foxyk7 · 1 year
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The Scarf Twin’s by @yukiphobia24
Suzie the Singer Puppeteer by me ( @foxyk7 )
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
do u want to be killed or not nico make up ur mind u freak
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merverse · 1 year
still can't believe we have a solangelo book where they go to tartarus together and we didn't get a single eurydice and orpheus reference nor a patroclus and achilles mention
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percabeth4life · 1 year
According to Rick and Mark on the book tour, Rick helped with plotting, brainstorming, outlining, and editing while Mark actually wrote the book.
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5-htagonist · 6 months
if i head the words "jesus" "sacrifice" and "himself" in a sentence again ill scream.
#sorry im back in my anti organized religion specifically white nationalist christianity arc#im always there ofc#but i remembered if any spiritual/religious label applies to me its satanist#with zen and jungian mystic elemts#i use zen as a catchall for the perceived commonalities btwn buddhism hindusm and taoism#but at the heart of it all#im frsure a satanist. not that i necessarily align with tst in every way but#call it my aquarian nature enhanced by my capricorn elements buuut#(my mecury and moon are cap)#(enhancing my aqua sun venus uranus neptune)#but the heart of satanism is the contrarian nature of it.#it is literally an idea that combats common christian interpretation of the bible and the institutions that follow it in the U.S#ultimately jesus didnt sacrifice himself and lucifer did not want to be controlled paternally. even yahweh is flawed. he is an archetype#personally i feel in the human consciousness yahweh/father god/jupiter ETCCCCC learned from that#and his golden child... he probably didnt want to lose another child. JS. probably less of a jesus died so we dont go to hell and more of a#father was sick of losing children#this has strayed from bible concretism bc i do not believe in that#i believe its possible anyone and everyone in the bible was a real person maybe#but ultimately all religious text are archetypal and metaphorical stories#like its sooo funny when ppl say the bible says something or the other and its super literal#like the point... woosh#anyway.#satanism is my jam cause its contrarian and at its core sympathizes with those cast out of privilege#plus the whole i desire an abortion for relgious reasons is not only hilarious trollwise but also like#some peoples bodies are their temples yk?#not me personally but like its valid and that pisses christians off so bad!#and i love pissing uppity nonspiritual christians off!!#i dont hate christians or members of organized religions i have a distaste for the institutions imposing its rules upon nonconsenting people
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ithinkilostitalr · 1 year
I NEED TO KNOW, if Will is covered in paint and then he glows, will he glow in a different color!?!?!?!?
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ranawayaboo · 1 year
wait if the tsts takes place in what early 2010’s- then the whole nico being the first to come out- makes sense. The 2010’s was not as open with queer identities. there was homophobia- and this takes place in the early “2010’s”-BEFORE gay marriage was legalized.
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if will wants to go to hell showing off that sweet, sweet booty in his bermuda shorts i dont see why y’all are slut shaming him for it
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demimoth · 2 years
ya know what i want in the new pjo book? neros other 'kids', i want to see how theyre coping, bc last we saw them they were not doing well, i want to see dionysus being kind to those poor traumatised kids, as well as the aftermath of that experience for them, ik we probably wont get it, but like, i want it.
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juunosixx · 2 months
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urmumissospooky · 2 years
just watched my comfort film my god i am feeling emotions
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the-mortuary-witch · 6 months
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IMBOLC (CANDLEMAS): (February 1st-2nd) a festival dedicated to the goddess of the New Year (Brigid).
OSTARA (SPRING EQUINOX): (March 19th-23rd) marks the Spring Equinox, which happens on March 19th-23rd. Ostara is a Pagan celebration of the German goddess Ēostre.
BELTANE (MAY EVE): (April 30th-May 1st) the Gaelic May Day festival, marking the beginning of summer. It is traditionally held between April 30th-May 1st, or about midway between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.
LITHA (SUMMER SOLSTICE/MIDSUMMER): (June 20th) Litha occurs during the Summer Solstice held on June 20th-21st. More commonly referred to as Midsummer's Night, Litha is believed to be a time when faerie folk pass into the human world at Twilight and offer blessings. Litha is a time to celebrate the abundance and beauty of Mother Earth.
LAMMAS (LUGHNASADH): (August 1st) a Pagan holiday and one of the eight Wiccan sabbats during the year. Each sabbat marks a seasonal turning point. The sabbat occurs on August 1st, which is about halfway between the Summer Solstice (Litha) and the Fall Equinox (Mabon).
MABON (AUTUMN EQUINOX/FALL HARVEST): (September 20th-23rd) represents the height of nature's abundance and usually falls on September 20th-23rd. It is seen as the height of the harvest season and is a time to celebrate nature's bounty. Many also celebrate the balance in nature during Mabon.
SAMHAIN (ALL HALLOWS/FINAL HARVEST): (October 31st-November 1st) a festival dedicated to the dead and a celebration of the New Year.
YULE (WINTER SOLSTICE/MIDWINTER): (December 21st-25th) a Winter Solstice festival. The longest night of the year followed by the sun's "rebirth" and lengthening of days. In most traditions, Yule is celebrated as the rebirth of the Great God, who is viewed as the newborn solstice sun. Some Pagans consider Yule to be the beginning of the New Year
LUPERCALIA: (February 15th) celebration of bodily autonomy, sexual liberation, and reproduction. Based on the Roman festival of the same name, Lupercalia falls on February 15. In keeping with the ancient tradition, February 13th and 14th are observed as feast days leading up to the actual holiday. What we are translating this to in TST is a "hail yourself" day. This idea offers a parallel to the "others-centered" traditions of Sol Invictus.
HEXENNACHT: (April 30th) occasion honoring those who fell victim to superstition and pseudoscience, whether by. In Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust: a Tragedy (1808), Mephisto and Faust attend the Walpurgisnacht revelry atop Mount Brocken. TST's Hexenacht is a solemn holiday to honor those who were victimized by superstition.
UNVEILING DAY: (July 25th) celebration of religious plurality and shedding archaic superstition. A centerpiece of our religious movement and icon of modern Satanism, the Baphomet with Children statue was commissioned by The Satanic Temple in 2014 and created by Mark Porter with "respect for diversity and religious minorities" in mind. On July 25, 2015, The Satanic Temple unveiled Baphomet to a large crowd of devotees in Detroit, signaling the beginning of the new Satanic era. We observe this milestone in Satanic history by celebrating Unveiling Day.
DEVILS NIGHT (MISCHIEF NIGHT): (October 30th-November 4th) an informal holiday on which children, teenagers and adults engage in jokes, pranks, vandalism, or parties. It is known by a variety of names including Devils Night, Gate Night, Goosey Night, Moving Night, Cabbage Night, Mystery Night and Mat Night.
HALLOWEEN: (October 31st) holiday to celebrate indulgence and embrace the darkness and its aesthetic. Halloween is consistently described as evil, demonic, and satanic by those steeped in religious dogma. Costumes, candy, and facing fears are to be embraced.
SOL INVICTUS: (December 25th) a holiday to celebrate indulgence and embracing the darkness and its aesthetic. The cult of Sol existed within Rome since its early days as a republic, and Invictus was an epithet used for Jupiter, Mars, and Apollo (among others). The festival celebrated these Gods and may have also been used to celebrate the winter solstice.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Over Heated
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Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet
Hi. Can I request an imagine where I faint from heat exhaustion in the Scorch?
I did my best to climb yet another tall sand dune hearing my heart beating, gasping and wheezing hard though the scarf. My whole body ached beyond anything I had ever known I couldn't imagine what it was like for the non runners among us, it's very clear to me I'm good at distance from the maze but not this climbing and sand dunes nonsense. You spend an hour and all your energy climbing to the top of a dune only to see you haven't got anywhere and you've got to make it all the way back down to go up the next one. All with this merciless heat beating down burning your skin, heating up the many layers we had to wear to protect from the vicious sandy winds. When we reached the top yet again it became clear all the effort and work of the last hour had gotten us maybe a few feet the sun beating down unhindered by a single cloud, my body pretty much just gave the fuck up.
My body hit the soft sand, hard and painful. But my mind just went utterly black boiling in the heat.
Slowly a voice bridged the darkness…
"Y/n! Y/n! Love please." It was newt that was obvious from his voice and the fact no one else calls me love the more I focused on his voice the more the darkness seemed to clear my body cooler, my breaths steadier "love please please…"
"Yes! Yes it's me. It's me. Your okay. Your fine. You just got a little overheated love" he reassured stroking my cheek sweetly "you okay?" He asks as I slowly opened my eyes seeing I was laid on the backseat of a half buried car long since abandoned and withered by the elements he stood by the removed door with a smile
"I think so" I nodded sitting up
"Whoa, whoa careful."
"Where's everyone else?"
"Making camp for tonight, your in no state to be going anywhere tonight"
"Sorry -"
"It's okay, you have nothing to be sorry for love. Honestly of it wasn't you I think it would have been me not long after" he says "i saw you fall so I got us all to stop, boys helped me carry you here"
"Thank you newt" I smiled giving his cheek a little kiss
"Ohh uhh your welcome. Get a little more rest we'll get moving in the morning" he reassured before going to help the others 
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merverse · 2 years
some ppl are mad bc will made a joke about nico' happiness when they were talking about non serious stuff and then didn't laugh when nico did use humor to deflect an actual question about trauma like that's somehow bad writing??? fucks sake go outside
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Another day another tsts chap
Tim is in so much pain :D! At least there’s background Stephcass?
Hop on if you’re looking for a finished longfic updating regularly ;)
Have a meme as a little treat
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creative-author · 29 days
I'd love to hear more about your story! Especially how Maze Runner and the Inheritance Games helped inspire it but I'd love to hear anything you're willing to share
I saw your ask and just brainstormed a few things about it because many things are just "normal" for me now.
I don't know how much you know about my story, so if you got more questions, ask away! (You can find a little summary here)
(and I am willing to share very much, I try to keep this short)
Maze Runner:
The catastrophies are heavily inspired by tmr. The world where my story takes place has had many different catastrophies in the past few years. In tst, Brenda tells Thomas something about why the world is now how it is and a part that stuck with me were the sun storms/solar flares. So I began with that. I added many more things like heavy thunderstorms, hurricanes and even asteroids crashing near Japan and all over Europe, all over the span of three years, causing the USA to build "Safety Zones" (a bit like Denver in tdc but with a huge dome over it), where some people can live, when they can afford it. Like tdc it looks much better on the outside than the inside (but there are no zombie-like people)
I have two other stories, that are inspired by maze runner! Both are very old and on hold right now. One is called "Escape" and is about a girl named Abigail Blair Cleary that is accused of murdering the president's son. Now she flees alone, trying to not get caught, and has to get through a big dessert (like the scorch). But she isn't that long alone, because she rescues two people who follow her without knowing who she is. The other one is called "Forgotten" and evolves around a school, where the kids are pretty much alone, besides a few adults. One group tries to rebel against the adults and go behind the barrier, just to realize that there a hundred small machines that try to kill them.
The Inheritance Games:
The Inheritance Games have a very small impact on this story. It's mostly one personality of a side character that is inspired by her bubbly personality.
Also, one of the main characters (Dean) tries to help everyone. In my first draft, he tried to rescue a boy while the building was falling apart (the boy is well, but Dean needed time to recover after almost being buried alive). It reminds me a bit of Nash
I have another WIP, where the inheritance games is a much bigger influence. The WIP is called "Swords of Friendship" and currently put aside, so I can work on two other projects. Its about two best friends and one of them gets chosen to rescue the world. Two young men, who were trained their whole live to be chosen, are disappointed but then help them, while uncovering a lot of secrets about the "chosen ones"
One last thing I want to share, because I remembered a few hours ago: I have scenes planned, that are inspired by the Disney parks. One scene would have the group sit on a rooftop and watch a firework from a safety zone nearby. One of them would tell them, how safety zones would use compressed air to shoot the fireworks higher and how some zones would use drones for some parts.
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