artofwanderlune · 2 years
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I stand in a valley watching it,
and you’re not there at all.
happy birthday @sunnwwings-art *rips your guts out* 🥰🎉
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syekick-powers · 2 years
1? 👀
What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
this is a fun one because i actually wildly change fonts depending on what story i'm writing. a lot of my writing is hosted in google docs/google drive (because i want to be able to access my writing on my phone and multiple devices without having to get up and swap files via a USB drive or external hard drive), so my font choices are a touch limited based on what google docs has, but i have specific fonts assigned to specific characters and POVs. like all of salaphiel's narrative NEEDS to be in 11pt calibri. sable's narrative needs to be droid sans, and selius, similarly, needs to be droid serif. cy needs verdana. seth DEMANDS some kind of serif font, literally any of them, but i eventually settled on cambria. gareth POV stuff reads best in times new roman. aiden's pov looks best w trebuchet MS. sometimes, if im having a REALLY hard time focusing on my writing, i'll change the font to comic sans because it does kinda help with keeping my brain on what i'm doing, but mostly i stick with the font i've assigned a particular POV character.
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mcmissileproof · 2 months
tagged by @pirdmystery in the last line meme, thank you :) and hey >:/
here's the last bit from the vampire fic, my most presentable wip at the moment:
The lord of Fhirdiad was a stern-faced young man in dark armor that might have been ceremonial but for the subtle signs of wear on its surface. His shoulders were broad and his posture was square, which seemed consistent with his reputation for chivalry and prowess in combat, but he appeared to stumble over himself when Jeralt and Byleth entered the room. The precarious state of things in his territory must have had him anxious. Or maybe he, like Byleth, was simply not comfortable speaking to new people. “Please, come in,” he greeted with a polite smile that did nothing to hide the exhaustion in his eyes. “You must be the hunters. You cannot know how welcome your arrival is.” “Lord Blaiddyd,” Jeralt acknowledged with a nod. “Ah—please.” He laughed awkwardly. “Just Dimitri is fine. I suspect we’ll all be on familiar terms by the time this is over.” “You may be right,” said Jeralt, allowing the young lord to shake his hand. “Jeralt. And my son, Byleth.” “It’s good to meet you, Dimitri,” said Byleth, shaking his hand when it was offered. Was it his imagination, or did the lord’s eyes flick away for a second, as if hesitant to meet Byleth’s own? It wouldn’t have been the first time that had happened—Byleth had been told more than a few times that his gaze was unsettling, though he had never understood why—but this seemed different from those other times, somehow. He didn’t have long to think it over. As soon as he released Byleth’s hand, Dimitri turned to the heavy table in the middle of the meeting room and spread out a stack of paper that had been sitting on its weathered surface. “I assume you know the broad details of our situation,” he said, “but before you throw yourselves into it, let us walk through all that we know.”
tagging @sunnwwings-art @syekick-powers and if anybody else sees this and wants to share the last chunk of your writing project then consider yourself also tagged. yeehaw
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Time for another micropoll! Note because I don't want confusion: this poll will have no impact on the bracket. We're just being a bit silly tonight.
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Jack property of @certifiedwerewolf- Jack is a robotic pumpkin piloting a "ragdoll" body programmed to interface with her "head". Not pictured: butt bow.
Pash property of @sunnwwings-art- Pash is a clay construct who rides dragons and is poisoning.. someone >.> (no spoilies). She's the one I referenced in yesterday's poll
Benny property of @astro-b-o-y-d- Benny is a helper bot who looks like a cute little boy. His story's being shifted around right now, so we're still a bit in the air with him.
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grifalinas · 3 years
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kraehenkunst · 3 years
Hey do you have any Pinterest boards or anything you use as a reference?
Oh hi! sorry I think you've send this some time ago!! But yes I actually do have a pinterest board for asoiaf inspo stuff, though i'm afraid its not very organised. I just throw everything I might use in a project in there 😅 I know some people have asked where I get references from, so I might sort this into different categories at some point and make it more usable, if theres any interest :)
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