#Swieta Lipka
wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Baroque tubular organ in Swieta Lipka, POLAND
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friedelio · 1 year
E11 - Spielplatz Nazideutschland
„Wolfenstein“ lässt grüßen! Reszel nach Wegorzewo (Angerburg)Gefahren am 3. August 202373 Kilometer, 518 Höhenmeter Heute fahren wir an drei Haupt-Sehenswürdigkeiten der Region vorbei – und besuchen keine der drei! Shopping am Heiligtum Wir sind nämlich weder katholisch noch militaristisch. Die erste ist die wirklich weltberühmte Kirche von Swieta Lipka, auf deutsch Heiligenlinde. Um das…
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europe1900 · 6 years
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Swieta Lipka, Poland, 1920
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themusicaldesk · 2 years
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Baroque tubular organ in Swieta Lipka, Poland
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joilieder · 2 years
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Baroque Tubular Organ in Swieta Lipka, Poland.
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monterrasol · 4 years
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Święta Lipka (Holy Linden), in Poland, is a pilgrimage sanctuary with famous Roman Catholic basilica, a masterpiece of Baroque architecture, and its moving pipe organ, one of the finest and most unique church instrument ever made.
Prime tourist destinations are forced to close due to COVID-19, but you can still feed your travel inspiration. Give yourself and those around you chance to adjust to the changing realities of today's world. Practice good self-care! Stay safe! Think positive! Plan your next trip with @MonterrasolRoutes
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rabbitphotos · 2 years
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Baroque tubular organ in Swieta Lipka, Poland♥️
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saabvoyage · 6 years
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#saab #volvo #classiccars #swietalipka #friends #saab96v4 #rajd3koron (at Swieta Lipka)
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kazlifeadventures · 5 years
Masurian lake district and farewell Poland
The Republic of Poland covers about 312000 square km with a population of over 38 million people. It’s one of the regional powers in Central Europe and in the top 6 economies in the EU.
Masurian Lake District is located in North Eastern Poland and was not originally part of Poland, it was only after the war that the lakes were given to the country as part of the new divisions. The lake area occupies somewhere around 52000 square km and there are over 2000 lakes of varying sizes, with the majority connected by a series of rivers and canals. The 18th Century Masurian canal links this system with the Baltic Sea, making it an even more attractive site for boaties. The area is a major tourist drawcard with a huge number of visitors each year. We had a little excursion to the quaint little town of Ketrzyn for a tasty little seafood lunch on the banks of one of the multitudes of lakes. Unfortunately the weather gods were not happy with us and it was a little rainy and cooler. The beauty of the location still shone through and it was easy to see why it attracted so many visitors.
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Near this area is the Wolfs lair - a series of bunkers and hidden buildings that Hitler created during the war. Near impossible to locate amongst the wooded areas, he successfully dodged assassination attempts and bombings. The most famous was operation Valkyrie, an attack from within Hitlers own staff, that unfortunately failed. I may have gotten a little excited to see wild red deer wandering in the fields (just saying). Much to the amusement of my bus mates I had everyone on look out for a lynx or a bison as research had told me they were in the area. (Maybe not near the road. But one can only hope!)
After lunch we were off to the little village of Swieta Lipka to visit the ‘pilgrimage church’ (bazylika), a gorgeous 17th Century barouque church. It is well worth researching the origins of this church, built in this remote area as a result of the 14th Century legend that involved a mans statue of the Madonna and child that he created overnight (and saved his own life by creating it), then placed on a roadside Linden tree creating an area that became renowned for miracles. The church in various forms and structures has pretty much been in the same area since then (apart the periods of history where it was destroyed and the tree cut down). Our arrival was well timed to be there in time to experience the amazing 18th century organ with its moving figurines and bells (42 moving components in all!) My mind needs to behave itself in these types of situations, I will admit my brain did jump to various scenarios that involved out of control angel heads, or the crown/halo flying off mid note - I held it together until it was over, so of that I am proud...
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Then it was off to the little canal/lakeside town of Gizycko and a night in the castle hotel of St Bruno...
Unfortunately I seem to have picked up a 24/48hr stomach bug somewhere so as gorgeous as my surroundings are, I got as far as watching the road bridge open and close for the boats to pass through the canal then I bought some bottled water, plain chips and settled in for a night of fevers, chills, and the sleep of the dead between bouts... I was ok enough for the bus trip the next day, just didn’t eat. Wasn’t hungry, and the one thing I have learnt is if you starve a stomach bug, it usually runs itself out (get it!!) Before anyone asks, yes I have tablets to help, but to me they are a last resort, I always think if your body is expelling stuff its gotta be for a reason, let it be and it will sort itself out. At least I can say I spent a night in a castle as the true princess that I am... on the throne!!!
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11 Aug saw us heading to the border and a farewell to Poland... Was it an omen that there was a dead cat just on the Lithuanian side of the border? Who knows?
We headed to Kaunas, the original and historic capital of Lithuania, with some time to explore and enjoy the lovely little town and its magnificent 14th Century Castle (Kaunas Castle) . Set high on the banks of the Nemunas river where it meets the Neris river its an imposing structure that has had some of its major parts carefully restored. The rest of the group set off to have lunch, I had a coffee and sat and watched the world go by. I managed to pick a coffee shop where the lady spoke no English, between the two of us we got there, gotta laugh at my ability to conjur up some magnificent hand signals and facial expressions. Great little sweets/nut store too - pity I was still not eating! Keep an eye on Kaunas, it has been selected as one of the three European capitals of culture for 2022, so there are some amazing things coming for the town. I then discovered just how much fun it can be to try and use an ATM that is in direct sunlight when you can’t see the screen, I somehow managed to change it to English, and standing on my tiptoes and performing a series of strange arm movements and body contortions, saw me able to withdraw money, and then work out that it was an old school atm that required me to advise if I had another transaction to perform before it would allow me to retrieve my card. Good times. Lucky for me (I hope) the people nearby didn’t speak enough English to understand my swearing....
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All too soon we were off again and in Vilnius for the next two nights. Dinner was easy for me, a few of the plain chips I’d bought and some water (yep still not eating!) We unfortunately said goodbye to our tour leader and the Italian and Spanish members of our group who were joining new language specific groups from the next day. Then had a meeting that evening with our new tour leader, and our much expanded group of bus mates...
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sidi4don · 7 years
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w: Swieta Lipka
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visiton-blog1 · 7 years
Święta Lipka
W niewielkiej, mazurskiej, położonej niedaleko Reszla wsi Święta Lipka znajduje się jedno z najważniejszych miejsc kultu religijnego w Polsce: nazywana Częstochową Północy Bazylika Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny. Miejsce to jest wyjątkowe z wielu względów. Jednym z nich jest historia jej powstania związana z wyrzeźbioną przez przebywającego w kętrzyńskich lochach skazańca, który w podzięce za cud ocalenia umieścił wyrzeźbioną w drewnie Matkę Boską z dzieciątkiem na przydrożnej lipie. Drugim bogactwo przejawiające się w pełnym przepychu wystroju, trzecim fakt, że została ona uznana przez papieża Jana Pawła II za jeden za znakomitszych kościołów na świecie i zyskała miano Bazyliki Mniejszej.
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themusicaldesk · 2 years
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Baroque tubular organ in Swieta Lipka, Poland
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hellopoland · 10 years
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Święta Lipka
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ensoon · 11 years
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Święta Lipka, POLAND
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sidi4don · 7 years
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w: Swieta Lipka
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sidi4don · 7 years
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w: Swieta Lipka
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