#Suzie the Singer Puppeteer
foxyk7 · 1 year
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The Scarf Twin’s by @yukiphobia24
Suzie the Singer Puppeteer by me ( @foxyk7 )
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tornrose24 · 1 year
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This is probably going to be the last update to this AU for a month or so since I will need a break from it to work on other stuff (with maybe an exception for a Halloween related drawing).
Also, I think since I never named them yet, Suzie's friend is named 'Jules.'
Lily, Suzie, Nate, Jules, and all the puppeteers are mine.
Oh, and since I wasn't able to, here's more info on the pupeteers:
-George Donovan–a comedian and voice actor. Known for doing a few comedic guest roles on TV shows in the 50’s and 60’s. Was known to have two sons. Was supposed to do a few voice roles for Hanna-Barbera in addition to working for Playfellow Workshop. Was known to be allergic to chocolate.
-Elizabeth Callister– an LA stage actress known for doing voice roles in a few cartoons. Daughter of a well-known producer, which allowed her to enter the ranks of the entertainment industry. Said to be ‘spoiled sweet’ and was hoping to entertain children. Was said to show small signs of what might have been ADHD.
–Stanley Hersh– a stage actor from New York. Son of Jewish-Polish immigrants who came to America in the early 1930s. Was said to continue his family’s store if he wouldn’t be able to make it into show business. It is believed Welcome Home would have been his biggest break prior to his disappearance.
–Zelda duPont– a singer and stage actress. Was involved with a few civil rights movements under a different name along the East coast. It is presumed that she was hired as a puppeteer because ‘no one is supposed to see who is playing them.’
-Louise Sherman–a well-known trans actress from the 60’s, yet was better known in the LGBTQ community as opposed to a wider audience. Supposedly a friend of Welcome Home’s creator. Spent a few years abroad in England and had been involved with a few Shakespeare plays.
-Travis McCoy–an actor from Texas. Had starred in a few Westerns and Romantic-Comedy projects. Was said to be very popular with his female fans due to his charm and good looks, but was never seen dating anyone up until his disappearance.
-Bertrand Parsons–a New England and New York stage actor also known for doing voice roles. Was also well-known in the LGBTQ community, yet this was kept silent from the main public for many decades. It is believed by some that his name is in fact a stage name.
–Walter Jones–Little is known about him, but he was a puppeteer for a few shows. Was said to be good friends with Welcome Home’s creator (and some suspected that the two might have been more than friends). It is believed Welcome Home would have been his big break given that he was to voice the main star of the show. He was given a draft card just before the show aired, and it is believed that he–like many other young men–escaped to Canada to avoid the draft.
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Bad Reputation
A/n: Long time, no see. God, life has been a mess since the last fic I wrote. I know I don’t owe an explanation but I think I’ll give you guys one later because some shit that happened to me is shit that some of y’all need to hear. ANYWAY, I’m back now! Hopefully I’ll be more active on here. And yeah.
Axl Rose x Reader
Summary: Being  Broadway actress was all Y/n ever dreamed of. The lights and the thousands of eyes on her was a dream come true. But not all dreams are meant to be. Traveling the country to find her new dream, she stumbled upon the destructive leader singer of a rock band. She didn’t know it, but he had a lot to do with her knew dream. If only their reputations didn’t get in the way of it.
Word Count: 2.5 k
Warnings: None
The crowd cheered as the cast took their final bow. Flowers weren’t thrown on the stage like in the movies, everyone was tired. The night had been long and the audience wanted to venture back to their beds. As good as the show was, everyone wanted to be anywhere else. Before the cast could straighten, velvet red curtains danced across the stage, signaling the end of the show. 
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  Y/n breathed a sigh of relief, brushing a loose curl out of her face. The corset that had been restricting her would finally come off and her hair would be able to flow freely. 
Normally, she never complained. No one else but herself forced her onto the stage. Everything, the lights, the costumes, the acting, the singing, that was all what she had been dreaming of. She was the one that worked her way to that point. To be standing in the middle of the stage with all eyes on her. It was a dream come true.
But dreams change…
It was hard to pinpoint the exact moment in time when she wanted to start over, but it wasn’t hard for her to tell that her old dream was dead. There came a point when being on stage singing in ridiculous costumes made her feel like a fool. She no longer was the queen watching the jester dance. Instead, she was the jester dancing and singing for the queen. She no longer felt like the broadway star that everyone made her out to be. Y/n felt more and more like a puppet, doing what she was told to do. 
“What are you gonna do now that the shows over?” her costar, Cindy, asked as they stripped off their oversized dresses.
Y/n shrugged. “Beats me.”
Cindy shook her head. “Would’ve thought you’d already have another show planned out. I’m going to go to London for a couple of months, maybe try out for a show there.”
That sounded like a good plan. Once the idea had crossed Y/n’s mind to pick up and move to London. The shows there were just as grand as those on Broadway, if not bigger. The fame she would come across by doing that, oh Lord, it would be a dream. 
“I think I’m going to travel around a bit. See what feels right.”
“What about everything you have here? Your apartment, your stuff?” Cindy asked.
“Well,” she thought for a moment. “I think I’m gonna invest in a car, a fast one. I’m thinking red or black. And I’m going to sell all my furniture. What I wish to keep I’ll keep in storage. I’ll have to pick through my clothes. All my big fancy dresses will probably be sold. I’ll only keep what I can fit comfortably in the car and what I’ll wear.”
“What makes you think this is a good idea?”
Y/n shrugged, grabbing a towel to get the makeup off her face. “I don’t know.”
Cindy scoffed, “Don’t die because of you’re foolish idea, Y/n. That would be a horrible way to go.”
Y/n rolled her eyes as Cindy walked away.
It did seem foolish, she had to admit. Rash, unplanned and unprepared. But her gut was telling her that it was time to leave New York. The big city wasn’t the place for her, not anymore. She needed the open road and unexplored cities. She needed clean air and a different way of life. She needed everything that New York couldn’t offer her. Everything that she pretended to be when she stood on the stage. What Y/n needed was to find herself, not who everyone wanted her to be. 
She needed to find who her heart believed she was. 
It didn’t take long for Y/n to clear her apartment out and sell everything that needed to be gone. Everything was in good shape, almost brand new, as she was never home to use anything. It was hard for her to part with some of her dresses, but she knew better than to think that she would ever use them again. The life she once had was no more. 
All of her belongings consisted of a shoebox full of pictures, letters, and notebooks, a couple pairs of shoes, a suitcase packed full of shirts, pants, dresses, and whatever other clothing she decided she needed. Another suitcase had books and sheet music. The last thing Y/n packed into the black 1965 Mustang, that she’d bought off a horder in Buffalo, was her guitar. Cindy told her it wasn’t worth bringing, but it was hard to part with. That was what made her want to pursue theater. 
Throughout her childhood, Y/n had been told that music and theater weren’t worth pursuing. They were only hobbies to be enjoyed at home. Suzi Quatro and The Runaways proved to her that what she wanted was worth pursuing. No dream was too small with rock stars as role models. 
Y/n shut the trunk of the car and made her way to the driver’s seat, twirling the keys around her finger as she went. Sliding in she, smiled to herself at everything around her. This was her freedom. 
She started the car, feeling the roar of the engine under her fingers that landed on the steering wheel. Turning the radio on, “Black Betty” by Ram Jam filled the cab. Y/n couldn’t help but sit there for a minute. She knew this was what she was meant to do. This trip would change her for the better, she knew it. Or it would leave an everlasting impression on her. Either were what she was looking for. 
“Here we go.”
It had been a few months since Y/n had started her trip. Going up and down the east coast had been fun. She stopped in Flordia for a week and learned to surf. As much as she thought it would cure her fear of the ocean, it did no such thing. It didn’t help that everyone there went on and on about sharks in the area. She also stopped in North Carolina to watch NASCAR. That was an experience she wasn’t likely to forget.
Fast cars and the wind in her hair was a feeling she loved. It was an odd feeling of freedom that she hadn’t know to exist. 
Though the east coast was a delight, there was more to the U.S. than that. So, as manifest destiny allowed, she headed west. And that is how she ended up in Los Vegas.
It wasn’t her intent to go to Sin City, but that’s where she was forced to stop when her engine started acting up. She was told her car would take a few days to be repaired as a part had to be ordered. So, she was left to find some means of entertainment.
That is what lead to Y/n walking around the city with no set destination.
She window-shopped, sometimes going into stores to look at dress or shoes. Every once in a while she came across a bar and decided to get a taste for it. None of them were anything fancy. A haze of smoke obstructed her vision in each that she entered. The crowds in them were all different. Some had men in suits and ties, just looking for a place to kick back for a while. Others had half-naked women and men that looked rough around the edges. 
Y/n came across a shop that caught her eye. There was something about it, the rough exterior, that made her open the door and browse around. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, everything was ripped and ragged, but she’d find it. 
“Oh, now this is it,” she smiled and grabbed a leather jacket off a rack. 
Something about the item spoke to her and she had to have it. 
Y/n had decided along the Flordia-Georgia border that this trip was all about what felt right. If there wasn’t a good feeling behind doing it than it wasn’t meant to be done. Life does work in mysterious ways, she’d determined, with added effort, of course. So, what was meant to be would be. 
Three hours had passed since purchasing the jacket. It was now 7 o’clock at night and she still hadn’t found a place to stay, not that she was looking. Pulling out a pack of cigarette she’d bought earlier, she pulled one out of the pack and lite it. She put it to her lips and took a drag, watching the smoke flutter past her,  before spotting yet another bar. It didn’t look much better than any of the others she’d visited, but with nowhere to go, it really didn’t matter.
Y/n crossed the street, watching as people danced around her, all in their own little worlds. The only thing that had come out of being stuck in Los Vegas was that she learned that the world was full of people who were happy doing their own thing. 
Those were her people.
They didn’t seem to have a care in the world, any clock to worry about, as they walked around. That’s how Y/n had always wanted things to be. Calm and relaxing. But that wasn’t how her life had turned out. It dawned on her that it took money and zero stress to be at that level. 
She pulled the door open to be met by a cloud of smoke that hovered over everything. Everyone she saw had a cigarette in hand. It was good to know she wouldn’t have to put her’s out. Walking up to the bar, she slide onto a barstool and let her eyes wander. 
There was a group of three older men in a corner both that all looked like bikers. Their hair looked like the wind had got the better of it, tossing it around. A man and woman sat on the far end of the bar. Y/n didn’t have to look long to see there were hearts in their eyes. She didn’t get far in her observations before a loud ruckus pulled her attention away. Around a pool table, at the far end of the room, stood five men, by how they were acting some would call them boys. 
Y/n rolled her eyes. They looked ridiculous with their hair teased up and messy. And they wore all sorts of colors. Each one of them had a different array of colors, some clashed and some didn’t. But she couldn’t judge, she’d worn worse. 
Turning away from them, she caught the bartender’s attention and ordered a drink. Y/n had a feeling it was going to be a long night. 
She was a few drinks in, the world was only spinning slightly. It was a good thing that she stayed away from vodka. With that in her glass, she knew she would likely be on the floor. 
There were too many times, after shows, that she would order vodka and have no recollection as to what had happened the next morning. That only became a problem when she’d done a few things that ended up in the paper. Her manager didn’t want her to ruin her reputation, so vodka went out the window.
Y/n was just starting to wonder if it was a good time to leave. She was almost done with her drink and she knew if the bartender came back she would order another and that wasn’t what she wanted. Before she could move though, someone slide into the seat next to her. 
“What’s a girl like you doing here by yourself?” A rough voice asked her.
She couldn’t help but chuckle. A girl like herself? Like what? She didn’t look like any girl that was expected to be anywhere else. Y/n had stripped herself of what had held her to that standard. She was a nobody just like everybody else. 
There was no reputation to uphold where she was. 
Turning to face the person, she was shocked to see it was one of the men from the pool table. From this proximity, she saw how red his hair was and how it turned gold under the light. It was probably the liquor running through her blood, but for a second, the mess of a man looked like an angel. Shaking her head, the image went away. “0h, you know,” she drawled. “Just wishing life would work out for me,” she said dramatically. 
Moments like that, when around complete strangers, Y/n found it fun to slip into characters. No one would know the difference. She could be anyone she wanted. She could be a seamstress from Paris, a duchess from England, a professor from Harvard. The world was whatever she made it as long as she had an audience. 
“Life’s not going your way?” The ginger laughed. “Not the only one.”
“I’m well aware. But the world is what you make it. It only sucks when you think it does.”
“Is that so?”
“I assume.”
The ginger nodded, looking around the bar. His friends, at least Y/n assumed so, had taken a seat at a booth and were too engrossed in conversation to pay him any mind. 
“What brought you over here?” Y/n asked, wondering why he left his friends to sit next to her. She didn’t look like the girl worth ditching friends for.
He shrugged, “Who wouldn’t want to sit next to a beautiful girl?”
Y/n couldn’t help but scoff. That line had been used on her countless times at the bars she’d go to after her shows. “Is that the best you’ve got?”
The man laughed, “ Oh, that certainly isn’t the best I’ve got. But I can’t give that away for free, you know?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”
“I’m Axl,” he extended his hand out to her.
She grasped it, “Y/n.”
Axl smiled, “I like that name.” 
Y/n didn’t know why, but that there was something about Axl that made her want to sit next to him for hours and do nothing but talk. They hadn’t even exchanged many words so she wasn’t sure where the feeling came from. They were simply doing what strangers in bars do, try and make each other less lonely. 
As if fate were trying to prevent anything more, Y/n turned to see the clock on the wall. It was late, way too late for her to want to stay out any longer. There were a few places she wanted to visit before her car was fixed and if she woke up early there would be just enough hours in the day to do everything. Though she had no place to stay, there was a hotel around the corner that had to have at least one open room. 
“Oh, god. It’s late. I really should be going.” Y/n stood from the bar and placed enough cash on the table to cover her tab. “I’m sorry, Axl.”
He waved it off, almost like he expected an ending like this. “Do you think I’ll ever see you again?”
Y/n smiled, “ I think you just might.”
Before slipping out of the bar she waved back at the ginger, she had a gut feeling that Axl would cross her path again. If the cards worked out in her favor, she would at least see him one more time.
(Feel free to leave comments and if you have any questions or want to be added to one of the taglists, let me know)
Permanent Taglist: @rexorangecouny @jennyggggrrr @zestygingergirl @slash-me-up @tommyleeownsme @sheldonsherlocktony @teller258316 @fandomshit6000 @lucyboytom
Bad Rep Taglist: @dirtyddianaa @frankillol @axlsslut @whisperess33 @brianaraydean
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8uny · 4 years
It’s been two years since This Post, why don’t we try again?
The Activity Club
Max: How did his mom die? What is Scrapdragon and how did it become a grudge? What happened when his eyes went white and he talked to the Doorman?
Isabel: Why doesn’t she live with her parents?  Who are Flip-Flop’s brothers and master?
Ed: What happened to Dr Burger(s)? His mom was leader before BL but WHAT HAPPEN?
Issac: How did he meet Doorman? What’s his home life like, if his parents don’t know he’s a spectral? How did he get possessed by King C? Why is he not allowed to know about the Consortium?
Student Body
Suzy: What’s the blackmail Lisa has on her, her surname?
Dmitri: Whose Peekaboo? How’d he become a spectral? How does he feel?
Cody: Everything about his relationship with his dad and the student council, really. Why pass so many arbitrary rules about the school?
Johnny’s Gang: Ironically, they’ve usurped the role of ‘investigator’ from the Journalism Club. We know enough about their families to say they aren’t suspicious, save for Johnny (Ollie’s dad is Coach Oop, Stephen’s mom is the chief of police, RJ’s cousin likes fostering their inner rebel) but, Johnny being a medium is a plot thread to follow.
Colin, Violet, Jeff: Normal... FOR NOW
Miss Baxter: How does she know Mina? Who is she emailing?
Mr Garcia: Who is the “she” he refers to? Is he a retired monster hunter or a werewolf himself? Also haha gay.
Mr Starchman: I don’t know but I think there’s a logical explanation for him
Vice Principle: Is she the ‘Witch’? What do Mina and Davy know about her? What’s her goal?
Mr. Spender: Too much to list, really.
Boss Leader: Who is she, outside of the dream world? Why doesn’t she and the consortium like the Cousinhood of Man? 
Agent Walker: He’s Day’s mentor, what did he teach her? What does he know about 13 years ago? Why did he originally set up the barrier around Mayview?
Agent Savage/Griggs: They’re keeping an eye on Zarei and Day, why? Also, their stories in general, we know Savage is the lead singer of a band and Thats It.
Agent Day: Why does she care so much about the mystery of this down, despite being such a low level member? Is her ‘mutual friend’ Max, back from Baxborough? How did they know each other?
Doctor Mina Zarei: Whose the lil sock puppet? What is her secret research? What happened between her and Spender?
Grandpa Guerra: What happened between him and his son? Why does he collect red tools? Is he a ghost? How did he die?
PJ: How did he die? Is he related to the Jones family?
Forge: What is the sin he did that made him convinced that he’s terrible?
Doorman: Who is his master and what does she want? What are their goals?
Nin, Weird Clay Lady, Lake Spirit(??), The guys the dogcats reported to: WHO ARE YOU
Davy Jones: Why does he want to own land around the circumference of the lake? How did he become a vampire? What happened to his hand and is that hand Lefty?
Mayview Academy Kids: Why did they become vampires? Also literally everything about Mayview Academy ever.
Crystal Clearence Owner: Fuckign??? CULT???
DJ Mothman and Professor Bigfoot: Just a little bit about who they are.
Penny Spender: Her entire fucking existence.
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eao212-blog · 5 years
Hedonism Versus Eudaimonia
In Orson Wells film titled “Citizen Kane”, there is an illustration of the struggle one has between hedonism and eudaimonia. Throughout the film we follow a young boy who has inherited a fortune with which he handles with a complete lack of responsibility. For some reason Charles Kane has a little knack for trouble starting from a young age, as we saw when he attacked Mr. Thatcher with sled. As Kane was promised to inherit his fortune at the age of 25, he had been expelled from many colleges and was given options to invest in various companies under the advice of his banker, Mr. Thatcher. Kane refused to invest in any of those companies except one: The Inquirer. It then became Kane’s aspiration to make his paper the best one. This where took his fortune and used it buy out the best writers and take them for his own. With Kane’s first decision to run a newspaper could be seen as a form of eudaimonia, if he were imagining it to be a long lasting credible business of journalism. Alas, this conquest was rather hedonism. A wish and a dream to mold the public’s opinion through “news”. A way to lead what he thought were his people to his way of thinking.
When Kane ran for governor I thought it was on the eudaimonia side, thinking about the future and the people of the city. However, his own hubris got in the way when he met the girl named Suzie. When he was publicly trying to take down his opponent, Jim Gettys, he didn’t realize Gettys would stoop so low as to publish a story on Charlie Kane and his so called “affair” with Suzie the singer. So then the great humanitarian triumph from Charles Kane was dead. He moved on to the next thing he thought would make him happy.  
Since that story his present wife had decided to divorse him. They weren’t getting along anyway and Kane decided to re-marry to Suzie the singer. He built an opera house for her so she could have a singing career, even though that was not what she wanted. In fact, she never really knew what she wanted. Kane and his thoughts to promote his late wife’s singing career was eudaimonistic for sure. He wanted something to be proud of and for Suzie to be so grateful as to love him in return and for the people to love him for providing an amazing opera singer. Except it was none of the latter. Charlie strived to be loved in every aspect by providing material things, without feeling as his next endeavor was to build a palace for his beloved Suzie. Though it was what she had dreamt of, she found herself lonely in a big empty place. She eventually left Kane because despite the material things and the effort to boost a career she was not fond of, Suzie was tired of being a puppet.
As were most of Charlie Kane’s friends, he slowly found himself lonesome beside the company of his servants. Kane’s motives may have started out as hedonistic, but they eventually became more eudaimonic. This didn’t leave Kane happy though. Even if you find yourself making eudaimonic decisions doesn’t guarantee happiness and hedonistic decision are not so bad either. I believe the key is rather a balance of both and to do everything with true thought and care no matter what it is, it must be meaningful and considerate.
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suckitsurveys · 3 years
The S Survey by joybucket
Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets. What is your favorite sandwich filling? Tuna or turkey and cheese.
What are five things you love about your favorite season? The weather, swimming, driving around blasting music with the windows down, not having to wear 800 layers of clothing, the overall nostalgic feeling. Do you like seafood? YES so much. Name something you own that is shiny. A jacket. Have you ever made shadow puppets? Yeah.
Have you ever been to… Seattle, Washington? Singapore? South Haven, Michigan? Saskatchewan? Sarasota, Florida? Seole, South Korea? Scotland? San Francisco, California? Saginaw, Michigan? any town called Sturgis? Sweden? Switzerland? South Wales? a seafood restaurant? a sushi bar? Do you like…. sushi? salads? sandwiches? salami? sparkles? scented soaps? shower caps? sprinkles on birthday cakes? surprises? sweets? singing? Sunday church? seashells? wearing mismatched socks? soup? Spirit Week at school? school? shopping? sundaes? sugar cookies? Stevia? sandcastles? Have you ever… built a sandcastle? built a snowman? caught a snowflake on your tongue? made a snow angel? shoveled snow? been to Sea World? sang in the shower? brought your dog in to school for show and tell? gotten seasick? been somewhere that’s known for having lots of sheep? ridden Splash Mountain at Disney World? collected seashells on the beach? swam with sharks? joined a sorority? ate salmon? tried sushi? rolled your own sushi? been to Shanghai, China? worked at a smoothie bar? smoked a cigarette? smoked pot? sang a solo in front of a crowd? tried a Shamrock Shake? had a garage sale? seen a live Broadway show? (Not in NYC) owned a shimmy belt? Would you say you are… spiritual? spirited? single? a good singer? stingy? short? smiley? stupid? smart? a social butterfly? a secret keeper? satanic? shallow? seasoned? Do you know anyone named… Sebastian? Sierra? Sienna? Suzy? Shariah? Storm? Scott? Sophie? Savannah? Selena? Sarah? Shaina? Shailey? Sheila? Sharon? Seth? Sorin? Skylar? Silas? Simone? Simeon? Sydney? Serena? Sadie? Sage? Sally? Sandy? Sangeeta? Shay? Shayne? Shawn? Shawna? This or That eat at Subway or eat at a sushi bar? eat a salad or eat soup? sing a song or watch a show? drink soda or drink a smoothie? More Q’s What is your favorite type of soup? Lobster bisque or potato leek. What is your favorite song at the moment? I’ve been playing So Hot You’re Hurting My Feelings on repeat lately. What is your favorite smoothie flavor? Strawberry banana or something with pomegranate. What is your favorite thing to order at Subway? I prefer Jimmy Johns or Potbelly, but I used to get the sweet onion chicken teriyaki sandwich from there. It’s been a LONG time since I’ve had Subway, though. Have you ever ridden a subway? Yes. What is your shoe size? 8 in women’s US. What are three of your favorite shapes? Star, heart, and I like things that are animal shaped, like cats or bats. Name someone you know who was born in September. I know a whole bunch of people who were born in September, myself included. List ten things you associate with the word “seashore.” The beach. Do you like the name Skylar better for a girl or a boy? I don’t like it at all. What’s your favorite flavor of soda? Root beer. Do you say soda or pop, or something else? I say pop and soda. What’s your favorite season? Summer. Would you say your life is simple? I mean, sure. What’s your favorite type of salad dressing? my dad’s hommade bleu cheese or creamy garlic. Have you ever owned a slinky? Yes. Do you like to sit cross-legged? Sure. List ten words that rhyme with “so.” Ago, bow, blow, dough, foe, go, hoe, low, no, toe. Do you like to sew? I’m not good at it. Do you ever sew? Nope. Do you like to sing in the shower? Yeah. List three things people like to do in the sand. Build castles, dig in it, relax on a beach in it. What’s your favorite scent? Rain, gardenias, coconut. Do you know what a shaman is? Yes. Have you ever shopped at Safeway? We don;t have these here. What was the last thing you ate that tasted sweet? My coffee is a little sweet. What color are the sheets that are on your bed currently? Light blue. What color shirt are you wearing? Blue. Do you like to wear shoes, or would you prefer to be barefoot? Barefoot. Are you a sister? I am. Do you have a sister? I do. Do you refer regular Skittles or Sour Skittles? Sour. Are you afraid of snakes? Not particularly. As in, I don’t walk down the street thinking a snake could jump out at me at any given moment, but if I came across a deadly one in the wild I’d be scared. What did your do for your sixteenth birthday? My sister planned a mini surprise party for me at a local restaurant. Have you ever seen a spirit? Sure. What makes you shiver? Being cold, anxiety. How many of these words do you know the meaning of: shenanigans, saffron, sapphire, Sasquatch, shofar? All of them. What is one of your favorite places to shop? Target. What are three of your favorite sweets? Brownies, cheesecake, pumpkin pie, Do you like spaghetti? Yes. What are three things you like about Sundays? Other than it’s a day off, I don’t really like Sundays. What is your favorite sundae topping? Caramel. List ten things you associate with the word “star.” Yellow, bright, light, shiny, sky, celebrities, fame, shape, shooting star, nighttime. List three things that create steam. breath, hot drinks, hot food. List three things that come in sets. socks, shoes, gloves. Do you prefer to sit or stand? Sit. List five things people put on shelves. Photos, figurines, books, stuffed animals, candles. Have you read The Shack? No. What is something you brought in for show and tell as a kid? In kindergarten once I brought in a book called The Witch’s Christmas that I read to my classmates. Name three things that are sparkly. My glasses, my nails, my coffee mug. Do you wear spectacles? I do. I just got new ones and I am OBSESSED. Name five things you think are simple. I don't know. What’s your favorite scent for soap? coconut. Are you a sore loser? Nah. Have you ever worn a sombrero? Probably as a kid. I wouldn’t now. That’s all for now. I hope you have spectacular, superb, sensational day!
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foxyk7 · 2 years
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gonna post the video soon
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foxyk7 · 2 years
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More drawings I did a long time ago, I don’t remember the exact year.
The first one is from another Undertale AU I have.
Second and third one are old drawings I did of Printy and OffColor!Gaster (I will probably redo his design).
Fourth is just something I did with Suzie, a FNAF oc I have.
The rest are fanchilds drawing. The Cendres one I made using a photo of mine.
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foxyk7 · 1 year
New video!
is from a old art than I made last year
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foxyk7 · 3 years
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-----------------------<!!It’s Showtime!!>-----------------------
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foxyk7 · 3 years
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foxyk7 · 3 years
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                          !!Merry Christmas everyone!!
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foxyk7 · 3 years
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