#Susie the traitor of Kirby
Just one of my favorite artworks of one of my favorite Kirby characters 💗
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nookisms · 4 months
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I should make another text post compilation! *Immediately does Magolor dirty*
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erm have some school doodles from a month or so back. yeagh
yourre not getting context for the susie one
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icedragonlizard · 3 months
Kirby AU talk: "Memories Still At A Halt"
Susie stumbles upon an active clockwork star that then invites her to make any wish that it'll be more than willing to grant.
This was by complete accident. She didn't at all plan on activating a clockwork star. She was just taking a vacation on Planet Popstar, and when she ended her vacation and flew across the cosmos on her way home to the Haltmann Work Company's headquarters, this clockwork star seemingly comes out of nowhere.
Some planets definitely had their energy used to activate this comet somehow, but it's not known who did this, or if it was even anyone that intentionally did this because they wanted to make a wish.
Regardless, Susie would've never expected this to happen in a million years. She's completely astonished and bewildered by this occasion.
OK. -> 3... 2... 1... GO! ->
Susie is initially a bit reluctant, but she then decides to make a wish.
At first, she's unsure what to have her wish be. She still takes a minute to fully fathom the situation at hand, as her bewilderment isn't very quick to fade.
But she eventually thinks it up. She's made the decision on what she wants her wish to be. She decides that it's at least worth a try.
"I wish for Max Profitt Haltmann to be brought back to life!"
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There's a huge amount of nervousness behind her wish. Deep down, she fears that it may go horribly wrong, but she still takes up the chance to finally be potentially able to fix things with her father.
The clockwork star grants her wish. It revives Max Haltmann.
At first, he's comatose. Susie gently grabs him with her mech's arms, and then carries him with her as she makes her way back home.
When he finally wakes up after they get home, he...
.... He still doesn't recognize her as his daughter.
This is why she was nervous while making that wish.
And it still makes her feel incredibly disheartened.
It also appears that he had no ghost in the afterlife and merely popped back into existence in his perspective after the clockwork star brought him back. And the last thing he remembers is Susie having stolen the Star Dream helmet from him when he tried to use it.
This comes off to an absolutely horrible start. After Max Haltmann processes the fact that he was dead and was then brought back, he then snaps at Susie and calls her an "insolent traitor" for getting him killed in the first place. She immediately swears that she never intended to kill him and she was just trying to get him to come to his senses, because Star Dream caused him to go off the deep end.
But he doesn't listen. In fact, he doubles down on his anger towards her. He complains about the "lack of infinite prosperity" because Susie reworked the HWC's practices and policies, as the company is no longer mechanizing planets. He accuses her of being a complete embarrassment that "ruined everything" about the HWC and "turned it into a shell of its former self". He's extremely harsh and rude to her.
Susie doesn't take it sitting down, though. Previously, she'd capitulate and yield to his demands, but now it's different. She now refuses to yield to him when he makes his vehement exclamations. She stands her ground and fights back against every single smear he flings.
The HWC can't even mechanize planets without Star Dream's presence anyways. Susie rebuilt the HWC without it. And she's refused to build another machine like Star Dream to make that possible again because she didn't want to deal with the risks that it'd bring. Plus, she's now friends with Kirby and wants to stay on his good side.
Initially, despite having internal anger at how rude and grating his voice is during his exclamations, she tries to be as calm as possible when she makes her counterarguments. But she eventually loses her cool as he then says something that's especially vile and disgusting.
.... He straight up calls her a wild savage at one point.
That right there caused her to lash out and attack. Immediately after he called her that, she then punches him in the face. There was more than enough strength behind that punch to knock him onto the floor.
Susie asserts her power over him as she's the current CEO of the company, and she has absolutely no interest in giving that up. It's so much easier for her to fight back now as he's not in a position of power to mistreat her. And he can't take back the CEO position because every employee in the company thinks Susie is a much better boss than he ever was. He will need to bend to her now.
Fortunately, things get better after that atrocity of an introduction. Max Haltmann eventually gets some sense knocked into him as Susie is able to convince him that Star Dream was a bad influence and that the company is in a much better place with her practices instead of the ones that were in place from before. He apologizes for being so vile to her as he comes to accepts the HWC's new practices.
... But he's still entirely unable to recognize her as his daughter.
This continues to distress Susie on the inside. It reopens old wounds for her. But at least she doesn't have to steal a supercomputer for him to get him to look her way. At least it's easier to reign him in.
At one point, she tries to explain everything to him. About how he's supposed to be her father, that she was trapped in Another Dimension for a long time and eventually came back, and she deduces that Star Dream tampered with his memories somehow. That the machine somehow caused him to forget about her. She doesn't know that he was trying to use Star Dream to bring her back, however.
How does Max Haltmann react to the revelations? It's... sadly not what Susie was hoping for. He's initially in utter disbelief. Although he does slowly come to understand that it "might" be the truth, but he's still incredibly reluctant to treat her like his daughter because he still legitimately can't recall ever having a daughter at all to begin with.
It's clear that he still doesn't actively remember.
He does become a lot nicer to her after the revelation, but she's still unsatisfied. Especially when he's still not willing to accept hugs from her yet. He awkwardly pats her back to try to comfort her when he catches her being sad, but he clearly still doesn't act like her dad yet.
When Susie left Another Dimension, all she wanted was a hug from her dad while reuniting with him. She still doesn't get that even now. It makes her feel heartbroken. And it also makes her feel awful for him as she's increasingly convinced that Star Dream stole his memories. Even as he gradually becomes nicer, he's still stubborn, easily confused, clumsy and easy to lose focus. It saddens her to see it.
She takes care of him. She's his caretaker. She gets her employees to work on necessary treatments for his health problems. With how much he's struggling, she's pretty much having to babysit him. Imagine a young woman babysitting her own father. That's lowkey what's happening here.
She puts a lot of time and effort in taking care of him.
But he just... seemingly doesn't reach the line. They're able to have a good relationship, but he's still unwilling every time she tries to lightly gesture for a hug. He seems to view her more as a friend much younger than him than as his daughter. That's... not what she wants.
Susie tries to keep it to a minimum around Max, but she's internally depressed over this. She finds herself weeping at times when she's alone, worrying he's never going to remember her as his daughter.
She vents this to her friends: Taranza, Magolor, Kirby and the Mage Sisters. Her father is back and alive again, and she's still having to get hugs from her friends because her senile father is still not willing to accept hugs from her. It makes her friends really sad, especially when they meet her dad in person and see it for themselves that he's still not acting like a real dad to her. Magolor was the first one to see her dad brought back when he visited the HWC's headquarters by getting there with the Lor Starcutter. He was initially excited to meet Haltmann and humorously even try to insert himself as a nephew figure, but that fell apart after he saw how the man acted.
The Mage Sisters, alongside their patriarch Hyness, especially feel terrible at this. Even when Hyness was in his bad phase of madness, he never forgot his daughters entirely. It made him feel bad for Susie for still not being recognized by her dad, and it also made him feel bad for Haltmann as he agrees with Susie's claim that Star Dream wiped his memories, as he was able to deduce that's what happened.
Susie's friends try to comfort her and tell her that at least her dad is still alive again, and they're proud of her for at least being able to make amends with him at all even if he can't wholly remember. They all admit they can't be sure whether or not he'll ever come around to truly remember, but they tell her to not give up. She doesn't give up, although it's still internally hurting for her.
There are moments where it seems like he's so close to finally remembering, with the more recent kind-hearted interactions that the two have. But sadly, he just doesn't ever seem to get there. She is at least happy to see him being nice to her and that they're able to get along perfectly well, but it's just... not enough. She wants more.
It's probably greedy on her behalf, but he's supposed to be her father.
Is it possible him to ever remember her? He does come to "understand" that he "might" be, but he doesn't take it too seriously. At least for a long while. It still truthfully doesn't sit that right for him.
Thank you so much if you've taken the time to read the synopsis for this AU! This is yet another Kirby AU that I've had in my mind for a bit.
It's also funny because... don't I literally have another AU where Max Haltmann gets brought back? That I literally wrote into fanfiction? "Lost Miracles That Finally Become"? Indeed! But that one's completely different. In that one, Haltmann gets brought back alongside Sectonia, as they both come back in their right minds.
But in this AU, it's different. Haltmann is brought back not in his right mind. At the beginning, his mindset is exactly the same as he was at the time of his death in Planet Robobot, and while he does become nicer to Susie over time, he doesn't ever truly get to remember her as his daughter like she hoped, much to her grief and disheartenment.
I'd like to point out that I normally headcanon Haltmann having a ghost, despite seemingly having been erased from existence. I just like having that as a headcanon so he can feel grief and misery by watching over Susie without being able to interact with her. But this AU fully goes through with the "erased from existence" thing, as it mentions that he had no ghost and just popped back into existence after the clockwork star grants Susie's wish to bring him back to life.
Morpho Knight let the whole thing slide. At some point, it shows up to Susie and tells her that she was lucky to bring Haltmann back, because he wasn't a soul in the afterlife beforehand. Otherwise, Morpho Knight would've stopped her from bringing Haltmann back.
Allow me to link another Kirby AU that I made a synopsis for; Dark Stormy Matters, a story where Kracko goes off the deep end and makes a wish to a clockwork star to revive Dark Matter and then fuses with it to cause wide-scale destruction. Unfortunately, it seems like that post is not viewable in its respective tags when clicking on them and looking at the recent ones! I don't understand that at all. That's partially why I'm linking it here so it hopefully gets seen more.
But anyways... thank you for reading! See you all later.
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nightcovefox · 20 days
I Hate You…
Character(s): Dolos(Oc), Marx (Mention), Halia (Mention), Kirby, Bandanna Dee, King Dedede, Meta Knight, and the other star allies
Warning(s): Cursing, Bad grammar, and some angst.
A/n: Takes place in Empires AU and this stuff goes down-
“We did it!” Bandanna Dee cheered.
The Star Allies cheered as well, except Kirby and Magolor.
“I know you're sad Kirby and Magolor but there’s nothing we can do.” Meta Knight said bluntly.
Kirby sighed and Magolor's ears went down. Magolor.. Just betrayed his best friend.. And Kirby? He lost a good friend..
“NOOOOOOOO!!!” someone screamed.
Everyone stops what they're doing and looks around. A pile of rocks started to move but some claws ripped it open like it was some paper! Marx..?! No..
Marx little brother.. Dolos.
“Dolos..?” Magolor mumbled.
Dolos was badly injured. Bruises and some cuts were on his face. Their wings are bent.
“Oh Dolos!! I’m so glad you’re okay!!” Kirby smiled a bit running over to him.
Dolos eyes flash red and swings his claw at Kirby. Kirby falls back, luckily Meta Knight catches him.
Dolos glared at everyone. “WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THAT?!”
Others were looking at the ground while some just stared at him.
Kirby spoke up, “It’s for the best.. Dolos..! Marx was about to” Kirby was cut off by Dolos shouting.
“He was going to destroy our world including the other two!!- He was out of his mind!?” Kirby barks back. “I know he’s your brother, but we couldn't-”
Dolos started to laugh uncontrollably. The others were confused and scared.
Dolos laughter calms down. “Oh.. Oh.. You stupid idiot.” Dolos gaze looks at Kirby. “You’re forgetting the other two.”
Taranza then spoke up, “Well about that.. They're already trapped-”
“What?!” Dolos stuttered in shock.
“Wait how do you know that..?” Susie asks Taranza. “I have my ways~” replied Taranza.
A strange ringing was playing in Dolos ears. No.. No..No..
His brother is now gone.. Not the other two can help him..
“What are we going to do with them?”
“Maybe relieved them in an orphanage place?”
“What?! That crazy brother of his is gone!!?”
“Well.. I can take care of him..!”
“Kirby.. He just hit you..”
“So Bandy?! Will that stop me..?”
Dolos muttered something under their breath.
King Dedede's eyes squint. “What did you say kid..?”
“I hate you…” he mutters.
“Speak up, please?” The King asks again.
“I FUCKING HATE YOU,” Dolos repeats himself, his tone was venomous.
Kirby then walked towards them slowly. “Dolos-”
“GET AWAY FROM ME!!” Dolos screamed shooting dark fire orbs at the ground.
“TAKE COVER!!!” King Dedede shouted grabbing Kirby and Bandanna Dee and going behind the rocks as covers.
Meta Knight grabbed Taranza and went behind the rock cover. Magolor and the mage sisters summoned their shields. And Susie hopped in her mecha robot.
“Dolos..! You have to understand-”
“First you murdered my sister..” Dolos muttered.
Kirby steps out of the covers.
“What are you doing?!” Bandanna Dee shouted.
Kirby then walked forward again.
“You took my brother away from me.. And now what's next..?! ARE YOU GOING TO GET RID OF ME TOO?!” Dolos shouted.
Kirby shakes his head, “N-No..! I-I’m not! We won’t!!-”
Dolos was now breathing heavily his vision was getting blurred.
Dolos slapped themselves and glared at Kirby. “I will remember this. And mar(x)k my words I’ll be back. Stronger than ever. Ready to kill you and your ‘precious’ friends.”
Kirby was scared and now shaking.
Dolos then notices Magolor’s gaze. “You are a fucking traitor. I hope that image haunts your dreams.” Dolos spatted.
Kirby feels a huge guilt wave hit them. “Dolos..” he said his name one more time.
“This is war puffball. I will bring my brother back and YOU WILL ALL FEEL HIS DEMON WRATH. ALONG WITH THE OTHER TWO JESTERS!” Dolos shouted, his pupils shrinking, as he smiled very wide.
They flapped their wings and flew up breaking the ceiling and flew out of that ‘little place’.
Kirby just stared at the hole that Dolos created.
“Maggie..?” Susie mumbled, getting out her mecha suit.
“All my fault..” Magolor muttered.
“No, Maggie-”
Magolor then fainted.
Dolos crashed the house roof and landed in Marx’s bedroom.
Pain. That's what he felt. No… mostly anger.
A strong anger was building inside of them.
He then laughs uncontrollably. A very loud maniacal laughter can be heard outside in the woods.
He then bangs his wing claws on the floor. His laughter calmed down a bit, then felt something go his claws on the floor.
It was his tears…
They were crying..
Dolos wishes it was untrue… but his brother is gone… thanks to that ‘Star’ Warrior.
“Hehe… I promise Marx… I’ll free you… I promise myself.. I’ll free you..! Will be together again… and rule the world together..!” said Dolos.
He chuckled a bit and his tail shook.
He just needs to get stronger first.
They then lay down pulling Marx's blankets to cover his body around him. They closed their eyes still crying. They curled up in a small ‘ball’ having their wings wrapped around them.
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“One day… One day.. One day…”
Hey, @kirbyoctournament does this count as propaganda?
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cosmicskyart · 2 years
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The final group of characters I’m going to draw for my AU. Unlike the last two drawings, not everyone in this group associates with each other. They’re just various characters I wanted to draw in this style.
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Taranza - A clumsy spider mage that hails from Floralia. Long ago, he and Sectonia opened a restaurant together. To celebrate the grand opening, Taranza bought a mirror from a shady masked dealer. Unfortunately the mirror corrupted Sectonia so now she only cares about the having the best and most luxurious restaurant on Popstar. Working at the restaurant is quite hectic and stressful at times for Taranza, especially when Sectonia is highly critical of him and demands he work faster, but seeing Sectonia happy about the restaurant makes him happy.
Susie - A profit-driven alien who recently set up a new company in Dreamland. She’s the CEO since her father retired to a tropical resort on Aqua Star. She’s responsible for Dreamland’s modernization, this time without mechanizing everything in sight or exploiting Popstar’s natural resources. New technology was introduced to the Dreamland residents to make their lives more convenient. In return, she makes a large profit since her company holds a monopoly on the technology. She gets along with Magolor and occasionally helps with his business endeavors. For a price of course.
Gooey - A clueless yet friendly Dark Matter that turned out defective. Since Kirby is living with roommates in a different house, he left Gooey in charge of his original home. Gooey is dumb and forgetful and most simple things need to be explained to him. Considers Lacky and Blade his friends and likes when they visit him. Zero Two hates Gooey for being a traitor, but Gooey takes it in stride.
Dark Matter aka “Blade” - A high-ranking Dark Matter who prefers being in his swordsman form. He’s usually on Dark Star but he visits Dreamland every now and then. Even though it’s difficult for him to feel positive emotions, he wishes to make friends with some of the Dreamland residents. His social awkwardness makes that a tall order though. He gets amusement out of pestering and scaring Dedede. Considers Gooey and Lacky his friends and is a bit jealous of their ability to feel positive emotions easily, even though he knows it’s a defect.
Elfilin - a fuzzy alien creature that Kirby befriended in the New World. Although Kirby eventually went back to Popstar after their adventure, Elfilin likes to visit often. He’s usually kind and energetic, but if anyone makes him mad enough, he’ll subconsciously channel his inner Elfilis along with some powers and abilities, go after the culprit, and respond with threats or violence. At least until he calms down on his own or the culprit apologizes. He suppresses his Elfilis-fueled anger while Kirby is around, so Kirby is unaware that Elfilin has that side of him.
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wondariaselfship · 6 months
F/O List (But Now It's Mobile Friendly)
Emoji Key:
Any F/O with a 🌸 by their name is one of my main F/Os
Type of relationship: 💕 - Soulmate, 💝 - Romantic, 🎀 - QPP, 🍡 - Platonic, 🥞 - Familial
Comfort with sharing: 👯‍♀️ - I’m perfectly fine sharing, ☝ - ask first (you already have permission if you’re a mutual), 🤨 - would rather not share (ask first, even if you’re a mutual), 🆖 -  NO Doubles, Please!
Ulala (Space Channel 5) 🌸💕🆖 [S/I: Otogi, ship tag: #to the end of the galaxy]
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends with You) 💝👯‍♀️ [S/I: Kokoro, ship tag: #all my world needs is you]
Geeta (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) 🌸💝🆖 [S/I: Kinako, ship tag: #la primera de mi corazon]
Eri (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) 🎀👯‍♀️ [S/I: Hazel, ship tag: i’d still love you]
Adaman (Pokemon Legends Arceus) 🎀👯‍♀️ [S/I: Odette, ship tag: #diamond in the clan]
Beat (Jet Set Radio) 🌸💝☝ [S/I: Spice, ship tag: #unapologetically gg]
Fret (NEO: The World Ends with You) 🌸🍡👯‍♀️ [S/I: Kokoro, ship tag: #a reminder of your warmth]
N (Pokemon Black and White) 🍡☝ [S/I: Kyoko, ship tag: #wonderful dreams and ideals]
Sierra (Pokemon GO) 🎀☝️[S/I: Nelly, ship tag: #lavender kisses]
Cliff (Pokemon GO) 🎀👯‍♀️ [S/I: Miffy, ship tag: #strength and grace]
Candela (Pokemon GO) 🌸💕🆖 [S/I: Negai, ship tag: #valor forever]
Jaguar (Space Channel 5) 🌸🍡🤨 [S/I: Mae, ship tag: #you’re not alone anymore]
Orbulon (WarioWare) 🌸🍡👯‍♀️ [S/I: Hoshi, ship tag: #this conversation is in your heart]
Balan (Balan Wonderworld) 🥞☝ [S/I: Nina, ship tag: #top hat travels]
Brassius (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) 🥞👯‍♀️ [S/I: Texas, ship tag: #avant-garde futures await us]
Fecto Elfilis (Kirby and the Forgotten Land) 🌸💝🆖 [S/I: Fecto Memoria, ship tag: #none shall forget you]
Clawroline (Kirby and the Forgotten Land) 🌸💝☝️ [S/I: Tenko, ship tag: #wishing you the beast]
The Three Mage-Sisters (Kirby Star Allies) 🌸💝☝️* [S/I: Megami, ship tags: #divine intervention (group) / the blooming of a snow flower (Francisca) / flaming fixation (Flamberge) / a perfect storm (Zan Partizanne)] *I'm fine if you selfship with Francisca or Flamberge platonically or familially, but please ask if either of them are a romantic F/O for you. Additionally, due to recent events, I am no longer comfortable sharing Zan Partizanne at all.
Hyness (Kirby Star Allies) 🌸🥞👯‍♀️ [S/I: Megami, ship tag: #insanity jam session]
Drawcia (Kirby: Canvas Curse) 💝👯‍♀️ [S/I: Palette, ship tag: #hue are my everything]
Susie (Kirby Planet Robobot) 💝☝️ [S/I: Graceanne, ship tag: #and be at ease]
Baron Gallic (Kirby light novels) 💝🆖️ [S/I: Nio, ship tag: #one day it will feel like forever]
Traitor Magolor (Kirby's Return to Dream Land) 💝☝️ [S/I: Astoria, ship tag: #far-flung fantasy]
Taboo Artist (Penny's Big Breakaway) 🌸💝🆖️ [S/I: none (just me), ship tag: #cosmic string of fate]
Penny (Penny's Big Breakaway) 🍡👯‍♀️ [S/I: none (just me), ship tag: #dual yotagonists]
Sheila (Penny's Big Breakaway) 🎀👯‍♀️ [S/I: none (just me), ship tag: #the tide returns]
Mr. Q (Penny's Big Breakaway) 🎀👯‍♀️ [S/I: none (just me), ship tag: #a spell for your smile]
Judge Rufus (Penny's Big Breakaway) 🍡👯‍♀️ [S/I: none (just me), ship tag: #a perfectly legal friendship]
Emperor Eddie (Penny's Big Breakaway) 🍡👯‍♀️ [S/I: none (just me), ship tag: #stronger than the doubts]
Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney) 🍡☝️ [S/I: Emily, ship tag: #the miracle before me]
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) 💝🆖️ [S/I: Emily, ship tag: #lovestruck as charged]
Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney) 💝☝️ [S/I: Emily, ship tag: #harmonic oscillations]
Ryunosuke Naruhodo (The Great Ace Attorney) 💝👯‍♀️ [S/I: Louise, ship tag: #chronicles of an adventurer's resolve]
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opal-owl-flight · 2 years
Will susie and magolor ever end up as friends after back to zero? I think she probably needs to work on herself as well, along with realizing that obsessively trying to continue her father's legacy isn't the healthiest mindset
She did so much shit. I dont think Mags would ever forgive her. And I wouldnt, either.
She helped destroy an entire planet — an entire people. An entire culture. An entire history. Wiped away from the charts.
And shes still proud of it. She still thinks that what she was doing was right. It very reasonably makes Magolor upset and angry towards her. No one knew how deep it went until Mags started openly talking more about it.
More under the cut about how much of Halcandra was wiped. its…disturbing stuff about the invasion so be warned. (Tldr its colonization and genocide.)
Isnt it odd that there was literally no Halcandrans left? Youd think, that during the Mechanization war, theyd have sent some of their kind away, make sure the species survives. But no. The Haltmanns chased after them. They saw some sort of value from each and ever single one of them…its probably that sleeping magic power that theyve been suppressing/ignoring for generations. The Haltmanns…harvested that power? And then mechanized them. “Improved” them. (I havent finished Robobot, but isnt that what Susie does to Meta?) Set them back on Halcandra to catch more of their kin, harvest resources, and take important relics back to the Access Arc. Which the Haltmanns keep — obviously not out of respect for the culture that made said relics, but for the powers they hold.
Everyone knows Halcandra for its miraculous technology. Thats all that survived of it, after the Haltmanns were done with their invasion (which Susie calls a failure because a certain magician interfered with the plans and blew the planet to smithereens “before it was ready”). Thats the only thing the Haltmanns told about it. The only items that survived the invasion. The culture itself: the arts, the philosophies, the intimate, every day lives of the people, the language…all those intangible things. Gone.
(Theres more about the Ancients regarding these, than the Halcandrans. Its a near-full cultural wipe. The tech and ruins of other settlements can be found scattered all over the galaxy, but most are from a different age. Far from the culture that used to live on the planet itself. And well…most of the planet’s been blown up, and the mechanization process kind of buried many of the culturally important structures; old and new.)
“A shame that such technology was developed by barbarians. Oh well. Our technology was able to surpass theirs. Perhaps we should be the ones remembered for creating miraculous technology, instead of them.”
Its a sentiment that Susie still believes in. She still thinks that everyone is a lower life-form. Kind of like her father. But while her father saw everything as a means to profit, she (does too, but its second to— ) uses the business to “improve lives”. Improve lives according to her standards. She thinks she knows whats best for these lower life-forms. Shes helping them! If only theyd stop fighting back!
Halcandra’s culture survives on the lone mage. And after him, no one will follow. It causes Magolor great pain to think about how hes at the end of an entire race’s lifetime. (He doesnt want to have his own kits. He admits that hes not father material. What he wants are other Halcandrans to continue living the culture hes preserving/living out.)
He sees Popstar and all the other planets…he wishes that the Halcandrans were still around. Theyd enjoy sights like these. The songs that wouldve been made, the tapestries that wouldve been weaved…
It doesnt mean that a culture was heavily remembered for its tech means that thats all they had.
Mags, probably after Back to Zero, would focus on recording and teaching everyone about Halcandra. After…all those threats to his life, hes thinking of legacy. A way to be remembered — not just for him, but his entire culture.
He does not want everyone to forget about Halcandra the way he knows it.
And Susie?
Shes doing everything she can to stop him. Because its seriously ruining her already shaky reputation. Bad for business.
“So finish the job, bitch. I dare you. Point that gun to my head and end it all, right here, right now, if all Im doing is ruining your precious business.
Oh wait. No. Thats not what you did. Heeheehee!
You want Halcandran power? Youre looking at the biggest reservoir on the planet! The only reason I survived was because I was powerful enough to fight back! Go on. Take it. Take it and mechanize my body for your own ends. Let me join my people. Heartless bitch.”
(Man, going to have to mess with the timeline a bit after this. Make Mags old enough to have remembered things before the fall. Maybe Halcandrans age slowly? Kind of like what Meta’s species does?
Note, legends of Halcandra already existed even before the invasion; of its previous ages. The only things told about the “current” Halcandra are told by the Haltmanns. No one knew how it was destroyed until way, way later, with the appearance of Magolor in Dreamland.
Said it in the tags and saying it here too. Probably not going to write this out bc it touches on some really dark and sensitive topics.)
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vaugarde · 2 years
Manifesting that Elfilin will just be a normal bunny.
honestly kinda want elfilin to be evil. i think the fandom implosion would be funny and i get the added bonus of ''ha ha my evil little meow meow'' bc they look like that
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kirisakin · 2 years
I say that, as if "evil traitor sidekick plot twist" is really as prevalent as Kirby fandom says it is. Hasn't it only been two times?
Marx and Magolor were the only two "heroic characters" that turned out to be evil. Susie and Taranza were pretty obviously bad guys and revealing that they had bosses wasn't so much a twist as it was inevitable that they were lackeys.
And I don't think that the Mages could even charitably be called "plot twists" because nothing they do is particularly shocking or out of left field...
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quotes-of-dreamland · 3 years
I have thought about this ask every day and literally have no idea. Here’s what I’ve come up with after what must be like a month at this point:
Ribbon! In the Mod-of-the-same-name’s words, “Zan must call her a gremlin for a reason”. She’s a little shit sometimes. Perfect for among us!
Meta Knight always uses the exact same tone when lying or telling the truth, so nobody has ANY idea about him all the time
Kirby because it would be funny. Knows how to lie by copying The Traitors
-Mod Susie
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001 Kirby for tha ask meme u-u
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
I can’t choose between Meta Knight and Marx. Both are very good :0
Least favorite character:
fucking Phan Phan. I’d say Anime!Dedede is up there, too. Just not regular Dedede, who I adore.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Marxolor, Metadede, Kirfluff, Francisca x Susie, Daroach x Dark Meta Knight
Character I find most attractive:
I don’t know about attractive, but I guess Francisca is kinda cute.
Character I would marry:
I don’t know???? ????????
Character I would be best friends with:
Probably Meta Knight, though Magolor is up there too.
A random thought:
Marx’s (who just showed up one day after probably dying in space, coming back to life, and just fucking around the galaxy whilst deliberately avoiding Kirby) description in Star Allies: A final boss here to help!! Isn’t that great!!! Sure he stabbed you in the back, but just look at him, he’s a funney little jester! Such a good friend :)
Magolor’s (who apologized for his actions in person, built a theme park as a way to show that he’s trying to change, and is still trying to make up for what he did) description in Star Allies: you fool. you would even consider speaking to this bitch? this liar bitch? are you really willing to let him turn on you again huh? he’s a lying bastard egg. you idiot. you absolute buffoon. don’t trust that magic cat asshole. he has giant-ass knives and bombs. for stabbing you with. he will blow up all sense of hope within you if you let him. idiot.
An unpopular opinion:
the kirby anime is not good and serves as a poor representation of the actual games. they could’ve done so much better than taking the names and the two most basic elements of each character.
My canon OTP:
Taranza x Pre-corruption Sectonia TT~TT
My Non-canon OTP:
Most badass character:
Do I even need to say? Meta Knight easily takes the cake (or is it, in truth, the ruler of the underworld..? Only he knows. Squeak Squad had an.. interesting plot.)
Most epic villain:
I love all most of them, but Magolor Soul has got to be the most epic in my opinion. The design, the battle, the theme song! Even the dark parts! Magolor may be a traitorous egg, but I don’t think anyone really deserves that fate... At least Marx can help him deal with the trauma
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Now, there are pairings I’m not fond of, and there are some I absolutely detest. Some pairings I’m not a fan of are Magolor x Susie and Meta Knight x Susie. A pairing I wish I could wipe off the face of this planet, however, is Kirby x Meta Knight.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
I wouldn’t say they screwed up, but I’ve always viewed Magolor as a more reserved and reclusive type of guy. I don’t think constant near-Marx levels of energy suit him very well, but that’s just me. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a mischievous little bastard, but he just needs to recharge his social battery a lot, y’know?
Favorite friendship:
Kirby and Bandana Dee! Also Kirby and Gooey! Kirby, Bandana Dee, and Gooey!! 200/10 !!!!!!
Character I most identify with:
Meta Knight. He’s very much a mood.
Character I wish I could be:
I’d have to go with either Marx or Magolor!
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icedragonlizard · 5 months
So, my 4-chapter long "Kirby grants two wishes to Morpho Knight" AU fic has been completed since last week, feel free to give that a read if you'd like! And I said it'd be my last fic for the year of 2023.
Meaning that I'll start on one of these fics in the year of 2024.
I... think I intend to do all of them, but I'm not sure which one I want to do next. Which is why I'm making this poll to see which might spark the most interest for people to look forward to!
These will all be long fics, I feel. They'll each certainly be much more than 4 chapters long.
Allow me to elaborate on the options:
A Tale Of Two Traitors: This will be a story about the friendship of Marx and Magolor. It'll go over the entire timeline of their dynamic: how they first met, how they became friends, how their friendship develops over time, etc. Expect their first-meet event to occur sometime between Milky Way Wishes and RTDL, as the later chapters will then cover after Star Allies and what I feel like is their modern dynamic in the modern day.
I do even have a post that summarizes my dynamic of these two, but voting for this option is a vote for having me write an entire fanfiction out of their dynamic that will cover a lot more details than what this post contains. We may also see several other characters make appearances in this big fanfiction, should I get to it first!
This story will occur in my headcanon universe, as it's not an AU like my "Lost Miracles That Finally Become" fanfiction was.
Dark Stormy Matters: This will take place in an Alternate Universe, similar to my "Lost Miracles That Finally Become" story!
In this story, Kracko undergoes a descent into full-on madness. His extreme disdain for Kirby simply boils over far too much to the point he does something absolutely insane in a desperate attempt to finally get back at the pink puffball that he's been holding a searing grudge against for so long. He willfully becomes an overarching megavillain.
He goes to outer space and makes a wish to a clockwork star to revive Dark Matter. Once Dark Matter revives, Kracko literally lets himself gets possessed by it, and becomes much bigger and stronger. Dark Matter becomes impressed and fond of the hatred that Kracko has inside of him, to the point that he even becomes Dark Matter's new leader! And now, Kracko and Dark Matter have fused together to this story's main antagonist, and as you can imagine, this monster is out to viciously attack Kirby and his friends.
Kracko's hatred is so great that even after fusing with Dark Matter, and due to becoming its new leader, his conscience is still present! His hatred for Kirby becomes even much stronger than it already was, and so he does everything possible to screw over the pink puffball out of spite. He attacks Popstar, he destroys Kirby's house, he attacks numerous other planets, and even personally antagonizes all of Kirby's friends (even ones that live outside of Popstar, such as Ribbon and Susie). He does all these things to try to upset Kirby and to emotionally destroy him by obliterating everything the pink puffball loves. Don't be surprised if this makes Kirby angrier than he's ever been before, especially when he realizes Kracko's motives here.
The Grand Alliance: Like the poll option said, this story will basically be my headcanon adaptation for Star Allies. I've got a bunch of headcanons as to how this plays out! This covers my interpretations of all the dream friends' personalities, and how they all come to join the alliance in stopping the Jambastion cult. Don't be surprised if there's infighting, considering that some dream friends... don't exactly get along very well with one another.
I wouldn't mind spoiling one thing: If you remember Star Allies has a quote for King Dedede saying "I'll be the one to keep the peace!'', he'll be doing that in the story. Dedede and Kirby will be the main ones trying to get all the other dream friends to cooperate, despite whatever beef may be present among them. And so you could imagine many instances of Dedede slamming his hammer onto the ground to enforce peace between two dream friends that don't get along. After all, there is little time for infighting when there's a huge creeping universal threat that everyone needs to take care of first!
So, which of these three options interests you the most? Let me know!
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recherche-raptor · 5 years
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Finished with the dream friends of wave three! These guys were a lot of fun to work on, and next up will be the Mage Generals.
Base Dream Friends- King Dedede, Meta Knight, Bandana Dee Wave 1 Dream Friends- Dreamland 2 Animal Friends, Gooey, Marx Wave 2 Dream Friends- Adeleine & Ribbon, Dark Meta Knight, Daroach Wave 3 Dream Friends- Magolor, Taranza, Susie Three Mage Sisters- Francisca, Flamberge, Zan Partizanne Other Pals- Prince Fluff, Elline, Dyna Blade Groups of Pals- Dreamland 3 Animal Friends, Squeak Squad, The Meta-Knights Star Warriors- Kirby, Shadow Kirby, Galacta Knight Misc Antagonists- Dark Matter Swordsman, Queen Sectonia, Morpho Knight, Void Termina
Design notes under the cut:
Magolor- Having decided to use in-game eyes for otherwise humanized characters, and then noticing that Magolor’s most common expression in both official and fan art is a sly little wink, I knew I had to make him do finger guns. Or gun, since I spared myself having to draw a second hand by covering it up with his cape and deciding that’s just hidden out of view on his hip. Mostly his outfit is taken straight from in-game, though I added a bit more gear-based trim to his clothes and added a nifty belt based on a Byzantine royal outfit, of all things, that I saw once and thought looked pretty cool. This belt was another chance to repeat the gear motif, so I had to use it. I’d also like to note that out of my massive collection of colored pencils I could not find a single pencil or blend thereof that really satisfied me when it came to his hood’s particular shade of blue, and that my camera phone quality really didn’t help there, so alas it’s not quite the same in-game blue.
Taranza- I may not have given Rick ears, or Kine a merman tail, or Coo any feathers or whatnot, but for whatever reason I really wanted Taranza to have two extra pairs of arms. It was hard to figure out their spacing and how the arms would rest on top of or near each other when not held upright, but I think it worked out in the end without having to make them too skinny. Though as with Magolor I did cheat by using his cloak to cover up half of them. As the right-hand(s?) spider of Queen Sectonia, Taranza had to look refined and somewhat opulent himself, so I emphasized the gold outlines of his cloak’s spider webbing, turned the scarf into a cravat, and gave him a fancy little beetle brooch to hold the coat in place.
Susie- Originally I was going to depict Susie toting a pistol looking like a dramatic spy or something, but by the time I got to Susie’s sketch I’d already finished Francisca’s outline, and I drew Francisca toting her water gun, so I took a different approach for Susie. This is basically the exact pose she makes when she’s introduced as a dream friend. I had to strike a balance between making sure she had a very sleek, futuristic look but also making her clothes fold as clothes do, but I think it worked. Also, I translated her game model’s skirt into long pants because it felt like there was already a ton of skirted female characters while the change was small enough that it didn’t really shift the feel of Susie’s design, if that makes any sense.
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stxrlightdreams · 6 years
The timeline no one asked for bc I want to keep my thoughts organized this is basically for only my blog bc there's not really a Canon timeline. Also I haven't played all the games (looks at rainbow curse bc I dont know shit about that one) but I tried. I also have no idea where to place star dream soul os, even though I know the extra modes aren't actually Canon I want to try at least. There are some missing, like star stacker and dream course, as they would take place before Kirby's Dreamland. And with Galacta Knight being an asshole and jumping timelines this isn't easy.
Honestly tho. I was just fucking bored at work.
Kirby's Dreamland:
Kirby's first adventure. Dedede did his thing and was the first ever final boss. Nothing too odd here.
Kirby's Adventure/Nightmare in Dreamland:
The second adventure where Kirby first meets Meta Knight. Kirby accidentally frees Nightmare, but thanks to King Dedede and the star rod, he manages to defeat the wizard.
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror:
Kirby is split into four and sent to the mirror world. Meta Knight is trapped inside the amazing mirror by Dark Meta Knight. During the final battle, Kirby is given the Master Blade by Meta Knight. After Dark Mind's defeat, Meta Knight leaves the sword in the Mirror world to be used should evil arise from it again. Meta Knight leaves on a journey afterwards to seek Galaxia.
Kirby's Dreamland 2: 
Dark matter appears for the first time and possesses the king. He is defeated by Kirby with the Rainbow Sword.
Kirby's Dreamland 3:
Dark matter appears again, this time with the first incarnation of Zero. With help from Gooey and Kirby's animal friends, Zero is destroyed.
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards:
Kirby finds Ribbon, and helps her find the shards of the Crystal that was shattered. At the end of the journey, he and Ribbon face Zero Two and win.
Kirby Super Star/Super Star Ultra:
Spring Breeze: History repeats and King Dedede repeats his first mistake. He steals all of the food in dreamland. Kirby shows up to stop him.
Dynablade caused some trouble, however upon her defeat, Kirby found that she had children to take care of. So he helped by giving the hatchlings food while their mother was unconscious. Dynablade and her children flew away soon after.
The Great Cave Offensive:
Kirby falls into a cave and has to escape. He finds all of the treasures there before escaping.
Gourmet Race:
Dedede challenges Kirby to a race. Kirby wins easily.
Revenge of Meta Knight:
Meta Knight returns from his journey, carrying Galaxia with him. Using the battleship Halberd, he attempts to take over Dreamland. Kirby gets help from Dynablade and takes down the battleship. Meta Knight escapes.
Milky Way Wishes:
Marx caused the sun and moon to fight and tricked Kirby into space and summoning the Galactic Nova. This is where the timeline split happens. Should Marx survive the battle, the following events do not happen: Revenge of the King, Helper to Hero, the True Arena, Dedede Tour and Magolor does not become Magolor Soul. Should Marx die, the arena, Meta Knightmare Ultra, and Crash Deluxe does not happen. And the Marx summoned by the dream rod in Star Allies is the Marx from a different time.
Revenge of the King: 
Wanting a final battle with Kirby, King Dedede challenges Kirby to return to the castle. Kirby finds that all the enemies on the way are much more powerful for some reason.
Helper to Hero:
Kirby's helpers take on the arena. But someone changed the final boss to Wham Bam Jewel.
The True Arena:
Before the events of the Revenge of the King, Marx attempted to save himself by absorbing Nova. Only for the clockwork clock to take over his body. Marx Soul went on to attempt to kill Kirby at the end of the True Arena that Dedede set up as a tournament for Kirby to give a try. Marx Soul summoned Galacta Knight for the tournament as well as gave Wham Bam Rock power to become Wham Bam Jewel again. Upon the knight's defeat, Kirby was dragged to a dimension that the soul created. Upon Marx Soul's death, Kirby was returned to Popstar.
The Arena: 
To celebrate Kirby's achievements, all of the enemies Kirby faced set up the Arena to face him again. Upon defeating Marx again, Kirby is crowned the most powerful warrior in dreamland.
Meta Knightmare Ultra:
After his defeat in the Arena, Meta Knight decides to follow Kirby's steps to see what made him so powerful. In the end, he revived Nova and Nova summoned Galacta Knight for him to fight. Upon Galacta Knight's defeat, Meta Knight gains full control over Galaxia.
Kirby Squeak Squad:
Meta Knight rebuilt the Halberd and fought Kirby again. The squeak squad also ends up fighting him. Kirby ends up accidentally freeing and fighting Dark Nebula.
Kirby Canvas Curse:
Drawcia curses all of Dreamland and turns it into a painting. She also curses Kirby and turns him into a ball. The wielder of the paintbrush that helped Kirby is unknown. No matter what, Drawcia becomes Drawcia Soul during the final battle and dies.
Kirby's Return to Dreamland:
Magolor crashes the Lor Starcutter. With help from Kirby, he manages to fix it. However, Upon laying his hands on the Master Crown, he betrays Kirby. 
Magolor is defeated and teleported to another dimension upon the shattering of the crown. Popstar knows peace once more. At least until something else comes up.
Magolor Soul:
When he was about to fight Kirby, Magolor used up as much of the Master Crown's power as he could. This is because he knows that Kirby can and will kill due to what happened to Marx. Magolor having met Marx Soul before the events of the True Arena. However due to how much power he used, upon his defeat Magolor exploded and died. Only for the crown to take over and revive him as a dead husk known as Magolor Soul. Upon Kirby defeating Magolor Soul, Magolor is freed and dies.
Kirby Triple Deluxe:
Mistaking him for the Hero of Dreamland, King Dedede is kidnapped by Tarazana. Kirby goes to save him and all of Dreamland. Upon defeating Masked Dedede, Tarazana is almost killed by Sectonia. Kirby fights the queen, and wins. Even if she becomes Sectonia soul she is killed. There is no way to save her like Drawcia.
Dedede Tour:
The king goes on a trip, and in the end, fights Dark Meta Knight. The amazing mirror is shattered once and for all in this battle, closing off the mirror world from the rest of them and vice versa. 
Kirby Rainbow Curse:
Dreamland is cursed again. This time by another painter and everything is turned into clay. Kirby saves the day again.
Kirby Crash Deluxe:
Another tournament is happening, and Kirby teams up with Bandana Dee to win. Magolor has returned, swearing off of his traitorous ways and wishing to just live in peace.
Kirby Planet Robobot:
Dreamland is invaded. Meta Knight attempts to hold off Haltmann's minions but is disarmed and captured. Kirby rushes to his rescue. Clones of Dedede, Sectonia, and Dark Matter Swordsman are created. Kirby fights Mecha Knight twice, the first time he thinks that he accidentally killed his friend, but the second time he manages to free his friend. He fights Haltmann after Susie failed to defeat him with Mecha Knight. He wins, and Haltmann attempts to use Star Dream to wish for the death of Kirby's species. Susie appears last moment before Haltmann can finish the wish. She steals the helmet he was using, and accidentally fuses the machine and Haltmann's soul. Susie attempts to make a wish of her own, but Star Dream attacks her, and lifts off to destroy all life. Realizing her mistake, Susie summons a suit of robobot armor for Kirby to use. Meta Knight returns with the Halberd, and with his help Kirby manages to destroy Star Dream.
Meta Knightmare Returns:
If Meta Knight managed to not get captured, another separate timeline is created. Upon reaching Haltmann, he finds that Star Dream is there, and it summons enemies for him to fight. Galacta Knight being one of them.
Kirby Star Allies:
The Jamba hearts fall to Dreamland, and Kirby tries to follow them. Old friends join him to help, And Marx finally reappears should he have survived his fight with Kirby. The dream rod can be used to summon his friends, or a memory of one that can't help anymore. Upon defeating Hyness, Void Termina is revived and Kirby and his friends go to fight it. Halfway through the fight, if Void Termina didn't kill them, Hyness and the generals are freed from Void Termina before he changes into his bird form. From there, Void Termina's core is destroyed by Kirby in one final struggle.
If Hyness and the generals are killed, the core instead becomes a soul thanks to their sacrifice. This soul may one day become a friend after it's defeat, or it may have went back in time and became one we already know of.
Star Allies Go!: Guest Star ???
there are many possibilities for this timeline to exist, and it all depends on which character is chosen. Either way Galacta Knight is summoned by Hyness, And that knight ends up becoming Morpho Knight after Morpho lands on his lance.
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
that last song ask
Okay, elaboration time
So I also do this - a song has a plot and I have a hyperfixation and I go “PUT EM TOGETHER, FORCE IT TO MAKE SENSE”
The story of the song is that a seamstress from a little village is given a letter from an oracle proclaiming them to be the next Messiah. The one who is destined to be the Messiah must gather nine blessings from across the world - basically little trophies - and gather them all in a special tower. The Messiah here is Kirby.
What Kirby doesn’t know is that this is designed to be a difficult trial, and there must be nine sacrifices made, one for each blessing, as they’re obtained. Basically, in order to save the world, Kirby must suffer.
Kirby lets 9 of their friends join them on this quest - Meta Knight, Flamberge, Magolor, Marx, Taranza, Zan, Susie, Franscisca, and Bandan Dee.
They all know the catch, however. They know that Kirby would have to suffer - so instead, they all decide to suffer for him.
One by one, they all “betray” them and steal the blessings for themselves, suffering the curses and taking them to the tower. Kirby doesn’t know about the curses, and just believes that their friends have been taken over by greed and are all traitors.
Until they get to the tower to find all the blessings in place.
The reason the characters are in the order they’re in is because of the specific curses - and I can use direct lyrics here.
Meta Knight: “Even though being drowned in the rough sea” Flamberge: “Dancing in the hellfire” Magolor: “Helplessly falling on my knees in merciless drought” Marx: “Being trapped in darkness forever and losing my mind” Taranza: “Being swallowed by the earth” Zan: “Even though being struck by the judgement lightning” Susie: “Being tore up by the hurricane” Franscisca: “Being frozen until the soul” Bandan Dee: “Crawling through the fire”
The fact that those are the curses and almost all of these guys are ex-villains is why they were chosen :)
As for the actual song itself? It really is a GORGEOUS song, it’s a chorus of ten people singing about destiny and it’s super orchestral and dramatic.
So yeah, for a song recommendation, it’s an amazing song that I enjoy listening to, and for a headcanon/au/scenario recommendation it’s ALSO super good. 10/10, am listening again.
-Mod Susie
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