italianiinguerra · 3 months
Pillole di Seconda Guerra Mondiale: 22 giugno
1940 – Francia. Alle ore 18,30 viene sottoscritto l’armistizio fra Francia e Terzo Reich. A sottoscrivere l’atto saranno per la delegazione francese il generale Charles Huntziger, mentre per la Germania sarà il generale Wilhelm, capo di Stato Maggiore Generale della Wehrmacht. La 3ª, 5ª e 8ª armata francese, intrappolate presso il confine svizzero, si arrendono, mentre proseguono i combattimenti…
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friedelio · 1 year
E11 - Spielplatz Nazideutschland
„Wolfenstein“ lässt grüßen! Reszel nach Wegorzewo (Angerburg)Gefahren am 3. August 202373 Kilometer, 518 Höhenmeter Heute fahren wir an drei Haupt-Sehenswürdigkeiten der Region vorbei – und besuchen keine der drei! Shopping am Heiligtum Wir sind nämlich weder katholisch noch militaristisch. Die erste ist die wirklich weltberühmte Kirche von Swieta Lipka, auf deutsch Heiligenlinde. Um das…
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cid5 · 2 months
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German dictator (NSDAP)in 'Wolfsschanze' military headquarters in East Prussia attending the presentation of an amphibian vehicle by Ferdinand Porsche jun., from left chauffeur Erich Kempka, SS-Officer Karl Wolff, personal adjutant SS-officer Julius Schaub, Heinrich Himmler, General Alfred Jodl- around 1941/42.
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peipurr · 1 year
Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze, 28 Februar 1942 ;) <3
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7ooo-ru · 2 months
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Обгоревшие брюки Гитлера
80 лет назад, 20 июля 1944 года на телеграфы мировых агентств поступило срочное сообщение – совершено покушение на Гитлера. На другой день подобную информацию в виде крошечной заметки на четвертой полосе опубликовала «Правда». Главная газета Советского Союза, ссылаясь на информацию из Женевы, оповестила, что «Гитлер отделался ожогами и ушибами, но многие лица из его свиты получили ранения. Далее следовали фамилии пострадавших, которые, впрочем, ни о чем не говорили советским читателям.
Через два дня после покушения «Правда» напечатала материал под бесстрастным названием «События в Германии», в котором была собрана информация о происшедшем. В частности, со ссылкой на стокгольмское радио, сообщалось, что немецкий подпольный радиопередатчик «Атлантик» передал, что в Германии образовано новое правительство, состоящее из военных – генерал-фельдмаршала Кейтеля, генералов фон Бока, Браухича, Фромма, Гальдера. Выражалась робкая надежда, что они примкнут к антигитлеровскому движению.
Однако в самый последний момент германское информационное бюро распространило утверждение, что «будто в течение 6 часов с момента возникновения» мятеж генералов был подавлен. Это соответствовало истине.
«Правда» продолжала следить за событиями в Германии сквозь информационную призму зарубежных агентств. В частности, корреспондент Reuters рассказал, что по слухам, циркулирующим в Берлине, «германские войска в Восточной Пруссии подняли мятеж и в центральную часть Германии посланы «надежные» войска, чтобы воспрепятствовать восстанию гражданского населения. Довольно широко был распространен слух о том, что 20 июля около 100 германских офицеров, в том числе, несколько высших, были расстреляны».
Расправы над заговорщиками действительно начались сразу после провала путча. Но фактически он и не начинался - были лишь робкие попытки.
…После тяжелых поражений от Красной армии стало ясно, что Германия неумолимо движется к катастрофе. Стиснутый двумя фронтами, вермахт истекал кровью и оставлял один город за другим. Англо-американская авиация методично превращала немецкие дома, заводы, фабрики в руины. По стране в поисках убежища метались тысячи обезумевших беженцев.
В болтовню о «чудо-оружии», которое спасет Третий рейх, могли поверить только наивные и глупые, но военные из окружения диктатора были прожженными реалистами. Они были членами нацистской партии, единомышленниками Гитлера и славили его в дни великих побед в Европе. Но когда замаячила Голгофа, они решили резко свернуть в сторону.
Одумались? Замучила совесть или они просто не захотели приближаться к зияющей пропасти?
…Взрыв прозвучал жарким днём 20 июля 1944 года в ставке Гитлера Wolfsschanze – «Волчье логово» в Восточной Пруссии, недалеко от Растенбурга (сейчас это польский город Кентшин). Пластиковую взрывчатку на оперативное совещание с участием Гитлера принес начальник штаба армии резерва 36-летний полковник…
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/07/21/624-obgorevshie-bryuki-gitlera-grss-325989057.html
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andronetalks · 4 months
Hitler’s Wolf’s Lair secret stuns archaeologists, 5 limbless skeletons found
Interesting Engineering By Ameya Paleja May 24, 2024 While looking for artifacts, archaeologists at the Latebra Foundation found five skeletons without hands and feet under the floorboards of a Nazi-controlled building in Poland. The building belonged to Hermann Goring and served as Hitler’s secret Eastern Front headquarters, Wolfsschanze (Wolf’s Lair), during the Second World War. Read more…
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karukeranews · 5 months
Les corps retrouvés dans ce complexe nazi secret de la Seconde Guerre mondiale étaient dépourvus de mains et de pieds, rendant la découverte encore pl...
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dispatchdcu · 9 months
Capwolf & The Howling Commandos #3 Review
Capwolf & The Howling Commandos #3 Review #capwolf #capwolfandthe howlingcommandos #howlingcommandos #captainamerica #steverogers #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #Amazon
Writer: Stephanie Phillips Art: Carlos Magno, Espen Grundetjern, VC’s Travis Lanham, and Ryan Brown Publisher: Marvel Comics Price: $4.99 Release Date: December 20th, 2023 With Capwolf at the helm, the Howling Commandos are ready to take down their foes at Wolfsschanze. But the Nazis have a secret weapon up their sleeves — and if she can’t win Steve’s allegience, she’ll happily settle for his…
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stuffchiaradoe13 · 6 days
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graphicpolicy · 9 months
Preview: Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #3
Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #3 preview. With Capwolf at the helm, the Howling Commandos are ready to take down their foes at Wolfsschanze #comics #comicbooks
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heckcareoxytwit · 9 months
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A preview of Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #3
With Capwolf at the helm, the Howling Commandos are ready to take down their foes at Wolfsschanze. But the Nazis have a secret weapon up their sleeves—and if she can’t win Steve’s allegience, she’ll happily settle for his head!
Written by: Stephanie Phillips Art by: Carlos Magno Cover by: Ryan Brown Page Count: 28 Pages Release Date: December 20, 2023
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231118 1835 & neuvideospiele für wz9kp vielleicht, wo sind die flechettierten hin?
ya, ich wollte irgendwas schnell abschreiben, aber steht bestimmt nicht so viel drauf, außerdem muss ich das mit gboard machen, weil tablet keyboard hat die tasten nicht.
es sind nur ein paar neue gedanken. ja. oder soll ich, das letzte, die spooky aura wrap sache, mit dem besonderen hussein & abu bakr, anhand von 013BU & 013G3VN, aber kannst natürlich auch dollar dollar bill y'all vor oberklasse jachthäfen oder segelbootstegen karaoken.
ya, was auch immer. erzeugt den spooky aura wrap, ist quasi die eigene antiwelt, aber man sieht die eigene antiwelt alleine, und dann bringt irgendwer das portishead bristlen da, weil der so spricht, wie spooky die eigene antiwelt ist, die man mit eigenen augen sieht, so=wie.
ya, ich werd das einfach dann abschreiben, weiß nicht so sehr, was darauf steht. ja, ich weiß nicht, ansonsten war der tag nicht so erfolgreich, aber morgen trink ich bestimmt weniger, ich sollte bloß was machen, oder so, oder irgendwas sollte im hintergrund laufen, bis alle einfachen menschen ausgelöscht sind, weil ich tot bin, und dann sollen sich diese ok j3j4 für einfache menschen halten, mit ihren sonnenbrillen auf, aber ich sollte besser das zeug abschreibdn, weil das sonnenbrillen was distinktes bedeutet hat, kann ich sonst nicht klären.
aber ich muss erstmal, weil ich häng hier rum, und so, ja, ich fühl mich nicht gut, es ist nicht fertig, uU, das zimmer ist aber fertig, vielleicht, ich müsst mich ja nur hinsetzen, und das papier auf dina3 übertragen & dann nebeneinander sehen & so, und die struktur überdenken. ja, was auch immer, es gibt paar dinge mit vorläufiger namenswahl & keinem namen lol, vorläufiger beschreibungswortlaut & kein zeichen /kyu, subkyu. ja, das ist dangerous. deswegen muss ich trinken & rauchen. aber morgen hab ich bestimmt ein anderes schema.
ja, eigentlich ist es nur ein schmierblatt, an dem ich weiterarbeiten wollte, aber in der zweiten hälfte kommt noch was.
also 48§x als erstes, z1 45§x z4 die null zonen (painting zeroes) z1 43§x z4 jesus der dreihalbmond, fffes, 3171 171o, krieg, 2m22=2mm4+2mm42, fleisch, metall, großbuchstaben, z4 dann wohl wieder zu 45§x, riding up and down, gott geboren satan anzubeten, gibberish gibberish, satan abu bakr 01362 / 013G3VN, mann/frau umgedreht, muss so sein, keine andere ordnung denkbar
öl alleine verstecken als, dann kommt ∆∆ das heidenzeichen für die heidenkraft, "alleine" "nUr", heidnisches prinzip
dann kommt 47§x, 1-5, "forschung, sssuperüberwachung primitiver sprachen", "halbrationale / nivelliert nivelliert werden rausgehalten", "kyo kann aber rechnen & nivelliert sein", "medizinisches wunder, immer in der mitte", "wichser alle, automatisch, selbstmord, alleine wichser sein zu wollen"
evolved, lycaeum, wolfsschanze
zwischendurch irgendwas persönliches, "dass man mir nichts tun kann, weil ich nichts schlimmes genacht habe, in mir habe (geht komplett unter (ging komplett unter))", "seh doppelt blöd aus", "voraussetzungen wären andere, wenn ihr nicht niemals christen gewesen wärt", ∆†, voraussetzungen, die kommen, kamen, statisch sind / wāhren, weil ihr niemals christen wart, ∆†#, dementsprechendes aussehen,
ich weiß nicht, ob ∆†#∆∆ so oft gebraucht werden kann. aber dann kommt ë#, "wollte nicht sagen (damit) (dass X nicht existiert)", zb ë#∆†, wollte damit nicht sagen, dass ihr jemals christen gewesen wärt, ë#∆∆, "wollte damit nicht sagen, dass ihr jemals was anderes gewesen wärt, als heiden, dümmst- & brutalstmöglich",
und ∆kyoDM, voraussetzungen (aussehen) wegen kenntnis von kyo / wegen DM (notwendiges vorgesetz), also behindert in ausdrucksmöglichkeiten, wegen kenntnis von kyo (und ihr kennt es nicht), und wegen DM (das von kyo oder kyokyokyo oder f/a kommt) (und ihr kennt es nicht)", und wie dumm ich dann aussehe, und ihr wart ja immer christen, weil w2 ist ja christlich, dabach kann man aber immer noch was an euren schulen lernen.
und dass mir das was bedeutet hat, wie ich mich verhalten habe, und dass das komplett überschrieben wurde, aber ist auch unter der würde von ∆kyoDM darauf zu antworten.
all gedanken / all movement stream. z4 das jetzt der wichtige punkt oder nicht, weil für'n all-gedanken-stream hätte wohl auch ein amerikanischer typ bedarf, aber whatever, jetzt fällt mir nur armycan ein, aber was auch immer, der allmovementstream ist aber die sonnenbrille, die ich meinte,
tja, "stream durch fffes, dauerbewegung" vs kyostream, aus ihr & kyo, eigenes ihr erzeugend, eigene welt, später dann zusammenbrechend, weil eure lügen zu groß wurden
ansonsten noch was altes, damit's einmal irgendwo steht, mu impact, muss nur der inpact gesehen werden (kommt nicht von kyo), und myu, du kannst / könntest dich konzentrieren (auf allgemeinheit / f/a kyokyokyo / jesus, unschuld, böse welt, ganz auserwählt).
ya, ± vor einem wort oder so oder §§S s=stub, exklusiv von mir gesetzt, und ich könnte das erklären, aber ich pack's mal in 1 wert, und die menschenrechte brauch ich auch nochmal, ja, ich muss wohl an den dinA3 tisch, wenn ich zwischendurch kein overwatch mehr spiele könnt es gehen, ja, das sollte ∆†#∆∆ bedeuten, cyber sssuperüberwachung durch nato nasa uno who, um primitiven sprachen (christen) zu vernichten, du nervst, weil deine antistimme, die adligen, sind nicht neutral, und so sollten sie dann also zerstört werden, aber diese dummen crowleyengländer haben eine doppelte kinderfickersprache
alles gesehen im zusammenhang, im gegensatz zu, wenn man nur 1 stichwort zeit haben soll. ga gyu go. vielleicht ganz gut. vielleicht nicht.
moderate rock
gleichaltrige hätten / entführer hätten / garantenträger hätten .... überkreuznurvollerklärbar
aber gheio theio zheio war ja auch ganz gut.
interessiert das aber einen typen, der die pyramiden als massenvernichtungslager darstellen will & doppelter kinderschänder ist?
ya, irgendwie so, ich muss mal an den dina3 block. der alles in movement stream, der busy stream, der alle automatische wichser stream.
& die stellung des militärs auf der originalen kleinen schachspielfläche.
aber dann. und basisumgedreht muss ja auch unangetastet bleiben, weil jeder muss ja in den schon halberlösten gleichgeschlechtlichen rumfummeln, und DNA ISRAEL R3 R6, muss ja immer das autoscooter gesundbumsen erfolgen.
die r3 r6 struktur, die ok j3j4 struktur muss zerschlagen werden.
diese wichser haben ihre sonnenbrille, ihren allmovementstream, sind kommentierende essleichen, deren internet-haut nicht gewuetscht werden soll, weil blackwhite wird dann cheese,
alles ∆∆,
und das wort für die sonstigen kinder, und die neuadelskinder, jedes kind ist zwei oder vier, dann pantomime tanzen, beim smartphone internet bashen, kinderficken, sind unsichtbar, alle zur fah erklären, dann die fah wieder ausladen.
nur aus essen, kommentieren, alles ist gut, sklaverei bestehend, und über das basisumgedrehte zwischen den geschlechtern gibt es kein hinaus,xwas stimmen mag, aber ∆∆ ist ∆∆ & ihr seid wertlos & habt noch nie irgendwas erklärt. hack the code. king prince spam hold it. shut it. keep it.
aber erstmal teen age riot singen, dann riding it up and down, alle sind als gott geboren, judas iskariot, als ein wagen, wagen aus nur verwechslung, um satan anzubeten.
adelsfressen. essleichen. fotoauslöseknopf im grinsen. gleich gibt's happa-happa, ist nur 1 wort erlaubt, weil ist schon alles falsch doppelt, aber wer genügend kinder gefickt hat, als peace warlord, wer auch seinen kragen richtig trägt & slur-surft, buggy man.
tja. ich guck mir das dann nochmal an, mit der brille.
aber für einen gültigen nur gedanken stream. aber es muss ja. adlige sehen nur gut aus. sein. gültige gedanken stream.
was auch immer.
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genesic-archives · 1 year
Main Story Chapter 1-2: Albert of the Counterstrike
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This is a translation of the second section of the first chapter in the game. This chapter takes us back in time to the end of WWII to show that the war ended within this universe not with Hitler committing suicide but rather with the attempted assassination attempt by colonel Phillip von Stauffenberg (probably based on the real life failed attempt by Claus von Stauffenberg) with Albert Hamil (the main character of this section, not based on a real life person as far as I'm aware) sacrificing his life to hit the final blow. General trigger warning for discussions / imagery of WWII (no antisemitism, but Hitler is shown and clearly an important role in the story).
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(AN: This translation once again I got from Tales of Tales on Youtube so another thanks to them. Also, I admittedly haven't finished translating the other chapters yet but I am 90% sure you could skip this entire section & it will not make a difference at all so if you also feel uncomfortable like I was when i first read it, feel free to skip. As far as I'm aware, they only bring this up again once briefly during a story recap session at the end of chapter 10. Fun fact, when I was playing the game for the first time and started to get into the main story it literally skipped me past this entire section and didn't realize it was there until I started archiving everything. Wonder why that is.)
This narration once again starts in pitch black darkness.
Al (?): Year 155 in the revolutionary calendar; also known as the year 1944 by the West. Conflicts happen all over the world, and many people die because of it. Triggered by the invasion of Poland 4 years ago, this world war was caused by the German dictator Adolf Hitler. Under his elitist ideology, Adolf Hitler invaded several countries and occupied most of Europia. However, the Allies have retaliated and this country, Germany, was in dire straits. Naturally, plans were made to assassinate Hitler in order to oppose his policies and make peace with the Allies.
The visuals fade from dark black into the inside of an old looking knightmare, levers and gauge meters surrounding the pilot chair.
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Hugo: I still can't believe an honest guy like you would do this, Albert.
Albert: I'm not doing this for any noble reasons such as fear for my country, I'm going to kill him for personal matters.
Hugo: Personal matters, you say...
Albert: What about you, Hugo? Why would a top member of The Youth help me kill his leader?
Hugo: I also have my own reasons. Besides, if we're talking about our ranks, you're above me.
Albert: Everything I did was for this moment. I knew I could get closer to him by impressing the SS.
Hugo: That's true. So, what's the plan?
Albert: We'll use the coup Colonel Stauffenberg and the others have planned.
Hugo: Colonel Phillip von Stauffenberg is preparing a coup d'état?
Albert: Yes. The Wolfsschanze, headquarters of the Führer, is located here in Rastenburg. He wants to dismiss all the leaders, including Hitler, who will attend the next meeting there.
Hugo: I see. You'll take advantage of that and make sure to kill him.
Albert: If the plan is true, then Operation Valkyrie will begin soon. The coup d'état will use the commotion and...
A siren goes off, flashing a bright red light from inside the machinery.
Albert (internal monologue): Just as I was about to finish my sentence, I heard a siren wailing. This was the signal to launch Operation Valkyrie to end the insurrection. So it wasn't a lie.
A loud clanging noise is heard as Albert takes his seat in his knightmare, the screen shaking as the mecha furiously starts up with loud whirring and clanging playing the backround.
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Albert (internal monologue): Hugo and I boarded to Knightmare Panzers and hurried to the Wolfsschanze, where Hitler was.
Albert: Hitler is either in his office or in the meeting room.
Hugo: From what you said, he's most likely in the meeting room. You should go there. I'll try the office.
Albert: Thanks Hugo, I owe you one.
Hugo: Don't sweat it, we're buddies. I'll see you later.
The scene fades back into black.
Albert (internal monologue): I leave Hugo and head for the meeting room underground.
The scene then cuts to the inside of the Wolfsschanze underground meeting room Albert then appears into view with his mouth agape.
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Albert (internal monologue): After opening the heavy door, I am welcomed with officers pointing guns at me.
Officer: You're Albert Hamil of The Youth!? The one behind the assassination attempt!
Albert: How...
Albert (internal monologue): Do they know about the plan? Did someone leak it? It's too late to think about it. This is the end. I jump into the room ready to shoot. there is no escape.
Suddenly, Gigi (one of the other main characters of this story) appears from thin air, wearing military garb as a disguise.
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Albert (internal monologue): I was about to give up on my short life when I notice a girl in a military uniform. Next to the older male officers, the pretty girl looks at me. Her face shows a complex feeling of relief and loneliness. I can't explain why but I wanted to call for her. But before I could...
??? (Gigi): I've finally found you...
Albert (internal monologue): She found me? What does that mean? Before I could say anything, the girl jumps out in front of me.
Suddenly, Gigi leaps (zooms in) towards Albert / the viewer as white flashing lights fill the screen behind her with gunshot sounds filling the room.
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Albert (internal monologue): Suddenly, I heard a gunshot.
Officer: I don't get it, why would a secretary help a traitor?
Albert: Why are you...
??? (Gigi): I've finally found you, so now we can meet again. And for that, I need you to see this story through to the end.
Albert: What are you talking about? What do you mean by...
??? (Gigi): Now, go!
Albert (internal monologue): The girl took a bullet while protecting me. Despite this, she was still standing and blocked even more bullets. the girl pushed me out the door, taking bullets that would normally be fatal.
Albert: Who are you...
Gigi: I'm... Gigi. The girl who will grant you eternity.
A huge explosion noise goes off in the background as the visuals fade to black.
Albert (internal monologue): Immediately after saying that, she disappears in a blast. My whole body hurts from shock. But if I can feel pain, it means I'm still alive. In the midst of the dust, I assess the situation. Miraculously, I'm not injured.
The background slowly fades back in, showing the aftermath of the explosion.
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Albert (internal monologue): Looking closer, I confirm that I am in the lobby of the first floor. In front of me, I see a door that could collapse at any moment. It looks like I was blown upstairs with the door of the meeting room, which happened to block the blast and save me. I am deaf in one ear, but I still have my eyes and legs. My thoughts are racing as I try to leave the ruins this place has become. Stauffenberg also tricked us. They were not planning a coup; they wanted to assassinate Hitler like us. they must've planted a bomb in the meeting room and used us as bait to assassinate Hitler. However, there was no sign of Hitler in that meeting room. He must've anticipated the assassination in some way. I can't tell if its because of his rumored psychic abilities.
Suddenly, Hugo shows up out of nowhere.
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Hugo: Albert!
Albert: Hugo, are you okay?
Hugo: Don't worry about me. Judging by your looks, I guess the explosion happened down in the meeting room.
Albert: Yeah. It looks like Colonel Stauffenberg was also trying to kill Hitler. A bomb blew up in the meeting room just like that.
Hugo: A bomb!? I'm surprised you're still alive.
Albert: Yeah. There was this girl...
Hugo: A girl?
Albert (internal monologue): The girl from the meeting room. She called herself Gigi. Who the hell was she? She took several bullets and was still able to protect me from the explosion. I don't know anything about her and what she wants, but it would be confusing for Hugo if I tried to explain. I have higher priorities right now.
Albert: Anyway, Hitler wasn't in the meeting room underground. What about you?
Hugo: How is this possible? He wasn't in his office either. I'm pretty sure he didn't go in the room at all.
Albert: I see. In that case...
Albert (internal monologue): Knowing his oppressive nature, there's no way he'll forgive anyone involved with the assassination attempt. It's only a matter of time before he purges the masterminds. If so, Hitler's next destination is probably the military HQ in Berlin where the rebels are gathering. As the plan failed, Hitler might be very cautious. He might even disappear. However, it's certain he'll stop by the military HQ. We can't overlook this opportunity.
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Hugo: Albert, you're going over there, right?
Albert: Yeah. This might be my last chance.
Hugo: You'll be in the battle between the rebels and the army. You're going to die for sure.
Albert: Still, I'll have to go. I'll have my revenge. I need to...
Hugo: You'll need to avenge the murder of your family?
The camera pans up to now fully focus on Albert's face again.
Albert: What!? Hugo, you know about my...
Hugo: Yeah, I know. My real name's Hugo Honda-Kaufman. I'm half Japanese and German. Just like you, I'm a man who wouldn't be alive in this country without lying.
(AN: Not gonna lie, I'm not fully sure what he means by this since Japan was a part of the Axis Powers helping Germany during the war.)
Albert: So that's why you agreed to help me...
Hugo: Now you get it. I'll stick with you until the end.
Albert: You can't be...!
Hugo: Please, don't even try. There's no need for consideration between us. All we need is the resolve to kill Adolf Hitler and mutual trust. So let me give you this.
Albert: Your badge. I see. Then you can have mine.
Hugo: All right. Off we go, Albert.
Albert: Yeah. Let's go.
The screen fades back into black.
Albert (internal monologue): Hugo and I retrieved the Knight Panzers and headed for the Military HQ in Berlin. When we arrived in Berlin, the battle between the army and the rebels had already begun.
The screen fades back into Albert in his knightmare.
Albert (internal monologue): I spotted Albert Hitler among the Knightmare Panzers that were attacking the HQ. I can try to approach him from behind as he moves towards the rebels.
(AN: Yes, it did say Albert not Adolf even though they did call him Adolf in the beginning. I don't know if these just became consistent typos or if it was meant to be like that but for the rest of the story they do just start saying Hitler's first name was 'Albert' for some reason. It makes just as much sense to me as it probably does to you.)
Hugo: I'll lure them in. You take that chance and go, Albert. It's time to avenge your family!
Albert: Hugo, why are you going this far for me?
Hugo: Because I know how you feel, I know how angry you are... And because we're friends.
Albert: Hugo...
Hugo: Now GO!
Albert: Thank you. You're the best Hugo. I'm glad to be your friend.
The screen slides into Hugo in his own knightmare.
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Hugo: These words alone are worth risking my life for.
Albert: Huh?
Albert (internal monologue): I couldn't hear Hugo's last words with my remaining ear. However, Hugo didn't mind and headed towards the army alone.I can't let Hugo's last words be in vain.
The scene turns to black for a moment and then fades once again to Albert in his knightmare.
Albert (internal monologue): I wait for the army's formation to break due to the surprise attack and launch the Knightmare Panzer at full speed. My only target is Albert Hitler, the dictator sharing my name. The politician with mysterious powers. the murderer of my family. Suddenly the most powerful Knightmare Panzers of the SS Army appeared in front of me. I don't have time to deal with them. It'll take a lot of damage, but I just need to hold off until I reach Hitler.
Red lights flash in the knightmare.
Hitler: What! Who the hell is this guy!?
Albert (internal monologue): I break through the SS assault and finally make it to Hitler.
An explosion noise plays as the knightmare gets lit on fire and cuts to black.
Albert (internal monologue): I jump out of my Knightmare Panzer now on fire and climb into Hitler's.
The visuals then jumpcut to Hitler within a knightmare cockpit with Albert by his side with an expression of pure rage. (AN: I'm not going to show a screenshot of this one but yes they do show Hitler, he looks exactly as you could imagine just within the Genesic style and with his eyes greyed out, maybe for censorship reasons. He also has a red armband on his left side while the rest of the characters in this story do not.)
Hitler: How could someone in The Youth...
A gunshot sound and flash of red light pierce the screen as Hitler fades out of view.
Albert (internal monologue): I point the gun between Hitler's eyes and pull the trigger without hesitation. Hitler can't even make a noise before blood splatters all over the place.
Albert: I-I did it!
Immediately afterward, multiple red lights flash the screen again with more gunshots go off.
Albert (internal monologue): Right afterward, heat begins to spread through my body as if it were on fire. When I look down, I see multiple holes in my body. It must've been by bullets. I see. I'm going to die. But I still win. The Albert who lost everything killed the Albert who got everything. I've successfully avenged my family. Is that...
The screen slowly begins to fade to white during his monologue whilethe music shifts from battle music to sad piano music.
Albert (internal monologue): I can hear Hugo calling me, but he keeps getting further and further away. I wish I could thank him one last time. Thank you, Hugo..
The screen finally turns fully white and then back to a black screen with golden sparkles in the background.
Al (?): Albert Hamil. A young man who got killed in the genocide committed by Albert Hitler. He joined and served the Hitler Youth but stayed true to his goal of revenge against Hitler. What I did was 'observe' the story of Albert Hamil. The story of revenge of a man who was robbed of his family. As I think about him, I notice I'm holding something in my right hand. When I open it, I see a badge that looks familiar. Isnt that...
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clearblazedaze · 1 year
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facebooknotes57 · 1 year
11 de Julho de 1944: O Conde Claus von Stauffenberg leva uma bomba até à residência de Hitler com intenção de assassinar o Führer
No dia 11 de Julho de 1944, o conde Claus von Stauffenberg, um alto oficial do exército alemão, transporta uma bomba ao quartel-general e residência de Verão de Adolf Hitler em Berchtesgaden, nos Alpes Bávaros, com a intenção de assassinar o Führer.
Assim que o sentido da guerra começou a virar contra os germânicos e as atrocidades cometidas às instâncias de Hitler cresciam por toda parte, um crescente número de alemães, dentro e fora das forças armadas, passaram a conspirar para a eliminação do seu líder.
Avaliando que seria bastante improvável que as massas se levantassem contra o homem em cujas mãos depositaram até então as suas vidas e o seu futuro, cabia aos homens próximos a Hitler, oficiais militares alemães, a tarefa de assassiná-lo. A liderança da conspiração coube a Claus von Stauffenberg, na época recém promovido a coronel e chefe da equipa do estado-maior da reserva do exército o que lhe permitia acesso aos quartéis-generais de Hitler nas montanhas da Bavária, em Berchtesgaden e no nordeste da Alemanha, em Rastenburg.
Stauffenberg, que servia no exército germânico desde 1926, manifestou contrariedade com o cruel tratamento dispensado aos judeus e aos prisioneiros soviéticos pelos seus soldados e camaradas de farda enquanto servia como oficial do estado-maior na campanha contra a União Soviética. Depois disso, pediu para ser transferido para a África do Norte, onde perdeu o olho esquerdo, a mão direita e dois dedos da mão esquerda.
Depois de se restabelecer dos ferimentos e estar determinado a ver Hitler removido do poder, Stauffenberg viajou até Berchtesgaden no dia 3 de Julho, quando recebeu das mãos do oficial do exército Helmuth Stieff uma bomba com um detonador silencioso e suficientemente pequena para ser escondida numa pasta de couro.
Em 11 de Julho, Stauffenberg foi convocado a Berchtesgaden para apresentar pessoalmente a Hitler um relatório sobre a situação militar do momento. O plano era usar a bomba em 15 de Julho, mas no último minuto, Hitler foi chamado para o seu quartel-general em Rastenburg. Stauffenberg então foi designado para acompanhá-lo.
A tentativa de assassinato foi adiada para 20 de Julho em Rastenburg, no quartel-general, conhecido como a "Toca do Lobo (em alemão, "Wolfsschanze"). A conspiração e os detalhes da explosão das bombas foram relatadas em livros e no cinema, em especial no filme “Operação Valquíria”, - 2008 - protagonizado por Tom Cruise no papel do coronel Stauffenberg.
Fontes: Opera Mundi
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fieteontour · 1 year
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Litauen 14.6.23 wieder in einem Euroland
Zwischenmahlzeit: Kartoffelauflauf mit Broccoli, Tomaten, frische Kräuter und Käse, gebacken im Omnia.
Gegessen im Wald nahe der Wolfsschanze. Ich wußte nicht, dass Hitler Vegetarier war und keinen Alkohol getrunken hat. Darauf einen Schnaps, prost.
Kleine Holzhäuser, kleine landwirtschaftliche Flächen, sehr gute und katastrophale Straßen prägen unsere ersten Eindrücke von Litauen. Und die Netzabdeckung ist wesentlich besser als in Polen (und Deutschland).
Erste Übernachtung an einem Golfplatz, einem von dreien in LT.
Nun für Golfer:
Ein linkskurs Par excellence mit unzähligen Bunkern, schmalen Fairways, Wasser seitlich und quer und Hügeln ohne Sicht auf den Ballflug. Nach den ersten beiden Löchern hatte Hans drei Bälle versenkt und hatte schon Sorge, dass die Bälle nicht reichen. Dann haben wir taktischer gespielt (über den Hügel geschaut usw.), dann ging es besser.
Wir konnten unser Bunkerspiel verbessern und waren beeindruckt von unseren Lernerfolgen in Fleesensee.
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