tilbageidanmark · 8 months
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1spaender · 12 days
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Gammel Sydhavn
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i---dag · 7 months
Work Diary. entry 2 (Monday 11th of March, 2024)
First woke up at 07:18, then fell back asleep and got up at 09:32. Now I'm drinking my second cup of instant coffee in front of my computer, looking into the city archive of Maribo in Denmark to find some pictures I can use for a graphic freelance project I'm doing. At 11:00 I have to call the new communications employee at one of my jobs to talk about who does what, since I am also a communications employee - slight conflict of interest maybe. My friend recommended me two texts I would like to read today: Why Has Critique Run Out of Steam by Bruno Latour, and Outing Texture by Renu Bora. Lets see how it goes.
So after writing this I was crying until now, it's 13:14 now. I felt like this day has nothing to offer, I wanted to cancel all the plans I have this week, feeling insecure about doing the work etc. But I think today is the day were doing the work starts. I have afew things on my to-do list:
Go to the inner city to ask how expensive it will be to fix my camera, and maybe find a notebook exclusively for the purpose of mapping, and
Go to a café to read, research, write, and do my job, and
Go to my friends place where I currently have my studio (it's not working out) to pick up some paper and drawing things, and
Pick up a dress from my other friend that I sold her 5 years ago that she has now sold back to me.
This list will be concluded with the following statement: I'm tired of rich nepotist curators. To be continued and updated.
It's now 16:56. I did ritalin and went out of the door with M. We took the bus from home to Sydhavn St., switched to the S-train and got off at Copenhagen Central Station were we parted. I then walked to Tutein where I did some intuitive shopping for materials, paper in the color I call "sale yellow", 4 sheets of tracing paper, 4 sheets of pvc, neon yellow dot stickers, and a roll of grey tape. I pocketed some transparent tiny human shaped models for architecture modelling, 2 translucent elastic bands and 2 white elastic bands. I'm not sure what I'll use it for yet but I hope it will make sense to use in this mapping project. I then went to Photographica and was told that my camera is too old for them to be able to fix it. It saddens me that electronics have a life and death in the sense that they just cannot be fixed when they are outdated. I'm going to walk around in Nørrebro another day to see if any of the electronic shops there can help me, not giving up just yet. A hippie dude who seems to be obsessed with me wrote me on Instagram that I can have his old camera, I'm not sure if I feel like taking him up on the offer. After the disappointment I went to Kunstbiblioteket at Charlottenborg to get Fifty Years of Recuperation by McKenzie Wark, a book she wrote on the Situationist International (SI) and the movements influence on our contemporary understanding of art, culture and politics. I had trouble finding it but a very sweet librarian helped me locate it, and it of course turned out to be just where I couldn't find it. I can't walk around the city without going to at least one secondhand shop, so I went to Blå Kors Genbrug and got a neon yellow running jacket. I was thinking about the G4S security guards walking around in their neon uniforms, imagining they had wings like angels, maybe it will turn out to be something. I then texted with I and we agreed to meet at Tjili Pop. I cut through Kongens Have and felt very anti-social, not sure if it would be a good idea to meet, today is pessimistic as fuck. Walking by Nørreport to swing by the genbrugsstation at Nansensgade where I found a crystal-glass candlestick, then proceeded to walk by the lakes to get to Tjili Pop where I am now writing this. I met someone I know on my way to get cigarettes, they looked at me with a weird look on their face and so did the lady in the kiosk. I'm not sure what to take from that.
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diary-episs · 1 year
havent written here in like foreverrrrrr, been to sjasks and bjørks birthday and just like studying. Bjørks birthday was pretty fun, liked talking with like salbo, smiggs, mathilde and bjørk! didn't get too drunk.
Sjasks birthday was a lot of fun too, we played fissehul and I got to talk with Hazel and Magnus. Sarah is kinda annoying ngl, can't really take jokes and her and Magnus' relationship is kinda obviously not gonna last. Plus Sarah is really stingy with like everything, especially her weed. She gives like extreme sheltered only child vibes. Everything has to be an exchange, like I give you this and get this. Instead of just like sharing??? Also the first time we met she misgendered me before knowing my pronouns and traumadumped on me. idk shes tolerable but I don't want to spend with her one on one.
anyway at Sjasks birthday i got really drunk and then smoked some weed with sarah (stingy lol) and then I started passing out and stuff, until I puked where I started feeling better. Hazel was really helpsome and caring, she held me up and like sat with me when I puked. I love her so so so much, she's so nice to me. She also went to get food with me afterwards and offered to pay. Birk was also really nice about it and got me water. My bed felt so nice after all that shit.
Anyway I'm studying for physics exam, probably gonna get 02 or 00 lol.
I've been with Hazel for 9 months now and we haven't had any big problems at all. like we've only had one argument and it was just based on misunderstandings.
Sjask and Nik are somehow still together, but like their relationship has so many problems. Like they're both really codependent which is probably the main thing holding them together, a lot of the time I've been with them, I've ended up having to comfort one of them bc of the other. talked with Birk about it and like they agree that they won't last. Also Aisha and August are together and like happy as far as I know, they had a few bumps in the beginning but they're good. They got together at new years, I was at Willys party instead of theirs, got high and just like sat on their couch and ate the whole time.
We also went to Galla, the warm-up was so much fun. Sjask, Nik, Birk, Amina and Jamie got locked out before I even arrived. We had a really nice time by the canals in Sydhavn. I got really drunk on the way to our school, so did sjask. The way there was really fun and then when we got there I wanted to watch Raske Penge and Klumpen so I accidentally left the others cause drunk yk? I really really felt like I knew the words to songs I definitely didn't know the words to lol. I talked a bit with Nora about their love life while really drunk. Anyway Nik got really worried and bpd about sjask because he couldn't find them and he promised to protect her. I did my best to comfort him and then when we found sjask she'd just been talking to Birk the entire time. Then me, jamie, nik, birk, Amina, and that one person whose name i still don't know left to get food and sjask didn't wanna come with us. The plans got scrambled and Sjask called Nik because she changed her mind, we then had to find a very drunk Sjask whose mood swings were off the charts, like crying and laughing back to back. She apparently wanted to find a pin she'd lost and had kinda made up that she saw it across the street and since she wasn't in any condition to cross the street i went over and checked, no pin to be found. That wasn't enough so she decided she needed to check. But like cars and she was out of it. So we hold her back, she gets triggered and hits nik, looks for the pin, no pin. She then after cooling off realizes that she has hit her boyfriend and starts becoming apologetic and crying and shit. had to comfort sjask for the entire bus ride despite the fact that nik definitely needed and deserved it more, there's been a lot of comforting those two. Especially cause they're both really mentally ill.
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politirapporten · 2 years
Københavns Politi har sigtet en 18-årig mand for at have forsøgt at presse piger over hele landet til at fremsende nøgenbilleder. Der kan være flere forurettede, end dem politiet umiddelbart kender til. Efter en længere efterforskning kunne Københavns Politi i går anholde en 18-årig mand, der er sigtet for at forsøge at presse forskellige piger til at fremsende nøgenbilleder af dem selv – såkaldt sextortion. Afpresningen stod på i juni og juli sidste år, hvor piger mellem 11 og 16 år på det sociale medie Snapchat var i kontakt med en person med profilnavnet ”Phillip.a20”. Efter først at have udvekslet enkelte billeder blev pigerne forsøgt afpresset til at fremsende nøgenbilleder. Hvis det ikke skete, ville de andre billeder blive manipuleret og offentliggjort på pornografiske hjemmesider. De forurettede piger er fra hele landet, mens den sigtede blev anholdt på en adresse i Københavns Sydhavn. Han blev efter afhøring løsladt igen. Københavns Politi fortsætter efterforskningen af sagen, og der er en formodning om, at der kan være flere forhold end de 11, der indgår i sigtelsen. ”Vi mistænker, at der kan være flere forurettede, som vi endnu ikke har kendskab til. Jeg vil derfor gerne opfordre andre piger til at kontakte os, hvis de efter afpresning har fremsendt nøgenbilleder til en ”Phillip.a20”, der har haft skærmnavnet ”Phillip Andersen”, som er et opdigtet navn,” siger politikommissær Nicklas Poulsen fra Københavns Politi. Hvis man har oplysninger til sagen eller vil indgive anmeldelse, kan man kontakte politiet på tlf. 1-1-4 eller anmelde online på politi.dk  Forebyg sextortion (afpresning) Sextortion er strafbart, og truer nogen dig med at offentligøre billeder af dig, hvor du er nøgen eller i en seksuel situation, eller har de allerede gjort det, så anmeld det til politiet. Tænk altid over, hvem du kommunikerer med: Vær kritisk over for, hvem du kommunikerer med, og gør ikke noget, du ikke har lyst til. Overskrider nogen dine grænser så sig fra. Stop kommunikationen og blokér: Bliver nogen ubehagelige over for dig og truer dig, så stop kommunikationen og blokér personen. Giv aldrig efter Hvis du oplever, at nogen afpresser eller truer dig, så er det vigtigt, at du ikke giver efter og giver den, der presser dig, det vedkommende beder om. Lad være med at dele mere eller betale noget. Anmeld til politiet Det er vigtigt, at du anmelder til politiet, hvis nogen truer dig med at offentliggøre billeder af dig, hvor du er nøgen eller i en seksuel situation. Anmeld digitale seksualforbrydelser her.
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orum · 2 years
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Frihed, Lighed og Hip Hop (Freedom, Liberty and HipHop) the next part of Tank HipHop at @sydhavnstation this November #tankhiphop #artistrun #counterfactualhistory #hiphop #laboutmovement (at Sydhavn station) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnMxlPstyva/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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danimarka-manset · 2 years
Halkın sevgilisi başbakanın heykeli adının verildiği meydana taşındı
Halkın sevgilisi başbakanın heykeli adının verildiği meydana taşındı
Danimarka’da halk tarafından çok sevilen ülkenin eski Sosyal Demokrat Partili başbakanlarından Anker Jörgensen’in başka bir yerde bulunan heykeli, yine kendi isminin verildiği meydana törenle taşındı. KOPENHAG – 20 mart 2016 yılında 93 yaşında yaşama gözlerini yuman Danimarka’nın eski Sosyal Demokrat Partili başbakanlarından Anker Jörgensen’in adı başkent Kopenhag’ın Sydhavn (Güney Limanı)…
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robertsosis · 5 years
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livsmomenter · 5 years
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tilbageidanmark · 5 months
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elocinrevres · 7 years
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Gotta love that Copenhagen Sunset 🌅 #sundayfun #restandrelaxation #Sydhavn #balconyview #sunset (at Copenhagen, Denmark)
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julochka365 · 7 years
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10/4.2017 - moonlight over sydhavn
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restlesswalls · 7 years
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joskriverdaily · 2 years
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lorealdanmarkpro: Behind the scenes i hår og make up ved Munthe showet i aften, som blev afholdt på Sydhavn Genbrugscenter ♻️
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davidclarkfoto · 2 years
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Sydhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark
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froggyfly · 4 years
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21/04/2019 - 09:37 - Sydhavn, København
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