigene Geschichten.
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Hier kauften wir uns auch das Zugticket und reservierten Sitzplätze für den Expresszug zum Flughafen. Den ersten Zug am Morgen. Wir werden um 6.20 Uhr am Flughafen sein und müssen sehr früh raus. Ohne den Express hatten wir sogar noch eine Stunde früher raus gemusst.
Dritter Stop: Unweit vom Schrein befand sich eine Einkaufsstraße für Restaurantutensilien. Davon hatte ich mal gehört und wollte da mal selber auf die Suche nach einmaligen Küchenutensilien gehen. Weil es um die Ecke lag, schlenderten wir also kurzerhand hindurch und fanden meistens aber die typischen Keramikgeschäfte mit Esstäbchen und dem üblichen Touri-Kram als Auslage. Und ja, wir kauften wieder. Sama fand schöne Essstäbchen und ich einen tollen Holzbecher. Außerdem gab es noch ein Noren, einen typisch traditionell japanischen Vorhang für den Flur daheim. Hier werden nämlich Eingänge von Restaurants, Onsen und anderen eher historischen Gebäuden mit Noten verhangen, um zu signalisieren, dass die Geschäfte geöffnet haben. Darauf ist meistens der Name des Etablissements geschrieben und wird somit zum Unikat. Wir kauften uns einen Vorhang ohne Schrift, dafür aber mit einem traditionellen japanischen Muster. Es war das "Seikaiha". Die drei Silben bedeuten folgendes: "sei" steht für die Farbe des Ozeans, Blau; "kai" steht für die unendliche Weite des Ozeans und "ha" für die Wellen. Als Gesamtbedeutung bleibt nun natürlich viel Interpretationsraum. Von den beruhigenden Wellen des Ozeans bis hin zur stillen Kraft, die darin schlummert.
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Hier sieht man Mal ein Foto aus einer der Geschäfte der "Restaurant-Straße". Ganz vorne sieht man auch zufällig einen Teller mit Seikaiha Muster.
Vierter Stop: Der Kan’ei-ji Schrein lag an einer anderen Stelle in Tokyo und gehörte zu einer großen Parkanlage mit mehreren Schreinen und dem Nationalmuseum. Erst ein Prospekt vor Ort machte uns auch auf die vielen anderen Tempel in der Anlage aufmerksam. Sama hatte eigentlich nur diesen auf dem Schirm gehabt. So kam es, dass wir der Reihe nach die einzelnen Schreine abgingen. Beginnend mit dem Kan’ei-ji. Ich fand ihn sehr schön, da hier ausnahmsweise nicht nur der Räucherduft vorherrschte, sondern im Innern der Schrein mit goldenen Vorhängen verkleidet war. Obwohl wir schon so viele Schreine und Tempel besuchten, tun wir das weiterhin, weil eben genau an diesen Orten wir die Ruhe finden, auf die kleinen Details zu achten. Und diese Details unterscheiden sich doch unerwartet oft voneinander. Vor dem Gebäude gab es außerdem wieder zwei sehr große Stein-Toro, die Laternen. Wie kleine Bäume stehen sie dort oft seit Jahrhunderten und überstehen die Zeit und werden von Moos bewachsen und ein Teil der Natur. Der Schrein und zwei nahe gelegene Mausoleen waren den Shogunen der letzten Ära gewidmet. Ein anderer Schrein hatte sogar 6 massive, bronzene Laternen als Gedenkstätte für die einzelnen Shogune. Vorher waren uns die kaum aufgefallen. Doch wie schon an den anderen Schreinen zuvor, sind sie hier allgegenwärtig. Weiter ging es an einer Pagode vorbei, von 1639, die ein Erdbeben und den Zweiten Weltkrieg überstand, gingen wir durch den Park zum Kiyomizu Kannon-do. Dieser hatte eine große Holzveranda als Vorbau, auf der über die Stadt geblickt werden konnte. Wieder eine Besonderheit. Und der letzte Schrein im Bunde war Shinobazunoike Benten-do. Dieser war ein Oktagon auf einer kleinen Insel, umgeben von einem Liliensee. Sehr ähnlich den Anlagen in Kambodscha, wo auch die Heiligtümer oft von Seen und Kanälen umgeben sind..
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Fünfter Stop: Der Imperiale Kaiserpalast von Tokyo. Natürlich wollten wir den Nachfolge-Palast von Kyoto sehen. Mit der Bahn und den letzten Minuten unseres 48-Stunden-Tickets kamen wir an der Zentralen Tokyo Station an. Auf dem Weg nach draußen blieben wir aber noch in einem der kleinen Geschäfte stehen. Sama hatte wieder Papier erspäht. Zufälligerweise entdeckten wir tatsächlich einen der wenigen Läden der Hersteller des "Traveler's Notebook". Ich wusste zwar, dass sie aus Japan kommen und nur in ausgewählten Geschäften ihre Produkte führen, aber ein ganzes Geschäft mit Sondereditionen und dem gesamten Sortiment…. Das war unser Todesurteil. Bis dahin waren wir fast am Verhungern, aber nun trieb uns der Einkaufswahn. Wir hatten noch einen Batzen Bargeld, den wir problemlos "investieren" konnten. Und ein schneller Preischeck zeigte, dass die Produkte locker 20-30 % günstiger als in der Heimat sind. Und ja, wir lieben sie. Sama hatte von mir einmal ein Traveler Notebook geschenkt bekommen, nachdem wir in Polen einmal darüber gestolpert waren. Eigentlich ist es ein Ledernotitzbuch mit auswechselbaren und unterschiedlichsten Einlegern. Hier gab es dann noch die Tokyo Station Edition von einigen Artikeln. Also kaufte ich hier mal richtig ein und beschaffte mir ein eigenes Notebook für die Arbeit. Doch der Lederumschlag nicht in der limitierten Edition, die fand ich zu penetrant. Später ergoogelte ich die wunderbare Kyoto Version, denn da gab es wohl auch einen Shop von dem Laden. Ach, hätte ich das gewusst. Also fürs nächste Mal merken.
So wie wir den Hunger vergaßen, hatten wir auch die Zeit nicht im Blick und waren nach dem Kaufrausch erst zum Sonnenuntergang im Park des Kaiserpalastes. Doch das Eingangstor war bereits geschlossen. Der Park schloss vor kurzem aber die Palastanlage selbst hätten wir auch ohne den Kaufrausch nicht mehr gepackt. Die Öffnungszeiten waren leider nicht im Tagesplan enthalten. An der Station gönnten wir uns die letzten Ramen des Landes und genossen das Essen noch einmal extra.
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Sechster Stop: Wir machten uns auf den Heimweg und kauften uns S-Bahntickets Ticket für Morgen. Dann müssen wir in den Morgenstunden nicht noch am Automaten mit dem Restgeld hantieren und haben alles schon sicher. Unweit von unserem Hotel holten wir uns noch im Supermarkt ein paar besondere Sachen, die es bei uns nur für teures Geld gibt. Matcha Tee und solche Sachen natürlich.
Die Tasche war immerhin schnell gepackt. Wir hatten ausnahmsweise mal 30 kg Aufgabegepäck und je 10 kg Kabinengepäck. Das war so entspannt, dass wir alles ganz locker packten und uns sogar noch Restflüssigkeiten wie Creme, Schampo und meine alten Schuhe mitnahmen.
Ein letztes Mal Futon. Ein letztes Mal auf den Tatami-Matten. Eine letzte Nacht in Japan. Wir stellten den Wecker, in weniger als vier Stunden machen wir uns wieder los.
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fires-of-ninjago · 2 years
Sumo Kai AU for the ask thing?
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
Okay, 5 headcannons coming up!
Since Kai has the hardest time eating enough, Nya will often put extra food on his plate when he's not looking so that he will end up eating enough.
Garmadon loves having so many people in the stable again, but he'll sometimes end up calling some of his students by their parents names, especially when he gets caught up in the moment.
The stable itself was built from the foundations of a much older building, but not even Wu nor Garmadon know what it was.
Lloyd loves being able to be with his father, but he still doesn't understand why the final battle has to come to pass if his father has managed to purify himself of the darkness.
Part of the reason Wu is so obsessed with defeating Garmadon is partially because he still feels guilty about putting so much weight on Morro. Now he refuses to let his son's student's sacrifice.
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entityupdates · 2 years
New fic! It’s called You Were A Stranger. It’s a Fandom AU focused on Rook.
Summary: Rook realizes Ben is nothing like he is on TV and catches feelings.
Rating: T/ Teen
Category: M/M, M/F, F/F, M/NB, NB/NB
Characters: Rook Blonko, Scout, Molly Gunther, Ben Tennyson, Deefus Veeblepister, The Werewolf | Yenaldooshi, Solid Plugg
Relationships: Rook Blonko/ Ben Tennyson, Past Ben Tennyson/ Kai Green, Brief Rook Blonko/ Molly Gunther, Brief Kai Green/ Molly Gunther, Background Scout/ The Werewolf, Background Kevin Levin/ Gwen Tennyson, Past Rook Blonko/ Rayona, Minor Rook Shar/ Rayona, Rook Blonko & Molly Gunther, Rook Blonko & Scout, Rook Blonko & Ben Tennyson
Other Tags: S6E02- Collect This, Alternate Universe- Fans & Fandom, Characters Writing Fanficiton, Gay Rook Blonko, Lesbian Molly Gunther, MLM/WLW Solidarity, Bisexual Ben Tennyson, Bisexual Kai Green, The Ben 10 Show, Slowburn, Questioning Sexuality, Gay Male Character, Lesbian Character, Bisexual Character, Queer Character, Non-Binary Character, Non-Binary Yenaldooshi, Non-Binary Scout, Genderfluidity, Alien Culture, Loboans, Plumber Academy, Not Canon Compliant, Coming Out, One Sided Crushes, Sumo Slammers, Weird World, Pokemon, TV Shows, Rook-centric, Mutual Pining, Memes, Social Media, Media, Trolling The Media, Undertown, Kinceleran Kids, Harangue Nation, The Harrangue Show, Revonnah, No Smut, Queer Themes
Warnings: Interspecies Relationships, Break Ups, Mentions of Homophobia, Unhealthy Relationships, Accidental Misgendering, Homophobia, not character bashing but not Kai friendly, sort of cheating, untagged one sided crushes, 
Word Count: 35K
Chapter Count: 8
Year(s) Written: 2022
Status: Complete
Where To Read: Ao3
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burlybanner · 5 years
Syzygy - 3
Syzygy - An AU of Infundo (post-Infundo Chronicles).
Chapter 3: Indulgences and Definitions
Chapter 3 Summary:  Bruce has two individual epiphanies with his partners.
Link to Chapter 1, 2
Author notes: Sorry for the last minute late post - but yes, still keeping the posting schedule to Tuesdays for the most part.
Bruce stirred from sleep still a bit stuffed and rubbed his belly. He was sore all over from everything they'd done but it was a good feeling; he felt warm, loved, and safe...and maybe a little hungry? Was it possible he felt hungry and stuffed at -- he glanced at the clock -- 3:30 in the morning?
He pondered it before preparing to roll himself from the bed. In the beginning of their relationship he'd slept between Steve and Tony, but as big as he’d gotten he clung to their bed’s edges now, becoming the big or (not-so) little spoon to them. Because he was so huge it was impossible not to wake Tony or Steve if he got up in the middle of the night.
He loved their ridiculously comfortable bed though, and had second thoughts about leaving it despite his hunger pangs. A tiny smirk teased his lips. We'll need a sturdier bed later.  Random future thoughts of bed-bound joy shot tiny, happy currents of electricity through his body.  It took longer than average to do every day tasks like getting out of bed or sitting down despite being mostly mobile now. But future him wouldn't need to worry about such nonsense things.
Bruce’s gut rumbled and groaned, echoing his greedy, lustful appetite.  Giving his stomach a small placating pat, Bruce rocked, scooted and shifted his demanding body off the mattress. When Tony softly grunted and Steve's breathing hitched Bruce froze, wondering if he'd woken them. But no. He sighed softly as they returned to their regular sleeping patterns after a beat. Besides, if they did wake for whatever reason they'd know where he'd be and they could join him in the kitchen.
He grabbed his robe (a robe that barely fit, the same robe Tony and Steve swaddled on cold nights) and slowly shuffled to the closest kitchen. He'd be out of breath halfway, but no matter; he had a feeling Tony would cobble together a kitchenette off their bedroom, once walking became too bothersome. 
Humming, Bruce grabbed fried chicken, gravy, mashed potato leftovers and the corn casserole from the fridge and loaded his plate. For good measure he also grabbed ice cream, chocolate cake, and a spoon, nibbling on the sweets while the dinner foods warmed in the microwave. His mind wandered as he waited. A nightly feeding routine had merit. Doing would exhaust him, but he’d  consider it. He could sleep during the day. Or catnap.
Alternately, he could modify a sumo wrestler’s diet to fit his needs, but he had a sneaking suspicion he was already consuming more calories than the average sumo, just to maintain his weight.
Steve was right. The answer was in front of them, somewhere.  So maybe, if he combined Tony and Steve's ideas with his own, and reexamined the Hulk threshold, maybe adding a nightly feeding schedule to boot...
Hmm. It might work.
Bruce smiled at Steve's sleepy grin and popped another spoonful of chocolate cake and ice cream in his mouth. "Just got a little peckish."
"So I see." Steve's sleepy grin morphed into something diabolical. "Sit," he said, gesturing at a bar stool at the kitchen island. "You shouldn't waste extra energy by preparing your own meals." Bruce's stool was a little more squat than the others and heavily reinforced. Tony threatened to make the other stools the same for symmetry's sake but he'd never gotten around to it. Bruce honestly didn't mind. He liked having his "own" kitchen seat.
He snorted at Steve's quip and calmly watched the man grab a bowl from the cabinet; Steve wouldn't let him off the hook until he sat and obeyed him. 
"So, Bruce. What's got you up at this hour, besides food?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"More than." He grabbed the hot food from the microwave as Bruce piled ice cream into a bowl and added his toppings - the "good" ice cream toppings, according to Tony.
Steve put the ice cream back in the freezer and gestured to Bruce's food. "Eat up. And tell me what's bothering you."
Bruce hummed appreciatively. He took time to answer, though. He wolfed down half his food before gently clearing his throat. "The pros and cons, I suppose," he murmured.
"Of what Tony's proposing?"
Nodding, Bruce took a few big bites from the chicken before loading up his spoon with the corn dish. "That, and more. I have some ideas, and I think I have something that might work."
Bruce smirked and shoveled the corn casserole into his mouth. "Mmf," he said, mouth half full. "It's half of what's bugging me."
Steve watched him finish his chicken and casserole before silently piling more mashed potatoes to his plate. "Thanks."
Steve went to the fridge and dumped shredded cheese and butter pats to the rest of Bruce's heated mashed potatoes. "What's the other half, then?"
Bruce twirled his fork through the cheese and fluffed it together, and as he ate  small contented noises rose from his throat. "Ooh, yeah. Perfect," he snuffled before scarfing it. "Mm. 'Kay. So...it's cosmetic."
"Yeah." Bruce’s fork scraped across his empty plate and he mechanically dug into the cake and ice cream, missing Steve slyly replenishing his dessert whenever Bruce looked close enough to finishing. "It took me this long to appear 'human' to people; to be normal. Sure, I'm pretty hefty, but I'm still functionally normal." He belched behind a curved fist before returning to his plate. He tucked into his next helping of cake and spoke with his mouth full. "I get a few odd stares now, but they're the stares guys my size normally get. I kinda get a kick out of that, to be honest."
Steve chuckled right along with him and grabbed chocolate sauce from the fridge. "So? What's the real issue?"
"The real issue," Bruce sighed, loading up his fork. "Is the monster I see myself bec...oh, that is amazing." He finally realized Steve heated up the chocolate sauce, then poured it over his cake and ice cream. His double chin quivered as he shoved giant bites in his mouth, trying to get in every last crumb of deliciousness.
"Don't choke yourself," Steve teased. But his small smile quickly faded. "You're not a monster. You know that."
Bruce shrugged, but he didn't say anything else until his fork clattered across the empty dessert plate. "Not consciously, no. But I've gotta ask myself, am I coming to terms with it? Is it so bad to be one, really? To own it? I'm not a hundred percent human - and neither are you," he amended, when Steve tried interrupting. "Or half of the Avengers, if we really think about it. Even Tony's genius puts him out of the human category, into something more like super...hm. Super humanity."
"Super human?"
"No. That phrase is trite and beyond overdone. Super humanity has more heart, and creates a space for people like us, as well as others."  He pat his full stomach, feeling more at ease, momentarily mesmerized at how his huge belly jiggled with each pat. "I've begun owning the word 'fat,'" he mumbled, squeezing his rolls beneath his strained pajama top. "Maybe I can reclaim the word 'monster,' too."   
"I'm sure you can, if anyone can do it," Steve said. He opened the freezer back up and took out the ice cream, and grabbed a fresh spoon. "But you're still my Muffin regardless. So let me make sure you're good and full before you wake up again, because you’re hungry."
Bruce smiled softly and opened his mouth as Steve spoon fed him the rest of the ice cream.
Still, that night got Bruce thinking; the key wasn't one individualized goal. Maybe, like a monster, he could go all out. Let the journey take flight on its own. He could hang on for the ride and chart its progress.
Dangerous thinking, Banner, he cautioned. The last time he metaphorically let it ride, he had a Hulk for his trouble. But maybe having three consciences would bring out better circumstances. Among the three of them he had a brain, a heart, and a moral compass...which was a darn sight better than just a brain.
"Earth to Bruce. Again."
"Hm?" Bruce snapped up from the book he wasn't reading. His head was nestled in Tony's lap, while Tony played with his curls. Steve had risen from the other end of the couch to gather snacks from the kitchen, so their dog occupied the warm divot Steve's butt left behind.
"You were saying?"
"I said," Tony murmured, kissing Bruce's forehead. "That I noticed you and Spangles made a small night of it. Without me."
"I wouldn't go that far," Bruce said honestly. "I got hungry and Steve and I talked over a few things."
"Oh, really?" Bruce could feel Tony's jealous streak rearing up. He put his book down, and took Tony's hand.
"Nothing major, promise. I told him I wanted to reclaim the word 'monster.' To use it, but in my own way."
"You're not--"
"No, wait. Hear me out." He'd already made peace with the word after his discussion with Steve, but he should've told Tony sooner. It was wrong of him not to. "I'm going to become someone 'otherworldly.' Monstrously huge’, as it were. But I want the opportunity to put my humanity on equal footing with the Hulk. It sounds...weird, but I don't know how else to describe it." He sighed, suddenly wanting another plate of cookies. "I guess I'm making peace with the Other Guy by becoming more like him, in human form. I'm almost excited at the prospect, to be honest. Maybe it'll help us understand one another more."
"Huh," Tony murmured after a long beat. A crooked smile passed on his lips. "I never thought about it that way."
"So...it's not such a crazy idea?" Bruce grunted. Some of his apprehension drained away with Tony’s approval. "There's merit to it, right?"
"Absolutely." Tony squeezed his shoulder. "But now that we're all on the same page, it's time to kick this into full gear. It's been a while since you used yourself as a live test subject - and I know your concerns," Tony interrupted, seeing the deepening crease across Bruce's brow. "But we've got this, babe. Let's pour through your notes and come up with some cool ideas."
                                                              * *
Part four: https://burlybanner.tumblr.com/post/186177528669/syzygy-4
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imaginegladions · 7 years
Ooh!! Vanguard AU Gladion! I would love to imagine what all the sun and moon friends would play... maybe Gladion is a Shadow Paladin player even though He comes from a Royal/Gold Paladin family??
WHO ASKED THIS?? *^* omg, i run OraThins btw, particularly the Battle Sister sub-clan. I also super ship Miwa/Kai if you ship it totally hit me up. XD
This is short bc… well, it’s a long anime and I didn’t want to copy the plot just show you what it would be like in this universe.
But like, lets take a moment to imagine Pokémon SuMo except instead of battles it’s card fights.
You can’t tell me Gladion isn’t Kai.
Kai with a little sister *screech*.
In any case, in this world there aren’t Pokémon instead they fight with cards.
Gladion would definitely be the Shadow Paladin user who everyone thinks is an antagonist but is actually a good guy.
Team Skull uses all Dark Zone clans so it just alienates him even more from the rest of Team Skull.
I imagine Guzma uses Megacolony though (a non-Dark Zone clan) which is why it’s cool if Gladion wants to use a non-Dark Zone clan too.
Plumeria the Pale Moon user. Let it sink in.
Damn now I want art of her with Luquier.
You’re that Aichi-type Protag who uses that typical Protag clan, Royal Paladins.
You should have more antagonistic feelings about Gladion but you don’t.
Lillie uses Bermuda Triangles like Emi.
Hau uses Nova Grapplers. Don’t ask why. He just does. He’s Kamui.
Lusamine uses Link Joker for obvious reasons that she’s possessed by the dark clan. 
But, Mohn used to use Great Nature because science and nature. XD
Instead of Pokémon she can collect rare cards and then lock them so other people can’t get those cards or call them in battle.
The Aether people all use United Sanctuary clans with a Reverse card in their decks.
After the events of Pokémon SuMo, Lillie inherits a Neo Nectar deck from her dad and she and Gladion become co-owners of Aether Foundation. :3
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lennon-cuddlywump · 2 years
Two? Well have one for The Flaming Juyro and A Blizzard With Scales! In that order too
"Pfft, never trust a snake. Who came up with that anyways? Pythor's been helping me save my dad." Lloyd thought. "He wouldn't just lead me astray, would he?"
Zane was now flying high above the frozen castle, the now freed prisoners holding onto his neck. "Did I do all this?"
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lennon-cuddlywump · 2 years
I did an update 
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lennon-cuddlywump · 3 years
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Some more stuff involving Garmadon in the Sumo AU, having a cup of tea with his brother after being separated for years on end. Wu’s concerned about his brother’s dark splotches growing further but doesn’t mention it out loud
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lennon-cuddlywump · 2 years
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I realized I have yet to draw Dareth at all, I needed some practice on how to draw larger figures and I really wanted to do some art of the Sumo AU, so here’s the brown gyoji!
Dareth has been working as a gyoji ever since he graduated high school, at first it was meant to be just a one time thing before opening up his very own karate school but decided to stick with what he had (Besides, there were a shortage of gyoji per stable). That way he gets to be up close to watch the bouts in action and encourage them to put more oompf into their moves.
He doesn’t wear an eboshi due to it messing up his hair and has a golden chain he treasures rather than tassels around his neck
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lennon-cuddlywump · 2 years
Sumo Kai au
Misako and the urge to cuddle on Garmadon. He’s so cuddly and stuff.
OMG YESS!! Garmadon can also be very clingy to her, especially whenever he has reoccurring nightmares about the venom taking over
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lennon-cuddlywump · 2 years
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For today’s Garmaweek 2022 I chose the Shadows prompt. I decided to do something related to my Flaming Juyro AU for it, Garms is doing a bit of meditation with his oni and dragon sides are doing a bout in the background
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lennon-cuddlywump · 2 years
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Here’s a commission I bought from @cup-of-travelers-tea ! Wu and Garmadon in the Flaming Juryo AU, poor Garms is feeling blue since he couldn’t find a way to completely flush the venom out of his body but Wu is there to provide some moral support
I really dig the green tank top you gave him, thank you so much for drawing this!
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lennon-cuddlywump · 3 years
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Some more of Garmadad in the Flaming Juryo, I’ve decided to localize his black patches better with reference of vitiligo. Also they’re much more sensitive to touch
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