setteidreams · 1 year
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Slayers Next poster featuring Lina, Amelia, Gourry, Zelgadis, Martina, Xelloss and Sylphiel. 
 HQ 300dpi on our Discord & 800dpi on Patreon.
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So I have done some random pairings when rping but Yomi from YYH and Sylphiel from Slayers might actually be my most out of left field.
Still, they were a really cute little couple and I wanted to play with some watercolor brushes, so here we are. :)
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chibiaichan · 11 months
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belfastdocks · 6 months
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pethfics · 8 months
Title: Somewhere Below the Sea Summary: Merle is haunted by a mysterious melody and she will not rest until she can find its source. Her search leads her to uncharted waters and a hidden corner of Gaea. Note:  Another addition to my collection of Merle-centric fics. [1, 2, 3, 4] Traveling Merle has practically become a genre for me at this point. But it's a good thing I reviewed my previous stories because I had almost written the same thing. Not that it ever gets old but I want to keep things fresh. As I racked my brain for ideas of places she has not yet explored (in my fics, at least), inspiration struck and here we are. I really love giving Merle a chance to go off on her own adventures. She is a more interesting character than the series tends to give her credit for. And as I was writing this, I thought she had some Disney princess vibes, in the best way. Musical Inspiration: 1, 2, 3, 4
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martiszcz · 2 years
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Best CPR ever.
(To be fair, after this Sylphiel used the correct move, but this still made me laugh)
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bitter-byte · 2 years
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Slayers Artober day 12: Timid
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scarlet-aura-ffxiv · 2 years
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Slayers artober day 18: weepy
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alexeiadrae · 2 years
Blaster Interview with Hajime Kanzaka Vol 6 Pt 1&2, translated
Part 1 Japanese original here.
Part 2 Japanese original here. So, how did HK become a writer anyway?
Tamiki: Who actually brought about Sylphiel’s oracle? And if its master is a God from the outside world, isn't he or she blocked by the boundaries of the Mazoku Barrier?"
KANZAKA: Sylphiel's oracle, or should I say, the oracle given to priestesses, is like the residual will of the Water Dragon King as in the Claire Bible, or in some cases, the residual will of the Red Dragon God, which is somehow connected to the astral side of the line.
Well, to put it in an absurd way, it's like "the radio waves, the radio waves~" (laughs).
Tamiki: The oracle should never be wrong, but why did the oracle say that the world would be destroyed if control of the Giga Slave failed?
KANZAKA: If it had failed and remained as it was, the world would have been destroyed for sure, but in the case of volume 8, it did fail, but in the end it was avoided by neutralizing the Dark Lord, so it was not destroyed.
Tamiki: Next, I would like to make a point rather than a question.
“Miss Sylphiel" is used in the form of "Miss + first name" or "Miss + last name," so "Miss + first name" is not correct.
KANZAKA: That's right (laughs). But if you think about it, there is the question of whether or not there is formal English in that world's language.
Tamiki: If we say that in that world's usage, it's not a mistake, then it's not a mistake (laughs).  
 (laughs) But all students should be careful not to make mistakes.
KANZAKA: Oh, yes, yes, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no (laugh).
Tamiki: “What color are Xellos-kun’s hair and eyes? (I hope they are purple.)"  In the illustration, they were purple, weren't they?
KANZAKA: Come to think of it, we didn't specify in the text. So, since it is purple in the illustration, let's make purple the official setting.  
It sometimes happens that the color of the illustration is different from the description in the text, but this is a visual effect problem when the illustration is made, so please understand that.
Tamiki: "Why does Sherra take the form of a girl among the priests and generals who often take the form of men? And why does she have a gag type tone?”
KANZAKA: Let's put aside the question of why the gag type tone. ...... (laughs) 
It is true that many high-ranking demons take a male form, but for example, Deep Sea Dolphin is a female form, and the Beast King Zellas Metallium from the SFC version does not take a human form, but when she is in her beast form, she is a female.
Tamiki: Oh no, Zellas is a female type?
KANZAKA: Ummm, yes.
Tamiki: This may be quite important.
KANZAKA: Is that so?
Tamiki: In some of the Slayers doujinshis, it seems there’s a bit of Zellas x Xellos, or Gaav and Fibrizo and Zellas are fighting over Xellos (laughs).
KANZAKA: Uhi~ (laughs)
Tamiki: Are there any other female high-ranking demons? Like the priests of the Deep Sea Dolphin?
KANZAKA: One of Dolphin’s generals and priests is a female type and the other is a male type, and both of Hellmaster’s generals and priests, who were destroyed in the Incarnation War, are female types.
Tamiki: So it is not so unusual for Sherra to be a female type, is it?
KANZAKA: And as for language, since they sometimes mix with human society and play tricks, it is only natural that male-types use a male language, while female-types use a female language.
IKAWA: Do demons speak human language from the beginning? Or do they study it?
KANZAKA: Well, I guess they naturally acquired it while living among humans.
Part 2 
Yashiro: Well. This may be a bit of an overlap with past interviews, but I thought it would be a good idea to start with the story of how you became a novelist. When did you write your first "story"?
KANZAKA: Well, if I didn't write it on manuscript paper, I had been writing what looked like a novel of my own in notebooks since elementary school. About two years ago, I came across my notebooks from those days and thought, "Wow, I used to write this kind of thing" (laughs). The content of the notebooks was like a weird novel. Of course, I was in elementary school, so it wasn't what you would call a novel.  
And by the time I entered junior high school, I was writing in notebooks and reading what I had written to my friends who were also interested in the same things.
Yashiro: At that time, were your writings exclusively of the bizarre and horror genre?
KANZAKA: When I was in junior high school, it was science fiction.
Yashiro: There are many different types of science fiction, but are you more of a space opera writer?
KANZAKA: I also wrote space opera, but at the time there was a boom in psychic powers, so I also wrote about psychic powers.
Yashiro: So, when did you start writing novels as prescribed, with the aim of submitting them to newcomer awards and the like?
KANZAKA: Well, I think it was around the end of junior high school or the beginning of high school. ......  
I wrote letters to publishers and such, asking if they would be willing to critique my work (with envelopes to reply, of course). If they said yes, I would send them a copy of my work on manuscript paper and have them critique it.  
In terms of newcomer awards, I submitted several times to Hayakawa's SF Novel Award, which I had noticed in a magazine at the time.  
I didn't even make the cut. ...... (laughs)
Yashiro: The first full-length novel you wrote was actually "Slayers!” I heard that the first full-length novel you wrote was actually "Slayers!”
So the Hayakawa novels you had published before that were short stories?
KANZAKA: Yes, they were usually about 40 pages long, and at most they were less than 100 pages.
Yashiro: But it must have been a good experience for you to have your work critiqued by professional editors and to submit your work to Hayakawa.
KANZAKA: On the subject of evaluation, professional writers often say in interviews that all they have to do is write what they want to write, but what we should not misunderstand is that they are not writing what they want to write.
What we should not misunderstand is that only those who write what they want to write and happen to be popular with the public can become professionals.  
If all you had to do was write what you wanted to write, there would be no one in the world who "wanted to be a novelist" (laughs).
Yashiro: That's really true (laughs).
KANZAKA: Also, when I was in junior high school and high school, the only novels that were really "literature" were the hard ones. ......
Hayakawa was also dominated by hard SF, so someone like me, with my lack of writing ability, would have been especially underappreciated.
Yashiro: It is really only recently that "easy-to-read" novels like Fantasia Bunko and Sneaker Bunko have been increasing.
KANZAKA: They are novels that are more "entertainment" than "literature," aren't they?
Yashiro: I think it was in the afterword of one of Megumi Kobayashi's books, and she wrote that she had to rewrite it after her editor pointed out that there were too many sentences and that kids these days couldn't read it. ......  
When I read that story, I thought it was very symbolic of the state of novels these days (laughs).
Ikawa: Are you conscious of such things when you write?
KANZAKA: Well, in my case, I'm not good at heavy sentences. ...... I write more like I am writing a "story" rather than a "novel". That is why I call myself a "story writer" rather than a "novelist. In other words, I just happen to use the medium of "print" to tell the "stories" that I have created.  
Well, telling a story using the medium of "print" is only called "novelist" by the world, so I guess I am a "novelist" in the sense of classification. ......I'm thinking to myself, "I'm not a writer..." (laughs)
Ikawa: Did you ever think that you would like to work in a visual way? I don't mean drawing pictures or anything like that, but writing screenplays or ......
KANZAKA: It is true that the screenplay is also a print media, but a screenplay is only viable when it is visualized by other people. And since I lived in Inaka, it was impossible for me to collaborate with others to create something, so I had to do it alone. And the only way to do that was through novels. In other words, I had to use a process of elimination to come up with a means of expression that I could use.
Yashiro: I see.
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beedokart · 2 months
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Another Slayers Rare Pair Week update prompt: Fairy Tale.
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why-its-kai · 10 months
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Slayers NEXT eyecatch stills!
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sengokubasara3 · 4 months
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chibiaichan · 1 year
Beauty equals goodness
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third-half · 4 months
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ayalaatreides · 5 months
Slayers NEXT, the "Everybody Wants That Himbo" Season
Martina: "HA HA Lina Inverse, I shall punish you for ruining my life by STEALING YOUR MAN!!! And killing u >:3"
Weeks pass, no further attempts on Lina's man, and then
Sylphiel: "Ummm Miss Inverse, if you don't mind, if we get dear Gourry back safely, might I tag along and steal your man? ^_^;;;;"
And FIVE minutes later
Zangulus: ":)" Lina: "Just say it." Zangulus: "I'm here to steal your man--" Lina: "HE'S NOT EVEN HERE"
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beedok · 6 months
Falin/Marcille never clicked in my mind, yet I got complete sold on Lina/Sylphiel, which no one else thought was a thing…
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