#Surya dev
curtwilde · 6 months
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সূর্যদেব | Sun-god.
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ardra-astrology · 6 months
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The CosmicIlluminati
Sun Salutation
Surya Namaskar Mantra
“Aum Mitraya Namah”
🌞 Who is friendly to all.
“Aum Ravayre Namah”
🌞 The shining one, the radiant one.
“Aum Suryaya Namah”
🌞 Who is the dispeller of darkness and responsible for bringing activity.
“Aum Bhanave Namah”
🌞 One who illumines, the bright one.
“Aum Khagaya Namah“
🌞 Who is all-pervading, one who moves through the sky.
“Aum Pushne Namah”
🌞 Giver of nourishment and fulfillment.
“Aum Hiranyagarbhaya Namah”
🌞 Who has golden color brilliance.
“Aum Marichaye Namah”
🌞 The giver of light with infinite number of rays.
“Aum Adityaya Namah”
🌞 The son of Aditi, the cosmic divine Mother.
“Aum Savitre Namah”
🌞 One who is responsible for life.
“Aum Arkaya Namah”
🌞 Worthy of praise and glory.
“Aum Bhaskaraya Namah”
🌞 Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination.
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jeevanjali · 4 months
Surya Dev Puja: सुख और समृद्धि के लिए इस विधि से करें सूर्यदेव की पूजाSurya Dev Puja: सूर्यदेव, जिन्हें भगवान सूर्य, आदित्य, सविता, मित्र और विवस्वान भी कहा जाता है, हिन्दू धर्म में एक प्रमुख देवता हैं। वे देवताओं के राजा माने जाते हैं और उन्हें जीवन का आधार माना जाता है।
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bhagavanbhakthi · 6 months
Lord Surya (Sun) Message to Today's Humans
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scprabhakar · 10 months
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digitalravii · 1 year
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ravikugupta · 2 years
Chhath Puja Fair In Bangalore
Chhath Puja Fair In BangalorePhotography Link – https://www.facebook.com/100063784820316/posts/pfbid02xwTHLvufVutiFbnWCkD3wAHtNyRPvnSHX358rnHhrBu8wiit2PjNJcK4GDBTHBrml/?sfnsn=mo Vlog Links – Location – -Ravi Kumar Gupta.
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रविवार को सुनी जाने वाली कहानी || Ravivar ki kahani || Surya dev ki kahani
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rajanaroras-blog · 1 year
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akultalkies · 1 year
Alaya F, Priyanshu Painyuli, Manu Rishi Chadha, Aashim Gulati, Shriidhar Dubey, Rajesh Sharma, Grusha Kapoor, Dev Dembla, Mehtab Virk, Ramandeep Yadav, Tariq Mir, Anuradha Kalia, Rajvir Chauhan, Sagar Amit Vyas,
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statusimagess · 1 year
100+ Surya Dev Images | Surya Dev Mantra | Surya Dev Ki Aarti | Surya Dev Ke 12 Naam - Statusimagess
Surya Dev, also known as the Sun God or Surya Bhagavan, is a deity worshiped in Hinduism. He is the solar deity and is considered one of the most important gods in Hinduism.
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jeevanjali · 4 months
Ravivar Ke Upay: रविवार के दिन के 5 अचूक उपाय, होंगी नेत्र और हृदय रोग समेत कई बीमारियां दूरRavivar ke Upay: यदि आप शारीरिक पीड़ा से गुजर रहे हैं तो आपको रविवार के दिन सूर्य देव की कृपा पाने के लिए ये अचूक उपाय अवश्य ही अपनाने चाहिए।
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sanatanrules · 2 years
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templeinindia · 2 years
हिन्दू पंचांग के अनुसार रविवार सप्ताह का प्रथम दिन माना जाता है। इस दिन भगवान सूर्य की पूजा होती है। यदि आप भी अपने जीवन में खूब तरक्‍की पाना चाहते हैं तो सूर्य देव की चालीसा पाठ करना  ना भूलें।
कनक बदन कुण्डल मकर, मुक्ता माला अङ्ग,पद्मासन स्थित ध्याइए, शंख चक्र के सङ्ग॥
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pretty-purpple · 2 years
Do not copy or steal my work.
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Mostly Sun is regarded as the "Father" in astrology, however , it is important to check saturn too, in Vedic astrology , Sun or Surya Dev was the Father of "Saturn" or Shani , they never had a good bond , in astrology too, if a native has an afflicted sun or afflicted Saturn , it can cause problem for the native with his/her father.
The sign in Saturn in your natal chart can show where your father didn't understand you or where he doesn't support you. (i would like to listen to your experiences with this observation)
People with Moon conjunct Neptune had health problems in their early childhood , it gets worse if moon is afflicted
Mercury aspecting Jupiter possess a good sense of humor , hard aspects may cause the native to be boastful and be a little to much while joking.
Jupiter in Scorpio is such an interesting placement along with Jupiter in Gemini, they know almost everything related to their sign's themes.
Neptune in the 9th house makes a native question his religion and his position in society....
During retrograde periods , always check for the placement of the planet in your chart, lookout for the house placements and it's relation to body parts (the specific planet that is about to be in retrograde)
Asteroid Apollo can show where you enjoy things and get attention but also get over indulged in.
The Sun's placement in your chart can show where you help/heal others , sometimes in a way , you don't even realise.
Neptune aspecting Lilith are so good at blending in with people , almost like they can shapeshift while being in presence of others but most of the time , they are unconscious about it.
The house where Neptune resides in your chart is where people tend to be skeptical of you, spread false rumours about you, if it aspects mars , its even worse.
Venus in leo is such a fab placement, the way they project how self love is done is really aspiring.
A prominent Saturn-neptune conjunction/opposition can show that the native is often clueless about facing hardships.
The placement of moon in your chart can show where you are prone to adaptability
The sign of your venus + moon can tell you the element which you should connect with.
South node in 2nd house or 12th house can indicate eye problems
The Placement of Ketu/south node is what you put blind faith on or easily believe in (check sign n placements)
The Placement of North node/Rahu is where you tend to assert your dominance and rules.
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Note :- Some observations may apply and may not apply to you, this can be due to aspects with other planets ... remember that Astrology is a science and it is experimental.
Thanks a lot for reading this post! I would love to know about your experiences! Comments , reblogs , likes are always appreciated ❤️✨!
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Pha Yant: of lord surya (the sun) “a ruby flashing in the sky” Credit: JintheNinja (金齊天大聖)
Surya Mantra
"Japakusumsankasham Kashypeyam Mahadhyutim
Tamorim Sarvapaapagnam Prantosmi Divakaram"
Meaning : I bow down to the Sun God who is the cause of the day break, who dispels all darkness, who destroys all sins , who is matchless in brilliance, who is the son of Kashyapa and who is as red as a Japa Kusuma flower.
Surya Gayatri Mantra OM Bhaskaraya Vidmahe Mahadyutikaraya Dhimahi Tanno Adityah Pracodayat'
According to Hindu Mythology, Sun is a Kshatriya and born to Sage Kashyap and Aditi who is the mother of Gods. Her sons were defeated by the demons. Aditi prayed to the sun to be born as her son to fight and defeat the demons so that the Gods could get back their due. Sun agreed to it and was born as Aditya. Hindus believe that Sun is ever moving in a chariot drawn by seven horses. Surya, the Sun, is short in stature and has a prominent, shining appearance, with two arms, a curly mane of hair and shining, golden-brown eyes that are the exact color of honey. His mind is incisive and His complexion coppery or golden and He wears clothes of dark saffron. In both His hands, Surya has two red lotuses. The wheel of Surya's chariot represents the year and its twelve spokes are the twelve months.
God Surya (सूर्य) can be called the only god in Hindu religion who can be seen and prayed to in daily life. The Surya is depicted as having a body as shiny and radiant as pure gold. He is believed to be a golden red man with three eyes and four arms, riding a chariot driven by seven white horses. The Chariot harnessed by seven horses represent the seven colours of the rainbow or the seven chakras.
Surya is the life giver, sustaining all life on earth by providing all radiance and energy. He by mounting the wheel of time is also the one who is responsible for the beautiful seasons and causing the cycle of day and night.
The Surya is referred to in Sanskrit as "Mitra" or "Friend" down to the invariable warmth. Surya is depicted with two hands holding a lotus in both; sometimes he has four hands holding a lotus, chakra, a conch and a mace.
Surya in ancient literature
In Vedas, numerous hymns are dedicated to Surya, the Sun personified, and Savitr, "the impeller", a solar deity either identified with or associated with Surya. Even the Gayatri mantra, which is regarded as one of the most sacred of the Hindu hymns is dedicated to the Sun. The Adityas are a group of solar deities, from the Brahmana period numbering twelve. The ritual of sandhyavandanam, performed by some Hindus, is an elaborate set of hand gestures and body movements, designed to greet and revere the Sun.
The mantra in Rig Veda praise to the Surya as :
आ कृष्णेन् रजसा वर्तमानो निवेशयन्न अमृतं मर्त्यं च । हिरण्ययेन सविता रथेना देवो याति भुवनानि पश्यन ॥ (1/35)
(Throughout the dusky firmament advancing, laying to rest the immortal and the mortal, Borne in his golden chariot he cometh, Savitar, God who looks on every creature]
Gaytri Mantra in Vedas for Lord Surya
ॐ भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः॒ तत्स॑वितुर्वरे॑ण्यम् भ॒र्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि। धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त्॥
(Om bhoor-bhuvaH svaH, tat-savitur-vareNNyam, bhargo devasya dheemahi, dhiyo yo naH prachodayaat.)
In the Vedas Surya Dev is referred to as the god of light who is responsible for all life on earth.
The Children of lord Surya are : Shani Deva (शनि), Yama, Yamuna, Tapti
Names of Surya
Ravi, Suraj, Aditya, Adit, Bhaskar, Pusha, Divakar, Bhanu
Vedic Mythology with stories
The Mahabharata describes one of its warrior heroes Karna as being the son of the righteous queen Kunti and the Sun. The Ramayana describes Lord Ram (श्री राम) as being descended from the Surya Vansh or the clan of kings as bright as the Sun. The Sun God is said to married to the beautiful goddess Ranaadeh, also known as Sanjnya. She is depicted in dual form, being both sunlight and shadow, personified. The charioteer of Surya is Arun, who is also personified as the redness that accompanies the sunlight in dawn and dusk.
Sun God in different cultures
The Solar deities associated with different aspects of the cultural universe of the society, but for the most part its raw image remains identical. In the 3rd millennium BC, the winged sun was an ancient symbol of Horus. The Neolithic concept of a solar barge, the sun as traversing the sky in a boat, is found in the later myths of ancient Egypt, with Ra and Horus. Egyptian myths imply that the sun is within the lioness,
Proto-Indo-European religion has a solar chariot, the sun as traversing the sky in a chariot. During the Roman Empire, a festival of the birth of the Unconquered Sun was celebrated when the duration of daylight first begins to increase after the winter solstice, — the "rebirth" of the sun.
In Germanic mythology this is Sol, in Vedic Surya, and in Greek Helios (occasionally referred to as Titan) or Apollo. Mesopotamian Shamash plays an important role during the Bronze Age, and "my Sun" is eventually used as an address to royalty. South American cultures have emphatic Sun worship. Svarog is the Slavic god sun and spirit of fire. In Aztec mythology, Tonatiuh was the sun god. The Aztec people considered him the leader of Tollan, heaven.
Surya in vedic Astrology
God Surya is the King of all the planets and is responsible for controlling all their movements. The Sun in Vedic astrology is called RAVI, or SURYA. In western tropical astrology, the Sun rules the Sign of Leo. He is exalted in the sign of Aries, and he is in his fall in the sign of Libra. In vedic astrology the Sun is known as the ATMAKARAKA, means .an "indicator of the soul." The Sun is the indicator of the father, our ego, honors, status, fame, the heart, the eyes, general vitality, respect and power.
He is particularly beneficial for the fire sign Ascendants of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. His nature, or temperament is PITTA, or fiery, and the gemstone associated with the Sun is the red ruby. The Sun's metal is Gold and his direction is east. His day is Sunday, and he comes into full maturity and brilliance at age 22.
The Vedas adore him as a witness (Sakshi) of all actions. He is the lord of Leo in the Zodiac. He stays one month in each Rasi and takes 365 days or 12 months to complete a round of 12 Rasis. Worship of Surya on Sunday is supposed to bring in manifold benefits to the worshippers. .
Surya and modern Astronomy
Our solar system consists of an average star we call the Sun, the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. It includes: the satellites of the planets; numerous comets, asteroids, and meteoroids; and the interplanetary medium. The planets, most of the satellites of the planets and the asteroids revolve around the Sun in the same direction, in nearly circular orbits.
Our solar system the part of whole solar system, together with the local stars visible on a clear night, orbits the center of our home galaxy, a spiral disk of 200 billion stars we call the Milky Way. Again Our galaxy, one of billions of galaxies known, is traveling through intergalactic space. The order of planets revolving around the Sun are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
On February 14, 1990, the cameras of Voyager 1 pointed back toward the Sun and took a series of pictures of the Sun and the planets, making the first ever "portrait" of our solar system as seen from the outside.
Prayers to please Lord Surya
Surya namaskāra
Lord Surya helps one gain his eyesight and SURYA NAMASKAR will strengthen one's bones, cure illness, however severe it may be, cleanses the devotee from his sins and bestows on him progeny, wealth, good-health and long life. He is the cause for rainfall benefiting the world.
The lord Surya is prayed in the simplest way by folding one's hands in a namaskar at the time of sunrise. A simple chant of Om Suryaye Namah pleases the lord Surya. A Hindu worship Lord Surya at the rising of the Sun, known as Surya namaskāra There are twelve physical postures (asanas), which correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac. During the sun's apparent journey through the heavens it passes through each of zodiac, and is said to triumph over each sign as it enters its domain. Associated with each other of the twelve positions of Surya Namaskar is a specific mantra. The 12 mantras for surya namaskara:
ॐ मित्राय नमः (aum mitrāya namah) ॐ रवये नमः (aum ravayé namah ) ॐ सूर्याय नमः (aum sūryāya namah ) ॐ भानवे नमः (aum bhānavé namah ) ॐ खगय नमः (aum khagāya namah ) ॐ पुष्णे नमः (aum pushné namah) ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः (aum hiranyagarbhāya namah) ॐ मारिचाये नमः (aum mārichāyé namah) ॐ आदित्याय नमः (aum ādityāya namah) ॐ सावित्रे नमः (aum sāvitré namah) ॐ आर्काय नमः (aum ārkāya namah) ॐ भास्कराय नमः (aum bhāskarāya namah)
The Gayatri Mantra is also associated with Surya.
Another hymn associated with Surya is the Aditya Hridayam, recited by the great sage Agastya to Lord Ram (श्री राम) on the warfield before the fight with Ravana in Lanka. .
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