yuu3585 · 11 months
TF: Earth Rising - series links (On hold)
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When a sixteen year old girl named Ashley and her cybertronian bestfriend Swiftgear go looking for Energon things go wrong as the Decepticons take Swiftgear back to their warship believing her to be an autobot. Optimus Prime and his team of Autobots must find a way to save Swiftgear from Megatrons Energon stained servos
The renaming of TF: Energon Madness
Prisoner Pt. 1
Prisoner Pt. 2
Prisoner Pt. 3 somewhat human based chapter
Prisoner Pt. 4
Prisoner Pt. 5
Rest & Repair (coming soon)
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mtg-cards-hourly · 7 months
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Swiftgear Drake
Inspired by fishing raptors, Tawnos designed the drake's talons to seize prey with overwhelming speed and precision.
Artist: Zoltan Boros TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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chriselison · 1 year
Part 29 of my World of Warcraft retail paladin playthrough! In this episode I finish questing in the Wetlands. I kill some crocolisks and raptors for the folk at Swiftgear Station. After killing some Dark Iron dwarves I finally complete the zone and move onto Dustwallow Marsh.
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Dear @taylorswift (cc @taylornation ),
If you ever need to have an event for the OldSwifities (35+ 😂🙈) I volunteer! We may not be as visible as the awesome Swifties we follow and love but we are here all the same. Our littles are growing up singing Bad Blood at summer day camp and making fun of us for wearing our Swiftgear to the bus stop and never failing to watch the new Look video just one more time with us. We appreciate you for your mind blowing marketing & business skills and girl boss inspiration as much as we love your music. And not gonna lie, your mom is in our list of amazing Mom-spiration; people we look to when the reality of parenting becomes tough or sad or the most amazing thing on the planet.
We are so excited for Reputation and can’t wait to see the amazing things we can learn from you, your music, your finely tuned team!
~your Oldies (but still clearly goodies)
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transmogwow · 5 years
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Ivóry - Bloodhoof (eu) head: Hidden Helm neck: Heart of Azeroth shoulder: Nexus-Guard's Pauldrons back: Hidden Cloak chest: Leonine Breastplate tabard: Tabard of the Argent Crusade wrist: Bindings of the Silver Hand hands: 7th Legionnaire's Gauntlets waist: Swiftgear Belt legs: Kingshell Legplates feet: Magma Tempered Boots finger1: Stonemason's Guild Band finger2: Murky Cerulean Signet trinket1: Pearl Diver's Compass trinket2: Plunderbeard's Flask mainHand: Praetor's Ornamental Warblade
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guildwuff2 · 7 years
Right, so... i've been planning a charr engineer named Falkan. He's an upbeat scrapper who's great at building machinery/weapons in a pinch. I've also been trying to figure out his name. If y'all could, help me narrow down my list of potential names?
Gearheart Scrapheart Gearsinger Scrapsinger Swiftgear Swiftscrap Scrapweld
Any other ideas for names would rock too! thanks folks 👍
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cruelsummer3-blog · 7 years
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#gorgeous #swiftgear #cantsleeptonight #butforreallookwhatyoumademedo
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yuu3585 · 11 months
Due to sometime of thought, I’ve decided to rename TF: Energon Madness to TF: Earth rising
It will follow the path of Optimus Prime and his team of autobot stoping Megatron and his Decepticon army from taking over earth
TF: Earth rising Link
I will use the name Energon Madness at a later date but for now my main story will be Earth rising
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yuu3585 · 10 months
I’ll be going on break my mind is clouded and school is getting to me but I’ll come back soon promise
Pt. 5 of prisoner is almost done but I need a break for awhile
TF: Earth rising series link
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yuu3585 · 10 months
TF: Earth Rising- Prisoner Pt. 4
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As Ashley shows Jazz more of Earth, Ratchet still tries to find a way to locate the Decepticon warship so they can finally save Swiftgear and reunite them with Ashley - TF: Earth Rising - Prisoner Pt. 4 Word count - 2k Series link Transformer body parts link Pt. 3 <——— Pt. 4 you are here ———> Pt. 5
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---- The woods were quiet as birds chirped and the wind blew. Everything was at peace “Jazz don’t worry no one will see you promise!” Ashley spoke, stretching as she faced Jazz “I don’t know, seem dangerous!” Jazz replied with worry spilling from his voice “Swiftgear and I do this all the time and no one has ever caught us!” Ashley told crossing her arms Jazz stayed quiet before he sighed
Jazz transformed stretching himself “Well how do you like it?” Ashley asked giggling, Jazz looked around the woods it was peace he hadn’t seen peace in a long time cause of the war “Jazz?” Ashley shouted, snapping Jazz out of his thoughts “Y-yes..?” Jazz studded out looking down at Ashley the two stayed quiet for a moment before Ashley spoke, “Hey why don’t I show you Earth's beauty?” Ashley asked scratching the back of her head Jazz smiles, lowering his servo down to Ashley “Yes, show me the beauty of the earth!” Jazz said as Ashley stepped onto his servo “Well what would you like to see?” Ashley asked, sitting down in Jazz’s servo “What is water?” Jazz asked, raying his servo to his face “There's a small lake a few miles from here, why don’t we go see it?” Ashley asked smiling, Jaz hummed looking forward, and walked to the lake Ashley spoke of…
---- Ratchet groaned as he laid his helm in his servos “Damn Decepticons and their caulking technology!” Ratchet cursed quietly to himself as his tired optics closed, for the past few days he had stayed up trying to find the warship, but with the company of Ashley he worked even harder to find it “If only Wheel-“ Ratchet spoke before stopping he raised his helm coughed and counties his work The base remained quiet due to Prime resting and Bumblebee and Bulkhead looking for Energon due to how low they were, “Ratchet?” Bulkhead’s voice cut through the coms Ratchet sighed “Yes Bulkhead?” Ratchet questioned rubbing his optics “Me and Bee found small amounts of Energon!” Bulkhead explained Ratchet looked up smiling “G-good I’ll send a ground bridge and you and Bee can transfer it!” Ratchet spoke turning to the ground bridge consoles and typing Bulk and Bee’s position
The ground bridge opened, and it took a moment before Bee came through holding three cubes of Energon “Place them there I’ll handle them later!” Ratchet told, Bulkhead came through a few moments after Bee holding five cubes “How long do you think this will last us Doc?” Bulkhead questioned, Ratched sighed “Maybe a month or so but who knows with-“ “Swiftgear?” Ratchet explained before Bee cut him off “Yes we don’t know what the Decepticons have done to them!” Ratchet said closing the ground bridge
The three stayed quiet, no one wanted to break the silence till Optimus’s voice sounded “Ratchet have Bulkhead and Bumblebee returned?” Optimus questioned stepping into the light “We found Energon but Swiftgear may um..” Bee tried to say but stopped, Optimus sighed, rubbing his optics “You should recharge more Prime!” Ratchet told his tired optics staring into Optimus just as tired optics “I will be fine, has Jazz reported back?” Prime asked rubbing his optics, Bee and Bulkhead left leaving Ratchet to talk with Prime
Ratchet shook his head “No, he hasn’t reported but his position states he’s in the forest near a lake or something!” Ratchet explained Optimus hummed walking up to the computer showing Jazz's position “Have you tires coming, him?” Prime asked staring at the screen “No Bee told me to give him space, he seemed to have something on his mind…” Ratchet explained his restarlueus crossing, the Prime hummed, sighing “When he does com please tell me I’m going for a drive!” Prime told walking away from Ratchet and out of his sight
---- Jazz servo pressed down into the cold water of the lake Ashley smiled next to him, her hand gliding against the water “How do you like it Jazz?” Ashley questioned looking up at him, Jazz smiled, lifting his hand and seeing how the water dripped off his servo “Earth is so beautiful and this is only a small bit of its beauty…” Jazz spoke looking down at Ashley, she smiled wiping her wet hand on her shorts “What else would you like to see?” Ashley questioned cracking her knuckles “Let's stay here for a while I like the sound of the lake…” Jazz said placing his hand back into the water Ashley grinned crossing her legs and looked into the water she could sit here awhile, like Swiftgear she similarly did the same as Jazz when seeing water she giggled thinking about it, seeing Jazz as a toddler of sorts when seeing something new and wanting to play with it more, Jazz look over at Ashley “What you giggling about?” He asked his optics scanning her “Oh it's nothing, promise it just…you remind me of an earth toddler!” Ashley spoke laughing as to explain to Jazz
The Autobot was quiet, his processor thinking “Is a toddler like, a sparkings?” Jazz asked his visor disappearing to show his optics “Y-yeah somewhat…I think?” Ashley explained, confused herself, a laugh exited, Jazz’s intake at Ashley's confused look as she thought “D-don't laugh, it's not funny!” Ashley yelled standing up, Jazz continued to laugh rubbing some fluid away from his eyes “Sorry it's just your confusion, it's funny to me!” Jazz laughed out
Ashley rolled her eyes giggling as Jazz laughed the two sat there awhile laughing at each other “Jazz if you don't mind me asking but what was Cybertron like?” Ashley questioned scratching the back of her head, Jazz sat in silence his visor returned covering his optics “Not now Ashley…” Jazz spoke his voice cold, Ashley sighed “Alright…w-what else would you like to see?” Ashley spoke rubbing the back of her neck, Jazz stood up and walked away “HEY I'm SORRY!” Ashley shouted standing up herself, Jazz sighed turning to look at Ashley “I’m sorry too you only asked..” Jazz told Ashley standing there for a moment “It's alright but if you want to go down the South of the lake be careful!” Ashley clarified, Jazz turned back around “Why should I be careful?” Jazz questioned looking back at Ashley
Ashley walked up to Jazz standing next to his pedes “Swiftgear said there is a Decepticon mine down there but I don't know if it's true!” Ashley explained, Jazz hummed “If there is a mine then m-maybe will find the warship!” Jazz stated looking down at Ashley “And if we find the warship will”
“Find Swiftgear!” They both declared looking at one another “Well let's get going!” Jazz said transforming, opening his side door “Let's get a move on!” Ashley spoke hopping in, Jazz drove off to where Ashley had pointed out…
She was right the mine was covered in con clones “By the all spark you were right!” Jazz spoke as Ashley hopped out of him “Didn’t think much of this but if there are clones where’s the warship?” Ashley questioned looking at Jazz “If I know the cons best the ship is most likely caulked!” Jazz informed rubbing his servos together
The two went quiet looking down upon the clones as they guarded the mines “One, two, three, four…” Ashley mumbled counting clones “What are you doing?” Jazz whispered looking to Ashley “Counting the clones but I lost track!” Ashley laughed scratching the back of her neck Jazz sighed smiling down at Ashley
The warship’s medbay hammered with talk by Starscream “And then I ripped his spark out” Starscream told the clearly stasis-locked Swiftgear “You do know she can’t hear you right?” Clawhip spoke her voice filled with annoyance, Starscream sighed looking at Clawhip “Why yes I do!” Scream retorted, crossing his restarlueus “Tch, mind not talking so loudly?” Clawhip asked anger seeping from her voice, Starscream side-eyed Clawhip “Why would I listen to a former landhaver?” Starscream asked, his voice dripping with annoyance, “I may have been a landhaver but I own the sky just like you Scream!” Clawhip stated turning back to the computer
Starscream let out a laugh, Clawhip groaned and rolled her optics listening to Starscream “You think you own the sky?” Starscream questioned through a bitter laugh, Clawhip didn't answer, only the clicks of her digits sounded “Answer me!” Scream yelled annoyed by Clawhip “If I didn't own the sky why can I fly?” Clawhip asked, turning to Scream her red eyes staring into his “You can only fly because of Shockwave!” Starscream retorted annoyance and bitterness sounding from his voice the two were quiet till the medbay doors opened
“Starscream!” Megatron yelled his large figure coming into sight, Clawhip snickered, turning back to her work “Why are you messing with our medical officer?” Megatron yelled looking down at Scream “Um…I was looking over our prisoner!” Starscream said laughing nervously, Megatron hummed “Clawhip is this true?” Megatron asked, Clawhip smirked, turning to the two “He was till, he started talking of my status as a seeker when I was a landhaver!” Clawhip explained smiling at Starscream, his breath hitched “W-well you aren't qualified to be the medical officer either!” Scream retorted laughing nervously as Megatron stared at him “I am well qualified, Nightshade taught me!” Clawhip yelled her voice linking angry “Quiet both of you!” Megatron told, Clawhip turned back to her work typing away Starscream stood up straight bowing his head “Clawhip’s status as a seeker or the medical officer of the Nemesis is not you're concern, Starscream!” Megatron meant leaning over the seeker “Y-yes my lord!” Starscream uttered looking down “But how is the prisoner Clawhip?” Megatron questioned turning his attention to the medic “She is fine, still alive as you told me to!” Clawhip explained turning to her leader with a datapad
Clawhip walked past Megatron and Starscream typing away on the pad, the med bay doors opened again Megatron turned to the door, Soundwave walked into the med bay lights “Soundwave report?” Megatron questioned turning to face him “A-a-pro-ching en-erg-on m-mi-ne…” Soundwave stumbled out his voice cracking as he spoke “Hmm… Thank you Soundwave, come Starscream'' Megatron told, Starscream followed Megatron out of the med bay leaving Soundwave and Clawhip alone
“Soundwave, would you like me to look at you're voice boxes?” Clawhip asked, looking up from her data pad “N-n…no!” Soundwave answered his voice cracking as he answered Clawhip, “Alright I’ll be leaving then check on the prisoner if you’d like!” Clawhip told placing the pad down and leaving the medbay Soundwave stood in the middle of the medbay staring at Swiftgear, his screen face avoid of emotions the medbay went quiet the only sound heard was the monitor of the medical officers
Soundwave left soon after, leaving Swiftgear alone her cold de-shoveled self laid unrestrained, as the warship arrived at the mine lowering its elevator to collect the Energon the miner had collected for months ----
Jazz’s optics widened as the warship de-caulked itself “Oh my Primus!” He spoke, reaching towards his helm “Ratchet!” Jazz shouted through the coms “WHAT?” Ratchet yelled through the coms back at Jazz “I’ve found the warship!” Jazz said calmly, still staring at the warship’s “I’ll com the others stay where you are!” Ratchet said typing being heard from Jazz side “No, I can’t this is are, one chance to save Swiftgear!” Jazz told staring at Ashley’s shocked expression “I’m going in!” Jazz said before turning off his com
“Jazz n-“ Ratchet yelled before being cut off “Stay here!” Jazz ordered transforming “B-but…” Ashley tried to say before Jazz left, Ashley stayed still staring at Jazz form disappearing off to save her friend “Damn-it, Jazz please be careful and may you're god Primus protect you!” Ashley said in a low whisper looking up to the warship
---- Ratchet stared at the screen and groaned “All autobot Jazz has located the warship and he’s left on his own.. Prime Ashley was with him, what should we do?” Ratchet asked, typing Jazz's last location into the ground bridge “Will have to buy him time!” Prime told, stepping behind the medic rubbing his optics “Bubblebee, Bulkhead let’s go!” Prime spoke turning to the two autobots “This will be are first fight with them since Cybertron, be ready for anything!” Ratchet told activating the ground bridge
“Autobot roll out!”
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yuu3585 · 11 months
TF: Earth Rising - Prisoner Pt.3
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As the morning hits Jazz continues his work as Ashley’s guardian. While at school Jazz continues to question what the Decepticons would have done to Swiftgear his processor is brought to a halt when Ashley is chased by a group of boys - TF: Earth Rising- Prisoner Pt. 3 Word count - 1.6k Series link Pt. 2 <———Pt. 3 your here ———> Pt. 4 (A/N This is somewhat of a human-based chapter)
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A blaring alarm sounds, and Ashley’s eyes flutter open she groans turning to her nightstand and turning the alarm off she sighs pulling herself out of bed… she shuffles around her room for a moment before opening the door looking into the hallway. She sighs before shutting the door rubbing her eyes from her cry fest the night before “Come on pull yourself together!” Ashley told herself ready to cry again she sighed again and walked out of her room into the bathroom
Ashley turned to the cracked mirror staring at herself before undoing her hair from the low ponytail to the small braid of hair that hung from the right side of her head “Keep it together Ash, Swiftgear wouldn’t want to see you like this!” Ashley told herself taking hold of the brush next to her
After finishing brushing her hair Ashley redid the low ponytail and the braid and walked out of the bathroom quietly to her room shutting the door as Ashley turned into her room Ash scanned her LED-lit room sighing as she finished, Ashley walked over to her dresser taking the outfit on top she smiled at it she was happy that she pick it out before she left with Swiftgear but her smile faded as the memory when through her head “Shit!” She cursed trying to hold her tears back before she could cry another alarm went off Ashley sighed walking over to it the time read “5:55 make breakfast NOW!” Ashley turned the alarm off rubbing her eyes again before setting the outfit in her hand on the bed ----
Jazz waited watching the clock as the street lights went beam as the sun rose slowly he sighed his mirror never leaving the moss-covered house “Be passionate she’ll be out” Jazz told himself worrying for Ashley his attention was caught by a bet up truck looking worse for wear the driver stepped out staring at Jazz “What the hell that kid!” the drive spoke stepping out of the truck his clothes were covered in dirt and grime he closed the door of his truck hard and stomped up to the house unlocking the front door and stepped inside “Scrap Ash!” Jazz yelled worrying for Ashley
The sound of the door slamming brought Ashley out of her though “Shit!” she whispered, gripping the wooden spoon in her hand “Ashley!” the man spoke stepping into the kitchen “Y-yes Dad?” Ashley stuttered out turning to face her father the grip on the spoon never ceasing “What with the sports car outside!” He yelled, crossing his arms and glaring at Ashley “It's a friend's Dad!” Ashley exampled smiling
Her father hummed, “ What happened to the bike?” he asked, continuing to glare at Ashley “It’s in the shop it wasn't working well, my friend said I could borrow the car promise!” Ashley examples looking her father in the eyes he hummed turning away and walking upstairs, Ashley sighed her hand laying over her heart “Better finish this up…” Ashley told herself turning back to the stove
Jazz waited as time ticked to 6:50, his worry for Ashley's safety almost got the best of him before he heard the front door close he sighed seeing Ashley step out of the house her steps sounded in Jazz's audio receptors the steps booming as she walked till they stopped “Jazz’s you good?” Ashley questioned knocking on the window Jazz unlocked his door snapping himself out of his daze “Who was that man Ash?” Jazz questioned as Ashley sat down, she was quiet for some time before speaking
“He’s my father…” Ashley spoke, crossing her arms. Jazz was quiet thinking “So like a sire?” Jazz asked “starring” his engine, Ashley giggled hearing Jazz's question “Y-yes like a sire!” Ashley said laughing and rubbed her eyes, Jazz joined in the laughter as he drove onto the road “Oh I forgot to tell you…you’re gonna have to take me to school…sorry” Ashley said looking out the window rubbing the back of her neck
“Hey kiddo it fine you’ll just have to show me where you're school is…” Jazz laughed, Ashley smiled “Well alrighty then!” Ashley spoke smiling as the two continued down the road
Jazz stared as he looked to the school “quite big I must say” Jazz said parking himself far away from everyone “Yeah it is quite big” Ashley said reaching for her bag in the passenger seat “How long will you be gone I must ask!” Jazz questioned, Ashley grabbed her bag turning to the wheel “eight hours I’ll be gone for eight hours…” Ashley told, Jazz stayed quite think “Okay then I’ll go back to base and come get you at like three?” Jazz questioned, Ashley hummed, opening the door and stepping out “Just don’t get caught by anyone!” Ashley laughed shutting the door
Jazz watch as Ashley’s form got further and further away from him when she was full gone he wait for all the other humans to leave so he could go and report back to base, it took some time but soon no one was outside so he left
Ratchet’s audio receptors picked up on Jazz’s steps “How was the outside world Jazz?” Ratchet questioned looking at Jazz, “It’s fine but Ashley’s home life doesn’t seem too good I must say..” Jazz told, scratching his helm, “What do you mean by that?” Ratchet questioned turning around Jazz stopped and looked to Ratchet “Her home is…well I don’t know how to explain this the best way is for you to see it yourself but…” Jazz spoke trailing off as Ratchet stared at him
Jazz stop when he felt a servo settle on his shoulder “Jazz we shall talk on this matter later please relax” Optimus spoke his voice filled with exhaust, Jazz took a breath and smile at the Prime “Have you found the warship?” Jazz questioned turning to Ratchet “No the cons caulking shields are far too much to de-code” Ratchet explained looking away from both Prime and Jazz “My old friend please continue to try!” Prime spoke, smiling weakly, Jazz crossed his restarlueus thinking “Jazz?” Prime questioned, Jazz replied with a hum
Jazz slides Prime servo off his shoulder walking away from the two bots “What on his Processor?” Ratchet questioned watching Jazz leave “Must be something to do with Ashley but we will have to see..” Optimus spoke turning away from Ratchet, the med bot sighed turning back to the computer typing away
Jazz pulls up to the school and parks in the same spot as that morning he begins to think of what the cons would do to Swiftgear he did promise that he and the other autobots would get them back but Ratchet’s words are making him think that they won’t be able to do that
Jazz continued to think but his thoughts were stopped when hear shouting “Ashley you can’t run forever” a boy shouted he spotted Ashley and three boys running after her “ Ash…?” He questioned, Ashley sprinted to Jazz opening the door and slamming it shut “Ashley are you alright?” Jazz questioned worry forming in his voice, Ashley’s breath staggered and she rested her head against the wheel the three boys stared at Jazz as Ashley caught her breath “No way she could afford that!” one boy said, crossing his arms “Ashley…you forgot something!” The tallest boy said holding up a book of some kind Ashley looked up looking through her bag. She groaned, placing the bag in the passenger seat and stepped out of the car “Give it back Bruce!” Ashley shouted walking up to the boys they snickered as she yelled at them “What.. scared I’ll ruin this already wired book?” Bruce asked, lifting the book above his head, Ashley groaned, reaching for it but failing, the boys laughed as Ashley struggled “What not tall enough?” One boy said snickering Ashley took a breath before backing away from the boys “Giving up already?” Bruce asked, lowering the book to his side “You're such an asshole!” Ashley said crossing her arm and leaned against Jazz, Bruce stared down at Ashley “Well you're the bitch who can’t take a joke!” Bruce spoke his voice low, Ashley stared him down lowering her arms to Jazz hood “Give me my sketchbook back!” Ashley said her nails tapping against Jazz hood Everyone was quiet. Jazz questioned what to do so he couldn’t transformer so he sat there waiting like Ashley and the three boys “Hand it over!” Ashley stated extending her hand to Bruce, he didn’t moved till a voice shout his name “BRUCE YOU'RE LATE!” a women yelled, the two boys sighed as Bruce rolled his eye giving Ashley her sketchbook back when she took it Bruce grabbed her arm “Listen Miles you got lucky this time but next time is a different story!” Bruce whispered shoving Ashley before walking away
Ashley rubbed her arm were Bruce grabbed her “ Asshole” she said quietly to herself only Jazz heard her, Ashley stepped back into the car setting her sketchbook next to her bag “Ash are you okay?” Jazz questioned, Ashley smiled “Yes I’m alright just some boy being rude that’s all promise!” Ashley told rubbing her arm
“Hey Ashley, what do you usually do after school?” Jazz asked as he pulled out of the school's parking lot “Well me and Swiftgear would usually go up to the forest areas and I’d show them more of earth!” Ashley told her finger tapping against the steering wheel Jazz hummed in reply “Would you like to do the same?” Ashley asked, smiling “Sure it would be a good way to learn more about you're world and I need to clear my head!” Jazz replied ----
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yuu3585 · 11 months
TF: Earth Rising - Prisoner Pt.2
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With the finding of Ashley and her knowing of the cybrotroian race, Prime and Bulkhead bring her back to base and the questions begin to row as Team Prime questions what to do. But while the Autobots question Ashley. The Decepticons "question" Swiftgear on the were abouts of the Autobot base when no progress is made the cons lay their new prisoner into Clawhip clawed servos - TF: Earth Rising - Prisoner Pt.2
Word count - 2.5k
Series links
Pt.1 <——— Pt. 2 your here ———> Pt. 3
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“A human?” The Prime questioned lowering his blasters Bulkhead followed, Bee’s voice cutting through the comlink “Something happening over there?” Bee questioned as Prime and Bulkhead stood still for a moment before the human voice cut through “Oh thank the primes you're here!” the human spoke catching her breath
Prime walked over to the human bending down to her “Human I must ask how do you know of use?” Optimus questioned his optics scanning the girl “Um… well that's cause a cybrotroian told me of you…I’m Ashley!” Ashley explained her voice cracking up as she spoke, the prime hummed picking Ashley up “Ratchet a ground please” Prime told his digits curling around Ashley “Op you sure about this?” Bulkhead questioned, following behind the prime “Yes I am sure of this!” Optimus replied waiting for the ground bridge
The bridge opened and the two walked through. Ashley covered her eyes, the bright lights of the ground bridge blinded her. The two stopped as Ratchet, Bee, and Jazz ran up to them “What did you find is an Autobot in danger?” Ratchet questioned looking behind Optimus and Bulkhead “I agree with Ratchet, is there an Autobot in danger?” Jazz questions his restarlueus crossing
“We did not find an Autobot but we found her…” Prime spoke, lowering his servo for the other to see, Ashley waved nervously “H-hello!” she uttered her eyes darting around the room “A human?” Ratchet questioned his servo reaching for Ashley and picked her up from Prime’s servo “Wow, hold your roll sir!” Ashley spoke pointing to Ratchet and she sat in his servo “Well you're a rude one!” Ratchet said his optics scanning Ashley for wounds if there were any
“What’s the story Prime? bringing a organic to base?” Jazz questioned eyeing Ashley in Ratchet servo “Wait! She must have activated the beacon!” Bumblebee shouted while he stared at Ratchet and Ashley “You’re very loud yellow but you are correct! I did activate the bacon…” Ashley said covering her ears from Bee’s shouting the bots stared at Ashley “But how’d you get one?” Jazz questioned stepping closer to Ashley and Ratchet
Ashley stared at Jazz for a moment before reaching into her pocket and pulling out her phone “They gave it to me!” Ashley said turning her phone to Jazz, the phone was of her and another cybrotroian that was white, light blue, and black “Who is this bot if you don't mind me asking?” Prime questioned looking at the picture alongside Bee and Bulkhead
Ratchet turned Ashley’s arm, which was holding the phone to him so he could see the picture his eyes starred at the picture before he set Ashley in Jazz’s servos and walked over to the computer, and started typing “To answer you're question Prime they’re name is Swiftgear and their the reason I even used the beacon in the first place…” Ashley informed as she rubbed her arms from how cold it was
“Bumblebee…take Ashley above the base for a bit, Jazz I need to talk with you!” Prime instructed walking away from the others, Bee walked up to Jazz opening his servos for Jazz to hand Ashley over, Jazz round his optics before setting Ashley in Bee’s servos after that they both walked away from each other Jazz following Prime and Bee leaving the room. Bulkhead stood still for a moment before he left the room leaving Ratchet the only one left
“Optimus? What is the meaning of this?” Jazz questioned his optics looking to the Prime “It’s about Ashley, she knows of us, we'll have to protect her now!” The prime told his restarlueus cross “Wait you're not saying…you are…” Jazz breathes out his servo rubbing his helm “Fine she’ll need our protection!” Jazz stated looking at his servos, the two remained quiet not speaking for a few moments “Jazz?” Prime questioned Jazz letting out a breath “Alright I’ll be her guardian…but only for now!” Jazz stated turning and walking away from Optimus the prime smiled following after him
Ratchet typed away as he tried to find the bot Ashley had shown him but to his avail, nothing came up he let out a sigh before rubbing his optics his processor wondering as he thought of what to do the sound of Jazz's voice snapped him out of his thoughts “Ratchet?” Jazz questioned his voice booming in Ratchet helm “Jazz please you would be quiet!” Ratchet spoke turning to face the red, white, and blue bot “Where’s Prime Jazz?” Ratchet questioned looking around the room for the red and blue bot “He went top side to bring Bumblebee and Ashley!” Jazz spoke crossing his restarlueus as Ratchet sighed “What about Bulkhead?” Ratchet questioned turning his back to Jazz “I commed him a few minutes ago but you know Bulk!” Jazz spoke laughing a little
Ratchet smiled a little but stopped after he sighed looking back at the computer “Ratchet you good?” Jazz questioned, the two stood quiet before Bulkhead's voice sounded “What you need Jazz?” the green bot questioned as he entered the room “Um.. did I come at a bad time?” Bulkhead questions as he stares at Ratchet and Jazz, Ratchet coughed breaking the silence “We should wait for Prime and Bee and…Ashley” Ratchet says turning back to the computer
“Jazz, you think Ratchet’s ok?” Bulkhead questioned as he walked over to Jazz, “I don't know he has been acting differently since Ashley got here!” Jazz said looking at the old medic “Autobots…” The prime’s voice echoed as he stepped into the room, Bee right behind him quieter than ever “I have been informed of the problem Ashely is facing…Ashley?” Optimus explained before directing the attention to Ashley “Um…ok so me and Swiftgear the cybrotroian I showed you on my phone were looking for Energon then a lot of things happened with the cons and now I’m here!” Ashley explained
The bots stood still taking in the information in “So you want us to find Swiftgear?” Ratchet questioned turning to Bee and Ashley “Y-yes I wish for you're help in getting Swiftgear back!” Ashley explained scratching the back of her neck and laughed nervously, “Hmm… still will take while the cons warship is extremely hard to find!” Jazz told his servo touching his helm “Jazz is right but for the time being you will be under the protection of the Autobots!” Prime spoke looking at Ashley
Ashley smiled her fingernails tapping again Bee’s servo “And for the time being Jazz will be your guardian.” Prime spoke looking at Jazz, he sighed and smiled a little “Um I’m sorry to say but I have to get home or I’ll be in trouble!” Ashley spoke looking at the time on her phone “Alright Jazz take Ashley home and watch over her for the time being…” Prime spoke his optics darting between Jazz and Ashley
Jazz scooped Ashley out of Bee’s and walked away, “Where do you live?” Jazz asked as he left the team “I live on River Street on the south side of town!” Ashley informed her hands on Jazz’s digits, he hummed to Ashley not long after the two left base Jazz set Ashley down and transformed into his ult mode “An Acura NSX nice!” Ashley spoke as she stared at Jazz Ult mode “Best I could do!” Jazz replied, opening his driver’s door for Ashley “So when I get you home I won't be going back to base!” Jazz told as he drove away from base, the moon high in the sky
Ashley hummed as she sat in Jazz Ult mode thinking to herself “Ashley you ok?” Jazz asked, his voice coming off as worried “I’m fine just thinking… Jazz, what do you think the cons will do to Swiftgear?” Ashley questioned, she sounded worried. Jazz thought for a second not wanting Ashley to worry “I don't know Ashley but we will save them I promise you that!” Jazz stated Ashley hummed again before looking out the window as Jazz continued to drive her home
The sounds of screaming sounded through the warship “Tell me where the Autobot base is!” Metatron yelled his servos forming into a fist, Swiftgear hung limp from the electroshocks “Like I said I got no idea what you're talking about!” Swiftgear spoke quietly, her optics looked up meeting with Megatron's blood-red ones “Soundwave…” Megatron spoke, raising his restarlueus, Soundwave knotted, turning a dial-up “I’ll ask one more time… where is the Autobot base!?” Megatron yelled once again his optics lowered to Swiftgear’s
Swiftgear laughed, “As I said before, I have no idea what you're talking about!” she said lowering her helm and awaited the shock “Soundwave..” Megatron spoke lowering his restarlueus, her screams sounded as part of her armor cracked the one on her face plate where her left optics was cracked more leaving a giant scar reaching down to the bottom of her helm “Master?” Starscream’s voice broke through the screams from Swiftgear
Megatron looked at Starscream “What is it?” Megatron questions, anger seeping from his voice “I see the interrogation isn’t going well..?” Scream said looking at Swiftgear's limp body that hung from her restraints “I would ask if we give Clawhip a try?” Scream questioned his restarlueus folded behind his back Scream’s optics trailing their prisoner's de-shoveled state “How do say Clawhip can do better?” Megatron questions his optics trailing Swiftgear as well
Scream cleared his intake before speaking “Clawhip knows everything about the cybrotroian body she’ll know what to do with our prisoner!” Starscream explained his digits tapping against the other arms, Megatron thought before turning to Soundwave
Soundwave obliged, pressing a button, Swiftgear fell to the floor she laid there unable to move. “You two bring are prisoner to Clawhip, Soundwave return to your post!” Megatron informed walking out of the chamber two clones walked up to Swiftgear picked her up by the restarlueus and dragged her out of the chamber her pedes dragged against the warship floor screeching as the clones dragged her
Swiftgear’s optics looked up, she sighed as the clone reached a door one clone let go of her restarlueu and opened the door “Clawhip..” the clone called a bot larger than the clone stepped out “What?” the bot questioned looking at the clone who called “Our Lord wishes for you to get information on the Autobots from her!” the clone spoke, pointing to Swiftgear, Clawhip hummed “Tell the Lord I give him my thanks, I was getting bored anyways!” Clawhip said walking up to Swiftgear their clawed digits grabbed Swiftgear’s face
Clawhip’s dark red eyes stare into Swiftgear's “Bring her in!” Clawhip spoke walking back into the medbay the light hit her showing off the dark purple of her armor the clone dragged Swiftgear in “Place her on the slab I’ll handle her later“ Clawhip ordered her claws tipping away on the data pad the clones did as Clawhip told placing Swiftgear on the slab and restrained her “Leave I need to work in peace!” Clawhip yelled placing the pad down
The clones lefted, Swiftgear looked around her body felt horrible everything hurt, and the cracks in her armor felt weird she wasn't use to this “You’re a strong one I must say!” Clawhip spoke, her voice echoing through Swiftgear’s audio receptors as she walked up, holding a tray “I’ll give you one chance, where is the Autobot base?!” Clawhip's voice boomed through the med bay “Like I told you're master I got no idea!” Swiftgear shouted, Clawhip stared before setting the tray down
Swiftgear breath hitched, Clawhip smiled “I see~ you know what I’m going to do?” Clawhip questioned, smiling. Her servo reached for the item on the tray “Lost for words I see~!” Clawhip spoke grabbing the item and turned to Swiftgear
The med bay’s doors opened “Clawhip!” Megatron called, stepping to the bot “My Lord!” Clawhip spoke, lowering her head “What is the status of our prisoners?” Megatron asked, his restarlueus crossing “She doesn't know anything but I know the Autobots will come for her!” Clawhip spoke her servos, closing up a wound on Swiftgear “How do you know this?” Megatron asked, watching as Clawhip walked away from him holding Swiftgear’s T-cog “She had a human with her!” Clawhip spoke, placing her T-cog down “What?!” Megatron shouted his optics widened. “The human got away before I could do anything and she must have gotten to the Autobots so they know of Swiftgear!” Clawhip spoke turning to Megatron
Megatron smiled “You did good clawhip!” he spoke, turned, and walked away “Leave Swiftgear here..” Megatron said and left the med bay Clawhip hummed before walking up to Swiftgear and picked up the tray “Guess seeing will be harder now!” Clawhip giggles as she walked away before setting the tray down and departing, Swiftgear laid motionless, her cooling fans working overtime “S-scrap…” Swiftgear whispered to herself, her digits tapped against the slab trying to distract her from the pain
She took in a breath before putting herself into stasis lock
The street light dimly lit the street as Jazz drove down the street “Up ahead on the left!” Ashley said pointing to her house it was average looking like every other house on the block but older, covered in moss and it had an uncut front lawn. “This the place?” Jazz questioned hitting his brakes, Ashley hummed in response stepping out and closing the door
“Hey Ash!” Jazz called, Ashley turned as Jazz rolled his window down “What time will you be up?” Jazz asked turning off his engine so no one could hear “I’m up by 5:30 but I won’t be out till 6:50…” Ashley told pressing her arm against Jazz's door he hummed “Alright have a nice night!” Jazz said rolling his window up, Ashley stepped back looking to the house she sighed before walk through the tall grass
Jazz watched Ashley step up to a large oak tree, his optics widened as he watched her climb the tree to the second floor she opened the window before looking back at him smiling and waved to him
Ashley stepped into her room from the window, her room was barely lit from her LEDs. Rubbing her eyes she pulled her shoe off before throwing them to the end of her bed, pulling her phone out and opening it to pictures she scrolled through the photos before land on a picture of her and Swiftgear “Damn-it” she cursed tears beginning to fall from her eyes, turning the phone off and placing it on the charger
Ashley fell to her bed crying into her pillow she whispered to herself as she cried wishing for her bestfriend back as time passed exhaustion got the best of Ashley and she fell asleep tear staining her eyes.
“Jazz, how are things over there?” Bee asked through the com’s, Jazz sighed before answering “Honestly I think there's more going on with Ashley then I thought” Jazz answered his mirrors looking at Ashley’s window “What you mean bro?” Bee asked again through the coms “I’ll tell you tomorrow have a nice night Bee…” Jazz said turning his coms off
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yuu3585 · 1 year
TF: Earth Rising - Prisoner Pt.1
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A cybrotroian by the name of Swiftgear and her human friend Ashley come across an energon mine and with Swiftgear low on Energon the pair go in to find some but scrap hits the fan and Ashley is lefted in the mine with an Autobot beacon - TF: Earth Rising - Prisoner Pt.1
Word count: 1.7k
Series link
Pt. 1 Your Here ———> Pt. 2
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The wind blew harshly as a motorcyclist and her bike drove down the harsh road a beeping sound came from the biker's bag she slowed herself down and got off her bike “I think we’re here Swiftgear!” The biker spoke. The bike let out a sigh before transforming her colors shining in the sun “Let hope! I’ve spent months looking for an energon mine!” Swiftgear spoke while crossing her restarlueus “Well we should get going right?” Ashley asked Swiftgear nodded, transforming back into a motorcycle
“Come on Ashley let's get going before it gets too dark!” Swiftgear told her mirrors facing Ashley “Alright besides I would like to see what Energon even looks like so…!” Ashley said bluntly putting her helmet on and getting on Swiftgear
The two drove down to the mine carefully not wanting anything to hit them as they traveled down “Alright this should be the place!” Swiftgear spoke, her engine stopping “Mmm” Ashley replied getting off the bike and taking her helmet off she stepped forward looking at the large cave opening “You think some Energon is in here?” Ashley questioned looking to Swiftgear as she transformed “I saw some cons here while you were at school so let’s just hope theirs’ erengon I’m as low as it is!” Swiftgear spoke stepping into the cave
The pair walked through the cave looking around as they did a small bit of light shined at the end of the tunnel “Hey Swiftgear look!” Ashley spoke running to the light “Ashley don’t run away from me!” Swiftgear called, sighing as Ashley reached the end of the tunnel. Ashley stood still as she looked into the cavern. It was mostly empty with only a few Decepticon mining equipment left behind “Don’t run off from me Ashley!” Swiftgear spoke looking into the cavern “Yeah there's got to be Energon here if Decepticon left the mining equipment here” Ashley said running into the cavern Swiftgear sighed following after Ashley
Swiftgear stopped looking over her shoulder to Ashley stumbling around the large rocks “Ashley I want to give you something” Swiftgear spoke reaching her Servos into her sub space and pulled out something “Here it's from my ship…” Swiftgear told handing Ashley the item “An Autobot distress beacon?” Ashley questioned Swiftgear hummed in agreement “Why would I need this?” Ashley questioned looking at her guardian “Just in case something happens if the cons are here then the Autobots are as well.” Swiftgear said placing her Servos on her hips “Come on let's keep moving” Swiftgear told walking away from Ashley
The two journey deeper into the cavern looking for any scarps of Energon for Swiftgear. Then they come across a small amount of cubed Energon “Finally this should last a while be-” “Before you run out again and we have to go looking for Energon!” Ashley spoke cutting off Swiftgear, the two stood silent for a moment the cold cavern air nipping at the two “Listen I get it you don’t like me scavenging for Energon but it's my lifeblood, and-” “You can’t run without it I get that but I’m scared you’ll never come back one day!” Ashley spoke cutting Swiftgear off yet again the bot let out a sigh “Let's just grab the Energon and-” Swiftgear spoke before stopping from the sound of a ground bridge before her and Ashley
“Ashley get behind those rocks we have company!” Swiftgear orders turning to face the bridge two cons walk out of the bridge “Let's get the cubes and leave before-” “Before what?” the con questioned before looking in front of him “AUTOBOT!” they both yelled raising their blasters to Swiftgear, she stands still questioning what to do looking for a way out. Her Optics scanned the two cons…
Clones she thought they’ll be easy but Ashley would be in danger “You want me come get me” Swiftgear yelled transforming into her ult mode and drove off, the cons shot at her but missed her entirely “What are you doing go after her!” An angry voice spoke stepping out of the ground bridge before it closed the cons clone stared for a second before transforming and going after Swiftgear “Soundwave…I believe we have made contact with an Autobot inform our lord for me…” The bot spoke into their comlink, Ashley’s breath hitched as the bot spoke her nevers were everywhere “Alright I’ll comlink back for a ground bridge when we catch her” the bot spoke their loud footsteps sounding as they lefted “Primus please protect Swiftgear” Ashley spoke quietly to herself running from cover and down the opposite tunnel Swiftgear went down
The con clones transferred their blasters at the ready to fire their optics scanning the area “She got away scrap Megatron will have are heads for this!” one clone spoke lowering his blaster but movement from above caught their attention “SHE ABOVE” The clones yelled, Swiftgear smiled dropping from above her right servo turning into a blade as she dropped her blade sliced through one of the clones blasters her other servo turned into a blade and she sliced the clones head off the other clone stared as Swiftgear turned to him but before she could do anything she was shot
Swiftgear’s body flew when the shot hit “Never send a clone to do a warrior’s job..” the con from earlier spoke their blaster lowering “Soundwave a ground bridge if you would..” the con spoke into their comlink, a ground bridge formed behind them a second later “Go I’ll get her!” The con yelled to the clone as they walked towards Swiftgear
Swiftgear’s optics fuzzed as the con walked towards her. She tried to stand but her restarlueus gave up on her “Aw is the Autobot tried?” the con taunted grading a hold of her helm the cons optics burned dark red as they stared into Swiftgear's white optics “Our lord will be please” the con spoke then everything went black
Ashley hid behind some rocks as she watched Swiftgear be thrown over the con’s shoulder and enter the ground bridge before it disappeared, her body shook with fear her hand crutched the Autobot beacon “Please Autobots be on earth I don't think Swiftgear has enough time” She spoke her voice crackling as she activated the beacon
The sound of clacking ran through Swiftgear's audio receptors, she looked up her optics looking around. Everything seemed dark nothing seemed right she was looking for Energon in one of the abandoned mines when the cons attacked then everything went black. “Mmm..ah w-were am I?” Swiftgear questioned taking in her surroundings as she looked around, she was hanging from the floor with her servos tired above her. The sound of a door opening caught her attention She looked to the door “Ah good you’re awake!” the voice spoke, Swiftgear’s optics widened “Starscream..?” Swiftgear questioned her optics staring at the Decepticon “Hmm so you do know who I am hah!” Starscream laughed
Swiftgear’s audio receptors rang as Starscream laughed “My my you seem well educated on who I am! I'm really surprised you don’t look too old!” Scream spoke stepping closer to Swiftgear staring into her white-colored optics “Hmmm… you seem peculiar you don’t look like an Autobot or a Decepticon?” Scream questioned, looking around Swiftgear’s body for an insignia of sorts. The sound of the door opening made Swiftgear and Starscream lookup
“Starscream! What is the importance of me being here?” Megatron asked, looking at his digits, “Oh my lord I wanted to show you her!” Scream told pointing to Swiftgear, Megatron lowered his hand behind his back and looked up to Scream “My my, Starscream what have you brought me?” The Decepticon leader questioned stepping to Swiftgear, Megatron looked around for an insignia himself but couldn’t find one
“Tell me-“ “Swiftgear!” “Ahh Swiftgear now tell me what you are!” Megatron yelled, causing Swiftgear’s audio receptors to buzz, & ring. Swiftgear looked to the leader, opening her intake to speak to the leader “I'm no one, I am on neither side!” Swiftgear said making a fist with her Servos “Hmm seems reasonable but what may this be?” Megatron asked his claw-like digits tracing down Swiftgear's chassis stopping in the middle
Megatron stared not knowing which insignia was on her chest “You seem to be lying, I hate liars!” Megatron spoke, scratching Swiftgear’s chassis, Swiftgear yelped in pain, closing her optics, “Master, I must ask what should we do with her?” Scream asked stepping to the left of Swiftgear
Megatron thought placing one of his digits under Swiftgear’s chin “If she’s an Autobot they will come looking for her so we will keep her here for the time being… I’ll have Soundwave look at her later.” Megatron spoke turning to the door Scream grumbled as he followed Megatron out of the room
Swiftgear stared at the ground as her body dangled from her shackles “What even happened, how did I get here?” Swiftgear questioned swigging her pedes “Ashely! Where is she…scrap Primus please keep her safe!” Swiftgear spoke softly
An alarm from the sensors sounded “Optimus look..” A red and white bot spoke pointing to the screen “What may it be Ratchet?” Optimus questioned, three more bots stepped into the room “Yeah Ratchet what going on” A yellow and black bot questioned the bot named Ratchet sighed rubbing his optics “It’s an Autobot distressed signal… it sender left a message…” Ratchet stopped reading the message to himself “The sender says their friend was taken by the… Decepticons” Ratchet spoke his optics widened “Ratchet activated the ground bridge and prepair med-bay the bot may be injured” Optimus spoke turning to the bridge “Bulkhead come with me there may still be Decepticons looking for our friend,” Optimus said looking at Bulkhead
Bulkhead a big green bot stepped behind Prime “Bumblebee, Jazz stay here with Ratchet” Prime told as Ratchet opened the ground bridge “Stay aware Bulkhead” “You got it Op..” Bulk replied as the two stepped into the ground bridge
The two stepped to the other side their blaster at the ready to fire “What’s going on over there” Bee asked through the coms “Nothing haven’t seen anything” Bulkhead replied his optics scanning the cave a few rocks hit the floor of the cave Optimus and Bulkheads blaster raised ready to fire
Then their audio receptors picked up on the sound of coughing then their optics widened from behind one of the rocks came a human, she was breathing heavily her eyes were red she had been crying
“A human?” The Prime questioned
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Swiftgear Drake
Inspired by fishing raptors, Tawnos designed the drake's talons to seize prey with overwhelming speed and precision.
Artist: Zoltan Boros TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
14 notes · View notes
yuu3585 · 8 months
TF: Earth Rising - Prisoner Pt. 5
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With the discovery of the Decepticon warship, Prime, Bee, & Bulk must buy time for Jazz so he can find, & recover Swiftgear from the ship - TF: Earth Rising - Prisoner Pt. 5 Word count: 3.8k Warning: Hint of Optumis x Jazz that it really series link Pt. 4 <——— Pt. 5 you are here ———> Pt. 6
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“Autobots roll out!” Optimus spoke his voice booming as Bee and Bulk followed him “Send Ashley back I wish for her not to see…” Ratchet uttered to Optimus, the Prime hummed in agreement as the three stepped to the other side, the sun shined onto them “Ashley?” Optimus questioned his optics trying to adjust to the brightness of the sun  “OPTIMUS!” Ashley shouted running up to Optimus, Bee, and Bulk “Jazz drove off to save Swiftgear I couldn’t stop him!” Ashley explained staring at the three bots “It's alright Ashley head back through the ground bridge, Ratchet is waiting for you!” Optimus ordered Ashley sighed, waving to Bee and Bulk “Give those cons hell for me!” Ashley spoke her voice spilling with anger as she disappeared through the ground bridge 
“Ratchet?” Prime questioned coming the Medic “Don't worry she made it to base…she is staring at me…” Ratchet answered back his voice annoyed “Haha don't worry my friend will be back soon!” Prime spoke laughing at his friend, Ratchet groaned through the coms  “Autobots we are here to buy Jazz time to find and recover Swiftgear from the Decepticons” Optimus spoke his restarlueus turning into a blaster “Well let's do this thing!” Bumblebee shouted turning both his restarlueus into blasters, Bulkhead sighed smiling at the yellow bot. “What are we waiting for?” Bulk spoke as Optimus slid down the siding of the cavern
The clone miners pushed their carts full of Energon onto the elevator as Optimus and the others slid down “Prime, there's a lot of them!” Bee said his optic scanning the area around them “We'll Be fine we just have to buy time for Jazz!” Prime told his pedes hitting the cavern floor with a loud boom all the cones looked towards the sound spotting Optimus and the others “AUTOBOTS!” one clone yelled raising their blaster “There goes the element of surprise!” Bulkhead said landing next to Prime shaking the cavern floor ----
The warship was quiet only Jazz pedes against the warship floor sounded, he stopped leaning against a wall looking over into the hallway not a bot in site he was about to move when a door opened, a femme who was a dark purple and black stepped out “Lord Megatron the new clone batch should be ready in a few hours!” She told her servos resting on her hips “Scrap!” Jazz whispered as the femme didn’t move, “Wait what do you mean?” She questioned her body language changing “Alright I’ll be right there!” She said running down the hallway opposite where Jazz was “Thank the Primes!” Jazz breathes out  Jazz looks down the hall to see if anyone else was in the hall “Don’t worry Swiftgear I’m coming!” Jazz says running down the hallway looking for clues “Where would the cons keep a prisoner?” Jazz asked himself as he looked around the halls of the warship, he stops in front of some doors “Hmmm…what could be in here?” Jazz questions as he rubs his servos together the doors open as he steps forward
His optics widened “A torture chamber?” Jazz questions looking around the room and spots a console “Jackpot!” Jazz whispers running up to it “Let’s see what I might find!” Jazz says typing away on the computer 
“Bumblebee flank from behind Bulk you're with me!” Optimus orders as the clone fire at them “Op if this keeps up will lose!” Bulkhead says his voice filling with worry as he fires on the clones hitting two of them “It's just till Jazz gets Swiftgear to base for now will hold our ground till then!” Optimus tells blasting three clones, Bee transforms into his ult mode getting behind the clones and transforming back shooting the clone from behind getting a few before shooting back at Bee  
“Optimus, I've downed some of their fire, you're clear!” Bee shouts through the coms Optimus humms “Bulkhead let’s roll!” The Prime says shooting some of the clones with Bulkhead behind him Optimus, Bee, and Bulk finish off what was lefted of the clones “Seemed extremely easy!” Bee told smiling “You shouldn’t say that Bee we didn’t have to deal with Megatron's real troops!” Bulkhead explained rubbing his servos together “Bulkhead is correct we must be ready for anything!” Optimus told rubbing his optics 
The three bots' helms ross as they heard a sound “Haha Optimus!” The voice called the caller pedes hit the cavern floor hard “Megatron!” Optimus spoke his voice low but loud enough for the Decepticon to hear “Seems you were right Clawhip they did come!” Megatron laughed, raising his restarlueus to a femme “Seeker!?” Bee questioned as the femme’s struts hit the cavern floor “Shall we my lord?” Clawhip asked her restarlueus pointing to the Autobots, Megatron laughed a disturbing, smile forming across his face plate ----
“Oh, my Primus!” Jazz whispered his digits typing away at the computer “They were here the computer logs show it was used…late last night!” Jazz spoke optics darting around the screen “Where did they take you?” Jazz groaned seeing if the log said anything “Scrap!” He shouted slamming his servo onto the keys. He took a breath rubbing his helm. Jazz’s optics scanned the room till he spotted something on the floor “What this?” He questioned stepping to the spot “Paint…light blue I wonder if I can find more?” Jazz questions standing up looking to the ground his optics looking for any paint marks.
Jazz followed the scratched paint down the corridor the paint stops at a big set of doors, Jazz sighed “Ratchet?” He questions reactivating his coms “J-Jazz!” Ratchet stutters, “What were you thinking!” The medic shouts his voice ringing his Jazz audio receptors “Sorry I made a promise with Ashley and I’m gonna keep that!” Jazz explains sticking close to the walls of the warship “Well you worried her! She’s been bugging me since she got here!” Ratchet told annoyance filling his voice “Ratchet I think I found them!” Jazz told eyeing the corridor waiting for Ratchet to speak
“Do you see them?” Ratchet asked in a low voice “No but I’ve found some paint markings, they’ve got to be here!” Jazz explained Ratchet hummed “When you spot them list their injuries I’ll need to be prepared!” Ratchet ordered, Jazz hummed in agreement with the old medic 
---- Bumblebee’s pedes skidded against the cavern floor “Scrap!” He shouted as Clawhip's struts hit his chassis her laugh filled his audio receptors Bulkhead charged forward towards Clawhip but she moved upwards her restarlueu turning into a blaster hitting Bulkhead's shoulder plate “BULKHEAD!” Bee shouted turning to his giant green friend. Bulkhead groans as his shoulder steams, Clawhip lets out a laugh as fluid leeches from her optics “YOU!” Bee shouts turning to Clawhip as she laughs 
Bee’s blue optics stare into Clawhip's red ones “Foolish Autobots!” She says her blaster facing both Bee and Bulk “Bulk we got to move!” Bumblebee shouts turning on his pedes, Bulkhead stands taking cover behind a rock Bee joins shortly after “What should we do?” Bulkhead asks, holding his shoulder “Hold her off I-I guess!?” Bee shutters readying his blaster 
Clawhip laughs as her struts hit the ground, her optics narrowing the rock Bee and Bulk are hiding behind “Come on I’m not that bad!” Clawhip says her blaster ready to fire, she approaches the rock her steps quiet, she hears the breath of Bulkhead as she steps closer to the edge of the rock she turns fast ready to shoot but her optics widen, its only Bulkhead she shutters for a moment before filling the smaller ones blaster against her back Clawhip smiles as she optics lower “Clever bots!” She says a smile forming on her face plate
Optimus groans as he avoids Megatron's sword striking his face “Optimus you seem tired!” Megatron speaks his voice low and dark, Optimus says nothing as he stares at Megatron, he laughs pushing Optimus away the Prime’s pedes screech as Megatron changes at him, Optimus braces himself as Megatron tries to shoot him. He moves to the side turning his restarlueus into a blast shooting at Megatron but he misses as Megatron tries to strike the Prime
Jazz takes a breath before taking a step towards the doors. The inside is dimly lit, nothing but a few lights on Jazz spots something from the corner of his eye “Gears!” He says sprinting towards the bot, as he approaches his optics widen “Gears is a femme?” He questions, staring at Swiftgear his visor showing off his bright blue optics “R-Ratchet?” He calls into the com-link it takes a moment and Ratchet responds “Yes Jazz?” Ratchet asks, Jazz is quiet for a moment not knowing what to say 
“Um…Swiftgear is a femme and I don’t think Ashley told us!” Jazz says scanning Gear's body looking over her injuries, seeing the seemingly large scar across her lower stomach, his optics looking over her cracked armor as it trails up her arms. Seeing the large claw mark against her chassis, Jazz stops for a moment his optics widening “W-what the hell?” Jazz asks as his digits reach for Swiftgear’s helm seeing if it is true his breath hitches as his digits circle Swiftgear’s opticless helm “Ratchet she's missing his optics!” Jazz speaks terror seeping from Jazz’s voice 
Ratchet's optics widened, he’s unable to move while listening to Jazz “W-what?” Ashley questions her hands covering her mouth as Jazz explains Swiftgear’s injuries how the scar on her lower stomach must be from the removal of her t-cog the cracks that go along her body how her helm is covered in cracks as well, “J-Jazz do you see h-her optics or t-cog?” Ratchet questions as he gains his composure to speak Jazz doesn’t speak for a moment or so 
“I see them on a tray, their cover in dried Energon but they don’t look broken or anything!” Jazz explains his pede sounding, Ratchet lets out a breath closing his optics “Can you get Swiftgear out of the warship?” Ratchet questions tapping against the computer, Jazz mumbles for a moment before replying “I-I don’t know…Ratchet what should I do?” Jazz questions his voice sounding nervous, Ratchet’s optics close as he thinks
“I’ll help get Swiftgear back to base! Just give me a second to get you're coordinating…” Ratchet says his nerves going wild “R-Ratchet can I help?” Ashley asks her voice low not to sound rude, Ratchet sighs typing in Jazz coordinates “I’ll have you close and reopen the ground bridge just listen to Jazz when I cross over to him!” Ratchet tells looking over to Ashley extending his servos to her
Ashley climbs onto Ratchet's servo holding one of his digits as he moves, setting her down on the console “When Jazz tells you I’m on the other side close the bridge alright!?” Ratchet tells looking down at Ashley, she hums in reply. Watching Ratchet press a button opening the bridge, Ratchet sighs walking up to the bridge, looking back at Ashley as she sits at the console, he turns and disappears  ----
Bumblebee yelped as he was hit in the chassis with Clawhips strut forcing him back, bumblebee groaned raising his helm to look at Clawhip, she smiled before turning her blaster to Bulkhead, he froze holding his injured restarlueu “Bulkhead!” Bee scream 
Prime’s Optics widened he heard, Bumblebee scream but he couldn’t move, Megatron laughed darkly at the Autobot leader as he freezes “Optimus…what will you do?” He asks mockingly, his red optics staring into Optimus. The Prime groans as he thinks for a moment it quick but he acts, Optimus turns fast turning his blast on Clawhip firing two shots at her 
Clawhip reacts, she takes to the sky, “Bee now!” Optimus yells turning back to Megatron as his sword hits Prime's face plat, Bee listens taking some shots at Clawhip most of them miss but a few hit her causing her to fall to the ground hitting it hard. She groans standing up quickly “Damn bug…” She cursed wiping away some energon from her month “Bulkhead retreat I got her!” Bee shouts looking at Bulkhead, he replies with a nod transforming and leaving Bee with Clawhip, she laughs at the young bot “Wanna play then let's play!” She says readying herself
Ratchet’s optics scanned the area as he exits the ground bridge “Doc!” Jazz shout’s standing in the doorway of the med bay, Ratchet breathes walking up to Jazz “Ashley close the bridge!” Jazz tells into his coms, a moment later the bridge closes “Come on!” Jazz waves sprinting away from Ratchet over to Swiftgear, the doctor follows “By the primes!” Ratchet sounds looking down at Swiftgear, Jazz stays quiet his digits tapping against his restarlueus, Ratchet pulls out his scanner and begins to scan Swiftgear “What’s the damage Ratchet?” Jazz questions swaying on his pedes 
Ratchet doesn’t answer as he looks over the damage on his screen “Not good to put it!” Ratchet says taking Swiftgear’s damaged servo in his own “Let's move Prime can only buy us so much time!” Ratchet orders, Jazz nods over to the tray “How do I carry these Ratchet?” Jazz questions turning to the doctor, Ratchet sighs putting Swiftgear’s servo down I’ll carry them, and Swiftgear, you’ll watch our backs!” Ratchet explains as he opens his chest plats, Jazz turns away letting a sigh of relief leave his intake
“Let’s get moving Swiftgear's condition is critical!” Ratchet orders talking both of her optics and her T-cog, Jazz nods walking away from Ratchet, “Ashley, prepare a ground bridge…” Jazz told through the comlink, It takes a moment before Ashley answered, “Sorry was doing something but I’m on it!” She replies quickly her voice sounding worried, but there isn’t time to ask “Ashley ready to send a ground bridge Ratchet!” Jazz tells the doctor turning to face him, Ratchet hums placing Swiftgear’s t-cog and optics into his subspace, “Let’s get going” Ratchet orders walking back over to Swiftgear
Rachet takes a breath before picking Swiftgear up. One of his restarlueus goes under her tibulen’s while the other restarlueus supports her back, “Not a word…” Ratchet says under his breath, Jazz doesn't hear him but he stares for a moment before looking away “Come on let's get going before the cons know we're here!”  Ratchet orders walking past Jazz, holding Swiftgear tightly to himself. Jazz followed after the medic keeping himself ready for anything they exited the medbay heading to the crossway hallway “Ashley now” Jazz ordered through the coms
A moment later the ground bridge opens, Ratchet lets out a sigh of relief his hold on Swiftgear less for a moment before he hears the sound of an all too familiar voice “Autobot?” the voice yells, Jazz turns quickly “Scream!” he shouts, Scream reacts fast charging at them “Ratchet go I got scream!” Jazz orders, turning his  Restarlueus into blasters, Ratchet sprints through the bridge “Damn Autobots” Scream curses as he’s only a foot or so away from Jazz, he takes a shot at Jazz, it barely misses Jazz's chassis, Scream takes another shot swiping his clawed Servo at him, this time it hit. Marking Jazz's insignia. Scream laughs readying to hit Jazz again, but Jazz raises his helm hitting Scream square in the faceplate “Heh” Jazz sounds backing up as Scream stumbles back “Catch you later Scream” Jazz yells running into the ground bridge, shotting a few times at the con
Jazz’s pedes skirt against the base floor “Ash close the bridge!” He yells, turning his blasters to the bridge but nothing happens Ashley closes the bridge quickly, Jazz breathes heavily resting his restarlueus against his tibulens, he rises quickly sprinting to the computer “Prime, Bee, Bulk!” he calls through the coms, it static but Bulk answers the call “Jazz?” he questions sounding in pain, “We have Gears, I’ll ready the ground bridge” Jazz tells, Bulk lets out a laugh Ashley shucks in a breath at his laugh, Jazz works fast putting in the coordinates “Ashley, man the bridge they need my help!” Jazz orders running up to the bridge again, Ashley hits the button Jazz disappears through the bridge yet again
Jazz’s optics look around for his team he spots Bulk first, he’s injured Jazz sprints for him “Bulk can you move?” He questions, crouching down to Bulk “Yeah I can move” Bulk answers “Good Ashley is waiting go, got to help Bee and Prime!” Jazz explains, sprinting away from Bulk. He sighs standing up, trying to walk as fast as he could to the bridge, Bulk crosses looking back to Jazz sighing 
Jazz sprints fast, as he sees Bee hit a rock hard “Bee!” he yells, Jazz stops as Clawhip stands in front of him “The hell” she questions, turning to Jazz her red optics meet Jazz’s blue one’s “Hmm…oh you're Jazz Autobot second-no third in command!” Clawhip says smiling, Jazz looks to the side for Bee but he isn’t there, Jazz smirks “And who may you be?” he questions, Clawhip laughs aiming her blaster at him “Names Clawhip it was nice know you” she says, Jazz sighs “ you cons are all the same..” 
Jazz winks, confusing Clawhip till she thrown to the ground out cold “Took you long enough!” Jazz says looking up, Bee laughs “Sorry need to set my blaster to stun!” Bee explains jumping down “Head to the ground bridge, Bee go help Ratchet I’ll go help Prime!” Jazz orders pointing to where the bridge was located “Fine…fine I’m going!” Bee says sprinting away from Jazz “Come on Optumis I’m coming!” Jazz whispers, blaster fire brings Jazz back to reality he turns fast to the sound ready to run but he doesn't as Optumis himself comes running to Jazz “Run Jazz!” the Prime yells, Jazz turns on his pedes running a little bit ahead of Optumis  “We’re Megatron?” Jazz questions looking back at Optumis, “Not now go!” Optumis orders, Jazz looks forward… “The bridge is this way!” Jazz yells, turning around a rock pill
Jazz is flung back skirting against the cavern floor “Jazz!” Prime yells, grabbing Jazz’s shoulders, Prime looks up, his optics stare into Megatrons “Thought you could get away huh?” Megatron asks smiling menacingly, Optimus doesn't answer only holding Jazz close to him “Prime…” Jazz groans out quietly, “To worry about you're comrade aren’t you?” Megatron asked laughing as he stares at Optumis 
Jazz tries to move but his left leg is damaged he groans in pain, Optumis’s grip on Jazz loosens slightly to not cause Jazz any more pain, Megatron raises his blaster to Optumis and Jazz “It’s been fun but it's time to end this” Megatron said readying his blaster, Jazz groans trying to move “Don’t move..” Optumis whispers, Jazz sighs closing his optics “Seem your comrade has accepted his fate you should as well Prime..” Megatron tells his optics starring at the two 
“Fate? What fate…?” A voice yells, Megatron turns fast but he’s hit in the face plate “Bee..?” Jazz laughs, Megatron stumbles back groaning, Bee raises his stun blaster aiming at Megatron “Get Jazz out of here!” Bee yells firing at Megatron stunning him slightly, Prime picks Jazz up throwing him over his shoulder “Bee move!” Optumis yells, bee shots a few more stun blasts at Megatron before turning and runs after Optumis 
“You shouldn’t have come back,” Jazz tells wincing in pain, Bee rolls his optics “The comlink said otherwise?!” Bee tells smiling, “Talk when we’re back at base!” Optumis orders, Jazz looks to Megatron “He’s getting up!” Jazz yells, “We’re almost there!” Optumis says, the ground bridge glow covers the three bots “Go, go!” Optumis yells, Megatron stands looking at the three he raises his blaster firing two shots at them
Bee crosses the bridge first he looks back at Optumis and Jazz cross, only moment after him “Ashley close the bridge!” Jazz orders through the comlink, as the blasts almost reach the three the ground bridge closes Megatrons blast hit the cavern wall, and he slams his servo into the ground groaning “Damn bug..” he curses, Megatron stands “Clawhip..” he calls, the fem stumbles groaning “Damn bug..” she cursed, Megatron rubs his optics, sighing “Soundwave a ground bridge” Clawhip orders into the comlink. A ground bridge forms a moment later, and Megatron and Clawhip set through 
Bee skirts against the floor, Ashley leans against the railing “Is everyone okay?” She asks worried for the bots Optumis walks behind Bee setting Jazz down against a wall “Don’t worry Ashley everything will be okay..” Optumis tells, his optics looking into Ashley’s eyes. She nods walking away from the railing, Bee looks to Jazz “You alright Jazz?” He asks worried for his friend, Jazz sighs “Yeah just a little pain, but I’m fine!” Jazz answers smiling slightly, Bee nods still worried for his friend “Bumblebee go rest you need it…” Optumis orders walking away from Jazz, Bee nobs stand up waving bye to Jazz
Optumis knocks on the medbay door “Ratchet?” he questions, he waits for a moment brief the door opens “Jazz needs your help..” Optumis explains, the old medic sighs “Him and Bulk huh..” Ratchet asks, Prime nods Ratchet leaves the medbay to check on Jazz, Optumis steps into the medbay his optics meet with two forms one being Bulkhead he’s looking down to the ground his shoulder having a brace on it while the other form is unknown to him, Optumis sets to the form “This is Swiftgear right Bulk..” Optumis questions, Bulkhead nods 
He hums looking back down to Swiftgear, “You’re safe now and will protect Ashley while Ratchet repairs you..” Optumis says quietly, he turns leaving the medbay as he leaves Ratchet helps Jazz into the medbay “I’ll scout for more energon tomorrow…” Optumis says, before leaving the medbay… Ratchet sighs bringing Jazz to one of the other slabs “ What happened to you?” Bulkhead asked, Jazz rubbed his optics “Megatron happened but I’m alright..” Jazz answers
Ratchet shacks his helm at the two of them “I’ll have you rest in the medbay for tonight..” Ratchet tells both Bulkhead and Jazz rubs their helm at Ratchet, the old medic walks away from Jazz, going to grab a splint for Jazz’s injured pede “How you think the cons are taking Swiftgear’s rescue?” Bulkhead asked, turning to look at Jazz, he laughed “Not too well I hope!”
Megatron shouts as he looks at the empty medbay, “Starscream, what is the meaning of this!” the Decepticon leader yelled, Starscream struggled with his words trying to answer his leader, “I tried to stop them Megatron I did but..” “You failed and now SHE’S gone !’ Scream tries to explain before Megatron stouts at him again, Clawhip watches as Megatron smacks Scream, she turns away from the two as she types away at the computer thinking 
“Hmm….Swiftgear huh? Who are you really” 
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