foxyk7 · 1 year
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The Scarf Twin’s by @yukiphobia24
Suzie the Singer Puppeteer by me ( @foxyk7 )
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age-of-moonknight · 3 months
wild guess, but the way the "new" moon knight singles Badr out specifically as the one not ready for what's beneath the mask makes me wonder if he's the portion of Badr that was lost in his resurrection and/or a sort of conglomeration of what moon knights lose by dying. if you interpret that process as "waning" it would explain his "new moon" schtick
!!! Oh!!! Oh that absolutely is a wild, fantastically novel take and I love it! That really would be not only a huge twist but a fascinating means to expand on the lore Mr. MacKay’s been building around Moon Knights and the cost of their repeated resurrections (something I for one am greatly intrigued by and will always love to see more of as the story permits). And naturally, what can I say, Dr. Yehya Badr is one of the (many) best elements introduced in vol. 9, so I’m always down for developing his character even further.
The solicitation for tomorrow’s issue seems to indicate Dr. Badr will be front and center again, so I’ll definitely be keeping your ask in mind as I read. Thank you so much for sharing it here!!!
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byaeivrynrv · 3 months
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July 19-26,2023 - Hong Kong
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5-htreuptakeinhibitor · 3 months
if i head the words "jesus" "sacrifice" and "himself" in a sentence again ill scream.
#sorry im back in my anti organized religion specifically white nationalist christianity arc#im always there ofc#but i remembered if any spiritual/religious label applies to me its satanist#with zen and jungian mystic elemts#i use zen as a catchall for the perceived commonalities btwn buddhism hindusm and taoism#but at the heart of it all#im frsure a satanist. not that i necessarily align with tst in every way but#call it my aquarian nature enhanced by my capricorn elements buuut#(my mecury and moon are cap)#(enhancing my aqua sun venus uranus neptune)#but the heart of satanism is the contrarian nature of it.#it is literally an idea that combats common christian interpretation of the bible and the institutions that follow it in the U.S#ultimately jesus didnt sacrifice himself and lucifer did not want to be controlled paternally. even yahweh is flawed. he is an archetype#personally i feel in the human consciousness yahweh/father god/jupiter ETCCCCC learned from that#and his golden child... he probably didnt want to lose another child. JS. probably less of a jesus died so we dont go to hell and more of a#father was sick of losing children#this has strayed from bible concretism bc i do not believe in that#i believe its possible anyone and everyone in the bible was a real person maybe#but ultimately all religious text are archetypal and metaphorical stories#like its sooo funny when ppl say the bible says something or the other and its super literal#like the point... woosh#anyway.#satanism is my jam cause its contrarian and at its core sympathizes with those cast out of privilege#plus the whole i desire an abortion for relgious reasons is not only hilarious trollwise but also like#some peoples bodies are their temples yk?#not me personally but like its valid and that pisses christians off so bad!#and i love pissing uppity nonspiritual christians off!!#i dont hate christians or members of organized religions i have a distaste for the institutions imposing its rules upon nonconsenting people
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>> Fr: COMGEN Hazen
>> To: First Lord/ilKhan Alaric Ward
>> Sent: 1230 hrs TST, 09/10/3153; Oct 9, 3153)
>> Subject: SLDF After Action Report (09/10/3153 - Oct 9, 3153) for Battle of Coen City
>> Outcome: SLDF Victory
>> Overall Losses/Casualties (Avg): Minimal to Mild (1.73 avg on SLDF Combatant Loss Groupings scale)
>> Defending Forces:
- SLDF Royal Black Watch Regiment (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- Jaguar's Shadows Independent Drop Cluster (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- Clawtake Trinary (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- Clan Blood Spirit touman (Losses/Casualties: Mild [effective Mission Kill due to low personnel numbers])
- Barghest Company (Losses/Casualties: Mild update post-Op. HOSPITALLER: Minimal)
- Fursona's Fusiliers (Losses/Casualties: Mild)
- Task Force Hawk (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- Combined Arms Merc Group (Losses/Casualties: Extreme)
- Silver Wing Mercenary Company (Losses/Casualties: Mild)
- Harwood PMC (Losses/Casualties: Moderate)
- 1st Columbian Irregulars (Losses/Casualties: Mild)
- Coldharbour Claymore PMC (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- Clan Sea Fox (Losses/Casualties: Minimal)
- 1st Canopian Cuirassiers (Losses/Casualties: Mild)
>> Attacking Forces:
- WoB Superheavy Drone 'Mechs (Losses/Casualties: Total; see separate transmission for engagement details)
- WoB Shadow Divisions (unknown designation; Losses/Casualties: Mission Kill [Note: significant personnel and materiel loss to capture; notables: one (1) modified Omega superheavy BattleMech, captured by CO, Jaguar's Shadow IDC)
- WoB Protectorate Militia (unknown designation; Losses/Casualties: Mission Kill)
- WoB irregular (political) militia (unknown designation; Losses/Casualties: Extreme; addendum: small units still believed to be operating within Coen AO, in disguise - be vigiliant)
[COMGEN note: due to documented evidence of operating outside official WoB endorsement, in addition to lack of Ares Convention compliance [crimes against civilian population during wartime; crimes against humanity] these units are hereby declared dezgra/illegal combatants. Ares Convention protections reduced to bare minimum per Art IV, Subsection 3, Paragraph Six. Regardless, restrain yourselves. There will be NO warcrimes from our side. - Hazen]
>> Notable Citations:
- Point Commander Eirik, CGB, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Bronze Star - by Star Colonel Jehan MacKenzie
- Lieutenant Rudolf Broklaw, CAMG is recommended for:
1) SLDF Silver Star, via CMDR Cia Trayer (recommendation upgraded to Star League Medal of Valor, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen)
- The CA-01 Anti-Mech Elites, CAMG, are recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation - via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- CMDR Robert Harwood, Harwood PMC, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Aerospace Cross (with "Valor" device) - via Galaxy Commander Corax McKenna
- Harwood Private Military Company is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Star Colonel Katrina Moon, CSJ, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Silver Star with "Valor" device, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Jaguar's Shadow Independent Drop Cluster, CSJ, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, by COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Star Colonel Jehan MacKenzie, CGB, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Silver Star with "Valor" device, via Star Captain Astrid Tseng
- Clawtake Trinary, CGB, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation - via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Task Force Hawk, SLDF, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation - via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Fursona's Fusiliers are recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- 1st Columbian Irregulars are recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Silver Wing Mercenary Company are recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Coldharbour Claymore PMC is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation - via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- 1st Canopian Cuirassiers are recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- WO Karrie DeLacey, SLDF Royal Black Watch, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Bronze Star, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- MSG Sigrid Guntran, SLDF Royal Black Watch, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Bronze Star, via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- LT Elenor Von Strauss, Barghest Company, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Medal of Honor - via CMDR Owen McEvedy; Posthumous
2) Order of the Sword - via COMGEN Hazen
3) Remembrance line(s)/Insignia- via COMGEN Hazen
4) Blooding Award (Honorary) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
- Barghest Company is recommended for:
1) SLDF Distinguished Unit Citation - via COMGEN Melissa Hazen
- Agent Hustler One, SLSOC, is recommended for:
1) SLDF Bronze Star - via Galaxy Commander Corax McKenna
- SaKhan Amber Ryder, CBS, is recommended for:
1) Bloodname (established as Bloodname Founder of the Ryder Bloodname by Khan authority - to be confirmed) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
2) Blooding Award - via Khan Hannah Lewis
3) Remembrance Insignia/line(s) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
- Star Captain Xerxes Truscott, CSA, is recommended for:
1) Blooding Award - via Khan Hannah Lewis
2) Remembrance Insignia/line(s) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
- Point Commander Evelyn, CGB, is recommended for:
1) Blooding Award - via Khan Hannah Lewis
2) Remembrance Insignia/line(s) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
3) Bloodname (Ryder) - via Khan Hannah Lewis
>> Notes: At this time, Coen City is 90% secure. WoB irregular political militia units continue to operate under disguise within the city. To this end, I am tasking the remnants of CAMG with securing the city in detail. This will leave them indisposed for further offensive action, but the losses sustained are too great for them to be fully combat effective in open combat. Once the local dropport is secured, fresh personnel and supplies can be made available to them.
TOUCHDOWN's 3rd wave, led by the 2nd Canopian Fusiliers, will be arriving within three days. That should prove to be... Interesting. Given the history of that particular unit.
Once the 3rd wave is on the ground, and the local forts and airbase that been taken, I will rotate the 1st and 2nd wave out of combat for at least several days, to allow rest, repair, and recuperation.
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s1ithers · 1 year
stolen throne screed. trying to reserve judgment in case this is going somewhere, but good god why'd they make maric such a dweeb. it's killing me. i have to talk shit.
this is such a bizarre character introduction, i can't tell how we're meant to take it. he's the son of a rebel queen growing up on the run with this guerilla army, but he treats it like his mom's boring job. he knows fuckall. when people declare fealty to him he doesn't know what to say. this guy who's been a prince all his life doesn't have (1) appropriate stock response drilled into him. he barely remembers how to knight a guy. he can't ride a horse. ask him anything about the war he's like wuhhh idk, mom does all that. sucks we have to march so much :(
like i hate him? his (mother's) followers are described as ragged & starving for this cause. our man cannot be bothered. i hate him so much
sure, 'hapless idiot = Relatable(tm)' is....a school....of protagonist design. 'naive young hero grows into leadership role' is a time-honored arc. but what hits so weird is the lack of splashover from this to the rest of the world, fine & good to make your protag a spoiled little shit but where's the in-universe logic for why he's like this?
moira is set up as a great queen and so far it seems like we're meant to take this description at face value. so this great ruler, whose goal is specifically the restoration of her bloodline to the throne, just couldn't be bothered to train her heir to even the most basic level. so the queen's characterization starts to fall apart. which makes the dedication of her followers less convincing. so you get this chain reaction of characterization issues that hollows out the whole thing
or maybe the queen intentionally sheltered her son to the point of uselessness for (???) reasons, which you'd think would take serious effort considering he grew up literally in army camps shoulder to shoulder with hardened guerrillas who're suffering all these hardships & risking their lives & apparently cool with the grownass adult prince mooning around just like, plugged into his gameboy in the back seat. which would set up an interesting dynamic! if it felt like the book was doing it on purpose. if that turns out to be the case i'll eat this post lol
but it's like, 'feckless princeling' is a type, and 'beloved warrior queen' is a type, and 'scrappy rebel army,' and they're all just sort of plucked out of the genre bag without much thought for how they interact or what meaning they create when juxtaposed yknow. and i feel like so often when the writing in DA falls down for me, it's because of this, the narrative locks into treating a character as the type or genre figure they represent, rather than respond to what they actually do or how they're situated in diegetic context
gamlen might be the ur-example of this to me. he absolutely got shafted by their parents. it's 100% fair to ask your relatives who've been crashing in your shitty apartment for a year to help out with rent and food. but he's designated Surly Deadbeat Uncle so he's not allowed to have a point. anders is the healer, what does he do in his free time? eh, he heals. running a nonprofit clinic for 7 years has no bearing on his role as the Preachy SJW Friend. it's writ large in da:i
it breaks the illusion of a living world bc background characters aren't allowed to react authentically. they have to look at this dipshit and be like ~ yay our beloved prince :) ~ they're just narrative puppets. it cheapens the MCs for obvious reasons
it's interesting bc da:o is so consciously built around inverting genre tropes and how that carries forward or doesn't as the series goes on. what gets identified as a Trope for that treatment and what seems to go unexamined
i think TST is suffering from the franchise's awkward genre transition. it sets up a story about rebellion & occupation, i went in wanting/expecting... obviously not realism, but at least as heavy stakes as da:o mostly tried to orient itself around. but maric (& rowan) feel more like characters from d&d-type light fantasy where that kind of thing really is meant to be a backdrop for the player characters to romp around in
AND. also from the series' long-running weirdness about what it is exactly the nobility are and do. but i think i've hit my daily word limit for bitching about DA lol
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shifterglitter · 3 months
About Me
Greetings Shifters and curious minds alike. 
My name is Vi (“Vee”), I’m 30 years old and have been on Tumblr since 2009. 
Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, and Sagittarius Rising
My main account is @purplepirateadventures, however, that is an 18+ account and I do post NSFW stuff on it. I will keep everything on this blog SFW and 15+ friendly (as I do curse a lot).
I identify as genderfluid/queer. I am comfortable with all pronouns. So whatever you perceive me as is correct. My favorite Pronouns if you are looking to butter me up are: It/Its, Ve/Vir, Fae/Faer, Bun/Buns, Spri/Sprout, Cubi/Cubiself, and Dem/Demonself.
I am Abroromantic and Abrosexual (Ace Spectrum)  https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/Abrosexual (+ level 5 monster lover)
I recently started experimenting with Shifting and am using this platform to connect to others in the community and document my experiences.
When I am not shifting or working overnights at the local Airport I am watching Anime, Maladaptive Daydreaming to music, or reading Monster Smut. I am also a witch, a rock collector, a member of the TST, and an oracle reader. (If you’d like a DR Channeling, or other reading I could use the practice so please DM me.)
My Favorite Podcasts are: Myths Magic and Murder, Desert Skies, What Fresh Hell is This?, and Tower 4.  My Favorite Anime are: Yu Yu Hakusho, One Piece, and Trinity Blood. My Favorite Artists are: Ghost, Sleep Token, Dread Buffalo, Markiplier, Save a Fox, Hollow_VA, Momolady, and SiobhanKaufmanArt. My Favorite Books of last year are: Bloodshed, A Court of Wings and Ruin, Forget Me Not, Thrawn, and Iron Widow.  My Safe food is Potatoes. My Safe texture is Velvet. 
Some People you may hear me talk about:
I come from a very abusive family, however, in my adulthood my siblings and I have become incredibly close. I am so grateful for that. So I am the oldest of 3 children. The middle child is my brother, Joshua, who is obsessed with 3e DnD and THC products. While Wilhelmina (Willow or Mina for short) is the chosen name of my baby sibling (trans/questioning); their hyperfixation is miniature war games like WH40k and Battletech. We are all writers, painters, and neurodivergent. 
My best friend is a guy I met through boy scouts in middle school. His name is Nick and he is a pharmacist. 
My platonic soul mate's name is Harley. They are on tumblr, but I'm not going to out them because they aren't a shifter. I've recently reconnected with them after an extended falling out.
All of these important people in my life are not spiritual in any way so I don’t see myself opening up to them about all of this. 
I have an orange cat named “Abraham Delacy Giuseppe Casy Thomas O’malley”, or Mr O’malley for short. And an energetic little Blue Merle Corgi mix named “Tax-Evasion”, whom we all call Eevee. You will see pictures of them here as my millennial ass can not help but share my fur babies with the world.
How I discovered Shifting
My Favorite Shifting Tools
My DRs
Main & Active DR Waiting Rooms Distant Future DRs Original Creation
My Original Methods
The Stitching Method The Candle & Mantra Method The Traveler Method The Plasmoid Method
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never did this so here's a proper introduction/abt me post <3
Theo or Theodore
17 3/4
August Leo
Scorpio rising, Sag moon
Autism, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, anorexia
Writer, artist, reader
It (Seen Ch. One 23 times, Ch. Two 5 times)
Stranger Things (Seen 2 times)
Harry Potter (Read 20+ times)
Grey's Anatomy (Seen 4 times)
Adventure Time (Seen 2+ times)
The Maze Runner (Seen TMR 5 times, read it 3 times, seen TST 3 times, read it 2 times, seen TDC 4 times, read it 3 times, read TKO 2 times, read TFC 3 times)
Twilight (seen 1 time)
One Direction (seen the movie 1 time)
Red, White, & Royal Blue (read 3 times, seen 24 times)
Gravity Falls (seen 2 times)
Friends (seen 10 times)
Heartstopper (seen 3 times)
Young Royals (seen 3 times)
I Am Not Okay With This (seen 1 time)
Descendants (seen 3+ times)
Teen Wolf (seen 1 time)
Over The Garden Wall (seen 4+ times)
Luca (seen 6 times)
Sabrina: The Teenage Witch (seen unknown amount of times)
Shameless (seen 4 times)
Byler (Will Byers x Mike Wheeler - ST - fandom otp)
Steddie (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson - ST)
Ronance (Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler - ST)
Elmax (El Hopper x Max Mayfield - ST)
Reddie (Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak - IT - fandom otp)
Stenbrough (Stan Uris x Bill Denbrough - IT)
Stozier (Stan Uris x Richie Tozier - IT)
Hanbrough (Mike Hanlon x Bill Denbrough - IT)
Stanlon (Stan Uris x Mike Hanlon - IT)
Stanlonbrough (Stan Uris x Mike Hanlon x Bill Denbrough - IT)
Kaspbrough (Eddie Kaspbrak x Bill Denbrough - IT)
Bichie (Bill Denbrough x Richie Tozier - IT)
Steddie (Stan Uris x Eddie Kaspbrak - IT)
Wolfstar (Remus Lupin x Sirius Black - HP - fandom otp)
Jegulus (James Potter x Regulus Black - HP)
Drarry (Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter - HP - fandom otp)
Linny (Luna Lovegood x Ginny Weasley - HP)
Scorbus (Scorpius Malfoy x Albus Potter - HP - fandom otp)
Newtmas (Newt x Thomas - TMR - fandom otp)
Schmico (Levi Schmitt x Nico Kim - GA - fandom otp)
Slexie (Mark Sloan x Lexie Grey - GA)
Calzona (Callie Torres x Arizona Robbins - GA)
Japril (Jackson Avery x April Kepner - GA)
Bubbline (Bonibel Bubblegum x Marceline Abadeer - AT - fandom otp)
Larry Stylinson (Louis Tomlinson x Harry Styles - 1D - fandom otp)
Gallavich (Ian Gallagher x Mickey Milkovich - Shameless - fandom otp)
Luberto (Luca Paguro x Alberto Scorfano - Luca - fandom otp)
Will Byers (ST - fandom fav)
George O'Malley (GA - fandom fav)
Arizona Robbins (GA)
Lexie Grey (GA)
April Kepner (GA)
Ginny Weasley (HP - fandom fav)
Newt (TMR - fandom fav)
Marceline (AT - fandom fav)
Eddie Kaspbrak (IT - fandom fav)
Richie Tozier (IT)
Bill Denbrough (IT)
Stan Uris (IT)
Bill Denbrough (IT)
Alice Cullen (Twilight - fandom fav)
Remus Lupin (HP - fandom fav)
Sirius Black (HP)
Colin Morris-Jones (It's A Sin - fandom fav)
Stanley Barber (IANOWT - fandom fav)
Scorpius Malfoy (HP -fandom fav)
Albus Potter (HP)
Mal Bertha (Descendents - fandom fav)
Stiles Stilinski (TW - fandom fav)
Lydia Martin (TW)
Wirt (OTGW - fandom fav)
Greg (OTGW)
Luca Paguro (Luca - fandom fav)
Ian Gallagher (Shameless - fandom fav)
Mickey Milkovich (Shameless)
Mandy Milkovich (Shameless)
Sabrina Spellman (STTW)
Salem Saberhagen (STTW - fandom fav)
Taylor Swift (fav album ttpd or fearless)
Louis Tomlinson (fav album walls)
Harry Styles (fav album hs1)
Niall Horan (fav album flicker)
Liam Payne
Zayn Malik
Ryan Reynolds
Wyatt Oleff
Jaeden Martell
Finn Wolfhard
Jack Dylan Grazer
Sophia Lillis
Noah Schnapp
Chyler Leigh
Dove Cameron
Maya Hawke
Sabrina Carpenter (fav album emails i can't send)
Lana del Rey (fav album born to die)
Olivia Rodrigo (fav album guts)
Renee Rapp
Gracie Abrams
Billie Eilish (fav album wwafawdwg)
Conan Gray (fav album kid krow)
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danydragons21 · 2 years
I really really love TSTS and I hate to bother you, but do you already know when the next chapter could be out? The end of the last one was just to good. 🙈😁
I'm so glad you are liking the story! And no bother at all.
I'm actually working on it right now and came on Tumblr to post a teaser, so perfect timing!
“Gods,” he muttered, “I have no control when it comes to you. You could ask me for the fucking moon and I’d probably fly into space and bring you back a piece.” 
“I don’t want the moon,” she said, closing her eyes and circling her hips on his lap. “I just want you.” 
“Fuck,” he swore. “Lean forward again.”
I hope to have the chapter out in the next week - maybe sooner! TY for reading!
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age-of-moonknight · 10 months
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“Contest of Chaos: Part Four,” Moon Knight Annual (Vol. 4/2023), #1.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Creees Lee; Colorist: Arif Prianto; Letterer: Cory Petit
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byaeivrynrv · 3 months
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July 19-26,2023 - Hong Kong
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theladybrownstarot · 10 months
Hello! Here for a free reading & I Followed your rules. :) also Followed you.
My initials: TST, Leo sun, Gemini moon
My Q: “Will my FS be financially wealthy?”
Hope you’re having a nice week! ✨
Hello @la-egg ,
Here We go with your reading :-
Yes . He will be and I see him being independent from a young age . Maybe into investing and all kind of monetary stuff. He seems to be strategic with his financial plannings for future . Even He comes from a wealthy family for sure where everyone is rich at their level . This person can alone support the family expenses.
Feedback is mandatory on the ask .
Hey viewers wanna join in this game then hurry up ! Just click here ♡
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tarotbycecelia · 10 months
Card of the Day - Knight of Swords - Saturday, August 26, 2023
Thank heavens for all of the earthy energy available right now, to keep our young Knight out of trouble. The Moon will join in today, moving into Capricorn, assisting you in applying yourself to tasks and challenges in a serious manner. The Knight of Swords is fearless, ready to tackle any of life’s sh*tst*orms which you might be facing. Let him help you meet them head-on with success. The…
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Space Oddity
AAR FOLLOWS: Time of Report: 0430 hrs TST, D+3 (09/10/3153) Location of Report: Helios moon, Word of Blake Research Outpost Alpha-Phi-42Forces On Station: A Co./2/77th SOG “Blackhearts”, SLSAS (seconded to SLSOC) Objective: Secure Blakist lunar bases (OBJECTIVE COMPLETE)
After-Action Report: ODA 2332, with ODA 2331 as support, conducted a seize-and-clear action against Blakist research outpost Alpha-Phi-42.
No resistance.
No internal atmosphere on-site.
Internal defenses active but non-hostile.
All on-site Blakist personnel deceased prior to SLSAS force arrival.
Most Blakist personnel dead from asphyxiation.
On-site Manei Domini security personnel dead from 20mm cannon fire. ODA 2332 Comms Log: 
Nebula 1-4: Actual, this is fucked.
Nebula Actual: 1-4, describe. What’s fucked?
Nebula 1-4: All these Blakies they-
Nebula 1-5 (distant): It’s like fuckin’ Terminator in here …
Nebula 1-4: They’re all dead, Actual.
Nebula Actual: Describe, 1-4. SLSOC Director is getting a copy of this.
Nebula 1-4: Fuck, uh, shit. Lots of them look like they just… choked. Like someone let the air out. But then the big guys, the Mickey Dees, they uh… well, there’s a bunch of security ‘bots up here, and lotta shell casings.
Nebula Actual: You’re saying the security systems went haywire?
Nebula 1-4: That’s what it looks li-
{COMMUNICATIONS INTERRUPT - 4.52 seconds - unidentifiable signals on following bands: 2182 kHz, 121.5 MHz, 156.8 MHz, 243.0 MHz, 406 MHz for entire duration)
Nebula 1-4: - fuck was that?
Nebula 1-5: Emergency lightings’ up. Why’s it gotta be red?
Nebula 1-4: Nebula Actual, do you read? Some kind of jamming- [sound of internal PA activating] -the fuck?
[UNKNOWN; via internal PA system]: < i6)jsj298Qfg\}Rh8@ >
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alaezasmystery235 · 1 year
Hey! Here for a free reading. I already Follow you etc.
My Q is: “What kind of job will I get this year?”
Initials: TST. Leo sun, Gemini moon.
6 Swords , King of Pentacles , 6 Cups
According to the cards your job can be related to cyber and community. Because in these 3 cards management skills is important. So it could be something you can work from home where web is significant. Though 6 swords represent traveling , for you im not getting THAT strong .
Examples I'm hearing :- Researchers , Middle management , business.
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