rottingcompost · 1 year
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hade en brain blast.
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Hello, I’m Alex.
I’m 22 years old and I’m finally planning on going back to school this August.
I saw a post somewhere on Tumblr awhile back that something along the lines of “overachieving kids from the early 2000s are now all depressed and illiterate” and honestly, I’ve never seen something more accurate.
I was a 4.0 student in high school, captain of the track & cross country teams, first chair alto saxophone, and maintaining a decent social life. I was super successful, defining success is a whole separate problem of mine, but I was also a Mess(TM).
I had earned a full scholarship to any state university of my choice. Which is definitely something to be proud of, but at the time I was just... not impressed. I had this whole dream (I guess) of graduating high school, going straight to college, getting my bachelor’s, and eventually getting my doctorate in psychology.
Obviously, that didn’t happen.
I ended up going to the University of Kentucky immediately out of high school, attempting suicide shortly after starting, (I think I was literally there for like three (3) weeks.), dropped out that semester, was in the hospital and intensive therapy for a few months while living back at home with my mom and brother, starting school the following semester at Morehead State, fucking around and changing my major to art, I honestly don’t remember what happened that summer, the following semester I moved on campus and ended up dropping out halfway through that semester, then finally moved to Florida. Alone. At age nineteen (19).
Of course, I wasn’t totally alone, my boyfriend was living in Florida, (which he has a similar story but that’s not mine to share)
After moving to Florida, I’ve been working retail for the past three (3) years. (I hate customer service so goddamn much) While I was/am just working, my boyfriend has been working towards his bachelor’s.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely proud of him. I’m just so tired. I feel like I’ve been doing this shit for so long, while all of my friends have been moving forward in their lives.
Most of my friends just graduated. Literally all of them are either still in school or just graduated this past May.
It just doesn’t feel fair. While I’m dealing with customers calling me babe or literally spitting on me or trying not to fight my racist coworker(s), all of my closest friends are studying things they’re passionate about.
Anyway, enough of me complaining about unfortunate circumstances.
I’m planning on quitting my job in August and f i n a l l y taking classes again. I don’t know what I’m going to be doing in the long run, I just know I’m ready to start.
I’m going to be taking chem, calc, sociology, and some other elective.
So yeah, here’s where I’m going to be saving all of my studyinspo and probably my ramblings.
Also, this is my side blog, my main is @svenskish
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rottingcompost · 9 months
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rottingcompost · 2 years
anyways i bought a bar of soap at the market from a local maker and they actually have a web shop! while they only seem to ship in sweden, i thought i should share their website. They are saami owned and use locally sourced ingredients for their things.
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rottingcompost · 2 years
SD stoppar sagostund med dragqueens på ena hållet, och så stoppar de ett luciatåg på andra hållet för att lucian som ledde tåget råkar vara ickebinär. Till de som fortfarande försvarar SDs bullshit: se mig rakt i ögonen och säg att de inte är diskriminerande mot alla som inte är svenskfödda vita cishets. För de har ju uppenbarligen inte visat några tecken på annat.
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rottingcompost · 2 years
Can the government please stop forgetting that people still live in northern sweden? For fucking once in their lives? They are giving financial and to people for energy bills because of the energy crisis, but they dont help anyone in northern sweden. It's colder up north than it is in the south and they STILL wont give any help for the energy bills, even if its going to be much more expensive to pay for the heating and electricity bills up here because of said cold! I hate hate hate hate this fucking country so much. One of my mom's friends had an energy bills rise by 4000 sek (about $400USD) and she still cant get help to pay for the bills?! I fucking hate this country and its government and its blatant ignorance and refusal to give a shit about people who live outside of the capital city (Stockholm). At this point we should nuke the entirety of Stockholm and start over with a new government that cares about people not living only in the southern part of sweden. Fuck this stupid country and fuck Stockholm for just existing because I hate that city
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rottingcompost · 2 years
för länge sedan så postade jag om en ica-reklam fanfic jag hade hittat men inte kunde hitta igen, för jag ville visa den för en kompis.
jag har hittat den igen, och delar med mig länken till er.
Per Gessle torterar någon senare i fanficen med sitt sjungande också. den är en väldigt blandad historia. jag har legit inte ens läst hela fanficen, det gjorde för ont psykiskt lol. inte för att det var dåligt skrivet, utan för att det kändes väldigt konstigt att hitta en fanfic om ica-reklamerna
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rottingcompost · 2 years
Went to the market today and saw these two and I absolutely loved their costumes! I asked if I could take a photo of them lol
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rottingcompost · 5 months
Jämtland: omg äntligen har vi fått knoppar på träd och buskar! :D
Resten av sverige som redan haft vår i två månader:
Kontext: vi har äntligen fått vår efter två månader med snö och skitväder. Nu fick vi dock väldigt plötsligt jättevarmt väder så vi är döende lmao
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rottingcompost · 1 year
i was the one who shot Olof Palme btw.
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rottingcompost · 1 year
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meme i made because our store recently started selling my favourite soda and it has been very hard to find before they started selling it
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rottingcompost · 1 year
Rip till arga snickaren but im different
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rottingcompost · 1 year
Hittade Pelle Svanslös-böcker från 1940-talet på jobbet idag. Alltid lika intressant att se gamla böcker och se hur de blivit behandlade genom åren
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rottingcompost · 2 years
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i have no idea why i made it but something posessed me to make it.
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rottingcompost · 2 years
sexigaste slynan på icas hemsida
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rottingcompost · 2 years
första gången jag försöker laga tjälknul, är redan hype på slutresultatet!
enda nackdelen med att laga tjälknul är att det tar typ 15 timmar om inte mer innan man kan äta den :(
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