#Sunnahs of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in taking food
questionsonislam · 1 year
What are the responsibilities the woman in the family and her duties toward her husband?
The duties of a woman toward her husband:
1- Contentment: Being content is one of the reasons for the ease of the heart; a woman should avoid alienating her husband from herself and from the home by her shamelessness and greed. Contentment means to feel content with what is sufficient and not to be greedy.
2- Obedience to the husband: Our Prophet (pbuh) said, “a woman with whom her husband is pleased will go to Paradise when she dies.”
3- Cleanliness: To pay attention to the places that her husband sees and to clean those places. One should know that the best thing for cleanliness is water. She should always wear nice scents.
4- Meeting his needs: To pay attention to the time when her husband eats a meal, not to pass the time for sleep, to prepare the meal and the bed in accordance with the habits of her husband.
5- Protecting his goods: To protect her husband’s property and belongings because protecting the property and belongings shows that she is a skillful woman.
6- Showing respect to relatives: To show respect to the relatives of her husband because if a woman shows respect to the relatives of her husband, it means she is a good housewife and manager.
7- Keeping secrets: The woman must not tell anyone about the secrets of her husband. If she reveals his secrets, she will lose the trust of her husband, and she cannot be sure about him anymore.
8- Respect: To fulfill the orders of her husband, not to oppose him and to obey him. If she opposes him, she may cause him to have a grudge against her and become hostile toward her.
In addition, it is not permissible for a man to force his wife to do something that he wants, and religiously, the woman does not have to do things like that. For instance, a woman does not have to cook a meal or take care of her child. However, it is better for her to do legitimate and positive things (even if she does not like it) for the peace and safety of the family in order to establish mutual respect among the members of the family.
Division of labor between the wife and husband in the family:
In Islam, the family is one of the main holy things that need to be protected. Therefore, the family is not left unattended; someone that will protect the members of the family is deemed responsible as the head of the family. That person should be strong and powerful enough to make the other members obey him so that he will control those who go beyond the limits and keep them within the legitimate bounds. It will be the father and the husband that can act authoritatively in the family and make everybody obey him.
In Islam, the head of the family is not completely independent. On the contrary, the head of the family is someone who undertakes the heavy burden of the responsibility of the family and to be the breadwinner. That is, the responsibility of working outside and bringing home the bread lies on the father and the husband. The woman does not have to work outside and bring home the bread.
When our Prophet (pbuh) married Fatima, his daughter, with Hazrat Ali, his son-in-law, he assigned the tasks in the home to Fatima and the tasks outside the home to Ali and said,
- To bring water from the fountain, to knead dough and bake bread, to clean the home and to arrange the things in the house belong to Fatima. The tasks outside the house belong to Ali.
However, it is permissible for the man to help his wife to do housework and for the woman to help her husband outside the house. As a matter of fact, the Prophet (pbuh) helped his family with the housework, and it is stated in the religious books that it is sunnah for men to help with the housework.
Does a woman have to cook for her husband?
The food, clothes, the residence of a woman have to be provided by her husband within the legitimate conditions. It is necessary to avoid extravagance. Our Prophet (pbuh) said to a woman, “Take kindly from the goods of your husband what will be enough for you and your child.”
It is an ethical duty and an honorable service for a woman to cook meals, to bake bread, to do the washing, sweep the rooms, to arrange the housework and to try to relieve the burden of her husband.
Our Prophet (pbuh) said to Fatima, his daughter, "You should do the housework and Ali should do the tasks outside the house.” Our Prophet is the best model and example for us in everything, including the family life. The most important reason of the problems we have today is the fact that we have moved away from the Quran and the Sunnah.
Can a woman be forced to breastfeed her child?
“The father (husband) shall bear the cost of their (the mother and the child’s) food and clothing on equitable terms." (al-Baqara 233)
A woman cannot be forced to breastfeed the baby she gave birth to. However, if the baby does not suckle any other woman than its mother, then she is forced. Allah stated the following in the Quran:
“The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years.”( al-Baqara 233) That verse is evidence that women breastfeed their children.
When the mother does not breastfeed her baby, the father has to hire a wet nurse to breastfeed the baby near her mother because the right to protect and educate the baby belongs to the mother.
To breastfeed the baby is necessary for the mother religiously because the sentence in the Quran: “The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years." is a strong imperative sentence. (Mawqufat 1/597)
The woman should treat the family of her husband well:
Another aspect of treating her husband well for a Muslim woman is to treat the parents of her husband well and to show them respect and appreciation. The woman does a favor to her husband by helping her mother-in-law. Therefore, the husband treats his wife and her mother well in return. The woman actually does herself a favor by doing so because Allah says the following in the Quran, " Is there any Reward for Good other than Good?” (ar-Rahman 60)
Our Prophet (pbuh) stated the following, "The best among you are those who are useful to people."
The mercy that our Prophet (pbuh) teaches his ummah includes not only the relatives but also the whole mankind. The following is stated in a hadith:
“He who shows no mercy, will receive no mercy.” (Muslim)
"Allah shows mercy to those who shows mercy to others. Show mercy to those on the earth so that those in the sky will show mercy to you. "( Tirmidhi)
Mercy is not only a feeling of pity as some people think. It is a comprehensive feeling that develops with love and grows with help and altruism. If there is no mercy in a heart, that heart is ill.
Today, some people cause the family life to be unbearable by saying, ‘the woman does not have to wash the clothes of the man; she does not have to breastfeed her baby”. Although she does not have to do them, there exists a religious and humane aspect of the issue and a dimension of mercy. A woman civil servant serves many people that she knows or does not know for at least eight hours a day in return for the money that she receives; why should she not obey her husband, children, her husband’s mother and father? Those strange ideas and similar mistakes cause the break-up of many families and discontent. Families need love more than anything else.
For the happiness of the families in the world and the hereafter, the members of the family must obey Allah and His Messenger first, and then to each other for their legitimate desires of each other. They must not obey anyone if it involves committing sins.
Secondly, if everyone fulfils their responsibilities toward each other, the happiness of the family will be realized. Otherwise, the family life becomes unbearable. Another aspect is that life is not related only to this world; there is also life in the hereafter, which is the real life. We should establish such a family life that it would be a life in the atmosphere of the Quran and Sunnah, a Paradise life with people of common sense. Allah likes those who act with goodwill and common sense.
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basicsofislam · 5 years
How appropriate is it to say, "Allah will forgive" and not to worship?
Form of Worshipping
No being in the universe was created without any purpose; no living being was left without a guide. Allah, who does not leave ants without a prince, bees without a queen, fish, and birds without a guide, will definitely not leave human beings without prophets.  Human beings can find Allah by looking at the incidents taking place in the universe and using their minds but they cannot know the purpose of their creation, where they come from and where they are going to and the forms of worshipping without prophets. Therefore, they do not perform worshipping randomly or without a system but based on a system and rules that they learn from their prophets; they present their respect and worship to God with awe and reverence.  
Worshipping means belief in Allah and knowledge about His divine personality, the arrangement, and formulation of the things that need to be done with the love and admiration coming from this knowledge through the indication and guidance of God Almighty in accordance with His orders. That is, it is necessary to act and worship as it is required under the guidance of the Lord's clear verses and in the light of the lights emitted by the Prophet (pbuh) so as not to do anything wrong or inappropriate.
What is essential in man's relationship with his Lord are meaning, essence and spirit. However, what conveys them are words, forms, and molds. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to those words and molds. Those forms should convey the essential meanings. Therefore, it cannot be said that molds and forms have no meaning.
It is necessary to be balanced, moderate and to act in accordance with the criteria imposed by Allah while worshipping Him along with intention. The Messenger of Allah said,
"There are so many people standing while performing prayers that what they earn by it is nothing but tiredness; there are so many people who perform fasting that what they earn by it is nothing but hunger and thirst."
That is, the heart needs to turn to Allah. Zakah or sadaqah given without thinking of Him is nothing but wasting, and as the Quran puts it, becoming friends with Satan. To enjoin what is good and to forbid what is evil without having Him as a purpose in one's mind means to do dialectic and to deceive people by being engaged in demagoguery. Jihad without having Him as a purpose means to show off and wasting wealth and time. That is, the purpose of the spirit of worshipping needs to be the Creator; the servant needs to turn toward the Creator and worship Him.
In Islam, the scope of worshipping is wide. In Islam, worshipping does not consist of performing prayers and dhikr only. Every deed that is done in order to attain the consent of the Lord and to fulfill His orders is regarded as worshipping. For instance, a person can transform eating and drink into worshipping as follows: If a person intends to eat, drink and travel by finding it sufficient to eat halal food and drink halal beverages, avoiding haram and fulfilling the orders of Allah, his deeds will be regarded as worship. A person who eats and drinks with this intention and becomes strong becomes the addressee of the following hadith of the Prophet (pbuh):
"A strong (due to worshipping properly) believer is better than a weak believer and he is more beloved in the eye of Allah." (Muslim, Qadar, 34; Ibn Majah, Muqaddima, 10; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 2:366)
When the deeds that the soul likes and takes pleasure from are done with such sincere intentions, they are regarded as worshipping and become means of getting thawabs (rewards). The servant takes pleasure from what he does and feels happy but he approaches Allah with every deed that he does because his intention is to attain the consent of Allah. Acting upon this fact, the fiqh scholars say, "A righteous intention transforms habitual deeds into worshipping."
Worshipping is classified as follows based on will, determination, intention, and sincerity:
a. Worshipping performed with the desire of Paradise.
b. Worshipping performed due to the fear of Hell.
c.Worshipping performed with the feeling of awe, fear of Allah and love.
d. Worshipping performed as a necessity of the relationship of the Lord and the slave,  the Creator and the creature.
No matter how it is performed, worshipping (servitude) is the color of man's honor and the greatest rank granted to him. There is no rank and position higher than worshipping (servitude).
The Privilege of the Religion of Islam in Worshipping
According to some religions, worshipping means to leave all of the pleasures of the world aside and live in seclusion (like the life of monks and nuns living in a monastery). In another religion, worshipping can be performed only in some special places of their temples. According to some other religions, worshipping can be performed only under the leadership of some clergymen. The people cannot worship alone and in the congregation without the guidance of the clergymen.  
In Islam, worshipping is free from intermediaries between Allah and His slaves. Man can apply to his Lord directly. In Islam, the clergy are not intermediaries between Allah and His slaves; the belief that worshipping can be accepted only through the mediation of the clergy only does not exist in Islam. In the eye of Allah, scholars, the clergy and ordinary people are equal in terms of worshipping. Superiority is based on taqwa (fear of Allah).  
Islam has freed worshipping from the hands of the intermediaries and from the obligation of being performed in certain places. Every place, whether it is a mosque, a ship in the middle of the sea or a house, is suitable for worshipping as long as they are clean. Man can contact Allah by worshipping anywhere. The Messenger of Allah stated the following:
"The earth was made a mosque and a cleaner for me." (Bukhari, Tayammum, 1; Muslim, Masajid, 3)
That is, a person can perform prayers anywhere and he can use the earth (soil) to make tayammum instead of wudu and ghusl when there is no water.
The Relationship between Belief and Deeds
The principles that need to be believed in Islam do not consist of some abstract ideas only. The principles that need to be believed in Islam are some vital values that need to be done, though, believed, internalized and used in order to reach Allah with submission.  These vital values become deepened by meditation and dhikr, are fed by worshipping; deeds and manners are also included in this framework so that individual and human thoughts will not affect them. Thus, a believer is in a relationship with the circle of belief all the time and he turns around the main axis of belief.    
According to Ahl as-Sunnah, worshipping is not a part of belief. Deeds are not a part of belief. This principle is a general decree. That is, if a man does not do any deeds and does not worship at all, he will not exit belief. However, it is necessary for him not to deny any worshipping and accept that all kinds of worshipping are true.
As it is seen, there is a difference between believing and doing. However, this is the last boundary. In fact, there is a close relationship between belief and deeds. A person can be treated as a Muslim based on his worshipping only. As it is known, the application of some decrees among the Muslims who live in a community is based on the lifestyles of individuals since the religion decides based on outward appearance. A person who does not show any signs of being a Muslim will definitely not be treated as a Muslim. Besides, the real benefit of worshipping is to protect and improve the belief that exists. For, belief consists of proclaiming Islam through the tongue and confirming it through the heart. It is a source of infinite power and strength. However, it is necessary to strengthen and support belief with deeds in order to obtain the fruits and results that are desired. Therefore, the following statement of some people means nothing but demolishing the signs and principles of the religion: "The cleanliness of the heart and intentions are important in religion. Worshipping like prayers and fasting are not so important; there is no harm in abandoning them." For, if this idea is accepted, any denier can claim that he is a distinguished believer.
Besides, though some people who lived in this age and who vulgarized the issue said, "My heart is clean and I believe in Allah" without worshipping, everybody saw that they fell into Hell. Yes, belief needs to be strengthened by prayers, hajj, jihad and other types of worshipping.
Only worshipping can transform decrees related to creed and belief into faculties by strengthening and maintaining them. Yes, if decrees related to belief, which are involved with conscience and mind, are not trained and strengthened by worshipping, which consists of fulfilling Allah's orders and keeping away from what He prohibits, its results and effects will be weak. The current situation of the Islamic world is evidence of it.  
It is necessary for a believer to strengthen his belief with deeds sooner or later.
Islam has two aspects: belief and deeds. They are indispensable parts of Islam. Belief, or creed as it is mentioned in the Islamic literature, means to believe in all of the things in the system of Islam like Allah, Hz. Muhammad (pbuh), the Quran and the hereafter in a way that excludes the opposite possibilities.
As for deeds, or as the Quran puts it "amal salih (righteous deeds)", that is, complete, flawless, impeccable deeds, it is the second important element of Islam after belief. For instance, worshipping is an indispensable part of it.
Since man cannot change the road opened by wisdom, he needs to fulfill this very difficult and holy duty truly to deserve Paradise. In other words, the only way to deserve Paradise is worshipping and being a slave of Allah. For, worshipping makes man pure and liable for Paradise.
Deeds of worshipping are in a way like the blockage of the issues related to creed and in another like faculties that improve them. For, if worshipping is not performed and if religion is kept in the conscience only by acting upon a common view today, deviation and destruction - God forbid - and consequently losing the worldly and otherworldly life will be inevitable. Yes, man can be protected from various deviations and his belief can be maintained only through worshipping.    
Man can believe in Allah as a result of scientific research but it will be a theoretical belief. It can be transformed into real belief and elevated to the desired level only through worshipping. From this point of view, it can be said that it is always possible for a person who has not made worshipping a part of his nature and who has not deepened in it to deviate and go astray. Acting upon this fact, we can say that those who say, "I believe in Allah but I drink alcohol or I cannot perform prayers" lack one of the bonds that protect them. Yes, if those people are sincere in their words, they need to support their belief with deeds and be loyal slaves at the door of God Almighty with their deeds of worshipping so that they will be real believers.
Consequently, it can be said that worshipping is necessary for belief to remain fresh in the hearts and not to wither. Belief can remain new without withering only through worshipping. Otherwise, it is unknown whether the belief of a person who does not worship can last until he dies.
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lifeofresulullah · 6 years
PROPHET MUHAMMAD: The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: First Migration, The Year of Sorrow, The Splitting of The Moon
The Spread of Islam and the Divine Warning to the Prophet (Part.4)
The Issue of the Belief of Abu Talib
There are many views regarding Abu Talib’s faith. Scholars from among the Shia believe that he left with faith whereas most Sunni scholars say that he left without having testified. Furthermore, it can be understood from some of his poems that he would frequently praise our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and had testified to him through his heart.
After saying, “The Shiite hold the view that he had belief but most of Ahl as-Sunnah hold the view that he did not have belief”, Badiuzzaman Said Nursi explains the issue as follows:
“But what occurs to my heart is this: Abu Talib loved most earnestly, not the Most Noble Messenger’s (Upon whom be blessings and peace) messengership, but his person and his self. That - most earnest- personal love and tenderness of his surely will not go for nothing. Yes, Abu Talib sincerely loved Almighty God’s Noble Beloved and protected and supported him; it was because of, not denial and obduracy, but feelings like shame and tribal solidarity that he did not believe in him in acceptable fashion. If due to this he goes to Hell, He may create a sort of particular Paradise for him, in reward for his good actions. Like He sometimes creates the spring during winter in some places, and for people in prison transforms by means of sleep the prison into a palace, so too He may turn a particular Hell into a sort of particular Paradise...”
Hazrat Khadijah’s Death
A short while after Abu Talib’s death, about three days later, our Holy Prophet’s beloved wife, Hazrat Khadijah, passed away, at age 65, during the holy month of Ramadan.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) led the prayer at her funeral and while they were burying her in the Hajun graveyard, he watched the dark soil that now covered her with tears in his eyes.
These painful events that took place one after the other greatly pained and saddened our Holy Prophet (PBUH.) Hazrat Khadijah was our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) greatest supporter and sympathizer due to her loyalty, the strength of her faith, compassion, faithfulness, submission, her heart’s tenderness, and virtue. While everyone was an enemy to him, she was the first to testify to his Prophethood. And while everyone distanced themselves from him, she opened her heart to him and had her love deeply buried in her tender heart. She was his only source of comfort during all the times he was most distressed.
Our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) exceptional love for Hazrat Khadijah undoubtedly and greatly contributed to his immense grief. He never forgot about her after her death and would praise and speak about her with great reverence and love when the situation arose. He would help her relatives and never withheld his compassion and mercy from them, which reflected his love for her.
One day, when he heard the voice of Hazrat Khadijah’s sister, Halah, he mentioned the name of his beloved wife. Hazrat Aisha witnessed this and said, “Allah has given you younger and more beautiful wives.”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) made it obvious that he was bothered by her words and mentioned Hazrat Khadijah’s kindness and virtue.
Intending to make up for what she had said, Hazrat Aisha, who was very perceptive, said with the fullest sincerity, “O Allah’s Apostle! I swear by Allah Who has sent you as a Prophet that I will always want you to mention Khadijah’s stories from now on.” 
We learn that our mother Hazrat Aisha was jealous when our Holy Prophet (PBUH) would continue to frequently praise and mention Hazrat Khadijah with love through her own words:
"I did not feel jealous of any of the wives of the Prophet as much as I did of Khadijah though I did not see her, but the Prophet used to mention her very often, and whenever he slaughtered a sheep, he would cut its parts and send them to the women friends of Khadijah. When I sometimes said to him, "(You treat Khadijah in such a way) as if there is no woman on earth except Khadijah," he would say, "Khadijah was such-and-such a woman, and from her I had children." 
When our Holy Prophet (PBUH) frequented Hira, our mother Hazrat Khadijah would take food to him.
One day Hazrat Jabrail came and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! The one who comes directly to you from afar is Khadijah. She is carrying a container that holds food. When she comes to you greet her on behalf of her Lord and me! Tell her that a castle in heaven has been made from pearls to be given to her and that it possesses no work and commotion.” 
Hazrat Ali heard our Holy Prophet (PBUH) say: “Maryam, the daughter of Imran, was the best woman of her time. The best woman in my ummah (community) is Khadijah.” 
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usertoxicyaoi · 8 years
Masterpost: Islamic Concepts, Words & Phrases!
So, as promised, here’s the masterpost of the different, most common, types of concepts, words and phrases that we, as Muslims, use in our day to day speak, and perform on the daily. The reason for this masterpost is so that, if and when Season 4 airs, and if it is about Sana, then most likely, these words and phrases, or concepts, may be commonly used/addressed, so it’s always nice to just, have a reference, I guess, of their meaning, so that you can understand the context and definition a little better! 
Islam: The word “Islam” in itself means to submit, to surrender - to give yourself over to Allah, to feel the peace that giving yourself over to Allah brings to you.
Allah: The Arabic word for God.
Muhammad (sal’lalaahu alayhi wasalam): The final prophet sent down by Allah to mankind, with the religion of Islam. (sal’lalaahu alayhi wasalam), or sometimes seen as Muhammad (SAW) means ‘peace be upon him’, which you’ll sometimes see as Muhammad (PBUH). It is an extension we add on to the name Muhammad, whenever the prophet Muhammad (SAW) is being referred to, out of respect.
“The 5 Pillars of Islam”: These are, in essence, the 5 core aspects of Islam, that every Muslim must believe in, and do to their full potential, unless it is detrimental to their health, or they are unable to do so due to a lack of wealth:
Shahaadah - This is the very core belief of a Muslim. They “must testify and bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, and that Muhammad (SAW) is his worshipper and messenger.”
Salah - The 5 daily prayers, which must be read. These are Fajr (the prayer we read before sunrise), Zauhar (the midday prayer), Asr (the late afternoon prayer), Maghrib (the prayer we read before sunset) and Isha (the night prayer). Each of these prayers are signalled when the Adhaan (the call to prayer) is heard, and before performing these prayers, Wudhu (ablution) must be made.
Zakah - Alms, charity. Every year, we must take a portion of money out from our combined wealth that we own to give to charity to the poor and needy. Of course, to do that, Islam sets certain rules on how much wealth you must have in order to classify if whether you are in a position where you can give charity or not.
Sawm -  Fasting in the month of Ramadhan. Ramadhan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, whereby the start and the end of it is marked by the sighting of the crescent moon. During Ramadhan, Muslims all over the world must fast from sunrise to sunset, abstaining from food, water, sex and sin. They must instead increase their worshipping of Allah, by performing Salah and increasing their Tilaawat (reading of the Qur’aan), Tasbeeh (praising of Allah) and indulge themselves as much as they can within Islam. Suhoor (morning meal) is the meal we eat before sunrise happens, kind of like a breakfast, before we begin our fast for the day, and Iftaar (evening meal) is the meal we eat to break our fast, just as sunset is about to occur. Taraweeh is an additional compulsory Salah that Muslims must pray in Ramadhan (since this Salah is only read during Ramadhan, and in no other month beside it) after the Isha Salah. The end of Ramadhan is marked with Eid ul Fitr, the first of our 2 Eids that we have within the year, a celebration! The fasts in Ramadhan are only compulsory on people that are physically and mentally healthy enough to do them. 
Hajj - The 5 day sacred pilgrimage that takes place in the final month of the Islamic calendar, once a year. Muslims all over the world travel to Saudi Arabia, more specifically, Makkah and the surrounding cities near it, to perform their Hajj. Only those that are physically and mentally healthy, and that can afford the Hajj, will find it compulsory on them to do so. Our 2nd Eid, Eid ul Adha is celebrated on the 3rd day of Hajj, by remembering the sacrifice that the Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son, Ismail (Ishmael) were to make. 
Qur’aan: The Holy Book of Islam. It is considered to be Allah’s final word, and the final, unchanged Holy Book that was sent down via Angel Jibra’eel (Angel Gabriel) to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). 
Hadeeth: The teachings and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that were reported by his close family and friends.
Sunnah: The beloved actions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that were reported by his close family and friends.
Shari’ah Law: The Islamic ruling. Any Muslim country will most likely be governed by the Shari’ah Law. However, its not just people living in a Muslim state that must abide by the Shari’ah Law. Muslims all over the world must try their best to abide by it too. The Shari’ah Law is based upon the teachings of the Qur’aan, which hold the most weight in Islam, with a little understanding from the Hadeeth and Sunnah, in terms of how to apply these Laws.
Jihad: The word itself means to struggle, to battle. There are 2 types:
Jihad Kabeera: The Greater Struggle/Battle - this is the one we as Muslims face on a daily basis, within ourselves, to better ourselves as believers of Allah, to always do the right thing by Islam, which is something that affects us on a daily basis, especially if we live in the West, since we face the battle of living in the Western society, as well as being Muslims, and choosing to do the right thing. 
Jihad Sagheera: The Lesser Struggle/Battle - this is the one where we proactively, as Muslims, must fight against anyone who wrongfully says ill about Islam. In it, we must take care that we are not hurting those, who have not hurt us, but rather, that we fight against the common prejudices, stigmas and stereotypes that are placed on Islam and Muslims. 
Hijaab: The headpiece the women of Islam are recognised by. However, hijaab is not just that. Hijaab is also in the way we dress modestly, the way we must act modestly, the way we must speak modestly, because the woman’s modesty in Islam is very, very highly valued and respected. Men are told lower their gazes in front of women. 
Niqaab: The face veil that some, not all, but some Muslim women choose to wear, if they want to.
Burqa: The long material that covers the head and reaches thigh length, that some women, again, choose to wear, if they don’t want to wear the Hijaab, but something a bit more looser and covering.
Abayah: The long “dress” the women wear, on top of their usual clothes. Most of the times, these are black, with several printed or embroidered designs on them for more fancier wear, or sometimes they are simple, for more everyday wear. Not all women wear an abayah, and not every abayah is black in colour.
Thobe/Jubbah: Kind of like an abayah, but for men? I guess? It’s a long stitched garment, that comes in many different colours, mostly neautrals, like white, gray, beige, black, blues, greens etc, that men wear. Muslim men in the East wear this more frequently than Muslim men in the West, but Muslim men in the West would most likely wear this on Friday, Ramadhan, and Eid - on sacred occasions.
Dua: Prayers. So, when you raise your hands and pray to Allah, and ask anything of him and remember the people who you want to remember in your prayers to Allah.
Jummah: It means Friday, which is the holy day for Muslims. Kind of like Sabbath, I guess. On Fridays, instead of the Zauhar prayer, men normally go to the Masjid (the mosque) to offer Jummah Salah (The Friday Prayer), where the Imam (the person leading the prayer) will give a Kutbah (a short sermon) regarding a specific topic to do with Islam.
Masjid: The Mosque. This is where Muslims gather to pray Salah 5 times a day.
Madressah: Islamic schooling - so, Islamic classes that, most often, take place inside the Masjid, i.e, the mosque, when it is not being used by the general Muslim public to offer Salah.
As-salaamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuhu: This is a greeting, both used as a hello and a goodbye between Muslims. As-salaamu’alaikum - May peace be upon you, Warahmatullahi - And Allah’s mercy, Wabarakaatuhu - And his blessings. Usually though, most people will only say/use As-salaamu’alaikum.
Allah Hafiz: May Allah protect you. This is another greeting we have that Muslims use as a goodbye.
Bismillah hirahmaa niraheem: In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the Most Kind. It’s a phrase we use/say when we’re about to start something, we start whatever we do in the name of Allah, by remembering him so that whatever we’re doing will have a successful outcome. Somtimes, we just say Bismillah, in short, which just means, In the Name of Allah.
Subhanallah: Glory be to Allah. This is a Tasbeeh (a praise of Allah) that is said when something overwhelms you, so much so, that you literally have to take a moment and glorify Allah for having that thing overwhelm you, whether it be someone’s beauty, something’s beauty, or something that’s happened that’s overwhelmed you in a really positive way.
Alhamdulillah: All praises be to Allah. This is a Tasbeeh that’s said when you’re thankful for something. Thankful for anything or anyone, for food, for good health, after we sneeze we say Alhamdulillah, or if someone is asking you how you are, you can simply reply back by saying Alhamdulillah, and they’ll understand that you are in good health, or if someone is offering you something extra, like food, for example, then you can simply say Alhamdulillah, and they’ll understand that you’re content with the amount you have.
Allahu Akbar: Allah is the Greatest. This is another Tasbeeh, but it’s used in quite versatile ways. It’s the first and last phrases of the Adhaan, it’s said in Salah, but it’s also used in daily speak too, most often when we want to reaffirm our belief in Allah, to remind ourselves that, Allah is our sole keeper of destiny, and that, sometimes, things we don’t anticipate can happen too. It’s a resounding statement of faith, that can invoke feelings of strength when it is needed, telling you to reevaluate where your faith is at. Or if something that you can’t believe is happening, you’ll say Allahu Akbar, to express your disbelief in it.
Insha’allah: If Allah wills. This is something we say when we’re thinking about the future, and we hope that the way we think about the future is something Allah is willing to offer us. Kind of like a “I don’t wanna jinx it”.
Mash’allah: Allah has willed. This is something we say out of respect for a situation, if it’s gone in favour of someone else we’re speaking to, or if we’re appreciating someone, whether it be their beauty or their character. It’s a way of showing someone that you’re extremely happy that Allah has willed for something to go their way. 
Wallah: I swear by Allah. It’s something you say when you’re absolutely serious about something, because you are swearing to Allah about it, you are keeping Allah as your witness about it.
Astagfirullah: I seek forgiveness from Allah. This is said when you’re repenting to Allah, or someone else may say this to you if they’re reminding you of something wrong that you did/are doing, not as a way to patronise, but to remind you that you have a choice in not doing that wrong thing either.
Jazakallah Khair: May Allah reward you with the best (of rewards). This is said in place of thank you, when you’re thanking someone for something, Most people sometimes just say Jazakallah, or either Baarakallah (May Allah’s blessings be upon you.)
Ameen: Amen. Something you say when you’re agreeing with something, or accepting something from someone.
Mubarak: Glad tidings/Congratulations. Usually you’ll hear people say this in Ramadhan or Eid, to each other, or if someone tells someone else they’re going for Hajj/have come back from Hajj, you’ll hear the phrases:  Ramadhan Mubarak, Eid Mubarak, Hajj Mubarak etc, but generally, it’s just used as way of saying congrats.
Nikah: Wedding.The actual wedding ceremony.
Ammi: Mum.
Abba: Dad.
Habibi/Habibti: The Most Beloved. Where Habibi is the masculine term, and Habibti is the feminine term. It’s not just said to the person you love romantically, it can be said platonically too, and quite often, is.
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Umrah Packages 2019
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learnislam-li · 7 years
Etiquette Class 2 (For Juniors & Seniors) : Sunan for the Day & Night
...And Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah
We learnt the Rights of Allah and His Speech (The Qur’an). We studied the Kalimah and its conditions and today we as Muslims will InshaAllah learn about the  Rights of Prophet S.A.W. without mention whom one cannot become a Muslim as He S.A.W. is a part of the Shahadah. “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah & Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah”.
Prophet Muhammad, sallalahu allayhe wa salam, deserves special rights, which are due only to the final Prophet and Messenger. These rights have been enjoined upon us by Allah and are part of safeguarding the perfect religion of Islam. Unfortunately many Muslims today have become confused with regard to these rights and have innovated practices that have no basis in Islam. The Prophet himself knew that such practices would happen and warned against them, "Beware of newly invented matters [in religion, that is] for every invented matter [in religion] in a cursed innovation which leads astray." (Tirmidhi and Abu Dawood) So as Muslims we must stick to giving our Prophet, sallalahu allayhe wa salam, his rights as commanded by Allah and stay away from the innovations that either ignore these rights or take them to extremes.
To believe in him
To obey him
To follow him
To love him
To respect him
To judge according to his shariah
To send salaam upon him
To stick to his sunnah and avoid innovations
The seventh right that is due to the Prophet Muhammad, sallalahu allayhe wa salam, is saying the salah and salaam upon him. Allah says, "Allah sends His salah [blessings, mercy] on the Prophet and His angels too [ask Allah to bless and forgive him]. O you who believe, send your salah on him and [you should] greet him with the Islamic way of greeting [i.e. as-salamu alaikum]." [33:56]
Prophet Muhammad, sallalahu allayhe wa salam, said, "Whoever blesses me once, Allah blesses him with ten salahs and ten wrong actions fall away from him and he is raised by ten degrees." And he said, "The nearest people to me on the Day of Rising will be those who have said the most salahs on me."
How to recite prayer on the Prophet:
Narrated kaab bin Ujrah, the Prophet s.a.w said, “Say:
O Allah! Send Your Mercy on Muhammad s.a.w and on the family of Muhammad s.a.w as You sent Your Mercy in Ibrahim (Abraham) and on the family of Ibrahim (Abraham), for You are the Most Praiseworthy, the Most Glorious.
O Allah! Send Your Blessings on Muhammad s.a.w and on the family of Muhammad s.a.w as You sent Your Blessings in Ibrahim (Abraham) and on the family of Ibrahim (Abraham), for You are the Most Praiseworthy, the Most Glorious’.”
While the Prophet Muhammad, sallalahu allayhe wa salam, deserves and is due the aforementioned rights, it is also important that we don't go to extremes regarding his rights. Many Muslims today have innovated practices into the religion concerning his rights. It is indeed correct that the Prophet Muhammad, sallalahu allayhe wa salam, deserves certain rights, but to innovate practices that go against his very teachings under the guises of loving and respecting him is bid'ah and will only lead to the fire. The Prophet, sallalahu alayhe wa salah, said, "Beware of newly invented matters [in religion] for every invented matter [in religion] is a cursed innovation which leads astray."
All the rights of the Prophet S.A.W. are related to inward actions. But the Outward way of fulfilling his S.A.W.'s right is by patterning his Sunnah and sticking to it InshaAllah. If we just see the number of proved Sunnah one would never get time to think about Bidahs as SubhaanAllah there are so many Sunnahs a day.
1. Wipe the effects of sleep from the face with your hands. When the Messenger of Allah (woke up, he would sit up and rub away the effects of sleep from his face with his hand.
2. Say the supplication for waking up: الحَمْـدُ لِلّهِ الّذي أَحْـيانا بَعْـدَ ما أَماتَـنا وَإليه النُّـشور ALHAMDU LILLAAHIL-LATHEE AHYANA BA’DA MAA AMAATANA WA-ILAYHIN-NUSHOOR. All praise is for Allah who gave us life after death (sleep) and to Him is the resurrection.
3. Use a SIwaak. When the Prophet (S.A.W.) woke up from the night (sleep), he used to clean his mouth with a Siwaak.
4. Snuff water. When one of you wakes up from sleep, then snuff water three times. For indeed, Shaytaan spends the night in the upper part of the nose.
5. Wash both hands three times When one of you wakes up from sleep, he must not dip his hand into a utensil until he washes it three times.
1. Enter with the left foot and leave with the right.
2. Supplicate when entering the toilet
(بِسْمِ الله ) اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّـي أَعـوذُ بِـكَ مِـنَ الْخُـبْثِ وَالْخَبائِث  
‘(In the name of Allah).  O Allah, I take refuge with you from all male and female devils.’
3. Do not face the Qiblah while urinating or defecating.
4. Do not touch the Private parts with the right hand.
5. Do not use the right hand to clean oneselves.
6. It is disliked to stand and pass urine.
7. Do not expose the uncover the Awrah until after he has squatted close to the ground.
8. Be very careful and clean all the impurity as it is punishable if left off. “Most of the punishment of the grave will be because of urine.”
9. Wash the impurity three times or any odd number of times.
10. Use Water, tissue, stones and the like to clean.
11. After leaving the toilet
‘I ask You (Allah) for forgiveness.’
There are several times in which a Muslim may use Sewak at day and night:
The Prophet – Peace be upon him – said: (Were it not for avoiding inflicting difficulties on my nation, I would have ordered them to use Sewak upon the performance of each prayer)Narrated by Al-Bukhari & Muslim.
The total times of using Sewak by the Muslim at the day and night is not less than (20) times. The Muslim uses Sewak:
- Upon performing the five prayers, the regular Sunnah prayers, Al-Doha (Morning) prayer, Al-Wetr Prayer.
- Upon entering the house, because the first thing performed by the Prophet – Peace be upon him – when he enters his house is using the Sewak, as narrated by Aisha – May Allah be pleased with her – in Sahih Muslim. So, every time you enter your house use Sewka in order to apply the Sunnah.
- Upon reading the Holy Quran, for changing the smell of the mouth.
- Upon waking up.
- Upon making ablution (Wudhou’).
1. Put shoes on starting with the right foot and take them off starting with the left
This Sunnah is repeated at day and night so many times; the Muslim wears and takes off his shoes to go to the toilet, go out and come back from the Masjid, work, home etc, therefore, when you wear or take off the shoes according to the Sunnah with the intention of following the example of the Prophet – Peace be upon him – you will gain a lot of good deeds.
Wearing and taking off clothes happen several times at day and night for the purpose of bathing, sleeping etc.
1. Say Bismi Allāh i.e. In the name of Allah, when you wear or take off your clothes.
2. The Prophet – Peace be upon him – said when he wears his clothes, shirt, dress or turban:
الحمدُ للهِ الّذي كَساني هذا (الثّوب) وَرَزَقَنيه مِنْ غَـيـْرِ حَولٍ مِنّي وَلا قـوّة  
‘All Praise is for Allah who has clothed me with this garment and provided it for me, with no power nor might from myself.’
3. Start by the right side upon wearing clothes.
4. Upon taking off the clothes, start with the left side then the right.
1. Mentioning regards to Allah: the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: «when a man mention Allah while entering his house and when he eat, the devil say to his mates (there is no food or shelter for this night for you) « (Muslim)
2-Entrance Du’aa:
"بِسْمِ اللهِ وَلَجْنَا، وَ بِسْمِ اللهِ خَرَجْنَا، وَعَلَى رَبِّنَا تَوَكَّلْنَا".
(O Allah I ask you the best out of entrance and the bestout of exit, I enter in the name of Allah and exit in the name of Allah, I put my trust in Allah)
This is the way a man depends on Allah while entering or exiting, which keeps him always connected to Allah.
3-Using Sewak Muslim narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used Sewak while taking his first steps into home.
4-Say As Salam Alaikum. Supposing that a Muslim who goes for prayers in the Mosque practice these Sunnas; that would make 20 Sunnas a day.
A Muslim should say this du’aa :
بِسْمِ اللهِ ، تَوَكَّلْـتُ عَلى اللهِ وَلا حَوْلَ وَلا قُـوَّةَ إِلاّ بِالله  
‘In the name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah, and there is no might nor power except with Allah.’
A Muslim goes out and returns home many times a day; for prayers, work or for whatever and every time he applies these sunnas, he gets great reward from Allah as he submits to His Prophet’s (PBUH) teachings.
The outcome of the application of these sunnas:
1. A Muslim gets protected from whatever evil he gets in touch with. 2. A Muslim gets secured from whatever evil that might hurt him. 3. A Muslim gets guided and guarded in everything either divine or secular.
Observe the following Sunan for eating:
1. Wash the hands
3. Eat with the right hand.
4. Eat from what is in front of you ie. near to you.
5. If some food drops, clean it and then eat it.
6. Eat with three fingers.
7. Not reclining whilst eating.
8. The etiquette of eating also includes: eating with a group; not speaking about haraam things whilst eating; eating with one's wives and children; not keeping a particular food to oneself unless there is a reason for that, such as it being for medicinal purposes – rather one should offer the best food to others first, such as pieces of meat and soft or good bread.
The etiquette of sitting when eating:
a) Kneel on one’s shins and front of the feet, or
b) Keep the right leg upright and sit on the left.
1. Lick the bowl and the fingers:
The Prophet (S.A.W.) ordered the licking of the fingers and bowl, and he said: Verily, You do not know in which of it ie. which morsel of food) is the blessing.
2. Say the Dua:
الْحَمْـدُ للهِ الَّذي أَطْعَمَنـي هـذا وَرَزَقَنـيهِ مِنْ غَـيْرِ حَوْلٍ مِنِّي وَلا قُوَّة .
‘All praise is for Allah who fed me this and provided it for me without any might nor power from myself.’
From the benefits of this Dua‘a, is that: The person’s past sins will be forgiven
3. Washing the hands after eating. The Sunnah may be done by washing with water only. Ibn Raslaan said: But it is better to wash the hands with potash or soap or something similar.
4. Rinsing the mouth after eating.
General Etiquettes: -
1. Not criticizing the food.
2. Moderation in eating.
3. Avoiding eating & drinking from Gold or Silver vessels.
1. Say Bismillah.
2. Drink with the right hand;
3. When drinking, breathe outside of the vessel. And do not drink all at once, but rather, take three breaths.
4. Sit while drinking:
5. Say Alhamdulilah after drinking.
6.Do not put your mouth directly to the bottle if one is not going to finish the whole bottle.
From the Sunan of going to sleep, is:
1. Say the supplication for going to sleep
بِاسْـمِكَ اللّهُـمَّ أَمـوتُ وَأَحْـيا  
‘In Your name O Allah, I live and die.’
Both of these are found in different authentic narrations, so a Muslim is expected to read one Dua for some days and the other for the next few days so that the Sunnah is not lost InshaAllah.
2. Recite the Mu‘awwidhaat (Surahs Ikhlaas, Falaq & Naas)   and wipe the body:
‘When retiring to his bed every night, the Prophet S.A.W. would hold his palms together, spit (A form of spitting comprising mainly of air with little spittle) in them, recite the last three chapters (Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, An-Nas) of the Quran and then wipe over his entire body as much as possible with his hands, beginning with his head and face and then all parts of the body, he would do this three times.’
3. Recite the Last two Ayahs of Baqarah
4. Recite the Ayat Al Kursi
There are many other supplications and Adhkaar that can be said at the time of going to sleep like reciting Surah Mulk etc, which again can be taken from the book “Hisnul Muslim (Fortress of the Muslim)”
Etiquettes of going to sleep:
1. Be in a state of purity (Wudoo).
2. Sleep on our right side.
3. Place the right hand under the right cheek.
4. Dust the bed:
5. Do not sleep on the tummy.
‘The righteous dream is from Allah and the bad dream is from the devil, so if anyone sees something which pleases him then he should only relate it to one whom he loves…’
Summary of what to do upon having a bad dream:
■ Spit on your left three times
Spit: A form of spitting comprising mainly of air with little spittle
■ Seek refuge in Allah from shaytan and the evil of what you saw. (Aoozbillaahi Minash shaytaanir rajeem)
■ Do not relate it to anyone
■ Turn and sleep on the opposite side to which you were sleeping on previously.
■ Get up and pray if you so desire.
Download the sheets from the link above... There are three PDF files, download them and print them. The Worksheets are to make it interactive,  fun  and easier to learn, it is not madatory for everyone to do it. Please remember Sis Metinee Adam who volunteered to make these Worksheets for the course. JazakAllah Khair!    
Remember the Rights of Prophet S.A.W. and how to send Salam to him S.A.W.
A Muslim should memorise all these Duas, but for the test you guys will be asked to write any of the three Duas that you have memorized after the note, that is dint know already. In simple words please memorize atleast three Duas that you dont know.
Memorize all the sunahs as just by keeping them in mind all of our simple regular actions can become Ibaadah InshaAllah.
Happy Learning... JazakAllah khair... As Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh :)
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dinahalim-blog · 5 years
Ramadan Plan: How to Prepare Daily Action Plan For Ramadan
Ramadan goals
Ramadan goals basically include how much Quran you will read, how you can improve your prayers, what good deeds can take you close to Allah and what are some small daily tasks that will get you rewarded big time if you have the right intention. Just like we make advance preparations for every major occurrence in our lives, Ramadan also deserves the same level of preparation, goal-setting, and enthusiasm.
With the passage of each day of Ramadan, we get a shortage of time to do so many things that we had planned. So instead of regretting for the things that you could have done during the month of blessing, you can plan your month by allocating time for each goal for each day.
How to Prepare Daily Action Plan For Ramadan
Ramadan is a major event for Muslims all over the world and just like any other event, it is best to prepare for it in advance with a daily action plan. The planning requires goals of education and thoughtful spiritual experience. To avoid disappointment and frustration at the end of the month, a daily action plan shall be devised to get the best out of Ramadan.
As the Prophet (PBUH) has narrated that the value of any action is dependent upon the intention. A person gets a reward for its intention as narrated in (Bukhari Shareef). In Islam intention has supreme importance, so during Ramadan’s first night plan your month with good intentions and make a daily plan to stay on track for the whole month.
If you intend to perform all the good deed in the Ramadan planner but are unable to do it, Allah will reward you for your intention as if you have performed the good deed.
Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran that the days of Ramadan are numbered; it is so true as the Ramadan truly flies by. You cannot meet your goals until you have a complete action plan. The action plan shares a beautiful Hadith of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) as a daily reminder.
Why Download the Free Printable Ramadan Action Plan
Here are the components of the Daily Action Plan for Ramadan from Bokitta that you can download and print for free:
Prayer tracker
If you are struggling to offer five daily prayers / salah, Ramadan is the best time to become regular in it. If you tick mark the salah you have offered each day, it will give you a renewed enthusiasm to keep doing it. Also, encourage your children to join you when you are offering Taraweeh and Tahajud prayer.
Bokitta’s Prayer Tracker section in Ramadan action plan also includes Sunnah so that you build a habit of praying Sunnah along with your regular prayers. Taraweeh and Qiyam are also included so that you are motivated to offer as many prayers as possible.
Allah listens directly to the Dua that is made by the Muslims during the month of Ramadan and Allah also loves those who pray for others before themselves. This is the month in which you are closest to Allah and you shall try to make the best Muslim out of yourself. So, pray to Allah that he helps you in becoming regular in your prayer throughout the year and throughout your life.
Deed of the day
Bokitta has come up with Ramadan specific “deed of the day” part in the daily action plan. It will serve as a constant reminder for you and God willing, you will develop these habits and good deeds for a lifetime. These deeds may look like simple tasks but they will have lifelong consequences and alter your habits towards a positive change.
Quran tracker
Quran tracker is an easy way of measuring and recording your progress that how far are you in your Quran goals. In Ramadan, Muslims are especially motivated to avail every opportunity to earn extra rewards.
Quran tracker in Ramadan action plan allows you to read Quran from hardcopy, your mobile phone, or a laptop so that you don’t have to check your bookmark for how far you have reached.
Food menu
Plan in advance what you are going to have for Iftar every night in Ramadan. This way you would know beforehand what you are cooking for every Iftar, which days you would like to go out for Iftar or you would invite some friends for Iftar at your place.
Make a list of groceries in advance and make the Iftar preparation easier by planning all the details ahead of time. During Ramadan, you shouldn’t have to stress too much on what to cook and instead focus on reciting complete Quran as many times as you can and also do extensive Dikr.
Involve your kids in every single activity of Ramadan plan to arouse the importance of Ramadan in them; take them along for grocery shopping and involve them in meal preparation or setting up the table for Iftaar. Planning the food menu on the daily action plan ensures that you cook Iftaar items according to the choice of everyone in the family.
Daily Ramadan checklist
Ramadan is quite hectic for most Muslims as they keep running from one chore to another in order to earn as many good deeds as possible. In a fixed schedule, it is easy to forget to do some tiny things. Bokitta has prepared a simple yet effective daily checklist so that you reap the best benefits every day.
We havegiven careful consideration to the things we want to put in daily checklist. Here are the thing we have included in the checklist for this Ramadan:“Smiled at someone”:
It is so easy to get caught up in the busy routine and forget the importance of smiling at complete strangers. Our beloved prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: “Your smile for your brother is a charity” [reported by Tirmidhi]. So why not earn extra charity by smiling and checking off this task from checklist?
“Gave charity”:
the reward of alms and charity in Ramadan reaches up to 700 times the original reward, so even if you can spare away one coin a day, do not forget to mark this checkbox from the daily checklist every day.
“Learned something new”:
Ramadan is that time-of-the-year when we are totally geared up on becoming good, so why not learn something new and include it in our daily routine to make it a habit.
“Fed a hungry person”:
When we fast during Ramadan, it heightens our understanding of the misery of those who do not have enough money to feed themselves and their family. So, it is important to arrange for feeding a hungry person and thank Allah for the bountiful food He has given us.
“Prayer in congregation”:
Congregational prayers in Ramadan are rewarded 25 times more than prayers said at home. So, make Ramadan 2019 start of a positive habit of praying in congregation.
“Read my daily adhkaar”:
We are not restricting you to a list of adhkaar, since we cannot claim which dhikr is better than others. So, whichever adhkaar you aim to perform during Ramadan. Don’t forget to check the mark in this box every day.
“Helped someone out”:
You can aim to help someone in office, school, kitchen or on the road. Help can be emotional, financial, physical or psychological. Just aim to develop a habit of empathy and helping out anyone in need.
“Did the deed of the day”:
Every page on Ramadan action plan contains a special recommendation in the form of Deed of the Day from Bokitta. We really hope that everyone checks off this deed from their list every day.
Why get Ramadan planner from
While there are so many options of daily planners available online, you must be asking this same question. Why should I get the Ramadan planner from Bokitta? Well, here are a few reasons that will help you make the decision:
It is totally free and easy to use.
We have designed it keeping in mind the printing requirements. Whether you print it in a colored copy or a black-and-white one, it would come out great.
It will help you stay focused during the Ramadan.
We kept the design elements minimal, so we have excluded any unnecessary elements and kept it simple yet effective.
Everything has its own section on a page. So that you can easily mark-off anything that you have accomplished and see what’s left for the day.
There is option for customization — you don’t have to stick with what we say; you can also enter your own reminders in it according to your preferences or schedule.
Other tips for Ramadan
Muslims all over the world wait for the announcement of Holy month to start collecting rewards from this month. Other than following the Ramadan action plan. Here are some tips to ensures that you gather all the blessings of this month:
Monthly goals
Get all the social tasks done in the first ten days. In the next ten days complete your family tasks along with prayers, nawafil, and dikr. During the last ten days of Ramadan try to get yourself involved in personal spirituality. Spend some alone time while reading the translation of Holy Quran. Find the night of Laylat-ul-Qadar during the odd nights of Ramadan.
For the last ten days of Ramadan try to strengthen all of your Ibadat especially the evening prayers with Salat-o-Tasbeeh. You can even offer previously missed prayers. Recite the Quran, and in case if you can’t read, listen to the translation.
Last night of Ramadan
After spending the entire month praying, fasting and doing things with good intentions. We reach to the last night of Ramadan hoping to be saved from the hellfire and getting the highest rank in heaven.
Last night is not about the joy of Eid the next day. But to pray to Allah that He accepts all the efforts that you. Or your family, friends and all the Muslim Ummah have made in this month. It is also a time to make a pledge. And ask Allah for help to have the power to sustain all the good habits throughout the year.
On Eid Day
Share Eid greetings with your family and friends, give them gifts of hijabs. Distribute new clothes for Eid, give Eidi using beautiful envelopes. Remember to put aside and give money and gifts to the poor and pay Zakat if you still haven’t paid it.
Try not to forget the families with limited income during your Eid celebrations. As soon as it’s confirmed that tomorrow is Eid, repeat the Takbir and also teach it to your kids.
Make a Eid plan sheet as well and jot down what things you have to buy. Including Eid meals, gifts and shopping and which food you would on Eid parties. Stay as organized as you can to get the most blessings out of this month.
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ramdanblog · 5 years
8 Foods to Eat At Suhoor & Iftar to Stay Energized in Ramadan
Ramadan is just about to arrive, and fasting for hours can leave you exhausted. Especially in this hot weather; therefore it matters a lot what you intake while you keep fast. Prioritize only those food options for consumption that are healthy plus the ones that will keep you fit and energized during your fasting hours.
With many people having a habit of staying up till late, it becomes difficult to wake up for Suhoor and make something nutritious to eat. People who prefer to keep fast without taking anything in Suhoor or the ones who consume unhealthy food are left exhausted in no time. The same is also true for iftar. In order to stay refreshed and hydrated, the food intake at Suhoor and Iftar really matters.
Balance eating is important
The word Suhoor comes from Sahar; it is the meal that is consumed in the morning as breakfast. How your whole day would be, depends on the food or meal that you have taken during Suhoor. Therefore eating healthy, less spicy and less sugary means a lot in order to stay hydrated and fit during fasting hours.
A balance is necessary for a convenient fast. Food items that involve excessive salt and oil leave you thirsty. Meat, cheese, and snacks are such food items that will neither kill your hunger nor keep you active. Likewise, all the sugary items must be avoided because they are no different. Items like cakes and chocolates must be avoided in order to keep a healthy, easy and energized fast.
Here are some preferable meals that you can eat for Suhoor & Iftar to keep you energized & make this Ramadan a refreshing one:
Oat pudding:
One of the most preferred and healthy meal to take in suhoor is oat pudding. As we all are aware of the fact that oats are the pure source of fiber and the fiber helps in the slowing down of energy.
Just taking oats would not be sufficient or may get boring after a few Suhoor, so you can always make a pudding of oats. For instance, you can add honey along with other dry fruits for the best meal. Oats, while they are cooked, provide you with double energy; however, it is best to cook them over slow heat so it might take a lot of time. If you run out of time in Suhoor, you can prepare it the night before. You can also try oats with milk, this itself is a healthy combination.
Peanut butter:
It might sound weird taking peanut butter for your suhoor but it actually is not. Not only its fiber content will assist you, but also proteins can equally provide you with all the required benefits. Peanut butter is a rich source of proteins and its intake will make you feel satiated.
Try applying peanut butter over a grain bread to make it not only healthy but equally delicious too. Plus you can also slice different fruits over the bread. Try different variations of fresh fruits for a healthy combination that one must give a try.
Dates have got a special significance in the Muslim culture. Especially when it comes to Iftar, it is a worldwide ritual as it is a Sunnah of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). This can be seen in the light of the following hadith:
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would break his fast before praying with fresh dates. If there were no fresh dates, then with dry dates. If there were no dry dates, then with some sips of water. (Sunan al-Tirmidhī 696)
Apart from the religious significance of dates, they are full of natural sugar, which helps the body to feel re-energized and fuel the body as well. If you feel severe headache during your fasting hours, then in iftar the intake of dates could help you in getting relief. There are no harmful effects of eating dates, rather they are labeled as a source of treatment too.
Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Indeed in dates, there is a cure”. [Reported by Muslim (14/3) and Ahmad (6/152)].
A healthy soup:
A healthy soup can be really helpful for you during Iftar. Oily snacks at Iftar leave you bloated while unhealthy food items consumption leaves you completely energy-less. From a healthy soup, we mean a soup that is less creamy and packed with fresh ingredients.
The best options are vegetable soups, tomatoes soups or chicken soup. These soups are full of energy and water that further helps you in regaining hydration and vitality. If you think that taking hot soups in summers is not really a good option then you can always go for cold soups too, which is the best alternative option so far.
Eat loads of salad:
At the time of iftar, most of us prefer taking oily appetizers and snacks. Such nibbles may taste delicious but they do you a lot more harm than you know. The consumption of vegetables and fruits are an extraordinary source for keeping one’s self energized; especially green veggies should be preferred as they are filled with proteins.
In order to ingest fruits and vegetables in a more exciting way, prepare a bowl of them. It is highly recommended not to use any cream in them; as mentioned above both sugary and spicy products can make your fast difficult. You can always use the combination of various fruits, adding honey into them or boiling vegetables. Also, add nuts if you like them.
Fruit smoothie:
As Ramadan 2019 is coming in the hot season, therefore every single person prefers to take something that keeps them hydrated throughout fasting hours. A fruit smoothie is a favorite drink of everyone regardless of the age factor.
If you are thinking that fruit smoothies are the source of a large amount of sugar that can result in keeping you hungry and thirsty all over the day. Know that all the fruit smoothies are not alike. Use seedless grapes along with chia seeds and yogurt, take some ice and blend it. This smoothie can balance your sugar level & provides you with omega 3.
The best thing about this drink is that its intake is not limited to Suhoor or Iftar; it can be consumed on both times since the weather also demands the consumption of such liquid that has got the capability of keeping you hydrated.
So if you decide to take this amazing drink in Suhoor, eat some solid stuff too because fasting for so many hours requires solid consumption too. However, whatever you decide to take in iftar then never miss this drink.
Here is the good news, that you can make pasta in your iftar without facing any troublesome consequences. You might be wondering how pasta could be a source of energy and not of fats? Well, remember that pasta must be without cheese and the ingredients must be healthy. For instance, pasta must contain potatoes, carrot, capsicum and other fresh vegetables that add to its nutritional value.
One more factor that keeps this dish a worthy entry in this list is that you should use oil only sparingly in the making of pasta to keep it a healthy dish. While breaking fast, our body is also in the dire need of carbohydrates and pasta is undoubtedly a scrumptious source of carbohydrates as well. You can also add meat to it to intake proteins at the same time.
Yogurt with fruits:
Make your Suhoor not just healthy but also yummy by eating yogurt with fruits. Yogurt is the best thing that one could ever take during Ramadan meals; it has the ability to keep you hydrated and energized during the whole day.
Adding a number of fruits into it like berries, apple and banana would add to its benefits. At times, the routine food items seem so boring and you want something new yet healthy; in this case, consuming yogurt is the best option. Often people prefer to take fruits with frozen yogurt since it is easier to prepare and delicious to eat.
One must take serious consideration of the food items that are consumed during Ramadan in Suhoor and in Iftar. As far as Suhoor food consumption is concerned, know that the whole day depends on that. On the other hand, whatever you eat in Iftar must be able to keep you energized and healthy, not to make you sluggish and bloated.
The tip is to avoid all the food items that contain excessive oil as they are not only harmful to health but at the same time, they can make fasting difficult. Similarly, the consumption of spicy food items is a bad choice with regard to Suhoor or Iftar.
Do not stick to one choice of food; variety is the spice of Ramadan. Try to eat different healthy dishes and savor your taste buds with a variation of taste while keeping it healthy this ramadan.
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fyz64 · 7 years
Im reposting. Its a large text.
So, as promised, here’s the masterpost of the different, most common, types of concepts, words and phrases that we, as Muslims, use in our day to day speak, and perform on the daily. The reason for this masterpost is so that, if and when Season 4 airs, and if it is about Sana, then most likely, these words and phrases, or concepts, may be commonly used/addressed, so it’s always nice to just, have a reference, I guess, of their meaning, so that you can understand the context and definition a little better! 
Islam: The word “Islam” in itself means to submit, to surrender - to give yourself over to Allah, to feel the peace that giving yourself over to Allah brings to you.
Allah: The Arabic word for God.
Muhammad (sal’lalaahu alayhi wasalam): The final prophet sent down by Allah to mankind, with the religion of Islam. (sal’lalaahu alayhi wasalam), or sometimes seen as Muhammad (SAW) means ‘peace be upon him’, which you’ll sometimes see as Muhammad (PBUH). It is an extension we add on to the name Muhammad, whenever the prophet Muhammad (SAW) is being referred to, out of respect.
“The 5 Pillars of Islam”: These are, in essence, the 5 core aspects of Islam, that every Muslim must believe in, and do to their full potential, unless it is detrimental to their health, or they are unable to do so due to a lack of wealth:
Shahaadah - This is the very core belief of a Muslim. They “must testify and bear witness that there is no deity but Allah, and that Muhammad (SAW) is his worshipper and messenger.”
Salah - The 5 daily prayers, which must be read. These are Fajr (the prayer we read before sunrise), Zauhar (the midday prayer), Asr (the late afternoon prayer), Maghrib (the prayer we read before sunset) and Isha (the night prayer). Each of these prayers are signalled when the Adhaan (the call to prayer) is heard, and before performing these prayers, Wudhu (ablution) must be made.
Zakah - Alms, charity. Every year, we must take a portion of money out from our combined wealth that we own to give to charity to the poor and needy. Of course, to do that, Islam sets certain rules on how much wealth you must have in order to classify if whether you are in a position where you can give charity or not.
Sawm -  Fasting in the month of Ramadhan. Ramadhan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, whereby the start and the end of it is marked by the sighting of the crescent moon. During Ramadhan, Muslims all over the world must fast from sunrise to sunset, abstaining from food, water, sex and sin. They must instead increase their worshipping of Allah, by performing Salah and increasing their Tilaawat (reading of the Qur’aan), Tasbeeh (praising of Allah) and indulge themselves as much as they can within Islam. Suhoor (morning meal) is the meal we eat before sunrise happens, kind of like a breakfast, before we begin our fast for the day, and Iftaar (evening meal) is the meal we eat to break our fast, just as sunset is about to occur. Taraweeh is an additional compulsory Salah that Muslims must pray in Ramadhan (since this Salah is only read during Ramadhan, and in no other month beside it) after the Isha Salah. The end of Ramadhan is marked with Eid ul Fitr, the first of our 2 Eids that we have within the year, a celebration! The fasts in Ramadhan are only compulsory on people that are physically and mentally healthy enough to do them. 
Hajj - The 5 day sacred pilgrimage that takes place in the final month of the Islamic calendar, once a year. Muslims all over the world travel to Saudi Arabia, more specifically, Makkah and the surrounding cities near it, to perform their Hajj. Only those that are physically and mentally healthy, and that can afford the Hajj, will find it compulsory on them to do so. Our 2nd Eid, Eid ul Adha is celebrated on the 3rd day of Hajj, by remembering the sacrifice that the Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son, Ismail (Ishmael) were to make. 
Qur’aan: The Holy Book of Islam. It is considered to be Allah’s final word, and the final, unchanged Holy Book that was sent down via Angel Jibra’eel (Angel Gabriel) to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). 
Hadeeth: The teachings and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that were reported by his close family and friends.
Sunnah: The beloved actions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that were reported by his close family and friends.
Shari’ah Law: The Islamic ruling. Any Muslim country will most likely be governed by the Shari’ah Law. However, its not just people living in a Muslim state that must abide by the Shari’ah Law. Muslims all over the world must try their best to abide by it too. The Shari’ah Law is based upon the teachings of the Qur’aan, which hold the most weight in Islam, with a little understanding from the Hadeeth and Sunnah, in terms of how to apply these Laws.
Jihad: The word itself means to struggle, to battle. There are 2 types:
Jihad Kabeera: The Greater Struggle/Battle - this is the one we as Muslims face on a daily basis, within ourselves, to better ourselves as believers of Allah, to always do the right thing by Islam, which is something that affects us on a daily basis, especially if we live in the West, since we face the battle of living in the Western society, as well as being Muslims, and choosing to do the right thing. 
Jihad Sagheera: The Lesser Struggle/Battle - this is the one where we proactively, as Muslims, must fight against anyone who wrongfully says ill about Islam. In it, we must take care that we are not hurting those, who have not hurt us, but rather, that we fight against the common prejudices, stigmas and stereotypes that are placed on Islam and Muslims. 
Hijaab: The headpiece the women of Islam are recognised by. However, hijaab is not just that. Hijaab is also in the way we dress modestly, the way we must act modestly, the way we must speak modestly, because the woman’s modesty in Islam is very, very highly valued and respected. Men are told lower their gazes in front of women. 
Niqaab: The face veil that some, not all, but some Muslim women choose to wear, if they want to.
Burqa: The long material that covers the head and reaches thigh length, that some women, again, choose to wear, if they don’t want to wear the Hijaab, but something a bit more looser and covering.
Abayah: The long “dress” the women wear, on top of their usual clothes. Most of the times, these are black, with several printed or embroidered designs on them for more fancier wear, or sometimes they are simple, for more everyday wear. Not all women wear an abayah, and not every abayah is black in colour.
Thobe/Jubbah: Kind of like an abayah, but for men? I guess? It’s a long stitched garment, that comes in many different colours, mostly neautrals, like white, gray, beige, black, blues, greens etc, that men wear. Muslim men in the East wear this more frequently than Muslim men in the West, but Muslim men in the West would most likely wear this on Friday, Ramadhan, and Eid - on sacred occasions.
Dua: Prayers. So, when you raise your hands and pray to Allah, and ask anything of him and remember the people who you want to remember in your prayers to Allah.
Jummah: It means Friday, which is the holy day for Muslims. Kind of like Sabbath, I guess. On Fridays, instead of the Zauhar prayer, men normally go to the Masjid (the mosque) to offer Jummah Salah (The Friday Prayer), where the Imam (the person leading the prayer) will give a Kutbah (a short sermon) regarding a specific topic to do with Islam.
Masjid: The Mosque. This is where Muslims gather to pray Salah 5 times a day.
Madressah: Islamic schooling - so, Islamic classes that, most often, take place inside the Masjid, i.e, the mosque, when it is not being used by the general Muslim public to offer Salah.
As-salaamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuhu: This is a greeting, both used as a hello and a goodbye between Muslims. As-salaamu’alaikum - May peace be upon you, Warahmatullahi - And Allah’s mercy, Wabarakaatuhu - And his blessings. Usually though, most people will only say/use As-salaamu’alaikum.
Allah Hafiz: May Allah protect you. This is another greeting we have that Muslims use as a goodbye.
Bismillah hirahmaa niraheem: In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the Most Kind. It’s a phrase we use/say when we’re about to start something, we start whatever we do in the name of Allah, by remembering him so that whatever we’re doing will have a successful outcome. Somtimes, we just say Bismillah, in short, which just means, In the Name of Allah.
Subhanallah: Glory be to Allah. This is a Tasbeeh (a praise of Allah) that is said when something overwhelms you, so much so, that you literally have to take a moment and glorify Allah for having that thing overwhelm you, whether it be someone’s beauty, something’s beauty, or something that’s happened that’s overwhelmed you in a really positive way.
Alhamdulillah: All praises be to Allah. This is a Tasbeeh that’s said when you’re thankful for something. Thankful for anything or anyone, for food, for good health, after we sneeze we say Alhamdulillah, or if someone is asking you how you are, you can simply reply back by saying Alhamdulillah, and they’ll understand that you are in good health, or if someone is offering you something extra, like food, for example, then you can simply say Alhamdulillah, and they’ll understand that you’re content with the amount you have.
Allahu Akbar: Allah is the Greatest. This is another Tasbeeh, but it’s used in quite versatile ways. It’s the first and last phrases of the Adhaan, it’s said in Salah, but it’s also used in daily speak too, most often when we want to reaffirm our belief in Allah, to remind ourselves that, Allah is our sole keeper of destiny, and that, sometimes, things we don’t anticipate can happen too. It’s a resounding statement of faith, that can invoke feelings of strength when it is needed, telling you to reevaluate where your faith is at. Or if something that you can’t believe is happening, you’ll say Allahu Akbar, to express your disbelief in it.
Insha’allah: If Allah wills. This is something we say when we’re thinking about the future, and we hope that the way we think about the future is something Allah is willing to offer us. Kind of like a “I don’t wanna jinx it”.
Mash’allah: Allah has willed. This is something we say out of respect for a situation, if it’s gone in favour of someone else we’re speaking to, or if we’re appreciating someone, whether it be their beauty or their character. It’s a way of showing someone that you’re extremely happy that Allah has willed for something to go their way. 
Wallah: I swear by Allah. It’s something you say when you’re absolutely serious about something, because you are swearing to Allah about it, you are keeping Allah as your witness about it.
Astagfirullah: I seek forgiveness from Allah. This is said when you’re repenting to Allah, or someone else may say this to you if they’re reminding you of something wrong that you did/are doing, not as a way to patronise, but to remind you that you have a choice in not doing that wrong thing either.
Jazakallah Khair: May Allah reward you with the best (of rewards). This is said in place of thank you, when you’re thanking someone for something, Most people sometimes just say Jazakallah, or either Baarakallah (May Allah’s blessings be upon you.)
Ameen: Amen. Something you say when you’re agreeing with something, or accepting something from someone.
Mubarak: Glad tidings/Congratulations. Usually you’ll hear people say this in Ramadhan or Eid, to each other, or if someone tells someone else they’re going for Hajj/have come back from Hajj, you’ll hear the phrases:  Ramadhan Mubarak, Eid Mubarak, Hajj Mubarak etc, but generally, it’s just used as way of saying congrats.
Nikah: Wedding.The actual wedding ceremony.
Ammi: Mum.
Abba: Dad.
Habibi/Habibti: The Most Beloved. Where Habibi is the masculine term, and Habibti is the feminine term. It’s not just said to the person you love romantically, it can be said platonically too, and quite often, is.
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Hajj and Umrah Trips are serving pilgrims for many years and it is our honor to serve our customers and guide them according to the teachings and Sunnah Of our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH). Allah has bestowed us the work of serving his customers in his Holy Home. Hajj and Umrah Trips offers 100% satisfactory rate to its customers with no chance of any difficulties during the complete journey.
Hajj & Umrah Trips
Hajj & Umrah Trips has been serving Muslims across the United States with Umrah and Hajj travel arrangements. Our aim to provide you with the best services while achieving our purpose to help you prepare for your trip to the House of Allah SWT. Our team advisor is 24/7 at your service to help you.
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