#Sweden’s hosting which means Denmark must win
bobfloydsbabe · 2 months
Eurovision week is upon us, and I am about to be so aggressively European you’ll be sick of me by the end of it
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Part 3
Since I last posted, we’ve gotten word that a certain rich asshole is going to enter the race.  Now, I could do 500 words on why this guy is awful, but it would sort of go against my belief that just because someone is really rich does not mean we need to pay extra attention to them and their thoughts.   This guy is not winning the nomination, won’t even poll about 3% in most states, and overall is not worth the amount ink that will surely be spilled on his campaign.  Next.
Joe Biden. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders
So we are down to the final 3.  One of those 3 objectively should have been culled much earlier.  If I was doing this purely based on the level of support for each candidate, this guy would have been cut about 8 candidates ago.  But Joe Biden is still the front runner, consistently leading national polls and absolutely killing it in several early primary states like South Carolina.  Biden remains popular among black voters, who serve as the lifeblood of the Democratic party. Even though his policies and personality suck, he is unique from all the other shitty centrist candidates.  So he gets his own takedown.
Joe Biden is a very old man hoping to blind the voters with his connection to President Obama.  And for the most part, it’s working like a charm. Forget the fact that he is a rambling, incoherent mess during campaign stops.  Forget his abysmal views on race, including his support for segregated busing and racist colleagues.  Forget the fact this guy railroaded Anita Hill and still can’t sufficiently apologize to her.  Forget all the bad parts of Joe Biden.  That’s what he is banking on.  Biden is trying to win not based on policy or his strategy for improving the lives of everyday Americans.  No, he is trying to win by painting a false image of who he is and how electable he would be.  Biden is basing his entire campaign on appealing to low-key racist white suburbanites who don’t want to pay more taxes.  That’s his base.  And it’s not an awful strategy.  But it highlights something terrible about the Democratic voter.
The average Democratic primary voter appears to support progressive causes.  They want to see Social Security expanded.  They support a $15 minimum wage and gun control.  They support paid family leave and some form of universal health care.  But the average Democratic voter of a certain age, race and class level doesn’t want to fight for those things.  Because while they agree with those policies in principle, they won’t be that affected by them, and more importantly, would have to pay more in taxes.  So they say they support these goals yet refuse to put any skin into the game to achieve them.   The other possibility is that they would support enacting these policies and paying a bit more, but they don’t think anyone else would and thus think we need to support the least-controversial candidate.  No one really likes Joe Biden, or if they do, no one can really identify what exactly he is running for.   Even though health care remains a joke in this country, Biden isn’t arguing to make it better.  He isn’t supporting a wealth tax.  What is this man running on except a vague idea about returning dignity to the American worker.  Yet voters still support him, either because they know he actually won’t change anything (except make it ok to be gay again) or because they think not changing anything is the only way for a Democrat to win.
The American voter (not just Democratic voters) collectively is a stupid person.  They personally want a politician to enact massive change to better their lives, yet believe the ideal candidate is a moderate who won’t do anything major, and still someone in doing nothing substantial, will improve their lives.  Then, just to double down on that stupidity, they will vote the opposition party into power in Congress to ensure nothing happens, all because they love compromise. Of course, the last thirty years of politics have shown that bipartisanship is a myth.
The American voter is both very ignorant and very naïve.  We accept that.  But it’s tougher to accept that from our politicians.  At a recent fundraiser for millionaires, Biden touted his sincere belief that when Trump goes, Republicans will have an epiphany and start working with him to make our country better.  Folks, this is disqualifying.  The sheer insanity of that belief needs to be a deal breaker.  Biden, in the very same speech to the very same contingent of rich assholes, said that he personally called dozens of Republicans to get Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court.  The Republicans said no and pulled a move so disgusting and unprecedented that we will never see something worse in our lifetimes.  And this was all before Trump was even nominated.
Joe Biden is an idiot. He also is in the bag of the rich. He regularly attends fundraisers hosted by lobbyists for some of the most nefarious industries.  His campaign is mostly funded by Wall Street and Health Insurance.  And how do you think he’ll govern once in office?  Will he go after these bad actors?  Or will he appoint them to his Cabinet?  Remember, this is the guy who worked in an administration that wanted Larry Summers as Fed Chief.  He appointed Timothy Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury.
Joe Biden would continue the worst aspects of Obama’s administration without all the good stuff. He’d be in his late 80’s by the time his second term ended, too.  For the love of all that we hold holy, we cannot nominate Biden.
It is now time for the top two candidates.  I would happily vote for either of these candidates, so my choice for one is not a slight on the other.  Each candidate has issues, but they are minor compared to what they bring to the table. So I urge you to vote early and often for either of them.
Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders
A presidential candidate should make you excited to vote for them.  It can’t just be “I can’t vote for the other guy so I guess you’ll do.”  It’s a recipe for disaster.  People need a reason to take a couple hours of their day, find parking, wait in a long line, deal with eighty-year old volunteers who yell at you to close the curtain more, and then go into work and deal with their daily amount of shit.  People need a reason to see the process of voting as exciting.  
I think Bernie and Elizabeth are the only two candidates one can reasonably get excited about.  I’m not saying everyone will be excited by them because a lot of people don’t support their policies.  I call these people assholes.  But can anyone honestly say they are excited to vote for Amy Klobuchar or Joe Biden? Even if you support their bland policy proposals which consist of “we need better jobs but fuck if I know how to do that.”
But which one to choose?
I’m going to start with Bernie.  The negatives against him are one of perception rather than reality, but in politics its not the truth that wins out but what you can convince people the truth is. And Bernie will definitely be portrayed as an out-of-touch Socialist.  While the youngins like the word “socialism” the majority of the electorate is still scared to death of the term because they equate social democratic government as the Soviet Union and bread lines.  In other words, most people are stupid.   Sanders best hope would be to hammer home how amazing European countries are, the benefits they enjoy without all the negatives that Republicans conjure up in places like Venezuela. Unfortunately, Republican messaging still rules the day.   Even if you could strap a person in a chair and explain point by point why Sweden and Denmark work as social democracies, they still wouldn’t get it.
Trump will absolutely attack Bernie for being a socialist, and the problem compared to the other candidates he would attack for being a socialist is that the suburban Democratic voters would actually believe him.  Bernie absolutely will upend the system, and a lot of people are still benefiting from that system.  People like my parents.  They have a good amount of money but are not rich.  Taxes going up on them will impact their daily lives, and most of the benefits Bernie is advocating for would not benefit them.  There is a lot of good research out there that suggests the key for Democrats to win across the board is to get the suburban moderate vote. And there is a legitimate argument that Bernie will not get that vote.  Now, one can say that those voters would never vote for Trump. But you must remember a very important thing about politics: white people can get pretty racist when they think you’ll take money away from them.
But here’s what I love about Bernie.  He is entirely genuine in his advocacy for the poor and working class. Most politicians say they care, of course.  They give a speech supporting raising the minimum wage or not cutting Medicaid. But they also tie themselves with rich donors and businesses whenever they can.  They support the poor until there is a good reason not to.  Not Bernie.  He’s been singing the same tune since the sixties.  He doesn’t care if it isn’t popular. He’ll make it become popular. Bernie almost single handedly shifted the conversation on universal health care.  We are talking about paid family leave and free college because of him. And the man deserves credit for that.
Bernie has been hit a lot from the Democratic establishment.  People are still sore that he had the audacity to challenge Hillary Clinton.  Even though he endorsed and campaigned heavily for her after dropping out in 2016, there is still a narrative that he sabotaged her campaign.  Let’s be clear, though.  The reason why the establishment Democratic contingency dislikes Bernie is because he thinks they are just as corrupt as the Republicans.  Which is true.  Democrats work out of the same bubble as Republicans.  They rub shoulders with the same Wall Street donors. Try calling up your Democratic Senator to get an in-person meeting.  Now look at who does get those meetings.  I support Bernie because he actually is trying to change our corrupt political system.  A politician can’t work within the given system without being corrupted by it. The system is a cancer that needs to be destroyed.  
Bernie has said some dumb things and has held some dumb positions.  This can’t be denied.  He’s been accused of being a racist, sexist and homophobe.  Some of this is absolute bullshit and some of it is based on dumb things he’s said.   But judging by the policies the man has supported, the votes he has taken, and what he has said during the 2016 and 2020 campaigns, does anyone honestly believe him to be a racist, sexist or homophobe?
If you are having a tough time getting behind Bernie, I’d ask yourself the following questions:
Do you honestly believe he would pursue anti-women and anti-reproductive rights policies?
Do you think a more robust paid family leave policy, along with a policy promoting affordable childcare, would significantly benefit women?
Do you think Bernie would restrict LGBTQ rights or would he expand protections for this group?
Do you genuinely believe Bernie would support or champion policies that would discriminate against black people?  
Do you think health care is a crisis in this country and everyone should have access to it? If so, do you think Bernie makes the situation better or worse?
Do you think a president should fill his administration with people from the financial and insurance industries?  Do you think Bernie would do this?
Do you think millionaires and billionaires should be taxed more and more money should go into programs that help the poor and middle class?
Should college be free or at least much more affordable?
Ask yourself these questions.  Don’t worry about whether he can get them passed.  Truth is it will be tough for any Democrat to get anything passed.  I’d be looking at which candidates are most willing to use executive orders (hint: it’s Bernie).
We can’t keep hedging our votes on what’s practical because the truth is everything is doable with enough willpower.   Think about how insane Social Security is as a legislative success.  We taxed everyone, rich and poor, to provide money to senior citizens for the rest of their lives.  That’s insane, and we did it.  Same with Medicare.  If you think are country needs massive changes to secure our future, vote for the candidate who is advocating for massive changes.  That candidate is Bernie Sanders and…..
Elizabeth Warren.  Everything good about Bernie can also be said about Elizabeth Warren.  This is a person who literally created an agency designed to help consumers go against corporations.  Warren has correctly diagnosed the problem for wealth and income inequality and a lot of the bad shit that’s been happening to the American worker. Corporations suck. Rich people suck. They both need to be taxed way more and we need to use those funds to give benefits to the poor and working class. Warren has a plan for pretty much everything, and that is a great thing.  She doesn’t talk in platitudes about restoring dignity to the working class. She identifies the problem and comes up with an actual solution.  
And for her efforts she gets skewered by her opponents and the media.  When Pete Buttigieg says we should invest more in affordable housing, no one pushes back on exactly what that means.  But when Warren releases a comprehensive plan to pay for Medicare for All, she is eviscerated.  Her plans should be critiqued, but they should also come with the acknowledgement that she has put in the work and is way more open with the American people than the other candidates.  The media and voters need to start making candidates pay a price for not articulating actual plans for their policy goals.  
Warren is fucking smart and driven.  She has the brain and energy to do the job.  She’s not a crackpot; she’s an advocate for the little guy.  Honestly, there isn’t much to criticize Warren on outside of how she will pay for her policy proposals.  But the media will attack what little they have while giving Trump and the more moderate Democrats a pass.  When Trump or Biden talk about strengthening the military, no one will ask what that means and how much it will cost.  But when Warren comes up with a tax plan to pay for free childcare, every single pundit will pounce the second some study comes out that her funding is off by a few million.
Of course, the dumbest part is the idea Warren needs to fully fund any proposal.  Right now, the economy has been doing great for about five years.  And in that whole time, we’ve been running huge deficits.  Maybe government spending without offsets isn’t such a big deal. Warren can’t say that because the media won’t allow her to.  It would be great if Warren could just say “things are going great now despite a trillion-dollar deficit, so why not get free healthcare for a $2 trillion-dollar deficit?”
That’s what I love most about Warren.  The lines of attack against her are so shitty.  Bernie has legitimate concerns that the Republicans will easily exploit. The best they can do with Warren is attack her policies, which are broadly popular.  And with Warren, you get a bunch of different contingencies that will come out for her.  You have women and those who want to see our first female president.  You get progressives excited about finally having a candidate who advocates for them with a fighting chance.  And because she is being so careful not to raise middle class taxes, I think you get a lot of the suburban vote.
I think Warren can win this thing.  She articulates the message well, she lacks genuine baggage and when compared to Trump, she comes off even better.  
So who is my final pick? I’m going with Elizabeth Warren. Not only does she hold most of the same policy positions as Sanders, but she also is fundamentally opposed to the corporate interests that got us to this point.  And I think she can better cajole moderate Democrats to support her agenda.  Finally, I think she comes with less baggage.
What I would love to see, based on the polling, is for Warren to either win or come in second by a close margin to Biden or Buttigieg.  Sanders would drastically underperform, at which point if New Hampshire was also going poorly, he could drop out and swing all his support to Warren.  That would make her the clear front runner. Let’s see what happens.
  Elizabeth Warren
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willridgard · 4 years
Adnams - What a story!
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Give the gift of the perfect present
Buying gifts for loved ones often comes with its challenges.
Christmas presents. Birthday presents. Valentine’s Day treats. Mother and Father’s Day gifts. It can be hard to decide what to buy. And stressful, laborious, and expensive.
I mean, we’ve all been there haven’t we? Wrong style. Wrong colour. Wrong size. No warranty. No refunds. And while vouchers can be seen as boring and too safe, we can easily insult and upset the ones we care about by not putting enough thought or effort in.
Good presents in my opinion are ones that are appreciated, ones that excite, and ones that offer things to look forward to.  
People like adventure, challenge, and experience… Step forward, the Adnams Brewery Tour!
If you have an interest in beer (who doesn’t?), I highly recommend booking up this gem of a gift. Which is exactly what I did for my old chap.
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Maturing taste buds and award-winning beers
The change in my taste buds, from lager to ‘real ale’, has been duly noted by my dad – and in recent years, we have spent many an evening together sipping on Adnams’ award-winning beers. And while Broadside tops the tasting palette for him, it’s Ghost Ship for me – but there are plenty of other tasty beers that also tickle our fancy. Mosaic. Ease Up. Bitter. Lighthouse. Explorer. Blackshore Stout. Dry Hop. And even the more exotic choices in Earl Grey and Cucumelon Sour. We’ve sampled a fair few…  
At the end of the day, I suppose we are just a couple of ol’ Suffolk boys that love drinking quality beer now and again! And so, the Brewery Tour was the perfect, ultimate Christmas gift. ‘Sunday Funday in Southwold’ we called it. Caw’d a Hell buh, the missus came along as well: the more the merrier!
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Our excellent tour guide, Rob Denny, was absolutely superb throughout. He made us feel very welcome from the start, answered all questions thrown at him, and also held a popular taster session that everyone enjoyed at the end!
Brewing liquor, tasty samples, and growing beer in coat pockets!
One of the first things Rob asked us was ‘Which four main ingredients make up beer?’ ‘Water,’ answered one enthusiastic tour goer. ‘Correct,’ Rob replied. ‘More commonly known as brewing liquor in the industry.’ I liked that reply. Can’t beat a good bit of brewing liquor! Yeast, malted barley, and hops are the other three answers as he talked us through the interesting brewing process (more on that later).
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Good Tours include interaction – and samples. And we were lucky enough to experience both at Adnams. Adnams work closely with a number of local maltsters and we got the chance to taste some of the malt used to make some of our favourite beers. Handfuls of rye and pale ale malt were very tasty indeed – but just a word of warning, if you’re not a coffee drinker / fan, do not get overexcited (like I did) when you hear the word ‘chocolate’ being briefed! I slightly overpoured my take, much to the amusement of Poppy, and had to sneak several grains into my coat pocket! Sorry, Rob!
Ghost Ship: a spooky tale or two!
As we moved through the Tour, taking in the sights and smells of the Mash Tun, the Whirlpool and the Fermentation Vessels, we learned that Ghost Ship, Adnams’ best selling beer and biggest commercial winner, was originally only meant to be a three-month trial! Thankfully, this decision was reviewed after the ‘hauntingly good pale ale’ proved hugely popular after its release in Halloween 2010 – and it now proudly leads the line in a number of Adnams pubs up and down the country. Life without Ghost Ship would be simply unthinkable! Now just to get Spindrift and Early Grey back on keg…
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Rob also gave us the chance to smell some of the hops, which add delicious, unique flavours and aromas to the beer during the brewing process. Intense citrus aromas wafted through the air as we put our noses to ‘Citra’ – one of the most sought after hops in the brewing industry. Rumour has it that Citra made its way over to the UK, from the US, via Adnams’ Ghost Ship – such is the extreme power of citrus given off! 
Citra is also used in Ghost Ship 0.5%. Zero to low percentage beers are proving mightily popular in an ever-growing market. In fact, Adnams recently had to double its production of the low alcohol Ghost Ship. And I must say I’m impressed – the same great taste is produced, but there’s the added bonus of waking up without the hangover the next day too...They offer the perfect solution to driving as well!  
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The contrast and challenge of ABV
At the other end of the ABV scale is Broadside – Adnams’ dark ruby red beer which takes its name from the famous ‘Battle of Sole Bay’ sea battle in 1672. Boasting rich and malty fruitcake flavours, Broadside is brewed differently in cask (4.7%) from bottles (6.3%) because of two main reasons: price and ABV. Generally speaking, the higher the ABV, the more expensive the beer will be in the pub. Adnams have therefore adapted the recipe to make it more ‘sellable’ in pubs. It’s also very rare to see high percentage beers in pubs – as they must be consumed very carefully! Makes sense, right?
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Adnams all over the world!
One thing I was surprised at was the size of the brewery. I thought it would have been bigger seeing as how rapidly the Adnams name and brand is growing locally, nationally and worldwide! Not only do they own 44 pubs, inns and hotels, they also work closely with 1,000 free trades pubs and bars in East Anglia and 4,000 pubs nationally. They also export to more than 22 countries around the world, with their beers available to try in Abu Dhabi, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Slovenia, South Korea, Switzerland, Sweden, and USA. Look out for them the next time you’re on your travels!
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Being Southwold and proud: a sign of success
All things considered, Adnams are doing a sterling job. It’s been reported that their turnover is in excess of £80m a year and they produce more than 34 million pints of beer and 250,000 bottles of spirits per annum – an extraordinary number seeing as they only brew and distill during the week.
They are also extremely proud of their Southwold roots – and this video perfectly highlights what they are all about and what they are looking to achieve moving forward:
Southwold is a beautiful seaside town in the heart of Suffolk, blessed with a beautiful sandy beach and a promenade of colourful beach-huts. It’s a very attractive and desirable place to live - and brew beer! The first beer produced on site was apparently in 1345 – nearly 700 years ago! It was in 1872 that Adnams was founded. Brothers George and Ernest Adnams bought the brewery from Sole Bay and to this day, alongside the Loftus family, who joined the business in 1802, it remains an independent family business. Current chairman, Jonathan Adnams OBE, has had a massive impact in driving the company forward in terms of innovation and sustainability: two elements Adnams look set to focus on in the future. 
And while there’s no doubting that the Adnams story is a resounding success, things haven’t always been straightforward…
From cranky crocodiles to ‘the beast from the yeast’
Rumour has it that George was eaten by a crocodile in 1880 after moving to South Africa. 140 years on and we’re still waiting for a snappy beer to be released in his memory…
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More recently, an overflow in the fermentation vessel meant that yeast escaped its home and started chasing employees down the stairs! How we giggled when Rob told us that story. But brewing is like a scientific experiment I suppose – and it was also fascinating to hear of brewers throwing in malted loafs of bread to the mix. Trying different things to produce more great beers.
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It is also the second most easterly UK brewery. Lowestoft-based Green Jack hold that prestigious award – and I can confirm, from testing a few samples in The Engineers Arms, Leiston, that both Gone Fishing and Trawlerboys Best Bitter are two exceptional drops worth trying!
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A rum owd dew!
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The beer sampling after the Tour was a joy to behold. Rob was a fantastic host and there was a great variety of scrumptious beers to sample. Cask. Keg. Cans. Bottles.
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Of course, there was still time to (literally) sprint to the shop before it closed. Which is also very impressive. Boasting an array of their beers, spirits, and wines – as well as other merchandise, Adnams now have 13 retail stores in the UK. These are mainly based in Suffolk coastal towns – and I couldn’t help but purchase an inviting six-pack of award-winning beers for a very reasonable £10. Heck! We even received a free bottle of our choice as part of the Tour as well. After trying it for the first time with Rob’s guidance, I opted for a Blackshore Stout to go alongside my six-pack!
There was even time to visit The Lord Nelson. Situated close to the seafront, ‘The Nelson’ is just one of several fantastic, bustling pubs serving Adnams’ award-winning beers, wines, and spirits. Happy days.  
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All in all, we had a wonderful time, and in my opinion, the Tour is well worth the £20. Thank you Rob and thank you Adnams. Book it up. Now! By visiting: https://www.adnams.co.uk/experiences/1
What’s next for Adnams? Well, rumour has it that collaborative brews are in the pipeline, alongside celebrations to mark the 10-year anniversary of the Copper House Distillery, which has now won more than 100 awards. We might have to take up the offer of visiting again soon. Adnams. What a story.
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eurotickets20 · 5 years
Nine things you might have missed from Monday’s Euro Cup 2020 qualifiers as Ireland remain undefeated
The main rivalry in European international football continued on Monday evening with the latest set of Euro Cup 2020 qualifiers. The likes of Spain, Republic of Ireland and Denmark were all involved in their respective fixtures, each hoping to pick up maximum points to enhance their chances of reaching the finals next year. Fowling are nine things you might have missed from Monday’s Euro Cup 2020 qualifiers.
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1. Ireland remain unbeaten despite average performance
After their impressive 1-1 draw away to Group D rivals Denmark, Mick McCarthy’s side went into this match unbeaten and top of the group after three matches. Sports enthusiasts from around the world can purchase Ireland Euro Cup Tickets online to enjoy its stunning performances.
Monday was a must-win for the Irish who knew this was probably the ‘easiest’ game of the group for them, with matches against Denmark, Switzerland and Georgia still to come.
After winning three and drawing once, Ireland now sit pretty atop of Group D, a massive five points clear of second-placed Denmark.
2. Pressured Portugal put under Ukraine strain
The first goal of Monday’s qualifiers was scored by Gent and Ukraine centre-forward Roman Yaremchuk who put his side ahead after just six minutes at home to Luxembourg.
Coming off the back of their 5-0 dismantling of Serbia last week, Ukraine have now put more pressure on Nations League winners Portugal after their 1-0 victory.
Cristiano Ronaldo and co. may have two games in hand on Andriy Shevchenko’s side but they now sit eight points behind them and have it all to do to finish top of Group B.
3. England irreplaceable atop of Group A
We said it Friday and we’ll say it again. England is already looking pretty good atop of Group A at present, and that’s without kicking a ball in the competition since March. Sports enthusiasts from around the world can purchase England Euro Cup Tickets online to enjoy its stunning performances.
With the rest of England’s competitors fighting it out once again on Monday evening, it would have taken something spectacular for Gareth Southgate’s men not to remain at the group’s peak come full-time.
Elsewhere, a last minute goal scored by Elba Rashani secured Kosovo a vital away win against Bulgaria, meaning they are just a single point behind the Three Lions.
4. Mitrovic and Jovic help Serbia redeem themselves
Serbia’s performance against Ukraine was beyond terrible.
Yet, with the group still in its early stages, there is still plenty of time for Serbia to overcome Friday’s tragic result to get their European ambitions back on track.
On Monday they faced a Lithuania side that sit uncomfortably bottom of Group B and already have little chance of reaching the European Championships for the first time in their history.
Mitrovic’s second was his 25th goal for his country in 49 games which at any level is a decent goalscoring average.
Piatek ensures ‘Pole’ position 
Poland hasn’t missed a European Championships since Greece lifted the highly-sought trophy in 2004, defeating Portugal 1-0 in a shock result.
It seems the Polish presence will be felt once again following Monday’s result, a 4-0 win over Israel ensuring they remain unbeaten after four Group G matches.
Further goals from Bayern Munich class-act Robert Lewandowski, Hull City winger Kamil Grosicki and midfielder Damian Kadzior secured three points for the hosts. An Israel win would have seen Poland slip to second with Andreas Herzog’s jumping ahead of them.
6. Ajax youngster doubles tally as Eriksen steps up
With the talent that can be found within the Denmark ranks, at this stage of the group they shouldn’t already be five points behind the Republic of Ireland.
Of course, he still has quite some way to go before beating fellow striking alumni Jon Dahl Tomasson’s record of 52 goals for Denmark.
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Tottenham and Denmark’s main man Christian Eriksen played his part, netting from the penalty spot to drag the Danes ahead once again following Saba Lobzhanidze’s equaliser. The score finished 5-1 to Denmark in a match they dominated from start to finish.
7. Ramos is a goal machine
We spent a section praising Sergio Ramos’ international credentials on Friday but it would be impossible not to do so once again this evening.
First and second in Group F faced off with both sides undefeated heading into Monday’s fixture. Spain was able to overcome a strong Sweden side with three unanswered second-half goals.
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Incredibly, Ramos’ second-half goal – an accurate finish from the penalty spot – means he is now just one goal away from being Spain’s ninth top scorer in the nation’s footballing history.
He has 20 goals to his name for Spain, meaning he has scored more goals than the likes of Alvaro Morata (16), Andres Iniesta (13) Juan Mata (11) and Diego Costa (10).
8. Another double for a Romanian striker
Grabbing themselves a last-minute point in their away 2-2 draw with Norway would have filled Romania with confidence knowing that Malta was next in their sights.
With Spain and Sweden battling it out, there was a real opportunity for Cosmin Contra’s side to catch-up some points on their group rivals.
Following Claudiu Keseru’s double on Friday, tonight it was fellow striker George Pușcaș’ turn to smash two beyond an opposing goalkeeper, nabbing his second and third goals of this Euro 2020 qualifying campaign.
Romania’s next fixture in this competition comes in September when they host Spain, who currently sit just three points ahead with a goal difference that is better by a single strike.
9. Latvia crash to heaviest defeat in five years
The last time Latvia conceded more five or more goals was in 2014 when the Netherlands smashed them for six in the Euro 2016 qualifiers in 2014.
However, Monday was a match made of nightmares as Latvia lost 5-0 on home soil against Slovenia, who previously hadn’t won any of their matches in Group G.
Two goals apiece from both Domen Crnigoj and Josip Iličić and a second-half goal from Miha Zajc sealed a thumping victory for Matjaž Kek’s side.
  Football fans can get Euro Cup Tickets through our trusted online ticketing market place. EuroTickets2020.com is the most reliable source to book summer game tickets.
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pllsetskyonice · 7 years
Europe’s Biggest Party
Yuuri Katsuki/Victor Nikiforov
2,351 words
AO3 link
Victor loves Eurovision and no one can convince me otherwise. Dedicated to @clairles who I’ve spent most of the past week screaming about Eurovision with.
(I rewatched practically all of the final for this, send help)
13 May, 21:45
Victor renamed the chat Europe’s Biggest Party
Victor added Yuuri Katsuki, Yuri Plisestsky, Emil Nekola, Christophe Giacometti, Michele Crispino and Sara Crispino
Yuuri: ...what is it?
Yuuri: oh
Yuuri: that’s the singing competition right?
Victor: Yes! I know we’re not all partying together but we can still scream over messages
Christophe: Russia aren't even competing this year though?
Victor: Yes I am aware, we're still going to watch it though because it's Eurovision and we must
Victor: And stfu Chris, Switzerland didn’t get past the semis with your entrant who looked like she’d stolen the dress from Beauty and the Beast
Emil: Czech Republic didn’t get to the finals either *sobs*
Michele: Italy did!
Victor: Italy pays to be there.
Yuuri: I’m confused?
Victor: Italy is part of the “Big 5”, which is the five counties (Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the UK) that make the biggest financial contributions to the European Broadcasting Union. They, along with the host nation, automatically get into the final
Yuuri: Oh I see!
Yuri added Otabek Altin
Victor: what’s he doing here Kazakhstan wasn’t invited
Yuri: Japan wasn’t either yet Katsudon is here
Yuri: Anyway he’s here watching it with me so I thought I might as well add him
Christophe: Oh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yuri: gtfo chris
//for Israel, add 01//
Yuri: jfc anyone would think you’re excited or some shit
Victor: me? Excited for Eurovision? What do you think this is?
Christophe: I voted for them in the semi finals I think?
Victor: a good choice
Otabek: I like the stage with how they’re making it look like a galaxy
Christophe: drinking game for tonight: take a shot every time you see a piece of white clothing on stage
Emil: don’t
Emil: if you saw the semis you’ll know that it looks like a bridal boutique at Eurovision this year and that will end with alcohol poisoning lmao
Yuuri: …no? I want to enjoy my first experience of Eurovision sober
Christophe: spoil sport
Christophe: being drunk just makes it more fun, just saying
Otabek: this song is very repetitive
Yuri: yeah well, welcome to Eurovision
//for Poland, add 02//
Emil: A wild violin appears
Victor: Did someone leave the door open? It looks there’s a draft on stage with her hair blowing like that
Christophe: *pours a shot*
Yuri: what’s going on with her dress I’m so confused
Victor: me too
//for Belarus, add 03//
Christophe: oh wow I’m don’t even know how many shots I’ve got to do for this one
Yuri: Many.
Yuuri: what language are they singing in?
Victor: Belarusian I think
Yuuri: well whatever it is the song sounds fun
Yuuri: I like it
Emil: not sure why they’re on a boat but I sure as hell want to dance on one now
Yuri: SAME
Christophe: aaaand they’re kissing
Christophe: what’s the betting the Yuuri and Victor are doing the same?
Otabek: High.
Victor: stfu all of you
Christophe: AHA! HE DIDN’T DENY IT!
Victor: chris I s2g
//for Austria, add 04//
Yuri: wow the dreamworks boy has grown up
Emil: think you need a few more shots chris
Christophe: I regret agreeing to this
Christophe: I feel like it was a mistake
Victor: you’re the one that started it in the first place!
Christophe: that’s a ~minor detail~ stfu
//for Armenia, add 05//
Yuuri: Is it just me or does Armenia remind you of welcome to the madness?
Yuri: Bitch stole my lighting cues I want them back
Victor: what on earth is she wearing
Victor: chain mail? Is this the 1500s?
Yuri: her jewellery is great though
Christophe: I’m having mixed feelings about the dancing tbh
Emil: same
Otabek: idk I think they work
//for The Netherlands, add 06//
Christophe: coming soon to some movie credits near you
Victor: their outfits are so sparkly
Michele: song is shit though
Yuri: ^^
Sara: I like it!
Michele: I take it back it’s not that bad
//for Moldova, add 07//
Emil: a hero has returned
Yuuri: ??
Victor: they first competed in 2010 and the saxophonist became a meme after
Victor: he’s a legend
Yuri: wtf is this dancing
Christophe: Bridal Wear 2017 by Moldova
Christophe: I suppose I’d better pour some more shots
Yuri: you’re damn right
//for Hungary, add 08//
Christophe: I’m feeling personally attacked by all this white clothing tbh
Emil: ah
Emil: another wild violin player
Otabek: I’m actually really liking this song
Yuri: it’s certainly not the worst we’ve seen so far
//for Italy, add 09//
Yuri: @michele @sara pls explain wtf is going on with your country’s entry
Sara: I wish I knew
Otabek: someone should tell them that harambe is so last year
Yuuri: this is very colourful
Christophe: at least that means I don’t have do so many shots lmao
//for Denmark, add 10//
Yuri: Isn’t the singer Australian?
Victor: Yes but she moved to Denmark recently
Yuri: like a suspiciously recently kind of recently?
Victor: quite possibly
Yuuri: I think her shoes might be white though?
//for Portugal, add 11//
Victor: SALVADOR!! ❤ ❤ ❤
Yuri: aren’t they one of the favourites to win it?
Yuuri: you know when you described Eurovision to me this wasn’t quite what I was expecting
Victor: yes they are! And yeah I get that haha
Victor: it’s certainly something different to what we usually expect at Eurovision haha
Victor: I think I like it though
Yuri: I don’t
Christophe: on the topic of making it stop
Christophe: oh look it’s the hosts
Otabek: lmao
//for Azerbaijan, add 12//
Yuri: okay what’s going on here
Michele: following italy’s example by including an animal in their choreograph
Sara: or the head of one I guess
Christophe: this is making my head hurt I’m so confused
Victor: same
//for Croatia, add 13//
Christophe: you vs the guy she told you not to worry about
Yuuri: what is going on here
Otabek: I’m really in two minds whether this works or not
Victor: I think it does
//for Australia, add 14//
Yuuri: I like Australia’s song! The guy is only seventeen he’s so talented!
Christophe: phichit better not see this haha
//for Greece, add 15//
Christophe: Someone tell Greece their paddling pool looks a bit shit compared the fountain Jedward brought in 2012
Yuri: You Tried™
Victor: If you're going to bring water on stage at least make an effort
Victor: Real talk though why did Ireland stop sending Jedward to represent them? They were basically made for Eurovision
Christophe: they really were
Christophe: I miss them
Christophe: this song is quite catchy though, I like it
//for Spain, add 16//
Otabek: this sounds kind of like Bruno Mars
Otabek: or some knock off version of one direction
Victor: they can definitely stop with those shirts
Victor: hideous garments
Yuri: oh god that voice break
Yuri: I cringed so bad
Otabek: same
//for Norway, add 17//
Christophe: I think daft punk might be missing one of its masks?
Christophe: ooh it lights up
Christophe: pretty
Yuri: I’ve had enough of this song already someone make it stop pls
Otabek: idk I think it kind of works?
Christophe: …I came out to have a good time…
Victor: crying
Victor: OMG MANS
Yuuri: who?
Victor: he won in 2015 for Sweden and then co-hosted it last year
Victor: he’s a hero and everyone loves him
//for the United Kingdom, add 18//
Christophte: ah, the UK
Christophe: the one country you don’t need to feel threatened by in Eurovision
Sara: idk I think this is song is actually pretty solid? I like it
Victor: it’s another ballad we don’t need another one of those
Victor: also I don’t like the dress
Otabek: the stage looks cool though
Sara: and she can definitely sing
Sara: I think they’ll do better than last year
//for Cyprus, add 19//
Yuri: I want his jacket
Yuuri: I love what they’re doing with the lights and the stage
Otabek: same
//for Romania, add 20//
Victor: Now here is a true Eurovision song
Christophe: exactly, where else would you here yodelling and rapping in the same song?
Yuri: Yodeleeii, yodeleioo
Otabek: this is crazy and I love it #Romania2018
Otabek: (Yuri is singing along I just thought you all should know)
//for Germany, add 21//
Otabek: yeah hi germany David Guetta called he wants his song back
Yuri: lmao it actually sounds so much like titanium
Otabek: swear it’s like exactly the same chords
Victor: it wouldn’t be Eurovision without a song that sounds dubiously like an actual pop song
Christophe: haha true
//for Ukraine, add 22//
Otabek: we’re barely thirty seconds in
Yuri: I don’t care
Yuuri: I’d ask why there’s a massive head on the stage but I’ve learnt now that there’s probably little to no reasoning behind it
Victor: I mean you’re not wrong haha
//for Belgium, add 23//
Christophe: I think it reminds me of something but I don’t know what
Otabek: the beginning sounds a bit bastille-like? Maybe? Idk
Sara: I love the flowers on her dress
Emil: Solid song, I’m loving it #Brussels2018
Victor: no, #Lisbon2018
Yuri: it’s quite obviously going to be Romania stfu
Yuri: “authentic tv host smile”? lol no that has got to be two of the creepiest smiles I’ve ever seen
Victor: lmao true
//for Sweden, add 24//
Christophe: *starts backstage bc it’s the only thing that’s going to make this song stand out*
Victor: I CHOKED
Yuuri: ...are those treadmills?
Victor: Yes, yuuri, they are.
//for Bulgaria, add 25//
Victor: he was born in THIS CENTURY
Victor: I feel so old
Yuuri: what’s with all the talented 17 year olds tonight
Otabek: this better win
Otabek: one of the best songs of the night
Emil: you still doing shots chris? His shirt is white
//for France, add 26//
Victor: we’re on the last song what the hell where’s the last two hours gone
Yuuri: I don’t know but it’s been fun
Sara: omg her dress
Sara: I want
Christophe: France: puts the Eiffel tower in the background whilst singing in French in case you’re in any doubt about what country this song is from
Otabek: why couldn’t Bulgaria end the show their song was so much better than this
Yuri: true though
//lines are now open//
Yuuri: another Eurovision hero?
Victor: how did you know
Yuuri: just a feeling
Victor: those of your who are able to, I hope you’re voting
Sara: of course!
Yuri: um.
Yuri: Ukraine what’s this interval act I’m so confused
Otabek: I like it
Otabek: It’s different
Victor: YES
Victor: YES WE DID
//lines are now closed//
Emil: well, I’m sensing a trend here
Victor: that’s not a bad thing! They’ve never won it
Otabek: Bulgaria is doing well too
Yuri: they’re still miles behind Portugal though
Yuuri: it’s not as cute as makkachin though
Victor: ♥‿♥ ♥‿♥
Victor: well of course Cyprus were going to give their 12 points to Greece that wasn’t a surprise
Yuri: oh my god this is so tense
Yuri: even though unless something shocking happens in the popular vote it looks like Portugal is going to win
Victor: the popular vote will be even tenser
Emil: well here we go
Christophe: Portugal has won the jury vote but idk Bulgaria might just pull it out the bag in the popular vote
Yuuri: this is worse than waiting for your score after skating
Christophe: lmao true
Victor: okay down to final four
Otabek: …no
Otabek: apparently not
Victor: YESSSS!!! SALVADOR!!!!
Christophe: I demand a recount
Emil: I mean, I’m not that salty about him winning? 53 years in the contest and this is the first time they’ve won it, there’s hope for us all
Victor: true
Victor: I like that he won HOWEVER what’s this speech did he just drag the rest of the competition I think he’s in the wrong place for a speech like that
Victor: this is Eurovision not the last night of the proms
Sara: he’s brought his sister onto the stage, I cry
Christophe: okay this is sweet
Victor: well, there we go, over for another year
Victor: did everyone enjoy it? Especially those of you who were watching it for the first time?
Otabek: I loved it
Yuuri: me too! We should throw a Eurovision party next year and invite everyone! Is that a thing?
Victor: YES
Christophe: It’s going in my diary now I do hope you realise this
Victor: of course I do! SEE YOU ALL NEXT YEAR! #LISBON2018
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Who will reach the finals?
There’s now just four rounds of games remaining in qualifying for Euro 2020, which kicks off in June next year.
No country has, as yet, booked their place in the finals. But the qualifying picture is starting to take shape.
Here we take a look at who is in pole position, and who might make a late run, before qualifying comes to a close in November.
– Euro 2020 qualifying: All you need to know
The top two teams in each group qualify automatically. Four more nations will qualify via playoffs, qualification based on UEFA Nations League performance.
England are almost through with a 100% record after four games, and would qualify next month if they can win away to Czech Republic.
The real battle comes for second, with Czech Republic a point ahead of Kosovo with three games remaining. Both have to play at home to England, which means the meeting between the two teams in Plzen on Nov. 14 may well decide who qualifies automatically and who goes into the playoffs.
Ukraine‘s only dropped points so far came in a creditable 0-0 draw away to Portugal. If they win their home game against rock-bottom Lithuania on Oct. 11, they would qualify with a point at home to Portugal three days later.
Portugal are in a superb position after winning away to Serbia this month. Victory in their two matches against Luxembourg, and at home to Lithuania, will give them an unassailable position.
Serbia are almost out of contention, but not all hope is quite lost. They must win their next three games — Luxembourg home and away and a trip to Lithuania — and hope Portugal beat Ukraine on Oct. 14. However, because of their vastly inferior goal difference to Ukraine, it is likely their rivals would have to drop points at home to Lithuania for Serbia to have a chance on the final matchday… when it’s Serbia vs. Ukraine. They are guaranteed a playoff if they finish outside the top two.
Cristiano Ronaldo scored four goals as Portugal thrashed Lithuania to move a step closer to the finals. AP
This group still looks good for Germany and Netherlands, but can Northern Ireland cause a big shock?
Germany sit on top of the group ahead of Northern Ireland on goal difference, three points ahead of Netherlands who have a game in hand.
All three of Northern Ireland’s remaining games are against the group’s traditional powerhouses. If they are to have any chance of reaching the finals automatically it is almost certain they will have to win two of those matches. Germany and Netherlands very much have qualification in their own hands…. as long as they don’t slip up against Belarus or Estonia.
Denmark‘s 0-0 draw in Georgia could be hugely damaging in a very tight three-way fight. They are second, a point ahead of Switzerland having played a game more, with the two teams meeting in Copenhagen next time out. Defeat in that game would leave their qualification hopes hanging by a thread.
Republic of Ireland head the group, but have only one home match remaining and must go to the Swiss on Oct. 15. The final group game between Ireland and Denmark in Dublin on Nov. 18 is shaping up to be a qualification shootout.
Although Switzerland sit outside the top two, they are probably slight favourites to progress with games against Georgia and Gibraltar to finish their campaign. But if they lose in Denmark, the home match with Ireland on Oct. 15 could become a must-win affair.
Croatia’s shock 1-1 draw away to Azerbaijan, who picked up their first point, coupled with Slovakia’s win in Hungary has thrown this group wide open.
Croatia now lead the group, but have only a one-point advantage over Slovakia and Hungary. Wales, who have a game in hand, sit three points further back.
Slovakia and Hungary must both go to Croatia, which gives the World Cup finalists an edge. However, Croatia also have to go to Wales.
Wales, Slovakia and Hungary all have Azerbaijan still to play, which means they have the possibility to pick up a victory while at least one of their rivals drops points in a head to head meeting.
All in all it’s impossible to call this group at the moment, but the picture may look clearer after two huge games on Oct. 10 when the four meet: Croatia vs. Hungary and Slovakia vs. Wales.
Spain can secure their pace at the finals if they win in Norway next month. MIGUEL RIOPA/AFP/Getty Images
Spain are all but assured a place at Euro 2020 with six wins from six, and will be though to the finals with victory in Norway on Oct. 12.
The real battle follows behind, with Sweden in second, one point ahead of Romania and two above Norway.
All three must play Spain, but Romania face the toughest task as they also have to host Norway on Oct. 15 and Sweden on Nov. 15. They will probably have to win both those matches to finish in the top two.
Romania may be up against it, but the results of those two matches will still have a huge bearing on which team takes second place. For instance, if Norway get a better result than Sweden in Bucharest, it could make all the difference.
Poland looked home and dry in this group, but one point from two qualifiers against Slovenia and Austria has suddenly left them vulnerable.
The Poles lead the group on 13 points, with Slovenia on 11, Austria on 10 and then Israel and North Macedonia both on 8.
It would still be a huge surprise if Poland were to fail to qualify from this position, as rival nations are all likely to take points off each other. Three wins will see them through regardless of other results.
Slovenia sit second, but their trip to Poland on the final day could leave them vulnerable. Austria probably remain slight favourites to take second, but they must visit Slovenia on Oct. 13 which looks crucial.
Though Israel remain in contention, they will have to get something away to Austria next time out to remain in the hunt for an automatic spot.
North Macedonia are the rank outsiders, as they are only team without a fixture left against pointless Latvia.
World champions France sit on top of the group on goal difference from Turkey and shouldn’t have any problem sealing their place, with games against Moldova and Albania to round off their campaign in November.
As Turkey are three points better off than Iceland with a vastly superior goal difference, they know two wins and a draw at home to their rivals on Nov. 14 will effectively assure them of a place in the finals.
Iceland‘s shock defeat in Albania means they are looking at a playoff, unless they can win in Istanbul.
Albania are six points off the top two and would need a miracle to force their way in.
France remain in control of their own destiny for a place at the European Championship. Getty
Barring one of biggest shocks in world football, Belgium will qualify for the finals on Oct. 10 with a victory at home to minnows San Marino.
And Russia are almost certain to join them, sitting in second with an eight-point gap to Cyprus and Kazakhstan, and could also secure their place on the same day as Belgium if results go their way.
With six wins out of six, Italy are almost there and will complete the job with a home win over struggling Greece on Oct. 12.
The race for second is far closer, but Finland have the upper hand as they have already played Italy twice.
Bosnia and Herzegovina simply must win at home to Finland next time out to stand any realistic chance. But if Finland can win that match, and the home game against Armenia three days later, they would need just one point from their final two matches against Liechtenstein and Greece.
Armenia sit three points behind Finland and could very much be in contention if results go their way next month, but their final group match is away to Italy.
The best-performing nations from the UEFA Nations League who do not qualify automatically for Euro 2020 will get a playoff place.
There will be 16 teams in the playoffs, with four from each league path.
The winners of the two one-legged semifinals will meet in the final for a place at Euro 2020.
The playoff system is explained in greater detail here.
The UEFA Nations League rankings are as follows. The first four nations are guaranteed a playoff, should they need it. If a team qualifies automatically, then that place passes down the line.
The teams in bold would enter the playoffs. There would be a draw to decide which of Bulgaria, Israel and Hungary would take the spare place in the playoff path for Leagues A and B.
League A: Portugal, Netherlands, England, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Poland, Germany, Iceland
League B: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Austria, Wales, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland
League C: Scotland, Norway, Serbia, Finland, Bulgaria, Israel, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Cyprus, Estonia, Slovenia, Lithuania
League D: Georgia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Belarus, Luxembourg, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Gibraltar, Faroe Islands, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Malta, San Marino
It means the playoff would look like this:
Netherlands vs. Bulgaria/Israel/Hungary Switzerland v Iceland
Bosnia and Herzegovina vs. Bulgaria/Israel/Hungary Austria vs. Wales
Scotland vs. Bulgaria/Israel/Hungary Norway vs. Serbia
Georgia vs. Belarus North Macedonia vs. Kosovo
Source link . More news
via wordpress https://ift.tt/2Q4jh6P
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
India vs England Dwell Stream: Methods to Watch Cricket World Cup 2019 Telecast on Cell and PC
http://tinyurl.com/y5czdv46 Hosts and pre-tournament favourites England are going through a must-win recreation because the stage is ready for the India vs England ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 match at Edgbaston in Birmingham. India know that victory will seal their spot within the World Cup semi finals, however with two video games remaining even after the one on Sunday, the stress is certainly off Virat Kohli’s males. Eoin Morgan and his England group, nevertheless, are going through the stress, having misplaced their two earlier video games towards Australia and Sri Lanka. Pakistan’s win towards Afghanistan on Saturday means they’re now fourth within the desk, in competition for the ultimate semi finals spot. England know a victory within the match towards India is the one method of guaranteeing that their World Cup 2019 future stays in their very own arms. England have gained the toss and opted to bat first, little doubt hoping they placed on a giant rating and put India underneath stress. That is solely the second time within the event India will probably be chasing, having gained their first recreation of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 towards South Africa by 6 wickets. India have made one change within the taking part in XI in comparison with the earlier recreation, with Vijay Shankar lacking out due to a “toe niggle”, and Rishabh Pant taking his place within the Indian group. England, in the meantime, have made two adjustments with Jason Roy and Liam Plunkett coming in for Jason Vince and Moen Ali respectively. The ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 is a month-and-a-half event with all 10 groups — Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, England, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and West Indies — taking part in one another to find out the winners. Nicely, not precisely. The highest 4 will proceed to the semi-finals and you know the way it goes then. When you aren’t fortunate sufficient to be in England, you may be seemingly be tuning in to the India vs England recreation and the remainder of the Cricket World Cup 2019 from the lounge sofa — or on the workplace. We aren’t right here to evaluate. In truth, we’re simply making an attempt to make it simpler for you. Relying on which a part of the world you reside in, here is how one can catch a stay stream India vs England recreation and the remainder of ICC Cricket World Cup 2019. Methods to watch India vs England cricket World Cup 2019 match stay in India Hotstar has digital rights for the Cricket World Cup 2019 in a number of elements of the world, together with India, Bhutan, Canada, Maldives, Nepal, and the US. In India, Hotstar prices Rs. 299 monthly or Rs. 999 per 12 months. These are at present the one two plans obtainable. Methods to watch India vs England cricket World Cup 2019 match stay in Pakistan Each PTV Sports and SonyLIV will provide stay streaming of the World Cup to these residing in Pakistan. Methods to watch India vs England cricket World Cup 2019 match stay in Bangladesh When you stay in Bangladesh and wish to catch the ICC World Cup on-line, you may want Rabbithole Prime. Methods to watch India vs England cricket World Cup 2019 match stay in Sri Lanka The Cricket World Cup 2019 will probably be streamed stay on Rupavahini in Sri Lanka. Methods to watch India vs England cricket World Cup 2019 match stay in USA and Canada Within the US, you may get a subscription to both Hotstar or Willow TV to look at the World Cup motion on-line. This additionally applies to US territories equivalent to Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. In Canada, Hotstar is the only on-line supplier, as we stated at first. Methods to watch stay streaming of World Cup 2019 in England Sky Go is the unique on-line broadcaster for the Cricket World Cup 2019 in England, Eire, Scotland, and Wales. Methods to watch stay streaming of World Cup 2019 in South Africa In South Africa and a number of other African nations, you’ll be able to catch a stay stream of the Cricket World Cup 2019 on SuperSport. You’ll be able to watch the Cricket World Cup 2019 stay on-line in Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros Islands, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti , Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mayotte, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Rwanda, St Helena, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zaire, and Zimbabwe by way of SuperSport. Methods to watch stay streaming of World Cup 2019 in Australia Australians will want a subscription to Foxtel GO, Foxtel Now, or Kayo Sports to look at the World Cup motion on-line. Methods to watch stay streaming of World Cup 2019 in New Zealand When you’re in New Zealand throughout the World Cup of cricket, you may must Sky Sports activities’ Fan Pass to catch the cricketing motion. India will probably be hoping to win ICC Cricket World Cup for the third timePicture Credit score: Reuters   Methods to watch stay telecast of World Cup 2019 in West Indies ESPNPlay Caribbean (Android, iPhone) is the World Cup stay stream supplier for these residing within the Caribbean. That features the islands of Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Saba, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten, Tortola (British Virgin Islands), Trinidad and Tobago, and Turks and Caicos. Methods to watch stay telecast of World Cup 2019 in Afghanistan Sadly, there would not appear to be an internet supplier for the Cricket World Cup 2019 in Afghanistan. A minimum of not but. It is going to be aired on Radio Tv Afghanistan on TV, for what it is price. Methods to watch stay telecast of World Cup 2019 in remainder of the world In Center East and northern Africa, the stay stream rights for the Cricket World Cup 2019 are with OSN Play and Wavo. This contains Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, West Financial institution, Gaza Strip, Palestine and Western Sahara. In a lot of South America, ESPN Play North, ESPN Play South, and Watch ESPN Brazil will provide stay stream of the Cricket World Cup 2019, relying on the place you reside within the continent. This contains Argentina, Aruba, Ascension Island, Belize, Bolivia, Bonaire, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In the meantime in continental Europe, you may want a subscription to Yupp TV to look at World Cup motion. This contains Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Spain, Belarus, Bulgaria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Republic of Macedonia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Gibraltar, Greece, Malta, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Monaco, Cyprus, Vatican Metropolis, Georgia, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Fox+ is the only on-line broadcaster of the Cricket World Cup 2019 in China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, and Thailand. Source link
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
World Cup 2018: Why the match in Russia was statistically the most effective
World Cup 2018: Why the match in Russia was statistically the most effective
World Cup 2018: Why the match in Russia was statistically the most effective
France had been topped world champions for the second time with victory over Croatia
4 easy phrases, used variously as an announcement or a query throughout the nation throughout a baking June and scorching July: “Greatest World Cup ever?”
The 2018 version of worldwide soccer’s final gathering was not the most-anticipated match within the recreation’s lengthy historical past, for a wide range of causes, however maybe that was factor.
As a result of from the second hosts Russia smashed five goals past Saudi Arabia within the opening recreation, there was barely any let-up in drama and pleasure. The group stage, the knockout stage, even the ultimate – so typically a cagey procession to further time in latest World Cups – delivered what they wanted to.
In a soccer world of loads, the relative infrequency of World Cups – held solely each 4 years – means the match retains a fascination and cultural heft that simply outweighs the now technically superior membership recreation.
There are, it appears, sure compulsory components to a memorable World Cup, so let’s have a look at how 2018 actually measured up:
There must be drama
Ronaldo scores ‘sensational’ free-kick to finish hat-trick
In contrast to a league season, the World Cup doesn’t have the time for a slow-burning narrative to take form.
It wants quick, sharp hits of drama from the very begin. 2018 didn’t disappoint, with the 3-Three draw between Spain and Portugal on day two instantly, and rightly, adopted as a match traditional. Cristiano Ronaldo’s late free-kick to make sure Portugal took a degree capped a day of drama, with successful objectives for Uruguay against Egypt in the 89th minute and Iran against Morocco in the 95th.
General there have been 9 successful objectives (plus 4 defeat-avoiding equalisers) scored within the final minute or damage time of video games, greater than any earlier version of the World Cup and only one fewer than the 5 tournaments from 1998-2014 mixed.
Late objectives are the soccer equal of snapping that little bit of plastic off an outdated cassette tape to stop it being recorded over. They seal within the drama for good.
World Cup Successful objectives in 90th minute or later 2018 9 2014 4 1998 3 2006 2 1962 2 2010 1 1990 1 1970 1
We’d like shocks, however not too many
The place’s Neuer gone? South Korea rating second as keeper goes AWOL
The system for that is delicate.
If too many massive sides exit early it may make the conclusion of the match a bit underwhelming (see: World Cup 2002) however no-one needs to see all of the favourites cruise by way of to the latter phases untroubled.
Because it was, reigning champions Germany going out within the group stage, after which Spain, Argentina and Brazil stumbling within the knockout stage was nearly proper.
The Germans managed to be each uninspiring and significantly unfortunate, their complete of 72 pictures surpassed by solely 5 groups within the match, 4 of whom performed 4 extra video games than Joachim Low’s staff.
A minimum of Manuel Neuer ended the match as the one goalkeeper to make two dribbles, together with one significantly unsuccessful one within the opposition half in opposition to South Korea. Redefining the place certainly.
Earlier World Cup wins by semi-finalists 2018 2 2014 10 2010 5 2006 7 2002 7 1998 4
Superstars must emerge
We went into 2018 questioning which of Ronaldo or Lionel Messi would lastly dominate a World Cup.
Ronaldo’s hat-trick in opposition to Spain was electrifying but in addition a false daybreak, whereas Messi couldn’t carry a reeling Argentina staff who began with a special formation in all 4 of their video games as they searched in useless for a useful mixture.
It appears extraordinary, given their membership exploits, however neither Ronaldo nor Messi has ever scored in a World Cup knockout match.
World Cup 2018: The nice, the unhealthy, and the Neymar
The baton of superstardom was imagined to move to Neymar, however regardless of ending the World Cup with probably the most pictures (26) and the second-most possibilities created (23) it was the very fact he was the second most-fouled participant (26 instances in 5 matches – simply behind Eden Hazard with 27 in six) that stood out. Sure, the Brazilian was focused, however his ostentatious horizontal struggling left many with robust emotions of distaste.
As an alternative, it was France’s teenage hero Kylian Mbappe who loved a breakthrough. Two objectives in opposition to Argentina within the final 16 noticed him change into the primary teenager since Pele to attain twice in a World Cup recreation, and he adopted that by changing into the youngest participant since Pele to attain in a World Cup last.
Pele was good at soccer, and it very a lot appears Mbappe could be too.
Participant Staff Opponent Date of recreation Years Days Pele Brazil Sweden 29/06/1958 17 248 Kylian Mbappe France Croatia 15/07/2018 19 207 Carlos Desiderio Peucelle Argentina Uruguay 30/07/1930 21 319 Amarildo Brazil Czechoslovakia 17/06/1962 21 322 Wolfgang Weber Germany England 30/07/1966 22 33
There must be a theme to the World Cup
In 1966 it was dogs liberating trophies, in 2014 it was goalline expertise and referees spraying foam to mark free-kicks and defensive partitions (word how a lot vanishing spray has change into a part of the sport by the very fact no-one deemed it worthy of point out all through the match).
In 1990 we had such a defensively stifling match the legal guidelines of the sport had been altered with the outlawing of goalkeepers having the ability to decide up (most) backpasses.
In 2018 it was all about VAR and though this isn’t the place to debate particular person incidents throughout 64 video games, we will actually see the impact it had on the soccer.
The obvious is the sheer variety of penalties. Because the match started it was clear that gamers weren’t ready for the scrutiny that VAR would topic them to, with day three that includes 5 penalties. Three had been scored that day, contributing to a document 22 penalty objectives in a single World Cup.
‘You want wrestling?’ Pundits analyse Harry Kane penalty appeals
It appeared, although, that the majority gamers had cottoned on by the latter phases, with no penalties awarded in any of the quarter-finals or semi-finals earlier than presumably probably the most unsound VAR penalty resolution of the match within the last, when referee Nestor Pitana ultimately penalised Croatia’s Ivan Perisic for handball.
A corollary of all these penalties was matches that may have ended goalless didn’t. The World Cup ended with only one 0-Zero draw (the execrable lifeless rubber between France and Denmark), the bottom quantity for the reason that 1954 version – an period when defending was an non-obligatory further – which didn’t characteristic a single one.
There was additionally an exceptional variety of set-piece objectives, with 43% of strikes coming in that vogue, the best proportion in any World Cup from 1966 onwards. In a world the place worldwide sides don’t essentially have the time or roster to hone their enjoying types like membership sides, training-ground manoeuvres have change into extra important than ever.
World Cup % set-piece objectives 2018 43% 1994 38% 2006 37% 1990 36% 1998 36% 2002 35% 2010 32% 1966 30% 1982 29% 2014 29% 1986 28% 1974 28% 1970 27% 1978 26%
England want to show up
It had been so lengthy since England had captured the general public’s creativeness at a World Cup that a tune from 1996 (Three Lions – launched nearer to the primary broadcast of Fawlty Towers than to now) grew to become the theme of the infinite summer season.
Soccer did not fairly come dwelling, however England equalled their greatest efficiency in a overseas World Cup and the likes of Maguire, Trippier and Pickford have joined Gascoigne, Waddle and Platt as surnames that may echo down the nationwide consciousness for generations.
Harry Maguire had greater than twice as many touches within the opposition penalty space (23) as every other defender within the competitors in addition to the joint-most headed makes an attempt of any participant (9). Kieran Trippier created extra goalscoring possibilities than every other participant (24), ending forward of Neymar, Kevin de Bruyne, Luka Modric, Eden Hazard and Philippe Coutinho, in that order. Some firm to be maintaining.
World Cup 2018: Harry Kane seals his hat-trick to place England 6-Zero up
And let’s rejoice Harry Kane, solely the second Englishman to win the Golden Boot on the World Cup.
The Tottenham man scored with all six of his pictures heading in the right direction (one an inadvertent clip of his heel in opposition to Panama), so actually had luck on his aspect, however that is the World Cup the place you play a most of seven video games in a wide range of circumstances, so luck performs a good larger function than it often does.
And anybody who bemoans the very fact 50% of Kane’s complete got here from penalties ought to word that in 1966 4 of Eusebio’s Golden Boot haul got here from spot-kicks, and out of doors of Helmut Haller’s prolonged household, completely no-one has ever complained.
Harry Kane’s anticipated objectives tally throughout the match was 3.821 primarily based on the problem of his possibilities and the likelihood of scoring them. His greatest chances are high proven on this graphic, represented by the dimensions of the circle
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ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/8581/
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investmart007 · 6 years
MOSCOW | The Latest: James Rodriguez could be fit to play England
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MOSCOW | The Latest: James Rodriguez could be fit to play England
MOSCOW— The Latest on the World Cup (all times local): 6:20 p.m.
Switzerland doesn’t want to be caught napping early in its World Cup round-of-16 match against Sweden.
The Swiss have twice conceded the opening goal in Russia — first in their 1-1 draw with Brazil and again against Serbia — when Switzerland became the first team at this World Cup to win after going a goal down.
Coach Vladimir Petkovic says that “we have to be ready to play really from the get go in such a way to have the initiative on our side.” Switzerland takes on Sweden in St. Petersburg on Tuesday. The winner faces either England or Colombia in the quarterfinals.
The Swiss team is without the heart of its defense, with captain Stephan Lichtsteiner and Fabian Schaer suspended after picking up their second yellow cards of the tournament. ___ 6:15 p.m.
Colombia coach Jose Pekerman says James Rodriguez could be fit to play against England in the World Cup round of 16.
The Bayern Munich attacking midfielder was substituted with a calf muscle problem during Colombia’s 1-0 win over Senegal last week and has undergone medical scans which Pekerman says shows he “doesn’t have a serious injury.”
Pekerman says “we hope of course that he will be able to play” but he won’t guarantee Rodriguez will be in the starting lineup and “the team is quite stable” even without him.
If Rodriguez can’t play, Pekerman says Sevilla’s Luis Muriel will step in as he did against Senegal. ___ 6:10 p.m.
Neymar has scored in the 51st minute to give Brazil a 1-0 lead over Mexico in the World Cup round-of-16 game at Samara.
The Brazil forward slid toward goal and tapped in after Willian sprinted down the left and fired in a low cross.
The goal made Brazil the World Cup all-time scoring leader with 227 goals, surpassing Germany with 226.
Mexico made a change at halftime, replacing 39-year-old defender Rafael Marquez with Miguel Layun.
Marquez is playing in his fifth World Cup, and was the first player picked in a starting 11 at five World Cups. ___ 5: 45 p.m.
Mexico and Brazil are tied 0-0 at halftime in their World Cup round-of-16 match at Samara Stadium.
While Mexico controlled the possession early, Brazil appeared to have the best scoring chances.
Neymar’s right-foot shot was stopped by Mexico goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa only moments before the Brazil playmaker rolled a pass to Philippe Coutinho, who fired over the goal in the 26th minute.
The Mexicans were playing to reach the elusive fifth game at the World Cup, meaning the quarterfinals. El Tri has not been able to get past the round-of-16 for the last six tournaments.
Brazil is a five-time World Cup champion, the most recent in 2002. ___ 5:15 p.m.
Rafa Marquez has become first player to be included in the starting lineup at five World Cups. The veteran defender was used off the bench earlier in the tournament in Russia but started for Mexico in its round of 16 game against Brazil and FIFA noted his record at kickoff.
And, according to international analytics company Opta Sportsdata, Marquez (39 years, 139 days) is the oldest outfield player to start a World Cup knockout match since Stanley Matthews started for England against Uruguay in 1954 at the age 39 years, 145 days. Marquez made his World Cup debut in a 2-1 win over Croatia on June 3, 2002 in Niigata, Japan. ___ 5 p.m.
It’s a case of do or dye in Samara.
Brazil star Neymar’s blond highlights from the group stage are gone, and he’s back to his natural color for the round-of-16 match Monday against Mexico.
But his Mexico counterpart, Javier Hernandez — better known as Chicharito — has arrived in Samara Stadium as a bleached blond. Some opined on social media that Chicharito was trolling Neymar to try and get inside his head before the match. ___ 4:25 p.m.
The Croatia squad has wasted no time getting to the coast of the Black Sea to begin preparations for its quarterfinal match against Russia.
Just hours after edging Denmark in a penalty shootout, Croatia left behind Nizhny Novgorod and arrived in Sochi on Monday afternoon, well ahead of Saturday’s match against the tournament hosts. Croatia was scheduled to have a light practice Monday night. Several teams have come to Sochi early to prepare for the combination of heat and humidity. For Croatia it makes even more sense with its base camp for the tournament north of St. Petersburg.
Croatia is in the quarterfinals for the first time since 1998, when it placed third. ____ 4:10 p.m.
Tite has called in Filipe Luis to replace Marcelo for Brazil’s World Cup round of 16 game against Mexico.
Marcelo had back spasms in the opening minute of Brazil’s last group match against Serbia and didn’t recover in time to return to the starting lineup. Luis went on as a substitute at left-back against Serbia and retains that spot.
Mexico’s Hector Moreno was unavailable because of yellow card accumulation and has been replaced by Hugo Atala. Coach Juan Carlos Osorio also added 39-year-old defender Rafael Marquez to the starting lineup. Lineups:
Brazil: Alisson, Thiago Silva, Miranda, Casemiro, Gabriel Jesus, Neymar, Philippe Coutinho, Filipe Luis, Paulinho, Willian, Fagner. Mexico: Guillermo Ochoa, Carlos Salcedo, Carlos Vela, Javier Hernandez, Hector Herrera, Hugo Atala, Rafael Marquez, Andres Guadrado, Edson Alvarez, Hirving Lozano, Jesus Gallardo. ____ 3:20 p.m.
While Uruguay sweats on striker Edinson Cavani’s fitness ahead of the quarterfinal against France, Les Bleus must cope without influential midfielder Blaise Matuidi in Friday’s eagerly-awaited match.
The 31-year-old Matuidi, who has 70 international appearances, is suspended and assistant coach Guy Stephan acknowledges his experience and fighting spirit will be sorely missed against a rugged Uruguay side.
Stephan says “Blaise has the ability to hassle (opposition players), he always looks to stop the opponent, and he’s very good at defending but also at attacking.”
Looking ahead to the Uruguay game, Stephan anticipates “a huge battle” against Cavani’s in-form side.
Cavani scored twice in the 2-1 win over European champion Portugal in the round of 16, but limped off with a leg injury in the 70th minute. ____ 2:50 p.m.
On the eve of the biggest match of his international career, Sweden captain Andreas Granqvist could be forgiven for having one eye on what’s going on back home.
Granqvist’s second child is due on Tuesday — the same day that Sweden plays Switzerland in the last 16 of the World Cup. The center back has no plans yet to leave the team but hasn’t ruled out returning to Sweden if he needs to.
“My wife (Sophie) is doing great, no changes so far,” Granqvist said Monday. “We’ll have to wait and see what happens. I’m fully focused on the game tomorrow and my wife is very strong.”
When asked about the situation, Sweden coach Janne Andersson said “we will deal with that when we get there.” Switzerland forward Breel Embolo has returned to Russia after going home to attend the birth of his first child.
Denmark’s players paid for a private jet for teammate Jonas Knudsen so he could fly home from the World Cup to see his newborn daughter during the group stage, while England midfielder Fabian Delph is currently back home for the birth of his third child. ___ 2:20 p.m.
The Kremlin is comparing celebrations of Russia’s World Cup win over Spain to those for its victory over Nazi Germany.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov says, “what I’ve personally seen was in many ways probably comparable to the events of May 9, 1945,” when the Soviet Union marked the wartime victory.
Putin did not attend the game, but Peskov says he was supporting Russia from afar. The only game Putin has seen in person is Russia’s opening 5-0 win over Saudi Arabia, which he watched alongside the Saudi crown prince and FIFA president Gianni Infantino. ___ 1:25 p.m.
Denmark’s former goalkeeper, who’s also the father of the current goalie, is praising the team after it was eliminated from the World Cup in a penalty shootout.
Peter Schmeichel tweeted Monday that he “can’t be more proud of my country, my son, his teammates, all the staff and our fantastic national coach.”
He adds that the Danes “will realize how well we did” once “all the tears have dried out.”
His son Kasper Schmeichel saved a penalty late in extra time Sunday night against Croatia and stopped two more spot kicks during the decisive shootout. But Croatia goalkeeper Danijel Subasic saved three penalties to eliminate Denmark.
The 54-year-old Peter Schmeichel played for Manchester United and was in goal when Denmark beat the Netherlands in a penalty shootout in the semifinals of the 1992 European Championship. Denmark went on to win that title. ___ 1:15 p.m.
Denmark midfielder William Kvist says he is retiring from the national team.
Kvist punctured a lung and broke two ribs in the Danes’ World Cup-opening win against Peru. He was forced to go back to Denmark for treatment and tests but later returned to the team.
He played in 81 games for the national team, scoring two goals. He announced his decision on his Facebook page, writing, “thank you for many good years.”
Kvist formerly played for Fulham and Stuttgart and will continue his club career with Copenhagen. He told Denmark’s public broadcaster he had hoped to play in every game for the Danes in the World Cup, but “nevertheless, I still feel that I have won something by getting back to the team.”
Denmark was eliminated by Croatia in a penalty shootout on Sunday night. Another Denmark midfielder, Michael Krohn-Dehli, also announced after the game that it would be his last for the national team
By Associated Press
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jodyedgarus · 6 years
The 2018 World Cup: Favorites, Sleepers And Most Pivotal Games
When the 2018 World Cup begins play today, it’ll kick off what could be a very good month for the usual suspects of international soccer. Our World Cup probability model, which launched on Wednesday (read more about it here), gives Brazil — the most successful team in World Cup history — the best chance of winning the tournament, at 19 percent. Spain (the winner two World Cups ago1) and Germany (the defending champ) aren’t very far behind. And don’t forget about the classic contenders France and Argentina, who are also in our model’s top seven.
Only eight countries have ever lifted the Cup, so it’s not surprising that we are predicting good things for the world’s perennial soccer powerhouses. (Well, most of them. Sorry you couldn’t make the appointment, Italy and the Netherlands.) But this World Cup could still have its share of surprises, too. Here are the teams our model has as the favorites:
It’s not all historic honchos that have risen to the top of our model. Group G standout Belgium, which has enjoyed a meteoric rise in the worldwide rankings over the past decade, has a 27 percent chance of making the semifinals for just the second time in team history (and the first since 1986). This could very well be the year for fellow Group G side England — which fancies itself a blue blood2 but won its sole World Cup more than 50 years ago — to finally end its drought.
Over in Group B, Portugal has a good chance to avenge the disappointment of 2014 and advance deep into the tournament — provided it can stave off Morocco (and, as always, that Cristiano Ronaldo can carry over his club-team form to the global stage). In Group D, the veteran Croatians are not only a good pick to advance to the knockout stage but maybe even to make some noise once there. And as the front-runners in Group H, James Rodríguez and Colombia may be poised to advance past the quarterfinals for the very first time in national history.
Further down the list, our model sees a few dark-horse candidates to keep tabs on. If healthy, Mohamed Salah and Egypt have a much better knockout-stage probability than their Soccer Power Index would imply, because they were fortunate to draw the historic cupcake that is Group A. (Speaking of which: Uruguay — a two-time World Cup winner, so they might not quite fit the dark-horse image — and the host country, Russia, also have great odds of getting to the round of 16 out of the same group.) In Group H, meanwhile, Poland boasts essentially a coin flip’s chance to advance to the knockouts — which would be a first since 1986 — as does Denmark in Group C, Switzerland in Group E and Sweden in Group F.
To get there, though, all of these hopeful sides must win (or at least draw) a series of harrowing matchups within their respective groups. Thanks to our model, we can identify the matches that will likely swing the tournament’s odds the most, much like we did for college football’s most crucial games last fall. And perhaps surprisingly, no group-stage match will shape the World Cup more than Morocco’s duel with Spain on June 25.
Here are the tournament’s most important group-stage matches:
1. Spain vs. Morocco, June 25
Weighted total swing* of ± 8.55 percentage points of World Cup championship probability
Swing if … Affected team Spain wins Morocco wins Draw Spain +3 -11 -4 Brazil ±<1 +2 ±<1 Germany, England ±<1 +1 +1 Morocco, Argentina, France, Uruguay, Belgium, Croatia, Portugal ±<1 +1 ±<1
* Sum of outcomes’ absolute values weighted by their probabilities
2. Spain vs. Portugal, June 15
Weighted total swing* of ± 8.33 percentage points of World Cup championship probability
Swing if … Affected team Spain wins Portugal wins Draw Spain +5 -6 +1 Portugal -2 +3 ±<1 Brazil -1 +1 ±<1 Argentina ±<1 +1 ±<1
* Sum of outcomes’ absolute values weighted by their probabilities
3. Brazil vs. Serbia, June 27
Weighted total swing* of ± 8.11 percentage points of World Cup championship probability
Swing if … Affected team Brazil wins Serbia wins Draw Brazil +3 -9 -3 Serbia ±<1 +2 ±<1 Spain ±<1 +2 ±<1 Belgium ±<1 +1 +1 England, Argentina, France ±<1 +1 ±<1
* Sum of outcomes’ absolute values weighted by their probabilities
4. Brazil vs. Switzerland, June 17
Weighted total swing* of ± 7.98 percentage points of World Cup championship probability
Swing if … Affected team Brazil wins Switzerland wins Draw Brazil +3 -8 -2 Switzerland -1 +2 ±<1 Spain, Belgium, France, England, Argentina ±<1 +1 ±<1
* Sum of outcomes’ absolute values weighted by their probabilities
5. Spain vs. Iran, June 20
Weighted total swing* of ± 6.15 percentage points of World Cup championship probability
Swing if … Affected team Spain wins Iran wins Draw Spain +2 -11 -5 Brazil ±<1 +2 +1 Germany ±<1 +1 +1 Argentina, England, Portugal, Croatia, Uruguay, Colombia ±<1 +1 ±<1
* Sum of outcomes’ absolute values weighted by their probabilities
6. Germany vs. Mexico, June 17
Weighted total swing* of ± 5.60 percentage points of World Cup championship probability
Swing if … Affected team Germany wins Mexico wins Draw Germany +2 -6 -2 Argentina, Belgium, Mexico, Spain ±<1 +1 ±<1
* Sum of outcomes’ absolute values weighted by their probabilities
7. Argentina vs. Croatia, June 21
Weighted total swing* of ± 5.38 percentage points of World Cup championship probability
Swing if … Affected team Argentina wins Croatia wins Draw Argentina +3 -4 ±<1 Croatia -1 +2 ±<1 Germany ±<1 +1 ±<1
* Sum of outcomes’ absolute values weighted by their probabilities
8. Argentina vs. Nigeria, June 26
Weighted total swing* of ± 5.13 percentage points of World Cup championship probability
Swing if … Affected team Argentina wins Nigeria wins Draw Argentina +3 -4 -1 Nigeria ±<1 +1 ±<1 Spain ±<1 +1 ±<1
* Sum of outcomes’ absolute values weighted by their probabilities
9. England vs. Belgium, June 28
Weighted total swing* of ± 5.07 percentage points of World Cup championship probability
Swing if … Affected team England wins Belgium wins Draw Belgium -2 +3 ±<1 England +2 -3 -1
* Sum of outcomes’ absolute values weighted by their probabilities
10. Germany vs. Sweden, June 23
Weighted total swing* of ± 4.92 percentage points of World Cup championship probability
Swing if … Affected team Germany wins Sweden wins Draw Germany +2 -7 -3 Sweden ±<1 +2 +1 Spain ±<1 +2 ±<1 Argentina ±<1 +1 +1 Belgium, Croatia ±<1 +1 ±<1
* Sum of outcomes’ absolute values weighted by their probabilities
Because Hakim Ziyech and the talented Moroccans were cruelly slotted into one of the tournament’s deadliest groups (Group B), we give them only a 28 percent chance of making the round of 16. But Morocco is strong enough to potentially play spoiler to the group’s favorites — Spain and Portugal — which also means that if Morocco wins or draws in the group stage, it could have ripple effects for teams across the tournament.
Aside from the few group-stage clashes between titans, such as Spain-Portugal or England-Belgium, there’s a common recipe for the crucial matches listed above: a talented underdog that can’t be overlooked by its contending opponent and that has the potential to break the knockout bracket before it’s even set. But don’t just take my word for it — in our interactive, you can actually tinker with the effect of a given team finishing in a given slot and see how it changes the overall odds.
So with all that said, all that’s left is to enjoy the action on the pitch. Check our model for the latest odds and live, in-game match probabilities, and we’ll be with you throughout the tournament with updates and analysis.
from News About Sports https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-2018-world-cup-favorites-sleepers-and-most-pivotal-games/
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50 of Terry Wogan and Graham Norton's most scathing Eurovision quotes
New Post has been published on https://funnythingshere.xyz/50-of-terry-wogan-and-graham-nortons-most-scathing-eurovision-quotes/
50 of Terry Wogan and Graham Norton's most scathing Eurovision quotes
This Saturday marks the 63rd edition of the Eurovision Song Contest, with the Portuguese capital of Lisbon on hosting duties.
A parade of trashy, cringe-inducing performances, the best part of Eurovision has always been the pithy commentary, whether from the late, great Sir Terry Wogan, or from Graham Norton, who replaced his compatriot in 2009.
They have both given the contest a delightfully acerbic edge, poking fun at the expense of those onstage, or sharing the despair of the hours-long telethon with viewers at home.
Here are 50 of the best quotes from the two commentators to get you in the spirit.
• The ultimate Eurovision quiz: do you know your ABBA from your Wurst?
Terry Wogan
On 2006 heavy-metal winners Lordi: “Every year I expect it to be less foolish, and every year it is more so.”
Introducing the 2007 broadcast: “Who knows what hellish future lies ahead? Actually I do, I’ve seen the rehearsals.”
On Iceland’s 1990 entry: “This has been typified as a Eurosong… they do a little walking and bounce about a bit.”
(Photo: BBC)
On the UK’s 1995 effort: “It’ll either win by a mile or it’s the Diadora League next year.”
“Every year I go to see it and every year I say: ‘Isn’t it terrible? It’s worse than last year!’”
On Belgium’s 2003 entry: “They’ve got four languages in Belgium… and they’re singing in an imaginary one. The very essence of Eurovision.”
“It’s supposed to be bad. And the worse it is, the more fun it is.”
On France’s 2006 entry: “That’s the same song the French have been singing since they hung the washing up on the Maginot Line.”
“I don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s a major musical event. I love the Eurovision Song Contest and it will continue long after I’m gone. Just please don’t ask me to take it seriously.”
When the Swedish points announcer struggled with countries’ names in 2008: “It’s not easy this. You have to move your lips and it’s not easy. Are you related to the Director General of Swedish television?”
“Spain is next, with a song called ‘Bloody Mary’. That reminds me, I haven’t touched a drop yet.”
(Photo: BBC)
During the 2002 show: “I don’t know about you, I’m going to have a stiff drink.”
“It’s been 29 years since the Netherlands won the Eurovision Song Contest. After this performance, make that 30.”
“This skit must have seemed like a tremendous idea at the time, but actually it’s covering a commercial break for Finnish television. And if you don’t mind me expressing an opinion, I’d prefer the commercials.”
“That was France. Gosh, wasn’t that awful?”
With 24 out of 25 songs performed: “Hold on. Be strong. Just cling to the wreckage. It will be over soon.”
On the interval performance in 2009: “I’ve seen this. This goes on for quite some time, so if you fancy making yourself a stiff drink, or putting the kettle on, or walking the dog, this is the time to do it.”
“I’m trying to remind myself of Serbia and Montenegro’s song. What in hell’s name was it? 109 points? I wouldn’t have given them one.”
On a backstage skit in 2007: “Is this supposed to be funny? No, of course not – it is the Eurovision Song Contest. What’s the matter with me? Can we please watch the commercials? Why are these green room moments such an unmitigated disaster?”
“It’s been a wonderful, wonderful evening. I mean, not musically of course, but in terms of spectacle…”
(Photo: BBC)
Graham Norton
On Albania’s 2015 entry: “OK… That’s three minutes we’ll never get back, but look at it this way: We’ll never have to hear that song again.”
“It’s a grey, damp night outside, so there is a slight smell of wet dog in the arena.”
When the 2014 host suggested older viewers may not understand hashtags: “Don’t patronise me Nikolaj. I’m 51, not dead!”
“My one tip is, don’t start looking at his eyebrows, you won’t be able to stop.”
On Britain’s chances a few years ago: “Give them a nudge, every vote counts… Oh, I do hope we get some votes tonight.”
“This year’s theme is celebrating diversity. Let’s see who they’ve chosen to host. Oh. It’s three white men.”
On Poland’s 2014 entry: “‘We are Slavic girls, we know how to use our charming beauty, now shake what your mama gave you.’ It’s essentially a feminist anthem.”
(Photo: BBC)
“You keep thinking this will make sense in a moment. But no.”
“They’re dressed like posh hospital workers from the future.”
When the host spoke to members of the audience: “Nothing has gone wrong. This was planned.”
“The song is called ‘Alcohol is Free’. Ironic to sing that in Sweden, where it’s anything else. You have to sell your car to get a pint.”
“The last few years the semi-finals have weeded out some of the Eurovision lunacy… but not this year.”
On Norway’s entry in 2015: “He said he did something terrible as a boy. We don’t know what it was. It might have been write this song.”
“If you think my job’s easy, check out the guy pretending to play the saxophone for three minutes.”
On Albania’s 2012 entry: “She’s a devoted experimental jazz musician. She can do extraordinary things with her voice… not pleasant things, but extraordinary.”
Eurovision host: “It’s really interesting to see people’s emotions when they win.” Graham Norton: “It’s not that interesting though, is it?”
(Photo: BBC)
On Italy’s 2017 performance: “If you’re going to get someone to dress as a gorilla, at least get a decent outfit. That looks like couple of old car seats sewn together.”
On Russia’s 2012 effort: “It’s an unusual Eurovision this year. There are lots of songs that are really quite good and brilliantly sung. This is not one of those.”
On Hungary’s 2016 entrant: “If it doesn’t work out for him, he’s always got his Hotel Management degree. I feel he’s going to use it.”
On the fashion sense of 2015’s Georgian entry: “Her outfit does involve some roadkill. I fear some Georgian crows were harmed in the making of this act.”
On a Hungarian performance: “Don’t worry, he hasn’t brought his mother’s ashes on stage. It is, in fact, a mini milk churn. Who knew. Oh, and in case you are wondering, there hasn’t been a stage invader. She is a fully trained dancer. She is meant to be there.”
On the name of Hungary’s 2015 entrant: “Her name was unpronounceable so she decided to go by her nickname, which is Boggie. She could have called herself anything. Trixie-bell, Floo-Floo, but no. Boggie.”
(Photo: BBC)
Eurovision hosts: “There is so much love in the room tonight.” Graham Norton: “Not for you.”
On Germany’s 2016 entrant: “Maybe I’m just old and grumpy but there isn’t a single thing about this woman that doesn’t annoy me. Here’s Jamie-Lee, making Björk seem great.”
After a lengthy ballad in 2015: “You still there? It’s over. It really is over!”
“Ooh, some dodgy notes in there. I wonder if there’s something going wrong technically. Or maybe, he’s just not great.”
When it was announced there were 14 songs still to go in 2016: “She says that as if it’s a good thing!”
On some scantily clad backing dancers: “It is quite a good song, but you won’t notice because you’ll be distracted by the… oh, let’s call them dancers.”
“She claims to be the only yodeller in Romania. Probably because the others don’t talk about it. That’s the first rule of yodelling club.”
“It’s got everything; a pop tempo, a disco beat and two half naked men splashing about in a paddling pool.”
On the Danish points announcer: “It’s obviously dress-down Saturday in Denmark.”
The Eurovision Song Contest 2018 is on BBC One on Saturday at 8pm.
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usatrendingsports · 7 years
Put up World Cup draw Energy Rankings: How draw outcomes affected every group’s possibilities
Brazil — No change right here. Brazil is the favourite to win and has a winnable group with Switzerland, Costa Rica and Serbia. 2.
France  +1     France goes up a spot with a easy group in Denmark, Peru and Australia. You may ebook their spot within the subsequent spherical now. Three.
Germany -1 A tricky draw, however do not get me incorrect – Germany is definitely transferring on. Going through Mexico, Sweden and South Korea will likely be good checks to prep this group for an additional run. four.
Spain — Good draw getting Portugal, Iran and Morocco. Could not have requested for a significantly better draw, getting two very winnable video games. 5.
Argentina +2 Prevented an enormous canine from Pot 2 to settle in a troublesome, however not overly difficult group. Croatia, Iceland and Nigeria will all be checks, however ones this group will likely be ready for.  6.
Uruguay — They get the host nation once more and are a close to lock to make the spherical of 16.  7.
Portugal -2 They go down a pair after getting right into a toughie with Spain, as a result of in the event that they lose that one, this group is extra doubtless than Spain to slide up and crash out towards the others.  eight.
Belgium — Good draw and a lock for the following spherical. Beating Tunisia and Panama ought to be a breeze, will even be favored to beat England.  9.
England — Like Belgium, an excellent draw. Totally anticipated to maneuver on.  10.
Colombia — Good draw for Colombia who anticipate to be within the subsequent spherical. Poland was the Pot 1 group they wished, and Senegal and Japan are inferior.  11.
Mexico — Powerful getting Germany, Sweden and South Korea, however Mexico is the clear quantity two on this group. 12.
Croatia +1 They transfer up a spot after touchdown Iceland, Nigeria and Argentina. The clear second-best group. 13.
Russia -1 Uruguay and Egypt will not be straightforward, however they need to nonetheless transfer on. Will doubtless beat Saudi Arabia in opener. 14.
Poland — Not a troublesome draw in any respect, which will increase their probabilities of transferring on. 15.
Switzerland — No motion for the Swiss, who’re higher than Costa Rica and Serbia. However a slip up there, and be careful.  16.
Denmark +1 The Danish are up a spot with a fantastic draw towards Peru and Australia. France will likely be powerful, however this group has sufficient high quality within the center to win. 17.
Peru +2 The Peruvians additionally must be pleased with their draw. In the event that they handle Denmark, they need to be good. 18.
Costa Rica -2 Getting Brazil and Swtizerland was powerful to swallow. Have they got any extra magic left over from 2014? 19.
Sweden +1 If Zlatan Ibrahimovic comes again, this group ought to have sufficient to maneuver on to the spherical of 16.  20.
Nigeria +2 An honest draw for Nigeria, who will circle the sport towards Croatia because the one it should win to maneuver on. Greater than able to doing so.  21.
Japan +2 An excellent draw for Japan. Their probabilities of transferring on to the following spherical improve.  22.
South Korea -1 Doubtless headed dwelling. To get 4 factors from Germany, Mexico and Sweden, simply to have an opportunity, goes to be difficult. 23.
Iceland -5 The largest fall of all after getting Argentina, Croatia and Nigeria. Every group is extra proficient and ought to be favored to win, however do not underestimate the center of this group, as we noticed at Euro 2016 and in qualifying.  24.
Serbia — Simply as they began, little likelihood of transferring on, particularly with Brazil and Switzerland on the schedule.  25.
Egypt — Not a nasty draw. Getting something from Uruguay is unlikely, however Mohamed Salah’s kind offers this group an opportunity towards Russia.  26.
Senegal +1 They will beat Poland and Japan and transfer on to the spherical of 16. 27.
Australia -1 Poor Aussies. And not using a coach, and with out a lot of an opportunity to advance. France and Denmark are higher, and beating Peru will not be straightforward. 28.
Panama — Thanks for coming, Panama. Unlikely to web greater than three factors. They stand subsequent to no likelihood towards England and Belgium.  29.
Morocco — Getting Portugal and Spain is sort of a return ticket to north Africa.  30.
Saudi Arabia +2 Up two spots as a result of getting Russia and Egypt offers this group an opportunity. The place as a pot 4 group like Panama acquired Belgium and England, the Saudis have to like their draw.  31.
Iran -1 By no means stood a lot of an opportunity, and particularly after getting Portugal and Spain.  32.
Tunisia -1 Identical as Iran. Tunisia has some expertise and will likely be thrilled to be again on the World Cup, however they’re virtually definitely headed dwelling after the third sport.
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
World Cup 2018: Why the match in Russia was statistically the most effective
World Cup 2018: Why the match in Russia was statistically the most effective
World Cup 2018: Why the match in Russia was statistically the most effective
France had been topped world champions for the second time with victory over Croatia
4 easy phrases, used variously as an announcement or a query throughout the nation throughout a baking June and scorching July: “Greatest World Cup ever?”
The 2018 version of worldwide soccer’s final gathering was not the most-anticipated match within the recreation’s lengthy historical past, for a wide range of causes, however maybe that was factor.
As a result of from the second hosts Russia smashed five goals past Saudi Arabia within the opening recreation, there was barely any let-up in drama and pleasure. The group stage, the knockout stage, even the ultimate – so typically a cagey procession to further time in latest World Cups – delivered what they wanted to.
In a soccer world of loads, the relative infrequency of World Cups – held solely each 4 years – means the match retains a fascination and cultural heft that simply outweighs the now technically superior membership recreation.
There are, it appears, sure compulsory components to a memorable World Cup, so let’s have a look at how 2018 actually measured up:
There must be drama
Ronaldo scores ‘sensational’ free-kick to finish hat-trick
In contrast to a league season, the World Cup doesn’t have the time for a slow-burning narrative to take form.
It wants quick, sharp hits of drama from the very begin. 2018 didn’t disappoint, with the 3-Three draw between Spain and Portugal on day two instantly, and rightly, adopted as a match traditional. Cristiano Ronaldo’s late free-kick to make sure Portugal took a degree capped a day of drama, with successful objectives for Uruguay against Egypt in the 89th minute and Iran against Morocco in the 95th.
General there have been 9 successful objectives (plus 4 defeat-avoiding equalisers) scored within the final minute or damage time of video games, greater than any earlier version of the World Cup and only one fewer than the 5 tournaments from 1998-2014 mixed.
Late objectives are the soccer equal of snapping that little bit of plastic off an outdated cassette tape to stop it being recorded over. They seal within the drama for good.
World Cup Successful objectives in 90th minute or later 2018 9 2014 4 1998 3 2006 2 1962 2 2010 1 1990 1 1970 1
We’d like shocks, however not too many
The place’s Neuer gone? South Korea rating second as keeper goes AWOL
The system for that is delicate.
If too many massive sides exit early it may make the conclusion of the match a bit underwhelming (see: World Cup 2002) however no-one needs to see all of the favourites cruise by way of to the latter phases untroubled.
Because it was, reigning champions Germany going out within the group stage, after which Spain, Argentina and Brazil stumbling within the knockout stage was nearly proper.
The Germans managed to be each uninspiring and significantly unfortunate, their complete of 72 pictures surpassed by solely 5 groups within the match, 4 of whom performed 4 extra video games than Joachim Low’s staff.
A minimum of Manuel Neuer ended the match as the one goalkeeper to make two dribbles, together with one significantly unsuccessful one within the opposition half in opposition to South Korea. Redefining the place certainly.
Earlier World Cup wins by semi-finalists 2018 2 2014 10 2010 5 2006 7 2002 7 1998 4
Superstars must emerge
We went into 2018 questioning which of Ronaldo or Lionel Messi would lastly dominate a World Cup.
Ronaldo’s hat-trick in opposition to Spain was electrifying but in addition a false daybreak, whereas Messi couldn’t carry a reeling Argentina staff who began with a special formation in all 4 of their video games as they searched in useless for a useful mixture.
It appears extraordinary, given their membership exploits, however neither Ronaldo nor Messi has ever scored in a World Cup knockout match.
World Cup 2018: The nice, the unhealthy, and the Neymar
The baton of superstardom was imagined to move to Neymar, however regardless of ending the World Cup with probably the most pictures (26) and the second-most possibilities created (23) it was the very fact he was the second most-fouled participant (26 instances in 5 matches – simply behind Eden Hazard with 27 in six) that stood out. Sure, the Brazilian was focused, however his ostentatious horizontal struggling left many with robust emotions of distaste.
As an alternative, it was France’s teenage hero Kylian Mbappe who loved a breakthrough. Two objectives in opposition to Argentina within the final 16 noticed him change into the primary teenager since Pele to attain twice in a World Cup recreation, and he adopted that by changing into the youngest participant since Pele to attain in a World Cup last.
Pele was good at soccer, and it very a lot appears Mbappe could be too.
Participant Staff Opponent Date of recreation Years Days Pele Brazil Sweden 29/06/1958 17 248 Kylian Mbappe France Croatia 15/07/2018 19 207 Carlos Desiderio Peucelle Argentina Uruguay 30/07/1930 21 319 Amarildo Brazil Czechoslovakia 17/06/1962 21 322 Wolfgang Weber Germany England 30/07/1966 22 33
There must be a theme to the World Cup
In 1966 it was dogs liberating trophies, in 2014 it was goalline expertise and referees spraying foam to mark free-kicks and defensive partitions (word how a lot vanishing spray has change into a part of the sport by the very fact no-one deemed it worthy of point out all through the match).
In 1990 we had such a defensively stifling match the legal guidelines of the sport had been altered with the outlawing of goalkeepers having the ability to decide up (most) backpasses.
In 2018 it was all about VAR and though this isn’t the place to debate particular person incidents throughout 64 video games, we will actually see the impact it had on the soccer.
The obvious is the sheer variety of penalties. Because the match started it was clear that gamers weren’t ready for the scrutiny that VAR would topic them to, with day three that includes 5 penalties. Three had been scored that day, contributing to a document 22 penalty objectives in a single World Cup.
‘You want wrestling?’ Pundits analyse Harry Kane penalty appeals
It appeared, although, that the majority gamers had cottoned on by the latter phases, with no penalties awarded in any of the quarter-finals or semi-finals earlier than presumably probably the most unsound VAR penalty resolution of the match within the last, when referee Nestor Pitana ultimately penalised Croatia’s Ivan Perisic for handball.
A corollary of all these penalties was matches that may have ended goalless didn’t. The World Cup ended with only one 0-Zero draw (the execrable lifeless rubber between France and Denmark), the bottom quantity for the reason that 1954 version – an period when defending was an non-obligatory further – which didn’t characteristic a single one.
There was additionally an exceptional variety of set-piece objectives, with 43% of strikes coming in that vogue, the best proportion in any World Cup from 1966 onwards. In a world the place worldwide sides don’t essentially have the time or roster to hone their enjoying types like membership sides, training-ground manoeuvres have change into extra important than ever.
World Cup % set-piece objectives 2018 43% 1994 38% 2006 37% 1990 36% 1998 36% 2002 35% 2010 32% 1966 30% 1982 29% 2014 29% 1986 28% 1974 28% 1970 27% 1978 26%
England want to show up
It had been so lengthy since England had captured the general public’s creativeness at a World Cup that a tune from 1996 (Three Lions – launched nearer to the primary broadcast of Fawlty Towers than to now) grew to become the theme of the infinite summer season.
Soccer did not fairly come dwelling, however England equalled their greatest efficiency in a overseas World Cup and the likes of Maguire, Trippier and Pickford have joined Gascoigne, Waddle and Platt as surnames that may echo down the nationwide consciousness for generations.
Harry Maguire had greater than twice as many touches within the opposition penalty space (23) as every other defender within the competitors in addition to the joint-most headed makes an attempt of any participant (9). Kieran Trippier created extra goalscoring possibilities than every other participant (24), ending forward of Neymar, Kevin de Bruyne, Luka Modric, Eden Hazard and Philippe Coutinho, in that order. Some firm to be maintaining.
World Cup 2018: Harry Kane seals his hat-trick to place England 6-Zero up
And let’s rejoice Harry Kane, solely the second Englishman to win the Golden Boot on the World Cup.
The Tottenham man scored with all six of his pictures heading in the right direction (one an inadvertent clip of his heel in opposition to Panama), so actually had luck on his aspect, however that is the World Cup the place you play a most of seven video games in a wide range of circumstances, so luck performs a good larger function than it often does.
And anybody who bemoans the very fact 50% of Kane’s complete got here from penalties ought to word that in 1966 4 of Eusebio’s Golden Boot haul got here from spot-kicks, and out of doors of Helmut Haller’s prolonged household, completely no-one has ever complained.
Harry Kane’s anticipated objectives tally throughout the match was 3.821 primarily based on the problem of his possibilities and the likelihood of scoring them. His greatest chances are high proven on this graphic, represented by the dimensions of the circle
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/8581/
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
World Cup 2018: Why the match in Russia was statistically the most effective
World Cup 2018: Why the match in Russia was statistically the most effective
World Cup 2018: Why the match in Russia was statistically the most effective
France had been topped world champions for the second time with victory over Croatia
4 easy phrases, used variously as an announcement or a query throughout the nation throughout a baking June and scorching July: “Greatest World Cup ever?”
The 2018 version of worldwide soccer’s final gathering was not the most-anticipated match within the recreation’s lengthy historical past, for a wide range of causes, however maybe that was factor.
As a result of from the second hosts Russia smashed five goals past Saudi Arabia within the opening recreation, there was barely any let-up in drama and pleasure. The group stage, the knockout stage, even the ultimate – so typically a cagey procession to further time in latest World Cups – delivered what they wanted to.
In a soccer world of loads, the relative infrequency of World Cups – held solely each 4 years – means the match retains a fascination and cultural heft that simply outweighs the now technically superior membership recreation.
There are, it appears, sure compulsory components to a memorable World Cup, so let’s have a look at how 2018 actually measured up:
There must be drama
Ronaldo scores ‘sensational’ free-kick to finish hat-trick
In contrast to a league season, the World Cup doesn’t have the time for a slow-burning narrative to take form.
It wants quick, sharp hits of drama from the very begin. 2018 didn’t disappoint, with the 3-Three draw between Spain and Portugal on day two instantly, and rightly, adopted as a match traditional. Cristiano Ronaldo’s late free-kick to make sure Portugal took a degree capped a day of drama, with successful objectives for Uruguay against Egypt in the 89th minute and Iran against Morocco in the 95th.
General there have been 9 successful objectives (plus 4 defeat-avoiding equalisers) scored within the final minute or damage time of video games, greater than any earlier version of the World Cup and only one fewer than the 5 tournaments from 1998-2014 mixed.
Late objectives are the soccer equal of snapping that little bit of plastic off an outdated cassette tape to stop it being recorded over. They seal within the drama for good.
World Cup Successful objectives in 90th minute or later 2018 9 2014 4 1998 3 2006 2 1962 2 2010 1 1990 1 1970 1
We’d like shocks, however not too many
The place’s Neuer gone? South Korea rating second as keeper goes AWOL
The system for that is delicate.
If too many massive sides exit early it may make the conclusion of the match a bit underwhelming (see: World Cup 2002) however no-one needs to see all of the favourites cruise by way of to the latter phases untroubled.
Because it was, reigning champions Germany going out within the group stage, after which Spain, Argentina and Brazil stumbling within the knockout stage was nearly proper.
The Germans managed to be each uninspiring and significantly unfortunate, their complete of 72 pictures surpassed by solely 5 groups within the match, 4 of whom performed 4 extra video games than Joachim Low’s staff.
A minimum of Manuel Neuer ended the match as the one goalkeeper to make two dribbles, together with one significantly unsuccessful one within the opposition half in opposition to South Korea. Redefining the place certainly.
Earlier World Cup wins by semi-finalists 2018 2 2014 10 2010 5 2006 7 2002 7 1998 4
Superstars must emerge
We went into 2018 questioning which of Ronaldo or Lionel Messi would lastly dominate a World Cup.
Ronaldo’s hat-trick in opposition to Spain was electrifying but in addition a false daybreak, whereas Messi couldn’t carry a reeling Argentina staff who began with a special formation in all 4 of their video games as they searched in useless for a useful mixture.
It appears extraordinary, given their membership exploits, however neither Ronaldo nor Messi has ever scored in a World Cup knockout match.
World Cup 2018: The nice, the unhealthy, and the Neymar
The baton of superstardom was imagined to move to Neymar, however regardless of ending the World Cup with probably the most pictures (26) and the second-most possibilities created (23) it was the very fact he was the second most-fouled participant (26 instances in 5 matches – simply behind Eden Hazard with 27 in six) that stood out. Sure, the Brazilian was focused, however his ostentatious horizontal struggling left many with robust emotions of distaste.
As an alternative, it was France’s teenage hero Kylian Mbappe who loved a breakthrough. Two objectives in opposition to Argentina within the final 16 noticed him change into the primary teenager since Pele to attain twice in a World Cup recreation, and he adopted that by changing into the youngest participant since Pele to attain in a World Cup last.
Pele was good at soccer, and it very a lot appears Mbappe could be too.
Participant Staff Opponent Date of recreation Years Days Pele Brazil Sweden 29/06/1958 17 248 Kylian Mbappe France Croatia 15/07/2018 19 207 Carlos Desiderio Peucelle Argentina Uruguay 30/07/1930 21 319 Amarildo Brazil Czechoslovakia 17/06/1962 21 322 Wolfgang Weber Germany England 30/07/1966 22 33
There must be a theme to the World Cup
In 1966 it was dogs liberating trophies, in 2014 it was goalline expertise and referees spraying foam to mark free-kicks and defensive partitions (word how a lot vanishing spray has change into a part of the sport by the very fact no-one deemed it worthy of point out all through the match).
In 1990 we had such a defensively stifling match the legal guidelines of the sport had been altered with the outlawing of goalkeepers having the ability to decide up (most) backpasses.
In 2018 it was all about VAR and though this isn’t the place to debate particular person incidents throughout 64 video games, we will actually see the impact it had on the soccer.
The obvious is the sheer variety of penalties. Because the match started it was clear that gamers weren’t ready for the scrutiny that VAR would topic them to, with day three that includes 5 penalties. Three had been scored that day, contributing to a document 22 penalty objectives in a single World Cup.
‘You want wrestling?’ Pundits analyse Harry Kane penalty appeals
It appeared, although, that the majority gamers had cottoned on by the latter phases, with no penalties awarded in any of the quarter-finals or semi-finals earlier than presumably probably the most unsound VAR penalty resolution of the match within the last, when referee Nestor Pitana ultimately penalised Croatia’s Ivan Perisic for handball.
A corollary of all these penalties was matches that may have ended goalless didn’t. The World Cup ended with only one 0-Zero draw (the execrable lifeless rubber between France and Denmark), the bottom quantity for the reason that 1954 version – an period when defending was an non-obligatory further – which didn’t characteristic a single one.
There was additionally an exceptional variety of set-piece objectives, with 43% of strikes coming in that vogue, the best proportion in any World Cup from 1966 onwards. In a world the place worldwide sides don’t essentially have the time or roster to hone their enjoying types like membership sides, training-ground manoeuvres have change into extra important than ever.
World Cup % set-piece objectives 2018 43% 1994 38% 2006 37% 1990 36% 1998 36% 2002 35% 2010 32% 1966 30% 1982 29% 2014 29% 1986 28% 1974 28% 1970 27% 1978 26%
England want to show up
It had been so lengthy since England had captured the general public’s creativeness at a World Cup that a tune from 1996 (Three Lions – launched nearer to the primary broadcast of Fawlty Towers than to now) grew to become the theme of the infinite summer season.
Soccer did not fairly come dwelling, however England equalled their greatest efficiency in a overseas World Cup and the likes of Maguire, Trippier and Pickford have joined Gascoigne, Waddle and Platt as surnames that may echo down the nationwide consciousness for generations.
Harry Maguire had greater than twice as many touches within the opposition penalty space (23) as every other defender within the competitors in addition to the joint-most headed makes an attempt of any participant (9). Kieran Trippier created extra goalscoring possibilities than every other participant (24), ending forward of Neymar, Kevin de Bruyne, Luka Modric, Eden Hazard and Philippe Coutinho, in that order. Some firm to be maintaining.
World Cup 2018: Harry Kane seals his hat-trick to place England 6-Zero up
And let’s rejoice Harry Kane, solely the second Englishman to win the Golden Boot on the World Cup.
The Tottenham man scored with all six of his pictures heading in the right direction (one an inadvertent clip of his heel in opposition to Panama), so actually had luck on his aspect, however that is the World Cup the place you play a most of seven video games in a wide range of circumstances, so luck performs a good larger function than it often does.
And anybody who bemoans the very fact 50% of Kane’s complete got here from penalties ought to word that in 1966 4 of Eusebio’s Golden Boot haul got here from spot-kicks, and out of doors of Helmut Haller’s prolonged household, completely no-one has ever complained.
Harry Kane’s anticipated objectives tally throughout the match was 3.821 primarily based on the problem of his possibilities and the likelihood of scoring them. His greatest chances are high proven on this graphic, represented by the dimensions of the circle
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/8581/
0 notes
ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
World Cup 2018: All you need to know about the last 16
World Cup 2018: All you need to know about the last 16
World Cup 2018: All you need to know about the last 16
Highlights: France 4-3 Argentina
2018 Fifa World Cup last 16 Venue: Russia. Dates: 30 June – 3 July Coverage: Watch live on BBC TV, Red Button and iPlayer, BBC Sport website and app; listen on Radio 5 live; follow text updates online.
The knockout stage of the World Cup got under way on Saturday, when France beat Argentina 4-3 in a last-16 classic in Kazan.
Nineteen-year-old Kylian Mbappe became the first teenager to score two in a World Cup match since Pele in 1958 as Les Bleus became the first team to reach the quarter-finals in Russia.
They will meet Uruguay in the last eight on Friday 6 July (15:00 BST) after the South Americans beat Portugal 2-1 in Saturday’s second last-16 game.
It means Argentina’s Lionel Messi and Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo – two of the most prolific scorers in world football – remain without a World Cup winner’s medal.
Hosts Russia are through to the last 16, along with former winners Brazil, England and Spain.
Defending champions Germany were among the 16 teams who did not qualify from the group stage.
The 21st World Cup provided 122 goals, 36,349 completed passes, 158 yellow cards and lots of video assistant referee drama in the group stage.
However if the scores are level after 90 minutes in knockout games, 30 minutes of extra time will be played, followed by penalties if necessary.
If a match goes to extra time, each team will be allowed to make a fourth substitution, the first time this has been allowed at a World Cup.
Will Neymar stay on his feet to inspire Brazil?
Even after the exits of Germany, Argentina and Portugal, there are a number of heavyweights still standing.
Five-time winners Brazil will be hoping star forward Neymar can stay on his feet for long enough to help them beat Mexico in Samara on Monday (15:00).
The world’s most expensive player has been on the ground so much in Russia that one pub in Rio gave out free shots each time the forward hit the floor against Serbia on 27 June.
Neymar did score in his country’s second group game against Costa Rica but was denied a penalty and booked for dissent in the same match.
“It was front page on one of the papers that Neymar has been going to ground once every nine minutes at this World Cup,” said South American football expert Tim Vickery.
“There is so much that is good but there are things that are deplorable about him.”
World Cup 2018: The good, the bad, and the Neymar
Spain, the 2010 winners, have been far from their best, but have been unbeaten in 23 games leading up to their meeting with hosts Russia on Sunday at 15:00.
And this tournament represents a last chance for several of Belgium‘s players to win a World Cup.
Defenders Vincent Kompany and Thomas Vermaelen are 32, while defender Jan Vertonghen and forward Dries Mertens are 31.
“It’s now or never for a lot of these players,” former Belgium striker Gilles de Bilde told BBC Sport.
Belgium, third in the Fifa rankings, face Japan in Rostov-on-Don on Monday at 19:00.
Spain v Russia – live on BBC One from 14:30 BST, Sunday
Will England overcome a 12-year itch?
With an average age of 26 years and 18 days, England arrived in Russia with the third-youngest squad in the tournament.
They overcame Tunisia and Panama to reach the knockout stage before a much-changed team lost the final group game 1-0 to Belgium.
England must now beat Colombia, quarter-finalists in 2014, in Moscow on Tuesday at 19:00 if they are to repeat their feats of 2002 and 2006 by reaching the quarter-finals.
“Our objective was to qualify from the group and we have done that,” said boss Gareth Southgate. “We are still a work in progress but that’s not a bad thing at this stage.”
Southgate defends team selection
England must do something they have not managed since 2006 if they are to reach the last eight – win a knockout match at a major tournament.
Under Roy Hodgson in 2014, they failed to get out of their World Cup group, while in 2010 Fabio Capello’s team lost 4-1 to Germany in the last 16.
Indeed, England have won only two of their past eight knockout games at the World Cup – against Denmark in 2002 and Ecuador in 2006.
They also went out on penalties to Italy in the quarter-finals at the 16-team Euro 2012 and lost to Iceland in their first knockout game at Euro 2016.
Southgate describes the Colombia match as England’s “biggest game for a decade”.
History in the making for Japan?
With a population of 144 million willing them on, Russia have turned on the style to emerge from the group stage at their own World Cup – despite being the lowest ranked team in the tournament.
Sitting 70th in the Fifa rankings, they can expect more feverish support when they face Spain in Moscow’s 81,000-capacity Luzhniki Stadium at 15:00 on Sunday.
Russia scored eight goals and won two games in the group stage
Japan, who face Belgium, are one win away from reaching the quarter-finals for the first time, while Switzerland‘s most recent appearance in the last eight came in 1954.
Switzerland play Sweden, who came third in 1994, in St Petersburg at 15:00 on Tuesday, while Mexico must beat Brazil to reach the quarter-finals for the first time since hosting the World Cup in 1986.
Croatia meet Denmark in Nizhny Novgorod at 19:00 on Sunday. Whoever wins will make the last eight for the first time since 1998.
Croatia captain Luka Modric was 12 years old when his country went on to reach the semi-finals in France 20 years ago.
“It is a stern test for us, but it is high time that this generation hurdles this obstacle which we haven’t hurdled since 1998,” said the midfielder.
Belgium v Japan – live on BBC One from 18:30 BST, Monday
Goodbye to the GOATs (greatest of all time)
Two of the greatest players of all time are on their way home after Argentina and Portugal were knocked out on the most prolific day of knockout football at the World Cup since 1970.
Ten goals were scored in the first two last-16 games.
However, Lionel Messi could not inspire his team-mates as they went down to France in a seven-goal thriller in Kazan.
Messi, who will be 35 when the next tournament takes place in 2022, remains without a goal in 756 minutes of World Cup knockout stage action.
World Cup 2018: Is Lionel Messi the GOAT or a mere human?
Despite nine La Liga titles and four Champions League triumphs with Barcelona, Messi has yet to win the World Cup.
The golden trophy also continues to elude Ronaldo and Portugal.
A mural of Portugal forward Cristiano Ronaldo by the hotel where Lionel Messi and Argentina were staying in Kazan
Ronaldo lit up the World Cup with a hat-trick against Spain on 15 June, but the Portugal captain was frustrating as the Euro 2016 winners lost to Uruguay.
Earlier this month, Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho said Messi, 31, and Ronaldo, 33, “probably have one last chance” to win the World Cup.
Sweden v Switzerland – live on BBC One from 14:30 BST, Tuesday
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/7241/
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
World Cup 2018: Lawro
World Cup 2018: Lawro
World Cup 2018: Lawro
World Cup 2018 on the BBC Host: Russia Dates: 14 June – 15 July Dwell: Protection throughout BBC TV, BBC Radio and BBC Sport web site with additional protection on Purple Button, Linked TVs and cell app.
This World Cup has seen loads of shock leads to the opening video games, however will they proceed?
BBC Sport soccer skilled Mark Lawrenson mentioned: “A number of the massive groups have stuttered up to now however I feel you may put that all the way down to it being so early within the event – it will occur.
“The largest shock was most likely seeing Germany overwhelmed by Mexico, as a result of they’re usually sturdy firstly of main finals, however I’m anticipating to see them enhance, and it’s the identical with the likes of Brazil and Argentina.
Lawro is predicting the result of all 64 video games on the 2018 Fifa World Cup.
The second spherical of group video games consists of Germany v Sweden – which is reside on BBC Radio 5 reside – plus Argentina v Croatia and England v Panama – each reside on BBC TV and BBC Radio 5 reside.
Earlier than the group stage began, Lawro picked his two groups to undergo from every group into the knockout stage. He’s backing Brazil to win the World Cup, and believes England will attain the quarter-finals.
Lawro was talking to BBC Sport’s Chris Bevan in Moscow.
Group A
Video games Rating Lawro’s prediction Tuesday, 19 June Russia v Egypt 3-1 2-0 Friday, 15 June Uruguay v Saudi Arabia x-x 2-0
Russia 3-1 Egypt
Match report
Uruguay v Saudi Arabia (Wednesday, 20 June at Rostov Area, Rostov-on-Don. 16:00 BST)
Uruguay stuttered towards Egypt, particularly Luis Suarez, however they nonetheless bought the win.
Suarez would usually have put the probabilities he had away, however they nonetheless bought the three factors and, for those who do not play effectively however nonetheless win your first sport at a World Cup, then it’s a huge carry.
Saudi Arabia have been poor towards Russia and they’ll want an enormous enchancment to get something out of this sport. I do not see it occurring.
Lawro’s pre-tournament picks to undergo: Uruguay (winners) and Russia (runners-up)
Video games Rating Lawro’s prediction Wednesday, 20 June Portugal v Morocco 1-0 1-0 Wednesday, 20 June Iran v Spain x-x 0-2
Portugal 1-Zero Morocco
Match report
Iran v Spain (Wednesday, 20 June at Kazan Area, Kazan. 19:00 BST)
Spain’s draw with Portugal will really feel like a defeat after they conceded an equaliser so late within the sport.
However you understand Spain are a high quality facet whenever you undergo the staff and watching them play simply underlines it.
Iran gave all the things towards Morocco and ended up pinching the factors, however I worry they could get completely handed to dying by the Spanish.
Lawro’s pre-tournament picks to undergo: Spain (winners) and Portugal (runners-up)
Video games Rating Lawro’s prediction Thursday, 21 June Denmark v Australia x-x 1-1 Thursday, 21 June France v Peru x-x 2-0
Denmark v Australia (Thursday, 21 June at Samara Area, Samara. 13:00 BST)
I used to be at Australia’s defeat by France and I believed the Socceroos have been nice and slightly unfortunate to lose – I really did not assume the VAR penalty that resulted in France’s rating their first aim ought to have been given.
Australia could have a gameplan and, once more, will give all the things, and I feel they may get one thing out of this sport. I do not assume a draw is a nasty consequence for Denmark, although.
France v Peru (Thursday, 21 June at Central Stadium, Yekaterinburg. 16:00 BST)
It’s troublesome to know what to make of France. Their entrance three had three possibilities within the first six minutes towards Australia and so they seemed harmful however, after that, they simply fully misplaced their manner.
France didn’t want an additional holding participant alongside N’Golo Kante, I believed each of their full-backs seemed very extraordinary, and so they seemed nervous too – though the very fact they gained will assistance on that rating.
Peru gave Denmark an actual sport and I wish to assume they are going to be as attack-minded once more. The issue for them is that they is likely to be up towards a really completely different France.
Lawro’s pre-tournament picks to undergo: France (winners) and Denmark (runners-up)
Video games Rating Lawro’s prediction Thursday, 21 June Argentina v Croatia x-x 1-0 Friday, 22 June Nigeria v Iceland x-x 1-1
Argentina v Croatia (Thursday, 21 June at Nizhny Novgorod Stadium, Nizhny Novgorod. 19:00 BST)
I’m at this sport and anticipating a giant enchancment from Argentina.
You don’t anticipate to see Lionel Messi miss a penalty however, on prime of that, they might not get previous Iceland’s massed defence on Saturday.
I feel that sport was slightly little bit of a wake-up name for them, I additionally assume they may have extra pleasure towards Croatia, who are usually not going to pack their defence in the identical manner.
Croatia gained their opening sport simply sufficient, though I believed Nigeria have been fairly common towards them.
Like Argentina, Croatia’s power goes ahead, and so they have high quality in midfield too. That is why I’m anticipating a extra open sport – and I’m additionally anticipating Argentina to win.
Nigeria v Iceland (Friday, 22 June at Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad. 16:00 BST)
That is very fascinating – and on paper may very well be a basic World Cup group sport.
It is a sport each groups will most likely have to win to make the final 16, and Nigeria positively cannot afford to lose it after opening with a defeat.
We all know what Iceland’s traditional method is – they’re disciplined and defensive – however they is likely to be tempted to open up a bit and go for the win that may very well be sufficient to ship them by means of. It would even be fascinating to see how Nigeria attempt to break them down.
Lawro’s pre-tournament picks to undergo: Argentina (winners) and Croatia (runners-up)
Video games Rating Lawro’s prediction Friday, 22 June Brazil v Costa Rica x-x 2-0 Friday, 22 June Serbia v Switzerland x-x 1-1
Brazil v Costa Rica (Friday, 22 June at Krestovsky Stadium, St Petersburg. 13:00 BST)
Brazil had sufficient possibilities to beat Switzerland however I nonetheless assume they may get by means of the group regardless of beginning with a draw.
There are some areas the place they should enhance, although. Whether or not Neymar is match or not, he must be extra of a staff participant – as proficient a person as he’s, this sport must much less about him.
Costa Rica have to get one thing out of this sport after shedding to Serbia, however I do not assume they may.
Serbia v Switzerland (Friday, 22 June at Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad. 19:00 BST)
Serbia have three factors within the bag after beating Costa Rica however it is a very completely different take a look at for them.
Switzerland annoyed Brazil and aggravated Neymar on Sunday and I preferred the way in which they have been arrange in that sport.
They have been allowed to be bodily towards Brazilians – it’s within the legal guidelines of the sport – however additionally they carried a risk.
It is a powerful one to name, however it’s more likely to determine who goes by means of to the final 16 together with Brazil.
Lawro’s pre-tournament picks to undergo: Brazil (winners) and Switzerland (runners-up)
Video games Rating Lawro’s prediction Saturday, 23 June South Korea v Mexico x-x 0-1 Saturday, 23 June Germany v Sweden x-x 2-0
South Korea v Mexico (Saturday, 23 June at Rostov Area, Rostov-on-Don. 16:00 BST)
Mexico have been massively spectacular of their win towards Germany. They clearly did their homework, and had the standard to punish the world champions as effectively.
In distinction, South Korea have been disappointing of their defeat by Sweden and so they might want to supply rather more of a risk on this sport if they’ll flip that unhealthy begin round.
Germany v Sweden (Saturday, 23 June at Fisht Olympic Stadium, Sochi. 19:00 BST)
The result’s rather more essential than the efficiency for Germany right here, however they might want to present a giant enchancment if they’ll get a much-needed win.
To do this, Joachim Low must provide you with a plan, although, as a result of we all know how good Sweden are defensively and they are going to be proud of a draw after successful their first match.
So, the stress is on, however there’s a purpose why Germany are the perfect staff on the planet – they do not have too many setbacks, and so they normally reply fairly shortly after they do.
Lawro’s pre-tournament picks to undergo: Germany (winners) and Mexico (runners-up)
Video games Rating Lawro’s prediction Saturday, 23 June Belgium v Tunisia x-x 1-0 Sunday, 24 June England v Panama x-x 3-0
Belgium v Tunisia (Saturday, 23 June at Otkrytie Area, Moscow. 13:00 BST)
Belgium needed to wait to make the breakthrough towards Panama however they ended up snug winners, and I can see this sport being the same story.
They didn’t play brilliantly on Monday, however the high quality of the primary two objectives Belgium scored confirmed the category they’ve of their staff – and that can make the distinction towards Tunisia too.
England v Panama (Sunday, 24 June at Nizhny Novgorod Stadium, Nizhny Novgorod. 13:00 BST)
I anticipated England to beat Tunisia and though they left it very late, they positively deserved to win.
Their late winner will carry plenty of the stress off the England gamers and, having seen Panama play Belgium first hand, I don’t foresee any issues for Gareth Southgate’s staff.
After I was at their sport towards Belgium in Sochi, I noticed that Panama will give all the things they have, however we additionally noticed their limitations as a staff.
England ought to beat them simply sufficient and I do not see them having too many issues, particularly after they make the preliminary breakthrough.
Lawro’s pre-tournament picks to undergo: Belgium (winners) and England (runners-up)
Video games Rating Lawro’s prediction Sunday, 24 June Japan v Senegal x-x 1-1 Sunday, 24 June Poland v Colombia x-x 1-1
Japan v Senegal (Sunday, 24 June at Central Stadium, Yekaterinburg. 16:00 BST)
Each of those groups shocked me by successful their opening video games, though Japan have been clearly helped by Colombia conceding a penalty and happening to to 10 males within the first couple of minutes of their match.
Senegal seemed fairly strong on the again till they conceded late on and will probably be fascinating to see how each groups method this sport, as a result of whoever wins it’s most likely by means of.
Poland v Colombia (Sunday, 24 June at Kazan Area, Kazan. 19:00 BST)
I believed this sport would determine who would win Group H, however now Poland and Colombia face an actual scrap to remain within the event.
Poland must get Robert Lewandowski within the sport greater than they managed towards Senegal, whereas Colombia want James Rodriguez to be absolutely match.
It’s a sport neither facet can afford to lose, however each have to win. So I’m going for a draw.
Lawro’s pre-tournament picks to undergo: Colombia (winners) and Poland (runners-up)
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