#Swapfell Scarlett
crowsworks · 10 months
Chapter Two: New Home. You are taken to your new home, it's kinda nice. Hopefully now you can relax.
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crowsworks · 10 months
You were used and well abused at the Carnival. Afraid and alone, a fate worse than death awaited you. But whats this...a gentle and kind monster saves you? This has got to be too good to be true right?
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crowsworks · 5 years
Just some Icons of my boneboys
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The ever wonderful and great person whom I call Sissy, Allowed me to commission her to do some Icon’s of my boneboys.  Swapfell: First pair up is Indigo and Smoke. Indigo (Sans) and Smoke (Papyrus, Aka Rus, aka Mutt). Indigo is the oldest and was raised to be “the next in line royaly”, but when Smoke was born, some drastic things changed. Needless to say thanks to Indigo his baby brother is healthy and alive.  Swapfell Scarlet: Second pair up is Razz and Slim. Razz (Sans) and Slim (Mongrel/Papyrus). I am gonna call this au Swapfell Scarlett, because not much is known about these two. Though Slim has said that Monsters roamed the earth first even calling humans “earthchild or earthkins”, Razz likes to scream curse words around and Slim is quiet, very very eerily quiet. He doesn’t generally talk, but he loves to cuddle. Though becareful, Razz has a sharp tongue and even sharper instincts to kill. Slim though sweet, can turn in a heartbeat.  Underswap: Third pair up is Honi and Cyan. Honi (Papyrus), Cyan (Sans). Honi is a bit of a mixture here, he’s sweet, tsundere, and a brat. He gets huffy quick, but loves to joke around. Though playful, he can show you his middle finger quickly enough. Cyan or Cy is a complete sweetheart. He legit just loves to well Love. Loud and boisterous he’s always giving his brother a lecture. He loves the ocean, the kids he’s come to call “daughters and sons” and he loves animals. Truly, he’s a great boneguy.  And there you guys go. Just some of the crazy boneboys living in the house with Crow.  There will be more to come, as I plan on getting more icons made of the next set of three boneyboys, I’ll have little tidbits about them as well.  Please do not post, steal, draw over the art. The art is a paid commission by me and drawn by @maiuoart​. You may repost. Thank you again.  Any questions about the guys and their day to day send in an ask. 
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crowsworks · 4 years
A little update
Alright, i have officially moved into my own place, the only wifi i have is my crappy verizon prepaid wireless for my cell phone. I won't get internet till next week. I have one more big commission but can't do it till i have net again.
In the meantime I'll try and post up some mini stories or mini episodes for you. I have been working on my swapfell Scarlett.
Thank you all who have stayed by me through my journey and thank you to all the new peeps that have shown up.
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crowsworks · 4 years
The need is high to post
post what exactly? Why chapter 2 of roommate mutt. But then the need to post “enslaved tale” a swapfell Scarlett story featuring Slim and Razz is also high. Ugh choices. Either way I’ll have something up. I might post chapter two tonight and wait till I get chapter three of Enslaved tale written before I post that first chapter.  Slowly, my writing is coming back to me. Thanks for all the patience. Also thank for liking my story. 
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