#Svend Brinkmann
dipnotski · 1 year
Svend Brinkmann – Olan Biteni Kaçırma Keyfi (2023)
Sosyal bilimcilerin “aşırılık çağı” diye nitelediği bir zamanda yaşıyoruz. Seçenekler sonsuz, onlara ulaşmak hiç olmadığı kadar kolay görünüyor. Fakat bu sınır tanımaz kültür ortamında, her şeye yetişmek mümkün olmadığı gibi muhtemelen anlamlı da değil. O halde birey olarak hayatlarımıza nasıl biçim kazandıracağız? Seçeneklerle ve ayartmalarla dolu hayatımızda, en kötü senaryo olan biteni…
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doriangray1789 · 2 years
Hayata Nereden Bakmalıyız?Yeni Bir Dünya için On Eski Fikir Svend Brinkmann ''Hayatın kuralı bu, ne kadar uzağa gidersen git, başladığın yere dönersin sonunda. Ne kadar değişirsen değiş nerede mutlu olduysan hep oraya çevirirsin kafanı.'' iddialı bir sözle başlamak istedim... Yaşam koçları, iletişim uzmanları ve pozitif psikoloji sözcüleri, topluma mutluluğun kendini gerçekleştirme, maksimum potansiyele ulaşma gibi kavramlara bağlı olduğunu söylüyor ve bireylere kişisel gelişimlerine odaklanma öğüdünde bulunuyorlar. Bu formüllerin işe yaradığını söylemek zor, zira hayat çoğu kişi için hâlâ boş ve anlamsız... Anlamın, mutluluk deneyimiyle aynı şey olduğunu düşünme yanılgısına düşsek de, pek çok kişi içten içe bunun ne kadar boş olduğunu seziyor. Öyleyse anlamı öznel ya da içsel olanda değil de, toplumun parçası olan hayatlarımızın olgularında aramak daha doğru bir yol olabilir mi? Hayatta neyin peşinden gitmeye değer olduğuna nasıl karar verebiliriz? Maddiyat ve araçsallaştırma mantığı ilişkilerimizi nasıl etkiliyor? Her durumda bunun bana ne faydası var demek yerine, dikkatimizi koşulsuz ve karşılıksız olarak ailemize, arkadaşlarımıza ve çevremize yöneltmek bize ne sağlar? İyilik, haysiyet, hakikat, özgürlük, sevgi gibi temel felsefi kavramlar bugün hayatımızda nasıl bir yer tutuyor? Hayatı yaşamak ile onu deneyimlemek arasında nasıl bir fark var? Yazarın daha önce yayınlanan -Kişisel Gelişim Çılgınlığında Kendiniz Kalabilmek- adlı eserini okumadım, 'hayata nereden bakmalıyız' ise sanırım devam niteliğinde bir tanımlamalar zincirinin ikinci halkası, kitap üçüncü bir halkayı da hak ediyor yazarın sıkça sorduğu soruların kısa cevaplarından anlatıma geçse zincir dahada uzayacak... Özetle neden bahsediyor-> Klişeleşmiş kişisel gelişim kitaplarının basmakalıp "tavsiyelerinin" çok ötesinde, felsefeden bağımsız bir psikolojinin nelere mal olabileceği hakkında sağlam bir özeleştiriyle başlayan yazar, binlerce yıllık felsefi bilgeliklerden inşa olmuş psikolojinin temelleriyle birlikte, insan yaşamasının temel sorunlarına ve hayatın anlamı ve amacı gibi sorunlara nerelerden bakabileceğimizi on madde ile özetliyor. Elbette,bahsedilen konular üzerine uzun yazılacak konular, fakat kapsamlı şekilde sunulan özet, başka bir açıdan bakmanın mümkün olduğunu hatırlatması üzerine oldukça değerli. Kitabı elime alır almaz ilk bakmak istediğim konu "ölüm" başlığı altında işlenen bölümdü. bugüne dek yalnızca kavramsal bir çerçeveyle yaklaştığımız "ölüm" meselesinin her an deneyimsel yanıyla yüzleşmenin sarsıcı etkisiyle çarpışma ihtimalini hiç birimizin göz ardı etmemesi gerektiğinin bilinciyle okudum üstelik tam da ölüm ve varoluş hakkında düşünüp durduğum sıralarda. Nitekim, bu hayatı anlamlı kılan şeydir ölüm. Ölümlülüğün bilinci. (salt inanç temelli bakmayın) Bütün bunları derinlemesine düşünmek lazım. Diğer maddelerle birlikte değerlendirildiğinde, yeni bir perspektif sunma umudu olabilecek bir kitap.
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whatodoo-denmark · 1 year
Svend Brinkmann - Herning, Denmark | 22 May, 2023.
Find out more / Get Tickets Today.
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quotecrumbs · 2 years
If you think positively every single day, work hard, strive to become the best version of yourself, surround yourself with inspirational people and never give up, then there are no limits to how exhausted you can become.
Svend Brinkmann, professor of psychology
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maaarine · 3 years
Persons and their Minds: Towards an Integrative Theory of the Mediated Mind (Svend Brinkmann, 2017)
“The capability of organizing his life and daily projects goes against the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, where having “trouble organizing tasks and activities” and “is often forgetful in daily activities” are central.
Tom is aware of this himself, but explains it by saying that “it is in order to avoid the chaos” that he has a high level of organization.
In other words, he compensates so well – by using calendars and to-do-lists (mental technologies), and perhaps also his marihuana – that many of the symptoms of disorganization in fact disappear.
The crucial question then becomes: If the symptoms disappear, is the diagnosis then still warranted?
Diagnostic psychiatry has since 1980 (with the introduction of DSM-III) been based on an assessment of symptoms (rather than, say, an understanding of the etiology and underlying psychodynamics of the person),
so, strictly speaking, it means that a disorder is only there if and when the symptoms are present.
Paradoxically, this seems to imply that people’s compensatory actions will remove the pathology. (…)
To simplify: Essentialists on the one side will say that if one has ADHD, then one has ADHD all the time and everywhere, because the disorder is constituted by certain core neurocognitive deficits.
Most social constructionists on the other side will say that ADHD is a socially constructed category that medicalizes and pathologizes problematic behaviours, and they thereby seek to deconstruct all pathological “essences” associated with the diagnosis. (…)
Researchers have found, for example, that a child’s date of birth is a very powerful predictor of whether or not that child will get the ADHD diagnosis:
Studies from the US show that a boy born in January has a 70% higher risk of being diagnosed than a boy born in December, because of the cutoff for being assigned to a grade. 
What happens is that a child’s relatively immature behaviours are pathologized as ADHD within the social practices of today’s schools.
With this, of course, I do not mean to imply that children really have ADHD because of their date of birth,
but this finding certainly makes it evident that ADHD is co-constituted by norms about concentration and unobtrusiveness in modern society and specifically schools. (…-)
For Tom, as I have tried to demonstrate, it is quite clear that his symptoms appear as problematic only outside the strongly organized context of the military,
when he has had to lead an independent adult life, deciding every day what is to be done, when, and how.
Modern life in the West has been described as involving a “tyranny of choice”, celebrating the autonomous, reflective decision-maker in numerous social practices,
and this may create ecological niches in which people are prone to being diagnosed with ADHD if they do not live up to the norms of constant free choice.”
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julkam13 · 5 years
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wurmstuggu · 4 years
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"Does the interviewer own the meanings constructed in and on an interview, interpreting it within his or her selected contexts? Or should the original 'authors' of the interview statements have their say in the interpretation and communication of their stories? This is an issue not only of validity of interpretation but of ethics and power, fo the right and the power to attribute meaning to the statements of others. Interview research involves the danger of an 'expertification' of meanings where the interviewer as 'the great interpreter' expropriates the meanings from the subjects' lived world and reifies them into his or her theoretical schemes as expressions of some more basic reality." Source: Kvale, Steinar and Svend Brinkmann. 2009. IntrView: Learning the Craft of Qualitative Research Interviewing. Sage.
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Cheer up™
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“a dark side of positivity. Our feelings tend to become commodities and that means we’re very easily alienated from our feelings.”
- Svend Brinkmann
Everyone wants you to be happy: Self-help books dish out advice on how to stop worrying, boost happiness, and banish negative thoughts;bosses want to see smiling enthusiasm in the workplace; and the only way to respond to “how are you?” is with a joyful “great!” But according to Svend Brinkmann, a psychology professor at Denmark’s Aalborg University, the culture of positivity has a dark side. full article
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umagesind · 3 years
Kun et menneske kan være umenneskeligt
Svend Brinkmann
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If you keep a positive mindset every day, work hard, strive to be your best self, surround yourself with inspiring people, and never give up, then there are no limits to how burnt-out you can get
Svend Brinkmann
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whatodoo-denmark · 2 years
Svend Brinkmann - Herning, Denmark | 22 May, 2023.
Find out more / Tickets are here.
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maaarine · 3 years
Persons and their Minds: Towards an Integrative Theory of the Mediated Mind (Svend Brinkmann, 2017)
“The order of non-human nature is purely nomic, while the order of human existence is also normative.
Nature cannot be said to follow natural laws and therefore it cannot break them – rather, it can be correctly described by these laws. 
People can, however, follow social norms and are therefore also capable of breaking them. (…)
Anger exists in webs of normative necessities in human social practices, since it can be justified or unjustified, but this does not apply to fatigue or constipation.
We can have a reason to be angry, whereas fatigue and constipation are not explained with reference to reasons, but to causes instead.
There are situations in which you should be angry, when you experience a blatant injustice that violates an individual’s rights, for example,
and there are situations in which anger is inappropriate, for example, getting angry with an infant who is not yet responsible for its actions. (…)
This view applies not only to emotions like anger, but equally well to reasoning, memories, actions, perceptions, and other psychological phenomena.
When we argue, for example, our reasoning is open to judgement in the context of the normative standards of good reasoning; the most basic of these standards come from logic.
Reasoning is thus a psychological and not, for example, a physiological phenomenon.
When we remember, we try to remember correctly, which means that remembering is a normative phenomenon.
And when we act, the action can be judged from a variety of different norms (e.g. ethical, aesthetic, instrumental), but the fact that something can be judged is what makes us call it an action rather than a mere physical movement.”
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mindsjournal · 4 years
"If you think positively every day, work hard, strive to be the best version of yourself, surround yourself with inspiring people, and never give up, then there are no limits to how burnt out you can become."
Svend Brinkmann, Danish professor in Psychology
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mypassionfortrash · 4 years
50 Questions!
Thanks @jennyggggrrr​!
50 (yes fifty!!) Things You’ve Never Been Asked…. Let’s lighten the mood & have some fun! I always enjoy reading these and seeing a quick glimpse into my friend’s lives. (Just copy this & change the answers..😁)
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush? Black and orange
2. Name a food you never ever eat. Liver.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Always too warm.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Knitting a tote bag.
5. What is your favourite candy bar? Galaxy dairy free chocolate!
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? I’ve been to a couple of Old Firm games and the Scottish Grand National.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? ‘Aye.’
8. What is your favourite ice cream? Swedish Glace dairy free.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee.
10. Do you like your wallet? Yeah – it’s just plain black with little gold accents.
11. What was the last thing you ate? Olives.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope
13. The last sporting event you watched? I can’t remember.
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Sweet 
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? My partner’s eldest kid.
16. Ever go camping? Yes
17. Do you take vitamins? No.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? I go to mass three or four times a year.
19. Do you have a tan? Pasty 4 lyf
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? YES
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? Yep – sensitive teeth
22. What color socks do you usually wear? Black.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Yeah... unless there’s cameras.
24. What terrifies you? Dogs and spiders... and birds.
25. Look to your left, what do you see? An empty coffee cup
26. What chore do you hate most? Cleaning the bathroom.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Hemsworth... that u? Nah it reminds me of a really gorgeous coworker I had when I worked at Lush. She had the most beautiful hair.
28. What’s your favorite soda? Dr Pepper
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive? Drive-thru
30. What is your favourite number? 7 or 13
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? Scott
32. Favourite cut of beef? Ribeye
33. Last song you listened to? Red by Taylor Swift
34. Last book you read? Do audiobooks count? Stand Firm by Svend Brinkmann.
35. Favourite day of the week? Friday
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? Lol no
37. How do you like your coffee? With coconut milk
38. Favourite pair of shoes? My leopard print loafers, or my red Puma suedes.
39. The time you normally get up? If I’m working, 5am; weekends, 9am
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunrise
41. How many blankets on your bed? Three
42. Describe your kitchen plates. Spotless.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment? Spotless.
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? Prosecco or kriek
45. Do you play cards? I’m a pro at poker
46. What colour is your car? Grey
47. Can you change a tyre? Of course.
48. Your favourite state? Jersey... it’s the only one I’ve been in and Asbury Park is amazing.
49. Favourite job you’ve had? Worked in a record store once. Also spent time as a music journalist / photographer
50. How did you get your biggest scar? Not sure it counts but I had an allergic reaction to some red ink on my second tattoo on my leg in 2012 and have lots of keloid scarring.
Tagging y'all: @qweenly @justgivemethekeys @picturepowderinabottle
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hereandqueer-eek · 4 years
Rules: Answer these 5 questions and tag 5 people (or however many you want)
thank you for the tag @hyggephan! håber at alt er vel og at du har det godt! :)
Ships: idk if i have any ships i’m really into right now, there’s like a few but i’m not sure i would categorise either of them as actual ships?
Last song you listened to: go to town by doja cat according to my spotify
Food you’re craving: idk i’ve actually just made some toast, and eaten some meringues which i made a few days ago because we had some leftover egg whites (and it was actually quite satisfying to make something, even somethings as easy),, so yeah i might actually be good?
What you’re currently reading: uhh i’ve been meaning to read this book by svend brinkmann which my grandparents gave me as a christmas present, and we’re also currently learning about seneca and stoicism in latin and our teacher said that he was relevant, so i figured it was a good time to read that,, but i’ve actually just been reading a lot of bfu fanfics
Last movie you watched: unsure,, i’m really trying to think and the only thing i can remember is venom, which i now i watched like months ago, so i’ve might watched something else since, but i guess i just don’t watch a lot of movies right now. however i’ve rly been meaning to watch birds of prey, so i’ll probably do that sometime soon
idk i feel like i’ve just tagged a bunch of people in something else, so if anyone is bored or just want to do this for whatever reason then feel free to! :)
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